How the fetus develops at 15 weeks of pregnancy. Changes in a woman's body. week of pregnancy: sharp upward movements, prolonged stay in a bent position, sleeping on your back

It's the second week of the second trimester. After the completion of the first trimester, usually the most difficult period For the expectant mother, at the 15th week of pregnancy there is a noticeable improvement in her condition.

Now the expectant mother’s body is resting and accumulating energy for the further development of the baby and future birth. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, the woman feels much better.

The 15th obstetric week of pregnancy is the period of complete maturation of the placenta and the beginning of the functional complex mother-placenta-fetus. Now the circulatory system is being formed between these components.


At normal course During pregnancy, the content of estrogen in the blood of the expectant mother increases. Thanks to this, the uterus grows at the 15th week of pregnancy and proper metabolism occurs. But a decrease in the amount of estrogen in the body of the expectant mother indicates problems in the development of the fetus.


The baby is actively developing, changes are taking place in the uterus. During this period, it can grow quite slowly, so the abdomen at the 15th week of pregnancy for many expectant mothers is quite small, but the uterus can be easily felt through the abdominal cavity.


The child develops rapidly, as evidenced by the constant change in his height and weight. The endocrine system is being formed, the pancreas continues to improve, and now produces insulin. Thanks to this, the fetus gains weight at the 15th week of pregnancy. The heart performs full-fledged work.

The baby's bladder is endowed with the function of emptying, which occurs in amniotic fluid. They, in turn, are updated about 10 times a day.

Now all the child’s organs are involved in work. The baby actively moves, straightens and bends its legs, and the expectant mother can already feel the movements of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy. The sense organs continue to develop. Now the baby can blink, because his eyes have eyelids. He easily reaches his mouth with his hand and often sucks his finger.

The child’s body consists of cartilage, which is gradually transformed into bone composition. Now all 20 baby teeth are formed. They will begin to erupt around 6 months after birth.

At 15 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus reaches 14-15 cm. Many joints of the baby already have correct form. The subcutaneous tissue has not yet been formed, but the baby’s body has a reddish tint. Now the baby has the first hairs on her head (baby fuzz).

Around this time, it is formed gender. At the same time, the brain includes a female or male behavior program. The baby hears noise and feels touch. His movements are still chaotic.


Often at this stage the expectant mother experiences relief. Normally, toxicosis should no longer be present, but some women may still be bothered by nausea in the morning at 15 weeks of pregnancy. If the vomiting still has not stopped, the expectant mother should consult a specialist about proper nutrition.

In the absence of toxicosis, the woman has a good appetite, and she makes up for lost kilograms. However, you should not abuse food, because overweight may harm the child.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, breasts continue to fill out, and nipples, moles and freckles (if any) become darker. This occurs due to the production of melanin: this condition is temporary and goes away after childbirth. The expectant mother is probably already accustomed at the 15th week of pregnancy to the feeling of constant nasal congestion, which is quite typical for her “interesting” position.


Bleeding at 15 weeks of pregnancy is rare. The second trimester is more favorable than the first. Any bleeding should alert you. The reasons are different: threatened miscarriage, placental abruption, mechanical injury to the cervix, erosion or other pathologies. Only a gynecologist can identify the true cause. Regardless of intensity bleeding, it is necessary to refuse sex until the threatening factors are eliminated.


The temperature at the 15th week of pregnancy should be normal, but sometimes deviations are possible. For example, a pregnant woman may experience increased low-grade fever in the evening. If the values ​​reach 38 ˚С, then you should consult a doctor. You need to bring down the temperature with antipyretics; they are less harmful than prolonged fever in a pregnant woman.

Now the nausea has subsided, and it is easier for a woman to follow simple recommendations that will help proper development fetus at 15 weeks of gestation.


Nutrition at the 15th week of pregnancy should be healthy and varied. The diet must include dairy products. You should eat porridge, cottage cheese, cheese.

Of the meat products, it is best to eat chicken, veal or beef, boiled or baked. A woman should not forget about fish products, nuts, and dried fruits. Fresh vegetables and fruits are a must.

At 15 obstetric week During pregnancy, the expectant mother needs vitamin E, which is best obtained from healthy products. It is found in vegetable fats.

It is necessary to exclude or minimize the consumption of flour products, fried, salted and smoked foods. Alcoholic drinks are not permitted. It is also better to refrain from taking sweets in large quantities.


Only a specialist can determine the need for vitamins. A woman should not self-prescribe them without consulting a gynecologist. Uncontrolled intake of vitamins during the 15th week of pregnancy can negatively affect both the condition of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus.

It is best if she gets her nutrients from foods such as vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Often, at 15 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, a specialist prescribes a vitamin and mineral complex for expectant mothers. If a woman has uterine hypertonicity, she is advised to take vitamin magnesium B6.


Now intimate life is not contraindicated. However, the expectant mother should be careful and not choose dangerous positions. Sex at 15 weeks of pregnancy is not recommended if there is a threat of miscarriage or if you are pregnant with twins.

Physical activity

During this period, the expectant mother needs certain physical exercises. In addition, you should take daily leisurely walks lasting half an hour.

