Oil for dry face. Winter mask with jojoba oil for face. For oily skin.

The main component of many skin care products is conventional natural oils. “Oil formulas” are especially characteristic of serums, moisturizing, caring creams and masks. Contrary to popular belief, vegetable fats are useful not only for dryness and associated cosmetic defects. The vitamins and microelements they contain are also indispensable for other skin problems - acne, acne, pimples and viral rashes, cuts, allergic reactions, hypovitaminosis.

Conducting various products for skin care, you can really burn a hole in your pocket. On the other hand, most of them do not work as expected. Thus, in such situations, following natural way to care for your skin, it will be an elegant thing. Olive oil has long been known as one of the healthiest cooking options around the world. In particular, this is one of healthy oils accessible to the heart. However, beyond this, it has also earned a reputation as a natural skin treatment option that has provided many benefits.

Skin oils are divided into two types - cosmetic And ethereal. The former are obtained by pressing and “cold pressing” of plant materials. The latter are extracted by steam distillation, chemical extraction, and sorbents. Essential oils rarely used in pure form. They are usually added to the base (natural oil or cream) a few drops at a time. But sometimes in medicinal purposes can also be used independently.

Using olive oil as a moisturizer. One of the main reasons why olive oil is increasingly used in skin care is due to its abundance of antioxidants. These agents prevent free radical damage in the body. The oil not only repairs damage to the skin, but also keeps it hydrated and prevents dryness. The following steps will tell you how to use olive oil as a facial moisturizer.

Take an empty spray bottle and fill it up to a quarter full with oil and add a little water, leaving enough space so you can shake the bottle. Be careful around eyes and other sensitive areas. You may need to wait about 15-20 minutes. This will be the time for the oil to penetrate the skin. For the face, it is best to use a cotton ball to apply the oil. Before going to bed, apply the oil to your face, gently massaging in a circular direction. The benefit of using olive oil is that it does not clog your skin pores. The next morning it can be washed with normal smoothness. You can also add one or two drops of lavender essential oil to an olive oil and water mixture and use it after your shower. But it is better to avoid this by wearing it on your face. Using olive oil as a facial moisturizer isn't the only benefit you can get. It can be used as an effective exfoliating agent by mixing it with sugar. Do this for 20 - 30 seconds. Use a swab to clean off oil that clings to your skin. Another recipe that improves the effectiveness of olive oil as a moisturizer involves mixing with honey and egg yolk. Mix these ingredients well and massage them onto your face. This not only hydrates the skin, but also makes it lighter, giving it a smoother, brighter appearance.

  • The first thing to look for is good quality olive oil.
  • It is best to look for premium quality olive oil.
  • Now, after you have showered, dry your skin with a clean towel.
  • Once it's dry, rub the oil all over your skin.
  • First, apply the oil to your face generously.
  • Then take some sugar and rub it with your hands.
  • Now gently rub the sugar all over your face.
That would be it from our side about using olive oil as a moisturizer.

Benefits of oils for skin

Photo: typrincessa.ru

Cosmetologists consider oil the most natural and safe “transport” for vitamins, phospholipids and minerals. Oils have excellent “penetrating” abilities, are quickly absorbed and actively affect the upper layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous fat. Depending on their composition, oils may have an effect on skin light or expressed anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, firming, moisturizing, toning, anti-cellulite effect.

Know that all of these tips seem easy and helpful in black and white, but in reality they may not be. For this reason, repeated use of such methods is recommended if you want to reap the maximum benefits. And also, you should also take care of your diet and realize the importance of regular exercise.

In India, teenagers use neem oil to combat acne. In Japan, women use oils to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. But we prefer to cut the face off sandpaper to use the oil. We associate oil with fast and fatty foods. We have phobias and are obsessed with cleansing our skin.

Cosmetologists are unanimous - oils are useful. But - completely replacing creams with oils - day or night - means harming the skin!

Oils - natural product, so they can cause allergies. They perfectly retain moisture in the skin - but they themselves are poorly absorbed, so they can clog pores, cause irritation and provoke “blackheads” on the face.

