Bloody discharge in the morning during pregnancy. What is considered normal discharge in early pregnancy. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy

Discharge during pregnancy in the early stages and in the last months is always an alarm bell. The reasons for the appearance of blood at different stages differ, but the consequences are almost all the same (if treatment is not carried out) - spontaneous termination of pregnancy (miscarriage or premature birth). Let's take a closer look at the causes and consequences of the appearance of spotting in different trimesters, as well as the actions that a woman should take in a given situation.

1st trimester

The very first spotting may appear on... the first day of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus. But this discharge is not profuse; it is observed approximately 7-10 days before the expected start of the next menstruation.

In some cases, spotting during early pregnancy confuses a woman, and she believes that she has started menstruation. The distinctive features of this bleeding are the color - dark, brown. The discharge is usually thick and scanty and ends much faster than normal periods. Sometimes this happens due to hormonal disorders, and sometimes during pregnancy. In this case, if a woman has had unprotected sexual intercourse, she should take a pregnancy test and (or) take a blood test for hCG. During pregnancy, spotting usually occurs on the days of expected menstruation, and these days are considered the most dangerous in terms of a possible miscarriage. After all, the blood flows for a reason... Most likely, the reason is detachment of the fertilized egg. The more abundant the discharge and the stronger the pain, the less chance of maintaining the pregnancy and preventing spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, every woman should know that bloody and brown discharge during early pregnancy is a sign of a threatening or already begun miscarriage, and not “washing” the fetus or menstruation - they simply do not happen during pregnancy.

Another possible reason for the appearance of blood or brown discharge is a frozen, non-developing pregnancy. This diagnosis is quite difficult to make in the very early stages, only after 4-5 weeks, when the embryo’s heartbeat can be seen on ultrasound (if the fetus died, then there will be no heartbeat). Usually, in this case, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs after some time, but in a woman, while waiting for a spontaneous resolution of the situation, an inflammatory process may begin in the uterus, and therefore Russian doctors, if the miscarriage is frozen, immediately suggest “cleaning” the uterus.

And finally, the most dangerous scenario for the development of the situation. Bloody discharge occurs during an ectopic pregnancy. It should be immediately emphasized that in this case, the discharge is already a sign that the pregnancy will soon be terminated, which means that the fertilized egg, which was implanted “in the wrong place,” has begun to peel off. We must act. If a woman visits a doctor from the very beginning of pregnancy, then, most often, the ectopic pregnancy does not go unnoticed. Otherwise... In a word, do not ignore the selections. Contact your doctor immediately to find out the causes.

And a couple more interesting facts. Often during pregnancy, cervical erosion begins to bleed a little. Also, blood may appear after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse, since the mucous membrane, due to the action of certain hormones in the first trimester, is very vulnerable. But you shouldn’t be afraid of chairside examinations because of this. Doctors are always very sensitive to their pregnant patients and conduct examinations carefully. And if there are no pathologies, then examinations will be very rare, 1-3 over the entire 9 months.

2-3 trimesters of pregnancy

There can be many reasons for bleeding in the first trimester. But in the second half of pregnancy there are only 2 - either placenta previa or abruption. Placenta previa is usually noticed by a doctor during an ultrasound scan at the beginning of the second trimester (just when the first ultrasound examination is scheduled). Presentation can be complete or partial. In both the first and second cases, discharge may occur during pregnancy in the later stages and in the second trimester. With partial presentation, there is a high probability that the placenta will migrate on its own to the required level in the uterus as it grows. The worst thing is that with placenta previa there is a high probability of placenta abruption, and this is already dangerous for both the life of the child and the life of the mother due to large blood loss.

Quite often, when carrying a child, a woman experiences health problems. The appearance of abnormalities and pathological processes is associated with multiple factors that directly affect the body. It is not uncommon to experience spotting in early or late pregnancy. This is not the norm and should alert the expectant mother. Such manifestations are usually accompanied by pain and discomfort in the groin area. What is the reason for the appearance of such discharge?

