Individual features of the development of children. Individual typological features of preschool children. Features of the behavior of a hyperactive child

The paragraph was written by Associate Professor L. Ya. Yurtseva.

In the education and upbringing of children of all ages, taking into account their individual characteristics is of great importance. Each person has his own peculiarities of thinking, manifestation of feelings, interests and abilities, ideals, character traits, etc. In this regard, there is a problem of an individual approach as the most important pedagogical principle in training and education.
In the formation of the individual characteristics of the child, various factors are important. Among them, first of all, the conditions of family education, the influence of comrades, relatives, friends and, of course, teachers, schools.
Socially conditioned individual personality traits are dynamic and, as a rule, can change relatively easily. The task of education is to destroy the negative aspects of the personality, to support and form the positive aspects. Features generated predominantly by biological factors are more stable and difficult to change. An example of such a hereditarily determined feature is the properties of the human nervous system, which form the natural basis of temperament.
The dynamics of a person's mental life, his general activity and emotionality depend on temperament. So, some people easily and quickly respond to the events of life around them, they are impressionable, others react slowly and with difficulty. Some are impulsive, others are measured and reasonable. Given the peculiarities of temperament, it is necessary to develop its strengths in every possible way and ensure enhanced control over its possible negative manifestations.
Individual manifestations in the student's behavior may be associated with the peculiarities of his physical development, with the state of health, for example, lethargy, timidity and indecision; increased excitability of the child, restlessness and stubbornness can be a manifestation of childhood nervousness. Persistent underachievement of students is sometimes associated with physical underdevelopment, often combined with poor health. Of course, the failure of schoolchildren can be due to a number of reasons (gaps in knowledge, lack of learning skills, lack of interest in learning, etc.), but poor physical development occupies a certain place among them.
The individuality of schoolchildren is manifested in all forms of activity: in the game, teaching, work, in everyday life. However, in some situations it can be disguised, and then the student is misrepresented. The effect of educational influence depends on how fully it was possible to reveal the nature of the child's individuality, how correctly the educator determined the origins, the nature of these individual characteristics. It follows from this that it is necessary to study the individuality of the child in various situations.
Individual differences are manifested not only in the existing features, but also in the immediate potential possibilities of the student. So two students can experience the same difficulty in solving a problem that is new for them. However, even if they have the same level of knowledge, the same preliminary preparation, one of them needs a little help from an adult to solve this problem, while tips and help do not help the other student, since he needs a consistent increase in difficulties.
When studying the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, class teachers use an indicative program, which primarily provides for clarifying the biography of the child, the history of his individual development. Here it is important to obtain data on the positive and negative influences that the student has been exposed to. It is important to know the state of health in early childhood and now, the illnesses suffered by the child and their consequences. It matters what the composition of the family was at the time of his birth and what changes then occurred; it is important to know what were the academic achievements in the first school years and what their dynamics in the future.
When identifying the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, great importance is attached to the accumulation of a sufficient number of reliable facts, for the collection of which it is recommended to use observations of students in various situations, conversations with the student, his comrades, parents and teachers, studying the products of the student's activity (notebooks, essays, drawings, models, etc.). embroidery, etc.). It is absolutely necessary to draw up a plan for observation (or study of the products of activity) and a plan for conversation. This will help to obtain exactly the information that is important for characterizing a particular student's characteristics. For example, studying the interests and inclinations of students involves finding out in which lessons the student is more willing to get involved in work and actively participates in it, in what subject he shows knowledge obtained from additional sources, which circles he attends, what he prefers to do in his free time, which radio - and listens to and watches TV shows regularly, which books, magazines, newspapers, etc.
If we are interested in the socio-political interests of the student, then it is important to establish in what public affairs the student willingly takes part (or would like to participate), whether he shows initiative, how interested he is in discussing the life of the class, how he behaves on political information, what socio-political listens to programs on radio and television regularly, etc. Similarly, a plan can be drawn up to identify professional, sports, aesthetic and other interests.
Slightly different facts are selected when identifying abilities. In this case, it is important to know: what subject or type of activity the student masters faster than others and without much effort, in what types of activities he uses original ways of completing tasks, shows his own creativity, etc. Relatively easy mastery of activities, high quality and original methods of performance, great independence are signs of ability to this type of activity.
However, it must be borne in mind that the slow and difficult assimilation of the educational material (or other type of activity) does not yet indicate the inability of the student. These manifestations may be the result of other reasons: serious gaps in knowledge and skills, insufficient preparation for mastering new material, lack of interest or need for this type of activity, etc. Conversation is often used to study the student. The purpose of its conduct may be to familiarize with biographical data, interests, ideals and other personality traits. In accordance with the goal, the main questions that will be asked to the student are thought out. In the process of a conversation, sometimes you have to modify questions, but their main direction must be maintained.
To obtain objective information, it is important to encourage the student to be frank and maintain a friendly atmosphere throughout the conversation. The objectivity of the data reported in the conversation depends largely on the teacher's tact, on the ability to find out the circumstances of interest to him, not only in the form of direct questions, but also indirectly.
Since during the conversation one has to draw conclusions on the basis of the answers of the student himself, it is useful to combine it with observation and study of the products of the student's activity. Of particular great interest are the creative works of students - essays, drawings, models, etc. They allow you to collect data indicating the abilities, interests, character traits and other features of a particular student.

Questions for self-examination

1. What should be understood as personality development?
2. What is the fundamental difference between the views of Soviet pedagogy and bourgeois pedagogy on the role of heredity and environment in the development of the individual? Prove the fallacy of bourgeois theories of personality development, their assessment of the impact on the development of biological and social factors.
3. What is the relationship between education and development?
4. What are the driving forces of personal development?
5. What is the significance of the various activities of children for their development?
6. What role does its activity play in the development of the personality?
7. Why is self-education the highest form of self-development and self-improvement of a child?
8. What are the strengths and weaknesses in the age characteristics of students of primary, middle and senior school age should be taken into account in educational work?
9. What is the main feature of the personality of a teenager - to be and be considered an adult?
10. What significant changes are taking place in the orientation of the personality and cognitive activity of high school students?
11. What are the origins of individual differences in children?
12. What methods can be used to identify the individual characteristics of schoolchildren?

Literature for in-depth study of the topic

Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. M., 1973.
Materials of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU. M., 1971.
Engels F. The role of labor in the process of transformation of a monkey into a man. - Marx K. and Engels F. Soch. Ed. 2nd. T. 20, p. 486-499.
V. I. Lenin on upbringing and education. Ed. 3rd. Comp. V. P. Gruzdev. M., 1973.
Krupskaya N.K. On educational work. - Ped. op. in 10 volumes. T. 3. M., 1959, p. 672-676.
Krupskaya N.K. Take care of the comprehensive development of children.- Ped. op. in 10 volumes. T. 5. M., 1959, p. 587-595.
Makarenko A. S. Fiction about the upbringing of children. - Op. in 7 volumes. T. 5. M., 1958, p. 363-364.
Bozhovich L. I. Personality and its formation in childhood. M., 1968.
Kovalev A. G. Self-education of schoolchildren. M., 1967.
Krutetsky V. A. Fundamentals of pedagogical psychology. M., 1972.
V. A. Sukhomlinsky about education. M., 1973.

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2. Age and individual characteristics of the child

The personal development of a person bears the stamp of his age and individual characteristics, which must be taken into account in the process of training and education. The nature of a person's activity, the peculiarities of his thinking, the range of his requests, interests, as well as social manifestations are associated with age. At the same time, each age has its own opportunities and limitations in development. So, for example, the development of mental abilities and memory most intensively occurs in childhood and adolescence. If the possibilities of this period in the development of thinking and memory are not duly used, then in later years it is already difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to catch up. At the same time, attempts to run too far ahead in influencing the physical, mental and moral development of the child, without taking into account his age capabilities, cannot give any effect.

Many teachers drew attention to the need for in-depth study and correct consideration of the age and individual characteristics of children in the process of education and upbringing. These questions, in particular, were raised by Ya.A. Comenius, J. Locke, J.J. Rousseau, and later K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy and others. Moreover, some of them developed a pedagogical theory based on the idea of ​​the nature-conformity of education, that is, taking into account the natural characteristics of age-related development, although this idea was interpreted by them in different ways. Comenius, for example, put into the concept of conformity to nature the idea of ​​taking into account in the process of upbringing those patterns of child development that are inherent in human nature, namely: the innate human desire for knowledge, for work, the ability for multilateral development, etc. .

J.J. Rousseau, and then L.N. Tolstoy interpreted this question differently. They proceeded from the fact that a child is by nature a perfect being and that education and upbringing should not violate this natural perfection, but follow it, revealing and developing the best qualities of children. However, they all agreed on one thing, that it is necessary to carefully study the child, to know his characteristics and rely on them in the process of education and upbringing.