One of my great discoveries was the use of oils. Mineral oils are oils derived from petroleum, and the emollient effect they produce is due to the oil film that forms on the skin. This film causes the pores to clog, preventing water from evaporating through the skin, which can lead to acne. But said oils have made a comeback, with many beauty companies starting to infuse oils into their serums, creams and cleansers. One of the first to experiment with oils was Shu Uemura, who developed a face mask that is still sold.

In their pure form, oils are used to care for the scalp and massage the face and body. It’s good to add them to creams and masks. But you shouldn’t leave the oil overnight instead of cream. It is important to observe moderation- otherwise, a useful and fragrant product may harm the skin.

You can choose an oil suitable for specific skin problems using the following table:

According to Shu Uemura: Women were initially reluctant to use them because they thought their skin would be left with an oily residue, but when water is applied to the oil, it becomes a milky foam that removes makeup and dirt without drying or damaging the skin.

Now it's not about taking oil and putting it on your face. There are very good oils for the skin and others that are not at all comfortable. We should look for essential oils that come from plants and seeds. Unlike mineral oils, they can clog pores.

Key benefits of coconut oil

New products contain herbal oils that are much easier to absorb and lighter due to the new methods used to extract them. The skin becomes luminous. It reduces the lines of expressions. Face masks work deeply to make the skin clearer, smoother, more velvety, radiant and luminous. Facial oil is essential to protect your skin from the environment.

  • The oil helps skin that is losing water to be nourished and hydrated.
  • Contains strengthening nutrients, such as essential fatty acids.
  • Promotes elasticity.
  • After applying the oil before bed, you wake up with incredibly soft skin.
Now a lot will be asked: and acne?

Essential oils and skin type

Skin problems


Anise oil
for aging skin

Loose skin, wrinkles, loss of tone

Increases elasticity, turgor, firmness of the skin, normalizes water-fat balance

Acne is not caused by superficial oil, it is a problem that originates from the pore. Of course, for people suffering from severe acne, it is best not to use it and consult a dermatologist. The best way balance oily skin - provide ultra-light oil. If you use oil-free products, your skin will have to produce more oil.

One of the principles of chemistry says: Like dissolves other like. The best way to dissolve oil is with another oil. Using the right oils, you can clean pores and dirt smoothly and effective way. Not all essential oils are suitable for the skin, as some are very intense and can irritate the skin. Ideal are jojoba, olive, evening love, grape, avocado, rosehip, almond, lavender, calendula, etc. stay away from mineral oils, search oils that are extracted cold in the first pressure, olive oil, because it never heats up and therefore has not lost its properties. Make it effective. It is necessary to be hydrated and rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fatty acids. Facial oil must be essential oil extracted from seeds and plants. . Please note that there are very strong oils that should not be used unless diluted base oils, such as jojoba or almonds.

the best oil for dry, oily, aging skin

Peeling, calluses, dryness, enlarged pores, pigmentation

Softens rough, dry skin; eliminates peeling; whitens freckles and dark spots; tightens enlarged pores; “dries out” acne

Bergamot oil
For oily skin

You can enter videos of my recommendations and brands that already have very good products that contain essential oils. Be careful because not all oils should be used undiluted, there are some very natural but very powerful ones that can dry out or burn the skin. Therefore, before you take a false step, it is better to be careful.

The recommendation is to apply a face mask after cleansing your face, using a toner, and then apply a moisturizer. Facial oil can be applied in the morning instead of moisturizer or to enrich the cream. Remember: during sleep, the skin repairs itself and takes full advantage of what we apply. It's also great to use a face mask at night. . But yes, try using products with these wonderful oils and see what happens. Essential oils are added to many skin care products as natural way taking care of your skin.

