Why does a person have a yellow face? Causes of a yellowish complexion and methods for eliminating this defect

Man with yellow faces always stand out from other people. This is because this color is unnatural and attracts attention. The causes of a yellow complexion can be different.


Why do the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow? The causes of yellowing of the skin can be either the most harmless or be signs of serious diseases:

  • Physiological feature. Some people (especially the Mongoloid race) may have a pale yellow complexion. In some it manifests itself more strongly, in others less. But in any case, the pale yellow color in this category of people is an individual feature.
  • Diet. In some cases, yellowing of the skin may be caused by drinking large quantity food containing carotene. This is especially common among vegetarians who eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, red and orange flowers(carrots, pumpkin, tangerine, turmeric).
  • Lipid metabolism disorders. Fat metabolism pathologies can lead to yellowing of the skin. This is a consequence of high cholesterol.
  • The cause of yellowing of the face can be an extremely harmful lifestyle of an adult. Alcoholism and drug addiction can turn the complexion yellow-green. Usually, such people are immediately visible.
  • Beta-carotene breakdown disorders. If there are problems with processing this element, then it remains unchanged, coloring human skin yellow.
  • Pathologies of the liver and bile ducts. This is the most common reason yellowing of the face in an adult. This reason is so broad that it is worth covering separately.

When your complexion changes from natural to yellow or yellow-green, you must definitely find out the reason, as this may be a sign of a malfunction of vital organs and systems.

Yellow skin color due to illness

The vast majority of diseases that cause yellowing of the skin of an adult are related to diseases of the liver and gallbladder:

In addition to diseases of the liver and gall bladder in adults, there are pathologies of other organs that are accompanied by yellowing of the skin:

  • Malignant lesions of the pancreas. With this disease, jaundice occurs, but not as pronounced as with diseases of the liver or gall bladder.
  • Sickle cell anemia. A hereditary disease associated with the destruction of red blood cells. The pigment bilirubin, which enters the blood after the destruction of red blood cells, gives the skin yellowness. The higher the degree of destruction of red blood cells, the yellower the shade becomes.
  • Mononucleosis. The disease develops after exposure to the Epstein-Bar virus. The liver and spleen are extremely sensitive to the effects of this virus. As the disease progresses, the liver begins to function poorly. As a result, bilirubin accumulates, giving the skin a yellowish appearance.

Whatever disease is the cause of the jaundice of the face, it is necessary to consult a specialist, carry out a diagnosis and begin treatment.

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Jaundiced skin color in infants

The so-called “jaundice” in newborns is not such a rare occurrence. About 80% of premature babies have these symptoms. In full-term babies, this feature occurs in half of the cases.

In almost all situations, jaundice in newborns is associated with physiological processes in the body, which is why it is not dangerous for the baby. This is due to the increased presence of bilirubin in the baby's blood. His liver is not yet so strong and cannot quickly remove this protein right away. Therefore, the baby remains yellow for some time.

If nothing else bothers the child, then the pediatrician simply monitors the baby, monitoring the amount of bilirubin using a blood test. This condition goes away on its own within a couple of weeks; no special treatment is required.

To speed up this process, the baby needs to take solar and air baths. Vitamin D, produced under ultraviolet light, promotes the rapid processing of bilirubin in the baby's blood.

If the baby is bothered by pain or any other negative symptoms, it is necessary to conduct an examination using tests and hardware diagnostics.

How to get rid of jaundice

To eliminate a yellow complexion, you need to determine the reasons why it occurs. Depending on this, you can choose your tactics.

If this symptom occurs due to a diet with high content carotene, then, as a treatment, you just need to exclude from the menu foods that are red and orange in color. After some time, your complexion will return to normal.

If the cause of jaundice is bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction), then you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. Practice shows that for some people it is very difficult to take such a step (they require specialized treatment).

If the complexion is yellow - physiological feature organism, inherited, then you have to live with it.

The most difficult thing to eliminate is jaundice of the face if it is a symptom of any disease. Diseases that have such a symptom cannot be called safe. That is why in all cases you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible to begin treatment.

Diagnosing such diseases is not difficult. The picture of liver and gallbladder diseases is quite bright and is accompanied by many different symptoms.

It is much more difficult to recognize blood pathologies that cause yellowing.

