A complete and detailed list of things to take to the maternity hospital. What to take with you to the maternity hospital? a complete and detailed list of things to take to the maternity hospital

The expectant mother needs to prepare herself for her stay in the maternity hospital in advance.

In order not to experience psychological discomfort while getting ready for the maternity ward, a woman should have a maternity hospital bag prepared for mother and baby, which will ensure a comfortable stay in a specialized hospital. medical institution. Finished bag in the maternity hospital should be in a visible place, and every family member should know about its location. However, as practice shows, there should be several such bags. Let's consider everything possible options necessary things before and after childbirth, as well as what is needed upon discharge from the maternity ward.

Maternity hospital bag: list of things

Before collecting a set of necessary things, you should consult a gynecologist. A qualified specialist will advise you optimal list the most necessary things that will ensure maximum comfort during your stay in the maternity ward. So, the bag for the maternity hospital, the list:

Identity document (passport);
exchange card;
birth certificate;
insurance (medical) policy;
birth contract (if any);
clothes for mom;
clothes for newborns;
personal hygiene items for baby and mother.

This is a general list of things to take with you to the maternity ward. If everything is clear with the documents, expectant mothers still have questions when choosing clothes and personal hygiene products. What clothes to choose for mother and baby? What will be the essential items in the maternity ward? We will try to answer all these questions from the point of view of many years of experience of obstetricians and gynecologists of the Russian Federation.

What does a future mother need to prepare in advance so that there is no panic and fuss when getting ready for a medical facility? Bag for mom in the maternity hospital, list of personal essentials:
nursing bra;
a set of clean bed linen (duvet cover, pillowcase, sheet);
towels for hands and feet (separately);
utensils (cup, spoon, plate);
toothpaste and a brush, hair comb, toilet soap.
For mental comfort, doctors recommend taking an interesting book with you and good mood. You should not pack a separate bag with food: when a woman in labor is admitted to the department, she will not be allowed in. It is enough to limit yourself to a bottle of still water (1-1.5 l) and cookies.

Maternity hospital bag for mom with hygiene items:
toilet paper;
postpartum pads;
two packages of sanitary diapers (90x60 cm);
a set of postpartum disposable panties;
lactation inserts;
paper towels hand and tear-off wipes;
To prevent cracks and/or wounds on the nipples, a special cream “Purelan” is needed.
If necessary, the doctor may recommend some medications for individual use.

List of things for a newborn

Naturally, the collection of things should not be limited only to essential items and personal hygiene for expectant mother. It is very important that from the first minutes after birth your baby feels the comfort and care of the people around him, so future parents need to take care of this. Maternity hospital bag for a baby, list of essentials:

Size 1 cotton caps;
cotton rompers and vests;
"anti-scratch" - special mittens for newborns.

However, a maternity hospital bag for a baby should not be limited to just a set of personal wardrobe items. It is necessary to prepare special preventive hygiene products. Such a set should consist of the following items:

Hygienic diapers (60x60 cm);
moisturizing wipes;
disposable diapers;
children's liquid soap;
cotton swabs and ear buds;
baby cream and powder;
hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, as well as others medicines recommended by an obstetrician.

This entire list of necessary things during the postpartum period will greatly facilitate the stay of mother and child in the maternity ward.

Maternity hospital bag in winter

What is the difference between a clothing set for mother and newborn in winter period? The answer is obvious, since in winter the list necessary clothing will be slightly increased due to natural weather conditions. Basically, the things needed in the cold season differ from the summer set only in their energy-saving properties. So, a bag for the maternity hospital in winter is supplemented with the following wardrobe items:

Flannel caps, vests and diapers;
thin wool blanket for baby;
warm booties.

For a mother in winter conditions, it is enough to take with her a flannelette robe, a warm nightgown, woolen socks and slippers. Each woman in labor can independently decide on the choice of her wardrobe, depending on the local climate and the conditions of the maternity ward at her place of residence. If some nuances have not been taken into account, then a spouse or close relatives will always help fill the gap. You shouldn't focus your attention on these things. The main thing is the psychological balance of the expectant mother, on which future births depend.

