Causes of thrush during pregnancy. The negative impact of thrush on the body of a pregnant woman. Medicines for thrush during pregnancy

Thrush is perhaps the most annoying and unpleasant companion of a pregnant woman. Along with the news that you will soon have an heir or heiress, you may well hear news about the presence of thrush. Statistics say that every third pregnant woman experiences this disease - candidiasis, or. Popularly it received this name because of the symptoms: a curd-like discharge, milky in color.

The fungus can live peacefully in the body healthy woman without causing her any inconvenience. And only in your body does “ foreign body"- the fetus, as candida begins to actively multiply and bother you with itching, discharge, unpleasant smell or even pain.

Everything would be fine, we have medicine high level, the advertisement claims: one pill and the problem is eliminated. But is this really so? A pregnant woman faces a very difficult dilemma: to treat or not to treat? What will harm the child more: thrush or medications? So the answer is clear: TREAT! And as soon as possible. Already at the first symptoms, consult a doctor for a diagnosis. Only microscopic examination of a smear taken from the genital tract can confirm or refute the presence of candidiasis.

How dangerous is thrush for an unborn child?

The fact is that during pregnancy there can be complications. The fungus can infect many organs of the fetus. Most often this is the umbilical cord, skin, mucous system. Infection occurs during childbirth, but can also occur during pregnancy. If there is an advanced stage of thrush, the consequences for the unborn fetus can be fatal. Death is not so rare if a woman completely refuses treatment.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy

Let us immediately draw your attention: do not self-medicate! Neither advanced forums, nor effective advertising, nor advice from “experienced” people, nor recommendations from grandmothers will cure you of candidiasis. Trust only your doctor. It is he who will prescribe the optimal treatment, having studied the course of the disease, its severity and the condition of your body as a whole.

Typically, the course of treatment consists of several stages.

Drug treatment

There are local and systemic medications for the treatment of candidiasis. Systemic ones are taken orally and act directly in the intestines, which is where yeast-like fungi live, and then, spreading through the blood, penetrate all tissues. During pregnancy, they are used in extremely severe cases of illness due to high toxicity and side effects. Thrush is mainly treated with local medications - suppositories, vaginal tablets, creams and ointments. Natamycin (Pimafucin) is prescribed because it is non-toxic even in high doses, but its effectiveness is weak. Therefore, in late pregnancy, repeated thrush appears.

After the 12th week of pregnancy, suppositories with. IN last trimester pregnancy or before childbirth, it is possible to treat with the following drugs: Miconazole, Natamycin, Cyclopirox, Isoconazole. Do not forget that the duration of treatment and dosage must be prescribed by a doctor.

Since thrush is transmitted sexually, the partner must also undergo treatment. Typically, men are treated with both systemic and local action. Fluconazole is taken orally, and the external genitalia are treated with ointments or creams with clotrimazole.

10 days after treatment, both partners need to undergo a follow-up examination.

The second stage in the treatment of candidiasis is the prescription of drugs that will restore the intestinal microflora - probiotics, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, as well as restorative immunomodulatory drugs and multivitamins.


Surely you yourself have heard about effective folk remedies against thrush. The most popular is a recipe for a solution of water, soda and iodine, which you need to sit on once a day for 20 minutes. It is quite possible that even your gynecologist will prescribe washing your genitals with solutions made from oak bark, calendula, etc. These recipes will quickly relieve you of the signs of thrush, but the problem itself will remain and will soon make itself felt with renewed vigor. So remember that folk remedies It should be used in combination with antifungal drugs. During pregnancy, be careful when using herbal infusions so as not to harm yourself and your unborn baby.

When treating thrush, it is important to follow certain rules for successful recovery:

  • stop sexual contacts during the treatment period;
  • avoid serious physical activity;
  • do not eat spicy foods;
  • exclude sweet and flour products from your diet;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits, and dairy products;
  • try to drink plenty of fluids ( ideal option is );
  • Wash yourself 2-3 times a day with clean water, without soap;
  • avoid frequent douching;
  • give up fashionable “thongs” and tight-fitting underwear;
  • Use underwear made exclusively from cotton.


Since no woman is immune from the occurrence of this disease, remember preventive measures. It’s better to rule out the possibility of candidiasis before planning a pregnancy. Remember, thrush is most often provoked by the following factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • stress;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • changes in hormone levels;
  • chronic diseases;
  • poor nutrition;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • abuse of intimate perfumes;
  • tight underwear.

Take care of your health and the health of your unborn baby!

