Proper development of a child up to one year. Child’s skills and development by month

In this article:

For responsible and conscientious parents, the correct development of a newborn child is the most important task, because parents should not be outside observers in the formation and upbringing of a new little person. Therefore, they want to know everything about the existing stages and norms of infant development by month - from birth to one year. This is exactly the information you will find in our article.

First month of life

Immediately after birth, children's height is 50-52 cm, and their weight is from 3 to 4 kg. But already during the first month of life these indicators increase significantly. Moreover, the baby grows mainly in his sleep, and he sleeps 70% of the time. And although mom seems to have enough time to adapt to new living conditions, it is still not easy. The first month is the most difficult for mommy. While the parent is getting used to motherhood, the child is getting used to the new environment.

In the first four weeks, the baby learns to hold his head, focus his gaze, make vowel sounds and listen to life around him, especially to the conversations of his parents.

Pediatricians believe that the most important process in the first month is establishing emotional contact between mother and child. This is facilitated by putting the baby to the mother's breast in the first two hours of his life. This is how the most amazing connection in the world is born, which allows a woman to feel her baby even at a distance.

From birth to one month, the toddler eats every two hours, sleeps 20 hours a day and communicates with the outside world through crying. 80% of babies suffer from colic and gas, which cause discomfort and pain. At the same time, the baby arches his back, kicks his legs and screams.

Two month

At this time, the child begins a “revival period”. He already knows how not only to look at an adult’s face, but also to distinguish the emotions displayed on it. By the age of two months, a child’s development is pleasing with more confident head support, a desire to communicate and play, rolling over from side to back, humming and humming vowels. Also, the baby easily calms down in his arms and, when sucking a pacifier, follows with his eyes approaching and receding objects, reacts to the mother approaching
to his crib, animation, which is accompanied by flapping arms and legs, a smile and melodic “tunes”.

In the second month, the child gains 700-1000 grams and grows by an average of 3 centimeters. At this time, it is important to communicate kindly with the baby and not frighten him with sharp sounds and shouts. You can already read fairy tales, because children begin to perceive information within two months. You can safely lay the first bricks of future knowledge!

Three months

From three months, the baby confidently holds his head, leans on his forearms, is interested in bright toys, talks to himself, in addition to vowels, also makes some consonant sounds, independently puts a pacifier out of his mouth, and turns from his back to his side. He becomes curious and inquisitive, learns
loved ones, smiles and hums during communication, laughs sincerely, recognizes light and sound sources, etc.

The development of an infant does not stand still and every day pleases parents with something new and interesting. The weight gain is about 750 grams, and the height gain is 3-4 centimeters. In addition to all of the above, it is at three months that parents can hear their first “aha” from their child. The baby will also sleep less and stay awake longer. In this case, night sleep will be longer than daytime sleep.

Four months

From the fourth month, the baby’s development is pleasing:

The baby gains 2-3 centimeters in height and about 700 grams in weight. It should be recalled that these are just norms, from which each child may differ, because we are all individual.

Five to six months

During the fifth and sixth months, the child's development takes several more important steps forward. This:

In two months, the baby grows by 5-6 centimeters and gains 1500 grams. It's time to start classes using the Glen Doman method, which involves the multifaceted early development of a child.

Seven to nine months

What makes a baby happy by the age of seven to nine months? The following achievements:

Children's diets are becoming more varied. It includes cottage cheese and meat. The first is necessary to replenish calcium reserves required for tooth growth, and the second is necessary for building muscle mass.

In three months, the child grows by 6-7 centimeters and gains 1800-2000 grams. At the same time, there is a development of emotions that become more and more multifaceted.

Ten to twelve months

From the ninth month, the child begins to imitate animals and adults, plays with toys,
turns the pages of books, understands the word “impossible”, crawls, stands up, moves without support, actively participates in the process of feeding, bathing and dressing.

The development of a child at this age has advanced so much that it is no longer possible to distinguish him from the little man who was brought home from the maternity hospital less than a year ago. Every day the baby’s movements become more perfect, syllables and words become clearer, and the connection with the outside world becomes closer.

In three months, the child grows only 3-4 centimeters, and gains about a kilogram in weight. From now on, the baby will gain centimeters and grams less intensively, but the rapid development of intellectual inclinations and abilities will begin, which should be given attention. There are many methods for this, most of which begin working with children aged six months to a year.

