PP menu for pregnant women. Which is especially dangerous if you have an unhealthy diet. Products in the diet

Reading time: 7 minutes

There are recommendations from nutritionists on what a pregnant woman should eat: foods should be healthy and contain many nutrients that are involved in the construction and proper functioning of a new body. If a pregnant woman wants to eat some product, she should not deny herself. Refusal of the desired dish will lead to expectant mother to stress, which will cause more harm to the child than the “wrong” product eaten in small quantities.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman

A balanced, proper diet for a pregnant woman should be beneficial. All foods that the expectant mother eats enter the baby's placenta. Some elements are used to build his body, enrich cells and tissues necessary substances: potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. Others can harm a small body, so it is necessary to approach the diet of a pregnant woman with caution.

How to eat healthy when pregnant

Food for pregnant women should include many essential substances. A pregnant woman should not overeat or feel hungry. Basic recommendations:

  1. You need to eat in small portions: 5-7 meals. Strict diets are strictly prohibited, and in the first half a pregnant woman can eat up to 5 times a day, and in the second half - up to 7 times.
  2. Food must contain required quantity fats, proteins, carbohydrates.
  3. Be sure to eat foods containing vitamins and microelements.
  4. Heavy food should not be eaten in the afternoon, so it is better to cook meat dishes, fish, eggs for breakfast or lunch.
  5. For dinner it is better to serve plant foods or dairy products, porridge.
  6. It is important that the last meal occurs two hours before bedtime; at this time you can eat yogurt or drink kefir.
  7. A pregnant woman should drink a lot - about 2-2.5 liters per day, but at the most last weeks the liquid must be reduced to 900 ml to prevent edema.
  8. Eat more foods containing plant fibers, which improve intestinal function and prevent constipation.

What can you eat

Pregnant women can eat almost all foods, but it is advisable to limit themselves to some things, for example, sugar, fast food. However, little by little, rarely, you can try almost everything. Among the main products that a pregnant woman is allowed to eat are milk, cottage cheese, fish, meat, fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, vegetable fats, bread, cheese, kefir and others.

Food in the first half of pregnancy

The first half of pregnancy is a very important time when problems may arise. early toxicosis. Between 1 and 5 months, the baby’s body begins to form. To build the skeleton, nervous system, the proper functioning of the brain requires useful substances. It is necessary to introduce liver and other by-products into the diet; you need to eat meat, fish, dried fruits, herbs, vegetables, and fresh fruits. An approximate menu of how a pregnant woman should eat during the first half of pregnancy during the day:

Nutrition in the second half of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, a third of the protein consumed goes to the fetus. To avoid a deficiency, you need to eat more protein foods. Otherwise, the diet may not differ much, except that the number of meals will increase by one or two times. The daily diet of a woman in the second half of pregnancy should include the following products:

Healthy food for pregnant women

If nutrition includes foods in the required proportions, then it is considered correct. There are certain dishes that meet the requirements of healthy food, among which vinaigrette occupies one of the main places. Healthy foods during pregnancy: pollock, milk and dairy dishes. You should only eat carefully prepared foods to kill all possible harmful bacteria.

The vinaigrette

A classic vinaigrette can replace many dishes because it contains all the necessary vegetables: boiled potatoes, carrots, beets; fresh onion; pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut. It is recommended to season the salad with vegetable oil. You can add other ingredients that a pregnant woman loves, for example: lean meat, beans, mushrooms and others.


A very tasty, nutritious dish can be prepared from muesli. Cereals themselves are very important, as they provide the body with a large supply of nutrients and microelements. They improve digestion and add the right amount of carbohydrates. And in muesli they are served along with dried fruits, which contain many vitamins. By regularly eating muesli, you can stock up on the right amount of natural vitamins, so you don’t have to take additional medicinal supplements. Expectant mothers are not recommended to eat sweets, and muesli will delight a woman with natural sugar.


Pasta is rich in carbohydrates. They are needed for proper operation internal organs, to produce large amounts of energy. You can prepare many dishes from them. They are served with vegetable stew, meat gravy is prepared, minced meat is stewed, and liver is fried. Almost all dishes are served with pasta, which will allow the body to consume the maximum amount of necessary substances.


Pollock fish is very popular because it is inexpensive, tasty and healthy. Its undoubted advantage is its antioxidant effect; it also regulates blood sugar levels. It has a good effect on the body systems: digestive, nervous, thyroid gland, mucous membrane. It contains:

  • vitamin A, essential for healthy vision and skin;
  • vitamin PP – for regulating the nervous and digestive systems;
  • fluoride – formation of tooth enamel, strengthening of bones;
  • chromium is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, recommended for diabetes;
  • potassium helps remove excess fluid;
  • phosphorus is great importance in the functioning of the brain, heart muscles, as well as in regulating the acid-base balance;
  • sulfur affects the condition of hair, nails, and skin.

Milk and dairy products

You need to eat the most popular foods during pregnancy - milk and dairy derivatives, for example, kefir, natural yoghurts, cottage cheese, cheese. They contain many microelements:

  • proteins;
  • amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the human body;
  • milk fat is a source of energy;
  • essential calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • copper, cobalt, iron - in small quantities;
  • contains vitamins in small quantities of almost all possible types;
  • lactose – for the development of favorable microflora in the intestines.

The most useful foods for pregnant women

The beneficial properties of some products are listed above. It’s simply impossible to single out the best one, because each one is rich in a certain set of elements, so here’s just a list of what’s best to eat:

  1. Meat – animal protein, iron, B vitamins.
  2. Fish – phosphorus, vitamin D.
  3. Milk – vitamins B and D, calcium, fatty acids (Omega-3).
  4. Raw eggs are a source of 12 types of vitamins.
  5. Nuts – vitamin E, selenium, magnesium, Omega-3 acids, phytic acid.
  6. Broccoli - folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamins A, E, C.
  7. Potatoes – vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, carbohydrates and fiber.