An individual approach to teaching a child should be based on knowledge of the anatomical, physiological and mental, age and individual characteristics.

Scientific research has proven that there is a direct relationship between the physical, mental and moral development of a person.

The implementation of an individual approach to children during all types of their activities must be considered as a certain interconnected system.

The first link of this system is the study of the characteristics of each child and an individual approach.

Knowledge of the physical condition and development of children is very important.

Preschool age is the beginning of the comprehensive development and formation of personality. During this period, the activity of analyzers, the development of ideas, imagination, memory, thinking, speech in a complex lead to the formation of the sensory stage of cognition of the world. Logical thinking is intensively formed, elements of abstract reasoning appear. The preschooler strives to present the world as he sees it. Even fantasy can be regarded as reality.

The learning process forms a system of ideas about the world around, intellectual skills, develops interest and abilities.

Children are taught affordable labor skills and abilities, they are brought up in them with love and interest in work. The labor activity of a preschooler forms his perseverance, perseverance, quick wit.

The stage of sensory cognition of the surrounding world, characteristic of a preschooler, contributes to the formation of aesthetic ideas about the world, nature and people.

The game is the most important activity of a preschooler, because. the game is the best means of satisfying his interests and needs, the realization of his ideas and desires. In his game, the child, as it were, reflects what will happen in his life when he becomes an adult. The content of games forms good feelings, courage, determination, self-confidence.

By the end of the preschool period, the child possesses the necessary qualities and personality traits in order to begin the systematic mastery of a person's socio-historical experience. This requires a special educational activity.

Age features of the development of students are manifested in different ways in their individual formation. This is due to the fact that schoolchildren, depending on their natural inclinations and conditions in life (the relationship between biological and social), differ significantly from each other. That is why the development of each of them, in turn, is characterized by significant individual differences and characteristics that must be taken into account in the process of education and training.

At the age of six, the child is waiting for the first major change in life. The transition to school age is associated with decisive changes in his activities, communication, and relations with other people. Teaching becomes the leading activity, the way of life changes, new duties appear, and the child's relations with others become new.

At primary school age, the nervous system improves, the functions of the large hemispheres of the naked brain develop intensively, and the analytical and synthetic functions of the cortex increase. The mind of the child develops rapidly. The relationship between the processes of excitation and inhibition changes. Increases the accuracy of the senses.

The cognitive activity of a younger student mainly takes place in the learning process. Of no small importance is the expansion of the sphere of communication.

The perception of younger students is characterized by instability and disorganization, but at the same time sharpness and freshness. Perception, being a special purposeful activity, becomes more complex and deepened, becomes more analyzing, differentiating, and takes on an organized character.

The attention of younger schoolchildren is not arbitrary, not stable enough, limited in scope. Voluntary attention develops along with other functions and, above all, motivation for learning, a sense of responsibility for the success of learning activities.

Thinking in elementary school children from emotional-figurative to abstract-logical and in connection with their speech. Vocabulary has approximately 3500-4000 words. The influence of schooling is manifested not only in the fact that the child's vocabulary is significantly enriched, but primarily in the acquisition of the ability to express one's thoughts orally and in writing.

Of great importance in the cognitive activity of a schoolchild is memory, which is predominantly visual-figurative in nature.

Middle school age (from 11-12 to 15 years old) is a transitional period from childhood to adolescence. It coincides with schooling in the second stage (V-IX) classes and is characterized by a general rise in vital activity and a deep restructuring of the whole organism. The uneven physical development of children of middle school age affects their behavior. A characteristic feature of adolescence is puberty.

Puberty introduces serious changes in the vital activity of the body, disturbs the internal balance, introduces new experiences.

The perception of a teenager is more purposeful, planned and organized than the perception of a younger student.

A characteristic feature of the attention of middle school students is a specific selectivity.

During adolescence, there are significant changes in mental activity. Thinking becomes more systematized, consistent, mature. The development of thinking occurs in close connection with the change in the speech of a teenager. It has a noticeable tendency towards correct definitions, logical justifications, evidentiary reasoning. In adolescence, there is an intensive moral and social formation of the personality. Depending on what kind of moral experience a teenager acquires, his personality will develop. Teachers need to morally comprehend the features of the development and behavior of a modern teenager, be able to put themselves in his place in the most complex and contradictory conditions of real life.

At senior school age, the physical development of a person is basically completed: the growth and ossification of the skeleton ends, muscle strength increases, the guys withstand heavy motor loads. The functional development of the brain and its higher department, the cerebral cortex, continues. There is a general maturation of the body.

Adolescence is a period of development of a worldview. Beliefs, vital self-determination and self-affirmation, rapid growth of self-consciousness, active understanding of the future.

High school students have a pronounced selective attitude to subjects. This determines the development and functioning of mental processes. Perception is characterized by purposefulness, attention - by arbitrariness and stability, memory - by a logical character. The thinking of high school students is marked by a higher level of generalization and abstraction.

Life plans, value orientations of older students who are on the threshold of choosing a profession are distinguished by a sharp differentiation in interests and intentions, but they coincide in the main thing - everyone wants to take a worthy place in life, get an interesting job, make good money, have a happy family.

Thus, the development and formation of a person goes through a number of stages, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics and patterns. The teacher successfully performs the tasks of upbringing, education, training, if his activity is based on a deep understanding of the age stages of human development; on the vision of his inner world.

The criteria for age development are anatomical, physiological, psychological, pedagogical and physical indicators of the state of the organism.

The pedagogical criterion of age development characterizes the possibilities of upbringing and education, training in different periods of a child's life.

The study of the individual characteristics of children requires considerable time and systematic observations. To this end, the teacher needs to keep a diary, recording in it the characteristics of the behavior of students, periodically making brief generalizations of the results of observation.

The individual characteristics of the child are also associated with the type of his nervous activity, which is hereditary.

I.P. Pavlov, in his doctrine of higher nervous activity, revealed the main properties of nervous processes:

The strength of arousal and imbalance;

Balance and imbalance of these processes;

their mobility.

Based on the study of the course of these processes, he identified 4 types of higher nervous activity:

Strong, unbalanced, characterized by strong excitation and less strong inhibition, corresponds to the choleric temperament. For a child of choleric temperament, increased excitability, activity, and distractibility are characteristic. He takes care of everything with passion. Not measuring his strength, he often loses interest in the work he has begun, does not bring it to the end. This can lead to frivolity, quarrelsomeness. Therefore, in such a child it is necessary to strengthen the processes of inhibition, and the activity that goes beyond the limits should be switched to useful and feasible activity.

It is necessary to control the execution of tasks, to demand to bring the work begun to the end. In the classroom, you need to direct such children to comprehend the material, set them more complex tasks, skillfully rely on their interests.

Strong balanced (the process of excitation is balanced by the process of inhibition), mobile, corresponds to the sanguine temperament. Children of sanguine temperament are active, sociable, easily adapt to changes in conditions. The characteristics of children of this type of higher nervous activity are clearly manifested when they enter kindergarten: they are cheerful, immediately find comrades for themselves, delve into all aspects of the life of the group, with great interest and actively participate in classes and games.

Strong, balanced, inert, (corresponds to phlegmatic temperament). Children - phlegmatic - are calm, patient, they bring a solid matter to the end, they treat others evenly. The disadvantage of the phlegmatic is his inertia, his inactivity, he cannot immediately concentrate, direct attention. In general, these children do not cause trouble.

Of course, such traits as restraint, prudence are positive, but they can be confused with indifference, apathy, lack of initiative, laziness. It is necessary to carefully study these features of the child in various situations, in various activities, not to be hasty in their conclusions, to check and compare the results of their observations with the observations of colleagues and family members of the child.

Weak, characterized by weakness of both excitation and inhibition with increased inhibition or low mobility (corresponds to melancholic temperament). Children of a melancholy temperament are unsociable, withdrawn, very impressionable and touchy. When entering a kindergarten, school, they cannot get used to the new environment, the team for a long time, they yearn, feel sad. In some cases, experiences respond even to the physical condition of the child: he loses weight, his appetite and sleep are disturbed. Not only teachers, but also medical staff and families should pay special attention to such children, take care of creating conditions that cause them as many positive emotions as possible.

When taking into account the age-related characteristics of the development of children, the teacher largely relies on the generalized data of pedagogy and developmental psychology. As for the individual differences and characteristics of the teaching of individual children, here he has to rely only on the material that he receives in the process of personal study of students.

As a result of considering the aspect under study from a psychological point of view, it became possible to confirm our assumption that taking into account the individual characteristics of students in the learning process is not only necessary, but also mandatory. And that is why in recent years the question of the individualization of education in the modern school has been increasingly raised in pedagogy. This aspect will be discussed in the next section of this review.

3. The essence of the concept of "Individualization of learning"

Individualization of education is the organization of the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of students; which allows you to create optimal conditions for the realization of the potential of each student.