For this it is better to choose evening time: The woman will relax before going to bed and have a peaceful night's rest. The expectant mother can still visit the pool and do other safe activities. physical exercise, the main thing is that there is no pressure on the stomach at 15 weeks of pregnancy.


For serious illnesses, the doctor will prescribe certain medications, calculating possible risks and reducing the risk of miscarriage.


Alcohol should be avoided during the 15th week of pregnancy. It penetrates through the placenta directly to the fetus and has a toxic effect. If there is an irresistible desire to drink an alcoholic drink, then most likely the body is experiencing a protein deficiency. You need to eat a piece of meat, a handful of nuts or a couple of eggs.


Many women experience mild pain in the abdominal area at 15 weeks of pregnancy. If they are minor and pass quickly, then you should not pay attention to them. However, the next time you visit a specialist, you need to inform him about this.

If at the 15th week of pregnancy the expectant mother’s stomach is tense, this indicates the tone of the uterus. This condition is dangerous and requires consultation with a specialist. Usually the uterus is in good shape when there is a threat of miscarriage.

Discharge at 15 weeks of pregnancy

If significant mucous discharge occurs during the 15th week of pregnancy, accompanied by small blood clots, you should immediately consult a doctor. If cramping pain is present, urgent assistance from a specialist is necessary.

At this time, any health problems are dangerous: injuries, colds, poisoning, etc. Therefore, the expectant mother should take care of herself and her baby.

Frozen pregnancy at 15 weeks

It is important for the expectant mother to closely monitor her feelings. If the signs of toxicosis suddenly disappear, the breasts also sharply sag, become soft and painless, fetal movements are no longer felt - you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms usually indicate a frozen pregnancy at 15 weeks - very dangerous condition for Mom.

Tests and screening at 15 weeks of pregnancy

At 15 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, your doctor may recommend a urine and blood test. The expectant mother should have the following normal indicators:

  • estriol - 3.5–15.4 nmol/l;
  • hCG 10000 – 35000 mU/ml;
  • hemoglobin - 115–150 g/l.


Ultrasound at the 15th week of pregnancy is prescribed only in accordance with certain indications.

Features of IVF pregnancy

Now is a favorable period for the expectant mother. The risk of miscarriage has decreased. However, you shouldn’t discount it completely. Therefore, you should not completely relax and stop monitoring your condition.

Otherwise, at week 15, IVF pregnancy proceeds without any special features.

Multiple pregnancy

When it comes to carrying twins or more babies, at the 15th week of pregnancy the expectant mother's belly grows very quickly. The uterus is enlarged, and others can already find out about the “interesting” position of the woman.

Her toxicosis stops - you can breathe a sigh of relief. But if the vomiting persists, you should not worry about it: it is possible that next week will become more favorable.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, many mothers already begin to feel fetal movements. However, don’t worry if this doesn’t happen: the crumbs can show themselves next week.

If a woman has anemia, the specialist will prescribe her treatment at the end of this week. Otherwise, multiple gestation at 15 obstetric weeks proceeds in the same way as a normal pregnancy.

Video of the fifteenth week of pregnancy

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the fetus practices its movements. Mothers notice many changes for the better in their well-being. It is important to take care of yourself and avoid complications.

How does a mother's body change?

At the 15th obstetric week (methods for calculating the period -), the stomach is still growing and slightly raised. If you have a thin or average build, any form-fitting item will accentuate your features. During pregnancy with twins, the belly grows faster and becomes noticeable earlier.

Photos of bellies:

Choose for everyday wear comfortable clothes, which will not press or rub anywhere. If you don’t want others to look at you, choose loose things, use bright accents– brooches, earrings, neckerchiefs. Such accessories distract attention.


Emotional outbursts are replaced by calm. You become less and less irritated. Some mothers experience bursts of activity at this time. I don’t want to sit still at all, some plans are constantly appearing in my head - to go somewhere, to do something. Don't be afraid of your energy, but don't be overtired either.

At the fifteenth week, many mothers notice a gradual change in their outlook on life. The tricks of organizing family life, raising children and successfully bearing a child occupy more and more thoughts.

Physical sensations:

  • slight nasal congestion without fever or other signs of a cold;
  • improvement of stool (the uterus rises and puts less pressure on the intestines);
  • mild suffocation (the diaphragm is slightly squeezed by the rising uterus);
  • discomfort in the tailbone area when you sit (nerve endings signal blood stagnation, change your position or walk a little);
  • heartburn, flatulence;
  • increased appetite;
  • nipple sensitivity may persist;
  • colostrum secretion;
  • sensitivity of teeth and gums (which means the baby needs calcium);
  • skin pigmentation;
  • short cramps in the legs (occur due to a lack of potassium and calcium).

Your blood volume is now 20% greater than before pregnancy. Because of this, the heart sometimes works overload, and then you feel slightly dizzy. If you feel like you are going to fall, be sure to tell your doctor. Don't be afraid of a slight loss of orientation.

Very rarely, residual effects may persist early toxicosis. Find out here () how to eliminate the latest outbreaks of nausea and other unpleasant sensations.

Has it become uncomfortable to sleep? Try lying on your side more often and placing a small pillow under your stomach.

