Homemade facial scrub - recipes for all skin types. Homemade facial scrub recipe for dry, oily, combination skin (reviews)

Our skin needs a deep cleansing procedure like air. Dirt and dust accumulate on the body every day. In addition to external sources of pollution, there are also internal ones: dead cells, sebum, toxins released by the body. Regular bathing and showering are not enough to clear clogged pores. Peeling will help solve the problem of skin contamination.

Beneficial features scrub are as follows:

  • Cleansing. Solid particles perfectly exfoliate dead cells. They also cleanse the pores of external impurities.
  • Health-improving. After the scrub has dealt with all the impurities, the skin cells can freely receive the oxygen necessary for life.
  • Nutritious. The moisturizing base of the scrub softens the skin and soothes after active mechanical cleaning. The more nutrients and vitamins are contained in the base, so scrub is healthier for body.
  • Tonic. Peeling improves blood circulation throughout the body, thus having a tonic effect on the body.
  • Pull-up. Body scrub helps to achieve a lifting effect and make the skin younger and more attractive.
  • Calming. Essential oils added to the scrub base will help relax and calm the nervous system.
The body scrub also serves in a wonderful way preparing the skin for the application of various therapeutic creams, for example, anti-cellulite. After peeling, the skin absorbs cosmetic products much faster, allowing them to penetrate as deeply as possible to achieve maximum result.

Contraindications to using body scrub

Scrub - universal remedy for body care, but it has disadvantages. You should consider the characteristics of your skin type when choosing a peel.

Body scrub contraindications are:

  1. It is better not to use this cleanser for people with sensitive skin. Solid particles contained in the composition may scratch the skin. After use, scratches and other traces of mechanical cleaning will remain.
  2. It is not recommended to use the scrub if there is damage or irritation on the body. Peeling can only aggravate existing dermatological problems.
  3. Pregnant and nursing mothers should temporarily exclude deep cleaning skin.
  4. Persons with allergies should carefully select scrub products to avoid an adverse reaction.
  5. Sunburned skin is also afraid of the peeling procedure.

Homemade body scrub recipes

To get perfect and beautiful skin, no need to visit beauty salons and shell out a lot of money. It’s quite possible to create a body scrub with your own hands at home using ordinary products.

Homemade coffee body scrub

Coffee is the most common ingredient used for exfoliation in cosmetics sold in the store. Many manufacturers give their preference to it.

Coffee gives the skin smoothness, freshness, and perfectly tones. In addition, a homemade coffee body scrub is a proven remedy for combating orange peel on the thighs and stomach. This indispensable component is able to give the skin a bronze tint, thereby acting as a self-tanner.

Let's look at recipes for coffee scrubs to make at home:

  • Based applesauce and coffee. Brew three tablespoons of ground coffee. Take an apple, peel it and grate it finely. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil to the apple puree. After straining the coffee, combine with the puree. Instead of an apple, you can also use a peach.
  • Coffee with cream. Take two tablespoons of the grounds left over from brewing coffee. Add two tablespoons of cream.
  • Honey peeling. Nessesary to use coffee grounds, cream and candied honey in equal proportions, for example, two tablespoons.
  • Gel scrub. Prepare two tablespoons of ground coffee and go to the bath. Apply regular shower gel to your body, pour coffee grounds into your palm and rub thoroughly into the skin. Afterwards, rinse everything off with water.
  • Pull-up. Take 100 grams of ground coffee and one tablespoon of grape seeds. To these components add 10 drops of any anti-cellulite essential oil, for example, grapefruit, rosemary, orange.
  • Burning scrub. To prepare, use coffee grounds, sea buckthorn oil and black pepper in equal proportions.
Homemade coffee scrubs should not be applied to sensitive skin and face; they are most suitable for the body. It is best to use coffee grounds while they are wet.

Homemade body scrub with salt

Sea salt is useful not only as an additive to dishes, but also for use in for cosmetic purposes. It contains minerals that enrich and nourish the skin. Scrubs based sea ​​salt Gently cleanse the skin and revitalize it.