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

During pregnancy, serious changes occur in a woman’s body, including in the vaginal microflora. This is why many expectant mothers face this unpleasant phenomenon, like vulvovaginal candidiasis or, more simply, thrush.

Thrush is a disease of the mucous membranes caused by fungi of the genus Candida. These fungi are natural “inhabitants” of the skin, mucous membranes, intestines, and genital tract of humans and do not manifest themselves in any way if the immune system is stable.

While carrying a child in immune system The mother's body undergoes serious changes. In order to prevent fetal rejection (after all, it is half foreign to a woman’s body), immunity expectant mother weakens. Under these conditions, fungi begin to actively multiply - candidiasis occurs during pregnancy. This is why thrush occurs more often in expectant mothers than in non-pregnant women. Often the first episode of this disease in life occurs precisely while expecting a baby. Most high degree The incidence of candidiasis during pregnancy is observed in the last trimester and in primiparous women.

Thrush during pregnancy: symptoms of the disease

The severity of thrush symptoms during pregnancy depends on the form of the disease. It also happens that there are no signs of the disease, but an analysis of a vaginal smear will show the presence of fungi.

In the acute form of thrush during pregnancy, heavy or moderate vaginal discharge is observed white, with flakes resembling cottage cheese, itching in the perineal area, worsening in the evening and at night and after a long walk. A pregnant woman is bothered by a burning sensation and pain in the vaginal area when urinating or during sexual intercourse. This is due to the fact that the inflamed mucous membrane of the genital organs is especially sensitive to urine and other external irritants. When examined, the mucous membrane of the vagina and external genitalia reveals redness, swelling, and cheesy deposits.

Sometimes vulvovaginal candidiasis can be combined with candidiasis of the urinary system, with the development of urethritis (inflammation in urethra), cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).

With chronic recurring candidiasis during pregnancy, the manifestations of the disease persist for several months. In this case, there is an alternation of outbreaks and attenuation of symptoms of the disease. The acute form of thrush during pregnancy can become chronic in expectant mothers with weakened immune systems, as well as with improper treatment.

Causes of thrush during pregnancy

The following reasons contribute to the development of candidiasis:

  • Hormonal changes. Because of higher level Sex hormones in the cells of the vaginal epithelium increase the content of glycogen, the breakdown of which produces glucose - a favorable environment for the growth of candida. In addition, during pregnancy, the acidity of the vaginal secretion changes (towards the sour side), which also promotes the growth of fungi.
  • Weakening of the immune system. While waiting for a child against the background general change immunity, the protective function of the vaginal mucosa is reduced, as a result of which it is easier for fungi to attach and multiply.
  • Severe stress, which also contributes to a decrease in immunity.
  • Taking antibiotics. When using these drugs, the normal vaginal microflora is destroyed (lactobacteria, which inhibit the growth and reproduction of candida), resulting in favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of fungi.
  • Diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman. With diabetes, the level of glucose increases not only in the blood of a pregnant woman, but also in the cells of the vaginal epithelium, which creates optimal conditions for the life of candida.
  • Reception hormonal drugs belonging to the group of glucocorticoids. These medicines increase glucose levels, which promotes fungal growth.
  • Intestinal dysbiosis(disruption of the normal balance of microflora in the intestines). If hygiene rules are not followed, fungi from the intestines can infect the vaginal mucosa.
  • Poor nutrition when carbohydrates predominate in a pregnant woman’s diet.
  • Concomitant infections sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). In the vagina, due to the inflammatory process, an imbalance of microflora occurs. Under these conditions, candida begins to actively grow and multiply.
  • Wearing tight-fitting synthetic underwear. As a result, a microclimate is created in the vagina with increased temperature and humidity, favorable for the growth of fungal flora.

Diagnosis of candidiasis during pregnancy

To confirm the diagnosis, an obstetrician-gynecologist special tool takes a smear from the vagina, cervix, urethra, transfers it to a glass slide and sends it to the laboratory for analysis. There, a laboratory assistant stains the resulting material with a special dye and examines it under a microscope. If spores or fungal mycelium are detected in the smear, a diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis is made.

The bacteriological method is also used to diagnose the disease. At this study the material is sown on a special nutrient medium favorable for fungal growth. In the presence of candidiasis, they begin to multiply and form colonies, which confirms their presence in the vaginal discharge. The method is good because it allows you to determine the species of the fungus and give its quantitative assessment. And also to identify individual sensitivity to antifungal drugs, since not all fungi can be treated with certain medications.

Why is thrush dangerous for pregnant women?

