Class parent meeting “For a healthy lifestyle. Parent meeting on the topic: “Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers

For healthy


Parent meeting" For a healthy lifestyle"

Target: promoting a healthy lifestyle, increasing social activity and promoting health among students and parents.


Help improve relationships between children and parents;

Help create positive psychological climate in family;

Create conditions for the realization of the creative abilities of parents to increase social activity and improve the health of students and parents.

Form:combined (combining traditional presentation of theoretical information and group work)

Preparation stage

1. Preparation of theoretical information.

2.Portrait drawing healthy child. Development of “Memos for Parents”

3. Questioning of parents and children on the topic of parent-teacher conferences.

Progress of the meeting.

  1. Teacher's introductory words

The words of J. J. Rousseau come to mind more and more often: “To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy.”
The success (or failure) of a child depends on any component of health, be it physical, mental or social.

Dear parents!

We live in the 21st century, which has already been dubbed the century of maximum speed and science. New Age, technical and scientific progress require enormous amounts of work and effort from any person. How can you deal with this? Only through daily and constant work on yourself. With such intellectual loads, which offers today modern education, only constant physical work of the body can cope, in other words, an absolutely healthy student. Therefore, today we will talk about health in general and the health of schoolchildren in particular, about how to help our children maintain and improve their health, and about many other very important and serious things.

  1. What is "Health"?

In preparation for this meeting, this question was asked to your children.. (Read out a few statements from the children)

Based on the definitions of the World Health Organization, the following components of health are distinguished:

  • Physical health- this is a state in which a person has harmony physiological processes and maximum adaptation to various environmental factors.
  • Mental health –This is a person’s ability to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, the ability to balance himself with the environment.
  • Social health –a measure of social activity, a person’s active attitude to the world.
  • Moral healthis a complex of characteristics of the motivational and informational sphere of the individual, the basis of which is determined by a system of moral values.

According to medical science, human health is determined by four main factors:

  • 50–55% depends on lifestyle: sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, poor nutrition, psychological climate.
  • 20–25% influence of the environment and ecology (only 5 to 10 percent of children are born healthy).
  • 20% - heredity (diseases such as Down's disease, metabolic diseases, viral and other diseases are transmitted by heredity).
  • And only 5% depends on medicine.

The following negative health factors aggravate the condition of students during the learning process:

  • sedentary behavior of students;
  • overload educational process many disciplines;
  • stress during training;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of a healthy lifestyle in many families;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • failure to comply with hygiene requirements.

According to domestic researchers, by the end of the school period the number of practically healthy children is less than 10% of students. Therefore, it is very important, dear parents, not to waste time, but to correctly formulate for each family the main tasks of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren in the process of their growth, development and learning, to create a health-preserving educational environment in each family.

2 Speech by a school medical worker on the topic “The health status of students in our school”

The results of medical examinations indicate that schoolchildren have various health problems

The health of children and their development is one of the main problems of family and school. Children's health for last years has a steady tendency to worsen. And we are talking not only about physical, but also mental health. Unfavorable ecological state environment, the extremely low socio-economic standard of living of the country's population led to a decrease in the protective and adaptive capabilities of the body. The low level of health of children also affects the process of their adaptation to academic loads and further complicates the problem. These include chronic colds, blurred vision, scoliosis, and, as a result of the lack of cultural human relationships, childhood neuroses.

How to ensure that your child does not lose health? What to do to preserve and strengthen children's health?

Children's health is everyone's concern. Moreover, it is determined by the general situation in the country. Therefore, the problem of children’s health must be solved comprehensively and by the whole world.

3 Group work

You can hardly find parents who do not want their children to grow up healthy.How do you imagine a healthy child?

To answer this question, I suggest you work in groups.

Make a portrait of a “healthy child”.

(Parents work in groups, discuss, a representative of each group speaks.)

As the speech progresses, notes appear on the board:




Treats people around him kindly - adults and children;

Positive emotional impressions predominate in his life, while negative experiences are endured by him steadfastly and without harmful consequences;

The development of his physical, primarily motor, qualities is harmonious;

Quite fast, agile and strong;

The daily regimen of his life corresponds to individual biorhythmological and age characteristics: This optimal ratio wakefulness and sleep, periods of ups and downs of activity;

Unfavorable weather, their sudden change healthy child are not scary, since he is hardened, his thermoregulation system is well trained.

He does not need any medications;

Does not have excess body weight.

Of course, here is a “portrait” of an ideal healthy child, which you rarely see in life today. However, raising and raising a child close to such an ideal is a completely feasible task. How to achieve this will be discussed further.

4 Physical exercise

I see that you are a little tired. Let `s have some rest. (Parents do a warm-up while listening to music. Conducted by one of the parents; a set of exercises was given in advance.) You can do these exercises at work or at home. It’s good if when doing homework your child will do them. It is this set of exercises that has a positive effect on posture.

Physical exercise is useful and necessary, it improves health and helps the children.

You can do fun exercises with your child from a very early age. In the process of such a simple outdoor game, the baby gets to know his body, learns the rhythm and beauty of the word. Fun physical exercises are a great opportunity for children to usefully warm up between various activities that require perseverance and attention.
Particular attention should be paid to morning physical exercise, which from the very morning lifts the baby’s mood and prepares him for an interesting, fruitful day.
The content of physical education sessions is varied:
Health and hygiene.
They can be performed both standing and sitting: straighten your shoulders, arch your back, pull yourself up, turn your head, “dangle your legs.
It is also necessary to carry out exercises for the eyes. Without turning your head, look to the right, left, up, down.
They are especially loved by children, as they are always performed under cheerful music. All movements are arbitrary, dance as best you can.
They are similar to dance ones, as they are performed to music, but are distinguished by a more precise execution of the elements.
Physical education and sports.
This is traditional gymnastics, which is performed strictly by counting, with an even alternation of inhalations and exhalations. This can include running, jumping, squats, walking in place...
This type of physical education is the most popular. Children collectively read small funny poems and at the same time perform various movements, as if dramatizing them, for example:
The day came, I sat down on a tree stump,
I sat for a day, I watched for a day.
He climbed onto the spruce tree and completely disappeared.
Minute games are played. They are simple in content, but bring joyful revitalization and are a means of not only physical, but also emotional release.
Imitative (imitation).
Children willingly imitate the movements of frogs, monkeys, grasshoppers, cats, bunny, fox, birds, etc.

Exercise with your child!
This is another opportunity to communicate with your child!

5 A story about schoolchildren’s daily routine, good and bad habits

Let's spend a little time talking about our children's daily routine.

Let's just say that the daily routine is actually the daily routine; all 24 hours must be planned in a certain way, and this plan, like any plan, makes sense only if it is followed. If you try to express the essence of the regime in two words, you will have to say that it is -rational alternation of work and rest. Let us remember the words of I.P. Pavlova: “Any living working system, like its individual elements, must rest and recover. And the rest of such highly reactive elements as cortical cells must be especially protected.”

Educational activities, which occupy a significant place in the lives of children, require intensive work of these “most reactive elements.” How important it is to establish the correct alternation between mental work and rest for children.

But, let’s admit, often school lessons, and home preparation for them takes so much time away from children that there is no time left at all (or there is clearly not enough left) to play, read, do what they love, be in the fresh air... Moreover, some, the most conscientious ones, take away time from sleep. Is it any wonder that a teenager develops persistent fatigue - and hence a sharp decrease in performance. The child finds himself in a vicious circle: he tries to work even harder, gets even more tired, and works worse and worse. And it’s not a matter of decreased performance per se. It is possible that all this can lead to a serious health disorder - headaches, irritability, loss of appetite, and opens the door to illness.

To prevent all these unfavorable consequences, you need to properly structure the student’s daily routine.

  • The duration of school and extracurricular activities should take into account age capabilities;
  • Adequate rest (with maximum exposure to fresh air) must be ensured;
  • Adequate time should be allocated for sleep.

It is inadvisable to sit down for homework without resting after school. It is best to start classes after having lunch and spending 1.5–2 hours in the fresh air. Active rest after school provides “relaxation” and satisfies the child’s body’s need for movement and communication, that is, schoolchildren can relieve the stress associated with intense work in the first half of the day. Children's stay in the air is the use of natural factors of nature to heal and harden their body. Remember: than bigger baby moves, the better it develops and grows. You yourself notice how after a walk your child’s cheeks turn pink, he becomes active, cheerful, and stops complaining about fatigue.

The start time for homework should be firmly fixed. Doing homework always at the same hours allows the child to quickly get into a working state and contributes to better cooking homework. Make sure you have a comfortable workplace. The child must have his own desk.

The daily routine should include about 1.5 hours for activities that suit the child’s inclinations. Reading, group work, watching a film on television, music and sports activities– the range of interests of children is very wide. Please make sure that doing one thing does not take up all your free time. Usually, unfortunately, the TV or computer becomes such a “time waster” for a child.

