My face is burned when the redness goes away. Skin burned in the sun: what to do for sunburn

Excessive exposure to the sun often results in burns of varying severity. What to do if you get sunburned and your temperature rises? How to remove redness after sunbathing?

If you are sunburnt, Panthenol and other remedies get rid of redness. Doctors give recommendations on how to provide first aid to burned people. In addition, you should figure out how long it will take for the redness to go away.

Degrees of sunburn

After long stay On the beach, the face, back, and nose are more likely to suffer. Fair-haired people are especially susceptible to burning. Under ultraviolet radiation The epidermis is damaged first, then the deeper layers. Sunburn appears varying degrees gravity:

  • Stage I – skin hyperemia;
  • In grade II, fluid-filled blisters form. Clinical picture supplemented by signs of intoxication - headache, nausea and vomiting. Then the temperature rises.

With a severe burn, a picture of heat stroke occurs. The body becomes dehydrated and blood circulation in the brain is impaired. The person falls into a state of shock with a sharp decrease in blood pressure. If help is not provided in time, the person loses consciousness. Complex therapeutic measures depends on the degree of the burn.

What to do if you get sunburned and how to relieve the burn with home remedies

Consequences of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays - dark spots. After severe burns scars remain that cannot be treated. Therefore, you need to get rid of redness immediately. Dermatologists give advice on what to do to avoid peeling after sunbathing:

  1. The main condition for treating a burn is cooling the skin so that the damage does not go down to the deeper layers. To do this, take a cool shower or place the reddened area under a strong stream of cold water for 15 minutes. Only after this do they blot with a dry towel and spray the aerosol.
  2. Do not allow the skin to dry out, which causes inflammation of the deep tissues. To do this, use home remedies - masks made from cold yogurt, sour cream, kefir. Periodically, additionally lubricate your back and face.
  3. If only your nose is burned, grated gruel from grated fresh cucumber helps.
  4. For first-degree burns of the face and nose, freshly squeezed aloe juice relieves redness. Cotton pad, moistened with juice, periodically lubricate the skin until the hyperemia disappears.

Many are waiting for summer to enjoy warm sun, but UV radiation is dangerous to health and can cause burns. A huge number of people have encountered a situation where the face turns red and worsens significantly general state.

There are several tips on how to provide first aid to a patient and remove redness to return him to normal. In addition, it is important to know prevention tips to prevent re-burning.

Causes and signs of skin redness

Many people do not follow the rules for staying in the sun, which leads to burns. In most cases, redness of the skin appears if a person long time is in direct sunlight. The most aggressive celestial body is from 11 to 16 hours. The problem arises when a person does not use protective equipment.

If you focus on the symptoms, you can distinguish two forms of burning:

  • Easy. In this case, in addition to redness of the face, there is itching, and the person also feels pain;
  • Strong. With this form, in addition to the symptoms described above, blisters, nausea, headache and dizziness. Another person often feels chills.

First aid if your face is burned

It is important to provide first aid immediately after receiving a burn to avoid serious complications.

If your face is burned, then you should use the following rules:

There are several prohibited rules that should be taken into account so as not to aggravate the situation and not provoke other problems:

  • Do not use ice to wipe problem areas. Although this will provide initial relief, this effect will be temporary. In addition, a sharp temperature change will provoke further death of the upper layer of the epidermis, which often leads to the formation of a scar and age spots;
  • It is prohibited to use alkaline soaps, tonics, scrubs, etc. when washing. Otherwise, it will only make the situation worse by deleting protective layer dermis;
  • It is prohibited to treat the skin with products that contain alcohol. The thing is that they dry out the dermis and provoke the occurrence of inflammatory foci;
  • Creams containing Vaseline are prohibited. Fats, both animal and plant origin, should not be applied to redness after the sun;
  • Never puncture blisters, as this increases the risk of inflammation and infection. This results in the formation of scars and scars;
  • It is important to ensure that the sun does not subsequently hit the problem areas.

Sunburned face: how to remove redness

If the problem is serious, then you cannot do without the help of a doctor. A treatment specialist prescribes a course of medications. This primarily concerns vitamins E, C and A. In addition, it is necessary to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antihistamines.

You can find many medications at the pharmacy that help with sunburn. They are sold in the form of spray, ointment and creams. The most popular drugs: Panthenol spray, Libyan and Olazol aerosol, Elovera and Sinaflan ointment.

It is also worth figuring out how to remove redness of the skin after sunbathing using folk remedies.

