Strong connection. About how the psychological state of a pregnant woman affects her unborn child. My emotional state during pregnancy

Pregnancy radically changes the usual state of a woman: she has new taste preferences, pesters toxicosis, the stomach grows in the end! Comprehensive information about these metamorphoses today can be found in any specialized online magazine. Meanwhile, the psychological state of a woman during pregnancy is no less important than the physiological aspects. Our article will tell about the neuropsychic preparation for the upcoming motherhood.

A miracle happened: the pregnancy test “gave out” two strips! From that moment on, life changes to become even better and more beautiful. Only now, the expectant mother is not yet able to immediately comprehend the obvious - for this she will need a lot of time, namely 9 months.

The inner world of a woman in a position is so complex and deep that her mood can change more than a dozen times a day: a minute ago she laughed merrily, and now her eyes are wet, and there is nothing strange in this. Sensitivity, susceptibility, impressionability - all kinds of reactions to the outside world during pregnancy are aggravated to the limit. All future mothers from the moment of conception and up to childbirth live according to special rules psychology.

Physiology divides the period of pregnancy into three fundamental stages, or trimesters. The same can be done from a spiritual point of view.

Features of the psychological state during pregnancy by trimester

First trimester

The first weeks of pregnancy are the most emotionally unstable period for a future mother. The female psyche does a tremendous job to adapt the pregnant woman to her new position. The state of a woman during pregnancy is unsteady and vulnerable, so she is often thrown into extremes: joy replaces regret and vice versa.

Moreover, future mother worries vague excitement. This is not yet a fear of childbirth and not a fear for the health of the baby, no. It's more of an anxiety about having to let go old life to open doors for change.

The state of health during pregnancy in the first trimester also adds fuel to the fire: nausea, poor sleep at night and drowsiness during the day, severe hunger or a complete lack of appetite make the newly-made expectant mother feel overwhelmed and tired. How not to be sad? At this time, it seems to a woman that she is insolvent, dependent on external circumstances and other people. But she is unlikely to find the strength to resist this feeling: on the contrary, she wants to become the object of increased attention and care.

The psychological mood during pregnancy is so changeable that it is really difficult for the expectant mother to gather herself into a single whole: she often wants to cry, she is almost sure that no one cares about her, she is more and more often visited by sentimentality, and what she wants most of all, she and she doesn't know.

The reason for such an emotional "kaleidoscope" lies in a thorough restructuring of the hormonal system of the body. It is the hormones that are to blame for the fact that the way of thinking of a pregnant woman at the first time of her new position acquires some features of the child's psyche. Psychologists believe that nature did not do this by chance: such a kind of correction of consciousness will help a woman find a common language with her child in the future. This period is necessary for the successful development of motherhood.

At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the condition of the future mother is still not stable: a carefree life will not give way to the inevitable growing up in one day. Such a duality of the situation is not always obvious to the pregnant woman herself, so she can be offended by loved ones for no reason, and also break down on them in moments of sudden outbursts of anger.

At this stage, fertile ground for the development of depression appears in the life of a pregnant woman: even the most harmless disagreements with her husband can emotionally break the expectant mother. At the same time, she needs the support of her family more than ever.

Second trimester

A woman who is in a state of pregnancy of the second trimester rests her soul and body. Energy flows in her body flow in their own way, and good health helps to tune in to the best. The expectant mother sleeps well again, has a healthy appetite and gives others her radiant smile.

At this stage, what she was waiting for with great excitement finally happens - the baby shows the first signs of life and pushes! The pregnant woman is no longer able to hide her joy, now she knows exactly how much she wants to become a mother. Self-confidence and rational thinking returns to her.

third trimester

At the final stage of the "interesting" position, sobering up occurs. In the first trimester, being pregnant was new for a woman, so she could not perceive the child as a reality. Now that the birth is just around the corner, the baby becomes the center of her universe. All desires and thoughts of the expectant mother are connected with him.

Smoothly approaching the most important event in her life, a woman pushes everything that does not concern her position to the background. Hobbies, work, even a beloved man - everything fades before the all-consuming desire to prepare your “nest” for the arrival of a son or daughter. If you answer the question, what is the state of pregnancy in the third trimester, then the word “immersion” characterizes it better than others. Immersion in yourself and in your unborn child - distinguishing feature late pregnancy.

The woman is again subject to painful mood swings: basically, she is most often seized by causeless irritability and anxiety. In fact, the subconscious of a pregnant woman already lives with anxiety about the upcoming birth and potential pain.

Body condition during pregnancy late term weighs down the expectant mother, and recent weeks she endures the expectations of the child with great difficulty: it’s hard to lie down, it’s hard to walk, it’s hard ... In addition, the woman’s feelings are in great turmoil: she wants to see her baby as soon as possible, but at the same time she is very worried about how the birth will go.

The last trimester of pregnancy is considered the most unique period in a woman's life - it is so unusual and amazing in terms of a complex of sensations.

What is the expectant mother afraid of?

In the first trimester, a pregnant woman is tormented by the fear of the unknown and change. A woman will need a lot of strength to get used to her new position, which will undoubtedly affect her studies, work, and life in general. The most correct step at the beginning of pregnancy is to accept yourself and the baby, which caused such emotional confusion. As soon as a woman can do this, she will feel an incredible relief and a desire to learn to coexist with the child she carries under her heart.

Moms who really wanted to get pregnant, from the first days of this wonderful state, often begin to worry about the health of their unborn baby. Born strong or weak long-awaited child, whether he will have any unforeseen deviations, whether a strong painkiller pill taken unknowingly will affect his development, how to protect himself from the harmful radiation of a computer monitor .... What terrible pictures the expectant mother will not draw, sorting through various situations in her memory when, in her opinion, she stumbled.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, all expectant mothers, as a rule, become victims of social superstitions regarding pregnancy. For example, which of the women has not heard that it is impossible to cut, sew and put patches in position, otherwise the child will have many moles? And every woman, most likely, will remember how she, a pregnant woman, was warned to raise her hands so that the child would not get tangled in the umbilical cord. Nothing good and useful, except for increased anxiety, such beliefs do not bring. Most the right way to get rid of them - to perceive these collective "fairy tales" only as a given of pregnancy, as one of its natural phenomena.