What pregnant women should not eat

Just as there are healthy foods, there are also harmful, prohibited foods during pregnancy. The table shows what you definitely shouldn’t eat. Need to exclude:

Product Action
Smoked meats Contain carcinogens, may be added chemical substances to create the effect of a smoked product.
Acute Overloads the liver and gall bladder.
Food products with E-additives It's a chemical, so it's harmful. different systems organism, especially a fragile fetus.
Canned foods Due to the preservatives they contain.
Margarine Trans fats clog arteries and can cause cardiovascular disease.
Raw fish You can become infected with listeriosis, which can negatively affect your child’s development.
Seafood May cause allergies.
Alcohol It is forbidden to drink alcohol, because alcohol and the chemicals in its composition have a destructive effect on many tissues and systems of the body, especially the brain and nervous system.

What is undesirable to eat during pregnancy

There are also foods that you can eat, but you need to significantly reduce their quantity. For example, fried and fatty foods can be eaten in small quantities. It is better to replace them with baked and boiled dishes. Among the foods that you should not eat are the following:

  • coffee or strong black tea, because blood pressure rises and there is a risk of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • chocolate acts as a pathogen on the fragile nervous system of the fetus, causing allergies;
  • sugar and sweets contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which leads to weight gain;
  • fast food - due to its high calorie content;
  • exotic fruits - due to the risk of the presence of pesticides;
  • meat, if poorly processed, contains harmful bacteria that can be a pathogen dangerous diseases: rabies, bird flu, listeriosis and others.


The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

After a woman becomes pregnant, she needs to take into account that any action affects the unborn child. Proper nutrition during pregnancy is very important, since the mother’s nutrition depends on harmonious development and the baby’s well-being.

Why proper nutrition during pregnancy is necessary

Pregnancy is a time when the female body is subject to high stress. The unborn child grows and develops in utero, and for this he needs energy and plastic components of food (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). More mineral salts and vitamins are needed. That is why nutrition during pregnancy should be different from what it was before.

A deficiency of any nutrient in a mother's diet can cause serious health problems for both the baby and the woman. During pregnancy there are also so-called critical periods of fetal development. For example, a lack of certain food components during the formation of a child’s nervous system can lead to a disruption in its formation. This manifests itself later as a developmental lag from peers.

There are several options for malnutrition in a woman during pregnancy. The main one is lack of food. At the same time, the body cannot compensate for the energy and protein deficiency. A similar situation arises when a pregnant woman does not consciously change her diet for fear of gaining extra pounds, or she lacks the desire to understand the basics proper nutrition while waiting for the baby.

There is a violation of the relationship between food components in responsible expectant mothers caring for the baby. At the same time, the woman eats a lot and often, but despite this, a deficiency of a certain useful substance that is vital for the fetus develops.

Healthy and proper nutrition during pregnancy - the most important condition maintaining the health of mother and baby, as well as its harmonious development.

What pregnant women can and cannot eat

It is during pregnancy that a woman pays a lot of attention to her health and closely monitors her diet. Many components of the diet long time are excluded, and among drinks preference is given to water and tea. For tea lovers, it is best to choose green varieties that contain more nutrients. Any tea reduces blood pressure, has a positive effect on the condition of teeth and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. It is better to drink it weakly; you can add milk.

  1. Don't get carried away during pregnancy herbal teas. You can drink no more than 1 cup per day after consulting with your doctor.
  2. Any tea contains caffeine, which can penetrate the placenta and harm the fetus, so you should not get carried away with it. It is better to completely avoid drinking coffee. If a woman cannot do this, then reduce it to a minimum. Coffee excites the nervous system, washes calcium out of the body, raises blood pressure, and prevents microelements from being absorbed. Read also:
  3. If a woman cannot completely give up coffee while bearing a child, then its maximum consumption should not exceed 200 ml per day.
  4. Salt must be present in a pregnant woman's food, but in limited quantities. The number is constantly updated and increased amniotic fluid, and salt is very important. It is better to choose sea or iodized salt, which improves metabolism and immunity.
  5. The main part of the diet during pregnancy is vegetables and fruits. You can drink freshly squeezed juices. It is optimal to eat about 1 kg of such products per day. Citrus and exotic fruits should be limited, as they can provoke an allergic reaction in a woman or an unborn baby.
  6. From fruits greatest benefit apples, as they contain many vitamins. They also normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system, improve appetite and remove cholesterol from the body. Pears will help reduce blood pressure and get rid of swelling. Pumpkin also has diuretic properties. Bell pepper saturates the fetus with keratin, strengthens nails, hair and teeth. Beets help the formation of red blood cells in a pregnant woman and unborn child. Pomegranate increases hemoglobin.
  7. It's not always possible to get everything necessary microelements and vitamins from fruits and vegetables, so a pharmacy balanced vitamin and mineral complex will help to avoid their deficiency. Read also:
  8. During pregnancy, you need folic acid, which melon is rich in. This substance strengthens the nervous system and the walls of blood vessels, and also provides the body with glucose. Grapes contribute to the formation of strong immunity in the baby. Cranberries are also rich in vitamins.
  9. You should not drink packaged juices during pregnancy. They contain large amounts of sugar and preservatives and are poor in vitamins.
  10. Dairy products are a source of calcium, which plays a vital role in the formation of the child’s skeletal system, nails and teeth. Also, the dairy components of the diet contain a large amount of proteins, milk sugar and vitamins. Dairy fats are easily digestible, so there is no need to be afraid of their presence in food.
  11. Particular attention among dairy products during pregnancy is given to cottage cheese. In terms of protein content, it surpasses even some types of meat. It also contains methionine, which is involved in the process of fetal formation.
  12. The daily diet for pregnant women should include cottage cheese. It is useful to add fruits, berries and sour cream to it.
  13. Nuts contain many useful substances, but they are slowly absorbed by the body, so their consumption should be limited. It is not recommended to eat them if you are prone to constipation or allergic reactions. During pregnancy, walnuts and pine nuts are useful, having a positive effect on lactation. Read also:
  14. It is better to choose sea fish, as they are rich in minerals and trace elements. It is recommended to boil and bake it. Fried fish puts a strain on the liver and kidneys, while raw fish can be dangerous to the health of a woman and baby. Sea kale is also useful for pregnant women.
  15. Meat during pregnancy should only supplement the main diet. To obtain all the necessary nutrients, it is enough to consume 150 g of meat products per day. The most useful meat is poultry, rabbit, veal or lean pork. Towards the end of pregnancy, the amount of meat consumed can be reduced.
  16. You should not overuse butter, as it causes excess weight. Olive and sunflower oils are useful vegetable oils.
  17. Cereals help improve the intestinal function of a pregnant woman. They should also not be neglected at this time.

