Varicose veins during pregnancy on the legs, ointment treatment. Varicose veins during pregnancy: causes, features of delivery and recovery period

Varicose veins are one of the common problems that more than half of women are familiar with. Often the first manifestations or worsening of the disease occur during pregnancy. This is due to many factors: from changes in hormonal levels and hereditary predisposition to the pressure of the growing uterus on the pelvic vessels. But this problem has a solution. If you know what to do for varicose veins on the legs during pregnancy, you can prevent the disease from progressing and protect both yourself and your baby from complications.

Varicose veins are characteristic only of humans; their manifestations affect the lower part of the body. This is primarily due to upright posture and long stay V vertical position. A huge load is created on the veins, which have to resist gravity and “pump” blood through the venous vessels from the feet to the inferior vena cava and further to the heart. When the veins fail, blood stagnation occurs and all the ensuing consequences.

What are varicose veins

Varicose veins are a disease associated with deformation of the veins, most often of the lower extremities, and disruption of blood flow in them. The following points play a role in the development of the disease.

  • Pathology of the venous wall. Normally, the vein wall includes muscle and connective tissue components. This ensures their elasticity and ability to resist blood flow. With sagging walls, dilated veins can no longer return to their original position. This is how “snakes” appear under the skin.
  • Violation of the venous valve system. Normally, throughout the entire course of the veins, there are special valves from the inside that prevent the blood from flowing in the opposite direction. With varicose veins, disturbances occur in their functioning. As a result, the blood partially returns back under the influence of gravity.
  • Changes in the functioning of the leg muscles. The muscles of the lower extremities play important role in the prevention of varicose veins. They are like an additional “pumping system”, maintaining the tone of the veins and preventing the reverse flow of blood.

It is enough to give one factor some slack, and the mechanism of varicose veins starts, which is not so easy to stop.

What triggers it?

Varicose veins are very insidious. Unnoticed by a person, it can progress for years until its manifestations lead to serious complications. Pregnancy is a period when all organ systems are under maximum tension, often at the end of their own capabilities. Therefore, at this time, varicose veins often appear for the first time, or the woman notes a significant progression of the disease.

Main factors during pregnancy

It is important to understand that if the problem was noticed during pregnancy, it has already existed for more than one year. The following factors can be called provocateurs of varicose veins during pregnancy.

  • Growing uterus. Already from the 2nd trimester, the uterus occupies most of the space in the pelvis. This leads to compression of blood vessels and nerve endings. As the period increases, the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities worsens, it begins to be deposited in already changed veins and provoke expansion of others. It is during pregnancy that women often encounter varicose veins in the groin or intimate places(in the area of ​​the clitoris, labia majora and minora).
  • Increased blood volume. The appearance of the second circle of blood circulation (in a child) and the need to provide nutrients developing fetus lead to an increase in circulating blood volume. The load on the vessels increases. If you have a predisposition to varicose veins or initial stage disease, the veins begin to expand, and the blood in them stagnates.
  • Gestagens. A necessary condition For normal course pregnancy is a sufficient level of progesterone. It creates conditions for the growth and development of the fetus in the uterus. At the same time, progesterone relaxes smooth muscles - in the intestinal wall, bronchi, uterus, and also in blood vessels. This leads to the fact that the veins lose their elasticity, cannot resist the increased blood flow and become varicose.
  • Decreased activity. During pregnancy, women do not lead such an active lifestyle as before. Especially with increasing gestational age, when a large belly gives additional stress. Muscle work is extremely important for the prevention of varicose veins: their contractions additionally push blood upward, preventing reverse flow.

Other reasons

The following points also influence the progression of the disease.

  • Heredity. In women with a tendency to varicose veins, the disease develops and progresses faster. As a rule, a thorough examination reveals a defect in them connective tissue. Therefore, the walls of the veins, consisting of it, even under the slightest load, are subject to varicose changes. In such women it can be noted long fingers arms and legs, increased flexibility, tendency to sprains of the ligamentous apparatus. They are often diagnosed different kinds thrombophilia (disturbances in the blood coagulation system), frozen pregnancies at different stages.
  • Working conditions. At risk for developing varicose veins are women who, due to their occupation, have to stand on their feet for a long time. These are sellers, hairdressers, doctors.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Many women believe that they know the main symptoms of varicose veins during pregnancy, meaning dilated and thickened veins. But clinical picture much more diverse, it begins to manifest itself long before visible to the eye varicose veins.

Signs of the disease largely depend on the stage. Varicose changes can affect not only the veins of the lower extremities, but also the external and internal genital organs. The main cause of genital varicose veins during pregnancy is the growing uterus.

The clinical manifestations of varicose veins on the legs are known to many, but not everyone associates its initial conditions with impaired venous outflow. There are five stages of disease development.

  1. "Tired Leg Syndrome" There is a feeling of heaviness and aching in the legs in the evening, frequent night cramps, tingling along the veins that are still normal, multiple spider veins. If varicose veins in the groin, the woman feels nagging pain in this area.
  2. The appearance of modified veins. Over time, the woman notes that the veins in her legs, which were previously barely noticeable, swell and protrude. Most often, vessels appear on inner surface shins, in the popliteal fossa, on the labia. Over time, they turn into “balls of snakes.”
  3. The appearance of swelling of the legs. As the disease progresses, swelling of the lower extremities becomes difficult to resolve after a night's rest.
  4. Change in skin color of legs. In the final stages of the disease, when due to constant stagnation of blood in the lower extremities, tissue nutrition is disrupted, darkening (hyperpigmentation) of the skin occurs. It takes on a brown tint. When palpated, tubercles are determined along the entire limb.
  5. The appearance of trophic ulcers. The last stage is characterized by the appearance of ulcers that heal very poorly - months, even years. Such a manifestation of varicose veins is typical after 20-30 years of development of the disease, and is extremely rare in pregnant women.


