First signs of pregnancy: how to determine an interesting position based on early symptoms. The first signs of pregnancy - complete list

1 week of pregnancy is a conditional period, since obstetricians begin counting the gestational age from the first day last menstrual period. For what? First of all, a woman almost always remembers the start date of her period, especially if she plans to get pregnant. But in most cases, the woman simply does not know the date when the pregnancy actually began, that is, the day of ovulation and fertilization. Even if partners remember the date of intercourse, fertilization could occur within a few days after it. The exception is when an ovulation test was performed and conception occurred on that day. Then the woman knows for sure when the pregnancy began. Another exception is if conception occurred through in vitro fertilization, then the exact date of the start of pregnancy is always known.

What happens in 1 week of pregnancy?

Every woman planning a pregnancy should know the difference between the gestational and embryonic stages of pregnancy.

It is the gestational (or obstetric) period of pregnancy that is counted from the first day of menstruation. The embryonic period begins from the moment of fertilization. Since in most cases ovulation and fertilization of the egg occurs 2–2.5 weeks from the beginning of the cycle (from the first day of menstruation), the embryonic pregnancy period is less than the gestational age by these 2–2.5 weeks. Thus, pregnancy of 1–2 weeks is a conditional obstetric period, during which important changes occur in the female body, preparing it for pregnancy.

According to the obstetric frame of reference, pregnancy lasts on average 40 weeks, or ten obstetric months (one obstetric month of pregnancy is exactly 4 weeks, or 28 days, not calendar month).

Remembering the date of the start of your last menstruation, it is very easy to calculate the estimated date of birth: just add 7 days to this date and count back three months.

Pregnancy 1 week: signs

Is it possible to detect signs of pregnancy at 1 week? Actually no, since pregnancy has not yet occurred. First signs of pregnancy (1 week embryonic period) can be discerned a little later: you may notice some irritability, weakness, and possible aching pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of painful sensations before menstruation.

What's happening?

With the onset of menstruation, the body begins to prepare expectant mother to the development of pregnancy. Important structural changes are now taking place in the endometrium: during menstruation, its functional layer peels off, and then a new loose layer of cells is formed, ideal for embryo implantation.

Under the influence of change hormonal levels the process of egg maturation occurs. The beginning of this long process lies during puberty: this is when the development of follicles begins. With the beginning of each menstrual cycle, several follicles begin to actively grow, but then one of them outstrips all the others - this is how a dominant follicle is formed. It is he who will reach the moment of ovulation - the release of an egg ready for fertilization from the follicle.

Immediately after ovulation, the egg is located in the abdominal cavity, from where, with the help of movements of the villous apparatus of the fallopian tube, it moves directly into the tube. This is where fertilization normally occurs.

On average, ovulation occurs on days 12–16 of the menstrual cycle, but it is considered normal if this process occurs on both days 8 and 19. This is why in the vast majority of cases, a woman does not know when fertilization occurs. But if you are planning a pregnancy, you must take this period seriously and prepare properly.

The first weeks of pregnancy are the most crucial period: it is now that the most important changes in the embryo occur, absolutely all organs are formed, the formation of all tissues, all systems begins. Now any negative factor can affect the development of the baby and even cause termination of pregnancy at 1 week. When planning a pregnancy, you should take care of your health in advance, including proper nutrition.

Your diet before and throughout pregnancy should be balanced: you should get enough of all the essential nutrients: proteins, valuable carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements, healthy fats. Include in your daily menu variety of vegetables, fruits, greens, berries, nuts. Avoid alcohol completely, try to avoid products with preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives.

Talk to your doctor and start taking a multivitamin. Pay attention to the sufficient content of folic acid in them. Folate has been proven to significantly reduce the risk of congenital abnormalities nervous system. That is why folic acid included in all special vitamins for pregnant women. These medications should be started three months before the planned pregnancy. Such preconception preparation helps reduce the risk of fetal developmental abnormalities and helps to carry a pregnancy to term.

Mom's feelings

Since the first week of pregnancy is the beginning of the next menstruation, the woman will feel the same. Possible pain in the lower abdomen associated with spasm of the muscular layer of the uterus, weakness. Since the actual pregnancy has not yet occurred, no specific signs won't happen yet. Only when the 1st week of pregnancy begins after conception, you will notice characteristic signs.

