Pregnancy and lactation are applied. To feed or not to feed: lactation during a new pregnancy

Until recently, breastfeeding was not very common in Russia. Only 30% of babies were breastfed until they were one year old, and after one year, breastfeeding was considered indecent and harmful. Modern WHO recommendations advise mothers to exclusively breastfeed for up to six months, and maintain partial breastfeeding (breast + “civil food”) for up to 2 years and longer, if this suits the mother and baby.

When mothers breastfed for only 3-4 months, the situation of pregnancy in the background breastfeeding was extremely rare. However, now that a mother can feed her child at both 2 and 3 years old, very often next pregnancy occurs before the end of lactation.

The topic of breastfeeding has generally been studied rather poorly. Even doctors often have no idea about the physiology of hepatitis B. And where there is a gap in knowledge, many myths and fears always appear. Many of them are associated with pregnancy in a nursing mother.

Myth one: “As long as a woman is breastfeeding, she cannot get pregnant.”

Indeed, in most women, during intensive breastfeeding, ovulation is suppressed and pregnancy is impossible. However, after six months, children begin to eat not only breasts; accordingly, the frequency of feedings decreases, the mammary glands are stimulated less often, and prolactin levels drop. Once prolactin drops below a certain level, ovulation and fertility return. Some women are able to conceive within 1-2 months after giving birth, although in most nursing mothers, ovarian function is restored later - approximately when “civilian” food in the baby’s diet begins to prevail over breast milk.

The second and most common myth: “Breastfeeding contributes to miscarriage.”

Even obstetrician-gynecologists often believe in this myth, so it brings a lot of anxiety to nursing pregnant mothers. It is based on two facts. Firstly, during breastfeeding, the hormone prolactin is increased, which suppresses ovarian function in non-pregnant women. This suggests that it can also suppress the work corpus luteum, which secretes hormones that maintain pregnancy (primarily progesterone). Secondly, breastfeeding stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone that causes uterine contractions and, consequently, childbirth, incl. and premature. To “justify” these hormones, let’s look at the action of each of them in more detail.

Prolactin. In terms of the number of target organs, this hormone ranks first in the body, especially in the body of a woman. Currently, about 60 different biological effects of prolactin are described. This is not only an effect on the mammary glands, providing preparation for lactation and lactation itself. Not only the effect on the sex glands, suppressing the production of sex hormones. This is also the regulation of pain sensitivity. This is to ensure orgasm and a feeling of satisfaction after sex. This stimulates the immune system during illness, providing normal operation nerve fibers, regulation of hair growth. During pregnancy, prolactin ensures normal water-salt exchange between mother and baby, regulates the amount and composition amniotic fluid. It protects the baby from the mother’s immune cells, provides normal development his nervous system.

Indeed, prolactin suppresses ovarian function. But from the moment the fertilized egg is implanted into the uterus, the work of the ovaries is “guided” not by the mother’s body, but by the child’s body: the baby’s human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulates the development of the corpus luteum of pregnancy and the release of all the necessary hormones. Increased level progesterone blocks the connection of prolactin with receptors in many organs (otherwise milk would flow from the breast from the first weeks of pregnancy). Therefore, if the work of the ovaries is suppressed, it is not prolactin (or some other mother’s hormone) that is “to blame” for this, but most often the baby himself (in case of genetic defects and other diseases, hCG is not released enough, the ovaries do not produce enough progesterone - this leads to miscarriage ).

It should be noted that in women with hyperproactinemia not associated with lactation, various pregnancy disorders are indeed more common. However, a pathological increase in prolactin rarely occurs in isolation; it is usually associated with many other disorders: insufficiency thyroid gland, metabolic syndrome, obesity, etc. Often prolactin increases in people exposed to chronic stress, with insufficient rest and sleep, alcohol abuse and treatment with certain drugs. In these cases, problems during pregnancy are caused not so much by prolactin itself, but by the diseases that caused its increase. Accordingly, it is necessary to treat first of all not hyperprolactinemia, but the disease that led to it.

