Types of tests for leakage of amniotic fluid and instructions for their use. Amnishur (AmniSure), a test system for determining leakage of amniotic fluid due to rupture of membranes

According to various authors, the frequency premature birth ranges from 5 to 12% per year and has tended to increase over the past 20 years, and this despite the rapid development of medicine. About 40% of all preterm births are the result of early rupture amniotic fluid, which leads to functional underdevelopment of organs and systems, perinatal mortality and, in more than half of cases, to intrauterine infection of the fetus. However, you can avoid all undesirable consequences, if the pathology is diagnosed in time and the necessary measures are taken.

For some reason, many women believe that if their water breaks, it will certainly be a huge puddle that is difficult not to notice. And therefore, they are extremely surprised when, before giving birth, they hear such phrases as “long periods without water”, “probable infection of the fetus”, without realizing that water can simply leak, sometimes for a very long time (a month or even more).

Without feeling any alarming symptoms, rare woman V recent months voluntarily sit in the obstetric chair or go to the ultrasound room for an appointment. Meanwhile, knowing the causes and signs of leakage of amniotic fluid, the expectant mother can ensure the birth of the long-awaited and healthy child on time.

Compound amniotic fluid varies depending on the stage of pregnancy and contains vitamins, electrolytes, carbohydrates, proteins, immunoglobulins, vellus hair, exfoliated fetal skin cells, hormones, enzymes, etc. These are normal components amniotic fluid, but in the case of fetal hypoxia or infection, it acquires a greenish tint, becomes cloudy, and pathogenic microorganisms and meconium are found in its composition.

The role of amniotic fluid.

First of all, it is protection and shock absorption. Amniotic fluid does not allow the walls of the uterus to compress the fetus and the umbilical cord. It protects against possible bruises when the mother falls, allows the child to move freely and participates in his nutrition.

Reasons leading to leakage of amniotic fluid

· Infectious diseases of the genital organs, as well as other organs and systems of women. In 12–15% of examined pregnant women with leakage of amniotic fluid, infectious diseases respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tract. 23–25% have chronic salpingo-oophoritis.

· Cervical ectopia and any other destructive diseases. More than half of all pregnant women with water leakage fall into this category. This also includes women who have undergone surgery on the cervix and have a history of abortions.

· Genital infection. This includes both sexually transmitted infections and bacterial vaginosis(dysbacteriosis). Very often during pregnancy, due to changes in a woman’s hormonal background, the growth of normal vaginal microflora is suppressed, and this leads to the proliferation of opportunistic flora (these are pathogenic microorganisms that live in the vagina of any healthy woman, but their number is negligible, so they do no harm). Toxins released by microorganisms thin the walls of the bladder, resulting in the formation of microcracks - a gateway for ascending infection and a source of water leakage.

In all of the above cases, amniotic fluid can be released abundantly, but most often it is a small volume (drop by drop), and it is very difficult to recognize that this is a threatening condition. After all, in women during pregnancy, vaginal secretion increases and discharge becomes more abundant, and an extra couple of drops goes unnoticed.

Diagnostic methods for leakage of amniotic fluid

Until recently, laboratory analysis remained the main method for diagnosing this pathology. If there was a suspicion of water leakage in the pregnant woman, material was collected from the cervix and vagina. It was examined for the presence of amniotic fluid cells and for the arborization phenomenon or ferning sign. The fact is that the mucus found in the amniotic fluid has the ability to crystallize when it dries. And under a microscope it looks like fern leaves - hence the name.

But now more humane methods have emerged for determining amniotic fluid in vaginal contents. This is an AmniSure test that can be done at home by any woman.

Diagnosis of water leaks using the AmniSure amnitest

The AmniSure test is practically no different from a regular test and has small features. The method is based on the detection of placental alpha-1-microglobulin (PAMG-1) in vaginal discharge.

This substance is in large quantities found in amniotic fluid and is practically not detected in other fluids of a pregnant woman (blood, vaginal secretions, urine). And even when hit small quantity PAMG-1 in the vagina sensitive test catches it right away.

What does it look like and how to use it?