Every woman planning a pregnancy eagerly awaits its first signs. Symptoms that suggest pregnancy include the following:

  • Lack of menstruation. The most famous and common sign of pregnancy is early stages- this is a delay in the next menstrual bleeding. If conception has occurred and embryo development has begun, corpus luteum continues to function, and the progesterone it produces prevents the rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium - menstruation does not occur. However, this sign is not always present: in some cases, even during pregnancy, menstruation may occur.
  • Promotion basal temperature. If a woman measures her basal temperature throughout her menstrual cycle, she will notice a change in the graph: when pregnancy occurs, this figure increases, and the reason for this is the influence of progesterone.
  • Malaise. Already in the early stages, a woman may experience nausea, more often in the morning, weakness, and dizziness.
  • Changes in the mammary glands. Suspected signs of pregnancy include sensitivity, tenderness of the mammary glands, their swelling, and the appearance of a venous network on the chest.
  • Changing allocations. Already in the 1st week of pregnancy, discharge under the influence of progesterone changes: the amount of cervical mucus increases. But this symptom is also individual: some women do not notice an increase in the abundance of discharge, and in some this symptom is quite pronounced.
  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen. In early pregnancy, contractions of the uterus often occur, and these sensations often resemble the beginning of menstruation.
  • Bloody discharge before expected menstruation. When an embryo is implanted into the endometrium, bloody issues. This occurs about a week before the expected start of your next period.
  • Positive pregnancy test. Of course, the most long-awaited moment for a woman planning a pregnancy is two lines on the test. It must be remembered that the test is not always positive, because the test strip determines the concentration of the hormone -, and if it is lower than the level that can determine this test, then the result may be false negative.

Despite the fact that the fertilization process has not yet occurred and the baby’s development has not begun, your body is ready for this, and 1 week of pregnancy is a very important period in order to properly prepare.

  • Now it is very important to avoid introducing any toxins into the body. Avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, taking medicines, which can negatively affect the development of the embryo. If still required drug treatment any illness during this period, be sure to consult a doctor.
  • During this period, exposure to x-ray radiation on the pelvic area is undesirable. If such an examination is necessary, be sure to tell the doctor that you are planning a pregnancy. It may be advisable to postpone the planned conception until next month.
  • Stressful situations should be limited to the maximum now. If you have a stressful job that involves psychological stress, think about changing something. Try to avoid conflicts with relatives. And most importantly, pay attention to your relationship with your spouse: arrange romantic evenings, plan everything together. As for sex in the 1st week of pregnancy, there are, without a doubt, no contraindications.
  • Support your immunity: vitamins, balanced diet, daily walks, physical activity - all this will greatly help you cope with changes in your condition during pregnancy.
  • Avoid contact with people with infectious diseases. Even banal viral infection, especially when accompanied by a high temperature, can negatively affect the development of the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • If you suffer from diseases of the reproductive system, be sure to visit a doctor before your planned pregnancy: you may need to undergo an ultrasound or other tests.
  • Pay attention correct regimen of the day: now we must not forget about daily exercises and walking. And such types physical activity You can start now, like yoga and swimming, and continue throughout your pregnancy. Good physical shape greatly facilitates the well-being of the expectant mother and helps to better cope with childbirth.

Useful video

What can a woman feel in the 1st week of pregnancy from conception?

The first week of pregnancy is the period when fertilization has already occurred, the embryo is moving along fallopian tube and is implanted. During this period, a restructuring of the mother's body occurs, allowing her to bear the baby. In the early stages, a woman may experience malaise, nausea in the morning, weakness, cravings for unusual foods, and sometimes dizziness. Already at this time, frequent urination is possible, associated with increased blood supply to the pelvic organs. If a woman had intestinal problems before pregnancy, constipation and flatulence may increase. This is due to changes in hormone levels, which reduce intestinal contractility. Painful sensations in the lower abdomen are also possible, which are associated with contraction of the myometrium.

After a positive pregnancy test, I immediately went to the gynecologist, and the doctor gave me a gestational age of 4 weeks, and an ultrasound concluded that the gestational age was 1-2 weeks. How is this possible?

It's quite normal. It is generally accepted to count the gestational age from the beginning of the last menstruation. If you received positive test in the first days of the delay, then probably four weeks have passed since the onset of menstruation. But in fact, pregnancy begins from the moment of fertilization, and this occurs on days 14–18 of the cycle. During the ultrasound, you were told the actual term (embryonic).

My husband and I are planning a pregnancy. There’s not even a delay yet, but I feel unusual weakness, slight nausea, but my stomach hurts like before my period. Could these be early signs of pregnancy?

Yes maybe. But the symptoms you described are nonspecific. To confirm pregnancy, take a test, but when purchasing a test system at a pharmacy, choose the one with the greatest sensitivity, that is, the one that detects a low concentration of hCG. If the test is positive, the answer is obvious. If not, redo it in a few days and consult a doctor.

I think I'm 1 week pregnant, but I got sick with ARVI. Is this dangerous for the child?

A viral infection, especially a severe one with a high fever, can cause fetal developmental abnormalities. Sometimes in such situations, doctors recommend gentle termination of pregnancy. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, the pathology of fetal development in the early stages leads to spontaneous abortion. If the disease is mild, no high temperature, there is no need to take medications that can cause pathology in the development of the fetus - there is no reason to worry. In any case, consult a specialist.