If unconditional trust in signs does not give the pregnant woman peace of mind, it is better for her to turn to professional psychologist, regular conversations with which will put everything in its place and bring the expectant mother to peace of mind.

IN last trimester During pregnancy, a woman, consciously or not, begins to think with apprehension about the test ahead of her in the form of childbirth. The most interesting thing is that these fears are not groundless: childbirth is a powerful physical and psychological experience, so all women's fears are absolutely natural. For example, a pregnant woman may be afraid not so much of pain as of the development of certain complications during childbirth. There are frequent cases when the expectant mother is afraid to seem ... unattractive in the eyes of a loved one and medical staff at the time of childbirth.

However, most often a woman is afraid for her life and for the life of her child. Psychologists interpret these fears in their own way: a pregnant woman worries about her baby in advance, who, when born, inevitably goes through the stage of psychological death. He dies for the intrauterine world in order to be born in another, external world. Birth is the strongest experience in all human life, and in terms of strength it is comparable only to death.

At the same time, one cannot discount the subconscious delusion that a woman should give birth in pain. Even all the latest research and techniques in the field of obstetrics and gynecology taken together cannot drown out the human ancestral memory with which we come into this world. It remains only to hope for the mind and adequacy of the pregnant woman herself.

To ease the moral discomfort that complicates the last weeks before childbirth, you need to properly prepare for the process of giving birth to your baby: sign up for special courses and think through the scenario of your birth to the smallest detail - choose a maternity hospital, meet a doctor who will help in delivery.

The influence of the state of the expectant mother on the intrauterine development of the fetus and childbirth

All scientists agree that an increased degree of maternal anxiety and regular worries affect the health of the child in the most negative way. Also, emotional stress can cause complications during childbirth.

From the second third of pregnancy, the circulatory system of the growing organism begins to actively form and improve. Through the placenta and the umbilical cord, the fetus receives the lion's share of hormones whenever its mother succumbs to anxiety or depression. A negative perception of her condition by a future mother leads to the development of real functional disorders in the child's body. Prolonged irritation or anxiety of a woman makes the child upset no less, about which he immediately informs his mother with a series of indignant thrusts in the stomach.

An emotionally unstable pregnant woman has a high risk of miscarriage and premature birth, as well as serious violations of the course of childbirth, even if they began at the right time. Most often on this soil there are weak generic activity, intrauterine oxygen starvation child, pathology of blood supply to the placenta.

A woman's positive attitude towards pregnancy works wonders - proven by medicine. When a pregnant woman happily feels like a vessel filled with precious contents, all chronic diseases recede, physiological ailments are easier to tolerate, and there is no room for fears and doubts in the mind. Maternal faith in herself, her unconditional admiration for the miracle of the birth of a new life charges the baby with positive energy, gives him a sense of security and confidence that somewhere out there, in another universe, he is loved and expected.

Psycho-emotional state during pregnancy: we ask questions to the psychologist. Video

The reproductive system of women is one of the most sensitive indicators of their state of health, since the first manifestations of any pathological process often reveal a violation of specific functions. female body. Complex impacts various external traumatic factors can significantly affect the reproductive function of a woman and, as a result, the health of offspring. Currently, more and more attention is paid to the influence of a woman's psycho-emotional state on reproductive function, pregnancy and perinatal outcomes. A lot of facts have been accumulated that indicate that the mother's inadequate behavior during pregnancy, her emotional reactions to the stresses that our life is full of, cause a huge number of different pathological conditions in the child, both behavioral, psychological, and somatic. . Also, it turned out that during pregnancy the influence of adverse factors on offspring is not limited to one generation. The question arose about the presence of transgenerational effects of antenatal stress, recorded not only in the first (F1), but also in subsequent generations (F2-F4).

The beginning of pregnancy is the most difficult period for women both physically and emotionally. It was during this period that women are tormented early toxicosis, hormonal restructuring of the whole organism begins, which also affects the emotional background. . Vasilyeva O. S. emphasizes the psychological role of the pregnancy period for the mother, child and society as a whole. Pregnancy is considered primarily as an existential situation that causes profound changes in self-consciousness, attitudes towards other people, the world.

  • During pregnancy, not only the fetus in the womb matures, but also the mother herself, that part of the woman's personality, which will later perform maternal functions.
  • It is during pregnancy that those attitudes, behavioral and socio-cultural stereotypes that will determine one or another type of motherhood are actualized.
  • The emotional state of the mother during pregnancy has a significant impact on the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the subsequent attitude towards the child and herself, as well as on the formation of his self-awareness, the formation of purely human qualities.
  • The fetus in the mother's womb is not only a biological object, but also the subject of purposeful formative and educational influences, i.e. the pregnant woman already performs maternal educational functions.
  • · The phenomenon of pregnancy as a special socio-cultural phenomenon, integral to human existence, is reflected in various works of culture, traditions, religious beliefs.

Almost all pregnant women are subject to sharp emotional changes, therefore, the mood of a pregnant woman changes almost every hour. The desirability of pregnancy (Table 1), the attitude towards a pregnant woman in the family, and the formation of personal qualities have a significant impact on the formation of the emotional state of a woman during pregnancy. , psychological readiness for motherhood, these variables form a certain style of attitude to pregnancy, to the upcoming birth and relationships with the unborn child.

Table 1. Unwanted pregnancy - problems of mother and child.

Psychological characteristics of women with unwanted pregnancy. Psychological problems of unwanted children.1. Emotional dissatisfaction with the current situation, infringing on pride. 2. Self-doubt, in the possibility of success, low self-esteem. 3. High sense of guilt, passivity bordering on masochism. 4. The need to overcome restrictions, the desire to get rid of fear, anxious anxiety, which is hidden behind the emphasized confidence and independence. 5. High level of self-control with a tendency to lie. 6. Problems social adaptation. 7. Problems interpersonal relationships. 8. Features of emotional immaturity, pronounced emotional instability, high anxiety and restlessness. 9. Increased impulsivity, irritability, sensitivity to external influences. 10. Experience disappointment and resentment. 11. Distress, hypochondria. 12. Depressive reactions.1. Decreased cheerfulness, increased excitability and resentment. 2. Reduced self-esteem, self-doubt, in their strengths, abilities. 3. High dependence. 4. Failure in learning. 5. Deceit and lack of diligence. 6. Lack of sociability or excessive sociability. 7. An extraordinary need for recognition, often the use of criminal ways for its implementation, the presence of asocial tendencies. 8. Lack of understanding with desired children. 9. Envy, hostility towards the success and happiness of others. 10. Indifference, emotional deafness. 11. In parenthood - indifference to the care of their children. 12. Bitingness, causticity, irony. 13. Insufficient resistance to stress, masked depression; nervousness, neuroses. psychotic symptoms.

