I'm afraid of getting chickenpox during pregnancy. Chickenpox during pregnancy. Severe consequences of childhood illness

Chicken pox among the population is considered a childhood disease, because most often it affects children kindergarten age.

But it also happens that a child does not suffer from chickenpox and encounters the pathology as an adult. Then the disease progresses severely and even with complications.

Girls and women may be interested in the question of whether chickenpox is dangerous for pregnant women, what can happen to the child, what treatment methods exist for mothers.

Why do pregnant women get chickenpox?

The risk of developing chickenpox in a pregnant woman increases if childhood she managed to avoid infection. And if a pregnant woman comes into contact with someone who has chickenpox or/or shingles, the communication will lead to infection.

You should also know that if a girl had chickenpox in childhood, she may experience it again. After conception, the body weakens and becomes more susceptible to pathogenic agents. Therefore, when registering, a gynecologist may suggest that a woman be tested for antibodies to herpes (VO is caused by type 3 herpes simplex virus).

In addition to a decrease in general immunity, the cause of chickenpox infection during pregnancy can be a mutation in the properties of the pathogen. Antibodies are present in the body of the expectant mother, but due to specific changes in HSV-3, they lose their ability to neutralize the harmful strain and become useless.

Carrying a fetus does not aggravate the course of the disease and does not cause differences in clinical signs. Will the virus be dangerous for developing child and how high the likelihood of a threat is depends on the gestational age at which the infection occurred.

Chickenpox spreads quickly through the air and increases the risk of infection when a pregnant woman is in the same room as a sick adult or child. A woman should avoid contagious environments, since one in 2 thousand expectant mothers suffers from chickenpox during pregnancy. Moreover, 50% of people experience recurrent chickenpox the specified number female patients.

The danger of chickenpox at different stages of gestation

Clinical features chicken pox pregnant women do not have. In adult women, and men too, chickenpox is always severe and creates the preconditions for. It is undesirable for expectant mothers, whose weakened immunity easily catches the disease, to get chickenpox.

How chickenpox will affect the course of pregnancy is difficult to predict with a 100% guarantee. According to the observations of doctors, in some women the symptoms of chickenpox were complicated by chickenpox pneumonia and pathologies of various organs and systems.

When a woman gets chickenpox and is registered as pregnant early stages, this may pose a danger to the unborn child. In the first 12 weeks from conception, the formation of children's organs occurs, and the placenta remains unformed and is unable to fully protect the inhabitant of the mother's womb from infections. In the 1st trimester, the fetus is rarely affected by the virus.

But if intrauterine chickenpox could not be avoided, the consequences of the event will be the most tragic:

  • Frozen pregnancy.
  • Spontaneous miscarriage.
  • The death of a mature fetus is closer to birth.
  • Hypoplasia of the upper/lower extremities.
  • Cataracts or underdevelopment of the eyeballs.
  • Pathological changes in organs and tissues affected by herpes during onset.

A woman can find out about the adverse development of pregnancy associated with chickenpox infection by ultrasound in the 2nd trimester. If fetal abnormalities incompatible with life are detected, the pregnancy is forcibly terminated.

In the 2nd trimester, the fetus is already well protected by the placenta. Infection with chickenpox is rare, even if expectant mother is seriously ill. From 20 to 36 weeks of pregnancy intrauterine infection rarely develops.

The danger of chickenpox increases in the 3rd trimester as labor approaches (from 37 weeks). The woman’s immunity to the virus is still weakened, and the child becomes infected either on the eve of childbirth or during the birth process. A newborn can become infected with chickenpox from the mother in the first few days after birth. Then chickenpox is diagnosed as congenital with severe damage to the skin and mucous tissues, the central nervous system and internal organs.


