Consequences of the umbilical cord being entwined four times around the fetal neck. The entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck - a real danger or an exaggerated alarm

Doctors urge not to dramatize the umbilical cord being wrapped around the neck once for several reasons. To begin with, it is worth undergoing an ultrasound diagnosis, which will show the actual state of affairs. There is not always a direct threat to the life and health of the child, so you should not push the attending physician to take radical action. The less the expectant mother exposes herself to nervous strain, the greater the likelihood of giving birth to a healthy baby. The main thing is, as mentioned earlier, to let the doctors do their job.

Let's look into the details: umbilical cord entanglement, causes and consequences

First, the doctor must determine why there was a single entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck. Opens a list of possible causes: bad habits, poor diet, addiction to tobacco products, and so on.

Even passive smoking can have a detrimental effect on the health of the fetus, so you should think in advance about how to protect yourself. Other reasons are associated with permanent emotional stress.

The list of negative factors continues with a sharp change in climate or diet. It is strictly forbidden to do this without prior consultation with your doctor.

In addition, the unborn child puts himself at risk if one of the following reasons occurs:

  • Upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • Prolonged exposure to heat or cold;
  • Poor environmental conditions;
  • During pregnancy, children in the womb become wrapped in the umbilical cord as a result of the mother's failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene.

Medical statistics indicate that double or single entanglement with the umbilical cord is the result of the influence of internal and external factors. Poor nutrition, bad habits, and stress are just some of the factors, each of which is subject to mandatory medical examination.

Popular wisdom teaches: why umbilical cord entanglement occurs

No matter how strange it may sound, you can find many rational moments in signs. The list opens with the addiction to knitting. It is enough to devote only 1-2 hours a week to this hobby to several times increase the chance of developing pathology. The consequences in this case will not be long in coming, because knitting involves staying in one position for a long time.

People's advice continues to tell expectant mothers about really bad habits. Among these are raising your arms above your head too often. Even if a woman does this only 2-3 times a day, the child’s fate remains unenviable. Each lifting threatens the baby with serious damage. The relationship here is simple. The more the mother moves, the greater the desire of the child in the womb to also be active.

In addition, in folk medicine there are a number of other warnings, it would be useful to pay attention to them:

  • It is strictly forbidden to sleep on your back, otherwise the fetus will get tangled in the umbilical cord;
  • People around should protect the psyche of the expectant mother from nervous tension, otherwise it is fraught with serious consequences;
  • You cannot pose for artists, because staying in one position for a long time provokes a tight entanglement of the umbilical cord;
  • If possible, you should avoid watching emotionally intense programs, reading books and news.

Many recommendations of traditional medicine help to find out what and why pregnant women should not do. You should not take literally all the recommendations that penitently, for example, the ban on unraveling a tangle or posing. The reason for the development of pathology during childbirth here is the prolonged stay in one position, and not the photographer’s camera or the artist’s brush.

Physiology of the process: umbilical cord around the fetal neck

Parents know why double or triple entanglement of the umbilical cord is dangerous for the life and health of the child. At the same time, not everyone will say what exactly is hidden behind the physiological aspect of the process. Why might a baby be wrapped? What to do if your baby is confused? To answer these questions, it is necessary to consider the physical structure of the umbilical cord. It is formed from the moment the fetus begins to develop and becomes complete at 24-26 weeks.

At first, the short “ribbon” gradually increases in length. As long as the baby is calmly in one position, he cannot be wrapped around him. As the 28th week approaches, the situation changes. Karapuz actively announces his presence to others.

It happens that during the day the fetus turns over several times or simply kicks. As a result, random double or triple entanglement occurs in the area of ​​the cervical arch.

In order to better understand what the umbilical cord is, you should not listen to what the folk sign says.

Attention is paid only to medical facts:

  • The presence of two arteries, one of which is short;
  • The umbilical venous flow provides the fetus with nutrients.
  • The channel for the delivery of nutrients and the removal of waste products from the fetus is the main function of the umbilical cord;
  • Its length does not exceed 15 mm, but this does not help to avoid unpleasant complications.