Looks very recognizable. The same test strip, the same traditional two lines as when determining pregnancy. But in this case, it is not urine that is tested, but vaginal secretions, so the kit additionally includes a sterile swab and a bottle of solvent.

Before use, the bottle must be shaken, the cap removed and placed on a special stand.

Insert a sterile tampon into the vagina for at least 1 minute, and then “rinse” in a bottle with a solvent.

Place the test strip into the bottle with the side indicated by the arrows.

The result is determined after a minimum of 10 minutes, a maximum of 15. A negative result is one line, a positive result is two lines.

If the outpouring of water is significant, the result will appear immediately, if the amount is small - after 10 minutes.

The method is very good because it is always at hand, and you can refute or confirm your suspicions quickly and without the use of unpleasant instrumental research.

The sensitivity of the test is 98.9%.

It is worth remembering that the test only determines the presence of amniotic fluid in the vagina; it cannot determine the degree of damage to the membranes of the bladder. But even with minor water leakage, hospitalization is required! Only in this case can complications be eliminated and the birth of a healthy child ensured.

Test system Amnishur (AmniSure)- the most accurate non-invasive method for diagnosing premature rupture of amniotic fluid. The test accuracy is 98.7%.
AmniSure test system should be in every pregnant woman's medicine cabinet to eliminate one of the most dangerous complications pregnancy - premature effusion water
The test can be easily performed by a woman at home. Everything you need to perform the test is included in the kit.
The test is based on the determination of Placental Alpha Microglobulin - a substance that is found in large quantities in amniotic fluid and is normally practically not found in the vagina and other body fluids, such as vaginal secretions, urine, blood, sperm. Therefore, the test has the highest accuracy of all methods for diagnosing premature rupture of membranes.

Indications for use

We need to be cautious and test the system. Amnishur If:
- The discharge has become more abundant and watery;
- Changes in the nature of the discharge occurred after an injury, a fall;
- In addition to discharge, cramping pain and/or bloody issues;
- Particular caution should be exercised during multiple pregnancies and in the presence of an infectious process in the mother
Important: a small rupture of the membranes is no less dangerous than a massive rupture, as the gateway to infection is open

Mode of application

Step-by-step instructions for a pregnancy test Amnishur:
Step 1. Take the test tube with the solvent by the cap and shake well. After making sure that all the liquid inside the test tube has sunk to the bottom, open the test tube and place it in the slot in the box in an upright position.
Step 2: Taking a vaginal sample.
Take the sterile swab included in the kit. Before insertion into the vagina, the tip of the tampon should not come into contact with anything. Take the tampon by the middle of the handle and carefully insert it into the vagina to a depth of no more than 5 - 7 cm. Leave the tampon in the vagina for 1 minute, and only then remove it.
Step 3: Setting up the test.
Dip the polyester end of the swab into the tube and rinse the swab in the solution by rotating the swab for 1 minute. Remove the swab from the tube and discard it.
Dip the white end of the test strip (indicated by arrows) into the test tube containing the solvent. Significant leakage of amniotic fluid will result in an early (within 30 seconds) result, while small leakage may not become visible until after 10 minutes.

Negative result - one line. In this case, there is no violation of the integrity of the membranes.
Positive result - two lines. In this case, there was a violation of the integrity of the membranes.
Do not read the results if more than 15 minutes have passed since the test strip was immersed in the tube.

How to use the test results:
If the test is positive, it means, unfortunately, there is rupture of the membranes.
We need to go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible. It's best to call ambulance. If the gestational age is less than 34, ask the doctors to refer you to the perinatal center. The tactics that the doctors will choose depends on the gestational age. If the test is negative, you can be congratulated: the membranes are intact.
AmniSure test system helped protect you from unnecessary worries and unnecessary medications - the problem of rupture of the membranes this moment passed you by.
It’s great if, apart from the discharge, nothing else bothers you. You can confidently and happily continue to lead your usual image life without changing plans unnecessarily. The diagnosis has refuted your suspicions and convinced you that everything is fine. If you have any other symptoms or increased discharge, we advise you to consult a doctor. Be that as it may, you should not remain too calm or worry too much - regular examinations no one canceled the doctor. It is he who will do everything possible to compare the symptoms and test results, which must be discussed, at your next visit.


