What to do during pregnancy. What every expectant mother needs to know and do from the very beginning during her first pregnancy

On early stages During pregnancy, expectant mothers do not yet notice significant changes in their condition. Only morning sickness reminds you that there is a real miracle in your tummy. At this stage, women already begin to lovingly stroke the still unnoticeable belly, talk to the baby, come up with a name for him and guess what color baby vests their loved ones will have to order for the baby’s birthday.

Despite the apparent mildness of the condition, it is important now to treat your health as carefully as possible and understand that every action can affect the baby’s condition.

Important: More than 15 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Often this happens at a time when the woman does not even suspect that she is carrying a child. In order not to encounter such a disaster, you need to arm yourself with all possible information about factors that may pose a threat to the unborn baby. This applies to many everyday issues that mommy is used to solving purely automatically, without thinking about it. possible consequences. But the life that is forming in her tummy should make a woman reconsider her views on such components of the daily schedule as eating, physical exercise and many ordinary matters.

First of all, the expectant mother should think about what she eats, since the quality and quantity of nutrients that affect the development of the baby will depend on this. In terms of diet, all the advice is simple and understandable, because foods that are dangerous for pregnant women are not welcome on the menu under any circumstances. We are talking about dishes that do not represent any value for life.

Expectant mothers should avoid foods that can trigger an allergic reaction and cause miscarriage or abnormal fetal development.

Product/drinkNegative consequences for the child
Alcoholic drinksThey have a toxic effect on the normal development of the baby.
Seafood, honey, Red fruits and vegetables, Exotic fruits, Chocolate, Gastronomic products with a high concentration of artificial colorsThese are allergenic products that pose a particular threat to the baby.
Flour and confectionery productsThey contribute to the accumulation of extra pounds, which puts additional stress on the body and can cause a child to “feed” four or five kilograms, which is not considered the norm.
Canned food and smoked meatsThey are fraught with botulism. A preserved environment promotes the proliferation of bacteria that are carriers of the disease.
Watermelon melon. All types of mushrooms.These products can cause intoxication in the body of the expectant mother.
KvassIt provokes bloating and can be converted into alcohol subject to further fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.
Black tea and coffeeCaffeine significantly increases blood pressure and leads to increased muscle tone, which threatens uterine hypertonicity, which is dangerous for pregnancy.
Products with preservatives and artificial colorsThey disrupt the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys, and blood vessels.
Salty dishesHigh salt content leads to swelling and increased blood pressure, which in turn provokes preeclampsia.
PapayaPoisons the body if consumed in large quantities.
PineapplesThey remove fluid from the body and stimulate uterine contractions.
GrapeLeads to weight gain for the toddler.
Carbonated drinksCause fermentation to the intestines, which leads to contraction of the uterus.

Alcohol and smoking

Alcoholic drinks - no the best choice for any person, but they are strictly prohibited for pregnant mothers. The fact is that alcohol has a destructive effect not only on the physical, but also on intellectual development future baby. Drinking alcohol can lead to significant problems with the nervous system and all sorts of developmental defects in the baby.

Smoking causes so much negative consequences, that, know about them, not a single expectant mother will come one meter closer to a cigarette. In addition to shortening the child’s weight and height, tobacco prevents normal development pulmonary system crumbs, which ultimately ends in asthma. Because of nicotine, a baby may be born with underdeveloped organs. This is not to mention how much smoking increases the likelihood of developing the syndrome sudden death baby.


In addition to eating, the expectant mother, of course, has other things to do during pregnancy, about which all myths should be dispelled. For example, it is believed that air travel in the early stages of pregnancy poses a threat to the health of the baby, but this is a misconception. An airplane can indeed be dangerous for an expectant mother, but only in the last months, when there is a risk premature birth. Until the twenty-sixth week, you can safely go on any trip.

Women's joys

Some doctors do not advise women carrying a child to go to hairdressing salons. In the first months, this prohibition is not so categorical, because the only danger to pregnancy at this stage is ammonia. If you dye your hair natural paints, then you can remain a visitor to your favorite beauty salon for some time.

To avoid the entry of harmful chemicals into the body of the mother and baby, it is not recommended to use hairspray and other sprays that negatively affect the lungs while carrying a child.

