Basic and main rules of breastfeeding an infant. When should you not breastfeed? How often to feed your newborn breast milk

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The issue of feeding newborn babies worries many pregnant girls and new mothers. Women should know how to feed their newborn baby correctly and not harm it.

Pediatricians from the World Health Organization are unanimous in their opinion that baby food for newborns should consist only of mother's milk. Nature took care of children and endowed every mother with the opportunity to give her baby healthy and nutritious food that replenishes the body with all the necessary vitamins.

After the birth of a child, the mother may experience various unforeseen situations when breastfeeding will be impossible. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right specially adapted mixture for the baby. Experts advise buying and choosing a breast milk substitute based on individual characteristics and preferences of the baby.

Breastfeeding is not only a physiological meal, we can say that it is a responsible and pleasant moment when the closest people communicate with each other as closely as possible. For women, the time of feeding newborns will remain in the memory for a long time and will be a warm memory. In these happy moments there is a certain birth mother's love, tenderness, warmth, which is so important for a little baby.

Procedure for feeding a newborn baby

To learn how to properly feed a newborn baby, you need to listen to doctors who teach these skills to young mothers. The entire process of feeding infants should be comfortable and convenient; it should be treated with warm feelings and positive emotions.

After the birth of the baby, if possible, the first feeding infant must be carried out in the delivery room in the first minutes of his life. The baby may not immediately want to eat, but the immediate process of breastfeeding will give the young mother many positive and pleasant emotions.

Today, in many maternity hospitals, it is widely practiced for the child and mother to stay together. If there are no contraindications, then the baby is with the mother from the first minutes of life, rarely when the baby is brought to the mother on the 2nd day. Therefore, during your stay within the walls of the maternity hospital, you can learn and learn how to properly feed an infant breast milk. The first meals of the baby will be difficult and many mothers worry that their beloved children eat small portions. But don’t worry in advance, because later the baby will definitely eat the missing amount.

New mothers have to worry and worry more about comfortable positions for feeding infants, because it depends on them how fully the baby eats.

Infant feeding regimen

Pediatricians from the World Health Organization were unable to reach a consensus and determine the optimal diet for a newborn baby. Some were clearly convinced that breastfeeding was necessary at strictly defined hours. Another part came to the conclusion that children need to be fed on demand. If you look from the mother's point of view, then it will be convenient for her to feed her baby according to a schedule, for example, every 2 - 3 hours. But it is better for the child if the mother feeds him according to his physiological needs.

If we talk about adults, then if they follow the regime, they can go to the kitchen and have a small snack when they feel hungry. Therefore, why torture your baby and feed him strictly according to the schedule if his body requires otherwise. Each person has his own individual needs and characteristics, this also applies to newborn children. As practice shows, some children like to suck mother's milk for a long time and slowly, while others prefer to eat quickly.

The feeding regimen of an infant will change, because every month it will develop and only closer to the age of one year will the regimen more or less improve. In most cases, young mothers worry that their beloved children do not receive the required amount of milk. But among doctors there is no consensus on how much a newborn baby should eat. Feeding an infant occurs on an intuitive level.

Nutrition for newborn babies

Sometimes there are cases when a mother’s breast milk may suddenly disappear, so you should think about buying a special adapted mixture. Of course, the best baby food for newborn babies is mother's milk, but it is not always possible to breastfeed. Doctors have determined for themselves the only scheme and formula for calculating the required amount of nutrition for a newborn baby.

The daily norm of an adapted formula is calculated as follows: the number of days of a child’s life multiplied by 70.

This indicator can be used if birth weight was less than 3 kg 200 g. If the child’s weight at birth was more than 3 kg 200 g, then the number of days the child has lived should be multiplied by 80.

The resulting figure must be divided by the approximate number of feedings per day and the final result will be the volume of milk that a newborn should eat at one feeding.

But you should not blindly trust such calculations and assume that this is the only correct formula, because everyone little man– this is individuality. AND daily norm is selected on a strictly individual basis. The formula presented above is excellent for determining the required amount of the finished mixture. Many famous manufacturers indicate on boxes or jars of baby food sample menu and volume of feedings.

Every mother should remember that if her child is fed an artificial formula, then the “on demand” regimen is not suitable for him. In this case, you need to adhere to the daily routine. Newborn babies should be fed from a special bottle at least once - 2 times every three hours.

Does a newborn need water?

