The use of fairy tale therapy in work with children of preschool age. GCD project using innovative pedagogical technologies. (Health-saving correctional technology "Skazkoterapiya") The creative name of the project "There on unknown paths"

Experience "Fairy tale therapy as a means of developing the self-awareness of older preschoolers"

MBDOU No. 18 "Firefly"

Compensatory group teacher

Ryazanova Valentina Vasilievna

“Through a fairy tale, a fantasy, a game, through a unique children's creativity, this is the right way to a child's heart. Fairy tale, fantasy is the key with which you can open these sources and they will clog with life-giving keys. V. Sukhomlinsky

How to develop responsiveness in a child, how to make him kinder? There is a very general and certainly correct answer to this question. We ourselves, our example, the moral aspect of adult life and all the surrounding reality teach this. In my opinion, one of the ways of controlled and purposeful emotional and moral development of a child lies through fiction, and especially fairy tales. A fairy tale for a child is not just fiction, fantasy, it is a special reality, the reality of the world of feelings. The fairy tale pushes the limits for the child ordinary life, only in a fairy tale form do preschoolers encounter such complex phenomena and feelings as life and death, love and hate, anger and compassion, betrayal and deceit, etc. Listening to fairy tales, children deeply sympathize with the characters, they have an internal impulse to contribute , to help, to protection. A fairy tale is an indispensable tool for shaping a child's personality. Fairy tales contribute to the development of creative thinking and imagination in the child. Teaching preschool children through fairy tales is, in my opinion, interesting and relevant. In the formation and development of the personality of a preschooler, I began to use the method of Fairytale Therapy.

Fairy tale therapy is a method that uses a fairy tale form to integrate a personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, and improve interaction with the outside world.

I set a goal for myself: Development of the personality of a preschooler through Fairytale Therapy.

To achieve this goal, I have set the following tasks:

To develop the content of various forms of organizing work with children using fairy tale therapy;

Apply in work with children the techniques used in fairy tale therapy;

Make attributes for use in Fairytale Therapy;

Develop communication skills;

Develop imagination, thinking;

Cultivate a sense of kindness;

strengthening mental health child

In my work with children, I use the methods proposed by psychologists and teachers V. A. Zaporozhets, F. A. Sokhin, L. I. Zhurovai, T. D. Zenkevich-Evstigneeva, L. B. Fesyukova.

Fairy tale classification:

1. Didactic (in the form of an educational task, i.e. the child is told about new concepts (home, nature, family, rules of behavior in society)

2. Meditative (to relieve psycho-emotional stress, children draw, compose, play, listen to the sounds of nature, lie on the carpet and dream - imagine - “conjure”.

3. Psychotherapeutic (for the treatment of the soul, with the image of the main character “I”, a good wizard, children draw illustrations, make puppets and put on performances.

4. Psychocorrectional (for a mild influence on the child's behavior, we read a problematic tale without discussing it, we give the child the opportunity to be alone with himself and think.

6. Diagnostic (if the child has chosen his favorite fairy tale and hero, then in this context the hero is a prototype of the child himself, what he would like to be)

In my work, I am guided by all kinds of fairy tales.

In working with a fairy tale, I use the following forms of organization:

Game lessons;

Complex classes;

Integrated classes;

Themed weeks.

In my work, I use not only traditional methods and tricks.

Methods and techniques for working with a fairy tale:

TRIZ elements: problem situations and questions; game tasks; games - experimenting with objects and materials.

Theatrical elements.

Creative tasks.

The use of these methods and techniques contributes to the development of cognitive activity, the formation of creativity as a personality trait in preschoolers; teaches the actions by which creativity is carried out.

I teach fairy tales once a week. Their duration can be different: 25 minutes or more. The age of the children and their mental capabilities should be taken into account; if necessary, any activity can be reduced to a minimum. In case of unforeseen fatigue of children, the lesson can be gently stopped, explaining that the “magic power” has dried up and there is no way to continue the journey through the fairy tale today, that the next meeting with the heroes of the fairy tale will take place another time.

Before starting full-fledged fairy tale classes, it is necessary to train children in the ability to sit correctly, relax, feel, and follow instructions.

There are three relaxation techniques for this:

a) relaxation in contrast to tension;

b) relaxation with fixation of attention on breathing;

c) relaxation - meditation.

When working with a fairy tale, I developed an algorithm:

1. reading a fairy tale;

2. exercises for rhythmization "Movement of the heroes of a fairy tale";

3. pontomimic studies;

4. vocabulary activation exercises;

5. exercises for voluntary muscle tension and relaxation (using music therapy);

6. games and dramatization games.

In classes I include common methods and approaches of psychotherapy (psycho-gymnastics, sketches, ART therapy (drawing, theater), which contribute to the development of attention, memory and imagination, which is a necessary condition for preparing a child for school.

So, for example, in the game "Storytellers" I use various types of theater, together with the children we compose new fairy tales using game exercises:

“Analysis of the situation and resources” (how the hare will drive the fox away; how the gingerbread man can hide from animals, etc.). Help the main character find a solution to problem situations.

“A new property” (a technique in relation to familiar fairy tales, for example, a bun made of straw, not dough). "Introduction of a new object in the title of a fairy tale" (a wolf, seven kids and a computer).

“Changing the fairy tale denouement” (in the fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears” instead of cheese, pills for greed).

I use non-traditional forms works "Tangle of fairy tales" How many fairy tales curled into a ball?

Creative picture storytelling

- "Look at the picture and tell us something (a fairy tale or a story)." The technique helps to work out the development of fantasy, imagination The child independently comes up with the content, based on the topic and his past experience, it was necessary to come up with a plot, a course of events, a climax and a denouement.

creative work based on a fairy tale: I suggest that the child answer a series of questions. What is this tale about? Which character is your favorite and why? Why the hero did certain things, etc.

Rewriting and rewriting fairy tales.

When rewriting a fairy tale, the child chooses the plot twist that best suits his inner state. A person finds that option for resolving the situation, which allows him to free himself from his internal tension.

Children are happy to participate in the production of fairy tales. As part of the theater week, we decided to prepare and show a fairy tale of our own composition. When choosing a fairy tale, everyone wanted to stage their own fairy tale, but having determined the number of participating characters, they settled on the fairy tale composed by Anya Igolkina with her parents “The Tale of the Little Tiger Cub and His Friends”, since the whole group could participate in the dramatization of this fairy tale.

Drawing based on a fairy tale. Children draw a picture of the most significant passage for him.

Story writing. The protagonist appears in the house (family, grows up, under certain circumstances, leaves the house, going on a trip.

In their "compositions" children try to preserve the description, the logic of the narrative, the climax and the denouement. Such work was carried out individually and in subgroups in order to activate the speech activity of each child, to help understand the algorithm for compiling the text of fairy tale content.

I also developed a card file of didactic games based on Russian folk tales, a card file of physical education minutes based on fairy tales.

A fairy tale corner has been organized in our group: here children play desktop-printed, role-playing, didactic and other educational games. There is a library with children's literature. Here children read, look at illustrations of fairy tales, conduct conversations, and discuss what they have read.

In my pedagogical work, I assign a special role to the education of parents, consultations on the use of fairy tales in education, and I try to explain to them the great importance of family reading. Parents with great pleasure look at the performances of their children, take part in the manufacture of costumes, sometimes they themselves perform at theatrical performances. I am sure that only if the activity and interest of parents are observed, their personal example will essential condition in ensuring the success of organized work

The result of my work with a fairy tale is:

Establishment of psychological comfort in the team.

Formation of cognitive interest in children.

The development of a coherent monologue, dialogical speech.

The use of fairy-tale situations by children in free play activities.

Development of creative imagination, thinking.

Formation of a position of respect for the environment.

Mastering the skills of relationships with the world.

Education fairy tale contributes to the education of self-confidence and their abilities. Under the influence of emotions, attention, thinking, and speech manifest themselves in a qualitatively different way, the competition of motives intensifies, and the mechanism of “emotional correction of behavior” improves. The role of the fairy tale is very great and accessible to the perception of preschool children.

In fairy tales, good always wins - this is very important in raising children.

Thus, I concluded that classes constructed in a fairy tale therapeutic way have a very wide influence on the development of a child's personality, help to effectively solve the problems of education and upbringing, and develop innate talents. And also to educate an important personal quality, which carries both a national and universal property. This is a feeling of kindness.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten №10 "Ryabinka"

Report on the topic:

"Fairytale therapy in kindergarten"

Prepared by:

Educational psychologist

Ermolina M.V.

2012 Likino-Dulyovo

Fairy tale therapy is perhaps the most child method psychology, and, of course, one of the most ancient. After all, even our ancestors, while raising children, were in no hurry to punish the delinquent child, but told him a fairy tale, from which the meaning of the act became clear. Fairy tales served as a moral and moral law, protected children from misfortunes, taught them how to live. Knowing how a fairy tale affects a person’s life, you can help your child a lot. Does he have a favorite fairy tale that he asks to read again and again? So, this tale touches on very important issues for the child. Fairy tale therapy sessions will help you understand what attracts the child to the plot of this fairy tale, which of the characters he likes the most, why he chooses this particular fairy tale. Over time, the child's addiction to a particular fairy tale changes, and this means that the baby grows, develops and poses new life questions.

Psychologists' research shows that a child's life is programmed in favorite fairy tales. "Tell me what your favorite fairy tale is, and I'll tell you who you are" - this is how the well-known proverb of psychoanalysts was paraphrased. Parents can learn fairy tale therapy on their own, but psychological counseling still does not hurt. For a soft influence on the behavior of the child, the psychologist selects special fairy tales.

Fairy tales for fairy tale therapy are selected differently: Russian folk and author's, specially designed psycho-correctional and meditative fairy tales, and many others. Often the psychologist offers the kid to compose a fairy tale on his own. The writing of fairy tales by a child and for a child is the basis of fairy tale therapy. Through a fairy tale, you can learn about such experiences of children that they themselves are not really aware of, or are embarrassed to discuss them with adults. Through a fairy tale, for example, one can learn about the attitude of a preschool child to the divorce of his parents.

As children, we all loved to listen to fairy tales. Depending on the mood, children can imagine themselves as one or another hero; and the Snow Queen, with her impregnability and coldness, then Gerda with a fiery heart, not retreating before any obstacles, then the princess from the Bremen Town Musicians.

Now many teachers in their practice are faced with the fact that many parents do not read fairy tales. But this is so important! In fairy tales, children find pieces of their soul, echoes of their lives. In addition, fairy tales instill hope in the child. The longer the child believes in the magical Santa Claus, who brings gifts on New Year's Eve, the more optimistic his outlook on life will be.

Children face some problems, they come to us, adults, but most often the methods that we offer are not suitable for them. Then they come to the conclusion that we cannot help them. And what to do with the accumulated sadness, irritation, anger or joy that is already overwhelming the child?

And here fairy tale therapy can come to the rescue. What is it? These are the same fairy tales, only focused on some problem. This is a story about certain situations that a child often finds himself in, it also describes the feelings that arise in a child, which can be associated with completely different life events. Imagination plays an important role here.

At the senior preschool age, two most important functions and lines of its development are manifested.

The first is connected with the development of sign-symbolic activity and is determined by the role of imagination mechanisms in the child's mastery of voluntary attention, memory, and logical thinking.

The second function of the imagination, associated with tentatively exploratory effective cognitive activity, allows the child to understand and feel the meaning of human activity, the actions of those around him and his own actions for himself and for others, mentally lose various options actions and experience the meaning of their consequences. This is due to the formation of a certain meaningful emotional attitude to the environment, which constitutes the moral sphere of the child.

The mental development of children from three to six years old is characterized by the formation of figurative thinking, which allows the child to think about objects, compare them in his mind even when he does not see them. The child begins to form models of the reality with which he is dealing, to build its description. He does this with the help of a fairy tale. Four or five years is the apogee of fabulous thinking. A fairy tale is such a sign system with the help of which a child interprets the surrounding reality.

Each group of fairy tales has its own age audience. Children 3-5 years old are most understandable and close to fairy tales about animals and fairy tales about the interaction of people and animals. At this age, children often identify themselves with animals, easily transform into them, copying their behavior.

Starting from the age of 5, the child identifies himself mainly with human characters: Princes, Princesses, Soldiers, etc. The older the child becomes, the more he enjoys reading stories and fairy tales about people, because these stories contain a story about how a person knows the world. From about 5-6 years old, the child prefers fairy tales.

The main principle of the selection of fairy tales is the direction of the problem situation characteristic of a given age, the moral lesson that a fairy tale gives, accessible for understanding by children of older preschool age.

The structure of the fairy tale therapy lesson contains the obligatory ritual of “entry into a fairy tale” (setting), the main part, where the methods of working with a fairy tale, techniques and exercises for the development of the child’s verbal imagination, and the ritual of “exiting a fairy tale” are used. Such a structure of the lesson creates an atmosphere of a "fantastic world", a mood for working with a metaphor.

The work with the fairy tale is built as follows:

1) reading or telling the tale itself; her discussion. Moreover, in the discussion, the child must be sure that he can express any of his opinions, i.e. whatever he says should not be condemned.

2) a drawing of the most significant passage for the child;

3) dramatization, i.e. playing a fairy tale in roles. The child intuitively chooses a "healing" role for himself. And here it is necessary to give the role of the screenwriter to the child himself, then the problematic moments will definitely be lost.

The effect in the lesson is achieved by a combination of three components of the image of a fairy tale, a fairy tale atmosphere: the musical image of a fairy tale, the image of a fairy tale space (lighting effects), the actual telling of a fairy tale and the demonstration of fairy tale characters in a table theater.

What can give such fairy tales for children?

First, the child understands that adults are interested in his problems, that his parents are on his side.

Secondly, he adopts the following approach to life: "look for the strength to resolve the conflict in yourself, you will definitely find them and overcome difficulties", i.e. we live our life the way we build it for ourselves.

Thirdly, stories show that there is always a way out of any situation, you just need to look for it.

In fairy tales, the following groups of topics that they raise can be distinguished.

