Formation of ecological culture in preschool children. introduce representatives of living and inanimate nature. At a young age, general education is given, then it deepens over the years, since “nature begins every formation from the most general and

Svetlana Nazarova
Education of ecological culture in preschool children

the main objective environmental education – formation began ecological culture: the child’s correct attitude towards the nature around him, towards himself and people as part of nature.

Environmentally friendly personality is characterized by a formed environmental awareness, ecologically oriented behavior and activity in nature, humane, environmental attitude.

The result environmental education is the child’s ecological culture. Composite ecological culture of a preschooler- this is knowledge about nature and its environmental orientation, the ability to use them in real life, in behavior, in various activities (in games, work, in everyday life).

It follows from this that familiarization preschoolers with nature is a means of forming in their minds realistic knowledge about the surrounding nature, based on sensory experience and education the right attitude towards her.

Big role in environmental education for preschoolers plays practical and research activities in natural conditions. Unfortunately, modern children, especially urban ones, have very limited opportunities to communicate with nature. But ecological education should begin with the objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters in everyday life, including because the learning process will be ineffective without emotional perception of trees, grass, sunsets, dawns: But this will not happen if you study nature from pictures and photographs of even the best quality.

Nature is the first aesthetic child's teacher. By observing nature, the child will learn to see, understand and appreciate its beauty.

Any observation is a cognitive activity that requires attention, concentration, and mental activity from children, so it does not last long. Pedagogical communication teacher takes educational activities with children coloring: the teacher asks clear, specific questions that mobilize children to search for information, listens to their answers, and responds kindly to each message. And most importantly, he praises for the correct answer; praise stimulates further search for information. Cycles of observations accompanied by cognitive communication teacher with children, develops in them observation skills, a persistent interest in nature, and forms clear, specific ideas about the morphofunctional characteristics of plants and animals and their connection with the environment.

At proper guidance By observing the environment, the child begins to understand what is good and what is bad; experiences good and evil with all his heart; learns to feel the beautiful and the ugly, learns to “talk” to the bird and the flower, the sun and the wind and love them.

A teacher must use a variety of forms and methods in his practice. educating preschoolers about environmental culture. He should be able to evoke in children compassion for a living being, a desire to take care of him, joy and admiration from meeting nature, surprise, pride in doing the right thing, pleasure from a well-executed assignment.

Formation of moral environmental education will be more effective, if the kindergarten establishes a close connection with the family. The need to involve the family in the familiarization process preschoolers with the nature of the native land is explained by the special pedagogical capabilities that the family has and which cannot replace preschool: love and affection for children, emotional and moral intensity of relationships, etc. all this creates favorable conditions for education higher moral feelings. In its work with families, a kindergarten should rely on parents not only as assistants to the child care institution, but as equal participants in the formation of a child’s personality. Project activities have such opportunities.

An environmental project is, first of all, solving certain problems in the research process. The scale of tasks can be different, it is determined by the timing of the project, the age and, accordingly, the capabilities of the children, the content educational programs preschool(any project must fit into the general educational space) and the inclusion of parents in this process.

Many families spend their leisure time in nature; the child naturally becomes involved in the natural environment; sensual in the family perception Natural phenomena are carried out mainly individually, which ensures greater emotionality of cognition. Most families have real opportunities for organizing environmental work (having a personal garden, a summer house where you can plant and care for plants, protecting the environment, animals and plants while walking in the forest, relaxing on the lake, etc.).

Adults should introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature. Certain environmental prohibitions are absolutely necessary. But "bring down" these prohibitions "above" it is impossible, we need purposeful, painstaking work aimed at ensuring that the rules of behavior in nature are felt and understood. The child retains in his consciousness only that which has left a clear mark.

Due to global environmental crisis, it is necessary to find out what relationships between man and nature can be considered harmonious, how human activity affects the environment and note why ecological culture and environmental education so important especially now.

Publications on the topic:

“Formation of ecological culture of preschool children through the use of the design method.”“Formation of ecological culture of preschool children through the use of the design method.” I picked a flower and it withered. I caught.

Didactic games for the formation of ecological culture of preschool children 1. Games for enriching environmental ideas “Tops and roots Didactic task. Exercise children in classifying vegetables (based on the principle:.

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the properties of water, the role of water in human life and other living organisms, and to cultivate a caring attitude towards natural resources.

Education of ecological culture in preschool children The issue of environmental education of the younger generation is now more acute than ever. It is necessary to instill in children a love of nature.

“We are against litter on our streets.” Formation of ecological culture among preschool children Goal: Formation of ecological culture of children and adults. Objectives: 1. Expand the understanding of parents and preschoolers about the environment.

Pedagogical council "Education of ecological culture of preschool children in the process of experimental research activities" Thematic teachers' council "Education of ecological culture of preschool children in the process of experimental research activities" Plan.

Formation of the beginnings of ecological culture of preschool children in a kindergarten On the issue of the formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of preschoolers in a kindergarten. Ecology is a science that teaches us how to be careful.

Consultation for educators

The concept of ecological culture of older preschoolers.

Ecological culture- this is one of the new directions of preschool pedagogy, which differs from the traditional one - introducing children to nature.

Ecological culture- this is an integral part of a person’s general culture and includes various types of activities, as well as the human ecological consciousness that has developed as a result of this activity (interests, needs, attitudes, emotions, experiences, feelings, aesthetic assessments, tastes, etc.).

A young age is most favorable for the development of the foundations of ecological culture, the formation of the ecological worldview and consciousness that determines it, and moral and ethical standards of behavior. At this age, a person is most receptive to the ideals of beauty, harmony, emotional unity with living and inanimate nature, a sense of camaraderie and collectivism, spiritual development and self-knowledge, informal perception of the world, and high moral ideals. The child feels other people’s pain, acutely perceives the injustice of his own and others’ actions, strives to imitate fair deeds and actions. The sensitive and easily receptive psychology of a young person connects the material and spiritual worlds together. Without such reunification, the education and development of an ecological worldview and consciousness is impossible.

Senior preschool age– an essential stage in the process of developing the foundations of ecological culture. During this period, a qualitative leap occurs. To a large extent, the determining process of the development of an individual’s ecological culture, which is further expressed in the formation of a conscious attitude towards the world around the child. In the fact that he begins to distinguish himself from the environment, overcomes in his worldview the distance from “I am nature” to “I and nature”, the emphasis shifts to the formation of relationships with himself (what am I? Why am I praised or scolded) and to the immediate social environment - peers, adults.

In older preschool children, interactions and relationships with the natural and social environment exist on an unconscious basis. Children do not separate themselves from the objects and subjects of the surrounding world; they feel themselves to be a natural part of nature, an organic unity with it. Direct object-object, interobject relationships are formed between the child and the subject of the environment. A child of senior preschool age is open to perceiving and appropriating the ecological rules of these relationships, turning them into his habits, into part of his nature. This age is most favorable for environmental impact.

A child receives an amount of knowledge of the basics of environmental culture appropriate for preschool age in the family, kindergarten, and through the media. The influence of the family on the development of the beginnings of a child’s ecological culture is determined by the attitude of its members to the surrounding nature and general culture. The role of the kindergarten in this regard is determined by the personal and professional qualities of teachers and the conditions of education.

Ecological culture

Activities in nature:

Perception of nature;

Mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities;

Environmental activities.

Greening consciousness:

Needs, attitudes, interests;

Emotions, experiences, feelings;

Aesthetic and ethical assessments.

For children of senior preschool age, the following elements of environmental consciousness are most characteristic:

To another;

To nature.

Reacts emotionally when encountering beauty and tries to convey his feelings in accessible forms of creativity (story, drawing, etc.);

Tries to follow the rules of behavior on the street, in transport, while walking, etc.;

It is during the preschool period that the child’s connection with the leading spheres of existence is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal human values. The foundation of health is laid. Preschool childhood is the time of the initial formation of personality, the formation of the foundations of self-awareness and individuality of the child.


1. Nikolaeva S.N. We cultivate love for nature from childhood. – M.: “Mosaic-Synthesis”, 2002.-112 p.

2. Owen D. F. What is ecology? – M.: Lesn. industry, 1984.-184 p.

3. Teacher’s diary: development of preschool children. /Ed. Dyachenko O. M. – M.: NOU Training Center of L. A. Wenger “Development”, 2001.-141 p.

4. Kolomina N.V. Education of the fundamentals of ecological culture in kindergarten. - M.: TC Sfera, 2004.-144 p.

5. Environmental education of preschool children: A practical guide. / Ed. Prokhorova L.N. – M.: ARKTI, 2003.-72p.

“Museum exhibition in the formation of ecological culture of preschool children” (from work experience)

Nowadays, more than ever, the issue of environmental education of preschool children is urgent. Children need to be instilled with a love of nature from a very early age. Kids are delighted at the sight of a flower or a butterfly, and at the same time they can thoughtlessly crush an ant running along the path.

How can we teach them to take care and protect nature, all living things that surround us?

One of the forms of forming the ecological culture of preschool children is a museum exhibition

Let everything be beautiful in a person:

And thoughts, and actions, and soul!

In harmony with nature and with yourself

So that children can live in the world,

Bring up your children, take care of them,

Protect the ecology of your soul!

Museum pedagogy is one of the new areas of preschool pedagogy, which is rapidly developing; it is considered as an innovative pedagogical technology. The mini-museum has become a new special form of working with children and parents.

There is an opportunity to “immerse” children in an informative, new for them subject environment, the opportunity to share common experiences with parents, other children and adults.

The ability to productively reflect the impressions received, experiences in the nursery and joint creative activities with parents and teachers (visual, intellectual, speech - a fairly rich wealth has been accumulated) lexicon, coherent speech, manual skills, thinking, etc. develop.

When using museum pedagogy as innovative technology in the system of forming the ecological culture of preschool children, the following principles should be taken into account (N. A. Ryzhova):

Taking into account the interests of not only the present, but also future generations;

An approach to solving problems of environmental culture as an integral part of environmental policy;

Taking into account regional characteristics, including natural conditions and resources, environmental situation;

Using the main provisions of state policy in the field of environmental protection and ensuring guarantees of environmental safety;

Connection of educational and educational actions with the practice of solving environmental problems;

Humanistic attitude towards nature;

Openness and accessibility of environmental information;

Involving the pedagogical and parent community in solving problems of developing an environmental culture among preschool children;

Using historical experience in solving problems of environmental education and enlightenment,

Compliance with environmental legislation and liability for violations.

Thus, it is necessary to develop responsibility, first of all, for one’s actions and actions at an early age. Teach children to see and understand the beauty of nature.

Over the past three years, I have been working with children on the topic “Using elements of museum pedagogy in the formation of the ecological culture of preschool children through the work of a mini-museum of a preschool educational institution.” To implement this topic, work is being carried out in 3 areas:

Creating a subject-development environment in the group.

Work with children;

Working with parents.

Work with children.

Over the past 3 years, with the children of my group, I have been leading an environmental circle “The ABC of Nature”, in which I tried to instill in children of senior preschool age an environmental culture, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and the world around them. During the work of the circle, we worked in society with a preschool educational institution, the Center for Children and Youth, and a museum; worked on an ecological trail; the children of my group took part in reporting concerts at the preschool educational institution. In the course of this work, the children developed a desire to make a contribution to nature conservation.

In my work with children on environmental education, I use various methods and techniques, as well as forms of organization. The group plays dramatization games on the themes: “Goats, birch shoot”, “Not a magpie, not a crow”; Thematic role-playing games “Take care of the forest” and the game “Brave firefighters” are organized. A series of experiments was carried out with water, air, sand, and clay. In the environmental education of children, educational activity directly performs a very specific and very important function: the sensory ideas children receive on a daily basis can be qualitatively transformed, expanded, deepened, combined, and systematized.

I instill an ecological culture and foster a caring attitude towards nature and the environment in both organized and unorganized forms.

During the preschool period, a significant proportion of initial environmental information about different sides the life of nature and human activity is transmitted to children through direct educational activities of the primary educational type. Most often, these classes are devoted to introducing children to species of animals, plants, their living conditions and habitats, which are not represented in the immediate natural environment and cannot be known through observation.

Often components include reading children's literature, looking at illustrations, watching filmstrip or slides.

The content of classes, which can be called directly in-depth cognitive educational activities, is aimed at identifying and showing children the connections between plants, animals and the external environment that they need. Children learn the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, reason logically, and draw conclusions. All this ensures intensive development of the preschooler’s thinking.

Direct educational activity of a general type. In a generalization class, the teacher sets the goal of identifying a number of significant features (essential and characteristic) for a group of familiar objects and, on their basis, forms a generalized representation.