The consequences of chickenpox for the mother

Statistics show that in 10 out of a hundred cases, the consequence of chickenpox during pregnancy is pneumonia. Occasionally, viral pneumonia ends in death or chickenpox leads to the development of pathologies such as:

Atypical consequences of chickenpox include ataxia (incoordination of movements) and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

Women who have:

  • Bleeding from the genitals.
  • Excessive rashes on the body.
  • Chest pain.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Dizziness and vomiting.
  • Severe skin irritation and bloody rash.

To alleviate the condition of chickenpox during pregnancy, patients are prescribed for internal use and antiseptics for external treatment of the skin - brilliant green, Fukortsin, Calamine lotion. Antihistamine antipruritic drugs are prescribed locally or orally in tablet or gel forms (Fenistil, Suprastin).

Prevention of chickenpox in women who are preparing to become mothers

Knowing what troubles chickenpox can cause, expectant mothers should minimize contact with sick people of any age and other pregnant women to prevent mutual infection. But what to do if pregnancy and chickenpox coincide in an older child?

If the baby has not yet had chickenpox and goes to kindergarten, or is a member of another group, the expectant mother must be administered a drug with immunoglobulin.

The best and most correct thing for a woman to do is to protect herself from the virus when planning a family. The husband and wife jointly undergo a full examination, during which the woman must donate blood for antibodies to chickenpox. If they are absent, the doctor suggests doing a prophylactic and waiting 3 months. During this time, immunity will be formed, then you can think about conceiving offspring.

Chickenpox vaccine is not administered to pregnant women. An option for their protection is ready-made antiviral antibodies in the form of immunoglobulin.


Why is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women?? This depends on many factors. Naturally, if a pregnant woman has already had chickenpox before, then she develops a stable immunity, so she has nothing to worry about. According to statistics, about 90 percent of the adult population suffered from chickenpox in childhood, and therefore have immunity to the disease. Very few women become infected with chickenpox during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman gets chickenpox, then this infection can have an extremely negative impact on the unborn child.

For pregnant girls, the danger of contracting this disease is as follows: in 15 percent of cases, pneumonia also develops against the background of chicken pox, which poses a great danger to women's health(the disease can even threaten the life of the woman in labor). This complication in pregnant women is closely associated with the risk of premature birth. The highest likelihood of pneumonia occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. By the way, smoking greatly increases this risk.

Chickenpox in pregnant women: the 2nd trimester is characterized by that during this period a woman is at low risk (1.5 percent) of giving birth to a baby with congenital chickenpox syndrome. When infected between the thirteenth and twentieth weeks, this risk increases to three to five percent. Congenital chickenpox syndrome is characterized by birth defects in the newborn such as skin scars, deformed limbs, a very small head, and vision problems. In addition, such children develop poorly in the mother's womb; they often suffer from seizures, and also have some mental and physical abnormalities in their development. Chickenpox infection increases the risk of fetal death in the womb or miscarriage.

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If a pregnant woman experiences chickenpox at the beginning of the third trimester, then nothing will happen to the unborn baby. Approximately five days after infection, female body produces antibodies to the infection, after which it transmits them to the fetus through the placenta, thereby providing protection to the child (the immune, undeveloped system of the future baby is not yet able to provide adequate protection). Most dangerous period during pregnancy, for infection with chickenpox is the last five days before childbirth and two days after it. Because in this case, the baby is exposed to the virus, but he does not have time to receive maternal antibodies. In thirty percent of cases, the child gets neonatal chickenpox, which is dangerous to the health of the newborn and even his life if the disease is not treated in time.

Chickenpox - symptoms in pregnant women.

The incubation period of this disease and the appearance of its first symptoms takes from 10 to 21 days, but often symptoms appear on the fourteenth to sixteenth day. A pregnant woman may feel similar to the flu (this refers to increased temperature and fever), after some time a frequent, itchy rash begins to appear on the body. At first, the rashes appear as red, small blisters, they grow, and then dry out and become covered with scabs (crust). Most likely, the rash will initially be noticed on the stomach, face, chest, and then it will gradually spread to other parts of the body. A pregnant woman will remain contagious until all the rashes are crusted over.