Hyperfunction sebaceous glands, sweating, pigmentation, acne, inflammation

Relieves irritation, tightens pores, refreshes, tones

Grapefruit oil
best oil to fight blackheads

Eliminates oily skin problems -
“blackheads”, enlarged pores, cellulite

However, there are many different essential oils to choose from, and some essential oils are more suitable for certain skin types than others. Here is an overview of some essential oils suitable for different types skin. Use of essential oils in skin care products.

You can add essential oils to various means skin care products, including facial scrubs, moisturizing lotions, foot creams and sugar scrubs. You can make your own own funds skin care at home or use cosmetic base for adding essential oils. If you don't know much about the use of essential oils, consult with an aromatherapy expert to advise you on the amount of essential oils you should use in your products and the contraindications for using a particular essential oil.

Has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes, tones, regulates collagen production

Suitable for normal, dry, oily, problem skin

Loss of tone dull color, rosacea, “black spots”, viral and bacterial infections

Has an antiseptic, tonic, immunomodulatory effect, stimulates collagen production and skin cell renewal

Peach oil to moisturize oily and sensitive skin

Skin care basics. Different parts of the body require various types products, such as foot essential oil blend, are not typically used on your face. Below is a quick guide to the types of bases you should choose for different parts bodies.

Feet - Choose a richer, thicker foot cream, especially if you have dry skin. Also, if you massage your feet, try a salt wash or sugar scrub with large abrasive particles. - face - choose gentle facial exfoliation. Choose oatmeal or apricots over sugar and salt scrub. Try a gentle facial moisturizer. - body - use general lotion or oil base for the body, but pay attention to your skin type and specific problem areas that may need additional help.

best essential oil for all skin types

Enlarged pores acne, wrinkles, dryness, allergic reactions

Moisturizes, tones, tightens pores, regulates sebum production; there is a slight anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect; reduces damage from UV radiation in a solarium (after tanning)

Essential oils for oily skin. If you have oily skin, you likely suffer from spots and blemishes on your skin. Oily skin is caused by excessive sebum production from the sebaceous glands. Oily skin can cause acne. Essential oils that are antiseptic and antibacterial are good choice for the treatment of oily skin, which include.

Face mask for dry skin

Tea tree - geranium - cypress - cedar tree - lemon - grapefruit. Essential oils for dry skin. Dry skin is the opposite problem of oily skin; the sebaceous glands do not produce enough sebum. Additionally, environmental factors such as weather can make your skin dry. Dry skin can lead to itchy red patches and you may likely suffer from sensitive skin.

Juniper oil
for oily, aging skin

Decreased tone, acne, inflammation, enlarged pores

Accelerates metabolism, removes toxins, acts as an antiseptic

Rosemary oil
for oily, problem skin

Pimples, blackheads, scars, aging skin

Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, acceleration of metabolism

the best oil for aging, damaged, sensitive skin

Decreased tone, peeling, pigment spots

Accelerates metabolism, increases elasticity, whitens, reduces rosacea

best essential oil for damaged, problematic, oily skin

Acne, herpes and bacterial infections, wounds, cuts

Antiseptic, antiviral, drying effect

Natural oils

Skin type and problems


Apricot oil
for aging, dry skin

Hypovitaminosis, dehydration, wrinkles, peeling, loss of tone

Stimulates cellular metabolism, moisturizes, nourishes, saturates with vitamins

best oil for dry skin, damaged skin

Skin dehydration, loss of elasticity, aging

Improves blood circulation, saturates with vitamins and fatty acids, stimulates collagen production

for aging, problematic, normal, dry, oily skin

Hypovitaminosis, decreased tone, inflammation, dryness, peeling

Tightens enlarged pores, evens out color, increases elasticity, refreshes, tones

Almond oil
for normal, sensitive, dry, problem skin

Dryness, peeling, irritation, hypovitaminosis

Nourishes, moisturizes, relieves irritation

for dry, fading, normal skin, sensitive skin

The appearance of wrinkles, allergic reactions to other oils

Used as a base cosmetic oil, moisturizes, cleanses, suitable for all skin types

the best natural oil for problematic, aging, sensitive skin

Inflammation, viral and bacterial infections, dryness, hypovitaminosis

Moisturizes, rejuvenates, nourishes the skin, saturates with vitamins, has an antioxidant effect