Nutritional requirements need to be discussed separately. Here we will only emphasize that it is necessary to resist in every possible way the child’s developing habit of “intercepting” something while running. A hot breakfast at school is necessary, as is lunch after school (both girls and boys should be able to heat it themselves); It’s a good idea if the meal plan also includes an afternoon snack - before the teenager, after resting and taking a walk, starts doing homework. The time of breakfast and dinner is determined by when the child wakes up and goes to bed (breakfast - half an hour after waking up, dinner - no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime). Eating at certain times ensures good appetite and normal digestion. Sleep hygiene is invaluable for health, vigor, and high performance. The need for sleep is: at 10-12 years old - 9-10 hours, at 13-14 years old - 9-9.5 hours, at 15-16 years old - 8.5-9 hours. Israeli scientists have found that lack of sleep at night, even for 1 hour, has a bad effect on the psycho-emotional state of children. They are more tired in the evening and perform worse on tests of memory and reaction. Therefore, there is no need to prove that the child’s sleep must be protected: bright light, noise, conversations - all this should be excluded. The air in the room in which the child sleeps should be fresh. It is important to protect sleep, so to speak, before the child falls asleep. Of course, he is not a baby who cannot be told at night scary tales, and yet you must avoid anything that can excite you physically or mentally: active games, long reading, watching television. It is clear that a child cannot be placed under a glass bell and protected from everything, but reasonable limitation of evening impressions is necessary. Otherwise, this will affect sleep - its onset will be delayed, it will become shallow. “But what to do,” other parents ask, “if we ourselves want to watch a TV show, but we don’t have the strength to send our son to sleep? He is offended, and we feel sorry for him: we look at it ourselves, but we don’t give it to him.” It seems that the feeling of guilt that parents experience is in vain. There is nothing wrong if the TV speaks in a low voice, and the child sleeps behind a closed door in another room. But if the family has not managed to put it in such a way that they perceive it calmly and simply, there is another way out of the situation: do not watch the programs yourself. This is the least evil.

Violations in the established daily routine are undesirable, as this can lead to disruption of the established regime in the activities of the child’s body.

For a healthy lifestyle of a child, the daily routine is very important. All parents have already spoken sufficiently about the benefits of a daily routine, so there is probably no need to prove this benefit. Analysis of children's questionnaires showed that most children do not follow a daily routine (in different time lights out, homework, walks, etc.)

I would like to talk about one more serious problem that interferes with a healthy lifestyle. These are bad habits: smoking, drinking, drug addiction.

You should introduce these rules to your children, but study them well yourself.(Parents are given reminders)


You can use narcotic and toxic substances, alcohol, smoke:

  • If you want to live a short life;
  • If you want to fall behind in your studies;
  • If you want to catch HIV infection;
  • If you dream of leaving behind sick offspring;
  • If you want your children to be born deformed;
  • If you want your family and friends to abandon you;
  • If you want your orientation in space to be disturbed;
  • If you want piercing tremors and a weakened body;
  • If you want to have the face of a “frozen mask”;
  • If you want to be tormented by withdrawal symptoms.

It's easy to get started. Quitting was not the case. Think about it!

6. And now we will hold a “Blitz tournament”

The playing field is in front of you. The group that wins the first move chooses any topic and question number.

Topic 1. Personal hygiene.

  1. Prevention of diseases (prevention)
  2. State of complete physical, mental and social well-being (health)
  3. The skin not only covers the entire human body, but with the skin a person feels... (pressure, vibration, heat, cold, pain.)
  4. Oral hygiene includes...(brushing teeth, tongue and rinsing the mouth)

Topic 2. Study and rest mode.

  1. Correct alternation of periods of work and rest, their duration, rational distribution of time within one day, week, month, year is (regime)
  2. Failure to comply with the daily routine leads to... (to dysfunction of the central nervous system)
  3. Name the reasons for overwork (improper organization of work, excessive study load, failure to comply with the daily routine)
  4. Duration of sleep (depending on age)

Topic 3. Physical activity

1.Lack of movement (hypodynamia)

2. Purposeful process of human interaction with the world (activity)

3. Unregulated consciousness action, formed through repeated repetition (skill)

4. In favor of what else in 1863 I.M. Sechenov was the first to present arguments and practical results ( active rest)

7. Solving practical problems “Advice needed”

  1. Alexey moved to another school. In the new class, he immediately made friends with the guys; it turned out that they had a lot common interests. But some guys smoke and insist that Alexey smoke too. What should Alexey do?
  2. You enter the elevator, and your neighbor comes in with you with a cigarette. Your actions?
  3. Let's smoke, your classmate tells you. What are you afraid of? Nowadays only babies don't smoke? Your actions? (Give examples to children).

8. Summary of the meeting topic

Thanks to all! See you again! (Each parent is given a memo)

"Memo to parents"

Dear Parents! The school offers you cooperation in raising your child. Your child for you is your future, this is your immortality. After all, every person physically continues in his children, grandchildren, in his descendants. And you, of course, want your physical continuation to be worthy, so that it not only preserves all your advantages, but also increases them.

We - the school, the teachers - are also extremely interested in your child becoming a full-fledged person, a cultural, highly moral, creatively active and socially mature person. We work for this, giving children our souls and hearts, our experience and knowledge. In order for our cooperation to be fruitful, we recommend that you adhere to the following basic rules in raising your child: family education:

1. The family is a material and spiritual unit for raising children, for marital happiness and joy. The basis, the core of the family is marital love, mutual care and respect. The child should be a member of the family, but not its center. When a child becomes the center of seven, and parents sacrifice themselves to him, he grows up to be an egoist with inflated self-esteem, he believes that “everything should be for him.” For such reckless love for himself, he often repays with evil - disdain for his parents, family, and people.

No less harmful, of course, is an indifferent, especially disdainful, attitude towards a child. Avoid extremes in loving your child.

2. The main law of the family: everyone takes care of each family member, and each family member, to the best of his ability, takes care of the whole family. Your child must firmly grasp this law.

3. Raising a child in a family is a worthy, continuous acquisition by him of useful, valuable things in the process of living in a family. life experience. The main means of raising a child is the example of the parents, their behavior, their activities, the child’s interested participation in the life of the family, in its worries and joys, this is work and conscientious fulfillment of your instructions by him. Words - aid. The child must do certain housework that becomes increasingly more difficult as he grows older, for himself and for the whole family.

4. The development of a child is the development of his independence. Therefore, do not patronize him, do not do for him what he can and should do himself. Help him acquire skills and abilities, let him learn to do everything that you can do. It’s not scary if he does something wrong: the experience of mistakes and failures is useful to him. Explain to him his mistakes, discuss them with him, but do not punish him for them. Give him the opportunity to try himself in different things to determine his abilities, interests and inclinations.

5. The basis of a child’s behavior is his habits. Make sure that he develops good habits and does not develop bad ones. Teach him to distinguish between good and evil. Explain the harm of smoking, alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, materialism, and lies. Teach him to love his home, his family, good people, your land.

The most important habit for him should be maintaining a daily routine. Develop a reasonable daily routine with him and strictly monitor its implementation.

6. Contradictions in the demands of parents are very harmful for raising a child. Agree them with each other. Even more harmful are the contradictions between your demands and the demands of the school and teachers. If you do not agree with our requirements or they are not clear to you, come to us and we will discuss the problems together.

7. It is very important to create a calm, friendly climate in the family, when no one yells at anyone, when even mistakes and misdeeds are discussed without abuse and hysteria. Mental development child, the formation of his personality largely depends on the style of family education. The normal style is democratic, when children are given a certain independence, when they are treated with warmth and their personality is respected. Of course, some monitoring of the child's behavior and learning is necessary in order to help him in difficult situations. But it is more important to promote in every possible way the development of self-control, introspection and self-regulation of his activities and behavior.

Do not insult the child with your suspicions, trust him. Your trust, based on knowledge, will instill personal responsibility in him. Do not punish a child for telling the truth if he admitted his mistakes himself.

8. Teach your child to take care of the younger and older ones in the family. Let the boy give in to the girl, this is where the education of future fathers and mothers begins, the preparation of a happy marriage.

9. Monitor your child’s health. Teach him to take care of his own health, oh physical development. Remember that over the years of learning on a scale, the child experiences in one form or another age crises: at 6-7 years old, when the child develops an internal position, awareness of his feelings and experiences; crisis of puberty, which usually occurs in girls 2 years earlier than in boys; and the youthful crisis of finding one’s place in life. Be attentive to your child during these crisis periods, change the style of your attitude towards him as you move from one age period to another.

10. A family is a home, and like any home, it can deteriorate over time and need repair and renovation. Remember to check from time to time to see if your family home needs any updating or renovation.

We wish you success in the difficult and noble task of raising your child as a family, may he bring you joy and happiness!

“Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing,” Socrates once said, these words are still relevant in our time.

10. Meeting decisions

1. Let the spirit of health, the cult of health, prevail in every family.

2. Do you want it or don't you want it?

But the point, comrades, is that

First of all, we are parents,

And everything else - later!

3. Lead a healthy lifestyle in your family, giving up bad habits yourself and supporting your children’s desire for a healthy lifestyle.


  1. M. Antropova, L. Kuznetsova, T. Paranicheva “Regime junior school student”, newspaper “Children's Health” No. 19, 2003. pp. 16-17.
  2. A.S. Batuev. Biology: Human. – M.: Education, 1994.
  3. Yu.F. Zmanovsky “Towards health without drugs”, Moscow, “Soviet Sport”, 1990.
  4. M. Matveeva, S.V. Khrushchev “Straight back!” pp. 14-15, newspaper “Children's Health” No. 12, 2003.
  5. The world of a teenager: Teenager / Ed. A.G. Khripkova; Rep. ed. G.N. Filonov. – M.: Pedagogy, 1989.
  6. Yu.A. Frolova, Tobolsk “ Bad habits let's say no." P.65-68. “Class teacher” No. 8 – 2001.
  7. Satellite class teacher. / M.: Center “Pedagogical Search”, 2001.
  8. L.I. Salyakhova. Parent meetings. Scenarios, recommendations, materials for conducting. Grades 1-4. - M.: Globus, 2007.

Municipal preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 1 in the village of Krasny Tekstilshchik, Saratov district, Saratov region"

Parent meeting

on the topic of:

« Healthy image life -

good habit"

Middle group

Educator: Saleeva Svetlana Sergeevna

October 2014

A healthy lifestyle is a good habit"

Target: promote the need for a healthy lifestyle; ensuring physical and mental well-being.

I. Meeting preparation plan

    Preparation of invitations for each family with text.