Diagnosis consists of collecting anamnestic data, laboratory tests and hardware diagnostics.

If an accurate diagnosis is established, the doctor prescribes treatment. Patients with severe symptoms are treated in a hospital, while others can be treated at home.

From the above, we can draw conclusions about the variety of causes of jaundice of the skin and whites of the eyes. And why shouldn’t you hope for a miracle and think that such a symptom will go away on its own. In any case, it is worth making sure that there is no dangerous disease.

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Yellow skin in humans is a sign of serious dysfunction internal organs. This phenomenon in medicine is associated with excessive accumulation of bilirubin in the blood, as a result of which it appears on the surface of the skin as yellow spots and slight swelling.

Yellow palms and back indicate an increased concentration of carotene in the human body.

So-called “citrus diets” also often lead to yellowing of the skin. However, these are only the most relatively harmless factors that cause such a reaction in the body. In addition to them, there are a number of heavy and very dangerous pathologies, which can threaten the health, and in more serious cases, even the life of the patient.

What kind of illnesses are these? And how to deal with them in order to achieve maximum effect from therapy?

Causes of yellowing of the skin and types of jaundice

If the jaundice of the skin is in no way connected with a deterioration in the function of removing bilirubin from the human body, then in this case in medicine there are 3 types of jaundice.

Hemolytic jaundice develops when the conversion of indirect bilirubin into direct bilirubin is too slow. This process occurs due to the fact that hemoglobin in a person’s blood breaks down too quickly, so the liver simply does not have time to cope with it. As a result, a person may notice the appearance of yellow spots on the skin. Availability accompanying symptoms depends on how severe the illness is.

Hepatic jaundice develops against the background of diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver enlargement due to regular use alcoholic drinks, chronic or acute hepatic colic, cholecystitis, leptospirosis, etc. This jaundice is caused by the reabsorption of direct bilirubin into the blood due to liver dysfunction. This pathology becomes one of the main causes of yellowing of the skin, as well as itching throughout the body.

Cholestatic jaundice is caused by blockage of the ducts through which bile flows. As a result of this failure, it cannot circulate normally and accumulates in the liver tissues. This is what causes the yellow color of the skin. If you notice suspicious symptoms, consult a doctor immediately: liver problems often lead to death, especially in cases where the patient postpones going to the doctor and tries to self-medicate.

Why is human skin yellower: dangerous diseases and other factors

A yellowish tint to the skin is observed in people who suffer from pathologies such as:

Factors that can also cause yellowing of the skin throughout the body are:

  • Drug poisoning.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Poisoning by poisons.
  • Extensive and deep burns(especially grades 3-4).
  • Hemorrhages.

Whatever the reason yellow tint skin, a person will not be able to figure out the situation on his own. In this case, a medical consultation is indicated:

  1. Gastroenterologist.
  2. Hematologist.
  3. Infectious disease specialist.

After undergoing the tests prescribed by the attending physician, it will be possible to judge what exactly caused the yellow color of the face and other parts of the body.

Yellowish color of the face and body, not associated with the functioning of the liver and biliary tract

Doctors say that if a person’s hands turn yellow, then this is a clear sign diseases. They should not be neglected in order to prevent severe pathology. However, it is worth noting that yellow skin color can appear not only in an adult, but also in an infant. What does this mean, and what anomaly is it a sign of?

Neonatal jaundice is one of the most common conditions found in infants. This fact frightens many new parents, because they do not know why the skin of a child who has just been born turns yellow.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. Neonatal jaundice is peculiar reaction child's body on sudden change habitat. After all, throughout long period Over time, the baby grew and developed in the mother’s tummy, without experiencing any adverse influences from the outside. Amniotic fluid reliably protected him, and when this protection disappeared, the newborn’s body had to urgently adapt to completely new living conditions.

As a rule, such jaundice goes away within 2-3 weeks, although there are cases when it lasts much longer. This is due to the fact that the infant’s body produces bilirubin in very large quantities, and its small and still poorly developed liver simply does not have time to cope with the breakdown product of hemoglobin. At the same time, parents notice the yellowish color not only of the child’s skin, but also the whites of his eyes.

There is no reason to panic if the baby does not experience a deterioration in health, coughing, vomiting, cramps or pain in the right side. If you notice such symptoms, do not delay your visit to a neonatologist - he will tell you which doctor you should contact to prevent the development of a dangerous liver or biliary tract disease in a newborn baby.