Peach oil
for dry, sensitive, aging skin

Dehydration, loss of tone, dull complexion, wrinkles, age spots

Moisturizes, cleanses, whitens, relieves puffiness and dark circles, rejuvenates, softens, tightens, reduces wrinkles, relieves inflammation

Milk thistle oil
for problem and oily skin

Inflammation, difficult-to-heal wounds

Promotes epithelization, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands

best oil for dry and aging skin

Peeling, premature aging, dehydration

Moisturizes, softens, has a positive effect on collagen production

Soybean oil
for dry, normal skin

Dryness, loss of tone, fatigue

Refreshes, moisturizes, saturates with vitamins

Choose from the table the oil that best solves the problems of your skin type.

For example, soybean oil as a base oil is in no way inferior to olive oil. However, it is not recommended for use on oily facial skin, as soy can clog pores and provoke the appearance of comedones (“blackheads”).

About the most the best oils Let's talk in more detail for different skin types:

The best natural cosmetic oils for skin

1st place goes to grape seed oil - for its versatility

Price:from 90 rublesBotanika (for 50 ml.) up to 500 rubles fromBasso for 1 liter.

Active components: vitamins (A, C, E, B), polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Grapeseed oil is a common component of branded cosmetics and truly universal remedy. Thanks to unique composition it is suitable for different skin, smells nice, causes almost no negative reactions. The vitamins contained in it increase skin elasticity, prevent the formation of wrinkles and equally eliminate both dryness and oily shine.

How to use?

As a base for masks, cream additives, makeup remover and cleanser. Grapeseed oil, unlike olive or soybean oil, does not need to be washed off the skin.

Nuances: For skin it is better to use cold-pressed oil, because... Hot foods have fewer antioxidants.

2nd place goes to olive oil - for availability

Photo: alimero.ru

Price:from 140 rubles per 100 grams to 2000 rubles per 5 liters

Active components: vitamins (A, E, K, B, D), Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids, oleic acid.

Action: nourishes, cleanses, moisturizes, eliminates flaking.

Olive oil is good because it can be used in both culinary and for cosmetic purposes. It is better to pour the care portion into a separate container and store it in the refrigerator. Olive oil should not be left on oily skin for long. Afterwards, it is better to wash your face or wipe it with tonic, but on rough feet or elbows it can be applied at night.

What is the best way to use olive oil for skin?

As a makeup remover, base for masks, wraps. Olive oil with salt, pepper or honey works well against cellulite; heated in a water bath softens the skin of the hands and feet.

Nuances: masks based on olive oil are applied even to dry facial skin for only 10-15 minutes, after which they are washed off. Olive oil is considered hypoallergenic, so it can be used on sensitive skin.

Sea buckthorn oil takes 3rd place - for its benefits!

Photo: svojput.com

Price:from 70 rubles for 50 milliliters

Active components: vitamins (A, C, E, B1, B6, B2, P, F), zinc, strontium, magnesium, iron, calcium.

Action: nourishes, heals wounds, accelerates tissue regeneration processes, increases elasticity.

Often cosmetic defects- just a manifestation of bacterial and viral infections, damage, hypovitaminosis, slow metabolism. Sea buckthorn oil helps cope with these problems thanks to a record amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. It can be used for both skin and hair, used as a basic cosmetic product or added to other creams, oils and masks.

How to use?

In its pure form - lubricate damaged areas of the skin (cuts, scratches, herpes, burns), acne and pimples with sea buckthorn oil cotton swab. Up to 30% can be added to masks and creams for dry and normal skin. Sea buckthorn oil can be rubbed into the cuticle after a manicure or pedicure, as well as into the scalp before washing your hair (for dryness and flaking).

Nuances: For wrinkles, it is enough to add just a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to the cream. Cosmetologists strongly do not recommend using sea ​​buckthorn oil in its pure form healthy skin, since when used systemically it can suppress natural immunity.