What could be the content of generalized ideas formed in preschool age? Teaching practice shows that generalizations should be based on specific, varied knowledge systematically acquired by children throughout preschool age, as well as obtained in the process of repeated observations of objects in nature.

A large number of bright, varied performances accumulate. Based on them, one can form a generalized idea that a plant develops from a seed, it grows, blooms, and forms new seeds.

Direct educational activities of a complex type. Complex educational activities within the framework of one topic solve different problems of child development and are based on different types of activities. These classes can be carried out in all age groups, but they are especially useful with older preschoolers. In the field of environmental education, comprehensive classes are used in different age groups. This complex lesson, if it is properly organized, the time may go beyond the scope of a regular lesson - a change of activity will not cause fatigue and boredom. Moreover, at his own discretion, the teacher can use recorded music at the appropriate moment and make a fun physical education session. Complex GCDs are organized on a variety of topics. For example, a lesson about vegetables may include a conversation based on the painting “Harvesting vegetables in the garden,” acting out a poem by Y. Tuvim translated by S. Mikhalkov “Vegetables,” drawing or appliquéing fruits; NOD “We grow healthy, we take care of health” - this is Aibolit’s conversation with children about health, how to preserve it, how to maintain a favorable environment, and physical exercises or a hardening procedure, and the collective preparation of a green supplement for lunch from grown onions , garlic, parsley. Complex GCDs are the creative work of the educator; they can be organized in different, interesting ways. They effectively and comprehensively develop the child’s personality, and the combination various types activity contributes to an easier and faster formation of attitude towards the content of the lesson.

The theme “In the Kingdom of the Goldfish” was not chosen by chance; children of primary preschool age willingly play with water, conduct experiments, and for them washing their hands is a whole purposeful process, during which they gain knowledge about the properties of water and its practical use. In many programs, the authors offer many different techniques for working with an aquarium, but since the SANPiN rules propose moving aquariums out of groups, we decided to introduce children to aquatic inhabitants through the creation of an exhibition on various topics. Currently, the group has created an exhibition on the theme “Amazing Shells”, through which children were introduced to shells, their various shapes, colors and sizes. They liked to admire the shells, immerse them in sand and water, and paint them in different colors. The first exhibits for the museum were brought by kindergarten workers; parents and children made arts and crafts that reflected the environmental culture of preschoolers. The passion with which the museum was replenished and expanded contributed to the expansion of the circle of supporters and active participants, not only employees, but also children and their parents.

Work with children in our mini-museum is expressed in the following areas:

Introducing children to the knowledge of their region (the water world of the Kama River, Lake Svetloye, etc.);

Formation of the foundations of environmental culture;

Formation of a feeling of love for the Motherland;

Fostering in a child an emotionally positive attitude towards the places where he was born and lives, the ability to see and understand their beauty, the desire to learn more about them;

Forming a desire to provide all possible assistance to the people who surround him.

A museum object contains a lot of useful information and with its help and the museum’s means (exhibitions, exhibitions, excursions, museum events) one can achieve good results in the formation of environmental thinking and actions.

We also need to pay attention to one aspect in museum work - the emotional impact on museum visitors with the help of museum exhibits. A mini-museum allows you to make the word “museum” familiar and attractive to children. In addition to the fact that a museum object carries information, it also evokes certain emotions in visitors - interest, admiration, a desire to learn more about it, etc. And if the exhibit is used during educational activities, and children have the opportunity to look at it and hold it in your hands, work with it, then the return on visiting the museum increases. The exhibits are used at the GCD for the development of speech, imagination, intelligence, and the emotional sphere of the child. Any subject can suggest a topic for an interesting conversation.

One of the forms of working with children on environmental education of preschoolers is an excursion.

Excursion construction model.

1. Excursion (GCD).

2. Lyrical introduction.

3. Riddles.

Problem situation

Part 1: Conversation, Assumption (why is this needed? who needs it? who feels bad about it, Excursion. Working with exhibits.

Part 2: Didactic games. Experiments. Observations. Theatrical activities. Conclusion: solving a problem situation. Practical reinforcement of the topic.

Part 3: Surprise moment.

The structure of the excursions consists of: a lyrical introduction or problem for discussion, viewing exhibits, reading interesting educational material, ecological game, riddles and fairy tales. Then the excursion itself is conducted - the children get acquainted with the exhibits, and to consolidate the acquired knowledge, they find themselves in a fairyland where the children independently have the opportunity to express their impressions of the material they saw and heard, and reproduce the exhibit with their own hands for the museum. As a rule, a visit to a mini-museum, NOD, ends with practical work - making a poster - a call to protect and preserve nature, to be a friend to it, to increase the natural resources of our region. Each excursion ends with a surprise moment.

The implementation of the main sections of the proposed system of education for preschool children takes into account individual characteristics and talents, the development of which is carried out at almost every educational activity carried out. Interest in one’s own personality and the world around him, the desire for productive communication with adults and peers, which is especially important in modern conditions of modernization of education.

Based on the results of monitoring the development of children’s competence in environmental culture issues, it turned out that we achieved good results: among older preschoolers high level competence was 62%, average – 38%, low level – 0; V preparatory groups: high level – 75%, medium – 25%, low level – 0%. We were pleasantly pleased with these indicators, so we will continue to work in the same direction.

It was decided to continue working in the mini-museum, as it helps lay the foundations for the worldview of the younger generation, shape their attitude towards the world around them, and expand environmental knowledge. In order to see and understand the beauty of the world around us, to develop and demonstrate the abilities inherent in nature, to change the worldview of children, their awareness of the need to preserve nature and comply with environmental laws, it is necessary to use computer technology.

For our children, museum pedagogy is still a game. Who knows: maybe someday one of them will work in a real museum. And all our students will love nature and its components – that’s without a doubt! Man is a part of nature, which means it is necessary to take care of him and create favorable conditions for life and development. Planet Earth is our home, let it be clean, bright, joyful and safe!

Working with parents.

Working with parents on environmental education of preschoolers is one of the components of my work. Only by relying on the family, only by joint efforts can we solve our main task - raising a person with a capital H, an environmentally literate person, a person who will live in the 21st century. Nowadays, the problems of environmental education have come to the fore, and more and more attention is being paid to them. Why did these problems become relevant? The reason is human activity in nature, which is often illiterate, incorrect from an environmental point of view, wasteful, leading to a disruption of the ecological balance.

Education of preschoolers' ecological culture cannot be holistic and comprehensive without the participation of the family, representatives of the older generation, who are a living encyclopedia of the nature of their native land. They have something to tell their children and grandchildren, sometimes causing surprise and regret.

In working with parents on the environmental education of children, both traditional forms were used (parent meetings, consultations, conversations, conferences), as well as non-traditional ones (business games, pedagogical services bureau, direct telephone, round table, discussions). But all these forms are based on the pedagogy of cooperation The work was carried out in two directions:

teacher - parent;

teacher - child - parent.

The moral norms of environmental culture are laid down, first of all, in the family: the culture of behavior of parents largely determines the culture of the child. True, sociological research shows that today the degree of concern of the population, its awareness and activity regarding environmental problems are at a low level and do not depend on age. This makes the high effectiveness of environmental education and upbringing in the family problematic and necessitates a continuous process of environmental education for parents.

In general, work with parents is structured as follows:

1. Environmental education – provision of environmental information, its analysis; priority topics: environmentally conscious behavior in nature and at home, the connection of environmental problems with health, the ecology of the home, proper (balanced) nutrition in the family, growing environmentally friendly crops, etc.;

2. Joint activities with children: participation in hikes, excursions, environmental and health holidays; doing homework, caring for animals and plants together; collecting collections of natural and other materials; exhibitions of works completed by children together with their parents; assistance in creating a development environment; participation in environmental campaigns, holding pedagogical workshops; manufacturing visual aids, toys; writing environmental fairy tales and designing books; inspection of your own home and dacha; design and research activities.

Parents are active helpers in creating an ecological mini museum. It is important to explain to parents of children that from the point of view of museum pedagogy, introducing children to the land of our ancestors, to nature, helps to reveal the intellectual and creative abilities of the child’s personality. One of the most important stages In my work, I work with parents, they, together with their children, created leaflets on the topic “Take care of the Christmas tree” from the series “Complaint Book of the Forest”; “Don’t hurt homeless animals,” which were posted on the entrances of residential buildings. Was carried out big job in organizing a poultry canteen, for which feeders were made together with the parents. An ecological landing in the forest was organized with children and parents in order to clear forest clearings of garbage. Various consultations, conversations, and various quizzes were held for parents. We created a card index of riddles, poems on an environmental theme, a card index of pictures on the topics “Wild Animals”, “Domestic Animals”, “Birds of Our Native Land”, “Migratory Birds”, “Mushrooms”, “Plants of Our Land”.

The joint activity involved making crafts from shells, as well as displaying crafts from children and their parents. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but when creating a mini-museum, he is a co-author, the creator of the exhibition. And not only himself, but also his parents: dad and mom, grandparents. The created ecological museum is the result of communication and cooperation between the teacher, children and the parent community

Preschool age differs from other ages in the peculiarities of the living conditions of the requirements that appear at this stage of its development, the peculiarities of its relations with the outside world, the level of development of the mental structure of the child’s personality, his knowledge and thinking, the totality of certain physiological characteristics. A preschool educational institution is the first step in the system of environmental education of an individual.

Environmental education in the preschool education system is of great importance as the initial stage of the system of continuous and universal environmental education. Effectiveness of activities in the system preschool education provides a good foundation for subsequent stages of the environmental education system.

Children can be taught to follow environmental safety rules only in collaboration with their parents. If a child tries to behave as he was taught in kindergarten, and the parents act in the opposite way, desired results difficult to achieve.

Many parents have heard about the problems of environmental pollution, but believe that these problems do not affect them personally and therefore do not affect their behavior in any way. Therefore, it is necessary to attract the attention of parents to the problems of pollution, emphasizing the close connection between our health and irresponsible, illiterate behavior in everyday life.


At the stage of preschool childhood, an initial sense of the world around us develops: the child receives emotional impressions of nature and accumulates ideas about different forms of life. Thus, already during this period the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, and ecological culture are formed. But only under one condition - if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, show the little person the beautiful world of nature, help the little person the beautiful world of nature, help establish relationships with him.

When working with preschoolers on their environmental education, an integrated approach should be used, which involves the interconnection of research activities, music, visual arts, physical education, games, theatrical activities, literature, modeling, watching television, excursions, as well as organizing independent activities for children, i.e. greening various types of child activities.

Working with children involves cooperation, co-creation between teacher and child and excludes the authoritarian model of teaching. Classes are structured taking into account the child’s visually effective and visually figurative perception of the world around him and are aimed at developing environmental knowledge (knowledge about the animal world; knowledge about the plant world; knowledge about inanimate nature; knowledge about the seasons) and an environmentally correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects.

The problem of environmental education of a preschooler is one of the fundamental problems of the theory of education and is of paramount importance for educational work. All outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past attached great importance to nature as a means of raising children: Ya. A. Komensky saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will. K. D. Ushinsky was in favor of “leading children into nature” in order to tell them everything accessible and useful for their mental and verbal development. The ideas of introducing preschoolers to nature were further developed in the theory and practice of Soviet preschool education.

Man is a part of nature, which means it is necessary to take care of him and create favorable conditions for life and development. Planet Earth is our home, let it be clean, bright, joyful and safe!

In the development of environmental consciousness, a special place belongs to gaming activities. It is here that children develop moral standards and rules of behavior in nature. Pedagogically well organized play activity allows you to achieve the fullest self-expression of children, the activity of their actions, which agree with generally accepted norms and rules of knowledge of the surrounding nature.

Through communication, observation, experimentation, play, environmental and other activities, the child acquires useful personal experience. He must feel his own ability to explore the world, interact with it, understand what he observes, correctly express his opinion, voice his feelings. Indicators of such activity are: emotional perception of the natural environment; balanced independence in behavior; skills for practical life in the natural environment, dignity in relation to its components; possession of self-defense means, ability to overcome difficulties.

As a result of systematic work in the eco-mini-museum, children will develop a sustainable interest in learning about inanimate and living nature and the need to communicate with it, as well as develop solid knowledge for their further upbringing and education.

The system of work on raising the ecological culture of preschool children is compiled in accordance with the requirements and includes the main forms of education for children: developmental, plot-role-playing, theatrical, moving types of games and educational activities, experimental and design activities, productive artistic and aesthetic activities, modeling, based on the interests of the child and the prospects for his further development. The developed GCD complex allows children to plunge into the natural world through the work of a mini-museum and its exhibits.