What do expectant mothers say? Some continue to complain of drowsiness. Others realize that they have successfully avoided toxicosis. Some mothers admit that they always go to baby goods stores and admire the tiny clothes, bottles and rattles. Many find it difficult to watch melodrama films; it is impossible to avoid tears. This is all normal. The main thing is that nothing hurts or bothers you.

What to look for

Minor pain during this period is common. Your body is constantly working, gets tired and signals about it. Change your body position, if you have to sit, stretch, do a light warm-up. You have to stand a lot - give your legs a rest whenever possible.

If your stomach or lower back really hurts and is not just a slight ache, tell your doctors. At severe pain and bloody smears, call an ambulance.

Normal vaginal discharge appears white or clear, scanty, and has no strong smell. There should be no burning or itching in the vagina and labia.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Medical fact. Miscarriage and frozen pregnancy are possible at any stage. Be attentive to your feelings.

When will the baby start pushing?

According to the medical norm, if the pregnancy is the first, fetal movements will begin to be felt at 20 weeks, in other cases - at 18. In very in rare cases Skinny mothers can already feel the first slight movements. They are easily confused with the “whims” of one’s own digestion.

You must inform your doctor about the first movement of the fetus; this information is entered into your exchange card. But before you tell the doctor the exact date, make sure that the baby is really pushing.

Fetal development

There is an opinion that if you bring a switched-on lamp to your stomach, the baby will definitely react to the light. Believe it or not - decide for yourself. But imagine: you are lying in a bathtub with water, the bathtub is covered with a thick blanket, and there is also a leather cover on top. Will light pass through such thickness?

The truth is that at the 15th week the baby’s eyes, although still closed, have all the necessary nerve endings. But the baby will begin to really see only after birth.

What else happens to the baby:

  • ossification of the skeleton is the main task for which a lot of calcium is needed;
  • the skin thickens, it is no longer so transparent;
  • the legs are actively growing;
  • the shape of the ears is almost or completely determined;
  • sebaceous and sweat glands ready for work;
  • the development of the pituitary gland continues;
  • the circulatory system grows;
  • convolutions form on the cerebral cortex;
  • boys begin to produce testosterone (girls’ sex hormones are formed later);
  • the first bile is produced;
  • the kidneys work: removing amniotic fluid that the child swallows;
  • all muscles are improved.

A tiny child is actively “training”, moving his arms, legs and fingers. These movements are controlled by the motor reflexes of the brain. Surrounding sounds are heard by the baby. A small heart pumps more than twenty liters of blood every day.

Photo of the baby (this is what the fetus looks like at the fifteenth week of pregnancy):

Observation by doctors

Follow the schedule your doctor gives you. antenatal clinic. Take all tests that are prescribed to you on time. Checking the level of various hormones in your blood allows doctors to find out a lot: how well the fetus is developing, whether there is a threat of miscarriage, and much more.

Depending on your individual characteristics(age, chronic diseases) and well-being, the doctor may suggest various examinations. A routine ultrasound is not performed at the fifteenth week. But if you are prescribed it, there is a tiny chance of finding out the sex of the child (if there is a good device and an experienced doctor). In addition, the specialist will check the condition of the uterine membranes, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the location of the placenta. On the scanner screen you can see how your baby moves and how much he already looks like a little person.

Ultrasound photo:

  1. Stick to the principle: vegetables and fruits, fish and meat, grains and dairy products. Kissel and porridge perfectly prevent heartburn.
  2. The diet should contain as little caffeine, smoked foods, preservatives, dyes, fatty and spicy foods as possible.
  3. Steam, bake or boil.
  4. Do exercises, swim, do special yoga.
  5. Listen to classics, calm, beautiful music. If you listen through headphones, do not set the volume to high levels.
  6. Stop yourself from worrying. In any situation, think first about the child, then about what happened and what to do.
  7. If you are concerned about your health, keep a diary of your health and sensations.
  8. Sexual life requires attention to posture during coitus. Joy and pleasure from intimate communication with a partner are very important. If there is a threat of miscarriage, low amniotic fluid, twin pregnancy and low-lying placenta, doctors recommend limiting or eliminating sex. But don't isolate yourself. Together with your partner, think about other ways to receive intimate pleasure that both will like.
  9. Beware of colds and viral diseases. During a flu epidemic, wear medical mask, try not to go where there are a lot of people (if possible).
  10. Unless you are a doctor yourself, do not treat yourself for anything.

The gestation period is 15 weeks - this is already the end of the fourth month. This time helps the expectant mother gain strength and improve her health.

Very soon 15 weeks of pregnancy will be behind us, what is happening now in the body of mother and baby? The baby's height already exceeds 100 cm, and his weight is about 70 g. The following changes occur in the baby's body.

