Drugs to induce labor. Preparations and means for inducing labor and instructions for use. However, it is worth mentioning the possible risks for the baby from using this procedure.

After the 37th week of pregnancy, the moment of natural birth of the child comes. However, this does not always go smoothly. Sometimes it is necessary to induce contractions through surgery or medication. Stimulation of labor can only be carried out by a doctor when labor begins spontaneously and then stops: the woman cannot continue to give birth. This article describes methods and techniques for safely stimulating labor in a hospital or at home.

What is labor induction

The procedure for inducing labor is the birth of a child as a result of contractions caused by artificially. It is carried out to stimulate labor in a pregnant woman according to doctor’s indications. It is aimed at ensuring the dilation of the mother's cervix. If the birth canal is closed or not completely ready before delivery begins, then such labor is called weak. Both medications and natural ways, which are described below.

Artificial methods

There are several artificial methods stimulation of labor. The first is transcervical. The essence of the method is that a catheter with a solid rod is inserted into the cervical canal. It is then replaced with a needle. It is used to pierce the amniotic sac to remove part of the amniotic fluid. After this, a highly concentrated sodium chloride solution or 20% glucose solution is injected inside. This method is not used on women who suffer from high blood pressure or have kidney disease.

Next method– transabdominal. It is not used if the placenta is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus. The method involves doctors injecting saline solutions with ultrasonic detection location of the placenta. It is used in case of injury or bleeding. In the amnion ( inner part placenta) is introduced saline solution, after taking a certain amount of amniotic fluid. Unfortunately, in this case the child does not survive, since the saline solution kills him. After a couple of days, artificial labor is performed.

Artificial birth is also carried out by dilating the cervical canal, after which the amniotic sac is opened. Induction of labor can occur if the woman in labor has contraindications to hypertonic solutions. There are also medicinal methods, which promote the opening of the cervix and the contraction of its muscles. However, induction of labor with drugs is used in extreme cases, when other manipulations are contraindicated for the mother. After such a procedure there is a risk of consequences.

Natural stimulation

If artificial induction of labor is not suitable for the woman, the doctor or obstetrician suggests rupturing the membranes. This is the manual separation of the amnion from the uterine wall. The doctor inserts a finger into the cervix and, using gentle movements, separates the membrane from the wall. There is also rupture of the water bladder using an amnio-hook. There are options to spend natural stimulation labor at home, but more on that a little later.

What are the dangers of inducing labor?

Inducing labor itself can not only harm the child, but also the woman. Any type of stimulation is carried out only with the permission of a doctor who is familiar with the patient’s medical indications. Complications occur frequently. In the following sections, you will learn the dangers of stimulation during childbirth in a clinic, how it can harm the mother or newborn baby, and how such a procedure can be dangerous.

Pain during contractions

In order to stimulate labor, a woman may be given synthetic hormones, which cause severe pain than during natural labor. This pain passes quickly and does not cause the release of painkillers into the blood. During normal labor, they are produced by the female body. At the first stage of stimulation, gels or balloons may be introduced, which cause painful contractions. Vaginal examinations also cause painful discomfort. You will learn further about how to stimulate contractions yourself.

Uncomfortable body position

In the case of using IVs, doctors place the woman in the most uncomfortable and ineffective positions that prevent the birth of a child - lying on her back, on her side or on all fours. In such poses, unpleasant discomfort occurs, which can intensify. This interferes with the process of labor, and the pain of contractions noticeably increases.

Oxygen starvation of the fetus

Stimulation of labor can lead to the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus (fetal hypoxia). This is a violation of the intensity of blood supply. Such a problem does not sum up the development of a child. The diagnosis is “removed” after 3 months, when the child develops as it should and no deviations are observed. In some cases, induced labor can lead to disruption of the baby's cardiac system. However, this can also be fixed.

Indications for induction of labor

Labor is stimulated according to several doctor's indications. The most common reason use of stimulants – pregnancy period (more than 41 weeks). In such cases, natural stimulants can be used, which can also be used at home. This procedure is carried out to reduce the risk caesarean section. Used if the child is large.

During multiple pregnancies, when babies simply cannot appear in the usual way, stimulation is also prescribed. If the mother has kidney disease, thyroid gland, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, then doctors prescribe stimulation. This method is also used for umbilical cord prolapse. Doctors want to avoid complications during and after birth process.

