Project in the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Kindergarten is my second home.” Projects. Project activities in kindergarten

Project passport.

Subject:“Getting ready for school by playing!!!”

Developer: Teacher of the 1st qualification category of MBDOU No. 7, Maikop Avagyan Ekaterina Sosikovna


Currently, first-graders are less developed than their peers in the middle of the last century, because psychological readiness is not formed in school-type classes.

This is explained by the fact that our children play traditional games less and less (role-playing, educational, games with rules, didactic, and are less likely to engage in construction, modeling, drawing, appliqué. All types of children's activities are being replaced computer games. Parents strive to begin the systematic education of their child as early as possible, and in addition to kindergarten, they can take him to sport sections, music school, art studio, etc. They do not realize that such training, which, as a rule, boils down to the development of skills and abilities in a particular area, does not contribute mental development child.

Readiness for school is the social and communicative prerequisites for mastering educational activities, which are formed within the leading activity, that is, in the game.

Implementation deadlines:

December – February

Project type:

Game, long-term, group.


Children preparatory group, educators, parents, educational psychologist.

Project justification:

An analysis of the pedagogical heritage showed that at all times teachers expressed thoughts about preparing for schooling. It should consist of the proper organization of children’s lives, timely development their abilities, as well as awakening interest in school and learning. And since in preschool childhood there is nothing closer, understandable and enjoyable for children than play, then this preparation should go through play.


Admission to school – serious stage in the life of every child. And it’s no secret that many children experience difficulties during the period of adaptation to school, a new daily routine, team, and teacher.

A child’s attitude towards school is formed before he goes there. And here important role information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and preschool teachers plays a role.

Psychological and pedagogical research examines issues of special and general readiness of a child for school. According to scientists, one of the aspects of psychological readiness is the personal readiness of a preschooler for the upcoming learning, which is expressed in the motives of learning, the attitude of children to school, the teacher, school responsibilities and the position of the student, and the ability to consciously manage their behavior.

AND high level intellectual development of children does not always coincide with their personal readiness for school. A preschooler may have

a positive attitude towards the new way of life, changes in conditions, rules, requirements has not been formed, which is an indicator of the attitude towards school. School teachers also note this discrepancy.

Since play is still the leading activity in preschool childhood, we see that it is more comfortable for children to prepare them for school with the help of gaming technologies.


Development of a model of gaming technologies that can be used to prepare children for school.


Forming a positive attitude of children towards the upcoming school education, personal qualities, adequate self-esteem and psychological readiness in general with the help of gaming technologies.



creation of a subject-development environment to familiarize students with school (didactic and role-playing games);

introducing children to school and the teaching profession in role-playing games;


Development of psychological functions necessary for learning at school through didactic and role-playing games;

Strengthening physical and mental health through sports and outdoor games;


nurturing a positive attitude towards school in preparatory group children.

Stages of work:

I stage – organizational and preparatory:

    Statement of the problem – “How to “comfortably” prepare children for school?”;

    Studying literature on the topic;

    Preparation of the subject-spatial environment;

II stage – reflective-diagnostic:

    Identification of the level of motivational readiness of children for school;

    Questioning parents.

III stage – practical:

Project implementation through:

    Role-playing games;

    Didactic games;

    Outdoor games;

    Productive activity;

    Working with parents.

Receipt of the project product - production of the album “How I See School”;

Photo exhibition “We’ll be going to school soon!”

IV stage - final:

    Questioning parents “What do you know about preparing children for school?”

    (parents with children)

    Presentation of the project at the teachers' council;

    Project analysis.

Expected results:

    motivation to study;

    development of voluntariness;

    the formation of visually effective and visually imaginative thinking;

    development of spatial concepts;

    development of cognitive processes;

    manifestation of independence.

Long-term planning of project activities

Stage 1 – organizational and preparatory




With teachers

Study and analysis of scientific research, methodological literature, Internet resources on this issue; selection of software and methodological support for this problem; visual demonstration, handout material

1-2 week of December

The competence of teachers on the topic has been increased

With pupils

Statement of the problem “How to prepare children for school “comfortably”?”