4th place goes to avocado oil - for natural skin support

Photo: irecommend.ru.q5.r-99.com

Price:from 100 rubles for 30 millilitersPlanetaOrganica up to 1250 rubles for 120 milliliters from Diar Argan.

Active components: vitamins (A, D, C, PP, E), potassium, zinc, oleic, linoleic, stearic, linolenic fatty acids.

Action: moisturizes, rejuvenates, protects skin from ultraviolet radiation and harmful effects environment.

Avocado oil is close in composition and pH balance to human fat; it is quickly absorbed and redistributed in the subcutaneous tissue, delivering valuable vitamins and minerals to the cells. Can be used as a base for any skin type, but best solves problems on flaky, dry and problematic acne areas. IN summer time Avocado oil will protect against UV radiation (natural SPF factor up to 6).

How to use?

Add to care products (creams, masks) 1 drop per 1 gram. Apply to oily or normal skin with a cotton pad to remove makeup, apply for 30 minutes as a mask on dry skin.

Nuances: Avocado oil can be kept on your face long time and lubricate the skin around the eyes with it, but it is better to blot the excess with a napkin.

5th place goes to Shea butter - for its pleasant aroma and melting texture

Photo: lookbio.ru

Price:from 200 rubles for 30 milliliters at Elfarm to 600 rubles for 250 milliliters at Therme.

Active components: fatty acids (oleic, stearic, linoleic), phenols, steroids, vitamins (tocopherols).

Action: moisturizes, nourishes, softens, rejuvenates the skin.

Shea butter or shea butter is the only solid butter. It is extracted from the fruits of tropical trees in Africa, where it is mainly consumed as food. Around the world, this product is especially loved by chocolate manufacturers and cosmetologists. Shea butter is often used in SPA treatments. It quickly melts upon contact with the skin, perfectly moisturizing and nourishing it.

How to use?

Lubricate dry, damaged and rough areas of skin, scratches, eczema, wrinkles; mix heated shea butter into homemade creams and masks; Apply a small piece to problem areas of the skin before going to bed or before going outside during the cold season.

Nuances: Shea butter absorbs well on dry, rough and dull skin, but leaves a shine on normal and oily skin. Excess shea butter is blotted with a dry cloth.

The best essential cosmetic oils for skin

1st place goes to tea tree oil - for its wide spectrum of action

Photo: relaxa.md

Price:from 120 rublesBotanika (but only for 50 ml.) up to 500 rubles fromBasso for 1 liter

Active components: monoterpenes, L-terpineol, B-terpineol.

Action: cleanses, nourishes, moisturizes, removes toxins, increases skin turgor.

Oil tea tree whiten teeth, treat wounds, dry out pimples, stimulate hair growth. It relieves inflammation, stimulates blood circulation, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, whitens age spots, evens out skin color and texture. But when working with this natural antiseptic, cosmetologists recommend carefully observing the dosage.

How to use?

In its pure form, tea tree oil is used to disinfect cracks and other small superficial wounds, and for cosmetic purposes, add essential oil to the base (in a ratio of 1 to 10 with olive or other vegetable cosmetic oil; 1 drop - per 1 gram of cream or massage oil ).

Nuances: Tea tree oil in its pure form is used to eliminate dandruff from the scalp and treat nails affected by fungus. To do this, rub it into the affected areas for several minutes.

2nd place - lemon oil, suitable for all skin types

Photo: hairsave.ru

Price:from 80 rubles at “Crimean Rose” to 160 rubles at “Aromatica" for 10 ml.

Active components: linalool, pinene.

Action: tonic, antiseptic, immunomodulatory; promotes collagen production.

Lemon oil rejuvenates the skin. Just a few drops of it added to basic foundation, have a powerful tonic effect and stimulate cell renewal processes. On oily skin, lemon oil helps get rid of rosacea and acne; on dry skin, it eliminates flaking. In addition, it helps to increase elasticity, smooth out the relief, tighten the oval of the face, lighten freckles and age spots.