1. Difficulties associated with communication (with peers and parents).

2. Feelings of inferiority. Almost all aggressive behavior is the result of a sense of one's own "insignificance" and an attempt to prove the opposite in this way.

3. Fears and anxieties for a variety of reasons.

4. Problems related to the specifics of age. A preschooler is faced with the need to do without a mother, to be independent.

As a result of fairy tale therapy, the child feels the support of adults, which he needs so much. Also in a fairy tale and through the perception of a fairy-tale world, you can create the necessary conditions for development emotional sphere preschooler, to enrich with images and ideas that form the imagination.

Is fairy tale therapy useful for everyone?

Yes, fairy tale therapy is useful for everyone. There are special healing tales not only for small children, but also for teenagers and adults. The fairy tale will help to solve many psychological problems. Do not just consider it a salvation from all troubles. This is not a miracle drug that helps in one dose, but a long, hard work, the effect of which will be visible over time, but it will definitely be. Of course, fairy tale therapy has special conditions when working with children: the child must clearly understand that there is a fairy-tale reality that is different from real life. The skill of such discrimination usually appears in a child by the age of 3.5-4, although, of course, in each specific case it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child's mental development.

Fairy tale therapy techniques can be mastered by parents. However, you should first consult with experts.

If you notice that your child has some kind of emotional problem (for example, he is irritable, rude, capricious or aggressive), you need to come up with a fairy tale where the characters, their adventures and exploits will help your child solve this problem. First, we describe a hero who is similar to a child in age and character (the fairy tale we invented may even begin with the words: "There was a boy who looked very much like you..."). Further, we show the life of the hero in a fairy tale so that the child himself sees the resemblance to his own life (after all, fairy tale therapy is individual fairy tales for a particular person, it is necessary that the child can see himself in the main character). Then, the hero invented by us gets into a problem situation similar to the real situation of the child (he is also afraid of something, feels lonely, etc.) and we attribute to the hero all the experiences of the baby (of course, according to the plot, many opportunities and ways should appear to overcome these obstacles). Then, the fairy-tale hero (and the child with him) begins to look for a way out of this situation and, of course, finds it.

Fiction stories are also very useful. For example, a child who loves to lie about trifles should read the fairy tale "The Bouncer Hare", the frivolous and playful "Adventures of Dunno", it will be useful for a selfish and greedy kid to listen to the fairy tale "About the Fisherman and the Fish", and the timid and shy - "About the Cowardly Hare ". In this case, you should not explicitly point out the similarity of the hero with the child - the kid will draw conclusions himself. Just discuss the story together. Almost all methods of art therapy will come to the rescue here: color therapy (you can draw your impressions of a fairy tale), game therapy (invent a game based on a fairy tale or stage a favorite passage), and even music therapy (choose melodies that suit the mood of a particular plot). This will help the baby to better learn the experience learned from the fairy tale, and parents - to better understand their child.

The forms of working with fairy tales are as multicolored and varied as life itself. Absolutely everything that surrounds us can be described in the language of fairy tales. If parents can correctly use all the possibilities of fairy tale therapy, they will provide their children with invaluable help.
The child will know that his parents are not indifferent to his problems, he will be able to learn such a life rule: "you need to look for strength to overcome difficulties in yourself." Fairy tales show that there are no hopeless situations, there is always a way out - you just need to look for it.

Fairy tales will develop the child's imagination, teach him to improvise freely, without fear of danger, give him a wonderful ability to use the magical power of creativity to solve problems!

educational psychologist

MBDOU No. 24 "Asterisk"

Guseva A.S.

The evening fell outside the window,

Blurred the colors of the day

Wrapped the city in gentle sleep,

The realm of fairy tales has come again ...

And mom, putting aside worries,

For a fairy tale, time forgets

And for her, as in childhood,

The magical world suddenly comes to life.

Sleep lulled the baby

His brave soul

Merged with a hero in a glorious realm

Magical, wonderful state.

The baby fell asleep. But also in a dream

He tries on himself

The role of Cinderella, Cat, Ruslan,

Life of elves and Tsar Saltan.

He will grow wiser in the Tale

And the spirit is firmer and kinder.

After all, one who loves a fairy tale since childhood,

He will no longer be evil in life!

fairy tale therapy- exposure to a fairy tale for the purpose of treatment (therapy), correction and development, therapy with an environment, a special fairy-tale setting in which potential parts of the personality can manifest themselves.

Fairy tale therapy correction excludes the directive change of negative forms of behavior. Instead, the principle of "expanding the spectrum of alternative reactions" is proposed. That is, a person in a fairy-tale form is offered many models of behavior in various situations and is given the opportunity to lose, “live” as many of these models as possible. Experience shows that the more a person has an arsenal of possible reactions, behavior patterns, the better he is adapted to the conditions of the surrounding world.

The sources of the concept of fairy tale therapy were the works of L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin, B. Bettelheim, R. Gardner, E. Fromm, E. Bern, K.-G. Jung, M.-L. von Franz, N. Pezeshkian, T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, M. Osorina, V. Propp, E. Romanova, A. Gnezdilov, A. Zakharov and others.

Fairy tale therapy is closely related to art therapy, play therapy, gestalt therapy, psychosynthesis, body-oriented therapy, Jungian sand psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and TRIZ.

Fairy tale therapy in preschool associated with the implementation of three functions: diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic.

Diagnostic function fairy tales helps to determine the main scenarios and strategies used by the child when building a model of his behavior in a given situation. This is manifested in the way a child chooses a few favorites from a variety of fairy tales. Thus, he, as it were, chooses a certain life model for himself. An analysis of fairy tales that have interested the child will help an adult to identify the abilities and talents of the baby, character traits and individuality of perception of the surrounding reality. The image of a fox played by a child indicates the presence of a flexible mind, cunning and the ability to use one's charm; addiction to pirate games and images of robbers shows a tendency to fight and aggression.

Therapeutic Function fairy tale is that it helps the child to form an image of himself in the future, to build a model of behavior to achieve the desired future, taking an active position and realizing his own responsibility.

predictive function fairy tale is that it helps to realize the influence of "today's" behavior on "tomorrow's" state of human life.

and I Fairy tale therapy is perhaps the most childish method of psychology, and one of the most ancient. After all, even our ancestors, while raising children, were in no hurry to punish the delinquent child, but told him a fairy tale, from which the meaning of the act became clear. Fairy tales served as a moral and moral law, protected children from misfortunes, taught them how to live. Knowing how a fairy tale affects a person’s life, you can help your child a lot. Fairy tales can be roughly divided into − didactic or educational fairy tales, psycho-corrective fairy tales, meditative fairy tales.

Didactic or educational a fairy tale through plot and imagery helps the baby to better assimilate information. Educational and cognitive material presented in the context of a fairy tale, when various objects and symbols are animated, is easier for a child to perceive, which means that the learning process becomes more effective.

Psychocorrective fairy tales can be viewed from two perspectives. On the one hand, they help an adult to gently influence the child's behavior, "replacing" an ineffective style of behavior with a more productive one and explaining to the child the meaning of what is happening. On the other hand, this type of fairy tales implies such an influence on the solution of psychological problems by children, which will result in changes in the child's behavior due to the formation of their own active position and self-control.

Meditative tales activate positive emotions, teach a positive attitude. A feature of these fairy tales is the absence of negative characters and conflict situations. Perceiving meditative fairy tales, the child can not only once again immerse himself in the pleasant events of his life, relive them, but also take a fresh look at negative life experience, get rid of unpleasant experiences and disturbing thoughts.

Fairy tales are a direct reflection of the mental processes of the collective unconscious. In myths, legends or other more detailed mythological material, we come to understand the basic structural formations (patterns) human psyche, comprehending them through cultural layers.

Any characters of fairy tales - good fairies, evil sorceresses, dragons, witches and dwarfs - are archetypal images presented at deep mental levels. Whether we realize it or not, it does not matter, since they still affect us, being psychological realities. Events in fairy tales do not reflect some kind of abstraction, but the current psychic reality of life. Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that any fairy tale is a relatively closed system, expressing some essential psychological meaning contained in a series of symbolic pictures and events replacing each other, through which it can be revealed.

Fairy tale therapy is useful for everyone. There are special healing tales not only for small children, but also for teenagers and adults. The fairy tale will help to solve many psychological problems. But this is especially true for preschool children.

Classes in kindergarten with fairy tale therapy help to quickly adapt to the preschool educational institution, reveal and develop the inner potential of the child.

The mental development of children from three to six years old is characterized by the formation of figurative thinking, which allows the child to think about objects, compare them in his mind even when he does not see them. The child begins to form models of the reality with which he is dealing, to build its description. He does this with the help of a fairy tale. Four or five years is the apogee of fabulous thinking.

As the sphere of communication expands, children experience the action of a variety of social factors that significantly activate their emotional world. The child must learn to overcome situational emotions, culturally manage feelings. A fairy tale and a game allow you to learn this. For example, deal with fears. For a child who is afraid of something, a ready-made fairy tale is selected or compiled, in which information about his fear and ways to overcome it is metaphorically encrypted. At the lesson, the child not only listens to this fairy tale, but also plays out ways to overcome fear, identifying with the main fairy tale character. You can also invite him to draw illustrations for the fairy tale, rewrite the fairy tale in his own way, come up with a new one with the same main character, etc. In the process of such work, the child not only “gets acquainted” with his fear, but also learns to cope with it.

The tale to a certain extent satisfies three natural psychological needs of the child preschool (primary school) age:

  • the need for autonomy. In each fairy tale, the hero acts independently throughout the entire journey, makes choices, makes decisions, relying only on himself, on his own strengths;
  • the need for competence. The hero turns out to be able to overcome the most incredible obstacles and, as a rule, turns out to be a winner, achieves success, although he may suffer temporary setbacks;
  • need for activity. The hero is always active, in action: he goes somewhere, meets someone, helps someone, gets something, fights with someone, runs away from someone, etc. Sometimes at first the hero’s behavior is not active, the impetus to activity is provoked from the outside by other characters.

The result of meeting these needs is the formation of such personality traits , how:

  • autonomy which is expressed in the desire to express one's personal opinion, position or views;
  • activity which involves the ability to take initiative in communication, the ability to organize the attention of partners, stimulate their communication, manage the process of communication, emotionally respond to the state of partners;
  • social competence , which consists of several components:
  • motivational, including the attitude towards another person (showing kindness, attention, sympathy, empathy and assistance);
  • cognitive, associated with the knowledge of another person, the ability to understand his characteristics, interests, needs, notice changes in mood, emotional state, etc .;
  • behavioral, which is associated with the choice of adequate situations, ways of communication.

The fairy tale makes the child empathize with the characters, as a result of which he has new ideas about people, objects and phenomena of the world around him, a new emotional experience.

What is fairy tale therapy? According to T. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, this is “secret, deep knowledge about the world and the system of relationships in it!” So, touching the origins of a fairy tale, children discover in themselves and in the world around them what, perhaps, in the depths of their souls has long been known, and what a fairy tale helps them intuitively understand!

How can you organize and conduct classes using the method of fairy tale therapy? I would like to give some advice based on my own experience.

Of course, first of all, first of all, it is necessary to identify those children with whom it is necessary to work. For this, it is recommended to use special techniques and method of observation (see Appendix 1).

Then groups of children from 5 to 7 years old are formed. The optimal number of children in each group is 6-8 people. Classes are held twice a week for two months.

The purpose of classes using the method of fairy tale therapy is: harmonization of the emotional and personal development of each child, the formation of his volitional qualities and creative abilities.

Main goals:

- Development of fantasy and imagination.

- Development of the ability to express one's thoughts.

- The development of the ability to listen to another, follow the course of his thoughts and the ability to attach your own thoughts and fantasies to the context of the story.

— Development of the ability to decenter, the ability to take the place of another, to look at the world from different angles

- The development of empathy.

— Expansion of the repertoire of emotions and emotional states. Developing the ability to recognize them.

— Expansion of knowledge about the phenomena of the surrounding physical and social world.

In working with preschool children, the most commonly used technique is Grabenko T., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T., Frolov D. “The Magic Country is inside us!”, As well as the author's program “Intersection Point”.

Children love these kinds of activities. They unite the group, allow children to learn ways to relieve stress, new effective behaviors, etc.

Appendix 2 lists several options for "fabulous" games for preschool children, which are recommended for use.

List of used literature

  1. Gianni Rodari. Grammar of Fantasy. Progress. - M., 1990.
  2. Ermolaeva M. E. Practical psychology children's creativity / Moscow Psychological and Social Institute. - M., 2001.
  3. Efimkina R.P. Child psychology. Method. instructions / NGU. - Novosibirsk, 1995.
  4. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D. The path to magic. - St. Petersburg, 1998.
  5. Kon I.S. Psychology of early youth. - M., 1989.
  6. Mendell Muriel. Fairy-tale puzzles, or tricks of an insidious genie. - M .: Ast-press, 1998.
  7. Propp V. Morphology of a fairy tale. - M., 1969.
  8. Sokolov D. Fairy tales and fairy tale therapy.- M.: Klass, 1999.
  9. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? - M .: Genesis, 1998.
  10. Khjell L., Ziegler D. Personality Theories. - St. Petersburg, 1997.
  11. Chernihovich E. Winnie the Pooh decides aloud. - Gomel: IPP "SOZH", 1995.
  12. Schwanzer J. and team. Diagnostics of mental development. - Prague, 1978.
  13. Jung KG Phenomenology of the spirit in a fairy tale. - M., 1996.

Fairy tales contain a complete set of "eternal" human life problems that are still relevant in our age of technological progress. Bright, impressive fairy-tale images of good heroes and strong knights, fairy fairies and beautiful princesses will help to convincingly and eloquently explain to the baby what is good and what is bad, in an interesting form for the child to convey knowledge about the world around. It is important that adults surrounding the baby, reading and discussing fairy tales, carefully fill it with information that will help the child in the future to accept the right decision in real life.