1-2 week of December

Children have a certain interest in the upcoming activity.

Development of project content

1-2 week of December

The main directions of project implementation and expected results have been determined

Preparation of the subject-spatial environment

Attributes for role-playing games, didactic and board games have been prepared.

With parents

Introducing parents to the upcoming project.

1-2 week of December

Interest in upcoming activities has been aroused.

Stage 2 – reflective-diagnostic




With teachers

Identifying Foreseen Difficulties

2-3 week of December

Anticipated difficulties identified.

With pupils

“Interview” with children - “What is school?”

2-3 week of December

The level of psychological readiness of children for school has been determined.

With parents

Parent survey “What is readiness for school?”

2-3 week of December

The level of parental competence in preparing children for school has been determined.

Stage 3 – practical

Educational area




With teachers

Consultation “How to “comfortably” prepare children for school”

2nd week of January

The competence of teachers on the topic has been increased.

With pupils


Social communication development

Dramatization of “Rules of Conduct at School”

Creation problematic situation- “They call you to play around during recess”;

“It’s a lesson, and you want to play”

January - 1st week of February

They are able to change the role-playing action as the game progresses.


S/r games: “School”:

Plots – “The teacher teaches a lesson - the children complete his tasks”;

“The bell rings - change”;

“The head teacher distributes the class schedule”; “Library”

Children can independently create their own play environment. They are able to creatively develop game plots.


Board games for the development of logic, attention, memory, thinking, graphic dictations.

Development of skills in game interaction educational activities.


Intellectual game"Smart Men and Women"

Children, through playful interaction, have experience in conducting discussions on various topics.


Role-playing game "Cunning Dwarf"

Creating a problem situation - “We need to find the same image that the gnome shows on a short time»

Through play, the child’s memory and visual attention are developed.


Cognitive development

School excursion

Children are familiar with school


Presentation: “School of the past and present”

With the help of computer technology, children have the opportunity to “plunge” into the past.


Construction "My School"

Children, through productive activities, have the opportunity to express their ideas about school.


Speech development

Who are first graders?

Through the artistic word, expanding knowledge about the school.


Compiling a monologue story - “Why do I want to go to school?”


What will my first day of school be like? (fantasy story)


Analysis and learning of proverbs


Reading fiction:

In Dragunsky “Where is it seen, where is it heard”, “ Enchanted letter»,

"Amazing Day"

A. Barto “To school”

G. P. Shalaeva " Big Book rules of conduct"

N. Nosov “Dreamers”

V. Oseeva " Magic word", "Why?"

Y. Koval “Zero class”

V. Golyavnin “No luck” “Carousel in the head”


Artistic aesthetic development

Application “What will I take to school”

January - 1st week of February

IN productive activity knowledge about school and school supplies is consolidated.


Modeling “The most beautiful briefcase”


Drawing “My future teacher”


Physical development

Conversation: “My daily routine.”

“How we harden ourselves”

"Strong and Agile"

January - 1st week of February

Development of motor skills and health promotion.

With parents



« Child's readiness for school »

January - 1st week of February

The competence of parents on child development issues has been increased.


Photo exhibition “Mom and Dad were also first graders”

Parents can understand psychological condition your child through your memories.


Workshop “By playing, we prepare for school”

Parents have ideas about playful ways to prepare their children for school.


The competence of parents on the development of volitional qualities and prerequisites for educational activities has been increased.


Presentation at parent meeting“How we “walked” to school”

Parents can compare their children at different ages.

With society

Coverage of the progress of the project on the website page

During the project implementation

Openness of project implementation activities.

4th stage - final




With teachers

Presentation of the project at the teachers' meeting

2nd - 4th week of February

Teachers have an idea of ​​the project and project activities.

Project Analysis

2nd week of February

The outcome of the project has been determined.

With pupils

Photo strip “We’ll be going to school soon”

2nd - 4th week of February

The result of the work on the project is presented.

Presentation of the project product - the album “How I See School”

2nd - 4th week of February

Children have the opportunity to express their ideas about school

With parents

Parent survey “What do you know about preparing children for school”

2nd - 4th week of February

The level of knowledge acquired by parents on the topic of the project was determined.