    Design of an exhibition of methodological literature on the topic of parent-teacher meetings.

    Design of the sliding folder “Preschooler mode”.

    Preparing a message for parents on the topic: “Caring for the health of the child.”

    Decoration of the meeting place.

    Preparation of questionnaires for parents.

    Preparing instructions for parents on a healthy lifestyle.

II. Meeting plan

1. Introduction. Short, emotional speech , setting up the topic of the upcoming conversation. Use of a musical background (P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”).

2. Discussion. Consideration of issues and situations on the topic “Caring for the health of the child,” expressing the opinions of educators, children, and parents.

3. Musical pause. Physical education is performed by all parents accompanied by music, in accordance with the theme of the meeting.

4. Wise thoughts. On each table there are cards with sayings of great people, in accordance with the theme of the meeting. To the music, the cards are passed around in a circle, so parents become familiar with the contents of each card, and the ones they like the most are read out loud.

5. Working with reminders. Parents get acquainted with reminders on a healthy lifestyle. They draw conclusions and share their experiences.

6. Conclusion. Conclusion on the topic. Solution.

7. Parent survey. To see the positive and negative sides held meeting.

III. Progress of the meeting

1. Introduction.

The music is quiet. The tables are arranged in a semicircle, on them are cards with the names and patronymics of the parents, guidelines for parents, cards with sayings of great teachers, questionnaires, pieces of paper, pencils. On the teacher’s desk: laptop, materials for holding a meeting.

2. Discussion.

Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to see you. Thank you for taking the time to come to the parent meeting.

A human child is healthy... developed...

This is not only an ideal and an abstract value,

but also a practical achievable standard of living.

How to achieve this?

This is what we would like to talk to you about today.

IN modern society, in the 21st century, new, higher demands are placed on a person, including a child, on her knowledge and abilities.

Caring for the health of children and adults has become a priority all over the world. This is understandable, since any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy individuals.

Taking care of raising a healthy child is a priority in our work and preschool. Healthy and developed child has good body resistance to harmful factors environment and resistance to fatigue, socially and physiologically adapted.

In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

Prolonged stay in unfavorable conditions causes overstrain of the body's adaptive capabilities and leads to exhaustion immune system. Chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, ENT organs and other diseases occur.

The increase in the number of diseases is associated not only with the socio-ecological situation, but also with the very way of life of the child’s family, which largely depends on family traditions and character motor mode. If the child’s physical activity is insufficient (physical inactivity), a deterioration in the development of motor function and a decrease in the child’s physical performance inevitably occur.

Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in improving the health of both ourselves and our children. “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in infancy” (Clause 1 of Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

Unfortunately, due to the developed cultural level of our society, health is not yet in first place among human needs. Therefore, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for their child, as they often abuse smoking and alcohol,

They prefer watching TV shows and videos for many hours, exercising, exercising, and walking in the fresh air. Often, parents have little idea of ​​how necessary it is to introduce their child to a healthy lifestyle.

What can parents do to introduce their children to a healthy lifestyle? (parents' statements)

    First of all, you need to actively use healing natural environmental factors: clean water, ultra-violet rays sunlight, fresh air, phytoncidal properties of plants, since the natural forces of nature are familiar components of the environment and are necessary for the life of the body.

    The child needs a calm, friendly psychological


Quarrels in the presence of a child in some cases contribute to the development of neurosis in him, and in others aggravate existing disorders of the nervous system. All this significantly reduces the protective capabilities of the child’s body. With this in mind, we should always try to be good mood. Remember, as soon as we smile, it immediately becomes easier; if we frown, sadness creeps in. They frowned - adrenaline began to be released, which contributes to a sad, anxious mood, smiled - they helped another hormone - endorphin, which ensures a confident and cheerful mood. After all, the same fact in one case can be invisible to us, but in another it can cause anger and spoil the mood. But our irritation mechanically transfers to the child.

Emotional stability and related behavior are nurtured. What is important here is the ability to correctly and rationally relate to what is seen, perceived, and heard.

So let's smile more and give joy to each other.

    We must not only protect the child’s body from harmful influences,

but also to create conditions that help increase the child’s body’s defenses and performance. And the important thing here is Right organized regime day, which optimally combines the period of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day, satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. In addition, the regime disciplines children, promotes the formation of many useful skills, accustoms them to a certain rhythm.

Walking is one of the essential components of the regime. This is the most efficient look rest, well restores the functional resources of the body, reduced during activity, and, first of all, performance. Staying in the air helps increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child’s appetite and sleep always normalize. The walk should be carried out in any weather, with the exception of particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothing and shoes must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. Children should not be allowed during a walk. long time were in a monotonous position, so it was necessary to change their type of activity and place of play. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. Children should go for walks at least 2 times a day for 2 hours, in summer - unlimitedly.

An equally important part of the regime is sleep. which is especially necessary for weakened children. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time every day (both day and night).

Thus, the child’s home routine should be a continuation of the daily routine kindergarten.

    Nutritious food– inclusion in the diet of foods rich in

vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein. It is advisable to prepare all dishes for children from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices or preservatives. Include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in children's diets more often.

Equally important is the diet, that is, maintaining certain intervals between meals.

    It is important for children to develop an interest in improving their own health.

body. The sooner a child gets an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. If a child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education, as well as to observe the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this.

When a child enters school, it is important to take into account not only his intellectual development, but also the level of his physical development. And there is no need to stuff your child with knowledge before school. The principle of “do no harm” should be the basis for the upbringing and development of a child. It should be remembered that " early learning“leads to overload, negatively affects health, provokes neuroses and other undesirable phenomena, as a result of which interest in learning decreases.

Preparation for school in kindergarten is carried out not only in classes in mathematics and speech development, but also in physical education classes, in which children develop the attention, thinking, memory, speech, imagination, fine motor skills, and coordination of movements necessary for successful learning in school. ; and also play activity children. Play is the leading activity in preschool age. How better baby play in role-playing games, the more successful he will be in school. The game prepares well for school. While a child’s psyche is developing, he must play. Without play, children develop a feeling of fear, lethargy and passivity. Play is a leading human need. No wonder they broadcast a lot on television now game programs for adults who didn’t play enough in childhood.

    Walking and running are effective for improving health and normalizing weight.

which protect the human body from the occurrence of diseases. They have a pronounced training effect and help strengthen the body.

What is hardening? (parents' statements)

The point of hardening is to, over time, with the help of special procedures, increase a person’s resistance to cooling due to the fact that the body will react appropriately every time. defensive reactions– an increase in body production and a decrease in heat transfer. During hardening, immunity also increases due to increased production of interferon and other protective factors in the body. Therefore, it would be great if hardening was a common family affair.

Which of you carries out hardening activities at home, and what kind? (parents' statements)

And now we suggest listening to your children’s statements (the tape recording is turned on).

Without calling the child by name, the teacher asks to answer the questions: Children, why do you need to toughen up? Are you hardening yourself at home? How? Who are you doing this with? Is it every day? Do you like it? Why don't you do it?

Hardening, as noted by E.A. Arkin, for a weakened child has great importance than for a healthy one. Along with traditional hardening methods (air baths, water foot baths, gargling), non-traditional ones are also widely used.

Contrast air hardening(children go from a warm room to a “cold” room).

Walking barefoot. At the same time, the arches and ligaments of the feet are strengthened, and flat feet are prevented. IN summer period provide children with the opportunity to walk barefoot on hot sand and asphalt, on small pebbles and cones, which act as strong irritants. On the contrary, warm sand, soft grass, and an indoor carpet have a calming effect. When walking barefoot, the intensity of activity of almost all muscles increases, blood circulation throughout the body is stimulated, and mental activity improves.

Cold and hot shower– most effective method hardening at home.

(After a short exercise, the child gets under the shower, is doused with water at 36 - 38 degrees for 30 - 40 seconds, then the water temperature is reduced by 2 - 3 degrees, and the duration of the douche is reduced to 20 - 25 seconds. The procedure is repeated 2 times. After 1 - 1.5 weeks, the difference in water temperatures increases to 4 - 5 degrees and within 2 - 3 months it reaches 19 - 20 degrees).

Gargling with cool water with a decrease in temperature is a method of preventing nasopharyngeal disease. (Gargling begins at a water temperature of 36 - 37 degrees, decreases every 2 - 3 days by 1 degree and is brought to room temperature.)

It should be remembered that a break in hardening for two to three weeks reduces the body’s resistance to colds and is therefore highly undesirable.

It cannot be ignored individual characteristics the child, his age, his sensitivity to hardening procedures. It is not recommended to carry out hardening against the background of negative emotional states, for example, fear, resentment, anxiety. This can lead to neurotic disorders.

What conclusion can be drawn about hardening? (parents' statements)

Yes, if we want to see our child healthy, we need to carry out hardening procedures every day. The “minimum” of hardening includes air and water procedures, properly selected clothes.

You can also harden your child’s body with food.

Some plants - biostimulants and adaptogens - help increase the body's resistance. The latter adapt, adapt the body to the effects of certain harmful, physical, chemical, biological factors, including unusual environmental conditions.

Let's talk, what foods or substances help a child become more hardened? (give parents cards to answer questions)

Right answers:

    Black currant and rose hips increase the body's resistance to

cooling and ARVI.

    The “protection” drink is carrot juice. It is recommended to drink fresh

carrot juice from 1 tablespoon to half a glass per day, but not more than 100 g, since in large quantities it can cause icteric discoloration of the skin. In addition, it causes allergies in some children.

3. Juices are cleaner organic products. They are quickly absorbed by the body (within an hour) and, therefore, almost immediately after consumption they are included in the metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the body’s recovery processes. Juices contain a lot of water, but this is true living water– it is enriched with biologically active substances of plant cells.

