Why can a child often get colds, and what to do in this case? What to do if a child often has stomatitis

Many mothers have a prejudice imposed by pediatricians that heat- this is bad, it's scary, it threatens with convulsions, and it needs to be knocked down as soon as possible with Panadol or other antipyretic drugs. Yes, the temperature in a child is serious, and indeed, some children develop convulsions, but the percentage of such children is small, and they develop convulsions for a reason related to the state of their brain and central nervous system. As a rule, such children have a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system, and against the background of high temperature, it makes itself felt in the form of convulsions. Diseases of the nervous system need to be treated and this is a separate issue. Here I just want to emphasize that most children do not develop seizures at high temperatures!

Temperature response- this is not a disease as such, it is a reflection of disease processes in the body, response to the inflammatory process, this is a sign that the child's body has encountered germs, viruses and toxins, and is working in a more intensive mode to expel these germs, viruses and toxins from the body. It is the body's attempt to cope with threatening situation and win. An increase in body temperature to 40 degrees threatens the growth and survival of some bacteria and viruses, at this moment the bactericidal activity of leukocytes increases, the formation of interferon increases.

If we intervene and begin to suppress, try to reduce the high temperature, it turns out that we do not allow the child's body to fight and develop immunity.

Often ill children treated with medicines are constantly brought to me, these children do not have the ability to fight microorganisms on their own, their immunity does not work, they all get sick as one without a high temperature, usually their temperature reaction does not rise above 37 degrees. That is, they get sick sluggishly and for a long time and cannot do without antibiotics. Such children respond very well to homeopathic treatment, in fact, homeopathic treatment helps restore immunity and recover without prescribing antibiotics.

Children with good immunity quickly develop a high temperature, lie in a fever, glow like a candle, but with the right measures without giving antipyretics, they quickly recover without severe consequences and residual effects.

In homeopathy there is a division into health groups according to Vithoulkas. Children who are ill with high temperature, violently, but quickly and recover easily, without consequences for the body, belong to the first group of health.

Children who are ill sluggishly, for a long time, with residual symptoms, in which the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, belong to the second health group. And children who do not have a high temperature at all when they are sick, or it rises only to 37 degrees, these are children who have chronic illnesses and several diagnoses, their health level goes down to the third step.

And the goal of a homeopathic doctor is to raise a frequently ill child from the 2-3 health group to the first, and when the child has a high temperature and colds are more pronounced, this is a reason for joy for the homeopath, which means that the immune system began to work and strengthened, and the child becomes healthier! For immunity, children are prescribed homeopathic medicines, vitamins and the correct regimen. I always give advice to parents on improving the health of children based on an integrated approach.

But then the child fell ill, the temperature rose. What should be done when the child has a temperature? Here are my recommendations:

  1. Leave the child at home, organize bed rest for him. True, not all children obediently lie during the temperature, some restless children continue to play. In this case, you should not force them to lie in bed, but the environment for them should be safe: it should be calm and warm.
  2. Make sure your child is drinking plenty of fluids and make sure he drinks well. It could be water herbal teas, having a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, for example, tea with raspberries and honey, linden tea, ginger tea, a drink with lemon, fruit drink, compote. Drinking plenty of water makes the kidneys work more actively and remove toxins and waste products from the body.
  3. Giving your child natural vitamin C(from 1 to 3-4 grams per day). These are shock doses that enhance immunity. Vitamin C is water-soluble, so excess is easily excreted from the body, so you should not be afraid of an overdose. A sign that the child has taken an extra dose of vitamin C will be loose stools (diarrhea), in which case the daily dose of vitamin C can be slightly reduced. But usually children's body perfectly assimilates natural vitamins and does not give any reactions, except for one ... recovers faster!
  4. Teach your child to gargle, a simple mechanical flushing of microbes and plaque from the tonsils from the mucous membrane is also important for recovery.
  5. Feed your baby on demand, do not overfeed him, do not force him to eat if he does not want to. You can offer your child fruit or some freshly squeezed juice.
  6. In some cases, it is useful to make compresses on the head or externally cool the body by wiping it with a damp sponge or napkin.

From homeopathy, you can give medicines such as: Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Ferrum phosphoricum, Rus toxicodendron, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Arnica.

Aconite- when the body temperature suddenly rises and remains high, dry burning heat from the head and face goes down the body. There is worry and anxiety, panic and fear. When the child lies, his face is red, when he rises, his face turns pale. Strong thirst. The fever came on after walking in a dry cold wind, after being chilled, or after a sudden fright.

Belladonna- when there is intense heat, with great thirst and desire for cold water, which seems too cold. Constant dry heat, in which only the head perspires. But there may be cold extremities. splitting headache with a strong pulsation of the carotid arteries, dilated pupils, very pale face, delirium and anxiety. The child cannot stand being opened, is sensitive to light, noise and bed shaking. The tongue is red, dry, red at the edges, furred in the center. The cause of fever is a cold, draft, cooling of the head after washing or cutting hair.

Bryony- Dry, burning internal heat, combined with dryness of the mouth and great thirst. Sudden sharp headaches and pain in chest which increase with inhalation and movement. Bitterness in the mouth, tongue coated with a thick yellow coating. The child seeks peace and wants not to be touched. Fever comes on from getting wet, from cold drinks, from drinking in heat. Children do not want to be picked up and carried around.

Ferrum Phosphoricum- given in the initial period of fever and inflammation, the patient catches a cold easily, feels sore with a feeling of bruising in the chest, shoulders and muscles, great exhaustion, can hardly move, throbbing headache, combined with sensitivity of the scalp, sweating stops. Fever without a specific localization or individualizing symptoms. Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis media. The child is thirsty, wants cold drinks.