Irregularities at work thyroid gland may also be a reasonable explanation for why the hands are yellow. In this case, jaundice can also affect the face and the entire body, located in its areas in the form of spots or continuous stripes. If yellowing of the epidermis is accompanied by excessive sweating, dizziness, thirst, then you should consult an endocrinologist - such symptoms may indicate diabetes mellitus.

How to get rid of yellowness on the skin?

A yellow face is not only dangerous, but also unsightly, so you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. However, before you make any decisions and move on to decisive action, you need to determine the exact cause, and only a doctor can do this.

To find out what malfunction caused the yellowing of the palms of your hands or the whole body, you will need to take blood tests from your finger for sugar or cholesterol, a urine test, and blood from a vein. These are the most common clinical studies, although doctors often prescribe several additional ones to ensure that the preliminary diagnosis is correct.

If the patient is suspected of cirrhosis or other liver diseases, he is sent for an ultrasound. In extreme cases, a biopsy of the liver tissue is performed: a thin needle is inserted into the organ, and with its help a small particle of tissue is rejected, which is later carefully examined under a microscope.

The skin does not always turn yellow due to some disease. Sometimes yellowness goes away as suddenly as it appeared, and a person does not have to take any measures for this. But if the yellowing of the epidermis was caused by an illness, then therapy is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis.

Yellowish skin color associated with liver diseases is treated with special medications aimed at restoring its normal functions and cell renewal: Enerliv, Karsil, Gepabene.

If there is a significant increase in cholesterol, statins are prescribed for its treatment: Lovastatin, Fluvastatin, rosuvastatin, etc.

When diabetes mellitus With reduced level insulin, medications are prescribed to compensate for its deficiency (for example, Humodar).

For gallstones, it is carried out surgical intervention. If the situation is not yet too serious, conservative treatments are used, involving the use of drugs based on ursodeoxycholic acid. It dissolves stones if there are no more than 3 of them and if they are no more than 1 cm in diameter.

As you can see, getting rid of yellowness in all parts of the body directly depends on what pathology provoked their appearance. If you seek help from a specialist in time, serious complications can be avoided, and no diseases will no longer threaten your health and normal life human body.

The condition of internal organs is often reflected in a person’s appearance. If your skin suddenly turns yellow, you need to pay attention to this symptom. In this case, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will examine the liver, biliary tract and thyroid gland and prescribe treatment. At home, it is recommended to adjust your lifestyle and use whitening masks.

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    Causes of yellow complexion

    If your complexion has changed or other unpleasant symptoms have appeared, then first of all it is recommended to contact medical institution. The specialist will order a blood test to determine your bilirubin level. There are several main causes of yellow complexion in adults.

    Liver diseases

    Various abnormalities in the liver can be suspected if bilirubin levels are elevated. This factor may indicate the following liver problems:

    Yellowness of the sclera and face with increased bilirubin levels

    In the presence of these diseases, the following symptoms are additionally present:

    • loss of appetite;
    • sudden weight loss;
    • darkening of urine;
    • light stool;
    • fever;
    • pain in the abdominal area.

    The first signs of problems in the body can be found on the tongue, hands, eyes, and around the mouth. If they are present, you must urgently contact a specialist.

    Diseases of the biliary tract

    The yellowness of the face in this case is associated with obstructed outflow of bile from the gallbladder. This condition is a consequence of organ obstruction or the presence of stones.

    In addition to an unnatural complexion, the following signs are present:

    • pain in the right hypochondrium;
    • nausea;
    • heaviness in the stomach;
    • formation of bruises under the eyes.

    To make a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests and an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

    Thyroid diseases

    The thyroid gland promotes the breakdown of beta-carotene pigment. If there is any disruption in its functioning, this substance begins to accumulate in subcutaneous fat and the complexion changes. The main cause is hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency).

    In this case, the endocrinologist will prescribe thyroid hormones in tablet form.