We offer several effective methods:

What kind of summer can be called successful if you don’t get out to the sea at least for a little while? Every person who reaches the coveted beach begins to sunbathe uncontrollably. And as often happens - excessive passion sunbathing may cause burns. Burns on the face can be especially unpleasant, because there is nowhere to hide them, and you want to make the most of your vacation! In addition, burnt skin, in addition to aesthetic discomfort, can also cause painful sensations, as well as itching, tightness, etc. Let's figure out what to do if your face is burned.

Burnt face, how to remove redness

1. First you need to relieve itching and pain. Moreover, this must be done immediately upon returning from the beach. First, take a shower, but only with cool water or slightly warm if necessary in order to wash off the salt and sweat. You are allowed to wash with soap, but burnt areas should be washed not with a washcloth, but with your hands. Just don't accept it hot bath, this is extremely contraindicated! A shower will immediately relieve the condition.

After water procedures, you can take anti-inflammatory medications that can reduce inflammation on the skin. You can also take painkillers, for example, aspirin, which will reduce acute pain.

2. Helping the skin itself. Burnt areas can be anointed with special creams or lotions based on aloe vera extract. On sale you can find a large number of such funds.

You can also use improvised means, for example, kefir. You just need to apply it to the “burning” skin and wait until the kefir dries. Rinse it off with cool water. The following composition is also suitable for this purpose: 2 tbsp. sour cream, tbsp. vegetable oil and one yolk.

You can make a compress with cool green tea. A mixture of tea leaves and aloe juice can also cool the skin and relieve pain. Wet a cloth with the mixture and apply to sore areas.

Juice helps a lot raw potatoes and cucumber. If you are using cucumber, you must first grate it and then apply it to your face for 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to wash off with tea leaves.

Vodka is another one great way. Just lubricate your skin with it after rinsing with water. By morning, most of the burns will have faded and only a slight tan will remain.

And finally, one more recipe: take 100 ml of boiling water and brew four tablespoons in it. oatmeal flakes. Apply the mixture warm to the burnt areas and rinse off after a quarter of an hour with cool water.

3. Maximize your intake of plain water. This way you can replenish as quickly as possible water balance body, which is extremely important for the skin. Drink fortified drinks and fruits, especially those containing a lot of vitamin C. This vitamin helps restore damaged skin cells.

Did you know that sun rays can cause allergies?

4. If you have symptoms such as chills, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, consult a doctor immediately.

5. Panthenol – universal remedy, which can serve in this case faithfully. The sooner you apply this cream, the less you will suffer. Now you know what to do if your face is burned. If your face is burned, we have already described how to remove the redness and what to do. Now it’s worth talking about the safety measures that are important to take to prevent this from happening again.

Preventing sunburn

Surely you know all this, but you, like many, did not pay attention to these rules. However, now that you have already encountered such a problem personally, we still recommend that you re-read the basic safety rules.

1. During the period from 12 to 16 hours, the sun's activity is highest. Stay at home! Relax, drink tea, cook, go about your business, but don’t lie on the beach! Many people consider this condition to be unimportant, which is why they often find themselves in a deplorable state. This is especially important for women. At this time of day, your skin will undergo increased photoaging. Do you need it?

2. Always apply before going to the beach or in the sun in general. sunscreens on open areas of the body. Please note that SPF also varies. For the first days in the sun, you need a cream with maximum protection, for example, with a factor of 40 or 50. This cream will also be useful for children if they also go to the sea. Next, when your skin gets used to it a little, use a cream with SPF 25. This is the best option. With this cream you can tan and keep your skin healthy.

3. You should apply sun cream every time after swimming! It is very important! Of course, the packaging often says that the cream is waterproof, but why take the risk?

4. After swimming, always dry yourself with a towel, as the exposure to the sun's rays through drops of water increases several times.

5. If it comes to taking medications, then carefully study the instructions. Every resort or developed beach has a first aid station. Consult your doctor there.

It is very important to understand that all these tips are appropriate only if redness appears on the skin, but not blisters or abscesses. With such burns, you should consult a doctor immediately. Be careful!

During the hot holiday season, many people are worried about what to do if they are sunburned and how to remove skin redness in a short period. Such a nuisance has happened to almost every person at least once in their life. After all, when you manage to get to the sea or get out to the river, you don’t want to stop relaxing at all.

But it is important to comply simple rules precautions so as not to ruin your vacation. Moreover, sunburn also has serious consequences, in addition to discomfort and a burning sensation. There are also categories of people who are completely prohibited from sunbathing or who should take serious protective measures to protect themselves from trouble.