Regardless of the course of pregnancy, you should avoid the following foods during this period:

  • chips and crackers;
  • chewing gum;
  • fried and spicy foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • alcohol;
  • spices;
  • oil creams with dyes;
  • semi-finished products;
  • crab sticks;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • Exotic fruits.

If you are prone to allergies, you should exclude highly allergenic foods from your diet.

Nutrition during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

During this period, folic acid or vitamin B9 is especially important, the deficiency of which can appear within a few weeks after pregnancy. Required this vitamin for proper cell division, normal height and development of fetal organs and tissues. Its special role is participation in the formation of the child’s nervous system. With a deficiency of folic acid, a woman may feel bad mood, lack of appetite and rapid fatigue. (you can also correct the link here)

The following foods are rich in vitamin B9:

  1. spinach;
  2. beet;
  3. cabbage;
  4. legumes;
  5. kidneys;
  6. caviar;
  7. salad;
  8. green onions;
  9. liver;
  10. cottage cheese;
  11. tomatoes;
  12. yolk

Often during this period women face such unpleasant phenomenon like toxicosis. It usually manifests itself as morning sickness, vomiting, decreased appetite, and poor health. Frequent meals in small portions (every 2-3 hours) will help relieve a woman’s condition. Preference should be given to fruits, vegetables, steamed or baked dishes.

Once you find out you're pregnant, you don't need to start eating for two. Such a diet will only lead to extra pounds, which are then difficult to get rid of. The baby's energy needs at this stage are very small.

Menu during pregnancy in the 1st trimester


  • Breakfast: Mix of muesli with milk and fruit
  • Lunch: Soup (base – meat broth)
  • Afternoon snack: 150g. vegetable salad (choose vegetables according to season)
  • Dinner: Stewed cabbage with rice
  1. Breakfast: Oatmeal or rice with milk
  2. Second breakfast: Sandwich with butter
  3. Lunch: Fish soup
  4. Afternoon snack: 150-200g. low-fat cottage cheese
  5. Dinner: Pasta and baked liver with kefir
  6. Before bed: Salad with your favorite vegetables
  • Breakfast: 100-150 grams of cottage cheese + green or black tea
  • Second breakfast: Dried fruit compote and biscuits
  • Lunch: Pumpkin and broccoli soup
  • Afternoon snack: Seasonal fruit of your choice
  • Dinner: Mashed potatoes with steam cutlet chicken
  1. Breakfast: 150-200 gr. buckwheat or rice porridge with milk + juice
  2. Second breakfast: 150 ml of natural low-fat yoghurt without additives and sugar
  3. Lunch: Shredded cauliflower or broccoli soup + bread
  4. Dinner: Tuna salad, spinach leaves, avocado and cherry tomatoes, dressed with salad oil
  5. Before bed: 150 ml cranberry juice
  • Breakfast: Bread with a slice of cheese and tomato. Wash it down with kefir or fermented baked milk
  • Second breakfast: One orange
  • Lunch: Pasta with meatballs + seasonal vegetable salad
  • Afternoon snack: Walnuts (small handful)
  • Dinner: Potatoes cooked in the oven with meat
  • Before bed: 150 ml kefir or milk
  1. Breakfast: Cheesecakes + mug of herbal tea
  2. Second breakfast: 100 gr. dried apricots
  3. Lunch: 150 gr. vegetable soup with chicken pieces. Whole grain bread
  4. Afternoon snack: Apple and carrots, grated
  5. Dinner: Mix of green salad, soft cheese and cherry tomatoes
  6. Before bed: 150 ml kefir or milk


  • Breakfast: 150-200 gr. oatmeal with milk and apple pieces + juice
  • Second breakfast: One banana
  • Lunch: Chicken soup + cabbage, tomato and cucumber salad (or choose seasonal vegetables)
  • Afternoon snack: Favorite fruit (one apple or one pear)
  • Dinner: Steamed vegetables and chicken cutlet
  • Before bed: 150 ml of natural low-fat yogurt without additives or sugar

Nutrition during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

In this period unborn child is actively growing, and its organs begin their work. In this regard, the energy expenditure of the fetus increases, which means that the woman needs to consume more nutrients. The energy value of the daily amount of food in the 2nd trimester should increase to 2800 kcal, the need for protein should be 100 g per day.

For the formation of teeth, bones, muscles, heart and nervous system, the baby needs calcium and vitamin D. A lack of these substances can cause fetal growth retardation, a woman will develop muscle pain, caries, rapid pulse and osteoporosis.

There are foods that do not allow calcium and vitamin D to be absorbed normally, so it is best to avoid them. These include:

  1. soda;
  2. cocoa;
  3. semolina;
  4. sweet food;
  5. fatty and salty foods.

In this case, it is necessary to introduce calcium-rich foods into your diet:

  • spinach;
  • dairy products;
  • oatmeal;
  • green onions;
  • yolk;
  • raisin;
  • butter.

Another possible problem in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is the development of anemia. It manifests itself as a low level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood of the expectant mother. Anemia develops due to iron deficiency. The following foods are rich in this substance:

  1. liver;
  2. meat;
  3. eggs;
  4. pepper;
  5. radish.

Foods rich in vitamin C contribute to good absorption of iron.

Towards the end of pregnancy, women experience constipation and heartburn. Problems with stool arise due to deterioration of intestinal motility and pressure of the uterus on the rectum. To combat this problem, your diet should contain foods containing a lot of fiber. These include vegetables and fruits, the share of which should be two-thirds of the daily food volume. However, you cannot completely give up animal fats. If you have heartburn, you need to eat smaller meals, completely avoiding spicy, salty and fatty foods.