Two arteries and one vein pass through it. The child’s life depends on their coordinated work. Paradoxically, the umbilical cord complex, on the one hand, provides the child with everything necessary, and, on the other hand, there is always a risk of injury to the newborn.

Diagnosis of the problem: a single entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck

Before taking therapeutic measures, the doctor performs an ultrasound diagnosis. Its goal is to compare the signs and possible consequences of the problem. In order to make an objective assessment of the health status of the fetus and mother, it is better to make at least two projections. In this case, it is easier for the gynecologist to determine where the node is and how to remove it.

Symptoms play an important role in making a correct diagnosis. The doctor’s task is to determine how many times the entanglement occurs.

According to medical statistics, there are several factors that determine where the loop is located when the umbilical cord is entwined once:

  1. Excessive activity of the fetus, which is constantly in motion. The baby is forced to stay in a confined space for some time, where he is unconsciously wrapped around the umbilical cord. If precautions are not taken, this will cause multiple pathologies in the future.
  2. Mom's addiction to extreme sports - as doctors' reviews show, this often becomes the cause of the development of pathology.
  3. Excessive secretion of amniotic fluid provokes one-time entanglement of the fetal cervix

Time is the doctor’s main ally when making a diagnosis. Based on ultrasound diagnostic data, the gynecologist determines where the single loop comes from. In most cases, the duration of the diagnostic stage does not exceed 2 days. You can see almost immediately how dangerous it is to give birth. Thanks to the presence of a wide arsenal of diagnostic tools, the gynecologist is able to immediately recognize a one-time entanglement.

Surgical intervention by a doctor: double entwining of the umbilical cord around the neck

In this case, it is right to recall the saying that “delay is like death.” Before taking any action, it is necessary to determine the nature of the problems. To a lesser extent, the mother risks the child’s health if there is a loose double entanglement of the fetus’ neck.

The situation is more complicated when, based on the existing groove, the gynecologist concludes that there are one or two loops.

In such a situation, you cannot hesitate, otherwise the fetus may suffocate.

The following factors will provide invaluable assistance to the doctor at the stage of making the correct diagnosis:

  • It is possible to more or less accurately diagnose and even prevent entanglement in the umbilical cord starting from the 17th week;
  • Doppler testing helps to find out the volume of blood passing through the umbilical cord; if the value is below normal, then this indicates the serious nature of the problem;
  • The CTG procedure helps determine how much oxygen the child needs;
  • Often it is not necessary to untangle the umbilical cord, because a false positive diagnosis occurs;
  • If, for one reason or another, the ovaries are not located, this means that the problem arose against the background of pathological changes in the body.

Childbirth with the umbilical cord entwined around the neck (video)

The expectant mother should visit the doctor's office regularly. In this case, already at the 17th week, it is possible to identify and begin treatment for umbilical cord entanglement in the cervical region. Once the problem is identified, the gynecologist does everything possible to minimize possible consequences. As the day of birth approaches, practical recommendations are developed for a physician who will help the baby come into this world.

It is so inherent in nature that the close connection between a child and his mother begins in the womb. The baby receives nutrients and oxygen through the umbilical cord. The arteries of the umbilical cord remove decay products and carbon dioxide. Sometimes the baby is so active that he literally gets entangled in the umbilical cord. And then it forms loops that can wrap around the neck or other parts of the body one or more times. It is important and interesting to know why the umbilical cord entangles the fetus, how to avoid it and what to do if the problem has already arisen.

fetus: what is it?

Umbilical cord entanglement is a fairly common pathology that obstetricians and gynecologists diagnose in the last stages of pregnancy. Often the baby himself “solves” the problem and gets out of the umbilical cord loop, but in some cases the help of an obstetrician is needed. How and why umbilical cord entanglement occurs, every pregnant woman should know the causes of this pathology. In some cases, the occurrence of pathology is provoked by the expectant mother, so she is obliged to monitor her health and well-being.

Reasons for the development of pathology

According to statistics, 20% of pregnancies are accompanied by the umbilical cord entwining the baby. It is important for the expectant mother to know the reasons for the fetus being entangled in the umbilical cord and, if possible, to avoid exposure to provoking factors. There are folk superstitions that say that you should not sew, knit, weave or actively engage in gymnastics during pregnancy. Believing this or not is the business of every expectant mother, but we must remember that these are just inventions of our ancestors.