The attitude of the mother to the fetus during pregnancy leaves permanent traces on the development of his psyche. Emotional stress correlates with preterm birth, major childhood psychopathology, more frequent occurrences of schizophrenia, often with school failures, high level delinquency, drug addiction and suicide attempts.

Physical changes entail changes in her psychological state. This is due to a change in appearance and a new response to the attitude of others. During pregnancy, a woman's sensations, feelings and moods change.

The psyche of a pregnant woman has specific features in each trimester of pregnancy:

  • 1. The first trimester is characterized by an unstable mood: on the one hand, a conscious desire to have a child, on the other hand, uncertainty about their maternal capabilities, fear of childbirth. Physiological changes that are characteristic of many pregnant women during this period are important: nausea, reactions to smells, sounds, colors, changes in taste sensations. Unusual sensitivity and tearfulness, increased resentment and capriciousness appear, accompanied by a great need for kindness and attention.
  • 2. The second trimester is a period of relative calm. The expectant mother gradually adapts to an unusual image, begins to feel the movement of the child, accepts a new life in herself.

The third trimester is distinguished by such a main feature as "immersion" in anticipation of the unborn child, which becomes the focus of interests and activities. A woman can significantly increase her creative potential, and therefore, there is a need for vigorous activity or hypersensitivity in relation to the unborn baby: dreams, forebodings, extraordinary experiences, a feeling of mental contact with the child.

At the psychophysiological level, Hurst highlights changes in the following sensory areas:

§Acoustic: Pregnant women often dislike loud, harsh music, preferring classical or meditative music.

§Visual: Many women report changes in their visual perception in particular emotional responses to visual stimuli; at the same time, pregnant women begin to feel beauty and harmony more deeply.

§Kinesthetic: Most pregnant women become more sensitive to touch and other tactile cues.

§Smell: Many pregnant women have a more differentiated sense of smell. Since strong odors can be harmful to the unborn child, and some odors have a healing and soothing effect on the mother.

§Taste: Many pregnant women dislike certain foods and drinks, as well as substances that are harmful to the normal development of the fetus, such as nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, etc. However, pregnant women often begin unconsciously to eat those foods that have the necessary nutrients.

Psychological changes during pregnancy are manifested in the so-called pregnancy syndrome. The pregnancy syndrome is experienced by a woman at an unconscious level, has certain time limits and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • At the first stage, the affect of awareness of being pregnant is most often experienced. Within the framework of this symptom, as a rule, the following difference appears: the higher the social and intellectual level of a pregnant woman, the more independent and professionally successful she is, the more questions about the meaning of childbearing she will put before herself, the more difficult it will be for her to decide to become a mother.
  • The next stage in the development of the pregnancy syndrome is the reflexive acceptance of a new self-image: "I am in a position." This stage is characterized by the recognition of physiological changes in one's body. The actual biological and neuroendocrine changes that accompany pregnancy can have profound psychological impact for expectant mothers.
  • The symptom of emotional lability deserves special attention, which, to one degree or another, is inherent in the entire period of pregnancy. This symptom refers to emotional maladjustment, which manifests itself in mood fluctuations. In some women, passivity increases and a feeling of supreme satisfaction and pleasure appears. Others experience mild depression and increased physical activity during this time, perhaps because the pregnant woman is trying to deny the new sense of her own passivity. Mood swings can be expressed in varying degrees of internal tension: in a feeling of boredom, in slowness, in growing dissatisfaction with oneself, in a verbalized feeling of oppression.
  • From the moment of awareness and internal acceptance of herself as a pregnant woman, a symptom of a conflicting attitude towards pregnancy is detected. The researchers note that at this time there are characteristic rapid mood swings and the resurrection of previous anxieties, an affect that simultaneously contains joy, optimism, hope and alert expectation, fear, sadness. Here are the fears and fears associated with the upcoming birth, reaching the point of panic; and uncertainty in their abilities to give birth and become a full-fledged mother; and fear for the health of the unborn child, concern about the deterioration of the financial situation of their family, about the possible infringement of personal freedom; and finally, the experience of his bodily metamorphosis and the associated sexual unattractiveness.
  • · Then there is a mental restructuring of the self-consciousness of a woman, characteristic of pregnancy, with the gradual inclusion of the image of a child in it. At this moment, the future mother experiences a symptom of a new life in herself. This stage most often occurs when a woman begins to feel the first movements of the fetus. As the fetus grows, the sensual component of these sensations becomes brighter, acquires a shade of objectivity. A woman during this period usually begins to interpret the behavior of the unborn baby: "woke up", "has fun", "worries", etc. Meaningful pregnancy inspires future mother, creates an appropriate affective background with which she spiritualizes her unborn baby, his presence evokes a feeling of tenderness, is painted in warm emotional tones. Some women are so immersed in these experiences that their behavior also begins to show signs of childishness. They become more sensitive and suggestible, helpless and softened. According to the researchers, during this period of pregnancy, an internal dialogue between the mother and the child usually occurs. special emotional condition contributes to the formation of the image of a child, which is included in the self-consciousness of a woman. The symptom of accepting a new life in oneself is the pinnacle of the pregnancy syndrome, being a kind of indicator of the woman's perception, processing and evaluation of the experience of this psychophysiological state. It is characterized by impending responsibility for the fate of the child, dreams, dreams and fantasies about him.
  • During this period of pregnancy, a change in the construct "I am the world around" is clearly traced. Women, in accordance with the changed perception of reality, tend to endow their familiar social environment with new ones. quality characteristics against the backdrop of increased demands. This tendency can be defined as a symptom of overstated claims to others.
  • Starting from the 20-25 week period, another problem arises that deserves special attention. Physiological changes that occur with a pregnant woman often make her a full-fledged sex life impossible, which creates or increases the distance in communication with a man. These factors can contribute to the occurrence of a symptom of sexual inferiority during pregnancy.
  • The next, and one of the most highlights, is a symptom of fear of childbirth. Probably, every woman, to some extent, experiences an internal conflict, which, on the one hand, is expressed in the desire to "finally give birth", and on the other hand, to avoid childbirth. On the one hand, she expects a successful completion of the pregnancy, on the other hand, childbirth causes fear and anxiety. The degree of mental insecurity of women before childbirth is indicated by the ease with which most of them agree to the use of any painkillers, without thinking about possible consequences for a child.
  • One of the last symptoms experienced by a woman during pregnancy is the symptom of impatience. This stage of pregnancy is characterized by bodily discomfort and fatigue as labor approaches.

