How to sleep on your side while pregnant. Is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs and for how long. Prolonged sitting during pregnancy

The onset of pregnancy imposes a lot of serious restrictions on the expectant mother. They apply to nutrition, and to habitual activities, and to the general mode of life, and even to sleep. It is wrong to think that the best sleeping position for a pregnant woman is lying on her back, although there are enough reasons for such an assumption: the stomach is not squeezed, the chest and heart are also more or less free, and besides, you can breathe easily! And this is so important for the future baby. But is it really so? This issue will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

First half of pregnancy

At the very beginning of the development of a fertilized egg, many expectant mothers often do not yet realize their interesting situation and continue to lead their usual lifestyle. The same applies to sleeping positions that a woman prefers. At these times, even such a position that is contrary to pregnancy, like sleeping on the stomach, is not capable of causing serious harm to the baby - its size is so small that the uterus is hardly enlarged. However, starting from the 3rd month, the woman already feels a weight in the lower abdomen. At this time, the uterus increases three times compared to its original size and outwardly corresponds to the size of a large goose egg. The shell of the fetal egg is actively developing and, in addition to the weight of the embryo, the weight of the amniotic fluid begins to be felt.

When lying on her back, a woman already feels slight discomfort. This is explained by a simple physical law of gravity, according to which any weighted object rushes down, with a level of pressure on the surrounding tissues that is directly proportional to the weight. In other words, in a pregnant woman, the uterus falls in a lump on the internal organs located outside it, which means:

  1. The intestines are compressed: a woman may feel a slight tingling, accumulation of gases, seething, colic. Subsequently, this can provoke intestinal disorders, such as constipation or diarrhea, due to the retention of contents at a certain level.
  2. The liver, as well as the spleen and pancreas, may shift slightly, and this will cause tingling in the muscles.
  3. The internal vessels at this stage do not suffer much, but, nevertheless, if they are weak or prone to a certain disease, when lifting, a woman may feel a slight dizziness or darkening in her eyes.
  4. From the side of the kidneys, there is no significant discomfort at this stage, but, nevertheless, if there is an active phase of urine separation, a feeling of fullness from the sides can be felt.

How does this affect the baby? Basically, there is mild hypoxia caused by clamping of regional blood vessels located behind the uterus. This should not be overlooked, since a child’s regular lack of oxygen will lead to a slowdown in the development of his nervous system, and this, in turn, will negatively affect such processes as the timeliness of speech skills, the development of the psyche, intellectual abilities, etc.

second half of pregnancy

The second period of pregnancy is considered the most calm. This is a period of active growth of the internal organs and systems of the fetus, as well as an increase in its size. The volume of amniotic fluid also increases significantly. By the end of it, the stomach increases significantly in size, the level of the uterus reaches just above the navel. Her body is rounded, and the body becomes like a chicken egg. At week 28, separate parts of the fetal body begin to be felt (head, sometimes limbs - with active movement).

It is already difficult for a woman to choose her previously familiar sleeping positions, and obstetrician-gynecologists actively advise the position, lying on her left side. This is explained by the fact that when positioned on the right side, the hepatic ducts are clamped, which creates serious obstacles to the outflow of bile, and, in addition, in most cases, the placenta is attached along the right edge and there is a risk of clamping its vessels, and this can already end fatally for the fetus .

How are you sleeping on your back? The pressure factor increases significantly from day to day and serious problems with the vascular system passing posterior to the uterus are added to the troubles in the intestines:
  1. Clamping of the inferior vena cava: impedes blood flow to both the placenta and the mother's lower limbs.
  2. Cross-clamping of the aorta: makes it difficult to complex nutrition of the internal organs of the mother.

In addition, do not forget about the nerve fibers, the clamping of which will lead to a violation of the conduction of nerve impulses from the spine to the nerve leads of the lower extremities, and this: a sharp decrease in the temperature of internal muscle structures, a slowdown in blood flow due to narrowing of blood vessels, loss of sensitivity in lower limbs. Also, lying on your back for a long time can cause cramps in the calf muscles at night.