Menu during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester


  • Breakfast: Sandwich with a slice of cheese and tomatoes + omelet
  • Second breakfast: 100g. cottage cheese with raisins
  • Lunch: Soup with vegetables
  • Afternoon snack: 150 ml of natural low-fat yoghurt without additives or sugar
  • Dinner: Salad - a mix of vegetables, avocado and lettuce
  • Before bed: 150 ml of rosehip infusion
  1. Breakfast: 200 gr. oat milk porridge
  2. Second breakfast: Banana, apple + some nuts
  3. Lunch: Chicken soup
  4. Afternoon snack: Low-calorie cottage cheese - 100 grams
  5. Dinner: Stew of vegetables and lean meat
  • Breakfast: Egg omelet
  • Second breakfast: 150 ml of natural low-fat yoghurt without additives and sugar
  • Lunch: Meat or fish soup
  • Afternoon snack: Fruits (preferably apples, bananas, peaches)
  • Dinner: Any porridge with milk
  • Before bed: Vegetable salad or favorite fruit
  1. Breakfast: Cheesecakes with raisins and sour cream
  2. Second breakfast: Small handful walnuts or almonds
  3. Lunch: Lentil soup
  4. Afternoon snack: Favorite fruit (one apple or one pear)
  5. Dinner: Chicken baked in tomatoes. Boiled rice as a side dish.
  6. Before bed: 150 ml of natural low-fat yogurt without additives or sugar
  • Breakfast: Omelet and sandwich
  • Second breakfast: 1 glass of natural tomato juice
  • Lunch: Stew of fresh seasonal vegetables with meat
  • Afternoon snack: Peach or any other seasonal fruit
  • Dinner: Spaghetti with tomato sauce
  • Before bed: 1 cup of herbal tea
  1. Breakfast: Cottage cheese with the addition of grated berries or jam
  2. Second breakfast: Bread with a slice of cheese
  3. Lunch: Stewed beef + buckwheat on the side, as well as vegetable salad + a cup of green tea
  4. Afternoon snack: Juice or fruit to taste
  5. Dinner: Chicken fillet baked with tomatoes + vegetable salad
  6. Before bed: 150 ml of milk or kefir


  • Breakfast: Corn milk porridge with dried apricots
  • Second breakfast: 150 ml of natural low-fat yoghurt without additives and sugar
  • Lunch: A serving of tomato salad (100g) and cucumbers and cabbage soup
  • Afternoon snack: A small handful of dried fruits or nuts (any)
  • Dinner: Zucchini pancakes, topped with sour cream, rosehip tea
  • Before bed: 150 ml of natural low-fat yogurt without additives or sugar

Nutrition during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

From the 32nd week of pregnancy, a woman needs to gradually reduce the caloric content of her diet. This is achieved by reducing the amount of animal fats and simple carbohydrates. During this period, the baby's growth slows down, he mostly only gains weight, but at the same time the activity of the expectant mother decreases. This is why calorie intake decreases.

During this period, a woman can spend fasting days once a week. At the same time, you can eat only one product throughout the day: cottage cheese, apples or kefir.

Some women develop late gestosis. This condition requires treatment and constant monitoring doctor If there is even a possibility of its development, you need to completely eliminate salt from your diet or reduce its consumption to a minimum. Sweet, smoked and fried foods are also prohibited for gestosis.

The favorable course of pregnancy also depends on the woman’s nutrition, so it is advisable to review the diet as early as possible. Thanks to the consumption of food, the female body receives substances necessary for the tissues of the whole body, which are constantly renewed during pregnancy, as well as for the “construction” of the body of the fetus itself.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy does not include diets, but it is still worth limiting the consumption of certain foods. The diet is prohibited because it reduces the level of kilocalories entering the body necessary for energy production. Along with food, a woman also receives useful substances involved in ensuring the normal functioning of internal organs. A decrease in the level of these substances negatively affects general formation fetus, and in particularly difficult cases can lead to the development of pathologies.

The level of energy consumed during pregnancy is in the range from 2500 to 2800 kcal, whereas in the normal state it does not exceed 2000 kcal. The normal functioning of all systems of a woman’s body and the process of fetal formation are, first of all, ensured by the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, phosphorus and fluorine consumed. But proteins play the most significant role during pregnancy, so experts always pay attention to this issue. Special attention.

Proteins in a pregnant woman's diet

Proteins, as the main building material, serve to form new tissues and organs of the fetus. While carrying a child, it is important for a woman to increase the amount of protein consumed starting from the 2nd half of pregnancy - at this time the process of active intrauterine growth fetus The body of the expectant mother, starting from the 5th month of pregnancy, must receive at least 96 g of protein per day, over time this figure gradually increases to 100 g. 60% of all proteins must be of animal origin: 30% is allocated to meat and fish, 25% to dairy products, 5% are eggs, and the body usually gets 40% of the remaining proteins from fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals. It must be borne in mind that an exclusively plant-based menu for a pregnant woman cannot provide a sufficient level of calories.

Proteins in the body are responsible for the growth and development of the fetus, the formation of a protective membrane - the placenta, the condition of the uterus and mammary glands of a woman. In addition, protein reserves in female body will subsequently be used during breastfeeding. Proteins play an important role in the process of transporting other useful microelements and vitamins (for example, they participate in the process of absorption of iron and calcium by the body). Proteins are the protection of the pregnant woman’s body, since they consist of antibodies designed to fight bacteria and viruses, ensuring the normal functioning of the circulatory systems - coagulation and anticoagulation. If the protein content in the body is normal, severe bleeding and blood clots should not occur. Moreover, they ensure normal maintenance of the osmotic pressure of the blood plasma, so that the liquid part of the blood does not leave the vessels.

A lack of proteins during pregnancy is manifested by symptoms such as, as well as an increase in hemoglobin and hematocrit. Moreover, protein deficiency contributes to the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure, and even the development of preeclampsia and eclampsia.

The role of nutrients in the diet of a pregnant woman


Important role Not only proteins, but also fats play a role in the formation of the fetus. Normally, a woman should consume at least 80 g of fat per day, 30% of which is of plant origin. To meet the daily need for fat, a pregnant woman needs to consume 25-30 g vegetable oil, but definitely unrefined. Moreover, fats are one of the main sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids. With a deficiency of this component, various disorders occur in the fetus's body - retinal pathology and brain diseases develop. It is worth noting that fat-soluble vitamins A and D are absorbed with the help of fats.