Today, it has been proven that during stress, mother's adrenal hormones release catecholamines (stress hormones) into the blood, and during positive emotions, the hypothalamic structures produce endorphins (hormones of joy), which, penetrating through the placental barrier, directly affect the fetus. Consequently, mother and child are a single neurohumoral organism, and each of them equally suffers from the adverse influence of the outside world, which is recorded in long-term memory affecting the rest of the child's life. Positive maternal emotions cause increased fetal growth, calmness and an increase in the level of sensory perception of the fetus. Her stress leads to low fetal weight, increased mortality, respiratory infections, asthma, and impaired cognitive development.

In the 1960s renowned pediatrician Jeronimo de Mogaras conducted the study. He studied three groups of mothers. The first group consisted of those who during pregnancy experienced fear about its outcome, since past pregnancies ended unsuccessfully. The second group included women who had a negative attitude towards the unborn baby, mainly because the pregnancy occurred against their will. Women of the third group - those who wanted a child, the period of pregnancy passed without deviations, and their children grew up healthy. The babies of the other two groups of mothers turned out to be very restless, sleeping and eating poorly. Of course, it would be wrong to explain this only as a consequence of one or another attitude of the mother towards the unborn child; there could be a combination of reasons. However, the factor of parental attitude cannot be discounted (Brusilovsky, 1994).

An important contribution to understanding the intrauterine life of the fetus was made by the Swedish doctor A. Nilsson, who, using a microscopic camera, recorded the life of an infant in the womb, starting from the first weeks of development. According to these observations, the brain begins to form at the 3rd week of embryonic existence, and its activity is recorded on the encephalogram by the 6th week after conception. At 5 weeks after conception, the embryo begins to respond to stimuli, such as touch, and at the age of 7.5 weeks, in response to stroking the top of the head thin hair observed turning of the head in the opposite direction. By the 12th week, the vestibular system is formed, for spatial orientation and maintaining a sense of balance.

Being in the dark space of the uterus, the fetus is able to perceive and remember visual images associated with the emotional experiences of the mother. This ability is acquired approximately from the 7th week of intrauterine life, when the retina of the eye is able to perceive external signals, transmit visual images to the brain, and reproduce images that arise in the brain. The nervous system at the end of the third trimester is well developed, the fetus makes sucking movements, shows grasping reaction to touch, eyeballs moving.

By the 16th week, fetal movements become coordinated and can already be felt by the mother. In a healthy fetus, physical activity usually increases in the evening, especially between nine o'clock in the evening and one in the morning. He retains this rhythm of sleep and wakefulness for some time after birth. From 14 to 18 weeks, the fetus distinguishes the first sounds: heartbeat, breathing and the voice of the mother, the noise of the intestines, stomach. At 6-7 months of intrauterine life, the fetus not only hears, but also differentiates internal sounds well. If the mother is worried and her heart beats alarmingly, knocking down the rhythm of breathing, then the fetus freezes, as if in anticipation of danger. After a while, the danger becomes quite real, as hormones corresponding to the negative emotions of the mother reach the fetus. These hormones cause a deterioration in the well-being of the fetus. The connection between the nature of the sound and the corresponding emotional state and physiological state is fixed and remains in memory. From the 20th week, it becomes possible to fix the reaction of the fetus to external sound action: in response to sharp sounds, the fetus shrinks fearfully or begins to behave restlessly.

Histological studies revealed the presence of taste buds in the tongue by week 8, which by week 14 are surrounded by taste pores and sensory hair cells, and they begin to function by week 15. From the 14th - 15th week, olfactory receptors function. The only smell felt by the fetus is the smell of amniotic fluid, colored by the individual smell of the mother and identical to the smell of breast milk.

Thus, unborn children have all kinds of sensitivity, which are detected at different stages of pregnancy and develop simultaneously with the development of other systems and organs. The stressful conditions that women experience during pregnancy have a special effect on the fetus.

During pregnancy, a woman may experience many fears, such as anxiety for the unborn baby and for her own health, fear of childbirth, contractions and inevitable pain. Modern women have to worry about careers, financial problems, and many additional costs associated with the appearance and upbringing of a new family member. . And here the question arises of whether to continue working during pregnancy or not? It is not always possible to answer unequivocally, since the question is very difficult. Work should be stopped if it is accompanied by occupational hazards that threaten the health of the fetus. Not only theoretical hazards are also important, but also the actual level of safety at each particular workplace. Ideally, it is better for a pregnant woman not to work in production, and it makes sense to continue the service if it is not accompanied by critical stress and physical activity and also brings moral satisfaction. But where can you find such a job? In addition, the financial aspect plays a significant role. Therefore, most often a pregnant woman has to seek a compromise. The question of continuing or stopping work during pregnancy is taken by the family after a careful weighing of all the pros and cons, and a doctor should be consulted.

All these fears can lead to many negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, irritation, anxiety, stress, anger, feelings of loneliness, confusion. Most often, changes in the psycho-emotional background during pregnancy lead to the development of depressive and anxiety disorders. It has been established that psycho-emotional instability contributes to vegetative disorders and exacerbates the risk of abortion. Kholmov K.D. notes that, stress and anxiety during pregnancy increase the risk of having a baby prematurely, and weight can often be below normal. Also, foreign authors have found that anxiety during pregnancy can affect the weight of the newborn and the duration of pregnancy. Pregnant women with severe or chronic anxiety are especially at risk.