In nursing mothers, if their babies are older than 3 months, prolactin levels are not necessarily elevated. In half of the cases it will be normal, because prolactin does not increase around the clock, but “intermittently,” mainly at night.

From the eighth week of pregnancy, prolactin increases in both lactating and non-breastfeeding women. By the end of pregnancy, the level of prolactin exceeds the “non-pregnant” level by 5-10 times. Therefore, there is no point in being afraid of prolactin in itself: hyperprolactinemia is dangerous only when it is a symptom of some disease.

Oxytocin. This hormone is also called the love hormone because of its extensive effect on the human nervous system. During feeding, oxytocin helps milk release. During childbirth, it enhances uterine contractions, helping the birth of the fetus and stopping postpartum hemorrhage. Oxytocin increases during sexual arousal(and not only during sexual intercourse, but also when viewing erotic pictures and scenes), it participates in the formation of orgasm and causes contraction fallopian tubes and “absorption” of sperm into the uterus. Thus, oxytocin promotes conception. In addition, this hormone causes a feeling of affection, trust, openness in communication, and calmness in the presence of a loved one.

Most often, mothers worry about the effect of oxytocin on the uterus. However, look at how often oxytocin is released in the body. If you forbid pregnant women to feed, then logically you need to forbid them to make love, watch movies with kisses, hug their husbands and just be close to him. And also drink warm drinks, eat chocolate and listen to pleasant music, because with all these actions, oxytocin is also released, and sometimes even in large quantities.

Why doesn’t miscarriage happen to everyone, since oxytocin increases so often in the body? The fact is that to expel the baby from the uterus, uterine contractions alone are not enough; the cervix also needs to be open and “release” ovum. Oxytocin does not affect the cervix. Accordingly, if no other reasons (genetic defects, infections or due date) open the cervix, oxytocin will be safe. However, it can speed up miscarriage that was caused by other reasons.

In addition, the sensitivity of the uterine muscles to oxytocin is not the same in different time. The uterus becomes truly sensitive only in the active stage of labor. That's why healthy woman There is no point in fearing the bad effects of oxytocin.

Myth three: “If a mother breastfeeds, the baby inside will not have enough nutrients for normal development.”

This myth grows from the time when mothers did not feed longer than a year, and, therefore, a woman could only be pregnant and, at the same time, breastfeeding if she became pregnant shortly after giving birth. Pregnancy greatly depletes a woman’s body, because she needs to get 3-4 kilograms of living matter from somewhere, several liters of water, not to mention hormonal changes. Usually a woman, even if she eats well, needs several months to recover. Therefore, even if the mother does not breastfeed, an early second pregnancy will be difficult for her: the risk of anemia, problems with bones and joints, low fetal weight, etc. will increase. If the mother breastfeeds, then this is intensive feeding: the child in the first year can eat more than a liter of milk per day. Milk production requires about 800 kcal and many macro- and microelements.

Pregnancy is completely different if at least 9 months have passed from birth to the next conception. In this case, the body has already more or less recovered, and the hepatitis B itself is not as intense as in the first months. After a year, the child eats 1-2 glasses breast milk per day, which is not so stressful for mom

Therefore, it is not breastfeeding, but an early new pregnancy that can lead to nutritional deficiencies. The better it goes postpartum period, the greater the chances of carrying the next baby normally and easily

Over 7 years of work (both as a breastfeeding consultant and as an obstetrician-gynecologist), I have repeatedly observed pregnancy in nursing mothers (including my own). Of about two dozen pregnancies, there was not a single case premature birth and fetal development delays. The number of other problems did not differ from the average (or rather, it was even less than the average, since these mothers usually take special care of their health, try to eat well and lead healthy image life). The weight of the babies was usually even a little more than that of their older brothers and sisters (which, in general, is normal, even for non-lactating multipregnant women).

Despite the fact that breastfeeding does not harm pregnancy, pregnancy against the background of breastfeeding has its own characteristics

Nipple sensitivity.