Carbohydrates play an invaluable role in a pregnant woman's diet - they are the main source of energy. The most healthy carbohydrates are contained in bread made from coarse varieties of wheat; bread is also rich in B vitamins. When carrying a child, the need for carbohydrates increases to 400 g per day. However, or a tendency to it, it is necessary to strictly control the daily consumption of baked goods. It is better to strive to obtain the required amount of carbohydrates from starch, which is abundant in wholemeal rye flour. It will be enough to consume 50 g per day rye bread, to replenish the body's need for starch by 70%, and the remaining 30% of the substance is obtained from fruits.


Iron plays a special role in a pregnant woman's diet. As a rule, it enters the body to a greater extent from meat, so the complete satisfaction of the need for this microelement occurs due to “heme” iron. This refers to iron, which can only be contained in meat products, and is responsible for all important metabolic processes- formation of new blood cells and ensuring muscle function. On average, the body absorbs as much iron from 100 g of meat as is contained in 2 kg of apples, and since it is not realistic to eat such a number of apples daily, meat products cannot be excluded from the diet. Due to an insufficient amount of iron entering the body (decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood) and problems with the process of providing oxygen to the tissues of the fetus and mother ().


Calcium is another essential microelement for the body of a pregnant woman. A sufficient amount of calcium in the expectant mother ensures normal formation of bone tissue in the fetus, while a deficiency of the element can lead to many abnormalities. For example, the developing bones of a child may be destroyed or deformed; in a woman, usually osteoporosis is a softening of bone tissue, and increased fragility of bones is observed. That is why it is necessary to include such products as milk, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and cheese in the diet of the expectant mother. 100 g of cheese or 0.5 liters of milk replenish the body's daily need for calcium. Pay attention to the useful ones during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman needs to consume up to 1.5 g of phosphorus and 0.45 g of magnesium daily. These microelements ensure the normal formation of bones and the nervous system in the fetus, and they also influence many other processes. Phosphorus is found in large quantities in pink salmon, mackerel, cod liver, dried mushrooms, green peas, chum salmon caviar and black granular caviar. in the required amount can be obtained from dishes prepared from seaweed, oatmeal, beans, millet, peas, buckwheat and pearl barley, mackerel, squid and eggs. Moreover, there is a lot of magnesium in watermelons, wheat bran and apricots.

Main principles of nutrition during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman should use one rule: it is better to get up from the table slightly hungry than with a strong feeling of heaviness in the stomach from overeating. This means that meals should be fractional - frequent small portions. It is ideal to eat 5-6 times during the day, and finish the last meal 3 hours before bedtime. Eating later is not recommended, but in case strong feeling If you are hungry, you can have a light snack, drink a glass of milk or kefir, eat a pear or an apple. This culture and eating habit will give you a feeling of lightness and reduce the risk of gaining excess weight.

It is necessary to avoid pickled foods, fried foods and smoked foods. It is best to give preference to foods that are steamed, stewed, baked or boiled. Products must be fresh, without preservatives, dyes, large amounts of salt and other harmful chemical additives to improve taste. It is quite natural that a pregnant woman can sometimes afford to eat canned foods and long-life sausages, but their choice and quantity must be strictly controlled and limited. It is worth limiting your consumption of fast food and, if possible, avoiding it altogether.

Nutritional features of a pregnant woman by week

  • 1- . Gynecologists calculate the period of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation, which is why it is customary to count the first couple of weeks obstetric period, the time that preceded the conception itself. The process of pregnancy planning is the most crucial period; it has a significant impact on the health of the unborn child and the absence of any pathologies during pregnancy. Therefore, in 1-2 weeks it is necessary to increase the intake of folic acid. Experts may recommend taking special capsules with this substance, but it is possible to get it and other vitamins from normal foods. Greens, grains, fish and lettuce are rich in folic acid. It is equally important to eat more vegetables and fruits yellow color, stop eating large amounts of sweets and flour products. In general, a moderate and comprehensive diet will help avoid problems with obesity and reduce the risk of developing toxicosis.
  • . Diet at the very beginning of pregnancy is important because literally every 7 days a new organ or system begins to form in the fetus. Therefore, there is a need for a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, and it is constantly changing. Week 3 is responsible for the attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus and the beginning of the process of formation of the placenta and membrane. Full formation of the fetus and supporting systems requires large amounts of calcium, which can be found in dairy products, broccoli, fruit juices, and green vegetables. In addition to calcium, a pregnant woman should include magnesium-rich foods in her diet, such as turkey, pork, almonds, oatmeal, eggs, raisins, bananas, carrots and spinach.
  • . The diet of a pregnant woman at 4 weeks is not much different from the previous one, but the need already arises for caffeine-containing products and strong tea. You should drink it only with the permission of your personal gynecologist and with extreme caution. Sometimes experts may allow drinking coffee if a pregnant woman regularly has low blood pressure, but the drink is prohibited in any case. evening time.
  • . At this stage of gestation it may appear. An expectant mother can alleviate her condition by adjusting her daily menu. It is recommended to replace eggs, meat and other animal products with nuts, soy and other legumes. Fresh milk is an excellent substitute for hard cheese or yogurt with a small amount additives in the form of pieces of fruit and raisins. It is worth increasing your consumption of carrots, mangoes and apricots.
  • . This week, toxicosis is gaining full strength, so to alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman, you need to eat a cracker, unsweetened cracker or cookie every morning. It is recommended to do this immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. At this stage of the period, it is important to drink more fluids - at least 8 glasses of clean water per day, and also eat a handful of raisins.
  • . At this time, the expectant mother may experience discomfort and certain problems with the functioning of the intestinal tract. That is why she is recommended to exclude from her diet those foods that can provoke gas formation in the stomach and intestines, for example, avoid eating cabbage, peas and other legumes. In addition, it is worth limiting the consumption of those products that can “fix”, and you can diversify the menu with prunes, fresh kefir and similar products.
  • 8- . At week 8, tea with ginger root will help you cope with toxicosis; you should also eat more nuts. Week 9-10 of embryo formation requires a large amount of fiber, so the diet should be enriched with whole grain cereals, wholemeal wheat bread, brown rice and other foods containing fiber.
  • eleven- . By the end of the 1st trimester, nutrition should be special. This is the most difficult time for a woman’s body, so it is necessary to listen to your own feelings and satisfy your needs wisely. The desire to eat a specific dish will tell you which microelement the body is missing. As a rule, all the mother’s sensations provoke the needs of the child’s developing body, but in any case it is not permissible to go to extremes, overeat or eat incompatible foods.
  • 13- . The main principle of proper nutrition for the expectant mother in the 2nd trimester is to consume plenty of protein. It is also important to increase the number of kilocalories consumed per day. By the way, if in the 1st trimester it is enough for a pregnant woman to eat from 2400 to 2700 kcal per day, then from the 4th month she needs to eat at least 2700-2900 kcal daily.
  • 16- . The 6th month of bearing a child involves consuming foods that can contribute to the development of the fetus’s visual and hearing organs. This means that the diet should include more vitamin A and betocarotene. These substances are found in cabbage, yellow peppers and carrots. It is important to note that vitamin A can only be absorbed with fats.
  • 25-. At this stage of pregnancy, it is especially important to adhere to the principle fractional meals. The uterus increases significantly in size, begins to take up more space in the abdominal cavity and puts pressure on the stomach. Consequently, the volume of the stomach decreases and it becomes difficult for it to contain and digest the usual volume of food. As a rule, this condition causes heartburn, even with partial nutrition. Therefore, it is best to avoid carbonated drinks and coffee, which can cause discomfort. In general, nutrition in the 3rd trimester should be as varied as possible, satisfying the increased needs of the fetus.
  • 29-. At the 8th month of the fetus, bones are formed and teeth are formed, so it is important for the expectant mother to consume as much calcium as possible. Moreover, at this time, the unborn child’s brain requires fatty acids, which are also important for the absorption of calcium. During this period, mother and child may develop anemia due to a lack of iron in the body; to avoid this, it is recommended to include more fatty fish, nuts, red meat, dark green vegetables and seeds in the diet.
  • 35-. A woman’s nutrition in the last month of her term should help strengthen the body, preparing for childbirth. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the amount of carbohydrates consumed, as the main source of energy for any organism. You should include more cereals and fresh vegetables in your diet.