In order to make it easier to independently assemble a set of essentials, there is a so-called transparent maternity hospital bag, which can be purchased at specialized sales points. These transparent bags are made of certified and safe polyvinyl chloride (PVC) materials. These bags have sufficient strength characteristics and are a convenient option for packing necessary items personal hygiene and essentials. The main advantage of such a bag is its transparency. This is very convenient in various extreme situations when you urgently need to get the right thing. These bags can be used both for the mother's wardrobe and for storing the personal belongings of the newborn. You just need to choose the appropriate overall size. Ready-made hygiene kits for mother and unborn child are also available for sale. As a rule, such transparent bags include the following items:

Electronic thermometer and pipette;
obstetric set of clothes and special protective equipment;
sterile surgical gloves and shoe covers;
umbilical cord clamp;
sanitary napkins;
cotton swabs;
liquid soap with dispenser;
syringe with tip;
absorbent diapers for one-time use;
toilet cover;
roll of toilet paper;
garbage bags with special puffs;
mesh panties for postpartum wear;
disposable hygiene diapers for newborns;
paper towels;
Pampers Premium Care Newborn diapers;
disposable pads in bodice sensitive skin;
Urological pads Tena Normal.

The cost of such a set included in a transparent bag in the maternity hospital is quite high and many cannot afford it, so expectant mothers prefer to collect the necessary set of things themselves, which makes the process itself more enjoyable.

Partner birth: conditions

Joint childbirth with the child’s father is a relatively new fashion trend in Russia and the CIS countries. We will not understand the feasibility of such an event. If a man wants to be present at the birth of his child, then why not. There are special rules for this, since the man must also prepare accordingly for this procedure. First you need to go through a few medical procedures for compliance: general analysis blood, fluorographic scanning of the lungs, tests for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis. The expectant father also needs to pack a bag for the maternity hospital. The list of items includes the following:

T-shirt and robe;
trousers from cotton fabric;
washable slippers;
mask and cap.

All clothing must be in perfect sanitary and hygienic condition. The main task of the husband’s presence during childbirth is to provide moral support to the woman in labor. Great importance has the psychological stability of a man to current events. Not every person can do this.

How to prepare for discharge from the hospital?

To avoid unpleasant situations and misunderstandings, you should also take care of your bag for discharge from the maternity ward. As a rule, parents already know the gender of the child in advance and select the appropriate elements of decorating clothes for the baby. First of all, the check-out bag should include: outerwear for mom and a matching set for baby. Clothing is selected depending on the time of year. The main condition: the child must feel comfortable in the clothes prepared for him. List of necessary things for the child after discharge:
in summer the best option for a baby - a light overall or bodysuit, a flannel cap and a thin diaper;
in autumn and spring period wardrobe items made from knitwear, flannel diapers, knitted caps and a cotton blanket;
in winter, things should be warm enough so that the child does not experience hypothermia.

A woman’s set of personal items is her individual choice. It is recommended not to use shoes on high heels, since the body has experienced certain physiological changes. It should be borne in mind that the wardrobe items that a woman wore before pregnancy may not suit her, so this point must be taken into account when choosing clothes. Clothing should not restrict movement and be comfortable enough. A minimum of cosmetics is recommended, but not mandatory. In order for discharge from the maternity ward to become an event for a married couple, one should not forget about pleasant surprises. Naturally, your spouse should take care of this. Flowers for the woman you love, video shooting, photographing pleasant and touching moments - these are things that will forever remain in the memory of the family.
Take care of your family and be healthy!

Pregnancy and childbirth are very exciting moments for every woman. And hour X does not always come at the time planned by doctors. Therefore, it is better to pack your bag for the maternity hospital in advance. What things to take with you? We'll look at it in more detail in this article.


The list of permitted items for each medical facility may vary greatly. Therefore, you need to find out in advance what the conditions are in the selected medical institution. It is also worth considering whether the birth takes place under a contract or not. In the second case, the expectant mother is allowed to take more things, taking into account her own wishes.

But in any case, it is necessary to prepare documents in advance. When packing a bag for the maternity hospital, they start with these:

  1. Passport.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Exchange card. It is a very important document; it records all the data about the condition of the mother in labor. It is issued in antenatal clinic. If there is no card, the young mother may be admitted to the infectious diseases department as someone who has not been examined enough. It is recommended to carry it with you at all times.
  4. Compulsory medical insurance policy.
  5. Insurance pension certificate.
  6. Contract for childbirth (if it is concluded).
  7. If a young mother wants to go to the hospital in advance, she will need a referral from her leading gynecologist.

Is it worth taking money with you?

