A comprehensive lesson on ecology in the senior group. Summary of a lesson in the senior group on ecology “Journey to the world of insects”

Everyone knows the fact that a child receives all the inclinations of development in early childhood. And how successful he will be in the future depends on how he was taught in preschool.

Therefore, you should not be surprised when you see an ecology lesson on the schedule in senior group, because the new standards for kindergarten provide for the development of children with different sides educational process.

Goal setting for ecology classes

Of course, every activity carried out in a preschool educational institution must have its main goal, and ecology is no exception. in this area should contribute to the development in preschoolers of love for their homeland and a caring attitude towards nature.

In order to achieve results at graduation, the teacher needs to build a chain of smaller goals (tasks) and strive to achieve them at each one. They can be as follows:

  • help preschoolers see seasonal changes in nature;
  • explain to children that everything in nature is interconnected (through the construction of ecological chains);
  • consolidate children’s existing knowledge about birds (animals, fish);
  • develop in children a love of nature, promote the ability to see beauty (through the design of flower beds in the group’s area).

This, of course, is not all of the tasks. An ecology lesson in a senior group can have a different thematic nature, so the goals will be more specific.

Types of ecology classes

Ecology provides a child’s primary communication skills with nature. The older group can structure the lesson according to one of several types. These include:

  • initial informational;
  • in-depth cognitive;
  • generalizing;
  • complex.

The most important thing when constructing classes is compliance with the following requirements:

  • emotionality;
  • brightness;
  • opportunity to participate;
  • cognition;
  • availability;
  • interest.

Who should teach ecology classes?

Any activities in kindergarten are part of the educational process, and group teachers are responsible for it. In addition, students most often trust them very much and try to imitate them in everything.

Therefore, it is the teacher who should conduct the ecology lesson in the senior group. He will clearly explain the importance of nature in the life of every person and how to treat it with care.

Ecology lesson middle group regards it as one of the ways of understanding the world around us. Children get acquainted with its diversity and learn to communicate with it.

What might the activity be like?

Many forms of the educational process allow educators to make it interesting, unusual, and emotional. In this case it could be:

  • fairy tale activity;
  • activity-travel;
  • on ecology;
  • open lesson.

The most important thing is that the teacher needs to implement creativity and build the process so that students have a desire to take part in this event.

For example, there is a topic for an ecology lesson - “Trees”; it can be conducted in the form of excursions with older children in the park. It may be especially memorable in autumn period, when children, together with the teacher, will be able to collect bright leaves, fallen cones and subsequently make crafts from them.

What is an open lesson?

An open lesson on ecology requires the presence of strangers - these could be other teachers, children from parallel groups, parents, participants in the educational process from neighboring kindergartens.

This lesson is most often demonstrative, and the children, together with the teacher-educator, prepare for it in advance. The biggest mistake the organizer makes in this case is that he completely rehearses the process several times, and the children lose interest.

Of course, it is necessary to rehearse, but only the most complex elements of the event, and the event itself should also be new for the children during the period of the event. It is this approach that allows you to get the best results.

It is considered a big plus if during open class Time will be allocated for children to express their opinions on the topic or ask questions that interest them. We must remember that a preschool child cannot for a long time do the same thing, so the event should not be drawn out and a change of activity should be thought out during the process.

Ecological project

If we consider a lesson on ecology, the average group can choose Children usually love to participate in various types of research, this method is both educational and educational.

An environmental project can be short-term (lasting from several hours to several days) or long-term (a month or more). The time period in this case depends on the chosen research topic.

Work with environmental project is based on an integrated approach - this type provides for the participation of children in various types activities:

  • observation;
  • reading thematic works;
  • drawing;
  • staging a thematic dance;
  • modeling;
  • writing fairy tales and stories on the topic.

This form of work can either be independent or be an addition to the educational process.

Parents as participants in the environmental education of children

We should not forget that the upbringing of children is not limited to preschool education. educational institution, but also the society in which the child lives, namely his family.

Parents need to work closely with the teacher, since the goals of education must be the same. To do this, the teacher conducts parent meetings, telling them about what a child at a given age should know and be able to do. And most often he asks parents for help, for example, dads can make a stand for a nature calendar, and moms can decorate a flower garden, create a vegetable garden on the window.