But while parents get to these very systems, I would like to return to the monthly development of the baby in order to remind you that all the above indicators are conditional. That is, if your baby is gaining or growing faster/slower, more/less, this does not mean that his indicators do not meet the norm. He is an individual who does not have to be the same as everyone else. Your little one is unique, just like every person on earth. Remember this and love him for this, and also simply for the fact that he is your flesh and blood.

“Other people’s children grow up fast” is a well-known saying. However, their babies are also in a hurry to develop. This will be confirmed by any parents who just yesterday had a child in their family, and today he is trying to sit and talk.

Young mothers and fathers do not always have time to keep track of their child’s achievements; they are only surprised at how passionately and enthusiastically the child learns about the world around him. To make it easier to control the process of growing up of a toddler, there is a table of child development by month to year, which briefly but succinctly outlines the main achievements of the baby.

Weight, height and head circumference parameters are monitored monthly in the clinic. These values ​​are a direct reflection of the child's normal development. And his skills are noted and recorded by his parents, because every achievement of the baby is another step in his growing up and knowledge of the world around him.

Child development and achievement skills months
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
smiling X X
booms X X X
holds his head X X X
holds objects X X X
turns over X X X X
sits down X X X
crawls X X X
takes an item X X X X
gets up on his own X X X X
walks with support X X X X
stands on its own
walks independently

How to understand the development table

The information presented in the child development table up to one year differs from the usual appearance and understanding, since it contains few numbers. Only the top line includes periods of baby development by month.

The left column is a list of the child's skills and abilities from the first walks and smiles to independent walking and speech development. And at the intersection of age and skill there may be colored or empty cells. For example, at 2 months the cells with the ability to crawl or sit independently are uncolored, but at 7-8 months this skill appears and is consolidated, so the cells are painted over.

Understanding the child development chart is not difficult at all. It is important to note that opposite each skill, 3-4 cells of different ages are filled in. This is due to the fact that each baby develops differently.

The ability to roll over from stomach to back and back at 4-5 months is considered normal, but if a child has mastered this process at 6 months, this is also normal. Therefore, the information in the table should be used as a starting point for comparison. And don’t worry if your baby is behind in something. Only a pediatrician can draw conclusions about developmental delay based on many factors in the child’s maturation.

Features of child development under 1 year

A child grows up gradually, one skill follows another. A baby cannot learn to pronounce sounds and syllables before humming, or to grasp small objects in his hands until he has learned to grasp large ones. In addition to this sequence, there is also an age dependence. You should not try to sit down a toddler at 4 months; his spine is not yet ready for such a load.

Having looked at the table of skills and abilities of a child under one year old, and also having found out what a baby should be able to do at his age, a caring mother and father can help him learn about the world around him. Each age has its own games and activities that will help develop and consolidate certain skills.

Recently, it has become popular and fashionable to use methods of early childhood development, each of which offers incredible results, for example, the ability to read and write at two years old. However, it is important to understand who needs it more – the baby or mom and dad.

As the authors Nina Nekrasova and Zaryana Nekrasova noted in their book “Love without conditions, raise without effort”: “Children grow on their own. And everything happens in due time. We just need to not interfere with this natural process, but support, help, protect.”

How does a baby change in the first six months?

Immediately after the birth of a child, the process of adaptation to a new life begins. At first he will sleep a lot, waking up only to feed and carry out natural needs, but gradually the time he is awake will increase. When the baby is not sleeping, he looks with interest at everything that surrounds him. Within a month or a month and a half, he will begin to recognize the people who are most often near him - his mother, father, grandmother or older sister. At about the same age, he will give his parents his first smile.

At the age of two to three months, the child will learn to hold his head and find the source of the sound he hears. This is why children love rattles and bells so much. In the fourth month of life, the toddler will turn over from his back to his stomach for the first time, and from this period the development of his activity will begin. At the same age, the baby will consciously reach for a toy and will be delighted that he was able to grab it.

Towards the end of the first half of the year, the baby will actively “communicate”, copying the sounds that he hears. At this age, he can transfer an object from one hand to another, and makes attempts to sit independently.

How does a child develop between 6 and 12 months?