Sleep or long lying on the back also causes considerable problems to the excretory system. Displaced by the stomach in the normal state, the kidneys can hardly cope with the increased load placed on them. While a woman lies on her back, her kidneys are additionally clamped, which creates additional prerequisites for stagnation of urine and the development of infectious processes inside the organs.

Most of all, the spine suffers from such a dream, which is pressed by both the mass of the fetus and the weight of the internal organs adjacent to it.

As we can see, there is nothing useful for a pregnant woman in sleeping on her back, and moreover, it causes irreparable harm to the baby, creating, first of all, a lack of oxygen inflow, which can further disrupt the overall development of the fetus.

How to choose the right sleeping positions

As mentioned earlier, the optimal sleeping position for a pregnant woman is considered to be lying on her left side. However, there are times when the child does not take this position for some reason. Each expectant mother is quite able to feel this: the baby begins to either suddenly freeze, or vice versa, to push more actively than usual, expressing her displeasure.

In this case, you should periodically change positions and listen to the life of the child, as well as to your personal feelings. Every day, the fetus changes its position, and an uncomfortable posture yesterday today may well allow the expectant mother to sleep fully and, thereby, restore the strength she and the child need.

Sometimes there are reasons why it is not possible to change the position. This may be when:

  1. Fractures of bones obtained during pregnancy.
  2. The threat of placental abruption - in this case, the position is prescribed by a doctor and is maintained until the end of pregnancy.

In this case, the attending physician should control the condition of the pregnant mother and it is desirable to carry out any movements in his presence, and it is imperative to control the condition and reaction of the baby to these movements.

The sleep of a pregnant woman is a necessary event for recuperation. However, you should be attentive to the positions of the body and always listen to your feelings and the wishes of your baby.

Video: is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy

Sleep is an integral part of every person's life. And first of all, it is necessary for pregnant women for the normal development of the baby.

A woman should sleep at least 8 hours a day. During this time, the body has time to relax and gain strength. If the dream is restless or short, then during the day you may feel weakness, a desire to lie down, and this will also affect your emotions. Also, maternal lack of sleep affects the fetus.

Sleep positions and risks

Each person chooses the position in which he sleeps (usually on his back or on his side), but pregnant women need to be careful, because they are responsible not only for their comfort, but also for a small life. Therefore, at some point, every woman begins to worry about a lot of questions about sleep. How to lie down so as not to harm the baby? How can you not sleep and why? Can you sleep on your back during pregnancy?

Consider the position for sleeping by trimester:

  • In the first trimester, while the uterus with the fetus is small in size and is located mainly in the small pelvis, a woman can sleep in a position that is comfortable for her (including on her stomach).
  • During the second trimester, intensive growth occurs in the fetus, the uterus increases significantly in size and begins to put pressure on the vessels, nerves, and spine with its weight in a supine position. At this time, it is not recommended to lie on your back.
  • In the third trimester, pregnant women are strictly forbidden by doctors to be on their backs, as this negatively affects the health of the woman and, as a result, the condition of the baby.

Effect on the woman's body

Often the doctor is asked the question: why should pregnant women not lie on their backs? As long as the uterus is small, the woman will not feel much difference in sleep, so you are allowed to sleep as you like. But as the fetus develops, from the thirteenth week, the uterus increases and begins to put pressure on the nearest organs: nerves, blood vessels, bones, causing discomfort. Therefore, it is not recommended to lie on your back.

Due to pressure on the nerves, pain in the lumbar region, numbness in the legs (especially in the feet), and a crawling sensation may appear.

The celiac plexus is located in the abdominal cavity, which is the nerve center, and, in turn, is responsible for the productive work of the organs. The uterus in the later lines (25–28 weeks), when the woman is positioned on her back, reaches the site of this plexus and irritates it, which causes the following symptoms:

  • Decreased heart rate.
  • Lowering blood pressure, as it dilates blood vessels.
  • Breathing slows down.
  • Decreased activity of sweating.
  • Increased intestinal peristalsis.
  • The level of enzymes increases.
  • There may be pain in the abdomen, belching sour, bitterness in the mouth.

Important vessels run along the spine, namely the vena cava, the aorta. An enlarged fetus with its weight can put pressure on these formations and cause unpleasant consequences.