When packing a bag for the maternity hospital, some mothers include money in the list of things. It's not obligatory. It is unlikely that they will be needed there. After all, it is prohibited to go outside, and it is problematic to bring anything beyond the permitted list. You can ask your relatives or husband to bring everything you need. But in some maternity hospitals there are shops and buffets, in which case, of course, it’s worth taking a little cash. Money can also be useful for thanking medical staff. Many expectant mothers take with them precisely for this purpose. cash.

Documents for the accompanying person

At partner birth In the list of things that need to be put in the bag at the maternity hospital, it is worth including documents for the future father. These include:

  1. Test results. It is worth clarifying in advance which examinations you need to undergo.
  2. Passport.

You can also pack a small bag for the future father to take to the maternity hospital, which will contain all the things he needs. It must contain:

  • Suitable clothing and replacement shoes, rubber slippers are best. In addition, he will be given a sterile gown, cap and mask.
  • Camcorder. You will need it if you want to photograph the moment the baby is born.

What should a bag be like?

Many girls wonder: what bag to take to the maternity hospital? What do experienced moms say? It is recommended to put everything you need into plastic bags and bags. The maternity hospital has rules according to which things can only be brought in. Such restrictions were introduced due to sanitary standards.

For convenience, everything you need can be divided into categories and collected into three bags. The first will be useful before and during childbirth. The second bag will contain things for postpartum period and for the baby. And the third - with clothes and everything necessary for discharge.

You must take the first bag with you immediately, the remaining two in right time Relatives will give you a lift to the maternity hospital.

Maternity hospital bag for mother in the antenatal department

The first bag is assembled from things that will be needed if the expectant mother ends up in the maternity hospital in advance:

  1. Slippers. It's best to take two pairs. The rules require washable ones. Therefore, rubber slippers will be here suitable option. The second pair is needed for the shower.
  2. Nightgown and robe.
  3. A pair of cotton socks and some warm ones, they will be needed during childbirth.
  4. Shaver, in case the young mother did not have time to carry out this procedure at home.
  5. Change of underwear.
  6. Towel. One for the shower, the second for the hands and face.
  7. Hygienic lipstick (lips dry out during childbirth)
  8. Personal hygiene items: soap, toothpaste and brush, washcloth, shampoo, comb.
  9. Compression stockings. During childbirth, a huge load is placed on the veins, which can contribute to the development of varicose veins, so it is recommended to use special underwear. For women who already have this disease, compression clothing is mandatory. Stockings will also be needed in case of caesarean section.
  10. Wet wipes.
  11. Phone and charger for it. The main thing is not to forget to top up your balance on time.

Not all maternity hospitals allow wearing home clothes in maternity and postpartum wards. This needs to be clarified in advance. In any case, the robe and nightgown should be loose, made of natural fabrics and, if necessary, easy to remove.

What else should you put in this bag?

For the birth itself, you are allowed to take only a minimum of things, due to strict sanitary standards:

  1. A bottle of still water. You should not take large volumes, 0.5 liters will be enough. This is due to the fact that during childbirth it is forbidden to drink a lot; you can wet your throat or take small sips.
  2. Scrunchy.
  3. Some maternity hospitals ask you to take a baby diaper and diaper with you.

You can take a thermos with sweet tea with you. During childbirth, of course, no one will let you drink it, but after that it will be the most divine drink for the woman in labor. It is unlikely that any of the staff will want to make it for mom themselves.

Bag for the postpartum ward

The postpartum period has two features that need to be taken into account when packing a bag for the maternity hospital for your mother. Firstly, immediately after childbirth, a woman begins to lose weight. bleeding- lochia. And in the first days they can be quite abundant. Secondly, active production of breast milk begins.

Relatives usually bring a bag with things to the postpartum ward. But if childbirth takes place at night, there is no need to worry about it; the maternity hospital always has everything you need for the first hours after childbirth.