A lesson on ecology in the senior group can be carried out on a hike together with parents. These events are always fun and promote unity, and in addition, they can be clearly demonstrated to children through personal example.

In addition, an ecology lesson in the senior group can be open, that is, conducted jointly with parents. In this case, the teacher shows the requirements for children put forward by the curriculum. And the children with great pleasure can boast to their parents about their successes in this field of knowledge.


Almost every child has a pet. Therefore, a lesson on ecology “Domestic Animals” can be conducted in the form of a photo exhibition.

To do this, you need to ask the children in advance to bring photographs of their animals, and during the lesson - talk about them. In addition, the teacher must necessarily supplement the children’s knowledge with new information. For example, that cats and dogs can be trained and they are able to perform even in the circus, and mice and rats are rodents and they live in burrows.

Preschoolers really like to talk about their pets, thus, in addition to knowledge of ecology, they acquire common speech skills.

Environmental education is the main way to develop a sense of responsibility in children. In addition, this always causes increased interest among children.

Subject:“Learn to regret and take care.”

Target: awaken a feeling of compassion and pity for the inhabitants of nature who are in trouble; teach children to distinguish true pity from false; develop observation skills, logical thinking, imagination.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher informs the children that today they have a wonderful exhibition of drawings “We are friends of nature.” These are drawings made by children and their parents.

Guys, tell us what you wanted to show in these drawings. (A bird in a cage is a bird on a tree; animals in the forest are animals in the zoo; a frog in a jar is a frog by the river; a beetle in a box is a beetle on a flower; a lizard in a box is a lizard on a pebble, etc.)

Children express opinions about their drawings and the drawings of their friends.

Where do living creatures feel better: in the wild or in captivity?

Do you have any animals or birds at home? (Children talk about animals that live or once lived in the house, how they got into the house, etc.)

Listen to N. Sladkov’s story “Zhaleikin and the Little Frog.”

Under a hummock, in a damp swamp, Zhaleikin noticed a small, weak frog.

- Poor, unfortunate baby! - exclaimed Zhaleikin. - How bad it is for you, poor thing, in this dirty swamp! Dark, damp, cold! But don't be discouraged! I will save you, you will feel good and cozy in my home.

At home, Zhaleikin put the little frog in the most beautiful painted box, laid soft dry cotton wool on the bottom, placed the box in the warm sun and laughed cheerfully with joy.

- Remember, little frog, my worries! You will now live in warmth, dryness and cleanliness. Not like in your dirty swamp!

But the frog is not happy. But the frog is not having fun. He feels very bad, he is barely alive. It overheated in the sun, dried out and became entangled in cotton wool.

When Zhaleikin saw him, he roared. He drenched the little frog in tears, and just in time: a little more - and the little frog would have died. Zhaleikin rushed with the frog to the swamp. The same place where it’s damp, dirty and cold, but where the frog feels just as good as Zhaleikin in his warm and clean room.

This is the story N. Sladkov wrote. Why do you think the frog almost died? What conditions did Zhaleikin create for him? In what conditions do frogs live in their home - in nature? (The teacher shows a picture of a swamp or pond.)

Yes, it is damp here, there are a lot of midges, mosquitoes, and vegetation. Fun for the little frog! This is his home. In the spring, you probably all heard “frog choirs.” Frogs are so common and familiar that it is difficult to imagine a wet forest, meadow or pond without them. Meanwhile, in many countries frogs have already become rare. This is a warning to people: frogs must be protected! And in any case, do not take them from natural home to his home as if out of pity. In fact, a person destroys a living, harmless creature. Everything that exists in nature must be preserved, regardless of our attitude towards certain animals and plants. There are no useful or harmful animals in nature, each species is important, each has its own role and habitat. "Needed where was born".

Outdoor game "Frogs and Heron".

Guys, how to recognize true friends of nature? How to properly take care of “our little brothers”?

Listen to another story by N. Sladkov, “Zhaleikin and the Woodpecker.”

Zhaleikin came to the birch grove. He hears someone knocking like an ax. Zhaleikin crept up and saw: a woodpecker sitting on a birch tree and pecking at it with all his might. Only chips fly. I felt sorry for the birch.

- Shoo, you nasty bird! - Zhaleikin shouted. - You will ruin all the birches with your carrying!