From the vena cava, blood flows from the legs and pelvic organs to the right parts of the heart, and if it is pressed down, then the pressure in its lower parts increases, which may result in swelling of the legs, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities, thrombosis, hemorrhoids, venous congestion in the pelvic organs. Since less blood enters the heart and other organs (lungs, brain), complaints of dizziness, fainting, headaches, and heart pains of a compressive nature may appear. Also in this case, there is a feeling of palpitations, lack of air, shortness of breath, frequent pulse.

The aorta has a stronger wall, so its compression is minimal. Due to significant pressure on the aorta, the lumen of the vessel decreases, pressure rises and arterial hypertension may occur.

If you sleep on your back, then the enlarged uterus can also put pressure on the kidneys and ureters, which leads to stagnation of urine in the pyelocaliceal system. An inflammatory process can join, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis develop.

When a woman lies on her back, the enlarged uterus with the fetus can put pressure on the hepatic duct, which, in turn, leads to the development of obstructive jaundice and an inflammatory process in the pancreas (pancreatitis).

The described symptoms are optional, but some may appear with frequent sleep lying on your back. Therefore, sleeping on your back in late pregnancy is not possible to avoid more severe complications.

Changes in the baby's body

Many women preferred to lie on their back and stomach before pregnancy, but with the birth of a new life, such postures cannot be taken. What is harmful sleep on the back for the baby and why should it be avoided?

As a result of changes in the state of the mother, as described above, the unborn child also undergoes changes that can lead to serious pathologies.

Since the normal blood flow in the pelvic organs (in the uterus) is disturbed, the following consequences are possible:

  • The supply of oxygen and important elements to the fetus is reduced.
  • Hypoxia occurs, which can lead to irreparable problems with organs (especially the brain).
  • The child can be born weakened, with defects. This happens if hypoxia occurs in the second trimester, when there is an active development of important organ systems.

Why else should you avoid resting on your back? If the mother often lies or sleeps on her back during the second and third trimester, children can be found to have a delay in the development of speech and psychomotor development. Also noticeable is a slight distraction, inattention, restlessness and even headaches. More serious are the damage to the nervous system in the form of poor hearing, vision, epilepsy, encephalopathy.

You should not spend a lot of time lying on your back - this harms the health of not only a pregnant woman, but also provokes the development of severe pathologies in the fetus.

It is better to wait until childbirth and only then lie down on your back, stomach.

How can you sleep?

All the problems that a mother and baby can have if a pregnant woman sleeps on her back make you think about the question, how can you lie down?

The most correct sleeping position while waiting for the baby will be lying on your side (both on the right and on the left).

To make it comfortable, lie on your left side, bend your right knee, putting a pillow under it. In this pose:

  • Improves fetal circulation. In this case, the uterus does not compress the vessels, and the blood under normal pressure passes to the placenta at a good speed.
  • The supply of oxygen and microelements to the fetus increases.
  • Improves kidney function. The renal arteries and veins function without obstruction.
  • Reduces the risk of hemorrhoids in pregnant women.
  • Reduces swelling of the lower extremities.
  • The pressure on the liver is relieved (and blood flow through the umbilical cord improves accordingly).
  • The pain in the lower back and legs stops.

The position at night can be changed from left to right side, but be sure to check yourself so as not to lie on your stomach or back.

To improve the quality of sleep for pregnant women, special pillows have been invented that set the desired position of the body, thereby preventing nightly turning over on the stomach.

A pregnant woman should sleep comfortably and for a sufficient amount of time for the baby to develop properly and be born healthy (at least without the pathologies that lie on the back causes). And even if you can’t lie on your stomach and back, you can create comfortable conditions for yourself.

  • It is better to purchase a medium hardness (non-solid) orthopedic mattress.
  • Clothing should be loose, not squeeze (especially the stomach).
  • Before falling asleep, you need to listen to your body in order to understand whether you are comfortable, something interferes or not.
  • It is advisable to use additional soft pillows that can be placed between the legs, under the stomach, side, back.
  • It is better to choose a bed that does not spring, no matter what the person sleeping next to interferes with the sleep of the pregnant woman.
  • Be sure to occasionally roll over from side to side to prevent swelling of the legs (the vena cava goes closer to the right side, so prolonged lying on this side can lead to venous stasis).
  • For the head, it is best to use an orthopedic pillow (so that there is no cervical osteochondrosis and, as a result, headaches).
  • Before going to bed, you should not drink water, as this can lead to an increase in swelling of the lower extremities.
  • It is useful to take a little walk in the fresh air in the evening.