    Other reasons

    The face may turn yellow due to a number of other reasons. Provoking factors:

    1. 1. Diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis). With its chronic inflammation, compression of the bile ducts occurs and, as a result, obstructive jaundice occurs.
    2. 2. Diseases of the spleen. When this organ enlarges, the functioning of the liver cells is disrupted and unhealthy color faces.
    3. 3. Oncological diseases. In this case, the face becomes waxy, with a cold tint.
    4. 4. Poor nutrition:
    • excessive consumption of carrot juice or various carrot dishes;
    • taking large amounts of fruits and vegetables rich in carotene (tangerines, oranges, broccoli, pumpkin, rose hips);
    • abuse of vinegar, coffee, sweets and cumin;
    • smoking;
    • strict diets, especially in combination with intense training;
    • frequent visits to the solarium.

    In a newborn baby, a yellow complexion also does not appear without a reason. After childbirth, his body adapts to new living conditions and in the first three weeks he develops physiological jaundice. But if by the end of this period the skin does not lighten, a consultation with a doctor is required.

    Treatment for yellow complexion

    The cause of the appearance of a yellowish tint to the face may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so first of all you should consult a specialist for examination and prescribing a course of therapy (if necessary). If unpleasant symptom was provoked by disturbances in lifestyle, it is much easier to correct them.

    Healthy eating

    When preparing a diet important role vegetables and fruits play. Their deficiency causes poor digestion and stagnation in the intestines. This causes fermentation processes and constipation. All this negatively affects the condition of the skin. The same negative reaction occurs when you abuse fatty, fried and smoked foods.

    Compliance with drinking regime

    To save healthy color It is advisable for individuals to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. But it is important to pay attention to its quality. It is recommended to drink filtered, spring or melt water. To obtain it, you should pour filtered water into plastic bottle, close and put in the freezer for several hours. After completely freezing, remove the bottle and wait for it to thaw. Melt water helps remove waste and toxins.

    Physical activity and a positive attitude towards life

    A healthy complexion depends on oxygen saturation of the skin. Frequent walks and physical activity contribute to this.

    Resistance to stress plays an important role. Constant nervousness leads to insomnia and deterioration of complexion. Therefore, it is recommended to try to avoid unpleasant situations, surround yourself only nice people and impressions, get enough sleep.

Even in ancient times, doctors found that appearance human skin directly depends on its general condition health. Sometimes, in order to determine that a person is unhealthy, it is enough just to look at his face. After all, even a slightly yellow complexion can have serious causes, for example, diseases of the cardiovascular system. The skin is often a harbinger of illness, so by correctly deciphering its signals, you can quickly and easily eliminate the disease. And to do this, you need to know in which cases a change in skin color becomes a consequence of a serious illness.

What causes yellow skin?

Most often, people begin to think about skin color when they notice pronounced yellowness. The most common cause of yellowing is excess bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a breakdown product of the iron-containing protein hemoglobin, which is responsible for the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
This blood pigment usually accumulates in the blood due to liver disease and blockage of the bile ducts. Yellowness caused by excess bilirubin primarily appears on the palms of the hands, the underside of the tongue, and the sclera of the eyes.

In addition to liver diseases, yellowness of the skin can be caused by incorrect operation thyroid gland, namely a lack of substances capable of breaking down beta-carotene. A bloodless yellow complexion indicates the development of cancer, and staining of the iris and eyelids can be caused by excess cholesterol or abnormal lipid metabolism. In general, yellowness appears when:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the excretory system.

If the yellowness of the skin does not go away over a long period, you should go to a gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist or hematologist. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis after necessary examination, so try to avoid self-medication.

It is worth remembering that bad habits and bad food provoke the appearance of unhealthy skin. Also, a yellow complexion is characteristic of people who eat a lot of carrots, oranges, pumpkin and some medicines, and also regularly use cosmetics based on these products.

Snow Queen symptoms: excessive pallor

Often, prolonged pale skin is perceived by others as a symptom of a certain illness. Unfortunately, very often people are mistaken in their forecasts and do not pay due attention to the harbinger of trouble. But pallor may indicate the most various diseases, starting with angina pectoris and ending with iron deficiency anemia. In fact, pale color The reasons for the face are not always so frightening, but if a person daily hears compliments similar to “You don’t have a face!” Isn’t it time to see a doctor?

With kidney diseases, pallor is accompanied by swelling, and with iron deficiency anemia- low blood pressure and rapid fatigue. The area of ​​the face around the lips and nose is responsible for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Pale skin also indicates an ulcer, duodenal disease and various infectious diseases. Pallor also accompanies a number of other ailments:

  • low pressure;
  • lack of certain hormones;
  • tuberculosis and other lung diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis.