This question worries many young mothers today. Children's pediatricians do not agree on a single opinion and each offers their own option and solution to such a difficult issue. But as statistics show, most doctors still believe that there is no need to supplement newborn babies and artificial babies with additional water.

For a baby who is fed breast milk, it is quite enough nutrients, and it doesn't need liquid. If it is a stuffy and hot summer outside, you need to add a little water to it. But you shouldn't abuse it. After all, the amount of milk produced by the mother directly depends on the frequency of breastfeeding. And the additional liquid will take up a lot of space in the stomach, which was originally intended for milk.

Baby nutrition by month

Every mother wants her child to grow up strong, healthy and smart. The main source of excellent health is proper and good nutrition. Young parents should definitely take care of the optimal diet in order to choose the best option feeding for a newborn baby.

Even before the birth of a child, expectant mothers ask at routine appointments with the doctor, “what food is best for newborns?” The answer they often receive is that apart from breast milk there should be no additional liquids, for example, baby tea and water. In the first days after childbirth, a young mother develops a small amount of colostrum, which is considered very useful for normalizing the intestines and gastrointestinal tract baby. Mother's colostrum can protect a newly born baby from various infections and develop immunity.

In such a difficult and at the same time joyful period, every mother is obliged to devote all her attention to organization and planning. proper nutrition baby. It is necessary to take into account the needs of the child and feed him on demand. The more a mother puts her baby to her breast, the more milk she will produce. Timely feeding of newborns at night is important.

Feeding infants at 2 months is practically no different from the previous regimen. A 2 month old baby should drink breast milk. Very often, mothers begin to unreasonably worry that their baby at 2 months is not eating enough or that the milk is not very fatty. To dispel all fears and worries about this, it is necessary to conduct an experiment and analyze wet diapers.

Mothers who are breastfeeding should stick to a diet and not indulge in excess. While the baby is 2 months old, the mother should not eat spicy, peppery, fatty, red and many other foods. You should avoid foods that may have a negative effect on your general health 2 month old baby.

Just as at 2 months, the 3rd month of the baby’s life does not change and remains the same. Most often, women may experience a lactation crisis during this period. Almost half of mothers make the wrong decision and transfer their 2-3 one month old baby to artificial or mixed nutrition. But there is a way out of this situation. It is necessary to put the baby to the breast as often as possible and over time any lactation crisis will pass.

The diet at 4 months begins with some changes. If the mother sees that her child is ready for innovations in nutrition, then you can occasionally give a few drops of pure or diluted apple juice.

Pediatricians and doctors from the World Health Organization recommend using green apple or pear juice. No other foods or fruits should be introduced at this age. If your baby has problems with bowel movements or allergic rashes, then you should wait a while before starting complementary feeding.

At the age of 5 months, some mothers want to quickly start feeding their baby food from common table, justifying this by the fact that it will grow faster. But such a statement is erroneous and completely incorrect. At her next check-up at the doctor's office, every mother should be consulted about introducing complementary foods. Today, doctors from the World Health Organization do not recommend starting to introduce complementary foods to infants before 6 months. If children's pediatrician did not reveal developmental problems, disorders of the digestive tract and allowed the gradual introduction of new foods into the diet, then at the first stage these may be fruit juices or finely ground puree of uniform consistency.

When introducing a new product into the diet for the first time, you should closely monitor the baby and the reaction of his body. If there are no problems, it means that such complementary foods can be safely offered to him for lunch.

After 6 months, all recommendations and rules for introducing complementary foods should be prescribed only by the attending physician. He will provide detailed and informative advice on all sorts of issues. Each mother can independently familiarize herself with the existing feeding tables in the pediatrician’s office, ask questions and immediately get answers to them.

Each new product introduced into the diet should be given in a minimum dosage. After adaptation period, the norm can be gradually increased. A child's stomach and intestinal tract will be fully formed and strengthened only by the age of one year. Therefore, you should carefully consider baby food and monitor the amount of food you eat. After six months, you can gradually introduce various porridges and cereals. Some mothers decide to buy them in pharmacies. This is of course convenient and fast, but do not forget that home-cooked food will always be healthier than instant porridge.

To please your little one, you need to take buckwheat or rice groats and grind them thoroughly into flour. Only after this process can it be subjected to heat treatment. The same goes for fruit and vegetable purees. They can be prepared at home from fresh ingredients.

Many pediatricians and doctors at children's clinics recommend that mothers and relatives of babies not experiment with complementary feeding or engage in amateur activities. Children's body will not tolerate various experiments and may fail at any moment. Long-term treatment and recovery normal operation the gastrointestinal tract has never benefited anyone.