If there is heavy bleeding (the end of the swab is red), the test may not work correctly.
If there are only trace amounts of blood (the swab is pinkish), the test is functioning normally.?
The test should be used no earlier than 6 hours after removing any disinfectant solutions or medications from the vagina.

Main settings


The health of a pregnant woman and the baby under her heart is of great importance for the well-being of the nation. Therefore, representatives of the Institute of Medicine have always paid great attention diagnostic observation of expectant mothers. Thanks to long-term scientific experiments and developments, today women have the opportunity to use tests to determine ovulation, tests to confirm pregnancy, an ultrasound machine... Our article is devoted to the Amnishur test system, which was created for the convenient and timely diagnosis of premature leakage of water during pregnancy.

Early discharge of amniotic fluid, or amniotic fluid, can be caused by a number of factors unfavorable to the health of the woman and the fetus. Here are the most common ones:

  1. Activity of infectious agents of urogenital diseases (Trichomonas, chlamydia, candida, human papillomavirus, etc.).
  2. Inflammation of the uterine cavity and its cervix, vagina, amniotic sac.
  3. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  4. High concentration of male sex hormones in female body and other hormonal system disorders.
  5. Polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios.
  6. Physical activity that is disproportionate for a pregnant woman.
  7. Unsuccessful landing when falling.
  8. External shocks to the abdominal area.
  9. Rough or too intense sexual intercourse.

What threat does leakage of amniotic fluid pose?

The amniotic fluid in the hermetically sealed amniotic sac is the sanctuary of the growing baby. On intrauterine stage development, amniotic fluid is a natural habitat, as well as an essential food product and source of oxygen for the fetus.

With the slightest damage to the integrity of the fetal bladder, the amniotic fluid loses its sterility and can no longer provide the child with complete protection from various pathogenic microorganisms. The most tragic complication of amniotic fluid leakage during pregnancy is fetal death, so a timely response expectant mother addressing the problem is considered the main method of preventing misfortune.

The degree of danger of a woman’s pathological condition is determined by the duration of her pregnancy. 35 - 36 weeks is not a critical moment, although this is not a reason for doctors and the expectant mother to sit idly by. Doctors, as a rule, develop this situation according to the same scenario - they stimulate the development labor activity artificially or perform an operation caesarean section if there are appropriate indications.

Sometimes they try to prolong a long-term pregnancy in the presence of leakage as much as possible, but this scenario is possible only in the absence intrauterine infection and the stable condition of the pregnant woman herself.

When portioned discharge of water is observed at 20–25 weeks, expectant treatment is relevant, although immediate termination of pregnancy is also possible. If the expectant mother generally feels well and went to the hospital on time, they will fight for the child. Tocolytic therapy, courses of antibacterial drugs and bed rest are used.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a pregnant woman with water leakage to go to the hospital too late. Doctors in such a situation detect already advanced infections of the birth canal and the amniotic fluid itself, non-viability or death of the fetus. Then there is only one way out: to terminate the pregnancy and prescribe the patient an intensive course of rehabilitation therapy.

Obviously, the main condition for a successful pregnancy outcome in case of leakage of amniotic fluid is the timely request of the expectant mother for qualified help.

Signs of pathology

The percentage of complications during pregnancy due to water leakage is quite impressive (about 15% of the total number of cases of violation of the integrity of the membranes), and all due to the fact that it is quite difficult for the expectant mother to independently diagnose this phenomenon.

The main symptoms of premature leakage of amniotic fluid are:

  • increased secretion of fluid from the genital tract after a change in body position or moderate physical activity;
  • if the wall of the amniotic sac is severely damaged, water literally flows;
  • the flow of released fluid cannot be restrained even by deliberate contraction of the pelvic muscles (such as a stream of urine).

If the wall of the amniotic sac is slightly torn, the fact of leakage of amniotic fluid can be determined using certain laboratory tests or through the use of a specialized test for use at home.