Arnica- heat in the upper half of the body, cold in the lower. Dry heat in the body, with apathy, great debility. When the heat becomes unbearable, the child tries to open up, opening up - it freezes. No matter what the child lies on, everything seems solid to him. The whole body hurts, as if beaten.

Eupatorium perfoliatum- severe dull pain in the body, aching, as if the bones were broken. Thirst or nausea, then violent terrific chill. Vomiting of bitterness during chills or during fever is possible. Burning heat. Sweat relieves all symptoms except headache.

Gelsemium- The chill is accompanied by dull pains, aching and lethargy, appears with or alternates with heat, the chill extends up and down the back. Cold hands and feet. The fever is accompanied by drowsiness. Thirst is absent. Cold sweat.

Hamomilla- Heat with little thirst. Prolonged fever, the patient starts in his sleep. Heat and chill at the same time, one cheek red, the other pale. Strong excitement, anxiety, irritability, the child asks to be held. Fever can be caused by anger. Or related to teething.

From complex preparations in our pharmacy there are Grippax. This complex contains several components for the treatment of fever in low dosages. These are Aconite, Bryonia, Arnica, Belladonna, Phosphorus, Ferrum phosphoricum.

And there is also a homeopathic tripartite Aconite/Chamomilla/Belladonna 30c, also a remedy for the treatment of conditions accompanied by fever.

If your child is sick, he has a fever, use my recommendations, and after the child recovers, take on the strengthening of immunity. If your child is often sick, do not rush to feed him antibiotics or other strong medicines, try homeopathy!

Come to me for an appointment, together with you we will help your baby become stronger and healthier, and exclusively with the help of natural remedies!

You can make an appointment with me

If a child often gets sick with a cold, this is stressful for any parent. When this happens all the time, and even with complications, this is a serious reason to think about the state of the baby's immunity, because it is better to prevent any disease.

A frequently ill child should definitely consult a pediatric immunologist - a specialist who deals with the body's defenses. If necessary, an endocrinologist, an otolaryngologist and a gastroenterologist will be connected. Then, through the joint efforts of doctors and parents, you can save the baby from this scourge.

Parents want their children to always be healthy. If the child is often sick, it is necessary to visit an immunologist

Why do children often get sick?

How to understand that the child is often sick? Doctors have their own standards for the number of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections per year, by which a frequently ill child can be assessed. They are calculated by age.

Also often ill are babies who get sick easily - they quickly have a high temperature, and the slightest draft or a cold drink they drink leads to a cold. Often ill children cannot recover completely for a long time, residual effects in the form of coughing remain for a long time - more than 2 weeks. Typically, these babies suffer from respiratory viral diseases, complicated by conjunctivitis, sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other inflammatory processes.

Why do children often get colds? Congenital immunodeficiency is very rare, so most often the cause lies elsewhere:

  • hereditary factor;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • hypoxia at birth;
  • Not good nutrition, lack of vitamins;
  • adverse environmental conditions;
  • allergy;
  • foci of the inflammatory process in the body;

  • helminth infection;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • rickets;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • unfavorable climate in the family, susceptibility to stress;
  • adaptation period in kindergarten, school;
  • self-medication, especially antibiotics;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • low physical activity.

These are the conditions that cause a decrease in immunity. Any pathogenic virus or bacterium, entering the baby's body, easily reproduces and leads to a cold. If you do not pay attention to this phenomenon, let the process take its course and do nothing, this will lead to permanent, chronic diseases. In addition, in such children, the vaccination schedule is shifted and the child does not receive timely vaccinations against dangerous pathologies.

From birth to 2 years

For children from birth to a year, the incidence is considered frequent more than 4 times a year. The child's immunity is still very weak, it becomes a target for pathogens infectious diseases.

Artificial babies are much more likely to fall into the category of PHI than children who were breastfed

This is especially true for children in artificial feeding. Mother's breast milk gives the baby antibodies and the necessary trace elements, beneficial bacteria that protect his body better than any medicine. That is why it is so important to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible.

Up to 6 years

After two years, the baby's immunity begins a new test - it goes to kindergarten, where it comes into contact with a huge number of different microbes. In addition, the baby experiences severe stress from being in a new environment and separation from parents, which also does not in the best way affects his immunity - he starts to get sick.

A high incidence rate at this age is more than 5-6 times a year. It is better not to send kids with weakened immune systems to kindergarten until the age of 3, but use this year to raise immunity.

At school and adolescence

The same situation is typical for kids in senior preschool groups and up to grade 5. Schoolchildren continue to get sick often, more than 4 times a year. closer to adolescence immunity becomes stronger, the child is no longer so long and often sick. The exception is children who often get ill with acute respiratory infections, growing up in hyper-custodial conditions, who are not tempered and “fed” with medicines at any opportunity.

If from childhood to raise a child in "greenhouse" conditions, then in school age permanent immunity is not formed

What to do with frequent colds in a child?

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To find out the causes of persistent colds in a child, the doctor must conduct a complete diagnosis of the body. He will assign:

  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • bakposev from the nasopharynx to assess sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • expanded immunogram (if necessary).

If a child is often sick for a long time, a pediatrician or immunologist, after evaluating the results of the tests, will be able to identify the cause of this condition. He will prescribe medications, physiotherapy and give recommendations on improving the health of the baby.