Using a mobile phone

Water procedures

Experts advise to be extremely careful when bathing in the early stages, since even a minor ailment should stop the mother from undergoing procedures. In most cases, even mild signs of feeling unwell can be an indication of infection. urinary tract, in which taking a bath is strictly prohibited.

If a woman feels unwell during the procedures, she should not try to get out of the bathroom on her own. If you can't resist, you can fall and inflict irreparable harm to kid. You need to take a bath with helpers so that if necessary, your family can help you get into or out of the bathtub. It is important to choose the right water temperature - it should not be cold, but not hot.

During pregnancy you do not need to use:

  • cinnamon;
  • cedar;
  • cypress;
  • basil;
  • lemongrass;
  • juniper.

These aromas are ways to greatly invigorate a pregnant woman and increase the tone of the uterus. In some cases, doctors also prohibit oils containing chamomile, rosewood and sandalwood.

What expectant mothers really need are herbal baths with calendula, mint and chamomile, which are added in any form. Some women put the herb in a cloth bag that they tie to the edge of the bathtub. In water, herbs begin to distribute their beneficial properties.

What to wear in early pregnancy

Expectant mothers are not recommended to purchase tight clothing that restricts movement. The expectant mother's wardrobe should be free and very comfortable. You can't go to high heels, since they shift the center of gravity and increase the load on the spine. Under no circumstances should you purchase synthetic underwear; you should give up thong panties for a while. You need to choose cotton underwear and wear special bras.

Cosmetical tools

In the early stages to the expectant mother You should be very careful when choosing cosmetics. Substances that are dangerous for a baby’s development include:

  • vitamin A;
  • benzoyl peroxide;
  • hydrocortisone.

It is best to purchase products that are produced in special series specifically for women carrying a child. Manufacturers make them from special components that do not pose a threat to the health of mother and baby.


Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, especially in cases where a woman is ready to give the world another little man. There are a number of drugs that are dangerous for the expectant mother:

  • Progestin;
  • Quinine;
  • Retinoids;
  • Trimethadine;
  • Aminopterin.

Also, doctors do not recommend injections in the early stages.

There is one delicate task that should not be performed by a woman in an “interesting” position. This is a change of cat litter. If you have someone to ask to handle this procedure, then do not hesitate. This is not an idle whim. The fact is that when changing cat litter, there is a danger of contracting toxoplamosis. This disease results in retarded growth and mental development baby. In addition, the disease has a devastating effect on vision.

Physical exercise

During pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor your physical activity, however, it is not necessary to completely limit yourself in sports. Experts even advise training while cleaning the apartment or cooking. It is very important to monitor your breathing, alternate inhalation and exhalation correctly to improve metabolism and blood flow to the muscles.

Be healthy!

Video - Nutrition during pregnancy

Video - What pregnant women should not do

” №3/2014 12.01.16

It doesn’t matter whether it happened unexpectedly or out of great desire, but now there is a tiny pea living in your tummy, which in nine months will turn into a cute baby. And you will love him. Necessarily!

The first month of pregnancy begins from the moment when fallopian tube fusion of sperm and egg occurs. During the first week after fertilization, the egg begins to divide, simultaneously moving towards the uterine cavity. At the beginning of the second week (usually the eighth day after fertilization), it enters the uterus and attaches to its wall. Starts to grow. The lining of the uterus inside resembles the lunar surface, on which microtubercles seem to be scattered, which, like guiding beacons, send chemical signals to the embryo “attach to us.”

And here is the most crucial moment - attachment to the uterus and formation of the placenta. As soon as this occurs, blood vessels grow from the embryo into the uterine mucosa and begin active metabolism nutrients and oxygen. Now your body is performing a jewelry work - creating a new person. At this point, you may experience engorgement of the mammary glands, and this is quite normal, because intensive hormonal changes. At the moment of implantation of the embryo, the expectant mother may even change her mood due to strong hormonal changes. Starting from the fourth week, the concentration of the hormone progesterone is especially high. Due to this, a protective mucous plug is formed in the cervix, which will close the entrance to the uterus until the end of pregnancy.

From this moment on, the mother’s nervous excitability noticeably decreases, and therefore emotional condition is gradually returning to normal.