It is necessary to treat candidiasis during pregnancy. This reduces the risk of pregnancy complications, prevents the threat of miscarriage, and reduces the likelihood of premature birth.

Why can such serious complications develop? The fact is that with candidiasis, due to existing inflammatory changes in the vagina, the tissues become more loose, which significantly increases the risk of their ruptures during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. In addition, if the mother has candidiasis, there is a risk of infection of the baby during pregnancy, as well as at birth.

Features of treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy

Treatment of thrush in pregnant women begins only after the diagnosis has been clarified based on laboratory data.

There are special requirements for drugs used to treat thrush in pregnant women. Medicines must be highly effective, safe for the baby, and well tolerated by the patient. Systemic antifungal drugs (tablets taken orally) are contraindicated during pregnancy due to their toxic effects on the fetus. Therefore, for the treatment of candidiasis, topical medications (suppositories, tablets, ointments) introduced into the vagina are prescribed.

In the first trimester, the range of use of antifungal drugs is limited due to their possible adverse effects on the developing embryo. The doctor will select a medicine approved for this period of pregnancy. As a rule, the drug is used in the form of suppositories inserted into the vagina at night. Before taking it, it is recommended to clean the vagina: eliminate the cheesy masses, otherwise the effectiveness of treatment will be reduced.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, a wider range of antifungal agents can be used.

The choice of drug, duration of therapy, dosage is determined strictly individually by the obstetrician-gynecologist managing the pregnancy. The expectant mother should under no circumstances self-medicate. This is dangerous not only for herself, but also for the baby.

Always prescribed in combination with antifungal drugs multivitamin complexes for pregnant. In some cases (with persistent thrush, despite treatment, with frequent colds in the expectant mother) the use of immunomodulators is indicated.

Nutrition for candidiasis during pregnancy

Recommended for pregnant women. Nutrition should be balanced. It is necessary to limit the intake of sweet, flour products, spicy, fried foods. These foods are rich in carbohydrates, which contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the growth of candida. In addition, it is important to include fermented milk products in your diet. They contain a large number of lactobacilli, which prevent the overgrowth of fungi in the intestines. While using the drugs, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity or use a condom.

After treatment of thrush in pregnant women, samples are taken to assess the effectiveness of therapy.

The question of the need to treat a sexual partner is currently not completely resolved. If a man has clinical manifestations (pain, itching, burning in the area of ​​the glans penis), he is treated with antifungal drugs in the form of creams. If the expectant mother has a recurrent course of thrush, then the doctor may prescribe her husband systemic medications in the form of tablets taken orally, which act on all fungi present in the body and prevent the reappearance of thrush.

When the first signs of the disease appear, you should definitely inform the obstetrician-gynecologist in charge of the pregnancy. Early detection of candidiasis and properly selected therapy will help in the future to avoid new relapses of the disease.

Thrush (candidiasis, candidiasis) is an infectious and inflammatory disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida, most often Candida albicans. In pregnant women, thrush occurs 3-4 times more often than in non-pregnant women, in most cases affecting the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system, then they speak of genital or vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Pregnancy is a priori a state of immunodeficiency, since the body “consciously” reduces its immune defense in order to avoid rejection of the fetus by the mother’s body. Therefore, a woman during pregnancy is more susceptible to any infectious diseases, including thrush.

Causes of thrush during pregnancy:

Decreased immunity, presence chronic diseases (diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, oncological pathology, HIV infection and others);

Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene (insufficient hygiene is as harmful as washing too frequently, especially with soap, which destroys the natural protective microflora of the vaginal mucosa; wearing tight, synthetic underwear; using pads throughout the day without replacing them);

Taking some medicines(glucocorticoid hormones, antibiotics, immunosuppressants);

Poor nutrition (excess sweets provokes a change in the composition of vaginal secretions and provides a rich environment for the growth of fungus).

During pregnancy, additional provoking factors appear:

Hormonal changes female body(the predominance of progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, causes specific changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs, it becomes more loose, juicy and abundantly supplied with blood, and the acidity of the vaginal secretion also changes, it becomes higher, which prevents the growth of bacteria, but increases the risk of thrush) ;

Iron deficiency anemia (in pregnant women, this condition is observed in the vast majority, since iron consumption during gestation is much higher than usual and dietary iron is not enough to compensate for the deficiency) and hypovitaminosis;

Constipation and other intestinal dysfunctions (during pregnancy, constipation is very common occurrence, which, however, is not the norm and leads to stagnation of feces, disruption of microflora and excessive proliferation of fungal colonies, which can lead to vaginal candidiasis);

Chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area, which are prone to exacerbation during pregnancy.

