Types of perm for medium length hair. Light perm for medium hair

How beautiful they look curly hair! They make a woman a real coquette. Curly locks neatly frame her face and create a pretty bright image. But it is very difficult for lovely ladies to do such styling every day. It takes about an hour. How to be? Submitting your hair to the power of chemicals? But this procedure significantly spoils hairline. However, the problem can be solved without such harsh influence. Today, among hairdressing services, light perm - carving - is in great demand.

What is hair carving

Long straight hair has been in fashion for women for quite a long time. Today you can meet many representatives of the fair sex with beautiful curly locks. At the same time, women make curls on both long and short hair. The hairdressing service of hair carving helps them a lot in this.

The name of the procedure came to us from in English. Carving is translated as follows: “curly carving” or “carved work”. This interpretation is very similar in perception to the effect obtained after the procedure. Carving is also called light perm.

So, carving means long-term wave styling that lasts on straight hair for about two months. She is the one who helps women have beautiful curls without spending a lot of time.

Carving is suitable for different lengths hair

At its core, carving is a perm that is done using special products that do not have a harsh effect on the hair. During the procedure, the scalp is also not affected. This long-term perm helps many girls not only gain curls, but also get rid of lack of volume, unruliness and tangling of hair.

The procedure is carried out using especially high-quality compounds. They are sold only in specialized outlets or on the Internet. Remember, in order not to harm your hair, hair carving products must be purchased from trusted stores.

Important! It must be remembered that hair after the carving procedure requires very careful care. Be sure to choose only hair products that do not contain sulfates, silicones and aggressive additives so that the effect lasts as long as possible. Repeated winner of ratings natural cosmetics is a Mulsan cosmetic company. This brand produces exclusively safe means without aggressive chemical components. All cosmetics are suitable for use after carving procedures, as well as after Botox and keratin straightening procedures. We confidently recommend the official online store mulsan.ru

What is hair carving and how is it done - video

Why do you need hair carving and how often can it be done?

In addition to the desire of the woman herself to have curls, carving can be resorted to in the following cases:

  • if your hair is oily. The procedure will dry them well. After it, the need to wash your hair will arise less often;
  • if your hair is coarse. After carving, the curls on your head will be much easier to style;
  • if your hair is thin and unruly. After carving, the strands will look voluminous and wavy;
  • if there is not enough time for daily styling;
  • if you want to radically change your image.

Carving can be done every 2–3 months.

Carving on hair looks impressive

Benefits and harms, advantages and disadvantages of carving

Carving, as a procedure, has its positive and negative sides.

Advantages of the procedure

The advantages of carving include:

  • gentle effect on hair;
  • the existence of several options for long-term curling (small curls, medium curls and large curls);
  • preservation of hair styling after carving for much longer;
  • natural and very natural styling. Compared with chemistry, when carving, the hair does not look burnt;
  • long-lasting effect: on regular hair, beautiful curls last 1–3 months, and on colored hair - for six months;
  • no need to restore dry hair ends. Since the carving composition has a very gentle effect on the hair structure. The wavy effect will go away on its own over time;
  • budget cost, so any woman can use the service.

The effect after the procedure is impressive

Harmful effects and consequences of light perm

The disadvantages of carving include:

  • the need to create a styling, the hairstyle does not always look perfect. You still have to apply force to it and apply styling products to your hair before shaping it;
  • lack of pronounced curls. This effect can only be achieved with the help of biowave;
  • an unexpected end to the carving effect is possible. Curls may straighten ahead of time or go away gradually;
  • possible change in the shade of dyed hair after the procedure;
  • no effect on very thick and thick hair;
  • preservation unpleasant odor on the hair for some time.

Contraindications for long-term perm

There are situations when to do this modern procedure Not recommended:

  • if a woman has brittle, damaged and also severely split hair;
  • if the head has just been dyed with hair dye. On light chemistry you can safely go if two weeks have already passed, but if not, it’s better to wait;
  • if a woman has a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • when taking certain medications, in particular when treating with hormonal therapy;
  • if your hair is dry and bleached. Women with other previous perms are at risk.

The procedure can be performed on pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, it should be remembered that chemical composition for curling it has a rather pungent smell.

The difference between hair carving and bio-curling, chemicals

Carving, bio- and chemical perm help create long-term styling. They only differ from each other in the following ways:

  • less time to maintain the effect of carving compared to chemical or bio-perm;
  • a more gentle effect on curls light curl than chemicals, since the carving composition does not penetrate into the hair structure itself;
  • hair care during bio-curling, since the composition of the product used in this procedure includes the necessary biological protein, which is not found in carving and chemical products.