In the first month of pregnancy to the expectant mother rest is especially necessary. But this does not mean at all that a pregnant woman should lie flat: excessive rest only increases weakness. From now on, your nutrition, rest and lifestyle should become as correct and healthy as possible.

Eat a balanced diet, ventilate the room in which you sleep, and avoid noisy places. Exercise if you feel good. Take walks and be sure to enjoy life.

  • To combat morning sickness, include foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates in your menu.
  • Drink enough fluids: milkshakes, vegetable and fruit juices, soups or broths. The diet should be saturated fresh vegetables and fruits, which also contain a lot of liquid.
  • If possible, eat a cracker, cracker or banana in the morning without getting out of bed. Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day.
  • Avoid areas where people smoke and, of course, don’t smoke yourself.
  • Try not to be nervous. Fill your life with joy and positive points. Come up with a list of pleasant things to do for yourself for the week and be sure to do them.

See a doctor immediately:

  • at severe pain lower abdomen, on one or both sides; for pain accompanied bloody discharge, as well as nausea or vomiting;
  • with small or pronounced “smearing” discharge, with or without odor;
  • with painful urination;
  • with weakness, dizziness or fainting;
  • with an increase in body temperature;
  • with severe nausea with vomiting (more than 5 times a day).

Fetal development in the first month of pregnancy

The fertilized egg forms an embryo. The baby enters the uterus 3 days after conception. After about a week, it is implanted into the uterine cavity and remains there for the entire duration of pregnancy. From the second week, the baby begins to live off the mother’s resources, since the egg’s supply of nutrients has already been used. The formation of the umbilical cord and placenta begins. The notochord, the rudiment of the spine, is formed.

In the third week they begin to differ different fabrics, the process of laying the fetal organs occurs. The heart is formed, which for now has a simple single-chamber structure (but by the end of the 2nd month it will acquire a structure almost the same as that of an adult).

The nervous system, which began to develop in the middle of the 2nd week, continues to form into the spinal cord and brain.

At the 4th week, the eye sockets form, arms and legs begin to develop, and the rudiments of almost all internal organs are formed. The size of the fetus by the end of the 1st month can be compared to the size of a grain of rice - about 4 mm.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy

  • absence of menstruation (although spotting sometimes persists during the next menstruation or during the period of fetal implantation);
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • frequent urination;
  • nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting and increased salivation;
  • intolerance to certain foods and, conversely, an inexplicable desire for others;
  • feeling of heaviness of the mammary glands;
  • increased vaginal discharge.

Leah Bergman

Gestational age.

IN loving families They say “We are expecting a baby”, not “My wife is pregnant”. Naturally, the role of a woman in the process of pregnancy and childbirth is irreplaceable, but to organize complete care Both parents should look after the baby and take care of his health and upbringing, and this should begin after the news of pregnancy. So, we are expecting a baby together!

The main task of future parents is to understand the seriousness of the upcoming changes in their lives and approach them in full readiness. You need to prepare for them both physically and mentally. It is important for mom to maintain her body and health in good shape from the first days of pregnancy, and dad should help her with this. Today's parents have access to many sources of information about the development of the fetus, the course of pregnancy, and the necessary studies that need to be completed in order to give birth. healthy baby. However, in addition to current tasks, parents should take care now to learn certain skills that will be useful after childbirth.

An important procedure, bathing a newborn, takes place in accordance with certain rules. The baby will need a baby bath, soft towel, baby soap, thermometer for measuring water temperature. You can also purchase a bathing slide where you place your baby to free up your hands.

Another procedure that requires certain skills is swaddling a baby. Some modern parents refuses swaddling, considering this procedure useless. However, experts recommend practicing the so-called “ free swaddling“at least in the first weeks of life, so that the baby is not disturbed by his own sudden movements. You can master the swaddling technique yourself by studying instructions on the Internet and in books. You can use it as a test subject big doll. Details about swaddling and other nuances can also be found in courses for future parents, where you can attend at least together with your dad. Attending these courses will allow not only to gain new knowledge, but also to psychologically prepare for the upcoming changes in their family. Mom can also learn technology there. correct breathing and study in more detail the process of childbirth. If there is no opportunity to attend such courses, it is quite possible to find all important information online or in books for expectant parents.