  1. The genital organs are sufficiently differentiated, which means it is already possible to determine the sex of the baby.
  2. The legs have become longer than the arms.
  3. The eyes became even closer to each other, and the ears were almost completely formed.
  4. At the 15th week of pregnancy, the baby's skin continues to become covered with lanugo.
  5. Sweat and sebaceous glands, pituitary gland
  6. The skin has become thicker and is no longer transparent.
  7. The baby's activity increased; some mothers say that already at the 15th week of pregnancy they experienced hitherto unknown sensations in the stomach, which were later identified as the baby's movements.
  8. The nail bed begins to become covered with thin nails.
  9. The hemispheres of the brain grow very quickly and at this stage they no longer fit in the cranium, which means that the first convolutions will soon appear. A photo of a fetus at 15 weeks of pregnancy is becoming more and more similar to a photo of a newborn baby.
  10. The circulatory system is improved, the heart rate reaches 150-160 beats/minute. During the day, up to 23 liters of blood are pumped through the baby’s blood vessels.
  11. The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of the first hair, and it is at this time that a coloring pigment appears, which, according to the genotype laid down, will color the newborn’s hair in the appropriate color.
  12. The baby's intestines begin to fill with original meconium, which is defecated only after birth. Due to the admixture of bile, it has a greenish or black color.
  13. The child’s hearing system is already so developed that it allows him to hear the beating of his mother’s heart and her voice. It's time to start communicating!

Photo of baby more berries
phases of change
How many

Is it worth doing an ultrasound?

If you look at a photo of the fetus taken during an ultrasound at the 15th week of pregnancy, you will notice that, despite its tiny size, the baby seems to understand that he is being examined carefully. In the photo, the baby is calmly resting in his mother’s tummy, amniotic fluid pumping him gently.

The doctor, or maybe the mother herself, can observe small ears; on the sides of the nasal bones, the eye sockets are visible, where the eyes will be located. You can see how the baby moves his arms or legs, how he hugs or “licks” the placenta, exploring the world around him and tasting everything.

Usually examine the abdomen using ultrasound machine at 15 weeks of pregnancy is not necessary, especially if an ultrasound was performed in previous weeks. However, it can be performed at the request of the mother, if something is bothering her, or according to the testimony of a doctor who relies on test results.

Photo of the baby taken at this time during ultrasound

In order for mother and baby to feel good, be healthy and grow according to all standards, you need to follow a few simple but effective recommendations.

Recommendations regardingWhat to do

The body's need for protein increases greatly. The lack of such elements manifests itself as calf cramps. Therefore, we eat a lot of cottage cheese, try to eat a lot of berries or fruit drinks.

However, you should not focus on vitamins alone, nutrients also necessary for the normal development of the baby: boiled meat, fish, liver, seafood.

The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the growing uterus will put pressure on the intestines, which can lead to constipation. We eat foods that can fight constipation: kefir, prunes, bran.

To combat anemia, we eat foods rich in iron: buckwheat, liver, nuts, apples and pomegranate.

Cold preventionBerries and berry fruit drinks (especially home-picked) are best helper in the prevention of colds. You can also drink tea with lemon or honey. Many doctors recommend using Oxolinic ointment before leaving the house.
Dental examinationNeglecting a trip to the dentist at this stage is very dangerous, even if there were no dental problems before pregnancy, at the 15th week of pregnancy (how many months have already passed) they will definitely appear. It is the second trimester - best time to solve all dental problems.
Skin carePreventing stretch marks or combating them is another point that needs to be paid attention to. After all, after childbirth, pink furrows that seem not so ugly will become White color, moreover, on sagging skin. Stretch marks are resistant to tanning, so they will remain your companions for a long time. Therefore, after each shower, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of problem areas with oil or a special cream.
Sleep and restFor sleep, the safest and most comfortable position: lying on your side, extending your lower leg, bending your upper leg at the knee. You can also place a pillow under your feet to avoid varicose veins veins In modern specialized stores for expectant mothers you can find very comfortable pillows for sleeping, as well as blankets.

What's happening to mom?

At the 15th obstetric week of pregnancy, some changes also occur in the mother’s body.

  1. Due to the growing fetus, and accordingly the growing load on the placenta, the latter thickens in size and reaches more than 17.5 mm.
  2. The volume of amniotic fluid increases noticeably. They have a constant temperature and composition, which is formed due to utero-placental exchange, as well as constantly incoming fetal urine. This liquid is absolutely sterile; its condition can only be changed by the presence of some kind of infection.
  3. The volume of blood in the mother's body increases progressively. This may cause some discomfort in the form of nosebleeds.
  4. The breasts of the expectant nursing mother become increasingly filled with milk, and the nipple halos become even darker.
  5. If you look at the photo of the belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy, you will notice that it has become even more rounded and raised slightly.
  6. It is at this time that the placenta completes its formation. Now the mother-fetus system will create an insurmountable connection between these two components. All experiences or changes in the mother’s body will be felt by the baby, and changes in his condition will be reflected in the mother’s well-being.

How do you feel at this time?

Every week for expectant mother will remind her and also help her come to terms with the fact that she will soon have a baby. Some new or old sensations during the 15th week of pregnancy will tell her about this:

  • Often a woman suffers from attacks of suffocation at night, which in itself is not terrible, but significantly spoils sleep and rest;
  • a feeling of tight clothing if a woman has not yet changed her wardrobe. You need to understand that this is also very important; there should be no discomfort, especially in the abdominal area. In addition, a trip to a specialized store will certainly bring a lot of pleasant emotions;
  • some mothers at the 15th week of pregnancy may feel fetal movements, which some describe as “butterflies in the stomach”, others as “small bubbles”, and others may confuse this with excessive gas formation;
  • periodically pulls the stomach due to pressure on digestive system uterus, in addition, constipation and gas formation may occur;
  • an unprecedented surge of strength and a feeling of peace - occurs due to hormonal stabilization, and the woman finally begins to enjoy her position. Often a hobby appears such as taking a photo of each (including 15) week of pregnancy;
  • Unpleasant sensations may include dizziness, weakness and spots before the eyes. This indicates a lack of red blood cells in the blood, leading to anemia, which threatens oxygen starvation for the baby. It is necessary to consult a doctor and eat more foods containing iron;
  • dizziness and weakness are also accompanying hypotension. This is another common disease of pregnant women - low blood pressure. Here we will talk about drug treatment.