The choice of procedure will depend entirely on the woman’s wishes. Only she must decide what she needs: long-term styling, hair health or sparing effect.

Types of hair carving

Carving is done in several versions. Main types:

  • traditional perm. After it, the waves are distributed evenly along the entire length. To obtain curls, curlers are used, which are twisted on the hair;
  • vertical curl. Instead of ordinary curlers, vertical curlers are used (or else they are called spiral). The curl is suitable for both short and long hair. The styling effect is mesmerizing: pronounced curly curls with amazing volume;
  • texturing. This type is often used when you need to finalize some hairstyle. The result is always original. Using curlers on your hair in in the right places make accents and thereby create a special style;
  • local perm. This method is used when you want to lift your hair at the roots. For these purposes, the master does not wind the curlers along the entire length of the hair, but only at its base. This method also works in reverse. For example, when you only need to curl one end.

Carving can be done in different ways, but the effect will always be amazing

Features of the procedure for short, medium, long hair and possible combinations with haircuts

Light chemistry has its own characteristics. Of course, it is better to do the procedure in a salon. Specialists in their field will be able to perform carving neat and beautiful. It is not always possible to get the desired curls at home.

Before the procedure, be sure to take into account the length of your hair. Carving works best for medium hair. Of course, it can be done on short and long ones, you just need to choose the right curlers. For example, for very short hair, small curls wrapped in small bobbins are best.

For short hair, it is best to choose small curls

The thickness and thickness of the hair is also of particular importance in this procedure. Strong hair They may not be able to be curled or the effect may not be as beautiful. Carving is suitable for owners of thin and sparse strands - the hair will become voluminous and manageable.

Bangs always make your hairstyle unique. However, carving does not always go well with it. So, small curls are not suitable for bangs. But medium, soft waves will look good. Another look with bangs will be well decorated by curling just the ends.

For those with bangs, a light perm may not be suitable.

Carving without bangs is popular. In this version, the curls frame the woman’s face very beautifully, making the whole image much more interesting.

A bob haircut and carving are very suitable for each other. At the same time, the curls themselves can be either voluminous or very small. There may or may not be bangs.

Carving and cascading haircuts also look very good. This image will decorate a woman of any age.

Curls look impressive in combination with a cascading haircut

Types of curlers and curl sizes

To create carving, different types of curlers are used:

  • volumetric. With their help they create very large curls. The result is romantic waves with good root volume;
  • bobbins. The diameter of these devices is very small. Due to their size, they allow you to create African curls;
  • spiral. These special bobbins are shaped like a spiral. They are always used for vertical curling. Practice has shown that spiral curls last longer than regular ones. These curlers allow you to create many curly curls that visualize volume well;
  • boomerangs (rollers). They have different diameters and a special material - soft foam rubber with wire. Well suited for both large and small curls.

Types of curlers - photo

Volumetric curlers allow you to create large soft curls
Thanks to the bobbins, you get small, perky curls. Spiral curlers create the effect of waves on the hair.

Soft boomerang curlers are easy to use and can be used to create curls of any size.

Depending on the size of the curlers used, you can get different curls:

  • large. To create them, take large-diameter curlers. The curls they produce are quite large;
  • average. Here they take bobbins with a medium diameter. The result will delight its owner with airiness and fluffiness;
  • small. To create them, only bobbins of very small diameter are suitable. The resulting volume is stunning.

What carving looks like with large, medium and small curlers - photo

Curling with large diameter curlers allows you to get beautiful large curls The average size curlers can be used on hair of different lengths and create pronounced curls. Bobbin curling allows you to create small and very voluminous curls

How is carving done and how long does the procedure take?

Carving technology is not very complicated. Its technology is the same as perm. The entire process takes approximately 2–3 hours, depending on the characteristics of the woman’s hair. The whole procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparation. This stage, like others, will be carried out by a master in the salon. First, he selects the necessary curlers and prepares the preparation. Then he washes the client’s hair and lightly pats her hair with a towel. After this, the woman sits in a chair. The master covers her shoulders with a protective cloth and combs her hair well.
  2. Hair Styling. From total mass The hairdresser selects only those strands that will need to be curled initially and winds them according to hairdressing techniques.
  3. Application of a special composition. The hair is moistened with it after the curling of the hair is completed. Reagents allow the hair to hold curls for a long time.
  4. Spin resistance. To create the desired effect, curled hair moistened with the composition is left alone for 10–20 minutes. The exact exposure time depends on the brand of the product. The master periodically checks how the process of obtaining a curl is going. To do this, he unwinds one curler at a time.
  5. Flushing. When time has passed, the composition is washed off with warm water, without unwinding the curlers. Excess water is simply blotted off.
  6. Application of neutralizer. With its help, the curls are fixed in a given position.
  7. Removing the curlers. The master spins all the curlers backwards.
  8. Washing off the composition.
  9. Drying hair with a hairdryer.