Specialists single out intrauterine hypoxia, placental circulation disorders, anomalies in labor forces and the course of childbirth, as a consequence of emotional stress during pregnancy. (A.O. Syrina, G. Dick-Read and others). You can also add to the list: threatened miscarriage, prolonged (long-term) or premature birth, the absence of a cry at birth in a child. From the above, we once again summarize that a negative emotional state has an adverse effect on the course of pregnancy and, as a result, on the course of childbirth. By the way, there is an opinion that this adverse effect is differentiated depending on the sex of the child, i.e. there will be different effects of emotional stress in boys and girls.

And the most comprehensive proof of the connection between the emotional state and the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the subsequent development of the child is a physiological approach to this problem. In 1925, the American psychologist and biologist W. Cannon proved that with all acute and chronic experiences, "anxiety hormones" - catecholamines - are released into the mother's blood (or maintained at a constant level), reaching the fetus without any obstacles through the bloodstream common with the mother. system. Since the fetus has practically no system for neutralizing "anxiety hormones" and the recurrent venous network is not developed, they accumulate in critical doses not only in the fetus itself, but also in the amniotic fluid, which the fetus constantly swallows and secretes from itself. According to the increase in the amount of amniotic fluid in the second half of pregnancy, the amount of catecholamines or their biological successors in it also increases. With continued stress amniotic fluid By the end of pregnancy, it is saturated with the corresponding hormones. At the same time, the child is experiencing an increasing lack of oxygen, due to the narrowing under the influence of "anxiety hormones" of blood vessels, the blood of which delivers oxygen to the tissues of the fetus, including the nerve cells of the brain. Prolonged lack of oxygen (hypoxia) is not indifferent to the nervous system of the fetus, causing a characteristic after birth hypersensitivity to stuffiness, smells, noises, bright light and sun, ease of occurrence of dizziness and fainting. Catecholamines themselves lead to excessive mobility, instability of nervous processes, anxiety, mood disorders, emotional excitability, sleep and wakefulness rhythm disturbances.

Women who have experienced severe emotional stress during pregnancy are much more likely to have boys with homo- and bisexual behavior in adulthood. There are cases of reversal of sexual orientation in women whose mothers were taken for medical reasons during pregnancy hormonal preparations. Many researchers emphasize the adverse effects of maternal emotional stress on pregnancy and childbirth. pathological consequences of antenatal stress are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Pathological consequences of antenatal stress.

The course of pregnancy Sexual birth Female Male Male Increased irritability; sleep disturbance; susceptibility to fear; emotional dissatisfaction and discontent; increased fatigue; threatened miscarriage. Rapid delivery; premature birth; lack of a cry at birth (in the absence of asphyxia); belated birth(post-term pregnancy); protracted childbirth. Premature discharge of amniotic fluid; premature birth; entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck.

Thus, the emotional stress of the mother has a negative impact, first of all, on the course of pregnancy, and then on childbirth, and differentially depending on the sex of the child.

Recognizing that there is a relationship between the emotional state of a pregnant woman and the child (fetus), we irreversibly approach the fact that the chronic negative emotional state of the mother, bright strong stressful situations adversely affect the fetus (child).

Even if it was not at all easy for you to bear a child, with his birth, life will be painted with new colors. Believe me, you are not alone - neither in joy nor in sadness! Condition during pregnancy sometimes it changes with great speed and there is nothing terrible and shameful in this.
There is an idea that every woman, having barely learned about her pregnancy, is overwhelmed with a feeling of radiant joy and remains in this state until childbirth. It's called "being a good mother" and behaving quite "correctly". Books and articles have been written about how a future mother should behave, what to think and feel, this is taught in courses and TV shows for expectant parents. However, everything in life is not so rosy, and many expectant mothers ask each other: “Do you like being pregnant?”, Hoping to hear that she is not alone and that not everything brings others into indescribable delight.

Stories from the life of pregnant women

“I am expecting a child for the second time, and each time I am confused by the sensations that pregnancy gives me. In my opinion, only baby movements can be called pleasant, but for some they soon turn into a “football game”.

“I didn’t have too sweet during pregnancy - nausea, odors that can’t be avoided. The food that is "recommended" to eat, not the one you want. Lack of opportunity to dance, drink with friends. About friends, by the way, in general, a separate conversation. Once I got pregnant, most of them just blew away."

Many will shake their heads, “This is wrong! Pregnancy is a joy, what does she say?! She probably doesn’t want a child and will be a bad mother!” And women, in whose head such thoughts creep in, immediately begin to feel guilty, inferior, wrong. But know that you are not alone! This is what mothers who experienced their pregnancy without much enthusiasm recall: “Of course, I immediately remember 4-month toxicosis, weight loss of 9 kg, later pinched nerves and sleepless nights when my daughter drove her legs in her tummy until 5 in the morning ... But what is it happiness - to feel that a little man lives in you. It covers any troubles. I really want to experience it again!”

“For myself, I concluded that pregnancy cannot be called something pleasant, but it is preparation for the best - the result of all the torment - for a child! I had to endure it in order to get what I wanted, why, perhaps, I was born. Pregnancy was hard for me, but the first moments after childbirth are the happiest moments of life. Such euphoria that you understand: for the sake of these few minutes of happiness, it was worth going through a journey of 9 months with toxicosis up to 16 weeks, heartburn, shortness of breath, palpitations, headaches, swelling and more!

Am I a bad mom?

So, unpleasant feelings can also be associated with pregnancy, and this is absolutely normal! Agree, few of us like nausea or lethargy. But these are frequent companions of the onset of pregnancy. It's hard to get excited about 3 months of nausea and start experiencing bliss. But only a small percentage of women will experience nausea and drowsiness for more than 12 weeks. Even if this period is a little longer for you, remember that it will soon become easier.

Tune in that already in the second trimester you will feel much better and, if you wish, you can even go somewhere to relax with your husband, since rest for pregnant women is important for.

causes some irritation and constant desire fall asleep standing, sitting and in all possible poses. The fact that you do not like this state of affairs is quite acceptable and, of course, says absolutely nothing about your moral qualities, or about your readiness and desire to become a mother soon. You just don't feel well. It's normal condition during pregnancy the psychology of the personality of a pregnant woman is as follows.
But soon it will pass!

Condition of a pregnant woman in the second trimester

And now the toxicosis recedes, I don’t want to sleep all the time anymore. Begins, by all accounts, the quietest trimester of pregnancy.