Intellectual game "Clever and Clever"

2nd - 4th week of February

Parents and children have experience in joint activities. Parents have ideas about intellectual abilities their children

With society

4th week of February

Parents' interest in the project was revealed.

Project support:

    A.K. Bondarenko, Didactic games in kindergarten, M - Education, 1991.

    and. Teacher of a preschool educational institution, No. 5/2007, M - Creative Center Sphere.

    and. Directory of the senior teacher preschool

No. 2/2008, No. 9/2008, No. 9/2011, M – MCFR

    Internet resources.

Municipal budget educational institution Abakan city

"Kindergarten "Antoshka"


"Soon to school"

Preparatory group

Completed by: Litvyakova N.S.

Informative - creative project in the preparatory group "Soon to school"

Project theme: “Soon to school”

Implementation period: short-term (1 week of April)

Type of project: educational - creative

Children's age: preparatory group

Project participants: preschool teachers, preparatory group children, parents, students primary classes.

Goal: developing ideas about school and a positive attitude towards school life among older preschoolers.

Formation of learning motivation and interest in the learning process itself;

Promote the development of mutual understanding and friendliness;

Relieving feelings of anxiety and doubt in preschoolers before meeting with school;

Increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation, helping children adapt to the skills and conditions of school.


Material for games and tests;

Didactic games;

Fiction books, magazines, anthologies, encyclopedias;

Information files, stands;

Visual materials;

Assembling cartoons on a school theme;

Proverbs about hard work, friendship, numbers; intricate questions;

Visiting the library;

Working in a kindergarten group;

Visiting school, school classes;

Class notes, communication, conversations, situations, meetings;

Relevance of the project:

Preparation for school - difficult period in the life of a preschooler. Entering school and the initial period of education cause a restructuring of the child’s lifestyle and activities. The little man is in a state of anticipation: something very significant and attractive is coming, but is still uncertain. The child’s entire way of life changes radically (routine, change in communication with adults and peers, increase in the amount of intellectual workload).

A child's attitude towards school is formed before he goes there. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers plays an important role. Many parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: “You will be an excellent student here,” “You will make new friends,” “Teachers love smart kids like you.” Adults believe that by doing so they are instilling in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a child tuned to a joyful exciting activity, having experienced even minor ones, negative emotions(resentment, jealousy, envy, annoyance) may lose interest in studying for a long time. The school provides plenty of reasons for such emotions: failures against the backdrop of seeming universal success, difficulties in finding friends among classmates, discrepancies between the teacher’s assessment and the usual parental praise, etc.

A number of authors emphasize the need to cultivate a positive attitude towards school, as a condition for successful learning in the future (Ya. A. Komensky, J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi, N. A. Dobrolyubov, K. D. Ushinsky , A. S. Simonovich, E. I. Vodovozova, A. S. Makarenko). And practice today is aimed mainly at the intellectual preparation of children for school and pays little attention to the formation of the “internal position of the student.”

Consequently, the theoretical analysis of the literature and practice data convinced us of carrying out targeted work to cultivate a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group using a variety of forms and methods of work, through the creation of a subject-development environment, through pedagogical education of parents, and interaction with primary school students.

Thus, all this work can be reflected precisely in short term project"Soon to school." School-oriented projects help improve social and cognitive activity children, the purposeful formation in them of integrative qualities necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Project implementation plan:

Preparatory stage:

Prepare in group required material for cognitive and productive activities (development of notes directly educational activities, conversations, etc.), didactic games, attributes for role-playing games;

Prepare homework for parents, collect the necessary information and formalize it;

Help from parents in selecting literature and board and printed games on school topics;

Cooperation with school library and primary school students.

Main stage. Project implementation (table)

The final stage.

Project presentation - folder design;

Creating an album with children “Riddles from the Briefcase”.

Presentation creative drawings children “What did you like at school.”

Conversation and stories former graduates kindergarten about school life.