The problem of taking into account the individual characteristics of students belongs to the traditional ones for psychological and pedagogical science. In practice, the learning process is mainly focused on the average level of learning and the development of learning abilities, so not every student can realize their potential.

Individualization of learning is aimed at overcoming the discrepancy between the level of learning activity that programs set and the real capabilities of each student. Taking into account the characteristics of students is complex and is carried out at each stage of learning: when perceiving the goal, motivating learning, solving learning problems, determining methods of action, etc. There is an integration of individual techniques, ways of individualizing learning into a single system, which increases efficiency and ensures unity training, education and development.

Preparing students for the assimilation of new educational material, the teacher determines what knowledge, information from their personal experience should be involved.

Individualization of learning involves the differentiation of educational material, the development of task systems of varying difficulty and volume. It is advisable to single out the main (for all students) and variable (for working with different groups and individual students) educational material. As the student moves to higher levels of educational activity, the variable material and its functions change: it can be additional, auxiliary, intermediate.

Means of individualization of training can be individual and group tasks. Each task involves appropriate methods of action that are not always adequate to the task being solved. At the stage of assimilation, individualization consists in showing a sample of an action, a detailed explanation, after which students perform tasks partially or completely independently. The teacher needs to anticipate in advance the difficulties that the student may have and recommend ways to overcome them; read previously studied material, refer to reference or additional literature, etc.

Often the teacher divides the task into separate small tasks, stages. At the same time, each subsequent task becomes feasible for students if the previous one is completed. Such tasks help weak students to get involved in the collective work of the class. In cases where the actual learning capabilities of individual students are higher than the objective requirements for the whole class, the teacher can increase the complexity of the individual task.

The general class (frontal) form of work creates the possibility of mutual exchange, mutual enrichment, emotional "infection" and thereby raises the activity of each student.

In group work, closer contacts arise between the teacher and the student and conditions are created for the manifestation of emotions, the expression of needs, the development of interests, great opportunities for varying the content and methods of transmitting information, and providing assistance to each student. The students of the class (group) are divided into several subgroups, taking into account the level of education, inclinations, etc. Learning tasks are performed by all students within the framework of the topic being studied, but the stages of work, methods of action, and the measure of assistance are different.

Individual work allows you to differentiate the content, the degree of difficulty of training tasks, methods of action, etc., creates favorable conditions for the formation of an individual style of activity.

To organize the individual work of students, task cards, printed notebooks are used, which allow, with less time spent, to increase the amount of independent work, reports, abstracts, etc. The combination of these forms, mutual transitions from one to another contribute to the advancement of all students to higher levels of learning activity.

At the stage of consolidating knowledge, the class is offered a common task available to all students, then tasks are given, differentiated by difficulty.

The selection of individual tasks is difficult. If a weak student is given only easier tasks, then this will aggravate the shortcomings in his development. Such students must first be included in the work that is feasible for them, then gradually complicate the task. When selecting assignments for the application and consolidation of knowledge, it is necessary to take into account the gaps that students have and offer assignments for previously studied material.

When presenting new educational material, the possibilities of individual learning in the lesson are limited. The teacher can often ask questions to this or that student, ask him to repeat the rule, law, theorem, give an example. For students who have developed visual memory, the teacher prepares additional visual material, students with developed motor memory are more often called to the board to write down new terms, conclusions, etc. .

Interest in learning is facilitated by independent search, creative work, the application of knowledge in a new situation, the use of visual aids, emotional impact. It is also advisable to rely on the interests that have developed among students in various fields of knowledge, technology, art, etc.

Control and self-control act as components of individualized learning at all stages of educational activity. With self-control, one has to comprehend the purpose of the activity and the model with which he can compare the course and results of educational work. The teacher comments on the sample action, its trial implementation. Elements of self-control are laid already at the initial planning of the student's work.

Individualization of learning involves long-term thematic planning. In the process of the lesson, the teacher, allowing a different pace of study of the material, by the time the work on the topic is completed, must ensure the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities by all students. To do this, he needs to outline in advance the ways in which he will lead the students to the final result.

One of the forms of individual learning is programmed learning, which allows you to activate the work of each student, strengthen self-control.

New opportunities for individualized learning are opening up in connection with the introduction of electronic computers into the educational process. The use of computers in teaching changes the previously established relationship between organizational forms of learning in favor of individualized learning.


As a result of writing this control work, the following conclusions can be drawn.

When building the learning process, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of students.

When studying the individual characteristics of children, attention should be paid to the study of their physical condition and health, on which their attention in the lesson, class and overall performance largely depend. It is necessary to know the illnesses that the student had previously suffered, which seriously affected his health, chronic diseases, the state of vision and the structure of the nervous system. All this will help to properly dose physical activity, and also affects participation in various sports events.

It is very important to know the peculiarities of children's cognitive activity, the properties of their memory, inclinations and interests, as well as their predisposition to a more successful study of certain subjects. Taking into account these features, an individual approach to children in education is carried out: the stronger ones need additional classes so that their intellectual abilities develop more intensively; the weakest children should be given individual assistance in learning, develop their memory, ingenuity, cognitive activity, etc.

Much attention must be paid to the study of the sensory-emotional sphere of children and in a timely manner to identify them who are characterized by increased irritability, react painfully to comments, and are not able to maintain benevolent contacts with their comrades. No less important is the knowledge of the character of each child in order to take it into account when organizing collective activities, distributing public assignments and overcoming negative traits and qualities.

Finally, a significant place is occupied by the knowledge of teachers, such important issues that are related to the learning and upbringing of children and include the degree of susceptibility, pedagogical influences, as well as the dynamics of the formation of certain personal qualities.

Thus, only a deep study and knowledge of the characteristics of the development of each child creates a condition for the successful consideration of these characteristics in the process of education and upbringing.

List of sources used

1. Ermolaeva M.V., Zakharova A.E., Kalinina L.I., Naumova S.I. "Psychological practice in the education system". M .: Publishing house "Institute of Practical Psychology", Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1998.

2. Zak A.G. Differences in children's thinking. M., 1992.

3. Makarov S.P. Technology of individual learning // Pedagogical Bulletin. No. 4, pp. 18-19, 1994.

4. Gifted children, ed. G. V. Burmenskaya. M., 1991.

5. Pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges, ed. P.I. piddly. Moscow: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998.

6. Stepanenkov N. K. Pedagogy. M., 2001.

7. Sukhomlinsky V. A. How to educate a real person. M., 1990.

8. Tikhomirova L.F. The development of the intellectual abilities of the student. Yaroslavl. "Academy of Development", 1996.

9. Chirkova T. Accounting for individual psychological characteristics of children. M., 1986.

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Features of the child's behavior, first of all, are determined by his mental development. In recent decades, this aspect has been considered from the point of view of the mother-child relationship as a single system. In most cases, parents raise their children based on personal experience and understanding of life. Without the necessary knowledge in child psychology, situations often arise when the behavior of children puzzles parents. Neither the motives of such behavior nor the way out of the current situation become clear.

Considering the characteristics of a child's behavior, it is necessary, first of all, to keep in mind that each child is unique in its own way. It has its own disadvantages and advantages. There are various classifications that distinguish the most typical behavior of children. They are based on the features of mental development and temperament.

Assessing the characteristics of a child's behavior, one must understand that, depending on the situation, the same character trait can be considered as a virtue and vice versa. A rather striking example is shyness, when under certain conditions it is interpreted as politeness and modesty, and in others as restraint associated with low self-esteem.

Factors affecting the characteristics of the child's behavior

In addition to innate character traits and temperament, when determining the characteristics of a child’s behavior, two interrelated aspects in the development of a child can be distinguished:

  • Physiological development, which includes the satisfaction of the physiological need for physical comfort, food, movement and experience, which are necessary for the development of the nervous system. As part of the ongoing research, it was found that the satisfaction of the physiological needs of the child is necessary, but not sufficient for its full development;
  • Emotional-personal and cognitive development of the child, which is based on the corresponding specific cultural model of society. Modern psychologists say that the characteristics of a child's behavior are largely determined by the influence of the cultural and individual characteristics of the mother.

Features of the behavior of shy children

Shy, indecisive and shy children usually have one thing in common - low self-esteem. When faced with unfamiliar phenomena, they are usually frightened or annoyed, seeking maternal support and protection.

When raising a child, one should try not to aggravate shyness, but rather smooth it out. To do this, it is necessary to develop the creative potential that such children usually possess. Given the characteristics of the child's behavior, parents and teachers should pay attention to such positive traits as observation, diligence and a heightened sense of responsibility.

Features of the behavior of children with mental retardation

Quite often, situations arise when parents notice that a growing baby lags behind their peers in development - later they begin to stand, sit, talk, and also behave inappropriately in a children's team. Also, an alarm signal should be that the baby cannot concentrate and is often distracted. With such features of the child's behavior, it is better for parents to consult a specialist, since this may indicate mental retardation (MPD).

