What a year-old child should be able to do: psychomotor and speech skills. What a one-year-old child should be able to do: psychomotor and speech skills Required skills and abilities of a one-year-old child

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 07/02/2019

Don't be discouraged if your little one can't do any of the following. Some children develop faster, others slower. These are average indicators of what a one-year-old child should be able to do. It is normal if a child is a little behind the norm for his age.

What should a 1 year old child be able to do? Remember, the child does not owe anything to anyone. It develops as intended by its nature. Try to work out with him, spend more time on cognitive and developmental useful activities. And don't make hasty conclusions. Albert Einstein spoke at the age of three, and in his childhood he was far from looking like a child prodigy. So the information provided below should not in any way affect your opinion of the child.

What can a child do at twelve months?

  • speak about fifteen easy words and their imitations;
  • walk without assistance;
  • change behavior in front of different people;
  • do independent things;
  • express negative emotions vividly;
  • fold pyramids, make a tower from several figures;
  • make sausages or cakes from plasticine;
  • show interest in certain activities, express love or dislike for them;
  • comment on what is happening while drawing;
  • bite and chew hard food;
  • use a spoon and cup independently;
  • squat, stand up on your own;
  • climb on and off the sofa;
  • open and close the lids of jars, put things in and take them out;
  • imitate the behavior of adults - feed, scold, care for their toys;
  • open and close cabinets, take things out and put them away;
  • emotionally show different feelings;
  • react to music;
  • imitate the speech of adults;
  • wave your arms like goodbye, say ok to you;
  • distinguish and point to objects;
  • make faces.

The first year is the most significant. A tiny little person who has little understanding of what is happening has become more confident and independent, now the little one knows what he wants and demands it from others. Now you are already communicating with him using words, he has ten or fifteen of them.

For the most part, the child’s pronunciation is emotional, defies the laws of grammar and is more like continuous interjections. The child often speaks to himself, but when turning to others, he expects understanding with a timely response. He may gesture to let you know what he needs. He happily does whatever you ask him to do.

The child perceives words of prohibition and encouragement, understands when he is scolded and when he is given freedom of action. He already knows the name of the classes. For example, walk, eat, relax, and gives a reaction to them accordingly. He can rejoice or resist.

Showing stubbornness

The child often acts independently, he becomes proud and insists on his own. If they don’t respond to him, he may fall to the floor, stomp his feet, and squeak.

You should forgive the child for such hysteria and help him learn to cope with his emotions. If he doesn't learn this with your help, he may have health problems in the future.

When a child behaves this way, try to explain to him that you understood what he wanted, try to calm him down and rock him. When your child is in a good mood again, go back to the situation and clarify what was wrong and why his behavior was unacceptable. This way you can learn to overcome emotional crises and transition periods with your child.

Try to give your child the opportunity to exercise independence and make choices.

For example, you know that you will dress your child faster or are in a hurry, but let him at least pull on a hat or sock. Give your child the opportunity to choose the clothes he wants to wear today. Ask where he wants to go or how to play. Offer to choose lunch. These simple independent decisions will help him understand that he is important and is taken into account. He will develop in his independence.

There is no need to force the baby to do what he does not want to do. Within reason.

For example, you don’t need to force him to draw or add cubes if he doesn’t want to do it now. There is no benefit from such coercion, and the child may suffer psychologically from parental violence.

At one year old, children walk without assistance. They really love things that they can roll in front of them. This could be a stroller, for example.

If your child does not walk at all, there is no need to be upset. It is worth spending more time on gymnastics with massage. Pretty soon he will start walking.

Endurance test for mom

One of his progress is the ability to express himself differently in front of different people. And the closer a person is to him, the more capricious and playful he is. With strangers, he is the most well-mannered and modest child.

When mom is nearby, the baby fights, plays around, stomps her feet, and spits out food. It may seem to mom that he is testing the strength of her love.

Indeed, it is important for a child to make sure that his mother will love him in every possible way.

And the sooner he understands this, the less harmful he will be. If the mother reacts inappropriately to such pampering, the child’s behavior will only worsen.

At one year old, all foods can already be introduced into the baby’s diet.

But there needs to be a ban on sweets, spicy foods, seasonings, tomatoes, regular cottage cheese, and sausages.

The good news is that the child holds a spoon and fork with dexterity and knows how to use them. The usual bottles with nipples can be replaced with cups or sippy cups. At least at home.

Games for the development of a one-year-old child

Pushing - games for confidence and coordination

At one year old, children love the ability to push objects. They like to follow the movement, they like that they are the ones who make these things move. Playful pushing gives children a sense of power and personal strength. This is an excellent method for building confidence and developing children's coordination.

You can take a couple of things that are easy to push. These can be all sorts of toys, cars. On the count of three, push her and motivate the child to do the same. When the baby constantly repeats this count, it means he liked playing like this.