What is the danger of the sun?

At the beginning of the summer season, unprepared skin is quickly exposed to the aggressive effects of the sun's rays. And with a long stay on the beach, the first parts of the body that suffer are the nose, arms, shoulders, legs and face. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, epidermal cells are damaged, and then the destruction reaches the deeper layers of the skin.

But the sun also has benefits. Under its influence, vitamin D is actively produced, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems, helps absorb calcium and improves immunity. 15 minutes a day is enough for this. And only with a longer stay on the beach does the benefit turn into harm.

The biggest danger of sunburn is the risk of cancer. Doctors found that after five cases of burning in early age The chances of developing melanoma increase to 80%! Also, with strong exposure to the sun, you can get dehydration, heat stroke, infection of the wound surface, etc.

Scientists identify burn symptoms depending on the degree of damage:

  1. The first is that a person feels a burning sensation, the skin itches, and slight redness is noticeable. Apart from some discomfort when touching the burnt area, no serious signs are observed.
  2. Second, the skin becomes very red and becomes blistered with fluid inside. You may have a headache and a rise in body temperature.
  3. Third, more than half of the skin is destroyed. In this case, serious changes occur in the structure of the deep layers of the dermis.
  4. Fourth – dehydration occurs, problems appear in the functioning of the heart, kidneys and others internal organs, decreases arterial pressure. The person loses consciousness and falls into a state of shock. Without timely medical assistance, death can occur.

It is important to remember that if symptoms of the third and fourth degree of damage appear, you should urgently consult a doctor or call " ambulance" If it concerns a child, then it is not enough just to remove the redness, and if there are blisters or fever, be sure to show the baby to a specialist.

It also happens that your butt burns in the sun if you sunbathe for a long time while lying on your stomach. Then, to all the described unpleasant sensations, there is added the fact that it hurts to walk. Therefore, it is advisable to protect such sensitive areas with clothing or special creams.

Who should avoid the sun?

Doctors especially warn the following population groups against sunbathing:

  • women during pregnancy;
  • babies under 1 year of age;
  • aged people;
  • those who take different medications– especially dangerous in in this regard antibiotics, corticosteroids and antidepressants, as they increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation;
  • as well as those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, neurological disorders, tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, etc.

Children and people with snow-white skin should be especially careful when sunbathing. In some women and men beautiful tan it will never work, since the epidermis does not produce enough melanin. Therefore they can be either white or red. In this case, you should not go outside in the summer season without cream with factor SPF protection 50-60.

What to do?

If your skin is burned in the sun, you need to follow these first aid rules:

  1. Get away from the beach, hide in the shade, or better yet, indoors.
  2. Drink plenty of water. This is necessary to restore the body's moisture loss and prevent dehydration.
  3. Take a cool shower to cool your skin.
  4. You can wet gauze and apply it to the burned area. If your back, arms and legs are burned, then wrap yourself in a sheet soaked in cold water.
  5. Take a fever reducer.
  6. Lubricate the damaged area with any moisturizer for sensitive skin.
  7. For the following days, choose a spacious and light clothes, which will not squeeze or pull the reddened area. Avoid synthetics, choose only natural fabrics.
  8. In case of severe damage, it is advisable not to touch the wound, but rather bandage it. You can remove the dressing at night to allow the skin to dry and heal faster.

If the burn has reached the 3rd or 4th degree, you should consult a doctor. If the skin is severely damaged, it is important to restore the water balance, the structure of the dermis and the functioning of internal organs.

Remember the taboos

Even if the skin is not too badly sunburned and shows itself only with slight redness, some people make mistakes and delay healing for a long period.

  • apply ice to the affected area as sharp changes temperatures only further injure the skin;
  • use cosmetical tools, laundry soap, rub sore spot brush;
  • use various alcohol tinctures or drugs that irritate skin covering;
  • lubricate with Vaseline or other fatty substances, because they block access to air and disrupt normal thermoregulation;
  • treat the skin with urine - this applies to fans of urine therapy, this way you can easily introduce infection into open wounds;
  • puncture the resulting blisters;
  • continue to sunbathe;
  • Drink alcohol, tea, coffee, which will increase the risk of dehydration.

To the question of what to drink in this case, there is only one correct answer - clean water. All other liquids are not able to restore the body's water balance and often have a diuretic effect, which is dangerous if dehydrated.