How do you know if your baby is getting enough breast milk?

When the baby feeds from a bottle, mothers can control the feeding process of the amount of milk consumed. But what to do when the baby is breastfed? To determine whether your child is full, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. You can count the quantity wet diapers or diapers. It is best, of course, to use diapers, because they will most objectively show the result. A baby who eats enough breast milk should go small about 8 times a day, and even more, if less than 2 times, the alarm should be sounded.
  2. The mother should carefully examine the baby's stool. A granular, uniform yellow structure is considered normal.
  3. Green stool in a baby can tell parents that lactose deficiency is occurring in the body. In this case, you should seek help from your pediatrician.
  4. Analyze the baby's behavior during feeding. After eating, the child should behave calmly, give up the breast himself, or even fall asleep. This sign directly indicates satiety and complete satisfaction. If the baby is capricious and very often demands the breast, then he does not get enough. With this question, you should seek advice from breastfeeding specialists.

Useful video on how to determine if your baby has enough milk

Ask questions to the medical staff and report any concerns you have so you can go home as informed as possible.

Colostrum and breast milk

Until the mother produces real breast milk, which occurs around day 3 after birth, your baby will rely on colostrum, the yellowish liquid produced by the mammary glands.

Beneficial properties of colostrum. This is a milk concentrate that fully meets your baby's first needs. Having a strong laxative effect, it accelerates the removal of meconium (original feces) from the baby’s body, reducing the risk of infant jaundice. Thanks to its rich content of fat, sugar, salt and protein, it eliminates the risk of hypoglycemia and dehydration.

Colostrum is very valuable for your baby’s health, because it is his first defense against germs and viruses. In fact, it contains a high concentration of secretory immunoglobulin A, which creates the first anti-infective barrier and also stimulates the development immune system. Thus, your child will not only be protected from infections, but his own immune defense will also turn on faster.

The benefits of mother's milk. Mother's milk is easily absorbed by the baby's body. It adapts perfectly to the needs of your baby, born at term or prematurely, day after day, week after week, throughout the feeding period.

At the beginning of feeding, the milk is light, watery, rich in lactose; during this period it contains especially a lot of water. Then the milk thickens and becomes “fat”, more nutritious (the amount of fat increases four times). Therefore, it is recommended to give the child alternately the left and then right breast.

The composition of milk is different for all women and changes every day and even throughout the day; Thus, the concentration of milk fats increases from 6 to 10 a.m. and is higher during the day than at night. Breast milk is always the right temperature, sterile, and comes in a variety of flavors depending on what the mother eats.

Start of feeding

A young mother has to listen to various conflicting opinions, which only confuse her! Our useful tips will help you determine whether your baby is latching correctly and getting enough milk.
The two of you study together. Always keep in mind that breastfeeding involves not only you, but also your baby. Some women prepare carefully for breastfeeding in advance, but from the very beginning things don't work out as they expected. The baby also has a share of responsibility! It may be difficult for him to latch onto the breast, he may be nervous, etc.

First two hours. Ideally, a newborn is first put to the breast within two hours after birth. The mother is very receptive at this moment, all the baby’s senses are awakened, and his reflexes are especially strong. But the first feeding is not always easy; patience and calm are required. Allow your baby to latch onto the breast on his own so that he learns to suckle through instinct. Attempts to help most often only frighten the baby, even leading to him refusing the breast.

Indeed, if a child is forced to the breast, he may scream, and then his tongue is pressed against the roof of the mouth, rather than curling up around the nipple. Then he is physiologically unable to suck.

If your baby doesn't latch correctly right away, don't worry. Give him time to get to know you. You'll soon have plenty of opportunities to teach him how to suck productively! Remember that for this first breastfeeding, the “result” is not as important as physical contact, rapprochement; The moment when you and your child explore each other is very important.

In the first hours after birth. In the first 24 hours after birth, your baby will be tired and sleep a lot... just like you! He must rest, because the birth was a real test for him, on which he spent a lot of effort. However, the breasts need to be stimulated to produce milk. Indeed, milk production throughout the entire period depends on how often the baby is put to the breast and how effectively it is stimulated in the first days. breastfeeding. To help your baby want to latch on, use the following tips.

Hold him in your arms: your smell, contact with your body can awaken his desire to suck.