Medical preparations for prevention

For the purpose of prevention, the following means are prescribed:

  • Immunostimulants. Echinacea tincture, preparations with ginseng, propolis, royal jelly will help (in the absence of an allergy to honey). Of the drugs, Bronchomunal, Anaferon, Ribomunil are suitable (we recommend reading:).
  • Other drugs are prescribed by specialists, depending on the cause of the decrease in immunity. You may need treatment for helminths, dysbacteriosis, diseases gastrointestinal tract and etc.


If necessary, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy:

  • UV exposure to existing foci of inflammation with ultraviolet light;
  • speleotherapy, or a salt cave, when a child inhales salt vapours;
  • magnetic laser therapy eliminates inflammatory processes in the body;
  • balneotherapy, or treatment mineral water inside and outside;
  • inductothermy by heating certain parts of the body;
  • heliotherapy, or sun therapy, sunbathing;
  • climatotherapy, trips to the sea.


Massage helps a lot when the child only has the first signs of the disease. For example, postural drainage techniques (positioning therapy) can help clear mucus buildup. For each age, a special massage course will be applied.

Nutrition Features

Babies under two years of age should receive breast milk as long as possible, and after breastfeeding is completed, older children must include in the diet:

  • dairy and dairy products;
  • lean meat and fish, eggs;
  • cereals, legumes;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • dried fruits;
  • it is better to replace sweets with natural sweets - marshmallow, marmalade, jam.

At the same time, it is not necessary to introduce complementary foods early, as our grandmothers used to do. Carrot juice at two months old is completely useless to a child. It is better to follow the WHO recommendations and start feeding your baby with vegetables and cereals no earlier than 5-6 months, so as not to undermine the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Should be excluded from the child's diet harmful products: sweet soda, chips, crackers, fast food, etc. You need to carefully study food labels - an abundance of additives with the prefix "E" will not bring any health benefits, rather the opposite.

The health of the child and the frequency of viral diseases directly depends on his diet, so there should be no “food garbage” in the diet of the crumbs.


Hardening rules:

  • the temperature in the children's room should not be higher than 18-22 degrees;
  • long walks in the fresh air;
  • walking barefoot on an uneven surface, in summer you can walk on grass or pebbles, and in winter use a special rug;
  • rubdowns, contrast douches with a gradual decrease in temperature;
  • the baby should take air baths from birth, the temperature in the room can also be gradually reduced - in the summer such procedures are carried out in the open air;
  • swimming in open reservoirs and pools.

All these procedures strengthen the immune system. A child growing in "greenhouse" conditions will continue to get sick.

Physical exercise

Babies from birth are shown special gymnastics. Exercise recommendations can be found in the child's outpatient record or looked up on the Internet. They differ for each month of a baby's life, because his development is very fast, and he is constantly acquiring new skills.

Healthy child - active child, therefore, in the life of every crumb there should be daily physical activity

For frequently ill older children, there are special complexes. They include breathing exercises to improve blood supply to the respiratory system, increase muscle tone and strengthen the nervous system.

In addition to exercise therapy, a child can play outdoor games in nature, play sports, go cycling, skiing and skating. Well if the whole family will do morning exercises grafting this good habit children.

Other ways to boost immunity in children

  • Eliminate local foci of inflammation and treat chronic diseases(caries, tonsillitis, adenoids).
  • To carry out the prevention of colds during epidemics. Garlic and onions cut on a saucer will disinfect the air in the room. For the same purpose, garlic amulets are made from cases for kinder surprises around the child's neck. After visiting the street, kindergarten or school, you should rinse your nose saline solution to flush out viruses from the mucosa. You can gargle with a decoction of chamomile.
  • Humidify indoor air. Dry air irritates the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, making it easily vulnerable to viruses. You can buy a humidifier, put water containers in the room, or hang wet towels on the radiator.
  • Dress for the weather. Do not wrap the baby or dress too lightly, everything should be in moderation. There is an unwritten rule that goes like this: a child is put on one more layer of clothing than himself. This is true for young children who have not yet established a thermoregulation system.

Personal hygiene rules must be instilled from the very beginning. early age
  • Teach your child to be hygienic - wash your hands every time before eating, after using the toilet, coming from the street. You should explain to him that you can not touch homeless animals.
  • Avoid strong allergens. This also applies to food, and feather pillows, and hygiene products. If the baby is prone to allergies, it is often necessary to carry out wet cleaning of the room, wipe the dust, because dust mites often become the cause of allergies.
  • After recovering from another respiratory disease, you need to give the baby 2 weeks to recuperate, and only after this period, attend crowded events or go to public transport where you can catch the virus again. To kid infancy should limit contact with other people within a month after birth.
  • Observe the regime of proper rest and sleep. It is known that you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. If the body does not rest, it does not have the strength to fight diseases.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The well-known and respected by many pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky believes that frequent morbidity directly depends on the lifestyle of the family in which the child grows up. Many children often get sick, and this is normal, so do not immediately give the baby all kinds of medicines. It is necessary to give the immune system the opportunity to cope with the disease on its own. Most effective ways strengthening the immunity of any baby: hardening, good nutrition, walks and as few medications as possible.

Every caring parent who comes close to acute problem tonillar pathologies, probably more than once asked the question: “If a child often has a sore throat, what should I do?” Obviously, angina is not a common disease. Acute tonsillitis is infectious. With improper treatment, this disease can bring many problems in the form of complications. In order to prevent problems with the kidneys and heart, consider the adequate treatment of this disease in children.

What should be done if the disease occurs in a baby under 3 years old?

Sick child

Studies conducted by specialists have established that in children under 3 years of age, acute tonsillitis is rarely associated with group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. the disease is caused by viruses. These are the viruses that cause the common cold.