In practice, phlebologists more often use the definition of varicose veins by stage and CEAP (international classification). Gradation according to ICD-10 (international classification of diseases from 2010 revision) does not reflect the severity of the disease and is used only to encrypt the disease in documentation.

The following codes for varicose veins according to ICD-10 are distinguished:

  • I83.9 - varicose veins without complications;
  • I83.1 - varicose veins with symptoms of inflammation or dermatitis;
  • I83.0 - varicose veins of the lower extremities with the presence of ulcers;
  • I83.2 - damage to veins with deep tissue changes (with both ulcers and inflammation).

The CEAP classification is a more detailed coding of the disease. It takes into account certain symptoms, causes, anatomical location of altered vessels and pathophysiological aspects of the disease. Next to each letter (CEAP) there is an additional number that indicates the severity of the symptoms.

  • "WITH" . Indicates the stage of development of the disease. For example, if the index is “0” - there are no visible manifestations, “1” - there are telangiectasia - “asterisks”, “2” - single varicose veins.
  • "E". Encodes the cause of the disease. For example, hereditary predisposition, after surgery or unknown etiology.
  • "A" Indicates which parts of the veins are affected by varicose veins. For example, only superficial ones or together with deep ones.
  • "P" Defines other changes. For example, is there reverse blood flow, blood clots.

Will the disease go away on its own after childbirth?

Some women believe that signs of varicose veins during pregnancy will go away on their own after childbirth. However, one should not hope for the complete disappearance of the disease. Many provoking factors will go away ( hormonal background, pregnant uterus), so the symptoms will become less noticeable. Varicose veins of the labia, vagina and groin (if there were any) will go away, but the disease itself will continue to progress if treatment is not started in time.

It is important to remember that varicose veins last for years. If you don’t pay attention to it immediately after giving birth, after 10-15 years a “bouquet” of problems is guaranteed.

What are the dangers of varicose veins during pregnancy?

It is not varicose veins themselves that are dangerous during pregnancy, but the complications that may develop. Their likelihood increases closer to the 3rd trimester.

Blood clots

Stagnation of blood in altered veins provokes a change in its properties. Increased risk of blood clots, especially in later. They can migrate to other organs, causing serious changes. All this can lead to PE (pulmonary embolism), infarction of brain structures.
The likelihood of such complications increases on the eve of childbirth and immediately after it. Therefore, at this time it is especially necessary to pay attention to the prevention of the disease.

A blood clot formed in the lower extremities can be accompanied by its inflammation - thrombophlebitis occurs. This often occurs during pregnancy. Main manifestations:

  • the affected leg swells;
  • the vein is painful when touched;
  • the skin over it is red and hot;
  • the vein itself is dense to the touch.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help. This condition increases the risks of more serious thrombosis (pulmonary artery, femoral and inferior vena cava), which can have negative consequences for the fetus and mother.

Bleeding from nodes

The skin over varicose veins is often thinner and more easily injured. The walls of the vessels themselves are overstretched. Even the slightest injury leads to vein rupture and severe bleeding.

When the altered vessels are localized in the genital area, the likelihood of such a complication increases during childbirth. In addition, bleeding from varicose veins is difficult to stop. A regular compression bandage does not always help; special sutures often have to be applied.

How to confirm the diagnosis

In order to find out whether varicose veins during pregnancy are dangerous for a child and a woman, it is important not just to state the fact of the disease, but to establish all the accompanying disorders. Sometimes mild varicose veins can be accompanied by thrombosis of the central vessels and pose a real threat. All pregnant women with varicose veins need to undergo blood clotting tests more often in order to timely monitor the likelihood of blood clots.

To clarify the stage of the disease, the following methods are used.

  • Functional tests. They were relevant in diagnostics at a time when it was not yet so widely used ultrasonography. Today they can be used to preliminary assess the severity of the disease and confirm/refute assumptions. The essence of one of the simple functional tests is as follows. In a lying position with legs elevated, the large saphenous vein in the thigh area is pinched with a finger. Then, in a standing position, the blood flow of the superficial veins of the lower limb is studied. Normally, they should be asleep for 15-20 seconds, after which they fill with venous blood. If this happens faster, it means there is a pathological discharge of blood and failure of the valve system.
  • Ultrasonography. Ultrasound of the veins helps not only determine the functioning of blood vessels, but also the presence of blood clots in them. For more information, use various techniques, most often this is Doppler ultrasound (study of blood flow speed).
  • X-ray phlebography. The essence of the method is to inject contrast into the veins and take x-rays to study the route of the substance. It is not carried out during pregnancy due to possible harmful influence for the fruit.

Principles of treatment

During gestation, a complex of all therapeutic measures minimum. Surgical interventions are carried out only in extreme cases. The main treatment for varicose veins is carried out after pregnancy. The principles of treatment of the disease during pregnancy are as follows.

  • Gymnastics for legs. Without waiting for the progression of the disease starting from the 1st trimester, you should engage in physical activity in doses. Hiking, swimming in the pool, doing yoga - all this will improve blood flow in the legs. It is useful to perform special gymnastics, especially for women with professional risk of varicose veins. The exercises are simple but effective. For example, you need to rise on your toes and lower yourself. At the same time they work calf muscles, which prevent blood from stagnating in the deep veins.
  • Body weight control. Every extra kilos will increase the volume of circulating blood and the load on blood vessels. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women not to exceed 12-15 kg for the entire gestation period.
  • Wearing comfortable shoes. During pregnancy you should not wear shoes high heels. Optimally - no more than three to five centimeters.
  • Using compression garments. Elastic compression is one of the important areas of treatment. There is special underwear (stockings, tights, knee socks) for pregnant women, where special inserts have been developed for the growing belly. Compression garments provide measured external pressure to the entire limb. Moreover, it is maximum at the ankle, and minimum at the hip. This stimulates the directional movement of blood. The choice of compression garments should be taken seriously. It is best to purchase it in consultation with your doctor. Only a specialist can determine whether preventive or therapeutic products are needed. You must wear such stockings or tights throughout the entire period of gestation and always during childbirth and postpartum period. Reviews from doctors confirm the fact that compression garments are the most effective means of preventing varicose veins during pregnancy.
  • Drugs to improve blood properties. In case of severe varicose veins and a complicated medical history (for example, with thrombophlebitis in the past), venotonic agents, for example, Detralex, can be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. Many medications for varicose veins are prohibited during pregnancy. For example, "Trental", "Ginkor-forte".
  • Local medications to prevent complications. To reduce the symptoms of varicose veins during pregnancy, it is allowed to use gels and ointments. For example, "Lioton 1000", "Heparin". You can start using them early.

