The magical power and features of massage for infants. How to massage a baby

Almost everyone knows that a properly performed massage always has health benefits. However, with babies, questions often arise about when to start massaging a newborn and what is the best place to start. The answer is very simple - it can be done to a child almost from the first weeks of life. The procedure just requires some preparation: if you master a few simple techniques, Mom can handle it on her own.

First of all, we must immediately make it clear that different types massages differ greatly from each other in their purpose and technique.

  1. Therapeutic massage is intended for purely medical purposes - the effect is on certain areas. In this case, the procedure is always carried out in combination with other therapeutic measures - medications, physiotherapy sessions, etc. In this case, only a specialist can massage a newborn.
  2. Preventative care serves as a general health measure and is carried out for all babies almost from the first week of life. Mom can handle it too if she masters a few simple hand movements.

The benefits of the procedure for the child’s health are obvious – after all for a long time he was in the womb and now needs quick and full development of the whole body.

Thanks to massage, there is a healing effect on the body as a whole, which is manifested in the following:

  • optimization of blood flow to different organs, body parts and tissues;
  • maintaining healthy muscle and vascular tone;
  • stabilization nervous system and the baby’s behavior: he becomes calmer, sleep is strengthened due to the relaxing effect of the massage, also due to the fact that as a result of such influences the production of the stress hormone - cortisol - is reduced;
  • the general healing effect is also manifested in increasing immunity, strengthening general condition the child's body;
  • finally, due to irritation of nerve endings on the surface of the body, rapid development of the nervous system and the newborn’s body as a whole occurs.

PLEASE NOTE – The benefits of massage are only fully realized if the correct mode(duration, interval) and the procedure technique itself. Therefore, if the mother does not have the appropriate skills, she should consult with a nurse and doctor, and then try to massage the baby herself.

IN medicinal purposes Massaging a newborn is indicated for a number of diseases:

  • various nervous system disorders;
  • reduced or increased tone muscles;
  • curvature of the legs (X-type and O-type);
  • hip pathologies: congenital dislocations, semi-dislocations;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • chest deformities;
  • torticollis;
  • tremor;
  • scoliosis;
  • flat feet.

At the same time, there are a number of diseases and painful conditions of the child in which massage should not be done unless the procedure is first agreed upon with a doctor:

  • ARVI and other infectious diseases;
  • rickets;
  • with caution - in case of congenital heart defects;
  • umbilical and inguinal hernias;
  • stomach and intestinal disorders;
  • skin suppuration, rashes and inflammation.

In fact, any painful condition of the baby is a signal that you should not take risks and do a massage. However, in the case of chronic diseases There is no need to refuse the procedure - just in such situations, special exercises and a gentle regime are required, which the doctor will tell you in detail.

In other cases, the procedure is suitable for children of almost any age. Most often, when asked at what age massage procedures can be performed, doctors answer: after 1 month of life, all infants are entitled to daily preventive massage. Detailed description The corresponding execution techniques are given in the corresponding section.

How to massage a baby directly depends on his age.

It is important to note that before any session you should do a little preparation:

  1. The room should be at a comfortable temperature.
  2. For the child, you need to prepare a flat and soft surface on which to place a diaper or blanket.
  3. Hands should be clean, nails should be trimmed as much as possible. You should also remove all jewelry, watches, etc.

It is important to correctly determine the time when you can start doing massage.

There are some useful tips on this matter:

  • The optimal time is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., i.e. It is better not to perform a session in the evening and especially at night;
  • if the baby looks tired or sleepy, the procedure should be postponed;
  • finally, an important condition When you can do a massage is when you are eating: you can start the session at least an hour after eating.


Before and during the procedure, you should continuously monitor the baby’s behavior: if he likes it, doesn’t cry or is capricious, then everything is fine. If you look lethargic and cry during the massage, you should reschedule it.

Conventionally, there are 4 periods of life one year old child: up to 3 months, up to 6, up to 9 and up to 12. In each of these periods, the massage technique will be different: gradually the movements become more complicated and become more varied. In general, the procedure is repeated daily (once) every third month: i.e. There are 4 such cycles per year.