And he threw a stick at the woodpecker. He drove the woodpecker away, but did not notice that the woodpecker was hollowing out a dry birch tree, clearing it of beetles, larvae and caterpillars.

Bark beetles, tree beetles, and carpenter beetles have multiplied. The birch trees in the grove began to hurt and dry out. And Zhaleikin, you know, protects the grove from woodpeckers. Either with a stick at a woodpecker, or with a slingshot. There was a living, cheerful grove, but it became dead dead wood and fallen trees.

Guys, why did the writer name the boy Zhaleikin? Why do you think Zhaleikin drove the woodpecker away? Did he do the right thing? Why? What did Zhaleikin not know about? What happened to the tree after Zhaleikin drove away the woodpecker? Why are there no leaves on the birch tree? Who ate them? What was Zhaleikin surprised when he came to the forest for the second time? Do you think he was upset? Because of which? Do you feel sorry for Zhaleikin? Who do you feel sorry for? Do you think Zhaleikin realized his mistake? Have you always done the right thing in nature?

There are many such compassionate Zhaleikins. There are them among you guys too.

Remember the times in your life when you “felt sorry” for little baby animals and chicks and how it all turned out for them.

How should you spare plants and animals so as not to harm them?

So, it is necessary to feel sorry for natural inhabitants, but to feel sorry skillfully, not the way Zhaleikin did. What does it mean to regret correctly? (Children's answers).

To have pity means not to harm, not to destroy, not to ruin, not to deprive animals of their home, but to help, feed, and provide assistance to wounded, maimed and distressed animals. For example, to feel sorry for the way Grandfather Mazai felt sorry for the hares, saving the hares from the flood.

- Listen to an excerpt from N. Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares.”

I'm just getting some wood

I went in a boat - there are a lot of them from the river

In the spring the flood comes to us -

I go and catch them. The water is coming.

I see one small island -

The hares gathered on it in a crowd.

Then I arrived: their ears were chattering,

You can't move; I took one

He commanded the others: jump yourself!

My hares jumped - nothing!

The oblique team just sat down,

The entire island disappeared under water.

A gnarled log floated past,

Sitting, and standing, and lying flat,

About a dozen hares escaped on it.

I caught my hook on a twig

And he dragged the log behind him...

I drove the log tightly to the shore,

The boat moored - and: “God bless!” said...

And with all my might

The bunnies ran

And I said to them: “Uh-uh!”

Live, little animals!

Guys, do you think Grandfather Mazai felt sorry for the hares?

Does Grandfather Mazai look like Zhaleikin? How is it similar? Why is it not similar?

What did Grandfather Mazai do with the hares when they were threatened by water?

Where can you see that grandfather Mazai - a kind person? Do you know people like grandfather Mazai? Would you like to be like this? What should friends of nature do for this?

The teacher invites the children to recall incidents from personal experience how they helped nature, and make drawings.

Goal: enriching the understanding of the impact of technology on the environment.

1. Form an idea of ​​what negative impact the technique exerts on the air.

1. Contribute to the development of the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

1. Foster a desire to protect nature and take care of it; learn to work in micro groups.

Equipment: cell phone, magnetic board, magnets, pictures (factory, car, plane, flowers, trees, pipes with cleaning devices), 2 A5 sheets, colored pencils, wax crayons, 5 pictures of technology, 5 pictures of flowers , tray

Preliminary work:

During the walk, monitoring of traffic and the condition of snow on the territory of the kindergarten and near the roadway is carried out.

Progress of the lesson:
Children move freely around the group, the teacher unexpectedly draws their attention to himself.

— Guys, can you imagine, I received a voice message on my phone. Let's listen to it (Hello guys! My name is Alice. I travel to different planets. And now, I’m on the planet of Robots. It’s called that because only robots live on it. And all because there was a missing person on this planet fresh air. Help me figure out why this happened and what can be done to make the air clean again. Waiting for an answer)

— Who did the message come from? (From the girl Alice). What did the girl Alice tell us? (There is no clean air on the planet of Robots)

- Guys, why do we need air? (So ​​that they can breathe). Tell me, what kind of dirty air is it? (There is a lot of dust and dirt in it). Do you think it’s good to breathe dirty air? (No)

- Let's think about why clean air could disappear from this planet? What pollutes the air? (Cars, factories, airplane) (On the magnetic board, for each correct answer the child gives suitable picture corresponding to his answer)

— Of course, cars and factories make a person’s life much easier. But they do great harm nature and the air we all breathe. Cars emit exhaust gases, factories release very dirty and harmful smoke from their large chimneys, which contains a lot of dust and soot. Airplanes emit a lot of soot and carbon dioxide from their turbines, which humans cannot breathe. All this greatly pollutes the air, various harmful gases appear in it.