When is surgery necessary?

Surgery and subsequent rehabilitation for varicose veins during pregnancy are resorted to in extreme cases. This is due to many factors. But the main thing is that during the gestation period it is impossible to carry out radical treatment, since pregnancy itself aggravates the condition and somewhat blurs the clinical picture.

Surgical interventions are performed in cases where the life of the woman and the fetus is at risk. For example, when blood clots form in the lower extremities with high risk separation and further migration. In such situations, it is recommended to install vena cava filters - special “meshes” in the inferior vena cava, which stop blood clots on their way.

Folk remedies

All folk remedies should be discussed with your doctor. Such treatment at home is best carried out against the background of basic recommendations.

  • Apple vinegar. It is recommended to wipe the skin over varicose veins with a vinegar solution.
  • Nettle infusion. This herb has a complex effect. For varicose veins, it is recommended to use an infusion. To prepare, you need to take two tablespoons of crushed nettle leaves, add hot water and simmer in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Store the prepared solution in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Take half a glass twice a day.
  • Green tomatoes. It is recommended to apply unripe homemade tomatoes to the affected veins overnight in courses of 10-14 days.
  • Spoiled milk. Homemade sour milk should be lubricated on the lower limbs and wrapped in a bandage overnight. Helps relieve fatigue and swelling.

Prevention measures

Every woman who has the disease or is prone to it should know how to avoid the progression of varicose veins during pregnancy. The recommendations are as follows:

  • move more;
  • perform self-massage of the feet;
  • wear compression stockings or tights;
  • sleep with the leg end raised;
  • use ointments with heparin, horse chestnut(“Lyoton 1000”).

Varicose veins of the lower extremities often occur during pregnancy, especially in women predisposed to the disease. Surgical treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy is carried out only for health reasons. The main measures are to prevent the progression of varicose veins, which is expressed in taking medications approved during pregnancy (tablets, ointments), wearing compression garments and maintaining physical activity.


Pregnancy is a miracle that every woman looks forward to. However, along with it comes many different problems. Varicose veins during pregnancy are one of these.

Varicose veins - vein disease

Varicose veins are dilation of veins, in which nodes form and blood flow is disrupted. People who are most susceptible to the disease are those who are overweight, the elderly, pregnant women, as well as those who have dysfunction of the heart, liver, or genital organs (STDs - trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, fungi). Among patients with varicose veins, the majority are women, since hormonal levels have a special influence on the patency and elasticity of blood vessels. Any fluctuations in hormones can cause varicose veins. Most often, the disease “attacks” the veins in the legs. The man who conducts long time on the legs, most susceptible to varicose veins. The disease can also appear on other parts of the body - on the hands, genitals, and groin. These areas are especially often affected by varicose veins during pregnancy.


There may be several reasons why veins lose their elasticity:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If one of your loved ones suffered from varicose veins, the chances of inheriting this disease are very high.
  2. Various vein injuries.
  3. Hormonal disorders, disruptions (menopause, pregnancy).
  4. Overweight.
  5. Diseases of the liver, rectum (frequent constipation).
  6. Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle.
  7. Standing work, during which the load on the legs and, accordingly, the veins increases.
  8. Congenital venous anomalies.
  9. Constant lifting of weights.

Vein diseases affect most of the adult population of the planet. Varicose veins appear especially often during pregnancy. Treatment of the disease will then depend on its complexity, as well as the risks to the fetus and mother.

Symptoms of varicose veins

The main symptom indicating the development of the disease is that the veins on the body become more noticeable. However, few people immediately pay attention to this. People often remember the disease when veins protrude above the surface of the skin. This phenomenon is accompanied by pain and swelling, changes in the skin. It becomes darker and pigment spots appear. Dryness may occur. Sometimes wounds appear that for a long time don't heal.

Varicose veins are accompanied by itching, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs. If varicose veins occur during pregnancy in the groin, the main symptom will be enlargement of the labia and the formation of nodules on them. There is also heaviness, pain when walking and physical activity. After childbirth, the disease may suddenly disappear, just as it appeared. However, you still have to consult a doctor. After all, varicose veins sometimes significantly complicate the birth process.

Varicose veins of the uterus during pregnancy

The main cause of varicose veins in expectant mothers is hormonal changes. With the advent of new life, all the efforts of a woman’s body are aimed at supplying the fetus with useful substances necessary for its growth. All these substances are delivered along with the blood through the veins. Thus, the blood flow in the pregnant woman’s body increases, which means the load on the vessels increases. This is where varicose veins originate.

Women with a genetic predisposition especially often suffer from the disease. In this case, the disease can appear anywhere: on the legs, arms, internal and external genital organs. Varicose veins of the pelvis during pregnancy are a common phenomenon. The main symptoms of the disease are pain in the lower abdomen, increased sensitivity genital organs, painful sexual intercourse, problematic urination. It is highly undesirable to ignore varicose veins, as contraindications may arise. natural childbirth. However, radical treatment will also have to wait. The only way out is drug therapy and wearing special compression garments. Those women who have uterine varicose veins during pregnancy should be prepared for a cesarean section, since during spontaneous childbirth uterine bleeding may develop, sometimes leading to death.