Eat more berries

Discharge from the genitals

The type and nature of the discharge is one of the main signs that allows you to get a picture of how the 15th week of pregnancy goes for mother and baby.

If there is not much discharge, it is light and uniform, and leaves a small mark on the laundry, then there is no reason to worry. This indicates normal vaginal microflora, no sexually transmitted infection will not harm the course of pregnancy.

If you have candidiasis, you may notice a lot of curdled discharge. If copious purulent and foamy fluid comes out, then there is an infection such as trichomoniasis. A small amount of mucopurulent discharge characterizes the presence of chlamydia. Abundant purulent discharge may indicate the presence of gonorrhea.

Often, all infections only worsen after pregnancy, but can be acquired before pregnancy begins. In one case or another, treatment must be started immediately. After all, they can cause infection membranes, which leads to disruption of the baby’s development or even lead to termination of pregnancy. In addition, such diseases can cause various infections in the baby’s body after birth.

The appearance of bloody discharge indicates that there is a need for urgently consult a doctor. Do not think that light, spotting discharge along with a sore stomach is not a cause for concern, but rather call an ambulance, which will most likely send you to a hospital, where assistance will be provided with the help of medications to maintain the pregnancy.

This is how the belly grows at 15 weeks

If a small amount of spotting appeared after an examination by a gynecologist at week 15, taking smears for analysis, or after having sex, this may indicate the presence of cervical erosion during pregnancy. Taking into account the upcoming birth, this is a very serious disease, so an additional colposcopy may be prescribed - examination of the erosion under a microscope, and further treatment will be prescribed regarding the diagnosis or not.

Causes of abdominal pain

U large quantity pregnant women at 15 weeks of pregnancy do not appear at all pleasant sensations in the form of abdominal pain. The nature of such pain can be different, as well as the reasons that caused it.

  1. The most typical abdominal pain occurs due to the immediate and continuous growth of the uterus. As a result of this process, the muscles of the uterus are significantly stretched and held. The pain that appears in this case does not bother the pregnant woman much and does not cause any particular discomfort.
  2. A nagging pain similar to contractions, and even with bloody discharge, or the pain moves to the lower back, indicates the possibility of a threat of termination of pregnancy. Then you need to urgently consult a doctor.
  3. If the pain is girdling, but its source is still in the lumbar region or back, then most likely it is pyelonephritis, which may also be accompanied elevated temperature or pain when urinating.
  4. Pain in the coccyx area, which may radiate to the abdomen or right, or left leg, may indicate pinched nerves, or the fetus has grown so much by the 15th week of pregnancy that the uterus puts pressure on the organs or vertebral sections.

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

The second trimester of pregnancy has already lasted three weeks, and the calmest time of your situation has come. Now your body is not changing so much as to restrict movement or disrupt your well-being, but the sensations already clearly remind you that you are expecting a baby. At this time, experienced ultrasound doctors will already be able to tell you the gender of the little one, and you can start preparing either pink or blue suits for the baby. Now global changes are happening to your child, he is growing as quickly as he will never grow again, his height and weight are increasing every week, and today the fetus looks like a small and not yet entirely proportional person.

What happens to the body at 15 weeks

The second trimester has already lasted three weeks, and you are now halfway through the fourth obstetric month (each month lasts four weeks). The toxicosis of the first trimester has completely gone away, and the time has come beautiful time to take time for yourself, taking care of the house and not doing hard work. The uterus is not yet large enough to cause inconvenience to the expectant mother, and you have just begun to gain weight after possibly losing it in the first trimester.

Now you and the child feel well, the baby is already less vulnerable to negative factors external environment, reliably protected from them by the placental barrier. However, the baby’s nutritional needs increase, and if the mother’s nutrition is far from ideal and the body is deficient in any substances, both will suffer. The mother's body will spend its last reserves on the needs of the child, which will lead to deterioration in the quality of teeth, hair, nails, anemia and poor appearance.

Gradually, your waist expands, and especially if you are thin, your condition becomes noticeable to others; in tight-fitting clothes, your tummy may bulge slightly. But at overweight women the situation may not yet be noticeable, but subjective feelings vividly remind you of your situation. Normal clothes has now become cramped, and therefore it is worth changing your wardrobe to a more spacious one - give preference loose blouses, dresses and trousers that do not squeeze the tummy due to special inserts or cut features.

Gradually, due to the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity changes, shifting forward, and this changes the load on the feet. Shoes on high heels Now it’s worth changing to a lower and more stable one, otherwise you may experience pain in the legs and back, cramps calf muscles and varicose veins. In addition, there is a high risk of falls and injuries. The volume of the breast gradually increases, the nipples darken, veins appear on the skin, stretch marks may form, so the mammary gland requires special care and correct selection underwear made from natural fabrics with comfortable straps.