The carving procedure is not complicated.

Composition of the preparation for carving

The main requirement for the composition is the absence of ammonia. The component thioglycolate is also prohibited. If these rules are followed, the carving product can be considered gentle.

The composition of the preparation for carving is different for all manufacturers. Especially valued are those products where there is more biological basis than chemical components. This combination allows for a very gentle effect on the hair structure. Stylists recommend the following brands:

  • London;
  • L'Oreal;
  • Schwarzkopf;
  • Wella.

For example, a long-term curling product from Londa allows you to get a clear curl in just 10 minutes. This is because it contains special fast-acting ingredients that the manufacturers intentionally included.

Among the popular brands, the following compositions can also be distinguished: Trendline from Goldwell, GOLDWELL, Indola and others.

How to properly do carving at home: step-by-step instructions

You can make your own carving at home. To complete it you will need:

  • two bowls:
  • curlers (shape and size as desired);
  • two sponges, like for the kitchen;
  • gloves (pair);
  • two combs;
  • a plastic cap or a piece of this material;
  • cotton tourniquet;
  • towel;
  • a sheet or towel to cover your shoulders;
  • elastic bands;
  • chemical mixture for carving and fixer.

To create curls you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Rinse your hair well and pat dry hair with a towel.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  3. Divide your hair into sections.
  4. Curl the resulting strands with curlers.
  5. Take the product from a pre-purchased set and blot your curlers with it.
  6. After all the hair is wet, put a plastic cap on top and cover your head warm scarf(you can use a towel).
  7. Check the instructions for the operating time of the composition and wait for it.
  8. Wash your hair without shampoo; do not remove the curlers.
  9. Apply the special fixative from the kit on top.
  10. Unwind your hair and rinse your hair, again without shampoo.
  11. Dry the resulting curls.

To keep your curls longer after home carving, you can apply next remedy: Mix water and 5% vinegar until it tastes sour and rinse your hair with it.

Hair curling step by step - video

How long does the effect last after the procedure?

The effect of carving can last from one to six months (depending on the characteristics of the hair). But on average, brightly highlighted curls last 2-3 months. Over time, hair grows, so the shape of the curls themselves changes. They just start to fall off. However, carving can be repeated after 3–4 months.

To extend the life of light chemicals, you need to properly care for your hair. Here are some tips:

  • After the procedure itself, it is necessary to allow the hair to remember the shape that it was just given. For these purposes, it is not advisable to use a hair dryer when drying. You just need to dry your curls naturally or, as a last resort, use a diffuser;
  • after the procedure, do not wash your hair for two days;
  • when combing, use only wide-toothed combs;
  • replace your shampoo with a special product for textured hair;
  • constantly use balms, nourishing masks and other effective care products. They will significantly improve the condition of your hair;
  • dry your hair carefully after washing, blot rather than wring;
  • dry your hair daily only naturally;
  • Do not go to bed if your hair is wet or damp. They should be dried first;
  • Do not use products that contain alcohol. This component harms both the curl and the hair itself.

After curling, it is best to dry your hair naturally; in extreme cases, you can use a hair dryer with a diffuser attachment

If a lady wants to create a natural style on her head, then she will need to apply a little hair foam to a light perm and dry it with a diffuser. You can also style your head using large curlers.

If a woman suddenly has a desire to straighten her curls, she can do this with the help of a straightening iron. Just before styling, you will need to apply a protective product to your hair. You can also dry your hair with a hairdryer, stretching out curly hair using brushing.

To make the look perfect, you need to know how to style your hair after carving.

  1. Be sure to use the following tools: moisturizing lotion, comb, foam or mousse, hair dryer with a diffuser attachment;
  2. First, wash your hair. Use a special shampoo, and make a nourishing mask every seven days;
  3. Dry your hair with a towel, or rather just pat it dry;
  4. Gently comb your hair;
  5. Apply the fixative, slightly away from the hair roots.
  6. Start styling your curls using a hairdryer and comb.
  7. If you need to straighten your curls a little, then when styling, lightly pull the comb down or use a straightening iron.
  8. You can also use styling for curly hair.

Indola curl product perfectly defines curls

How to style curly hair - video

How to care for your hair after perming

According to many girls, after carving, hair becomes a little harsh and unruly. Therefore, some ladies, after the wavy effect ends, simply cut them off. To mitigate the effects of carving you need to:

  • periodically cut the ends for complete hair restoration;
  • use only special hair care products;
  • use combs with natural bristles.