Treatment of varicose veins

Of course, it is more difficult to treat varicose veins during pregnancy. This is because you can only use medications, which are not always effective. In addition to medications, phlebologists (doctors who deal with vein diseases) recommend:

  • Long walks on foot.
  • Take a lying position with your legs elevated.
  • Eat properly and balanced.
  • Avoid hot baths, saunas and steam baths.
  • Wearing compression garments is very effective method fight against varicose veins.
  • Use special ointments, creams, gels for their intended purpose.

If varicose veins are detected during pregnancy, treatment should be started immediately. Perhaps the disease will disappear before delivery, or at least its symptoms will decrease.

The main methods of treating varicose veins:

  1. Laser. Bursts of energy compact the vein and return it to its previous state.
  2. Phlebectomy. Removal of varicose veins surgically under general anesthesia.
  3. Vein extraction. A surgical operation during which the diseased vein is removed and a flexible wire is inserted in its place.
  4. Endoscopy. Used for severe cases. This is an operation during which an incision is made and a camera device is inserted into it. Having assessed the situation from the inside, the specialist chooses treatment tactics.
  5. Sclerotherapy. Treatment of varicose veins through injections.

All these treatment methods, as a rule, are not prescribed to expectant mothers. They are used only after childbirth.

If varicose veins occur during pregnancy, correct and healthy image life will be the only salvation. Well, who else but future mom, should I know about this?

Complications of varicose veins

Varicose veins are not such a terrible disease if treated in a timely manner. But if you give up on it, the following complications may arise:

  1. Trophic ulcers of veins. These are wounds that do not heal for a long time due to impaired blood flow through the veins. The disease appears in advanced stages of varicose veins and leads to excruciating pain.
  2. Thrombophlebitis. Inflammation of the veins, accompanied by the formation of blood clots. The cause of the disease is slow blood flow. This phenomenon is especially dangerous for expectant mothers. A blood clot can block the nutrition of the placenta, resulting in fetoplacental insufficiency. Therefore, varicose veins during pregnancy require strict control and observation.
  3. Chronic venous insufficiency- darkening of the skin, constant fatigue and heaviness in the legs, even after rest. The disease may be accompanied by eczema and dermatitis. The disease progresses slowly, affecting increasingly larger areas.

It will help to prevent your body from getting into such states. simple prevention varicose veins

Preventive measures

Many expectant mothers are interested in the question: “If varicose veins appear during pregnancy, what should I do?” The correct answer is to carry out timely prevention:

  1. Forget about cross-legged posture while sitting.
  2. Do not overuse unhealthy foods containing cholesterol.
  3. Maintain your weight at a certain level.
  4. Get rid of tight, constricting and uncomfortable clothing.
  5. The same should be done with shoes. In no case should it be one size smaller.
  6. Avoid constipation.
  7. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  8. If you do standing work, find time for a fifteen-minute rest.
  9. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, take two-hour walks.
  10. Wear compression tights or stockings.
  11. Minimize your consumption of alcoholic beverages and coffee.
  12. Stop smoking.

Traditional methods of treatment

Folk wisdom in the treatment of varicose veins can be used both as an independent and as an additional method.

Medicinal recipes can be divided into compresses and decoctions.


  • Garlic. Dilute garlic (chopped) one to two and vegetable oil. Apply to diseased veins at night.
  • Kalanchoe. Infuse the leaves of the flower in alcohol for three weeks. Wipe the affected areas of the veins with the resulting lotion.
  • Raw mashed potatoes- the best remedy against fatigue and swelling of the legs.
  • Nettles. Pour one spoon of dry herb into 300 ml of boiling water and leave. Drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day.
  • Nutmeg. Dilute one tablespoon of nutmeg powder in 200 ml of boiling water and add honey. Drink one glass a day an hour before meals. The most effective remedy even in the later stages of varicose veins.

When varicose veins appear during pregnancy? traditional methods therapy is the best medicine!

When using herbs and infusions, you should always consult your doctor. Home herbal medicine, although it has proven itself well in the treatment of many diseases, can sometimes cause harm.

Varicose veins and childbirth

Of course, a slight expansion of the veins is not yet an indication for caesarean section. For varicose veins on the legs, the solution to the problem will be special compression stockings, which are worn before childbirth.

But if varicose veins are found in the groin during pregnancy, the picture will be different. The fact is that during childbirth a woman can get ruptures, which often affect varicose veins. And this causes bleeding and infection. Therefore, with varicose veins of the pelvic organs, natural childbirth is most often abandoned.

Varicose veins after childbirth

For many people, varicose veins go away on their own after childbirth. However, if this does not happen, it’s time to treat the disease. There is no longer any risk to the fetus, so you can use everything possible ways therapy. One of the simplest and most effective is sclerotherapy, during which medicine is injected into the diseased vein using a thin needle. The procedure is performed under anesthesia. After its completion, there are no scars or scars left.

You should also continue to wear compression garments and take walks. Now it will be more fun to walk, because you have a newborn baby next to you!


Varicose veins are a disease in which veins lose their firmness and elasticity. Hormonal levels have a huge impact on the disease. Any fluctuations in hormones can negatively affect the legs (the main site of attack for varicose veins).

Many expectant mothers are interested in why varicose veins appear during pregnancy, how to treat the disease so as not to harm themselves and the baby? The best therapy is a correct and healthy lifestyle, walking fresh air and compression garments. It is better for pregnant women to refrain from taking medications and undergoing surgery.

Varicose veins are a disease in which veins dilate and blood flow is impaired. The vessels of the lower extremities, pelvis and genital organs are most susceptible to changes. One of the factors that provokes the disease is pregnancy. Almost every third woman experiences pathology during pregnancy and after childbirth. In some of them, the disease is diagnosed for the first time, but most often pregnancy causes the progression of existing disorders. With the birth of each subsequent baby, the risk of irreversible changes in blood vessels increases.

Why do varicose veins appear during pregnancy, how to treat them, do they exist? effective methods prevention? You will find out the answers to these and other questions below.