The meaning of fairy tale therapy, specific tasks and techniques

A fairy tale is told not in order to hide, but in order to reveal, to say with all its might, with all its might, what you think.

Evgeny Schwartz

Fairy tale therapy (“treatment with a fairy tale”) is complex classes which are aimed at working with feelings, stabilizing the emotional state, improving and harmonizing the psyche, forming the value foundations of the personality, developing the child's creative abilities. Fairy tale therapy was born and developed at the intersection of psychology, pedagogy, cultural traditions of different peoples.

Listening to a fairy tale, the child is mentally transferred to an imaginary world, passes tests, experiences adventures.

Video: fairy tale therapy as a method of positive attitude of the child Video can’t be loaded: Fairy tale therapy as a method positive attitude child. (

Tasks and methods of fairy tale therapy in work with preschoolers

Fairy tale therapy solves many problems related to the development of the child:

  • disclosure and activation of creative potential;
  • development of fantasy and figurative worldview;
  • acquaintance with the world of universal values, age-old folk wisdom, familiarization with everyday culture and the experience of ancestors;
  • regulation of self-esteem, neutralization of psychological problems (fears, hostility, hyperactivity);
  • the formation of rich, figurative speech, the improvement of the communication sphere of the child;
  • honing correct pronunciation, articulation, speech breathing, development of finger motor skills and spatial thinking;
  • development of the ability to build a monologue, conduct a dialogue with the interlocutor;
  • solution of problems of social adaptation, education of a safe model of behavior, a culture of a healthy lifestyle.

The methods of fairy tale therapy are also diverse:

Video: fairy tale therapy techniques used in work with older preschoolers Video can't be loaded: The method of fairy tale therapy in working with children of senior preschool age. (

Consider, as an example, such a technique as retelling a fairy tale on basic questions. We chose the fairy tale "Three Bears".

Children's retelling of a fairy tale on questions is accompanied by an illustration of the fairy tale. The pictures are shown by the teacher or the child. When telling a fairy tale, children try to get used to the image of the character on whose behalf they speak.

  • Where did Mashenka go and where did she end up? (In the picture, the girl is walking into the forest with a basket)

    Details are important in the illustrations, according to which it is easy to restore the plot, for example, the basket in the hands of a girl tells why she went into the forest

  • Who lived in forest house? (Image of a house in a forest clearing)

    Pictures should reflect the main twists of the plot of the fairy tale

  • Where were Mikhail Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka? (The bear family went for a walk)
  • What did the girl see in the house, what did she do? (Picture of a table with bowls)

    The emotions of the characters depicted in the illustrations will help to restore events

  • Whose porridge did she find the most delicious? (Masha eats porridge with Mishutka's spoon)
  • What happened to Mishutka's chair? (Broken chair and a girl falling from it)

    Pictures should exactly match the plot, but not scare children.

  • What did the girl see in the other room? Which bed did you choose? (The girl sleeps on the smallest bed)

    Images allow the children to remember the details of the story.

  • What happened when the bears returned home? Did Mishutka like the girl? (The bears examine the traces of the girl's stay. Mishutka tries to bite Mashenka)

    The teacher can draw the attention of children to those moments that they do not notice

  • What did the girl do? (Mashenka running out the window)

    The illustrations should suggest what will happen next, for example, a frightened Masha, depicted near the window, will remind the children of her flight

  • How did the fairy tale end?

Among the techniques of fairy tale therapy, games are very popular.

With children, you can conduct the following didactic games based on fairy tales:

  • "Who's extra?" - checks knowledge of the content of the tale.
  • “Name a fairy tale according to a fairy-tale hero” - trains the ability to recognize a fairy tale by characters. Pictures with images of a goat, a wolf, a fox are offered, children name the fairy tales in which they meet, for example, "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Gingerbread Man", "Zayushkina's Hut", etc.
  • "Who is the hero of the story?" - teaches to guess a fairy tale according to the words of the characters.
  • "Who lives in which house?" - reinforces knowledge about domestic and forest animals.
  • “Find a magic item” - children select a magical attribute for the hero in accordance with the plot of a fairy tale, for example, Pinocchio - a golden key, Fairy - a magic wand.
  • "Tell a story" - the child lays out the illustration cards in right order and retells the story in his own words.

    Older preschoolers can be given illustration cards for several fairy tales and asked to correctly collect and retell each of them.

  • "Russian folk tales" - improves attention, memory, speech; encourages initiative and independence in the game with symbolic images of characters. Sequencing:

  • "Collect a picture" - forms the ability to make a complete picture from several parts according to the model, develops logical thinking, attention. Sequencing:
  • "Let's help the Koloboks!" - replenishes vocabulary develops attention and memory. Sequencing:

Photo gallery: examples of didactic games based on fairy tales

According to the illustration, the children need to guess the name of the fairy tale The children must answer which hero is not from that fairy tale, that the rest Children need to correctly assemble the picture from the fairy tale "Turnip" Let the children "put patches" on the illustration Preschoolers need to guess the character of the fairy tale by its silhouette And who owns this silhouette? Invite the children to match the hero with his attribute. Which of these heroes is not from the fairy tale "Teremok"? Children need to find an extra character from the fairy tale "Geese Swans"

Table: outdoor games on the theme of fairy tales

Name of the game Rules
"Teremok" Children stand in a circle - this is a teremok. Several children put on masks of fairy tale characters: a mouse, a frog, a hare, a wolf, a fox and a bear.
Children raise their hands clasped to each other and say the words:
“Here is the teremok,
He is not low, not high.
As the animal enters it,
This will lock the lock."
During the pronunciation of words, children in masks of animals run into the circle and run out of it.
At the words of the teacher “CLAP”, the children lower their clasped hands.
Whoever gets caught stops being a "animal" and gets into a teremok with the rest of the children.
The game is played until the most agile remains.
"Wolf and goats" A wolf is chosen, the rest of the children are goats.
Children - goats jump around the playground, saying:
"We are funny goats,
Naughty all the guys
We are not afraid of anyone
Except one wolf.
(approaching the wolf)
Gray wolf, don't yawn
Hurry up with us."
On the last words, the “wolf” catches up with the “goats”.
Whomever he caught (tagged), he crouches.
The game stops when most of the guys are caught.
Then a new "wolf" is selected
"Red Riding Hood" Children stand in a circle with clasped hands. In the center is a child with a red cap on his head, slightly covering his eyes.
Children go around Little Red Riding Hood and say:
"Little girl
Little Red Riding Hood
I went to my grandmother with a basket
And I found the kids here.
Don't take off your hat
Who called you, find out?
The child pointed to by the teacher calls: “Little Red Riding Hood!”
She must guess who called her, name.
Guessed child becomes Little Red Riding Hood
"Barmaley" A child is selected - Barmaley, he is dressed in a mask of a hero. He approaches the children with the words:
“I am the kindest Barmaley,
I love children very much.
Who will go for a walk with me:
Run, jump and jump?
Children move away from Barmaley, saying:
"We don't want to go with you,
You better catch up with us!”
Children run away from Barmaley. He takes the caught children to his "house".
The game then continues with the newly chosen child.
"Fly Tsokotukha" Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the center is a child in a Mukha-Tsokotukha hat.
Children walk in a circle, pronouncing the words:
"Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,
gilded belly,
We are going to visit you
Whoever you want, we'll bring it.
Maybe striped bees?
Or furry caterpillars?
Bloodsuckers - mosquitoes?
Or fat worms?
The child in the center (Fly-Tsokotuha) chooses. If the child named the bees, then the children fly in a circle and buzz; if caterpillars - go in small steps; if mosquitoes fly, pronouncing "z-z-z"; if worms - go in a circle, alternately tilting and raising the body.
After each show, the host chooses the child who, in his opinion, performs the movements best of all, and he becomes the host
"Hares and Fox" Children in bunny masks stand in a circle.
A child in a fox mask walks around the circle and says:
“Oh, my house has melted,
How can I go home.
Gotta run to the bunny
Take away his house."
He approaches the house of one of the "bunnies", knocks:
Gray bunny, run out
And play with me."
"Bunny" and "Fox" race around the circle: who will be the first to occupy the house. Who loses - he becomes a "fox"

Table: finger games for children 3-4 years old

Spoken text Guidelines
Once upon a time there was a bunny -
Long ears.
Frostbitten bunny
Nose on the edge.
Frostbitten nose,
Frostbite ponytail
And went to warm up
Visit the kids
They clap their hands. 3 fingers in a fist, index and middle - ears.

Rub your nose.
Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.
Petting a cat.
Turn the steering wheel
At Grishenka
Under the window
Semyon has maples in the garden,
Alena has a green oak,
Marina has a raspberry bush,
Arina has two mountain ash.
And Vanya
On the wattle fence
Hops curl
Putting out two fists.
They put their palms on the edge.
Show two hands.
Putting out two fists.
Left hand: fingers are bent, starting with the little finger.
Right hand: fingers are bent, starting with the little finger.
Show palm.
Putting out a fist.
Palm. Fist
The knee is good
handsome knee,
Walk along the path
Stomp, Kolya, with a leg
Stroke the left hand.
Stroke the right hand.
The index and middle fingers move.
Putting out a fist.
They put their palm on the edge.
Show palm
Once upon a time there were bunnies
On the edge of the forest.
Once upon a time there were bunnies
In a white hut.
Wash your ears
Washed their paws
Bunnies dressed up
put on slippers
3 fingers in a fist, index and middle - ears.
They clap their hands.
Show ears.
Show the house.
Rubbing ears.
Washing movements with the palms of the hands.
The movement of the palms from top to bottom along the torso.
My fingers will tell
What they can - all will show.
There are five on each hand.
They can do everything, they will always help.
They play the flute
The ball is thrown
Laundry is washed
The floor is being swept
Pinch, caress -
Five and five of my nimble fingers
Clap hands with outstretched fingers.
The fingers of the same name of both hands touch each other 4 times.
They show outstretched fingers.
They clap their hands.
Further movements correspond to the text.
Show fingers of both hands
I remember the dough with my hands
I'll bake a sweet cake.
I'll smear the middle with jam,
And the top with sweet cream,
And coconut crumbs
I'll sprinkle some cake
And then I'll make tea
Invite a friend to visit
The child squeezes and unclenches his fingers.
Performs circular movements with the palms.
He moves his palms along the plane of the table.
The child imitates "sprinkling crumbs" with the fingers of both hands
"Scarlet Flowers"
Our scarlet flowers
The petals are unfolding.
The wind breathes a little
The petals sway.
Our scarlet flowers
Close the petals
Sleeping quietly
shake their heads
The child joins his palms in the shape of a tulip.
Slowly opens his fingers.
Gently swings his hands from side to side.
The child slowly closes his hands, imitating the shape of a flower.
Randomly shakes the "flower head"
"Sharik and girlfriends"
Ball inflated two girlfriends
Took from each other -
All scratched up!
The balloon burst, and two girlfriends
We looked - there is no toy,
Sit down and cry...
The child squeezes the fingers of both hands into a “pinch” and touches only with the tips.
In this position, he should blow on them, while the fingers should take the form of a ball.
The air "leaves" and the fingers return to their original position
"Visiting the Gnomes"
The gnomes invited guests.
The gnomes treated the guests.
Each guest got a jam.
Fingers glued that treat
tightly pressed palm to palm,
Guests can not even take a spoon!
Before starting the game, the child clenches his fists on both hands.
The adult bends the child's fingers in turn.
The adult presses successively on the pad of each finger of the child with his index finger.
An adult consistently runs his index finger along each finger of the child from the base to the very tip.
The child should press the fingertips closely in pairs to each other.
The child tightly connects the palms

Table: finger games for children 5–7 years old

Name of the game Spoken text Guidelines
"Goat" The goat came out of the door,
He arched his neck: "Give me bread soon!"
"Give me a pie!"
Stretched out his hoof:
"Give me some water to drink!"
The left hand depicts a goat: medium and ring fingers bent, the thumb presses them from below, the little finger and index finger are straightened. This position is maintained throughout the game.
The right hand is clenched into a fist, bent at the wrist, expose the horns.
Right hand clenched into a fist middle finger straightened.
The right hand folds in a boat
"Gloves and mice" Nimble mouse
Found a glove.
Having made a nest in it,
The mice called
Im a crust of bread
Gave me a bite
Stroked everyone
And sent to sleep
Open your palms, fingers spread out, turn your hands with your palm, then back side up.
Put your palms in a "dipper".
Bend and unbend your fingers, imitating a calling gesture.
tip thumb alternately tap on the tips of the remaining fingers.
With your thumb, stroke the remaining fingers in a sliding motion from the little finger to the index finger.
Press your palms together, put them under your cheek
"There was a cuckoo" The cuckoo walked past the market,
She had a basket.
Suddenly a basket on the floor - bang,
Ten flies flew!
The child "walks" on the table on straightened index and middle fingers, the rest of the fingers are pursed.
Then he connects the palms with a "ladle".
He hits his knees with closed palms and separates his hands.
The child spreads his arms to the sides and moves his fingers
"Ten Kittens" At our Murochka
There are ten kittens
Now all kittens
In pairs are:
Two fat, two dexterous,
Two long, two tricky,
The two smallest
And the most beautiful
The child folds his hands, presses his fingers to each other. Elbows should rest on the table.
Shakes the palms from side to side without separating the fingers.
Taps the corresponding fingers against each other - from the thumb to the little finger
"Needle and thimble" Embroider, sew a needle.
The finger hurts, the finger is sharp,
And the thimble at the same moment
K (child's name) jump on your finger!
He says to the needle: - Shay!
And don't you dare poke
The left palm of the child is open, in the right hand is an imaginary needle; the needle sews and touches the index finger on the left hand.
With your right hand, perform such a movement as if you are putting a thimble on the index finger of your left hand.
The left palm of the child is open, in the right hand there is an imaginary needle, he is sewing.
The child threatens with the finger of his left hand
"Cat Chef" Snow fell on the threshold
The cat baked himself a cake
In the meantime, sculpted and baked,
The pie flowed in a stream.
Bake pies for yourself
Not from snow, but from flour
The child raises his hands up, and then slowly lowers his palms to the table.
Depicts pie making.
The child "runs" with the fingers of both hands on the table.
Again depicts the modeling of the cake
"Mouse" The mouse sat on the butter dish,
And the butter dish is a sticky mushroom,
A mouse sat on it
And stuck, stuck, stuck
The child with the palm of the left hand covers the fist of the right.
Rotates with the fist of the right hand.
Rubs the palm of the left hand on the fist of the right.
The child “tears” the left palm from the fist, and she “holds on”
"Wind, wind, breeze" The wind blew through the forest
Wind leaves counted:
Here is oak
Here is maple
Here - rowan, carved,
Here - from a birch, golden.
Here - last page from aspen
The wind threw on the path
The child performs smooth wave-like movements with his palms.
Bends one finger at a time, starting with the thumb.
Raises his hands up, and then gently lowers his hands to the table or knees
"Giraffes and Elephants" Giraffes have spots, spots,
Spots, spots everywhere.
Giraffes have spots, spots,
Spots, spots everywhere:

On the noses, on the stomachs,
on knees and noses.