This is the main “problem” of a pregnant woman who is breastfeeding.

Many mothers report sensitivity or even pain in their nipples when feeding. This can cause discomfort and even cause you to stop breastfeeding. Really, nervous system A pregnant woman undergoes significant changes: both the excitability of nerve receptors and the emotional perception of her own sensations change. It is especially difficult to endure discomfort in the chest when it is combined with toxicosis or other uncomfortable conditions of pregnancy.

It is worth noting that many children (especially if they are older than 1.5-2 years) themselves refuse to breastfeed if their mother is pregnant. This is due to the fact that the child feels the mother’s condition and tries with all his might to adapt to it. If the mother is subconsciously afraid of every feeding, the baby can meet her halfway and wean himself off the breast.

No one has the right to blame a mother if she stops breastfeeding due to sore nipples. However, if a mother wants to continue breastfeeding, it is very important to support her in this.

Firstly, it is important for mom to remember that the period of increased sensitivity is ending. Usually it is limited to the first trimester, although here different women everything can be very individual.

Secondly, Special attention need to be given correct application baby. Normally, the baby does not touch the nipple when feeding, because he grasps the areola far enough from it. But adult babies are often distracted, turn their heads when sucking and “move” towards the nipple. It is important to prohibit them from doing this: taking the breast and giving it correctly. It would also be a good idea to feed in a quiet, familiar environment, so that there are fewer reasons to be distracted.

It is very important to pay attention to nipple hygiene and crack prevention. It can be useful to arrange your breasts air baths, wear soft natural underwear. Some women lubricate their nipples with softening oils: cedar, olive (but not sea buckthorn - it can increase sensitivity).

Itchy nipples.

Some women experience peeling and itching of the nipple during pregnancy. This is due to more intensive renewal of the epithelium and changes in the functioning of the parapapillary glands. To alleviate the condition, you can use the same softening oils. But it is better not to use special ointments for itching, since most of them contain steroid hormones, which are not very useful for both babies.

Nutrition for a nursing pregnant woman.

A nursing pregnant woman should eat well, but not “for three” in terms of quantity. Should be avoided harmful products, eat both fruits, vegetables, cereals and animal products. It is recommended to use vitamins and dietary supplements only according to strict indications: if there are signs of a deficiency of one or another element in the body. It is advisable to eat more often, but in small portions: like this nutrients are better absorbed.

The amount eaten does not increase much. Usually, it is better for a woman to focus on the feeling of hunger, and not “forcibly eat up” extra pounds.

What if you need to take medications?

Most medications that can be prescribed to a pregnant woman are compatible with breastfeeding. However, here it is better to once again warn the doctor who prescribed the drug what you are feeding. In addition, it is worth discussing how breastfeeding affects the course of a particular disease. If the doctor is in doubt or cannot answer your questions, you can also consult a lactation consultant (in this case, it is better to contact a consultant with medical education, - their coordinates can be found on the AKEV website). However, remember that the breastfeeding consultant does not have enough information about you, so you should not ask him to diagnose you and prescribe treatment - he will only assess the compatibility of the medications, and you decide the need to take them only with the doctor who sees you.

To excommunicate or not?

The decision to wean or tandem feed should be made solely by the mother. About tandem feeding Quite a lot has been written, I want to note only one nuance. After birth, milk changes its composition and adapts to the needs of the younger child. During the first 3 days, colostrum is released from the breast. The more intense the sucking, the faster the colostrum will change. transitional milk. It is very important for a newborn to receive as much colostrum as possible, so during these three days it is advisable not to breastfeed the older one or give it as rarely as possible.