Menu for a pregnant woman every day

  • At 1 meal you can eat black bread toast with a small amount butter, welded egg and drink a glass of kefir.
  • In the 2nd meal - a portion of salad from fresh vegetables and herbs, drink a glass of weak tea.
  • Meal 3 should be more filling - eat boiled chicken fillet with potatoes, one pear or apple, drink a glass of yogurt or kefir.
  • For 4 meals, toast with jam or butter and a glass of fresh juice are suitable.
  • Meal 5 may include a dish of brown rice with boiled fish, a salad of fresh vegetables and a cup of tea.

Dietary rules in the presence of pathologies

Diet for anemia should contain foods that contain iron. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the rules for combining certain products when preparing food. The process of absorption of iron by the body is influenced by the method of preparation and combination of different products. A woman with anemia should not only consult with her doctor about drug treatment, but also ask about an appropriate diet.

Obesity, which developed while bearing a child, also requires a certain approach when forming a diet. It is unacceptable; any restrictions can only be imposed by the attending physician. Due to an incorrectly chosen diet for weight loss, various pathologies can develop in both the child and the mother. Mono-diets and diets with prolonged fasting are the most harmful to pregnant women. They greatly deplete the body and lead to, and the process of restoring the body and replenishing nutrients will take a long time. It is worth noting that it is not always possible to fully compensate for the harm that was caused to the child while following a diet.

What is especially dangerous with poor nutrition?

The woman's liver is the first to react to poor nutrition during pregnancy. As a rule, it acutely responds with heartburn to fatty and spicy foods; in addition, weakness or severe nausea may occur. Overeating at any time can cause severe vomiting, accompanied by cramps in the stomach and other organs, increasing the risk of onset. Eating smoked and salted foods usually provokes fluid retention in the body tissues, which causes dangerous high blood pressure. Normally, a pregnant woman should completely avoid canned food, especially meat and fish, as they contain dangerous amounts of antibiotics and preservatives for the body.

During pregnancy, various delicacies and exotic fruits are dangerous. Such products can cause problems in the gastrointestinal tract, cause symptoms of an allergic reaction or severe stomach upset. In spring, it is not recommended to rush to try the first fruits, vegetables and early greens, as they may contain many harmful substances - toxins and nitrates. It should be noted that at the end of summer and autumn, some vegetables and fruits may be overly fortified, and therefore will be dangerous in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The consumption of such products helps to strengthen immune processes in a woman’s body, which negatively affects the development of the fetus. At any stage of pregnancy, it is dangerous to eat a lot of fish caviar, shrimp and seaweed - they contain a lot of iodine, and this excess can cause an allergic reaction.

Meals in cafes and restaurants

In catering establishments, a pregnant woman must refuse dishes from raw fish and poorly fried meat (sushi, oysters, steaks and Tatar meat), giving preference only to those products that have been heat-treated. It is worth checking the composition of sauces and gravies, as some of them may contain raw eggs. Desserts such as souffles, mousse and chilled cocoa may also contain raw protein.

Food on the road

When planning a trip, you need to take care of preparing food in advance and do not miss lunch and light snacks on the road. A pregnant woman loses energy too quickly, so even in just a few hours she risks exhausting her body. Therefore, before any trip, even public transport, you need to have a snack and take something with you, for example apples, pears, dried fruits, bananas and nuts. For a long trip, you can prepare sandwiches and pasta salad. To avoid dehydration from a long stay on a stuffy train or plane, it is important to always carry clean water And fruit juice.

Eating at work

Chopped vegetables - sweet peppers, carrots, or even young corn on the cob, which can be stored in an airtight container, will help cope with hunger at the workplace. Don't forget about fresh fruit- it is better to choose several different types than to eat a large amount of one type, also stock up on nuts (almonds and cashews), dried fruits, cereals, crackers and cereal bars.