The second half of a child’s life is characterized by increased activity. He tries to sit on his own and even learns to sit up on his own from a lying position. At 7-8 months, the baby will attempt to crawl independently. When his spine and muscular corset are ready for this, parents can help him learn such a useful skill.

Larisa, mother of one-year-old Angelina: “Angelina is one of those children who go from the stage of sitting independently to the stage of walking. She hardly crawled, and even now, at the age of one year, she does it rarely and slowly. At first I was very worried, I tried to teach her to crawl, but after several months of useless attempts I complained to our pediatrician. The doctor said that there are children who go beyond the crawling stage. She is developing correctly and growing absolutely healthy, so there is nothing to worry about. Alya took her first steps at 10 months, and now she can walk almost confidently.”

At the age of 8 months, a child learns to fold a pyramid, sort objects by color and size, and stack cubes on top of each other. Among the games that the baby likes most are “Magpie-Crow”, “Ladushki” and hide-and-seek. They help develop the child's speech and communication skills.

In the ninth month of life, most children first stand on their feet, holding onto support. In a few weeks, the baby will learn to stand confidently, then take his first steps at the back of the crib or playpen. At the age of 11-12 months, many toddlers take the first step without support or support.

By this age, the child’s speech continues to actively develop, he confidently pronounces simple syllables, and can say his first word. At the same time, all children understand the speech of adults, respond to simple requests and perform simple actions that mom or dad asks.

The child development chart by month to year is a short guide to all of the above and some other skills to help parents navigate the skills of their toddler. But focusing on this information, it is important to remember that not every child fits generally accepted standards, and deviations from the norm are not always a sign of pathology.

The first year of a child's life is very important for every baby. It determines the further emotional and mental, mental and physical development of children. During this period, the immune system and nervous system are formed, the body adapts to the surrounding world. The newborn grows and develops quickly, gains weight and height, and masters new skills. He is gradually learning to walk and talk.

Moreover, each age is characterized by new knowledge and discoveries. The norm for weight, height and other physical characteristics is quite arbitrary. Each baby is characterized by individual development, parameters and norms, which a pediatrician helps determine and control. In this article we will look at the child’s development calendar by month from birth to one year. And we will find out in detail what a child should be able to do by month.

First month

In the first weeks of life, the child sleeps 60-80% of the time. At this stage, it is important for babies to have their mother constantly nearby and timely feeding with breast milk. Therefore, it is important for a nursing mother. Particular attention is paid to the premature newborn, who is additionally prescribed special milk formulas.

Despite the fact that the baby sleeps almost all the time, for normal development it is important to pay attention to walks in the fresh air. While awake, swim and take baths, do massage and exercises for newborns. In addition, you need to accustom your baby to a day-night routine.

In the first month of life, the baby can:

  • Cry and smile;
  • Recognize mother's voice, smell and touch;
  • Make micromovements, actively move your arms and legs;
  • Distinguish between bright colors, striped and checkered patterns;
  • Focus your gaze on the face of an adult or on a bright stationary object and follow a moving object. To develop this skill, you can hang a hanging toy in the stroller or above the crib;
  • Pronounce sounds in time with the speaker’s speech and distinguish the features of sounds;
  • Raise and hold the head for several seconds while lying on your tummy.

In the first month, the baby gains 90-150 grams per week. Thus, by the beginning of the second month of life, the child’s weight on average increases by 0.4-0.7 kg compared to birth weight. At the same time, during the day he eats every two hours, at night the baby is fed three to five times.

Second month

The second month is the “revival” stage, when the baby begins to distinguish between the emotions of adults and becomes more active. Towards the end of this period, weight gain is approximately 800 grams, and height increases by three centimeters. At this age, the chest girth and head circumference of the child become larger. In addition, at two months the baby can already do the following:

  • Raise and hold your head for a short time (10-20 seconds);
  • Spread your arms to the side and roll over from side to back;
  • and pronounce the sounds “a”, “o”, “u”, combinations of “agu”, “aha” and “bu”;
  • Focus and hold your gaze on a stationary object that is located at a distance of up to one and a half meters;
  • Follow objects with your eyes and try to reach the object;
  • Turn your head towards the sound source and look for the sound source with your eyes;
  • Grasp and hold a light object for up to 30 seconds;
  • Raise your chest for a few seconds while lying on your stomach;
  • Perceive the colors red, yellow, orange, black and white.