Different specialists (gynecologists, pediatricians, psychologists) disagree on the optimal interval between pregnancies. Usually the figures range from 9 months to 4 years. But the last word In any case, it remains with the mother. The main thing is to remember that breastfeeding cannot become a reason for termination of pregnancy, and pregnancy is not an absolute indication for completing breastfeeding. Feeding during pregnancy has its own characteristics (sometimes difficulties). But in itself it does not harm pregnancy. And - most importantly - all problems can be solved, as long as there is a desire to solve them.

obstetrician-gynecologist, breastfeeding consultant

In contact with

The birth of a baby is a period of life associated not only with joyful experiences, but also with numerous chores that require daily strength. At this time, the whole life of the family usually revolves around the child, and other problems fade into the background.

As a rule, young mothers during this period of life rarely ask themselves the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, believing that wise nature will take care of everything itself. Hormonal changes in a woman’s body really provide reliable protection woman, but not for the entire lactation period and only under certain conditions.

When can you get pregnant while breastfeeding?

According to medical canons, sexual relations between husband and wife should be resumed no earlier than 6-8 weeks after birth. This will allow the woman’s internal genital organs to be fully restored. However, according to statistics, almost no one adheres to such recommendations, and most couples resume sex life already in the second month after birth. And already at this moment it is necessary to have an accurate understanding of the conditions under which you can become pregnant while breastfeeding.

The so-called lactational amenorrhea method is determined by the production of a significant amount of the hormone prolactin, which regulates the production of breast milk. Due to this, the full growth of the follicle in the ovary is inhibited. The menstrual cycle does not resume because there is no ovulation, without which pregnancy cannot occur.

However, to prevent a nursing mother from becoming pregnant, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions:

  • The child should be fed not according to time, but according to demand, providing him with feeding not only during the day, but also at night;
  • The maximum allowable interval between feedings during the day should be 3-4 hours, and at night - 6 hours;
  • The baby should not receive any additional drink or food in addition to breastfeeding.

Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding by following these rules? By observing these conditions, you can be sure that pregnancy will not occur within 6 months after birth. However, with the advent of the first complementary foods, which are usually introduced six months later, you need to think about reliable methods of contraception.

A nursing mother is pregnant - possible health consequences

If a nursing mother becomes pregnant, this usually happens six months after giving birth. Despite the significant period, this is sometimes not enough to fully restore the body from stress, which is usually the period of pregnancy and childbirth for a woman’s body.

According to many doctors, pregnancy occurring within the first two years after birth increases the risk of developing many complications, among which the most common are an increased risk of miscarriages, the development of severe anemia, postpartum complications, and placental insufficiency.

However, if a nursing mother is pregnant, this is not a reason to think about an abortion. In addition to psychological stress, abortion can also have quite severe Negative consequences for women's health.

To avoid such problems, as soon as the first worries associated with the birth of a baby subside, you should select adequate contraceptive methods that can provide reliable protection for the young mother.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy - difficulties encountered

If a nursing mother is pregnant, you can often hear advice that breastfeeding should be interrupted in order to maintain the health of both the woman and the growing fetus.

Among the main difficulties encountered by a pregnant nursing mother are:

  • Breast tenderness and increased sensitivity nipples This is usually due to hormonal changes that occur in a pregnant woman's body;
  • Increased tiredness and fatigue. Woman drowsiness early stages pregnancy is also associated with hormonal changes body. However, this usually goes away on its own with the correct organization of the daily routine, in which the pregnant nursing mother has enough time for proper rest;
  • Decreased milk production. The natural decline of lactation occurs over a fairly long period of time and is not a reason for complete refusal to breastfeed;
  • Changes in the taste of milk that occur in the background new pregnancy, often causes negative emotions The child has. But in most cases, children quickly get used to the new taste.

If a nursing mother becomes pregnant, it is necessary to pay attention to the lack of calcium, which can cause calcium deficiency in the growing fetus. In addition, calcium deficiency is often one of the causes of miscarriage. Therefore, if a nursing mother is pregnant, she should first take care of providing proper diet nutrition rich in all essential microelements and vitamins.

Calcium contained in fermented milk products is better absorbed than from whole milk. In addition, natural dairy products contribute to proper functioning digestive tract, which is important for both the health of the mother and the child. In addition to dairy products, sesame contains large amounts of calcium, which should also be included in the diet when breastfeeding during pregnancy.