During your lunch break, it is better to eat home-cooked meals to ensure that your vitamin balance is maintained. For example, make sandwiches from different types of bread, lettuce, grated carrots and Brussels sprouts. A pregnant woman can prepare soup in advance, or purchase a ready-made dish in a cardboard package, having previously familiarized herself with the composition. It is very convenient and tasty to prepare baked potatoes for lunch; by the way, they are an excellent source of energy, vitamins and fiber. Salads are best made from a few fresh ingredients with grains or pasta. At work, at lunchtime it is recommended to eat a piece of bread along with vegetable salad. Sometimes, during your lunch break, you can eat a small slice of pizza with vegetable filling, avoiding too fatty toppings and cheese. In any case, it is best to organize a set lunch from different types dishes and fresh food, and also to restrain yourself and not overeat.

It is important to start eating healthy during pregnancy as early as possible. If you start eating right before conception, it will be a great start for your baby. Proper nutrition during pregnancy will help your baby develop and grow well, and will also keep you in great shape.

additionally You don’t need to adhere to, but you definitely need to eat different foods to provide yourself and your baby with all the necessary complex of vitamins and nutrients. After all, a woman’s balanced and rational diet during pregnancy has a significant impact on the health of the unborn baby.

Nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy (1-13 weeks)

Eating a woman on early stages pregnancy is practically no different from nutrition ordinary person. There is only a need to choose high-quality and environmentally friendly food products. Still, some dietary features during these weeks need to be taken into account.

  1. Lack of folic acid. A deficiency of vitamin B 9 (folic acid) can appear as early as 1-4 weeks after conception, depending on the mother’s diet and its supply in her body. This vitamin is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy, because it is necessary for normal cell division, growth and development of all organs and tissues of the child, and it plays a special role in the formation of the basic structures of the baby’s nervous system. In a pregnant woman, folic acid deficiency may manifest itself as increased fatigue, irritability and loss of appetite. The main sources of vitamin B 9 are:
    • Legumes;
    • Spinach;
    • Cabbage;
    • Green onions;
    • Peas;
    • Salad;
    • Beet;
    • Tomatoes;
    • Carrot;
    • Caviar;
    • Kidneys;
    • Liver;
    • Egg yolk.
  2. Increased caloric content of food. Many women, having learned that they are pregnant, following the advice of grandmothers and mothers, begin to eat for two. Eating high-calorie foods in the early stages of pregnancy leads to excess weight, which will not be easy to get rid of later. Women should understand that at this stage the baby’s energy needs are not great, and, therefore, all the “extra” will go to you.
  3. We fight toxicosis. Early gestosis () usually occurs in the first trimester and manifests itself in the morning in the form of poor health, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. To reduce these discomforts, try not to get up immediately after waking up. Eat a cracker or biscuits, drink a glass of still water. During the day, eat food, preferably warm, in small portions every 2-3 hours so as not to overload your stomach. It is better to eat either a dense or liquid dish at one time, without combining them. Give preference to fruits, vegetables, baked, boiled and steamed dishes. It is better to avoid fried, smoked, spicy and canned foods. Keep in mind that vomiting leads to the loss of minerals, including salt, so completely avoid moderately salted foods when early gestosis not worth it.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman in the 2nd trimester (14-26 weeks)

In the second trimester of pregnancy due to active growth fetus and the beginning of the functioning of its organs (kidneys, intestines, liver, nervous system), the energy needs of the baby increase, and the energy needs of the pregnant woman’s body increase accordingly nutrients coming from food. Thus, the daily need for proteins increases to 80 g/day, and the energy value of the daily diet should gradually increase to 2200-2400 kcal.

important The body of a pregnant woman experiences a double burden on her body. Help deal with some possible problems During this period, proper nutrition will help us.

  • and vitaminD. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the need for these substances increases, because they are necessary for the proper development of the baby - the formation of his teeth and bones, nervous system, heart and muscles. A deficiency of calcium and vitamin D can lead to fetal growth retardation, and for the mother it can result in the development of caries, osteoporosis, muscle pain and rapid heartbeat.

Some foods interfere with the absorption of these substances in the body, these include: sweets, white bread, semolina, fatty and salty foods, so it is best to avoid them or reduce their consumption to a minimum.

But the consumption of products, the main suppliers of these elements, needs to be increased: everything, spinach, green onions, oatmeal, sea fish liver, egg yolk.

  • Anemia. Most often, anemia manifests itself in the second trimester of pregnancy and is characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells; in the expectant mother this occurs due to a lack of diet.

To avoid anemia, be sure to include in your diet primarily meat products (especially liver), eggs, vegetables (radish, bell pepper), berries and fruits rich in vitamin C, which promotes better absorption of iron (cranberries, prunes, apples), grains (buckwheat, oatmeal).

  • Constipation. Towards the middle of pregnancy, women may begin to experience difficulty passing stool. Due to a decrease in intestinal motility, her constantly growing uterus. Fiber-rich fresh vegetables and fruits, which should make up up to 2/3 of the daily diet, will help her cope with this problem. However, in no case should you give up animal proteins, which are contained in fish and meat, during this period, since they are building material for the fetal body.
  • . An unpleasant burning sensation in the chest area, nausea and a bitter taste in the mouth after eating are all signs of heartburn, which usually occurs in expectant mothers in the middle and second half of pregnancy. You can avoid these unpleasant sensations if you eat small portions of food and avoid fatty, salty and spicy foods.

Give preference to the following dishes: cottage cheese, lean meat,... Dishes made from grated carrots, viburnum, lingonberries, honey, comb honey and alkaline mineral water will help you cope with heartburn.

Nutrition in the 3rd trimester (27-42 weeks)

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the rate of fetal growth slows down, mainly weight gain occurs, but the expectant mother is no longer as active as before, so her diet should not be as high in calories. Especially such a transition, leading to a decrease in calorie content of food, should occur after the 32nd week of pregnancy, mainly due to a decrease in the consumption of simple carbohydrates and animal fats.

  1. Fasting days. The need for fasting days exists constantly, as in ordinary life, and during pregnancy. Such days should be held no more than 1-2 times a week, and your diet should contain only cottage cheese and apples. Such a daily menu will allow the body to cleanse itself, become “toned” and prepare for the next day.
  2. Late gestosis. This complication causes much more concern to doctors and requires constant monitoring and treatment. If you have been diagnosed with this or there is even the slightest likelihood of its development, then you need to completely give up salt or reduce its consumption as much as possible. Sweets, smoked, salty and fried foods are also prohibited.