How labor is stimulated in the maternity hospital

In the maternity ward, obstetricians and doctors stimulate labor different methods. Doctors determine stimulation methods for certain indications and situations. They can use pills, injections, dissection membrane, oxytocin or prostaglandin is administered. These methods have advantages and disadvantages, which you will learn about in the following sections.

Drugs to induce labor

In our time, drugs have become increasingly used to speed up labor in certain cases. They are used to cause minimal physical damage to the fetus during the process. If you want to be used during childbirth medications, and not others more dangerous methods, then this can be discussed with your treating gynecologist.


The substance oxytocin is a synthesized analogue of the hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It stimulates the contraction of the muscle fibers of the uterus, which helps with weak labor, postpartum bleeding and to stimulate lactation. Available in the form of a solution for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. The disadvantage of this drug is that a woman cannot move normally while under a connected drip system.

Doses are selected individually for each woman - each woman’s body reacts differently. The drug does not affect the readiness of the cervix to dilate, so when oxytocin acts, labor pain occurs. Can be taken together with antispasmodics. This drug is not used if it is undesirable to have a child through normal childbirth, if the baby is in an incorrect position, if there is an individual intolerance to the components, if there are scars on the uterus, etc. Side effect - can lead to hypoxia.


The drug Miropriston is a medical drug that is used to terminate intrauterine pregnancy in the early stages (up to 42 days) and to artificially induce labor. An analogue of this product is Pencrofton. Both drugs are used for confirmed ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy that occurred while using intrauterine or hormonal contraceptives. It is contraindicated for:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • porphyria;
  • anemia;
  • impaired hemostasis;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • smoking;
  • acute inflammatory pathology of the female reproductive system.

Tablets to induce labor

A popular method by which the uterus “ripens” is the use of Prostaglandin hormones. They stimulate labor by acting on the cervix, causing structural changes. They are used for slow labor, the reason for which lies in the immaturity of the uterus and its resistance. Next, we will consider the pros and cons of such hormones.


Hormones have a beneficial effect on a woman's reproductive system. They stimulate smooth muscles, fallopian tubes, uterus and cervix. The drug causes painful contractions, which help the woman give birth faster. Available in tablet form, which have side effects. The drug acts in much the same way as Oxytocin. Side effects include nausea, fever, vomiting, diarrhea and more. They cost a little more. Tablets are used for artificial termination of pregnancy in the early stages.

Detachment of amniotic membranes

Prenatal stimulation detachment of the membranes is performed only by a gynecologist or midwife during a gynecological examination. The amniotic membranes are carefully peeled off from the lower parts of the uterus near the internal os of the cervix. Used this procedure several times until the woman’s labor begins. It is rarely used, only in extreme cases and as prescribed by a doctor.

Puncture of the amniotic sac

Amniotomy is performed exclusively during delivery. It is not used today, because there is a risk of infecting the child with various infections. Rarely, when other methods cannot be used, puncture of the amniotic sac is used. In this case, it is used when the cervix is ​​softened, using a special instrument to puncture the amniotic sac.

Foley catheter

To use this method, you must consult a specialist. Upon inspection, the size that suits you is determined. Please note that the catheter is inserted in the hospital by doctors; it is prohibited to do this at home. This will harm the baby and mother. It is rarely used and only when available medical indications for use. A Foley catheter is contraindicated in:

  • inflammatory process in the cervix (cervitis);
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (vaginitis);
  • rupture of the membranes;
  • low placenta previa.

Stimulation of labor at home

It’s not uncommon for girls to not want to use different medical supplies, lie down on the operating table, so they discuss possible ways stimulation during childbirth at home with your gynecologist. This is the kind of independent solution that comes to mind the quickest. If traditional methods you don't want to use it either, you can choose one of the methods such as sex on later, gymnastics for pregnant women, nipple massage and castor oil. If you don't know how to induce labor yourself at home, the following sections will help you.

Sex during late pregnancy

During sex, oxytocin is produced, which helps speed up labor. Male sperm contains prostaglandins, which promote the maturation and expansion of the uterus. Unfortunately, this method is used only when the water has not broken, because this can introduce an infection into the placenta. Sexual contact is prohibited if you have a low placenta previa.