Creases, folds everywhere.
Elephants have folds, folds,
Creases, Creases Everywhere:
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and noses
The child claps his hands all over his body.
Both index fingers touches the corresponding parts of the body.
The child gently pinches himself, as if collecting folds.
With both index fingers, the child touches the corresponding parts of the body

Typology of fairy tales

The fairy-tale world offers an example of solving the most intricate and hopeless situations, but does not impose it in the form of strict regulations and laws. The child is mentally transferred to an imaginary world, goes through trials, experiences adventures, quietly acquiring the most important experience and overcoming his own internal problems.

Artistic tales are traditional folk tales, as well as author's tales, built on the principle of the integrity of the world of people and the world of nature, as well as on the magic of "revival". Artistic tales are of the following types:

  • folk;
  • fairy tales about animals, natural phenomena, plants;
  • fairy tales on everyday topics;
  • scary stories;
  • fantastic fairy tales filled with magic.

Example: the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" will help a gullible and naughty kid, "The Princess and the Pea" - spoiled and capricious, "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" - selfish and greedy.

Didactic - the most uncomplicated and simple version of a fairy tale narrative, aimed at the transfer of practical life experience, everyday knowledge, useful skills and abilities. For example:

  • how to cross the road correctly and safely;
  • how to wash yourself, dress, make tea;
  • how to maintain cleanliness and order in the children's room, how to fold toys yourself;
  • how to learn to be polite and attentive towards people around you, why you need to congratulate friends on holidays, give gifts.

The most mundane and boring activity can be made bright and interesting with the help of the amazing magic of transformations and reincarnations. A fairy tale story tells about the meaning and significance of a particular skill, in the final the child will have a small task, during which he will gain real experience and consolidate theoretical knowledge.

A psychological fairy tale is a fictional story, a product of the author's fantasy, filled with worldview meaning that has a direct psychological impact on personal development child. The complexity of the author's fairy tale is that it conveys the most important information in an encrypted symbolic form, hiding it behind metaphorical images. A psychological fairy tale will not tell how to please a friend with freshly brewed tea or politely ask adults for something, but it will try to explain what real friendship, why love your loved ones and protect the natural world around you.

Video: fairy tale therapy for behavioral problems in children Video can’t be loaded: Fairy tale therapy for behavior problems in children (

A psycho-correctional fairy tale is a kind of “soft hint” that has an indirect effect on the behavior and value orientations of the child. In accordance with the moralizing intent, the narrator builds the plot in a certain way: in the opening of the story, an ineffective behavior model is demonstrated (hostility, deceit, capriciousness, untidiness, timidity, boasting, greed), and then an alternative style is considered (benevolent, courage, generosity, truthfulness, mercy) , conclusions are drawn. The meaning of the events of a fairy tale story can lie on the surface and be easily captured by the listener.

For example, in the beloved story of Little Raccoon, a dangerous enemy that lives in the river immediately disappeared as soon as main character changed from an evil, menacing grin to a sweet smile. The moral of the tale is simple and obvious: how you treat the world is how the world treats you. And here is an example of a fairy tale that is more complex in form, the meaning of which is hidden under an abstract metaphor: “The sad Tiger is wandering through the forest and crying, he met a laughing Monkey. "What are you sad about, Tiger?" - the Monkey is interested. “No one loves me,” the Tiger complains in response, “I’m leaving to live elsewhere.” “Will you take your sharp and terrible fangs with you?” asks the Monkey. Such tales require further discussion and explanation.

The psychotherapeutic fairy tale is the most powerful genre that has the potential to heal the soul, carrying deep wisdom and subtle beauty. Often educators and psychologists looking for fairy tales that can bring emotional relief, help in a difficult life situation, use the wealth of religious parables, fables of Aesop, I. Krylov, legends, epics and myths.

Video: psychotherapeutic fairy tale Video can’t be loaded: Fairy tale therapy for psychosomatic illnesses in children (

Meditative fairy tales - have a relaxing effect on the psyche, help relieve psycho-emotional stress, strive to root in the unconscious an ideal model, on the basis of which a person builds relationships with himself, people around him and the world.

Age features of fairy tale therapy

At the age of three or four years, the following distinctive features of fairy tale therapy can be noted:

  • The child observes facial expressions, gestures of an adult during individual or group activities and learns to convey the feelings and emotions of the heroes of a fairy tale.
  • The problem around which the fairy tale plot is built should be interesting and relevant for the baby, the questions are formulated in such a way as to help to see and understand the cause-and-effect relationships.
  • The plots of fairy tales should be simple and accessible to the perception of the child, it is worth remembering that kids will be able to separate the fairy-tale world from the real world only at the age of four.
  • Toddlers of three or four years old are familiar and understandable fairy tales that tell about the interaction of people and animals. Little dreamers easily transform into the image of an animal, imitate their habits with ease and innate artistry.

When staging "Teremok", children can easily portray animals - heroes of a fairy tale

Five years:

  • Simulation of plots together with the child, working through his real life situations, problems, fears. Such a story may begin, for example, with the following words: "Once upon a time there was a boy (girl) who was very similar to you."
  • All work takes place at a deep, subconscious level, discussion and analysis at this age are ineffective.
  • Tasks related to the continuation of the fairy tale, a circular method of joint development of the storyline, when each child in turn invents his own small fragment, weaving it into the plot created by common efforts.
  • Five year olds prefer fairy tales see themselves as a noble prince, charming princess, brave soldier, etc.

The task, when children take turns coming up with a small part of the plot, may be accompanied by playing out a fairy tale

Six to seven years:

  • Fairy tale therapy begins with a discussion and posing problematic issues.
  • Horror stories will help relieve psychological stress, the ending of which will be funny and unpredictable.
  • Didactic fairy tales are actively used, for example, math assignments, woven into a fairy tale story about overcoming a test, or the fairy tale "Two Frogs", symbolically illustrating the truth that you need to fight to the end.
  • Children of this age are interested in philosophical and everyday fairy tales.

Methodology for conducting a cycle of classes in fairy tale therapy

The first step is the active development of the content of the tale. It takes place over 2-3 sessions, which include:

  • Reading or telling a new fairy tale by a teacher.
  • Conversation on the topics of emotional perception, moral lesson. An example of questions for conducting a conversation on the fairy tale "Thumbelina":
    • How was Thumbelina's kindness manifested?

      Tell how she took care of the sick swallow.

      How did she live with the mole, why was she sad and longing?

      What would you say to the mole if you were in Thumbelina's place?

      What are the new and beautiful words And do you know the phrases?

      How to change the end of the fairy tale so that the woman is also happy?

  • Speech exercises (working with new words, developing the skills of competent construction of a phrase, mastering phraseological turns, acquaintance with proverbs and tongue twisters).
  • The development of figurative and abstract thinking (clarifying questions, tasks for modifying the storyline, transforming the behavior of characters, teaching the ability to express one's point of view, give a reasoned assessment of the events and actions of the characters). Example: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman ... Kolobok rolled along the path into a dense forest, rolled, rolled, but found himself in strangers' tales. Let's look at the pictures carefully, guess what fairy tale Kolobok got into, come up with a sequel in which fairy-tale characters will help Kolobok return home.
  • Art therapy - work on the sphere of imagination, aesthetic development of the perception of beauty, improvement of fine motor skills.

A fairy tale in the sand is one of the types of art therapy

The second step involves the creative activity of children, the preparation and conduct of a theatrical game. 3-4 more lessons are allotted for this:

  • Cognitive and developing conversation on the content of a fairy tale.
  • Dramatization of individual parts or the whole fairy tale.
  • Speech exercises to convey the emotional state by means of intonational expressiveness of the voice.
  • Psycho-gymnastics and psycho-correction (removing psychological stress, overcoming shyness, fear, self-doubt). An example of relaxation exercises: “Stroking”, “Hugs”, “Fear” (the body is constrained, then relaxed), “Sympathy”.
  • The main tool of fairy tale therapy is playing a fairy tale role, figurative reincarnation, which stimulates the development of speech, the improvement of psychological processes.

Video: fairy tale therapy class Video can’t be loaded: Fairy tale therapy - an activity for preschoolers (

Photo gallery: riddles based on fairy tales

Riddle to the fairy tale "Three Bears" Riddle to the fairy tale "Seven Goats" Riddle to the fairy tale "Kolobok" Riddle to the fairy tale "Turnip" Riddle to the fairy tale "Teremok" Riddle to the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" Riddle to the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" Riddle to the fairy tale "Bull - resin barrel» Riddle to the fairy tale "Cat's House" Riddle to the fairy tale "Geese Swans" Riddle to the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" Riddle to the fairy tale "By the Pike"

Lesson on the theme "Tales" in kindergarten

Lesson plan:

  • The ritual of "entrance to a fairy tale" - techniques that contribute to the development of a sense of unity, the creation of a favorable psychological mood, for example, hold hands, look into each other's eyes, smile, pass around a "magic" bell, a toy or a beautiful glass ball, etc. .
  • The main part is direct work with a new fairy tale, games, a symbolic journey, tasks and exercises for the development of the child's verbal imagination.
  • The final part, the ritual of "exiting the fairy tale" - the children symbolically take with them everything important that the fairy tale gave them. The lesson may end with some traditional symbolic action, for example, building a tower of fists - a metaphor for friendship and mutual understanding.

Creating a special fabulous atmosphere involves working in three directions:

  • musical arrangement;
  • lighting effects;
  • narration of a fairy tale, theatrical playback of the plot in role-playing performance.