At two months, the child increasingly develops facial expressions and intonation. The baby's coordination of movements improves, speech development, hearing and vision development are observed. However, the baby does not yet hear all sounds, cannot focus his eyes on quickly moving objects and cannot hold something in his hands for a long time.

Third month

This period is characterized by meaningful expression of emotions, individual intonations of the voice appear, and the sense of smell begins to develop. Now the baby can recognize his mother not only by touch, voice or appearance, but also by smell. In addition, at this age the relationship between hearing and vision is formed.

By the age of three months, a child should learn to do the following:

  • Operate with your own hands;
  • Take and hold toys in your hands, bring objects to your own face, reach for hanging toys with your hands;
  • Roll over from back to side, from back to stomach and from stomach to back;
  • Rise up on your elbows while lying on your stomach;
  • , lying on your stomach;
  • Laugh out loud;
  • Fix your gaze on the toy, small objects and large patterns, follow the movement of large objects;
  • Notice an object lying on your back, on your side, on your stomach, or in the arms of an adult;
  • Listen to the sound of the rattle and turn your head towards the source of the sound;
  • Look at the person speaking and listen to the music, singing, etc.

The child's height and weight increase. There is an increase in body weight by 700-800 grams, height increases by 3-3.5 centimeters. The movements of the baby's arms and legs become more coordinated, and the babies themselves become more mobile. They easily roll over from back to stomach and back.

Fourth month

The development of a child at four months is characterized by activity and increased liveliness. The baby responds well to familiar faces, voices and toys, waves his arms and legs, laughs and smiles in response to the person or object he recognizes. In addition, he is already beginning to recognize and respond to his name.

Thus, the baby can:

  • Recognize familiar faces and voices of people who constantly care for the baby;
  • Recognize objects and toys, highlight your favorite ones;
  • Grasp and hold objects, while the grasping is no longer reflexive, but purposeful;
  • Shake the rattle yourself;
  • Raise yourself on your arms with support on your palms, lying on your stomach. In this case, the baby may not hold his head up for long;
  • Support the bottle when feeding;
  • Pronounce the first syllables and repeat after the speaker;
  • Listen to music and shake your head to the beat, highlight and prefer specific melodies;
  • Distinguish between bright colors and pure shades;
  • Place your palms and clap. By the way, the old game of okay will help.

The child's weight increases by 700-750 grams, and height increases by 2-2.5 centimeters.
At this age, the development of hearing and vision progresses noticeably. Cards with pictures are starting to be used for games. By the way, children at four months perceive well sounds that imitate the sounds of animals.

Fifth month

At five months, many parents move the baby into the playpen and practice games and exercises to develop fine motor skills. Proper exercises will accelerate the development of speech, and the baby will begin to speak more quickly. For games, choose bright colored rattles and musical toys, bags and soft toys with special filling for the development of motor skills, rugs and patchwork blankets.

At this age, a child can:

  • Recognize toys and melodies, look at pictures;
  • Monitor the movements of objects and people;
  • Pronounce sounds and some syllables, try to repeat words after an adult;
  • Grasping and holding objects, reaching for and touching toys;
  • Handles toys independently for up to ten minutes;
  • Try to sit up by pulling yourself up on your arms;
  • Raise your arms and legs while lying on your back and examine your own body parts;
  • Distinguish and perceive up to six colors simultaneously.

Note that after five months the increase in the child’s weight and height decreases. The fact is that the child begins to lead a more active and mobile lifestyle. In addition, at that age, some babies are already teething. As a rule, this occurs at six to seven months. But there is nothing to worry about if they appear earlier.

Six months

Six months is a turning point for a baby. This is the period of the appearance of the first teeth and the introduction of complementary foods. The child becomes more mobile and independent, tries to sit up on his own. Now the baby can sleep peacefully and soundly throughout the night. The baby can already be given cubes and pyramids to play with.

At six months, in addition to the already acquired skills, the baby can do the following:

  • Searches for and finds hidden toys or covered objects;
  • Independently and crawls to the toy that he sees in front of him;
  • Controls both hands at the same time. Can clap hands, pick up and throw objects, transfer things from one hand to another, and hold a toy in each hand;
  • Knows and pronounces up to 40 different sounds;
  • Opens and closes boxes, puts objects away;
  • Sits with the help of an adult and independently.