How to use?

Add 1 drop lemon oil for 3-4 grams of cream or base natural oil for cosmetic procedures; 1 drop - for 2 grams of massage product.

Nuances: Lemon oil works well for all skin types, but it is recommended to mix it with different bases. For oily skin it is good to mix it with grape seed oil, for dry skin - with peach oil or avocado oil, for skin whitening - with sea buckthorn oil.

3rd place goes to ylang-ylang oil - for high efficiency

Photo: beautyoil.ru

Price:from 100 rubles

Active components: pinene, geraniol, phytol, formic, valeric, acetic acids.

Action: anti-inflammatory, softening, tonic.

Ylang-ylang oil tightens pores and helps quickly get rid of eczema, dermatoses, and acne. It is equally effective on oily, dry and normal skin. As part of others cosmetic oils stimulates collagen production. Goes well with olive, peach oil, and avocado oil. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces itching and damage from UV radiation.

How to use?

Add 3 drops to 1 tablespoon of base cream or oil.

4th place goes to orange oil - for its delicious aroma

Photo: www.florasecret.com.ua

Price:from 100 rublesBotanika up to 200 rubles from Elfarm.

Active components: limonene, citral, terpene alcohols, geraniol.

Action: anti-cellulite, softening, toning.

Orange oil perfectly tightens enlarged pores, helps get rid of cellulite, and dries out acne. On dry skin, it can help cope with peeling, and on oily skin, it can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Like other essential oils from our rating, orange oil It is not recommended to use it in its pure form for leather.

How to use?

Add 3 drops per 1 tablespoon of base cream or oil for skin or 5-10 drops per tablespoon of base for water treatments.

Nuances: When using orange oil in anti-cellulite procedures, you can use both oil and salt (special for baths or regular sea salt) as a base; adding pure oil to water is not recommended.

5th place goes to rose oil - for tone for the soul

Photo: beautyoil.ru

Price:from 160 rubles at “Crimean Rose” to 3600 rubles atLivingNature.

Active components: geraniol, stearopten.

Action: tonic, whitening.

Rose oil is obtained from rose hip flowers. It is best suited for aging skin, which is restored to youth if not after the first use, then with regular use after at least a month. The esters it contains accelerate metabolism and stimulate collagen production, increasing elasticity and improving regenerative abilities. This oil is often recommended for injuries, fatigue, and the consequences of poor ecology. An additional bonus from its use is the benefits for the soul. Due to its effect on dopamine receptors, rose oil helps to increase performance, creativity and erotic desire.

How to use?

Add 2-3 drops per dose of cream or mask, 5 drops per 15 grams of base for massage or bath, up to 10 drops per 250 ml. lotion or facial tonic.

Nuances: It is not recommended to use rose oil in its pure form, but it can be used to treat herpes (in a course of 2-3 times a day for a week).

Which oil for body and face is better to choose?

Obviously, it is better to choose an oil that is suitable for your skin type (and then look for a way to use it that is suitable for specific problems). If you turn to, you can see that essential oils of juniper, bergamot, tea tree, ylang-ylang, rosemary are well suited for oily skin, and grape seed oil or milk thistle as a base. All natural oils are strong reagents in which nutrients are present in fairly high concentrations, so cosmetologists recommend mixing them with caution with factory-made cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Attention! There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required

Essential oils for facial skin are widely used in cosmetology to solve large quantity skin problems, including rejuvenation and care problem skin. Along with conventional products, when properly selected, they can completely eliminate the signs of aging, smooth the skin, eliminate blackheads and other common troubles associated with the condition of the face.

Some essential oils for the face in cosmetology can be used in their pure form, these include those that are applied pointwise, for example, to herpes or acne. But basically they can only be used as part of natural masks or homemade creams that do not contain chemical ingredients. Essential oils are actively used in diluted form; for this you need to purchase a basic cosmetic product suitable for your skin type.