The birth of a new life is a universal mechanism that is perfectly regulated by the female body. Unfortunately, a woman’s reproductive system is not able to convey the very first signs of pregnancy immediately after conception. This condition can only be recognized by characteristic symptoms, forming on different stages carrying a child. Some women experience early signs of pregnancy, while others do not notice any changes in their health.

How formerly a woman detects pregnancy, the more time she will have to undergo a specialized examination. It is worth considering that in the first days after conception there cannot be any obvious signs of pregnancy.

You can recognize the first symptoms indicating pregnancy by the following signs:

  1. Lack of menstruation. Every woman knows about this symptom; it is considered the very first sign of pregnancy. When an egg is fertilized, the menstrual cycle is delayed, since the previously rejected endometrium is necessary for the fetus to full development. However, the first day of delay cannot be considered as reliable sign, since the absence of menstruation is often caused by pathological changes in the organs of the reproductive system, stress, and hormonal disorders.
  2. Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands. Female breast very sensitive to hormonal changes in organism. When pregnancy occurs, there is a slight increase in breast volume, increased sensitivity of the nipples, as well as their soreness. Often in the area of ​​the halo there is an increase in specific tubercles that were previously barely palpable.
  3. Frequent urination. One of the early signs of pregnancy is an increase in the frequency of the urge to urinate. This sign is formed against the background of increased production of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). The urge to urinate may be bothersome even with low filling Bladder. This is observed mainly at night. Additionally, there is a delay in menstruation.
  4. Change taste preferences. The increasing level of hormones causes a change in taste preferences. Those food combinations that were previously unacceptable for a woman become objects of preference and vice versa. Also, a woman may experience a metallic taste in her mouth.
  5. Fatigue and drowsiness. These signs most often occur during the first pregnancy. Increase Intensity metabolic processes in the body, provokes a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and a desire to rest. The hormone progesterone produced has a relaxing, calming effect. The feeling of fatigue haunts women throughout the day.
  6. Nausea. The appearance of this symptom is typical for 1.5 months of pregnancy. Sometimes the symptom occurs on the twentieth day from the moment of conception. Some women feel nausea earlier. This sign cannot be called one of the most reliable, since the feeling of nausea is characteristic of diseases digestive system, cardiovascular and central nervous. Only in combination with other signs does nausea indicate the development of pregnancy.

When can you expect the first manifestations?

In this matter, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of each woman’s body. Early symptoms of pregnancy can be observed as early as 8-10 days after the fertilization of the egg. This period may vary, depending on the body's sensitivity to hormonal changes.

In medical practice, there have been cases where women recognized fertilization already on the 5th day.

In this context, we are talking about women who listen carefully to their body and feel the slightest fluctuations in their condition. On the 20th day of the cycle, signs of pregnancy take on a characteristic appearance.

Minor signs

Less likely signs of pregnancy include many symptoms that can be observed in the first days:

  • Increase in basal temperature. When a woman regularly tracks her menstrual cycle, she may experience an increase in basal temperature up to 37 °C. A change in this indicator is facilitated by high levels of progesterone.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area. In the event of conception, changes occur in the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Against this background, a woman may feel a feeling of heaviness and squeezing.
  • Insomnia. The feeling of fatigue is often replaced by increased nervous excitability and insomnia.
  • Lower abdominal pain. This symptom may occur during the formation of ectopic implantation or miscarriage. If the pregnancy that occurs is spontaneously terminated, then in combination with the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina.
  • Lower back pain. When conception occurs, a pulling sensation may be felt. In addition, this symptom may indicate kidney disease.
  • Headache. Changes in hormonal levels are accompanied by neurological symptoms. A pregnant woman may experience spontaneous headaches.
  • Increased appetite. Acceleration of metabolic processes during pregnancy causes increased appetite.
  • Enhanced sense of smell and taste. If a woman previously did not pay attention to certain odors, then from the moment she becomes pregnant she may experience an aversion to them. The same applies to the taste parameters of some products.
  • Irritability, mood swings. Many pregnant women complain of emotional lability and sudden mood swings.
  • Implantation bleeding. One of the signs of pregnancy at 1 week, which indicates the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall.
  • Digestive disorders. Vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, and belching may appear as secondary signs of pregnancy.
  • Weight change. When the pregnant body strives to provide developing fetus necessary nutrients, a woman may notice an increase in body weight.
  • Restless sleep. Hormonal changes affect a woman’s emotional background. Expectant mothers may have difficulty falling asleep.
  • Tingling in the uterus. This symptom occurs quite rarely, since not every woman can recognize it. Local changes in the uterine cavity can cause a tingling sensation.
  • Feeling hot and chilly. This symptom has nothing to do with a violation of the body’s thermoregulation. Such reactions occur against the background of hormonal imbalance.
  • Discomfort in a sitting position. This sign is due to increased blood supply in the pelvis.
  • Swelling of the face, arms and legs. Pregnancy is characterized by fluid retention in the body.
  • Acne. If a woman has not previously experienced skin problems, then during pregnancy it may appear. acne in the facial area. This happens due to changes in hormonal levels.
  • Bloating. An increase in hormone levels helps to relax the intestinal muscles. The result is flatulence.
  • Increased venous pattern on the chest. From the moment the egg is fertilized, the female body begins preparations for feeding the child. The characteristic venous pattern indicates the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation.
  • Darkening of the skin around the nipples. Another symptom of preparation for lactation.
  • Redness of the facial skin. Changes in hormonal levels affect the tone of capillaries, which become prone to expansion.
  • Change in pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen. Pregnant women develop a characteristic pigment “track” running from the navel to the upper edge of the pubic bone.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids. If a woman suffered before pregnancy, then with its onset an exacerbation of the disease may occur.
  • Cramps of the calf muscles. Another minor sign indicating a change in metabolism.
  • Low or high blood pressure. Most often, expectant mothers tend to increase blood pressure however, a decrease in this parameter may also indicate pregnancy.
  • Reduced immunity. In order for pregnancy to proceed smoothly, immunity is suppressed in the female body. Frequent cases of colds and acute respiratory viral infections can also serve as symptoms of pregnancy.
  • Thrush. This fungal disease occurs when local immunity decreases.

Diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages

Specialized diagnostic methods will make it possible to reliably determine the signs of pregnancy already on the 5th day of gestation.

Pregnancy test

Rapid tests do not always detect pregnancy immediately after conception. This is due to the fact that the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increases gradually and remains normal in the early stages. A reliable pregnancy test result can only be obtained from the 14th day after conception.

Gynecological examination

As a result of a gynecological examination, it is possible to determine probable signs pregnancy. These include:

  • an increase in the size of the uterus and a change in its consistency;
  • change in color of the external genitalia;
  • softening of the isthmus of the uterus;
  • increased uterine motility;
  • displacement of the uterus.

These five landmarks indicate the implantation of the egg.

Increased hCG levels

To determine this indicator, a laboratory blood test is performed. The maximum information content of the analysis is observed from the 13-14th day of gestation. An increase in the hormone also occurs with diseases of the reproductive system and ectopic egg implantation.


An informative way to detect pregnancy in the early stages is ultrasonography. Fertilization can be confirmed in the first weeks after conception. The study is carried out using an abdominal or transvaginal sensor.

Carrying a child is a big responsibility that you take on. expectant mother. In order for the baby to develop healthy, a woman must refuse any bad habits, pay attention to your diet and lifestyle.

Useful video about the first symptoms of pregnancy

For any woman, pregnancy is important event. Some have been waiting for this happy moment for years and listen to any changes in their body in the hope of giving birth. long-awaited baby, others are afraid to find out this news due to lack of confidence in their partner, random unprotected contacts, etc. Life situations may be different, but one point unites everyone: for every woman it is important to catch the first signs of pregnancy as quickly as possible and understand what has happened interesting situation.

The first symptoms of pregnancy, which appear before the delay of menstruation, are called subjective. Pregnancy itself after conception occurs within 7-10 days, this is the time required for the fertilized egg to move to the uterus.

From the moment of consolidation ovum Various changes in the body begin to be observed, signs appear that may indicate the likelihood of an interesting situation.

A single manifestation of one of the earliest signs of pregnancy does not give confidence in conception, but if a combination of two or more symptoms is observed, then you can already tune in to expecting a baby.

Sleep disturbance

Behind Lately More and more doctors are inclined to consider sleep disturbances as one of the signs of pregnancy. Insomnia occurs in every second woman expecting a new addition to the family, and is usually associated with hormonal changes occurring in the body. Psychological and pathological causes such a state.


One of the earliest, main and most frequently manifested symptoms is nausea. An aversion to food may occur only in the morning or throughout the day, and may alternate with the desire to eat something unusual or not eat at all.

Nausea is often accompanied by vomiting; in this case, a woman must replenish fluid loss and drink more clean water.

If nausea occurs more than 20 times a day, it is advisable to seek the help of a doctor; further monitoring of your health in a hospital may be necessary.

Pain in the lower abdomen

A few days after fertilization, some women may complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which disappears without a trace after 2-3 days. Sometimes pain can be accompanied by scanty bleeding, the duration of which is no more than 2 days. Such signs indicate the body’s adaptation to the presence of an embryo.

Pain in the lower back

For the occurrence of periodic nagging pain Women who are preparing for childbirth for the first time usually complain in the lumbar region. The pain is explained by an increase in the size of the uterus to accommodate the growing embryo and is observed throughout pregnancy.


The greatest number of complaints about migraines occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, and this is explained by an increase in blood volume and abrupt change hormonal background. An attack can begin suddenly from any irritant or load.

Change in appetite

Often the appearance and course of pregnancy is accompanied by a radical change in taste preferences. Once upon a time regular food suddenly it seems completely unsuitable and even disgusting, and products that were never previously used in the everyday diet become more in demand.