Symptoms of thrush during pregnancy

Acute candidiasis is a new-onset disease that can be cured with timely initiation of treatment. However, treatment of thrush often begins late, and the factor of immunosuppression in the pregnant woman’s body also plays a role and thrush becomes chronic with relapses, the frequency is different for all women, up to a continuous course, a chronic course is diagnosed in the presence of 4 or more episodes of recurrent candidal vaginitis within 1 of the year.

Acute and exacerbation of chronic candidiasis are characterized by the following symptoms:

1) Discharge. Discharge from thrush is white or slightly yellowish, cheesy, thick, abundant or moderate, has an unpleasant sour smell(yeast). The discharge can be in the form of a coating on the mucous membrane, thick, creamy, or separated into thick cheesy lumps.

2) Itching and burning. Itching and burning of the external genitalia and vaginal mucosa can vary in severity, sometimes characterized as unbearable and disrupting normal activity. A burning sensation in the vagina may occur at the end of urination. Sexual intercourse also provokes discomfort.

3) Swelling and redness mucous membranes and skin of the external genitalia, reddish rashes may be observed. All of the above symptoms increase with elevated temperature body, in the evening hours and during sleep (which often disturbs sleep), while walking (especially if you are sweating), during water procedures.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis

Perhaps candidiasis is a condition when a fungus is found in a smear that does not reproduce (there is no fungal mycelium in the smear), and there are no external symptoms thrush. However, this condition can also be treated during pregnancy.

Diagnosis of thrush:

1) Clinical picture.
2) Anamnesis (clarification of the facts of similar complaints in the past, especially if treatment was not carried out; accompanying illnesses and risk factors).
3) Gynecological examination (examination of the external genitalia, examination in the mirrors).
4) Microscopic method.

Microscopy of a well-taken vaginal smear is the main reliable method for diagnosing thrush. Microscopic examination of dry smears is carried out, as a rule, in the laboratory, but sometimes native (fresh) smears are examined directly at a doctor’s appointment (if the appropriate equipment is available and the doctor has microscopic diagnostic skills).

Cultural and molecular biological methods are not used in the primary diagnosis of this disease, because single Candida albicans can be observed in the vaginal microflora of a healthy woman.

IN Lately microbiologists and gynecologists are jointly re-studying a seemingly long-known pathology, but it turned out that thrush can now be caused not only by Candida albicans, but also by other fungi of the genus Candida. Many of them have been typed (Candidatropicalis, Candidakrusei, Candidaparapsilous, Candidaglobrata), some do not yet have a separate name. Therefore, the group of fungi that cause thrush and are not related to Candida albicans is called Candidanon-albicans.

The cultural method can be used in the chronic recurrent course of the disease, to determine the type of yeast-like fungi (especially to identify species not related to Candida albicans), when studying the effect of medicinal antifungal drugs, in the atypical course of the disease (including with systemic manifestations of candidiasis), when excluded other possible pathogens.

Thrush caused by Candidanon-albicans is unpleasant and dangerous because many conventional drugs do not lead to a cure and the inflammatory process becomes chronic.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy

Personal hygiene is the basis for thrush prevention and an important part of treatment. As we said above, the acidity of vaginal secretions increases during pregnancy, which increases the risk of thrush, so it is not recommended to use products during this period intimate hygiene containing lactic acid (and in ordinary life this is welcome). Recommended to use clean water, decoction of chamomile or calendula, intimate washing gels with neutral pH. All of the above products are used externally, only for washing the external genitalia.

DO NOT DOUCH! Similar procedures wash out the microflora from the vagina and aggravate the already impaired local immunity.

If the itching of the skin of the external genital organs is very pronounced, then you can prepare a weak solution of soda in warm water and wash yourself with it without introducing it inside. This manipulation will help relieve itching and burning and create a more alkaline environment. But for the mucous membranes the effect will be too harsh.

Nutrition should be rational and this is a truism. At excessive consumption sugar in any form, especially in the form of carbonated sweet drinks and baked goods (that is, in combination with yeast), drinks with yeast, creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of fungal colonies of thrush.

If you receive treatment even the most modern drugs, but continue to eat cakes and other sweets, drink kvass and sweet soda, then the treatment will be much less effective, and the risk of relapse increases.

You should also avoid excessively salty and spicy foods, as this leads to discomfort in the genital tract and during urination.

The basis of the diet is vegetables, fruits (exclude grapes, bananas and other too sweet fruits, give preference to seasonal fruits), cereals (with the exception of semolina), meat and fish.