Caring - how to raise an affectionate child

To make your child grow up affectionate, play this game. Sitting on the floor, place his soft toys around the baby. Take one of them, caress it, rock it, talk to it kindly, give it a couple of compliments. Then also gently caress the baby. Then give one of the toys to the child and ask him to stroke it. Keep playing like this until he gets bored. Then you will see how the child begins to play it himself. This is how you instill the ability to show love to others.

Squeakers - creative games

Try singing your favorite songs in a subtle voice. Take him in your arms, sing a song in a normal tone, then in a thin voice. The child's attention will be higher the second time. If you say words in a subtle voice, the child concentrates more on them.


Place your child on your lap with his face facing you. On the count: one... three-boom, carefully lean his forehead against you. Then, at the same count, press his nose, and each time press a new part of the body.

Trust and love

Take the baby in your arms and, rocking him to sleep, sing a lullaby or other soothing song like “Bayushki.” Such movements will calm the baby and strengthen the trusting ties between you. At the end of the song, be sure to hug him tightly and kiss him.

Getting into the hole - developing fine motor skills and dexterity

You need a vessel with a large neck, or even a saucepan. Let your child put objects in there. And each time choose a vessel with a narrower neck until you reach a plastic bottle. Tie an object to a twenty-centimeter long string, and show the child how to put the object in and out of the bottle. In this exercise you develop fine motor skills of the child’s hands, as well as dexterity and vigilance.

You can buy something similar in a store - for example, a tabletop fishing table, where you can use a magnet to catch fish with a fishing rod. But if you make such a toy with your own hands, then you can, firstly, show your imagination, and secondly, periodically upgrade it so that the child does not get bored with the game.

All children are individual, don't forget about it! Don’t adjust your child to general patterns, educate your child as an individual.

Read further:

How fast children grow. It seems like just yesterday that the baby was brought from the maternity hospital, but today he is already over a year old. On the playground, mothers boast about the successes of their babies, their small victories. For many parents this is a very difficult period. What to do if, according to your neighbors, their children are smart, active, talkative, but your child is the most ordinary and does not show signs of genius? What should a child of 1 year and 1 month be able to do, let’s try to figure it out.

The baby actively explores the world around him. This is already a completely independent and very curious little one. Boys and girls of this age differ in physical parameters, they are interested in different toys and activities.


He has grown significantly; according to WHO, the physical parameters of a child at this age are:

  • height - from 73.5 to 78.4 centimeters;
  • weight - from 8.7 to 11 kilograms;
  • head circumference - from 44.9 to 47.6 centimeters;
  • number of teeth - 8 pieces.

Since boys develop a little slower than girls, a son at this age may not yet begin to walk. He actively crawls, can do folding cubes or pyramids, rolls a car, loves a musical rug or a hammer. Plays independently for several minutes without involving parents in the process.


In terms of physical parameters, girls are usually slightly inferior to boys, but at the same time they develop faster and are more socialized. Physical development of girls:

  • height - from 70.5 to 76.8 centimeters;
  • weight - from 8 to 10.2 kilograms;
  • head circumference - from 43.7 to 44.6 centimeters;
  • number of teeth - 8 pieces.

The vast majority of girls by this age already know how to walk. They try not to lose sight of their mother. A daughter at this age can practically eat on her own, and in games she tries to feed a bear or a doll. Be sure to involve parents in the game. Babies at this age love to sit in their mother’s arms, looking at a bright book.

If the child does not fit into these standards a little, there is no reason to worry, but in the case of a serious delay in height and weight or a significant excess of these parameters, you should consult a pediatrician.

Important: if your baby doesn’t walk yet and is slightly overweight, don’t worry, the pounds will go away as soon as he learns to walk.

At 13 months, the baby moves a lot. He can crawl quickly and walk while holding onto support. Those who started at 8-11 months can already move quite independently and even learn to run. A child at this age requires increased attention from loved ones; he should not be left alone for a minute, since a nimble baby should be protected from danger.

Differences in raising a boy and a girl

Boys and girls differ from birth not only in gender. At 13 months, the psychological differences between them are very noticeable. Girls begin to walk and talk earlier and, as a rule, do not get so seriously ill. Boys stand more firmly on their feet and explore the world around them more actively.

Both girls and boys at this age need their mother’s hugs and tactile contact, but girls still need a little more than the younger representatives of the stronger sex. A father should be involved in raising his son from the first months of his life. It should be borne in mind that the son subconsciously copies the behavior of his father, and the girl - her mother.

Boys need to be given more independence, while encouraging words for the smallest achievements. Girls love to communicate more; they practically cannot play on their own without involving mom or dad in the process. Boys can get carried away with cubes or a pyramid, completely not paying attention to those around them and not even responding to the call of their parents.

Of course, every parent wants to pamper their son or daughter, however, it should be remembered that the baby, regardless of gender, very quickly gets used to excessive care, and then it is difficult for both adult family members and the child to adjust.

What should a child be able to do at this age?