So, the composition of the second bag to the maternity hospital:

  1. Pack of disposable panties. They are sold in any pharmacy and come in both Russian and foreign production. Such panties have a number of advantages: they hold the pad well, are sterile, prevent infections in the genital tract, are hypoallergenic, and the structure of the material accelerates healing.
  2. Sanitary napkin. Special for the postpartum period or pads with maximum absorbency.
  3. For convenience during feeding, you can purchase a shirt with a front closure.
  4. Several bras designed for new mothers with detachable cups. It's better to buy them at last month pregnancy to get an idea of ​​how big your breasts will be. It is important to take into account that with the arrival of milk, the breasts will increase in size.
  5. Bra pads. They will save you from leaking milk from the breast, as a lot of it will be released. And walking around in wet and sticky clothes is not the most pleasant thing. There is no need to save money when buying inserts; the more expensive option absorbs better, converting milk into gel. One pair changes every 3-4 hours.
  6. Be sure to include a cream in your maternity hospital bag to help with cracked nipples. During feeding, the baby sucks very actively at the breast, which in turn can lead to cracks on it. When this problem occurs, severe pain occurs, so it is better to use a cream in advance for prevention. "Bepanten" is recommended, but you can choose any similar one.
  7. Postpartum bandage. It is especially necessary when caesarean section.
  8. Some maternity hospitals ask you to take it with you disposable tableware, and garbage bags.
  9. Toilet paper is best soft will do.
  10. Something to entertain yourself, such as a tablet, book, magazine or player with headphones.
  11. Breast pump. Necessary item if there is an excess of milk, but it is not a fact that it will be needed in the maternity hospital.

What to take for your baby

Mother and baby spend an average of 3-5 days in the maternity hospital. This is approximately the amount of time you need to rely on when packing your bag for the maternity hospital:

  1. Diapers for newborns.
  2. Wet wipes for the baby, preferably hypoallergenic.
  3. A towel with a very soft texture.
  4. Hats - 4 pieces.
  5. Caps - 4 pieces.
  6. Baby vests - 4 pieces.
  7. Several flannel or flannel jackets, which must have long sleeve.
  8. Sliders.
  9. 5 pieces of warm and thin diapers. IN summer time Only the light ones are enough for a year.
  10. Anti-scratch. Babies are born with long nails, so it’s worth buying special mittens and socks. This will help the baby not scratch himself.
  11. You can take special cosmetics for newborns: oil, diaper cream, foam for washing.

How to choose clothes for a newborn

The times when babies were swaddled in a blanket for up to six months are gone. Now, from the very first days, babies are dressed in rompers and bodysuits, which makes their movements free. This stimulates muscle function and promotes early physical development.

A large selection of clothing for newborns raises the question: how to choose it correctly?

Here are some tips:

  • Clothes for infants must be made from natural fabrics. Chintz or knitwear are perfect. Such things are sewn only with cotton threads.
  • At first, the baby will be unusual in clothes, and the presence of buttons, fasteners and seams will greatly disturb him. In this regard, wearable items are purchased without them. Instead, ties are used. And the seams in clothes for newborns are located on the outside.
  • The most comfortable sliders are those that fasten at the shoulders. But at the same time, they are quite difficult to put on, because you have to constantly turn the baby over. If they are up to the waist, then the elastic band must be wide, this will prevent pressure on the healing umbilical cord.
  • New clothes definitely needs to be washed and ironed.

If the baby is born in the summer, then light clothing will be sufficient. In winter, you will need warmer options, such as:

  1. Warm overalls. The filling is usually padding polyester or down. At severe frost choose down overalls; at temperatures close to zero, choose synthetic overalls.
  2. Winter hat. They put it on over the cap. It should also have ties.
  3. Wool socks. They are worn over the onesies and give extra warmth to the baby.

For discharge

The set of bags taken to the maternity hospital for discharge directly depends on the time of year and weather. A young mother should think in advance about what she will wear at this wonderful moment. The list of this bag looks something like this:

  • Underwear for myself.
  • Clothes and shoes.
  • Cosmetics, because as a rule, photo and video shooting is carried out on this day.
  • Great option There will be a discharge kit. It includes: an envelope, a blanket, a diaper, a cap and a vest. All these things will be made in the same style and color, which will give more festive look.
  • You can also put rompers, socks, bodysuits and diapers for your baby.
  • If it’s cold outside, then you should have a warm set of clothes in your bag for discharge.

Maternity hospital bag: when to pack

As a rule, babies are born at 38-42 weeks. But sometimes it can happen a little earlier. Doctors advise keeping things ready from the 36th week. But still, childbirth is an unpredictable process, so the expectant mother needs to think in advance about when to pack her bag for the maternity hospital.

Each maternity hospital decides for itself what can be taken with you to the birth and what not. The area where babies are born must be sterilely clean; therefore, things must undergo heat treatment. Therefore, there is no need to be indignant at existing restrictions.

For more detailed information, you can call or come to your maternity hospital and look at the list.