What is considered normal discharge in early pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the formation of cervical mucus is considered normal. Typically, the lubricant has a watery consistency, a clear or pale white hue, and is completely odorless. At 5–6 weeks, an increased level of secretion production is sometimes observed; by the middle of the cycle they become moderate or very small.

It is worth noting that during a normal pregnancy, the secreted mucus should not contain streaks or drops of blood. In addition, yellow and orange discharge at 7–8 weeks and at the end of gestation (27–37 weeks or 38–40) should alert the girl. If such manifestations occur, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. These signs usually indicate the development of an infection inside the body. Pathological processes are dangerous for the unborn child. Therefore, when such a diagnosis is made, immediate treatment must be started. Such manifestations are especially dangerous at 12–13 weeks.

Transparent secretion in the first trimester of pregnancy can be abundant. This is quite normal, since during this period hormonal changes occur and the production of hormones increases.

What does spotting mean - possible causes

The appearance of blood clots may indicate an arbitrary miscarriage in the first and second trimester, and premature birth in the last months of gestation (35–39th week). But their appearance is not always so serious. There are other reasons for the appearance of bloody secretion.

Implantation bleeding

After IVF, when the fertilized egg enters the uterus, after 1-3 weeks it attaches to the uterine walls. This process damages the mucous membrane and small blood vessels. Because of this, slight bleeding of a soft red or pinkish tint occurs. During this period, a nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen or abdominal cavity.

Girls often confuse implantation blood loss with the onset of menstruation. Usually this bleeding ends on day 2, after which there may be some spotting.

False menstruation

There are cases when girls have menstruation on schedule, even despite its special situation. The appearance of secretion at 10–11 weeks indicates a low level of progesterone in the blood. It stimulates the ovaries, causing heavy discharge similar to menstruation. By the middle of pregnancy, progesterone levels increase and already at 14–15 weeks of gestation, ovarian function stops.

Hormonal imbalances do not allow the fertilized egg to become stable in the uterine cavity, which slows down the development of the fetus. This process is accompanied by spotting light brown discharge for 2 months.

Chorionic detachment

Pathological processes in the body and heavy bleeding often provoke polyps that form in the cervical canal. During the period of bearing a baby, the uterus fills with blood, the mucous membrane becomes very vulnerable. Such processes cause tissue deformation and injury to the placenta and uterine walls.

Scanty bloody spotting secretion appears after a gynecological examination, sex or vaginal ultrasound. This is due to the fact that the walls of the uterus become very sensitive and during sexual intercourse small injuries/cuts form on them. This causes a brick-colored secretion of blood. It is not dangerous to health, therefore it is not classified as a pathology.

The appearance of specific mucus of a red or scarlet hue is a symptom of hydatidiform mole. This diagnosis is made when the upper membrane of the embryo is deformed and takes the form of a cyst. The pathological process leads to the death of the embryo at any stage of development.

Prolonged red discharge often occurs in women with poor blood clotting. Such patients are registered at the hospital and are constantly under the supervision and control of a gynecologist.

Ectopic pregnancy

Quite often, the appearance of blood after the baby is conceived is due to an ectopic pregnancy (EP). The anomaly is detected at 8–9 weeks of embryo development. Bleeding can be either one-time or constant. It can also be confused with menstruation, only in the case of VB the mucus will be more scarlet and abundant, accompanied by sharp pain in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes or ovaries.

When the fetus develops outside the uterus, there is a risk that the fallopian tubes will rupture and cause severe internal bleeding. This condition is life-threatening for the expectant mother and requires complex hospitalization and surgical intervention. The fetus dies in such a situation.

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy

Arbitrary expulsion of the fetus occurs for various reasons (injury, stress, infections, physical activity). Spontaneous termination of pregnancy is more often observed in the early stages.

In such a situation, bleeding appears gradually and gets worse every day. Pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, weakness, and drowsiness are observed. If such a pathological condition is detected in the 1st–2nd trimester, then the embryo can come out on its own after it dies. If this happens at 8–9 months of gestation, then a caesarean section may be prescribed. The chance of saving the child is very low.