Causes of pathology

Except common reasons(wearing high-heeled shoes, excessive physical activity, genetic predisposition) women carrying a baby have additional risk factors associated with natural changes in the body during pregnancy:

Forms and types of varicose veins in pregnant women

Varicose veins can be simple or complicated. The simple form is characterized by the appearance of spider veins and asterisks on the lower extremities. This change in small vessels will go away on its own after childbirth. A much greater danger to a woman’s health is complicated varicose veins, in which blood clots form in the vein cavity.

The development of the disease occurs in several stages. At the first stage, symptoms are practically absent, manifesting themselves in small cosmetic defects on the skin.

In the future, the following symptoms may appear:

  • In the evening, swelling of the legs appears;
  • there is pain, heaviness and burning in the lower extremities;
  • after a long walk you feel tired.

Initially, symptoms disappear after a long rest or night's sleep. In later stages they are constantly present. If rapid progression of the disease is observed, urgent treatment may be needed, which must be carried out surgically.
Depending on the location, varicose veins during pregnancy are divided into several types.

The most commonly diagnosed changes in veins are:

  1. In the groin. Manifestations are noted in the perineal area and are characterized by a feeling of fullness, pain when walking, and swelling.
  2. In the womb. Enlargement of the uterine veins is observed in women who have suffered numerous inflammatory processes in the genital organs, abortions, menstrual irregularities, and also have a genetic predisposition.
  3. In the vagina. One of the most common forms of pathology. The main symptoms are discomfort and pain during urination, defecation, and sexual intercourse.
  4. On foot. Manifested by changes in the veins of the lower extremities. The vessels increase in thickness, protrude under the skin, nodes and compactions appear. At the initial stage, the walls change shape when pressed, and later some pain is felt.

Diagnostic methods

If you suspect varicose veins, a woman should be examined by a phlebologist and gynecologist. In most cases, a visual examination is sufficient, since the disease has visible manifestations. If clarification of the diagnosis is necessary, the pregnant woman is referred for additional examination.

Before prescribing treatment, the patient is recommended to undergo ultrasound scanning of blood vessels, Doplerometry and angioscanning. The results obtained make it possible to determine the degree of damage to the veins, as well as its danger to the woman and the fetus.

Methods for treating varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins after childbirth and during pregnancy has its own characteristics. What should you do when the first symptoms appear? At the slightest suspicion, you should consult a doctor. The treatment itself takes place under the constant supervision of a vascular surgeon and gynecologist.

Before you start taking medications for varicose veins during pregnancy, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. IN daily diet there must be products that can provide the body with all essential vitamins and microorganisms. It is also necessary to monitor digestion and avoid constipation, which provokes deterioration of the vascular walls. Very important drinking regime: You should consume about two liters of water per day, and it is better to distribute it evenly throughout the day.

During pregnancy, you need to do special exercises that help activate blood flow in the pelvic area. Swimming and daily walks in the fresh air are very beneficial for pregnant women. Food and physical activity will make it possible to more effectively fight the disease.

Another non-drug method that will speed up the treatment of varicose veins of the legs is wearing compression hosiery. Stockings and tights increase pressure on the veins and prevent them from further stretching.

IN traditional treatment Such a disease as varicose veins, pregnancy makes its own adjustments. Some drugs are not recommended for use at all, others - only during the second and third trimester or after the birth of the baby.

Which medications Can I take it for varicose veins during pregnancy? In order to increase the tone of the vascular walls, they can be prescribed the following drugs: Glivenol, Detralex, Troxevasin. They are able to have an angioprotective effect, reduce swelling, and reduce pain. Treatment with these drugs allows you to get rid of seizures, improve tissue trophism and avoid such dangerous complications as trophic ulcers. During and after pregnancy, special vitamin complexes help restore blood vessels.

After 3-4 months you can use Venoruton gel. It increases the tone of the veins and prevents their further deformation. Also suitable for external use are Lyoton and Essaven.

Any medications should be used only after consultation with a specialist.

If there is a high risk of dangerous complications, it is necessary to treat varicose veins with the most drastic method - through surgery. Surgery is the only option for severe thrombophlebitis.

It is recommended to perform the operation during the first 5-6 months of pregnancy. Most selected safe method carrying out the intervention. Typically, scraping is used - removing the affected area of ​​the vessel using a special microprobe. Recovery after this surgical procedure occurs quite quickly and without discomfort or severe pain.

How does childbirth go?

The method of giving birth to a child depends on the condition of the pregnant woman. If a woman has a simple form of varicose veins and there are no complications, childbirth can proceed naturally. During the birth of the baby, it is recommended to wear compression garments. You may first need to take a blood test to determine your clotting rate.

If there are dangerous complications, the woman will be offered a caesarean section.

Effective prevention

It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

To do this you will need to follow several rules:

If the disease manifests itself during pregnancy and is mild, there is a high probability that after a certain time after birth, the symptoms will disappear without outside help. In cases where the manifestations of varicose veins remain and continue to worsen, appropriate treatment will be required.

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Almost all women have heard about varicose veins. Even twenty-year-old girls are susceptible to this disease. But most people face this problem during pregnancy, especially women with a hereditary predisposition.

At first the defect is only cosmetic, but over time pain appears. In advanced conditions, the disease can develop into thrombophlebitis (a common complication of varicose veins), causing harm to the mother and unborn child. How to avoid such consequences best recipes treatment of varicose veins, as well as prevention of the disease - you will learn all this from the following material.


Bearing a child is in itself a difficult test for a woman, especially the second half of pregnancy. During this period, the lower part of the body is in constant tension, withstanding considerable loads. Blood vessels cannot cope with the work they are under pressure and burst; this is the main cause of varicose veins on the legs of expectant mothers.