Watch him and you will notice the first signs that he is ready to feed. Rapid eye movements indicate that he is dozing (feeding in deep sleep is doomed to failure!); Moving your lips and tongue, bringing your hands to your mouth, smacking your lips and restless body movements will indicate that your baby is ready to feed. And only as a last resort, when he is truly hungry, will he start screaming! In this case, you will have to calm him down first so that he can latch on properly.

At each feeding, give the baby alternately the left and right breast, then place it on your shoulder. vertical position so that he burps if necessary, stroke his legs, face, check if he is hot, change his diaper.

The benefits of breastfeeding

  • Breastfeeding is very beneficial for both the baby and the mother.
  • Breast milk gives the baby antibodies to many infections and short term significantly reduces the risk of gastrointestinal (diarrhea) and respiratory (asthma) diseases, as well as otitis media and nasopharyngitis.
  • Breastfeeding can prevent postpartum bleeding in the mother: contractions (so-called postpartum cramps), which are caused by the hormone oxytocin, also involved in lactation, contribute to the reduction of the uterus.
  • Breastfeeding also has long-term benefits: it reduces the baby's risk of allergies, obesity and diabetes.

Attaching to the breast

It is important to be able to properly attach your baby to the breast, since cracked nipples and other unpleasant consequences occur due to incorrect feeding posture. You should sit comfortably (see p. 351) and relax. Place pillows under your elbow and under your baby so that he is lying under your chest, and also under your back so that you do not have to lean towards him. Hold your baby close. His ear, shoulder and hip should be in line, meaning he shouldn't bend to reach your chest. His nose and chin touch your chest, his stomach touches yours (if you were both naked, your belly buttons would be touching).

To help your baby, you can give him the breast by holding it in your hand and bending it into a "C" shape, placing it thumb on the chest, and the other four fingers under it, away from the areola. Your baby should now open his mouth wide as if he is yawning. Tell him: “Open your mouth!” (and very soon you will notice that he understands you), stroking him lower lip nipple or gently lowering his chin with your fingers. At this point, quickly bring the baby to your breast with the same hand with which you are holding him. He should capture the nipple and as much of the areola as possible with his mouth; your nipple should touch the depths of his palate.

Increased sensitivity. You may feel uneasy during the first days of feeding increased sensitivity breasts Force sucking movements baby is big; Don't be surprised if you feel some pain at first.

Bottles, nipples, breast pumps. Avoid using bottles and nipples that interfere with proper latching; Also avoid silicone breast shields (or breast pumps), which can cause blockage of the milk ducts, leading to breast and nipple pain; they also accustom the baby to an incorrect position at the breast, which is then difficult to correct.

I have very small breasts. Will I still have enough milk to feed my baby?

Feeding and breast size

Under no circumstances should you rely on appearance breasts, making predictions about the mother's ability to breastfeed. Size female breast depends on the amount of adipose tissue contained in it, which does not affect the production of breast milk and does not determine its quality.

Breast enlargement during pregnancy is a sign of good breast function. Contrary to popular belief, almost all women are capable of breastfeeding if they are educated enough.
Milk production depends largely on hormones and correct application baby to the breast than from its volume!

Proper breastfeeding

To determine if your baby is sucking properly, check to see if his lips are drawn toward the outside of his chest. His tongue should be out and curled under your breast (covering his bottom gum). His temple moves in rhythm with the sucking movements, and when he swallows, you can see movement from below behind the ear (about two sucking movements for one swallow). At the same time, he should neither make clicking sounds nor retract his cheeks. You should not feel pain, except for the first days when breast sensitivity is increased. Your baby is calm during feeding and looks full at the end.

If you or your baby seem to be positioned awkwardly, start over and try as many times as necessary. Attention: do not tear the baby off the breast, do not pull him back: he sucks with such force that it can hurt you! It’s better to put your little finger in the corner of his mouth; then he will instinctively open it and you can try again.

Appearance of milk

On the second or third day after birth, the mother produces milk under the influence of the hormone prolactin. By this time, milk production becomes necessary to meet the growing needs of the child: the volume of his stomach, which at birth contained from 5 to 7 ml, after 3 days increases 5 times!

The mother's breasts can be very tight, swollen and therefore often painful. However, do not put nursing cups in your bra: they can only worsen the situation by stimulating milk production. The painful sensations will soon stop: feeding will regulate milk production. To prevent stains on your clothes due to its “leakage,” you can use special feeding inserts (made of cotton, but not plastic, to avoid smudging). If you have too much milk, ask the staff maternity hospital, is it possible to donate it to a breast milk donor center located in your city or department.