Obstetrician-gynecologists name the factors that cause the development of the deviation. The following can lead to entanglement in the umbilical cord:

  • stress and overwork;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • maternal poor nutrition;
  • long umbilical cord.

When registering with the antenatal clinic and for nine months, doctors identify the risks of developing various pathologies and strictly monitor the health of the mother and fetus. If a woman is at risk, then she needs to regularly visit the obstetrician and follow all his instructions.

Among other pathologies during pregnancy, one of the most common is umbilical cord entanglement. The causes and provoking factors have been well studied and doctors successfully perform such births.

How does fetal entanglement occur?

The most common cause of umbilical cord entanglement is the baby's hyperactivity. The baby may lack oxygen, nutrients and substances and is actively moving in the womb in search of food. If the expectant mother abuses coffee, black tea, alcohol, cigarettes, then the child needs more oxygen, which he tries to get. Frequent stress leads to an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood of both mother and child, which causes the baby to become active.

With polyhydramnios, the baby has too much room to move, which is why he can easily become entangled in the umbilical cord and even tighten its loops more tightly. A long umbilical cord can also become tangled much more easily and form dangerous loops around the baby’s neck and body.

Umbilical cord entwined around the neck

The most dangerous thing for the health of the fetus is the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck. In this case, during childbirth the noose may tighten and lead to dire consequences. Modern medicine has reached such a level that this pathology can be successfully treated and the child is born absolutely healthy. It is important for expectant mothers to regularly undergo all examinations, conduct ultrasound diagnostics and be under the supervision of a doctor.

Single wrapping of the umbilical cord

The “simplest” is a single entanglement with the umbilical cord - one loop is formed on the child’s neck, from which the baby often “gets out” on his own. During childbirth, the one-time entanglement can be easily loosened and removed. This type of pathology occurs most often and rarely causes problems for the mother and child.

Multiple umbilical cord entanglements

An entanglement in which two or more loops are formed on the baby’s neck is called multiple. Most often, doctors record a double entanglement, but there may be three or even four loops of the umbilical cord. This type of pathology is more difficult for doctors to correct during natural childbirth, so a caesarean section is performed.

Consequences of umbilical cord entanglement

The entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck leads to the fact that the fetus often experiences microtraumas of the cervical vertebrae. In the future, a child born with entanglement is susceptible to frequent and severe headaches, fatigue, and hypertension. There are also problems with providing nutrition to the fetus: a pinched umbilical cord conducts fewer nutrients and removes waste carbon dioxide worse.

Such children are prescribed special treatment, which consists of massage, physiotherapy, and medication. It is important to seek help from a pediatrician or neurologist in time and begin treatment, then the chances of a full recovery increase.

Wrapping around other parts of the body is less common and poses less danger to the fetus. More often the legs are wrapped around, less often the child’s arms. In this case, it is even easier for the baby to get out, so it is rarely possible to detect an entanglement with the umbilical cord on ultrasound diagnostics. The reasons for the “hug” are the same as those listed above.

The most dangerous thing is the umbilical cord being wrapped around the neck. The consequences of this pathology can remain with the child for life and lead to many serious diseases: hypertension, migraine, cerebral hydrocele, osteochondrosis, mental retardation.

Obstetric care for entanglement

In the vast majority of cases, pregnancy with umbilical cord entanglement ends successfully, and childbirth occurs naturally. Childbirth in such women proceeds without complications, the baby and mother feel well and, like others, are discharged home after a few days. The only difference is that during delivery the woman in labor is under enhanced medical supervision using Doppler or ultrasound equipment.

After the birth of the fetal head, the obstetrician manually releases the baby's neck from the umbilical cord loop and labor continues. Only in case of tight or repeated entanglement, a cesarean section is chosen already during the birth process or in advance. In some cases, this is the only way to give birth to a healthy baby and avoid problems in the future.