In addition to additionally providing the body with calcium, it is necessary to take care of a sufficient amount of essential vitamins. In this case, you should listen to the advice of doctors who will recommend the optimal vitamin complex in this situation.

One of the dangers when a nursing mother is pregnant is the contractions of the uterus, which breastfeeding stimulates. However, the secretion of the hormone oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions, is activated not only by breastfeeding, but also sexual activity.In most cases, this does not increase the risk of premature birth, but this fact is important to consider in cases where there are other preconditions for miscarriage.

According to many modern doctors, breastfeeding during pregnancy, subject to proper nutrition and the daily routine, when a woman has enough time to rest, does not cause significant harm to either the mother’s body, or the growing fetus, or the child.

Therefore, if a nursing mother is pregnant, when deciding whether to continue or stop breastfeeding must rely on:

  • Age of the infant;
  • The child’s physical and psychological need for attachments;
  • The presence and degree of discomfort caused by breastfeeding (for example, sore nipples);
  • The opinion of the baby's father and other loved ones about feeding during pregnancy.

If a nursing mother becomes pregnant and is deciding whether to stop breastfeeding her child in order to preserve the health of the growing fetus, you should take care of the baby’s emotional need for breastfeeding and, perhaps, not wean him until he is ready for this.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Hi guys! I am with you, Lena Zhabinskaya! There are so many young mothers around us raising children of the same age! When asked if they planned for their sons and daughters to have such a small age difference, the women laugh it off and smile sweetly. Most often it just happened that way.

It is interesting that if for the body of mothers of artificial babies the stress in such a situation is not too great, then for mothers of infants it is noticeable. Is breastfeeding allowed during pregnancy in this case? Doctors and breastfeeding specialists know the answers to these questions.

That is why they advise taking a break between pregnancies for at least 2, or even 3 years. And that is why they recommend stopping breastfeeding as soon as a new little life is born inside a woman. And there are reasons for this.

Why is it recommended to stop breastfeeding if pregnant?

It is also worth noting that such a rapid new pregnancy directly affects the woman. Which of the future mothers did not want to sleep in the first or third trimester? With my first child it was much easier to fulfill this desire. With the second, it is often simply unrealistic. For example, when he constantly demands attention to himself and needs guardianship and care because he is not yet able to take care of himself.

Another point that is noted by almost all women who are pregnant with their second child and continue breastfeeding is the handles. The baby constantly asks to be held, but fear or complications forces the woman to deny him this pleasure. What's the result? Whims and screams from the baby. Shaken mental health and my mother’s nerves are on edge.

Add here the imminent problems with lactation in the background constant fatigue and the need to quickly wean the child off the breast, and the answer to the question about the difficulties of a second pregnancy during breastfeeding will be as complete as possible.

By the way, a baby can also experience the negative manifestations of a new pregnancy. How? More on this in the next section.

What difficulties await your first child?

Dear, beloved, planned and still very small... This is your baby. Is he ready to become a senior at this age? Psychologists say yes, but they mention the great difficulties that will precede this. What is it about?

Early deprivation of breast milk.

First of all, about the same lactation. Any woman, without hesitation, will answer that breast milk is incredibly beneficial for the baby. It saturates it with all the necessary nutrients and provides normal height and development.

That is why you should feed for as long as possible. Some, however, take this statement too literally and begin weaning at the age of 2 years. Meanwhile, the fact remains: breastfeeding is useful, but in case of a new pregnancy it is sometimes unrealistic due to contraindications.

Avoiding co-sleeping.

Another point is co-sleeping. Hand on heart, most women will say that after giving birth in the first months, or even later, they put their baby to bed next to them. Simply because it is more convenient. When he lies nearby, feeding is easier to organize, since you don’t need to get up and run somewhere.