The behavior of children with mental retardation must be corrected from early childhood. For this, special programs have been developed to prepare the child for school. Otherwise, he will certainly have difficulties not only with learning, but also with communication. This will lead to the fact that he will receive a lot of comments from teachers and ridicule from classmates, which will give rise to other symptoms - low self-esteem, resentment and anxiety.

According to various estimates, up to 20% of children experience learning difficulties in primary school. However, only a neuropsychiatrist can determine that it is the mental retardation that is the cause. At the same time, it should be understood that the behavior of children with mental retardation, with proper correction, is not the reason for studying in a specialized school. Even with a slow pace of perception and processing of incoming information, a child can be taught to plan his activities and anticipate the result of his activities.

Features of the behavior of a hyperactive child

Quite often, the increased motor activity of the child is the reason for seeking help from doctors. Often the cause of hyperactivity are various diseases, including diseases of the nervous system.

However, in most cases, doctors note that the basis of conflict and inadequate behavior are defects in education. In most cases, the cause of the behavior of a hyperactive child is:

  • Too strict authoritarian parenting style;
  • Education, in which excessive guardianship prevails, which does not allow one to gain the life experience necessary for development;
  • Lack of uniform requirements and attitude towards children depending on well-being and mood.

The main features of the behavior of a hyperactive child are restlessness, lack of concentration, aggressiveness and conflict. However, constant remarks and reproaches only aggravate the situation, as they contribute to the formation of an inferiority complex.

Such children experience certain difficulties in the children's team, where even the best teacher simply does not have enough time and energy to raise a hyperactive child. Considering the peculiarities of the child's behavior and realizing future difficulties, parents should seek the help of a child psychologist who will help find the right approach to the baby and correct his behavior.

Quite often, the conflict behavior of a child indicates problems in the relationship between parents, then the help of a family psychologist is simply necessary. At the same time, for the sake of the future of their baby, parents should be ready to notice their mistakes and change their behavior.

In addition to the described features of the child's behavior, educators and psychologists will also highlight such as:

  • Slowness. Children with such a mentality need to be helped to overcome the complexes associated with the fact that it is difficult for them to get involved in work and move from one thing to another;
  • Capriciousness. With this type of behavior, parents should draw the attention of the child to the fact that not only with the help of demands and whims, you can achieve your goals. At the same time, it is important to involve such children in family affairs in which they feel like full participants;
  • Closure. Closed children, unlike shy ones, do not want to communicate. Usually the reasons for this behavior lie in the fear of strangers, prolonged anxiety and inability to behave in an unfamiliar situation.

When raising a child, parents must understand that there is no universal correct method. In any case, the most important thing is love, care and genuine interest in the child. And only then, knowledge based on the characteristics of the child's behavior will help to grow a full-fledged and versatile personality.

We talk a lot about building character in young children. In fact, things are somewhat different. After all, it is laid down at birth. We are only developing what is put into it, directing it in the right direction.

Is it possible to change the nature of children?

It is very important for adults involved in the upbringing of a baby, even in early childhood, to feel, to understand exactly what features are inherent in this or that crumb.

Only on the basis of correct conclusions can we build an accurate system for educating a diversified personality who will comfortably exist in society. Otherwise, you can break the character of children in early childhood, instill self-doubt in the soul of the kids, hatred or fear of the world around them.

In fact, it is almost impossible to change the character of a child. It's like turning a brunette into a blond or turning a representative into a Caucasoid. Outwardly, it is possible to achieve some changes, but the genotype will remain the same. And the new hair will grow in the color that the gene is present in the DNA of the person.

Therefore, the very concept of “character education” in its direct meaning is practically not used. Usually this phrase means the upbringing of perseverance, honesty, perseverance in a child, that is, some qualities necessary for the development of a successful personality.

4 in children

The future of a person who grows out of a crumb depends on how correctly adults determine the inclinations laid down at birth, the characteristics of the baby. Psychologists around the world are trying to classify the nature of children.

There is an option for dividing children (and all people) into four types:

  • sensitive (sensitive);
  • active;
  • communicative;
  • receptive.

Sentient (sensitive) type

Each type of character corresponds to certain characteristics. And they begin to appear in early childhood.

For example, it is believed that the sensitive nature of young children is determined by their increased manifestation of emotions, sensitive mental organization, susceptibility to the experiences of other people. Such kids react painfully to their mistakes, they are very upset even because of minor failures. Such children should not be once again shamed, ridiculed, ironic over them, punished, pulled up during the manifestation of emotions.

And certainly you should not distract an upset baby, trying to make him laugh at the moment when he is going through another storm of emotions. Moreover, you should not show him the intensity of your passions associated with events that the baby is not able to change or influence.

The positive features of the character of a child of a sensitive type are the possibility of influencing him by showing his dissatisfaction with facial expressions or with just a few words describing his sad mood: "I'm upset ..." or "I'm ashamed of you!" Such a child does not need to be scolded, appealed to his feelings, and even more so punished.

However, this type of character of the child develops in him self-doubt, tightness, fear of doing something wrong. Therefore, they are usually uncommunicative, shy. These are not the best qualities. And if these character traits of the child are not corrected, then one can hardly hope that a self-confident successful person who is able to independently make decisions and take actions can grow out of him.

It is very important to achieve understanding with such a baby. He must feel that there are people living nearby who are also worried that they also have failures. But they know how to deal with them.

Let the baby communicate with children of this type - you should not force him to be friends with leaders, rude and domineering children who will suppress him. But to cultivate self-esteem should begin from early childhood. If necessary, the child should be able to resist violence, refuse, say “no”.

Usually such children grow up artists, writers, musicians. Many of the sensitive natures appeared doctors, teachers, psychologists. Yes, and scientists often in childhood were inclined to sit on the sidelines alone while others broke toys, climbed onto garage roofs, or fought mercilessly with each other.

active type

The very name of this type of character already speaks for itself. The main character traits of an active type child are mobility, curiosity, and sociability. They are always on the move, they are bored of sitting still even for a minute, they want to constantly do something, learn. Often these aspirations are fraught with broken toys, torn panties, knocked down knees. At the slightest weakening of attention from adults, kids can do God knows what, invent a game that is associated with a risk to life.

The peculiarities of the nature of the child of the active type are that for him the main thing is action, and not experiences. It is impossible to influence his behavior with knitted eyebrows or a displeased shake of the head. Yes, and more powerful methods are not very effective. Screaming, swearing, punishment can embitter the baby. And often he simply adopts such a demeanor and, in response, begins to be rude, scream, intimidate, threaten.

Adults should make every effort to ensure that children of preschool type are constantly engaged in useful work. Praise as an incentive for new achievements is the only way to educate a child

Usually these children grow up to be real leaders. Therefore, it is so important to teach the baby to be a leader, to direct his indefatigable energy in the right direction. If a child is instilled with responsibility at an early age, then later a successful self-confident person who can achieve a lot in life can grow out of him.

The complexity of the educational process is that the character traits of a child leader without sensitive guidance can bring up a notorious hooligan, a fearless and reckless organizer of a criminal gang, a ruthless and stubborn egoist.

Communicative type

Comparing the types of character of the child, you can establish some similarities between them. The communicative type is quite close to the active one. Indeed, in both cases, the child lives not with emotions, but with actions. Only if the desire to command other people is inherent in the active type, then the main goal of the communicative baby is precisely knowledge. Such children grab at everything, they are interested in everything, they love to start. But routine, everyday life disgusts them.

If an active kid can be accustomed to order using praise, reward, encouragement, then the communicative one does not care about all this. On the contrary, even the usual repetition of habitual actions causes protest in him.

What to do with such a kid for whom chaos is the norm? How to teach him to order? How to ensure that the little man brings the work he has started to the end? Probably, there is only one option - changes in the mode of action, the inclusion of a note of novelty in any activity. He began to clean up the toys, quickly got tired, quit, went to play with the kitten? Do not scold him and lecture him! You can simply add a playful element to your cleaning routine: “An emergency evacuation of all toys has just been announced - a tsunami is coming! Here's a ship (toy box) that's leaving in five minutes! It is necessary to quickly load all the toys on board!”

It is worth remembering that if the second time such a game works, then the third time it will definitely be useless. And adults should come up with a new story.

The positive character traits of the child of the communicative type should also be noted. They are usually very sociable, able to adapt to the environment, easily converge with other people. Since routine is alien to them, these children themselves bring variety to any activity. It is they who infect the entire crowd with the desire to turn off the usual road and ride on ice floes along the river during the ice drift or measure the depth of a puddle with boots ...

However, they do not care if others follow them, because they can turn off alone. The main thing is that they will go the unbeaten path. These people often grow up as discoverers, climbers and divers, archaeologists and geologists. Often they make writers and actors, but only if everything works out right away. Working on what has been written, disassembling and putting everything on the shelves, repeating the route is not for them.