AmniSure test

The Amnishur test system is an effective diagnostic device for confirming or refuting the fact of amniotic fluid leakage during pregnancy. The probable error of the test is completely insignificant - only 1.3%. Amnishur is intended for independent use by women at home. There will be no problems using the test - it is non-invasive (does not invade the body) and a very convenient diagnostic method. The Amnishur test for water leakage is equipped with everything necessary for setting up a home. Doctors unanimously agree that every pregnant woman should replenish her home first aid kit such a test: it can be used at the slightest suspicion of leakage and thus not lose a minute of valuable time.

Operating principle of the diagnostic method

The mechanism of operation of the test system is based on the identification of the so-called placental alpha microglobulin. A high concentration of this specific substance is an essential component in the amniotic fluid. The remaining fluids of the human body - genital secretions, urine, seminal fluid and blood - do not normally contain alpha microglobulin. Laboratory studies have proven that the Amnishur test system is the most in an exact way determining the premature expiration of amniotic fluid - its reagents can detect even a minimal amount of protein in the secretion that is released from the genital tract.

When to use the Amnishur leak test

You should seek help from a home diagnostic device if the following warning symptoms appear:

  1. The degree of wateriness and the volume of vaginal discharge have increased markedly.
  2. Quantitative and/or quality characteristics discharge changed after an unsuccessful fall or injury to the expectant mother.
  3. Cramping sensations appeared in the lower abdomen, and blood streaks were added to the discharge from the genital tract.

A woman should pay double attention to her health if she is expecting twins or triplets, as well as if she has a disease of infectious origin. Also, the expectant mother should understand that the degree of rupture of the membranes does not matter: a minimal violation of the integrity of the walls of the bladder is just as dangerous as a massive rupture, since the fetus is left without any protection from pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases.

Amnishur test: instructions for use

To anticipate everything possible questions our readers, we provide a detailed description of the procedure for using the Amnishur test system:

  1. The tube filled with liquid reagent must be shaken before use. After the solvent in the flask has completely sunk to the bottom, remove the cap from it and place it vertically in the hole cut in the box.
  2. Now you need to make a smear of vaginal secretion. To do this, you will find a sterile swab in the test kit. Be careful: before insertion into the vagina, nothing should touch its tip. Comfortably grasp the middle of the tampon handle and slowly insert it into the vagina about 5 - 7 cm, no more. Wait 1 minute, then carefully remove the tampon from your vagina.
  3. After obtaining a sample of the vaginal environment, a test can be done. Dip the polyester tip of the swab into the test tube to rinse it in the liquid reagent - to do this, rotate the swab in the test tube for at least 1 minute. Then take it out and throw it away.
  4. Place the white end of the test strip, marked with arrows, into the test tube with the reagent. If the rupture of the membranes is significant, the result will not take long to arrive and will appear in the first 30 seconds. If there is slight leakage of amniotic fluid, you will have to wait about 10 minutes. To evaluate the results obtained, the test strip must be placed on a clean, dry, flat surface.

It is important! You cannot read the results 15 minutes after immersing the test strip in the test tube reagent - they are no longer true.

Now let's look at how to interpret the data obtained using the Amnishur amniotic fluid test. If one line appears on the test strip, the result is considered negative, but if you see two lines, the result is positive. Two stripes indicate that the membranes of the fetal bladder have burst and amniotic fluid is leaking.

How to react to the results of the Amnishur test

If you receive a positive answer, you should immediately contact your gynecologist or immediately call an ambulance. If you are not yet 34 weeks pregnant, ask the doctors to take you to the perinatal unit. They will objectively assess your condition and provide appropriate first aid.

If the test results are negative, you can relax: the amniotic sac is intact. Your concerns about amniotic fluid leakage were most likely caused by an increase in the volume of natural vaginal secretions. It’s great that the Amnishur water test was able to refute your fears. If nothing else worries you, continue to lead the normal lifestyle of a happy expectant mother. If you have additional symptoms that make you worry, consult your doctor, despite negative result diagnostic test.

Contraindications to the use of the Amnishur test

You should not rely on the test results if you have heavy vaginal bleeding - this will be indicated by the red end of the tampon. However, if the spotting is insignificant (the tampon has turned pinkish), the answer - positive or negative - will be reliable.