From 1 to 3 months

If we talk about how to massage a baby in the very first months, then the main thing here is to follow a gentle regime: all movements should be extremely careful, soft and the child likes it.

The first sessions are essentially not a massage, but stroking different parts body without much pressure: back, abdomen, arms, legs, all fingers. The nature of the movements depends on the area being massaged:

  1. Palms and heels, feet are stroked and gently kneaded.
  2. The tummy is massaged in a circular motion clockwise.
  3. Back - light movements on the right and left sides of the spine (at least 1 cm).

The duration of the session is short - from 5 to 10 minutes. In this case, you should not touch the areas of the heart, liver, armpits and below the knees.

The duration of the procedure gradually increases to 20-30 minutes.

At this time, a number of others are added to the actions already described:

  1. First, they stroke the arms, legs and fingers; You can gently rub all areas. The armpits, under the knees, and inner thighs are not affected.
  2. The tummy is again stroked clockwise, and direct upward and downward movements are also made to the groin area and back.
  3. You can only stroke the chest in the area of ​​the shoulders and sides.
  4. The neck is massaged with very light movements only in a lying position.
  5. The back is stroked with the pad of the palm along the vertebra (but not along the spine itself). If the baby is lying on his side, you can move your fingertip along the spine along the entire column.
  6. It is very important to teach the child to grab his mother’s finger so that he can hold on to it tightly and rise, stretching out.
  7. You can also take your baby by the armpits and lean forward slightly, making sure that he learns to lean on his feet and take small steps.
  8. You can do a slight tilt upside down (no more than 30 degrees) so that the blood flows slightly to the head, but if the child cries, you should not repeat the exercise.

At this time, the exercise complex begins to get used to - all exercises are done when the baby lies on his back:

  • the handles need to be moved apart and brought together one by one;
  • then the arms are extended and lowered;
  • knees come together and diverge;
  • and finally, lightly roll the baby in different directions.

IMPORTANT - When the baby turns 3 months old, he will need to be periodically placed on his tummy so that gases do not stagnate in the intestines.

At this stage, several other exercises are added to all the described massage actions:

  1. Particular attention is paid to active activities - the baby must learn to crawl. This technique helps especially well: a bright, beautiful toy, and when he starts crawling after her, you can play a little and move him a few centimeters - then the baby will crawl a greater distance.
  2. At the same time, the child is taught to walk independently: first he is supported by both hands, then by one. The baby should walk with his arms widely spaced (in line with his shoulders).

From 9 to 12 months

Finally, at the end of the first year, the massage actions already described and active exercises The following classes are being added:

  1. Raising the legs (when the child is lying down).
  2. Small squats.
  3. Body tilts in a standing position, turns.

Ball exercises

Not only massage will be very useful for your baby, but also exercises with a special massage ball.

They are done at different ages:

  1. At 3 months, you can rock your baby by placing a ball under his tummy.
  2. You can roll the ball with your side and back for up to six months.
  3. At six months you can already sit on the ball and put the child on his feet.
  4. At 10 months, the baby can walk under the supervision of an adult, using the ball as a walker.

Correct massage technique is the basis of a child’s health. If mom is not sure whether she is doing everything right, it is better to ask a doctor for advice. The main thing is to follow the regime and ensure that your baby enjoys the exercises.

In order for a child to actively develop, master new movements and acquire skills in time, massage is very useful for him. It’s good if the baby takes several courses during the first year of life restorative massage under the guidance of a specially trained person, each of which lasts 10 days. After this you need to take a 2-3 month break.

But besides this, it is imperative to massage newborns at home. It has a remarkable effect on the condition of the whole body, because during the session blood rushes to the massaged area, enhancing everything in it metabolic processes. Babies begin to hold their heads up earlier, learn to roll over onto their tummy more actively, and strive to explore the world.

At what age can newborns be massaged?

If there are no special indications, then massage in a children's clinic is not prescribed before 2-3 months. You can start doing it at home when the baby is 3 weeks old and the umbilical wound has already healed.