Thus, an important way of environmental education of children is an organized, purposeful perception of nature, which helps to deepen environmental knowledge. Communication with nature means a lot for the comprehensive development of a personality that would combine spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.

M. M. Manaseina believed: “... when raising children from 1 to 8 years old, one should always remember that, first and foremost, they should, as fully and better as possible, become accustomed to the world around them. Consequently, they do not need fairy tales, but facts and facts, observations and experiments.”

Formation of the beginnings of ecological culture of preschool children

The formation of the principles of ecological culture of preschoolers is an extremely pressing problem of the present time: only an ecological worldview, the ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of a catastrophic state. Increased attention to environmental problems in the world, on the solution of which the future of humanity and each person depends, became the reason that prompted us to reconsider the content of environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions.

Based on this, I set myself the goal: Formation of an ecological culture in children of primary preschool age, the ability to understand the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment and the ability to live in relative harmony with nature. To achieve the goal, I identified the following tasks: 1. To give the first guidelines in the natural world, in the world of plants and animals as living beings, to form basic knowledge about plants, animals and natural phenomena.

4. Develop an emotionally friendly attitude in the process of communicating with living objects, the ability to correctly interact with nature, and interest in the world around us. The youngest preschooler is a tireless worker. He is constantly ready to engage in any productive work - sculpting, cutting, drawing. And at the same time he is not yet ready to listen long stories teacher about what he cannot yet perceive. His world is the world of “here and now.” The child’s thinking is visual and figurative in nature. He is already able to move from manipulating objects to manipulating ideas about them in the internal plane. At the same time, his cognitive sphere is still focused on the real objective world that directly surrounds the child at the moment. Specially organized activities contribute to the accumulation of ideas about the natural world: individual representatives of the animal and plant world, natural materials. At the same time, the task of “laying the foundations of a careful and caring attitude towards the environment” is closely related to the development of the child’s creative attitude towards the natural world. The child should develop an active position, a desire to change something around him for the better (start small: do not throw garbage on the street). Let children feel that even their feasible, seemingly insignificant actions determine what the world around them will be like. The child must understand his responsibility for the state of the environment.

I would like to note the fact that few of the children admired the blooming flowers. Sometimes there was a feeling that children treated living objects of nature as inanimate objects. Sometimes they are delighted at the sight of a flower or a butterfly and at the same time can crush an ant running along the path. This indicates children’s weak, superficial knowledge of nature and its objects.

Why does an emotionally responsive child have so much coldness and indifference? Isn't it from us, adults? After all, sometimes adults themselves are examples of environmental illiteracy: dad broke a branch and brushes away mosquitoes; sees the children swinging in the trees and turns away indifferently. Parents, having a certain amount of knowledge about environmental behavior, often themselves do not follow the rules of behavior in everyday life and nature.

Preparatory stage of work: it is important to provide an ecological subject-spatial environment in the group and immediate environment. At the same time, guided by the following main criteria: suitability of objects for the age of children, safety for life and health, unpretentiousness in terms of maintenance and care.

Developing a methodology for conducting Direct Educational Activities to form an environmental culture in younger preschoolers, I give preference to visual methods (observation, examination of visual and illustrative material). To do this, together with our parents, we collect thematic pictures: “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Seasons”, “Insects”, “Plants”, etc. I also actively use the practical method (work, play). I use verbal methods (storytelling, reading fiction). These are literary works that capture the beauty of nature as well as its inhabitants. First of all, these are Russian folk tales: “The Turnip”, “The Ryaba Hen”, “The Gingerbread Man”, “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, as well as for kids: S. Marshak “The Mustache-Striped”; V. Suteev “Who said meow”; A. Block “Bunny”; In Charushin “Wolf”, “Hare”, “Fox”, etc. The assimilation of knowledge about nature with the help of a game that evokes a child’s experiences, an emotional response, cannot but influence the formation in them of a careful and attentive attitude towards objects of plant and animal world.

In our work we use didactic games.

For example: “Wonderful bag”, “Find and name”, “Guess by the description”, “What has changed? "

Assignment games: Simpler in content, shorter in duration. They are based on actions with objects, toys, and verbal instructions. These games are interesting for their diversity. Kids like to perform actions with objects (for example, vegetables: carrots and turnips, which are brought to them by characters or heroes of fairy tales: the Little Bear loves turnips, he needs to collect them in his basket, and the Bunny needs to collect carrots. In the game, kids reinforce the name of vegetables and the ability to distinguish between them and provide sensory characteristics.

Game "Useful - Unuseful." Cards with images of products. Place what is useful on one table and what is not useful on another. Healthy: porridge, kefir, onions, carrots, apples, cabbage, sunflower oil, pears, etc. Unhealthy: chips, sausage, chocolate candies, cakes, Fanta and so on. Riddle games: They are based on testing knowledge and resourcefulness. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, and develops the ability to reason and draw conclusions.

Subject games. For example: “Find a tree by leaf”, “Test by taste”, “Find the same one by color”, etc.

Word games. These are games like “Name who flies, runs, jumps? ", "When does this happen? ", "Necessary - not necessary", etc.

Outdoor games of an environmental nature. For example: “Mother hen with chicks”, “Mice and cat”, “Sun and rain”, etc.

Travel games: designed to enhance the impression and draw children’s attention to what is nearby. They sharpen observation and demonstrate overcoming difficulties. These games use many ways to reveal cognitive content in combination with gaming activities.

For example, games: “Journey to a fairy forest,” “Visiting a bunny,” etc.

Construction games with natural materials. Children of primary preschool age learn to observe, analyze and draw conclusions about the world around them. I also use elementary object activities to find answers to questions, for example: is it possible to pick up water? What about the stone? Through experience, children can learn the properties of objects and natural phenomena (playing with sunbeams, watering from a watering can, the results of the interaction of one object with another (sand - water, connections that arise between objects and phenomena (dry sand does not mold, wet sand does). In children Cognitive interests began to manifest themselves more clearly, questions arose: why, why, where?The children’s mental activity began to manifest themselves more actively, their answers became more and more detailed.

For effectiveness and consolidation of results, interaction with parents is very important. Parents and children participated in such projects as: “Bird Feeder”, funny “pots for seedlings”, photo albums “Pets”, “Favorite Houseplants”. Expansion of collections of thematic pictures.

Children receive a large amount of knowledge. Children develop elementary ideas about some plants and animals, the distinctive features of their appearance, and pronounced characteristic features. Ideas about domestic animals and their importance in human life are expanding, children learn to communicate correctly with them and care for them. Interest in the phenomena of living and inanimate nature is actively developing. Children learned to take part in protecting the environment, to be attentive to people and to treat plants and animals with care, and to establish simple relationships in the world around them.

IN further work I plan to: -continue organizing regular environmental activities (winter feeding of birds, creating conditions); -improving the area for walks: holding clean-up days with the participation of parents, landscaping (flower beds, planting shrubs); -creating and using homemade books and albums based on impressions from literary works and observations of natural objects (onion growth table, card index of experiments; -working with the nature calendar, recording seasonal natural phenomena with denoting signs.

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“Formation of the ecological culture of preschoolers”

In today's life, when the entire biosphere is permeated with human activity, an important task of society is to form an ecological culture of the younger generation from a very early age. The sooner we begin to introduce young children into the world, the more successful they will be in developing a culture of communication with the world of plants and animals.

And it is necessary to begin to form the ecological culture of preschoolers in kindergarten from the moment children arrive in the first junior group.

Many scientists and teachers of preschool education emphasize that the best condition for the formation of cognitive activity in preschool age is a special organization of observations and targeted guidance or from the teacher.

Meanwhile, despite the visual-figurative nature of preschoolers’ thinking, we consider it necessary to acquaint them not only with the visible and tangible connections and relationships that exist in nature, but also with the hidden causes of natural phenomena. It is important to give the child not only the joyful surprise of a naturalist, but also to introduce him to the inquisitive analysis of a naturalist.

In accordance with this, we have clearly defined the goal of our work on the formation of an ecological culture in preschoolers: nurturing the correct attitude directly towards nature itself, towards the people who protect and create it, the formation of an attitude towards oneself as a part of nature.

In our work we set the following MAIN TASKS:

1. To give the first guidelines in the natural world, in the world of plants and animals as living beings, to form basic knowledge about plants, animals and natural phenomena.

2. Develop sensory skills: identify, distinguish and name the properties of objects and materials perceived by different analyzers.

3. To form a conscious attitude towards nature, the people who protect and create it, as well as an attitude towards oneself as a part of nature.

4. Develop an emotionally friendly attitude in the process of communicating with living objects, the ability to correctly interact with nature, and interest in the world around us.

In our work we highlight the following COMPONENTS:

a) formation of the beginnings of environmental knowledge and skills;

b) development of environmental thinking;

c) the formation of the beginnings of a holistic orientation in the world;

d) education of the beginnings of environmentally justified behavior.

In our work we follow the principles of developmental education, consistency, seasonality, age targeting, integration, coordination of our activities with other teachers and kindergarten specialists, continuity of interaction with the kindergarten child and family.

We associate the formation of an ecological culture among younger preschoolers primarily with specific subject-natural environment: plants, animals (communities of living organisms), their habitat, objects made by people from materials of natural origin.

At the preparatory stage work, we identify the conditions created in kindergarten for environmental education, and work to create an ecological subject-development environment in the group and immediate environment. At the same time, we are guided by the following main criteria: suitability of objects for the age of children, safety for life and health, unpretentiousness in terms of maintenance and care.

At one of the first stages work we identify the level of formation of the foundations of ecological culture. The monitoring system allows us to analyze the environmental ideas of preschoolers and plan further stages of work.

Planning is carried out in several directions:

a) teacher - children;

b) teacher - parents - children;

c) teacher - kindergarten specialists.

Both frontal, microgroup, individual, and Direct Educational Activities are possible. For more successful assimilation of the material, we use various forms of GCD:

a) initial informational;

b) generalizing;

c) integrated.

To practice preschool work included such forms of work as project activities - “Love and know your native land”, action - “Friends of Nature” (greening flower beds), “Christmas tree - green needle” (in defense of fir trees), etc.

When developing a methodology for conducting Direct Educational Activities to develop an ecological culture among younger preschoolers, we give preference to visual methods (observation, examination of visual and illustrative material), as well as practical ones (work, play). We use verbal methods (story, reading fiction).

In the life of preschool children, and especially younger preschool children, the main practical method is play. We use educational games in our work.. For example: “Wonderful bag”, “Find and name”, “Guess by the description”, “What has changed?”

Subject games. For example: “Find a tree by leaf”, “Test by taste”, “Find the same one by color”, etc.

Word games. These are games like “Name who flies, runs, jumps?”, “When does this happen?”, “Necessary - not necessary,” etc.

Outdoor games of an environmental nature. For example: “Mother hen with chicks”, “Mice and cat”, “Sun and rain”, etc.

Travel games. For example, “A Journey to a Fairytale Forest,” “Visiting a Bunny,” etc.

Construction games with natural materials.

We teach children of primary preschool age to observe, analyze and draw conclusions about the world around them. We also use elementary object activities to find answers to questions, for example: is it possible to pick up water? What about the stone?

Through experience, children can learn the properties of objects and natural phenomena (playing with sunbeams, watering from a watering can), the results of the interaction of one object with another (sand - water), connections that arise between objects and phenomena (dry sand does not mold, wet sand does). Children's cognitive interests began to manifest themselves more clearly; questions arose: why, why, where? The children’s mental activity began to become more active, and their answers became more and more detailed.

Children receive a large amount of knowledge. Children form elementary ideas about some plants and animals of their native land, the distinctive features of their appearance, and pronounced characteristic features.

Ideas about domestic animals and their importance in human life are expanding, children learn to communicate correctly with them and care for them. Younger preschoolers' ideas about the inhabitants of a living area expand, and a desire to care for them appears.

Interest in the phenomena of living and inanimate nature is actively developing. Children learned to take part in protecting the environment, to be attentive to people and to treat plants and animals with care, and to establish simple relationships in the world around them.

Working with children younger age to form an ecological culture, we rely on their sensory perception and sensory development, widely use the simplest experimentation, elements of modeling, solving simple situations, collecting, a variety of gaming, verbal and visual methods. This allows us to build a system for developing an environmental culture among younger preschoolers and achieve certain results in our work.

In future work, we plan to use non-traditional forms, such as the laboratory of a young meteorologist, environmental debates.

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“Formation of ecological culture in preschool children”

People, look around!