In such cases, acute tonsillitis resolves without complications with adequate treatment. For the next 5-7 days, bed rest is prescribed, and drugs prescribed by the doctor are also taken. To prevent ARVI, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures: frequent walks in the fresh air, taking antiviral drugs during the seasons of high influenza incidence, hygiene is also necessary.

The appearance of acute tonsillitis in newborns or infants is considered impossible. The fact is that at this age, tonsils are poorly developed in children. And the inflammation of the latter is called angina.

On the other hand, such children may develop another disease - viral pharyngitis. Accompanied by reddening of the neck and a slight cough, in addition, an increase in body temperature.

Necessary actions in the event of acute tonsillitis at the age of 3 to 15 years

If a sore throat occurs in a child, what to do is far from an idle question. The acute course of the disease can negatively affect the human body if it is caused by a certain microbe (in this case, group A streptococcus).

Babies have a hard time getting sick

Meanwhile, complications after a sore throat rarely develop in children who become ill due to SARS. The actions of doctors who have encountered such a disease in a baby or teenager should be aimed at identifying this virus. If such an infection in a person has been confirmed, then a number of actions must be taken. These include:

  • bed rest;
  • rinsing;
  • plentiful drink;
  • taking antibiotics (mandatory).

If angina is not associated with streptococcus, then antibiotics may not be taken. These drugs are prescribed individually for each person. They are prescribed only by a doctor who must ask the parents of a small patient about the possible individual intolerance to a certain group of antibiotics.

What drugs are used in the treatment of the disease in question?

When a child begins to develop an acute form of pathology, antibiotics are often prescribed to him. The doctor must carefully consider this process, since there are two problems here:

  • not all drugs of this type can cure angina;
  • many of them should not be taken by children.

As a result of practical studies, it was found that the strains of the microbe referred to in the article do not have resistance to drugs from the group of penicillins and cephalosporins. It is for this reason, as well as based on their cheapness and availability, that doctors recommend using them in the treatment of children. But only if the disease was caused by group A streptococcus. Examples of drugs that can defeat staphylococcus can be:

  • penicillin;
  • flemoxin;
  • amosicillin;
  • augmentin.

Augmentin: how to use the medicine?

With angina, Augmentin is prescribed to children most often. A very effective tool that is available in powder form. The powder is in a special bottle into which you need to pour boiled warm water up to a certain level. When mixed, a viscous substance is obtained.

Young children are usually given 10 milligrams three times a day. In the event that acute forms of ailments are treated: sinusitis and sinusitis, that is, those diseases of the upper respiratory tract that are most dangerous for a baby or teenager, and can cause complications.

If a small person does not tolerate a certain group of antibiotics, do not despair! The pharmaceutical industry has come a long way. In the modern period, other antibiotics can be distinguished that will help with the ailments under consideration:

  • clindamycin;
  • sumamed;
  • erythromycin.

Should I delay taking antibiotics?

We take medication

Very often, parents learn about the microbe that attacked their beloved child after the onset of the disease. Of course, according to the results of the analyses. Many fathers and mothers are worried that the enemy was not immediately recognized. They believe that delay in treatment increases the likelihood of complications in the kidneys, and the cardiovascular system, or possibly the joints. Based on this, we can say the following:

Treatment with antibiotics reduces the likelihood of complications (purulent or otherwise), but such a drug cannot completely prevent them.

As a result of numerous studies, it was found that if the treatment against the microbe is started only after 9 days from the onset of the disease, it will not lose its relevance and effectiveness. In addition, it will reduce the likelihood of little man acute rheumatic fever.

An analysis of medical research shows that antibiotic treatment, regardless of the onset of the disease, cannot reduce the likelihood of complications in the kidneys.

Treatment with drugs (antibiotics) quickly suppresses the development of the microbe even if it begins at the beginning of the disease. But the recurrence of this infection in the future is quite possible. Why is this happening? The fact is that the immune system did not remember this bacterium.

What should parents do if their daughter or son has frequent colds?

Illness causes fever

Why tonsillitis occurs has been clarified. At the same time, many parents are afraid of the frequency of occurrence of SARS or acute tonsillitis. Let's try to figure out what can be considered the norm in the occurrence of the ailments in question in children.

For children over 3 years old, it is considered normal if tonsillitis recurs up to 6 times a year and is mild. What does this mean in practice? That is, this is the course of the disease without high fever, without suppuration of the tonsils. Of course, such tonsillitis is not associated with streptococcus. In the event that the disease manifests itself severely and proceeds with a high temperature, with suppuration of the tonsils, then the patient needs an examination. It is necessary to contact an ENT doctor who will prescribe an adequate examination of the body.

When should parents take their baby to the doctor?

  • If children have relatives who have received complications in the heart or kidneys. It must be related to group A streptococcus.
  • If the disease occurs frequently and is severe.
  • If the disease is severe and the baby or teenager has allergic reactions to antibiotics. In this regard, the use of these drugs can be hazardous to their health.
  • In the event that during the last illness, an abscess is visible on the throat of a baby or teenager.
  • In the event that a baby or adolescent has more than 7 episodes of the disease within 12 months.
  • In the event that children had more than 3 episodes of the disease.

In the presence of certain conditions, called symptoms. This:

  • temperature increase over 38.3;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck;
  • the appearance of a plaque of pus on the tonsils;
  • detection of group A streptococcus.

In all cases listed above, the doctor will be able to offer adequate treatment. It can be accompanied by surgical intervention, that is, the removal of the tonsils.