It is forbidden to use essential oils in combination with store-bought cosmetics, as this may cause unpredictable chemical reaction and allergies. When choosing a particular oil, you need to pay attention not only to your skin type, but also to how its aroma affects your well-being.

Choosing an essential oil

There are 3 types of skin. Depending on what type of woman a woman is, she should choose essential product. To correctly determine your skin type, you need to do a small test - go to bed the night before without cream, and the next morning apply a paper napkin to your face:

  • normal - will leave almost no traces;
  • if it’s oily, there will be a solid stain of sebum on the napkin;
  • from touch to dry, the napkin will remain unchanged.

The use of facial oils should be in full accordance with your skin type, because if you use them incorrectly, the problem will not be solved, and perhaps even worsen. Before use, it is important to make sure that there is no allergy; to do this, apply the substance to a small area of ​​skin and wait at least 24 hours. If the effect is accompanied by itching, severe redness or other unpleasant sensations, it is better to immediately wash off the oil and try another after a while.

Essential oils for normal skin

To stay young and beautiful long years, you need to take care of your skin regularly. This also applies to normal, which at first glance does not require special intervention. But with age, it can turn dry, which leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles. The use of essential oils in natural masks and creams will help to avoid this.

Oils from the following plants are used in cosmetology:

  • lavender - eliminates itching and irritation;
  • geranium - has a moisturizing and smoothing effect, prevents the formation of wrinkles;
  • jasmine - soothes and moisturizes, has a beneficial effect on dry skin, restoring its natural moisture;
  • rosemary - promotes regeneration, making the facial contour clearer, smoothes out the first, barely noticeable wrinkles.

All of them for the face should be used regularly, preferably in courses, to achieve best effect. In order to correct use you need to acquire suitable containers for storage and production cosmetics based on them:

  • beakers - glass cups for measuring required quantity oils;
  • Strashein dropper (Fig. 1) - for storing oil mixtures;
  • Pasteur pipette (Fig. 2) - for measuring the required amount;
  • glass storage containers (transparent and darkened).

A type of normal skin is combination, it comes in very at a young age. At proper care it will eventually turn into normal, and signs of aging will appear on it much later. Suitable for:

  • lemon;
  • mint;
  • neroli;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • bergamot.

They are used in combination with transport oils, which include grape seed oil, jojoba oil and almond oil.

Recipes for normal skin

Essential oils in cosmetology are actively used by women in order to preserve good color face, prolong youth and restore natural water balance. The simplest mask:

  • lavender 2 drops;
  • 100 ml jojoba or avocado;

This mask is intended for skin prone to irritation. Lavender relieves itching, and basic cosmetic treatment eliminates flaking, smoothes the surface, and saturates it with vitamins.

For irritated skin, a mask using geranium oil is good:

  • geranium oil 2 drops;
  • sandalwood oil 1 drop;
  • macadamia oil 2 teaspoons.

Mix everything and apply to face massage lines, do not go out into the sun for 30 minutes. After using such masks on a regular basis, you can boast beautiful face with soft delicate skin. After the procedure, the excess should be blotted with a napkin.

Another one useful mask, the use of which retains moisture in the skin, is a mixture of jasmine and grape seed essential oils:

  • 5 ml base;
  • 4-5 drops of essential oil.

After 10 minutes, the mixture is removed with a napkin, and the face becomes Nice colour and healthy appearance.

Oils for oily skin

Unlike normal skin, oily skin requires more attention; it often has enlarged pores, pimples and a strong greasy shine. Perhaps the only advantage of such skin is that wrinkles do not form on it for a long time. Essential oils that are perfect for this type are:

  • grape seeds - does not clog pores, does not lead to the formation of inflammation and blackheads, makes the skin tender and soft;
  • tea tree - applied in its pure form directly to acne and pimples to dry and relieve inflammation;
  • ylang-ylang - regulates sebum formation, rejuvenates and soothes;
  • chamomile - relieves blackheads, pustular rashes and acne, relieves irritation.