Also an interesting environmental activity for children:

“You guys are great, you figured out why the air on another planet became dirty.” Could this happen in our city? (Yes). Of course, we also have factories, boiler houses, a large number of machines. And our air can become dirty. Remember when we were walking and looking at the snow lying near the road? What is he like? (dirty, black). Of course, because soot and exhaust fumes from cars that hang in our air settle on our white snow. And we breathe this.

- Guys, now let's think about what needs to be done to keep the air clean? (Plant flowers, trees, do not cut down forests, install special cleaning devices on the pipes of factories and boiler houses) (For each correct answer of the child, a corresponding picture is displayed on the magnetic board). Flowers absorb harmful gases and emit the gas that we breathe. What is it called? (oxygen). Trees are a reservoir of harmful gases. They accumulate them and store them for hundreds of years. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve and increase the number of forests. Cleaning devices that are placed on factory pipes help keep dust and soot out of the air.

- Guys, don’t you think it’s time for us to take a break?

Physical education lesson “It’s time for us to take a break”
It's time for us to take a break, stretch and breathe. (Deep breath and exhale)
They turned their heads, and all the fatigue was gone!
You need to stretch your neck one, two, three, four, five times.
(Head rotation)

We stood up straight. They leaned over. One - forward, and two - back.
We stretched ourselves. Straightened up. We repeat everything.
(Bends forward and backward)

And then we squat. This is important, we know it ourselves.
We stretch our knees and exercise our legs.

We bend down easily,
We reach the floor with our hands. (bending forward)
Pulled shoulders and backs
And now the end of the warm-up. (children sit down)

- Guys, but Alice asked us to send her an answer to why the clean air disappeared and how to make the air clean again. How should we answer Alice? (Call, draw)

“We won’t be able to call Alice, because she sent the message from an unknown number, but we can draw the answer and send it by mail to Alice in space.” What can we draw in the picture, where we will depict why the clean air disappeared? (Factory, cars, deforestation).

- What can we draw in a picture in which we will depict how to make the air clean again? (Flowers, forests)

- How many pictures should we draw? ( Two). So we need to split into two groups. How can we do this? (To settle accounts, to divide who wants with whom) And I want to invite you to try to separate yourself using pictures. Everyone come to me and take one picture. (Children take pictures). Now, try to find your group. (Divided into groups). Why did you join the group? (Because all the pictures show equipment). Why did you join the group? (Because the pictures are of flowers)

- Now go to the tables as you have united, let's draw our answers. The “Technology” group draws the answer to why the air has become dirty, and the “Flowers” ​​group draws the answer to what can be done to make the air clean (Children go to the tables and draw answers)

- Well done guys, you did very well! I will definitely send our drawings to Alice, but first let them hang out in our group for a while. Let's tell moms and dads how to keep the air clean. Now let's clean up the tables so that our group also remains clean.

Title: Abstract environmental studies in the senior group “Why did the clean air disappear?”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, ecology, Senior group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 29 “Golden Key”
Location: Lesosibirsk city, Krasnoyarsk region

Education department

Administration of the Central region

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

of the city of Novosibirsk "Child Development Center -

kindergarten No. 000 “Dolphin”

Ecological lesson

educationin the senior group

Subject:"Forest Miracle"

Compiled by:




2009. Information card for the lesson of MDOU TsRR d./s No. 000 “Dolphin”


Preschool group: older

the date of the: 20.11.09.

Target: to form in children an understanding of the need for a careful and caring attitude towards nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for humans.


1. Didactic:

· Contribute to the formation of the idea that a stump is a habitat for a variety of living creatures (animals and plants).

· Develop cognitive activity, creative imagination, communication skills.