What not to take to the maternity hospital

Due to strict sanitary standards, some things do not need to be put in a bag at the maternity hospital, which must be taken into account when packing:

  • Any perishable foods, as well as food prohibited for consumption by breastfeeding women. It’s worth familiarizing yourself with the list of what you can consume in advance.
  • Travel bags and any such items cannot be taken. It settles on them a large number of bacteria.
  • Any electric heating devices, for example, a boiler.
  • Any clothes and shoes that contain fur. This is also related to sanitary standards.

Don't forget when checking out

When leaving the maternity hospital, it is important not to forget all personal belongings, as well as documents:

  1. Birth certificate in order to register the child in the future at the registry office.
  2. Extract for the pediatrician.
  3. Extract of birth history for the gynecologist.

It’s easier to pack a bag for the maternity hospital with a list of things. To do this, you need to write down everything you need on a piece of paper and cross out what you have collected one by one. This way there will be no confusion during collection. This means that this moment will be very a nice addition to the upcoming happy event- the birth of a baby.

What should you take to the maternity hospital? Things and documents

From about 32 weeks of pregnancy, it is advisable to collect all Required documents for the maternity hospital and carry them with you everywhere, just in case. From the 36th week there is a real possibility that they will begin unexpectedly, so the level of readiness must be increased even more.

Documents for the maternity hospital

  • passport;
  • medical insurance;
  • exchange card;
  • birth contract (if you signed one).

Place it all neatly in a bag or file and carry it with you in your bag, especially if you are planning to go somewhere.

List of necessary things for the maternity hospital - what to take for childbirth

Once contractions begin and you are admitted to the hospital, you will be allowed to bring very few things with you to the birth. Ideally, a pregnant woman should be given everything except slippers. Here, a lot depends on the maternity hospital, on the conditions and rules that are accepted in it. Therefore, it is better to agree on the list in advance and find out what is possible and what is not:

  • slippers made of washable material;
  • hygiene items: toothpaste, brush, shampoo (preferably in bags), baby soap, comb.
  • A player or phone with music that you have selected in advance for childbirth (not allowed in all maternity hospitals, you need to find out in advance);
  • a photo or video camera if you decide to capture the moment of your baby’s birth. It is better to give them to your birth partner, for example, your husband.

What you may need after childbirth

You can buy a ready-made kit at a pharmacy, but it is better to put the items in a bag: many maternity hospitals do not allow bags. You can also assemble everything you need yourself.
Things for mom

  • Robe and nightgown. In many maternity hospitals, these things are prohibited and you should only use those that are given out.
  • Postpartum pads. For the first three days you may not be allowed to use pads. This is because the doctor needs to monitor the discharge after childbirth.
  • Toilet paper is the softest you can buy.
  • Utensils: mug, plate, spoon.
  • Mineral water, if you don’t want to drink boiled water from the tap.
  • Towel.
  • Cotton panties - at least 3 pieces.
  • Nursing bra. It will be very useful, it is better to take two: while one dries, the second can be worn.
  • Disposable bra pads.
  • Cream “Bepanten” - useful for cracked nipples. It is not at all necessary that they will be, but you can grab the cream just in case. In addition, it can be used to lubricate the baby’s skin in areas of redness.
  • Postpartum bandage, if you are going to wear it.
  • Suppositories with glycerin to ease stool.
  • Vitamins for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Face cream, hygienic lipstick.
  • Something to read, a notepad and pen, a phone charger.
  • Cosmetics for discharge. Be sure to take Foundation– you will be photographed.
  • Money.
  • Comfortable clothes for discharge. A skirt is preferable to trousers. Keep in mind that your breasts can be very large these days due to the arrival of milk, so forget about tight blouses. Don't forget the comfortable one street shoes(not flip flops or slippers).

Things for a newborn (what to take a baby to the maternity hospital)

  • Set of clothes: - at least 4 diapers: 2 cotton and 2 flannel, size 60x90, many maternity hospitals provide them;
    - blanket;
    - “scratchies” - protective gloves made of thin cotton so that the baby does not scratch himself;
    - at least 4 pairs of rompers and socks;
    - vests or bodysuits;
    — caps of the first size 2 pcs;
    — overalls and envelope for discharge;
  • Baby diapers for newborns (from 2 to 5 kg). You need to take 20–25 pieces.
  • Cotton swabs with limiter. They are convenient to lubricate umbilical wound, clean your nose and ears.
  • Special scissors for cutting nails.