The expectant mother should also find out in advance all the details about breastfeeding and correct technique breastfeeding. Then in the maternity hospital it will be easier for her to feed the baby from the first minutes of his life. It may be worth making inquiries about specialists in breastfeeding to quickly contact them if necessary. Mom also needs to know about the nutrition of a nursing woman in order to avoid tummy problems and allergic reactions in the baby. The diet of a nursing mother is necessary to maintain good health in the baby, and many foods and drinks help to improve lactation.

The formation of the baby’s vital internal organs begins already in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second trimester, the rudiments of internal organs begin to actively develop, and in the third they are finally formed. In order for these processes to be as fruitful as possible, the mother needs to eat properly and take vitamins.

You should purchase a dowry for your baby and large items (stroller, crib, changing table) closer to the expected date of birth. By this time, many parents will know the gender of the baby and can choose these items based on color range, drawing and other external features. If you are not sure about the baby’s gender, it is recommended to purchase items of neutral colors, suitable for both a boy and a girl. As a dowry, you will need several overalls, bodysuits and rompers, an envelope for discharge, a blanket and diapers. If childbirth is expected in the cold season, you need to purchase warm overalls for the newborn. When choosing a stroller, you need to take into account its maneuverability, weight, the ability to transform into a sitting position, the availability of a carrier, and the quality of materials. The stroller will need a mattress, a mosquito net and a rain cover.

It's also worth purchasing in advance. baby powder for washing and rewashing all clothes, diapers and bedding for the baby. Then they need to be ironed well. This will destroy bacteria that can be dangerous for the baby in the first days of life. In particular, diapers come into contact with the skin and umbilical wound and if not ironed can cause irritation.

As for determining the sex of the unborn child, parents can find out it by ultrasound no earlier than 12 weeks of pregnancy. However, it is not always possible to visualize gender Maybe. If the baby has taken a certain body position that hides the “causal site”, or it is covered by the umbilical cord, for example, then the doctor may not name the gender. Mistakes also happen when the doctor mistakes the baby’s umbilical cord or finger for the male genital organ. In any case, ultrasound does not provide a 100% guarantee of determining the sex of the unborn child.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers often feel general malaise which is commonly called toxicosis. The real reasons This phenomenon has not been scientifically established, but it is generally accepted that in this way the mother’s body adjusts to a new mode of operation and adapts to the appearance of the fetus. A woman may experience nausea, dizziness, weakness, but not necessarily. Many expectant mothers go through the first trimester of pregnancy without any obvious signs toxicosis and malaise. The mother can feel the first movements of the baby from the 16th to the 25th week of pregnancy, depending on individual characteristics and location of the fetus. The shape of the abdomen also depends on the attachment of the placenta and the position of the body of the unborn baby, and not at all on its gender, as many supporters believe folk signs.

The shape of a pregnant woman’s abdomen depends on the attachment of the placenta and the position of the body of the unborn baby, and not at all on its gender, as many supporters of folk superstitions believe. The gender of the child also does not affect taste preferences, appearance and my mother’s gait, contrary to prejudice.

Future parents will have to discover new world during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. The main thing is that the motto “We are expecting a child” accompanies them throughout the pregnancy, and that they approach the birth of the baby with maximum responsibility and readiness.

The birth of a baby is a joyful event in the family. But this is also a very important moment. And if a woman is about to have her first pregnancy, future parents should undergo an examination to rule out the birth of a child. healthy child. It is also recommended that a woman change her lifestyle - rest more, don’t worry, go for a walk every day. fresh air, eat healthy foods, refrain from taking medications.

But not only preparation for such significant event important. You still need to carry the baby for these 9 months. Therefore, it is not at all surprising when expectant parents wonder what they need to know about pregnancy.

In order for the mother and baby to be in good health, you need to know what happens to the woman and the embryo during the entire period, how to behave correctly, and how often to see a doctor.

It is also important to find out what to pay attention to first during the period of conception and in the first weeks of pregnancy.