Therefore, in such children, first of all, perseverance, patience, perseverance should be developed. You can't say it's that easy. But probably. They should simply be allowed to take breaks in work with a change in occupation, rearrange the furniture in the room more often, change the cover of the notebook, and clothes.

receptive type

This is probably the most convenient type of character for educators. After all, children with a receptive type of character love rules, constancy, rhythm, routine, repetition of the same actions. They are easy to “manage” in kindergarten and at school, they easily get up in the morning, wash their faces and brush their teeth without reminders, easily cope with tasks that they have carefully worked out. But here are situations when novelty suddenly appears, when you need to be smart or take some action that was not discussed in advance, “block” the child’s psyche. Such children make excellent performers, but they will never become leaders. To make their own decision for them is akin to accomplishing a feat.

Considering the nature of those belonging to the receptive type, it should be noted that they, like babies belonging to the sensitive type, are characterized by sensitivity and a tendency to experiences. These are very sensitive and responsive children. And if you skillfully cultivate in them the ability to make independent decisions, then they make wonderful family men, true friends.

You can begin to cultivate independence in early childhood. For example, they should be allowed to buy something for themselves in a store, pay for the purchase themselves, choose a gift for a sister or teacher. Even choosing clothes in the morning is already an act. Any small actions that the baby will do on his own, guided by his desire, should be encouraged. And in no case should you offend a little man with distrust if he makes a mistake. Explain - yes, show another option - yes. But do not scold, do not punish, do not expose to ridicule.

Are there "pure" character types?

Of course, it is impossible to attribute the child to one specific type with one hundred percent certainty. In one personality, traits characteristic of both two and three types coexist quite well. For example, an active leader may well be sensitive and emotional. Otherwise, where would the heads of organizations for the protection of homeless animals come from? The same leader may well have such a character trait as hatred of routine and order. The desire to do everything completely differently than it was before has played into the hands of many managers: they are the ones who make a breakthrough, introducing a new regime into the work of the plant, radically changing even the very direction in production.

Or, for example, a person of a sensitive warehouse may well be a semi-receptive lover of order and regularity. As, however, often in such a person there may be a desire for change.

Type of character accentuations

Excessive manifestation of the main typical character traits in an individual is called accentuation. These are the same children who are more in line with a particular subgroup. There is even a character type test compiled by K. Leonhard and N. Shmishek. It has the form of a questionnaire of 88 statements, which should be grouped into 10 scales. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to give an answer to which type the person most of all belongs to.

What can I say, it is impossible to conduct such a test to determine the character of a child a year, he is just beginning to learn articulate speech. It is also quite difficult to conduct a character type test with a preschool child, because not only will he not be able to answer many questions, but he will not even understand the meaning of many questions!

Although attentive adults may well be content with their own observations of their child and draw their own conclusions. For example, how will a baby up to a year react to the fact that a grandmother suddenly puts on glasses for the first time? A child of a sensitive and receptive type will burst into tears or simply get upset, but a communicative one will immediately begin to “get acquainted” with a new granny. An active kid will also not stand aside, but will try to take away and study the “new toy”.

You can also draw a conclusion on how the baby reacts to a new toy. The receptive warehouse of character does not allow you to immediately take a new thing in your hands - first you need to get used to it, take a closer look. Sensitive emotional children sometimes react very violently to new things, especially if this mechanical toy moves or makes sounds. It is possible that the baby will never accept it, bursting into tears on the day of the first meeting.

The communicative type of character is always happy with everything new, therefore, if the baby happily accepts any toy from the hands of even an unfamiliar person, you should know that such a little man is growing in you.

But if the baby is not just happy about the new thing, but seriously frowns, trying to tear off the doll’s head, or throws it on the floor with force, it should be concluded that he is not just a hooligan, but is trying to find out what is inside her. After all, this is an active type of character, and nothing can be done about it.

Another gradation of character types

Some psychologists consider it necessary to subdivide people differently than it was described above. They believe that children should be divided into:

  • having practicality;
  • prone to learning;
  • prone to management;
  • talented craftsmen.

It is quite easy to determine which of the listed types a particular child belongs to. One prefers to learn everything new, easy to train. Here everything is clear and without clarification.

The other, regardless of his knowledge and skills, constantly teaches everyone, is always ahead - the ringleader, in a word. It is clear that this is a future leader, because the tendency to manage is obvious. Although often learning and leadership coexist perfectly in one person.

The third is very accurate, scrupulous, obligatory in everything. This one is definitely practical! But where is it written that he will not be prone to learning and there is not a single gram of desire to command in him?

Actually, it is quite difficult to find "pure" creators. Usually artists and writers do not come from people who do not like to learn new things.

8 role-playing character types

And some psychologists believe that all children should be divided not into 4, but into 8 subgroups:

  • supervisor;
  • secret leader;
  • artist;
  • night watchman;
  • hunter;
  • hearth keeper;
  • politician;
  • hard worker.

The leader is a typical leader, whose behavior models were discussed above: initiative, freedom-loving, decisive.

The type of "secret leader" is interesting. This is a leader who does not know how to lead, he dreams of gaining power, but he himself is inactive and does not have any of the qualities necessary for this. Usually he realizes his craving for domination in the family. This is a family tyrant. And parents should pay special attention to this fact. After all, it is from these types of children that maniacs, domestic sadists, and criminals are obtained. Therefore, sometimes you should even work with a psychologist to prevent undesirable consequences.

The artist is a creative person. Often in the team there is a "black sheep". But with close people - relatives, friends, loved ones - artists are tender and immeasurable.

The night watchman is an "owl", active in the evenings, waking up with difficulty in the morning, often suspicious and timid nature.

The hunter is a tough, domineering, fast, active person. In essence, this is a leader, but not feeling the desire for leadership. Therefore, despite the fact that he often leads the team, he may well act alone.

The keeper of the hearth is the same receptive type of measured, pedantic performer. Hates innovation, loves animals, children, order in everything.

The politician is a pronounced communicative type. Sociable, greedy for praise, knows how to smooth out conflicts and easily solves life's problems. But out of boredom, he can create an intrigue, make a scandal “out of nothing”. He studies well, but only in those subjects that interest him. It requires a careful attitude to oneself, since one can never be sure what the "politics" will come up with in the next minute.

A hard worker is a physically strong child, but with some deviations in mental and sometimes moral development. Mobile and pugnacious, bold enough. With a lack of attention from educators and parents, it can grow into a bully and a bully. But essentially good. Therefore, with the right upbringing, a wonderful family man grows out of him, a good performer - a hard worker, in a word.

Summing up the above, it can be noted that all types of characters are intertwined with each other, that each child is an individual. Therefore, there are no specific strict rules for all occasions. The educator is the creator of personality, the sculptor of the soul. Therefore, the result depends on how accurately he selects an approach to a particular child.

It is not possible to know everything, but it is possible to know more. And it’s good if the right article comes across our eyes. Perhaps this knowledge will be useful to you. Read. Although we understand a lot, we cannot explain the situation. We all want to know.



The individual characteristics of the child.
1. Among the many individual characteristics of children, the brightest manifests itself temperament. Attention should be paid to the main properties of temperament: - activity is the intensity of mental and motor activity (childrenhighly active, moderately active And slow).
- dominant attitude to the new(positive - smile, interest, negative - anxiety, fear, avoidance, indifferent)
- prevailing mood(increased, good, reduced)
- emotional excitability (childrenexcitable, balanced, little emotional)
- flexibility - reflects the ability to quickly switch, adapt(flexible, moderately flexible and inflexible People)
Although temperament can change markedly with age, many of its properties, manifested in a child of 1-3 years old, remain surprisingly stable throughout life.
2. Ability. Each child has a unique, unique complex of abilities for various activities. If you give him the opportunity to develop freely and choose what interests him, then the child's abilities will manifest and develop. On the other hand, we must be aware that the child may not have special abilities for any kind of activity, no matter how much we would like it.
Z. State of health.A healthy child can be considered a child who is physically, mentally and socially well-being. When working with a child, it is necessary to take into account the state of his health and contribute to its preservation and improvement.
4. The pace of psychosomatic development and the formation of the central nervous systemdiffer significantly from child to child. Imposing on a child the pace of development and activities from the outside leads to a decrease in the motivation for self-development, health disorders, a decrease in self-esteem, and as a result, to a developmental delay. It is unacceptable to compare the level of development of a child with a formal age norm without taking into account the pace of his psychosomatic development and maturation of the central nervous system.