All juices have a general strengthening effect, stimulate digestion and absorption of food, and also remove toxic substances from the body, including radioactive ones (carrot and apple juice). Finally, juices are also a source of vitamins, mineral salts and numerous microelements.

    To increase the child’s body’s defenses, it is recommended

taking vitamins.

The word “vitamin” comes from the Latin vita – life. Vitamins are involved in metabolism and regulate certain biochemical and physiological processes. A lack of vitamins in food or a change in the processes of their absorption leads to metabolic disorders and ultimately to the development of hypo- and avitaminosis. To achieve a certain level of vitamin saturation, it is necessary to use preparations that include vitamin complexes in optimal ratios, especially in the winter-spring period. By the way, the use of multivitamins 1 - 2 tablets per day in normal dosages during an epidemic of influenza and influenza-like diseases reduces the incidence of illness in children by at least 2 times.


Please tell me what in the conditions of the home can pose a danger to the child’s life? (parents' statements)

Yes, children are very inquisitive and try to imitate us adults in everything. They can turn on electric heaters and love to play with small objects.

Remember, the child’s health is in your hands!

At the same time, it has already been noted: in those families where adults get sick little, children, as a rule, are healthy.

3. Physical education minute.

Dear parents, we have been sitting a little too long, let's take a rest. (The teacher invites parents to play outdoor games at their request).

4. Wise thoughts.

What do our great teachers say about the development of a child’s speech? Pay attention to their statements. Read them out loud. (Parents read the statements.) (See the material in Appendix 1.3.).

(See the folder “Hardening and hygienic procedures.”)

5. Working with reminders.

Dear parents! On your desks there are reminders about a healthy lifestyle for a child in the family. Please get to know them.

Do you agree with these tips? If yes, which one do you think is the most significant? Which of these tips have you already used in your parenting practice? How successful?

(Parents read out loud those tips that, in their opinion, are the most important and necessary.)

We give these reminders to you. Let them help you find a middle ground in improving your child’s health.

(For the contents of the instructions for parents, see Appendix 1.5.).

6. Conclusion.

Caring for the health of children and adults has become a priority all over the world. The more we show and tell our child about health, the better for his development.

We invite you to support the initiative of the kindergarten and introduce a healthy lifestyle into the family.

Based on the results of questionnaires, discussions, play therapy with parents and children, we offer the following: parent meeting decision:

    Introduce a healthy lifestyle into every family.

    The child’s home routine should be a continuation of the daycare routine.

    Systematically harden the child in a family setting.

    On weekends, be sure to go for a walk with your children at least 2 times a day. Let the child move more during the walk and play outdoor games. Playing games with children will improve our health and rejuvenate ourselves.

    Check all injury-prone areas at home and prevent child injuries.

7. Questioning of parents.

Dear parents! In conclusion, to find out how well the topic and content of the parent meeting meet the requirements of parent meetings and family requirements, we invite you to fill out a questionnaire.

(Parents fill out forms.)

(The contents of the questionnaires for parents are in the appendix).

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, and prosperity in your family.

Let the children make you happy!


    Alyamovskaya V.G. How to raise a healthy child. – M., 1993.

    Graevskaya N.D. Vigor and health. - M.: Medicine, 1979. - 76 p.

    Kudryavtsev V.T., Egorov B.B. Developmental pedagogy of health improvement (preschool age): program and methodological manual. – M.: LINKA-PRESS, 2000. – 296 p.: ill.

    Laizane S.Ya. Physical education for kids. – M.: Education, 1978. - 94 p.

    Laptev A.P. ABC of hardening. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1986. - 96 p.

    Levi-Gorinevskaya E.G. Physical education of a preschool child. - M: Uchpedgiz, 1953.

    Praznikov V.P. Hardening of children preschool age. - L.: Medicine, 1988. - 224 p.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Talzhinskaya secondary school"

For healthy


(Classroom parent meeting in primary school)


Sabelnikova Ekaterina




Class parent meeting “For a healthy lifestyle”

Target: promoting a healthy lifestyle, increasing social activity and promoting health among students and parents.


Help improve relationships between children and parents;

Contribute to the creation of a positive psychological climate in the family;

Create conditions for the realization of the creative abilities of parents to increase social activity and improve the health of students and parents.

Form:combined (combining traditional presentation of theoretical information and group work)

Preparation stage

1. Preparation of theoretical information.

2. Drawing up a portrait of a healthy child. Development of “Memos for Parents”

3. Questioning of parents and children on the topic of parent-teacher conferences.

Progress of the meeting.

  1. Teacher's opening speech.

The words of J. J. Rousseau are increasingly recalled: “To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy.” The success (or failure) of a child depends on any component of health, be it physical, mental or social.

Dear parents!

We live in the 21st century, which has already been dubbed the century of maximum speed and science. The new century, technical and scientific progress require enormous loads and efforts from any person. How can you deal with this? Only through daily and constant work on yourself. Such intellectual stress, which modern education offers today, can only be handled by constant physical work of the body, in other words, by an absolutely healthy student. Therefore, today we will talk about health in general and the health of schoolchildren in particular, about how to help our children maintain and improve their health, and about many other very important and serious things.

  1. What is "Health"?

In preparation for this meeting, this question was asked to your children.. (Read out a few statements from the children)

Based on the definitions of the World Health Organization, the following components of health are distinguished:

  • Physical health– this is a condition in which a person has harmony of physiological processes and maximum adaptation to various environmental factors.
  • Mental health –This is a person’s ability to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, the ability to balance himself with the environment.
  • Social health –a measure of social activity, a person’s active attitude to the world.
  • Moral healthis a complex of characteristics of the motivational and informational sphere of the individual, the basis of which is determined by a system of moral values.

According to medical science, human health is determined by four main factors:

  • 50–55% depends on lifestyle: sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, unhealthy diet, psychological climate.
  • 20–25% influence of the environment and ecology (only 5 to 10 percent of children are born healthy).
  • 20% - heredity (diseases such as Down's disease, metabolic diseases, viral and other diseases are transmitted by heredity).
  • And only 5% depends on medicine.

The following negative health factors aggravate the condition of students during the learning process:

  • sedentary behavior of students;
  • overload of the educational process with many disciplines;
  • stress during training;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of a healthy lifestyle in many families;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • failure to comply with hygiene requirements.

According to domestic researchers, by the end of the school period the number of practically healthy children is less than 10% of students. Therefore, it is very important, dear parents, not to waste time, but to correctly formulate for each family the main tasks of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren in the process of their growth, development and learning, to create a health-preserving educational environment in each family.

2 Speech by a school medical worker on the topic “The health status of students in grades 1-4 at our school”

The results of medical examinations indicate that schoolchildren have various health problems

The health of children and their development is one of the main problems of family and school. Children's health has been steadily deteriorating in recent years. And we are talking not only about physical, but also mental health. The unfavorable ecological state of the environment and the extremely low socio-economic standard of living of the country's population have led to a decrease in the protective and adaptive capabilities of the body. The low level of health of children also affects the process of their adaptation to academic loads and further complicates the problem. These include chronic colds, blurred vision, scoliosis, and, as a result of the lack of cultural human relationships, childhood neuroses.

How to ensure that your child does not lose health? What to do to preserve and strengthen children's health?

Children's health is everyone's concern. Moreover, it is determined by the general situation in the country. Therefore, the problem of children’s health must be solved comprehensively and by the whole world.

3 Group work

You can hardly find parents who do not want their children to grow up healthy.How do you imagine a healthy child?

To answer this question, I suggest you work in groups.

Make a portrait of a “healthy child”.

(Parents work in groups, discuss, a representative of each group speaks.)

As the speech progresses, notes appear on the board:




Treats people around him kindly - adults and children;

Positive emotional impressions predominate in his life, while negative experiences are endured by him steadily and without harmful consequences;

The development of his physical, primarily motor, qualities is harmonious;

Quite fast, agile and strong;

The daily regimen of his life corresponds to individual biorhythmological and age-related characteristics: this is the optimal ratio of wakefulness and sleep, periods of ups and downs of activity;

Unfavorable weather conditions and sudden changes in them are not scary for a healthy child, since he is hardened and his thermoregulation system is well trained.

He does not need any medication;

Does not have excess body weight.

Of course, here is a “portrait” of an ideal healthy child, which you rarely see in life today. However, raising and raising a child close to such an ideal is a completely feasible task. How to achieve this will be discussed further.

4 Physical exercise

I see that you are a little tired. Let `s have some rest. (Parents do a warm-up while listening to music. Conducted by one of the parents; a set of exercises was given in advance.) You can do these exercises at work or at home. It’s good if your child does them when doing homework. It is this set of exercises that has a positive effect on posture.

Physical exercise is useful and necessary, it improves health and helps the children.

You can do fun exercises with your child from a very early age. In the process of such a simple outdoor game, the baby gets to know his body, learns the rhythm and beauty of the word. Fun physical exercises are a great opportunity for children to usefully warm up between various activities that require perseverance and attention.
Particular attention should be paid to morning physical exercise, which from the very morning lifts the baby’s mood and prepares him for an interesting, fruitful day.
The content of physical education sessions is varied:
Health and hygiene.
They can be performed both standing and sitting: straighten your shoulders, arch your back, pull yourself up, turn your head, “dangle your legs.
It is also necessary to carry out exercises for the eyes. Without turning your head, look to the right, left, up, down.
They are especially loved by children, as they are always performed to cheerful music. All movements are arbitrary, dance as best you can.
They are similar to dance ones, as they are performed to music, but are distinguished by a more precise execution of the elements.
Physical education and sports.
This is traditional gymnastics, which is performed strictly by counting, with an even alternation of inhalations and exhalations. This can include running, jumping, squats, walking in place...
This type of physical education is the most popular. Children collectively read small funny poems and at the same time perform various movements, as if dramatizing them, for example:
The day came, I sat down on a tree stump,
I sat for a day, I watched for a day.
He climbed onto the spruce tree and completely disappeared.
Minute games are played. They are simple in content, but bring joyful revitalization and are a means of not only physical, but also emotional release.
Imitative (imitation).
Children willingly imitate the movements of frogs, monkeys, grasshoppers, cats, bunny, fox, birds, etc.