A six-month-old child is characterized by mobility and stability of the hands and fingers. He easily recognizes feelings and emotions. At six months, the first complementary foods begin to be introduced. These should be vegetable purees made from natural hypoallergenic products. Zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower are suitable options. But this does not mean that you need to completely give up breastfeeding.

WHO experts recommend continuing breastfeeding as long as the baby needs milk, while lactation continues, and feeding does not cause discomfort to the mother. The recommended age for completing breastfeeding reaches 1.5-2 years. With the introduction of complementary foods, the number of breastfeedings is gradually reduced and replaced with adult food. You will find a detailed schedule for introducing complementary foods for infants.

Seven months

At this age, the baby becomes a real fidget. He begins to distinguish objects and can point to them. At this age, the baby begins to take its first steps, sits confidently and crawls independently, including backwards. Babies at this age love to swim. You can teach your child to swim and bathe, make special baths with sea salt, pine needles and herbs.

Thus, at seven months, a baby can:

  • Confidently sit with a straight back and crawl;
  • Drink from a supported mug;
  • Get up and stand at the support;
  • with support under the arms or hands;
  • Knocking and shaking, disassembling and breaking, throwing objects on the floor;
  • Hold a toy in each hand and knock against each other;
  • Show where the eyes, nose, mouth and ears are.

By the end of the seventh month, the child’s weight increases by 500-600 grams and height by two centimeters. Try to keep the floor and toys clean, regularly sterilize objects, as a baby at this age loves to try everything and often puts different parts in his mouth.

Eight months

The baby can move independently and freely, sit down, and climb, so do not leave your child at a height. He looks at new toys with interest, can recognize mom and dad in a photo, and wave his hand after them. At this age, the baby is already trying to eat on his own and begins to understand what is being asked of him.

The child carries out simple tasks, can bring and show something, easily assembles cubes and pyramids, and closes jars with lids. The first conscious words appear. As a rule, these are “dad”, “mom”, “give”, “no” and so on. Eight-month-old babies love to listen to music, dance, stomp their feet and clap their hands.

The baby's weight increases by 500-600 grams, height - by two centimeters. At eight months, the baby’s diet must include cottage cheese. They saturate the body with calcium and strengthen the bone skeleton, which is still too fragile in the baby. Don't forget about vegetables and fruits, dairy-free cereals. Dishes for infants should be unleavened, stewed, boiled or steamed without spices or seasonings. You can gradually include fish in your diet.

Nine to ten months

The baby can get up and move independently, grabbing and holding on to a chair, sofa, bed, playpen or other large objects. At this age, the child learns to walk independently, repeats syllables and simple words after adults and can easily drink from a cup.

Thus, the child can do the following:

  • Gets up from a sitting position and sits down from a lying position;
  • Stands and walks with support;
  • Tries to climb onto a sofa or chair, open drawers;
  • Crawls and turns around independently;
  • Knows how to collect and where to put toys;
  • Tries to reach surrounding objects;
  • Emotions are actively manifested and speech develops;
  • Tries to eat with a spoon;
  • Takes small objects, puts fingers into holes, tears paper and crumples plasticine;
  • Knows and understands the meaning of the words “go”, “sit”, “give”, “lie down”, and follows simple commands.

At ten months, a child imitates adults and animals, plays independently with toys and confidently holds objects in his hands, can leaf through books with his fingers and, with the help of adults, play with other children. These kids love to dance, jump and clap their hands. They understand what to do with toys: push a tumbler, roll a car, build a tower of cubes, string rings onto a pyramid, etc.

Children can put and rearrange toys, but are more interested in small objects than large ones. They show parts of the face of themselves, their mother and the doll, and can pronounce the names of surrounding objects and animals. In the ninth and tenth month, weight increases by 350-400 grams, height - by one centimeter.

Eleven to twelve months

At this age, the baby is already quite big and mature. He actively moves independently, sits down, crawls and stands up, and can walk a short distance without support. The child understands simple requests and strict speech, names most objects, and learns to speak his first words.

Every year a child tries to show independence. He eats himself with a spoon, puts on socks and shoes. Children react vividly to a new toy, an unfamiliar environment and a stranger. It’s interesting that kids love praise, but they understand when they are being scolded and know what “not to do.”