She needs the care of your hands,

So that her beauty does not fade.

B. Ryabinin

Relevance and prospects of experience

The relationship between man and nature is an extremely pressing issue of our time. Disruption of the natural balance, deterioration of the condition of water, air, land, formed as a result of industrial activities and as a result of the low level of environmental culture and environmental awareness among the majority of the population, threaten the health and lives of people, especially children.

Forming the right attitude towards nature must begin long before a person becomes an adult. The idea of ​​introducing a person to nature, to its knowledge, has deep roots.

Outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past J. J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi, K. D. Ushinsky saw nature as a powerful source of knowledge. It is necessary to show children the uniqueness, beauty and universality of nature.

We must protect nature not because it gives us something, but because it is valuable in itself. Preschool childhood is a crucial period of a person’s life, when the foundations of a correct attitude towards the world around them are laid.

Nature constantly surrounds a child and enters his life very early. The baby begins to get to know her before he utters his first words. During walks in nature, you can comprehensively develop a child and cultivate many positive qualities in him.

It is known that the understanding of nature is first born as a feeling, primarily as an aesthetic feeling, since nature is the basis of beauty, the source of painting and music. Therefore, a person who has truly felt and understood in his heart the beauty of nature will protect and protect it as a source of joy and happiness.

Based on FGT to the structure of the basic general education program, new aspects of the problem of environmental education and the formation of children’s environmental culture are explored.


A concept is a system of views on a phenomenon, a system of leading ideas on a certain issue, its global consideration.

The conceptuality of my experience is determined by the following fundamental principles and techniques:

The principle of the regional component (studying the nature of the native land), which allows:

To form concepts in children based on direct observations and study of objects and environmental phenomena;

Use the information available to children so that they apply their knowledge in a variety of practical activities;

Solve the problems of educating moral and patriotic feelings;

Create favorable conditions for self-expression, when each child has the opportunity to express his or her individuality.

The principle of scientificity and accessibility of concepts:

At each stage of work with children, initial ideas are deepened, saturated with content, gradually turning into concepts that form elementary environmental knowledge.

The “spiral” principle is necessary so that children, returning to certain concepts and ideas, go upward from year to year, deepening and expanding them. It should be noted that preschool children are characterized by short-term interests, unstable attention and fatigue. Therefore, in my work I also use the principle of integration, which allows me to combine all educational work into one whole.

Availability of a theoretical basis of experience

Improving the quality of work is impossible without studying the experience of famous thinkers and teachers who have contributed to preschool pedagogy.

Thus, most thinkers and teachers of the past attached great importance to nature as a means of raising children: Ya. A. Kamensky saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will. K. D. Ushinsky was in favor of “leading children into nature” in order to tell them everything accessible and useful for their mental and verbal development.

The ideas of L. S. Vygotsky, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, B. T. Likhachev, who attached great importance to moral and environmental education, contributing to the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, helped determine the right path to fostering an ecological culture.

Currently, a significant number of programs have been created in Russia aimed at the environmental education of preschool children and the formation of their environmental culture.

Program by E. Ryleeva “Discover yourself.” Involves the personal development of the child. Provides for the development of natural science concepts and environmental culture in children.

Of great importance in the environmental education of preschoolers are programs aimed at establishing the principles of ecological culture through knowledge of the ecological laws of nature. This program by N. A. Ryzhova “Nature is Our Home” is aimed at educating humane and creative personality a child 5–6 years old, with a holistic view of nature, with an understanding of man’s place in it. The program provides for the development in children of the first skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior in nature, skills of practical participation in the environmental activities of their region.

Program by S. Nikolaeva “Young Ecologist”. This program was created on the basis of our own Concept of environmental education for preschoolers. It includes, as it were, two subprograms, thereby simultaneously solving the issue of the formation of the principles of ecological culture in children and its development in the adults raising them (after all, the teacher is the bearer of ecological culture).

The following teaching aids provided invaluable assistance in the work: - N.V. Kolomina “Education of the fundamentals of environmental culture in kindergarten”; Z. F. Aksyonova “Enter nature as a friend”; V. N. Chernyakova “Ecological work in preschool educational institutions”; L. G. Kireeva, S. V. Berezhnova “Formation of ecological culture of preschool children”; E. A. Sveshnikova “Use of entertaining material on environmental education of preschool children”; L. M. Potapova “For children about nature”; V. A. Shishkina, M. N. Dedulevich “Walks in nature” and others.

Leading pedagogical idea

My pedagogical idea is the formation of an ecological culture in preschool children. The formation of the principles of ecological culture is the formation of a consciously correct attitude directly towards nature itself in all its diversity, towards the people who protect and create it, as well as towards the people who create material or spiritual values ​​based on its wealth.

It is also an attitude towards oneself as a part of nature, an understanding of the values ​​of life and health and their dependence on the state of the environment. The main goal of this pedagogical idea is the formation of a person with new ecological thinking, the ability to understand the consequences of his actions in relation to the environment and who knows how to live in relative harmony with nature, as well as the education of an active and creative personality. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been identified:

Develop a cognitive interest in the natural world;

Direct the active activities of the preschooler towards conscious conservation of nature;

To form such moral qualities of the personality of preschoolers as kindness, compassion, attentiveness;

Instill labor natural history skills;

Provide environmental education to parents through parent corners, participation in environmental events.

Optimality and effectiveness of funds

In my work I effectively use the following forms of working with children:

Cycles of observations of plants in a corner of nature;

Targeted walks, excursions, play-based learning situations using toys, dolls and literary characters;

Games with environmental content;

Verbal discussions and playing out situations;

Reading literature with natural history content;

Conducting experiments and experiments with sand, clay, water, air;

Ecological holidays;

Making herbariums of tree leaves and medicinal herbs;

Making crafts from natural and waste materials;

Integrated classes.

Effectiveness of experience

The effectiveness of the experience lies in the joint activities of the teacher and students. I believe that as a result of such activities I achieved the realization of my goal. Children develop a cognitive interest in natural objects.

As a result of the knowledge gained about objects of living and inanimate nature, children developed labor skills. Children learned the basics of a careful and caring attitude towards living nature. Mastered the norms of behavior in the natural environment.

We learned to evaluate the actions of other people in relation to nature. This work also helped me establish contact with the families of the students.

I share my results on the topic “Formation of environmental culture in preschoolers” at teacher councils; at the regional methodological association of educators, an integrated lesson on the topic “Wintering birds of our region” was shown, and I gave a report on the topic “A system for monitoring the achievements of children in mastering the program.” She spoke at the republican scientific and practical conference on the problem of “Updating the content of preschool education in the context of the implementation of FGT to the structure of the educational program of preschool education” on the topic “The role of observations in the formation of environmental knowledge of preschoolers.”

Possibility of replication

She took part in the development of an educational and methodological manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Integrated classes in preschool educational institutions.” The manual includes a summary of the integrated lesson “I love the Russian birch tree.”

The presence of a reasonable number of applications that clearly illustrate the main forms and techniques of working with students

The main forms and methods of working with students are set out in the following set of documents:

Perspective and thematic planning of educational activities;

Educational plans educational work with kids;

A system for monitoring children’s achievement of the planned results of mastering the Program;

Self-education plan;

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The concept of ecological culture of older preschoolers

Ecological culture is one of the new areas of preschool pedagogy, which differs from the traditional one - introducing children to nature.

One of the main goals of environmental education is the formation of an ecological culture, by which we understand the totality of environmentally developed consciousness, emotional, sensory, and activity spheres of the individual.

Ecological culture is an integral part of a person’s general culture and includes various types of activities, as well as the human ecological consciousness that has developed as a result of this activity (interests, needs, attitudes, emotions, experiences, feelings, aesthetic assessments, tastes, etc.).

A young age is most favorable for the development of the foundations of ecological culture, the formation of the ecological worldview and consciousness that determines it, and moral and ethical standards of behavior. At this age, a person is most receptive to the ideals of beauty, harmony, emotional unity with living and inanimate nature, a sense of camaraderie and collectivism, spiritual development and self-knowledge, informal perception of the world, and high moral ideals.

The child feels other people’s pain, acutely perceives the injustice of his own and others’ actions, strives to imitate fair deeds and actions. The sensitive and easily receptive psychology of a young person connects the material and spiritual worlds together. Without such reunification, the education and development of an ecological worldview and consciousness is impossible.

Senior preschool age is an important stage in the process of developing the foundations of environmental culture. During this period, a qualitative leap occurs.

To a large extent, the determining process of the development of an individual’s ecological culture, which is further expressed in the formation of a conscious attitude towards the world around the child. In the fact that he begins to distinguish himself from the environment, overcomes in his worldview the distance from “I am nature” to “I and nature”, the emphasis shifts to the formation of relationships with himself (what am I? Why am I praised or scolded? ) and to the immediate social environment - peers, adults.

In older preschool children, interactions and relationships with the natural and social environment exist on an unconscious basis. Children do not separate themselves from the objects and subjects of the surrounding world; they feel themselves to be a natural part of nature, an organic unity with it.

Direct object-object, interobject relationships are formed between the child and the subject of the environment. A child of senior preschool age is open to perceiving and appropriating the ecological rules of these relationships, turning them into his habits, into part of his nature. This age is most favorable for environmental impact.

The development of the foundations of ecological culture in older preschoolers can be considered as a specific “subculture” of a certain social group.

A child receives an amount of knowledge of the basics of environmental culture appropriate for preschool age in the family, kindergarten, and through the media. The influence of the family on the development of the beginnings of the child’s ecological culture is determined by the attitude of its members to the surrounding nature and general culture. The role of the kindergarten in this regard is determined by the personal and professional qualities of teachers and the conditions of education.

Based on the activity approach in the structure of development of the fundamentals of ecological culture in children of senior preschool age, the following components can be distinguished:

Ecological culture

Activities in nature: Ecologization of consciousness:

- perception of nature; - needs, attitudes,

skills, abilities; - emotions, experiences, feelings;

Environmental activities. - aesthetic and ethical

It is advisable to consider eco-consciousness, which is formed in the process of activity, as the axis of individual ecological culture. Elements of environmental consciousness that appear in preschool age are still indicative in nature.

A child's environmental consciousness gradually increases if his interest in nature is stimulated. Activities awaken the child’s feelings and evoke empathy. It is important that the child can evaluate human behavior in nature and express his opinion on this problem.

In older preschool age, elements of the foundations of a child’s ecological culture become more clearly evident: interest in nature, in certain types of activities, emotional reactions, more conscious assessments of people’s behavior in nature, and the ability to make a motivational assessment of behavior in nature is formed.

For children of senior preschool age, the following elements of environmental consciousness are most characteristic:

  • the need to communicate with nature. This is the starting point for the development of the foundations of the child’s ecological culture (he does not yet separate himself from nature);
  • aesthetic and ethical feelings that communication with nature evokes (various emotional shades, positive or negative).

Another condition for the development of the foundations of children’s ecological culture is the need to put them in search situations so that they actively, creatively, independently gain experience and master the world around them. The foundations of ecological culture can only be laid in the process of communication with nature and with pedagogically well-organized activities. It is important that the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities contributes to the development of the foundations of environmental culture, and is not an end in itself.

A pedagogically appropriate model for the development of the foundations of ecological culture in older preschoolers is integration activity, in which the child’s personality qualities are realized with the necessary completeness.

In the process of developing the foundations of ecological culture in older preschoolers, three stages can be roughly distinguished, based on a personalized attitude to the awareness of nature as an independent value:

To another;

To nature.

The main criteria for growth should be the experience gained by the child in interacting with the outside world and the following manifestations of the moral and ecological position of the individual (indicators of environmental education):

Mastering the norms and rules of environmentally sound interaction with the outside world, transforming a significant part of them into the child’s habits;

The presence of a need to acquire environmental knowledge, focusing on its practical application;

The need to communicate with representatives of the animal and plant world, empathy with them, showing kindness, sensitivity, mercy towards people, nature, caring attitude towards everything around them;

Taking initiative in solving environmental problems of the immediate environment.

The named indicators of the formation of a person’s moral and ecological position are characteristic of any age, but at each age stage the level of their formation is different, the content of each of the indicators and the forms of their manifestation are different.

A child graduating from a kindergarten is characterized by the following indicators of the formation of the foundations of environmental culture:

  • shows interest in objects of the surrounding world, living conditions of people, plants, animals, tries to assess their condition from the position of “good - bad”;
  • willingly participates in environmentally oriented activities;
  • reacts emotionally when encountering beauty and tries to convey his feelings in accessible forms of creativity (story, drawing, etc.);
  • tries to follow the rules of behavior on the street, in transport, while walking, etc.;
  • shows readiness to provide assistance to people, animals, and plants in need;
  • tries to control his behavior and actions so as not to harm the environment.