Salt peeling recipes:

  1. Oil based. Take it? cups sea salt, two tablespoons of almond oil, a spoonful of jojoba oil, 20 drops of citrus oil. First mix the salt with almond oil, then add the remaining ingredients.
  2. Sour cream. For the scrub you will need two tablespoons of sour cream and one tablespoon of fine salt. You can use either sea salt or regular table salt.
  3. Citrus. Grind the grapefruit in a blender, add a teaspoon olive oil and five tablespoons of salt.
  4. Relaxing peeling. Take a container and place half a glass of sea salt, a teaspoon of oil apricot kernels, a tablespoon of baking soda and a couple of drops of lime essential oil. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and add one green tea bag. The consistency should be very thick.
  5. Exfoliating. Brew half a glass of ground coffee, add two tablespoons of sea salt and a spoon of olive oil.
  6. Scrub with turmeric. For this recipe, you will need half a glass of sea salt, ground in a blender, 1 tablespoon of turmeric, two tablespoons of sandalwood oil and one teaspoon of milk powder. This scrub must be left on the skin until completely dry, then rinsed with water.
For peeling, you can use both sea and table salt. Larger particles will act harsher and help unclog severely clogged pores. But such a homemade body scrub can damage delicate skin. Fine salt will help achieve a gentler cleansing.

Cinnamon body scrub

Cinnamon is popularly used in home scrubs to combat cellulite and fat deposits. This oriental seasoning improves blood circulation and prepares the skin for further fat-burning procedures.

We present to your attention recipes for homemade cinnamon scrubs:

  • Softening scrub. Pour four tablespoons of warm milk into a bowl and add three tablespoons of oatmeal. Leave this mixture for ten minutes. Then add two teaspoons of cinnamon and one teaspoon of almond oil.
  • Pumpkin peeling. Take half a teaspoon of pumpkin pulp and add half a spoon of ground cinnamon. Next, add five drops of vitamin E to the mixture and mix with? glasses coconut oil and a cup of brown sugar.
  • Cinnamon with honey. The recipe for this scrub is very simple: take cinnamon and honey in a ratio of one to two and mix.
  • Slimming scrub. Use half a teaspoon of cinnamon, two tablespoons of salt, half a teaspoon of coarse pepper and one teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Rice scrub. Grind three tablespoons of uncooked rice, add a tablespoon of cinnamon. Then heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil in a water bath and pour into the mixture.
  • Clay based. Take 80 grams of clay and finish it with warm water to a creamy consistency. Add one tablespoon of cinnamon powder and sea salt to it.

Homemade sugar body scrub

Sugar is well suited for dry and flaky skin, as it is perfectly absorbed, moisturizing it. Unlike coffee, sweet scrub brightens the skin and removes tan residue.

Homemade sugar scrub recipes:

  1. Orange scrub. Take an orange and grate it, add one tablespoon of cane sugar, five tablespoons of yogurt.
  2. Creamy peeling. The recipe is very simple, mix 4 tablespoons of sugar and 5 tablespoons of cream.
  3. Chocolate cleanse. For the scrub, use one glass of cocoa butter and half a glass of sugar.
  4. Almond scrub. Take one glass of sugar and add ten drops of any essential oil, mix. Next, stir half a cup of sweet almonds into the resulting mixture, and finally add six to seven drops of vitamin E.
  5. Banana. Mix one cup of sugar and one ripe banana in a blender. Add also? cups of shea butter and? cups of coconut oil. You should get a foamy mass.
  6. Mango. Grind mango and use it as a scrub? the resulting pulp. Add half a cup of brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. At the end, you can add three drops of orange oil to the puree mixture.
  7. Lavender-vanilla peeling. Place one and a half cups of sugar, one cup of grapeseed oil, a couple drops of lavender essential oil and one teaspoon of vanilla extract in a bowl. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Lavender and vanilla will help soothe your skin and relax all your muscles.
  8. Flower scrub. Take 1 glass of sugar, a tablespoon of honey, half a glass of dried rose petals, 1 tablespoon of jojoba. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add a couple of drops of rose essential oil.
  9. Exotic coconut. Use two tablespoons of brown sugar, one tablespoon of grated coconut and three tablespoons of sour cream. The scrub is suitable for girls with delicate skin.