The child can shake his head affirmatively or negatively and grab beads. He loves musical toys and books with bright pictures. At one year of age, the baby gets up from a squatting position and walks independently, uses a spoon and a cup, and knows how to chew solid food. Therefore, the infant’s diet is significantly expanded. The baby can be given fish and meat, dairy products and eggs, many vegetables and fruits, and cookies. Children begin to prepare milk porridges and light meals.

At one year old, a baby can step over obstacles and squat to pick up an object from the floor. He assembles and disassembles toys, knows how to use various objects (broom, hammer, telephone). An inquisitive baby actively takes part in dressing, feeding, brushing teeth, bathing and other similar procedures.

A year old child understands what is said to him and repeats sounds from adults watching TV. At the same time, the baby’s own vocabulary is already 10-15 words. In most cases, children can already walk independently without support. The child's taste is developing, and he can easily refuse food that he does not like.

We looked at the basic development of the child by month to year. It is quite conditional, like physical indicators. Much depends on the upbringing, character and temperament of the child. Let's take a closer look at such indicators as head and chest coverage, weight and height of the child by month.

Physical development of children under one year old

The physical development of a child by month up to 1 year depends on whether it is a boy or a girl, on the conditions of nutrition, maintenance and care of children. Each person is characterized by personal developmental characteristics. Therefore, indicators may differ from the norm for the development of a child up to one year old.

Deviations do not indicate problems in the baby’s health. If the baby eats and sleeps well, feels well and is active, there is no reason to worry. However, WHO (World Health Organization) offers parents approximate data and characteristics. Recommended norms are indicated in the child development table by month for a boy and a girl.

Physical characteristics of girls under one year old

Age Height (cm) Weight, kg) Head circumference (cm) Chest circumference (cm)
1 month 50,3 – 56,1 3,6 – 4,7 35 – 38,1 34 – 38,1
2 months 53,5 – 59,3 4,2-5,5 36,7 – 39,8 35,6 – 39,9
3 months 56,2 – 61,8 4,8 – 6,3 38 – 42,1 37,3 – 41,4
4 months 58,4-64 5,4-7 39,1-42,2 38,9-43
5 months 60,8-66 5,9-7,7 40,3-43,2 40,3-44,5
six months 62,5-68,8 6,4-8,3 41,5 – 44,2 41,6-45,8
7 months 62,7-71,9 6-9 40,2-45,5 42-47
8 months 64-73,5 6,3-10,2 40,7-46 43-48
9 months 65,3-75 6,5-10,5 41,2-46,5 44,5-49,3
10 months 66,5-76,4 6,7-10,9 41,5-46,9 45-48
11 months 66,7-77,8 6,9-11,2 41,9-47,3 46-50,5
1 year 68,9-79,2 7-11,5 42,2-47,6 46,3-51,4

Physical characteristics of boys under one year old

Age Height (cm) Weight, kg) Head circumference (cm) Chest circumference (cm)
1 month 51,2 – 56,5 3,6 – 5,1 35,5 – 39,1 34,1 – 38,9
2 months 53,8 – 59, 4 4,2 – 6 37,4-41 35,7 – 40,8
3 months 56,5 – 62 4,9 – 7 39 – 42,5 36,5 – 41,6
4 months 58,7-64,5 5,5-7,6 40,2-43,6 38,6-44,6
5 months 61,1-67 6,1-8,3 41,2-44,6 40,1-45,7
six months 63-69 6,6-9 42-45,5 41,4-47,6
7 months 64,8-73,5 6,7-10 41,5-46,4 42-48
8 months 66,2-75 6,9-10,7 42-47 43,4-49,1

The development of a child up to one year old greatly depends on the parents, and especially on the mother. He cannot do without her care, warmth and tender eyes. The responsibilities of parents include not only proper feeding and hygienic care, but also gymnastics, regular walks and educational games.

The table below shows the average indicators of the physical development of a child up to one year old, which parents should focus on, however, in case of small deviations, one should not worry, because each child is individual in his own way.

The baby sleeps from 18 to 20 hours and can keep his gaze on any object or person bending over it. Movements are not coordinated. Reacts to the sounds of a rattle, bell or bell; loud sounds frighten him. Recognizes mother by voice and smell. Lying on his stomach, he tries to raise his head.

Two month

Lying on his stomach, he can raise his head for a short time. Tries to grab a toy. Reacts to sounds - looks for the source of sound with his eyes and turns his head. Makes sounds like "Ahu."