Elimination of mechanical factor. During treatment, you should observe sexual rest and not take long baths ( better shower), wear only underwear made from natural materials and exclude panties - thongs; change gaskets as often as possible.

Drug treatment of thrush.

During pregnancy, for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, as a rule, local drugs are used, which are practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation and therefore have little effect on the overall metabolism. And yet, only an obstetrician-gynecologist should select the drug, taking into account the data of all examinations and the clinical picture.

Systemic drugs for oral administration (except pimafucin tablets) are used very rarely, as there is a significant risk to the fetus. The decision to prescribe a systemic antifungal drug must be carefully justified and the expected benefit to the mother must outweigh the risk to the fetus. Treatment varies by trimester; by the third trimester, the organs and systems of the fetus are fully formed and a wider range of drugs is allowed. The most difficult period is the first trimester, since the choice of drugs is limited and not excluded potential risk for the fetus.

Treatment of thrush in the first trimester of pregnancy

- Pimafucin (natamycin). Pimafucin suppositories are prescribed 1 suppository deep into the vagina at night for 3-6 days. For persistent recurrent thrush, add pimafucin tablets (1 tablet 4 times a day for 10–20 days). Data on toxic effects on the fetus have not been established.

- Zalain (sertoconazole). The drug is used when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. One vaginal suppository is inserted deep into the vagina at night once. If symptoms persist, re-administration is possible after 7 days. Before using the drug, you should toilet the external genitalia using neutral soap.

Kandinorm. Candinorm intravaginal gel is used once a day at night for 1 to 3 days. The gel is available in individual tubes; the contents of one tube should be inserted deep into the vagina at a time. Candinorm intravaginal gel (6 ml) should be combined with Candinorm gel for external hygiene (30 ml). Gel for intimate hygiene is applied 1 – 2 times a day, washing with warm water from front to back, can also be used by a partner. The drug is positioned as safe at any stage of pregnancy.

Viferon. It is used in the complex treatment of recurrent candidiasis, starting from the first trimester. Viferon 500 thousand units is applied 2 times a day rectally for 5 - 10 days. Combines with all antifungal drugs.

- Betadine (povidone - iodine, iodoxide, iodovidone, iodosept). These are suppositories containing an iodine compound, 1 suppository is used 1 - 2 times a day for 7 - 14 days, if necessary, the course is extended as prescribed by a doctor. These drugs are not used in the II and III trimesters.

Treatment of thrush in the second trimester of pregnancy

Polygynax. The drug is used strictly from the second trimester and is available in capsule form. The capsules are inserted one at a time deep into the vagina, moistened with water. Course 6 – 12 days.

Terzhinan. Available in the form of vaginal tablets, used at night, 1 tablet deep into the vagina, moistened with water. The course is from 6 to 20 days, selected individually.

Clotrimazole. Clotrimazole comes in the form of vaginal tablets and is very affordable. Use 1 vaginal tablet at night for 6 days. The tablet must be inserted deep into the vagina, moistened with water.

Livarol. Livarol suppositories are used 1 suppository per day (preferably at night) for 10 days. This drug is notable because it has proven effectiveness against Candidanon albicans and a low recurrence rate of thrush.

- Gyno-pevaril (econazole). Available in the form of suppositories with a dosage of 50 mg and 150 mg.
Gyno - digest 50 mg, 1 suppository before bedtime for 14 days.
Gyno - took 150 mg, 1 suppository before bedtime for 3 days. In case of relapse, the course is repeated after 1 week.

Treatment of thrush in the third trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester, all of the above drugs are used (except for iodine drugs), and a solution is also used boric acid in glycerin (borax in glycerin, sodium tetraborate 20%). It is used for abundant accumulations of fungal mycelium on the walls of the vagina, recurrent course. Sanitation of the genital tract is carried out with a tampon soaked in a glycerin solution of borax for 1 - 3 days, sometimes longer. Sodium tetraborate is not an independent type of treatment and will not get rid of thrush, but it will significantly reduce the fungal mass and cleanse the mucous membranes so that the further prescribed drug is more effective.

Additional drug treatment for thrush

- multivitamins for pregnant women (elevitpronatal, vitrumprenatal, femibionnatalkaI or II, depending on the stage of pregnancy);

Preparations of pre- and probiotics (Linex, Hilak-Forte, Bifiform, Maxilak) to normalize intestinal function, which is one of the breeding grounds for thrush fungi.

For getting lasting effect The partner should be treated too. The partner should be treated by a urologist or andrologist. Men are usually prescribed external creams and gels; if ineffective, systemic medications are used.