It is in the second trimester that many women will finally feel comfortable, and pregnancy will begin to bring them pleasure. But there are moments here that are not to everyone's liking. These are the complaints that are common in this period.

  • “I am very worried and worried about whether everything is in order and whether I will be able to give birth on my own.”
  • “I’m worried, of course, my nerves are terrible: “What is there? And how does the baby feel? Why can't I feel movement? After all, it’s probably time for him to push!”
  • “Now I am constantly on edge - at least from the fact that few people understand me. They constantly ask me why I'm angry, and just this question starts to make me sick."
  • “Oh, these pathology tests - who only invented them! Until you wait for the result, you can go crazy with excitement!
  • “I cry over everything! It seems to show me a finger - I’ll burst into tears!”

If you can say the same about yourself, then know that you are not alone. It is in the second trimester that many women complain of unmotivated tearfulness and irritability. With bated breath they wait and worry why they are not there. They worry that there are too many of them or less than usual. Anxiety and irritability do not add comfort.

But this condition during pregnancy does not at all mean that you somehow “wrongly” feel your own state or are not happy about the expectation of a child. On the contrary, anxiety is rather a sign that you are very worried about the future baby. And you will be a very good mother! To be more calm about the child's condition, it is important to choose good doctor who you trust. He will advise and comfort. And your "pregnant" days will become brighter!

If you feel that you have become too sensitive, talk to your doctor. He will prescribe mild and approved sedatives. By doing this, you will save yourself, loved ones and the baby from unnecessary experiences.

Talk to your family, explain what you have now special condition and often you get angry or cry not at all because your relatives did not please you in some way, but simply because these emotions are stronger than you and it is difficult for you to restrain them. Which, however, does not mean at all that you can harass your loved ones with your bouts of bad mood. Control yourself!

Condition of the pregnant woman in the third trimester.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, many women may experience such unpleasant pregnancy companions as edema, in particular swelling of the hands during pregnancy, heartburn, shortness of breath, stretch marks. They just drive expectant mothers crazy, and few people are delighted with them. Women are afraid of their own condition during pregnancy, negative thoughts about such a happy event as bearing a child.

Pregnancy and nervous breakdowns become more and more often, but everywhere they say that you need to think and feel differently!

And to the anxiety about your well-being and unfavorable changes in appearance, there is also a huge sense of guilt towards others and the baby for the fact that mommy is waiting for him “with the wrong thoughts”. You feel heartburn, have a grueling battle with swelling, it’s hard for you to fasten your shoes, and walking becomes difficult. The child pushes all night, and can not fall asleep. You feel sorry for yourself, and often the thought comes to mind: “When will this end?” Well, the thought is very characteristic of the third trimester and is essentially correct.

You experience negativity about YOURSELF, while worrying and worrying about the child! Do not worry, you are the best mom and everything in your family will work out in the best way!

Others find it harder.

Just think of those women whose pregnancy is (or was) difficult, with complications. Some are forced to spend half of the term, or even all 9 months in the hospital or the doctor prescribes bed rest during pregnancy at home. Of course, few of them will say that pregnancy was a wonderful and blissful time for them.

Women who have had a very difficult pregnancy often just remember it with a shudder. They associate it with a sense of anxiety, endless examinations and procedures. From pleasant experience- baby movements and childbirth (and even then not for everyone). And, nevertheless, they are the most tender and caring mothers. And many of them, despite the fear and the possible repetition of negativity, want more children! Regardless of whether you are delighted with pregnancy or whether this state brings you nothing but excitement, you are ready to experience such a state again for the sake of what is most precious in the world - your wonderful baby!
If you want, love and wait for him - you will be a good, caring and most loving mother!

Expecting a baby is a joyful time in the life of every woman. At first glance, it should evoke only pleasant emotions, but this, unfortunately, is not always the case. Most pregnant women are familiar with the state when tears suddenly appear in their eyes or, conversely, at the most inopportune moment, they suddenly want to laugh for no reason. During pregnancy, unusual sensitivity and vulnerability, tearfulness and increased resentment may appear. Frequent change moods, increased emotionality, irritability are symptoms with which future parents seek help from psychologists. Let's look at the reasons for the ongoing changes in the mood of a pregnant woman.

Psychological preparation for pregnancy

First of all, you should pay attention to your psychological state before pregnancy. Let's explain why: the central nervous system affects the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones necessary for pregnancy and childbearing. Most modern women lead a very active lifestyle before pregnancy, work a lot and for a long time, spend a lot of time at the computer, have little rest, often do not get enough sleep. All this leads to high loads on nervous system which in turn can lead to hormonal and psychological problems.

Doctors believe that a woman who is going to become a mother, at least 3-6 months before pregnancy, needs to minimize the psychological burden on her body. It is necessary to devote more time to proper rest, be sure to get enough sleep (at least 8 hours a day). In addition to all this, you can not create a stressful situation for the body (actively lose weight, abruptly start intensive sports, etc.).

Mood changes during pregnancy

Continuous mood swings during pregnancy are often associated with a variety of changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. Most often this is felt in the first months of pregnancy. After all, your body needs to adapt to change. A woman can feel fatigue, drowsiness, irritability. Particularly susceptible to these conditions are those who "did not bypass" toxicosis. Sudden attacks of nausea, dizziness, fatigue, physical ailments do not add to a good mood. There is a feeling of own helplessness, irritability, anxiety, a feeling of misunderstanding on the part of others.

It is important to understand that such a state is natural. Of course, this will not make it easier, but you will understand that you are not alone - all pregnant women are subject to "emotional storms".

In the first months of pregnancy, a woman experiences not only physiological, but also psychological changes: gradually getting used to the role of mother. At this moment, it may seem to a woman that others do not understand her, they are not attentive enough to her new state.

Svetlana says:

At the beginning of my pregnancy, it seemed to me that my husband was completely uninterested in my condition and did not understand how lonely I was now. I wanted to either cry from resentment, or scream at the whole house. My husband did not understand what was happening to me, and I did not understand how to deal with it ...