Exercise with your child!
This is another opportunity to communicate with your child!

5 A story about schoolchildren’s daily routine primary classes, good and bad habits

Let's try to create a schoolchild's daily routine together, and then analyze it from a scientific point of view (on the board).

Let's spend a little time talking about our children's daily routine.

Let's just say that the daily routine is actually the daily routine; all 24 hours must be planned in a certain way, and this plan, like any plan, makes sense only if it is followed. If you try to express the essence of the regime in two words, you will have to say that it is -rational alternation of work and rest. Let us remember the words of I.P. Pavlova: “Any living working system, like its individual elements, must rest and recover. And the rest of such highly reactive elements as cortical cells must be especially protected.”

Educational activities, which occupy a significant place in the lives of children, require intensive work of these “most reactive elements.” How important it is to establish the correct alternation between mental work and rest for children.

But, let’s face it, often both schoolwork and home preparation for them take up so much time from children that there is no time left at all (or clearly not enough left) for playing, reading, doing what they love, being in the fresh air... Moreover, some, the most conscientious ones, take time away from sleep. Is it any wonder that a teenager develops persistent fatigue - and hence a sharp decrease in performance. The child finds himself in a vicious circle: he tries to work even harder, gets even more tired, and works worse and worse. And it’s not a matter of decreased performance per se. It is possible that all this can lead to a serious health disorder - headaches, irritability, loss of appetite, and opens the door to illness.

To prevent all these unfavorable consequences, you need to properly structure the student’s daily routine.

  • The duration of school and extracurricular activities should take into account age capabilities;
  • Adequate rest (with maximum exposure to fresh air) must be ensured;
  • Adequate time should be allocated for sleep.

It is inadvisable to sit down for homework without resting after school. It is best to start classes after having lunch and spending 1.5–2 hours in the fresh air. Active rest after school provides “relaxation” and satisfies the child’s body’s need for movement and communication, that is, schoolchildren can relieve the stress associated with intense work in the first half of the day. Children's stay in the air is the use of natural factors of nature to heal and harden their body. Remember: the more the child moves, the better he develops and grows. You yourself notice how after a walk your child’s cheeks turn pink, he becomes active, cheerful, and stops complaining about fatigue.

The start time for homework should be firmly fixed. Doing homework always at the same hours allows the child to quickly get into a working state and contributes to better preparation of homework. Make sure you have a comfortable workplace. The child must have his own desk.

The daily routine should include about 1.5 hours for activities that suit the child’s inclinations. Reading, club work, watching a film on television, music and sports activities - the range of interests of children is very wide. Please make sure that doing one thing does not take up all your free time. Usually, unfortunately, the TV or computer becomes such a “time waster” for a child.

Nutritional requirements need to be discussed separately. Here we will only emphasize that it is necessary to resist in every possible way the child’s developing habit of “intercepting” something while running. A hot breakfast at school is necessary, as is lunch after school (both girls and boys should be able to heat it themselves); It’s a good idea if the meal plan also includes an afternoon snack - before the teenager, after resting and taking a walk, starts doing homework. The time of breakfast and dinner is determined by when the child wakes up and goes to bed (breakfast - half an hour after waking up, dinner - no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime). Eating at certain times ensures good appetite and normal digestion. Sleep hygiene is invaluable for health, vigor, and high performance. The need for sleep is: at 10-12 years old - 9-10 hours, at 13-14 years old - 9-9.5 hours, at 15-16 years old - 8.5-9 hours. Israeli scientists have found that lack of sleep at night, even for 1 hour, has a bad effect on the psycho-emotional state of children. They are more tired in the evening and perform worse on tests of memory and reaction. Therefore, there is no need to prove that the child’s sleep must be protected: bright light, noise, conversations - all this should be excluded. The air in the room in which the child sleeps should be fresh. It is important to protect sleep, so to speak, before the child falls asleep. Of course, he is not a baby who cannot be told scary stories at night, and yet he must avoid anything that can disturb him physically or mentally: outdoor games, long reading, watching TV shows. It is clear that a child cannot be placed under a glass bell and protected from everything, but reasonable limitation of evening impressions is necessary. Otherwise, it will affect your sleep - its onset will be delayed, it will not be deep. “But what should we do,” other parents ask, “if we ourselves want to watch a TV show, but we don’t have the strength to send our son to bed? He is offended, and we feel sorry for him: we look at it ourselves, but we don’t give it to him.” It seems that the feeling of guilt that parents experience is in vain. There is nothing wrong if the TV speaks in a low voice, and the child sleeps behind a closed door in another room. But if the family has not managed to put it in such a way that they perceive it calmly and simply, there is another way out of the situation: do not watch the programs yourself. This is the least evil.

Violations in the established daily routine are undesirable, as this can lead to disruption of the established regime in the activities of the child’s body.

For a healthy lifestyle of a child, the daily routine is very important. All parents have already spoken sufficiently about the benefits of a daily routine, so there is probably no need to prove this benefit. An analysis of children’s questionnaires showed that most children do not follow a daily routine (bedtime at different times, doing homework, going for walks, etc.)

I would like to talk about one more serious problem that interferes with a healthy lifestyle. These are bad habits: smoking, drinking, drug addiction.

You should introduce these rules to your children, but study them well yourself.(Parents are given reminders)


You can use narcotic and toxic substances, alcohol, smoke:

  • If you want to live a short life;
  • If you want to fall behind in your studies;
  • If you want to catch HIV infection;
  • If you dream of leaving behind sick offspring;
  • If you want your children to be born deformed;
  • If you want your family and friends to abandon you;
  • If you want your orientation in space to be disturbed;
  • If you want piercing tremors and a weakened body;
  • If you want to have the face of a “frozen mask”;
  • If you want to be tormented by withdrawal symptoms.

It's easy to get started. Quitting was not the case. Think about it!

6. And now we will hold a “Blitz tournament”

The playing field is in front of you. The group that wins the first move chooses any topic and question number.

Topic 1. Personal hygiene.

  1. Prevention of diseases (prevention)
  2. State of complete physical, mental and social well-being (health)
  3. Skin not only covers the entire human body, but through skin a person feels (pressure, vibration, heat, cold, pain.)
  4. Oral hygiene includes (brushing teeth, tongue and rinsing the mouth)

Topic 2. Study and rest mode.

  1. Correct alternation of periods of work and rest, their duration, rational distribution of time within one day, week, month, year is (regime)
  2. Failure to comply with the daily routine leads to (disruption of the functions of the central nervous system)
  3. Name the reasons for overwork (improper organization of work, excessive study load, failure to comply with the daily routine)
  4. Duration of sleep (depending on age)

Topic 3. Motor activity

1.Lack of movement (hypodynamia)

2. Purposeful process of human interaction with the world (activity)

3. Unregulated consciousness action, formed through repeated repetition (skill)

4. In favor of what else in 1863 I.M. Sechenov was the first to present arguments and practical results (of active recreation)

7. Solving practical problems “Advice needed”

  1. Alexey moved to another school. In the new class, he immediately made friends with the guys; it turned out that they had many common interests. But some guys smoke and insist that Alexey smoke too. What should Alexey do?
  2. You enter the elevator, and your neighbor comes in with you with a cigarette. Your actions?
  3. Let's smoke, your classmate tells you. What are you afraid of? Nowadays only babies don't smoke? Your actions? (Give examples to children).

8. Summary of the meeting topic

Thanks to all! See you again! (Each parent is given a memo)

"Memo to parents"

Dear Parents! The school offers you cooperation in raising your child. Your child for you is your future, this is your immortality. After all, every person physically continues in his children, grandchildren, in his descendants. And you, of course, want your physical continuation to be worthy, so that it not only preserves all your advantages, but also increases them.

We - the school, the teachers - are also extremely interested in your child becoming a full-fledged person, a cultural, highly moral, creatively active and socially mature person. We work for this, giving children our souls and hearts, our experience and knowledge. In order for our cooperation to be fruitful, we recommend that you adhere to the following basic rules of family education in raising your child:

1. The family is a material and spiritual unit for raising children, for marital happiness and joy. The basis, the core of the family is marital love, mutual care and respect. The child should be a member of the family, but not its center. When a child becomes the center of seven, and parents sacrifice themselves to him, he grows up to be an egoist with inflated self-esteem, he believes that “everything should be for him.” For such reckless love for himself, he often repays with evil - disdain for his parents, family, and people.

No less harmful, of course, is an indifferent, especially disdainful, attitude towards a child. Avoid extremes in loving your child.

2. The main law of the family: everyone takes care of each family member, and each family member, to the best of his ability, takes care of the whole family. Your child must firmly grasp this law.

3. Raising a child in a family is a worthy, continuous acquisition by him of useful, valuable life experience in the process of living in a family. The main means of raising a child is the example of the parents, their behavior, their activities, the child’s interested participation in the life of the family, in its worries and joys, this is work and conscientious fulfillment of your instructions by him. Words are an aid. The child must do certain housework that becomes increasingly more difficult as he grows older, for himself and for the whole family.

4. The development of a child is the development of his independence. Therefore, do not patronize him, do not do for him what he can and should do himself. Help him acquire skills and abilities, let him learn to do everything that you can do. It’s not scary if he does something wrong: the experience of mistakes and failures is useful to him. Explain to him his mistakes, discuss them with him, but do not punish him for them. Give him the opportunity to try himself in different things to determine his abilities, interests and inclinations.