Curls – perfect option for owners of thin and lacking volume hair. This hairstyle creates the impression of density and strength of curls, giving the appearance of romanticism and femininity. To create certain curls, specialists use different types perm.

Acid and amino acid perm

Initially, thioglycolic or mercaptoacetic acid was used to create this styling. These are universal substances that, depending on additional components, contribute to hair coloring, curling, and are even included in the composition of some depilatory creams. The operating principle of the technology is based on the ability of acids to penetrate deeply into the structure of the strands.

Hairdressers use acid perm only in exceptional cases. For example, if the hair is heavy and thick. It's just that no other method will be effective enough here. When working with soft formulations, curls will last no longer than 1.5 months.

This technology for structuring strands has many disadvantages. The technique is characterized pungent odor and harsh effect. Due to the large number side effects and contraindications, it is now carried out using balanced acid mixtures. Unlike the vast majority of perm methods, it does not have a detrimental effect on curls.

Types of techniques:

  • Endothermic. To carry out the reaction, the head is heated by external heat sources. This could be a hairdryer or a special stand. This method was very common in the 70s and 80s in the Soviet Union.
  • Exothermic. Here, heating is carried out due to the reaction itself. The method refers to new technologies. It is more gentle and can be used for curling dyed or highlighted hair.

Acid perm is carried out according to the standard scheme. First, a softening composition is applied to the curls, which somewhat “dissolves” the upper stratum corneum of the hair. After that, an aggressive acid is smeared onto the strand, fixing the curl in a certain position. Neat plastic curlers are used to curl hair. Rarely - elastic bands on which curls are wound.

Alkaline perm

This technique was first proposed in the second half of the 20th century by scientists and part-time hairdressers-stylists Ralph Evans and Everetta McDonahue. A rather aggressive mixture of ammonium and glycolic acid is used as an activator and curl fixer.

How to do an alkaline perm with video:

  • For this purpose, not ordinary papillots with a solid base are used, but rather unique tampons. They are impregnated with an alkaline composition, after which strands of hair are wound onto them.
  • This mixture is kept for up to 40 minutes and washed off with plain water without shampoo. Unlike modern techniques, there is no need to reapply the fixer.
  • The resulting curls are slightly straightened and the styling is considered complete.

This is extremely effective, but dangerous procedure. After it, the curls become brittle and dull. Alkali has the unpleasant property of destroying the hair shaft, which also increases the fragility of the follicles. A little later, in the 1980s, it was proposed to use balanced acid compositions. Nowadays alkali is used extremely rarely, because it is considered dangerous.

Neutral perm

Almost all types of perms that exist are used as permanent compositions aggressive acids. They're corroding upper layer hair. As a result, the strands become lifeless and brittle. In contrast, neutral perm is carried out with substances with a low pH.

As an additional component, the composition of the products for such styling includes allantoin. It is a product of urea oxidation obtained by processing urea. Its main property is softening the stratum corneum and accelerating tissue regeneration. The substance helps restore strands after acid and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Chemical biowave

Reviews claim that this is an alternative to the listed acidic options. This is the softest method of all types of perm, how you can give yourself long-lasting curls for medium hair. Often, a bioperm consists of only two components - a fixative and reducing substances. Cysteamine and glycolic acid are used as modeling components. This is completely natural ingredients that are present in the human body.

As auxiliary products, keratin or marine complex, vitamins, amino acids and even oils can be found in the fixatives. The main advantage of the technique over all others is the ability to reconstruct hair without having a negative impact on it.


A delicate version of hair curling using ammonia-free preparations. It is suitable for those with long and medium length fine hair. A special feature of the method is the presence of natural silk proteins in the active composition. Collagen and raffinose are additionally used to enrich hair. Raffinose is a type of reserve carbohydrate; it is able to retain moisture and strengthen the curl shaft.

The most famous product for this styling is the CHI complex. It does not contain any substances that injure the hair structure. This complex curl uses a quintessence consisting of curling lotions, an activator and a neutralizer. Unlike other similar products, there is no unpleasant odor from the hair after using a silk curler.

Hair carving

This is easy chemistry. It is not like any other type of hair perm, because, in essence, it is styling. There are different products for carving: Wella, Londa, Schwarzkof and Cutrin. The listed kits do not contain aggressive glycolic acid, instead they are enriched with carnitine and vitamin complexes.

The long-term installation technique has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the technique include versatility (it is done for short, long and medium hair), durability, and the ability to change your hairstyle. On the downside: the curls become very dry, become brittle, and cannot be dried without a diffuser and styling products.

Japanese perm

Alkaline-free perm, done on highlighted, ombre and bleached hair. As active ingredients it uses cysteine, matrix and betaine. All these are natural substances that are part of keratinized particles human body, including hair.