Exercises to induce labor

Small physical exercise is also a natural labor stimulant. Daily walks at a slow pace outside will help you get contractions faster. We recommend that you climb the stairs one step at a time, dance and slowly rotate your hips. It is prohibited to lift weights or use strength exercises on machines. Another option would be to mop the floors without using a mop.

The advantage of using such methods is that the cervix softens and smoothes out faster, which causes a quick delivery in the woman. However, this method will harmful women with gestosis, indications for cesarean section, for up to 40 weeks, chronic diseases, which have nothing to do with pregnancy. Before using this method, consult your gynecologist.

Nipple massage

Special massage nipples help female body produce the hormone oxytocin. It stimulates uterine contractions, which helps to begin labor faster. This also helps the woman get used to the unpleasant sensations, because after birth the baby will “bite” your breast. When massaging the nipples, the same sensation is felt. Massage is done several times a day for 15 minutes. The nipples should be lightly pinched and stroked.

Castor oil to speed up labor

Castor oil was used in the past to induce bowel movements because castor oil has a laxative effect. Today it is sold in the form of candles. Castor oil stimulates contraction of the intestines and uterus. However, if you use a slightly higher dose, diarrhea begins, which can lead to dehydration. Such an action could lead to real danger. It's better to add a couple of drops castor oil on bread and eat with tea.


Induction of labor is a deliberate attempt to induce labor artificially.

Is it worth interfering with nature?

The process of artificially inducing labor has been studied by doctors for more than a century. On this moment developed a large number of medications, which can speed up and facilitate the process of labor. But it is worth remembering that interference in the natural process of childbirth, even through taking the most modern medications, with all the warnings about their safety, can have both positive and negative effects.

Nature has already come up with everything for us, and women are designed in such a way that the process of childbirth takes place absolutely independently, without any third-party intervention, which, by and large, can cause harm. But in modern world complications even in primiparous women are very common, and the reason for this is a polluted environment, stress, late age of the primiparous woman, and, as a consequence, a large number of diseases.

Our doctors now increasingly rely on medications and equipment. Statistics show that labor is induced in the maternity hospital in approximately 10% of cases. And this is only according to official data. What actually happens is unknown, since doctors may not report their actions at all, unfortunately.

The population in our country does not try very hard to delve into medicine, and many women who are offered to resort to stimulation do not even know that such a procedure exists, and even more so they are not aware that medications can not only speed up, but also slow down the birth process. As a consequence, additional intervention occurs, and often the end result is a caesarean section, after which the mother is reassured that there was no other option. Naturally, the doctors do not mention that stimulation was the cause of what happened.

Since women are not aware of the stimulation procedure, they easily agree to speed up the process, not even realizing that this can lead to increased pain, which greatly increases the risk of developing hypoxia in the child, which, in turn, will lead to a decrease in blood pressure and intrauterine suffering fetus

No one disputes the fact that doctors need to be trusted. Of course, there are times when it is simply necessary to push the process of labor. But remember that absolutely all actions performed by doctors must be agreed upon with the patient.

When is it necessary to resort to induction of labor?

Doctors can make completely different arguments that stimulation is not only necessary, but will also be useful. The expectant mother must decide for herself which reasons and motives will be significant. Sometimes induction of labor is indeed justified, but in cases where the arguments sound unconvincing, the patient’s word should be decisive. That is why both expectant mothers and expectant fathers should know in what situations stimulation is really justified.

Diseases of the expectant mother

Recurrence of various chronic diseases that are not directly related to pregnancy can be a good reason for artificially inducing labor. Tumors, diseases immune system, kidney, liver and other cases may require immediate intervention and urgent treatment. However, most often treatment cannot begin until the baby is born. The most severe condition here may be preeclampsia, a serious illness that can be caused by the pregnancy itself. It is very dangerous for the child and the expectant mother. Here all doctors agree: to save two lives at once, the only medicine is to induce labor.

Rupture of the birth sac

There are often cases when the membrane containing water and the fetus ruptures even before the onset of labor pains. Don't be scared right away. This means that labor will begin soon and the baby will be born in the next day or two. However, in approximately 5% of women whose sac ruptures, labor never begins. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that the child in the womb is without water, and as a result, hypoxia and fetal suffering occurs. In addition, the risk of infection increases.

Too large or small fruit size

In these cases, labor with stimulation is not always justified.