Abdominal injuries

Internal bleeding is often caused by abdominal trauma. Even a slight bruise can cause rupture of small capillaries and the appearance of dark or scarlet discharge.

If the injury was minor, the woman may not pay attention to it. However, the consequences of the injury sometimes appear after 1–2 days, when abundant secretion of a pathological shade becomes noticeable. Any abdominal injury can cause miscarriage, fetal death or other complications in a woman’s body.

Most often, blood appears immediately after the blow, but sometimes there are cases when it appears after a couple of hours or days. Such symptoms will indicate damage to the fetus, the walls of the uterus or the placenta. If a girl receives any injury, she should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination.

Placenta previa

Placenta previa is a pathological condition of the fetus when the placenta descends into the uterus, blocking the passage to the outside. As the fetus develops, the uterus stretches, and due to the incorrect position of the baby, a large load is placed on the bottom of the vagina.

Being below, the placenta cannot reach the walls of the uterus and peels off from them, resulting in injury to the mucous membrane. When such a diagnosis is made, minor bleeding may appear throughout the entire gestation period. In the last weeks of gestation, the discharge becomes even more abundant.

Placental abruption

Due to poor consolidation or the development of pathological processes in the body, placental abruption may occur. Such a deviation is fatal to the fetus. There are 3 types of anomalies: partial, complete and central. If the problem is identified in time and drug treatment is started, then there is a chance to save the child. In the last weeks of pregnancy, due to this diagnosis, a caesarean section is prescribed.

Partial placental abruption is characterized by the appearance of small brown discharge. The progression of the disease can be corrected with minimal harm to the child with the help of medications. When the anomaly is centrally located, blood accumulates between the walls of the uterus and the chorion. After placental abruption, all accumulated blood comes out.

The most dangerous type of disease is considered to be complete detachment of the chorion from the uterine walls. In this case, there is profuse blood loss, which is fatal to the girl’s life. With this diagnosis, the child dies in the womb.

When to see a doctor urgently

If a pregnant woman notices significant blood loss and the pad has to be changed every 30–50 minutes, then an ambulance should be called, as there is a risk to the life of the expectant mother and child.

The appearance of blood clots is the main sign of a miscarriage, so such a manifestation should also alert the girl. If the secretion changes its color to brown, then perhaps there are hematomas in the body. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination. If any signs of ill health appear, you should consult a gynecologist and find out if everything is in order.

How to stop bleeding - first aid for illness

If significant blood loss occurs during pregnancy, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital to see an obstetrician-gynecologist. Such symptoms are not considered normal and often indicate serious problems that are life-threatening for mother and baby.

It is prohibited to take any measures on your own without the knowledge of the doctor: there is a risk of aggravating the situation. The woman is recommended to take a supine position before the doctor arrives; it is best to lie on her left side and calm down. It is not recommended to panic and move suddenly. To reduce bleeding, place a cold object on your stomach. This will relieve pain and reduce bleeding. Taking any medications is prohibited.

Preventive measures

According to obstetricians, the best prevention of pathological conditions is timely treatment of diseases of the genital and reproductive organs. The girl must also follow a daily routine, switch to proper nutrition and exercise for pregnant women.

In the life of a future mother there should be as little stress, anxiety and worry as possible. It is best if there is a warm, positive environment in the house.

Before taking any medications, you should consult with your doctor and find out whether it will be safe for your health.

The video will tell you what discharge is considered normal during pregnancy:


The manifestation of secretion during gestation is normal. It occurs at different stages and can be either abundant or moderate. The secreted mucus should be beige or transparent, but if it has acquired a scarlet, red or orange tint, you should be wary and consult a doctor. Such manifestations most often indicate serious pathological processes that pose a threat to the expectant mother and baby.