When can and should you massage a newborn?

The most best time for massage sessions - when the baby is awake and has good mood. If the time has come, and the child is capricious, then it is better to postpone the lesson until a more opportune moment. It is advisable to develop a specific schedule - this will be convenient for both the mother and more familiar to the baby.

Usually everything physical exercise, including massage, are carried out in the morning or afternoon. Some children become very active after classes, but most soon fall asleep. You should not do it before bedtime, because the child’s reaction can be unpredictable.

After the last feeding, at least an hour should pass, but even before meals you should not start a massage, because the child will not be able to relax, but will actively protest, demanding food.

How to properly massage a newborn?

Massage for newborns, like any other, is carried out with movements from bottom to top on the limbs and from the center to the periphery on the body. All movements, especially at first, should be light and stroking. More active methods should be left to professionals. At home, you should limit yourself to simple movements.

The child needs to be completely undressed, and if the room is cold, alternately uncover the massaged area, and then wrap it up again.

Newborn massage technique

Massage of a newborn baby is carried out using stroking and twisting techniques. If everything is clear with the first one, then twisting is a light movement, as when squeezing out laundry. Light stretching is also used.

A mother should consult a doctor about what kind of massage to give to her newborn. Usually these are simple manipulations that do not take more than 10 minutes.


Using stroking circular movements, starting from the toes towards the thigh, each leg is worked in turn from bottom to top, several approaches. Then mom thumb presses on the foot near the toes - they reflexively tuck. After this, the finger is drawn down to the heel, and the fingers unclench again.


Each hand is rubbed from hand to shoulder, then shaken lightly. They insert their own into the baby's palm thumb and massage clockwise.


When the baby lies on his back, he is stroked chest from the center to the sides, also done with the back, in the position - the child is on his stomach. The tummy is massaged in a circle with gentle movements.

The main task of a caring young mother is to raise a healthy and strong baby. Before giving birth, every woman studies a large number of special literature, gets acquainted with the rules of caring for a newborn, which will help her care for the baby. However, questions still remain and one of the main ones is: “When should I start giving massage to a newborn?”

At what age should infants be massaged?

Healthy eating, good sleep, Fresh air and regular manipulations will guarantee that the child will develop quickly and correctly. Some parents believe that massage for a newborn should begin only at one month of age, while others, on the contrary, prefer to treat the child immediately after birth. So, when should you start massaging newborns?

The first two weeks from birth, the baby needs to rub his stomach and back with light circular movements. You can start a real massage when the baby is half a month old. It is better to start with simple, uncomplicated exercises, without the use of force. This can be rubbing the skin, stroking, gentle pressure or tapping with a finger, crossing your arms over your chest, spreading your legs, stretching, rolling.

The first procedures should last no more than five minutes. It is better to spend them during the day, an hour after feeding. If the child cries and screams, then you can shift the time and move the lesson to the evening.

High quality and proper massage a newborn needs to do because he:

  • Promotes physical development body.
  • Improves sensory perception.
  • Regulates coordination of movements.
  • Develops the hearing aid.

Rubbing and stroking the feet, kneading the toes helps stimulate motor reflexes and has a beneficial effect on the development of speech, hearing, and vision. Light circular movements clockwise across the newborn's tummy improve the digestion process and relieve colic. Massage is not only health-improving exercises, but also contact between mother and child, and it is good if it is accompanied not only by touches, but also by words, songs and jokes, nursery rhymes. Babies do not understand speech, but they can perfectly distinguish the intonation and voices of their loved ones.

After 4 months simple exercises You can use infant gymnastics based on reflex movements. It helps strengthen the child's muscles and motor system. Such manipulations are more like a fun, educational game.

When to massage newborns for various pathologies

If a developmental pathology is detected in the baby at birth, then it is necessary to start sessions only after consultation with a doctor. He will advise parents on exercises that will help eliminate the problem and tell them which movements are best avoided.

For pathologies such as torticollis, curvature of the foot, and dysplasia, it is important to start doing sessions as early as possible. Then the problem can be eliminated without surgery.