Many people wonder how to understand that fertilization has occurred? The expectant mother’s feelings are different and depend on the individuality of her body. Some women feel pregnant only when menstruation stops and they have no other symptoms. Others suspect the presence of life within themselves from the first day of conception.

Often pregnant women feel constant fatigue and drowsiness. They have difficulty waking up in the morning, and by 6 pm they want to sleep again. This is understandable, since the hormonal system of the expectant mother is being restructured, and other processes occurring during this period in the woman’s body require additional energy expenditure.

Some girls are into this important time experience sudden changes moods - they are either capricious and irritable, or calm and peaceful. These differences are explained by the pregnant woman’s subconscious fear of the responsibility for bearing a healthy child and the fear of childbirth.

Immediately after pregnancy, the sense of smell sharply intensifies. The smells of flowers, perfumes and colognes, which a woman previously treated with complete calm, are actively irritating.

The main symptoms of pregnancy that appear in the early stages:

  1. When the embryo has implanted into the wall of the uterus, the woman may experience a slight yellowish or Brown. This situation should not be confused with the one when discharge begins after pregnancy is diagnosed and may be a sign of an incipient miscarriage.
  2. The temperature in the vagina increases after pregnancy.
  3. Drowsiness, fatigue, weakness. A girl may even have a mild form of acute respiratory infection, which indicates a decrease in her immunity.
  4. Sometimes the mammary glands swell and become painful. But if such signs previously indicated the approach of menstruation, then when pregnancy occurs they may be absent.
  5. There is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Almost everyone faces this, because the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.
  6. Characteristic sign - early toxicosis. It is expressed in nausea and vomiting, caused by various smells and tastes of certain foods.
  7. Sometimes there is a tingling sensation in the uterus. This often indicates an unsuccessful conception. If you feel this way, immediately visit a gynecologist.
  8. In some cases, a woman's stools become loose.

All of these signs of pregnancy are also characteristic of a number of diseases of internal organs. First of all, rule out diseases of the genital organs by visiting a gynecologist.

Fetal development

The first 3 months after conception are the most important in the development of the baby. So, in the very first weeks, the egg undergoes a lot of transformations: from the moment of fertilization, it begins to actively divide and by the end of 1 week it already consists of 100 cells. An embryo is then formed from the fertilized egg, which attaches to the wall of the uterus.

How the embryo develops in the first trimester:

  • 4 weeks after conception, the basics of the spinal cord and brain appear.
  • After 5 weeks his heart starts beating.
  • Between 7 and 9 weeks, the embryo develops arms and legs. He already has internal organs– heart, liver, kidneys, brain. At the same time, the rudiments of eyes, ears, and gums appear. The baby already has a digestive system.
  • After another 2 weeks, fingers and toes appear on the arms and legs, and a nose appears on the face.
  • At 11–12 weeks, the baby has all the internal organs and looks like a little man. The placenta serves its purpose.

Embryo development in the 2nd and 3rd trimester:

  • At week 16, the size of the embryo reaches 16 cm and its weight is 100 g. The first hairs appear on the head and eyebrows.
  • After another 2 weeks, the heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope. The baby moves his arms and sometimes turns over inside the womb. Formed internal organs are growing, which already protect it from harmful influences.
  • The 3rd trimester begins at 28 weeks. At this time, all the baby’s organs and systems are improving. The baby becomes large. It becomes more difficult for him to turn over inside the uterus, but by week 35 he is positioned head down, towards the birth canal. During this period, even a baby born prematurely has every chance of survival.

It only seems that there is a child in the womb complete safety. In fact, there are threats to his life, and considerable ones: the girl suffered a severe infection during this period, injuries (especially if she falls on her stomach), a lack of microelements for full development. So the behavior of the girl herself is very important.

How to behave?

If you are in the first weeks of pregnancy, what do you need to know about behavior? Firstly, you must continue to lead the same lifestyle as in the period immediately before conception. You should definitely give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol, even in small doses. Secondly, the work of a pregnant woman should not be associated with difficult physical activity, and even more so with harmful substances.