Table: file of topics on fairy tale therapy

Topic Abstract fragment
"Tale of the Wind"
(a psychological fairy tale for the younger group)
There was a wind in the world. He was very inquisitive and therefore flew everywhere and watched everything that was happening in the world.
Exercise "Gymnastics for the eyes"
Children perform eye movements: a) right-left; b) up and down.
Movements are slow. The head does not move.
He was interested in absolutely everything, but what, you yourself will tell me now.
Exercise "For whom and what was the wind watching"
I show cards that schematically depict: a hare, water, rain, birds, flowers, trees.
Exercise "Laughter"
By tensing the abdominal muscles and placing a hand on the stomach, the children begin to laugh, feeling the tension.
They could be sad, then they cried (showing a card - sadness).
Exercise "Crying"
I invite the children to imagine that they are bored and start crying. Children cover their faces with their hands and imitate crying. The psychologist approaches everyone, regrets and reassures.
They could get angry and be angry (showing a card - anger).
Exercise "Angry"
When people are angry, they sometimes offend someone who is nearby, they may say something offensive, or even hit. To prevent this from happening, let's get angry at the piece of paper, tear it up and throw it in the trash. Children take pieces of paper, tear them up and throw them into the basket.
They could be kind and meek, and love each other (showing a card - love and kindness).
I invite the children to the rug, the assistant removes the tablets with numbers, leaving only the modeling material (planks, salt dough, matches, wet wipes, disposable cups).
“Children, everyone sit down. Was it pleasant for you to receive a gift from the wind?
Let's give him something. I want to invite you to choose for yourself which gift to mold. It could be a bagel, a cookie or balloon.
- Look what gifts I made.
- In order to make a bagel, we must take a piece of salty dough, put it between the palms, roll it out, and then connect the ends, and we get a beautiful bagel.
- If you want to make cookies, then you need to roll out the dough between your palms, and then flatten it.
“What toys whisper in kindergarten at night” for the younger group (psycho-correctional fairy tale) Story
Would you like to know what our toys whisper at night? Then listen carefully to my story.
When the working day ends in kindergarten, children and teachers go home. No one even realizes that when the moon looks out the window, from its radiance, the toys wake up.
Exercise "Toys wake up"
Children stand up and stretch their whole body, tensing their muscles. The psychologist checks the muscle tension of each child. Now release the tension.
Just then we hear a quiet whisper, an interesting conversation begins.
- Just look at me! - Said doll Katya. - I'm all painted and scratched.
- Yes Yes! - Supported her bear Misha. - Here are the stains from the paint left on me after the drawing class.
Exercise "Spots"
The psychologist shows the children pictures with various spots ( different color, shapes, quantities), children should carefully consider and answer about what kind of stains they are.
But then the sun came out, and the toys, seeing the daylight, began to slowly fall asleep.
Exercise "Sun and toys"
The “sun” (psychologist) touches each child with his hand (“beam”), and the children, relaxing, fall asleep (children can “fall asleep” sitting on the rug, or they can lie down).
Do you think all the children in this group are doing well? Come on, tell me, what do children need to do so that toys do not run away from them? (children's answers).
- It seems to me that today in the lesson you realized that toys should be protected and not offended. And I want to invite you to make friends for our group toys.
Salt dough modeling with children
We remember with the children how to divide a piece of salt dough into parts, then the children decide what exactly they will sculpt and the teacher reminds that all our toys have round shape, and in order for it to become round, you need to take a piece of salt dough, put it in your palms and roll it between your palms in a circular motion make a ball. The teacher talks about each toy separately.
"The Land of Magic Words" (fiction tale in the middle group)
Teacher: Guys, a cockerel who lives in a forest hut! What fairy tale is this from?
Children answer: "The fox and the cockerel."
Teacher: That's right, children. And who else lived with a cockerel in a forest hut?
Children answer - a cat.
Teacher: Yes, guys. They lived, there was a cat and a cockerel in a forest hut. Each time the cat went hunting, and the cockerel stayed at home.
He will clean everything in the hut, put things in order and sing a song. How does a rooster sing a song?
Children: "Crow!"
Teacher: Guys, who heard the cockerel's song?
Children: Lisa.
Teacher: Yes. Children, what kind of fox?
- Cunning, liar, redhead.
Teacher: Guys, what was the cockerel?
Children: kind, trusting, hardworking.
Teacher: Yes, what did the fox do when she heard the song of the cockerel?
Children: she came to the house and wanted to steal a cockerel!
Teacher: Right. Let's all pretend to be a sly fox.
Children imitate facial expressions and habits of a fox.
Teacher: Guys, what happened next? Let one of you take a cockerel, and someone will be a fox and show what happened next?
The children act out a scene about how the fox deceived the cockerel and took him away.
Teacher: Children, do you think the cockerel got scared? Show how scared he is.
Children show fear on their faces.
Teacher: Guys, why did the cockerel believe the fox?
The children answer that the fox affectionately addressed the cockerel.
Teacher: Do you know affectionate words? Let's play.
Game: "Tender words"
mischievous bell,
You guys in a circle build!
The guys gathered in a circle
Friend on the left and friend on the right.
Let's hold hands together and smile at each other.
“Please, I am speaking in confidence.
Be kind and don't expect candy for this.
Be kind without the game and during the game,
If you can, be kind today!”
I’ll take a magic wand in my hands, and I’ll give a kind word to a friend!
Children say affectionate words to each other.
"Magic Land of Feelings" (meditative tale)
Teacher: "In Magic country there is a flower, it was presented by one kind and wise Fairy. If it suits him kind person, the flower begins to glow and transmits part magic power who stretch out their hands to him.
If you approach this flower and stretch your hands over it, you can turn into anyone. In whoever you want.
Now we are slowly approaching Magic flower, stand around him so as not to interfere with each other, and we can turn into whoever you conceived.
Reincarnation of children in fairy-tale characters.
The Mistress of the Magic Land meets them:
Who have you become? Why?
The children are sitting on the carpet.
Teacher: “Somewhere far away, or maybe very close, there is amazing country. This country is ruled by a king. He has many servants and courtiers. And since our country is not ordinary, but fabulous, then his servants are extraordinary. These servants we call feelings.
What feelings - the servants had the king? (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Resentment).
Let's take a closer look at the king's servant named Joy. Who wants to show us a servant named Joy?”
Exit the child (turn on the music).
What do you think is the most important feeling in a person? Of course, Love!
Let's put our hands on our hearts, because that's where Love lives.
Do you feel warmth from your hearts? This means that there is a lot of love in your hearts.
Let's give our love to those who are close to us, and how to do this - your heart will tell you.
"Three Little Pigs" (fiction tale)
- Look at the card (#1), who do you see? (On this card I see piglets and a wolf)
What fairy tale are these characters from? (These characters are from the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs")
- Let's get acquainted with the heroes of this fairy tale.
- I'm a pig Naf-Naf, hello!
- I'm a pig Nif-Nif, hello!
- I'm Nuf-Nuf piglet, hello!
- And I'm a wolf, hello!
- How can we name our heroes? (wild and domestic animals)
- Show on the card (No. 2) wild animals, domestic animals. (Student shows and names wild and domestic animals)
- Well done! Tell me where does the story begin? (Once upon a time there were three little pigs: Naf-Naf, Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf ...)
- This card (No. 3) depicts the hero of a fairy tale, circle him around the contour. (students circle) Katya, who did you get? (I got a piglet) What animal is this? (This is a pet)
- Tell me, what kind of animal is a wolf? (The wolf is a wild animal) That's right
- Show and name wild animals on this card (No. 4) (Answer children)
- Naf-Naf wore a red cap, Nif-Nif wore a blue cap, Nuf-Nuf wore a green cap. Show on the card (No. 5) red objects, like the Naf-Naf cap, blue objects, like the Nif-Nif cap. Items Green colour, like a Nuf-Nuf cap, mark on your cards (Perform the task)
“We are all so different” (psychotherapeutic fairy tale in the preparatory group)
“In a small town without a name, there was a tiny garden in which a beautiful scarlet rose grew. Not far from her grew a poor defenseless chamomile. She had just blossomed, her petals, not yet strong, were white, ordinary. Chamomile was surrounded by many wildflowers. But nothing made her happy. There was a big dream in her tiny head - to become a beautiful, unusual flower. Chamomile looked with admiration at the well-groomed rose. When there was a drought, the owner watered his flower. When it rained, the rose was closed, and not a single formidable drop fell on the velvet petals of a delicate flower. “How good she is,” thought the camomile. “If I were in her place,” a small yellow flower with long petals, like butterfly wings, did not stop dreaming.
But then one day a baby was walking along the path. Seeing a chamomile, he said with admiration: "What a beautiful flower!" Chamomile at first could not understand these words, until that moment she considered herself the ugliest plant. The kid explained to the chamomile that all flowers are good in their own way.
Fairy tale discussion.
1. Why did the chamomile look with admiration at the rose?
2. What does “all flowers are good in their own way” mean?
3. Can this phrase be said about people?
Each person is good in their own way. We are all different: we have a different appearance, voice, character. Nowhere, nowhere on the planet is there such a baby as you, there is no such a wonderful girl (like ..., there is no such a cheerful boy. You are the only one in the world, there is no second such child.
Let's try to compliment each other now.
- What is a compliment? (children's answers). Yes, you are absolutely right, a compliment is kind, nice words said to someone. When they give a compliment, they try to say about the positive features of a person. What are the positive qualities of a person?
Communicative game "Give a pebble"
Take one pebble from the box and give it to whomever you want, but always with the words: “I give you this pebble, because you are the one.” For those children who have nothing left, the host gives pebbles, but, without fail, noting the best qualities of each child to whom he gives a gift.
Game "Trash can"
Let's get rid of the embodiment of cruelty and anger.
Children are invited to tear into small pieces, sheets of paper depicting scary faces and dirty blots. Then trample the anger with your feet, and put the scraps in a trash bag, tie the bag, throw it in the trash can.
-Guys, we have spent so much energy with rudeness, anger, anger, so let's rest.
"Six Hats"
(psychotherapeutic fairy tale in the preparatory group)
The Parable of the Old Hatter
The psychologist addresses the children: “I want to tell you a parable. A parable is an allegorical story that teaches something. Listen carefully.
Once upon a time there was a wise old Hatter. Of all the earthly riches, he had only colored felt. But he had golden hands and a beautiful wise soul. The master gave people something more than hats - hats, caps, panamas and bonnets. Enlightened and inspired, resolute and generous in spirit, people came out of the old Hatter's workshop, carrying their order. Needless to say, how the Master was famous for his skill, how grateful people were to him for the wonderful hats in which the Great Secret of the Great Master was hidden.
But the years went by. The time has come when the old Hatter went to another world, leaving his six sons a workshop, trimmings of colored felt and hats. Six multi-colored hats. White hat, black, red, green, yellow and blue. “Apparently, this is that extraordinary order, on which the father has been working so selflessly lately,” the Hatter's sons decided. “So, soon a customer should appear, who will generously pay us for his father's work. We will share the proceeds and we will be able to go around the world with them, ”they planned. But no matter how much the sons waited for the arrival of the mysterious customer, they did not wait. There is nothing to do, it is necessary to divide the father's inheritance.
“I will take a white hat,” said the first son. - She is so graceful, delightful and beautiful, I will show off in her at balls and receptions. It is this hat that will speak of my “difficult” origin. And what an honor it is to be the son of a simple hatter!
“And I choose a black hat,” said the second son. - II it is no less elegant than white, it looks luxurious, appropriate for any costume and event, in it I will be strict, representative and refined at the same time.
“Well, I choose a yellow hat for myself,” said a third. - Yellow is the color of the sun, joy and wealth, and this is so necessary for me! Maybe by owning a yellow hat I can be happy, who knows?
“Let my hat be red,” exclaimed the fourth. - How I always dreamed of standing out from the crowd, how I wanted to be in the spotlight, so that women would admire and admire me. And in this hat I will be irresistible!”
“The green hat reminds me of a spring meadow and a field, wide and endless, giving the opportunity to fly. A thousand times I flew in a dream over the green beautiful Earth, perhaps a green hat will help my dream come true, ”the fifth son said dreamily.
“I get the blue hat, and I'm very happy about it. Blue colour- the color of the eyes of our father, the endless sea and sky. To comprehend their depth and height is my calling. Will there be enough strength, determination and time for everything conceived? mused the sixth of the Hatter's sons.
The sons dismantled their hats and set off in different directions.
How did their destinies turn out, did they achieve what they dreamed of, did what they planned come true?
“Who said meow” (a fictional fairy tale based on the work of V. Suteev) Psychologist. Who was the first puppy to meet in the yard? (Cockerel) slide number 1. Show how surprised he is. (Children pretend to be surprised). Find a picture that depicts surprise (children show a pictogram with an emotion of surprise). Remember who was second? (Mouse) slide number 2. And when meeting whom did the puppy get scared? Slide number 3 (Dogs). The dog was third, and who was fourth? (Bee) slide number 4. What did the bee do? (Stung the puppy in the nose). What happened to him next? (He fell into the pond). And he became sad. Show a sad face. (Children show sadness on their faces). Find the sad emotion in the picture. (Show a pictogram with an emotion of sadness). Who did the puppy meet after the bee? (frog) slide number 5 Well done! So who said meow? (Cat) slide number 6. The puppy got angry and became angry. Show anger on your face (children are angry). Show the same picture (show the pictogram of anger). I like it when your faces are joyful and cheerful, smile. Find the happy emotion in the picture. (Children show a pictogram with an emotion of joy)
Sand handling
There is a sandbox in our yard, let's play. The children sit in the sandbox.
Psychologist. Guys, let's make handprints. What do you feel?
Children: I feel the warmth (coolness) of the sand. Little grains of sand. Etc.
Then it is proposed to “slide” on the surface of the sand (like a snake, a typewriter); "Walk" with your palms, leaving traces with each finger; leave imprints of the fists, the edges of the palms.
Psychologist: Guys, the figures of animals that live in this yard are hidden in the sand. Let's find them.
Children find the figures and voice their actions: I found a cow, and I found a goat. I got a cat and I got a dog. And here is the bear. I have a pig.
Psychologist: Look at the animals and tell me who is superfluous here?
Children: The bear is superfluous. Because a wild animal, and all other domestic animals, live with a person.
"I came to visit us
(didactic fairy tale in the younger group)
Grandmother - Zabavushka: Hello, boys and girls! Let's get acquainted: my name is Grandmother - Zabavushka. I came to you not alone, but with my grandchildren Alyonushka and Ivanushka (seats the dolls).
My parents sent gifts to my grandchildren: all sorts of things and toys. I'm old, forgetful, I can't figure out which things are for Alyonushka and which are for Ivanushka. I wanted to dress up my grandchildren, but they were offended by me and do not talk. Maybe you guys, tell me why Alyonushka and Ivanushka were offended?
(The teacher shows dolls dressed “by mistake”: the boy is wearing a skirt and a bow is tied, and the girl is in pants and a shirt)
Children: Grandmother, you dressed them incorrectly.
Grandmother - Zabavushka: But how is it necessary? Come on, tell me, forgetful kids, what girls wear and what boys wear. (Children answer)
Let's pick up clothes for Alyonushka and Ivanushka. Guys, what will we put on our Alyonushka first? (blouse) What will we wear to our girl? (Skirt.) What will we put on Alyonushka's head? (Kerchief or hat) What do we put on legs? (Shoes.)
Guys, what will we put on our Vanechka first? (Shirt) And then what will we put on our boy? (Pants) What do we put on Vanechka? (Boots)
(There is a presentation of children's clothing.)
Grandmother - Zabavushka: What can our Alyonushka wear on the street? (Coat, tie a light scarf.) What can our Ivanushka wear on the street? (Jacket.) What will we put on our heads? (Cap)
Are Alyonushka and Ivanushka properly dressed now?
(Children note that the dolls have become beautiful, smart, neat.) Oh yes, smart girls, oh yes, well done! So my grandchildren have fun.
"The tale of the most cherished desire"
(psychological tale)
One warm May morning on a fragrant flower meadow a big beautiful butterfly flew in. Flying from flower to flower, she drank their sweet nectar and, thanks to this, happily served as a postman. The butterfly conveyed congratulations from some flowers to others, told what was happening in different parts of the meadow.
The butterfly even carried the love messages of flowers - pollen, helping them set seeds. Butterfly was doing a very important thing.
Exercise "Dance of the Butterfly"
The host turns on calm, quiet music, and the children dance with disposable handkerchiefs. The movements are soft, calm, smooth.
One fine day, when it was time to take care of the offspring, Butterfly chose a beautiful flower and laid her eggs. Invisible to the eye, they were carefully glued to the back of the green sheet. The flower remembered the merits of the Postman Butterfly and protected the eggs from the sun's rays and raindrops.
Exercise "Flower"
Children put their palms together, depicting a stem, then open the central particles of the palm, forming a “bud”. And, finally, they open their fingers: the flower has blossomed. It is necessary to depict an open flower with the hands, feel the tension in the fingers, then shake your hands and relax them.
- Very soon, small caterpillars hatched from them and spread out in different directions.
Exercise "Caterpillars"
Children sit as if in an egg, then straighten up, lie on their stomachs, and crawl on their stomachs on the floor, arms extended along the body with palms down. After completing the exercises, the children turn their heads to one side so that one cheek lies on the floor, relax all the muscles of the body.
Only one Caterpillar remained to live where she was born. Having twisted one of the leaves with a tube, the baby made herself a cozy home.
Exercise "Home"
Children pinch themselves with their hands, as if wrapping themselves in leaves, while tensing the muscles of the hands, then relax them (3-4 times).
- The flower did not like it very much, because now it has one less leaf, and it began to miss the food that it received with its leaves from the sunlight.