Mood swings became less severe, gradually emotional experiences disappear, but they may be replaced by some lethargy, slowness and absent-mindedness. This normal phenomenon, this is how nature protects the pregnant woman from stress and external irritants. You may gradually notice the fact that most of your thoughts and worries revolve only around your condition and future motherhood - this is normal, the so-called “dominant pregnancy” is formed. The body turns off everything unnecessary, allowing a woman to calmly carry and give birth to a baby.

Fetal development: weight, size and gender

By this time, the fetus reaches a weight of 70-80 grams, and its height is still measured from the crown to the tailbone (CTR), and it leaves from 10 to 13 cm.

At this time, using a good ultrasound machine from an experienced specialist, it will be possible to find out the sex of the child, since the baby’s external genitalia are already formed, although not yet clearly enough. But while mistakes are possible, more late dates Gender data will be confirmed. The child’s internal genital organs continue to improve – boys begin to produce the hormone testosterone, and girls begin to produce the first portions of estrogen.

At 15 weeks, limb growth becomes active, the legs catch up with the length of the arms, and gradually become longer. The child's appearance increasingly takes on the appearance of a small person, although the eyes are still widely spaced and the head is disproportionately large relative to the body. The auricles take their proper place, their appearance, but they are still very soft. The child behaves actively, moving and pushing away from the walls of the uterus, but so far the mother practically does not feel his movements due to the thick wall of the uterus and sufficient space inside it for the child.

The most important developmental event this week is the formation of the cerebral cortex, which will continue to improve for another month. During this period, both hemispheres of the brain form convolutions and grooves, nerve cells actively divide, forming the white and gray matter of the brain. Now central nervous system smoothly takes over the functions of controlling the child’s body.

The sebaceous and sweat glands are actively involved in their work, and vernix lubrication begins to be produced, but there is still very little of it. Due to the development of taste analyzers of the tongue, the baby can react to the food consumed by the mother by changing the taste of the amniotic fluid. The main organs and systems also fine-tune their work - the heart actively contracts and pumps about 30 liters of blood through the baby’s vessels per day. In the liver and gallbladder The first bile is formed, which, released into the baby’s intestines, creates the first portions of original feces, meconium, which is released only after the birth of the child. The fetal kidneys become no less active; they produce the first urine, which is collected in the bladder and released into the amniotic fluid. During the day, they are updated several times and completely remove waste products of the fetus through the placenta and the mother’s body.

Although the first breaths are still far away, the lungs are actively training, the respiratory muscles and diaphragm are developing, the vocal cords are already formed, and this week the glottis is already open. Due to all this, the fetus can carry out special breathing exercises, producing ingestion and reverse excretion amniotic fluid. Due to the entry of liquid into the respiratory tract, lung tissue is formed, which prepares the baby for independent breathing after birth.

The development of the joints and muscles of the baby is in full swing, due to which he can perform active movements– extension and flexion of limbs, somersaults, pushes. The bones are strengthened due to the active deposition of calcium and magnesium salts in them, the skin becomes multi-layered. However, the layers of skin are still very thin and there is no subcutaneous fat, so the skin has a bright red color and many wrinkles. Hair appears on the skin - lanugo, there are many hairs, but among them eyebrows and eyelashes can be clearly identified on the face.

The baby's amniotic fluid reliably protects him from external influences, shocks, shocks and enable movement. They are renewed up to ten times a day, nourish the baby, now their volume is up to 150 ml, and the water temperature is about 37 degrees, which creates ideal conditions for the fetus. Normally, amniotic fluid is transparent and sterile, but its composition depends on the mother’s nutrition, her activity and the baby’s vital activity. To reduce the volume of the uterus, nature has created a special fetal position for the baby, which from this week he can already maintain - he presses his arms and legs to his stomach and crosses them. This became possible due to the formation of the first reflexes.

Feelings of the expectant mother

After a rather difficult first trimester, most often accompanied by toxicosis or various discomforts, the threat of interruption, the second trimester is a relief. By 15 weeks, manifestations of toxicosis completely disappear, appetite awakens, and the body actively restores the resources spent in the first weeks. Don't get carried away with food so as not to gain excess weight and not suffer from severe swelling. However, even during this period, the expectant mother may experience some new, and not always pleasant, sensations. One of them may be manifestations of rhinitis in pregnant women - a constant feeling of nasal congestion and nosebleeds, especially at night. This phenomenon is not dangerous, but it is worth consulting an ENT doctor to rule out other pathologies. Humidifying the air, ventilating and irrigating the nose with sprays with sea ​​water.

Due to changes in the position of the uterus, there may be an increased need to go to the toilet to urinate, and constipation and bloating may occur. Exercise and exercise will help you cope with this. proper nutrition. Weakness may also occur due to initial low blood pressure pregnant women, attacks of headaches and dizziness, it is worth moving and walking more, taking vitamins.

