A child in a shirt. "Born in a shirt" - a rare case of childbirth

“To be born in a shirt” means to be born a lucky, lucky person. This expression is familiar to everyone, but where did it come from? "Shirt", or "shirt" - an outdated name for fetal membranes that did not burst during childbirth. Indeed, the kid who managed to survive in such a situation could rightfully be considered "lucky." Today, in such cases, obstetric manipulation is performed, which is called "amniotomy". Thanks to these actions, you can protect both mother and baby from many health problems.

"Water bag" protects the baby

Thanks to the fetal bladder, the child is protected from ascending infection, that is, various viruses and bacteria that can enter from the vagina. Among other things, during contractions, the fetal bladder serves as a kind of "water sac". The uterus begins to contract, intrauterine pressure rises sharply, and amniotic fluid, the volume of which is 200 ml, rushes down. As a result of this, the lower pole of the fetal bladder is introduced into the internal pharynx, which contributes to the opening of the cervix.

"Born in a Shirt"- really luck?

Most often, the amniotic sac ruptures spontaneously. Amniotic fluid is poured out during the opening of the cervix. However, it happens that even the most complete opening of the cervix does not lead to rupture of the fetal bladder.

Why is this happening? There can be two reasons: the density and excessive elasticity of the bubble; not a large number of amniotic fluid.

With this turn of events, the following problems may arise:

1. The progress of the presenting part slows down.
2. The placenta exfoliates prematurely.
3. Asphyxia of the fetus occurs, that is, oxygen is not supplied. In such a situation, it is important to perform an amniotomy in time, that is, an opening of the fetal bladder, otherwise the child may be “born in a shirt”, that is, in the fetal bladder, which will create an additional threat to his health and life. That's why, if the baby was lucky to be "born in a shirt" and survive, he is truly lucky!

Interesting Facts

The fruit shirt is known not only for its attitude to luck. It can be used as a model for making cosmetic moisturizers!

An article was published in the American journal New Science, which cites the opinion of experts: if an artificial “fetal shirt” is used, this can significantly increase the vitality and protect the underdeveloped skin of premature babies.

The composition of the fetal shirt includes: 80% water, and the rest - proteins, fats and vitamin E. The shirt consists of foetal corneocytes skin cells, which have the ability to retain large amounts of water. If there is excess water in the body, these cells absorb it. And if there is a lack of moisture, they release it.

American scientists are trying to get the molecular structure of the fetal shirt artificially.

And the last thing I would like to say: - this is not what you can wish for a baby: why do you and your child need unnecessary complications? If the doctors decided to perform an amniotomy, then the newborn received an extra chance to be born healthy, strong and happy. Without any "shirts"!

Birth "in a shirt" was spoken of as good sign which brings good luck to the newborn. Such people have always, at all times, been considered happy. “To be born in a shirt” means to be born a lucky, lucky person. This expression is familiar to everyone, but where did it come from?

"Shirt", or "shirt", is an outdated name for fetal membranes that did not burst during childbirth. A kid who managed to survive in such a situation could rightfully be considered lucky.

Functions of the fetal bladder
During pregnancy and childbirth, the amniotic sac performs a number of very important functions. Thanks to him, the child is protected from ascending infection, that is, various viruses and bacteria that can penetrate inside from the vagina. In addition, during contractions, the fetal bladder serves as a kind of "water sac". When the uterus begins to contract, intrauterine pressure rises sharply, amniotic fluid, the volume of which is 200 ml, rushes down. As a result of this, the lower pole of the fetal bladder is introduced into the internal pharynx, which contributes to the opening of the cervix.

What is an amniotomy
At normal conditions during childbirth, the fetal bladder ruptures itself. However, in some cases, even with full disclosure of the uterus, the walls of the bladder do not break. This can occur either due to increased density and excessive elasticity of the bladder, or when a small amount amniotic fluid. Due to the fact that the fetal bladder remained intact, premature detachment of the placenta may begin; the presenting part will advance more slowly than necessary; oxygen supply to the fetus is reduced, which will eventually lead to asphyxia.
Modern doctors in such a situation carry out an amniotomy, which allows you to protect both mother and baby from many health problems. The word "amniotomy" is derived from the Greek words amnion - "fetal membrane", and tomie - "cut", "dissection". That is, an amniotomy is an artificial rupture of the membrane of the fetal bladder. Amniotomy in progress special tool hook-like. This procedure completely painless, since there are no nerve endings in the shells.