Sugar is a good choice for making a body scrub at home. Brown, as it has a healing and relaxing effect.

How to make a body scrub at home

For a homemade scrub to be effective, it must be prepared before starting the procedure. Perfect for the base: sour cream, cream, milk, yogurt, honey, vegetable oils. As solid particles you can take: salt, chopped nuts, sugar, coffee, bran, fruit seeds, cinnamon. To give a special mood, plunge into Magic world aromatherapy, just add a drop of essential oil or your favorite perfume.

Since the skin becomes very sensitive during peeling, it is important not to cause an infection. Use only clean dishes for mixing ingredients; it is better to rinse them with boiling water first. The process of preparing a homemade scrub is greatly simplified by using a blender. Thanks to this kitchen technique, the consistency is more uniform.

If you use coffee to make a scrub, it is better to use natural, fine or medium grind coffee to avoid scratching your skin. Do not use instant coffee, it is ineffective.

Any scrub must be checked for individual intolerance, especially if you have added essential oils to it. Apply a little mixture to your hand and check the skin's reaction.

How to apply body scrub

For achievement maximum effect You need to know the basic rules for applying a body scrub. Before you start cosmetic procedure, make sure your skin is ready for it. It is important to thoroughly steam your body by taking a hot shower or visiting a sauna. These actions will help open the pores. Before applying the scrub to your body, you can massage it to improve blood circulation.

Any scrub is applied to the skin while wearing gloves. in a circular motion. This method of application helps in the fight against cellulite. The cleanser is left on the body for six to twelve minutes. Afterwards, you need to take a shower and rinse off the scrub. Don't forget to apply any moisturizer. After peeling, the skin is more receptive than ever to therapeutic lotions.

The regularity of using the scrub depends on your skin type. Peeling is carried out once a week for normal type skin. It is better to clean dry skin once every 13 days, and oily skin every 5 days. Using the scrub regularly, you will achieve the following results: the skin will become smooth and silky, the color will improve, the skin will begin to “breathe”, cellulite will disappear, the skin will soften and rejuvenate, a pleasant aroma of essential oils will emanate from the body.

The result can be noticed immediately after the first procedure, but it will take longer to deal with excess deposits in problem areas, about two to three months. Taking care of your body not only helps you cope with skin imperfections, but also creates great mood all day.

How to prepare a skin scrub at home - watch the video:

Skin peeling is one of the most useful and accessible procedures at any time of the year. Epidermal cells die every four weeks, which is why it is so important to remove them on time and renew the skin.

Products made from ordinary products are not only safe for the skin, but also significantly save your budget. And the best part is that sometimes they turn out to be more effective than expensive “store-bought” scrubs.

The difference between a scrub and peeling and its effect on facial skin

Many people believe that scrub and peeling are the same procedure. Actually it's two independent way skin care. They have the same effect on the skin of the face: they provide deep cleaning, penetrating the inner layers of the epidermis. They differ in that the first has a mechanical effect, and the second has a chemical effect. If solid particles (apricot kernels, coffee grounds, salt) act as the basis for the scrub, then the peeling is prepared on the basis of fruit acids (citric, malic, grape juice). It also contains abrasive particles, but they are so small that they do not provide any exfoliating effect.

The action of peeling is aimed at rejuvenating and reducing pigmentation on the face. But due to the fact that it contains fruit acids, the product may cause allergies and irritation. It is strictly not recommended for use by women with sensitive skin. For the rest, it is enough to use it once a month, and the scrub - 2-3 times a week. Both procedures must be carried out regularly to deeply cleanse the skin of blackheads and remove roughness.