During a normal pregnancy, a woman's menstruation stops. In some cases, pregnancy may be complicated by bleeding from the genital tract. Blood discharge can be of varying intensity and character - scanty, abundant, spotting, scarlet, brown. In any case, the discharge of blood from a woman’s vagina while expecting a baby is a reason to immediately contact a gynecologist, otherwise the pregnancy may be terminated.

Can you bleed during pregnancy?

Separation of blood from the vagina during pregnancy can occur due to many reasons. reasons, the most common of them are:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • implantation bleeding;
  • threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • detachment of the fertilized egg and its membranes (abortion in progress);
  • placental abruption;
  • placenta previa;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix during gynecological diagnostic procedures or rough sexual intercourse;
  • removal of the mucous protective plug.

If bloody streaks are detected, a woman should consult her gynecologist or go to the nearest maternity ward for examination, then in threatening situations the pregnancy and the life of the child can be saved. Depending on the cause of bleeding, the expectant mother will be prescribed treatment, including:

  • hemostatic drugs;
  • bed rest;
  • sexual and psycho-emotional peace.

Bloody discharge in the early stages of expectant mothers

The appearance of blood in the early stages of pregnancy requires the woman to take immediate action and urgently contact a gynecologist. This is usually a sign that pregnancy has occurred and the embryo has successfully attached to the lining of the uterus. During implantation, damage to the small blood vessels of the endometrium occurs, which is accompanied by a slight release of scarlet blood. Normally, bleeding stops already 2-3 days after implantation, and the discharge should not increase.

Blood on underwear along with cramping pain in the abdomen and lower back may indicate an abortion in progress or a spontaneous miscarriage. If you go to the clinic in a timely manner, the bleeding can be stopped and the child’s life saved.

Bleeding in early pregnancy may be due to: insertion of the fertilized egg into the fallopian tube. In this case, in addition to bloody discharge and pain in the lower abdomen, the woman will be bothered by weakness, dizziness, drop in blood pressure, shortness of breath, and increased heart rate. Fallopian tube rupture is a serious complication of ectopic pregnancy and if the patient is not provided with emergency medical care, it can be fatal.

Bloody discharge at 10, 11, 12 weeks

Blood from the vagina at 10, 11, 12 weeks of gestation in most cases is caused by miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. This can happen for various reasons - from chromosomal abnormalities to previous infections, due to taking medications, abdominal injuries, or cervical pathology.

Erosion of the uterine cervix can also bleed, but a doctor can determine the exact cause through an ultrasound and examination of the patient. Examination on the chair is usually abandoned so as not to provoke even more bleeding.

Bloody discharge in the second trimester

Vaginal bleeding in the second trimester is most often caused by abnormal placenta previa- full or marginal. In this case, as the uterus grows, the blood vessels extending from the placenta rupture and blood flows out. Sometimes bleeding can be quite severe, which threatens acute fetal hypoxia and its death. With partial placental abruption, the blood from the genital tract is scarlet.

Bloody discharge in the third trimester

The appearance of blood from the vagina in the third trimester of pregnancy is caused by:

  • placental abruption;
  • complete or partial placenta previa;
  • the beginning of labor.

Detachment of a child's place is a serious complication that can lead not only to the death of the child, but also to the death of his mother.

Brown or bloody discharge in expectant mothers after examination by a gynecologist

After examination in a gynecological chair or diagnostic procedures, scarlet or brownish blood may be released from the genitals of a pregnant woman. Most often this is caused damage to cervical erosion or injury to the vaginal mucosa tools. If the bleeding does not increase and the general condition of the expectant mother remains normal, then there is no cause for concern, but in order not to provoke increased bleeding in the next few days, the patient should refrain from sexual intercourse, lifting weights and taking a hot shower (bath).

The best period in the life of every woman is the period of waiting for a miracle, waiting for the birth of the dearest person in the family - pregnancy. But this is also a time of troubles and surprises. And not always pleasant - often during pregnancy, the female body begins to malfunction. For example, blood discharge, which can send even the most persistent woman into panic.