A baby at this age can recognize and demonstrate the full range of emotions and moods. He notices his mother’s sadness and may burst into tears, reacts joyfully to the smiles of loved ones, and observing the surprise or puzzlement of the baby when meeting the outside world is simply hilarious. Normally, he still reacts with caution, but already with great interest, to children of the same age and timidly tries to contact them.

At this age, the child tries to learn more about the world around him. He explores with interest the room and apartment to which he is accustomed, tries to independently get to the things that interest him, and does this very quickly.

He knows the names of almost all the usual toys, fulfills simple requests and tasks: “give me a bunny”, “for a bucket”. The baby develops an infant language when, in addition to humming, baby babble contains syllables and even individual words: mom, dad, give, beep. He listens to his own voice and changes his intonation.

The child interacts with toys. Pushes, throws, pulls, tries to hide. He enjoys these activities, he is aware of his own capabilities and greatly rejoices at new discoveries. Rejoice with your child, show him how to play with toys, encourage him to take action.

The baby is already sitting on a high chair and eating with a spoon. Of course, it is easier to feed and water him, it will be much faster, and there will be no need to clean the kitchen, but you should not demand skill and independence from a child if no one showed him how to do it and did not allow him to make mistakes. If the child does not walk yet, lead him by the hands, encourage him to reach a bright toy on his own, call him while sitting on the sofa, let him take his first steps. And, of course, do not forget to praise your baby, talk to him, and explain your simplest actions.

Neuropsychic development

At this age, the child is very active, he tries to get to the bright things in the apartment, tries to open cabinet doors, go on a trip to the kitchen or bathroom, where there are a lot of interesting things. Here is an approximate list of a child’s skills at this age:

  • walks or crawls quickly;
  • stands holding the edge of the sofa or other support if you need to look at something:
  • squats down, bends over to pick up a toy;
  • rolls a ball, a car on a string, and other moving toys;
  • builds a tower from cubes;
  • knows about 10-15 simple words, understands much more;
  • drinks from a cup independently, tries to eat with a large spoon.

He begins to take an interest in his peers, is able to feed a doll, and bring his favorite toy to his mother. Of course, this is a very approximate list, the baby may be able to do a little more or less, the main thing is daily communication with the baby, games, and systematic activities with the baby.

Motor skills

Playing with water and sand is very useful for a child of this age; the baby enjoys mastering finger paints. He is already able to string pyramid rings and build a tower from cubes. Such activities are important for the baby; they should be short (no more than 15 minutes), but daily. When bathing, you can throw several floating bright toys into the bath and show your baby how to collect them in a bucket, or teach them to give them one at a time to mom. Even the simplest actions and new experiences develop the baby.

Speech development

To develop a child’s speech, you should talk to him as much as possible, slowly and clearly commenting on him and your actions. Read poems and fairy tales to your child, change your intonation when reading. Children at this age are very musical. They try to repeat simple children's songs, reproduce the melody, and learn to dance.

You can buy your baby a fidget spinner that spins when you blow on it, a whistle, a pipe. Exercises performed with these objects strengthen the muscles of the cheeks and tongue. Make requests to your child more often and do not forget to praise him.

Toys for children aged 1 year and 1 month

The baby will find balls of different sizes, cubes, and pyramids very useful. The sorter is one of the most convenient educational toys for children of this age. This is a container with holes of different shapes and figures that need to be inserted into a specific hole. With the help of such toys, you can teach your child the shapes of objects, colors; more complex models may contain animal figures. Rolling sorters are very convenient; a child can pull such a toy along with him.

Piggy bank

This simple game helps develop fine motor skills. You will need a wide-mouth jar, a plastic glass or container with a lid. Show how to put various brightly colored objects into the container through the slot in the lid and then pour them out. You can use large beads, large bright buttons, white and red beans. You need to show your baby how to rattle a jar. Of course, all classes are conducted under adult supervision.

Hiding the toy

A bright ribbon is tied to the baby's favorite toy. The toy should be hidden nearby so that the baby can see the tip of the ribbon. Then find a toy and rejoice in success together with your baby.

Charging for fingers

The simplest exercise for fingers at this age is “Magpie”, “This finger is a grandfather”, clenching and unclenching fingers into a fist, peeking through spread fingers. Any activity is performed only in a playful way; usually the baby is very interested in such exercises.

Activities and games

You can roll a ball with your child, disassemble and assemble a pyramid or nesting doll. You can teach your baby to close and open different jars with lids. Little ones really like books with bright pictures. Children develop in the process of close communication with their parents, they imitate the actions of adults, copy intonation and emotions. The more positive communication with the child is shown, the more joyful, happier and more connected the baby will be.

Developmental and auxiliary activities

For children of this age, bright musical rugs, pyramids, tumblers, sets of cubes and molds are very useful. When choosing interactive toys, you should be careful - such a toy can scare the baby.