Children with cerebral palsy react negatively to massage, but this does not mean that they are uncomfortable or in pain. It is difficult for kids to concentrate and be distracted by something interesting, and lying in the right position for even a few minutes is difficult. If after such exercises the baby sleeps well and is not capricious, then everything is fine.

Working with newborns pathological diseases should only be performed by medical professionals or parents after completing special courses. This will allow you to do better manipulations.

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Massage procedures for infants are carried out to improve health. Depending on the purpose, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Medicinal. It can be prescribed by specialists such as a neurologist, surgeon or orthopedist. Massotherapy designed to solve a specific health problem.
  2. Correctional. This type of massage is designed to strengthen positive result medical procedures. It helps prevent the recurrence of a certain disease. Corrective massage is prescribed by the attending physician. To carry out procedures, you must contact a qualified massage therapist.
  3. Prophylactic. Such procedures can be carried out independently at home. Preventive massages strengthen the muscle corset, promote proper development body and also improve immunity.

Properly performed massage has many beneficial properties, namely:

Massage treatments at home can be combined with children's songs and rhymes. This will make the process more interesting and comfortable for the baby.

How many months can you start with?

Massage procedures should be carried out on infants for preventive purposes from the very first month of birth. Depending on the age of the baby, massage is done with the aim of achieving the following goals:

  1. Up to three months. At this age, almost every baby experiences muscle hypertonicity. Massage in this case helps to relax them.
  2. Up to 4 months. During this period, the infant's hypertonicity disappears. The procedures are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the upper and lower extremities. Finger massage improves fine motor skills, as well as preventing problems with speech activity.
  3. From six months. At this age, the child should be able to roll over and sit up on his own. At six months, a massage for a baby is aimed at strengthening the back and abdominal muscles.
  4. By 9 months. During this period, the child begins to make independent attempts to walk. Massage exercises in this case are aimed at strengthening muscles throughout the body.
  5. By 1 year. Procedures at this age are necessary to normalize coordination of movements. It is better to carry them out in game form, because the child becomes bored of lying down, as at an early age.

Attention! If a new mother doubts her massage abilities, it is better to consult a specialist! Professional massage therapist will carry out the procedure painlessly, with maximum benefit for the baby.

When and what time is best?

Before performing massage exercises, for maximum effectiveness, you must adhere to the following rules:

You should also remember to remove rings, bracelets and other jewelry before massage. This will help avoid injury skin baby.

How often can the procedure be performed for a baby?

In order for the exercises to be given maximum result, you need to do them daily. The number of procedures should be 1-2 times a day. It all depends on individual characteristics development of the baby, as well as the purpose of the massage.

All newborn babies come into this world with bent arms and legs and tightly clenched fists. The baby's limb movements are erratic. This phenomenon is completely normal and is called “physiological tone.” The task of parents is to eliminate this tone and help their baby comprehend the science of conscious movements. Massage will help you with this.

Types of massage

Depending on the goal pursued, massage is divided into the following types:

  • medicinal;
  • prophylactic;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic.

Therapeutic massage should be performed by a specialist. It can be prescribed for the following diseases identified in the baby:

  • hypertonicity or hypotonicity;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • congenital dislocation of the joint;
  • acquired or congenital clubfoot;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • flat feet;
  • leg deformation (X- or O-shaped).

Each disease has its own special massage techniques, which, as a rule, differ from each other.

Preventive massage recommended for all newborns, unless there are contraindications. Sessions of such a massage can improve blood circulation and appetite, normalize metabolism, and normalize breathing. In children with increased excitability behavior stabilizes and sleep normalizes. It turns out that massage can reduce the level of the hormone cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone; when its levels are high, the body’s immune defense is destroyed. Consequently, under the influence of massage, the child’s immunity also improves.

Since preventive massage is carried out in most cases by the parents themselves, its sessions are additional way contact between the baby and mom or dad. Undoubtedly this will improve and psychological condition crumbs.