Feeding rhythm

Breastfeeding a baby is a special moment that you do not have to share with others! You should be relaxed, but the presence of other people can make you feel uncomfortable. Your baby will also need rest, especially at the beginning.

Request privacy. IN maternity hospital ask to be left alone with your baby when you need to feed him. Ask the baby's father to talk to your visitors and politely let them know that you need peace. In the future, everything will work out naturally, depending on your characters, as well as how the feeding goes. It is important that you are relaxed when feeding and feel that your baby is calm.

Duration of feeding. To understand your baby and his needs, forget about the clock and watch him. There is no “hourly rate” for breastfeeding. One feeding can last from 10 minutes (two times for 5 minutes) to 40 minutes (two times for 20 minutes) and even more. It all depends on how much milk the baby swallows while sucking, as well as on the mother’s milk flow. You should notice when he sucks productively: the first movements will be fast, then more measured.

At the end of feeding, the breaks between sucking movements should become increasingly longer. At the same time, you may begin to feel sleepy or thirsty. Therefore, prepare a large glass of water for each feeding.

Feeding frequency. The rhythm of feedings is established over time: at first the baby may fall asleep without being completely satiated, and then after a short break he will ask to eat again. Gradually the situation stabilizes, and, as a rule, some time after returning home, 8 to 12 feedings per day occur. Remember to feed from both the left and right breast at each feeding, even if you think your baby is a little tired and dozed off. The more your baby nurses, the more milk she will produce.

If you're downhearted

It happens that a mother, knowing about the benefits of breastfeeding, prepares several weeks before giving birth and starts it quite confidently; but even then there are moments of despondency. This is all par for the course: the circumstances under which you start feeding your baby are not simple. Fatigue after childbirth, residual pain after episiotomy, baby's refusal to breastfeed, postpartum depression, confusion. As a result, due to all these unpleasant factors, your determination to feed may be shaken.

Be sure to share your doubts with someone: with someone from the clinic staff, with the child’s father, with a friend - it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is not to be ashamed if something doesn’t work out for you. Don't feel guilty if you can only talk about it through tears! Have the nurse check that you are in the correct feeding position; Ask her any questions you have. Things will gradually get better if you talk about your problems and ask for help.

A newborn is a medical concept. It is used for a child aged from 1 day to 4 weeks, regardless of whether he was born post-term or premature. Since the direct supply of nutrients from mother to child ceases, the complex process of formation of the gastrointestinal system and its adaptation to extrauterine life begins in the infant’s body. Let's take into account that the majority of children in the newborn period are children who are either breastfed or breastfeeding.

There are no fundamental differences in the quantity and frequency of feedings for infants and artificially-fed infants, since the mixtures used in the second case are similar in composition to human milk.

How often should a newborn be fed and how much should he eat?

When answering this question, remember that the functionally immature digestive system bears a heavy load from the first day of extrauterine life. The baby's stomach holds a volume of only 10 ml, by the end of the newborn period it reaches 90-100 ml, the esophagus has poorly developed muscles, its length is 8-10 cm, diameter 5 mm, the mucous membranes are tender and easily vulnerable. The glands that produce digestive enzymes are poorly developed in the stomach and intestines. But the intestines are longer than those of an adult.

It is clear that any violation of the rules of feeding easily causes disruption in the functioning of the baby’s gastrointestinal system.

When determining the frequency, one must proceed from the fact that the child will not eat more than he needs. This means that you will not be able to overfeed him. This fact also has a downside: the child’s body is aimed at a constant supply of nutrients. Thus, it is clear that the frequency of feeding will be determined by the duration and adequacy of the volume of the previous meal. Mothers know that a baby can fall asleep during feeding without having had time to eat well. It should also be taken into account that breast milk is low-calorie and low-fat. Therefore, he may begin to feel hungry half an hour after the previous feeding. However, this does not mean that there is no feeding regime. Doctors recommend feeding a newborn baby 8 to 12 times a day. The interval between feedings should be on average 3 hours. But if the child is restless and wants to eat, it hardly makes sense to strictly adhere to this regime. After all, the most important thing is that the baby gains weight correctly and develops in accordance with his age.

Can a mother who has just given birth happily breastfeed her baby if she, tired from pushing, has to overcome severe dizziness and trembling hands from weakness? Don't do this! We explain how long after birth they begin to feed a newborn.

Why is it applied to the breast in the delivery room?