Since the baby has begun to move much more and get dirty, he should be washed more often. During a walk, in addition to wet wipes, disinfection solutions may be useful, since the baby cannot avoid falls and scratches. Your baby should be brushed daily. The child should be seated next to adults for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This will allow him to quickly learn how to properly use a spoon, cup, and eat independently.

Possible problems

You should stick to the regime. A one-year-old child should sleep 2 times a day. He needs to gain strength for future discoveries. Having got used to the regime, he will become less capricious, and mom will have much-needed time for her own needs.

At this age, the child develops rapidly, his vocabulary is replenished, and new skills appear. If your baby does not fully meet these standards, there is no need to worry. However, if he is severely delayed in development, consultation with a specialist is necessary. If the problem is noticed at such a tender age, the child will have the opportunity, with the help of his parents, to catch up with his peers.

At this age, children, as a rule, already have the basic abilities that are so necessary for further knowledge of the world around them. For this reason, in order to promptly detect a delay in the development of their baby, it is extremely important for parents to know what a child should be able to do at the age of 1, what skills he should have by this time. Find out more about this period of baby growing up.

Child development at 1 year

Loving parents treat with great trepidation the first manifestations of a conscious perception of life in their children. At the same time, some mothers and fathers, in an effort to give their baby the best, sometimes go too far, which is usually expressed in the requirement that the child master skills that are not typical for his age. Remember that each baby is unique in its own way and you cannot turn the baby into an “object” of self-affirmation. With all this, you need to understand that there is a certain average set of skills that a toddler should have by the age of 12 months.

One should approach this kind of development indicators calmly and without fanaticism. Often, what a child can do at 1 year old depends entirely on the parents. The only exception is any pronounced symptoms of a baby’s developmental delay. In addition to these points, it is worth paying attention to the norms of the child’s weight and height. So, a one-year-old baby should triple its initial weight and grow by 25 cm. It is important to say that the indicated values ​​​​cannot be applied to premature children or those with problems with excess body weight.


By the age of one year, children, as a rule, already know how to stand, holding onto pieces of furniture or an adult, sit, and actively crawl. Some especially nimble kids can even walk. For the most part, children move around the house along a support or with support from one or two arms. At the same time, do not underestimate the little one and think that he will not be able to climb onto the windowsill or pull sharp objects off the table. By this time, the children are already quite smart and, if necessary, can substitute a chair.

When answering what a child of 1 year should be able to do, experts note that the rate of development of physical abilities completely depends on the degree of independence of the baby. For this reason, it is extremely important that the baby does the main “work” himself, but with parental support. By the way, if your little one wants to learn to walk, then give him the opportunity to take the first steps on his own, while not forgetting about safety nets.


One-year-old children, regardless of individual development rates, actively explore the world around them. Kids, as a rule, are very interested in taking objects from inaccessible places and mastering the skills of building a simple construction set. The last activity is very useful for the little one, as it allows them to develop fine motor skills. Regarding what a one-year-old child should be able to do from the point of view of psychological development, it is worth saying that by this time the baby already has the following basic skills:

  • knows how to assemble a pyramid from several rings;
  • plays with dishes and pretends to eat with a spoon or drink from a mug;
  • can build a tower from two cubes;
  • shows interest in unfamiliar objects;
  • feeds the dolls, combs them and puts them to bed;
  • can grasp small objects with two fingers;
  • imitates adults;
  • dances to music;
  • tries to open and close cabinet doors independently;
  • collects toys.

Baby skills at 1 year

Most babies can walk independently by 12 months. However, some one-year-old children still need their mother's help while moving around the house or playground. In addition, by this time the little one should be able to squat and freely rise from this position. The little man is becoming more and more independent every day, so parents need to pay him as much attention as possible. Based on communication with the mother, by the baby’s first birthday, one or another attitude towards the world around him is formed.

Required skills and abilities

When listing what a one-year-old child should be able to do, pediatricians often name, at first glance, completely unnecessary and inappropriate abilities. Nevertheless, these skills are an indicator of the success of the baby’s further development as a person. In a situation where a toddler cannot do any of the skills specified by experts, this should become a reason for parents to adjust the child’s upbringing. As for the required skills, a one-year-old toddler should be able to:

  • comply with adults' requests;
  • confidently hold light objects in your hands;
  • show emotions without hysterics and crying;
  • recognize familiar people;
  • react adequately emotionally to different situations;
  • show in pictures the objects in question;
  • through joint play, contact with peers;
  • speak at least a couple of words;
  • imitate adults, imitating their gestures and facial expressions.

How should a one year old child walk?

At this point, the baby is actively exploring the world around him. At the same time, the main skill that the toddler “works on” is walking. Most children by this time can move along a support or with the help of adults. Some children begin to walk early, but skip the crawling stage. With all this, it is worth paying attention to how the child walks. In a situation where the baby, while moving, places emphasis on his toes or spreads his legs too wide, you should seek advice from a pediatric orthopedist.