  • Cysteine. Amino acid with high sulfur content. Considered a powerful antioxidant, protects the body from the effects of radiation;
  • Betaine. Trimethylaminoacetic acid. Characterized by numerous positive effects on body tissue. Has a moisturizing, protecting, softening and strengthening effect.
  • Matrix. The component of hair that is responsible for the growth and development of follicles. It is used in cosmetics as a molecular component. Gives strands smoothness and strength, has a beneficial effect on the hair follicles.

As a result of this perm, ideal hair is obtained. large curls. Due to the large number of moisturizing components, such curls are bright, shiny, and elastic. But, unfortunately, this effect after curling lasts only 1 month. To further strengthen it, constant use of conditioners and balms is required.

Spiral American

Modern stylists classify this type of perm as a disco style. It was in the 80s of the last century that the trend of twisting strands on hairpins arose. They were placed perpendicular to the central parting. Thanks to this system, the resulting curls looked as natural as possible.

Despite the stereotype, such unconventional curls can be large, small, or medium. The most fashionable and labor-intensive option is the afro. In it, the hair is wound into countless thin curling irons. Biological compounds and light parchment are used as fixing agents.

Ways to curl strands

How the curl will look largely depends not only on the chosen type, but also on the method of winding the curlers, their diameter, and the general structure of the strands. What types of bobbins are there for perm:

  • Spiral. The naughty ones are screwing them over, coarse hair, which do not hold well on smooth bobbins;
  • Cylindrical. They are a cylinder without protrusions or obvious transitions. The strand is wound onto them from the very end. With their help, beautiful straight curls are created. It is this type of curler that is used to work on afro hairstyles.

Below in the list are the main methods of curling curling iron curlers, their photos and names:

  • Classical. All bobbins are wound exclusively against the face. The first strand from the forehead is taken as the reference point. It is wrapped perpendicular to the central parting;
  • Rectangular. It is also called block. Conventionally, the head is divided into several vertical rectangular blocks. Afterwards, curlers are wound onto each strand;
  • Chess. Most often used for processing cascade haircuts. The first thing to do is roll the curlers along the parting. Afterwards, the side curls are set aside from them in a checkerboard pattern;
  • Schemes taking into account bobbin diameters. Great option to create natural chemistry. Natural curls do not come in one size. To get the effect of a soft transition, small and large bobbins are twisted onto the parting by alternating. Repeat similarly with the temporal and lateral areas;
  • Three bobbins. The technique is used very rarely, exclusively for long hair. The strand is wound onto the curler from the middle, after which the free section is divided in two. Both halves, in turn, are also wrapped in curlers.

There are also so-called unconventional methods cheating. For example, triple or diagonal. These are very unique options that are suitable for creating spectacular evening hairstyles or curling very thick and long hair.

Every young girl who by nature straight hair, at least once in my life I thought about how good it would be to change my image by experimenting with my hair. Girls want to look new every day and create new hairstyles from their hair. One of the styling methods with a long-lasting effect that will allow you to always be on top is perm.

But according to experts, perm damages hair along its entire length, making it brittle and prone to drying out. Any type of perm causes damage to the hair to a lesser or greater extent.

Gentle hair chemicals

One of the new gentle types of perm is commonly called “carving”. The carving technique is similar to daily styling using additional cosmetics for hair. New episode hair cosmetics that include a solution designed for perming, produced by Schwarzkopf, will help you get the desired effect. It is worth noting that carving is the most effective method perm. Unlike regular perm, after carving the hair has a wonderful healthy look. Carving is most suitable for girls with hair middle length or short.

Light hair chemicals

In order to achieve desired result when creating an image, only one is not always enough professional cosmetics. The professionalism of the master is very important in this matter. The shape and size of the curler will depend on the shape of the head, the length of the hair and its structure, and depending on the desired curling effect. Carving helps not only to get natural curls, but also add volume to your hair.

A professional hairdresser applies a special solution to the hair, and then applies curlers. The curling procedure takes several hours. The solution that is applied to the hair is made without chemicals and using non-aggressive substances. This solution has a gentle effect, unlike other cosmetics used for hair curling. The next stage of carving is rinsing the hair with water and drying it.

The effect of this type of perm is amazing, and most importantly, it is not as dangerous for the hair as other types of perm. Light chemicals will give your hair lightness and volume. But no matter how gentle the cosmetics for curling are, often done on the hair, professional hairdressers do not recommend it.

Disadvantages of light chemistry:

  • short-term effect;
  • hair damage by 50%;
  • light chemicals are not suitable for hair with a dense structure;
  • not suitable for hair that has been dyed.