When the baby is somewhat larger than it should be according to medical standards, the expectant mother is offered to artificially induce labor, arguing that he may continue to grow and will not be able to pass through the birth canal, in which case a caesarean section will be required. But in fact, the size of the child does not mean that he is not able to pass through the birth canal. Here it is very important to take into account the presentation of the fetus, the woman’s physique and the intensity of contractions.

In cases where the child is smaller than the established norms, doctors are also concerned and offer stimulation, arguing that the child does not have enough nutrition to grow.

Non-occurrence of labor after 42 weeks of pregnancy

It is believed that when the 41st week of pregnancy ends, induction of labor is quite justified, although more often the onset of labor in late pregnancy is the norm, and the child feels quite normal and receives adequate nutrition, regardless of whether the woman herself begins to give birth or the process is stimulated with medication.

Studies conducted on this subject have revealed some differences in the results for the expectant mother and fetus. Stimulation at the date of onset of labor established by ultrasound does not provide any benefits, while stimulation after 41-42 weeks of pregnancy gives a higher percentage of child survival rates. Due to the fact that the results are positive in both cases, the expectant mother must make the decision first.

Disadvantages of inducing labor

1. The main disadvantage is the strong and often Negative influence medications on the body of the child and mother. The consequences of this are an increase in pain during labor, intrauterine suffering of the fetus and, as a result, additional intervention and caesarean section.

2. Use of solutions for droppers. In such cases, the giving birth is in a supine position, which is very uncomfortable and absolutely ineffective for childbirth. This can lead to increased pain during contractions and interfere with the progression of labor.

3. Stimulation can lead to hypoxia and disruption of the fetal cardiovascular system.

4. Stimulation may cause an increase in pain and frequency of contractions, which may require additional painkillers.

5. The risk of suture dehiscence on the uterus increases if the previous birth was carried out by caesarean section.

6. The child’s unpreparedness to be born is fetal distress. The mechanism of natural, natural childbirth is triggered by a special hormone secreted by the child. In the case of an artificial induction of labor, this does not happen, which means that the baby is not yet ready for birth.

8. The risk of additional intervention during childbirth increases (use special tools- vacuum extractor or forceps).

Types of labor stimulation

1. Oxytocin.

A drug that is an artificially synthesized analogue of a hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland and triggers the process of childbirth. Most often, the drug is administered intravenously.

May provoke unphysiological contractions and intensify labor pain. It can also lead to intrauterine suffering for the child, due to the fact that prolonged and too intense contractions can cause hypoxia. The dosage of the drug should be calculated strictly individually, since the reaction of a pregnant woman is unpredictable. Oxytocin is strictly prohibited for use in cases where there is a suture on the uterus after a cesarean section or the child is in an incorrect presentation, as well as if it is not possible to give birth to the child through the natural birth canal.

2. Prostaglandins.

Perhaps the most safe method stimulation in the case of the use of medications. Causes milder contractions and is safer in preparing the cervical canal for childbirth. The use of prostaglandins does not interfere with the pregnant woman's movements, and these drugs cannot pass to the fetus. The following forms exist:

Drugs introduced into the vagina and cervical canal (various gels and vaginal tablets).

Contraindications to artificial stimulation

Even if labor is induced according to strict indications, there are risks of complications. Here, first of all, it should be taken into account that there are a number of contraindications to this procedure:

Incorrect presentation of the fetus;

Discrepancy between the size of the mother's pelvis and the size of the child;

Inability to give birth to a child through the natural birth canal;

Placental abruption;

Disturbances in the functioning of the fetal cardiovascular system;


Induction of labor at home

1. Laminaria.

They are carefully inserted into the cervix, they swell inside and the cervical canal is stretched. This method has been successfully practiced for over a hundred years.

2. Castor oil.

Castor oil is used quite often to induce labor. Due to its relaxing properties, this oil can cause the cervix to soften and dilate. Take one tablespoon orally.

Natural stimulation of labor

The most preferred method of inducing labor. Of course, these methods may not always help, but they certainly will not harm the expectant mother and child. In addition, it stimulates labor at home, which is an undeniable advantage.

1. Active walking.

During active movement The baby will put pressure on the cervix, which may cause it to dilate. But it is worth considering that this method can only help if the cervix is ​​already smoothed before childbirth.