The period of pregnancy can give a new spark to family relationships, and may, on the contrary, give rise to a complete misunderstanding. It is at this moment that it is more important than ever for a woman to receive support from a loved one. But it should be understood that a man in this moment harder to understand your condition. As a rule, he has no idea how the baby develops, and about the changes taking place inside your body. Do not be upset and do not reproach him for insensitivity, give him time to realize himself as a “pregnant dad”. Unobtrusively enlighten him. Talk to him about the changes happening to you (both physical and mental). Another possible reason for the experience is related to the woman herself.

Anna says:

This was my first pregnancy. The child was very welcome. But for the first few months the thought did not let go of me: “How will my life develop further? What will happen to my career, which has just begun to take shape? Can I be a good mother to my baby?

Such questions can cause a feeling of irritability, insecurity, fatigue. It takes time to realize and accept your new state. In the middle of pregnancy emotional excitability occurs much less frequently than in the first trimester. Minor physical ailments have passed, toxicosis has receded, it's time to enjoy your new sensations. It is at this time that most pregnant women experience a creative and physical upsurge. Peace, tranquility, slowness characterize this period of pregnancy.

At this time, your figure changes, the tummy becomes visible to others. Someone was waiting for this moment, someone is worried about their increasing size. This concern is understandable, because any woman wants to be beautiful.

At the same time, fears related to the health and development of the unborn baby may arise. They are experienced in one way or another by absolutely all pregnant women. At the heart of these fears, as a rule, are the stories of "kind" girlfriends or relatives, or the sad experience of friends. Against the background of these fears, tearfulness, irritability, and sometimes even depressive states occur.

In the last, third, trimester of pregnancy, your emotions may again be "on top". The reason for this is rapid fatigue, plus the approaching birth. More often than before, there may be anxiety associated with childbirth. Increased anxiety during this period occurs in almost all pregnant women. It is important here that you are prepared for childbirth and for meeting the baby. Of course, it is very good if you attended special classes. Preliminary psychological preparation of a woman during pregnancy is very important for successful childbirth and postpartum recovery. She gives not only knowledge, but also confidence in the success of her new role - the role of the mother. main goal psychological preparation pregnant is just the solution to all the problems that prevent the expectant mother from enjoying the state of pregnancy. But if you have not attended such classes, it does not matter. The main thing is your attitude to the meeting, the desire to see the baby, to help him be born. As a rule, immediately before the very birth, anxiety passes.

During this period, many pregnant women experience the so-called "narrowing of interests." Everything that is not connected with pregnancy or with a child is practically of no interest. Relatives should know this and not be surprised that talk about a future vacation or a purchase new technology do not cause any emotions, but the conversation about the benefits or harms of diapers, on the contrary, is infinitely long. This increases the activity aimed at preparing for childbirth and motherhood. Buying clothes for the baby, choosing a maternity hospital, choosing assistants who will come after childbirth, preparing an apartment ... That is why this period is sometimes called the “nest-building period”.

How to beat a bad mood during pregnancy?

  • During this period, it is very important that you have the opportunity to rest during the day. It is no coincidence that in Japan, maternity leave is given in the first months of pregnancy, as they are considered the most difficult for a woman. It is important to understand that mood swings are a natural part of pregnancy. The main thing - do not let a bad mood become the basis of your day. And then it will definitely pass.
  • Keep a sense of humor - it will always help you cope with a bad mood.
  • Start learning relaxation techniques. It can be auto-training, swimming. If there are no medical contraindications, a relaxing back or foot massage that your spouse can do is very effective.
  • Spend as much time outdoors as possible. Dosed physical exercises will also be useful.
  • Try to do everything possible to cheer up: meet people you like, do something that fascinates you. Look for the beautiful parts of life and enjoy them.
  • Don't be afraid to let your emotions out. If tears "do not let go" of you, do not worry - cry to your health.
  • The main thing - do not drive resentment, gloomy thoughts into the depths of your soul. Since ancient times, in Rus', a pregnant woman was advised to cry, complain to relatives, so as not to harbor a grudge. But the relatives of the pregnant woman were supposed to protect her from any troubles, it was not allowed to scold her or arrange quarrels in her presence.
  • Try to be patient and “wait out” this time, because communication with the baby is ahead - the happiest moments in the life of every woman. Remember: a bad mood is not forever, it will soon pass.
  • Remember that your doctor is closely monitoring your child's development. If, in spite of everything, you do not let go of the feeling of anxiety, tell the doctor about it, let him tell you in more detail about the condition of your baby. Talk to other future and already held mothers - and you will understand that your fears are in vain.
  • Be sure to remind yourself that developing baby your positive attitude. Try to worry less about trifles, maintain positive emotions in yourself. To do this, you can listen to soothing music, communicate more with nature.
  • Remember: anxiety and small fears of childbirth are natural.
  • Try not to focus on the fact that you are tired, that you want to give birth as soon as possible, etc.
  • great way getting rid of anxiety before childbirth is preparation for them. Repeat relaxation techniques, breathing exercises. Prepare a dowry for the baby. In other words, do specific things.

Fears during pregnancy

Anxiety is not so dangerous, if it is not a constant bad mood, an obsessive, painful feeling, or insomnia. For most pregnant women, anxiety is a temporary condition that they can overcome on their own or with the help of their loved ones.

If you observe a constant depressed mood in yourself, which is also accompanied by insomnia, loss or decrease in appetite, physical weakness, melancholy, apathy, a feeling of hopelessness, then these are already signs of depression. Depression is not a harmless condition - it's a disease. Prolonged depression definitely needs treatment. In women, the onset of depression may be associated with hormonal changes organism. This is what causes emotional changes, i.e. changes in mood and feelings.

In medicine, there are such concepts as " premenstrual syndrome, postpartum depression. While the former requires little or no medical supervision, postpartum depression almost always requires medical care. Therefore, you need to remember that in cases where you cannot cope with anxiety or fear on your own, if bad thoughts do not leave you day or night, do not hesitate to seek qualified help. In all cases of emotional instability of one's behavior, one can and should work. Bad mood it is possible to win by activity, creativity. In very confusing situations, a psychologist will come to the rescue, but first of all, you need the support of your family and friends.