Short-term pallor can be caused by fear, stress, pain and cold. The man turns pale sharp changes temperatures It is especially common to find pale skin color in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

How to restore healthy skin color

Standard beautiful color The skin is pinkish in color with a slight blush on the cheeks. You need to start achieving a healthy skin color by visiting a doctor and treating existing diseases. Then you can only speed up the process of restoring your complexion. To begin with, it is important to get rid of bad habits and follow proper diet nutrition. Provide regular physical exercise and spends enough time outdoors every day.

It is worth filling your life with joyful moments and pleasant emotions, reducing stress, getting enough sleep regularly and learning to enjoy life. Yellow and pale complexion will disappear after eating unripe dates, figs, meat with blood and healthy seasonings. Good wine V in moderation, onions, radishes and cabbage will return freshness and beauty. Don’t forget about skin care using products prepared by yourself using a variety of methods. folk recipes. The main thing to remember is that healthy skin- an indicator of the health of the whole body!

There are a number of reasons why your skin may turn yellow. In fact, corpus luteum- not always bad. It really has more to do with how severe it looks (like your eyes) and what is causing the symptom. Some fruits and vegetables can make you look a little yellow, and too much carotenoids can make you look almost orange. This excess of color and shades is known as hypercarotemia or carotemia. It must be remembered that a baby who has turned yellow from consuming too much beta-carotene may not have any disease at all. But, if the yellow color is caused by bilirubin, then it is jaundice and probably affects skin, as well as the eyes. The underlying cause of jaundice may be a sign of serious health problems, especially those related directly to the liver.

Why does the skin turn yellow?

Jaundice is the medical term that describes the yellowing of the skin and eyes. The phenomenon itself is not considered a disease, but a symptom of several possible more serious diseases. Jaundice begins when there is an increased level of bilirubin in the system - this is a yellow pigment that is formed after the breakdown of dead red blood cells in the liver. As a rule, the substance leaves the body with old red blood cells. Jaundice may indicate serious problem with liver, gallbladder or pancreas function. Yellowish-brown skin and eyes characterize the onset of the pathology. In more severe cases, the whites of the eyes may turn brown or orange, accompanied by dark urine and pale stools. If underlying health conditions such as viral hepatitis, then other symptoms may occur: excessive fatigue and vomiting.

Some people misdiagnose themselves when they notice yellow skin. Typically, patients who experience the phenomenon have yellow color skin and yellow eyes. If the patient has extremely specific skin conditions, this is most likely due to too much beta-carotene in the body. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant found in foods such as carrots, pumpkin and sweet potatoes. An excess of this vitamin causes only slight yellowing, but not jaundice.

Causes and symptoms of yellowing skin

If you notice that your skin is turning yellow, pay attention to other symptoms. Below are possible reasons(diseases) that cause the skin to turn yellow. In any of these cases, it is worth seeking medical help and further examination.

Yellow skin is also common in babies who are born prematurely. Excess bilirubin can develop in newborns because their liver is not yet fully developed. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment formed by the breakdown of old cells. Jaundice begins when the liver does not metabolize bilirubin as well as it needs to. The organ may be damaged and in this case is not able to carry out the natural process. There are cases when bilirubin is not able to enter digestive system, from which it is freely removed along with the stool. In other cases, there is too much bilirubin trying to leave the liver at once, or too many red cells being destroyed at once.

Chronic hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver by the hepatitis C virus (HCV), which is carried into a person's blood. It is spread through contact with contaminated blood, such as contaminated needles, toothbrushes and razors, unprotected sex with an infected person, and from mother to child during childbirth. You should schedule a visit with your doctor to discuss possible methods treatment. Symptoms: weakness; nausea; muscle pain; loss of appetite; joint pain. Symptoms that never occur with chronic hepatitis C: pain in the lower right hypochondrium; pain in the lower left hypochondrium; pain around the navel.

Mononucleosis infection

Mononucleosis is a clinical syndrome characterized by fever, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. The diagnosis is confirmed by searching for antibodies against mononucleosis. Treatment includes supportive care (hydration, antipyretics, and analgesics such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen). Symptoms: fatigue; headache; loss of appetite; stomach ache; nausea. Rectal bleeding never occurs with mononucleosis infection.