Contraindications for use

Compared to other cleansers natural scrub gives amazing results. But abrasive particles can cause injury skin covering. Before preparing a facial scrub at home, study all the contraindications.

  • Thin and sensitive skin. You should give preference to recipes that have a gentle cleansing effect. The composition of oatmeal and kefir has a gentle effect without irritating upper layer epidermis.
  • Cuperosis.
  • If there is a translucent capillary mesh on your face, refuse cleansing procedures. Inflammation and acne. and scars on the face are another reason to avoid using a scrub. Treat acne and wait until any open wounds on your face have healed before cleansing.
  • Skin diseases. If you have dermatitis, the use of any facial scrubs is contraindicated. Such diseases include acne, vitaligo, rosacea, papillomas and others.

To prevent the use of a scrub from leading to undesirable results, test for an allergic reaction. Apply the finished product to your wrist and rinse no later than after 20 minutes. Observe the tested area for the next 24 hours. If irritation appears during this time, stop using the product.

Carry out cleansing procedures using a scrub no more than three times a week. If you have dry facial skin, reduce the frequency of use of the product to one. According to reviews from cosmetologists, overuse of scrub can lead to thinning of the skin and premature aging.

Ingredients for cooking

The main component of the product is solid particles that have an exfoliating effect.

  • Coffee. For scrub it is used in ground form. It can be replaced with coffee grounds remaining after preparing the drink. The product has a beneficial effect on dull skin: it evens out the complexion and restores its healthy glow.
  • Eggshell. Natural source of calcium and hyaluronic acid necessary to maintain youthful skin. From eggshells can be cooked effective scrub, which helps eliminate fine wrinkles and age spots.
  • Pine and walnuts. They have a strong nourishing effect, so they are included in scrubs for dry skin. The product evens out the complexion, eliminating redness. Ground shell walnut has a gentle cleansing effect.
  • Cereals. Oatmeal scrub is especially recommended for oily skin face: it regulates the secretion of subcutaneous fat and gives the face a matte appearance. The product also has a beneficial effect on aging facial skin: it helps restore elasticity and smooth out wrinkles.
  • Edible and sea salt. Food grade - removes impurities that accumulate in pores, prevents the appearance of blackheads on the face. And marine - helps to even out the structure of the facial skin. The scrub salt should not be coarse: it will damage the skin and cause redness. For combination skin It is recommended to use the product every week.
  • Sugar. Acts as an ingredient in an at-home exfoliating facial scrub. It returns softness and velvety to the skin by removing dead cells. With constant use of the product, the complexion becomes even and the skin becomes smooth. Brown and white sugar are suitable for a homemade scrub, the main thing is that it should be fine. Compliance with this condition is especially important for those who have delicate skin.
  • Soda. Widely used in home cosmetics for oily skin. Greasy shine, enlarged and dirty pores - all this can be eliminated by regular use of soda scrub. Its cleansing effect is comparable to that of expensive cosmetics.
  • Grape seeds. They are used in ground form and have a beneficial effect on aging skin. IN grape seeds contains oil that has a smoothing effect on the upper layer of the epidermis.

In addition to abrasive particles, a homemade facial scrub includes gel and cream products. They prevent injury to the skin.

  • Sour cream and yogurt. They make the action of the scrub less aggressive and leave a feeling of softness on the face after the procedure. Due to the moisturizing properties of the products, you can use the product more often than usual.
  • Fruit puree. Contains a large number of
  • vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on facial skin. The most commonly used is banana or applesauce. Shower gel.
  • Makes the cleaning product too soapy, which reduces the effect of its use. A gel-based scrub is similar to a “store-bought” one, but that’s where its advantages end. Olive oil .

Normalizes the level of moisture and gives softness. An oil-based scrub will appeal to women with delicate skin.

Easy and effective homemade scrub recipes To prepare the cleansing home remedy

it doesn't require much effort. Let's look at the most popular recipes for facial scrubs at home.