In order for the baby to grow healthy in the womb, the mother must take measures:

  1. Change your diet. Eat only healthy food. Avoid fatty, fried, smoked, canned, spicy foods, foods with flavorings, flavors and dyes, sweet carbonated water, sweets, strong tea and coffee. Buy products with regular shelf life, not long-term storage. Drink freshly squeezed juices.
  2. Get enough sleep every day. Sleep 8–9 hours at night. If possible, rest during the day.
  3. Walk a lot, preferably in a forested area.
  4. During the winter-spring period, take vitamins prescribed by your doctor.
  5. Refuse harmful work.
  6. Try not to worry, put the baby’s health above all other problems.

If you feel unwell or something is bothering you, then you should not ask advice from friends and loved ones, look for answers on the Internet, but it is better to immediately contact a female doctor.

If you suffer from toxicosis

The problem of toxicosis requires special attention. For many, it begins from the moment of conception and lasts up to 12 weeks. If toxicosis does not go away throughout pregnancy, this means health problems for the mother or baby.

Doctors cannot offer treatment for toxicosis, but there are some recommendations:

  1. Eat food with high content carbohydrates and proteins. It hardly makes anyone feel sick.
  2. Drink more fluids to profuse vomiting dehydration did not occur.
  3. If you notice that the smells of certain foods make you feel nauseous, ask your relatives not to buy them or take them out of the refrigerator, where they should be in sealed packaging, in your presence.
  4. Since nausea wastes a significant part of your energy, you need to restore your strength. To do this, you need to establish a diet several times a day (6-7 times), and eat a little each time so as not to cause nausea.
  5. Try to support normal level blood sugar. To do this, you can eat bananas, dried fruits, apples. Chocolate candies and cookies are not suitable as they can cause weight gain.

At severe toxicosis you will need to go to hospital. It is almost impossible to cope with it at home.


Since a pregnant woman's body spends more energy than during Everyday life, the menu after conception should contain about 100 kcal per day more than before. Specifically, the daily menu of a pregnant girl should include 55% carbohydrates, 30% fats, 15% proteins.

Carbohydrates provide mother and baby with sufficient energy levels. They are found in cereals, durum bread, vegetables and fruits. It is permissible to eat no more than 2 pieces of bread per day.

Proteins are needed for the growth of the fetus, placenta and uterus. From the first days of pregnancy, a woman should receive 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of her weight. Great importance has the quality of a protein food. It must be of both plant and animal origin.

Fats are responsible for the development of the baby’s brain and his visual apparatus. They should be obtained from vegetable oils, and there is no need to eat fatty meat.

In the first weeks after conception, pregnant women do not suffer from edema. Therefore, gynecologists recommend drinking up to 1.5–2 liters of fluid per day. The only thing you need to limit yourself to is coffee, as it promotes the removal of calcium and dehydration of the body.


The diet of pregnant girls should be varied and healthy. If we talk about specific products, you should include in your diet:

  1. Nuts as they promote brain development and nervous system baby. In addition, they contain vitamin E, which is beneficial for women.
  2. Meat. Beef and pork are suitable for the expectant mother. It is better to exclude chickens from the menu, since when breeding chickens, they are often given antibiotics that are harmful to the baby in the womb.
  3. Porridges from various cereals. Buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, and rice are suitable. They contain a lot of protein and vitamins. Cereals replenish the energy lost by mother and baby.
  4. Fruits and vegetables are healthy. It is advisable to eat them during the ripening season, from the garden, when they contain the most vitamins and nutrients.
  5. Fish. It is necessary to carefully select fresh goods and subject them to heat treatment.
  6. Dairy foods - milk, cottage cheese. Choose low-fat foods. They will not contribute to weight gain, but will replenish protein and calcium reserves, which is important during the formation of a baby’s bones.
  7. For drinks, give preference to compotes. You can drink herbal teas. If the berries for compote are just picked from the garden, they contain vitamins necessary for health.

The following foods should not be eaten:

  • Sweets, chocolate and other types of candies, cakes, pastries.
  • Spicy and salty dishes. It is necessary to exclude all types of spices, except salt and pepper, when cooking.
  • Fried and smoked products.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Chips, sparkling water and other products containing synthetic substances.

Food that is subject to heat treatment can only be boiled, stewed or steamed.

Visit doctor

If the pregnancy test gave positive result, you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist without delaying the moment. The doctor will check if the woman is okay. He will rule out the case ectopic pregnancy, will prescribe examinations and tests.