The common cold is a common name for an infection of the respiratory system of a viral or bacterial origin. In other words, when a child has a runny nose, cough and sneezes often, it is probably a cold. Doctors often suggest that mothers check the color of their baby's mucus. If it changes from watery to yellow or greenish, it is more likely to be a cold.

Why does my child often get colds?

If the child is often sick colds, this means that the protection of the body is still not enough to protect against adverse environmental conditions.

Coughs, colds, fevers, vomiting, and diarrhea - children's immune systems learn to cope on their own.

Illness is a baby's way of strengthening their immune systems for their future health.

When babies are born, they take the strength of the immune system from their mother. Antibodies are special proteins that fight infection, and babies are born with a lot of them in their blood. These maternal antibodies get off to a good start by helping to fight infections.

When a child is breastfed, this effect is increased because in mother's milk also includes antibodies that get to the baby and help in the fight against the disease.

As the child grows older, the antibodies that the mother gave die, and the child's body begins to create its own. However, this process takes time. In addition, the child must come into contact with disease-causing organisms in order to create protective factors.

More than 200 different viruses and bacteria cause colds, and the child develops immunity to them one by one. Every time a pathogen enters the body, the child's immune system increases its ability to recognize the pathogen. However, there are so many pathogens around that when the body overcomes one disease, another infection comes. Sometimes it seems that the child is constantly sick with the same ailment, but usually these are several different pathogens.

Unfortunately, it is normal for a child to be sick. The baby gets sick more often than adults, because his immune system is not yet fully functional. In addition, he does not yet have immunity to a variety of viruses and bacteria that cause colds.

Being around other children also increases the risk of catching a cold. The carriers of viruses and bacteria also include older brothers and sisters who bring the infection home from school or kindergarten.

Studies have shown that children who attend educational institutions have more colds, ear infections, runny noses and other respiratory problems than "home" children.

During the cold months, the child often gets sick with colds, as viruses and bacteria spread throughout the country. This is also the time when indoor heating comes on, which dries out the nasal passages and allows cold viruses to flourish.

What is the normal frequency of colds?

It would seem that the norm should be considered as the absence of a disease, but in medical statistics it is established that normal development a child after birth does not exclude the recurrence of the disease.

If the child is under one year old, at least, 4 times had a cold, it can already be attributed to the frequently ill. From 1 to 3 years old, these children catch colds 6 times a year. From 3 to 5 years, the frequency of colds decreases to 5 times a year, and then - 4 - 5 acute respiratory infections each year.

An indication of a weakened immune system is the frequency and duration of the illness. If an acute respiratory infection and a cold do not disappear after 2 weeks, then the child's immunity is weakened.

A number of conditions undermine the health and immune system of the child:

Frequent colds can lead to quite serious complications in a child. Although these complications are not very common, it is important to be careful and be aware of them.

Complications that may occur shortly after the child catches a cold:

  • there is a risk that babies suffering from the common cold will develop an ear infection. These infections can strike if the bacteria or virus enters the space behind the child's eardrum;
  • a cold can lead to wheezing in the lungs, even when the child does not have asthma or other respiratory diseases;
  • a cold sometimes leads to sinusitis. Sinus inflammation and infection are common problems;
  • other serious complications caused by the common cold include pneumonia, bronchiolitis, croupy and streptococcal pharyngitis.

How to help a child?

It is known that the health of the child will depend on the behavior of the mother during pregnancy and its planning. Timely detection and treatment of existing infections and proper nutrition, good health and successful childbirth are beneficial to the health of the baby. This is also important during infancy.

For example, not all parents understand that not only mom's smoking is dangerous for a child, but also volatile substances from tobacco products brought by family members on hair and clothes. But these measures are ideal as preventive measures.

What to do if the child often has colds:

  1. Proper nutrition. It is necessary to accustom the child to healthy food, because the right diet allows you to get the required vitamins and minerals. Various snacks are not only harmful in their composition, but also suppress the natural feeling of hunger, forcing the child to give up healthy and healthy food.
  2. Organization of living space. A common mistake of mothers is the organization of complete hygienic sterility, which could compete with the conditions of the operating room. But to support the health of the child is enough wet cleaning, ventilation, removal of dust collectors.
  3. Hygiene rules. Developing the habit of washing hands after the street, using the toilet and before eating in a child is the main rule. How more like a child hygiene habits are instilled, the more likely it is that he will begin to observe them without being under the control of parents.
  4. hardening, which healthy child gets it naturally- light drafts, walking barefoot, ice cream and drinks from the refrigerator. But this is a prohibition for a constantly ill child. However, in order to accustom him to natural conditions, it is necessary to spend holidays at sea or in the countryside, and a morning rubdown with cold water does not look so scary.

The child often gets sick in kindergarten

Almost everyone has this problem. When the baby is at home, he almost never gets sick, and as soon as the child goes to kindergarten, an acute respiratory infection (ARI) is diagnosed every 2 weeks.

And this phenomenon depends on a number of reasons:

  • stage of adaptation. In many cases, the child often gets sick in kindergarten during the first year of his visit, and regardless of the age of the baby. For most parents, there is hope that the adjustment period will pass, stress will decrease, and permanent sick leave will stop;
  • infection from other children. Not wanting to go on sick leave (or not being able to), many parents bring children with primary symptoms of a cold to the group, when the temperature has not yet risen. A runny nose, a slight cough are faithful companions attending an educational institution. Children easily infect each other and get sick more often;
  • inappropriate clothing and footwear. Children go to kindergarten every day, except for especially cold days and weekends.

Make sure your child's clothes and shoes are always appropriate for the weather and comfortable for him. Shoes and outerwear should be waterproof and warm, but not hot.