Saline for blackheads and pimples The product effectively combats all manifestations problem skin faces: blackheads, pimples and greasy shine. It contains crushed sea salt and egg white . Salt provides deep cleansing

  1. and frees pores from impurities. Protein removes excess subcutaneous fat and has a tightening and drying effect. This product is contraindicated for dry skin: it will cause peeling and irritation.
  2. Grind sea salt.
  3. Add a teaspoon of crushed salt and stir.

Coffee with yogurt

A scrub for oily skin is prepared using natural yogurt, which has nourishing properties and eliminates greasy shine. For dry skin, use sour cream (15-20% fat content). Coffee scrub with sour cream has a rejuvenating effect: it gives the skin elasticity and reduces the number of wrinkles on the face to zero. This facial scrub mask at home can a short time eliminate peeling and itching, restore the face fresh look. If you are lactose intolerant, mix coffee with regular gel or milk for washing.

  1. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream or yogurt with coffee in the volume of one teaspoon.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.

The prepared product can be used as a scrub mask. As a result, the person will acquire healthy color and a slight glow.

Fruity with oat flakes

To prepare this facial scrub at home, use any available fruit.

Iron, potassium and a rich set of vitamins A, C, K are contained in the apple. They supply the skin with oxygen and improve its protective function. Banana pulp fights impurities that accumulate in the pores. It is used in nourishing scrubs that are recommended for dry skin types. Honey actively restores dull skin, restoring its healthy color, elasticity and giving it a slight glow. Choline, potassium and calcium contained in the cream nourish and replenish the level of collagen and elastin in the epidermis. Vitamins A and B normalize skin metabolism and prevent acne.

  1. Grate a quarter of a peeled apple.
  2. Mash a third of a small banana with a fork to make a puree.
  3. Add a teaspoon of liquid honey, a tablespoon of low-fat oatmeal and the same amount of oatmeal to the fruit porridge.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Soda with salt and lemon juice

Baking soda and sea salt perform an exfoliating function. Honey smoothes and nourishes the skin useful microelements, increases its elasticity. Lemon juice gives it freshness and has a mattifying effect. A high content of vitamin C can cause irritation; be sure to check the composition for an allergic reaction. A soda facial scrub at home is recommended for problem skin.

  1. Mix a teaspoon of sea salt with half a teaspoon of baking soda.
  2. Pour one tablespoon of lemon juice and the same amount of honey into the mixture. Stir.
  3. Gently apply the soda-salt scrub. If the mixture is vigorously rubbed into the skin, irritation and redness may occur.

Oatmeal with olive oil

Sugar and oatmeal take on the exfoliating function: they remove dead skin layers, even out the structure and complexion. And olive oil saturates the skin with vitamins A and E, which are responsible for hydration and elasticity. This cleanser is recommended for all skin types.

  1. Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder until you get a tablespoon of flour.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sugar.
  3. Heat half a teaspoon of olive oil.
  4. Pour warm oil into the mixture.

Before applying any scrub to your face, steam your skin. Using light massaging movements, distribute the product over your entire face. Avoid contact with the area around the eyes and lips. After rinsing, apply to face nutritious cream.

Carry out cleansing procedures with a homemade facial scrub regularly, and the result will not take long to arrive. You can experiment by creating unique recipes and adding any products to the composition. Choose ingredients wisely that have a beneficial effect on your skin type.

How to make a facial scrub at home? This question worries every woman, because beauty consists of many factors, the most important of which is.

Let's figure out how to make a facial scrub for blackheads and pimples at home. different types skin.

How to make a face scrub at home

Making a scrub at home is very simple. To do this, you need to combine a softening base and abrasive components. Depending on your skin type, you can vary the composition of the product. This is the first advantage of homemade scrubs.

The second important advantage is cost savings. Agree, it’s easy to mix a little coconut flakes and vegetable oil, and the price of such a composition is much lower than a ready-made natural scrub.

The third argument in favor of homemade scrubs is the ability to independently control the composition of the product and the quality of all its components.