Due to the action of hormones, skin pigmentation increases, which is manifested by a dark line from the pubis to the navel, darkening of the areola and the appearance of multiple small age spots on the face and body, hands. Due to increased metabolism, you may feel stuffiness, hot flashes, and sometimes a feeling of lack of air; this is normal if it does not cause significant trouble. Another typical feature of pregnant women is absent-mindedness, which creates a risk of injury; you need to remember this, especially on the street. It is necessary to move more and actively focus on business. Against the backdrop of this feature, one physically feels a surge of strength and energy, which allows one to actively travel, do work, and shop.

The fundus of the uterus has now risen high, and you can feel it yourself 7-10 cm below the navel. There is still enough space in the abdominal cavity, and there should not be any particularly uncomfortable sensations now; only light stretching on the sides of the uterus from stretching the uterine ligaments is acceptable, but they are not constant, are not very pronounced and go away with a change in body position. if your stomach hurts or your uterus feels like a stone, you feel it being compressed, consult a doctor immediately, this may be a sign of problems or an impending threat to your pregnancy.

Within 15 weeks, if there is a deficiency of microelements, cramps in the calf muscles, problems with teeth or nails may occur; then, on the advice of a doctor, you should start taking additional calcium. If you are pale, frequently faint, or have constant weakness, you need to check your hemoglobin and take iron supplements. Taking magnesium and iodine will be no less useful.

Very soon the first movements of the baby will be detected, but for now the uterus is still small and the woman does not feel the movements of the baby, although many people mistake intestinal peristalsis for them.

Condition of the uterus

By 15 weeks, the uterus has grown several times in size, its bottom has reached 10 cm from the navel, and its thickness is now about 2.5 cm. This is important for full gestation of the fetus, and ultrasound specialists evaluate the structure of the uterus. Now the uterus can be clearly felt through the anterior abdominal wall as a round, dense formation. Normally, the walls of the uterus are relaxed, which allows the uterine walls to nourish the placenta and create sufficient space for the baby. As the tone of the uterus increases, it shrinks, turns to stone and disrupts the nutrition of the placenta, which can lead to the onset of abruption. Therefore, the appearance of any discomfort in the uterine area is a reason to visit a doctor; cramping contractions of the uterus with pain and bleeding are especially dangerous.

The abdomen increases due to the growth of the uterus, a small mound is contoured above the pubis, and appears dark stripe from the pubis to the navel.

Ultrasound at 15 weeks

When performing an ultrasound at 15 weeks, you can determine the sex of the baby if he wants to lie correctly to the sensors. Although this is not yet a 100% result, experienced doctors can determine it quite accurately. If you conduct a 3D ultrasound, you can see your baby in all its glory, he is already quite big and you can see him in detail - arms, legs, face. But the main task of ultrasound is still to determine the condition of the fetus, identify possible malformations and measure indicators. In addition, a study is carried out of the condition of the placenta and umbilical cord, the condition of the walls of the uterus and the cervical area, the length of the cervix and the condition of its internal os, the location of the lower edge of the placenta relative to the cervix. Based on ultrasound indicators, the fetal term is clarified, and the weight and CTE of the fetus are calculated. Ultrasound data this week is compared with previous studies to assess the dynamics of fetal development, the baby’s heartbeat and uteroplacental circulation are assessed.

Discharge from the genital tract

During pregnancy, the amount of discharge from the genital tract may be slightly more than normal due to the action of estrogen and progesterone. Discharge when normal pregnancy homogeneous, not abundant, light or transparent, practically odorless. In the presence of brown discharge or bloody, you should immediately worry - there should be no discharge in the second trimester. The appearance of blood on underwear may be evidence of pregnancy pathologies - isthmic-cervical insufficiency (the cervix cannot support the growing fetus), placental abruption or cervical pathologies in the form of erosion.

No less dangerous will be the presence of discharge with a sour odor in the form of flakes, curdled, which may indicate thrush. It may also cause itching, burning, and redness of the genitals. No less alarming will be the discharge of a foamy nature, gray, green or yellowish color With unpleasant smell. Such discharge occurs due to vaginal dysbiosis ( bacterial vaginosis), with genital infections and they are dangerous for the fetus, since the infection can spread to the membranes of the fetus and cause infection. If you experience the slightest discomfort or change in the nature of the discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What tests to take

This week the tests will be standard - a urine test will be performed before visiting the doctor. If the doctor considers it necessary, a special study may be prescribed, especially if there is a threat of miscarriage or high risk congenital pathologies. Blood tests are taken for hCG and progesterone levels, and a control ultrasound of the fetus is performed. In the period from 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, a special screening examination will be carried out - a triple test that identifies the risk of congenital anomalies and malformations of the fetus.

Abdominal and lower back pain

During a normal pregnancy, there should be no pain or discomfort in the abdomen. Only slight pulling sensations in the area of ​​the lateral surfaces of the abdomen are acceptable as a result of stretching of the uterine ligaments. These pains are intermittent, not pronounced and weak. Cramping pain with bloody discharge can be dangerous as signs of a threatened miscarriage. This requires immediately calling a doctor and hospitalization.

Sometimes abdominal pain can occur due to problems with the kidneys - then the lower abdomen pulls, pain occurs in the pubic area, and with kidney problems, pain occurs on the right side (since this kidney often suffers). Pain in the right side can also be a sign of appendicitis in pregnant women, especially in combination with nausea, stool upset and severe malaise. Signs of pyelonephritis may also include nagging pain in the lower back with changes in urine tests, pain when urinating, fever and general malaise.