Expected Result:

Formation of motivational readiness for school in children;

Increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation;

Favorable course of the adaptation school period.

Table. Project implementation.

Joint activities between adults and children

Days of the week

Educational activities in the process of organizing various types of children's activities

Educational activities carried out during regime moments

Independent activity children

Interaction with parents and primary school teachers


Exhibition of illustrative books on school subjects and reading of the work

"Filippok" by L.N. Tolstoy

Conversation “Be Kind”

(polite words in the life of a future student)

Goal: to teach children to self-control their behavior.

Review of illustrative books.

Watching the cartoon “The Little Goat Who Could Count to 10”

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the importance of numeracy.

Help for parents in choosing cartoons and board games about school.

Conversation with children

“How is school different from kindergarten? What do we know about the school"

Goal: creating positive attitudes towards school.

"Be ready!"

(emphasis on organizing routine moments, getting ready for a walk, preparing for the game, Team work etc.)

Watching the cartoon “Island of Errors”

Reading books about school at home with your children.

Game - competition

"Soon to school"

(games, relay races, etc.)

Outdoor games“Who will pack the briefcase sooner?”, “Game break”, “I’m an athlete!”,

“The signal sounds! ", "Find it!"

Target: Develop knowledge and skills in collecting a portfolio, choosing and playing games during future school breaks, games on cue, and attention. To foster friendliness, sociability, mutual assistance, and interest in school.

Asking riddles, reading proverbs about school.

Goal: to teach children to reflect their impressions in speech and drawing. Publication of the book “Riddles from the Briefcase”

Plot - role-playing game


Goal: to expand and consolidate children’s ideas about the content of labor actions of kindergarten employees

Folder design - moving for parents

“Which aspects of school readiness are especially important”

Artistic creativity

"School day".

Design of the exhibition of children's drawings “What did you like at school” (based on personal knowledge – excursion)

Goal: reflect your impressions in a drawing, the ability to develop a desire to study at school.

Consideration school supplies.

Goal: to introduce children to school paraphernalia and its purpose.

Game "Collect a briefcase"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the purpose school subjects.

Game “What's extra? » (school supplies and other items)

Goal: activation of vocabulary, classification of objects, development of speech.

Story-based role-playing game

Goal: to cultivate the desire to accept the position of a schoolchild - a student, to be able to subordinate one’s desires to collective ones.

Watching a cartoon

“Our friend Write and Read”

Goal: to form in children a desire and understanding of the need to study at school.

Preparing a consultation for parents

"Preparing children for school"

“Advice for parents whose children are preparing for school

Looking at the painting

Goal: expand children's ideas about school.

“We are future schoolchildren”

Goal: to form attitudes towards responsible implementation of the rules of behavior of schoolchildren, mastered during the week.

Didactic and printed board games on school topics:

- “Syllable houses”

- « Number houses»

- “Logical Train”

- “Easy counting”, etc.

Meeting with kindergarten graduates. (Looking at a briefcase, books, notebooks, pencil case, etc.)

Goal: systematize children’s knowledge about school.


Target: Enrich knowledge about school life, school situations, friendship from fiction. Cultivate interest in school, understanding the moral of stories.

In Dragunsky

“Where has this been seen, where has this been heard”

"Enchanted Letter"

"Amazing Day"

A. Barto

"To school"

G. P. Shalaeva

"The Big Book of Rules of Conduct"

N. Nosov


V. Oseeva

"Magic word"


Yu. Koval

"Zero class"

V. Golyavnin

"Things are not going my way"

"Carousel in the Head"

MMR "Dictations by cells"


Develop the ability to navigate by cells and accurately move your hand along a sheet, based on a diagram or auditory task. Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly when writing, be attentive and neat.

An hour of riddles and puzzles about school

Target: Develop logical thinking, ingenuity, intelligence, knowledge of school supplies, school names. Bring up positive emotions from games on the theme “school”, the desire to be a schoolchild.