Therapeutic and preventive massage , like medical treatment, is prescribed by a doctor and carried out by specialists. It involves massaging the entire body, focusing special attention problem areas. This type of massage can normalize blood circulation, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, correct the defective condition of bones and muscles, eliminate intestinal colic. It is also recommended for diseases of the respiratory system, genitourinary and digestive systems. Therapeutic and preventive massage has a beneficial effect on the baby’s motor abilities. The child will quickly learn to roll over, sit up and crawl.

Benefits / advantages of massage

There are many receptors on our skin that, when irritated, send signals to the brain. This is how the work and development of the entire human nervous system is stimulated, and massage takes a leading position here. After all, it is during a massage session that the most nerve receptors are irritated.

When massaging the body, blood circulation improves, and this has a positive effect on the condition of any person. internal organ. That is why preventive massage sessions are recommended for all children in their first year of life.

For infants, massage replaces gymnastics. In addition, newborns have not yet developed enough auditory and visual abilities; the whole world is felt through touch. Therefore, it is massage that develops emotional condition baby and the ability to perceive the world around.

Pediatricians consider massage a reliable means of prevention various diseases, since it depends on it harmonious work all organs.

We have already mentioned the beneficial effects of massage procedures on the immunity of a newborn. So, as a result of this influence, the child will be less likely to “catch” various infections and colds.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Massage sessions are beneficial for the digestive system, eliminating intestinal colic and constipation in children. They also have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, helping to form correct posture and, if necessary, restore physical fitness.

In what cases is massage needed?

Massage for newborns is usually prescribed for the following diseases:

  • malnutrition;
  • valgus and flat valgus foot deformities;
  • tremor of various parts of the body;
  • CNS lesions;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • clubfoot, flat feet, leg deformity;
  • scoliosis;
  • chest deformity.

A course of massage can also be prescribed as part of therapy bronchial asthma, pneumonia, fractures of the limbs, etc. It is also indicated for increased tone of the limbs and constipation.

However, if the baby has no special indications for massage, it can and should be done independently at home. Naturally, observing the necessary conditions, And, after consulting with your pediatrician.


  • Any type of massage will not bring any benefit if the baby has elevated temperature bodies. It is contraindicated for various injuries or diseases of the skin (especially pustular in nature), increased fragility of bones, diseases of the circulatory system, and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • It is advisable to avoid massage procedures in the midst of the acute stage of any disease.
  • In the presence of umbilical hernia massage should be carried out under the close supervision of a doctor, since in this case it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pinching the hernia.
  • For children with heart disease, massage sessions should be supervised by a pediatric cardiologist.
  • It is not recommended to perform a massage if the baby is nervous, since this condition causes increased muscle tone.

In any case, a massage course must be prescribed by a doctor; “amateur” is unacceptable.

Basic Rules

You can start doing massage no earlier than the baby is 20 days old. In children under 3 months of age, you should not massage the fontanel area and under the knees, elbow bend, armpits, inner part hips Pressing and shock movements, patting are also contraindicated, as you will only cause excessive irritation of the receptors and increased nervous excitability of the baby.

  1. The temperature in the room should be between 18 and 23 degrees. The most important - temperature regime in room. Do not forget that the baby will be completely naked for some time and may freeze. There is no need to reassure yourself that the body warms up during the massage. This axiom applies to an adult. For babies, massaging movements are more stroking than forceful, and therefore the warming effect is almost zero. The start of hiccups and the temperature of the baby's nose can tell you that the baby is cold. We read articles about, and it is useful to read the article about the hardening procedure, namely.
  2. To carry out the massage, you should prepare a changing table or any flat surface. Cover with a thin blanket, oilcloth or diaper. The surface should be wide enough so that you can easily turn your baby over.
  3. It is advisable to equip the place for the massage in advance with everything necessary. Anticipate what might be needed and ensure that these items are within easy reach. You should not be distracted and leave the baby, even mobile phone put it next to it. It is also advisable to lay down an absorbent, reusable diaper, because the baby cannot yet control the process of urination.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to your hands. Long nails not only undesirable for massage, they are unnecessary and... Beauty of hands and good manicure possible with short nails, so cut them off while the baby is at a tender age. It is also recommended to remove all jewelry from your hands. You don’t need the extra possibility of injury at all.
  5. Be able to choose the right time for the procedure. You can roughly calculate when a child asks to eat and sleep. It is better to massage one and a half to two hours after feeding. Even with slight discomfort on the part of the baby, the process will not give positive results.
  6. During the massage, do not be silent, talk to the child. Any children's songs and nursery rhymes will be useful. Such simultaneous activities not only set the baby up for positivity, but also develop his auditory and speaking abilities.
  7. Gradually increasing the complexity of the exercises and increasing the time of massage procedures.
  8. Direction of massage movements: strictly from bottom to top, from the periphery to the center.
  9. Movements should be careful and not cause discomfort to the baby.
  10. The duration of one session is 15-20 minutes.