Sperm contains prostaglandins, which help soften the cervix. And orgasm will promote contractions of the uterus.

3. Nipple stimulation through massage.

Will increase the level of oxytocin in the blood.

4. Acupuncture.

It is necessary to stimulate certain points: between the fingers - thumb and index, in the sacrum, at the base nail plate little finger, next to the ankle. According to acupuncturists, these points are directly connected to the female organs.

You live in anticipation of the magical moment - the birth of your baby. The expected due date has already arrived, but the baby is in no hurry to be born. Doubts, fears and uncertainty appear in your head. What to do? How

Before we commit, let's figure out what's what. So, pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks. Timely birth is considered from 38 to 42 weeks. Of course, some doctors try not to delay until the last minute, because it negatively affects the child’s development. Therefore, drug induction of labor is usually performed at 41 weeks. .

Stimulation of the labor process is carried out by a doctor only after a comprehensive and thorough examination, which includes:

  1. Controlling the baby's movements. The movements should be regular and constant.
  2. Ultrasound control. The amount of amniotic fluid is assessed and general state fetus
  3. CTG control. The contractile characteristics of the uterus and the well-being of the fetus are assessed.
  4. Doppler indicators make it possible to assess the state of blood flow in the umbilical cord and the maturity of the placenta.
  5. Blood test. Determined by a pregnant woman. In post-term pregnancy, the level of hormones (progesterone, estriol, lactogen) is below normal. A fairly informative indicator is the hCG level.

If during the examination all indicators are normal, then, accordingly, the pregnancy develops properly.

Indications for artificial stimulation childbirth

  1. Post-term pregnancy is dangerous for the baby. The aging placenta cannot provide good nutrition necessary substances and saturate the fetus with oxygen. As a result of this, it happens oxygen starvation. In addition, they become denser, so the risk of birth trauma increases. Aspiration of amniotic fluid may occur, in other words, it begins to linger in the lungs, which can lead to irreparable consequences.
  2. Suspension or complete cessation of labor. This is characterized by the cessation of contractions and insufficient dilatation of the cervix. These points are noted by the doctor while observing the birth.
  3. Premature placental abruption.
  4. Rhesus - conflict. If the treatment has insufficient effect, and the antibody titer is constantly increasing.

What methods are used to induce labor?

Oxytocin - used for weak labor and for artificial induction of labor. The drug is mainly administered by injection. Its action does not affect the readiness for dilatation of the cervix. Usually the drug is used in combination with antispasmodic drugs.

Prostaglandins are hormones that stimulate the smooth muscles and cervix to give birth. It is quite popular to insert suppositories or a viscous gel containing these hormones into the vagina.

Amniotomy is the process of opening the amniotic sac. This method is carried out during the examination and has absolutely no effect on the condition of the fetus. Stimulation of labor by amniotomy is the safest method affecting uterine activity.

How to induce labor yourself so as not to “go past” your due date?

It is believed that it is the baby who produces the hormones oxytocin and prostaglandins, which, entering the mother’s blood, begin to stimulate labor. Perhaps a lack of hormones or a failure in the chain of reactions contributes to the inhibition of labor.

Let's look at the methods used to induce labor independently.

  1. A decoction of raspberry leaves. This remedy is recognized as official medicine. The decoction contracts the muscles of the uterus and pelvis.
  2. Nipple massage. This massage promotes the release of oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions.
  3. Unprotected sexual intercourse. Sperm contains prostaglandins, which soften the muscles of the uterus and promote the onset of labor.
  4. Enema. With the help of a simple procedure, you can push the already ready uterus to the birth process.
  5. Exercise stress. Long walks, light exercise, washing windows and mopping floors without using a mop help open the uterus and tone its muscles. However, excessive loads are harmful.

I would like to note that induction of labor is artificial process, which carries a certain risk. Such births are always more painful than natural ones, and the baby experiences extreme stress during the process. Of course, there are also serious cases when additional stimulation is simply necessary. But if future mom If she gets ready and is mentally ready for childbirth, she most likely simply won’t need stimulation.

Many women know that labor is stimulated. But how and when this happens is not known to all expectant mothers. Obstetricians-gynecologists call the procedure induction or labor induction. Let's get acquainted with this manipulation and pills to stimulate labor.