If the child is very sick in kindergarten, the only way- try to strengthen his immunity. Start gradual hardening, ventilate the rooms, enroll the child in the swimming section, follow the principles of healthy nutrition and give vitamins. Regarding the latter, consult with your pediatrician first.

The ideal way to properly adapt to kindergarten is gradual addiction. In the first 2 - 3 months, it is better for a mother or grandmother to take a vacation or work part-time so as not to leave the child in the group for a long time. Gradually increase the time to reduce stress levels.

And when the child is sick, do not rush to go to work and return the child to the group. It is important to wait for an absolute recovery so that there are no relapses or complications.

Why does a child often get angina?

The common cold is, in fact, a big threat.

Lack of proper therapy and refusal bed rest fraught with complications.

The most common type of respiratory disease complication is tonsillitis or, medically, tonsillitis.

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsil tissue due to a bacterial and viral infection.

The tonsils are part of the lymphatic system and constitute the body's first line of defense. They are present on the left and right side inside the throat and are two pink growths at the back of the mouth. The tonsils protect the upper respiratory system from pathogens that enter the body through the nose or mouth. However, this makes them vulnerable to infections, leading to tonsillitis.

As soon as the tonsils are affected and inflamed, they become huge, reddish, and covered with a whitish or yellowish coating.

There are two types of tonsillitis:

  • chronic (lasts more than three months);
  • recurrent (frequent disease, many times a year).

As mentioned earlier, the predominant cause of tonsillitis is an infection of viral or bacterial origin.

1. Viruses that usually lead to angina in children:

  • enteroviruses;
  • influenza virus;
  • adenoviruses;
  • parainfluenza viruses;
  • herpes simplex virus;
  • Epstein-Barr virus.

2. bacterial infection is the cause of 30% of cases of tonsillitis. Group A streptococci are the main cause.

Some other bacteria that can cause tonsillitis are chlamydia pneumoniae, streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus, and mycoplasma pneumoniae.

In rare cases, tonsillitis is caused by fusobacteria, pathogens of whooping cough, syphilis and gonorrhea.

Tonsillitis is quite contagious and is easily spread from an infected child to other children by airborne droplets and household routes. This infection is mainly spread among young children in schools and among family members at home.

Reasons for a recurrence of the infection include the child's weakened immune system, resistance (resistance) of the bacteria, or having a family member who is a carrier of strep.

One study showed a genetic predisposition to develop recurrent tonsillitis.

3. Dental caries, inflamed gums cause the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth and larynx, which also causes tonsillitis.

4. The infected state of the sinus, maxillary, frontal sinuses quickly provoke inflammation of the tonsils.

5. Due to fungal diseases, bacteria that are difficult to treat accumulate in the body, which reduces resistance and causes frequent recurrence of tonsillitis.

6. Less commonly, inflammation can be caused by trauma. For example, chemical irritation from severe acid reflux.

When a child has frequent sore throats, you must understand that each time he receives a lot of damage. The tonsils are so weakened that they cannot resist germs and protect against infection. As a result, pathogens begin to cling one after another.

A child who often suffers from angina may experience many complications.

Tonsillitis can lead to the following consequences:

  • adenoid infection. Adenoids are part of the lymphatic tissue, just like the tonsils. They are located in the back of the nasal cavity. An acute infection of the tonsils can infect the adenoids, causing them to swell, leading to obstructive sleep apnea;
  • peritonsillar abscess. When the infection spreads from the tonsils to the surrounding tissue, it results in a pocket filled with pus. If the infection subsequently spreads to the gum, it can cause problems during teething;
  • otitis. The pathogen can quickly find its way to the ear from the throat through the Eustachian tube. Here it can affect the tympanic membrane and middle ear, which will cause a whole new set of complications;
  • rheumatic fever. If group A streptococci cause tonsillitis and the condition is ignored for a very long time, it can cause rheumatic fever, which is manifested by severe inflammation of various organs of the body;
  • poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. Streptococcus bacteria can find their way to various internal organs of the body. If the infection enters the kidneys, it causes post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. The blood vessels in the kidneys become inflamed, making the organ ineffective at filtering blood and making urine.

What to do if the child often has a sore throat?

Persistent sore throat can affect nutrition, lifestyle, and even the education and development of a child. Therefore, it is common practice to remove the tonsils if their inflammation creates a regular problem.

However, tonsillectomy (surgical removal of the tonsils) is not the preferred treatment option. If your child has frequent tonsillitis, there are some ways to prevent it.

1. Frequent washing hands

Many of the germs that cause tonsillitis are highly contagious. A child can easily pick them up from the air they breathe, and this is often unavoidable. However, the transmission of germs through the hands is another common route that can be prevented. The key to prevention is good hygiene.

Teach your child to wash their hands often with soap and water. Use antibacterial soap whenever possible. Antibacterial hand sanitizers are great when you're on the road. Teach your child to always wash their hands after using the toilet, before eating and after sneezing and coughing.

2. Avoid sharing food and drinks.

Saliva contains germs that can cause infection. Sharing food and drink with an infected person inevitably allows germs to enter their body. Sometimes these germs are airborne and can land on food and drinks, which is inevitable. But the exchange of food and drinks must be excluded. Teach your child not to share food and drink to prevent cross-contamination. It is better to divide or cut the food, pour the drink into cups, but avoid sharing.

3. Minimizing contact with others.

You must try to prevent your baby from getting an infection that will lead to tonsillitis. When a child has tonsillitis, you should minimize his contact with others. This applies to any infection, especially if you know it is highly contagious. Let the child not attend school or kindergarten during the illness, do not come too close to the rest of the family at home, who may become infected. Even a trip to the mall or other walks means that the child can infect others. Let the child rest during this time and keep contact with people to a minimum.