Step-by-step technique

Let us immediately remind you that there should be no forceful movements when performing a massage on a newborn. Only light stroking movements.

  • We always start with the baby's hands. We massage each finger separately, unclench our fists and pay attention to our palms. We smoothly move on to massaging the wrist and gradually rise higher. We don't touch the armpits.
  • Smoothly move on to the legs. First, we massage the foot, not forgetting to pay attention to each toe. Next, we perform light massaging movements in the direction from the foot to the groin. Be careful with your knees; there should be no impact on the joints. We do not touch the area under the knees at all.

Important! During the massage procedure, the arms and legs of the newborn should be in a semi-bent state!

  • Gradually move to the tummy and stroke it from the navel clockwise. Next, we close our hands on midline tummy and begin to make sliding movements: one hand moves up and the other down. At the same time, we try to avoid exposure to the genitals.
  • We begin to massage the baby’s chest in the direction from the sternum to the shoulders, then from the sternum to the sides. Mammary glands bypass.
  • Turn the baby over onto his stomach and gently massage his neck. In those moments when the baby tries to lift or turn his head, it is recommended to stop all movements.
  • Next, we begin the back massage. There are two directions of movement here - from the lower back to the shoulders, then from the spine to the sides. We do not massage the spine itself. We stroke the butt in the direction from the lateral surface of the thighs to the tailbone area.
  • We lay the baby on the left side and carefully move our hand along the paravertebral lines in the direction from the sacrum to the head. In this case, the child should bend slightly forward. We make no more than three movements and repeat the same in the position on the right side.
  • We put the child in the starting position and massage the head, avoiding the fontanel area (probably there is no need to explain why). Let's not forget about the ears. We also give them a little time and affection.

We finish the massage with stroking movements throughout the body.

Massage for children from 1 to 3 months in pictures

Mastering all these “wisdoms” is not as difficult as it seems at first. We hope that with our help you will become a professional massage therapist for your baby.

Exercises for one month old baby are selected taking into account its general condition, as well as individual characteristics.

Basic massage techniques according to V. I. Vasichkin

  • Stroking- a manipulation in which the massage therapist, without moving the skin into folds, glides over the child’s skin with varying degrees pressing;
  • Trituration– a technique in which the massage therapist’s hand shifts and stretches the underlying tissues;
  • Kneading- a technique in which the massaging hand performs three stages: fixation, squeezing or squeezing, rolling. This technique is used in baby massage rarely, preferably by a specialist.
  • Vibration- a manipulation in which the massage therapist gives the child various oscillatory movements. At one month of age this is usually patting.


With our fingers we stroke the baby's face from the middle of the forehead to the temples, and then to the cheeks. If after the whole process the baby lies relaxed and calm, then turn him over on his tummy and stroke his back with long movements, smoothly, from head to feet. If you notice that your baby is fidgeting, he doesn’t like something and doesn’t relax, don’t continue doing the massage, it’s better to stop. Perhaps something is bothering the baby.

Massage for a baby in the first month is necessary remedy regulation of the work of the flexor and extensor muscles, the activity of the nervous system and general harmonious development newborn baby.

Note to moms!

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