Complications of thrush during pregnancy

Complications for the mother

Complicated childbirth. Inflamed vaginal walls lose elasticity, become loose and vulnerable, therefore the likelihood of ruptures during childbirth increases and the healing of sutures worsens, the risk of bleeding during childbirth and the early postpartum period increases.

Complicated course of the postoperative period after caesarean section. Postoperative period may be complicated by difficult healing of sutures, failure of the uterine scar.

Incorporation of other flora. A mixed infection is always more difficult and longer to treat than a monoinfection. Accession bacterial vaginosis may lead to the prescription of more drugs and increases the risk of toxic effects on the fetus.

Complications and consequences of thrush for the fetus

- Retarded growth and development of the fetus. The chronic inflammatory process leads to fetal growth retardation and disruption of placental blood flow.

Intrauterine infection of the fetus. Candidiasis in the mother is dangerous due to the spread of infection to the fetus. After birth, fungal plaque on the gums (candidal stomatitis) and skin infection (vesiculopustulosis) are detected. The most extreme manifestation intrauterine infection is candidal sepsis.

- Threat of miscarriage. Recurrent itching causes sleep disturbance and anxiety, which can affect the tone of the uterus.

- Threat of premature birth due to premature rupture of amniotic fluid. Untreated thrush can cause damage membranes and their premature rupture with leakage amniotic fluid.


At timely treatment candidiasis is treatable and does not cause complications. With regular monitoring and monitoring of cure, you can be sure that your baby is safe. However, advanced cases of such a “harmless” and banal infection as thrush can provoke many of the above complications.

When thinking about planning a pregnancy, you should definitely visit a gynecologist and rule out microflora disorders, infections and other risk factors. By being treated before pregnancy, you will significantly protect both yourself and your unborn baby. If thrush overtakes you during pregnancy, then you should immediately go to your gynecologist; the sooner you start treatment, the more effective result. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Obstetrician-gynecologist Petrova A.V.

Unfortunately, thrush occurs quite often in pregnant women, and although this disease is not considered dangerous, it is not infrequently it is difficult to treat.

Thrush in pregnant women is a common occurrence. What is thrush and why does it appear? Thrush is caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. It is a natural “tenant” of the digestive and genitourinary systems of most people (both women and men), but sometimes, when exposed to certain factors, it begins to actively multiply, displacing “good” bacteria from the vagina.

There is one more unpleasant moment. When a child is born, he passes through the birth canal and can become infected with thrush, which manifests itself as white plaque in the mouth (on the tongue and cheeks). This condition is easily treated and does not pose a particular danger to the baby, however, when feeding, the baby can transfer the infection to the breast, as a result of which the mother will experience extremely painful sensations during feeding, which can turn this process into real torture. In this case, some women are even ready to stop completely. breast-feeding, but all that is needed is to cure both mother and baby from thrush. And then feeding will definitely improve.

Thrush in pregnant women is not a death sentence. There are many ways to get rid of this disease.


Thrush can be cured fairly quickly by using antifungal drugs. But since a woman is pregnant, she should not take strong medications (an exception is the prenatal period, when so-called sanitation of the birth canal is necessary). To a greater extent, almost all drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy. But the use of suppositories such as Klion D, Livarol, Polygynax and some others is possible in the third trimester of pregnancy and only after consultation with a doctor. The gynecologist will conduct tests (smear for flora) and if the diagnosis is confirmed, only then will he decide on the prescription of drugs, calculating possible risk and taking into account all the nuances of pregnancy.


Thrush, or candidiasis in medical terms, is a fairly common disease. Most often it affects women. It often happens that thrush occurs in women during pregnancy. At this time, it is especially important to carry out a timely therapeutic course designed to completely eliminate the disease. The consequences of delay can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. The child may get sick candidal stomatitis while passing through an infected birth canal. Anti-thrush medications used during pregnancy have a mild therapeutic effect so as not to harm the unborn baby. After all, most of the medications are topical.

What are the risks of thrush during pregnancy?

  1. Vaginal tissues lose elasticity, which threatens strong gusts during childbirth. As a result rehabilitation period becomes long and complicated.
  2. A fungus of the genus Candida can damage a growing embryo, which can lead to disastrous consequences, including premature termination of pregnancy.

How to properly treat thrush in pregnant women?