Indications and contraindications for labor induction

Induction is considered appropriate when the risk from it is lower than the risk of prolongation of pregnancy, and contraindications to natural childbirth No. Doctors induce labor if there is evidence for it. They can be general, as well as only on the part of the woman or the fetus.

The first includes the gestational age of 41 weeks from clear signs post-maturity of the fetus; severe polyhydramnios; rupture of amniotic fluid with absence of labor; preparation period with irregular and painful contractions.

On the maternal side, indications for the use of stimulation are severe forms of gestosis, preeclampsia, and diabetes mellitus. It can also be other progressive ailments that threaten a woman’s life. On the part of the fetus, indications for induction are severe malformations, intrauterine growth retardation, hemolytic disease and antenatal death.

The relative indication for induction of labor is presumably large fruit or multiple pregnancy at 37-38 weeks.

There are also contraindications for induction, including a scar on the uterus, narrow pelvis women, abnormal fetal position, full presentation placenta, primary acute disease of genital herpes, presence of cervical myomatous node, serious illnesses future mother.

The question of the possibility of inducing labor is always considered by obstetricians on an individual basis.

Labor induction methods

They are based on accelerating the launch of the birth process with the help of medications. These include drugs containing analogues of oxytocin or prostaglandins.

The latter are hormones that affect changes in the structure of the cervix, in particular, they stimulate its ripening and relax the lower part of the uterus. Medicines containing prostaglandins are released in different types and dosages. But in practice, a gel containing prostaglandin E2 is most often used. It is inserted into the cervical canal. The effect of using this product can be expected within a few hours. But sometimes repeated administration is required. The gel can be used three times a day. Prostaglandins can also be administered intravenously to a woman in labor. In this case they act faster. But this method of management is fraught with the development of uterine hyperstimulation.

A common method of induction is to administer oxytocin to the mother in labor. They do this intravenously. The drug enters directly into the blood. There is no standard dosage for oxytocin. It is administered slowly, controlling the onset of contractions and avoiding hyperstimulation of the uterus.

Simultaneous drip administration of oxytocin and prostaglandins is possible.

Mifepristone - tablets to induce labor. They are applied according to the scheme. First, the woman is asked to take 200 mg of Mifepristone orally; after a day, if necessary, the drug is repeated. This medicine is a synthetic drug that suppresses the action of progesterone and stimulates contractile activity uterus. He has side effects, therefore taken only under medical supervision.

There are also non-pharmacological methods of inducing labor. These include amniotomy (opening of the membranes). The method is indicated for a mature cervix.

Sometimes kelp - dried stems - are used for induction. seaweed. They are inserted into the cervical canal and compacted. Under the influence of mucus, they stretch the cervix, swelling. The effectiveness of the method is more than 70%. Kelp has a gentle effect on the cervix, promoting the production of prostaglandins.

A mechanical way to stimulate cervical dilatation is a Foley catheter. Essentially, it is a balloon filled with water that is inserted into the cervical canal.

The choice of induction method depends on the degree of maturity of the cervix. In any case, during stimulation, doctors perform constant control cardiac activity of the fetus.

A pregnant woman lives in anticipation of the day when her long-awaited baby will be born. Before giving birth, a woman should familiarize herself with the information: how childbirth proceeds, how to facilitate this process, how labor is stimulated in the maternity hospital. This knowledge may be needed at any time.

Inducing labor in a maternity hospital is a serious matter that provokes the onset of labor within a very a short time. This process must be carried out carefully. Doctors try to bring the woman to such a state that the frequency of contractions is approximately one every 3-4 minutes. If after 4 hours the stimulation does not produce results, then the woman undergoes a caesarean section.

Doctors induce contractions in the maternity hospital in two ways: mechanical or biological.

How labor is stimulated in the maternity hospital:

  1. membrane detachment;
  2. Foley catheter;
  3. amniotomy;
  4. kelp;
  5. oral;
  6. hormone.

Disconnecting the membrane. The gynecologist separates the membrane with a finger inserting it into the vagina. This action provokes the body to produce the hormone prostaglandin, which starts the process.

Foley catheter. A balloon inserted into the cervical canal is filled with water. As a result, the amniotic sac separates from the lower part of the uterus. The mother's body begins to produce prostaglandin and labor stimulation begins.

Amniotomy is a puncture of the amniotic sac. Labor is rarely induced in a maternity hospital using this method. The doctor uses a plastic hook to pierce the amniotic sac and slowly drain the amniotic fluid.