Every pregnant woman should understand that she is responsible for the life and health of the baby she carries under her heart. And in order to avoid health problems in the future, it is necessary to create conditions that are comfortable primarily for him, and not for yourself. It is for this reason that it will be necessary to abandon such beloved sleeping positions and choose a position only on the side.

If you are used to sleeping on your back, then during pregnancy you will have to unlearn this habit, at least until the baby is born.

Why is it forbidden to sleep on your back during pregnancy

In the early stages, sleeping on your back is not dangerous and has no contraindications. But already from the second trimester, rest in a similar position will have to be abandoned.

The fact is that when the weight and size of the baby and the uterus begins to actively increase, the pressure on the internal organs also increases. In particular, when the expectant mother lies on her back, the baby puts pressure on the spine, bladder, and, most importantly, on the inferior vena cava.

This vein is one of the largest in the body, it provides blood flow from the lower extremities to the heart, and if it is compressed, problems can arise.

With pressure on the vena cava, the expectant mother will begin to feel dizzy, breathing will become more frequent, it may darken in the eyes, even loss of consciousness is possible. For a baby, squeezing this vein threatens with insufficient supply of nutrients and, first of all, oxygen from mother's blood, which can cause intrauterine hypoxia - oxygen starvation. Hypoxia is quite dangerous for a baby, because of it defects in the formation of a small organism may occur.

Squeezing the vena cava also threatens the expectant mother with varicose veins and can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids.

In addition, in the supine position, due to pressure on the bladder, a pregnant woman is unlikely to get enough sleep, because she will often have to wake up and run to the toilet due to the frequent urge to urinate.

Also, due to sleeping on the back in late pregnancy, quite severe pain in the spine may appear due to the large pressure on it.
Suffer from the pressure of the baby while sleeping on the back and kidneys, as well as the liver and intestines.

Therefore, if you want to minimize the risk of the complications described above, you should avoid sleeping on your back, even if before pregnancy it was your favorite and only comfortable sleeping position at night.

What is the best position to sleep in the third trimester of pregnancy?

Of course, sleeping on your stomach is also prohibited, and it will not be comfortable either. Sleeping on the stomach is allowed only in the very early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus is still very small.

The best position for mom and baby is to sleep on the left side. At the same time, for convenience, you can squeeze a blanket or a long pillow between your legs. For some, it is convenient to put a pillow under the back or under the stomach.

For the birth of a healthy baby, the expectant mother needs not only to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, but also get enough sleep. According to statistics, 90% of pregnant women have sleep problems, mostly due to an unusual posture during sleep. Women are worried about whether pregnant women can sleep on their backs.

How to sleep as a pregnant woman

Expectant mothers often complain of constant drowsiness, especially in the last months of pregnancy. does not allow you to relax normally in an unusual position, and in your head - only thoughts about the upcoming birth. At night, a woman suffers from insomnia, and during the day she feels tired and sleepy. Many pregnant women are concerned about the question of whether pregnant women can sleep on their backs (6 months). Simple methods to improve sleep help - a walk, aromatherapy or a cup of mint tea.

What position to choose for a pregnant woman to sleep

The expectant mother in the first trimester can sleep in any comfortable position without fear for the health of the child. But a woman in position, having learned about her pregnancy, should gradually get used to other postures during sleep, which are recommended for subsequent terms.

When the stomach begins to round and becomes noticeable, sleeping on the stomach is not only not possible anymore, but it is also not recommended by doctors.

Can pregnant women sleep on their backs?

All women face the problem of having to change all their habits. One of these is rest and sleep on your back. Many are well aware, but is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs? No doctor will say that it is worth changing this position for all 9 months. In the first trimester, the expectant mother can sleep as she likes, but she should already gradually change her body position in order to get used to it faster. After three months, the baby begins to grow faster and the belly increases accordingly. The uterus increases both in weight and in volume, loading the internal organs. The kidneys, intestines and liver are most affected.