But there is no need to panic. Bloody discharge is a fairly common occurrence, especially in. And, by the way, according to statistics, 80% of women carry their baby to term absolutely calmly and safely.

There are many reasons for the appearance of bleeding. For example, the sensitivity of the internal genital organs or their active blood supply. This usually happens after an ultrasound if it was performed with a vaginal probe, or when using a speculum during an examination.

This kind of discharge may also appear after exercise because irritation of the cervix and vaginal mucosa has occurred. Discharge also begins due to a slight placental abruption: blood accumulates under it. It appears pinkish on the outside.

Often women notice discharge on the days when they had menstruation before pregnancy. In addition, they are also accompanied by and. This happens due to hormonal imbalances in the body in the early stages of pregnancy, and this is completely harmless.

As a rule, such discharge quickly disappears.

If you don’t panic, then you should at least worry when the bleeding is so profuse that the pad has to be changed once an hour. Blood clots are also a signal to take urgent measures. You should consult a doctor immediately, because there is a threat of miscarriage. If there is also bleeding, then somewhere in the body the blood has clotted. It is possible that there is.

The woman also experiences bleeding. Unfortunately, in such a situation, the tube can be removed and the abdominal cavity can be rinsed.

Another reason - . In this case, a week after intrauterine death of the fetus, a spontaneous miscarriage will begin.

The causes of bleeding can be ectopic pregnancy, inflammation in the cervix, and implantation of the embryo in the cervix. By the way, in the case of an embryo, the pregnant woman does not complain about anything, and her discharge is of a seemingly “harmless” color - pale pink.

During a frozen pregnancy, bleeding is also observed. In this case, a week after intrauterine death of the fetus, a spontaneous miscarriage will begin.

Spotting and spotting can also be a signal of miscarriage. They are often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. The sooner you consult a doctor in such a situation, the greater the chances of saving the baby.

The cause of bleeding can also be hydatidiform mole - the proliferation of placental tissue. The discharge is profuse, but absolutely painless. Unfortunately, the woman will lose her baby: she will have a curettage and her hormonal status will be closely monitored for about six months.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, bleeding is especially dangerous. They may indicate pathologies and threaten the lives of both mother and baby.

Firstly, placental abruption is possible, especially for women with preeclampsia, abdominal injuries, and polyhydramnios. It is also common: a condition where the placenta is located in the area of ​​the internal os of the cervical canal. The wall of the uterus becomes thinner, blood vessels rupture, this is dangerous for the woman’s body, but the baby does not suffer.

Myomas, cervical erosion, polyps, genital injuries - all this can also lead to bleeding.

Despite the fact that bleeding in itself is often not dangerous, it is still worth seeing a doctor at least to be on the safe side. You need to trust the gynecologist completely - describe in detail the color of the discharge, the nature of the pain, and its intensity.

Especially for- Maria Dulina

One of the most well-remembered moments in every woman’s life is pregnancy and the anticipation of the arrival of a new family member. But besides pleasant moments, there are also many extraordinary troubles and various surprises. And, it should be noted, the surprises are far from the most pleasant, since during pregnancy the female body begins to malfunction. So, bloody discharge may appear, which can unpleasantly surprise and even shock a strong and persistent woman. Why does this phenomenon occur and is it normal? When should you see a doctor?

Bloody discharge during pregnancy: is it normal?

Bloody discharge is very similar to menstrual discharge, but much smaller in volume, and can have a different color - from bright red to brown. Although spotting is not normal, it happens quite often during the first trimester of pregnancy. From 15% to 25% of pregnant women surveyed noted that similar phenomena were present in them in the first three months.

However, bleeding that occurs may indicate both a normal pregnancy (albeit with some minor deviations from the norm) and a possible threat to the mother and unborn child. That is why it is necessary to consult a gynecologist if minor but constant vaginal discharge begins to appear or serious bleeding occurs frequently.

What to do if spotting appears during pregnancy?