1. Burukhina A.F. “Cartoons in educational work with children” - magazine “ Preschool teacher» 2012

2. Kachigina L.B. “Creating conditions for preparing older preschoolers for educational activities” - magazine “Preschool Education Teacher” No. 4/2013

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 87"


on the development of time concepts

for preschoolers in the preschool group

"Journey to the Land of Time"

Project creator:


Chakiy Irina Vladimirovna

Biysk, 2015


1. Project characteristics

2. Relevance

3. Goal and objectives of the project


5.Forms, methods and techniques


7.Project content


Project characteristics

Project type: educational

Project type: group

Project implementation: the project is designed for 4 months: from September 2015 to December 2015.

Project stages:

Preparatory stage: September 2015

Main stage: October - November 2015.

Final stage: December 2015





“Nature took care of everything so much,

that everywhere you find something to learn.”
Leonardo da Vinci


A person faces the problem of time every day, tearing off a piece of the calendar, every minute, looking at his watch. A child also lives in time, so the education and training program in kindergarten provides for the development of time orientation in children. The introduction of this section is due to a number of reasons. Children are introduced to the world around them, in which all events take place in time.

Already at preschool age, it is vitally important for children to learn how to navigate time themselves: to determine, measure time (correctly denoting it in speech), feel its duration (in order to regulate and plan activities in time), change the pace and rhythm of their actions depending on the availability of time. The ability to regulate and plan activities over time creates the basis for the development of such personality qualities as organization, composure, focus, accuracy, necessary for the child when studying at school and in Everyday life.

Time orientation is vital for a child. The ability to navigate in time gives children the opportunity to successfully develop and master various types activities, cognize the world and thus prepare for school. In everyday life, a child constantly encounters various time categories that adults use in their speech and communication, sees a calendar, a clock. Children's learning of temporal concepts proceeds at different speeds and is characterized by extreme instability. Ideas about him arise in the process of life based on his personal experience. Therefore, it is better to start familiarizing yourself with those categories that find support in personal experience preschool child.

Target: Development of temporal concepts in preschool children of the preparatory group for school.



Develop an understanding of time.

Develop skills in using words denoting temporary categories in speech()

Form the prerequisites for search activity and creative activity.


Give an idea of ​​​​determining time using a clock, a calendar “Days of the week”, “Months of the year”, Seasons”.

Systematize and generalize children’s knowledge about time relationships (seasons, parts of the day, days of the week, month, year, hour with an accuracy of half an hour and a quarter of an hour).

To teach how to reflect abstract concepts of time in specific actions in various types of activities in preparation for studying at school (formation of prerequisites and elements of educational activities).


    Cultivate a desire to “save” time.


    Pupils have a developed understanding of time.

    The skills of using words denoting temporary categories in speech have been developed.

    The prerequisites for search activity and creative activity have been formed.

    Presents ideas about determining time using a clock, a calendar “Days of the week”, “Months of the year”, Seasons”.

    Children's knowledge about time relations (seasons, parts of the day, days of the week, month, year, hour with an accuracy of half an hour and a quarter of an hour) is systematized and generalized.

    Children learned to reflect abstract concepts of time in specific actions in various types of activities in preparation for learning at school (formation of prerequisites and elements of educational activities).

    The desire to “save” time is brought up.

Forms, methods and techniques of work:

    diagnostics of children's time orientation;

    drawing up a calendar plan;

    selection of suitable didactic games;

    development of lesson notes for the given topic;

    reading and memorizing poetry, solving riddles about time concepts;

    exhibition of fiction and methodological literature on the study of temporal concepts;

    holding a competition

    entertainment based on the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”;

    photo - collage;

Project content

Calendar plan work

Preparatory stage:


1. Collection and analysis of literature on this issue.

2. Search for actions adequate to the learning task

3. Acceptance of the learning task

4. Development of the content of the project "Journey to the Land of Time"

5. Consultation for parents “Development of time concepts

for preschoolers in the preparatory school group"

6. Diagnostics of children to identify various skills.

7. Selection of games.

Main stage








Getting to know a corner of time.

Examination of thematic pictures: “Parts of the day”, “What happens before - what happens later”, “Seasons”.