For oily skin, bergamot, clove, lemon balm and grapefruit oils are suitable. The main task in cosmetology regarding this type of dermis is to rid the skin of greasy shine by normalizing sebum production. Skin that is rough to the touch and has enlarged pores needs special means that will not pollute it. Oil products for such skin are antiseptics with an antibacterial effect.

Properly selected essential oil will not harm the skin and will not lead to the formation of new problem areas. Eat good way get rid of impurities with facial steam baths. A small amount of essential oil is added to the water, and it is also applied to the face. The method is that oil dissolves sebum that is stuck in the pores and brings it out, and the steam helps open the pores. At the end of the procedure, you can apply a few drops of oil to damp skin to enhance the effect.

Compositions for oily skin care

Oil in cosmetology, and especially for problematic and oily skin, can help solve many problems; it is important to choose the right one the right proportion. For any procedures involving essential oils, you need to purchase a basic plant oil. For oily skin - these are extracts from grape seed, jojoba and macadamia. They have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the integument, rejuvenating and smoothing it.

There is a very simple recipe for a mixture of oils to cleanse the skin:

  • 50 ml base;
  • 4 drops lavender;
  • 2 drops of tea tree oil;
  • 4 drops lemon.

You need to wipe your face with this mixture in the evening using cotton pad. Another recipe is a lotion that can easily replace a store-bought tonic. To make it you will need ethyl alcohol, it will dry the skin and remove shine for a while. But you can’t use lotion often, it can dry out your face, and this is the first step to wrinkles.

Lotion recipe:

  • 1-2 tablespoons of alcohol;
  • essential oils of chamomile, geranium and orange, 3 drops each.

Those with oily skin use light creams. If they do not contain large amounts chemical substances, then they can be enriched with essential oils. They are added to the cream exclusively in portions - 2 drops each of essential oils of bergamot, grapefruit and lemon balm. This mixture nourishes and cleanses the skin, while preventing the appearance of new inflammations.

In cosmetology, the use of essential oils goes well with other plant elements, such as oatmeal, which themselves are an excellent cleanser. In steamed cereals add 4 drops of grapefruit essential oil and 3 drops of bergamot oil. The mask cleanses, whitens and disinfects the skin.

Essential oils for dry skin

Dry skin usually lacks natural moisture, it looks dehydrated, sometimes thin, with a characteristic dull tone. She especially needs hydration. On such skin, wrinkles form several times faster and earlier than on normal or oily skin. A face with dry skin often develops flaky patches. Essential oils help normalize fat balance.

You can completely replace store-bought cosmetics with essential oils; they strengthen cell membranes, stimulate metabolic processes and improve blood supply to the skin. This type of epidermis, like a sponge, is able to absorb mixtures of base and essential oils. Hoods from:

  • almonds;
  • jojoba;
  • apricot kernels;
  • peach seeds.

All of these oils have a strong nourishing and rejuvenating effect and serve as a base for essential oils. Based on them, masks, creams and other care products are made at home. skin. For dry skin, it is permissible to use essential oils of the following plants for a calming effect:

  • lavender - relieves irritation;
  • rose - increases skin tone and elasticity;
  • chamomile - softens and has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • jasmine combined with base almond oil— eliminates allergic rashes and relieves irritation;
  • orange - softens and moisturizes, maintains an optimal moisture balance of the epidermis.

Dry skin especially needs to prevent the formation of wrinkles, so the use of essential oils for it is a solution to many problems, including rejuvenation. To do this, you should purchase oils:

  • neroli - gives a feeling of freshness, a powerful rejuvenating agent, prevents the appearance of signs of skin aging and eliminates already formed wrinkles, increases tone and elasticity;
  • sandalwood - has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect;
  • patchouli - nourishes, moisturizes and saturates with moisture;
  • Frankincense has a very powerful wound-healing and restorative effect.

With the correct and timely use of essential oils, dry skin can maintain beauty and youth much longer than with conventional creams. Oils are several times stronger and their effect is much greater.