Self-care skills

The one-year-old toddler strives for independence with all his being. By this time, the baby is learning to eat on his own, which in no case excludes the mother’s participation in the process. Some children even try to dress themselves. Do not neglect this emotional impulse of the little one. Give your child clothes and give him the opportunity to practice as much as he can while watching this action from the side. Among other things, one-year-old children should be able to:

  • drink independently from a sippy cup or mug;
  • bite and chew solid food;
  • eat independently;
  • sit on the potty (essentially, the baby should ask to go to the potty and understand what it is for);
  • to wash hands.

Speech development in a 1 year old child

By 12 months, the toddler should understand speech addressed to him and fulfill simple requests from adults. One-year-old children react very sensitively to intonation, so it is extremely important not to overdo it when raising a baby. The baby should receive mostly positive emotions from communicating with his mother. There is no need to worry if the toddler does not know something from the list of what a child should say at 1 year old. In this situation, it is much more important that the baby understands the speech of adults and correctly perceives its emotional side.

How many words should a child speak per year?

The development of speech skills in children occurs in completely different ways. Some babies can already talk at one year old, while other toddlers are just learning to pronounce words. You can speed up your child’s speech development if you constantly have a lively conversation with him.. At the same time, it is very important to comment on everything that is happening around. The vocabulary of a one-year-old child includes only 2-10 words, which also includes onomatopoeia. In a situation where your baby cannot pronounce the simplest words and does not understand adult speech, he must be shown to a child psychologist.

What words should a child say per year?

By the age of one year, the baby has a limited vocabulary, so some children try to master onomatopoeia. I must say that many succeed in this. In the arsenal of toddlers by the age of one year, as a rule, there are two-valued words: mother, father, woman, grandfather. Most children are only capable of babbling and only understandable sounds. When answering what a one-year-old toddler should be able to do, pediatricians, moving on to speech development, usually name words like: bee-bee, give, ta-ta, mu-mu, la-la, dyad-dya, am-am.

Child behavior at 1 year

At this age, children still cannot control their emotions, often expressing them by crying, screaming and other unsightly actions. This kind of protest should be perceived as a completely normal phenomenon for this stage of the baby’s development. Correct behavior can be achieved solely through affection and encouragement. In addition, at one year old children begin to realize their isolation from their parents. They may cry because their mother has gone and left them alone. The baby must remember that although his mother is away, she is nearby and ready to come to his aid at any moment.


How quickly time flies! It seems like just yesterday you brought a snoring newborn into your home, and today your baby is already celebrating his first birthday! Parents are concerned with questions: how their baby is developing, what a 1-year-old child should be able to do, and what their child can do with it. Of course, all children are different and learn new things at different times. But there is a certain average set of skills, most of which children should master by the age of one.

First skills

The first year is not easy for a little person. There is so much to master! The baby approaches the annual milestone with basic skills on which his further achievements will be based:

  1. knows how to follow the movement of an object (or light) with its eyes;
  2. moves his eyes after the rattle, hears and is interested in its sound;
  3. gives loved ones their first smiles;
  4. knows how to keep his head upright;
  5. changes positions, rolls over from stomach to back and the other way;
  6. reaches for a rattle;
  7. is sitting;
  8. masters walking.

Physical development of the child

By the age of one year, children can sit, stand (holding onto an adult or pieces of furniture), stand on their feet, and crawl. Kids can get up from any position. Some babies skip the crawling stage.

Basically, babies can walk along a support, or with support from one or both arms. Particularly nimble children walk without support and even run.

The child’s physical development moves forward by leaps and bounds:

  • at 1 year old the baby can walk up the stairs with the support of an adult;
  • crawl up the stairs;
  • climb onto chairs, sofas, and other pieces of furniture;
  • children also climb down from beds, sofas, and slide down ladders.

Important! Therefore, do not leave your child in a room with open windows, sockets, or heavy objects that he could drop.

Even if it seems to you that the baby does not know how to climb onto the windowsill, know: you underestimate him! At this age, children realize to substitute a chair.

Psychomotor development of the baby

At one year of age, children are actively exploring the world around them. The child is interested in how this or that toy works, how several large parts of the construction set are connected into one whole.

By the age of one year, the child has the following skills:

  1. knows how to assemble and disassemble a pyramid of two or three rings;
  2. can form a turret from two cubes;
  3. knows how to remove lids from pots and boxes, can put an object in a box and close the lid;
  4. masters the first sorters: can push small objects into holes cut in the lid of a cardboard box;
  5. plays with dishes: “eats” with a spoon, “drinks” from a cup;
  6. can “comb” a toy, feed it or put it to sleep;
  7. plays with his clothes, hats, boots;
  8. takes toys with one or two hands, transfers them from hand to hand;
  9. can grasp small objects with two fingers (thumb and index finger);
  10. pushes a stroller, pushes a car, can push a ball to make it roll;
  11. tries to throw and catch a ball or other objects;
  12. knows how to open cabinet doors, pull out and close drawers, take things out of them, and put them back;
  13. copies the actions of other children: digs, claps, knocks on objects with a stick;
  14. plays like an adult: for example, he twirls a screwdriver like dad, or puts on lipstick like mom.