Video: competitive lesson in fairy tale therapy Video can’t be loaded: Fairytale Therapy correctional and developmental technology (

Table: summary of the lesson on fairy tale therapy "Journey through fairy tales" in the preparatory group, author T.T. Gerasimenko

Software content and hardware Program content:
  1. To consolidate children's knowledge about politeness (words of greeting and farewell), about ways of transmitting information and communication.
  2. To consolidate the ability to retell a well-known fairy tale based on the main events “in a circle”; teach to understand hidden meaning the plot of a fairy tale; keep learning how to ask the right questions.
  3. Continue to teach children to give a moral assessment of the behavior of a particular character in accordance with moral standards.
  4. Cultivating a good relationship with each other, a sense of empathy.
  5. Normalization of the prosodic aspect of speech.
  6. Correction of the emotional-cognitive sphere.

Doll (planar) - Rhetoric boy; assistant badges (in accordance with the program “School 2100…”); Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"; microphone; puppets (according to the number of children); an easel with a drawing from the fairy tale “Morozko” depicting a stepdaughter and stepmother's daughter; sweets (chocolate in a bright wrapper and caramel); paper hearts; a chest with elements of theatrical costumes; 2 large mirrors; a balloon and elements for an air doll (painted parts of the face, stick, scarf).

Organizational part Educator: - Guys, I have long dreamed of getting into the country of fairy tales. The only problem is, I don't know the exact route. But I have a boy friend whom you also know, he can help us. He loves sociable and polite children.
What does it mean to "communicate"? (talk, talk, talk)
- What is the communication like? (Oral, written, with the help of "intermediaries" - telephone, book, telegram).
- What does it mean to be polite? (Say "magic" words)
- What does it mean to say hello? (Wish each other well)
Finger gymnastics "Fingers say hello."
“I say hello everywhere, at home and on the street.
I even say hello, I'm a neighbor's chicken.
(repeat 2-3 times with an acceleration of the pace)
Rhetorician (doll): - Hello guys! Well done! I heard everything, I can help you get to the land of fairy tales. But I want to ask you: “Are you ready to go everywhere, to help the heroes of a fairy tale in trouble?” ("Ready!")
Then join hands, close your eyes. One, two, three, have a good trip!
(Children go to another room. Music sounds, children open their eyes.)
Main part Educator: Here, guys, we are in a fairyland. Ah, how beautiful!
But look, I see icons. It is the Rhetorician who tells us what to do. What are they telling us? (“Look”, “Listen”, “Speak”)
(There is a book in the clearing, a Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear”)
Educator: Let's remember this fairy tale and tell this fairy tale in a circle one after another, but only very briefly, the most important thing. Begins to tell ... Lisa.
(Children tell a story)
Educator: Well done! And now let's try to tell it again in a different way.
Imagine that one of you is a Bear. For example... Kolya.
- Kolya, tell us how you carried pies.
(The boy introduces himself as the Bear and speaks in the 1st person)
Educator: What a wonderful Bear we have!
- And you, Nastenka, please turn into Masha, and tell us how you got lost?
(The girl speaks in the 1st person)
Educator: Well done!
- Guys, let's interview the Bear, let him tell us why he didn't want to let Masha go? The bear will be… Sasha. The interview will take ... Dasha.
(There is a dialogue between the Bear and the girl.
Bear: One is bored, there is no one to cook, sweep the floor. I love pies.)
Educator: Yes, indeed the Bear is bored and lonely alone in the house. I feel sorry for him. How can we help him?
(I listen to the children's suggestions)
Educator: Let's send the Bear an invitation for tea from Masha, because Masha is with us kind girl.
- What are we going to write? (Children dictate the text)
- Let's leave it here in the clearing, the forest postman - a magpie, will hand it over.
Educator: Guys, we have done a good deed. We look at the icon, it's time to go further. (Move on icon)
(Children approach the screen. There are signs “Look”, “Think” on it. I open the screen, puppets hang on it)
Educator: Guys, what do you think, what good deed can be done here?
(I listen to the children's versions)
Let's bring the dolls to life and play with them.
(Children take dolls and start to drive them)
Educator: You see, as soon as we took the dolls, they came to life. And what the doll will do depends on our actions. Here our dolls greeted each other with gestures, they still cannot talk. They decided to take a walk (moving). But suddenly a strong wind came up, and our dolls clung to each other so that they would not be cold.
The wind stopped, the dolls again scattered across the clearing. Walked up, it's time to rest.
(Children hang dolls in place, say goodbye to them)
Moving On Icon
We approach the easel with pictures based on the fairy tale “Morozko”.
Educator: Guys, what do you think, what fairy tale we have just met, and what will we do (according to the icons “Think”, “Speak”)
What do you think this story is about? Who is good, who is evil?
What do you think she teaches?
- Why did Morozko do this to his stepmother's daughter?
- What would Morozko do if the stepmother's daughter were kind?
- What would Morozko do if everyone in the fairy tale were evil and lazy?
- Why was the stepdaughter unhappy?
(On all questions I listen to the answers - versions of children)
Educator: Guys, you say that one girl is kind, hardworking. And the other is evil, lazy. Please take these hearts on a plate and give them to the girl you like best.
(Children sort the hearts and put them near the girl they like.
The teacher remembers and takes note of
Educator: So you like your stepdaughter, a kind girl, more. Good.
- But the stepdaughter and the sloth decided to treat you with sweets. The stepdaughter treats with caramels, the stepmother's daughter with chocolates.
- Please eat.
(Pay attention to what kind of sweets the children take)
Educator: ... why did you give a heart to your stepdaughter, and took a candy from a sloth? (Two, three questions for children)
Educator: Yes, guys, it’s easy to speak beautifully, but it’s difficult to act beautifully.
- Guys, it seems to me that Morozko acted too cruelly with the woman and her daughter. Aren't they sorry? Let's think of another way to re-educate.
(Children make their suggestions)
Educator: Here we have done another good deed.
(Move on icon)
Educator: And what is this? Look icon.
Chest, probably with jewelry. Let's see.
(The chest contains elements of theatrical costumes: caps, bags, crowns, hats, etc.)
Educator: Guys, who needs all this? ... That's right, artists.
- Let's try it. (Children try on and look at themselves in the mirror)
- ... (addressing someone) who do you feel like? ..., and you, ... and you?
- Examine yourself in the mirror from all sides. And let's play the game "Freeze". While the music is playing, you move like fairy-tale characters in costumes like artists. As soon as the music stops, you should freeze, as if it were a portrait. (Playing)
Educator: Well done! Real artists!
- Guys, it's very interesting here, but we have to go, the Rhetoric is urging us.
(Move on icon)
We have one more thing to do. We are wizards, and now we will try to turn an ordinary ball into a wonderful doll. We will succeed if we work together, help each other and consult. Let's try blowing up a balloon first.
(Breathing exercises “Inflating a balloon”)
Educator: Here is the ball. Let's get to work.
(Children stick eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair on a balloon. Put on a dress.
It turns out a doll. (summary of the lesson from Children beat her.
The Rhetoric appears.)
Final part Rhetorician: Well, guys, did you enjoy doing good deeds?
- And I liked you, I liked how you worked together, helped each other. (Individual praise)
- The journey is over, but the Tale does not say goodbye to you, she herself will come to visit you. And take a doll for yourself.
- Hold hands, close your eyes. Goodbye. Good luck!

fairy tale project

Lesson in fairy tale therapy - an integrated form educational activities setting narrowly focused goals and objectives.

The fairy tale therapy project is a combined and expanded way of implementing fairy tale therapy, combining several multidirectional artistic, aesthetic and practical activities (speech development, psycho-gymnastics, reading, appliqué, art therapy, theatrical activities, music, drawing, modeling, etc.), united by a common theme . creative project It is implemented in cooperation with an educator, a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist, a music worker, the head of a theater group, pupils and parents.

Types of projects by implementation period:

  • short-term - from one lesson to one week;
  • long-term - from a month to a year.

Project structure:

  • preparatory stage;
  • main stage;
  • final stage.

Activities within the Fairytale Therapy Project

Areas of work and forms of implementation:

  • Cognitive development:
    • educational and psychotherapeutic conversations with parents and pupils;
    • quizzes and intellectual games;
    • home creative tasks;
    • designing a corner of fairy tales, preparing demonstration material and art exhibitions (stands, folders, sliders, posters, thematic newspapers, etc.);
    • staging performances and dramatizations;
    • excursions, visiting exhibitions, concerts and performances.
  • Educational games (didactic, literary, theatrical, role-playing).
  • Artistic practical activity (art therapy, drawing, application, music, modeling).
  • Techniques for the development of verbal creativity (composing fairy tales, acquaintance with riddles and proverbs, writing).
  • Physical culture - relay races, sports holidays.

Making a corner of a fairy tale, holding games and activities

Table: examples of fairy tale projects

Project name Project content
"Our good fairy tales" (short-term, senior group)
I stage. Preparatory information:
  • Arouse the interest of children and parents in the topic of the project.
  • Collection of information, literature, additional material.
  • Informing parents about the implementation of this project. Selection of methodical, reference, artistic literature, proverbs, sayings. Drawing up a long-term plan for this project.
  • Selection of material and equipment for classes, conversations, role-playing games with children.
  • Cooperation with parents: a conversation with parents about the need for their participation in the project, about serious attitude to the educational process in the preschool educational institution.
  • Competition of wall newspapers "The most reading family".
  • Joint co-creation of parents-children "Illustrate your favorite fairy tale."
  • Competition of crafts "Our fairy tales".

II stage. Practical-cognitive:
Organization cognitive activity children:

  • Conduct a series of educational events. Creation of a mini-library of fairy tales.
  • Cognitive conversation "Tales - good friends”, “My favorite fairy tales”.
  • Guessing riddles about fairy-tale characters. Children's stories about visiting theaters.
  • GCD "Fairy tale" Fox-sister and the Gray Wolf "".
  • Memorizing excerpts from fairy tales for staging a puppet theater for children and parents.
  • Work with the fairy tale "Turnip".
  • Examination of illustrations by different artists for fairy tales.
  • Joint activities at home. Together with the child, draw a picture “Favorite fairy tale”.
  • Consultation for parents "What fairy tales to read to a child at night", "Fairytale therapy".
  • Activities for working with children: reading fiction, watching cartoons, GCD, making fairy-tale characters from waste and improvised material, didactic and role-playing games, morning conversations“A story about a fairy tale read at home” (daily), trainings, situational communication.

III stage. Summing up, analysis of the expected result:

  • Making an exhibition of family crafts of fairy-tale characters.
  • Show performance "Kolobok".
  • Project presentation.
"Playing a fairy tale" (long-term, junior group)
Preparatory stage.
  • Selecting a project topic.
  • Creation of a group for the implementation of the project.
  • Defining goals and objectives.
  • Drawing up a work plan.
  • Selection of literature, production of attributes.

Practical stage.
For kids:

  • Introduce children to fairy tales.
  • Educational activities for the development of speech using fairy tales.
  • Examination of illustrations based on fairy tales (select heroes, determine their character).
  • Production of scenery and attributes for showing the fairy tale "Turnip".
  • Reading and telling stories.
  • Plot - role-playing games: "Visiting fairy tales", "Let's help a fairy tale", etc.
  • Selection of riddles based on fairy tales.
  • Open viewing "We tell the tale "Turnip".

For parents:

  • Help parents in the selection of fairy tales.
  • Reading fairy tales with parents at home.
  • Assistance in the preparation of attributes for fairy tales.
  • Drawings of parents to create the book "Our favorite fairy tales."

The final stage.

  • Generalization of the results of the work.
  • Collection of drawings of parents.
  • Manufacturing family book"Our Favorite Tales"
  • Design of the exhibition "Our favorite fairy tales".
"There on unknown paths" (middle group)
Implementation mechanisms:
  • Relaxation.
  • Mobile game.
  • Puppet therapy (by reviving the doll, the child actually works out the mechanism of self-regulation, learns to adequately express his thoughts).
  • Legend or fairy tale.
  • Solving fantasy problems.
  • Writing your own stories.
  • Making attributes, costumes for fairy tales.

Product of children's activity:

  1. Fairy tale dramatization.
  2. Drawing competition "My favorite fairy tale".

Working with parents:
development of consultations on the theme "Fairy tale therapy as a means of relieving children's anxiety."
Fairy tale as a means of optimizing the psycho-emotional sphere of a preschooler.
Work with children:

  • Poll "What is your favorite fairy tale?"
  • "Listen to a fairy tale" - provides for the acquaintance of children with a Russian folk tale. The teacher tells or reads a fairy tale, at the same time placing decorations and figurines of characters on the table in front of the children.
  • “Telling a fairy tale” - begins with a collective retelling of a fairy tale: children tell a fairy tale, and the teacher illustrates it, changing the scenery, moving the figures of the characters.
  • “Showing a fairy tale” - includes a dramatization of a familiar fairy tale. This involves the distribution of roles between children, the choice of a decorator.
  • “We draw our favorite fairy tale” - problem tasks are set before the children, the solution of which requires possession of a pencil. Preschoolers help their favorite fairy tale characters by doing a variety of drawings and graphic works.

The corner of the fairy tale is made out in the premises of the kindergarten group. The main goal is to activate interest in a fairy tale, create a special cozy, secluded place where kids can immerse themselves in the magical atmosphere of a fairy tale, leaf through the pages of their favorite book with pleasure, play with dolls, look at illustrations, draw their favorite fairy-tale episode.

Rules for the design of the corner of the book:

  • Encourage the child to independently find something to his liking, developing initiative and independence.
  • It is located away from the noisy zone, creates comfortable conditions for emotional relaxation and relieving psychological stress, and sets you up for a calm and thoughtful pastime.
  • Materials should differ in variability and take into account age characteristics.
  • It is decorated with the help of special shelves and tables, games, illustrations, books, theatrical attributes, toys should be freely available, it should be convenient for children to study individually and in small groups.