It is important for a pregnant woman to take care of the health of her unborn child. It will be useful for the expectant mother to know about how umbilical cord entanglement occurs, the causes and consequences of this pathology. It doesn't matter how the birth took place. It is important that the child is born healthy and that the mother has the strength to care for the newborn.

During pregnancy, in order to connect mother and child, as well as deliver to the baby the necessary components for building the body and oxygen molecules, two special organs are formed - the placenta with the umbilical cord. Due to the placenta, communication is carried out between the mother’s body and the future baby without mixing their blood with each other, and due to the umbilical cord, the fetus uninterruptedly receives everything necessary for growth and oxygen. The umbilical cord extends approximately from the center of the placenta and consists of three vessels, enveloped in a thick layer of gelatinous substance that protects it from pinching and damage. Sometimes during pregnancy, on an ultrasound, the doctor sees the umbilical cord entwined in the neck of the fetus, which causes concern in the expectant mother. Should you worry?

The structure of the umbilical cord: features

The cord connecting the placenta to the fetus (umbilical cord) has a special structure: inside it there are two large arteries that feed the baby and an equally large vein through which it releases waste metabolites and waste products. The umbilical cord develops from an early stage, in parallel with the placenta, and is attached in the abdomen to the fetus at one end and approximately to the center of the placenta at the other. By the end of pregnancy, it reaches a length of approximately 45-65 cm in length, which is enough for full movements of the child and uninterrupted nutrition. As with all other organs surrounding the baby, the umbilical cord may also be characterized by some deviations in structure and functioning, which can become a problem during pregnancy or later during childbirth. Such a deviation can be the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck.

Umbilical cord problems and the threat of loops in the neck

There are two abnormalities in the length of the umbilical cord that can become a problem during childbirth. These include an umbilical cord that is too short, which according to data is less than 40 cm, as well as an excessively long one, which exceeds 70 cm in length. Both of these pathologies can interfere with natural labor, although they do not greatly affect the course of pregnancy. Due to the umbilical cord being too long, it is possible to wrap it around the fetal neck, either once, twice, or sometimes three times. In addition, such an umbilical cord, due to the activity of the fetus, especially against the background, can form a true umbilical cord knot, which is dangerous for the death of the fetus if it is prolonged into pregnancy or during childbirth.

Causes of the umbilical cord entwining the neck

Until now, among the older generation there are many myths associated with entwinement, which frighten young mothers. But in reality, several factors can become the causes of entanglement.:

Expectant mothers should note that they should not worry about the entanglement of the umbilical cord near the fetal neck no earlier than 36-38 weeks of pregnancy or earlier if the entanglement is tight and repeated. In other cases, the fetus of almost every mother can put on and take off the umbilical cord loops from the neck several times during the entire pregnancy without any harm to its condition.

If such a loose entanglement is detected and the umbilical cord is of normal length, doctors do not frighten the woman; this phenomenon is usually temporary. If the loops are tight and the entanglement is repeated, then certain tactics are needed in the upcoming birth and an objective assessment of the condition of the fetus in the womb.

Myths and realities regarding entanglement

Often expectant mothers are prohibited from knitting or sewing, weaving, emphasizing that such processes lead to entanglement in the umbilical cord. In the old days, women noticed this because expectant mothers knitted and weaved in dark huts with a wood-burning stove, where there was stuffiness and hypoxia. Because of this, the fetus in the womb, so hunched over and frozen in one position, experiencing hypoxia, also suffered from a lack of oxygen. As a result, she actively moved, throwing the loops of the umbilical cord over herself. But today, when you can provide yourself with convenient and comfortable conditions for creativity, knitting or weaving will not lead to entanglement, this is nothing more than a myth.

The second myth associated with entanglement is the formation of such a pathology with frequent raising of the arms up. Let’s analyze it too, remembering that long and frequent raising of the arms upward in the old days was used for heavy physical labor - washing and hanging clothes. This is heavy lifting, fatigue and overexertion, which formed an increased tone of the uterus and increased hypoxia. To eliminate the lack of oxygen, the fetus increased the force of its movements - hence the loops. Today, during everyday activities, infrequently lifting the limbs up in order to get a book or cup from a shelf is not harmful. A light warm-up of the arms and legs is also useful for preventing fetal hypoxia.