Reading "The Tale of the Four Sisters - the Seasons"

Game “Catch, throw and call the seasons”

Introducing children to instruments for telling time: various types of clocks and calendars. Enriching the corner of time.

Quiz “Our funny calendar”».

Memorizing the poem “Clocks” by S. Baruzdin.

Plot-role-playing game “Family. Schedule".

Drawing "Day and Night"

Repetition and acquisition of new knowledge about time values.

Learn to compare parts of the day and seasons with their distinctive features.

Reinforce concepts about the seasons.

Learn to use instruments to tell time.

Learn to determine the date, month and day of the week.

Teaches you how to manage your time. Cultivate a desire to “save” time.

Reinforce concepts about parts of the day.




Conversation “A little history about watches”

Reading J. Zmaj “The Clock”

Drawing "World of Clocks"

Game “Hare, hare, what time is it?” »

Ind. working with children (introducing children to activities in a quarter of an hour, half an hour and 1 minute)

Lesson “Learning to tell time using a watch”

Experimental activity “Experiment with a clock”

Reading by T. I. Erofeev “Visiting the gnome watchmaker, or the story of how not to be late for school”

Activity: Guessing riddles about time concepts.

Competition “Make a watch with your own hands”

Introduce children to the history of the creation of the first watches and their further development.

Develop skills in using words in speech that denote temporary categories.

Reinforce the concept of time.

Introducing children to activities in a quarter of an hour, half an hour and 1 minute

Learn to tell time using a watch

Learn to tell time using a watch

Learn to manage your time. Cultivate a desire to “save” time.

Develop skills in using words denoting temporary categories in speech

Develop an interest in mathematics and an understanding of time.

The final stage


    Summing up the results of the competition “Make a watch with your own hands”

    Conducting entertainment “Twelve Months”

    Conversation: “What is time? »

    Final lesson on studying time.

    Summing up the results of the project: collecting photographs and designing a photo collage “This is how we navigate time.”


1. Karpukhina, N. A. Getting to know the world around you. [Text]: a practical guide for teachers and methodologists of preschool educational institutions / N. A. Karpukhina. – Voronezh: T. Ts. “Teacher”, 2008.- 201 p.

Olga Kleymikhina
Project in preparatory preschool educational institution group"Watch"

Subject project: "Child and watch»


Currently, the problem of formation and development mathematical abilities- one of the most common methodological problems today preschool pedagogy. In recent decades, there have been trends: system educational work began to use a lot with preschoolers school uniforms, teaching methods and often they come down to teaching them to count, read, and write. Concept for preschool education, guidelines and requirements for updating content preschool education outline a number of fairly serious requirements for the cognitive development of preschool children, part of which is the development of mathematical abilities. And I was faced with the fact that children do not know time well, time periods, parts of the day. Why do children need to know the time? Do they need it?

Type project:

The type is single-subject, the subject area is mathematical, the form is practice-oriented.

Duration project:

Mid-term from 23.01 – 26.01

Goals project:

Systematize and generalize children’s knowledge about temporary relationships (parts of the day, days of the week, month, year, hour, minute, second).

To teach how to reflect abstract concepts of time in concrete actions with watch models.

Tasks project:


Develop an understanding of time and interest in mathematics.

Develop thinking skills operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning.

Develop skills in using words denoting temporary categories in speech, develop search activity, creative activity.


Learn to tell time using a clock or part of the day.


Expand children's horizons through familiarization with different types of watches and the purpose of watches.

Help maintain interest in mathematics and develop the ability to work in a team.

Participants project:

Children preparatory group, teachers, parents

Supervisor project:

Teacher Olga Viktorovna Kleymikhina.

Security project:

Logistical and educational methodical:

Models of watches of different time periods.

Didactic games to develop time orientation.

Sets for work: cardboard, colored paper, albums, markers, scissors, glue, etc.

Children's fiction.

Poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings about time.

Showing cartoons about time.

Pictures with different clocks and their structure.

Expected result:

Based on the systematization and generalization of knowledge, children will learn to navigate time relationships (hour, minute, second, parts of the day, and will learn to reflect abstract concepts of time in specific actions with clock models. Creation "future clock" will contribute to the development of children creative thinking, constructive abilities, imagination.