2. Corrective:

· Develop coherent speech, the ability to reason, and draw conclusions.

3. Educational:

· Foster a humane attitude towards the forest and its inhabitants.

· To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature

Equipment: screen with a forest image; artificial forest plants; stump; toys: insects, animals, Lesovik costume; environmental signs “Rules of conduct in the forest”; magnifying glass - for each child; sprayer with water, invitation card.

Forms of organization of activities:

· Cooperative activity with an adult with elements of play activities.

Lesson structure:

1. Appearance fairy tale hero- Lesovika

2. Didactic game"Rules of conduct in the forest."

3. Conversation-survey “What do you know about the structure of a tree (stump)?)

4. Lesovik’s story about Stump Korneevich

5. Experimental activities for children

6. Dramatization game “Stump-teremok”

7. Didactic exercise"Pick up your neighbors"

8. Summing up

9. Surprise moment

Characteristics of the group children of the sixth year of life

Expected result: to form generalized ideas in children of the sixth year of life about the need for a careful and caring attitude towards nature.

Progress of the lesson:


The children receive a letter from Lesovik, in which he invites them to visit a fairy-tale forest in which eternal summer reigns.

On the threshold of the group they are met by Lesovik

Lesovik. Hello children! (Children say hello) My name is Lesovik. Do you want to go with me to a fairytale forest where there is never winter, spring or autumn? (Children's answers). Why do you think this las is called fabulous? (If the children find it difficult to answer, then Lesovik, with the help of leading questions, leads to the conclusion that in nature there is always a change of seasons)

Lesovik. And I have magic cards in my basket. And I want to check if you know the rules of behavior in the forest.

Children describe Images And explain their meaning.

Lesovik. Yes, I see that you know the rules of behavior in the forest. And that’s why forest dwellers are always happy to have such guests.

After this, the children, together with the Lesovik, go to the group and approach the screen with the image of a forest.


The forest worker asks the children. Do you like walking in the forest? (Yes.) What do you know about its inhabitants? Name the animals of our forests. (Children's answers) What forest plants do you know? (Answers children.) Yes, our forest is rich and beautiful. (Sounds audio recording "Noise forests".) Do you hear? Birds sing and glorify the beauty of the forest.

Lesovik lets children down To stump .

Lesovik. We entered a forest clearing. Do you know what kind of forest miracle this is? (Indicates on the stump).

Children's answers

Lesovik. This is not just a stump, this is Stump Korneevich - the oldest inhabitant of my forest. Let's meet Stump Korneevich. (Fits To stump And shakes his root). Hello, Pen Korneevich! You recognized me, it’s me, your friend Lesovik.

Children one by one getting acquainted with a stump , call their names..

Lesovik. How polite you are! What did you shake with Pnya Korneevich when you met him? (Roots.)

Lesovik. What are they, roots? (Direct and curved, thick And thin, branched, confused, hard And flexible, long And short, smooth.) What color are they? (Dark- brown, light- brown, brown, white.) Why does a tree need roots? (Roots hold tree V earth. Through the roots tree receives nutritious substances, water.) What is the stump covered with? (Koroy.) Touch the bark and tell me what it feels like? (Rough, rough, hard, With cracks.) Smell what the stump smells like? (The stump smells tree, forest, earth.). Do you want me to tell you Am I telling you about Pnya Korneevich?

Children's answers

Lesovik. I know a lot about all the forest inhabitants. And Stump Korneevich and I are old friends. I remember him from the time when he was an acorn. A sprout appeared from an acorn and then turned into a young oak tree. He grew up for a long time and did many good deeds. He treated the forest dwellers to acorns and rocked the chicks in their nests on his branches. In its hollows lived a squirrel, an eagle owl, and a woodpecker. The years flew by. The oak grew old, began to hurt and dry out. So they cut it down for firewood. And in place of the mighty oak tree there remained this stump. The forest inhabitants did not forget the kindness of the old oak tree and began to respectfully call its stump Pen Korneevich. I don’t even remember how many years have passed since then. But there is a way to find out how old an oak tree was and determine the age of any tree that is cut down. Get closer to the stump. Do you see these rings? (Shows.) Each ring represents the year the tree has lived. Let's calculate how old the oak tree was.

Children together With Lesovik count annual rings on saw cut stump.