Needless to say, ever since my mother found out about her interesting position joint vacation It's better to stop. Why so immediately? Because this process in practice drags on and again ends with screams and whims on the part of the baby and stress on the part of the mother.

Changes in breast milk.

Does pregnancy affect the composition and taste of breast milk? It turns out yes. Moreover, the visible effect is especially acute in the second trimester, when the baby can suddenly refuse the breast. And you can’t explain to him that he’s sweet life-giving moisture incredibly helpful.

At one point he may simply stop drinking it. Doctors say it's all about hormones. They affect both the taste and the amount of milk. True, not all children dislike changes. Some do not notice them, others continue to suckle even on an empty breast, just to communicate with their mother.

What about pregnancy during breastfeeding?

New pregnancy and breastfeeding are a popular topic of discussion in medical circles and beyond. Several myths have even developed around it, which are often successfully refuted. Judge for yourself.

Myth 1. About the deficiency of nutrients in the mother's body.

There is a myth that breastfeeding the first child at the same time as the second pregnancy is impossible due to the lack of vitamins and microelements that the fetus will experience. Doctors refute this, mentioning the body’s amazing ability to redistribute all useful substances, however, only if they are in reserve.

In other words, anemia in the mother, which is a consequence of iron deficiency, will result in fetal hypoxia and constant loss of strength in the young woman. In the end, Mother Nature will, first of all, take care of the offspring, supplying them with useful substances, and only then - about the woman.

Is there a way out of this situation? Yes, and it consists in providing the mother’s body good nutrition. So that all vitamins and microelements arrive on time and replenish his reserves.

Myth 2: There is a higher risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

During breastfeeding, powerful stimulation of the nipples occurs, which can lead to difficulties with pregnancy. And all because of the production of oxytocin, a hormone that provokes uterine contractions.

Meanwhile, we must not forget about the role of another hormone - progesterone, which is responsible for milk production and is intensively produced during lactation. It relaxes the muscles of the uterus and smooths out possible problematic situations. True, it does this only until the 20th week, due to which until this time the uterus does not react in any way to the presence of oxytocin in the blood.

What happens later? Doctors say that the body adapts and produces less oxytocin, and its minimum doses are not capable of causing any harm. future pregnancy. True, they still do not recommend taking risks.

Miscarriages that occurred precisely at the moment when the first, so to speak, eldest, child was breastfeeding, doctors do not take into account. According to them, up to 30% of all pregnancies, unfortunately, face such a sad outcome.

Myth 3. Medicines prescribed to the mother during pregnancy harm the baby.

This myth remains a myth simply because the number medicines incredibly big. Many of them, which are allowed during pregnancy, are also allowed during pregnancy.

Doctors know about them, so they always prescribe only proven and safe ones.

Is it possible to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy and when should it be stopped?

In general, doctors do not prohibit an expectant mother from feeding her child during pregnancy if there is no indication for it. They simply mention that a young woman needs to be tested in a timely manner to detect possible changes in her body associated with deficiencies and nutrients, and also listen to her body.

As a rule, there are no difficulties until the 20th week. Afterwards, when training contractions appear, breastfeeding will most likely have to be stopped.

The mother will also be advised to refuse breastfeeding in other cases, namely:

  • if she had a history of premature birth;
  • if there was a miscarriage;
  • if there was bleeding.

However, these factors are not final. The age of the mother, whether she has chronic diseases. Moreover, doctors look at the characteristics of the pregnancy and the woman’s health status.

How to ease the situation

To prevent a new pregnancy from becoming a problem, the mother needs to make a decision about continuing lactation together with her doctor. If he advises leaving everything as is, it is important to take care of organizing a balanced diet.

We must not forget the importance of sleep and rest. This rule, rather, needs to be conveyed to other family members who must now help the young woman in everyday life.

And most importantly, you need to take care of yourself, because even a common cold with a cold, which will entail taking medication, will certainly affect not only the baby, but also the unborn child.