For an expectant mother preparing for childbirth, a positive attitude and calmness are very important. In order not to worry and not worry about trifles, you need to carefully prepare for the maternity hospital in advance. Namely, pack a bag with everything you might need these days and properly distribute things to the maternity hospital into bags. Then it will be convenient to use them and finding what you need will not be difficult.

We have prepared a list of packages especially for those who are packing things for the maternity hospital. Be sure to read it and add what is missing or remove what is superfluous. The latter may be relevant when mother and baby are separated.

Package contents may vary slightly depending on the following factors:

  1. rules of the maternity hospital you have chosen;
  2. the birth will be paid or free;
  3. whether you arrive immediately with contractions or go to the pathology department;
  4. It is planned to stay with the child separately/jointly.

You need to understand that there cannot be ready-made packages with absolutely all the ingredients.

Maternity hospital package for mother in the ADMISSION DEPARTMENT

Upon arrival in maternity hospital you have to change clothes. The things you arrived with must be sent home or immediately handed over for storage.
1. Clothes and shoes:
- two bags for your things and shoes;
- washable slippers;
- shirt and robe;
- socks.
2. Documents.

Most women go to the maternity hospital when contractions have already begun. But the procedure for filling out documents is not canceled for anyone. You must have with you:

- compulsory medical insurance policy;
- exchange card;
- birth certificate (if any);
- contract for childbirth (if childbirth is paid);
- money.

Note! The main document of every expectant mother is an exchange card. From the 36th week you need to carry it with you everywhere.
In total, you will need three packages to the maternity hospital. Each of them may also contain small packages. For example, you come with a package to the emergency department with things for prenatal (if you go to bed early) and labor. Then, after giving birth, they bring you a bag to the postpartum department (it is advisable to put things for you and the baby separately) and on the last day - a bag for discharge (things for mother and baby). By the 36th week they should be ready and fully assembled. Sometimes it happens that a woman is urgently admitted to the maternity hospital. In this case, personal hygiene products will be delivered to you along with the postpartum package.


1. Phone with a charger for it.
2. Personal hygiene products:

Brush and toothpaste;
- disposable machine for shaving;
- liquid soap or gel intimate hygiene, shampoo, sponge;
- toilet paper and disposable toilet covers;
- towel;
- gaskets;
- hygienic lipstick;
- water (still) with a sports neck, preferably children's Agusha 0.33 or 0.5 l;
- mobile phone.


Toilet paper (preferably wet), toilet seat covers;
- paper towels (1 roll);
- water;
- cotton pads;
- cotton buds with limiter;
- packaging of wet wipes;
- scissors for the first baby (almost all newborns have long nails);
- postpartum (urological) pads;
- disposable mesh gynecological panties or shorts;
- disposable diapers;
- diapers for newborns in a small pack;
- breast pads that protect against milk leakage;
- nipple cream;
- diaper cream and powder;
- tea, sugar and some light food;
- bras for nursing mothers;
- clothes for the baby (vests, maybe with long closed arms, rompers, overalls or bodysuit, socks, anti-scratch mittens, cap).

DISCHARGE PACKAGE(your family will bring it to you on the last day)

1. Clothes for mom:

Clothes (fairly loose, remember that the stomach does not immediately shrink dramatically);
- shoes for the season.

2. Baby clothes:

A smart set or envelope for discharge;
- a set of rompers and a blouse or a one-piece jumpsuit;
- headdress.

We hope that this information will be very useful to you. Using our recommendations, you will pack 3 bags for the maternity hospital without forgetting anything or taking anything unnecessary with you.

A packed bag for the maternity hospital, with maximum full list things should already be on last trimester. So, what should you take with you to the maternity hospital according to the 2019 list? If you were “in storage,” then spit on all superstitions and start gradually collecting things.

How to pack your bag for the maternity hospital according to the list? My Anya was born at 8 months old, and frankly speaking, when my water broke at 5 in the morning, my bag for the maternity hospital was not packed properly, from the list of necessary things for the maternity hospital, only documents and myself were ready. It’s funny now, but then, at 5 in the morning, I hated these superstitions. Having pulled myself together, I began to clearly remember what I needed to take with me to the maternity hospital.