Wet chemicals for medium hair - advantages and disadvantages

Every day the girls devote a large number of time your hairstyle, matching it to the style of clothing, the upcoming event. Hair is the main part of our daily look, but very often it is not manageable and due to the lack of the right time, we cannot do the desired styling at home without the help of professionals.

Carving - hair chemicals for volume

You can quickly get used to a perfectly executed hairstyle, but the disadvantage of carving is that its effect is short-lived. After washing your hair, your curls will lose their shape. In order to maintain the shape of the curls and prolong the curling effect for long term, it is recommended to use texture gels for styling. After carving, creating voluminous hairstyles or styling is much easier.

Advantages of carving:

  • carving makes hair voluminous;
  • lively, spectacular curls;
  • makes daily hair styling easier;
  • carving is suitable for hair prone to oiliness, as it dries out the scalp;
  • Suitable for any hair type.

For those with straight hair wondering how to achieve maximum curly effect, the solution to the problem will certainly be popular perms for medium hair (photo), which look fashionable and beautiful in different versions and options. It’s no secret that every girl with straight locks, at least once in her life, has dreamed of strong, graceful curls that can delight others with their playfulness. Perms for medium-length strands are of particular relevance. They are able to give the hairstyle the desired volume, creating a new interesting, relaxed image of the owner.

A little about the procedure

Perm is used not only for long, but also for medium-length hair (photo). Perm is usually called the process of giving a curly effect to hair using special potent chemicals that change its structure.

To design curls, different types of chemicals are used, according to which the chemistry can be alkaline, amino acid (bio-curl), acidic and neutral. Alkaline perm has the most powerful, but also traumatic effect. The least persistent is acid chemistry. Biowave is a relatively recent invention that can restore hair structure.

Whatever composition is chosen for the procedure, there are the following methods of applying it:

  • after winding with curlers;
  • before wrapping it in curlers, followed by applying a highly concentrated product to the strands at the roots.

A similar method is used to perm medium-length hair to obtain medium curls (photo).

Easy chemistry for medium hair: the basics of mastery

Light perm (carving) is a type of perm that is most often used on medium hair (photo). Light chemicals provide volume and waviness to medium-length strands. Carving also facilitates simple and unobtrusive styling without special costs time and effort. Carving can be done both in a salon and at home.

Light perm is a procedure that is often called a cross between classic chemistry and regular styling.

Unlike chemistry, it belongs to the category of gentle procedures. It is produced using a special composition that is much lighter and safer for hair. And compared to styling, its effect is too long. It lasts up to three to four months.

Varieties light chemistry for medium hair – a lot. The choice depends on the thickness, structure, volume and other natural characteristics of the strands. So, the most common:

  • lush light chemistry;
  • carving with large curls;
  • light chemistry with wave effect;
  • careless carving.

Light perm is done by performing alternating steps after preliminary preparation of the hair for the procedure. To do this, they must be washed with a special shampoo without a moisturizing effect. Then they should be wound symmetrically on curlers, avoiding creases.

A special carving agent is applied quite liberally. It is recommended to completely water the curlers and remove excess liquid using a sponge. The mixture is aged exactly as indicated in the instructions or on the packaging. Any deviations can ruin light effect chemistry, and also harm the hair itself.

After the required time has passed, the carving agent is washed off with cold running water. The curlers are not removed - before doing this, you should blot your hair and apply a fixative to it. And the last stage creating an easy Perm for medium hair involves removing the curlers and rinsing the resulting curls.

Advice! You cannot use a hairdryer to dry after the carving procedure, so as not to spoil the newly formed “fresh” curls. To care for medium hair with a light perm, it is recommended to use a nourishing, moisturizing shampoo.

Vertical chemistry: what is the secret of “bouncy” curls?

attractive, in an interesting way chemical perm for medium hair is still considered vertical perm (photo). Varieties of such chemistry are combined into two groups:

  • perm with classic large vertical curls;
  • spiral vertical curl.

To perform this, special bobbins are used. They have a cone-shaped shape (for the first type of vertical perm) or the appearance of spirals (for the second type of this perm).

The specificity of vertical curling is that the curling is done exactly the opposite, compared to classic perm, i.e. from the root to the tip of the strand. In this case, the strands should be evenly distributed along the entire length of the bobbins.

For correct execution vertical chemistry and achieving it maximum effect it is also necessary to act in accordance with clearly structured step-by-step instructions.

We propose to consider, as an example, the technology for performing vertical curling on medium hair using cone-shaped bobbins.

The hair is pre-prepared for curling: thoroughly washed and degreased. After this, using a comb, they are separated into individual strands by squares. The diameter of the squares should correspond to the diameter of the base of the bobbins. To prevent the division of the strands from being disrupted, they should be secured with clamps.