The uterus presses on one of the largest veins in the body - the vena cava, through which blood moves from the heart to the lower extremities. This affects the health of not only the mother, but also her unborn child. In this condition, he often feels short of breath, palpitations, and sometimes fainting is observed. And nutrients cease to flow to the child, which leads to his oxygen starvation. If the vein is squeezed for a long time, then there may be problems with the bearing of the fetus and childbirth. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs in the 3rd trimester disappears by itself.

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach

You can sleep on your stomach for up to 3 months, until the uterus with the fetus goes beyond the small pelvis. Until this time, a woman is allowed to sleep in her favorite position, but this is not always possible due to the high sensitivity of the breast. Starting with, you should forget about resting on your stomach for the benefit of the child.

In order for the rest to be complete, a pregnant woman should follow several rules. An unusual posture at first will affect the quality of sleep, you need to make sure that the body rests completely at night.

Proper nutrition plays a huge role during pregnancy, there is no place for overeating. It is recommended to eat often, but in small portions. It is better to limit trips to the kitchen three hours before bedtime, this also applies to mineral water and caffeinated drinks. But a glass of warm milk with honey will calm the expectant mother and have a beneficial effect on a night's rest.

Do not neglect physical exercises for pregnant women, which you need to perform during the day so as not to burden the body before bedtime.

Before going to bed, it is better to stop watching TV and reading books. Soothing music is perfect to help you relax and fall asleep.

Every expectant mother should have a daily routine and stick to it, going to bed and waking up at the same time. In order not to suffer from insomnia, you should forget about daytime sleep.

A short walk before going to bed and a ventilated room will make sleep more sound and deep.

Take only a warm shower, excluding hot water.

The clothes of a pregnant woman should be pleasant to the touch, made of natural material that does not hinder movement.

It is strictly forbidden to take sleeping pills that adversely affect the health of the child. On the question of whether pregnant women can sleep on their backs or not, only the attending physician can answer in more detail.

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomachs?

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach? This question worries many expectant mothers in the first half of pregnancy, until the uterus has grown significantly. Is it dangerous to be in this position for several hours in a row and how do doctors recommend sleeping during pregnancy? Let's figure it out.

Sound logic tells us that sleeping on your stomach, with such a strong pressure on the uterus, is hardly good for the fetus. Circulation may be impaired. However, the situation is not dangerous if the gestational age is less than 20 weeks. Of course, any doctor will answer the question “can pregnant women sleep on their stomachs” that it is undesirable. And you need to strive to rest in other comfortable positions. But even if you woke up on your stomach, you should not panic, nothing bad will happen, the baby is protected by the amniotic sac. And if for a short time you need to try not to lie on your stomach, then from the middle of the second trimester you won’t have to control yourself, it will be physically uncomfortable for you to be in this position.

How do gynecologists recommend spending the night? Can pregnant women sleep on their backs? Indeed, many people sleep on their backs and consider this position to be one of the most comfortable. But it is not recommended for expectant mothers to lie on their back for physiological reasons. The fact is that a vena cava passes in the lumbar region, carrying blood from the legs back to the heart, and when it is squeezed, oxygen starvation can occur in the body of the mother and child. Such consequences are unlikely to occur in the early stages of pregnancy, and in the later stages, many expectant mothers themselves cannot lie in this way, since this, in addition to breathing difficulties, causes aching pain in the lumbar region.

It is clear that lying on your back is a taboo, but is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their side? Yes, doctors consider this kind of rest to be the most favorable and convenient. Moreover, it is recommended to rest on the left side, since in this case the heart has less load. In some cases, your doctor may recommend sleeping on your right side. Such a recommendation can be given to mothers whose babies are not in the head, but in an oblique presentation. It is very comfortable to lie on your side with a soft blanket or pillow between your legs. This position is the most physiological. Of course, you need to worry about a good mattress and a pillow under your head.

By the way, it is important not only whether a pregnant woman can sleep on her stomach, back or in another position, but also how to properly get up from a lying position. First you need to lie on your side, then gently take a sitting position and only then get up. With such movements, there will be no uterine tone, and there will be no jumps in blood pressure.