4. Removal of the tonsils.

Tonsillectomy is a very effective way to stop frequent recurrences of tonsillitis. This does not mean that the child will never have a sore throat again. But it will give him best quality life. There are some myths and misconceptions about tonsillectomy, but it is a very safe procedure and complications are rare. Surgery is especially necessary if tonsillitis does not respond to antibiotics or if serious complications develop (for example, tonsillar abscess).

5. Gargling with salt water.

This is one of simple solutions but also very efficient. 1 teaspoon of regular table salt in a 200 ml glass of water makes this method quick and inexpensive.

It should only be used by children who are of an age where rinsing is safe. Remember that while gargling may be helpful, it does not replace medication prescribed by your doctor. Gargling with salt water soothes the throat and may give a child short-term relief from tonsillitis symptoms, but prescription drugs such as antibiotics will kill the bacteria that causes the problem.

Airborne irritants such as cigarette smoke are known to increase a child's chances of developing tonsillitis.

Cigarette smoking should definitely be eliminated from the home, but you also need to be careful with cleaning products and other strong chemicals, the vapor of which can also be an air irritant. Even dry air that doesn't contain the harsh fumes of chemicals can be irritating. A humidifier increases the moisture content of the air and helps with tonsillitis if you live in dry climates.

7. Rest and drink plenty of water.

Good rest for a child with angina can affect the duration and severity of his condition. It is necessary not only to be away from school or kindergarten and sleep all day.

Give your child plenty of fluids. Liquid products are better tolerated than solid food, which will rub the tonsils and irritate them further. Save good food to support the immune system to help fight the disease along with the medications the child is taking.

8. Be aware of acid reflux.

Acid reflux is a common digestive disease. The acidic contents of the stomach rise up into the esophagus and may reach the throat and nose. Therefore, the acid will irritate the tonsils and even damage them, which increases the chance of infection. Heartburn is typical symptom acid reflux, but sometimes it doesn't happen.

Always supervise the child. And if he has acid reflux, change his diet and lifestyle.

Why does a child often get bronchitis?

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the walls of the bronchi - the airways that connect the trachea to the lungs. The wall of the bronchi is thin and produces mucus. It is responsible for protecting the respiratory system.

Bronchitis refers to diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Especially often it affects children from 3 to 8 years old due to immature immunity and structural features upper respiratory tract.

Causes of frequent bronchitis

The main cause leading to the development of bronchitis is viral infection. The pathogen enters the upper respiratory tract, then attacks. This causes inflammation of the lining of the airways.

Other causes of frequent bronchitis:

Bronchitis itself is not contagious. However, the virus (or bacteria) that causes bronchitis in children is contagious. Hence, The best way prevent bronchitis in a child - make sure that he does not become infected with a virus or bacteria.

  1. Teach your child to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating.
  2. Give your child nutritious and healthy food so that his immunity is strong enough to fight off infectious agents.
  3. Keep your child away from family members who are sick or have a cold.
  4. As soon as your baby is six months old, give him the flu vaccine every year to protect against a similar infection.
  5. Do not allow family members to smoke in the home, as passive smoking can lead to chronic illness.
  6. If you live in a heavily polluted area, teach your child to wear a face mask.
  7. Clean your child's nose and sinuses with a saline nasal spray to remove allergens and pathogens from the mucous membranes and nasal villi.
  8. Supplement your child's diet with vitamin C to boost their immune system. Check with your pediatrician for the correct dosage for your child, as high doses of the vitamin can lead to diarrhea.

Parents should not limit the exposure of the baby to germs and diseases. After all, all children are susceptible to classic childhood illnesses, either through natural infection or vaccination.

Your baby is often sick now because it is the first natural exposure of a childhood illness to him, not because there is something wrong with the immune system.

Building and strengthening his immune system during these early years helps prevent future complications from contracting these diseases later, when they may have more serious consequences.

The best way to keep kids healthy is to follow your doctor's recommended vaccination schedule, wash your hands often, eat right, and avoid avoiding physical activity and also give your baby time to build a healthy immune system.

Many parents are faced with a situation where the child begins to run around to write often without other complaints and deterioration in well-being. This usually manifests itself during the day, the intervals between urination can be 10-15 minutes. There are no symptoms at night. This problem begins to manifest itself at the age of 4-6 years, boys are more prone to pathology.

Do not rush to panic and stuff your child with medicines. First, you should consider why the child often wants to pee, and what other symptoms are observed. If there are no signs of infection urinary tract and pathologies of the kidneys, then this condition is called pollakiuria, or "syndrome of children's daytime acceleration."

Volume and frequency of urination are directly related to age. Indicators may increase or decrease with the use of diuretic products (melon, watermelon, berries), as well as a large number liquids. Approximate urination rates are as follows:

  • 0-6 months: up to 25 times a day, but not less than 20 times;
  • 6 months - 1 year: 15 times +/- 1 time;
  • 1-3 years: 11 times on average;
  • 3-9 years: 8 times a day;
  • 9-13 years: 6-7 times a day.

As seen, little child the urge to go to the toilet needs to be satisfied much more often, but by the year their number is halved, and at 2 and 4 years this figure becomes close to an adult.

The daily volume of urine, on the contrary, increases with age, as does the portion. The older the baby, the frequency of urges decreases, but if this does not happen, natural anxiety questions arise in parents. With what it can be connected?