5. The basis of a child’s behavior is his habits. Make sure that he develops good habits and does not develop bad ones. Teach him to distinguish between good and evil. Explain the harm of smoking, alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, materialism, and lies. Teach him to love his home, his family, kind people, his land.

The most important habit for him should be maintaining a daily routine. Develop a reasonable daily routine with him and strictly monitor its implementation.

6. Contradictions in the demands of parents are very harmful for raising a child. Agree them with each other. Even more harmful are the contradictions between your demands and the demands of the school and teachers. If you do not agree with our requirements or they are not clear to you, come to us and we will discuss the problems together.

7. It is very important to create a calm, friendly climate in the family, when no one yells at anyone, when even mistakes and misdeeds are discussed without abuse and hysteria. The mental development of a child and the formation of his personality largely depend on the style of family education. The normal style is democratic, when children are given a certain independence, when they are treated with warmth and their personality is respected. Of course, some monitoring of the child's behavior and learning is necessary in order to help him in difficult situations. But it is more important to promote in every possible way the development of self-control, introspection and self-regulation of his activities and behavior.

Do not insult the child with your suspicions, trust him. Your trust, based on knowledge, will instill personal responsibility in him. Do not punish a child for telling the truth if he admitted his mistakes himself.

8. Teach your child to take care of the younger and older ones in the family. Let the boy give in to the girl, this is where the education of future fathers and mothers begins, the preparation of a happy marriage.

9. Monitor your child’s health. Teach him to take care of his own health and physical development. Remember that over the years of schooling in the scale, the child experiences age-related crises in one form or another: at 6-7 years old, when the child develops an internal position, awareness of his feelings and experiences; crisis of puberty, which usually occurs in girls 2 years earlier than in boys; and the youthful crisis of finding one’s place in life. Be attentive to your child during these periods of crisis, change the style of your attitude towards him as you move from one age period to another.

10. A family is a home, and like any home, it can deteriorate over time and need repair and renovation. Remember to check from time to time to see if your family home needs any updating or renovation.

We wish you success in the difficult and noble task of raising your child as a family, may he bring you joy and happiness!

“Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing,” Socrates once said, these words are still relevant in our time.

10. Meeting decisions

1. Let the spirit of health, the cult of health, prevail in every family.

2. Do you want it or don't you want it?

But the point, comrades, is that

First of all, we are parents,

And everything else - later!

3. Lead a healthy lifestyle in your family, giving up bad habits yourself and supporting your children’s desire for a healthy lifestyle.


  1. M. Antropova, L. Kuznetsova, T. Paranicheva “Regime of a junior schoolchild,” newspaper “Children's Health” No. 19, 2003. pp. 16-17.
  2. A.S. Batuev. Biology: Human. – M.: Education, 1994.
  3. Yu.F. Zmanovsky “Towards health without drugs”, Moscow, “Soviet Sport”, 1990.
  4. M. Matveeva, S.V. Khrushchev “Straight back!” pp. 14-15, newspaper “Children's Health” No. 12, 2003.
  5. The world of a teenager: Teenager / Ed. A.G. Khripkova; Rep. ed. G.N. Filonov. – M.: Pedagogy, 1989.
  6. Yu.A. Frolova, Tobolsk “Let’s say no to bad habits.” P.65-68. “Class teacher” No. 8 – 2001.
  7. Companion to the class teacher. / M.: Center “Pedagogical Search”, 2001.
  8. L.I. Salyakhova. Parent meetings. Scenarios, recommendations, materials for conducting. Grades 1-4. - M.: Globus, 2007.

Parent meeting

Topic: “The main rules of a healthy lifestyle”

Target: Formation of a healthy lifestyle for primary school students using educational work among parents.


Show topic relevance

Introduce the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle

Find out the reasons for following these rules

Show the relationship between a student’s health and their academic success.

Organize a dialogue between teachers and parents on this issue

Form carrying out: round table

Preparatory work:

Questionnaire for parents

1.What is healthy man?



3. What influences the deterioration of your child’s health?


4. What recipes can you offer for proper balanced nutrition?

(from your family menu)


5. Do your children do exercises in the morning?


6. What sport does your child play?


7. What is more important to you: your child’s health or his excellent performance at school?

Children's drawings"If you want to be healthy"

Parent meeting invitations


table “Health = Rational nutrition + Physical activity + Positive emotions", children's drawings, questionnaire results.


Every autumn, students cross the threshold of the school. They are all different: small and big, shy and not so shy, timid and independent. We are faced with the task of helping our children acquire new knowledge and grow healthy and strong.

Everyone knows the proverb: “If you lost money, you lost nothing, if you lost time, you lost a lot, but if you lost your health, you lost everything.”

According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, 90% of children have significant deviations in their health, 60-70% have brain dysfunction, and 35% are chronically ill, and only 5-10% of children come to school with a diagnosis of “health”. It is not uncommon for a teacher to ask a student to give him a pill for a headache, and memory loss, fatigue and the inability to concentrate at the end of the school day have become an indispensable attribute of the modern schoolchild. Almost all today's children are highly nervously excitable, most often physically weakened due to poor nutrition, environmental and social unfavorable living conditions.

According to medical experts. 75% of all human diseases begin in childhood. Why is this happening?

What rules must be followed to be a healthy person? Today we will try to find answers to these questions and get practical recommendations on their application.

Parents' opinion:

1. What is a healthy person?

cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, energetic, strong, strong, not sick.

2. What should you do to be healthy?

play sports, do exercises, take vitamins, be in the fresh air, follow a daily routine, avoid overload, good nutrition, emotional and mental calm, toughen up, walk.

3.What affects the deterioration of your child’s health?

mood, weather, food, long stay watching TV, ecology, fatigue, environment, lack of sleep, malnutrition, nervous stress, heavy workload at school, studying on the computer.

So, what is health?

According to the official definition of the World Health Organization, health is physical, mental and social well-being.

In other words, health is a complex result of the complex interaction of a person with nature and society, including the influence of genetic inclinations, social, cultural, environmental, medical and other factors.

Balanced diet.

Too late to take to hospital

kilograms of oranges,

better before daily

give grated carrots..."

In the first place, of course, there should be the correct, rational, i.e. reasonable nutrition. We are what we eat. In other words, our body consists of what we eat. What do our children eat? What do they like? What don't they like? (exchange of opinions among parents, teacher’s presentation based on materials from observing children’s nutrition in the school canteen) It is important not only what we eat, but also at what time. You need to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions, never overeating at night.


1. You need to try to diversify your food so that the body gets everything it needs nutrients

2. You should eat less buns and sweets

3. Don’t eat a lot of fried, smoked, salty, spicy foods.

4. Children must have breakfast in the morning before school.

Problem situation

The boy ate for lunch: porridge with sugar, cocoa with a sweet bun, a piece of cake, and a chocolate bar. Did the boy have a good lunch? Why? What dishes would you recommend for this boy's parents?

(^ Discussion of the problem by parents, statement on this issue)

Give examples of recipes for proper balanced nutrition

(taken from questionnaires)

So, balanced diet– consumption of pure, natural products, mandatory compliance power mode.

Physical activity.

"Life is motion"

Modern children are moving less. Where has motor activity gone? Multi-part films appeared, someone came up with “quiet” games and children became “obedience” itself! They play various puzzles, sit for hours in front of computer monitors and make their parents happy that they can finally go about their business.

The child came to school. He is seated at a desk, and his motor activity decreases by 50%.

Exercise stress is extremely necessary for children. It not only trains the heart and blood vessels, but also develops muscles that, if necessary, come to the aid of the entire body.

Survey results:

Out of 8 respondents to the question: do your children do exercises in the morning?

Yes 2

No 3

Sometimes 3

And to the question: what sport does your child play?

Yes (skiing, football, Athletics, running) -4

No -4

In order to be healthy, regular exercise is necessary. But how often do parents try to get a certificate of exemption from these lessons! Parents do not even suspect that they are causing harm not only physical condition your child, but also mentally!

Research conducted at the Institute of Physical Culture named after. P.F. Lesgaft, revealed the relationship between indicators of mental processes and individual motor qualities. With age, these connections change.

Leading motor qualities of children


Agility is maximum work performance with minimum energy expenditure and agile movements are movements that achieve goals. The education of dexterity stops with the education of the mind: a dexterous child is usually smart. So mental and physical education are mutually coordinated.


Types of exercises that develop coordination of movements.

Running, jumping, complicated by the need to navigate in space under a strict time limit

Exercises with objects that require precise and coordinated movements.

The main goal is to teach children to instantly make decisions and subordinate their body movements to these commands

The best place to start is by running. It is necessary to force one to “think” in motion: change the direction and speed of running, overcome obstacles. You can alternate running with jumping. Once they have mastered them, conduct hand exercises

Positive emotions.

“The good that you do from the heart, you always do for yourself” Leo Tolstoy

To the question: what is more important to you: the child’s health or academic success?

Everyone unanimously answered: health

The peculiarity of schooling is that children must achieve a certain result. Unjustified expectations of teachers, parents and children themselves lead to increased mental stress, nervous shock, and stress. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that children lose the desire to learn and simply live actively and interestingly. Children often become angry and aggressive. Not only do they have health problems, but they also have learning difficulties.

But it happens that a child is worried, stressed, excited for a long time, or is angry with someone or envies someone. In other words, he experiences negative emotions. But they turn out to be very harmful to health. For a child to be healthy, he must experience positive emotions most of his life.

“To avoid getting caught up in stress, you need to be able to manage your feelings” D.S. Likhachev.


1s situation

(parents play)

The child came home from the street 3 hours later than he promised. You meet, ready to scold. Your actions……..(remember: there should be no negative emotional outburst)

2 situation

The child received a bad mark and knows what he will get for it. What do you say? What should you do in this situation?