Medical indications for amniotomy
Do an amniotomy exclusively according to strict medical indications. In addition to problems with the fetal bladder and the amount of water, they include, first of all, overdue pregnancy. This is the name of the state when independent labor activity does not develop at the end of the 41st week. It is known that after this period the function of the placenta worsens, the fetus begins to suffer, and the upcoming birth can be extremely traumatic for him. Then the doctor, having assessed the obstetric situation and having received the consent of the expectant mother, decides on the intervention. In this case, amniotomy is performed for labor induction, that is, it is designed to serve as an impetus for the development of regular labor activity- start of fights.
Next important indication for amniotomy is preeclampsia - a systemic disease in which there is a violation of the function of all vital organs. Clinically, this is manifested by a triad of symptoms: edema, high blood pressure, and the appearance of protein in the urine. The progression of preeclampsia is fraught with serious complications for both the mother and the fetus. Taking into account the readiness of the birth canal and with the consent of the patient, the doctor decides on an artificial rupture of the amniotic membranes. This disease serves as an indication for early amniotomy - before childbirth, as well as for the purpose of initiating labor and during childbirth - to reduce blood pressure. Amniotomy allows you to quickly reduce the size of the uterus due to the outflow of amniotic fluid. As a result, its pressure on nearby vessels decreases, and arterial pressure decreases slightly.
Often, a puncture of the bladder before the onset of labor is done with a pathological preliminary period, that is, pathological precursors of childbirth - pulling, non-periodic pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, lasting several days. In this case, there are cramping pains, but the cervix does not open and childbirth does not begin. This leads to fatigue of the woman and intrauterine suffering of the fetus. In this situation, amniotomy is one of the ways to induce normal labor.
Another reason for medical intervention in childbirth can be the weakness of labor activity. In this case, the contractions weaken and the opening of the cervix slows down. Amniotomy is performed for the purpose of rhodoactivation - strengthening contractions. It is believed that amniotic fluid contains prostaglandins, which, "washing" the cervix, cause an increase in labor activity.
Quite often, the indication for amniotomy in childbirth is a flat fetal bladder. This is the name of the situation when there is no amniotic fluid in front of the baby's head and the membranes are stretched over it. This leads to the development of weakness of labor activity, that is, the fetal bladder does not wedged into the cervix during childbirth, but membranes, located in this situation between the head of the fetus and the cervix, interfere with the opening of the cervix.
Polyhydramnios is also an indication for puncture of the bladder, since it leads to overdistension of the uterus, making it very difficult to contract. In addition, if the fetal bladder ruptures on its own during polyhydramnios, there is a danger of the umbilical cord, leg or handle falling out, premature detachment placenta.
In rare cases, an indication for amniotomy is a low-lying placenta. At the same time, there is hope that after the outflow of water, the fetal head will press the edge of the placenta and thus prevent its premature detachment.

Artificial rupture of the fetal bladder does not cause any discomfort in the woman in labor, and it should be treated as one of the important and necessary procedures. If the doctor finds it necessary to perform an amniotomy before or already during childbirth, this means that the childbirth will take place without complications and the baby will have an additional chance to be born healthy and strong.

Albert: Each of us has heard the phrase “Who was born in a shirt - to be lucky and happy”, but it turns out that not even every adult knows the true origin of this phraseological unit. Last night we were talking about a mutual friend, and my mother used this expression in relation to him. The youngest son, who is interested in everything he hears and sees, naturally pestered with the question: “How could a shirt get into mom’s stomach?” I had to delve into the anatomical details and tell what they mean by the word "shirt". In general, our today's story is about those who were "born in a shirt" and whether it really helped them in the future. To be lucky and happy.