Emotions and integration into society

  • Closer to one year, babies begin to express their emotions more often with sounds, smiles, facial expressions, and not just crying;
  • Tactile expression of feelings also becomes more active: most children know how to hug and kiss (parents, other children, toys);
  • If you carefully observe your baby, you begin to understand his body language. Close people usually know well what the child wants to “tell” them. Children may be more withdrawn with strangers;
  • The baby knows well those whom he often sees: parents, other relatives; recognizes them in photographs and knows how to show them at the request of adults. He can also show cats, dogs, other animals or objects in pictures;
  • At this age, children already know how to leaf through books. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that not everyone is interested in books in one year, and this is normal: other kids will appreciate the charm of this activity a little later;
  • One-year-old children actively display both positive and negative emotions: they rejoice at the return of their parents from work, the appearance of a new toy. At the same time, they may cry if a stranger addresses them, or get angry at the word “impossible.” Read the article on how to explain to a child what is not allowed?>>>
  • At this age, the baby often imitates adults: “talks” on the phone, “reads” a book, tinkers with dad’s instruments.
  • In addition, children copy their parents’ facial expressions and use them. At one year old they can distinguish facial expressions. Children also understand the intonation with which they are addressed and can copy it when walking;
  • The baby knows how to fulfill simple requests: “give me a toy,” “show me the cat,” “where are the eyes.” Children master this skill quickly; it is enough to play similar games with them several times;
  • The baby knows how to dance to the music he likes and “sings along” to children’s songs. If your child doesn't do this, set an example for him - he will learn right away. One-year-old children really like this activity;
  • By imitating adults and peers, children master their first games. Yearlings can clap their hands, play “peek-a-boo” (hide their face in their palms);
  • Children are interested in their reflection in the mirror, they can actively spin around in front of it and admire themselves.

This is far from a complete list of what a child can do, because at 1 year old, the social and emotional development of a baby primarily depends on the people around him. At this age, children do amazing things. It is enough to engage in their physical development and set your own example, and your baby will amaze you with her intelligence.

See also my video lesson about baby development at 12 months:

Formation of speech

At one year old, the child understands speech addressed to him. He focuses on intonation and knows simple expressions. The more you talk to him, the wider his passive vocabulary (i.e., the words he understands) becomes. A 1-year-old child can speak from 2 to 10 words.

Abbreviated words and onomatopoeias are also considered words at this age if they always mean the same thing. For example, if “mu” is always “cow”, then this onomatopoeia is also considered a word.

Important! But don't worry if your child doesn't say anything. It is much more important that he understands you. If this does not happen, the baby needs to be shown to a specialist.

The child may have problems with hearing, speech apparatus, neurological, and psychological disorders.
Most deviations from the norm at this age can be successfully compensated for if you start working with the baby on time.

What else does a one year old child know:

  1. answers the question “who is this?” in separate words: mom, aw, me-me;
  2. knows how to show familiar actions upon request: how he smiles, how he stomps his foot, how he eats, etc.;
  3. knows his name, responds to his name;
  4. tries to repeat new words;
  5. knows the words “can” and “can’t”.

You can speed up your child’s speech development if you constantly talk to him, comment on your actions and what is happening around him. You can pronounce words, clearly articulating sounds, encouraging your baby to repeat after you.

When talking to children, you should not distort or shorten words. In this case, the child remembers the “wrong” sound, and it can be very difficult to relearn it. Talk to your child like an adult, only more emotionally.

Yearlings and their skills self-service

At one year old, a little person already strives for independence. Here are some everyday skills of one-year-old children:

  • They know how (or at least try) to eat with a spoon. There are even children who successfully use a fork at this age;
  • They drink from a sippy cup, and sometimes from a mug;
  • They try to dress themselves. If you are not in a hurry, give your baby the clothes you plan to put on him and let him practice a little;
  • They know how to bite and chew solid food (cookies, bread, banana). Read also: how to feed a child correctly?>>>
  • They know how to wash their hands and dry them with a towel. It is very easy to teach children this action by showing them by example several times. Read more about how to develop independence in a child?
  • They begin to gradually master the potty. Find out at what age should you potty train your child?

At this age, it is enough if the baby knows what the potty is for and knows how to correlate wet pants with his natural needs.

It’s good if he accepts some kind of conventional sound that denotes a desire to go potty, although such an understanding may come much later than one year of age. To do this, you can sit the children on the potty, pronouncing this very conventional sound. They will remember it very quickly.

Each child approaches the one-year mark with a certain set of skills. What this set will be depends largely on the parents. At this age, it is necessary not only to show the baby the world around him and talk to him, but also to give the baby more independence (under the supervision of elders). Let your child learn from experience and you will soon be surprised by the results!