Chickenpox in pregnant women – Komarovsky.

If a pregnant woman begins to feel the symptoms of this disease, she should immediately go to the infectious diseases department or consult her doctor. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky advises in this case to take an antiviral medicine called Acyclovir. If, at the same time as chickenpox, a pregnant woman also develops symptoms of pneumonia (such as difficulty breathing, fever, cough or rapid breathing), then she should immediately go to the hospital, since the woman’s condition may deteriorate sharply. With more severe symptoms If you experience severe chest pain or the inability to breathe normally, you need to call an ambulance.

Chickenpox in pregnant women - prevention of infection.

Chickenpox in pregnant women should be prevented. Prevention of the disease is best done during pregnancy planning. First of all, the girl must be examined for the presence of antibodies in her body, since during pregnancy you cannot be vaccinated against all kinds of viruses. Frequent contact with children should be avoided, as they carry many diseases. When pregnant, it is not recommended to spend a lot of time with other people's babies. If a pregnant woman had to communicate with a person infected with chickenpox, she urgently needs to find out if she has antibodies to this virus in her body. If they are not detected, then an immunoglobulin injection must be given. An intramuscular injection must be given no later than the 96th day after contact.

The female body during the period of expectation of a child is particularly susceptible to various diseases. Any health problems can have negative consequences for the expectant mother and her long-awaited baby. Thus, ordinary chickenpox during pregnancy can provoke the development of intrauterine deformities of the fetus or even premature birth in the early stages (miscarriage). How to protect yourself from such a disaster and why is the simplest childhood disease dangerous for a woman in an interesting situation?

Characteristic signs

Chickenpox is a disease that primarily affects young children. As a rule, children calmly tolerate an unpleasant illness, quickly recover from illness and develop permanent immunity that lasts for life (with rare exceptions). TO characteristic symptoms diseases can be classified as:

  • moderately elevated body temperature (from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees);
  • itching preceding skin rashes;
  • general malaise(apathy, weakness, desire to sleep rather than stay awake);
  • a rash that crusts over time.

The virus is transmitted from person to person (regardless of age) by airborne droplets, even over a fairly considerable distance. Unfortunately, adults often suffer from chickenpox very seriously, with significant complications.

Illness in the first trimester

So, why is chickenpox dangerous during pregnancy? First of all, it is worth noting that the disease does not always have a detrimental effect on the fetus - there is a fairly high percentage of cases when a woman successfully endures the disease, without harm to her unborn child. However, if the flooring disease occurs at the very beginning or at the end of the pregnancy period, it can be dangerous.

First, let's talk about the difficulties in initial stage provokes chickenpox during pregnancy. The 1st trimester is characterized by the formation of all the vital organs of the child, so the impact of the virus can be detrimental. The most sad consequences of the illness include:

  • fetal death;
  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • damage to the central nervous system and the development of neurological diseases;
  • fetal limb hyperplasia;
  • vision problems;
  • defects skin.

Most of the unpleasant consequences of the disease can be detected from the twentieth week of the child’s development in the womb through an ultrasound procedure ( ultrasonography). If severe pathologies are detected, the gynecologist may recommend terminating the pregnancy. You should know that adequate treatment, started on time, can significantly reduce possible risks and avoid the most unpleasant consequences.

Illness in the second trimester

Chickenpox during pregnancy is most easily tolerated in the second trimester. The thing is that the baby is already reliably protected by the placenta, which means the risk of infection is negligible. Infection of the fetus can occur in approximately one case in a hundred, and if this happens, the consequences may be as follows:

  • lung diseases;
  • scars on the skin;
  • blurred vision;
  • dysfunction of the urethra.

At this stage, the virus no longer provokes fetal death and does not lead to spontaneous birth.