Elena: A “shirt” or “shirt” is a name for fetal membranes that, for some reason, did not burst during childbirth. In the womb, the fetal bladder performs a protective function against all kinds of infections. During contractions, the bubble rushes down under the pressure of water and helps to open the cervix. But, there are cases when this does not happen, and the child is born surrounded by a fetal membrane, being in great danger of suffocating. It was believed that a child who survived in such a situation was not just, but also possessing great happiness. Nowadays, thanks to obstetrical manipulations, such troubles can be avoided, but the expression "to be born in a shirt" is still in use.

Albert: The history of the amniotic membrane, or afterbirth as it is also called, is shrouded in mystery. It has long been believed that the "shirt" has the ability to give success in business. In ancient Rome, lawyers bought a “shirt” to have in judicial cases. In Europe, even at the beginning of the last century, one could find newspaper advertisements for the sale of "afterbirth" for everyone. In Russia, children's shirts were even borrowed from acquaintances, if they didn't have their own, to start some complex and serious business. Midwives did not consider it shameful to steal someone else's afterbirth for their own children.

The remains of the hymen, gathered on the head of a newborn, had their own special name - a cap. They believed that the cap is an omen that the newborn, having become an adult, will become a bishop.

To To be lucky and happy throughout life, the children's shirt was carefully kept, and sometimes even sewn into casual clothes as a guardian.

Elena: There are many cases when people, being on the verge of death, were saved thanks to some kind of happy accident. It is about such people now that they say: "Born in a shirt." Although, if you look from the other side, this “shirt” is an eternal reminder that death was nearby, but the strength and

There is such an interesting concept among the people as "born in a shirt", but what does it really mean? And is it true that this is how lucky people are born?

What does "born in a shirt" mean?

In fact, this is the most common folk saying, which absolutely does not affect the future fate of the baby. This concept has been around for a long time, when women gave birth not in maternity hospitals, but at home, or anywhere (in the field, in the forest, in palaces, on a hike) with the help of midwives and simply random people. A child is born in a fetal bladder that has not burst, which fits the baby’s body like a shirt, and if this film is not removed in time, the baby can suffocate, and when illiterate midwives or those who deliver childbirth had enough intelligence to quickly remove the remnants of the bladder from the baby’s face, he was happy take a breath and scream. That's when everyone said, they say, a baby was born in a shirt, he would be lucky all his life.

Late rupture of the membranes

This is a rather troublesome birth. If the fetal bladder is too dense or does not contain much amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios), it may adhere to the baby's head and prevent him from taking his first breath. In addition, a non-bursting amniotic sac comes out very badly and the doctor has to literally pierce it and urgently by all means pull the baby out of the womb, otherwise asphyxia (suffocation) of the newborn is possible. After the baby is urgently expelled from the mother, the bubble film is removed from the face and then standard manipulations take place (cotton on the pope, rubbing, etc.). The main thing is to do everything on time.

Modern technologies and also a doctor's examination can show the condition of the amniotic sac. But, nevertheless, force majeure is a common thing during pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, if you were urged to give birth only in the hospital or lie down for preservation, do not ignore such advice. When giving birth at home, even with a professional obstetrician, the risk that a problem may occur is too high. Therefore, if there is even a small fraction of doubt that something can go wrong and the baby may need to emergency help, it is better to give birth in a hospital and do not forget that "born in a shirt" is perhaps really a sign from above when timely assistance was provided to the child.

Have you or your loved ones ever had a baby in a "shirt"?

Everyone knows the proverb that a person or, in particular, a child was born in a shirt. It means that all troubles and hardships will pass him, even in the most dangerous situations. Find out why this proverb has such a meaning.

In the article:

The origins of the proverb " the child was born in a shirt"

Usually words "like I was born in a shirt" refers to a person who escaped mortal danger at the last moment. Or just extremely lucky. By the words about the "shirt" or "shirt" they mean the fetal membranes, which usually have to break when the time comes for childbirth. Such an expression has a great reason, because if a child was born in a shirt and survived, then this cannot even be called luck, rather great happiness. Since the fetal bladder could block his ability to breathe and thus kill him.