Sickle cell anemia

Severe pain is distinctive feature sickle anemia. They are caused by a blocked blood vessel. On average, a person with sickle cell disease will have one serious attack of the disease each year. Symptoms: strong pain in a stomach; yellow skin (jaundice); pale skin.


Gallstones are hard deposits of digestive fluid that form in the gallbladder, a small pear-shaped organ in the right side abdomen, right under the liver. Symptoms: nausea; loss of appetite; unintentional weight loss; vomit; pain in the right upper hypochondrium.

Hemostatic spherocytosis

Hereditary spherocytosis is a condition that affects red blood cells. People with this condition usually experience a lack of red blood cells (anemia), yellowing of the eyes and skin (jaundice), and an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly). You should visit your doctor and have blood tests done to help confirm the diagnosis. Symptoms: fatigue; pain (stomach pain); fever; general abdominal pain; yellow skin.

Intestinal worm (Ascaris) infection

Infection with the Ascaris lumbricoides worm, also known as the large common roundworm, causes a condition called ascariasis. This is due to poor personal hygiene and unsanitary conditions. Individuals who live in areas where human feces are used as fertilizer are also at risk of this disease. You should visit your primary care physician. Ascariasis is diagnosed when a doctor checks your stool and confirms the diagnosis. In this case, special medications that kill worms. Symptoms: nausea; loss of appetite; diarrhea; constipation; fever.

Bladder infection (cholecystitis)

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. The organ contains bile (digestive juice). Gallstones can form when it becomes thick (stones block gallbladder and cause inflammation). Ignoring medical care often causes the bladder to rupture and cause a fatal infection in the abdomen. Symptoms: pain (abdominal pain); nausea; loss of appetite; diarrhea; constipation. Symptoms that never occur with a gallbladder infection (cholecystitis) include pain in the upper left abdomen and pain in the lower left abdomen.

Hepatic neoplasm

Is a serious liver disorder. The organ is necessary for metabolic processes and is responsible for filtering and purifying the blood. If you notice yellowing of your skin, you should not put off going to the doctor. Possible symptoms: fatigue; loss of appetite; nausea or vomiting; abdominal pain; unintentional weight loss.

When should you see a doctor?

Many people do not notice that the skin has begun to turn yellow and seek help only in cases where the yellowness becomes obvious. In order to know whether you need to go to the hospital, you need to answer a few simple questions. The doctor asks exactly the same questions when determining the diagnosis. Questions a specialist may ask about yellow skin are:

  1. Have you experienced nausea?
  2. Have you had a fever today or within the last week?
  3. How's your appetite?
  4. Have you felt more tired than usual, sick, or unable to do anything despite getting enough sleep?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, get your body checked.

“Bad” and “good” yellowness of the skin

Foods rich in carotenoids can give your skin a healthy glow.

This yellow is usually a lighter color - a subdued bright yellow color and glow. This comes from eating fruits and vegetables. But, too much of these vitamins and eating carotene-rich foods can cause your skin to turn yellowish. The increase in yellowness is often caused by the carotenoids found in fruits and vegetables that give them their color: beta-carotene and lycopene. These beneficial compounds not only give skin tone, but are also powerful antioxidants that help stop oxidative cell damage. Since these pigments are fat-soluble, they accumulate in the skin.

It also happens that yellow is a bad color. Vivid skin and yellow mucous membranes are a sign of serious illness. Jaundice occurs when there is a problem with the normal dynamics between blood cells and the liver. Blood cell membranes become more fragile with age and must eventually be removed from the body. They are filtered out in a system that includes organs such as the liver and spleen, which convert these old cells into bilirubin, and can then leave the body through stool and urine.

Bilirubin is what gives bruises their yellowish tint as they heal. The liver usually contains many blood cells, but if there is an abnormal amount of old red blood cells entering the liver and the liver is not functioning properly, or bilirubin cannot be released digestive tract– all of which can lead to excess in the body and cause jaundice.

This condition must be noticed in time. Jaundice usually clears up when the underlying cause is treated. The duration of the procedures depends on the general condition of the patient. Seek immediate medical attention as this may be a sign of a serious illness. Light degree Jaundice in newborns usually goes away on its own without treatment and does not cause long-term liver problems.