Illness in the third trimester

What else is dangerous about chickenpox during pregnancy? The 3rd trimester (up to 36 weeks) is also a very quiet period - risk negative consequences at this time is minimal. However last month very dangerous, since the virus can easily infect a child. According to statistics, approximately every second baby in this case becomes infected, and every fifth is born with congenital chickenpox. The infant’s body has a hard time suffering from the disease, which can result in complications such as pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.

Preventive measures

Chickenpox during pregnancy is an unpleasant and dangerous condition; do not tempt fate and try to prevent infection. To do this, be sure to undergo appropriate research at the planning stage for your baby. You will need to take a blood test to detect the presence of antibodies to the virus. Similar procedures should be done if you did not suffer from the disease in childhood. In the absence of antibodies, it is imperative to get vaccinated, and only three months after it, begin active steps to conceive. An additional examination will not be superfluous for women even if you have already had chickenpox - despite immunity, cases of re-infection are known. This is explained by a mutation of the virus or a significant decrease in the immunity of pregnant women.

How to avoid getting infected with the virus without vaccination?

Let us remind you once again that chickenpox during pregnancy is transmitted by airborne droplets. All you have to do is stand next to an infected person to catch the virus. You can minimize risks by avoiding visiting places with large crowds of people. Additionally, it should be remembered that the main carriers of the disease are young children (mostly kindergarten age). Chickenpox has one more feature that is not known to everyone. You should avoid contact not only with people with this disease, but also with those who suffer from shingles - both diseases have the same pathogen.

Pregnancy and chickenpox in a child

Quite often it happens that when having a second baby, young mothers do not evaluate all the possible risks. What to do if your older child brought this disease from kindergarten, and you didn’t have chickenpox as a child and didn’t bother with the issue of vaccination?

First of all, try to strengthen your immunity and eliminate additional risk factors. Among them bad habits and lack of regular sleep. You should definitely spend more time on fresh air, ventilate the apartment and reduce close contact with the child as much as possible - entrust the care of him to your parents or husband.

Form proper diet nutrition, add as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Eliminate stressful situations, allow yourself nap and regular rest. To strengthen your body, do special exercises physical exercise for expectant mothers. Such measures will help increase immunity and make it easier to cope with the disease in case of infection.


Chickenpox during pregnancy is treated with fairly standard methods. It is recommended to reduce intense fever with the help of approved antipyretic drugs, for example, with the help of the drug "Paracetamol". All other prescriptions are aimed at relieving symptoms. Thus, it is recommended to treat the rash with ordinary brilliant green, and formations in the genital area or oral cavity - with the help of special oral antiseptics. Try to limit as much as possible water treatments, make sure that water does not get on the rash. In case of painful itching, try dissolving a Validol tablet in water and treating the rash with it.

Chickenpox in early pregnancy can be treated with the drug Acyclovir, but after the twentieth week it is not recommended to take this drug.

Remember that any treatment must be approved by a gynecologist. Do not try to deal with the problem yourself - this can lead to serious complications.

Illness and breastfeeding

Now you know how chickenpox is dangerous during pregnancy. The 1st trimester and the end of the baby's waiting period are periods when you should take maximum care of yourself. After the birth of a baby, the course of the viral disease in the mother is the same as in most adults. However, the child breastfeeding can easily catch the virus. Be sure to consult your doctor about prevention methods to rule this out. If your baby has any symptoms of illness, seek medical attention immediately. professional help see a pediatrician.

A few final words

These are the dangers of chickenpox during pregnancy. The consequences of the disease are quite serious - not so much for the mother, but for the unborn baby. Serious malformations, deformities and pathologies, miscarriage and fetal death - all this can be avoided. Take your health and the life of your child seriously. Screenings and vaccinations can prevent many problems in the future. Be healthy!

Chickenpox during pregnancy occurs if a woman did not have this disease in childhood. Immunity weakens during pregnancy, and the likelihood of becoming infected with the herpes virus increases several times. Next, we will consider whether chickenpox is dangerous for pregnant women, whether there is a risk to the fetus, as well as methods of treatment and prevention.