The development of a child, especially the firstborn, is not only a great joy, but also a difficult test for the nerves of parents. In our age of advanced technology and widespread overprotection, any deviation from the ideal norm can cause almost panic in a new mother and father. Most often, this attitude is not justified or supported by anything, since different children belong to different psychotypes, are born with different weights, heights, have different physical health, different metabolisms and a host of other characteristics of the body. This difference determines the fact that all children develop differently: some begin to crawl early, and some do not crawl at all, some almost from birth grab everything that comes to hand, and some love it for a long time. and thoughtfully examine objects. No two children are alike, but certain norms for child development do exist. It is how a child under 1 year of age develops, and what he should be able to do by his first birthday, that will be discussed in this article.

Child development at an early age

The younger the child, the faster his development occurs. It includes socialization, learning about certain skills, getting to know parents, and learning about the world. Before one year of age, the fastest changes in a baby's mind and behavior occur.

At a very early age, a child actively learns about the world around him. He still has no idea about his own “I”, but he is extremely interested in everything that happens around him.

A one-year-old child is an explorer who needs to be given the opportunity to actively explore the world around him, climb into interesting places, touch interesting things - but at the same time protect him from the dangers that may lie in wait for him: hot pots and kettles, falls, sharp objects. And then the baby will quickly learn everything that a child of 1 year should be able to do.

Most psychologists recognize that the most effective in this period of child development is method of moderate non-intervention. Allow your child to explore the environment as much as he sees fit. It is very good if parents have the opportunity to regularly change each other in the post of a kind of “guard” for the child.

As a rule, until the age of three, women are solely responsible for raising a child, but such round-the-clock work is extremely difficult and requires constant concentration, which is very difficult to achieve during regular lack of sleep. Therefore, in order not to limit the child’s freedom to explore the world, parents should reach an agreement among themselves or find a good nanny. Of course, those who have caring aunties or grandmothers who are ready to devote time to the baby will be the luckiest.

Difficulties faced by parents of a one-year-old child

What difficulties can await parents at this stage of development? Of course, first of all, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that a baby is a creature that is not yet fully aware of the cause-and-effect relationship between many phenomena. He does not yet understand that touching something hot can cause pain, and swallowing small hard toys can cause suffocation. This is why the baby needs almost constant supervision. At this age, it would be a good idea to explain to your child, using a humorous example, that some things can hurt and be dangerous.

So, a huge path has been passed from birth to reaching the age of one. It's time for parents to check the list of things and skills that a child should be able to do at age 1.

Basic and mandatory skills for children upon reaching one year: what to pay attention to

When assessing your child's development, be sure to evaluate his achievements in mastering skills such as walking, eating, paying attention, communicating, and interacting with the world around him. Don't forget to pay attention to fine motor skills.

Walking is one of the criteria for a child’s skills at 1 year old

Perhaps one of the most exciting moments in the life of parents is the first step of their child. However, it is precisely because of the enormous value of this moment that many become afraid when it does not come for too long; or vice versa, the child begins to take steps too early.

On average, children take their first relatively independent steps, holding on to some kind of support, at exactly 12 months. However, there may be exceptions to this rule. Average indicators indicate that independent walking can begin at 9 months or 15 months. Therefore, if your baby is already 14 months old and he still cannot take an independent step, you should not panic and urgently take him to all doctors . Be patient with your child, give him time.

Basic self-care skills when eating

Before one year of age, it is necessary to teach a child to feed from a spoon. Doctors (especially dentists) recommend weaning your baby off bottles and pacifiers as early as possible. The fact is that overusing pacifiers can lead to other dental problems in the future.

Motor skills: what a 1 year old child should be able to do

Up to a year, the child actively studies the world around him, as well as its reaction to his own actions. The baby must learn to hold various objects firmly enough in his hands, carry them, perhaps twirl them in his hands and examine them. Some motor problems at this age may be within the normal range, but if your baby has poor finger control and can't hold an object by 12 months, it's best to see a pediatrician to help sort out the problem. Subsequently, delays in motor development may become more noticeable and result in pathological clumsiness and awkwardness. However, as a rule, the period of active needlework (when kids assemble origami and sculpt from plasticine) evens out these delays and helps to actively develop fine motor skills.

To assess the fine motor skills of a child aged 1 year, simple games such as:

  • building pyramids from rings;
  • building “towers” ​​from cubes;
  • putting items in a box.

Communication skills of one-year-old children

A one-year-old child should know the meaning of at least 10 words. Pay attention to such important words as “no”, “hot”, “dangerous”, “delicious” and the like. Through these words, you can cultivate in a child various reactions to interaction with the outside world and instill an understanding of the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.

Also, a 1 year old child should understand the meaning of words such as “give”, “stop”, “take”, “show”, and be able to respond to them correctly (take an object when they say “take”, stop when asked).