External manifestations, symptoms of entanglement

As such, external symptoms of entanglement are not detected; sometimes indirect signs may be a large abdomen due to polyhydramnios, as well as excessive mobility of the child both day and night due to his suffering from hypoxia. If the baby often tosses and turns in his stomach, changing position, with an elongated umbilical cord, he can wind the loops around the neck area. This pathology does not have any other manifestations.

How doctors detect the condition of entanglement

The presence of umbilical cord entanglement can be determined by characteristic signs determined by cardiotocography (CTG). During the procedure, typical changes in the curve on the film recording the heartbeat are determined, with periods of slowing of the heartbeat against the background of fetal movement.


According to this method alone, it is possible to identify signs of oxygen deficiency in the fetus, which it experiences due to the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck.

Then it is also carried out, according to which the presence of umbilical cord loops in the area of ​​the child’s neck is visually revealed. On the monitor screen, the doctor clearly sees the number of loops and the state of the entanglement - very tight, strong or loose. Such studies based on ultrasound data will be informative already in the second trimester, but usually the fetus does not suffer from the presence of the umbilical cord in the neck during this period.

To accurately confirm the state of blood flow and the number of loops in the neck, an additional Doppler study (color Doppler mapping) is performed. It shows the blood flow through the vessels with the direction of movement, that is, you can accurately visualize the position of the umbilical cord. They also conduct a study of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and fetus to determine the presence of hypoxia and the severity of disorders typical of tight entanglement. It is important to conduct such studies over time, since umbilical cord loops may be eliminated due to fetal movements.

Childbirth with the umbilical cord entwined around the fetal neck

The state of entanglement is possible in various types - tight (dangerous and strong) and non-tight, which creates differences in the management of labor and the method of delivery. In addition, it can be either single (one loop around the neck) or multiple – two or even three loops, which is much more dangerous. They also distinguish between isolated entanglement of the neck and combined with entanglement of other parts of the baby’s body.

The easiest option, the most favorable for natural childbirth, would be a single, loose entanglement only around the fetal neck.

Confirmation of the presence of such a pathology before childbirth requires the doctor to select a certain delivery tactic. If this loose entanglement of one or even two loops, nothing serious will happen to the baby during childbirth, the doctor will monitor the heart rate every 30 minutes in the first stage of labor and after each attempt in the second. If the heart rate decreases, labor can be stimulated to speed it up, immediately after the head is born, the doctor removes the loops from it with gentle movements, and labor ends as usual. This prevents the umbilical cord from stretching and causing complications.

Dangerous for natural childbirth tight or repeated entanglement. With a similar problem, even during gestation, the fetus may suffer from severe hypoxia. In this situation, the umbilical cord becomes shortened, which may threaten overstretching and compression of blood vessels during the period of expulsion of the fetus. This fact is dangerous regarding the development of fetal asphyxia. In addition, this is fraught with premature death of the baby during childbirth. Therefore, in this situation, at a period of approximately 37-38 weeks, a planned one is carried out, but if the condition of the fetus is threatened by complications, it is carried out earlier than these dates.

Is it possible to prevent entanglement?

Based on the knowledge of potential risk factors for such a complication, expectant mothers are advised to protect themselves from stress, both physical and emotional, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, move actively and engage in physical training and gymnastics. Breathing exercises are also necessary to prevent fetal hypoxia. This will reduce the likelihood of excessive motor activity of the fetus and draping of the umbilical cord loops around the neck. It is important to strictly follow all medical recommendations, take multivitamins and constantly monitor the condition in order to promptly notice the beginning signs of fetal hypoxia and eliminate them. It is forbidden to take any folk remedies to “remove” loops from the neck or take fancy poses on the advice of “experienced” people; this is ineffective and dangerous with injuries and complications.

During pregnancy, pathologies may develop that involve the umbilical cord. One of them is the umbilical cord entwining the fetal body. This article will tell you in detail whether a single entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord during pregnancy is dangerous.

What is this?