The very first drops of milk are simply priceless. Therefore, immediately after birth, the baby is placed on the mother’s stomach, and the midwife puts the mother’s nipple into his mouth. Regardless of whether the baby just holds it or actively sucks on it, he will swallow the thick colostrum. But it is not required for quenching hunger - this feeling comes at the end of the first day. It contains special proteins - immunoglobulins - in maximum concentration. These are ready-made antibodies against all pathogens infectious diseases with whom the mother has ever been in contact (sick or vaccinated). In fact, colostrum is the most powerful and at the same time absolutely safe vaccine that protects the newborn in the first few months: until he begins to develop his own immunity. With each passing hour, the amount of immunoglobulins in colostrum decreases. Therefore, it is extremely important to put the baby to the breast for the first time in the delivery room.

Mom and baby are already together - should we start feeding right away?

The baby will be examined by a doctor and will undergo the first hygiene procedures and weighing. Wrapped in swaddles, he will fall asleep very quickly and will sleep soundly for at least 6 hours until he gets hungry. After treatment of the birth canal, the mother will have to lie for 2 hours on a gurney near the midwife under supervision. Afterwards she will be transferred to a ward, where a crib with the baby will be rolled in.

Don’t immediately try with all your might to get up to feed your baby! Nature has provided him with a decent supply of special, brown fat, which provides more energy than a hearty lunch. Read more about this, as well as why newborns lose weight at first. Because do not interfere with his sleep, restoring strength after the stress of childbirth, and do the same yourself. And even if he starts to grunt or cry out briefly, do not rush to give him the breast. Observe: if he continues to sleep and does not make wide searching movements open mouth, then, most likely, gases in the intestines, and not hunger, are to blame for his restless behavior.

When will you be able to feed your newborn baby without any problems?

1. The baby must be really hungry

For a baby, the need to suck in order to be satisfied is unusual and difficult work. did not require any effort, and he sucked the finger solely for pleasure. WHY should he suddenly obediently begin to tense up? Only a feeling of hunger can persuade this lazy person, who has been basking in a soft cradle for 9 months, to work diligently. It is this that will awaken the baby, helping the baby quickly learn how to look for, grab and suck the breast.

What happens when you try to feed a toddler who is not hungry? We guarantee: a sea of ​​problems. Problem one: how to get your mouth to open? Have you read about reflexes? Then you already know that in a newborn this is just part of the unconditioned search reflex. And it is activated only in a hungry child! Therefore, even if you rub the sleeping baby doll’s cheeks and nose until it turns red, even if you read poems over it, nothing will work.

Problem two: how to force him to suck? Of course, you can press hard on the chin and still squeeze the gums, pushing the nipple into the resulting gap. But you probably won’t achieve sucking movements, but will simply learn that you sleep no worse with your mouth open. At the same time, pay attention: the baby doll relaxedly threw his head back, opening his mouth even wider. And in order to suck, he must group himself and vice versa - bend his head. You won't be able to teach him to eat if you confuse him!

What will be the result of such unsuccessful attempts? To the indignant crying of a child who is being prevented from resting, to disgust from the breast and to the appearance of the first thoughts that you will not succeed. But once you start a business, it will go further... So don’t rush.

2. At the beginning of feeding, the baby should not sleep

Force unconditioned reflexes maximum in an awake child. Before breastfeeding, turn the baby around, wash his bottom, let him lie down and crawl naked on the changing table for a few minutes, give him a gentle stroking massage. Talk to him, touch his fingers. Then put it on and only then start teaching him to eat. As a thank you for the communication, the baby will not be indignant for a long time and will take the breast correctly much faster.

If after 5 minutes of active sucking the baby doll starts to fall asleep, he has the right. He is tired, his hunger has been satisfied and he must rest. Give him another 5 minutes of pleasure and wean him off.

3. An overly excited or crying baby needs to be calmed down

A typical mistake of all young mothers is to think that the baby will immediately stop any hysterics at the sight of the breast. This will happen, but not in the first weeks after birth! The baby needs time to understand that it is from the nipple placed in his mouth that his beloved “valerian” appears. Until he learns to eat and remembers the smell of mother's milk, inept attempts to force him to suck will only add volume and indignant intonation to his scream.

Try to find out. If your tummy hurts, stroke it clockwise to help the gas pass away as quickly as possible. If it’s hot or you’ve had a bit of a rest, take off your clothes, let them move and try to avoid any extra pressing folds. If you got angry unsuccessful attempts give the breast - place it in a “column” facing you and rock it slightly. When he gets dizzy out of habit and becomes silent, seize the moment: speak to him kindly. Out of surprise, he will forget about his anger and agree to learn how to eat again.