By twelve months, your baby should develop an understanding of human emotions. He must understand when mom or dad praise him or, conversely, scold him. A very clear indicator of a baby’s emotional development is crying “for company” - when a child hears his peer crying, he can join without any particular reason. Under no circumstances should you scold him for this - this may lead to a decrease in empathy in the future. You need to gently convince the baby that nothing bad happened to him and calm him down.

The child must be able to communicate with peers. As a rule, communication between one-year-old children is limited to games, but this is already a clear indicator of good emotional and social education.

A one-year-old child should know well what to call his relatives and closest people: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa; in the case of brothers or sisters, a simplified form of the name. Also, a child of 1 year should know his name - be able to call it to other people and respond to it.

note: A very important element of social education is the ability to express agreement or disagreement. The child should know the words “yes” and “no”, nod or shake his head in response to monosyllabic questions.

Reaction to the world around you

At this age, it is often very difficult to determine the presence or absence of any diseases that cause disability or loss of certain sensory organs, for example, partial deafness.

That is why it is important to determine the baby’s reaction to the world around him. What factors should you pay attention to:

  • whether the child recognizes the voices of parents and loved ones;
  • whether the child recognizes the faces of parents and loved ones;
  • does the child feel pain when hit, burned or injured;
  • whether the child loses orientation in space when crawling or walking.

Important: If any of the above factors are violated, you should contact your pediatrician and undergo an examination. If you notice in time the improper development of the auditory system, visual organs, touch and other body systems, you can correct them.

A child's ability to concentrate at the age of 1 year

A very important point in the development of a small child is the ability to concentrate his attention on one thing (cartoons, games, communication) for at least a couple of minutes. Children under one year old are often incapable of such relatively calm behavior - it is almost impossible to hold their attention, since they do not yet know how to cope with the certain willpower that is necessary for this. However, at the age of one year the child should already have an idea of ​​the duration of the actions.

Note: If your one-year-old baby cannot concentrate on any activity for even a minute, you should visit your pediatrician. The reason for this condition may be.

At such a young age, he does not play a big role in the child’s life, but when he enters kindergarten and then school, he can play a cruel joke and turn carelessness and restlessness against the child himself. The consequences can be the most unpleasant - from academic failure to the inability to master any skills due to low concentration.

What a 1-year-old child should not, but can do

In addition to the above skills, children often develop the following skills by the age of one year:

  1. The child knows how to express his natural needs (hunger, potty, discomfort) by any means except crying. For example, these may be specific sounds (grunting, sniffling, characteristic hooting), by which the parent can understand what the baby needs.
  2. The baby is learning or already knows how to play simple ball games. Can push, throw, grab the ball, and pass it to others.
  3. Attempts to produce adult speech are a great sign that may indicate a child's rapid development at 1 year of age and good potential. Sometimes, due to the peculiarities of children's pronunciation, special words are obtained that only vaguely resemble real ones (for example, “dog” - “babaka”) and are firmly included in the child’s speech in precisely this “childish” form.
  4. Generalizing objects according to a common feature is a clear sign that your 1-year-old child has an extraordinary mindset and is capable of abstract thinking. If a child calls his doll “Lala” and, seeing another child on the street with another doll, points his finger and says “Lala” - this is a good sign. Try to develop your child in this direction.
  5. Drawing with the help of available tools, fingers and palms often develops before a year, but this skill is not mandatory or necessary, and its absence does not indicate developmental problems.

Early development of children at 1 year

We recommend reading:

Parents should understand that completely leaving the baby to his own devices is just as detrimental to his skills as being overly enthusiastic about expensive developmental equipment and constantly overloading himself with various activities. To continue to develop the child’s existing skills at 1 year old, it is necessary to grasp the middle - play educational games with the baby, but do not put pressure on him when he is tired and just wants to play around, crawl or watch cartoons.

Educational toys that will help develop the skills of a child aged 1 year and older

Now stores are full of a variety of educational toys for every taste and color. They all have something in common - they are extremely overrated. Some parents are convinced that if they spend a fortune buying educational toys of all stripes, their child will grow up to be a genius. This is wrong. It is not the number of toys that is important, but the ability of an adult to present them in an interesting and understandable way for a child. It is not necessary to buy expensive toys in children's stores to teach your child to distinguish colors (use cards made of colored paper), shapes (again, cut out triangles and squares from paper).

DIY educational toy:

Note: It is also worth mentioning that without certain toys, the baby will have a delay in the development of motor skills. The most effective and inexpensive toys for this purpose are cubes, pyramids made of rings, and balls.

How to improve communication skills in a 1-year-old child

Of course, communication with parents plays a key role in the development of the baby. The main principle is not to forget that he does not yet know most of the basic things. Try not just to tell the causes and consequences, but to show them visually, through your own actions.

Encourage your 1-year-old child to communicate his needs. For example, when putting him on the potty, say a “conventional sign”, for example, “psss”. The baby will remember the sound and will be able to repeat it. The point here is to instill an understanding of the connection between the pot and the sound. As soon as the baby learns this, he will be able to tell you about his desire to go to the toilet, even without being able to speak properly.