The fetus in the mother's womb receives all the nutrients for its growth and development through the umbilical cord (umbilical cord). Inside this unique organ there are blood vessels through which oxygen enters the child’s body, as well as nutrients necessary for intrauterine development. Normally, the umbilical cord is an elongated cord or “cord” that is about 50–70 cm long.

However, in obstetric practice there are cases when the umbilical cord is lengthened. In such a situation, it can curl up, forming loops. Single umbilical cord entanglement is a pathology in which the umbilical cord wraps around the child’s body once.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Umbilical cord entanglement can occur in different areas. So, the fetus can be entwined with the umbilical cord at the level of the neck, abdomen or limbs. Single entanglement often occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, when the baby is small and very active.

If the entanglement of the umbilical cord occurs much earlier than 30 weeks of pregnancy, then in such a situation it is possible that the child will “unravel” on its own. If there is a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus, and the child is not large, then it will be quite easy for him to do this.

If doctors discover that the baby is entangled in the umbilical cord at 36–38 weeks of pregnancy, then in this case the possibility of independent “untangling” is already significantly reduced. The large size of the baby at the final stage of pregnancy before childbirth does not allow him to make active movements as before. This ensures that the umbilical cord entanglement will remain in this case immediately until birth.

Consequences for the child

The prognosis for the further course of pregnancy with this pathology may be different. Doctors note that the intrauterine development of the fetus during such a complicated pregnancy largely depends on the clinical variant of entanglement.

Experts distinguish between tight and loose umbilical cord entanglement. When tightly entwined, the loops of the umbilical cord squeeze the child’s torso quite tightly. If the fetus is not tightly wrapped in umbilical cord loops, then in this case they speak of loose entanglement. Each of these clinical variants of pathology has its own developmental characteristics.

Not tight

This clinical option is perhaps more favorable. Reviews from women who experienced this pathology during pregnancy also confirm this. When the entanglement is loose, the umbilical cord loops are located at some distance from the child’s body. There is a small space between them and the baby's skin. With this clinical variant of the pathology, it is much easier for the baby to “unravel.” When the entanglement is not tight, as a rule, there is no compression of the baby’s internal organs, which means that he does not develop dangerous pathologies.

The prognosis for pregnancy with this clinical variant of the pathology is usually favorable. If the pregnancy is not complicated by any other conditions, doctors may even allow a natural birth. In this case, the tactics of childbirth are important: after the birth of the head, the obstetrician with his own hand can carefully remove the umbilical cord loop from the child’s body. This way the biomechanism of childbirth will not be disrupted.

If, even during an initially normal birth, complications develop, then in such a situation a caesarean section can be performed. Usually this operation is performed to save the baby's life.


This option is already less favorable. If the umbilical cord is tightly entwined around the baby's body during pregnancy, certain complications may develop. This condition is quite dangerous, since there is a fairly high risk of developing hypoxia. Many expectant mothers think that intrauterine hypoxia develops if the umbilical cord loop is around the baby's neck. They believe that the umbilical cord compresses the neck, where the trachea is located, which leads to breathing problems in the child. It is a myth.

During intrauterine life, the fetus receives oxygen dissolved in the blood, since its lungs cannot yet function independently. Oxygen enters through the umbilical blood vessels, which are located in the umbilical cord. Tight entanglement can lead to the umbilical cord being pinched in some areas. This can contribute to a decrease in blood flow, and therefore the development of oxygen deficiency in the fetus.

In such a situation, the baby’s internal organs (including vital ones) cease to fully develop. The risk of developing congenital pathologies in a baby is quite high. With tight entanglement, doctors must evaluate the degree of change in blood flow through the umbilical vessels. To do this, they prescribe Doppler ultrasound for the expectant mother. Using this painless diagnostic method, doctors obtain information about how blood flows in the umbilical arteries and veins.

With a single tight entanglement of the fetal umbilical cord, the blood flow in the umbilical vessels may not be impaired. In this case, the pregnancy develops normally, and the risk of developing dangerous complications is quite low.

If the blood flow through the umbilical vessels is disrupted, then the threat of developing dangerous pathologies is already higher. In such a situation, the expectant mother and her baby are monitored more closely by doctors.