ensuring the psychophysical, personal and intellectual development of children under 3 years of age through the combined efforts of the family and teachers. Among the expected effects of Montessori - groups - high motivation for cognitive activity, the absence or disappearance of psychosomatic causes for diseases.
We start from the leading role of the child in their own development.It is determined by the fact that from birth a child has needs that encourage him to self-development, and mechanisms that allow these needs to be realized. The child's self-development takes place in accordance with universal laws, that is, laws common to people, and his individual characteristics.
1. The universal laws of development are:
1. the presence of basic human needs,
2. age periodization of development,
3. the predominance of the absorbing type of thinking in children under 6 years old,
4. sensitive periodization of development.
Their manifestation in each child depends on his individual characteristics.
II. The individual features are:
1. temperament characteristics,
2. ability,
3. state of health,
4. the pace of somatic development, the formation of the central nervous system
I. Universal laws of development.
Every human being hasbasic needs.It is their realization that allows a person to survive and become a person. And vice versa - if any of them cannot be satisfied, a person either dies physically, or degrades as a person, ceases to be a person in the full sense of the word. We consider basic needs:
- In food, warmth, sleep
- Safe - In acceptance and belonging
- In respect
- In self-realization.
2. As the child matures and physiological needs are met, humanitarian needs come to the fore. The child realizes these needs through the solution of age-related problems. These tasks form the basis of our
age periodization.The main age task of a child under 3 years old is awareness of himself as a separate person. The child is in the state of a “spiritual embryo”, and, having already been born physically, he must go through a phase of spiritual and intellectual development in order to turn from a completely dependent on his mother (or another adult), an absolutely helpless being, into an independent person. To solve this age-related task, the child has enormous internal forces and mechanisms of development provided by nature. First of all, these are absorbing consciousness and sensitive periods.
Absorbent Consciousness- this is a special mechanism inherent only in children under 6 years old
knowledge of the surrounding world. The child absorbs everything perceived like a sponge, without evaluation and without spending any effort on it. Thanks to this, he manages to build his own picture of the world in a short time, while receiving such a volume of knowledge that an adult would take many years to master.
4. sensitive periods- periods of special susceptibility of children to certain methods, types of activities; To ways of emotional response. A person never again manages to acquire some knowledge so easily, so joyfully to learn something, as in an appropriate sensitive period.
III. Means of education.
The means of education and sources of development for the child are: a specially prepared environment; the teacher, as the creator of the environment, the organizer and assistant in the child's own activities, using various learning mechanisms. At the same time, the most important place is occupied by the child's own activity.
1 . Prepared environment.If we recognize the presence of an absorbing consciousness in children and the leading role of the child in their own development, then we cannot underestimate the role of the environment that gives the child the opportunity to absorb information, impressions and accumulate life experience so that the child can FULLY develop. He needs such an environment that allows him to fully use all the possibilities of a growing person, satisfies the child's need for spontaneous activity, provides food for the mind and does not hinder movement. It must correspond to the age and sensitive capabilities and needs of the child, be strictly ordered, present a system of concepts and phenomena of the surrounding world in an accessible form for absorption by the child's consciousness. To create such an environment, Montessori is used - material and other specially selected items and aids. There are certain requirements for the material: it must be autodidactic, have an accurate algorithm of action and the possibility of self-control, meet aesthetic and environmental requirements. All equipment must be absolutely accessible to the child. The main components of the environment are located at a level of up to 80 cm from the floor. The combination of universal laws, the individual characteristics of the child and the environment gives each time a unique, unique picture of personality development.
2. Educator (teaching adult).Adults are part of the social environment surrounding the child. An adult in a Montessori group has his own role and his own task. In addition to unconditional love and acceptance of the child as he is, an adult is also an intermediary between the child and his environment. When a child realizes himself as a separate person, he already wants a lot of things, but far from everything he can do himself. "Help me do it myself!" - this is what a child expects from an adult, and it is in this that we see the role of adults in a Montessori group. In the “Together with Mom” group, not only a trained Montessori teacher, but also a mother (or other close relative) acts as a teacher for a child.
H. Acting as a teacher, an adult must take into account that
learning mechanismsare also quite versatile. Four stages can be distinguished according to the degree of efficiency:
- operational learning
- learning through observation
- learning in the process of joint - divided activity
- learning through independent activity
4. Basic shape
child's activities inMontessori group
is free work, the principles of which will be described below.
IN As a result of the correct organization of the free work of the child in a specially prepared environment, he manages to maximize the use of internal potential, start the mechanism of self-development, achieve a state of normalization, that is, internal harmony and self-discipline with high activity, stable positive self-esteem.
Knowing these laws and features, an adult can create conditions in which a child can act spontaneously and voluntarily, making the transition from action to activity, developing thinking, memory, will, sensory organs, large and fine motor skills, gaining knowledge and experience. The presence of other children in a group of different ages allows one to gain experience and skill in social communication, observing the actions of others, and understanding general rules.

This program involves finding a child under 3 years old in a group with his mother. For a child, mother's presence and her moral support are very important. And mothers learn to carefully observe their children, rejoice at their successes, they can always get qualified advice from a teacher, and after a while they themselves wonderfully help newcomers join the group, accept its rules, and master the developing environment..
1. Organizational PRINCIPLES OF THE GROUP.
1 . Creation of a developing and autodidactic environment that includes
a) a room equipped with children's capabilities, cultural national traditions, aesthetic requirements.
b) Montessori - material for children 0-3 years old.
c) A mixed age group of children from 8 months. up to 3 years.
d) Prepared parents
e) A trained teacher.
2. Organization of free work, providing for the child a) freedom of choice of material, b) freedom of choice of time and duration of work with material
c) freedom to choose a place to work with portable material
d) freedom to choose a partner or partners
e) freedom of communication with the teacher, other children and adults
3. Compliance with the rule: “Use all freedoms, but
don't disturb others"
4. Maintain order in the environment.
5. Creation by teachers of an atmosphere of goodwill, trust, cooperation, acceptance of each child.

includes the following blocks:
1. Zone for exercises in establishing cause-and-effect relationships, developing hand movement and moving from action to activity
2. Zone of sensory development
3. Exercise area with loose materials
. water exercise area
5. Zone of productive activity
6. Zone of speech development.
. An area for exercises in establishing cause-and-effect relationships, developing hand movement and moving from action to activity.

The transition from action to activity characterizes a new stage in the formation of the child's thinking. Intellectual development follows the path of internalization, i.e. appropriation of the external order of actions, transferring it to the mental plane. Actions that were previously performed for their own sake, then become part of a more complex and important skill. Thus, we are dealing with an evolutionary series of behavior, which is characterized by functional subordination, that is, the unification of individual simple actions or schemes into more complex structures of behavior. In the process of complication of actions, the movements of the hand develop. Interest in activities is supported by various sensory impressions (sounds, colors, shapes, roughness, etc.). Here, for the first time, the child gets acquainted with such methods of work as the selection of a pair and the construction of a row. For young children, the development of fine motor skills is difficult to overestimate, since it is directly related to the development of speech and thinking. Thinking develops in the process of purposeful activity, when the child uses his knowledge and skills, taking into account what is happening around, tracking the results obtained and correcting the mistakes made. A delay in motor development almost always leads to a delay in psychoverbal development.

Equipment and materials: 1 . big and small gears for vertical rotation
2. Slopes for balls
3. Sandbag for hauling through the block.
4.Box with drawer
5. Box with colored pegs
5. Disks on a vertical pin 6. Discs on a horizontal pin 7. Return rings 8 Sliding rings
9. Bank with balls
10. Soft educational toys
11. Module for introducing the concept of "the same" (tactile)
12. Wrist development module (slot movement)
13. Various opening boxes with items
14 Frames with various clasps

Expected results:




Performs rotational movements of the hand in a vertical plane Performs simultaneous rotational movements of the right and left hands along different radii Can catch and throw the ball Pulls the load over the block Launches objects into
unfastens and fastens frames with fasteners Strings disks on
vertical and
horizontal pins Observation of a moving object (ball) Manipulates

Establish cause-and-effect relationships Observes
moving objects
Mastering the activity algorithm Coordinating the work of the hand and the eye Coordinating the work of the legs and the eye Working with a partner - establishing the sequence of actions Anticipating the result of one's own actions

The need for process completion

The need for material selection

The need for repeated repetition of an action until the skill is fully mastered

The need for complexity

The Need for Social Interaction

The development of the sense organs in children 0-3 years old is very intensive. But we are interested not only in the processes of sensory perception, but in the refinement of perception. The child has up to
5,5 years, there is a very great need for actions and activities based on sensory impressions, the child follows the path of sensorimotor development.
All materials of the sensory zone are arranged in such a way that only one parameter changes in them, they all have a clear algorithm for the initial activity, a way to control errors, options for complicating the task. Working with them, the child continues to develop fine motor skills, master the algorithms of activity, and develop thinking. The value of sensory education is that it
- is the basis for intellectual development
- streamlines the chaotic representations of the child, obtained by interacting with the outside world.
- Develops observation
- Prepares for real life
- Positively affects the aesthetic feeling
- Is the basis for the development of imagination
- Develops attention (as a result of freedom of choice and the autodidactic nature of the material). - gives the child the opportunity to master new ways of subject-cognitive activity - ensures the assimilation of sensory standards - ensures the development of skills in educational activities - affects the expansion of the child's vocabulary - affects the development of visual, auditory, motor, figurative and other types of memory

As in other zones, the child himself chooses the material that attracted his attention. An adult should show the child how to work with this material, and then help put it back in its place. The exact display (presentation) must be mastered by an adult in advance. The complication of the task (expansion of the zone of proximal development) occurs as the child masters the materials and acquires skills, abilities and needs. For children under 3 years of age, we place special emphasis on the development of vision (distinguishing shapes, sizes and colors) and touch.