Some people may experience a constant feeling of hunger from the first days of pregnancy.

Emotionality, irritability

Hormonal changes in a woman against the background of other signs of pregnancy certainly affect emotional sphere: continuous changes in mood, anxiety, rage, irritability - all this is most clearly manifested in the first days and months of pregnancy.

These conditions are natural and temporary.

Sensitivity to odors

Almost all women pay attention to increased sensitivity to odors during early stages pregnancy. It is believed that it is this factor that causes nausea and vomiting. The perception of smells develops and proceeds differently for everyone: some react sharply to the aromas of perfumes, others - to foods.

Change in sexual desire

Hormonal changes in the body with the onset of pregnancy can intensify sexual attraction, and be the reason for refusal intimacy.

In the second case, this may be triggered by the presence of additional signs of pregnancy, such as nausea, insomnia, and fatigue.

Other signs of pregnancy

These include increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, fever and chills, which change several times a day. IN in rare cases An allergic reaction may occur that was not there before.

External symptoms and signs

Swelling of the face and limbs

There should be no swelling in the first months. If, however, this phenomenon begins to appear before 20 weeks, this often indicates a disease of the kidneys or cardiovascular system, the development of which resulted from pregnancy.

In any case, if such signs occur, consultation with a doctor is required.

There is a belief that if a girl develops acne during pregnancy - sure sign the appearance of a girl, and if the skin remains clear, we are expecting a boy. Believe it or not, it's up to you personally.

One thing can be stated with obvious certainty: the appearance of acne on the face is one of the first signs of pregnancy, and it is associated with active changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother.


Flatulence, or bloating, is another sign of pregnancy and can appear 7-14 days after conception. But women rarely mention this sign; it begins to manifest itself especially clearly later - with the development of the fetus and the deterioration of intestinal function.

Breast augmentation

From the first weeks, women may notice breast enlargement and complain of pain or tingling in the mammary glands. This can be easily explained by the proliferation of glandular breast tissue and milk ducts, which is caused by an increase in estrogen and.

Often on this physical sign Women pay attention earlier than others.

Darkening of the skin around the nipples

Simultaneously with breast enlargement, changes in the color of the nipples, areola, and the appearance of tubercles around the nipples (Montgomery glands) may be observed. The nipples themselves can react sharply to touch, and women can feel pain and burning.

Facial redness

As a result of intense blood circulation, a blush may appear on the face, more often it can be observed in the evening.

Other external signs

Additional signs of the birth of a new life may be an increase in the venous pattern on the chest; in the lower abdomen, a change in the color of the conditional line running from the center of the navel downwards may be possible - it becomes pigmented and gradually darkens.

Physiological and laboratory changes

In addition to subjective symptoms, the presence or absence of pregnancy will help determine physiological signs and laboratory tests.

The main sign by which a woman most often determines that she is pregnant is a delay in menstruation. A slight delay does not indicate the presence of a pregnancy, but if hormonal disorders were not previously observed and there were no psycho-emotional disorders in the recent past, then together with other signs this may confirm the presence of a fetus.

Increase in basal temperature

If menstruation does not occur at a certain time, it makes sense to measure the internal (or basal) body temperature when the thermometer is inserted into the rectum for 5 minutes.

In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules, if not followed, you can get incorrect results.

  • You need to carry out the procedure in the morning, without getting out of bed, and remain as still as possible.
  • To obtain accurate data on the state of the body, temperature measurements occur over several days at the same time.

If your body temperature exceeds 37 degrees, you should consult a gynecologist. The probability of pregnancy is high.

With the onset of pregnancy, the female body begins to produce a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin, produced by fetal tissues. This hormone preserves the fetus and affects the course of pregnancy.

Human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be formed by embryonic cells 7-10 days after fertilization of the egg at the time the embryo attaches to the uterine wall. One of objective signs Pregnancy is precisely an increase in human chorionic gonadotropin, which can be determined in the blood already on the 6-8th day from the expected conception.

The presence of more than 25 mU/ml in the blood indicates the presence of pregnancy; if this indicator is slightly lower, a repeat test is needed. It is possible to speak unambiguously about the absence of a fetus if the readings are less than 5 mU/ml. The increase in indicators lasts up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, then gradually decreases.

HCG analysis is the most precise method determining pregnancy, timing and possible pathologies. For getting correct results analysis, it is important to follow several rules: it is better to carry out the analysis on the 3-5th day after a missed period or on the 12-14th day after the approximate date of conception; It is advisable not to eat 4-6 hours before the test.

Symptoms of conceiving children of different sexes

More or less reliable information about the sex of the child can be obtained using medical methods.