Then it’s time to apply a special perm product. This should be done in the direction from the ends of the strands to the roots. Then the strands are threaded one by one through the holes on the bobbins and twisted. This procedure is performed first on the back of the head, then on the sides.

Each strand on the bobbin must be secured with gauze tape, wound in the same direction. It must first be moistened in a chemical preparation. Next, a ring-clamp is put on the bobbin. And the strand is again moistened with a perm product.

After all the strands are twisted, they are treated with steam. Then the mixture is washed off and they are covered with a fixative. The effect of vertical chemistry is “bouncy” curls.

The art of creating “wet” curls

One of the popular types of vertical perm is considered to be “wet” chemistry. This type of creating curls does not lose its relevance. After all, what is fashionable is what looks beautiful. A wet chemistry for medium strands it has undeniable “advantages” that did not go unnoticed by the owners of such a hairstyle.

“Wet” chemistry provides excellent volume to medium hair from the very roots. Small curls look very attractive. Changes qualitatively appearance even thin, naturally voluminous hair.

Deciding to try the effect on myself “ wet strands", you should first prepare your hair for the perm procedure. To do this, you need to thoroughly degrease them during the washing process. Only in this way will small curls be able to get high level elasticity and strength.

After generous application a strong chemical for curling, the strands are wound onto the bobbins in a vertical manner - from roots to ends. In this case, the bobbins need to be distributed evenly throughout the head. If you ignore this requirement, “wet” chemistry will turn out to be asymmetrical.

The “trick” of this type of curling:

  • the smaller the diameter of the bobbins, the more elastic the curl;
  • bobbins are arranged in as many as possible in very dense rows.

At the final stage, the “wet” chemistry is coated with a special spray, which gives it a glossy shine. The effect of “wet” strands is ready.

Advice! Special attention should be given to improving hair health after this procedure. Due to the use of chemicals that are more saturated than for classic options curls, hair requires treatment and healing: with the help of medicated shampoos, natural balms, masks.

Perms for medium hair: root volume

Root chemistry is considered quick method receiving voluminous hair. It is used for strands of different lengths, including medium ones. Most often, root chemistry serves as a way to correct already grown chemically curled curls. But today this type of perm is becoming more widespread as a independent method giving hair the desired volume, elasticity, and fullness.

Specifics root chemistry– winding the strands not along the entire length, but only at the roots.

The procedure for performing root perm itself is quite complex and labor-intensive.

To perform it, you should divide your hair into approximately even strands, and then wind them onto bobbins in the root area for several centimeters. The tail is left behind the bobbin. After all the strands are curled at the roots, a chemical mixture should be applied to them. The drug is not applied to the remaining untwisted ponytails.

To perform it, you should divide your hair into approximately even strands, and then wind them onto bobbins in the root area for several centimeters

After the perm product has been left in place for the required amount of time, it is washed off, the curlers are removed, and the curls are strengthened and fixed. After complete drying, you get an interesting volume effect from the very roots. It lasts quite a long time - up to four to six months. Looks absolutely natural. This saves time on daily blow-drying.

Advice!Owners of dry and damaged hair, regardless of their length, should avoid root perms to avoid excessive drying. Such chemicals at the roots dry out the strands very much.

Thus, medium-length hair is a wide field for experimentation and creativity in the process of creating curls using perm.

This is a universal hair length. Any chemistry looks harmonious on her. Large and medium curls, light perm-carving, small “wet curls”, vertical spirals, root volume effect - this is an incomplete list of what goes perfectly with medium strands. Choosing the type of curl is a personal matter for each girl. When deciding on the type of curls, you must proceed from the natural characteristics of your hair.

201 02/20/2019 5 min.

A lot of girls dream of having curly hair. But, unfortunately, not everyone has been given such an opportunity by nature. Don’t worry, because today there are many methods for creating very attractive curls. If you want to get curls for a while, then you can do them using devices such as curling irons and curlers. But you can get curls that last for a long time if you go to a salon to get a perm.


Today, perm is very popular. Throughout its existence, it has undergone a lot of changes. Today in salons, masters offer their clients various options curls. They differ in the shape of the resulting curls, their frequency and the method of winding.


This procedure is quite aggressive. To create curls, a preparation is used, the active components of which are able to penetrate deep into each hair without opening its outer cuticle. After this procedure, the hair becomes tough and beautiful.

Ladies with thin and soft strands should not choose acidic chemicals. Curls quickly lose their shape as they become flat at the base. As a result, the styling will be unkempt and ugly. There is still no need to choose chemistry of this type for ladies with dry and damaged strands. Acid perm with thioglycolic acid is considered safer. The strands will hold their shape for a long time, and you can even use it on colored hair. What is the price? The cost of the procedure is 1800-3200 rubles.