Beware of using the Amnishure test immediately after vaginal treatment disinfectant solutions or after exposure medicines. It is better to wait 6 - 7 hours, and only then begin home research.

Special instructions regarding the use of the Amnishur test

  1. None of the components of the Amnishur test kit should be taken orally.
  2. Before using the test, be sure to read the instructions that come with it. If you comply necessary rules inaccuracy, manufacturers do not guarantee the accuracy of the results.
  3. Be careful when collecting biomaterial, working with the test reagent and its disposal.
  4. If any component of the test suite is damaged, the test is unusable.
  5. Spent tests are a biohazard.
  6. Do not use the Amnishur test if it has expired.
  7. The Amnishur test cannot be reused.
  8. Do not wrinkle or bend the aluminum foil that contains an unused test strip.

Today the Amnishur test can be purchased at any major pharmacy. The price for this diagnostic device varies from 1500 to 1800 rubles depending on the region.

How to prevent amniotic fluid leakage

To avoid encountering such a problem while expecting a child, listen to the recommendations of doctors:

  • promptly treat all foci of inflammation and infection (caries, pyelonephritis, acute and chronic tonsillitis, etc.);
  • with the support of doctors, do everything necessary to eliminate isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • take all measures to avoid miscarriage.

Amnishur test - a word from a specialist. Video

Hello girls. IN last topic I promised to search the Internet for information about the Amnishur test and talk about it in my journal. So, I found the manufacturer’s official website and studied all the information there.

The accuracy of the Amnishur test system is 98.7%. And this is a more accurate non-invasive method for diagnosing premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

When is testing necessary?

You need to be very careful and conduct a test if:

In addition to discharge, you are worried about bloody discharge or cramping pain;

The discharge has become more watery and abundant;

Particular caution should be exercised if there is an infectious process in the mother or multiple pregnancy;

Changes in the nature of discharge occurred due to a fall or injury.

It is important to know that with a small rupture of the membranes, the gates for infection are open and this is no less dangerous than a massive rupture.

What are the benefits of home testing?

The fact is that watery and more abundant discharge is very common in pregnant women and is normal. What may be associated with slight urinary incontinence or increased hormonal levels. Every third pregnant woman experiences such symptoms. And setting up the Amnishur test system will help avoid hospitalization, unnecessary worries and medical manipulations.

Also. It is advisable to purchase the Amnishur test system if a woman has a multiple pregnancy, there was premature rupture of membranes in a previous pregnancy, there are infections, or the woman is leaving for a resort or dacha.

But what to do if there is an obvious rupture of the membranes?

If, regardless of the stage of pregnancy, a significant amount of odorless and colorless liquid is released, then you need to urgently contact the maternity hospital. Testing may not be carried out if heavy discharge.

In both premature and full-term pregnancy, in the absence of delivery or treatment after 24 hours, this can lead to the development of severe infectious complications on the part of the child and mother.

How to install the Amnishur test system?

Taking the test is similar to taking a pregnancy test.

1. You need to take the test tube with the solvent by the cap and shake it well. Then, you need to make sure that all the liquid that is in the test tube sank to the bottom. and open the test tube and place it in the hole on the box with the test in a vertical position.

2. Next you need to take a sample of vaginal contents. To do this, take a sterile swab, which is included in the kit. But, remember. that before this, the tip of the tampon is sterile and should not come into contact with anything. Take the tampon by the middle of the handle and carefully insert it into the vagina. The depth should be 5-7 cm. Leave the tampon in the vagina for one minute and then remove it.

3. Immerse the polyester end of the swab into the test tube and rinse the swab in the solution. in this case, you need to rotate the tampon for one minute.

4. Remove the swab from the tube and discard it. Next, you need to immerse the white end of the test strip, which is indicated by arrows, into a test tube with a solvent. TO quick results(within 30 seconds) will lead to a significant outpouring of amniotic fluid. And only after 10 minutes only a slight leak of amniotic fluid will be visible.