Equipment and materials:1. Open shelves for material 2. Individual work mats 3. Work table 4. Sensor module with geometric bodies 5. Boxes with cylinders 6. Colored cubes 7. Cylinder blocks 8. Pink tower of five cubes 9. Brown staircase of five prisms 10 Nesting boxes 11. Matryoshka - five unpainted 12. A set of tabs circle, square, triangle 13. A set of tabs with objects of different shapes 14. Boxes with colored signs 15 Pyramid 16. A set of uneven colored cylinders on a stand 17. A simple mosaic 18. Lotto
19. Bags for feeling (with various cereals, paired)
20. Toys with shape and color control.
21. Sorting pebbles and balls by color into jars.
22. Sorting small items (for example, wooden mushrooms of various shapes)
23. Sorting foam balls and cubes with medium tweezers 24. musical instruments
Expected results:




Distinguishes objects by shape Distinguishes objects by size Recognizes flat geometric shapes Matches figures with projections Recognizes primary colors Distinguishes sounds by loudness Distinguishes sounds by pitch

Wearing items Implementation of consistent construction Selection of correspondence Selection of pairs Algorithmization of activities Comparison by a certain parameter

Working from memory

Formed need for the choice of material formed need to complete the work, the need to check and evaluate their actions with the help of the control inherent in the material.


A child at the age of 1.5 - 3 years old goes through a phase of interest in small objects. This is due to the processes of maturation of the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for sensorimotor and at the same time speech development (representation of concepts and ideas). It is also very important to realize the fragmentation of the world, the child first masters analysis, and then synthesis. This interest should have a way out in the form of an entertaining, meaningful activity for the child. In children 1.5 - 3 years old, it is based on the manipulation of small objects during their classification, sorting, pouring, etc. Sensorimotor coordination of hand movements is provided by the following mechanisms:

a) Finger sensitivity

provides the perception of such properties as hardness - softness, shape, weight, temperature, surface features of objects. With the help of skin sensitivity, people recognize objects by touch, which makes it possible to adapt the shape of the hand and force for the best grip, adequate actions with objects.

b) Vision allows you to navigate the location of objects in space, evaluate their shape, size, and other properties, makes it possible to plan their capture and actions with them.

c) Mechanisms for regulating the tone and strength of muscle contraction allow you to perform movements accurately and quickly.

d) motor memory provides automation of skills.

We separate bulk materials into a separate area to facilitate cleaning and prevent mixing of grains with water, sand with sensory materials, etc.

Equipment and materials (exercises)

1. Sorting of natural material

2. Transferring beans from one container to two small ones

H. Pouring from jug to jug

4. Spooning

5. Screening

b. Bowl with millet and small toys hidden in it

7. Spooning

8. Driving studs and colored balls

Expected results:




Knows how to make

various types of subject activity:

Sprinkling, shifting, sorting, lowering and pushing an object into the hole, uses tools: tweezers, a spoon, a mallet, etc.

Coordinated work of the hand and eye Coordinated work of both hands

Performing a "tweezer grip" with the thumb and forefinger precise hand movements


complex action algorithm manipulation of small objects with fingers

Maintain order

Use of items for their intended purpose


precision in action

Supervision of work progress Shutdown

Material selection


Exercises with water for a child under three years of age do not have a fundamentally separate functional significance. They serve as an environment for the development of fine motor skills, but in addition, they produce a therapeutic effect: they relieve increased arousal, calm the child. Still exercises with water are a general preparatory stage for the subsequent development of exercises in practical life. They have a clear error control - spilled water - and a simple way to eliminate it - wiping the tray, table or floor. As in other zones, the choice of material is made by the child, and the display of the work is done by adults. Most of the materials in this section for children under three years of age are located permanently, the child works with the material without transferring it anywhere. All children like water exercises, so it is better if they have spare clothes.

Equipment and materials:

1. Oilcloth aprons.

2. Hand towels.

Z. Shelves-tables for placing material.

4. Trays for material placement.

7. A set of vessels of different shapes for transfusion of water.

8. two basins and a ladle for pouring water.

9. double bowl and rubber bulb for pouring water.

10.two bowls and a sponge on a water transfer tray.

11. Bowl, whisk, soap suds for whipping.

Expected results:




Perform activities: -Pour from one vessel to another -Use various tools for transfusion: a pear, a large pipette, a sponge, a rug -Catch floating objects with a sieve -Wipe the floor, tray, table -Wipe hands -Clean the foam with a whisk

Visual control of errors. - Coordinated work of both hands - Coordinated work of the hand and eye - Carrying vessels with water - Mastering complex activity algorithms - Gaining knowledge about the properties of objects and materials through activity and sensory experience

Keep order

Independent activities

Formed need for material selection

Formed need to complicate tasks

6 . Productive activity zone

From the age of one, the child begins to live through the stage of productive pre-pictorial activity. The first phase is leaving a trace. The very opportunity to leave an imprint, to change the space around you, is very pleasing to the child. There is no image in these prints yet. Then the child will begin to fill in all the space provided with rhythmic scrawl, and later he will recognize certain images in them. In order for artistic abilities to appear as a result, we must help the child “prepare the eye for vision, the hand for action and the soul for feeling” (M. Mantesori).

Such an approach to the artistic activity of children dictates the need to create an environment where the child could create, no matter in what area. Productive activity at an early age is the basis and condition for subsequent artistic activity. By the age of two or three, a child can already begin the actual pictorial stage, which is characterized by the fact that first an image appears, then an image. At this moment, the readiness of the hand is especially important. Otherwise, the image does not find embodiment. It should be noted that we do not teach children to draw in the usual sense of the word, that is, we should not teach the child the technology of conveying our adult image by drawing “correct lines”. On the contrary, the most important task is the joint artistic living of the image that has been formed in the child, the choice of suitable materials, techniques. Ways to convey the image, work with line, color, composition.

Equipment and materials:

  1. Table for collective work.
  2. Exhibition of works
  3. Colored wax crayons
  4. Colour pencils
  5. Wooden vegetables with Velcro (for cutting)
  6. natural materials.
  7. Salty dough
  8. Finger paint

Expected results




Leave a trace in the form of lines and circles

Create colored spots

Roll out sausages and dough balls

Organize tools and workspace

Make simple compositions

Distinguish colors

Fill in the outline cut out of paper

Draw recognizable images

Work with objects that leave a mark: pencils, crayons

Use finger paints

Obtaining primary knowledge about the properties of artistic materials through action with them

Fill in all the space provided

view image

Formed need for completion and execution of work

The need to communicate with other group members

7. Speech Development Zone

At the age of 3 to 7 years, a child goes a long way in mastering his native language. If at birth he only distinguishes human speech, then by the age of 3 he can communicate in the language, correctly building simple sentences, using prepositions. Coordinating grammatical forms, having an impressive vocabulary. This phenomenon is explained precisely by the presence of absorbent thinking in the child and the language environment in which he is located.

At the age of about one year, the child consciously pronounces the first word. For the first time in his life there is a verbal expression of thought. But at the same time, the child finds himself in a situation of frustration: perfectly imagining that speech means something, he cannot use this knowledge due to a lack of words. He wants to talk, but he can't yet. The way out of this situation seems natural. From one year to about 3 years there is an avalanche-like increase in vocabulary. During this period, the child needs an environment that would allow him to expand his vocabulary, give a lot of new sensations, impressions and the opportunity to assimilate concepts. At the same time, it should enable spontaneous activity, maintain a high level of motivation for the child's speech activity. Along with the development of speech comes the preparation of the hand for writing. In this zone, we will find many exercises that require very precise coordinated work of the fingers.