  • Ultrasound is a routine examination that is carried out no more than 3 times during 9 months of pregnancy (100% accuracy of the result).
  • Amyocentesis - the analysis is associated with puncture of the amniotic sac; it is prescribed if there is concern about the occurrence of genetic disease, can have unpleasant consequences for mother and baby (only for determining the sex of the child).
  • DNA test. Surprisingly, with the help of a DNA test it is possible to determine the sex of the child from the mother’s blood starting from the 40th day of pregnancy (100% certainty).
  • Gender test. The sex of the child is determined in the same way as pregnancy is determined - using a test at home. It turns out that the sex hormones of the unborn baby are present in the urine of a pregnant woman. When combining urine with the reagent, if the strip turns out to be green, we expect a boy, and orange, a girl (data accuracy is 90%).

In addition to the above methods for determining the gender of a child, for centuries people have tried to guess the gender of the unborn child on their own and came up with signs that were passed down from generation to generation. Some of them have survived to this day and are still used in determining sex.

The earliest signs of pregnancy with a boy

You can expect a boy based on the following signs:

  • if a woman has an acute stomach, the waist remains at the back;
  • the baby in the stomach kicks strongly and often;
  • constant desire to eat salty foods;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • clean, smooth skin faces;
  • The first months of pregnancy are easy.

The first signs of pregnancy with a girl in the early stages

The following signs are relevant:

  • deterioration of appearance, problems with facial skin;
  • if the abdomen is encircled, there is no waist from the back;
  • darkening of the nipple areola;
  • The first months of pregnancy are difficult.


You can listen to the subjective reasons for pregnancy and assume its presence, but only physiological changes And medical tests. If you notice the first symptoms of pregnancy, contact a specialist immediately.

When planning a child, a woman, expecting a miracle, always listens to her body with the hope of recognizing the most. It is very important for every woman to find out as early as possible about the planned or unwanted pregnancy, since this makes it possible to prepare for upcoming motherhood or take measures to terminate it.

For most women, a missed period is considered a suspected pregnancy, but many doctors are confident that this is not entirely true. Delayed menstruation may also occur for other reasons, including gynecological diseases, depression, hormonal disbalance and others.

Experts assure that if a woman wants to know about early offensive pregnancy, you need to contact a gynecologist, undergo a series of laboratory tests, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which will accurately confirm or refute the alleged pregnancy.

However, many women rely on their intuition and, just a few days after unprotected intercourse, are assured of pregnancy. Doctors are quite skeptical about early signs pregnancy and they claim that it is impossible to feel it in the first week, since it will take at least 7 to 10 days for the fertilization of the egg and its implantation in the uterine cavity. Some women still claim that they learned about their impending pregnancy already in the first week.

Signs of pregnancy 1 week before missed period

The results of the study will confirm or refute the suspected pregnancy with 98% accuracy.

If you suspect pregnancy, do not rush things. Nonspecific symptoms are a reason to consult a gynecologist, but they cannot be the basis for confirming pregnancy. Very often, such symptoms are not at all associated with the female genital area; they can be signs of completely different diseases or disorders occurring in the body. False signs of pregnancy often appear in women who long time strive for motherhood or are terrified of becoming pregnant.

Specific signs of pregnancy

TO specific symptoms include those signs that most often inform a woman about the onset of pregnancy. Such symptoms may appear as early as the 2nd or 4th week. The most typical are:

Hormonal imbalance often causes increased irritability, frequent shifts mood, there are often disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system that are not related to food intake. There are cases when a woman does not feel any changes, and finds out about the alleged pregnancy only after a delay in menstruation.

Laboratory and instrumental diagnosis of pregnancy

If you suspect an early pregnancy or the first signs of it appear, you need to contact a gynecologist, who, after examination, laboratory results and instrumental diagnostics will be able to confirm or deny the alleged pregnancy. The “gold standard” in diagnosing pregnant women is considered to be b-subunits, ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor, and express tests.

Ultrasound examination is completely safe for a pregnant woman and fetus; it can be performed as early as the 4th week. At the earliest stages, the results may be false positive or false negative. The first planned ultrasound if pregnancy is suspected is carried out at the 7th week of pregnancy. It is during this period that the presence of an embryo can be considered, internal changes in the pelvic organs.

Blood test, one of the most informative research methods at the earliest stages, allowing already on the 7th–9th day. During pregnancy, the level of hormones in the blood increases, and the concentration of bhCG increases every week until the 10th week. Thanks to this analysis, it is possible to determine pregnancy pathologies, fetal anomalies and other conditions.

In the early stages, an immunological study is prescribed, which is based on the hemagglutination reaction.

To carry out the analysis, morning urine is taken, which is mixed in a laboratory with antigen antiserum.

In addition to basic tests, a woman must undergo urine and blood tests, and also undergo an express test. Most often, a pregnancy test is performed by a woman at home before visiting a doctor. Pregnancy tests can give false or true results. For example, when a woman is diagnosed with kidney pathologies or the test is stitched, the result may be positive. Doctors often recommend testing twice different days, while buying them in different pharmacy chains. The test in the first week cannot. Reliable results can be received as early as the 2nd or 3rd week.