Remember: if the child is with you, it means he is healthy. Don't rush to try to feed every time your baby cries, especially if he hasn't woken up yet. Don’t try to “plug” his mouth with a nipple while he’s crying—calm him down first. He will get hungry 12-18 hours after birth. Start feeding him when he wakes up and demands food.

Most mothers try natural feeding while in the hospital. It is advisable to give your baby breastfeeding within the first 60 minutes after birth. Experienced midwives help attach the baby and talk about the peculiarities of feeding. If you haven’t immediately figured out how to properly feed your newborn with breast milk, there’s nothing to worry about. You can master breastfeeding with simple tips.

Before you put your newborn to your breast for the first time, you need to find a position in which you can spend half an hour without discomfort. You have 3 options:

  • sitting;
  • standing;
  • lying on your side.

Most women choose a lying position for the first feeding, since after childbirth there will be for a long time in a vertical position is almost impossible. Until complete recovery, you need to feed the baby while lying on your side to protect yourself from unpleasant sensations. If you choose this option, then check out how to properly position your newborn for feeding while lying on his side:

  1. Release your chest on the side you are lying on.
  2. Place your baby with his stomach facing you so that his head is against his chest.
  3. Bring the nipple to the baby's mouth, he will immediately try to take it. When sucking, the entire areola should be in the baby’s mouth, which means that the grip is done correctly.

A sitting position is comfortable. This position allows mothers to feed two babies at the same time. In the maternity hospital, this position can be uncomfortable, since you will have to keep your arms suspended on the bed, and there will be no support for your back. If you have a spacious chair at home, then feed the baby while sitting in it, placing your hands on the armrest.

While sitting, two infants can be fed at the same time, placing them on a special pillow in the “under-arm” position.

The standing pose is rarely used, as it puts too much stress on the spine and arms. It is used only by women who after natural birth stitches were placed on the perineum. They need to lean on the table to reduce the load on the spine and legs. At the first opportunity, the position is changed. It is also recommended when the baby does not latch onto the breast correctly while lying on a bed that is too soft or uncomfortable.

A light massage of the mammary gland using circular movements will ensure a flow of milk.

Specialists in natural feeding give some tips on how to properly attach your baby for feeding:

  • place it on its side facing you;
  • the chin and cheeks must be pressed to the chest, and there must be free space between the gland and the nose;
  • bring the nipple to the newborn - he will take it himself;
  • there should be no pulling sensations (their appearance means that the baby is too low);
  • If there is a nipple without an areola in the newborn's mouth, immediately release the breast (gently press the corner of the baby's mouth with your little finger, adjust the breast and offer it to the newborn again).

Evaluate the result: if the baby has enough air and he has latched onto the nipple correctly, leave it until he is full. The first seconds of feeding can cause unpleasant sensations in a young mother due to the fact that the skin on the nipples has not yet become rough enough. Until this happens, the woman will experience pain when the nipple is grabbed. The application is done correctly if there is no discomfort. When feeding, only the baby's swallowing should be heard.

Learn in advance how to properly latch your baby to the breast, as mistakes in this process can lead to:

  • capturing tiny bits of air;
  • colic in a baby;
  • the appearance of cracks in the nipples;
  • injuries to the milk ducts.

If you feel pain throughout the feeding session, the cause is often poor grip of the areola. The baby's lips should be located on its edge.

During one feeding, do not give the other breast. Ideally, you should offer the baby a different mammary gland each time. If you follow this rule, then the baby is guaranteed to eat fore and hind milk, which will allow him to eat fully and balancedly, and receive a full set of vitamins and useful microelements.

There is an exception to the rule of using one breast per application. It can be neglected if not enough milk is produced.

How can you tell if your baby is full?

In addition to knowing how to properly attach a baby to the breast, mothers need to receive information about the signs of satiety of the baby. After all, it is very easy to overfeed a baby, for whom every feeding session is an opportunity to feel the protection and support of the mother.

The baby is full if he:

  • behaves calmly;
  • cheerful after the process is completed;
  • gains sufficient weight according to WHO standards;
  • released the breast on his own;
  • After feeding, he falls asleep soundly or goes on to active activities.

If a newborn is often capricious, anxious, or cries, then before giving him both breasts at one feeding, it is necessary to check weighing. It is held once a week. If, after a seven-day period, the child’s weight has become higher, it is necessary to look for another reason for crying.