A second pregnancy is happiness! Enjoy it. And save the article to your wall on social networks, and also subscribe to blog updates. I, Lena Zhabinskaya, tell you: “Bye-bye!”

Many young mothers are sure: while you are breastfeeding your newborn, a new pregnancy cannot occur by definition. However, thousands of cases of occurrence are known unwanted pregnancy after childbirth, while lactation is still maintained. So is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding and how to prevent an unplanned pregnancy?

Breastfeeding is a physiological method of contraception

Already in the early postpartum period, as soon as the first attachment of the newborn to the mother’s breast occurs, the woman’s body experiences hormonal changes. Hormones that support pregnancy and the birth process are replaced by hormones that trigger the process of milk formation in the mammary glands.

The sucking movements of the child's lips reflexively cause the release of large quantity hormone prolactin. Transient hyperprolactinemia causes physiological amenorrhea in a nursing mother, which is a reliable method of contraception.

Important! Pregnancy cannot occur after childbirth with full breastfeeding. High concentrations of prolactin in the blood suppress ovulation in the ovaries and other secretory processes inherent in a woman’s normal menstrual cycle. The state of physiological amenorrhea continues until the end of breastfeeding.

How to reduce the risk of pregnancy during lactation

However, it is possible to become pregnant during lactation. Complete suppression of ovulation and physiological amenorrhea in a nursing mother is possible only if she breastfeeds the baby correctly. Young women need to know and remember the conditions under which protection against unwanted pregnancy is most effective.

Important! To avoid getting pregnant after childbirth, you must strictly follow all the principles natural feeding newborn

Proper feeding requires compliance with the following conditions:

  1. Breastfeed your baby on demand, not by the hour. The new fashionable system of feeding a newborn “on time” has a negative impact not only on the newborn itself, but also on the body of the young mother. Feeding a baby at the first cry develops a hungry reflex in the newborn, ensures sufficient milk production and supports the lactation process. Thus, constantly high titers of prolactin are maintained in the blood of a nursing mother, which completely suppresses ovulation and protects her from pregnancy after childbirth.
  2. Breastfeeding without supplementary feeding with formulas, breast milk substitutes and other dairy products. Thanks to this, the baby will suck large volume breast milk, and hormones that suppress ovulation will be constantly produced in high concentrations in the mother’s body.
  3. Breastfeeding in a continuous mode (attachment to the breast both at night and during the day). Even skipping one feeding can lead to a critical decrease in prolactin, which will trigger ovulation in a nursing mother.
  4. The child is 5-6 months old. From 5-6 months, complementary foods are introduced into the baby’s diet, which causes the extinction of lactation and a gradual decrease in the concentration of prolactin in the blood. After 6 months of continuous breastfeeding, a young mother should take care of contraception, since the start of ovulation and a new menstrual cycle can occur at any time.

Important! If all four conditions are met, the probability of pregnancy during breastfeeding does not exceed 1-2%, and the question “How not to get pregnant during lactation” disappears by itself.

It must be remembered that a number of young mothers, due to individual characteristics, can already start during lactation menstrual cycle, which creates the preconditions for the onset of an unwanted pregnancy. In this case, taking contraceptives must be started immediately.

The most common signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding

It is not difficult for a woman to suspect a normal pregnancy. Characteristic symptoms toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue), hardening of the mammary glands, taste distortions, lack of menstruation will tell her about changes in the body.

In a nursing mother, a new pregnancy occurs against the background of altered hormonal levels, so all these signs are either absent or the woman will not come to them of great importance. The following symptoms will indicate that a nursing mother is in an interesting position:

  • Decreased amount of breast milk: the mammary glands fill with milk less than usual, the newborn is not gaining weight well, and is capricious. Suppression of lactation occurs against the background of the production of high amounts of estrogen and progesterone by the pregnant uterus.
  • Increased sensitivity of the nipples, especially when the baby is attached to the breast. Unusual pain during breastfeeding is the first symptom that often forces women to consult a doctor.
  • Taste distortions, increased appetite. Nursing mothers need more high-calorie foods, and therefore their appetite is usually increased. However, if unusual food preferences appear against this background, it is worth taking a pregnancy test.
  • Disappearance of menstruation or menstrual-like bleeding even after its one-time appearance.