It is important to understand that the emotional anxiety of a woman who is expecting the birth of a child is completely natural, but excessive anxiety is harmful, because. the baby is going through with you. A violent emotional reaction does not harm the child, but experiences without a reason do not bring any benefit. The most common reason that gives rise to anxiety or fear in the expectant mother is the lack of knowledge about how pregnancy proceeds, what happens during childbirth. But all this can be easily removed. Ask questions to your doctor and psychologist, read special literature, talk to women who have already given birth. Learn to relax and calm down. Switch your attention from any disturbing thoughts - this will allow you to get positive emotions. You need to learn not to react to troubles and enjoy life. Pregnancy is a time when you can afford not to react to life's little problems. The main thing is your desire to be happy and enjoy these unique, wonderful nine months of waiting for your baby.

Each woman differently accepts the child growing in her. And, at the same time, a woman accepts each child differently. Pregnancy for pregnancy is not necessary even for the same mother. We are changing, the perception of the world around us is changing, the world itself is changing. Therefore, every time we are different, and different children we give birth to.

Of course, everyone knows that pregnancy must be spent contemplating the beautiful, thinking about the eternal, in peace and joy. But is it possible for any of us, modern women? We are living people, we are overwhelmed with emotions, we are overwhelmed with feelings, and we cannot have an ideal pregnancy in an imperfect world. The question is how to relate to these experiences! If this is just the emotional instability of pregnant women, then it is best to treat it with humor.

Start over.

For the health of the unborn child, the mother needs positive emotions and the absence of stress. Then what is needed to make a pregnant woman laugh and rejoice?

Basically, nothing special:

    remind her husband a couple of times a day that he loves her,

    that he also loves his child - to show interest in the lifestyle of his pregnant wife (which means taking responsibility for walks before bedtime, evening massages, freshly squeezed juice in the morning, nuts and fruits in a vase on the table and attending classes together in a swimming pool)

But what is most terrible - in order for a pregnant woman to burst into tears and fill with tears all the surrounding hollows and hollows, nothing special is needed either!

It is quite normal for a pregnant woman to boil over nothing, cry for the same reason and laugh the same way - not seeing anything funny.

What should men do if all their efforts and worries lead to the opposite results?

It would be completely wrong to be offended and go with friends to drink beer. It is necessary to treat your wife like a child, comforting which is almost impossible, but necessary. In no case should you torment a woman with the question: “Darling, what happened?”

Yes, nothing happened! There is no answer to this question while waiting for the baby!

This is normal for a physiological pregnancy! After a certain period of time, she will throw herself on your neck with the assurance that it is with you that she is infinitely happy.

But if there is no concern on your part, then it will not rush. It's one thing to cry about nothing. And then, as if nothing had happened, ask: “Poor thing! You probably didn't get enough sleep today? Did you run for flowers, did you make juice? And it’s a completely different thing, when a tear rolled down again, to think that no one gave flowers, squeezed juice - that means he doesn’t love me, and in general no one needs me, etc. And having wound yourself, and even not without a reason, to cry and cry forever.

You can joke about it. It is only necessary to remember that every tear brings suffering to your child, who lives inside with mother's emotions. And if we also take into account that his heart beats 2 times faster than ours, then he lives in his dimension for a much longer period of time in tears than we are here, outside.

I will give examples of real family situations, where wise dads diverted streams of tears from their future children with thoughtful and beautiful deeds. You can’t call them indifferent husbands!

Remember the fairy tale about the ax that hung in the basement and scared the whole family with the possibility of falling on the head of the unborn child, when there was no pregnancy yet? The situation is one on one!

This all happened after a massive attack with massages, walks, flowers, etc. The reason was the TV. The program about the next hostilities made a strong impression on the expectant mother. With the words: “That’s how you give birth to a boy, and then he will be taken into the army, and he will end up in the war zone ... !!!” she gave herself up to sobs. All the assurances of the future father that he might not end up in this area, or maybe the girl would be born at all, did not lead to any result. The husband felt homesick, and it already began to seem to him that the ax would certainly fall on his head, as a minute later he heard deep breath and the amazing line: “Oh, well, okay! Will you drink tea?" This was repeated several times. He realized that pregnancy is a diagnosis. However, the television was replaced by guitar songs, reading and discussion of carefully selected literature. After a while, he honestly admitted that there were fewer tears and life became easier.

The second situation was quite funny.

Coming home from work, the future dad to the question: “Will you eat?” - answered that he had a snack at work, so he was not hungry. He did not expect the consequences. The range of accusations was too wide. He went from being bad husband he deliberately makes his wife laugh in front of the whole team when he eats before leaving home, to the point that he never loved her at all and did not want a child. Thinking about how to avoid a repetition of this, dad came to the conclusion that a joint dinner was necessary. And so that both sides were ready for him, he began to call back and find out the situation with neutral phrases: “Have you cooked dinner yet?” If the dinner was ready, he was full of praise, and if not, he said: “How good! And I just wanted to invite you to dine in one chic place!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to such dads, who not only can console and reassure, but are even able to remove the reasons for tears! It just needs to be stated that dads who are expecting their first child are doing such things. When a woman is waiting for a second, etc. child, they still make fun of the emotional instability of pregnant women more than they help to cope with it.

Of course, we are women and we ourselves are already experienced and we understand what the state of pregnancy brings with it. We try our best to control ourselves. Tears are no longer shedding. But the fact of the matter is that they do not pour only from the outside. But from the inside they continue to disturb the child. Unfortunately, there are more significant reasons for this.

Rather, we acquire more solid skills in finding causes. It is already clear to ourselves that it is ridiculous to sob over trifles, but it is not possible to restrain sobs. Then an accusation is brought against the husband, more like not only good reasons for tears, but also a clear desire to ignite conflict and offend. After all, it is always clear that "... the least love goes to our most beloved people."

Men, God bless you! In this case, it is important to remember that this is the same "dinner" or "ax".

Only in subsequent pregnancies is it already more sophisticated. These are the same female hormones like fireworks scattered throughout the body. Here you can only hope that you have accumulated wisdom, so as not only not to fall for the bait of discord yourself, but also to stop your wife. And then she immediately believes in what she says.

But now the emotional nutrition of more than one child is in your hands! This will also leave its mark on the elders. Remember the simple recommendations at the beginning of our conversation. Feel free to once again say that the whole family is loved by you. The same juices, massages, walks and flowers will help your wife to smile again, and your children to be carefree happy in a strong and loving family.

Happiness and smiles to you!