It is during the preschool period that the child’s connection with the leading spheres of existence is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal human values. The foundation of health is laid.

Preschool childhood is the time of the initial formation of personality, the formation of the foundations of self-awareness and individuality of the child.

The development of the foundations of ecological culture is the result of education, which is expressed in the individual’s ability to achieve harmonious relations with the world around you and yourself.


1. Nikolaeva S.N. We cultivate love for nature from childhood. – M.: “Mosaic-Synthesis”, 2002.-112 p.

2. Owen D. F. What is ecology? – M.: Lesn. industry, 1984.-184 p.

3. Diary of a teacher: development of preschool children./Ed. Dyachenko O.M. - M.: NOU Training Center of L.A. Wenger “Development”, 2001.-141p.

4. Kolomina N.V. Education of the fundamentals of ecological culture in kindergarten. - M.: TC Sfera, 2004.-144p.

5. Environmental education of preschool children: A practical guide./ Ed. Prokhorova L.N. – M.: ARKTI, 2003.-72p.

Pedagogical conditions for the formation of ecological culture in preschool children.

Final qualifying work

Introduction 3
Chapter 1. The process of forming the ecological culture of preschool children. 7
1.1. The essence of ecological culture. 7
1.2. Formation of the foundations of ecological culture as one of the tasks of educating preschool children. 15
1.3. Contents of ecological culture of preschool children. 21
1.4. Means and methods of developing an ecological culture. 25
Chapter 2. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of ecological culture in preschool children. 34
2.1. The developmental environment and its role in the formation of the ecological culture of preschool children. 34
2.2. Inclusion of preschool children in environmental activities as a condition for the formation of environmental culture. 37
2.3. Interaction between preschool educational institutions, children and parents as a condition for the formation of ecological culture in preschool children. 40
Chapter 3. Study of the formation of ecological culture of older preschoolers in the conditions of a modern preschool educational institution. 46
Conclusion. 54
Bibliographic list. 57
Applications. 60


On our planet in Lately There are serious violations of the mechanisms of self-regulation of systems at different levels, halfway up to the biosphere. The reasons for this are seen, among other things, in the environmental illiteracy of a person who relates to the world around him as a consumer and takes an anthropocentric position in relation to nature. That is why the tasks of changing a person’s worldview and environmental development children seem to be a priority.

As practice shows, despite significant progress in environmental education of the population, the level of environmental culture of most people remains insufficiently high.

Therefore, in the current circumstances, it is of great importance environmental education children of preschool age, and the last two decades have been the period of formation of the environmental educational space and the development of new concepts - “ecological consciousness”, “ecological thinking”, “ecological culture”.

Long-term study of environmental problems in preschool education allowed researchers to define the concept of environmental culture. According to I.D. Zvereva, I.T. Suravegina, the ecological culture of the individual is built on the basis of understanding the laws of living systems and respect for life, and its main indicator is social and individual responsibility for events occurring in nature and people’s lives.

A. A. Parakhin (2001) defined the ecological culture of an individual as “a set of views, knowledge and beliefs that reflect the “society - nature” system and are aimed at a reasonable, prudent attitude towards it, active action in its defense, and, consequently, the formation ecological consciousness." At the same time, the conditions under which the formation of an ecological culture occurs most effectively have not yet been clearly identified.

Consciously - the correct attitude is developed under the condition of close contact and various forms of interaction of the child with the plants and animals in his environment. This is where a specific feature of environmental education for preschoolers emerges - the child’s direct contact with objects of nature, “live” communication with nature, observations and practical activities to care for them, and comprehension of what he saw in the process of discussion with adults. Cooperation, thanks to which mutual understanding, sympathy and harmony develop, so necessary in the formation of an ecological culture, can most effectively be manifested by repeated joint activities of an adult and a child, united by the achievement of a common goal. During this process, an adult, in a developing ecological environment, “forms in children basic scientific knowledge about nature, maintains interest in understanding the world around them, teaches them to see the wonderful in the ordinary, and the unusual in the familiar. In a word, it puts in the minds of children the feeling of the world around them as home,” writes T. Zenina (2000).

Target This work is to study the pedagogical conditions that influence the process of formation of the ecological culture of children of senior preschool age.

Object of study - formation of ecological culture of preschool children.

Item - pedagogical conditions for the formation of ecological culture in children of senior preschool age.

Hypothesis- the process of forming an ecological culture in preschool children will be effective if a number of conditions are met, namely:

1) creation of a developing ecological environment;

2) inclusion of the child in the environmental activities of preschoolers;

3) interaction with parents.

We set the following tasks:

1) Reveal the essence, content, means and methods of forming the ecological culture of preschool children.

2) Consider the formation of the foundations of ecological culture as one of the tasks of educating preschool children.

3) Identify pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of an ecological culture in preschool children.

4) Compose taking into account the selected conditions long-term plan environmental and pedagogical work with children of senior preschool age.

In the process of working on the problem, theoretical research methods were used: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, methodological documents, modeling. Empirical research methods were used: testing, questionnaires. A comparative analysis of the results was carried out.

The research was carried out at preschool educational institution No. 10 “Skazka” in the city of Belovo with children of the senior group.

When writing thesis We used the following concepts.

Environmental education of preschool children is an introduction to nature for preschool children, which is based on an ecological approach, in which the pedagogical process is based on the fundamental ideas and concepts of ecology.

(Nikolaeva S.N.)

Ecological knowledge is information about the relationship of plants and animals with their environment, their adaptability to it, “about man as a part of nature”; on the use of natural resources, environmental pollution, etc.

(Nikolaeva S.N.)

The ecological culture of a person is a set of views, knowledge and beliefs that reflect the “society - nature” system and are aimed at a reasonable, prudent attitude towards it, active action in its defense and the formation of environmental consciousness.

(Parakhin A.A).

An ecological worldview is a product of education; its formation occurs gradually over many years of a person’s life and learning.

(Nikolaeva S.N.)

Ecological space is a small area or separate room occupied by natural objects and having a specific functional purpose.

(Nikolaeva S.N.)

The environment (developmental subject) is a system of material objects of a child’s activity, functionally modeling the content of his spiritual and physical development.

(Novoselova S. A.)

Chapter 1. The process of forming an environmental culture

1.1. The essence of ecological culture

Environmental problems and the need to overcome them have given rise to a new direction in education - environmental. It is necessary to take into account that environmental education is not a part of education, but a new meaning and goal of the modern educational process - a unique means of preserving its development of humanity and the continuation of human civilization. (Yagodin G., 2001)

The next two decades are a period of formation of the ecological space, when the search for effective methods and conditions of education is carried out, technologies for teaching and educating children and youth are created. This is evidenced by the Recommendations of the parliamentary hearings “Problems of environmental education and training in Russia dated September 22, 1998.” Among which are the following:

Develop a unified national strategy for environmental education and awareness, taking into account the continuity of different stages of education and awareness, the specifics of various educational institutions and structures;

Consider environmental education of preschool children to be a priority link in the system of continuous environmental education, a necessary condition for the sustainable development of the country, development and improvement of continuity between all spheres of social development of the individual (family - kindergarten - school - university - professional activity);

Develop recommendations for the creation of training programs, educational projects, educational and methodological materials, models of environmental education in the system of training and retraining of personnel: educational, additional, professional additional education; environmental education of the population.

Due to the worsening environmental problems, they have become the center of attention of various organizations and the media. At the moment we are talking about general environmental education, since its goal is to form an individual’s environmental culture.

As Sitarov V.A (2000) notes, culture is usually defined by contrasting it with natural phenomena, since “one of the most important manifestations of culture is the imprint of the conscious activity of the subject, in contrast to the natural existence of natural bodies.” However, in reality, in the process of the evolution of society, their increasing interpenetration and interdependence arises.” Culture is a manifestation of conscious activity; it “characterizes the degree of freedom of the subject in relation to natural and social necessity.”

Elena Kuznetsova
Formation of the foundations of ecological culture in preschool children.

Subject: « Formation of the foundations of ecological culture»

We are all children of nature. And from an early age a person must get to know it and certainly learn to love, protect, use it wisely, and be a truly creative, and not destructive, part of the world. Children look at the world around them with great interest, but they don’t see everything, sometimes they don’t even notice the main thing. And if there is a teacher nearby who wonders with them, teaching them not only to look, but also to see, the children will want to learn even more.

A child’s perception of nature is sharper than that of an adult, and he feels stronger, since he comes into contact with nature for the first time, and his interest in it grows. By maintaining and developing this interest, a kindergarten teacher can instill in children many positive personality traits.

Preschool childhood - First stage formation of human personality. During this period it is laid basics of personal culture. the main objective environmental education as a means of child development preschool age - the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture: the child’s correct attitude towards nature, his surroundings, towards himself and people as part of nature, towards things and materials of natural origin that he uses. This attitude is based on basic knowledge ecological nature.

Ecological education is a new direction preschool pedagogy, which differs from the traditional one - introducing children to nature.

Ecological Education is carried out in kindergarten through the entire pedagogical process.

Realization of the goal comes through solving the following tasks:

Clarification and deepening of knowledge about plants, animals, natural phenomena,

-formation knowledge about vital conditions for humans, animals and plants (nutrition, growth, development)

Development of a humane, emotionally friendly and caring attitude towards the environment,

-formation needs to take care of the cleanliness of his group,

Familiarization with natural factors affecting human health,

-form the habit of rational use of water,

Developing the ability to interact correctly with the outside world (elementary rules of behavior in nature,

Develop cognitive interest in the world around us,

-form aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world.

To achieve the goals and objectives of this section, it is envisaged to follow principles: consistency, seasonality, age targeting, integration, coordination of teachers’ activities, continuity of interaction with the child in conditions preschool and family.

Systematic and consistent acquaintance with the world around us develops speech, memory, thinking, imagination and contributes to the comprehensive development of the child.

In my work with children I use various forms and methods.

At the age of 4-5 years the game is still main activity of children. The game objectively combines two important factor a: on the one hand, children are involved in practical activities, develop physically, and on the other, they receive moral and aesthetic satisfaction from this activity, deepening their knowledge of their environment.

IN environmental education of preschool children I use a variety games: didactic, subject, desktop-printed, verbal, mobile, creative, construction, plot-role-playing. In the process of didactic games, children clarify, consolidate, and expand their existing ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, and animals. Games give children the opportunity to operate with natural objects themselves, compare them, and note changes in individual external features.

Children really like object games "Children on a Branch". The purpose of this game is to consolidate children's knowledge about leaves, fruits, trees and shrubs, learning to select them according to their belonging to the same plant.

I also use word games in my work with children. Word games are games whose content is a variety of knowledge that children have and the word itself. I use these games to reinforce children’s knowledge about the properties and characteristics of certain objects. In some games, knowledge about nature is generalized and systematized.

In my correctional group I use mobile games: "Birds", "Shepherd and Sheep", "Chicks and the Hawk", "Sly Fox", "Crucian carp and pike", "Snowdrift, icicle, blizzard". These games had a beneficial effect on their all-round development.

In role-playing games, children love to travel and organize games: "Trip to the Exhibition", "Expedition to Africa", "Excursion to the Zoo", "Journey to the Sea", "A Trip to the Village".

Among the various methods environmental In education, the leading place is given to observation.

Observation is the result of meaningful perception, during which the child’s mental activity develops. The systematic use of observations in getting to know nature teaches children to look closely, notice its features and leads to the development of observation skills. On the territory of our kindergarten there are various trees and shrubs, where I organize daily observations of nature. To consolidate knowledge about the floors of the forest, I suggest playing the game "Who lives where?". I try to expand and clarify children’s understanding of plants: trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, garden plants, meadows, forests.

Starting from the younger group, I systematically plan and conduct targeted cyclic observations of living objects while walking (cats, dogs, birds, I cultivate a caring attitude towards the animal world. I continue to introduce children to folk signs. I teach them to draw conclusions about relationships and interdependencies in nature.

“Late leaf fall means a dry, long winter”

“Winter is frosty - summer is hot”

I use nature calendars as a method environmental education of children. The calendar helps to understand the connections in nature.

Children's work in nature.

In the fall, I involve children in collecting seeds for transplanting flowering plants from the ground to a corner of nature, collecting leaves for group bouquets, environmental cleanup days.

In winter, we shovel snow to the tree trunks, grow green food, and feed the birds on the site, using feeders made together with our parents.