Colds and runny nose

At this stage of pregnancy, colds or flu are no longer so dangerous for the fetus, since it is protected by the placenta. However, any infections are dangerous, including a common runny nose, as they cause malaise, metabolic disorders, and hypoxia. Due to decreased immunity, colds in a pregnant woman can be more severe, resulting in malaise, fever, sore throat and runny nose. Fever and the viruses themselves can be dangerous for the fetus, so you should not refuse treatment or try to be treated at home; you need to be examined by a doctor. The doctor will prescribe medications that are acceptable for treatment in this period, in addition, will advise and traditional methods fight against colds. Pregnant women are advised to drink plenty of fortified drinks, bed rest, gargling and nasal rinsing, inhalation, if there is no fever. Will be mandatory sick leave and bed rest.

Mustard plasters and cupping, any thermal procedures and taking medications without the doctor’s approval, especially antiviral and immunostimulating ones, are prohibited during this period.


During this period, meals should be five times a day, in small portions with snacks. Pregnant women should definitely have breakfast; during breakfast, cereals, cereals and proteins are the most useful, they provide long-lasting satiety and necessary for the body nutrients. Vegetables and fruits, which are used daily in the diet, should become mandatory; they regulate bowel movements and provide the necessary vitamins and minerals. Dairy products are no less useful as a source of calcium for you and the fetus - a variety of dairy products is important.

It is worth somewhat limiting such products as coffee and tea, baked goods and products made from white flour, spicy, salty dishes, semi-finished products, canned food. Replace them with the most natural and healthy eating. Now the immune system The fetus is not yet sensitive to allergens, and you can have chocolate, citrus fruits, and seafood. But everything should be consumed in moderation so as not to provoke negative reactions in the future.


During this period, a woman’s sexuality blossoms, and if the doctor has not forbidden you intimacy, enjoy each other, during this period the sensitivity of the vagina and external genitalia is increased. This will give you new sensations, and for now, a small belly does not limit you in the choice of poses. The benefits of sex are undeniable - increased doses of the pleasure hormone will help a woman relieve tension and relax. During sex, you should be careful and avoid rough intercourse and deep penetrations.

Many women remember the 15th week of pregnancy as one of the most pleasant memories of the entire period. On the one hand, it has retreated - you will finally be able to eat normally and enjoy life, and on the other hand, the fetus at 15 weeks of pregnancy is still so small that you are unlikely to feel any discomfort.

Fetal size at 15 weeks

At 15 weeks, the embryo becomes more and more human-like. The legs are already comparable and even exceed the length of the arms, and the whole body becomes more proportional. The baby’s size at 15 weeks, more precisely its coccygeal-parietal height (CPH), is still measured from the crown to the coccyx and is approximately 8-12 cm. The weight of the fetus at 15 weeks reaches 80 g.

Considering the still small size, the baby has enough space for a variety of “exercises” in the tummy. Although you will most likely mistake fetal movements at week 15 for rapid intestinal activity.

Pregnancy 15 weeks - fetal development

At 15 weeks, the baby’s skin is no longer so glassy-transparent, but red capillaries are still visible through it. Skin covering covered with barely noticeable fluff, and hair follicles appear on the head. The eyelids are still drooping, but are already responsive to light. So, for example, if you shine a bright beam of light on your stomach, the baby will start to turn away. The face still resembles a fairy-tale elf, probably due to its wide-set eyes. The ears are fully formed, although they are still very drooping.

The skeleton continues to develop and strengthen, and by week 15 even thin nails appear. The cells of the pituitary gland, which are responsible for metabolic processes and baby development. In addition, the cerebral cortex begins to form, and the central nervous system is actively working.

The fetal heart rate at 15 weeks is about 160 beats per minute. The heart already fully provides blood supply to the whole organism, pumping out a huge amount of blood for its size. The kidneys are also functioning. The baby is already urinating directly into the amniotic fluid, which is completely renewed every 2-3 hours.

Belly size at 15 weeks

At this stage, the belly finally begins to show pregnancy. Regular casual wear It’s already becoming uncomfortable, and you yourself notice visual changes. at week 15 it is still quite insignificant, and the rise above the womb is only 12 cm.

Tests at 15 weeks

Week 15 is one of the calmest weeks of your entire pregnancy. No tests are expected at this time. The only direction that can be prescribed for you is a triple test. The test involves testing your blood for the presence of the three hormones ACE, hCG and estriol. Such a test makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of abnormalities in fetal development.

Taking into account the fact that the genital organs of the fetus are already practically formed, at 15 weeks an ultrasound can determine the sex of the child. Of course, if you are lucky, and the baby turns at a convenient angle. The fact is that the location of the fetus changes quite often at week 15, so the doctor may well not see or make a mistake.

Week 15 is the most pleasant time for you during your entire pregnancy. During this period, try to replenish your body with vitamins and minerals that it lost during toxicosis in the first trimester. Particularly focus on foods rich in calcium and phosphorus, since at week 15 the baby’s skeleton is actively forming. And, of course, don't forget about good mood and walks in the fresh air. Keep in mind that your child can hear you, so listen good music, sing and start reading fairy tales.