In this case, the pregnant woman will need to visit her doctor more often, as well as the ultrasound room. If necessary, the expectant mother will additionally be prescribed cardiotocography - a method that allows assessing the cardiac activity and motor activity of the fetus. If intrauterine fetal hypoxia is detected due to a single entanglement of the umbilical cord, doctors may even resort to prescribing medications. For therapy, agents are selected that have a positive effect on blood flow.

According to indications, antispasmodics and antiplatelet agents are prescribed. The doctor may prescribe vitamin therapy, which is usually used for quite a long time.

If the condition of the fetus worsens significantly against the background of developing pathology, then the expectant mother may be hospitalized in a hospital (for intensive treatment). In late pregnancy, scheduling an early delivery date may be considered. Typically, these measures are used in the development of a number of complications that are possible with a single entanglement of the umbilical cord in the fetus.

To learn whether entanglement with the umbilical cord is dangerous, watch the following video.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 11 minutes


25% of expectant mothers encounter such a phenomenon as entwining the fetus with the umbilical cord. And naturally, this news becomes a cause not only for concern, but also for truly serious worries.

Is there a risk for the baby and mother, why is entanglement dangerous, and what to expect during childbirth?

Types of fetal umbilical cord entanglement - the main risks of umbilical cord entanglement

The formation of the umbilical cord begins already from. As the baby grows, it gradually increases in length.

This umbilical cord consists of 2 arteries, through which blood circulates with children’s waste products, an umbilical vein with the function of transporting oxygen and nutrients, as well as connective tissue.

Thanks to a jelly-like substance called “Wharton’s jelly”, umbilical tissue is resistant even to serious external loads - twisting, squeezing, etc.

The average length of the umbilical cord is 45-60 cm, but it is believed that the length of the umbilical cord depends on genetics, and in some cases can even reach 80 cm.

In ¼ of the babies of all expectant mothers, an entanglement of the umbilical cord is detected, which is not considered a pathology, but requires special attention.

The main types of entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord:

The most common type is that wrapped around the neck. It could be...

  1. One-time. Occurs most often.
  2. Double. It also occurs quite often and is not dangerous if the entanglement is not tight.
  3. Three times. An option in which you also shouldn’t panic if the doctor says that there is no reason for it.

It also happens...

  • Tight.
  • Or not tight. An option that does not pose a threat to the life of the baby.

And also...

  1. Isolated. A variant in which the umbilical cord “hook” only the limbs of the fetus or only its neck.
  2. And combined. In this case, several parts of the body are entangled.

In most cases, specialists diagnose mild cases of entanglement, which do not harm the child’s health and do not interfere with the normal course of childbirth.

It is also worth noting that double and single entanglement tend to disappear before birth on their own (the baby simply unravels on its own).

What is the risk of a neck wrap?

The main risks include the following...

  • Shackling of the fetus by the umbilical cord and subsequent oxygen starvation, which the baby begins to experience.
  • Strong tension of the umbilical cord and subsequent placental abruption (note - if the umbilical cord is too short and the entanglement is tight). Occurs in rare cases.
  • The appearance of microtraumas of the cervical vertebrae.
  • Deterioration of fetal nutrition transportation and carbon dioxide removal. As a result, the baby’s intrauterine development is delayed.
  • Hypoxia or asphyxia during or before childbirth. In this case, an emergency caesarean section is prescribed.
  • Possible postpartum consequences for the fetus: hypertension and frequent headaches, osteochondrosis, fatigue, etc.

As for the risk of entanglement of limbs (for example, legs), the percentage of mothers whose pregnancy was not affected by entanglement is even higher, because arms and legs are much easier to disentangle from the umbilical cord.

Therefore, even in usual cases such cases cannot be recorded.

The main causes of entanglement in the umbilical cord around the neck, limbs or body of the fetus - can this be avoided?

Why does entanglement occur, and what are the real reasons?

Unfortunately, no one can tell you the exact reason.

But it is believed that entanglement can lead to...