Product project activities:

Model making "future clock". Speech at a parent meeting .

Working with parents:

Consultation "Child and Time".

“Why does a child need to know the time?”

Reminders for the formation of e. m.p.

"Didactic games at home".

Moving folders "Unusual watch»

"Time is part of our life"

Stages project:

Stage 1. Preparatory

Choosing a theme project and the choice of the form of its protection.

Selection of materials for implementation project.

Making didactic games.

Work with methodological material, literature on this topic

Stage 2. Performance project

Manufacturing "details" hours.

Model construction « Clock of the future» .

Systematization of knowledge about temporary relationships.

Stage 3. results

Presentation project in the form of a work demonstration « future clock» at a parent meeting “The influence of family on the development of mathematical abilities”.

Summing up and analyzing the work.

Implementation plan project.

Days of the week Goals and objectives Form and content


An excursion into the past of hours

"Here watch, which!"

Expand children's knowledge about the variety of clocks and their structure.

Cultivate respect for people of different professions.

Introduction to the structure of the dial.

Conversation about different types hours, about the structure of the clock, about the meaning of the hour and minute hands.

Workshop “Time for business, time for fun”.

Class “What do we know about time?”

Clarify children's ideas about parts of the day and seasons.

Contribute to the accumulation of experience in the study of time.

Arouse interest in the study of time;

Develop attention, memory, imagination, associative thinking

Conversation based on a series of pictures "Parts of the Day", "Seasons";

Poems about parts of the day

Didactic games “Where is my place, “What came first, what came next?”. "When it happens"

Design discussion "future clock"

Kaleidoscope of math games

"Orientation in time"

Develop ideas about time.

Consolidate knowledge about days, weeks, months.

Encourage the desire to play math games.

Improve memory and attention.

Develop fine motor skills hands


Creative workshop

"We create future clock»

Learn to reflect abstract concepts in concrete actions.

Strengthen the ability to use cutting and piercing instruments.

Develop creative imagination.

Make models of the watches of the future.

Learning poems about time.

Protection project.

Speech at a parent meeting “The influence of family on the development of mathematical abilities”.

Summarize children's knowledge about time.

Improve children's ability to tell time using watch models.

Demonstration "future clock"

Publications on the topic:

Everyone everyone everyone good morning. I am in a hurry to share interesting topic. Now my children have grown up to the preparatory group. Now we are big.

My children senior group began to become interested in watches - sand, mechanical, electronic. And our project “Learning to live by the hour” was born.

Photo report “New Year's Hours” Held the event teacher speech therapist Shishkova S.A. with pupils of the compensatory group for.

Summary of direct educational activities of children in the junior group “Masha and the Clock” 1. Direction of activity: educational, gaming 2. Educational area: cognition 3. Topic: “Masha and the clock” 4. Age group: Jr.

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Summary of GCD in the preparatory group

Project for older children preschool age: "Kindness will save the world"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: The material may be of interest to teachers of older preschool age and teachers of additional education.

Objective of the project: Developing positive character traits in children, promoting team unity, motivating children to do good deeds, good deeds for the benefit of other people.
- Develop in children a positive attitude towards all people.
- Deepen children’s understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person.
- Strengthen knowledge of the rules of polite communication.
- Improve communication skills (ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express your opinion, show kindness to the opinions of other children).
- Encourage the child’s desire to do good deeds.
- Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, friendliness, the desire to do something for other people, to benefit them.
- Teach children to avoid quarrels, give in and negotiate with each other.
- Explain to children that good deeds bring joy.
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, reading poems, proverbs about goodness, memorizing them, watching cartoons, reading fairy tales about goodness.
At home with my parents they asked me to complete a drawing, appliqué, or craft assignment on the topic: “What is kindness?”