Of course, the first visit to a specialist who will manage your pregnancy is a tedious task, but for the sake of peace of mind about the health of the baby, it must be done. The most appropriate time to visit a doctor is 4–5 weeks after conception.

During the first appointment, the doctor:

  1. Examines the condition of the uterus and takes a smear to determine possible infections.
  2. Measure the woman's height and weight.
  3. Determines the volume of the waist and pelvis.
  4. Measures blood pressure and pulse.
  5. He will ask about lifestyle, bad habits, childhood and hereditary diseases.
  6. Finds out if the woman is taking any medications on an ongoing basis. It may be worth replacing these drugs with ones that are less harmful to the fetus. In some cases, herbal treatment is more relevant than classical therapy.
  7. If this is not a woman’s first pregnancy, she needs to tell the doctor in detail how the previous ones proceeded and what problems she had to face. Based on this, the specialist will give recommendations on your further behavior. He will also refer you to see other specialists - an ophthalmologist, an ENT specialist, a dentist, a therapist.

In addition to all these points, the doctor will definitely give the expectant mother directions for urine and blood tests:

  • Urine is given for the first time to confirm the fact of pregnancy, then to exclude certain diseases.
  • Blood is donated to determine blood type and Rh factor.

At 11–12 weeks, the gynecologist prescribes an ultrasound. During this period, an experienced specialist will see the embryo and determine the correctness of its development. Ultrasound will have to be done at least 2-3 more times during pregnancy.

Dangerous periods

The first 3 months are the most important in the entire pregnancy, since it is during this time that formation occurs. little man. But these months also have their most dangerous moments:

  • The 14th day after conception can lead to a miscarriage if you do not change your lifestyle in time and give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol. And if there is no miscarriage, bad habits mothers can lead to the development of various pathologies in the baby.
  • Next dangerous period– from 4 to 6 weeks. At this time, when the embryo's main internal organs are forming, it is very important not to get overtired or nervous. We must protect ourselves from the slightest cold, which can cause undesirable changes in the formation of the fetus. Under no circumstances should you take antibiotics or other strong medications.
  • The last alarming period of the first trimester of pregnancy is from 8 to 12 weeks. At this time, the mother should rest and indulge in pleasant thoughts. Any stress can cause abnormal development of the fetus and lead to miscarriage.

Much depends on relatives. If they are interested in having a healthy baby, they will have to try to help the expectant mother observe correct image life.


In the first weeks of pregnancy, what you need to know about possible diseases women? When does it develop in the uterus new life, the pregnant body experiences an increased load. A woman’s immunity weakens, and there is a danger of diseases that will harm both mother and baby. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your health.

Cold, flu

If in the first weeks a woman gets a cold with high temperature, you must call a doctor immediately. Fever in the mother it is dangerous for the embryo. You cannot self-medicate, since a pregnant woman cannot determine which treatment methods will cause the least harm to the baby.

Flu with a high fever can lead to miscarriage. But if the temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees, do not rush to take the pills. Antiviral and antipyretic drugs are prohibited for use by pregnant women. The doctor can only prescribe paracetamol if there is an urgent need for it.

  1. If your throat hurts, you can gargle with a warm solution of baking soda and salt in water with the addition of a few drops of iodine. You can also brew herbs - chamomile, sage, oak bark, calendula, and gargle with these decoctions.
  2. More unpleasant phenomenon at the beginning of pregnancy - runny nose. An infection can enter the embryo through the nose. In addition, if the mother has difficulty breathing, it is also difficult for the fetus to breathe. But vasoconstrictor drops Pregnant women should not use it. It is recommended to treat a runny nose with heat - apply hard-boiled eggs or bags with heated salt inside to the sinuses. You can drop 1-2 drops of menthol into each nostril, then inhale and exhale, and drop more.
  3. Oil inhalations with rose hips, chamomile, thyme, and eucalyptus are recommended.


Often during this period problems with urination appear: frequent urge, cutting pain during the process, heaviness in the lower abdomen. Cystitis on early stage the doctor may recommend treatment with Phytolysin or Canephron. But if the disease is advanced, you will have to resort to an antibiotic.