Among pharmaceutical drugs Any of the following will help:

  1. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Nimesil, etc. They bring down the temperature and can remove redness of the skin and alleviate the general condition.
  2. Antihistamines – especially recommended for children to help them sleep at night. You can choose any of those available in the medicine cabinet - Suprastin, Cetrin, Diazolin, Tavegil, Zyrtec, Zodak, etc.
  3. Vitamins A, E and C. They will help cope with overheating and burns when taken orally. You can also apply them externally, for example, if your face is sunburned.
  4. Panthenol is the main anti-burn agent that should be in the first aid kit of every person who goes on vacation at sea. This is the most effective drug to help cope with the consequences of unsuccessful tanning. Sold in the form of ointments, sprays, creams, gels, etc. Quickly relieves inflammation, regenerates the skin, restores its structure and slightly relieves pain.
  5. Other medicinal ointments - Boro-plus, Psilo-balm, Sudocrem, Actovegin, Flotseta gel, Eplan, Livian, Olazol, Zinc ointment etc.

Traditional recipes for burns

Even in ancient times, people were often overexposed to the sun. And then there was no modern means, sold freely in pharmacies. Therefore, they used the products at hand.

The most effective ones were:

  • fermented milk - kefir or sour cream quickly cools the skin and relieves inflammation, can be smeared at home with mild lesions;
  • whipped egg whites - applied to the skin up to ten times in a row, allowing each layer to dry well;
  • oatmeal soaked in cold water;
  • green tea compress – let it cool before applying it to the sore spot;
  • watermelon juice– has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates redness and itching;
  • raw potatoes - need to be crushed to a pulp and applied to the affected areas;
  • soda compresses - dilute a tablespoon baking soda in a liter of water and using this product make lotions or baths;
  • Apply cold homemade cottage cheese to the face for 15 minutes;
  • decoction of mint or nettle - cools the skin and promotes fast healing wounds;
  • clay - it is better to use white or blue;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil– exhibits an antioxidant effect, starts the process of cell regeneration;
  • cucumber - cut, can be applied to a burned face.

Video: if you burn in the sun - what to do, what to apply, folk remedies.

Take precautions

In order to prevent such a condition when the skin requires restoration and treatment, you must initially behave correctly during the hot summer period:

  1. You can sunbathe only in the morning and evening hours. And spend the time from 12.00 to 16.00 in dense shade or indoors.
  2. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics in summer.
  3. To protect your face, you should wear a wide-brimmed hat or at least a cap.
  4. In the first days, do not expose your skin to ultraviolet radiation for more than 10-15 minutes.
  5. You definitely need to smear protective creams. Start with SPF factor 30 or 40 and gradually lower it as you get used to it sun rays. If you have snow-white sensitive skin, then choose products with SPF 50 or higher. You need to treat your body with them every two hours and after swimming in water.
  6. Never sleep in the sun!

A tan gives your appearance beauty and attractiveness. And you can get the desired skin tone at any time of the year in a solarium. However, sometimes instead the skin turns red, unpleasant itching and blisters appear. But a red face and body, irritation after a solarium are not at all what is needed.

In this article you will learn what to do if the skin of your face or body is burned in a solarium, the causes of the burn, and how to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Causes of burns in solariums

The main reason for redness after tanning is too long exposure to the lamps. Ultraviolet radiation affects the skin, causing burns to the upper layer of the epidermis.

At the same time, a burning sensation is felt, the skin feels hot and painful to the touch. Small watery blisters with ichor and blisters may appear.

However, redness can be caused not only by burns, but also by allergies to ultraviolet radiation or sunscreens. Some people's skin does not tolerate prolonged exposure to the sun; redness of the skin is similar to a burn, but it takes much longer to go away.

How long does it take for a sunburn burn to heal?

When will the redness after tanning go away? The duration of skin recovery after a burn resulting from sunbathing in a solarium depends on the degree of its intensity. If the damage is not severe, it will go away quickly enough, it will take 2-3 days.

How long will it take for the redness to go away if the skin is severely burned in a solarium? With more severe burns, medical help and long-term rehabilitation may be required. The pain will be especially intense for the first 1-2 days, then gradually subside. For this reason, it is in the first days that compresses and masks must be done several times a day.

How to avoid getting burned

Burns and redness are very unpleasant. But how can you avoid getting sunburned in a solarium? You can get a tan in a solarium without harm to your health, the main thing is to be careful. Often you want to tan faster and precautions fade into the background.