Signs of overeating are:

  • regurgitation after feeding;
  • rapid weight gain exceeding established norms;
  • increased gas formation, leading to colic and abdominal pain.

Regurgitation can be a sign of a neurological disorder, so it is important to monitor the child’s health and visit doctors in a timely manner. If your pediatrician notices signs of overeating in your baby, release the nipple 15-20 minutes after the start of feeding. When overeating, do not try to reduce lactation, this often leads to its complete loss.

Baby feeding time

The question of the time of each meal cannot be resolved unambiguously. The duration of one feeding session depends on the individual characteristics of the child. Some babies eat actively and quickly, so only 10 minutes are enough for them to be satisfied. Other kids enjoy the process for a long time, it takes them more than 40 minutes. In the first month of life, you should not interrupt feeding yourself. Gradually, the newborn will adjust the duration of sucking.

Experts consider a feeding session lasting up to 30 minutes to be correct. It may last longer if the baby is premature or weakened. If the baby falls asleep with the breast in his mouth, then you just need to release the nipple and transfer it to the crib. For newborns, sleeping after feeding is considered normal.

If you are interested in the total duration of breastfeeding, then it is selected individually. You should stop breastfeeding after one year. After the first 6 months of life, you can gradually replace feedings with complementary foods, which will allow you to prepare digestive system crumbs to take normal food, and mothers to gradually reduce lactation.

It is important not only to know how to breastfeed, but also to learn how to maintain time intervals. Doctors recommend applying the baby hourly, but it is best to do it on demand. Breaks can be from 15 minutes to 2 hours, and during night sleep the interval increases. If the baby is calm and does not require breastfeeding, then after 3-4 hours you should independently offer him something to eat. Don't wake your baby to breastfeed. A well-fed baby will not sleep peacefully; he will independently demand food.

What not to do?

If you know how to attach your baby when feeding, this does not mean that you do not have other questions. The process of breastfeeding is very complex, and young mothers often make mistakes that negatively affect the lactation process.

Another mistake is frequent weighing. If the baby slowly gains weight, then the mother begins to give him artificial mixture. It acts as additional nutrition or completely replaces natural nutrition. Find out your child’s body weight no more than 4 times a month, then you will be able to objectively assess the changes.

Solving difficult situations

Before you properly attach your baby to the breast, you need to prepare for possible problems with lactation.

Little ones inverted nipples They usually change their shape before giving birth. If this does not happen, then you can change the feeding position, stretch the flat nipple, apply silicone pads. Many people believe that small, tight breasts can become an obstacle. This is not a problem: it is enough to express for 1-2 weeks so that the baby can get his own food. During lactation, the mammary glands can increase by 1-2 sizes - just a couple of weeks after giving birth, small breasts will change, and it will be convenient to feed.

Before giving birth, you should not solve the problem of excessively tight breasts and incorrect nipple anatomy, since touching the breasts can cause the production of the hormone oxytocin.

Cracks are not a reason to refuse natural feeding. Use until they heal silicone pads for feeding, and between applications, apply Bepanten ointment and take air baths. Make sure that the medicinal composition does not get into the child’s mouth. Sometimes, in order to get rid of cracks, you need to learn again how to properly breastfeed, since improper grip of the areola leads to nipple injuries.

In the first 3 months after the start of lactation, every young mother faces the problem of random leakage of milk. Any woman will not like walking around with milk stains on clothes in the chest area, so use special disposable pads that fit into your bra.

More frequent breastfeeding or pumping can help prevent breast engorgement. Take a warm shower and do a light massage before feeding. From folk remedies You can use cabbage leaf compresses. After feeding, apply a cold compress to relieve swelling.

Lactation crises do not mean that it is time to stop feeding the baby. There is less milk, but this situation can be overcome: drink tea with cumin and fennel, eat right, and rest. During the first year of a baby's life, you will encounter crises at least 3 times.

Mothers often independently program themselves for failure. It is worth understanding that feeding is a natural process that is available to every woman after childbirth. You should not neglect it, even if you want to restore your figure faster. Losing weight can be combined with feeding the baby. Do not use diets: the diet of a nursing mother should be complete. It is worth excluding only sweets, products with chemical dyes and those that can cause an allergic reaction in a child. If you are used to creating a menu for yourself, keep in mind that its calorie content should be slightly higher than the norm for adult women. The diet must include fruits, vegetables, meat and fish.