This is especially important for allergy sufferers, whose skin can react unpredictably to unknown ingredients in store-bought cosmetics.

Before using the scrub, the skin should be cleaned, at least washed, and possibly steamed. Apply the composition to damp skin, massage lightly for two to three minutes and rinse with water at a comfortable temperature.

Scrubs based on honey, orange and essential oils have a good effect on skin condition.

After this, apply a tonic (tonic, rose water) and cream according to skin type.

Videos on how to make a face scrub at home can tell you not only original recipes and components, but also the features of combining certain products for the best result.

In addition, in the video you can see in detail how to properly massage your facial skin, moving along the massage lines.

Table of the best ingredients for making a scrub

Exfoliating Ingredients

Henna colorless
Brown sugar
Rice (shredded)
Oatmeal (chopped)
Therapeutic mud
Moisturizing and nourishing ingredients

Kefir/sour cream/yogurt
Vegetable oil
Warming ingredients for the scrub

Ginger powder
Ground pepper
Additional Ingredients

Essential oils. They can be selected for different purposes - from cellulite, moisturizing, nourishing, warming or cooling, invigorating or soothing.

The best facial scrub recipes

Most often, food-based scrubs are prepared at home.

  1. First of all, it's simple, After all, there is almost always cream or honey at home.
  2. Secondly, it's safe: If we calmly eat these products, then it is clear that applying them to the skin will also not cause harm.

The bases for a home remedy can be: cream or soft cottage cheese, fruit puree, sour cream or natural mayonnaise, cosmetic clay, vegetable oils, compressed yeast.

Suitable scrubbing particles include: coffee, salt, sugar, coconut flakes, berries with small seeds, soda, crushed egg shells.

There will always be ingredients for a scrub in your kitchen.

Scrubs for dry and sensitive skin

The first thing people with dry skin need to remember is not to scrub too hard or too often. Once every 2-3 weeks will be enough.

The second rule is to use the fattest and most nutritious compositions for the base.

Oatmeal scrub with sugar and oil

Mix 1 tsp. oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder with 1 tsp. sugar and pour 1 tablespoon of warm butter (any kind) into the mixture. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Milk oat scrub

The easiest option for dry skin. For it you just need to mix ground oatmeal with warm milk to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to skin and massage for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with water.

Nourishing scrub with almond oil

Leave the resulting mixture for 3-5 minutes to swell, and then use as usual.

Toning raspberry scrub

Mix 2 tablespoons of raspberries and one drop each of oils and mint.

Raspberry scrub

Soothing herbal scrub

2 tbsp. Mix oatmeal (can be crushed) with ground dry chamomile and lavender and a couple of drops. The mixture should be diluted warm water until the consistency of soft porridge.

Scrub for blackheads

That's what scrubs are for. In addition to the main action - cleansing - scrubs increase blood circulation, because during their application we do the skin.

Eventually metabolic processes are restored in the skin. Oxygen is better absorbed, which means the skin becomes smoother and softer.

  1. For dry and sensitive skin the mildest formulations should be used.
  2. For oily, not prone to redness, scrubs with larger particles are suitable.

The benefits of homemade scrubs are undeniable. They are easy and quick to make; you can choose inexpensive ingredients; in addition, you always know what is included in the composition and can change the recipe at your discretion.

A scrub mask at home will be the best way which will remove all impurities from your skin.

Scrub mask. What is this?

A homemade scrub mask differs from an ordinary scrub in that it is more delicate in texture and less damaging to the skin. The consistency is more liquid. You can use it more often.

Homemade scrub masks are also suitable for use by those who have dry, delicate, thin skin. An ordinary scrub is not suitable for her.

If your skin is oily, shiny, and your pores are constantly clogged, use cleansing scrub masks every day. After removing makeup, apply the prepared mixture to your face with gentle massage movements.

Continue a light massage with the cleansing mixture for a minute or two. To ensure that the components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, wait until the mask dries well. Afterwards, apply a cream suitable specifically for your skin.