Laminaria. Small sticks made from seaweed. They are able to gently influence the cervix. Preparing it and triggering the production of prostaglandin.

Oral. Now they often begin to induce labor in the maternity hospital by taking a tablet containing a synthetic antigestagen. This substance causes the muscles of the uterus to contract, thereby causing contractions. If the process does not begin within 24 hours, the woman is asked to take another pill.

Hormone. Doctors stimulate labor by introducing the hormones oxytocin or prostaglandin into the mother's body. The first hormone provokes uterine contractions and is administered intravenously through a dropper. The second, responsible for the opening of the uterus, is administered vaginally, that is, in the form of suppositories or gel. Hormonal method considered the safest. The reasons for inducing labor in the maternity hospital can be found out from the attending physician.

Health workers use various methods stimulation of labor in the maternity hospital. Which one will be used for the patient is decided by doctors individually.

What stimulates labor in the maternity hospital? The safest and most frequently used method by gynecologists is stimulation of the process using hormonal agents.


At what stage is labor induced? The stimulation process is started when the cervix is ​​ripe. This moment occurs at 37–38 weeks, and also if the patient exceeds the prescribed period by more than 10 days.

Women can induce labor on their own. In the case when the time has come and the body is ready, they provoke childbirth with their actions and actions.

All women want to give birth to a baby on their own, without any intervention. But this may not always be the case. There are options in which independent birth of a child is impossible or not recommended.

In what cases is labor induced?

  • at intrauterine development the child does not receive required quantity nutrients;
  • infection has occurred or the amount of amniotic fluid has decreased;
  • poor functioning of the placenta, as a result, stimulation is required during childbirth;
  • rupture of the amniotic membrane;
  • the gestational age has exceeded 42 weeks;
  • Availability diabetes mellitus at expectant mother, in this case the placenta begins to age ahead of schedule or perhaps the baby will be large;
  • presence of edema, high pressure and protein in the patient’s urine, while drug treatment do not respond, which means that labor must be induced;
  • chronic diseases that threaten the life and health of mother and baby;
  • the presence of Rh conflict;
  • contractions are irregular and sluggish.

These are the main indications when labor is stimulated in the maternity hospital. They are aimed at preserving the life and health of the child and mother.

How to help yourself give birth faster in the maternity hospital? Physical exercise, morning exercises or simply walking helps start the process. Nipple massage is added to this. This must be done carefully. During the massage, the patient’s body produces oxytocin, which stimulates the process.

Taking 50 grams before giving birth. castor oil diluted in juice, a woman cleanses her intestines. As a result, the uterus contracts. But these contractions rarely lead to childbirth; mostly, prolonged contractions occur. As a result, the baby experiences oxygen starvation at this time. Before using any option to induce labor, you must consult a gynecologist.

Pros and cons

To induce labor or not? Few women think about this question in advance. But in vain, because any interference in the natural process of childbirth primarily affects the baby negatively. Childbirth after stimulation often proceeds rapidly, the child does not even have time to prepare for this procedure. Therefore, babies often experience hypoxia, impaired blood circulation, and injuries at birth. This leads to damage to the central nervous system.

Several months pass and the consequences of this procedure will be visible to the neurologist. He will reveal neuro-reflex excitability, muscle dystonia, clubfoot, sleep disturbance. When the child turns one year old, speech delay, hyperactivity, toe walking, attention deficit. Therefore, before giving consent to stimulation, a woman should think carefully about everything.

Why is labor induced in the maternity hospital? Starting from the 39th week, doctors in some cases provoke contractions. This is done in cases where a woman is unable to give birth on her own or has contraindications to natural birth. Arriving for an appointment at antenatal clinic You can consult why labor is induced in the maternity hospital. The gynecologist will tell you in detail about this procedure so that the woman in labor does not worry.

Which induction of labor is best? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. When entering the hospital and deciding to induce contractions, the patient does not choose which method she prefers. This is the priority of the attending physician. He gets acquainted with all medical data, conducts required types examination and only after that decides which method of stimulation is best suited specifically in this case.

The expectant mother must understand that without significant evidence no one will interfere with the natural course of the process. But if deviations are detected, then the main thing is to think about the good at this moment and tune in to the positive.