Lesovik. By the distance between the growth rings you can determine how the tree lived in different years. If two rings are located close to each other, it means that the tree did not have enough moisture and nutrition that year.

Look carefully and tell me how the growth rings are located on our stump.

Together with Lesovik, the children examine annual rings V different places I slept And do conclusion O weather conditions V That or other period growth tree .

Lesovik. And I have several other cuts in stock, let's look at them. (Takes a magnifying glass out of the basket). Do you know what this is? (Answers children.) . What is it for? (Answers children.) . Let's divide into groups and look at the cuts of various trees, and then you will tell us what you saw.

Children are considering tree cuts through magnifying glasses.

Lesovik. How interesting! Through a magnifying glass you can see things that you cannot see even at close range. Tell me what you saw? (Children talk about how each tree grew until it was cut down.)

Sounds audio recording "Speech Stump Korneevich".

Stump Korneevich. Oh oh oh! I'm bored, I'm sad! I was a green, branchy tree, birds nested on my branches, squirrels frolicked. People were resting in my shadow, and now I have become a tree stump and am standing alone in the clearing. And I would like to find friends and be useful to someone!

Lesovik. I wonder what friends Pen Korneevich is talking about? Don’t you children know what kind of friends these are?

Children's answers

Lesovik. I remembered the story of the aspen stump. A large aspen tree broke, leaving a stump in its place. The beetles were the first to know about this. There is, they say, a vacant house, unoccupied by anyone, so we will become its residents. And there is no need to look for food for our voracious larvae, there is so much wood in the stump. Carpenter beetles and bark beetles began to build apartments for their larvae and gnaw holes in the stump. They live and chew, they don’t know grief.

During the summer, the wind threw seeds of various plants onto the stump and around it, and warm rains generously watered it. Some time passed, and the plants grew from the seeds. On one side, lichen grew on the bark, and on the other, green moss appeared. Who wouldn’t want to live under such a soft, warm roof? So small forest creatures and all sorts of bugs and worms crawled under the moss. This is how the aspen stump turned into a real house.

Lesovik. Now do you understand what friends Pen Korneevich was talking about? Let's help the stump make friends, guys? Come closer to the table. Look how many figurines of forest animals there are here. Which of them do you think can live in, under and around a stump?

Children choose figurines animals, which, By their opinion, can live V conditions given ecosystems.

Lesovik offers to each to kid turn into V what- any inhabitant forests: become bronze, bark beetle, centipede, ant, with the mouse, frog, mole And T. d. For example, speaks: "Kolya, You Want be beetle- deer? How are you you think, Why his So named? »

Lesovik. Let's sit around the stump. Before we move a new inhabitant into the stump, we ask: “Who lives in the stump-house?”

Listen to how I will populate a bark beetle into a stump.

Fits To stump And asks: "Who- Who V stump- little house lives? » None answers. "Then I will live under this strong fat root. Here I I'll find it Not only shelter, But And food - sawdust". Now you (appeals To to kid), bug- deer, move in V stump.

So way, children one by one populate selected figurines animals V stump- teremok.

Lesovik. Look, a black cloud is approaching our clearing. Now it's going to rain. (Sprays stump water.) What is rain like? (Warm, strong, quiet, cold,drizzling, torrential.) The rain soaked everything around. Now plants will grow on the stump and around it. Go to the table, select and name plants that can grow on and around the stump. (Children perform exercise.)

Lesovik. Can a rose (cactus, radish) grow on a stump in the forest? (No.) Why? (Answers children.) Let's go to Stump Korneevich and plant plants on the stump and around it. (Children perform exercise.)

Lesovik. Look how cheerful our Pen Korneevich is. He was alone, but now he has turned into a real house where plants and various animals live.


Lesovik. It's time for us to say goodbye to Stump Korneevich and his friends. Do you want me to come to you and tell you about other forest inhabitants?

Children's answers

Lesovik. Then tell me what new, interesting things you learned in class today, and I will give you invitation cards to my next meeting.

Children they tell O volume, What them memorable, And get invitation cards.

Summary of a lesson on ecology in the senior group “Nature Experts”

Summary of a lesson on ecology in the senior group

"Nature Experts"

Form of holding: KVN on environmental education.