Prohibited Products

There is no specific one during pregnancy. As they say, if you can’t do something, but really want it, then it’s possible! Of course, this does not mean that you can gorge yourself on smoked sausages or pickled cucumbers. Everything should be in moderation! Of course, deny yourself a piece of cake or fried chicken wing With mashed potatoes not necessary, but it should only happen occasionally and in small quantities!

Information And, probably the only products that should not enter the body future mother!

Vegetarianism during pregnancy

If you belong to that category of vegetarians who do not eat not only but also all products of animal origin (for example, eggs), then you and especially your baby are not receiving a huge amount of vital vitamins, microelements and amino acids. In addition, the calorie content of your diet is kept to a minimum, which is not the norm for pregnancy. Therefore, vegetarians are still recommended, at least during pregnancy, to reconsider their views on their eating behavior, and thereby significantly reduce the likelihood of having a not entirely healthy baby.

Nutrition of pregnant women is one of the most important components in the health and development of the unborn baby and the well-being of the young mother. While adhering to the basic principles of proper and nutritious food intake throughout pregnancy, do not forget about the most important products in every trimester. During the period of gestation, a lack of each of the elements or vitamins necessary for two organisms, as well as the abuse of certain products can lead to irreversible consequences(up to miscarriage, congenital defects of the fetus and developmental delays).

The diet of a pregnant woman has general principles at all stages, however, it must be selected according to trimesters, taking into account the characteristics of each period and the woman’s condition at the current stage.

Remember that in each of the 40 weeks of bearing a baby, vital organs and entire systems are formed. That is why a woman’s nutrition during pregnancy should be complete every day.

A woman’s nutrition throughout pregnancy: general principles.

  1. You need to eat little and often (ideally 5-6 times a day), avoiding overeating.
  2. If you feel hungry at night, you can drink a glass of warm milk, yogurt or kefir, or eat fruit.
  3. All recipes for proper nutrition for pregnant women consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, excluding fried, pickled and smoked foods. Fruits must be local and seasonal so as not to lead to allergies or poisoning.
  4. Dishes for pregnant women are prepared by steaming, in the oven, by boiling and stewing.
  5. A pregnant woman's diet simply must be based on healthy, easily digestible and quickly digestible healthy food, which is prepared in her own kitchen and not bought at the nearest store.

First trimester

The most important vitamin during this period for the development of the baby (his neural tube) is folic acid. If a woman did not take it before pregnancy and does not continue to drink it in the first months as a medicinal product, then you can eat foods high in acid:

  • spinach and leafy greens;
  • cabbage (white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower);
  • turnips, beets, carrots and pumpkin;
  • corn;
  • avocado;
  • asparagus and bell pepper;
  • all types of citrus fruits (especially papaya, oranges and grapefruits);
  • legumes (beans, peas and lentils);
  • seeds and nuts (especially sunflower seeds, peanuts and almonds).

During the period of active restructuring of the body and a woman’s adaptation to a new state, one must first think about the child.

Diet of a pregnant woman must consist of maximum quantity fruits, berries and vegetables, natural juices from them, decoctions of dried fruits and rose hips. Absolutely all doctors agree that during the laying of fetal organs the following should be excluded from the mother’s diet:

  1. Alcohol is one of the most toxic drinks that is dangerous for babies.
  2. Caffeine and everything that contains it (in large quantities): teas (black and green), any energy drinks, cola.

They easily penetrate the placenta to developing fetus and disrupt the circulatory process, its cardiac and respiratory systems.

Second trimester

At this stage, the baby begins to actively grow, and each of its internal organs grows and gains weight. The main building component for this will be protein. What diet should a pregnant woman have in order to have enough protein for both the baby and the mother?

  • Meat (especially rabbit, veal, chicken and beef).
  • Fish (preferably low-fat varieties, such as hake).
  • Dairy dishes (cheese cakes, cottage cheese casseroles, homemade yogurt, etc.).
  • Legumes (peas and beans).
  • Cereals (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, millet).

Animal proteins are easier to digest in the first half of the day, while plant proteins can be safely eaten in the afternoon and evening.

Third trimester

It is during this period that will be relevant recipes dietary nutrition for pregnant: after all, the larger the belly becomes, the more difficult for a woman eat high-calorie and difficult-to-digest foods. Pregnant woman's diet schedule last trimester need to build on products with high content useful vitamins and minerals. And the main one is calcium, which is used by the body during the growth of the child’s bones and the development of his nervous system.

Its main suppliers will be:

  • all dairy products (yogurt, yogurt, low-fat cheese are best);
  • nuts (especially almonds);
  • green vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes;
  • cereals (especially oatmeal);
  • freshly squeezed orange juice.

Proper nutrition is closely intertwined with the overall picture of a pregnant woman’s lifestyle. Read about it. But remember that late pregnancy has its differences. Find out all the details in this article.

To avoid typing excess weight(which is so difficult to get rid of after childbirth), to avoid getting an overly large baby during childbirth and, finally, not to overload the body, it is worth limiting (or better yet eliminating):

  1. Confectionery and flour products.
  2. Fatty meat, fish, cheese, homemade sour cream.

Limit salt and liquid intake: the likelihood of developing preeclampsia is recent months high.

Menu rational nutrition for pregnant women will also depend on the well-being and health indicators of the expectant mother (tests, ultrasound, cardiogram, vision test, etc.). For any problems, a woman’s diet is adjusted by her doctor.

So, for example, when severe toxicosis You should give up sweets, coffee and lemonade so as not to provoke attacks of nausea. Even if you don’t feel like eating at all, you need to persuade yourself to eat a couple of juicy sweet and sour fruits or a cracker with juice.

Prunes, beets, stewed vegetables, baked apples and natural unsweetened jelly help with constipation.

If expectant mother suffers from excessive gas formation, we advise you to exclude fresh and pickled white cabbage, grapes and legumes.

It is not necessary to calculate the nutrition of a pregnant woman by month or day and constantly conduct examinations during pregnancy if she is healthy and there are no abnormalities. Just stick to the basics healthy eating in each trimester.