Only your doctor can tell you what to take for thrush during pregnancy. You cannot self-medicate in this matter. Before starting treatment for candidiasis, you should make sure that the diagnosis is correct. Incorrectly prescribed treatment can lead to serious consequences. The gynecologist takes swabs from the vagina for analysis, and then wait for the results of laboratory tests. Based on which he will prescribe treatment according to the case.

How to treat thrush in pregnant women?

There is no shortage of drugs that can effectively get rid of traces of thrush, but not everyone can be used while pregnant. Drugs for thrush during pregnancy are divided into topical and systemic. The latter are taken orally and have the ability to affect the entire body. This is not the most the best option, because the drug can also have a negative effect on the growing embryo.

Topical agents work in a targeted manner and for the most part do not have the ability to penetrate the placenta. For this reason, these drugs are preferable.

Treatment of thrush in the first trimester of pregnancy requires special care. In it time is running the formation of the child’s organs, while the placental barrier, which protects the baby from the negative influence of the environment, has not yet been formed. At this time, the therapeutic course should be especially gentle. For this reason, Diflucan, MIKOsist, MIKOmax, Levorin should not be prescribed during pregnancy. These drugs are quite strong and effective in treating thrush. But their effect on the fetus can be negative and dangerous for its further development.

Pimafucin for thrush

As active component Pimafucin contains natamycin. This is a broad-spectrum antifungal antibiotic. Natamycin disrupts the integrity of the pathogenic bacterium, preventing its growth and development, leading to death. Its effectiveness is especially great in the fight against fungus of the genus Candida.

At the same time, it is completely harmless to the body, which is why it is often prescribed to pregnant women. It is not absorbed by the mucous membrane, acting exclusively at the local level. Does not penetrate into the blood or through the placenta. Pimafucin works so carefully that it is prescribed even in the first trimester of pregnancy. But this does not mean that you can prescribe it yourself. Tests are required before use.

This drug has no contraindications, but in some cases of individual intolerance, allergic reactions in the form of itching and burning may occur. This reaction of the body to the drug quickly passes and does not require replacing Pimafucin with analogues.

How to use?

To treat thrush, suppositories are most often used. They can be used from the first day of pregnancy. You should put a candle once a day for a week. In case of advanced thrush or its chronic manifestation, an intensive course is required. This requires additional use cream. It is applied to the external genitalia, and Pimafucin tablets are also included in the course. They are taken four times a day for a week.

When inserted inside, the suppositories begin to quickly melt and form a foam-like substance that fills the vagina. For the best effect, you need to remain in a horizontal position for half an hour after inserting the suppository.

The cost of a pack of 3 candles in pharmacies starts from 270 rubles.

Clotrimazole for candidiasis

Active substance of this medicine for thrush during pregnancy is clotrimazole. It is a derivative of imidazole, a broad-spectrum antifungal drug. The product works by destroying the structure of the pathogenic bacterium, thereby leading to the death of the Candida fungus. Clotrimazole not only effectively fights infection, but helps restore the vaginal mucosa, restoring the natural microflora of a woman’s vagina.

Used to treat candidiasis vaginal tablets and cream for external use. Clotrimazole has virtually no contraindications, except for allergic reactions to individual components. Also, the drug should not be used in the first three months of pregnancy.

When using Clotrimazole, it should be taken into account that it reduces the effectiveness of some antibiotics. At the same time, the propyl ester of para-hydroxybenzoic acid contained in some drugs significantly enhances the antifungal effect of Clotrimazole. While dexamethasone, on the contrary, significantly reduces the therapeutic effect of this drug. Paired with Nystatin, effectiveness antifungal agent may fall.

How to use?

The therapeutic course of vaginal tablets is carried out over 6 days. At this time, one tablet should be inserted into the vagina daily. For better dissolution, the tablet should be kept in water before administration. It is better to take the drug at night so that the medicine has time to better distribute throughout the mucous membrane. If necessary, the course can be repeated again. The cream is used externally, applied to cleanly washed and dried skin. Soap should be used with a neutral pH.

The cost of the drug is more than budget - from 10 rubles per package.

Terzhinan for thrush

It is a combinatorial drug widely used by gynecologists for the treatment various diseases genital tract in women. This drug is often included in the therapeutic complex for thrush during pregnancy. The product owes its effectiveness comprehensive work several active substances at once: neomycin in the form of sulfate, ternidazole, nystatin and prednisolone. Neomycin is an antibacterial agent. Ternidazole - has a targeted effect on pathogenic bacteria that cause various infections. Nystatin, as an antifungal antibiotic, actively affects the fungus of the genus Candida. Prednisolone, being a chemical derivative of the hormone hydrocortisone, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The only contraindication for taking this drug is individual intolerance.