Based on this, we can conclude that the only way in the first week before or after the delay, an analysis is considered that with a 98% probability recognizes the conception of the fetus. Starting from the 3rd week, an ultrasound can be performed, which will help determine the fertilized egg.

It is not always easy to recognize early pregnancy, but if a woman listens well to her body, consults a gynecologist in time, it is much easier to confirm or deny its occurrence.


Starting point of pregnancy doctors usually consider the first day last menstrual period . Although pregnancy has not yet occurred, the woman’s body has already begun preparing for this wonderful event. Conception occurs much later, only in the third week. How to prepare to the desired pregnancy occurred as early as possible and was it successful? Let's discuss the main preparation steps before learning what the first signs of pregnancy are typical for 1 week from the moment of conception.

At the end of the first week it is worth paying attention Special attention directly to conceiving a child. To ensure that your chances of conceiving are as high as possible, doctors advise taking a three-day break. intimate life before the moment of possible conception.

Male reproductive cells are spermatozoa that are quite sensitive to chemical composition the environment in which they find themselves. The most favorable positions for conceiving a child The so-called missionary position and the knee-elbow position of the woman, in which the man is behind, are recognized. To increase the likelihood of conception, it is worth spending twenty to thirty minutes after intercourse lying on your back. You can elevate your pelvic area by placing a folded blanket under your lower back. or pillow . If you have animals in your home - cats, dogs and other pets, have them examined by a veterinarian and get all the necessary vaccinations. Take timely prevention of colds.

Basal temperature measurements every morning are good habit for a woman planning to soon become a mother. If possible, try to avoid stressful situations and nervous shocks.

When planning pregnancy in advance, 1 week pregnant should be marked not only by a visit to the doctor, but also by an appointment vitamin complexes. In most cases, the gynecologist prescribes an ultrasound between 5 and 11 days of the cycle. . This is necessary to control the process of follicle growth. In addition, an ultrasound will allow your doctor to determine the exact day of ovulation and identify possible violations hormonal background of a woman.

Signs of pregnancy at 1 week not so noticeable, but nevertheless a woman often notices the following changes:

increased salivation. The 1st week of pregnancy is often marked by the formation of drool in the mouth on its own. This happens not only before a meal, when you are hungry and see delicious treats on the table, but also after a meal;

calf cramps, which especially often occur at night, may also indicate that you are 1 week pregnant;

Another common sign of pregnancy at 1 week is a metallic taste in the mouth and changes in pigmentation. Already a week after conception white line The area of ​​the abdomen, which starts from the navel and goes down, may darken. It is also possible for age spots to appear on the face. , along the hairline;

bloating of the abdomen, as well as sudden constipation from any food, are among the most embarrassing of the first signs of pregnancy.

The pregnancy period is counted from the first day of the last menstruation for several reasons. Among the main reasons is convenience, since the start date of menstruation is remembered depending on the date of conception. Conception can occur not necessarily on the day of sexual intercourse, but even within 3 days after intimacy. According to global practice, the fertilization stage lags behind by 2 weeks from the beginning of the menstrual cycle . This delay is usually called the ovulation period. Menstruation is a process of renewal of the female reproductive system and preparation of the body for ovulation and conception. At the same time, the ovary prepares for the possibility of the egg giving birth to a new life.

The gestational (or obstetric) period of pregnancy is 40 weeks, that is, 10 months of 4 weeks each, for a total of 280 days. Obstetric term is divided into 3 trimesters: the first lasts from 1 to 12 weeks, the second from 13 to 27 weeks, the third from 28 to 40 weeks. In order to predict the birth of a baby by a certain date, you can calculate the estimated date of birth following method: Add 7 days to the date of the last menstruation and count back 3 months.


If we compare the possibility of getting pregnant at the age of slightly over 30 compared to when a woman is almost 40, then the difference is huge. The closer your age gets to 40, the weaker your body's ability to conceive . Experts around the world advise women over 30 not to wait too long, especially if they plan to have more than one child.

Pregnancy after 30 years will proceed without any special differences from pregnancy in more early age. The ability to conceive and the risk of miscarriage or having a child with Down syndrome are only a couple of percent higher than for women aged 26 to 28 years. After 35 years, a woman's fertility begins to decline sharply. Also, pregnancy after 35 years is marked by an increased risk of having a child with Down syndrome or other congenital malformations. Doctors may advise the expectant mother to undergo a number of examinations: amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy and some others.

In women aged 35 and 39 years the chances of conceiving twins increase many times over even without prior infertility treatment. Typically, infertility treatment helps multiple pregnancy. Typically, during one menstrual cycle, a woman matures one egg , but levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increase with age.

Pregnancy after 40 years has a number of advantages. Among them is the fact that since you were in no hurry to have children before, it means you were busy with your career, personal growth, we managed to see the world. Your financial well-being provides a confident foundation family life. Women at an older age are better educated, unlike young mothers, they make reasonable and informed decisions. Women over 40 are more likely to breastfeeding, they eat healthy food, take care of the child.