Pollakiuria: information for parents

Frequent urge to urinate in children sometimes appears when they start attending kindergarten. This is emotional stress, and not all babies quickly adapt to new living conditions. Also, the manifestations of the disease can be associated with problems in the family, quarrels of parents, an unfavorable atmosphere in the house.

Let's deal with medical point vision. Pollakiuria in children: what is it? This is a disease in which the child often runs to the toilet (every 10-30 minutes, 30-40 mications a day), while not drinking a lot of fluids and sleeping peacefully at night.

Urination is painless, panties do not get wet from urinary incontinence, the baby is trained in toilet skills. Another important sign is a large number of urine for one urination, and the daily rate for the total volume does not exceed the norm.

If at two years old a child often goes to write, this can be associated with the physiological characteristics of the body or psychological, when kids, especially girls of 2 years old, are just getting used to the potty, and they want to perform a new action more often.

But the frequent urination of a child of 3 years old can no longer be left without the attention of parents. Less often, symptoms appear at age 5 and are usually the result of some kind of shock or emotional stress.

Psychological reasons frequent urination children require the correct behavior of their parents. It is unacceptable that ridicule, reproaches, irritability or punishments appear on this occasion.

Boys and girls often cannot control the urge to urinate, it turns out involuntarily, unintentionally. Parents should be patient, try to focus less on the problem, but be sure to take the child for examination to the pediatrician and pass urine for research.

Physiological pollakiuria

Very often, a child pees without pain or other symptoms that usually indicate a serious illness. Here it is appropriate to consider the physiological pollakiuria associated with the use of a large amount of liquid.

If the baby drinks a lot, then natural reaction body - the urge to urinate. But this situation cannot be left unattended either.

The question is different: why does the crumbs have such an increased need for fluids? Sometimes intense thirst is simply caused by physical activity or habit. But it can also indicate the presence of diabetes, so it requires medical advice.

The physiological manifestation of the disease is harmless. Everything will go away on its own in 1-2 months if the parents behave correctly, without emotionally aggravating the problem, especially if it is caused by a strong shock. Physiological pollakiuria can be provoked by such factors:

  • Excessive fluid intake. At the same time, the child asks to urinate on the potty, never does it in panties.
  • Stress, negative emotional arousal can cause such phenomena.
  • Hypothermia of the body, not only in a child of 5 years old, but also in an adult, often causes frequent urination. It is enough to warm up, and the problem will pass.
  • Taking certain medications (diuretic, sometimes antiallergic and antiemetics).
  • Features of nutrition. Some foods contain a lot of water. For example, in cucumbers and watermelon, cranberries and green tea, etc.

In such cases, the disease goes away on its own, if the provoking factor is excluded. In the case when a child often runs to the toilet due to stress, it is necessary to provide a calm emotional atmosphere around the baby, and over time everything will return to normal.

Pathological causes of frequent urination

False urge to urinate in a baby or teenager may be the first sign of pathological pollakiuria. But there are other symptoms:

  • frequent urination of the child is accompanied by pain;
  • nausea and vomiting appear;
  • tearfulness, lethargy, aggressiveness;
  • enuresis;
  • temperature increase.

Often a child can urinate due to the occurrence of diseases of the endocrine, genitourinary, central nervous system.

Problems with bladder can cause inflammatory pathologies. They are accompanied by pain symptoms, urination disorders. In girls, frequent urination and pain may not be a symptom of the disease, but a manifestation of early pregnancy. It is not excluded the occurrence of neoplasms of the pelvic organs.

The causes of incontinence or frequent urination in a 4-year-old boy may be associated with a failure in the transmission of nerve impulses coming from the brain. These processes can be caused by autonomic disorders, trauma, neoplasms in the spinal cord or brain.

A large amount of urine is usually associated with dysfunction of the kidneys or the endocrine system. In any case, if you notice an increase in the frequency of urination in a teenager or young child, do not waste time, consult a doctor immediately to establish an accurate diagnosis and start treatment in a timely manner.

Diagnosis of pollakiuria

If a child often goes to the toilet "in a small way", you need to find out the root cause of this condition. To do this, contact a pediatrician or urologist so that specialists, based on symptoms, can make an initial diagnosis and refer them for additional examinations.

A urine test will show the presence or absence of pathogens. A general and clinical blood test will rule out diabetes. Uroflowmetry will determine the pathology of the urinary tract urodynamics.

Sometimes an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder is prescribed or referred for a consultation with a nephrologist. With physiological disorders, a visit to a psychologist is required.

In any case, the frequent urge to the toilet of the child should not be ignored. But do not panic, analyze the frequency of urination and the amount of fluid. Perhaps this is just a temporary period that will pass without medication and medical intervention.

Treating Frequent Urination in Children

What to do if the child begins to write often? Should I be worried or can I wait? First of all, you need to ask these questions to the doctor in order to exclude urinary tract infections and any pathology.

Frequent urination in babies, accompanied by painful symptoms, requires immediate treatment. But first of all, the doctor analyzes the factors that could cause this. If this is a CNS disorder, sedatives are prescribed. If the tumor is required surgical intervention.

When inflammatory processes occur, uroseptics are prescribed, in extreme cases - antibiotics. Frequent urination in adolescents often requires hormonal therapy and the appointment of cytotoxic drugs.

Prevention of disorders

There is no specific prevention for this problem. But since frequent urination problems are often associated with emotional state child, it is necessary to ensure the psychological health of the family, to exclude quarrels, scandals, stress.

Regularly show your baby to the pediatrician in the first year of life, do not allow hypothermia. Remember, in many ways right attitude parents to family health will help eliminate a number of diseases.