To avoid burning your face and body in a solarium, and to prevent skin damage, you should follow simple rules for tanning in a solarium:

  • The duration of stay under the lamps should be increased gradually. For the first time optimal time counts as 3 minutes. The maximum time spent under ultraviolet light is 10-15 minutes. Between sessions you should take breaks of 24 hours.
  • You should only choose cosmetics that are special for tanning in a solarium; such products are available in every salon.
  • Even if you don't feel any signs of a burn after tanning, it is recommended to apply after-sun cream or a cooling spray. This will restore the water balance in the epidermal cells.
  • It is not recommended to carry out water procedures before visiting the solarium, and then use scrubs and peeling, as this can damage the skin.

Sensitive areas of the body should be protected:

Basic ways to relieve redness after tanning

According to the degree of intensity, burns after tanning can be divided into several types:

  1. Redness of the skin;
  2. Redness, pain and itching;
  3. Redness, pain, itching and blistering;
  4. Charring is the most terrible of burns.

The first two types are easier to tolerate than others; they can be treated independently at home.

How to quickly remove redness if the skin is burned in a solarium? There are some rules that will help get rid of redness after an unsuccessful stay under ultraviolet lamps:

  • You should drink more fluids to help restore your fluid balance, since a burn, especially a large one, causes dehydration. Diluted juices, warm green or black tea, mineral water, and here alcoholic drinks better to exclude.
  • The use of medications against burns will help eliminate burning and pain, as well as speed up the healing process; it is optimal to choose products with panthenol or aloe juice. If touching the damaged area is painful, use spray medications.
  • If you don’t have any special preparations on hand, you can use baby cream; masks made from cucumber or raw potatoes, low-fat kefir and sour cream work well against burns.

  • For mild redness, a cool shower or bath without the use of soap and gel, which will further dry out the skin, will help soothe and cool the skin. When taking a bath, it is optimal to add half a glass of soda and chamomile decoction; they will have a calming and softening effect.
  • Affected areas of the skin should be lubricated with medical or folk remedies every 2-3 hours for better healing.
  • At severe pain and any painkiller will help with itching; if the redness is caused by an allergic reaction, then you need to take an antihistamine.
  • If your facial skin is burned after a solarium, you should not use decorative cosmetics until the burn heals.
  • You should forget about the solarium for a few days so that damaged skin has time to return to normal. And also try to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.

If you notice severe redness after a tanning salon, and the burn in general is very strong, a lot of blisters appear, it is strictly forbidden to pierce them, you can get an infection, which will lead to inflammation and suppuration.

If damaged watery formations, when feeling unwell, nausea, dizziness and high temperature You must consult a doctor immediately!

Herbal cold compresses

If the skin of your face or body is burned in a solarium, it is recommended to apply compresses to soothe and restore it. Cold compresses made from herbal infusions are an excellent way to relieve redness after an unsuccessful visit to the solarium:

  • knotweed. Add 2 tablespoons of herbs to 300 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for 5-10 minutes. When it cools down, you can apply it to the burned area of ​​the skin.
  • Chamomile or calendula. Pour one tablespoon of the plant into a glass of boiling water. Wrap in heat and leave for 15 minutes, then strain and let cool, after which you can use.
  • Cabbage. Soak gauze in squeezed cabbage juice and apply to damaged skin, or use whole cabbage leaves.

Masks for burnt skin

Masks can also help remove redness if your face or body is burned after a solarium. But not just any, but specific ones will do:

  • Oatmeal mask. Mix 3-4 tablespoons oatmeal and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cook until foam appears on the surface, collect it and lubricate the damaged areas. Oatmeal decoction relieves pain and itching.
  • Honey mask. Mix 1 cup fresh milk and 2 glasses of water, add 2 tablespoons of honey. Cool the prepared mixture. To apply to the body, soak gauze in the mixture and apply for 10-15 minutes. Do the mask several times a day. The mask should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Aloe mask. To prepare the mask, you will need fresh aloe leaves; they can be crushed into a paste in a blender. Apply the mask to the burned areas, not allowing it to dry out - either rinse the mask with water or apply another layer.
  • Egg mask. You should choose fresh eggs, separate the whites for the mask and beat a little. Just like a mask made from aloe juice, a mask made from egg white should not dry out.

Using the above folk remedies, you can do procedures for quick recovery skin that was burned in a solarium.

So you have learned how to remove redness from your face or body if your skin is burned in a solarium. By following simple rules for skin care after tanning in a solarium, you can achieve get well soon. Follow the above recommendations and after a short time Burnt skin will regain its softness and elasticity.

Follow the rules for visiting the solarium. Remember that burns and redness are easier to prevent than to treat.

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