In the spring, children participate in sowing seeds, transplanting seedlings, and working in the garden. This year cabbage was grown on the plot. Children enjoy planting and watering vegetables. crops. Children are proud of the harvest they harvest in the fall.

Every summer, flowers bloom in our flower beds, which we plant with our children, care for them, and admire their beauty.

In a corner of nature, children perform duty duties. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the life of animals and plants depends on how a person properly cares for them.

Proverbs and sayings are used.

“Man works - the earth is not lazy”

“The matter was hastily done for fun”

The children in my group know the basic rules of caring for plants and animals, know their structures, habits, and purpose; what benefits do certain animals provide?

In an organized mini laboratory, experimentation is widely used.


Children's experimentation has enormous developmental potential. Its main advantage is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects and the environment.

Experimentation provides the child with the opportunity to find answers to questions himself. "How" And "Why?", allows the child to model a picture of the world in his mind, based through your own experiments, allows you to feel like a scientist, researcher, discoverer.

I continue to expand children's knowledge about natural resources. Forming the habit of wisely using water, soil, paper, conducting various conversations: "Let's save the forest"(Organized collection of waste paper, "Origin of household waste" (Crafts from waste materials). I explain that it is clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter. I consolidate knowledge about the properties of natural materials (clay, stone, wood and others). In the process of experimentation, children develop memory, attention, thinking, and imagination.

In order to enrich children's knowledge in their work on environmental For education, I use fiction with natural history content. A library of books about nature has been created, which presents stories: I. Sokolova-Nikitova, M. Prishvin, V. Bianki, G. Skryabnitsky, N. Sladky, B. Zhidky.

In the process of getting to know the environment, I introduce wild animals and their habits (brown bear, hare, fox, etc., consolidating knowledge through games "Hunters", "Spread the Animals", "Find out by description". I expand my knowledge about domestic animals, amphibians, mushrooms, and indoor plants. Didactic games were held to consolidate knowledge « Autumn leaves» , "Gather the Harvest", "Tops-Roots", “Who eats what?”

Information, which children receive scientifically, is reliable, and at the same time, accessible to their understanding.

At the end of each season I organize exhibitions of art work at environmental themes: "My favourite flowers", "Autumn" etc.

I try to give children as much knowledge as possible about their native land, about the Republic of Bashkortostan. Children know about the existence "Red Book" Republic of Bashkortostan.

Thus, formation of the foundations of ecological culture in preschool children age – will help instill in them a caring attitude towards nature, assimilate the norms and rules of the world around them.

The child’s need to communicate with living nature will help to show sensitivity and kindness in them. And the aesthetic sense of beauty and understanding of nature will force us to take the initiative that is so necessary in our time in preserving our beautiful and vulnerable surrounding world.

Ecological education and upbringing should be carried out gradually, unobtrusively, without a touch of compulsion, systematically and systematically, using all types of activities, but always with pleasure and sincere interest, both for children and for the teacher.

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Professional retraining program: “Education and preschool pedagogy”


On the topic: “Formation of environmental culture in children of senior preschool age”


Head: Ph.D., Avtionova Natalya Vladimirovna

Kaluga 2016


Conclusion on Chapter I

2.2 Testing and implementation of a program for the formation of environmental culture in children of senior preschool age

Conclusion on Chapter II




The relevance of research. An urgent problem for humanity is the interaction of man with nature. Man and nature... Philosophers, poets, artists of all times and peoples have paid tribute to this eternal and always relevant topic.

But, perhaps, it has never been as acute as in our days, when the threat of an environmental crisis, and perhaps a catastrophe, hangs over humanity, and the problem of greening human material and spiritual activity has become a vital necessity, one of the conditions for preserving what is common to all us at home - the Earth.

The problem of environmental education of the younger generation arose, first of all, in connection with the careful study by modern scientists of the interaction between human society and nature. The severity of this problem is due to the real environmental danger caused by human activity in nature, the growth of industrial production, the use of natural resources without taking into account environmental and biological laws, and the intensive growth of the planet's population.

Analyzing the features of the interaction between human society and nature, scientists came to the conclusion that in modern conditions it is necessary to ensure a transition to a new type of connection between society and nature - scientifically based and humanistically oriented; humanity must take care of preserving the natural environment, natural for its habitat and survival. Such a transition is possible only if a new, humanistic orientation of man towards nature is formed.

Modern problems of human relations with the environment can be solved only if they develop environmental literacy and culture, understand the need to implement the principles of sustainable development, this has given rise to a new direction in education - environmental.

The most favorable period for solving the problems of environmental education is preschool age.

A small child experiences the world with an open soul and heart. And how he will relate to this world, whether to learn to be a zealous owner who loves and understands nature, to perceive himself as part of a single ecological system, will largely depend on the adults participating in his upbringing.

Environmental education is important for preschool children. At this age, the foundations of a person’s worldview and ecological culture of the individual are laid; this is part of spiritual culture. Environmental education of children, therefore, is a purposeful pedagogical process.

An environmentally educated personality is characterized by a developed ecological consciousness, environmentally oriented behavior and activity in nature, a humane, environmental attitude.

The result of environmental education is the ecological culture of the individual. The components of the ecological culture of the personality of preschoolers are basic knowledge about nature and its environmental orientation, the ability to use it in real life, in various activities, in games, work, and everyday life.

One of the keys to successful environmental education is the creation of an atmosphere that promotes the development of emotional sensitivity and responsiveness of children.

The relevance of the study is caused by the aggravation of the contradiction between the objective need to study the characteristics of environmental education of children of senior preschool age and the insufficient attention to such education by teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Object of study: the process of forming the ecological culture of children in a preschool institution.

Subject of research: the formation of environmental culture in children of senior preschool age.

Purpose of the study: to analyze the features of environmental education of children of senior preschool age in pedagogy, to develop and test a program for the formation of environmental culture in preschool children.

In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of the study, the following research objectives are formulated:

1. Study and analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic;

2. Objectives and content of environmental education for preschool children;

3. Analyze modern technologies for environmental education of preschool children; .

4. Develop a program for the formation of environmental culture;

5. Test and implement a program for developing an environmental culture among older children.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of the following scientists: Venger L.A., Sukhomlinsky V.A., Zalkind E.I., Markovskaya M.M., Veretennikov S.A., Nikolaeva S.N. , Fedorova T.A., Samorukova P.G. and etc.

To solve the problems, the following research methods were used: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalization, specification), empirical - observation, qualitative and quantitative methods, diagnostic techniques.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that research work Theoretical material on the problem of forming an ecological culture in preschool children was generalized and systematized, and environmental education programs were analyzed. The paper presents the experience of pedagogical work on the formation of the ecological culture of preschool children in preschool educational institutions, which can be used by preschool educational institutions teachers in their practical activities.

Research base. The study was conducted on the basis of MDOU No. 56 "Ryabinka" in the city of Podolsk, older students took part in the study, the number of subjects was 20 people.

Work structure. This final work consists of an introduction, two chapters, chapter-by-chapter conclusions, a conclusion, and a list of references.


1.1 The concept of ecological culture in psychology and pedagogy

Currently, society is closely faced with the problem of environmental education. Consideration of the theory of environmental education must begin with a definition of its essence. It can be considered that environmental education is an integral part of moral education. Therefore, environmental education is the unity of environmental consciousness and behavior harmonious with nature. The formation of environmental consciousness is influenced by environmental knowledge and beliefs. The problem of environmental education is also relevant for preschool children.

L.P. Molodova believes that environmental education of preschool children is, first of all, the education of humanity, i.e. kindness, a responsible attitude towards nature, towards the people who live nearby, and towards descendants who need to leave the Earth suitable for a full life.

L.I. Egorenkov gives a definition of environmental education for preschoolers - this is the acquisition by each person of a sense of nature, the ability to delve into its world, its irreplaceable value and beauty, the understanding that nature is the basis of life and existence of all life on Earth, the dialectical inseparability and interdependence of nature and person.

T.A. Fedorova believes that environmental education of preschool children is the formation, on the basis of environmental knowledge, of a careful and caring, consciously correct attitude towards nature, which should be manifested in the behavior of children.

N.A. Ryzhova notes that environmental education of preschoolers is the formation of a holistic view of nature and man’s place in it.

Ivanova A.I., Kolomina N.V., Kameneva L.A., and others dealt with the problems of environmental education and development of appropriate behavior in nature among preschoolers. In their works, these scientists reveal the purpose, objectives, principles and conditions of environmental education of preschoolers.

The psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the problems of environmental education of preschool children is reflected in the works of V.P. Goroshenko, S.N. Nikolaeva, V.A. Yasvin. and others.

Traditional approaches to domestic pedagogy (V.A. Sukhomlinsky) are based on close contact of children with nature, naturalistic observations, and excursions. This approach implied, on the one hand, the development in the child of moral principles, the ability to see the beauty of nature, feel and understand it, on the other hand, the development of cognitive interest, viewing nature as a universal object for teaching the child. So, V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized the great possibilities of using nature for mental, moral and aesthetic development, and recommended expanding a child’s knowledge of nature and communication with it.

The names of these and other famous Russian teachers are closely associated with the formation in preschool institutions of our country of such a traditional direction of work as familiarization with the surrounding world and nature. This direction creates a good basis for the transition to environmental education of children and should be closely connected with it.

A person's greatest benefit occurs at an early age. It is at an early age that it is easier for him to instill some useful ideas and correct shortcomings. And this is proven by the principle of conformity to nature. All born beings are such that they learn more and more easily at an early age.

Back in the 17th century, Jan Amos Comenius drew attention to the natural conformity of all things, i.e. that all processes in human society proceed similar to the processes of nature. He developed this idea in his work “The Great Didactics”. The epigraph to this book was the motto: “Let everything flow freely, without the use of violence.” Comenius argued that nature develops according to certain laws, and man is a part of nature, therefore, in his development, man is subject to the same general laws of nature.

Jan Amos Comenius derived the laws of training and education based on the laws of nature. Wax molds more easily if it is hot. Uneven tree trunks can be corrected if the tree is small.

In The Great Didactics, Comenius put forward the following principles:

- nature does not mix its actions, it performs them separately, in a certain order;

- nature begins each of its formations with the most general and ends with the most isolated;

- nature does not make leaps, but moves forward gradually;

- Having started something, nature does not stop until it completes the task.

At a young age, general education is given, then it deepens over the years, since “every formation of nature begins with the most general and ends with the most special.” That is, Comenius derived didactic principles, justifying them with examples from nature. For example, the principles of gradualism and learning from the general to the specific are substantiated here.

As we see, Jan Amos Komensky noticed the very essence of the question of the relationship between nature and man. Already in those days, the teacher derived the most important ecological position about the connection between man and nature, about their inseparability from each other.

Creating a new relationship between man and nature is not only a socio-economic and technical task, but also a moral one. It stems from the need to cultivate an ecological culture, to form a new attitude towards nature, based on the inextricable connection between man and nature.

The main goal of environmental education is the formation of environmental culture - a set of environmental consciousness, environmental feelings and environmental activities.

Therefore, familiarization with nature is one of the means of comprehensive development and education.

Ecological culture determines the ways and forms of relationships between people and the environment. In its essence, environmental culture is a kind of code of conduct that underlies environmental activities. Ecological culture consists of environmental knowledge, cognitive, moral and aesthetic feelings and experiences predetermined by interaction with nature, environmentally appropriate behavior in the environment.

Academician B.T. Likhachev considers ecological culture as a derivative of ecological consciousness. It should be built on environmental knowledge and include a deep interest in environmental activities, its competent implementation, and a wealth of moral and aesthetic feelings and experiences generated by communication with nature.

Contact with the natural human environment begins at an early age. It is then that the beginnings of an individual’s ecological culture are laid. This process should be based on psychological characteristics preschoolers. Among the latter, increased emotional sensitivity and immaturity of the cognitive and volitional spheres are important. In relation to nature, the child does not differentiate his “I” from the surrounding world, does not distinguish the boundary between “human” and “non-human”; In him, the cognitive type of relationship predominates (what an object feels like, tastes) compared to the emotional-sensual and practical-effective.

The psychological characteristics of preschool children’s attitude to nature determine the pedagogical strategy for forming the foundations of their ecological culture.

Ecological culture is the education of an emotional aesthetic culture, which includes: awakening in children interest in nature, plants, animals, and themselves; mastering basic natural history knowledge about plants and animals; introducing the child to elementary work to create favorable conditions for the life of living beings, forming elementary ideas about nature as the greatest value, understanding its inviolability, instilling in the child an elementary sense of responsibility for all living things.