Photo of a pregnant girl

Having spent almost 6 months out of 8 in the hospital, I had a more or less clear idea of ​​our maternity hospital (a neighboring building with pathology for pregnant women), I understood that I would give birth in a regular, and not a paid ward. I came to this conclusion after talking with those who, when admitted to the hospital with a long pregnancy, went to give birth first.

The differences between a paid chamber and a free one were not very different.

  • One is a local ward (I was in a 2-bed “safety” ward and it’s even more fun this way, I have someone to discuss what’s what. One thing would have been uneasy.)
  • The presence of a TV (you want to sleep so much that almost no one turns it on in the first days, and you are there for a day, maximum 3)
  • You know the Wi-Fi password and have access to the Internet. You are allowed to take your tablet and laptop with you.
  • There is a private small refrigerator.
  • The room has a large sink and mirror.
  • There are beautiful normal sizes, with 3 drawers, bedside tables and a small table with an electric kettle.
  • The shower room and toilet are nearby, but the entrance is separate (you have your own key). These facilities are common to 3 such rooms.

I was in the “safety ward”. If the usual 6-bed wards had painted walls, then we had wallpaper and pictures on the walls. More or less normal beds with spring mattresses, and not sagging Soviet mesh and hundred-year-old cotton mattresses. Bed sheets you need to carry your own, because what they give out gray and stands like a stake. At the time of signing the maternity insurance policy, I did not attach any importance to this.

They didn’t allow me to enter with my bag according to the birth list, but forced me to pack everything into bags. And then, lifting the bags up the steps after giving birth to the 2nd floor, I was unpleasantly surprised. On the ground floor there is a manipulation room, 2 maternity rooms: pink and blue, as well as wards for girls after cesarean section. The child was carefully carried, and you followed with your bags. Find out on what floor the “elite” chambers are located and whether there is an elevator in the building.

What you need to take with you to the maternity hospital according to the 2019 list consists of 4 points. We will look at each separately:

  1. What a mother needs for childbirth and for prenatal examination
  2. What does a mother need after giving birth?
  3. What will the baby need?
  4. What staff may need unplanned.

Although it was 5 in the morning, I went to the shower to finally calm down and, without panic, collect everything that I needed to take with me to the maternity hospital according to the list of things.

What a mother needs to take with her to the maternity hospital for childbirth and prenatal examination

Of course documentation:

  • Passport
  • Original medical policy with photocopy
  • A pregnant woman’s exchange card or, as doctors say, your personal medical passport
  • If you give birth not in a paid clinic, but for free, then a birth certificate is added to the list of documents for childbirth
  • If you give birth in a paid clinic, I advise you not to forget the birth contract “:roll:”
  • Your SNILS

Documents should be placed in a transparent folder with a button.

  • Money
  • Mobile phone A charger is usually not included in the list of things to take to a maternity hospital, but how will you communicate with your loved ones without it?

Whatever one may say, it has long been accepted that in such institutions they pay for literally everything, so in the folder with documents, put the amount of money that you expect to spend on “thank you.” Lately“Pain relief” during childbirth is becoming more and more popular - it’s a paid pleasure. This is usually agreed upon in advance, but if the process began, say, earlier than the expected date, you can agree with the doctor during labor.

Let's continue the list of what you need to take with you to the maternity hospital (prenatal room). As soon as you provide all these documents, they will take a blood test from a vein and from a finger (minimum 1 syringe):

  • You will immediately be put on shoe covers and changed into disposable clothing with a cap on an elastic band.
  • Disposable gloves 2 couples - for prenatal examination. Perhaps the degree of disclosure will be checked several times.
  • Disposable diapers(2-3) in prenatal
  • Water without gas(if you drink in small sips, then 0.5 will be enough for you)
  • Massage cream, but it’s quite possible to take baby oil so that your husband can massage your neck and shoulders to relax.
  • You may need more syringes to inject you with drugs to induce labor (more 1-2 syringes)

The next part of the things from the collected bag for the birth itself:

  • Disposable diaper on the maternity chair
  • Disposable gloves staff for the birth itself. If the gloves don’t tear (it’s better to take thick silicone ones), then that’s enough. 4 pairs: 2 pairs: a doctor and a midwife, another 2 pairs for nurses.
  • Small disposable diaper for weighing a newborn
  • Clip on a newborn's belly button

Part of the packed bag for the maternity hospital - what does the mother need after giving birth?