  • Lack of oxygen and nutrition. In search of “food,” the baby actively moves around in the womb, becoming entangled in the umbilical cord.
  • Excessive fetal activity , which leads to the umbilical cord becoming entangled in a knot and shortening it.
  • Lack of physical activity of the mother.
  • Mom's bad habits. When she abuses cigarettes or alcohol, the child experiences oxygen starvation. Lack of oxygen makes the baby move more actively.
  • Mom's stress and depression. The higher the level of adrenaline in the mother's blood, the higher the activity of the fetus.
  • . In this case, the fetus has enough room for movement, and the chances of entanglement in the umbilical cord and its tightening increase significantly.
  • The umbilical cord is too long. It also happens.
  • Pathologies or diseases of the mother. For example, diabetes, any infectious processes, kidney and heart diseases, etc.

Diagnosis of umbilical cord entanglement with ultrasound - can there be signs and symptoms of entanglement?

If the doctor gives the expectant mother a referral for an ultrasound scan, then, of course, you should not neglect it. It is through an ultrasound examination that the doctor is able to monitor the pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

With an ultrasound in the early stages, it will be possible to determine whether the fetus is entangled in the umbilical cord, and at a later stage, whether the baby managed to get rid of the loop.

Also during entanglement they carry out...

  • Dopplerometry. It is usually carried out using the same equipment used for ultrasound. This procedure allows you to determine the presence of entanglement, its frequency, as well as the state of blood flow in the umbilical cord itself. If there is a lack of nutrition noted during the study, the specialist will prescribe certain medications to improve blood supply.
  • Cardiotocography. This procedure helps to track the baby’s mobility and heart rate. To assess the real picture, it takes about an hour, during which experts check at what frequency the fetal heart beats when it moves. Deviations from the norm may indicate an increasing risk of oxygen starvation.


  1. If there is no threat to the baby’s life, as noted as a result of research, specialists do not take any action . Firstly, babies often unravel themselves from their umbilical cords even before birth, and secondly, the most crucial moment will still come during childbirth. Before birth, all you need to do is monitor the baby’s condition.
  2. The diagnosis of “entanglement” made at 20-21 weeks does not pose any threat : The child’s chances of unraveling the umbilical cord on his own are still extremely high.
  3. A diagnosis of “entanglement” after 32 weeks is also not a death sentence or a reason for panic. , but the only reason is to treat your condition more carefully and follow all the doctor’s prescriptions.
  4. Of course, when entering the maternity hospital, you should notify your doctor about the entanglement. (if suddenly there is no such information in the medical record).

By what signs can a mother independently suspect entanglement?

There are no specific signs - other than those that the doctor detects as a result of the above procedures.

But if you listen to the behavior of your belly-dweller, you can feel that the baby has become too lethargic - or, on the contrary, too active.

Any changes in the behavior of the fetus, of course, is a reason to pay an additional visit to your gynecologist!

What to do when the umbilical cord is entwined - features of birth tactics when the fetus is entwined in the umbilical cord

Most births diagnosed with “entanglement” are easy: the midwife simply carefully removes the umbilical cord from the baby’s neck (approx. – or legs, arms) when he is born.

With tight entanglement, and even more so with multiple and combined ones, when the baby is tightly entangled in the umbilical cord, and the risk of hypoxia or even suffocation increases, doctors usually decide on an emergency cesarean section.

During the entire birth process, the baby's heartbeat is monitored very closely, monitoring every 30 minutes or even more often. In addition, intensive monitoring is carried out using ultrasound and Doppler.

  • If the fetal heartbeat is normal throughout the labor process, specialists usually decide on a natural birth. If the heart rhythm is disturbed, the doctor prescribes special medications designed to stimulate labor.
  • There is no need to panic that “something will go wrong.” In this emergency, specialists who, of course, are aware of the baby’s entanglement in the umbilical cord, are ready to quickly perform a caesarean section and quickly remove the baby.

What should a mother do who has been diagnosed with an ultrasound diagnosis of “fetal umbilical cord entanglement”?

First of all, don’t panic or worry. Mom’s stress always harms the baby, and when entwined, these mother’s worries are even more unnecessary (they stimulate the growth of adrenaline in the mother’s blood).