Doctors do not recommend planning to conceive a child for another three years after the previous birth, especially if the delivery went through caesarean section. The fact is that the body needs to restore its resources devoted to bearing the baby and feeding him.

Important! Carrying a child and giving birth after 1-2 years of breastfeeding often ends in miscarriage, abnormal course and adversely affects the health of the mother.

However, if a mother takes a responsible approach to planning and carrying a new pregnancy, all these consequences can be avoided. A woman should consult a gynecologist as early as possible to determine her individual contraindications and risks, the possibility of continuing breastfeeding, and also determine further tactics for managing a new pregnancy and childbirth.

New and breastfeeding

Doctors believe that the intervals between pregnancies should be at least two years. For this period hormonal background women must recover, and the body must stock up essential vitamins. Some mothers, despite the risks to their own health, dream of getting better, but for most women this situation becomes complete. This is partly due to mistaken confidence married couples, is that it is impossible to get pregnant during lactation, but practice proves the opposite. So what should nursing mothers do in this case? To feed or not? It's up to you to decide, but we'll try to weigh the pros and cons of breastfeeding during pregnancy.

How can breastfeeding be dangerous during pregnancy?

Reasons why Doctors may prohibit breastfeeding during pregnancy- this is the tone of the uterus, low performance, poor health, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In the first half of a normal pregnancy, nipple stimulation, as a rule, does not lead to negative consequences. Whereas closer to the 3rd trimester this provokes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which can provoke premature birth.

If the symptoms are unfavorable, of course, it is better not to show heroism and not risk pregnancy, especially since the negative consequences for the mother’s health can be very great.

Here is what he writes on this issue children's pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky:

“Both children - the one in the womb and the one whose mother is now breastfeeding - need more than anything in the world healthy mom. Again, I believe that feeding a child in combination with pregnancy is a fairly serious burden on the female body and a woman’s health does not improve at all from this.”

The doctor also believes that if the baby is already 6 months old, then weaning will be quite appropriate.

Many pregnant mothers worry that the baby will feel abandoned when weaning. Then recall that in maternity hospital under favorable circumstances, the woman in labor spends three days. Sometimes this period is enough for the baby to wean off the breast. Wouldn't it be better to gradually, several months before giving birth, reduce the frequency of feedings, giving the child more of your attention and care in return? After all, when neither the mother nor her milk is gone, suddenly and at the same time the baby will feel doubly abandoned.

Tandem feeding

Some mothers decide to feed two children at the same time, in tandem. Most gynecologists against this option, because pregnancy also means a big loss of vitamins and minerals from female body. Breastfeeding specialists On the contrary, they believe that with the right behavior, a mother can feed throughout pregnancy and after giving birth to two children, because it is convenient and natural. Correct Behavior implies a rational, high-calorie diet, intake vitamin complexes, good rest, sleep, avoidance stressful situations. Is it always possible to maintain such a regime when the mother has obligations to the older baby (or children) and the family? Think and really assess your capabilities and health. And of course, the question of expediency is important. What age is the baby and does he need your milk? If you decide in favor of breastfeeding during pregnancy, it is not superfluous, even mandatory, to have help from your spouse and family in your everyday life.

Tandem feeding has both supporters and opponents. However, in the civilized world the attitude towards this type of feeding is rather negative, therefore, society may influence a pregnant woman’s decision. After all, even with good health and the good health of doctors and relatives may turn out to be stronger than desire moms. The American Academy of Family Physicians came to the conclusion that in the absence of health contraindications, a woman should decide for herself whether to breastfeed during pregnancy.

Remember the contraindications, do not overdo it, if the child is more than 1 year old, take care of yourself, because in addition to the duty of breastfeeding, a mother has many other purposes.