The main disadvantage of having a child after 40 years of age is the difficulty of conception. It has been scientifically proven that 15 years before the onset of menopause, the number of eggs produced that mature in a woman’s body begins to decline sharply. In addition, mature eggs may have chromosomal problems, which leads to an increased risk of miscarriage and birth defects in the child.


Sexual contact occurs in cases where the body of both partners is completely ready for it. To ensure that intimate intimacy brings pleasure and not pain, the reproductive organs of both women and men secrete a special natural lubricant. This lubricant looks like colorless mucus and serves as proof that the partner is in an aroused state.

In men, lubricant is a pre-ejaculatory fluid that is released during intimacy and looks like clear, odorless mucus. Nature has provided this mucus as a lubricant for easier penetration of the genital organ. Female body secretes the same fluid, but it is not related to pregnancy . With male mucus, things are a little more complicated.

Many young girls wonder - " Is it possible to get pregnant from male mucus during intimate contact?"Experts answer that it is possible to get pregnant from mucus, but the likelihood of this is negligible. Studies have confirmed that spermatozoa are present in the secretions (lubrication) of some men, but the number of such men is not at all large. Find out the answer to the question "Is it possible to get pregnant from mucus?" is only possible through expensive tests.


Only a gynecologist or a pregnancy test can determine pregnancy with a high probability , but let's talk about what early pregnancy symptoms you can identify yourself.

The only way to most accurately determine pregnancy before visiting a doctor , is a test. Some pregnancy symptoms already in the first days after conception will tell you that the woman is in an interesting position. Some women feel their bodies so sensitively that they almost immediately feel that they are pregnant. Other women do not feel anything until their period is missed. Delay is the most a clear sign pregnancy.
First symptoms of pregnancy may differ quite significantly different women. Even in the same woman, during her second pregnancy, symptoms may differ from those she observed during her first pregnancy.

What early pregnancy symptoms can a woman see on her own? Strong cravings for salty foods, changes in taste preferences, increased irritability and nervousness. The expectant mother sometimes has poor control over her behavior, although she understands that behavior does not always correspond to the norm.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days- mild nausea or nausea at certain periods of time, which is called early toxicosis. Toxicosis may occur like a pronounced sensation with every meal or just mild nausea in the morning. Also, at the beginning of pregnancy, the perception of smells and tastes may change, and an aversion to any food may occur. Sometimes a metallic taste appears in the mouth.

In the early stages of pregnancy, breast enlargement is especially noticeable. Conception in the very first days gives rise to rapid hormonal changes in a woman’s body. Breasts may become larger in just a couple of weeks by one or two sizes, sensitivity increases.


Some signs of pregnancy in the first days are more accurate than a conventional pregnancy test. At a very early stage, the test may not show the desired second stripe. Even if conception has occurred, the hCG level may be so low that the test will not be able to catch its increase.

The first signs of pregnancy can also be determined by the appearance of acne, even if you have never had such a problem. With standard fetal development immune system The expectant mother is depressed. Nature provided this so that the body does not reject the embryo as a foreign body. As a result future mommy becomes very susceptible to various kinds infections.

By regularly monitoring your cycle and measuring your basal temperature, you will notice that your temperature will remain elevated throughout the luteal phase. The hormone progesterone helps keep the temperature at high level throughout ovulation. If your basal temperature remains high and after ovulation is completed, this indicates pregnancy.

Signs of early pregnancy
- light spotting 8-10 days after ovulation. They start around the time you are supposed to have your next period. This discharge is called implantation bleeding.

During the first pregnancy, signs of pregnancy are earlier than during the second pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the metabolism becomes faster so that the body can support both the fetus and the woman’s body. These symptoms can manifest as endless fatigue.

The first signs of pregnancy are also an increase in the amount of cervical mucus, cramps in the lower abdomen , constant constipation and gases.


One of the most common questions about pregnancy is: “How many weeks is a woman’s pregnancy?”

We know that pregnancy is 9 months, but why then? normal period Is 40 weeks considered for childbirth? The first knowledge that a woman acquires during pregnancy is to count the term in weeks, not months.

Doctors determine the gestational age, and therefore the date of expected birth. from the fact that the average woman's cycle lasts 28 days. Ovulation occurs on days 14-15 of the cycle.

Doctors have their own answer to the question “How many weeks does a woman’s pregnancy last?” Optimal time is considered 280 days. The exact period is quite difficult to determine due to the impossibility of establishing exact date ovulation. It may not correspond to the date of sexual intercourse. The baby will be considered full-term if born between 266 and 294 days, which corresponds to a period of 38 to 42 weeks of fetal development.

Thus, 280 days are equal to 40 weeks, an obstetric month consists of 4 weeks, that is, one cycle - 28 days. This is exactly 10 obstetric months.