Positive emotions are the third component of health.

Work on exhibition children's drawings “If you want to be healthy...”

Reflection. If you now had to answer the question “What should I do to keep my child healthy?” (parents write down their opinions and attach them to a piece of Whatman paper. It turns out to be a collective newspaper: children’s drawings, parents’ advice)

Memo for parents.

Dear fathers and mothers! Remember!

    Talk to your child about the need to take care of your own health.

    By your own example, demonstrate to your child a respectful attitude towards their own health.

    Don't let him follow a daily routine from time to time.

    If a child is sick, but the course of the illness allows him to do exercises and he wants it, do not interfere with him.

    Visit with him sporting events and holidays, especially children's ones.

    Be with him outdoors, take part in his games and fun.

    Give your child gifts that will help maintain his health.

    Don't laugh at your child if he does an exercise wrong.

    You welcome his communication with peers who play sports.

    Don't expect health to come to you on its own. Go with your child to meet him!


And in conclusion, get to know the most the best recipe Health and happiness:

“Take the cup of patience, pour a full heart of love into it, add two handfuls of generosity, sprinkle with kindness, sprinkle in a little humor and add as much faith as possible. Mix it all well. Spread it on the piece of life you have been given and offer it to everyone you meet along the way.”

"Anar Secondary School" For healthy Lifestyle(Classroom parent meeting in elementary school) Prepared by Bychikhina Olga Yurievna

Class parent meeting “For a healthy lifestyle”

Target: promoting a healthy lifestyle, increasing social activity and promoting health among students and parents.


Help improve relationships between children and parents;

Contribute to the creation of a positive psychological climate in the family;

Create conditions for the realization of the creative abilities of parents to increase social activity and improve the health of students and parents.

Form: combined (combining traditional presentation of theoretical information and group work)

Preparation stage

1. Preparation of theoretical information.

2. Drawing up a portrait of a healthy child. Development of “Memos for Parents”

3. Questioning of parents and children on the topic of parent-teacher conferences.

Progress of the meeting.

    Teacher's introductory words

The words of J. J. Rousseau come to mind more and more often: “To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy.”
The success (or failure) of a child depends on any component of health, be it physical, mental or social.

Dear parents!

We live in the 21st century, which has already been dubbed the century of maximum speed and science. The new century, technical and scientific progress require enormous loads and efforts from any person. How can you deal with this? Only through daily and constant work on yourself. Such intellectual stress, which modern education offers today, can only be handled by constant physical work of the body, in other words, by an absolutely healthy student. Therefore, today we will talk about health in general and the health of schoolchildren in particular, about how to help our children maintain and improve their health, and about many other very important and serious things.

    What is "Health"?

In preparation for this meeting, this question was asked to your children. . (Read out a few statements from the children)

Based on the definitions of the World Health Organization, the following components of health are distinguished:

    Physical health – this is a condition in which a person has harmony of physiological processes and maximum adaptation to various environmental factors.

    Mental health – This is a person’s ability to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, the ability to balance himself with the environment.

    Social health – a measure of social activity, a person’s active attitude to the world.

    Moral health is a complex of characteristics of the motivational and informational sphere of the individual, the basis of which is determined by a system of moral values.

According to medical science, human health is determined by four main factors:

    50–55% depends on lifestyle: sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, unhealthy diet, psychological climate.

    20–25% influence of the environment and ecology (only 5 to 10 percent of children are born healthy).

    20% - heredity (diseases such as Down's disease, metabolic diseases, viral and other diseases are transmitted by heredity).

    And only 5% depends on medicine.

The following negative health factors aggravate the condition of students during the learning process:

    sedentary behavior of students;

    overload of the educational process with many disciplines;

    stress during training;

    unbalanced diet;

    lack of a healthy lifestyle in many families;

    non-compliance with the daily routine;

    failure to comply with hygiene requirements.

According to domestic researchers, by the end of the school period the number of practically healthy children is less than 10% of students. Therefore, it is very important, dear parents, not to waste time, but to correctly formulate for each family the main tasks of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren in the process of their growth, development and learning, to create a health-preserving educational environment in each family.

2 Speech by a school medical worker on the topic “The health status of students in grades 1-4 at our school"

The results of medical examinations indicate that schoolchildren have various health problems

The health of children and their development is one of the main problems of family and school. Children's health has been steadily deteriorating in recent years. And we are talking not only about physical, but also mental health. The unfavorable ecological state of the environment and the extremely low socio-economic standard of living of the country's population have led to a decrease in the protective and adaptive capabilities of the body. The low level of health of children also affects the process of their adaptation to academic loads and further complicates the problem. These include chronic colds, blurred vision, scoliosis, and, as a result of the lack of cultural human relationships, childhood neuroses.

How to ensure that your child does not lose health? What to do to preserve and strengthen children's health?

Children's health is everyone's concern. Moreover, it is determined by the general situation in the country. Therefore, the problem of children’s health must be solved comprehensively and by the whole world.

3 Group work

You can hardly find parents who do not want their children to grow up healthy. How do you imagine a healthy child?

To answer this question, I suggest you work in groups.

Make a portrait of a “healthy child”.

(Parents work in groups, discuss, a representative of each group speaks.)

As the speech progresses, notes appear on the board:




Treats people around him kindly - adults and children;

Positive emotional impressions predominate in his life, while negative experiences are endured by him steadily and without harmful consequences;

The development of his physical, primarily motor, qualities is harmonious;

Quite fast, agile and strong;

The daily regimen of his life corresponds to individual biorhythmological and age-related characteristics: this is the optimal ratio of wakefulness and sleep, periods of ups and downs of activity;

Unfavorable weather conditions and sudden changes in them are not scary for a healthy child, since he is hardened and his thermoregulation system is well trained.

He does not need any medications;

Does not have excess body weight.

Of course, here is a “portrait” of an ideal healthy child, which you rarely see in life today. However, raising and raising a child close to such an ideal is a completely feasible task. How to achieve this will be discussed further.

4 Physical exercise

I see that you are a little tired. Let `s have some rest. (Parents do a warm-up while listening to music. Conducted by one of the parents; a set of exercises was given in advance.) You can do these exercises at work or at home. It’s good if your child does them when doing homework. It is this set of exercises that has a positive effect on posture.

Physical exercise is useful and necessary, it improves health and helps the children.

You can do fun exercises with your child from a very early age. In the process of such a simple outdoor game, the baby gets to know his body, learns the rhythm and beauty of the word. Fun physical exercises are a great opportunity for children to usefully warm up between various activities that require perseverance and attention.
Particular attention should be paid to morning physical exercise, which from the very morning lifts the baby’s mood and prepares him for an interesting, fruitful day.
The content of physical education sessions is varied:
Health and hygiene.
They can be performed both standing and sitting: straighten your shoulders, arch your back, pull yourself up, turn your head, “dangle your legs.
It is also necessary to carry out exercises for the eyes. Without turning your head, look to the right, left, up, down.
They are especially loved by children, as they are always performed to cheerful music. All movements are arbitrary, dance as best you can.
They are similar to dance ones, as they are performed to music, but are distinguished by a more precise execution of the elements.
Physical education and sports.
This is traditional gymnastics, which is performed strictly by counting, with an even alternation of inhalations and exhalations. This can include running, jumping, squats, walking in place...
This type of physical education is the most popular. Children collectively read small funny poems and at the same time perform various movements, as if dramatizing them, for example:
The day came, I sat down on a tree stump,
I sat for a day, I watched for a day.
He climbed onto the spruce tree and completely disappeared.
Minute games are played. They are simple in content, but bring joyful revitalization and are a means of not only physical, but also emotional release.
-Imitative (imitation).
Children willingly imitate the movements of frogs, monkeys, grasshoppers, cats, bunny, fox, birds, etc.

Exercise with your child!
This is another opportunity to communicate with your child!

5 A story about the daily routine of primary school students, good and bad habits

Let's spend a little time talking about the daily routine our children.

Let's just say that the daily routine is actually the daily routine; all 24 hours must be planned in a certain way, and this plan, like any plan, makes sense only if it is followed. If you try to express the essence of the regime in two words, you will have to say that it is - rational alternation of work and rest. Let us remember the words of I.P. Pavlova: “Every living working system, like its individual elements, must rest and recover. And the rest of such highly reactive elements as cortical cells must be especially protected.”

Educational activities, which occupy a significant place in the lives of children, require intensive work of these “most reactive elements.” How important it is to establish the correct alternation between mental work and rest for children.

But, let’s face it, often both schoolwork and home preparation for them take up so much time from children that there is no time left at all (or clearly not enough left) for playing, reading, doing what they love, being in the fresh air... Moreover, some, the most conscientious ones, take time away from sleep. Is it any wonder that a teenager develops persistent fatigue - and hence a sharp decrease in performance. The child finds himself in a vicious circle: he tries to work even harder, gets even more tired, and works worse and worse. And it’s not a matter of decreased performance per se. It is possible that all this can lead to a serious health disorder - headaches, irritability, loss of appetite, and opens the door to illness.

To prevent all these unfavorable consequences, you need to properly structure the student’s daily routine.

    The duration of school and extracurricular activities should take into account age capabilities;

    Adequate rest (with maximum exposure to fresh air) must be ensured;

    Adequate time should be allocated for sleep.

It is inadvisable to sit down for homework without resting after school. It is best to start classes after having lunch and spending 1.5–2 hours in the fresh air. Active rest after school provides “relaxation” and satisfies the child’s body’s need for movement and communication, that is, schoolchildren can relieve the stress associated with intense work in the first half of the day. Children's stay in the air is the use of natural factors of nature to heal and harden their body. Remember: the more the child moves, the better he develops and grows. You yourself notice how after a walk your child’s cheeks turn pink, he becomes active, cheerful, and stops complaining about fatigue.