During gestation, dental problems always arise. Now that medicine has greatly advanced, treatment is quite acceptable. The only decisive contraindication is fear of the procedure. Therefore, the dentist must decide whether his intervention is so urgently required or whether it can still be waited until at least the second trimester.

Often there is a need to conduct x-ray diagnostics. A special apron is provided for pregnant women that will protect her from radiation. There is another option - a visiograph.

It would be nice to see a list of the most necessary things for pregnancy itself. We suggest starting it together, and you can add the rest as you wish.

  • Pillow for feeding. Sleep is one of the important components of your well-being and health. Pregnancy creates sleep problems, especially in the third trimester. An anatomical nursing pillow, which is successfully used during pregnancy, will help solve these problems. Then it will be useful for breastfeeding.
  • Safe cosmetics for pregnant. Cosmetics during pregnancy should not cause allergic reactions in you, which means that dyes and preservatives in their composition are prohibited. Cosmetics containing hormones also cannot be used. It's better if cosmetical tools will be on a natural basis.
  • Maternity underwear. Breast soreness and changes in breast size will require careful and repeated selection of a bra. To facilitate painful sensations, you will need a supportive bra, perhaps with wide straps and without wires.
  • Bandage. Before you buy it, consult your doctor and decide on the size. Think about the type of bandage that is right for you. Prenatal bandage can significantly alleviate your condition, although some pregnant women do just fine without it.
  • Prenatal vitamins . They must be prescribed by your doctor. You should not take them simply on the advice of a friend or pharmacist. Properly prescribed vitamins will provide you and your baby with essential nutrients. Unfortunately, for some pregnant women, taking vitamins can be complicated by a negative stomach reaction, especially in the first trimester. And iron-containing medications can cause constipation. Then rationality comes first good nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Moisturizing creams, stretch mark creams. Your skin will, more than ever, require nutrition and hydration, especially in recent months pregnancy. You cannot do without these creams if you want to preserve the beauty of your skin.
  • Remedies for toxicosis and tips on how to prevent it. They will be needed in the first trimester. Ginger, mint, citrus aromatic oils, etc.
  • Convenient outerwear. If your last months fall during the cold season, you definitely need to think about outerwear. It should be able to expand with your growing belly. There are outerwear with elastic at the back, buttons on the sides with drop-down inserts. Be careful when choosing. You don’t have to look for these clothes in expensive maternity stores. Look at it in regular clothing stores, online stores, and catalogs. Models can simply be as intended by the designer, without the mark “for pregnant women”.
  • Comfortable lounge trousers with an adjustable waistband. You don't need to wear them all the time, but they will help you out in moments of fatigue and give you a feeling of comfort throughout your pregnancy.
  • Stylish jeans for pregnant. They shouldn't be baggy. Only the part that is on the tummy should expand. It should fit comfortably, supporting you. Some DIY moms-to-be manage to extend their usual favorite pair of jeans.
  • Seductive lingerie, pajamas. Almost no one is prohibited from having sex during pregnancy, just as the desire to be attractive and sexy does not disappear. Be sure to keep seductive things in your wardrobe, especially lingerie.
  • Books about pregnancy, childbirth, child care and parenting. Information from specialists will not only expand your knowledge, but will also help relieve most of your worries.
  • Headphones and music for pregnant women. Music has a positive effect on the condition and development of a child - this is a proven fact. This will be especially useful for a child after 22 weeks of pregnancy. The music should be pleasant, soothing and you definitely like it. There is evidence that children are able to remember melodies and songs they heard after 34 weeks. You can also record your voice and play this recording for your child even at night.
  • Safe household chemicals. Check your household cleaning products. You should not inhale toxic chemical substances. This can be very unsafe for you and your baby. If you can’t find more gentle means, remember the benefits of soda, salt, and vinegar in cleaning. After cleaning the house, do not forget to open the windows for ventilation and go for a walk.
  • Diary of pregnancy. Pregnancy is a unique period. Even if you become a mother again, it will still be different. Keep your diary. You will be pleased and useful to re-read it in the future.

Any things can be purchased. But you need to create the sensations yourself. Remember that now they belong not only to you, but also to your child. Have pleasant feelings and emotions!