How to use?

The tablets are inserted deep into the vagina at night every day. Before administration, you should immerse it in water for 30 seconds, this will allow the medicine to quickly dissolve. The course lasts for 10 days. IN special case the treatment period can be extended to 20 days.

Due to the fact that Terzhinan is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, it is often prescribed as prophylactic shortly before giving birth. For this purpose, the drug should be taken for 6 days, also at night.

In the first days of use, you may experience an unpleasant sensation in the vagina and a burning sensation. This is not a reason to stop treatment; the discomfort will soon pass.

For a small package of Terzhinan at the pharmacy they will ask for 350 rubles.

Betadine for candidiasis

The main working component of this product is povidone-iodine. Due to the released iodine particles, an environment is formed in the vagina that is unsuitable for the life of many bacteria, including fungi of the genus Candida. The death of bacteria occurs quite quickly, literally in minutes. This drug for thrush is not addictive, so it is sometimes introduced into a therapeutic course for pregnant women.

At the same time, Betadine has a number of contraindications that need to be taken into account. You should not take it with hyperthyroidism, with Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis, with adenoma thyroid gland(due to the iodine content), you should not combine the therapeutic course of Betadine with other iodine-containing drugs. At hypersensitivity This remedy is also not prescribed for iodine.

Adverse reactions that occur during treatment with this drug are quite possible. So, sometimes redness and itching are likely to occur. This is a reaction to the presence of iodine. Vaginal dysbiosis and thyrotoxicosis may appear. This drug should not be taken with fourth month pregnancy. This can provoke disturbances in the formation of the thyroid gland in the fetus.

How to use?

The therapeutic course lasts a week. During this period, one suppository should be inserted into the vagina, preferably at night. So that the medicine is well distributed throughout the vagina. In case of acute course of the disease or its chronic manifestation, the course should be extended to two weeks.

In the pharmacy this drug costs from 350 rubles.

Livarol for thrush

The basis of this medicine for thrush during pregnancy is ketoconazole. This substance is active against a number of pathogenic fungi and microorganisms, including fungi of the genus Candida. This product has few contraindications - individual intolerance to some components and the first three months of pregnancy. Burning and itching are possible side effects; these unpleasant sensations disappear after a few days of treatment.

How to use?

The suppositories should be inserted as deep into the vagina as possible. You need to light a candle every day, it is better to do this at night. The course lasts for 3-5 days. If a woman’s disease is in an advanced state or in a chronic stage, it is permissible to extend the course to 10 days.

Livarol cannot be called budget option– its cost starts from 500 rubles for a small package.

Miconazole for candidiasis

This is not the most best drug for use during pregnancy, it is prescribed only in extreme cases. The active component of this medicine for thrush for pregnant women is a substance of the same name - miconazole. It has a strong antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect. This substance is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream, so it is widely used to treat thrush and not only in pregnant women.

This drug has many forms, but only suppositories are used to treat thrush. They have no contraindications; side effects include itching and burning. After a couple of days, this unpleasant effect goes away on its own without interrupting therapy.

How to use?

Therapeutic course for based on Miconazole lasts at least two weeks. During this time, one suppository should be administered at night.

The cost of the drug in pharmacies is about 50 rubles per package.

Gyno-Pevaril for thrush

The active component is econazole nitrate. This product has antifungal and antibacterial properties. This drug for candidiasis for pregnant women quickly penetrates the mucous membrane, soothing it and relieving itching and burning.

This drug has few contraindications - individual intolerance to individual components and the first three months of pregnancy. It is extremely rare to notice such adverse reactions from taking this drug as itching, burning and redness. This is not a reason to stop treatment; after a couple of days, the discomfort will subside on its own.

How to use?

The suppositories should be inserted as deep into the vagina as possible. The therapeutic course lasts for 3 days. If no improvement has occurred during this time, treatment is continued for another 3 days.

The drug can hardly be called budget, the cost of one package starts from 450 rubles.

Folk remedies for candidiasis

It can be used against thrush not only medications. Actively working in this direction ethnoscience, effectively replacing medications for thrush during pregnancy. It is worth considering that it is not able to completely replace medications. But it is able to speed up the healing process. The following tools are especially popular:

  1. Borax in glycerin;
  2. 4 percent soda solution;
  3. Milk serum;
  4. Herbal decoctions and infusions.

Most often, herbal infusions are used; chamomile, sage, and nettle are popular. The most accurate recommendations about what pregnant women can take for thrush will be given by their attending physician. You should rely on his competent opinion.