The start time for homework should be firmly fixed. Doing homework always at the same hours allows the child to quickly get into a working state and contributes to better preparation of homework. Make sure you have a comfortable workplace. The child must have his own desk.

The daily routine should include about 1.5 hours for activities that suit the child’s inclinations. Reading, club work, watching a film on television, music and sports activities - the range of interests of children is very wide. Please make sure that doing one thing does not take up all your free time. Usually, unfortunately, the TV or computer becomes such a “time waster” for a child.

Nutritional requirements need to be discussed separately. Here we will only emphasize that it is necessary to resist in every possible way the child’s developing habit of “intercepting” something while running. A hot breakfast at school is necessary, as is lunch after school (both girls and boys should be able to heat it themselves); It’s a good idea if the meal plan also includes an afternoon snack - before the teenager, after resting and taking a walk, starts doing homework. The time of breakfast and dinner is determined by when the child wakes up and goes to bed (breakfast - half an hour after waking up, dinner - no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime). Eating at certain times ensures good appetite and normal digestion. Sleep hygiene is invaluable for health, vigor, and high performance. The need for sleep is: at 10-12 years old - 9-10 hours, at 13-14 years old - 9-9.5 hours, at 15-16 years old - 8.5-9 hours. Israeli scientists have found that lack of sleep at night, even for 1 hour, has a bad effect on the psycho-emotional state of children. They are more tired in the evening and perform worse on tests of memory and reaction. Therefore, there is no need to prove that the child’s sleep must be protected: bright light, noise, conversations - all this should be excluded. The air in the room in which the child sleeps should be fresh. It is important to protect sleep, so to speak, before the child falls asleep. Of course, he is not a baby who cannot be told scary stories at night, and yet he must avoid anything that can disturb him physically or mentally: outdoor games, long reading, watching TV shows. It is clear that a child cannot be placed under a glass bell and protected from everything, but reasonable limitation of evening impressions is necessary. Otherwise, this will affect sleep - its onset will be delayed, it will become shallow. “But what to do,” other parents ask, “if we ourselves want to watch a TV show, but we don’t have the strength to send our son to sleep? He is offended, and we feel sorry for him: we look at it ourselves, but we don’t give it to him.” It seems that the feeling of guilt that parents experience is in vain. There is nothing wrong if the TV speaks in a low voice, and the child sleeps behind a closed door in another room. But if the family has not managed to put it in such a way that they perceive it calmly and simply, there is another way out of the situation: do not watch the programs yourself. This is the least evil.

Violations in the established daily routine are undesirable, as this can lead to disruption of the established regime in the activities of the child’s body.

For a healthy lifestyle of a child, the daily routine is very important. All parents have already spoken sufficiently about the benefits of a daily routine, so there is probably no need to prove this benefit. An analysis of children’s questionnaires showed that most children do not follow a daily routine (bedtime at different times, doing homework, going for walks, etc.)

I would like to talk about one more serious problem that interferes with a healthy lifestyle. These are bad habits: smoking, drinking, drug addiction.

You should introduce these rules to your children, but study them well yourself. (Parents are given reminders)


You can use narcotic and toxic substances, alcohol, smoke:

    If you want to live a short life;

    If you want to fall behind in your studies;

    If you want to catch HIV infection;

    If you dream of leaving behind sick offspring;

    If you want your children to be born deformed;

    If you want your family and friends to abandon you;

    If you want your orientation in space to be disturbed;

    If you want piercing tremors and a weakened body;

    If you want to have the face of a “frozen mask”;

    If you want to be tormented by withdrawal symptoms.

It's easy to get started. Quitting was not the case. Think about it!

6. And now we will hold a “Blitz tournament”

The playing field is in front of you. The group that wins the first move chooses any topic and question number.

Topic 1. Personal hygiene.

    Prevention of diseases (prevention)

    State of complete physical, mental and social well-being (health)

    The skin not only covers the entire human body, but with the skin a person feels... (pressure, vibration, heat, cold, pain.)

    Oral hygiene includes...(brushing teeth, tongue and rinsing the mouth)

Topic 2. Study and rest mode.

    Correct alternation of periods of work and rest, their duration, rational distribution of time within one day, week, month, year is (regime)

    Failure to comply with the daily routine leads to... (to dysfunction of the central nervous system)

    Name the reasons for overwork (improper organization of work, excessive study load, failure to comply with the daily routine)

    Duration of sleep (depending on age)

Topic 3. Motor activity

1.Lack of movement (hypodynamia)

2. Purposeful process of human interaction with the world (activity)

3. Unregulated consciousness action, formed through repeated repetition (skill)

4. In favor of what else in 1863 I.M. Sechenov was the first to present arguments and practical results (of active recreation)

7. Solving practical problems “Advice needed”

    Alexey moved to another school. In the new class, he immediately made friends with the guys; it turned out that they had many common interests. But some guys smoke and insist that Alexey smoke too. What should Alexey do?

    You enter the elevator, and your neighbor comes in with you with a cigarette. Your actions?

    Let's smoke, your classmate tells you. What are you afraid of? Nowadays only babies don't smoke? Your actions? (Give examples to children).

8. Summary of the meeting topic

Thanks to all! See you again! (Each parent is given a memo)

"Memo to parents"

Dear Parents! The school offers you cooperation in raising your child. Your child for you is your future, this is your immortality. After all, every person physically continues in his children, grandchildren, in his descendants. And you, of course, want your physical continuation to be worthy, so that it not only preserves all your advantages, but also increases them.

We - the school, the teachers - are also extremely interested in your child becoming a full-fledged person, a cultural, highly moral, creatively active and socially mature person. We work for this, giving children our souls and hearts, our experience and knowledge. In order for our cooperation to be fruitful, we recommend that you adhere to the following basic rules of family education in raising your child:

1. The family is a material and spiritual unit for raising children, for marital happiness and joy. The basis, the core of the family is marital love, mutual care and respect. The child should be a member of the family, but not its center. When a child becomes the center of seven, and parents sacrifice themselves to him, he grows up to be an egoist with inflated self-esteem, he believes that “everything should be for him.” For such reckless love for himself, he often repays with evil - disdain for his parents, family, and people.

No less harmful, of course, is an indifferent, especially disdainful, attitude towards a child. Avoid extremes in loving your child.

2. The main law of the family: everyone takes care of each family member, and each family member, to the best of his ability, takes care of the whole family. Your child must firmly grasp this law.

3. Raising a child in a family is a worthy, continuous acquisition by him of useful, valuable life experience in the process of living in a family. The main means of raising a child is the example of the parents, their behavior, their activities, the child’s interested participation in the life of the family, in its worries and joys, this is work and conscientious fulfillment of your instructions by him. Words are an aid. The child must do certain housework that becomes increasingly more difficult as he grows older, for himself and for the whole family.

4. The development of a child is the development of his independence. Therefore, do not patronize him, do not do for him what he can and should do himself. Help him acquire skills and abilities, let him learn to do everything that you can do. It’s not scary if he does something wrong: the experience of mistakes and failures is useful to him. Explain to him his mistakes, discuss them with him, but do not punish him for them. Give him the opportunity to try himself in different things to determine his abilities, interests and inclinations.

5. The basis of a child’s behavior is his habits. Make sure that he develops good habits and does not develop bad ones. Teach him to distinguish between good and evil. Explain the harm of smoking, alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, materialism, and lies. Teach him to love his home, his family, kind people, his land.

The most important habit for him should be maintaining a daily routine. Develop a reasonable daily routine with him and strictly monitor its implementation.

6. Contradictions in the demands of parents are very harmful for raising a child. Agree them with each other. Even more harmful are the contradictions between your demands and the demands of the school and teachers. If you do not agree with our requirements or they are not clear to you, come to us and we will discuss the problems together.

7. It is very important to create a calm, friendly climate in the family, when no one yells at anyone, when even mistakes and misdeeds are discussed without abuse and hysteria. The mental development of a child and the formation of his personality largely depend on the style of family education. The normal style is democratic, when children are given a certain independence, when they are treated with warmth and their personality is respected. Of course, some control over the child's behavior and learning is necessary in order to help him in difficult situations. But it is more important to promote in every possible way the development of self-control, introspection and self-regulation of his activities and behavior.

Do not insult the child with your suspicions, trust him. Your trust, based on knowledge, will instill personal responsibility in him. Do not punish a child for telling the truth if he admitted his mistakes himself.

8. Teach your child to take care of the younger and older ones in the family. Let the boy give in to the girl, this is where the education of future fathers and mothers begins, the preparation of a happy marriage.

9. Monitor your child’s health. Teach him to take care of his own health and physical development. Remember that over the years of schooling in the scale, the child experiences age-related crises in one form or another: at 6-7 years old, when the child develops an internal position, awareness of his feelings and experiences; crisis of puberty, which usually occurs in girls 2 years earlier than in boys; and the youthful crisis of finding one’s place in life. Be attentive to your child during these periods of crisis, change the style of your attitude towards him as you move from one age period to another.

10. A family is a home, and like any home, it can deteriorate over time and need repair and renovation. Remember to check from time to time to see if your family home needs any updating or renovation.

We wish you success in the difficult and noble task of raising your child as a family, may he bring you joy and happiness!

“Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing,” Socrates once said, these words are still relevant in our time.

10. Meeting decisions

1. Let the spirit of health, the cult of health, prevail in every family.

2. Do you want it or don't you want it?

But the point, comrades, is that

First of all, we are parents,

And everything else - later!

3. Lead a healthy lifestyle in your family, giving up bad habits yourself and supporting your children’s desire for a healthy lifestyle.


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