In addition, the blood flow increases to nourish not one organism, but two at once, in some cases three! The uterus increases in volume, the pressure increases, which interferes with natural blood flow, this is another important factor, which provokes this disease. There are other reasons for the development of the disease:

  • rapid weight gain, excess weight;
  • repeat pregnancy;
  • physical inactivity, sedentary work;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • bad habits;
  • taking long-term sunbathing.

Also, during pregnancy, all hidden or chronic diseases, so resort to disease prevention. If the problem does arise, then use our recipes for treatment.

Find out more about treatment methods with folk and modern remedies.

How does it manifest itself and how to get rid of allergies to house dust? Interesting nuances described on the page.

First signs and symptoms

This disease does not manifest itself in any way at first, but over time you will definitely feel discomfort and other signs:

  • veins swell and are visible to the naked eye;
  • Various types of mesh are formed - this is the result of rupture of blood vessels;
  • in the evening you feel very tired and swollen in your legs;
  • painful sensations do not go away by morning, the situation worsens;
  • Varicose veins occur not only on the legs, but also in the pelvic area (uterus, labia, etc.). In such a situation, only a doctor will identify this ailment, but if you feel itching, pain in the groin, or the inability to sit for a long time, then immediately consult a gynecologist;
  • in advanced cases, patients experience convulsions of the lower extremities.

If you detect any of the above symptoms, you should inform your doctor, he will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.

Classification of the disease

Pregnant women have the following types of varicose veins:

  • lower extremities. This type is the most common, because the legs are a support for the whole body, they have to cope with the resulting load;
  • vagina. Most often diagnosed during the second pregnancy, it requires immediate medical intervention, because such a pathology can complicate childbirth;
  • uterus. This problem is faced by women who have had abortions, suffered sexually transmitted infections, or are due to genetic predisposition;
  • in the groin. It is accompanied by severe pain in this area and prevents normal walking.

Avoid self-diagnosis and self-medication, think about your future baby, only the doctor will accurately determine the type and course of further actions.

Effective exercises and treatments

Consult your gynecologist, the best option will be if he writes out a referral to a specialist - a phlebologist (a doctor who treats chronic venous insufficiency or CVI).

Such a doctor, depending on the stage of development and location of the pathology, will prescribe the following medications:

  • local application of ointments and gels (Troxevasin, Leoton, etc.);
  • taking special tablets (phlebotonics), which strengthen the walls of blood vessels from the inside, helping to restore already damaged ones;
  • anticoagulants. These drugs help thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots that clog the blood vessels, which eventually burst. They are used in extreme cases, as this may lead to placental abruption and bleeding;
  • special underwear. The doctor will select compression tights and stockings for you with a supportive effect. They can be worn for prevention (70 den) or treatment (100-280 den);
  • will help with enlarged veins in the legs all kinds of means traditional medicine, read the recipes below.

Important! When found severe swelling, redness in the area of ​​​​swelling of the vein, sharp pain, fever, do not hesitate, but call an ambulance!

Upon arrival at the maternity hospital, notify the staff about your problem; also, do not start this process after your baby is born.

Useful gymnastics for expectant mothers, these exercises will help relieve fatigue, reduce pain and swelling:

  • Sit on a chair, move your feet in a circle, do not lift your heels off the floor;
  • Stand straight, extend your left leg forward, rotate first with your foot, then with your whole leg, alternate legs;
  • It is useful to walk on tiptoes, walk around the entire apartment 3-4 times, then walk on the outside and inside of the foot;
  • Sit on a comfortable surface, lift your heels off the floor, keep your toes pressed to the floor, then return to the starting position.

Do each such exercise 10 times, preferably 3 approaches. Consider your well-being and the duration of your pregnancy; you shouldn’t overexert yourself.

Varicose veins can be treated with surgery, but this is only in extreme cases. Such manipulations are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

Treatment with traditional medicine

Some ladies trust exclusively doctors, but there are methods tested by our mothers and grandmothers. These recipes do not contain chemicals, everything is only natural, so there are no special contraindications for pregnant women, except for individual intolerance to some components.

List of the most effective means that help with varicose veins:

  • Apple vinegar. It can be used externally and taken internally. Rub a little of this product into your skin every evening; to enhance the effect, drink 1 glass of water with 1 teaspoon of vinegar after meals. Do not expect a quick effect; this disease requires long-term treatment. You will see the first positive results no earlier than in a month;
  • green tomatoes. Cut this fruit into circles, apply to the swollen veins, and wrap with an elastic bandage. Do this every evening and wash off the compress with water in the morning. The course of treatment is about 5-6 months, but the result is worth it;
  • potato. This remedy is in every kitchen, grate 5 fresh potatoes, apply to your feet, wrap in cling film, and keep for about four hours. Such a compress will immediately relieve pain, and over time the veins will shrink;
  • horse chestnut Prepare a tincture from this ingredient: pour inflorescences (50g) with vodka (1 liter), let it brew for 2-3 weeks in a cool place. Before use, strain, take 2 tablespoons per day, the course of treatment is ten days, then take a break for 5 days. After 3-4 courses, you will notice a significant improvement in the condition of your veins;
  • lilac tincture. Soak 200 g of plant leaves in 800 ml of vodka, leave for about a week. After the expiration date, strain and rub the resulting solution on your feet. Do these manipulations every evening until complete recovery;
  • nettle. This method of treatment takes a long time (about a year), but is absolutely safe. Drink 1 glass of nettle decoction every day (split the dose into 3-4 times). Drug recipe: 2 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over spoons of dried plant and leave for 25 minutes. Drink the decoction for 1 month, then take a break for 14 days, then repeat the course of treatment;
  • apples. Everyone knows a variety like Antonovka. Take 3 of these fruits, throw them into 1 liter of boiling water, wait 30 minutes, crush the apples into a pulp, strain the broth. Mix the resulting infusion with vodka and honey (1:1:1). Take 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. spoon in the morning and before bed in the evening. This treatment lasts about a month, you will notice an excellent result;
  • silver wormwood. Thoroughly grind the fresh flowers of this herb into a homogeneous mass + the same amount of sour milk, stir the mixture. Lubricate your feet with the resulting pulp and cover with gauze. Conduct this procedure no more than 5 days, take a break for 3-4 days, then you can repeat the course of treatment 2-3 more times;
  • Kalanchoe. Mix the dry leaves of this plant with vodka (1:1), leave for 1 week, shake the contents periodically. Rub the tincture into the skin of your legs, the pain will disappear, a feeling of lightness will appear, and the veins will become less noticeable. This type of treatment also requires a lot of time (3-4 months).