Three months

Knows how to laugh, clearly identifies the source of sound. Turns on its side and can hold its head for a long time. Attempts to grab toys are almost always successful. They know how to distinguish their close people from strangers.

Four months

The development of a child up to one year will be successful only with physical and emotional contact with his mother, which is why he loves communicating with her so much - he laughs, squeals with joy, babbles. At four months, the baby already holds his head, turns it, rolls over from his back to his tummy, and crawls on his belly. Holding the hands of an adult, he tries to sit up.

Five months

Tries to sit when his arms are pulled. Toys or any objects that fall into his hands are pulled into his mouth. Carefully examines the new surroundings. By the end of the month, your gums may itch and new teeth will erupt.

Six months

Confidently crawls on his stomach, can sit independently for a short time and walk with support from his armpits. Responds to its name and makes various sounds.

Seven months

He sits down with pleasure, stands on all fours, walks holding the hands of his parents, and while sitting in the crib, pulls himself up holding the slats. Loves water procedures. Makes many new sounds and syllables. At this age, the upper and lower teeth erupt.

Eight months

The child is able to transfer objects both from hand to hand and from container to container. Plays while sitting, stands up, holding onto a support. The range of sounds and syllables is ever wider. Four teeth should appear.

Nine month

He crawls well, sits, and also confidently crawls and climbs onto the sofa, walks holding onto the wall or other pieces of furniture. He is interested in everything - he wants to reach out and touch everything. The child tries to connect syllables, pronounces “mama” and other simple words.

Ten months

Many children can stand and even walk, slightly adhering to support, and easily carry toys from place to place. They react to the music, wave their arms, stomp and dance to the beat. They repeat the gestures and facial expressions of adults.

Eleven months

The child takes his first steps without the help of adults. Reluctantly, but understands the meaning of the word “impossible” and the strict intonation. He waves “goodbye” and says some simple words. Holds a spoon and a child's glass well.

Twelve months

He gets up and walks independently, and can run. Understands the purpose of the telephone and switch. Uses a spoon confidently. Loves to play hide and seek and look for hidden objects. Expresses his request in simple words, calls his parents.

The development of a child up to one year old largely depends on doing gymnastics and properly performed massage. Each period has its own physical exercises and massage methods. The main thing is not to do harm, so young parents should consult a specialist on this issue. Well, mother’s gentle stroking and touching will never be superfluous.

Young parents who have recently given birth to a long-awaited baby will have to make many discoveries and gain a lot of new knowledge about the life of a newborn baby. Moms and dads should definitely find out how the child develops month by month up to 1 year, and what ratio of weight and height the baby should have at a particular age, etc. This information will help monitor the health and general condition of the baby and identify possible deviations in time.

Brief information

In 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO for short) developed new international standards for weight and height in children in the first 12 months of life. The graphs and tables that pediatricians have used up to this point were compiled more than 20 years ago. They were suitable mainly for those babies who were bottle-fed, and therefore exceeded current standards by approximately 15-20%. Any modern child development chart contains objective indicators that make it possible to assess whether a newborn boy or girl is lagging behind in growth, is gaining weight normally, and is developing correctly mentally and emotionally.


The height of a newborn baby usually varies on average from 49 to 53 centimeters. The weight of a newly born baby can be 2.9-3.7 kilograms, the head circumference reaches 34 centimeters, and the chest volume is 32-34 centimeters. These physical parameters may differ slightly from WHO standards due to heredity, gender and health status of the baby, mother’s diet during pregnancy, etc. A healthy baby should move his arms and legs, respond to sounds, and cry due to external stimuli.

Characteristics by month

1 month

During the first month of life, the child’s body weight should increase by 600-750 grams. A one-month-old baby should weigh on average 4-4.5 kilograms. The increase in height 30 days after birth should be 2-3 centimeters; during this period the baby can grow to 54-56 centimeters. The circumference of the head and chest increases by 2-4 centimeters by month. At this age, the baby begins to walk, smile, and follow moving objects. Also, one-month-old babies should lie on their stomach and try to hold their head for a few seconds.