When using this procedure, the resulting curls will delight you with their beauty for 12 weeks. The strands look elastic and natural. For this procedure, a special preparation is used, the action of which is aimed at opening the cuticle and penetrating the active components into the middle of the strands.

The photo shows the result of alkaline perm:

Thanks to the use of an alkaline composition, the hair receives a soft effect. If your hair is thick and coarse, then the resulting curls will delight you for 4 weeks. The cost of the procedure is 1500-2100 rubles.


This procedure is the most gentle, so it can be performed on girls with any hair type. The drug used is applied to the entire length and roots.

The result of the procedure will be durable and flexible curls that will keep their shape for 12-18 weeks. The cost of the procedure is 2200 -5200 rubles.

Amino acid

To create curls, a drug is used that contains protein and amino acids. They nourish curls and do not cause them any harm. The result is a beautiful and natural curl, the beauty of which will last only a few days.

You cannot use amino acid perm on long and heavy hair, as the curls will unravel under their own weight. The cost of the procedure is 1800-2000 rubles.


During the procedure, specialists use drugs that contain components that are harmful to the hair. Such components include peroxide, ammonia and thioglycolic acid. After creating the curls, it will look healthy and shiny for 10-12 weeks.

It is advisable to perm hair that has not been subject to any negative influences for 6 months. But using a bio-perm is not recommended for girls with dry hair. After manipulation, the strands will become even drier and more porous, and will also become tangled. The cost of a biowave is 2500-7100 rubles.

You may also be interested to know whether it is possible to curl your hair after keratin straightening. To do this, follow the link to the contents of this

Silk wave

This type of perm is suitable for hair whose length reaches shoulder level and below. During the manipulation, a drug is used that contains silk proteins.

They have a caring effect, as a result of which the hair acquires additional shine and silkiness. The cost of manipulation is 2400-4500 rubles. Which women's haircuts to medium Wavy hair the most popular, information will help you understand

Video on how to do it beautiful perm for medium hair:

Cheating methods

Perms are distinguished by the method of curling:

  1. On a pigtail. This curling method is used for curling medium and long hair. To do this, braids are created from strands, and then they are wound onto bobbins.
  2. On a stiletto heel. You need to curl your hair on non-metallic pins.
  3. With twisting. This technique involves using bobbins of different sizes at the same time. This way you can get curls of different sizes.
  4. Children's. The girl puts a special cap on her head, which can protect skin heads off negative influence drugs used.
  5. Twin. Manipulation involves a combination of vertical and horizontal wrapping.
  6. Basal. It is used to create additional volume. It can also be used to curl hair after the previous procedure.
  7. American. To create curls you need to use spiral curlers, and the resulting curl has a neat and cool appearance.
  8. Bubble. The drug used is applied in the usual way using a compressor. It allows you to beat the composition until foam with bubbles saturated with oxygen. As a result, it is possible to obtain small curls. But using the technique is not recommended for ladies with oily hair.
  9. Vertical. This curling method is only suitable for long-haired girls. The curls are as stiff as possible, creating the effect of wet hair.

The video shows a curl for medium hair:

Who suits

People who have medium-sized facial features, an elongated shape and sharp outlines should choose a perm. Chemistry also looks great on copper-colored hair. This procedure should not be used by those ladies who have proportional and regular facial contours, and also have a strict classic dress code.

But how to make a beautiful hairstyle for medium hair and how good such a hairstyle looks can be seen in the photo

What they look like and how difficult they are to perform is shown in the video in the article.

Curled for medium hair

If girls easy curl, it will look great on a cascading haircut. In this way, it will be possible to get an easy volumetric styling with airy curls.

Bio-curled hairstyles are very easy to style. You can change the direction of the curls, directing them in different directions. You can also change the shape and size of the curls. Taking into account your personal wishes, you can separate strands of different thicknesses and create the desired curls from them.

Styling on curly medium hair can be styled different ways. For example, for a morning hairstyle they are suitable messy curls, and for daytime styling, the option with smooth hair is suitable to match business style. For evening styling, you should try very hard. You can create high hairstyle, and release a couple of curls on the sides. You can leave your hair loose, but only decorate it with decorative flowers and beautiful hairpins.

On video large perm for medium hair:

It turns out that creating spectacular and romantic hair You can do this not only at home, but also in the salon. Thus, the resulting hairstyle will keep its shape for a long time. Since there are several types of perms, choose suitable option necessary taking into account what shape the curls need to be obtained, how long they should last and what effect the procedure has on the strands.