Equipment and materials:

  1. All items in the environment.
  2. Material for matching the subject and the image
  3. Books
  4. Set of models of vegetables and fruits
  5. Animal Figurine Sets
  6. Animal cards "Mom-dad-cub"
  7. Large wooden beads for stringing on a string
  8. Flasks with beads
  9. small mosaic
  10. finger puppets

Expected results:





Knowledge of the names of surrounding objects Knowledge of the names of vegetables, fruits, flowers, berries, trees (5-6 each) Names of animal classes (4-5 each) Names of insects, birds, animals (4-5 each) Names of baby animals (5-6 each) Names of geometric shapes Names of primary colors

Choose a generalizing word Highlight and name the features of objects Pronounce sounds and sound combinations of the native language

Speak in sentences Use prepositions Agree time and date

Formed need for communication The need for self-expression through speech The need to systematize new knowledge and concepts The need to solve their problems with the help of speech

Each lesson in the group "Together with Mom" ​​includes short
(5- 10 minutes) collective classes - "circles". Their content may be:
greeting rituals, short children's songs, finger games, fairy tales with puppet theater characters, playing music using simple musical instruments - bells, rhythmic sticks, spoons, tambourines, metallophones, etc. Mothers and, looking at them, children necessarily take part in the work of the circles.

The peculiarity of the organization of the pedagogical process inMontessori methodin that the center of gravity of activity shifts from the teacher to the child. The child is not a listener who passively perceives the teacher's explanations, he actively acquires knowledge, skills and abilities in the course of independent activity, starting from individual interests and motivations. He deals with the material that he chooses, he determines the place and duration of work with it.
What is the role of the Montessori educator? He becomes a colleague, a senior comrade of the child, ready at the right time to provide the necessary assistance. He benevolently and unobtrusively guides the child, becoming an intermediary between him and the prepared environment.

First of all, the Montessori teacher creates a spatial-objective environment aimed at the development of children, and also takes care of maintaining order in it: he makes sure that the materials are put in place after the exercises are completed. The children themselves also participate in maintaining order, learning to be neat.

The teacher demonstrates Montessori materials to parents and children, tells how to handle it. This is perhaps the most familiar task of the teacher. In the Montessori method, this is called a presentation.

And what should the teacher do after explaining everything? Monitor the execution of tasks and correct errors, you say. And don't guess! Just not a Montessori teacher! INMontessori materialsthe possibility of self-control of errors is laid, and the Montessori teacher, demonstrating the material to children and parents, tells how you can check whether the exercise is performed correctly. Let the kid correct himself when he sees that he made a mistake. After all, development is not only the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but also the path to independence.

One of the most important functions of a Montessori teacher is observation. Maria Montessori understood education as "helping the mental development of the child from the very moment of birth." Later, she interpreted the process of upbringing and education of the child more broadly, namely as "help in life." The key here is the word "help": it is it that largely determines the role and position of the Montessori teacher in relation to the child. And the help should be "operational" and tactful. Therefore, the Montessori teacher must constantly monitor what the child is inclined to do, whether he copes with the material, is it time to offer him a new, more difficult task.

By the way, some kids are happy to try on the role of a teacher. Sometimes you can see how the older guys show something and tell the kids.

Children attend classes in Montessori groups with adults, so the Montessori teacher has one more task - to explain to parents their role in the lessons. After all, the success of the "Together with Mom" ​​group significantly depends on the interaction between the Montessori teacher and parents.

The task of parents is to help the Montessori teacher create a favorable atmosphere for learning. To do this, a number of rules of conduct in the classroom are adopted - the teacher tells, how and why to praise a childhow to direct its development, etc. Parents, like the Montessori teacher, should watch the child, without needlessly interfering with the child's work with the material, giving the child the opportunity to enjoy independent discoveries.
The Montessori educator also gives advice to parents on how to organize a developmental environment at home.
There is still discipline in the classroom. The rules in the group are accepted not only for parents, but also for children. These rules are few in number and, importantly, formulated in a positive way, not in the form of prohibitions. For example, "We only take material from the shelf."
And of course, a Montessori teacher will not allow conflicts - children should not interfere with each other's studies. For example, if a child suddenly wants to take away material from another, then they explain to him that he needs to wait.
The Montessori teacher spends almost the entire lesson squatting. Why? The teacher should be nearby, at the level of the child, the training should take place "eye to eye". Here is what the famous Montessori teacher Elena Khiltunen writes about this in her book
"Squat Lessons": "A strange position at first glance - an adult, squatting, standing in front of a child almost on his knees and explaining important things in this way. Firstly, it is very inconvenient, and secondly, will his adult pedagogical authority? him to his full height, or even hanging over him with his whole body. And in general, you see, it’s not easy to communicate with a person if you see only his long legs. So our children resist to the best of their ability, and adults sincerely wonder why it is necessary so many times explain the same.
Can't speak can't

This is not at all about situations where, for example, a baby pulls his fingers to the outlet, which endangers his health or even life. And not about situations when the baby takes other people's things without permission. And you need to draw the attention of parents to the fact that in most cases it is possible and necessary to do without a categorical ban it is forbidden .

Let's stop at the word it is forbidden . Often hearing it, the child loses interest in activities. The baby would rather go to the exit than to the materials that, in the opinion of the mother, he will not be able to handle correctly. Therefore, in our groups the word it is forbidden unacceptable.
it is forbidden better to translate into Can . If a child throws the material, we try not to tell him that this is not possible, but we switch his attention, for example, to the ball. You can throw the ball! And the material must be handled with care.

Speaking of the word can't , I would like to remind you that the ban must be consistent. If it is already forbidden, then the prohibition should not be violated. Under no circumstances. After all, parents often say it is forbidden , but, seeing the tears of the child, eventually soften and allow. If the baby has managed to achieve permission at least once with tears, then he will remember it. And he will try to manipulate you.
It is important to distinguish
can not from dangerous . Dangerous - this is a socket, stove, iron. Talk to the baby, explain what exactly these items are dangerous. Tell your child that you do not want him to be hurt, that you are worried about him.

Do not correct children's mistakes!

There is also no need to correct the child's mistakes. In this case, our main goal is lost - DEVELOPMENT. The child should be faced with a task, and he should try to solve it, and not mindlessly repeat her actions after her mother. After all, it is important for us that the baby does not just memorize the “correct” sequence of actions mechanically, but learns to look for solutions on his own.

The more we prompt and correct, the less the child thinks for himself and, accordingly, his development proceeds more slowly.
Therefore, onintroductory seminarsabout the Montessori method, we agree with the parents of future "students" not to use the word in the classroom no , you can not , wrong , not here , wrong and so on. In our classes, we can do without these negative statements.

In class at Montessori groupswe try to create a friendly atmosphere, a condition necessary for the formation of interest in learning. But what kind of interest can appear if the child is constantly corrected, pointing out mistakes. It will only annoy the child.

Just appreciate the difference in development between you and your child. Put yourself in his place. Imagine how we would feel if, when we are learning something new and complex, there was someone many times smarter nearby and constantly pointed out our mistakes to us. Namely, we put our beloved kids in such a situation, regularly correcting them. Again, the more we say negative words, the more likely it is that the child will simply refuse to study and ask to go home.

We often say to our children, Well done!", thinking we are doing the right thing. After all, praise encourages the child, cheers up, pushes for further actions that cause approval. However, as studies and practice show, such praise is addictive and does not reflect in the best way on the child's later life.

Now, when the child is very small, he hasinnate need for knowledgeand the baby will be happy to learn everything around. He, as a rule, is interested in all objects: dishes, daddy's tools, pieces of cloth, shoes standing at the threshold. Yes, anything!

When we, the people closest to the child: mothers, fathers, grandparents, begin to praise the child, saying good guy or smart guy , in his mind, a dependence on praise is formed. This addiction is as harmful and dangerous as any other. And, worst of all, it stays for life. At the same time, the need for knowledge decreases, and dependence on praise grows, andthe child begins to do something not because he is interested, but because we praise him.

It should always be remembered that our children will not always be next to us, among relatives, they will always be in a team. First it will be a kindergarten, then a school, an institute or an army, a work team. And in any team, unfortunately, there may be unfriendly or simply indifferent people. Lack of expected praise can lead to discomfort at the very least and stress at worst.

Telling the child well done you evaluate not his specific actions, but his personality. Therefore, in the future, without waiting for praise, the baby will think that not only his work is not appreciated, but he himself as a person. Addiction to praise can have a wide variety of negative consequences. After all, when the kids are very small, parents are an indisputable authority for them, and praise from their lips is important for kids. But in adolescence, everything changes - peer assessment becomes of great importance, and the opinion of parents fades into the background. It is during this period of life that there is a high probability of going the wrong way. It's no secret that teenagers often commit rash acts that lead to the most unfortunate consequences in order to gain recognition from their peers. However, our emotional reaction to the behavior of children should be manifested, and they themselves demand it, looking into our eyes. And we should definitely respond and praise, butpraise should not touch the personality of the child. Need to praise the child for certain actionsin the following words: wonderful , good , great , you did great, beautifully painted, good choice of colorAnd so on. By the way, this also applies to censure: a disapproving assessment should refer only to the child’s act that upset the parents, and not to his personality as a whole. Thus, the child receives the necessary emotional assessment from a loved one, the need for knowledge remains, and dependence on praise does not arise. Getting used to, of course, is not easy. But this is necessary for the education of a full-fledged, self-sufficient personality, independent of anyone else's opinion.