It is necessary to teach children in time to love a corner of their native land and all nature as one big home. Without this, the child will never become a Human. And people, according to V.I. Vernadsky, it is imperative to learn to live, think and act not only in the aspect of an individual, family or clan, states and their unions, but also on a planetary scale.

A child’s competence in the field of “Nature” is a necessary condition for the formation of a holistic personality. Information about nature is of great importance in the formation of environmental culture initiatives. General approaches to the formation of personality through the sphere of life “Nature” are: an ecological direction, the education of a versatile harmonious personality focused on recreating the ecological culture of society, an integrated approach that involves the development of the sensory sphere, the assimilation of a certain range of knowledge and the mastery of practical skills.

Preschool childhood is the initial stage of the formation of a person’s personality and his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude towards nature, towards “ man-made world", to yourself and to the people around you. Therefore, environmental education acts as a complex pedagogical process. Knowledge of the basics of ecology is the most important component of environmental culture developed in preschoolers.

Taking into account all of the above, we can say that the education of environmental culture in preschool children is an important, necessary area of ​​the theory of education and training, the relevance of which is dictated by modern conditions.

1.2 Objectives and content of environmental education for preschool children

Children are always and everywhere in contact with nature. In order for them to correctly perceive natural phenomena, it is necessary to guide the process of children’s perception of it. In accordance with the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten”, in the process of introducing children to nature, educational and educational tasks are solved, which are inextricably linked. Namely:

- in mental education - education in children of knowledge about inanimate nature, about plants, animals and protozoa, accessible to the sensory perception of children, the connections between them, objects and natural phenomena;

- in sensory development - improvement of analyzers, accumulation of sensory experience in children, which is the basis for subsequent generalizations, formation of elementary natural history concepts.

The natural world around us is rich, beautiful and infinitely diverse. Introducing a child into this world, revealing its beauty, uniqueness, teaching to love and care for nature is the task and duty of adults: parents, teachers, writes L.A. Kameneva. She also claims that introducing children to nature is one of the main directions in the educational work of the kindergarten.

The trend towards deterioration of the ecological state of our planet and the need to overcome environmental problems have given rise to a new direction in education - environmental.

All outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past attached great importance to nature as a means of raising children.

K. D. Ushinsky also attached great importance to nature; he was in favor of “introducing children into nature” in order to tell them everything accessible and useful for their mental and verbal development. The ideas of K. D. Ushinsky opened up further development in the works of E. N. Vodovozova, E. I. Tikheeva, who paid a lot of attention to nature as a means of mental education for preschool children.

E.N. Vodovozova reveals the role of observation as the most accessible means of familiarizing young children with objects and phenomena of the surrounding nature. In her opinion, observation for children provides rich food for the development of the child's mind and aesthetic feelings.

E.I. Tikheyeva saw nature as a means of sensory education for children. Indeed, nature, as an inexhaustible source of forms, colors, sounds, can be widely used for the purpose of sensory education of preschool children.

A comprehensive study of issues of sensory education of preschool children in productive activity, carried out under the leadership of A.G. Usova, showed that training and the appropriate organization of visual activities, design, work in nature, and didactic games have an effect in the sensory development of the child. Preschoolers consistently and purposefully learn the properties of objects - shape, size, color, density, etc., corresponding to perception skills.

Thus, according to almost all outstanding teachers, familiarization with nature plays a huge role in mental, aesthetic and moral development, Sensory education is the main means of raising children and their comprehensive development. Sensory education is a very important component, because knowledge about nature, creatures, and plants will be better learned when the child is asked not only to look at an object of living or inanimate nature, but also to touch, stroke, and examine it. Then the child, based on the experience gained, will be able to learn the material much better. In this case it works cognitive process- perception - orienting the child in the flow of signs affecting him. The more analyzers are connected (auditory, visual, toctile), then in the process of obtaining new information, its assimilation will be more successful.

Currently, in accordance with the adopted Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education, approaches to environmental education are also changing. Provided by the specified requirements educational field“Cognition” includes cognitive and research activities aimed at mastering knowledge about the surrounding world, including nature. Its study influences the attitude towards the natural world, the development of skills to interact with natural objects without harm to living beings. Thus, environmental education of preschool children occupies a unique niche in the general system of the “Cognition” area.

In the content of environmental education, an important place is occupied by the idea of ​​the unity of man and nature, which involves the formation of ideas about nature and man, the ways of their interaction.

The goal of environmental education for preschoolers is to form the beginnings of ecological culture, the basic components of personality, allowing in the future to successfully acquire in the aggregate the practical and spiritual experience of interaction between humanity and nature, which will ensure its survival and development. Its manifestations can be very diverse: emotional responsiveness to the state of animals and plants; interest in natural objects; the desire to interact positively with them, taking into account their characteristics as living beings; desire and ability to care for living things.

The development of an environmentally educated personality is possible when solving developmental, educational, educational tasks in accordance with the age of the children.

One of the tasks of environmental education is to form in the child an idea of ​​man not as a master, conqueror of nature, but as a part of nature that depends on it. It is necessary to eradicate the consumer attitude towards nature.

Features of environmental education for children of senior preschool age are:

Active activities of older preschoolers for the conscious conservation of nature;

Humane and value-based attitude towards nature;

Love for flora and fauna;

Formation of environmental knowledge, culture and attitude towards nature.

1.3 Modern technologies for environmental education of preschool children

ecological culture education preschool

The effectiveness of environmental education for preschool children depends entirely on the creation and proper use of a developing ecological environment, as well as on systematic work with children. Their development and increase in the level of environmental awareness is possible as a result of the creation of technologies for all age groups and their introduction into the pedagogical process of kindergarten.

Technology is a system of environmental education that contains a number of interrelated and detailed activities planned for the entire academic year. Technology is the methodological support of the program, specifically implementing its main ideas and provisions. As a result of the use of technology at the end of the year, the level of environmental education of children increases, which is established using a special diagnostic examination. Several technologies can be developed for the same program, which differ in the set and nature of specific pedagogical activities, their combination throughout school year, but which necessarily implement the leading ideas of the program.

Environmental education of children of senior preschool age, along with similar education of younger preschoolers, can completely change people’s attitudes towards nature. However, for this, preschool institutions must show a certain persistence and consistency in educating the younger generation.

The concept of environmental education for preschool children is not new at all. Back in the 1950s, Soviet child psychologists presented a theory about the need to create a system of interrelated knowledge that would reflect the patterns of processes occurring in nature. The fertile basis for the perception of such a system should have been visual-figurative thinking, which predominates in preschool children.

Methods of environmental education for preschool children are based on the joint activities of the children being taught and the teacher himself. The teacher introduces his students to nature using:

1. Visual methods: looking at illustrations, observation, watching films, transparencies. It is believed that these methods are most effective in the case of preschoolers, since they correspond to their cognitive capabilities, fixing in their minds specific - very vivid - ideas about nature

2. Practical methods: modeling, games, simple experiments. With their help, children begin to understand the relationship between natural phenomena and individual objects, thus systematizing their knowledge and transferring it into the practical sphere of activity.

3. Verbal methods: conversations, reading books, memorizing poems, improvised and prepared stories from children and/or the teacher. Their main function is to expand knowledge about nature, as well as the formation of a positive attitude towards it.

Full-fledged environmental education and education of preschool children implies the widespread use of all the above methods. In each individual case, the choice of appropriate methods and their combination with other elements of environmental education is determined by the teacher. In this case, the age of the children and the essence of the phenomenon or natural object being studied in a particular lesson must be taken into account. Impromptu lessons are allowed, when the object of observation is what is currently surrounding the children, but preliminary preparation of the lesson, supported by illustrations and live examples, is considered more effective.

Didactic forms of environmental education for preschool children are quite diverse, which allows the teacher to comprehensively cover the topic, and the children to reliably fix the issue being studied in their memory.

These include the following types of educational process:

1. Classes are the leading form of organizational work that makes it possible to comprehensively familiarize preschoolers with the features of natural phenomena. When using this form of environmental education, the teacher has the opportunity to systematize children’s knowledge about the environment, taking into account the local natural environment and the age of the children. Classes can be primary introductory, generalizing, in-depth cognitive and complex.

2. Excursions and hikes are the most interesting and educational educational activities for children. Education of environmental culture in preschool children, carried out using these forms, allows you to simultaneously solve such problems as health improvement, education, and the development of new moral and aesthetic qualities. In addition, excursions and hikes give children planning skills, since outings into nature or visiting nature reserves and parks require advance thought and careful preparation. The most rational way to organize such events is in different time year, so that children can compare and analyze the changes occurring in nature. The leading method of environmental education in this case will be observation, which is the main task of the teacher to guide and correct.

3. Ecological holidays and leisure time - cause in children the formation of a positive emotional response to any natural phenomena, which subsequently affects the development of the personality as a whole. As a result, such problems of environmental education of preschool children as negative associations and subjective assessment of the environment are effectively solved through the use of these forms of environmental education. Holidays, as a rule, are dedicated to the change of seasons, but may well be associated with other special events - March 8, harvest, ice sculpture festival, New Year, Easter, etc. The positive emotions received by preschoolers in the process of environmental celebration are firmly fixed in the child’s mind and in the future allow them to develop constructive rather than destructive relationships with the environment. The only caveat is that such holidays and leisure activities should be held regularly, and the material on which their program is based should be familiar to children.

4. Experiencing nature in everyday life - usually occurs during daily walks. It belongs to the basics of environmental education of preschool children, as it is accessible to the perception of even the smallest of them. Children really love this form of environmental education, because... it involves direct contact with natural materials or living objects - sand, water, leaves, fruits, pets, etc. Thanks to properly structured walks, preschoolers accumulate certain experience, develop observation skills and get great pleasure from communicating with the environment. This form of environmental education also includes the work of older preschoolers in the vegetable garden and flower garden.

Elementary search is a joint work of children and a teacher aimed at solving cognitive problems that arise in the process of educational activities or everyday life. Modern technologies of environmental education for preschool children involve the widespread use of elementary search in working with children, since this allows them not only to acquaint them with the features of nature, but also to gain practical logical thinking skills that directly affect the result of search activity. The success of using this form of eco-education depends on the techniques chosen by the teacher to enhance the active perception of children. Assignments must be age-appropriate for preschoolers and be carefully prepared and thought out. The most interesting options for children are basic search options, designed in the form of quests.

Environmental education of preschool children involves:

-awakening and consolidating in the consciousness of a humane attitude towards the environment within the framework of moral education;

-creation of a specific system of ideas and knowledge about ecology within the framework of intellectual development;

-emphasis on the ability to see the beauty of nature, express one’s admiration for it, and aesthetic perception of reality;

-involving children in environmental activities that are feasible for them (caring for plants and animals, conservation and protection of nature).

The peculiarities of environmental education of preschool children are due to the fact that this age belongs to the self-valuable stages of the development of human environmental culture. It is during this period that the foundations of personality are laid and the formation of a positive attitude towards the surrounding world and nature begins. At the same time, the baby begins to separate himself from the environment, showing an emotional and value-based attitude towards it. That is why knowledge about certain norms and rules of interaction with nature, empathy for it and an active interest in solving certain environmental problems are so relevant for preschoolers.

The main practical activity of kindergarten teachers within the boundaries of eco-education of preschoolers is the preparation of materials and equipment for the full implementation of all methods and forms of the program. In particular, the development of presentations on environmental education for preschool children that would be of interest to both adults and children. In addition, the teacher’s responsibilities include drawing up plans for working with groups of children, organizing hikes, excursions and open classes. Also, the educator must carefully consider the strategy of the environmental education program, taking into account the age of his students and their ability to perceive and implement certain elements of environmental education. Thus, maximum efficiency of interaction between the teacher and children is achieved.

Properly organized environmental education of preschool children in kindergarten makes it possible to form the initial concepts of environmental culture, which include a reasonable and humane attitude towards natural phenomena and objects. In addition, children develop their intellectual and creative abilities, learn to analyze, conduct experiments and draw conclusions. And most importantly, preschoolers have a desire not only to constantly communicate with the outside world, but also to express their impressions in various types activities. However, it is impossible to achieve such a result without additional attitudes formed outside the children's educational institution.

Conclusion on Chapter I

The main purpose of environmental education is to form the ecological culture of preschool children.