The main purpose of the corner is to activate interest in the fairy tale


  • Travel board games (playing field with chips) based on the fairy tales "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen", "The Wizard of the Emerald City", etc.
  • Didactic games.
  • Finger Theatre.
  • Table theatre.
  • Masks, costumes, dolls.
  • Materials for artistic creativity(pencils, paints).

Children should be comfortable working individually and in small groups.

Table: examples of tasks for a quiz on fairy tales

"What is the story about?"
  • The owners entered the house - they found a mess there. (Three bears)
  • The mouse came to their aid, pulled out a vegetable together. (Turnip)
  • Treats different kids, treats birds and animals. (Dr. Aibolit)
  • The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us ... (Geese-swans)
  • We are not afraid of the gray wolf. (Three little pigs)
  • I'll sit on a stump, eat a pie. (Masha and the bear)
  • He pounded, pounded on the plate with his nose. (Crane and fox)
  • And they fled from dirty stockings and shoes. (Moydodyr)
  • Come, cockroaches, I'll treat you to tea. (Fly-Tsokotuha).
  • My light, mirror, tell me ... (The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs)
  • Do not drink from the hoof, you will become a goat. (Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
  • The evil old woman is even more angry ... (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)
"Salad from fairy tales" The host reads fictional fairy tales, where there are characters from various Russian folk tales, and the players need to guess which fairy tales these characters are from?
1. “... The Wolf sits at the hole and says: “At the pike’s command, at my will, catch a fish, big and small.” The Wolf called the grandmother, the grandmother - the granddaughter, the granddaughter - the Bug ... ". (“Fox - Sister and the Gray Wolf”, “By Pike”, “Turnip”)
2. “... Ivanushka drank some water from a hoof and turned into a kid, Alyonushka saw this and cried. And Ivanushka says: “Don’t cry, Alyonushka, but help me better get into my left ear, and get out of my right one and I will become a brother again ...”. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Tiny - havroshechka”)
3. “... Gingerbread Man rolled along the path and sees: there is a hut on chicken legs in front of him. And Ivanushka is sitting in front of the hut, playing with golden apples. Kolobok knocked and asked: “Knock, knock, knock! Who lives in the terem? “I am a mouse - norushka, I am a frog - a frog ...”. (“Kolobok”, “Geese - swans”, “Teremok”).
4. Now the snowy winter has come, snowdrifts have piled up to the waist, the children poured out into the street to play, and the old man and the old woman look at them from the window and think about their grief. “Well, old woman,” says the old man, let’s make a daughter out of snow for ourselves. And the old woman replies: “Don’t grieve, Ivan the Tsarevich! Go to bed - sleep, the morning is wiser than the evening! ("The Snow Maiden", "The Frog Princess")
"Songs of Fairy Tale Heroes"
Team members need to remember the songs that are performed in fairy tales
  • Song of Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Song of Cinderella.
  • Song Kolobok.
  • Song Pinocchio.
  • Song of the Bremen Town Musicians.
  • Song of a squirrel (in the garden, in the city ..).
  • Song of the Three Little Pigs.
  • Song of the Goat and the Goats.
"Live Pictures" Teams take turns depicting a fairy tale without words, using facial expressions,
movements and gestures. (“Turnip”, “Three little pigs”, “Geese-swans”, “Wolf and seven kids”).
"Continue the story" Once upon a time there were toys in the children's room: a Masha doll, a funny clown, a little mouse and a clumsy bear. They got tired of sitting in one place, and they decided to go on a trip. How long, how short were our toys, and, finally, they got into the fairy forest ....
using leading questions to continue the tale in turn)
What fairy forest?
- What did the toys see in the fairy forest?
- Who did they meet?
- The toys got lost, who helped them?
- Whom did the toys help?
- How did the toys get home?
"Fishing" Remember, in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” the old man’s occupation was to fish with a net, we will go fishing now too. The fish that you catch are not simple, but with tasks. (The guys take turns going to the board, “catching” a fish and answering the question that is written on the back. Whoever answers correctly, he caught the fish).
Fish questions:
1. Who was the watchman of King Dadon? (Cockerel)
2. What was the name of the groom of the dead princess? (King Elisha)
3. How many years did the old man and the old woman live near the blue sea? (33 years)
4. Whom did Prince Elisha turn to in search of his bride? (To the sun, to the moon, to the wind).
5. What words begin “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”? (Once upon a time there was a pop, a oatmeal forehead).
6. For what payment did Balda agree to serve the priest? (for 3 clicks on the forehead)
7. What words did the old woman scold her old man with? (You fool..)
8. Name the meeting place of Balda with the priest. (bazaar)
9. How many heroes did uncle Chernomor have? (33)
10. What song does the squirrel sing in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”? (In the garden...)
11. What time of the year is referred to in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”? (about winter)
12. What was the 1 wish of the old woman from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? (trough)
"Crossword on Russian folk tales" Horizontally:
2. That Ilya that pacified the Nightingale the Robber. 4. The heroine of fairy tales. She is the Wise One, she is also the Beautiful. when did the prince and princess meet?
1. Bird-robber. 3. A terrible woman ... 5. The youngest son of a grandfather and a woman. Usually a fool. 6. Sister Alyonushka had a brother ... 8. What does the priest wave? 9. A fairy-tale house in which many animals live.

How to conduct an open lesson on the topic "Fairy Tale"

An open lesson must meet certain requirements:

  • a high level of professional training of a teacher conducting fairy tale therapy;
  • educational work with teachers and psychologists, including methodological master classes and the transfer of innovative experience in the process of the final discussion of an open lesson;
  • presentation of the results of the work of the teacher within the framework of the topic of self-education in fairy tale therapy;
  • demonstration of the effectiveness of fairy tale therapy, which solves the urgent problems of modern preschool education;
  • open screenings do not require special conditions or preliminary rehearsals, however, it is desirable to psychologically prepare the children for the presence of strangers.

Video: integrated lesson based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" (younger group) Video can’t be loaded: Integrated activity in kindergarten (

Table: examples of staging a fairy tale in kindergarten

Tale "Teremok" in a new way
A dramatization game based on the fairy tale "Turnip" (for children 3-4 years old)
The first participants of the performance come out to the music,
which depict Teremok.
Narrator: In the morning the sun woke up,
smiled early,
The sun began to shine, to amuse everyone everywhere.
The nightingales sang all around, ringing trills rang out.
FROM Good morning! Happy clear day!
How we have fun!
Nightingales perform an impromptu dance.
Grandfather and Baba gathered at the tower in the morning.
The house was completed, and now the time has come to rest.
Gathered in the Canaries.
That's what life is like today!
Grandfather and Baba leave.
Teremochek is so good, you will not find anything like it anywhere!
The windows are big!
Painted shutters!
Smoke comes out of the chimney.
Who will step on the threshold?
Here Komarik flew in, sat down at the window.
He knocked on the teremochek, but did not wait for an answer.
He began to live and live, and he began to wait for guests.
The mouse collected grain
Teremochek saw.
I knocked on Teremok,
brought a sack of grain.
She bakes pancakes
cook pies,
They will be full in Teremka and everyone will be happy!
From the disco, there was a Frog, a pop-eyed girl.
Well, the Mouse and Mosquito let her into the house.
How long has the time passed - there was a Fox from the cinema.
He sees - in the Teremok field.
Hey! Let me on the threshold!
If I live here with you, I will start teaching you how to dance!
The Gray Wolf ran along the path, what does he see before him?
Ouch! Yes, this is Teremok!
He is not low, not high.
Open soon!
Wait no urine!
Oh, I'm tired, I can't!
Relax, I'll help you!!
The Bear was walking through the swamp.
He sees the gates are locked.
Open up, I'm a Bear!
Otherwise, I will cry!
The Bear fell into Teremok,
Teremochek collapsed!
All the animals fled.
What will happen? Yo is mine!
The animals run away, Grandfather and Baba appear.
What to do? How to be?
Where do Grandpa and Baba live?
Crying, flooding, saying goodbye to Teremok.
But then I decided
Dedok take a loan on a teremok
And build a new house - with a porch and a yard!
Only fool! Not by the swamp!
And they got to work!
All the beasts helped - after all, they ruined housing!
All the animals come out.
Here is the new Teremok! Smoke comes out of the chimney.
Grandfather and Baba again gathered to rest.
Well, a fairy tale is like a washcloth. Start over again!
The host of "Autumn" comes out:
- Hello guys!
Do you know who I am? (Children's answers.)
The beautiful time of the year is autumn.
There are many fruits and vegetables in the gardens and orchards.
Guys, what fruits and vegetables do you know? (children's answers)
That's how great you are!!!
Look, who's sitting here?
(Pay attention to the narrator (grandmother)
who sits on a chair and knits socks.)
B: Hello guys! And you are beautiful Autumn!
A: Hello grandma! And what are you doing?
B: I knit socks for my grandfather!
A: Where is your grandfather?
B: My grandfather lives in a fairy tale. And which one I forgot!
A: Guys, let's help grandma remember
in which fairy tale is her grandfather.
(Children call fairy tales where there is a grandfather character.)
B: Well done guys! helped me remember
from which fairy tale my grandfather! This is a fairy tale "Turnip".
A: Now let's see this story.
It will be shown by the children of the younger group.
On the stage there is a house in which all the characters of the fairy tale live.
Two chairs between them stretched black paper or cloth (this is the earth).
Grandpa comes out in his hands with a seed.
He throws a seed into the ground and waters from a watering can.
A: Grandfather planted a turnip. A big turnip has grown - very big!
At this time, a turnip enters to the music and sits in the garden.
Grandfather began to pull the turnip.
A: Grandfather began to pull the turnip.
Pulls, pulls, can't pull!
Grandpa called grandma.
D: grandma come out, grandma come out to pull the turnip!
Grandma comes out to the music.
O: grandma pulls grandpa, grandpa pulls a turnip -
pull, they can't pull!
They called their granddaughter!
D.B.: granddaughter come out! granddaughter come out pull the turnip!
The granddaughter runs out of the house to the music.
O: granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather,
grandpa pulling the turnip, pulling it, they can’t pull it out!
Then they called the bug!
D.B.V.: bug come out! bug come out pull the turnip!
To the music, a bug runs out barking.
O: a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother,
grandma for grandpa, grandpa for a turnip!
Pull pull pull can not!
They called the cat.
D.B.V.Zh .: cat come out, cat come out pull the turnip!
The cat slowly comes out to the music.
O: a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter,

pull pull pull can not!
Then they called the mouse!
D.B.V.Zh.K .: mouse come out, mouse come out to pull the turnip!
A mouse runs out to the music with a squeak.
A: a mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter,
granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip,
pull-pull pull can not!
Well, what a turnip has grown, there’s no way to pull it out!
Let's take one more time!
Pull-pull pulled out a turnip!!!
Grandma then cooked delicious -
delicious porridge and fed everyone,
and the mouse sat in the most honorable place.
To the music, all the characters dance a cheerful round dance!

Marina Koretskaya
Fairy tale therapy as a health-saving pedagogical technology

2. The main part.

2.2. The concept of a method fairy tale therapy.

Fairy tale therapy refers to health-saving pedagogical technology, which includes a system of measures to ensure the conservation health child at all stages of his education and development. Health-saving pedagogical technology is divided into:

- Technology conservation and promotion health(rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, moving and sport games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises, gaming health gymnastics).

- Technology for teaching a healthy lifestyle(morning exercises, physical education, self-massage, outdoor activities (physical culture leisure, acupressure).

- Corrective technology(articulatory gymnastics, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic rhythm, color therapy, art therapy, fairy tale therapy).

fairy tale therapy is a style of interaction teacher and children, which allows them, having become interested, to voluntarily be drawn into it.

Fairy tale therapy is treatment with a fairy tale in which fictional stories are used to achieve a therapeutic effect or instructive folk stories are discussed fairy tales There are several types "medical" fairy tales:

Folk fairy tales which, thanks to the accessibility and simplicity of the plot, instill morality in the child. it "Kolobok", "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Ryaba Hen", "Swan geese", "Turnip", "Masha and the Bear".

Developmental and educational fairy tales, allow you to accumulate experience about the world around you, the rules of behavior.

folk art fairy tales contribute to the development of moral feelings: mutual assistance, support, sympathy, duty, responsibility, etc.

Meditative fairy tales help to relax and relieve stress.

Diagnostic fairy tales, allow you to determine the nature of the child and his attitude to what surrounds him.

Psychological fairy tales(psychotherapeutic (for the treatment of the soul, with the image of the main character "I", a good wizard and psycho-correctional (to gently influence the behavior of the child) help overcome fears, gain self-confidence, etc.

Consequently, story- an effective developmental, correctional and psychotherapeutic tool in working with children with speech problems. And in order for this tool to give a result, you need to use fairy tales in full.

Functions fairy tales:

diagnostic (identifying existing problem child);

predictive (identifying early childhood experiences);

therapeutic (correctional) (the child is offered a positive example of behavior).

. Story- a genre loved by children, understandable and accessible to their understanding, is a storehouse of wisdom, advice, kindness and ways out of various situations.

Usage fairy tale therapy in teaching preschoolers, it develops many different mental and speech processes.

I, in turn, decided to use the method fairy tale therapy specifically for the development of coherent speech in children with ONR, since the violation of coherent speech is one of the causes of learning difficulties, which was revealed by speech therapy practice.

2.3. Practical use fairy tale therapy.

Your work through immersion in fairy tale I started by creating a subject-developing environment. These are various corners of the development of children, attributes for conducting educational activities and organizing leisure: music corner, corner fairy tales, theater corner.