Use these products only after consulting with your doctor. You can combine drug therapy from home. You should remember to follow a diet (eat cereals, vegetables, low-fat meat), this way you will help the body cope with the disease.

Preventive measures

If you did not have varicose veins before pregnancy, there is no hereditary predisposition, you do not suffer overweight, then you won't have to special labor carry out all preventive measures.

Helpful tips on how to avoid chronic venous insufficiency during pregnancy:

  • give preference to shoes with low heels, listen to your feelings, you should be comfortable;
  • practice swimming, this will help not only in the prevention of varicose veins, but also other diseases. Water procedures are also beneficial for the fetus;
  • After the 1st trimester, sleep on your left side. This way you will reduce the pressure on the vein, which is located on the right side;
  • do not cross one leg over the other while sitting, this will compress the blood vessels;
  • Don’t stay in one position for too long, constantly be in motion, this is very useful for the baby. Of course, if there are no special contraindications;
  • do not wear tight elastic bands, give up for a while stockings, with tight elastic bands, or other oppressive wardrobe items;
  • Watch your diet, avoid sweet, salty, fatty foods. Chips and soda are also a thing of the past.

It will be good if, when planning a pregnancy, you are examined by a qualified specialist, this will make it much easier to prevent or treat minor deviations from the norm, because most medications cannot be used while carrying a child.

Monitor the condition of your body if any unpleasant symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. Then you and your baby will be absolutely healthy.

Find out even more tips on how to deal with varicose veins on the legs during pregnancy in the following video:

During pregnancy, this is a very common occurrence, especially among those who have already encountered this disease before or have blood relatives with a similar illness. External manifestations of pathology during pregnancy are no different from other cases. Using the example of the lower extremities: the disease looks like areas with a noticeable pattern of capillaries on the skin, the so-called spider veins, or like convex purple or bluish worms. The latter are a manifestation of the expansion of thicker main veins, which begin to emerge closer to the endothelium. Conceiving a child is, of course, a miracle, but it entails many changes in a woman’s body, because everyone’s physical capabilities and health status are different.

Varicose veins are a disease that can spread to different areas body: legs, arms, skin of the torso and face, and also affect internal organs, including the vagina, rectum, etc.

Pregnant women no less often encounter hemorrhoids, and this is a manifestation of varicose veins of the rectum. Trophic ulcers, bleeding, etc. - this is an incomplete list of dangerous complications of the disease.

Why do varicose veins appear during pregnancy?

As the embryo grows, the amount of circulating blood in the mother’s body increases; closer to birth, the volume doubles. A gradual increase in body weight and increased pressure on the veins weaken the walls of blood vessels. In addition to this, hormonal changes lead to muscle relaxation, which negatively affects the tone of the veins. Against this background, the uterus, which becomes heavier every month, puts more and more pressure on the pelvic organs, which provokes compression of the vena cava of the lower extremities. Pregnant women in the third trimester are faced with the fact that any body position they accept becomes uncomfortable after 15-20 minutes, something becomes numb and numb. As a result, manifestations of blood stagnation are expressed in the form of distended veins and varicose veins.

In the initial period of the disease, slight deformation of blood vessels appears. Towards evening, the calves become hard, as if engorged, and the legs feel tired and heavy. A little later, night cramps are observed, although they do not always wake up from them. As the condition worsens, the legs begin not only to swell, but also to hurt after lunch, and the skin becomes itchy, worsening at night.

At the next stage of the disease, serious deformation of the veins occurs. Tubercles or entire sections of convex, intricately curved veins protrude under the skin. This is not always accompanied by painful sensations, but in no case should you ignore the disease at this stage, especially if you are pregnant. After all, you only see external manifestations. What happens to the veins on internal organs? Bleeding that begins but is detected late can be fatal for the mother and her baby.

Provoking factors

Not all representatives of the fair sex experience symptoms before or during pregnancy. This is good, but it is still important to know what factors provoke this disease:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • excess weight before or too rapid weight gain during pregnancy;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • repeated and multiple pregnancies;
  • gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis;
  • increased production of estrogen;
  • previous use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • work that requires long periods of sitting or standing;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Having discovered at least one of the mentioned factors, the expectant mother should take preventive measures closely to prevent the development or worsening of varicose veins.

The disease is divided into several stages:

  1. The veins are located in the lower part and do not exceed 7 mm in diameter. Spider veins appear on the skin.
  2. The vessels bend and already reach 8 mm. Patients complain of swelling and pain during physical activity, which disappear after rest.
  3. Veins that reach 13 mm are arranged into conglomerates of nodes; patients note constant pain, swelling of the feet and legs. Eczema and trophic ulcers that are prone to bleeding may appear on the skin.


A product for cleaning blood vessels and reducing blood pressure, which is recommended by doctors

Prevention of varicose veins in pregnant women

The expectant mother primarily cares about the health of her child, so it is important to know how dangerous the disease is. Complicated varicose veins of the uterus during pregnancy can cause placental insufficiency, miscarriage, or premature birth. Lack of nutrition over a long period of time leads to pathology of fetal development.

The diagnosis of uterine varicose veins can be made after the first Doppler ultrasound examination. However, do not panic; the disease can and should be kept under control. Naturally, you should inform your gynecologist about your predisposition factors for varicose veins. The attending physician should refer you for additional consultation to a phlebologist; you can be monitored by him throughout your pregnancy for varicose veins.