The goal of environmental education for preschool children is to educate the individual in the initial forms of ecological culture. This goal is specified in a set of interrelated tasks, the solution of which involves: the formation of a system of scientific environmental knowledge that is understandable to a preschool child; development of cognitive interest in the natural world; formation of initial skills and habits of environmentally literate behavior that is safe for nature and for the child himself; nurturing a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the world around us; developing a sense of empathy for natural objects; mastering basic norms of behavior in relation to nature, developing skills for rational environmental management in everyday life; the formation of the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it, etc. The implementation of the tasks of environmental education of preschool children ensures the development of various components of environmental culture as a complex integral education of the child’s personality.

The content of environmental education for preschoolers can be realized through a combination of different forms of interaction between the teacher and children:

-direct instruction (classes, excursions, observations on walks, elementary search activities), in which the teacher takes an active position, solving educational problems;

- partnership activities of the teacher with children and children with each other outside of class (different types of games, productive activities), in which the tasks of expanding cognitive interests, developing feelings, thinking, and the ability to plan activities are solved;

-independent activity of the child’s choosing, developing abilities for creative self-expression, practicing methods of activity.


2.1 Development of a program for the formation of environmental culture in children of senior preschool age

All outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past attached great importance to nature as a means of raising children: Ya. A. Komensky saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will.

The ideas of introducing preschoolers to nature were further developed in the theory and practice of Soviet preschool education in articles and methodological works (Vodovozova E.N., Sukhomlinsky V.A., Zalkind E.I., Veneger L.A., Volkova E.I., Gennings and others). A major role was played by the work of leading teachers and methodologists, whose focus was the formation of observation as the main method of getting to know the environment, accumulating, clarifying and expanding reliable information about nature (Veretennikova S.A., Makhaneva M.D., Ryzhova N.A. Arsenyeva V.P., etc.).

It is at the stage of preschool childhood that the child receives emotional impressions about nature, accumulates ideas about different forms of life, i.e. the fundamental principles of ecological thinking and consciousness are formed in him, and the initial elements of ecological culture are laid. But this happens only under one condition: if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, show the little person the beautiful world of nature, and help establish relationships with him.

In this regard, in the 90s, a significant number of programs were created in Russia aimed at environmental education of preschoolers. A number of psychologists have created original programs that present the psychological aspects of environmental education for preschool children.

A. Veresov’s program “We are earthlings” aims to develop elements of environmental consciousness in children; it demonstrates the universal interconnection of nature, man and his activities.

E. Ryleeva’s “Discover Yourself” program was created on the basis of the author’s concept, which involves the individualization of a child’s personal development. The program provides for the development of natural science concepts and environmental culture in children; the initial forms of environmental consciousness are formed through the cycle of lessons “The World Not Made by Hands.”

N.A. Avdeeva and G.B. Stepanova created a program for environmental education and upbringing of older preschoolers “Life around us”, the center of which is the personal development of the child. Children receive environmental information; on an emotionally positive basis, they develop a caring and responsible attitude towards living nature.

The “Gossamer” program by Zh. L. Vasyakina-Novikova develops planetary thinking in children: a reasonable attitude towards the world and towards themselves as an inhabitant of the Earth. Children form an idea of ​​the world according to four parameters: “where I live” (environment), “how I live” (behavior and responsibility), “who I live with” (neighbors on the planet, relationships with them), “when I I live" (interaction in time). Ecological ideas about the value of nature and its unity with man, about the vital manifestations of humans, plants and animals help to develop empathy and sympathy in children, which are then transformed into assistance.

The creative search of teachers and psychologists in a number of programs is aimed at developing in children an aesthetic attitude towards nature and the world around them.

The program by V.I. and S.G. Ashikov “Seven Flowers” ​​is aimed at the cultural and environmental education of children, the development in them of the beginnings of spirituality, a rich, creative, self-developing personality. The authors believe that how a child learns to think and feel the natural world around him, how he perceives the values ​​of world culture, determines how he will act and what actions he will perform. The program involves joint creative activities of children and adults in kindergarten, children's studios or in the family. In the process of learning, preschoolers acquire a broad outlook and a moral attitude towards the world around them. The basis of the program is the perception of beauty in nature, in man-made creations and in man himself, his inner world and creative deeds. The program has two basic themes: “Nature” and “Man”. The theme of nature includes not only its four kingdoms on Earth (minerals, plants, animals and humans), but also extends beyond the planet - into near and far outer space. The second topic examines the human creator of folk and national heroes, devotees of world culture who entered the chronicles and left a good mark on the Earth.

T. A. Koptseva’s program “Nature and the Artist” combines the formation of ideas about nature as a living organism in children 4-6 years old and the development of their creative activity. Using the means of fine art, the author solves the problems of environmental and aesthetic education of children, introduces them to world artistic culture. The blocks of the program - “The World of Man” and “The World of Art” - through a system of creative tasks, develop in preschoolers an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world, as well as their own creative skills and abilities

This group also includes N. A. Ryukbeil’s “Sense of Nature” program, intended for the education of preschoolers 4-6 years old in additional education institutions. The goal of the program is to develop, through the emotional sphere, a cognitive interest in nature and a desire to communicate with it. Children study for three years, and at each stage new tasks of their upbringing, education and development are solved. The overall result is a stable interest in nature, a desire to communicate with it and creative expression children in various types of artistic activities. The peculiarity of the program is its organization in each lesson, which lasts two academic hours, children are “immersed” together with the teacher in a cozy atmosphere through various types of activities (communication with living objects of a corner of nature, viewing slides, listening to music, creative activity of the children themselves - drawing, writing fairy tales, theatricalizing literary works, etc.). At each lesson (twice a week), the teacher achieves “emotional concern” for each child; it is the sense of nature that should become the basis for further environmental education of children at school. The educational plan of the program is closely related to the aesthetic one: children are taught to see the beauty of plants and animals as a result of their remarkable adaptability to their environment. In the last year of study, children receive a very wide range of ideas about the Universe, planet Earth, the life of primitive and modern people Children are shown the beauty of the world and taught to love it.

Of great importance in the environmental education of preschoolers are programs aimed at establishing the principles of ecological culture through knowledge of the ecological laws of nature.

N. A. Ryzhova’s program “Nature is Our Home” (1998) is aimed at raising a humane, socially active and creative personality of a 5-6 year old child, with a holistic view of nature, with an understanding of man’s place in it. In accordance with the program, children receive ideas about the relationships in nature, which help them acquire the beginnings of an ecological worldview and culture, a responsible attitude towards the environment and their health. The program provides for the development in children of the first skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior in nature and everyday life, skills of practical participation in environmental activities in their region.

The “Our Home is Nature” program consists of ten blocks. Each includes educational and educational components - knowledge about nature and the development in children of various aspects of attitude towards it (caring care, the ability to see beauty, etc.) Half of the program (five blocks) considers the area of ​​​​inanimate nature (water, air, soil, etc.) , three blocks are devoted to living nature - plants, animals and the forest ecosystem, two - to the interaction of man with nature. The program has methodological support - development for creating a developmental environment in a preschool institution, recommendations for introducing children to water and air. A valuable aspect of the program is that the author draws attention to waste, which large quantities produces humanity, and which constitute real danger for the nature of the planet. Methodological recommendations provide for an emotional impact on children; the author has written environmental fairy tales, invented “letters to animals”, and created the environmental project “My Tree”. N.A. Ryzhova’s program continues in elementary school.

One of the first in the 90s was S. Nikolaeva’s “Young Ecologist” program, created on the basis of her own Concept of environmental education for preschool children. "Young Ecologist" includes two subprograms - an environmental education program for preschoolers, a professional development program preschool workers in the field of environmental education of children, i.e., at the same time, the issue of establishing the beginnings of environmental culture in children and its development in adults raising them is being resolved (after all, the educator, who is the bearer of environmental culture the most important condition child development). The program has a thorough theoretical and experimental justification and is focused on a personal approach to the child and his comprehensive development.

The content of the program reflects a biocentric view of nature, traces the relationship of the organism with the environment in various aspects as natural manifestations of the morphofunctional adaptability of favorite plants and animals to the environment, as a change in the forms of the adaptive relationship of the organism with the environment in the process of its ontogenetic development, as the similarity of different living beings living in a homogeneous environment. These issues can be resolved if there are children in the living space (indoors and outdoors). section of the preschool educational institution) in sufficient quantities of the objects of nature themselves - plants and animals. The environmental education program for children contains six sections. The first is objects of inanimate nature, which are considered both in themselves and as components of the living environment of living beings. It is shown that without water, air, soil, the life of plants, animals and humans is impossible, that planet Earth, unlike other planets solar system, has the full range of necessary conditions for life in all its forms. The last section is devoted to man - he considers him in three aspects as a living being in need of favorable conditions, as a user of nature and as its guardian. Sections from the second to the fifth are the knowledge of the actual environmental laws (the life of plants and animals in their habitat and in the community); these laws can be interestingly learned already at preschool age in order to understand them, become familiar with them in your behavior and live according to them on Earth . Ecological knowledge is not an end in itself, it is only a means of developing an attitude towards nature, which is built on an emotional and sensory basis, demonstrated by the child in various types of activities.

Recently, there has been an intensive creative process in the regions of Russia. Teachers and ecologists are developing programs for environmental education for children, taking into account local natural and social conditions, national traditions (in St. Petersburg and the region, in Yakutia, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Nizhny Novgorod, the Far East, Lipetsk, Sochi).

An example is the program “Enduring Values ​​of Nature” by E. V. Pchelintseva-Ivanova, as well as the regional program of preschool education in the Stavrapol region “Planet of Childhood”, in which the program “ABC of Ecology” and its scientific justification are presented in the natural science ecological block (author L I. Grekova).

Thus, a review of a number of environmental education programs for preschool children demonstrates the great creative activity of specialists - understanding of the environmental problems of the planet, the need to solve them, the value of nature and life on Earth in all its manifestations, the need to change the strategy and tactics of humanity’s behavior on the planet, the ways of its interaction with nature . And this requires intensive environmental education for all people, starting from preschool childhood.

Systematic training in the classroom is an important means of educational work with preschool children.

Modern preschool pedagogy attaches great importance to classes. They have a positive impact on children, contribute to their intensive intellectual and personal development, and systematically prepare them for school. Currently, the improvement of classes continues in various aspects: the content of training is expanding and becoming more complex, forms of integration are being searched different types activities, ways to introduce play into the learning process, search for new (non-traditional) forms of organizing children. Increasingly, one can observe a transition from frontal classes with the entire group of children to classes with subgroups and small groups. This trend ensures the quality of training: individual approach to children, taking into account the characteristics of their progress in acquiring knowledge and practical skills. In the environmental education of children, classes perform a very specific and very important function: the sensory ideas children receive on a daily basis can be qualitatively transformed - expanded, deepened, combined, systematized.

There are main types of environmental classes, which are fundamentally different from each other in didactic tasks, logic of construction, process of organization and implementation: classes of primary familiarization, in-depth cognitive, generalizing and complex types.

Primary-introductory classes. During the preschool period, a significant proportion of initial environmental information about various aspects of natural life and human activity is transmitted to children in primary orientation classes. Most often, these classes are aimed at introducing children to species of animals, plants, their living conditions and habitats, which are not represented in the immediate natural environment and cannot be known through observation.

The main components of such classes are various demonstration and teaching aids, allowing children to form clear and correct ideas. The topics of the classes can be domestic and wild animals, inhabitants of the forest and the north, the tundra and hot countries, the pond and the sea, as well as the activities of people on an agricultural farm, in forestry, in the field of environmental management and nature conservation. In classes of this type, children get acquainted with the appearance animals and plants, learn to recognize them, learn about their habitat, adaptability to it, seasonal life, and various behavioral features.

Children learn in such classes through looking at pictures and talking. Often their components also include reading children's literature, looking at illustrations, watching a filmstrip or slides, and telling the teacher about all types of activities of this type. The verbal method of environmental education acquires paramount importance - the success and quality of children’s perception of new images depends on the teacher’s words (his questions, explanations, their system and sequence). Understanding the connection between events and the connection between objects depends on clarity. The thoughtful and planned word of the teacher organizes the content of classes and ensures a successful learning outcome.

Primary orientation classes with older preschoolers are much more difficult than classes in other age groups. With them, you can look at pictures of nature that are far from their experience, go beyond the depicted plot, look at several pictures at the same time - this is facilitated by some of the already established experience of children and the range of ideas they have.

The pictures help to form ideas about the forest ecosystem, its inhabitants, and the adaptability of forest animals to life in this ecosystem.

Pictures, slides, and videos can be invaluable in introducing children to ecosystems that are inaccessible to their direct perception - the sea, the desert, the Arctic. Visualization, combined with emotional explanations from the teacher, expands children’s horizons and forms new images about nature.

In primary-familiarization classes with children, you can examine living objects of nature.


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