  • Bed linen, but it is possible to give a small amount to the staff and receive it on the spot (clean and ironed), so as not to drag it out with you.
  • Water without gas 0.5.
  • Disposable panties for the first two days they are simply irreplaceable. This important nuance what to take with you to the maternity hospital according to the 2019 list
  • Postpartum pads- packaging
  • Robe on the belt, without buttons.
  • nightie, but focus on the fact that you won’t feel sorry if you get bloodied. As an option, a cotton sundress with straps. It’s comfortable to sleep and you can get your breasts out too.
  • Boiler and tea bags.
  • Bra with folding cups, an irreplaceable thing that you will use for many months, and of course it comes with replaceable inserts
  • Ointment from cracked nipples bipanten. It can also be used by a baby for diaper rash and irritation. Quite often, first-time mothers place their babies incorrectly until they learn, hence side effects. Such creams and ointments are made from hypoallergenic ingredients, without the use of dyes, preservatives, and other harmful fragrances. They moisturize and soften the skin on the chest. It helps treat inflammatory wounds and prevent the appearance of new ones.
  • Naturally, you will want to take a shower, and for this you need to take towel for the body and for the hands in the ward, The shampoo is hypoallergenic, without dyes. It will perfectly replace both shower gel and liquid soap if you immediately pour a small amount of it into a container with a dispenser and place it on the sink in your room. My roommate brought with her a 0.3 bottle of shampoo, a liter round jar of professional hair balm, a bottle of shower gel, regular bar and laundry soap.

    Tubes with creams for the body and hands, for the eyelids and naturally for the face. A bulky cosmetic bag, bottles of nail polishes, acetone for removing nail polish, a hair dryer and even a miniature TV. Seeing that all these jars could miraculously be replaced with one shampoo for 3 days, I gave everything to visiting relatives in the morning. She joked that otherwise, at the time of discharge, she would need to travel by minibus

  • In some institutions, the list of things for the maternity hospital is supplemented with a personal plate and spoon.
  • Not everything goes perfectly for everyone, and therefore the next day after giving birth you will have an examination, which means your list for childbirth will be replenished even more one pair of gloves and a disposable diaper.
  • For discharge There is no need to take things with you in advance. It is not known how many kg. you will lose it during childbirth. Personally, I didn’t fit into the things I had prepared in advance and, swallowing tears, and then, laughing, took pictures in my robe))). It would be better to ask your husband to bring you all the clothes you need the day before discharge. Also, do not take with you postpartum bandage and a breast pump.

So, from what you need to take with you to the maternity hospital, according to the list of things, you need 7-10 pairs of gloves alone. In addition, you will need toilet paper and garbage bags.

Doctors like to play it safe everywhere and prescribe injections for faster contraction of the uterus after childbirth. This is about 5-10 more syringes, most likely you will send your relatives to the pharmacy for the necessary drug.

What you need to take with you to the hospital for your baby

  • Of course, this is a package of TM Pampers diapers 3-5 kg. Usually, the last ultrasound tells you very accurately the expected weight of the baby at the time of birth.
  • Bipanten ointment for diapers. It has already been indicated above.
  • Absorbent disposable diapers for the table where you will change your little one.
  • Changing diapers depending on the time of year. Place one in the playpen and cover one (if you don’t plan to swaddle). One as a reserve (if the baby spits up a lot, you will need to wash it). As a mother of three children, I can safely say that swaddled toddlers sleep more peacefully.
  • Large pack of baby wipes. The newborn will pass meconium, which is usually black and similar to plasticine. So the packaging is it.
  • Nail scissors to trim nails, but this is not necessary. . There you can calmly do all these manipulations.
  • Socks and bodysuit (with or without sleeves) - 2-3 pieces. Choose bodysuits with buttons not only at the bottom, but also along the entire torso; they are easier to put on. You practically spread it out, put the baby on top, and all that’s left to do is catch it. If you are giving birth in winter, find out how the building is heated in advance. A couple or three sliders, if it’s spring/autumn.
  • 2 seasonal caps.
  • An envelope for discharge and an elegant set for your treasure.
  • To be honest, I didn’t fit into the things I prepared for myself, and how funny it was that my relatives took me home in a dressing gown. Therefore, if you have gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, do not expect that after giving birth you will instantly lose it all.

I hope that this article about things necessary for the maternity hospital for mother and baby will be as useful to you as possible. Write comments and don't forget about the buttons social networks so that as many mothers as possible understand roughly what awaits them and without hesitation pack their bags for the maternity hospital.