Chickenpox during pregnancy has a typical course. However, with low immunity of the expectant mother, the disease can be severe and accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. After the incubation period, pink blisters appear on the skin. At first, their number varies from 2 to 5, then they spread over the surface of the entire body in a few hours, including the face, abdomen, scalp and even mucous membranes.
  2. Skin rashes are accompanied by severe itching.
  3. Since your own immunity begins to fight the herpes virus, the temperature rises, sometimes very high (above 38 degrees). This condition is dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the child.
  4. Among common symptoms highlight the appearance of weakness, loss of appetite.

The clinical picture of chickenpox is quite clear, so when visiting a doctor there is rarely any doubt about the diagnosis.

What does chickenpox mean for pregnant women?

Chickenpox in pregnant women occurs in the same way as in other people infected as adults. But since the immune defense weakens during this period, the risk of complications increases several times.

The danger is that the Varicella Zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, does not leave the body even after treatment, and hidden form remains in the blood and nerve fibers. Therefore, even after some time, complications such as herpes zoster, encephalitis, and pneumonia arise.

Chickenpox is also dangerous for pregnant women because the cardiovascular system is also at risk, since herpes also affects it. The strain of the virus affects the skeletal system and may contribute to the development of arthritis.

Why is chickenpox dangerous for the fetus?

If a pregnant woman gets chickenpox, the degree of danger to the baby depends on the stage of pregnancy.

The risks are greatest in the first and third trimester.

The condition of the fetus and placenta is still unstable, so the threat of miscarriage during this period is very high. Also, in the first months of gestation, all vital organs and systems are formed, so their deformation may occur, the child will be born with various abnormalities, sometimes even incompatible with life.

In the second trimester, the risks for the baby are minimal; in the womb he is protected by the formed placenta. At this stage, after the 20th week, it is advisable to collect cord blood from the baby and amniotic fluid to determine chromosomal and other anomalies.

On later During pregnancy and immediately before childbirth, chickenpox is most dangerous for the child, as infection can occur when passing through the birth canal. The virus penetrates the placenta, and the baby is born with congenital chickenpox. The disease must be cured before childbirth.

Despite the fact that chickenpox in a pregnant woman can be transmitted to the unborn child through the placenta and affect its development, this condition is not absolute medical indication to terminate a pregnancy.

Treatment during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman gets chickenpox, treatment is carried out according to the general scheme, only using drugs that are not contraindicated when carrying a child.

To suppress the herpes virus, take Acyclovir according to the regimen prescribed by the gynecologist. The drug is allowed for pregnant women, is not harmful to the fetus. To relieve itching, medications are prescribed, for example, Suprastin, Zyrtec, Diazolin, etc.

External treatment of the bubbles is carried out with antiseptics. This will help protect against bacterial infection. Zelenka, Fukortsin (its analogue, only Pink colour), Miramistin, Calamine. To maintain immunity and more quickly suppress the virus, pregnant women are administered a specific immunoglobulin.

Concerning general recommendations when infected with chicken pox, to the expectant mother must be ensured bed rest change your sleepwear frequently and bed sheets. Walking outside should be delayed until complete recovery, but be sure to frequently ventilate the room in which the patient is located.

You can wash yourself during the active stage of the disease, but you should not rub the skin with a hard washcloth. After a shower, it is imperative to treat rashes with antiseptics.

Chickenpox and pregnancy: prevention

If a woman knows that she did not have chickenpox as a child, she should take action before conception. To do this, you need to be vaccinated against this disease. Vaccination is 100% effective. If you have already been vaccinated in the past, you should be vaccinated again at the stage of pregnancy planning.

The vaccine is contraindicated during pregnancy.

If there was contact with a sick person

If a pregnant woman has been in contact with someone infected with chickenpox, then the likelihood that the virus will be transmitted to her is almost one hundred percent. This does not even require close contact; you can become infected at a distance of several meters, since the chickenpox virus is very “volatile”.