One line is a negative result. In this case, there is no violation of the integrity of the membranes.

Two lines - a positive result. In this case, unfortunately, there was a violation of the integrity of the membranes.

If more than 15 minutes have passed since the test strip was immersed in the test tube, then you should not read the test results.

If the test gives a positive result, then you should go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible. The best thing to do is call an ambulance. if your pregnancy is less than 34 weeks, you can ask doctors to refer you to a perinatal center. The duration of pregnancy determines what tactics doctors will choose.

If the test shows a negative result, then the woman can be congratulated. This indicates that the membranes are intact. The problem of rupture of membranes passed the woman by. and the Amnishur test system helped protect her from unnecessary medications and worries. And if nothing else bothers a woman other than discharge, then that’s wonderful. You can happily and confidently continue to lead your familiar image life and not change plans unless necessary. This diagnosis convinced the woman that everything was fine and refuted her suspicions.

But, you need to consult a doctor if the discharge increases or other symptoms appear.

Nobody has canceled visits to the doctor and you shouldn’t worry too much or remain too calm. It is the doctor who will do everything possible to compare the test results and symptoms, which must be discussed.

Why is the sensitivity of the Amnishur test system 98.7%?

The fact is that it is based on the determination of placental Alpha Microglobulin. This is a substance that is found in large quantities in amniotic fluid, but is normally almost not found in the vagina and other body fluids, such as blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and urine. Therefore, the Amnishur test system has the most high accuracy of all methods for diagnosing premature rupture of membranes.

When should the test not be used?

If there is heavy bleeding, that is, the end of the tampon is red, then the test may not work correctly. But, the test will function normally if only trace amounts of blood are present. Also. the test should be used no earlier than 6 hours after. how will any medications or disinfectant solutions.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Amniotic fluid is a source of nutrition and protection for the fetus, therefore, if it is prematurely separated, a special test for leakage of amniotic fluid is required, for example, the most affordable and positive in reviews, Frautest. If you do not pay attention to this problem in a timely manner, future baby will not receive the required amount of vitamins and microelements, and the risk of dangerous complications increases. You can buy special gaskets to detect leakage of amniotic fluid at a pharmacy or order through an online store.

How to detect leakage of amniotic fluid

In case of vaginal discharge, it is necessary to reverse Special attention on their color, smell, consistency. It is important to clearly understand which fluid corresponds to normal limits, and when you should immediately contact your doctor - a gynecologist. Normally, there is moderate discharge of a mucous consistency, beige and transparent without a specific odor. They appear and disappear periodically different dates pregnancy.

If there are problems with the amniotic sac, the main sign of leakage of amniotic fluid is a tangible trickle, which may suddenly appear when the position of the body changes or while walking. The nature of such copious discharge is spontaneous, reminiscent of a symptom of urinary incontinence. The presence of stains on underwear adds to the concern for one’s own health. To avoid rupture of amniotic fluid, it is necessary to conduct an amniotic fluid test at home.

What is a test for leakage of amniotic fluid?

Normally this is physiological process may appear at 37-39 obstetric week, become a direct harbinger of childbirth. As part of pathology, it is diagnosed in the second trimester, so in urgently carry out an examination for the integrity of the bladder. For this they use test to determine leakage of amniotic fluid, which looks like a regular gasket. Determining a reliable result takes a few minutes for some pregnant women, and several hours for others. However, with an abundance of physiological secretions, the reliability of the test decreases.

Types of tests

You can buy such a test in a specialized online store or look at your local pharmacy. The range of offers is frightening in its diversity, therefore, in order to find out what is best to take, it is advisable to first consult with a gynecologist, additionally study the instructions for use, and read positive and negative reviews on forums of expectant mothers.

Test pad for leakage of amniotic fluid

To determine the volume of amniotic fluid, pregnant women often use this method, trusting the result obtained. Essentially this is sanitary napkin which must be attached to your underwear and not removed for a certain period of time. This procedure does not cause discomfort. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting ease of use in practice, affordable price, with moderate physiological secretions reliable result. Among the disadvantages is a false answer in case of thrush, significant separation of fluid.