In the old days, the chances of survival for such children were extremely small, but now, with the development of medicine, a special obstetric procedure called amniotomy is performed for such children. Thanks to her, the risk of major complications in the health of the mother and child is avoided. Yes, and the child himself takes his first breath, avoiding asphyxia and receiving his ticket to life.

Children born in a shirt avoid death at the very act of their birth, which leaves an imprint on their entire future life. As a rule, they grow up to be brave, sometimes even desperate, fearless people. Death seems to avoid them, once failing to take his own. Often such people devote themselves to dangerous professions: work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, special forces, police, service as a firefighter.

Born in a shirt - how to keep your luck

It is believed that a child born in a shirt can overcome all obstacles in life. In this sense, birth amniotic sac, unequivocally corresponds to the well-known proverb. He will not be taken by bullets, intrigues of enemies, he will go through fire, water and copper pipes unharmed, preserving his natural cheerfulness.

Child in a shirt

However, popular rumor says that one birth in a shirt is not enough. The mother of such a child should take this shirt and keep it in a secluded place, not allowing anyone else to even see it. The less people know about the shirt, the better for everyone. The destruction of the shirt means the destruction of all the luck of man, given to him by God at birth. Fire is especially dangerous for the “shirt”, as it destroys everything irrevocably.

In the old days, houses were wooden, and fires were not considered such a rarity: if one house burned, then the whole village could burn out after it. To save the shirt from being destroyed, the mothers invented a secluded place as best they could. Often this place was a garden. To prevent the shirt from rotting, it was carefully packed. Therefore, the lucky one could walk the earth longer, counting on his unique luck. Before that, the "shirt" was usually dried for two weeks in the air. Drying, it became a reddish color, which was considered a good sign. But if the "shirt" turned black, then just the opposite - it did not bode well for a child born in it.

What does it mean to be "born in a shirt" in terms of magic

In addition to luck bestowed from above, it is believed that those who are lucky to be born in a shirt have a mission on this earth. They often save lives just as God and the doctors saved his life. Also, such a child can be a magician or healer. great strength, which does not have common man. In magic, such people, as well as the seventh children, are usually spoken of as true sorcerers.

Agree, it's better in glass than in the head!

If a person is far from being interested in esoteric and occult sciences, then he still uses his skills to help people. Those born in a shirt have a special aura that, when in contact with someone else's, weakened or damaged by a serious illness, helps the weaker one. Perhaps you have even met people who, with one touch, can ease pain or help get better, simply by holding the patient's palm in their own. That's what it means to be born in a shirt.

However, sooner or later such a person still comes to magic. She draws him to her, as connected with the secret of birth and death from the first day of life. Magic has no boundaries and to be born in a shirt, the meaning of which we have already analyzed, means to be initiated into many mysteries by the will of fate itself.

Signs associated with the birth "in the shirt"

How to understand the phrase "born in a shirt", we have already sorted out. And how to predict the character and fate of such a child? Modern medicine keeps statistics, according to which only every eighty thousandth baby appears with such a mark of luck as a shirt. However, medicine says nothing about the future of such children. What if you turn to?

Basically, signs are associated with the weather, which speaks of the character of a new person. It is believed that the sun shining at the birth of a baby means his future bright life. Rain speaks of abundance, wealth, a horn of fertility over this life. Those born in a thunderstorm have a lot of energy, which they will direct according to their character, often difficult. Sudden frosts or just cold weather in warm weather is a bad sign. However, the situation can be corrected by prayers and guidance of the child on the bright path.

In addition, children "in a shirt", who were born at dawn, carry a large charge positive energy directed from outside. Since dawn is a sign of renewal, the onset of a new day and liberation from the oppression of the night. In addition, those who showed up at noon or midnight (the countdown is five minutes before and five minutes after noon or midnight) are much more resistant than anyone else. They will grow up rewarded with an extraordinary gift of eloquence, they will be accompanied by great success in business, happiness in family life.

Home " Childbirth » The child was born in the fetal bladder. The baby was born in a "shirt": what does it mean and what are the dangers