In this case, an emergency injection of immunoglobulin will help protect you. It does not guarantee that infection will not occur at all, but it will reduce the risk of complications for the expectant mother and her child.

Chickenpox is also scary because a woman may not even know that she is in contact with a sick person, because smallpox is contagious already at the incubation stage, even before the first symptoms appear. Therefore, during pregnancy it is advisable to avoid crowded places.

If there are infected people in the family

In a situation where the eldest child or husband in the family already has chickenpox, it is almost impossible for a pregnant woman to protect herself from infection. However, you can act as follows to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  1. Inject immunoglobulin.
  2. Take other immunomodulators.
  3. Do not share dishes or other household items.
  4. Try to provide patients with a separate room.

Chickenpox during pregnancy is dangerous condition. The disease affects the child more than the mother. The presence of complications depends on how timely and comprehensive treatment was undertaken.

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Pregnancy and chickenpox - this combination frightens many women. What to do? This article discusses the answers to the questions of whether chickenpox is dangerous during pregnancy, how it affects viral infection on developing fetus and the mother's body.

Danger to the fetus

Small rash all over the body, bursting blisters, elevated temperature body, (37.5 - 38, 50C), itching, general malaise, intoxication of the body - these are symptoms of chickenpox caused by the herpes virus type 3.

Can pregnant women get chickenpox? They can. Pregnant women have a weakened immune system, so infection with this virus can lead to illness for both the mother and the fetus. A special risk group is represented by expectant mothers (5-6%), who have never been sick and have not been vaccinated. Causes of the disease:

    decreased general immunity, accompanying pregnancy;

    virus mutation, which can lead to a failure of natural immunity.

The route of infection is airborne, and viral particles can travel considerable distances with air currents, maintaining the ability to become infected for 10 minutes. Human susceptibility to chickenpox is very high, almost 100%. The source of infection is patients (the day before the rash appears and until complete recovery). It is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman to encounter these viruses at the beginning and end of pregnancy.

1st trimester

The first trimester is critical - the laying of all tissues and vital organs occurs. The placenta is not yet formed during this period. Therefore, the penetration of the virus into the body causes severe pathologies:

    hyperplasia, disruption of the formation of fast-growing tissues - muscle, connective;

    organ deformities, underdevelopment of arms and legs, body disproportion;

    damage to the visual and central nervous system;

    violation of the structure of the skin.

The degree of complications depends on the duration of infection of the body. Intrauterine infection of the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to its death, spontaneous miscarriage. But, despite the high risk of complications, in most cases children are born without pathology, but with congenital chickenpox. In case of severe consequences for the fetus, artificial termination of pregnancy is possible.

2nd trimester

In the second trimester, the probability of infection of the child from the mother is low - the formed placenta quite reliably protects children's body from the penetration of viruses. Medical statistics show that one fetus in a hundred can become infected during this period, and the consequences will be less tragic. The child may develop:

    pulmonary diseases;

    visual impairment associated with underdevelopment of the optic nerve or eyeball (anophthalmia, microphthalmia);

    dysfunction of the excretory system;

    deviations in physical development;

    skin scars or lack of skin epithelium in some areas of the body.

Possible brain damage with signs of mental retardation and neurological symptoms. But deaths are rare.

3rd trimester

The beginning of the 3rd trimester is calmer. During this period, chickenpox is more dangerous for the mother's body than for the fetus. At 7 or 8 months, the child’s body continues to be protected by the barrier function of the placenta, which does not allow viruses to pass through. And a threat to the fetus can occur immediately before childbirth, starting from the 36th week - the period of possible onset of labor.

Congenital chickenpox

If the infection occurred a week or two before birth, then the likelihood of intrauterine infection is reduced, and there are practically no deaths. If a woman gets chickenpox a few days before giving birth, her body does not have time to produce the antibodies necessary to fight the infection. This increases the chance of infection to 20%, and about 30% of newborns may die.