The visual absence or initial expansion of veins during pregnancy requires simple preventive measures:

Compression tights
  1. To reduce the load on your feet, give preference to comfortable soft shoes with low wedges and without heels.
  2. Do not wear stockings, knee socks or socks with tight elastic bands. Prophylactic 70 deniers are more comfortable to wear during this period.
  3. Contrast showers and swimming are beneficial for the health of blood vessels and the entire body.
  4. To reduce venous pressure on the lower extremities, it is recommended to sleep on the left side, placing low pillows under the stomach and knee.
  5. Try to find a middle ground in the distribution of your motor activity so that the time spent in a standing, sitting and lying position approximately coincides and alternates.
  6. Make it a habit to sit on the edge of the table to minimize the pressure on the vena cava in your legs.
  7. Do not sit with your legs crossed - this is a direct way to worsen varicose veins in pregnant women.
  8. To prevent constipation, watch your diet and fluid intake. Every day it is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid: pure or mineral water, green tea, fruit juice etc. In addition, to normalize stool, it is important to consume bran, oatmeal, as well as vegetables and fruits containing a large number of fiber: cabbage, carrots, apples, etc.

A set of exercises for varicose veins

What to do if varicose veins progress during pregnancy? Start training your blood vessels. Here are some simple and accessible exercises for everyone:

Exercises for varicose veins for pregnant women
  1. Sit on a chair, bend your knees, arms along your body. Stand up as you inhale, sit down as you exhale.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Leaning your body to the side, begin to alternately bend your knees without lifting your feet off the floor.
  3. Starting position: standing, arms down, legs hip-width apart. As you inhale, raise your arms, as you exhale, lower them, then move your left leg forward and place your right foot next to it. Repeat the same with your right leg.
  4. Starting position: sitting on a chair. Make circular movements with your feet without lifting your heels off the floor.
  5. Stand up straight, then rise on your toes, stand for 10 seconds and lower on your heels.
  6. Walk around the apartment a few meters on tiptoe. Alternatively, walk on your heels, on the outside and inside of your feet.
  7. Sit on a chair, knees together, feet on the floor. Place your feet on your heels, and then lower them back to the floor.
  8. Sitting on a chair, do reverse exercise: Raise your feet on your toes, lifting your heels off the floor.
  9. Starting position: standing. As you inhale, raise your arms and stand on your toes. As you exhale, lower your arms and press your feet to the floor, slightly bending your knees.
  10. Standing or lying on your back (whichever is more comfortable), extend one leg forward and rotate first the foot, and then the lower leg and the entire limb.
  11. For a general tonic effect and lifting your mood, dance to music that is pleasant to you at least once a day.

Repeat the exercise complex 5-15 times every day.

Varicose veins in pregnant women are not a death sentence; you need to treat the disease as one of the characteristics of the body during this period. Observe the manifestations of the disease, consult a phlebologist and follow his recommendations. If the pathology begins to worsen, the doctor will recommend additional measures fight against varicose veins veins

Treatment of the disease

How to treat varicose veins during pregnancy? Women who have long been familiar with this problem understand that bearing a child negatively affects the condition of blood vessels. Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy is possible, but when choosing medications, the doctor must take into account your situation. Along with taking medications, you must:

  1. Constantly monitor your weight gain to prevent uneven fluctuations. Buy a good home scale; it will come in handy not only for you; it will help you keep track of how quickly your baby is gaining weight.
  2. Avoid carrying heavy objects: do not lift older children, do not carry heavy grocery bags, etc.
  3. From the second trimester of pregnancy, wear a special prenatal bandage. It helps distribute the load and slightly relieves pressure on the pelvic organs.
  4. Take a warm bath, but never a hot one.
  5. If possible, lie down every 3 hours during the day and keep your legs elevated on pillows. If it is comfortable for you, then try to raise the foot end of the bed by 10-15 cm.
  6. Together with your phlebologist, select special therapeutic compression socks and tights with a density of 100, 140 or 280 denier. This linen creates different pressure on areas of the lower extremities. Maximum contraction is observed from the feet to the middle of the calf. Further it decreases and already above the knees it becomes equal to 40%. By applying pressure to the veins, compression garments promote normal blood flow, preventing blood stagnation. It is important to put it on in the morning, before getting out of bed, and take it off right before bed. Only in this case will such underwear be truly effective. It may be unusual at first, but you should be reassured that the discomfort is nothing compared to the reduced risk of formation. By the way, we used elastic bandages before, but they are clearly visible even under tight tights. Although the choice is yours. If the condition of varicose veins worsens during pregnancy, you can agree with your doctor that you will not remove the elastic bandages during childbirth.

It is impossible to cure the disease at stages 2-3 without medications. To alleviate the condition and slow down the development of pathology, the doctor may prescribe a course of complex therapy using:

  1. Tablet phlebotonics (Detralex, Ginkor-forte, Aescusan, Phlebodia 600).
  2. Local gels based on troxerutin (Troxevasin, Troxegel, Troxerutin) and heparin (Heparin ointment, Lyoton-1000, Gepatrombin, Trombless, Viatromb, Venolife).
  3. Disaggregants (Curantil).
  4. Special compression socks and tights.

After childbirth, the condition of the veins may worsen. Many breastfeeding women face not only varicose veins on their legs, but also hemorrhoids, which are a sign of the same disease, only on the veins of the rectum. The period after the birth of the baby and breastfeeding are also accompanied by hormonal changes in organism. For this reason, you should not immediately agree to surgery. Wait a few months and continue conservative medication therapy under the supervision of your doctor. If after 6-8 months the health condition does not return to normal, then you should think about surgery.

Varicose veins and pregnancy with qualified medical assistance are quite compatible. Naturally, expectant mothers cannot take some medications, but with the medications available to them, they can improve their well-being.

But if a patient with varicose veins felt severe pain, she has weakness, elevated temperature body, heart rate increases or shortness of breath appears, you should immediately call an ambulance.