Connected speech is the most difficult section in working with children. The development of coherent speech in the classroom using the method fairy tale therapy should occupy one of the central places, since no other type of activity can provide such a complex impact on the speech sphere of the child. Pedagogical the process of developing coherent speech of children of the compensating group by means fairy tales carried out through the organization of joint activities (classes, educational activities in sensitive moments) and organization of independent activities of pupils. Classes for fairy tales built according to the following algorithm: listen, tell, live and compose fairy tale.

I use a variety of methods and techniques in my work with students.

1. Gaming: dramatization games, director's games, plot, outdoor games, didactic games, game problem situations.

2. Verbal: conversation, artistic word, questions, compilation fairy tales based on pictures and illustrations, word creation.

3. Visual: illustrations and paintings, multimedia presentations, videos, observations, game characters.

4. Practical: simulation fairy tales.

In my work, I follow principles:

From simple to complex;

Availability fairy tales age and individual characteristics child;

Goodwill, interest;

Systematic games and activities;

Introduction of problematic situations;


I conduct classes with a subgroup of children. From the first days of the children's stay in our group, I introduced game-lessons, they help the child adapt to the conditions of the preschool educational institution, establish a trusting relationship between the child and the adult, and help to identify the developmental features of each child, his interests and aspirations.

Classes on the development of coherent speech using techniques fairy tale therapy are held by me once a week on Friday an example is shown in (app. 5). During the week I conduct a preliminary work: looking at illustrations, playing up problem situations with characters fairy tales, discussing proverbs, sayings, riddles that can be picked up to fairy tale. I run a physical minutes, outdoor games with heroes fairy tales, I use mnemotables, multimedia presentations. I distribute the same plot or fairy tale for 4 lessons, gradually complicating the content. When planning a lesson, I implement a certain plan, I do not impose it on children, but give them the opportunity to express their wishes, emotions, feelings. The content of the classes is built on the play activities of children, which do not require great intellectual and physical stress from them. Classes are held with the use of musical and rhythmic games and relaxation breaks, so after classes the children feel rested, relaxed and peaceful. Work on the development of coherent speech is carried out in frontal and individual directly educational activities in accordance with program requirements. The didactic material of the work at this stage are various types of theaters: desktop, finger, bibabo. A flannelgraph is also used. dramatization fairy tales, mimic tables fairy tales.

1. Each lesson begins with music. The music is calm and relaxing.

2. If during the lesson it is noted that the game emotionally captured the children, then I conduct relaxation exercises (voluntary muscle tension and relaxation)

3. If fatigue of children is manifested, then smoothly switch the attention of children to another type activities:

Modeling of plasticine figurines of heroes fairy tales;

Drawing a picture;

Assembling the mosaic fairy tale;

Laying out the sequence fairy tales and storytelling(by pictures).

4. I include various pantomimic exercises in my classes. sketches: "Woe", "Joy", "Fear", "Astonishment" etc. They teach children to reflect their own emotional states in rhythm, movement, facial expressions. This leads to involuntary relaxation of the body and, consequently, to the removal of emotional stress.

5. Dynamic pauses (during classes 2-5 minutes as children get tired).

6. Speech therapy five minutes (exercises to activate vocabulary).

7. finger exercises ("brain gymnastics") on lexical topics of the work program. With the help of such exercises, the work of the left hemisphere is compensated. Their implementation requires attention and concentration from the child.

Fatigue after performing psycho-gymnastic studies (pantomimes, games, exercises) leads to involuntary relaxation of the body and, consequently, the removal of tension.

central moment fairy tale therapy- voluntary participation of children. Therefore, I pay special attention to motivation (figurative text, ditties, fables, looking at illustrations, etc., while each child feels an attentive attitude towards himself from the educator. In the first period, not all children were included in the game, some watched silently what was happening, therefore had to be additionally motivated to be included in the game (music, fairy tale hero, etc.. e.).

2.5. Stages of work with fairy tale:

1. Ritual "entry into fairy tale» .

2. Reading fairy tales.

3. Discussion fairy tales.

4. At the end of the lesson - a ritual "exit from fairy tales» .

1 stage of work:

The ritual of entering fairy tale

Musical accompaniment to help children tune in fairy tale.

You can use a musical toy, a magic wand or a magic key to fairy tales.

The game "Magic ball",

Poem « Story came to visit us, it's time for us to meet her!,

New fairy tale"accidentally found" in fairy tale box, under "magic carpet" etc.

Ivan Tsarevich comes to visit (bibabo doll) and brings a letter. Children are intrigued and ask: "Read it! Read!

Coming through "Magic Hoop"- get into fairy tale.

2 stage of work:

Reading fairy tales

For example, story: "How the little mouse became brave". We read further fairy tale completely, without discussion - this is the first version of the work.

2nd option: in the process of reading, you can stop at the most important fragments and ask questions.

Analysis questions fairy tales:

Why was the mouse afraid?

Did the bunny help him cope with his fear?

Why didn't it help?

How did the animals deal with fear?

Why was Rat surprised?

3 stage of work:

Discussion fairy tales

We discuss with the children - who is called brave, who is cowardly; How did the characters differ from each other? Children demonstrate, first, how the mouse behaves, how afraid he is, what expression on his face, and then the bunny. Next, we recall cases when we were afraid and what we felt at the same time. And when were you brave, brave? Compare these feelings. Next, we pronounce what we feel in different states. What color can be fear, anger, cowardice? How do they sound, how do they smell? At the same time, we analyze what awaits a person who does not change. And then the children tell how in real life they meet with a feeling of fear, anxiety, worries, what actions help to cope and become braver.

4th stage of work:

Exit ritual fairy tales

1st option: Melody to exit fairy tales.

Option 2: Children stand in a circle and pronounce: "We stand hand in hand - together we are a big ribbon, we can be big, we can become small, but no one will be alone."

Option 3: All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Let's hold hands together

And we smile at each other.

Option 4: "We take with us all the most important things that happened to us today, everything that we have learned."

Requirements for working with fairy tale:

Appropriateness - psychotherapeutic fairy tale appropriate to use only when the right situation has occurred (conflict and quarrel of children, disobedience, anxiety, etc.). Otherwise, you can distort the whole idea.

Sincerity - of course, the educator is required to be open and sincere in the narration.

Dosage - fairy tale therapy encourages reflection. This is a long process. Therefore, it is impossible "overload" children with psychotherapeutic fairy tales so that they do not lose their sensitivity to them.

Children always love "repetitions". I purposefully repeat games for verbal commenting on emotionally effective situations, episodes - substitutions. In them I use most of the creative play with elements search: show the hero, guess by the movement, rhythm, music, come up with an ending.

My experience shows that with fairy tales the development of the child as a person. Method fairy tale therapy occupies one of the central places in the correctional work with children of the compensating group, since no other type of activity can provide such a complex impact on the speech sphere of the child. Story not only increases cognitive interest and motivation for learning activities, but also encourages the child to analyze, reason, look for cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions. Therefore, the use fairy tales provides me with a holistic approach to child development. Story for a child, this is a game, magic, and the result is not so important as maintaining the game necessary for the child is truly fabulous atmosphere. A little fairy tales, a little miracle, and you already see a happy and healthy baby.

Folk wisdom says: a child is an open book of the universe that adults need to learn to read. Story for a child, it is a small life full of bright colors, wonders and adventures. listening fairy tale By composing or playing it, children master reality through the world of experiences and images.

2.6. Usage mnemonics in the development of coherent speech of children 5-7 years old.

Since I use in my work fairy tale therapy then I decided to use mnemonics for teaching children storytelling.

mnemonics translated from Greek "the art of memory". mnemonics- this is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the successful memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, the development of various types of memory: auditory, visual, motor, tactile, thinking, imagination. After all, they are closely related to the full development of coherent speech. Basic "secret" mnemonics very simple and well known. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain fixes this relationship. And in the future, when recalling one of the images of this association, the brain reproduces all previously connected images. Mnemonics in kindergarten, as an effective method of memorization, is usually mastered with simple examples. To begin with, I introduced children to mnemonic squares - understandable images that stand for one word, phrase, its characteristics or a simple sentence. Then she complicated the classes by demonstrating mnemonic tracks - this is already a square of four pictures, from which you can make a small story in 2-3 sentences. And, finally, the most complex structure is mnemonic tables, and it is them that I use in my work. Mnemotables fairy tales are schematic representations by which you can remember and reproduce the whole story, fairy tale or even a poem. At the beginning, I chose fairy tales from the manual of Bolsheva T. V. We study according to fairy tale. Development of thinking of preschoolers with the help mnemonics". As a didactic material, I designed mnemonic tables in accordance with the selected fairy tales(app. 6). I want to involve parents in drawing diagrams for our classes in fairy tale therapy.

Working with mnemonic tables significantly reduces the time for teaching children retelling short stories . In this regard, she developed the structure of the organization of correctional and developmental classes.

Classes using mnemotables include myself:

Pre-reading fairy tales;

Show fairy tale play teacher(using finger theater, bibabo puppets, theater on flannelgraph);

Didactic games on the topic fairy tales;

Consideration and discussion of symbols;

Compilation of mnemonic tracks (games are used "Put it in the right order", "What is missing").

Fairy tale retelling based on symbols (images).

An example of a lesson using a mnemonic table fairy tales shown in(app 7).

To consolidate the knowledge gained, you can make albums with children on the topic covered with children's stories and drawings. The most amazing thing is that children are able to come up with their own schema-models and mnemotables, using the information encoding symbols known to them.

Work on each topic is carried out during four sessions, which use various forms and methods of work, the sequence of tasks, their diversity, change of activities (working with a mnemonic table, conducting experiments, didactic games, guessing riddles, modeling, drawing, application, etc.) are thought out.

Working in this direction, you should adhere to the following rules

Conduct 1 lesson per week, 4 lessons per month - acquaintance with one fairy tale.

During the month, while the children get acquainted with a particular fairy tale, mnemotables and collages remain in the group for individual work.

Before the next lesson, carry out preliminary work with children, considering collages and mnemonic tables according to fairy tale from previous lessons.

After four classes, at the end of work on fairy tale, mnemonic tables are placed in a book corner.

Involve kids in coding (inventing symbols) fairy tales, poems, exercise in solving symbols.

Thus, with the help of model diagrams and mnemotables, you can achieve the following results:

Make children want retell fairy tales - like in class as well as in everyday life.

Expand your knowledge of the world around you.

Activate vocabulary.

To help children overcome shyness, shyness, learn to freely stand in front of an audience.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that speech activity is formed and functions in close connection with all mental processes. Special training should be carried out with the help of a comprehensive program of speech therapy, including not only the development of the components of the speech system, but also aimed at correcting mental functions. Therefore, the use of techniques mnemonics in the work on the development of children's speech, in our opinion, is the most relevant because the:

- visual modeling makes it easier for children with OHP to master coherent speech, since the use of symbols, pictograms, substitutes, diagrams facilitates memorization and increases memory capacity and, in general, develops children's speech-thinking activity;

- visual modeling techniques use the natural mechanisms of brain memory and allow you to fully control the process of memorizing, storing and recalling information;

- children who own the means of visual modeling, in the future are able to independently develop speech in the process of communication and learning.

When using mnemotables fairy tales children practice skills tell the story using visibility; strengthen the ability to compose fairy tale connected, in a logical sequence, correlate sign symbols with images; activate words and expressions in speech that allow you to start and end fairy tale;

mnemonics educates memorization and recall techniques, which in turn contributes to the development of mental processes, communication skills, and cognitive activity. Children develop an interest in learning and storytelling literary works, thus mnemonics affects not only the development of memory, but also fantasy, visualization of images by a child. Applying for the formation of coherent speech modern methods learning and adapting their application in practice to the needs of children, it is possible to optimize pedagogical activity, thereby increasing the level of social adaptation of such children to the reality around them. The use of mnemonic tables makes it much easier for children to master coherent speech, the presence of a plan-scheme makes stories clear, connected and consistent.

In early December, I conducted an intermediate diagnosis of the development of coherent speech in children. (app. 8) Method usage fairy tale therapy in system corrective work gives a positive result, which is confirmed by the data of diagnostics of the level of development of coherent speech of children. Diagnostic data show that at the initial stage of education in September 2016, the level of development of coherent speech in most children was below average. And in December, the result showed that in some children the levels of development of coherent speech increased and this indicates the effectiveness of the use fairy tale therapy.

3. Conclusion.

It is still too early to talk about the results of my work, since academic year continues and the work is not finished. But summing up the preliminary results, I noticed that the children became more relaxed, they begin to express your thoughts, their vocabulary is replenished, children gradually begin to show creativity more actively in games - dramatizations, games - dramatizations, this allows the child to psychologically get closer to the hero fairy tales, survive his victories and defeats, happiness and misfortune. The speech of children becomes more coherent, interesting for listeners, children try to select accurate words and phrases that are accessible to others, which indicates an increase in the level of coherent speech. Regularity fairy tale therapy contributes to the consolidation positive effect in the development of personality and speech of the child.

Thus, based on the above materials, we can make the following conclusions: if fairy tale therapy gives a positive result, even in such a short time, then it must be included in the work to overcome violations of coherent speech in preschoolers. Usage fairy tale therapy in work with children who have problems in the development of speech is simply necessary, since this form of activity is new technology in the psychological and pedagogical correction of children. Thanks to - fairy tale therapy it is possible to give children not only the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are necessary for studying at school, but also the need to communicate with people around them, the ability to establish contacts with adults and peers, interact with them, emotionally respond to emerging situations in communication, show their emotional conditions accepted in human society. I believe that the literature that I used in my work is really effective, it is effective and gives a positive result.

Future plans. I plan to continue to study the scientific literature in the future, get acquainted with the experiences and works of other authors on the use of fairy tale therapy. Use fairy tale therapy not only in direct educational activities, but also in sensitive moments, including them in holidays and entertainment. And also connect parents, convince them of the importance of the elements fairy tale therapy, to show what interest such activities can cause in children, what role they play in the development of the child. Involve parents to make character attributes according to Russian folk fairy tales. as well as to create a library of psychotherapeutic and psycho-corrective fairy tales which would help children get rid of aggressiveness, pugnacity, fears, fear of the dark, greed.