In a newborn

Congenital chickenpox is dangerous for the baby, because its own immunity is still weak, so complications can be very serious:

    the skin and mucous membranes are affected;

    suffers nervous system, internal organs;

    Encephalitis, pneumonia, and atypical hemorrhagic form often develop.

Innate immunity to chickenpox in newborns depends on immunoglobulin transmitted in utero, then through breast milk. Retains its effectiveness for 6 – 12 months.

But, despite such forecasts, the use of the “passive immunization” method minimizes the death of newborns.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to have contact with someone with chickenpox?

Chickenpox during pregnancy is dangerous for both mother and baby.

The cause of primary infection with the virus may be shingles, which exhibits the symptoms of chickenpox.

Therefore, it is better to prevent infection than to regret later about a lost baby or lost health. The child they are expecting is happy and healthy, which means they are planning a pregnancy.

Before the planned conception, it is necessary to undergo a full examination, take blood tests, check the titer of antibodies to the viral group, and be vaccinated (if the vaccination period is missed or it was not carried out at all). At least two to three months must pass from the moment of vaccination until subsequent conception.

Remember - chickenpox vaccinations are not given during pregnancy.

Contact with a sick child can result in trouble for a pregnant woman. Even with your own. He, just like other children, can “pick up” the virus in kindergarten or school and bring it home. Therefore, no matter what the attachment and mother's love, to preserve the health of the fetus and your own, During pregnancy, you need to limit contact with sick children. Avoid crowds of people in public places, attending children's events.

If a pregnant woman comes into contact with a sick child, no later than on the fourth day, it is advisable to give an injection of immunoglobulin. This drug, obtained from a donor's blood, contains specific protein substances - antibodies to the Varicella Zoster virus, which helps protect against infection.

Why is it dangerous for the mother?

Chickenpox in pregnant women is not so common: only one in 1000 women is at risk of becoming infected.

Chickenpox is dangerous not so much for pregnant women as for the child. And it doesn’t matter whether the mother’s whole body is covered in bubbles, or there are only a few dozen of them, the danger to the developing fetus is equally great. In pregnant women, the disease occurs in the same way as in other adults.

It all starts with infection. Incubation period can last up to 20 weeks. Then characteristic clinical signs appear:

    there is an increase in temperature (symptoms are similar to a common cold);

    your health worsens, headaches bother you;

    appetite is impaired, nausea may occur;

    after a couple of days, rashes appear on the scalp;

    spots spread throughout the body, transforming into vesicles - bubbles filled with clear liquid;

    temperature rises to 39 C;

    muscle and joint pain appears.

The rash appears in waves - old blisters burst and dry out, forming a crust. New spots and blisters appear on clean areas of the skin. Severe itching causes an irresistible desire to scratch the body. But this should not be done under any circumstances, so as not to spread the infection into the deeper layers of the skin. Inflammation of scratched wounds leads to the formation of scars.


Due to reduced immunity, the disease in pregnant women is severe. An atypical course of infection is often observed:

    the hemorrhagic form is accompanied by hemorrhages, nosebleeds;

    gangrenous chickenpox leads to the formation of non-healing ulcers;

    the generalized form causes damage to the skin and internal organs;

    herpetic pneumonia is characterized by respiratory failure and hypoxia.

All these forms require immediate medical care, to avoid death. For a mother whose immunity is greatly reduced, chickenpox is dangerous because it can cause:

    encephalitis (inflammation of the brain);

    pathology of the organs of vision, damage to the optic nerve,

    myocarditis (inflammation of the myocardium - heart muscle);

    glomerulonephritis– damage to the renal glomeruli;

    articular anomalies.

Chickenpox during pregnancy is not as dangerous as you might think based on numerous myths and rumors. But this does not mean that the disease should be ignored. If an infection does occur during pregnancy, you should immediately seek help from your doctor. This will help protect the child’s body from complications and negative consequences.