Project type: informational and creative.
Project duration: short; one week.
Project participants: teachers, children of the preparatory group, parents of children.
Availability of interdisciplinary connections: integration of educational areas - cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.
Material and technical resources required to complete the project:
- selection of methodological and fiction literature;
- selection of visual material (illustrations, posters, photographs, books, fairy tales);
- didactic games;
- selection of cartoons; presentations on the topic;
- an exhibition of books, drawings, an exhibition of creative works of parents and children.
Necessary conditions for the implementation of the project:
- interest of parents and children;
- methodological developments.

Relevance: Kindness is an inner feeling of a person. People who do good deeds are magic to us all. There are people who are ready to do good deeds both day and night.
Children are our flowers, but these flowers often do not notice how they offended each other, created some conflict situation and they can't solve it. Our project is aimed at forming friendly relationships between children, respect for one's neighbor, and providing assistance. Teach children to evaluate their actions and the actions of others.
Project motto: Do good and it will come back to you.
Tasks for working with parents:
- To interest parents in the upbringing and formation of the moral culture of children;
- Increase the competence of parents on the topic of the project week;

Invite families to participate in educational process based on pedagogical cooperation.
- Consultations for parents on the topic of the week.

During the week, work was carried out in the garden in five educational areas:
Cognitive development: Conversations: Conversation with looking at illustrations on the topics: “My grandma”, “My mother”, “What am I?”, “What is goodness, kindness?”,

“How do I help my mother?”, “Why help the birds?”, “What does it mean: “Life is given for good deeds”?”
Speech development: Compilation descriptive story
“The bird is not big”, “How can I help a friend?”, “Day of Good Deeds”.
Creative storytelling for children on the topics “A day off in my family”, “My loved ones”, “Our journey”, “The world of family hobbies”, “How I help at home”, stories based on the paintings “My family”, “My good deeds”.
Didactic games: “Collect a picture”, “Say: which one?”, “What is good, what is bad”, “Complete the sentence”, “Complete the drawing” - game viewer”; "Tell sweet Nothing to a friend"; "Polite words."

Social and communicative development: Learning rhymes and little rhymes.

- S. Mikhalkov “Bird's Dining Room”;
- V. Bianchi “Sinichkin’s calendar.”
- “Friendship” (Pakistani folk tales)
- “A Tale of Goodness”
- Russian folk tales
Artistic and aesthetic development: Didactic games: “Collect a picture”, “Say: which one?”, “Complete the sentence”, etc.
Application from leaves “Owl – wise head”
“Applique on a plate” - “My mommy!”
“Bullfinches”, “Titmouse” - applique with cereals.
“Bullfinch and Titmouse” - work with crumpled paper, cotton wool, gouache.

“Matryoshkas and diapers” - modeling from salt dough for children middle group.

“Cookies in the oven” - baking cookies - treats for junior group.
“Bird feeders” - making feeders.

“Dobro - Darlings” - work with fabric (together with parents)

“My self-portrait” - gouache painting.
Design of the “Tree of Kindness” with children’s statements about kindness.
Learning the song: “The Road of Goodness.”

Physical development: Finger games: "Woodpecker"; "Feeders"; "Birds."
Gymnastics after sleep: “To be healthy”, “Pigeons”.
Outdoor games: “Sparrow and car”, “Migration of birds”, “Birds in nests”, “Owl - owl”.

During the implementation of the project “Kindness will save the world!!!” expected results were achieved:
- we have enriched the experience of children in the field moral education by using different methods and techniques;
- replenished lexicon children;
- throughout the entire project, the children developed a desire to good deeds and actions, we learned to draw simple conclusions, to see not only in others, but also the most important good and bad in ourselves; answered independently main question: “Is it possible to make it so that goodness can be given every day?”
We prepared booklets and presented them to the kindergarten students: “Rules of kind and polite deeds.”

Project presentation:
Photo exhibition “Our good deeds”;
The children of the younger group were given suns (made with their own hands),
on which polite words were written.

Children in the middle group were taught to make dolls - amulets made of fabric.

We played a game with them: “Stream”.

For babies nursery group, my parents baked “Birds” cookies and we treated them to them.

Together with my parents, I made bird feeders.
We made and presented owls to the garden workers as a sign of respect and wisdom.

Our help to our nanny...

Tree of good deeds for the group's students.