Even if the bleeding stopped quickly or was not very heavy, it is necessary to seek help from a gynecologist or a gynecological emergency room as soon as possible. To determine the causes of bleeding, it may be necessary to carry out numerous procedures, since the cause of bleeding can be many diseases and pathologies, ranging from the development of a malignant tumor to erosion and the presence of infectious diseases.

Colposcopy and ultrasound may be prescribed to determine the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Your doctor may order blood and urine tests to check your hormone levels.

The most reliable information about the causes of spotting during pregnancy can be provided by transvaginal ultrasound. During this procedure, an ultrasound probe is carefully inserted into the vagina to determine the placenta attachment site and monitor the development of the embryo.

If, along with bleeding, constant and severe pain occurs in the abdominal area, this may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, hospitalization and surgical treatment may be required, which involves removing the embryo.

There are a fairly large number of reasons that can lead to bleeding in early pregnancy. Some of them may indicate the presence of a serious pathology, while others do not. There are two situations when treatment is not required and the bleeding goes away without negative consequences:

  • Menstrual bleeding. There are hormones that control the menstrual cycle. They can cause bleeding at the right time. For some women, bleeding may coincide with the onset of menstruation, even during pregnancy.
  • Attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus. A phenomenon may also occur that will be accompanied by short-term (1-2 days) bleeding.

One of the rarest causes is hydatidiform mole. It is formed during improper development of the placenta and embryo formation. If a hydatidiform mole or ectopic pregnancy occurs, the pregnancy must be terminated as soon as possible. If bleeding is caused by the following reasons, then it is necessary to carry out treatment or take precautions throughout the entire pregnancy:

  • Infection of the vagina or cervix;
  • Cervical irritation;
  • The formation of a small growth on the mucous membrane of the cervix - a polyp;
  • Hereditary diseases that lead to heavy bleeding during pregnancy. These include von Willibrand's disease;
  • Bleeding can be caused by various exogenous factors: changes in pressure, a fall, violent acts, and so on;
  • "The Vanishing Twin" This is a process that is characterized by the rejection of several embryos during a multiple pregnancy. Often occurs during artificial insemination.

The worst option is the occurrence of bleeding as one of the symptoms of an incipient miscarriage.

Heavy bleeding may occur due to a hydatidiform mole or miscarriage, especially if it is accompanied by cramping and pain in the abdominal area.

You need to be prepared for such a turn of events, but excessive excitement is unnecessary - as a rule, most pregnancies proceed normally even with heavy bleeding.

Statistics show that more than 50% of women who presented with the problem of bleeding during pregnancy successfully carried the child to term.

Causes of bleeding in late pregnancy

Bleeding and spotting during the third trimester of pregnancy may indicate placental abruption or premature birth. If discharge begins to appear after the 37th week of pregnancy, this may indicate softening of the cervix and its preparation for dilatation. In this case, mucous discharge may be observed, in which there are streaks of blood. This indicates the release of the mucous plug that blocked the entrance to the uterus. Such discharge is evidence that labor may begin soon.

It is difficult to predict whether spotting can lead to miscarriage. But if the following signs are present, then we can say that the risk of fetal loss is much higher than in all other cases:

  • Bleeding gradually increases and become more abundant;
  • Age. The optimal age for bearing a child is from 25 to 35 years. Women who are older or younger may be at risk;
  • Smoking. Active or passive smoking can provoke miscarriage;
  • Frequent abortions in young years;
  • Previous miscarriages.

Those who complain of spotting early in pregnancy have a slightly higher risk of developing preeclampsia and preterm birth, when the baby is delivered before 37 weeks of pregnancy. In those women who experienced bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy, placental abruption is possible at a later stage.

The occurrence of bleeding can be associated with a variety of placental problems, which include placental abruption, placenta previa, or intrauterine growth restriction.

After conducting all the necessary studies, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of the bleeding and prescribe the correct treatment, which will help eliminate possible complications. Spotting or bleeding is a rather frightening and unpleasant diagnosis, but in most cases it does not cause harm and disappears without any negative consequences.