2 months

The monthly development calendar of the average child contains data that by two months the baby grows to 57-60 centimeters (an increase of about 3 cm) and gains body weight of about 5.1-5.8 kilograms (an increase in weight of 0.7-1 kg). By the age of two months, the development of a newborn reaches the level when the baby begins to confidently hold his head, grabs objects with his hands, shows interest in the world around him, and turns to sounds that interest him.

3 months

The child development calendar contains the following norms for the height and weight of children at three months: on average, the baby should grow to 60-63 centimeters and gain weight of about 5.8-6.5 kilograms. The baby's head circumference should reach 39-40 cm, chest volume 40-42 cm. A three-month-old baby can look at surrounding objects for a long time, suck his fingers, arms and legs, and make various sounds. At this age, the baby should rise, supported on his forearms, and try to roll over from his back to his side and onto his tummy.

4 months

World health scientists say that by the age of 4 months, children should reach 62-65 centimeters and weigh 6.5-7 kilograms. By this age, the child begins to develop conscious emotions (joy, anger, etc.), and continues to develop grasping skills and fine motor skills. 4-month-old babies confidently roll over from back to stomach and vice versa.

5 months

The physical development of children at 5 months is still very intensive. Babies grow to 64-67 centimeters and gain body weight of about 6.9-7.6 kilograms. The head circumference at this age is on average 42 cm, the chest circumference is 44 cm. If the child’s development from birth does not have any deviations, then by the fifth month of life the baby will recognize his parents, other family members, pets, loved ones toys, etc. A five-month-old baby loves to look at pictures, can hold objects with both hands, and begins to sit down with support.

6 months

The height and weight of a child under one year old cannot stand in one place for a long time. Six-month-old babies grow to 66-68 centimeters and gain weight to 7.5-8 kilograms. During this period of life, the baby begins to sit without adult support, tries to crawl, and sometimes tries to stand up, holding onto support. A 6-month-old baby should respond to his name, pronounce simple syllables, and listen to his parents speak.

7 months

The table for the development of a healthy child up to one year old contains information that a 7-month-old baby should weigh approximately 7.6-8.4 kilograms, height - 67-69 centimeters, head circumference - 44 centimeters, chest circumference - 46 centimeters. The physical development of a child is assessed according to the following criteria: the baby must sit confidently, crawl, stand on legs with support, and hold objects of various shapes in his hands. By this age, the baby tries to drink from a mug and can play for a long time with his favorite toys.

8 months

According to WHO, by 8 months the baby grows to 69-71 centimeters and gains body weight of about 7.9-8.7 kilograms. At this stage of life, the baby gets up from the floor on his own and is already trying to walk, holding onto a support. An 8-month-old baby says his first words (“mom”, “dad”, etc.), shows objects that his parents call, dances to his favorite music, understands simple requests (“take”, “bring”).

9 months

Looking at the child development calendar developed by WHO, you can get information that the height of a 9-month-old baby should be 70-72 centimeters, and the weight should reach 8.2-9 kilograms. The chest circumference of children of this age is 47-48 cm, the head circumference is 45 cm. During this period of time, the baby takes its first independent steps. Actively imitates adults and other children, plays meaningfully with toys, can show parts of the face and body, as well as various objects.

10 months

A child's development up to one year usually occurs very quickly. By the age of 10 months, the body length of healthy babies reaches 72-73 centimeters. Children at this age weigh approximately 8.5-9.3 kilograms. An older child can already grab and hold very small objects with his fingers, go down and up the stairs with the support of an adult, wave his hand when saying goodbye or greeting family members. The baby tries to eat on his own with a spoon, can imitate the voices of animals, actively uses gestures and facial expressions, and understands most of the parents’ requests.

11 months

WHO studies and observations indicate that 11-month-old babies grow to 73-75 centimeters and gain body weight of about 8.7-9.5 kilograms. By this age, the baby can assemble a simple pyramid, stack cubes, and play pats. The vocabulary of children begins to gradually expand; during this period of life, children can carefully study colored books and show interest in moving and musical toys.

12 months

By the age of one year, the height of a healthy child should reach approximately 74-77 centimeters, weight - 8.9-9.7 kilograms, head circumference - 46 cm, chest circumference - 49 cm. One-year-old children walk independently, pronounce about 10-15 words, and know how to drink from a mug, bite off pieces of solid food, and understand how to use various objects. At one year old, the baby knows that this is possible and not possible, but at the same time he may not comply with the prohibitions of his parents.

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