Nurture love and careful attitude to nature;

Expand and clarify children's knowledge about animals, birds, plants native land;

Enrich children's knowledge with new information;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.

Materials: audio recording “Alone with Nature”, sketches of animal tracks, cards with rules of conduct in nature, paints, brushes, sheets of whatman paper.

Progress of the lesson:

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They won't always have time to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

D. Radovich

Educator: - Good afternoon, guys. Today we will go on a trip to the forest. And for this we need to walk along the path, cross the river, avoid obstacles (the children complete the task). So you and I found ourselves in the forest (audio recording “Alone with Nature”). Guys, let's listen to the sounds of the forest (children listen to the music and talk about what they hear.).

Look guys, I see footprints here, let's try to guess whose they are. And to make it easier to guess, I will ask you riddles:

He slept for a long time all winter,

He sucked his right paw,

And he woke up and began to roar.

This forest animal is (Bear)

The red-haired godfather led everyone through. (Fox)

Long ear,

A ball of fluff,

Jumps deftly

Nibbles a carrot. (Hare)

Well done guys, what is this lying here? Look at this letter, let's open it and read it.

“Dear guests of the forest, it has become very dangerous in the forest. When people come to the forest, they throw garbage and light fires. There are people who exterminate animals and birds. Friends, this is how the forest will soon die, and misfortune will overtake all people! We ask you to take care of nature and remember how to behave in the forest! »

The guys in this letter ask us to respect and protect the forest and its inhabitants. I invite you to take part in KVN, as a result of which we will remember how to behave in the forest, how forest dwellers live and learn how we can help nature. So, we are starting KVN. To do this, we will divide into two teams: “Fox Cubs”, “Wolf Cubs”. We will also need a fair jury, I suggest you choose our doll Aisyla, since she is present in all our classes, and Doctor Aibolit.

I'll tell you a riddle, the team that guesses it first will be the first to answer the questions. So listen carefully:

The animal itself smaller cat,

The tail is fluffy and large.

Well, fast legs

They jump through the forest like an arrow.

Team 1 - Name the animals that hibernate in winter.

Team 2 - Name the birds that winter in our region.

Team 1 - Name the migratory birds.

Team 2 - What birds store food for the winter?

Team 1 - What animals store food for the winter?

Team 2 - What is worse for birds than hunger or cold? Why?

Team 1 - What birds do not build nests and do not raise chicks?

Team 2 - Is the wolf harmful? Why?

Dynamic pause.

Game "Finish the sentence"

Cunning as...

Fast as...

Prickly like...

Hungry like...

Clumsy as...

Game "Guess and name"

(Who) climbed under the leaves.

(Who) climbed into the den.

(Who) ducked into the hollow.

(Who) hid under a bush.

(Who) slipped into the lair.

(Who) hid in a hole.

We talked about birds and animals, but birds and animals cannot exist without plants.

Team 1 - What are the names of huge plants with solid trunks from which branches extend?

Team 2 – What are the names of plants that have several trunks at once and are inferior in height to trees?

1, 2 teams – What are small plants with soft stems called?

(After each answer, the teacher displays the corresponding picture: tree, bush, grass)

Guys, look what we got - a ladder. In the forest, plants are arranged along a ladder. Please tell me what plants live below, in the middle, above.

Guys, how do you think such huge trees and small delicate flowers stand on the ground and don’t fall? What's holding them back? Why do plants need roots?

Let's conduct an experiment and try to find out what else roots are needed for all plants.

Experiment: a twig with gauze instead of roots is placed in a bowl of colored water. The children watch the moisture rise up.

Guys, why do plants still need roots?

Well done. This is how plants “drink” water through their roots and get nutrients from the ground.

And now a competition is being announced for knowledge of the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, I propose that both teams go to the board on which the signs are depicted. The captain of each team will have to show the sign to the other team, and you will have to correctly say what rule it means (a competition is held).

Well done boys! Let's have a little rest (the game “At the Bear in the Forest” is being played)


Guys, today we visited the forest, held a KVN and remembered who lives where and how, found out why plants need roots, how to behave correctly in the forest, answered questions, guessed riddles. Today you were all smart, and friendship won today. Well, now I suggest you make a wall newspaper “Take care of nature” and draw rules of behavior in the forest (children begin to draw collectively).