Test systems

These are more complex systems to examine the vaginal environment and suspicious discharge of clear fluid. Amniotic fluid contains special proteins of high concentration. It is precisely to search for them that there is a method of immunochromatography, on the basis of which the indicated test systems have been developed. They are not cheap, but the advantages include reliable results.

How the tests work

If you have problems with premature leakage of amniotic fluid, you need to conduct a test at home. The principle of operation is simple: a sanitary pad from the manufacturer is impregnated special substance, and when liquid enters it, the nitrazine test changes color to blue or green. In this way, you can distinguish leakage of amniotic fluid from natural secretions, promptly prevent bladder rupture and other equally dangerous pathologies.

Terms of use

The water leakage test can be used at home, and then independently examine the result obtained. To check for the presence of pathology, you need to carefully attach the pad to your underwear and not change your usual rhythm of life. After some time, remove the hygiene product, study the shade, and use the instructions to draw logical conclusions.


The most popular test among pregnant women is from a Hungarian manufacturer, which is not so expensive, but does not raise doubts about the result obtained. Externally, it is a regular gasket with a special strip in the central part. This polymer matrix is ​​patented and contains a colorimetric indicator that changes color and shade upon contact with a high pH environment.

Among the advantages are the absence of direct contact with dyes, hypoallergenic effect, and color retention for 48 hours after home testing. Disadvantages – false result in case of genital tract infection, after infection of the fetus. The rules of use are as follows:

  1. Attach test to underwear so that the yellow liner is located in the central part opposite the vagina.
  2. You can wear the pad for up to 10-12 hours, after which you can remove it and check whether the color of the test strip has changed.
  3. At positive result it will turn blue-green; if negative, it will not change hue.


The principle of operation of this rapid test for leakage of amniotic fluid is similar to its predecessor. When signs of amniotic fluid leakage appear, the strip changes color, which indicates pathology. To clarify the accuracy of the result, it is recommended to repeat the test, and if the answer is positive, immediately contact a gynecologist. Advantages – low cost, commercial availability, veracity of the result. Disadvantages - effectiveness decreases in infectious processes and fungal infections.

AmniSure ROM Test

If you suspect leakage of amniotic fluid, it is recommended to buy Amnishur tests, which cost an order of magnitude more than Frautest, but do not disappoint in the veracity of the results obtained. The main goal of such a home study is to identify a protein - placental α1-microglobulin. The main advantage is the ability to get an answer in 15 minutes, the disadvantage is high price, possibility of one-time use. The device must be used in the following sequence:

  1. First you need to carry out the usual hygiene procedures external genitalia.
  2. Shake the bottle with the solvent, open it, print the tampon and insert it into the vagina approximately 5-7 cm on the way to the uterus.
  3. After 1-2 minutes, take it out, immerse it in the prepared solution from the bottle, wait another 1 minute.
  4. Then remove the test strip from the package, after which the background, indicated by arrows, is immersed in a bottle of solvent and observed.
  5. If the discharge is abundant, the result will appear instantly, but in case of slight leakage of amniotic fluid, you will have to wait up to 5 minutes.
  6. When clear red lines appear, one means the absence of rupture of the shells, two means the presence.

Causes of Failed Tests

You should not trust such pharmacological products 100%, since patient reviews report that the response of the strips is often false positive. It is better to consult a gynecologist immediately after a home examination and additionally undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The main causes of errors in amniotic fluid leakage may be as follows:

  • improperly performed home research;
  • presence of bacterial vaginal infections;
  • long-term response after rupture of the membranes of the membranes;
  • taking certain medications;
  • failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene.

Choosing a type of dough

Before making a purchase, it is important to determine whether the cervix is ​​inhabited by pathogenic fungi and bacteria. If yes, then be sure to get treatment. Only after this can you conduct a home test and greatly increase your chances of getting a truthful and reliable answer. You shouldn’t be put off by the price of pharmaceutical products; it’s better to trust the high quality. Basic test selection criteria are presented below:

  1. Design. At home, it is better to use test pads, since the design of complex systems can get confusing.
  2. Manufacturer. Modern women prefer time-tested Frautests.