A scrub mask can be done in a beauty salon or cosmetology clinic. Leading manufacturers always offer girls and women a line of cleansing and exfoliating products.

Prepare a remedy at home effective cleansing skin is also possible. No complex or expensive components. Only natural products that you have in your home.

Benefits of masks for skin

Using a scrub mask has a lot of positive aspects:

  • cleanses the face of dead skin particles;
  • vitamins nourish the skin and give it a healthy appearance;
  • peeling of the skin decreases;
  • the skin acquires a delicate shade;

Advice: Consult a cosmetologist to find out your skin type. An incorrectly selected cleanser can dry out the skin and injure it.

Scrub and mask recipes

Most of the recipes are simple and accessible. Remember that some cleansing masks are prepared for one use, others can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. Pay attention to this.

Scrub for blackheads

The problem of comedones worries many girls. Prepare good remedy to cleanse pores:

Almond grains need to be soaked overnight. In the morning, grind them, add a little yogurt and liquid honey.

You should get a homogeneous, fairly liquid mass. Apply to face. You need to rinse off with cool water.

Coffee grounds scrub

Do you like coffee? Great! You always have a natural scrub on hand that perfectly cleanses your skin. Mix the wet grounds with ground nuts into a fine powder. Take everything in equal proportions.

To avoid injuring the skin, apply the mixture with patting movements, lightly and without pressure. After 20 minutes, carefully rinse off the mixture. Suitable for everyone. See more recipes for coffee masks.

Scrub mask with corn flour

Take rose water, corn flour and honey. Quantity – 1 tsp each. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Keep the mask on for about 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, lightly massage your face with the semi-dry mixture. Suitable for everyone.

Mayonnaise and almond scrub mask

Grind the kernels in a blender (a quarter cup), add high-quality mayonnaise (so that the mass is quite liquid), and mix. Remove the mass using warm water. Ideal for dry skin.

Scrub mask with cottage cheese and coffee

Take fat cottage cheese and coffee grounds in equal parts and mix. Apply to face carefully, using massage movements.

The procedure time is up to 15 minutes. Finally, rinse with water (necessarily warm). For normal skin.

Oatmeal mask

Everyone knows about the benefits of oatmeal. They are great for exfoliating and cleansing.

Take 1 tsp. "Hercules", add the same amount of sugar and corn flakes. Grind, grind. Add good quality olive oil. It should be a thin paste.

Apply the mixture to the face and massage with light, gentle movements for no more than a minute. Leave the paste on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse and immediately apply your nourishing cream. Works great on dry skin.

Scrub mask with honey and almonds

Prepare almond flour in a blender. You will need a teaspoon. Add the same amount of honey (preferably candied).

Massage into skin, leave on face for 5 minutes, rinse. For a subtle glow.

Honey and lemon scrub mask

If your skin is very oily, try this recipe.

Candied honey – 1 tbsp. l, almonds - 2 tbsp. l, lemon juice - 1 tsp. Make a mixture of medium consistency. Carry out the procedure as usual. Rinse off.

Rice flour scrub mask

Inflamed skin is often very oily. Clogged pores lead to dysfunction sebaceous glands. Scrubs should be used very carefully so as not to cause harm.

A scrub mask will help out, it will cleanse the skin, but very gently and carefully.

You will need: cosmetic clay (white, pink) - a tablespoon, rice flour- as many. It's easy to make your own flour. You need rice and a blender.

Mix two types of powder, add enough olive oil to make a cream-like mass. Apply the scrub very carefully onto your face with light movements. 15 minutes have passed - wash it off! A cream is required to moisturize the skin.

Fennel and Lemon Cleansing Blend

This exotic fruit is now easy to buy in many supermarkets. Its seeds have a pronounced antibacterial effect. For oily, inflamed skin, make the following composition:

  • fennel seeds (shredded)
    • take a couple of teaspoons;
  • add a little dried thyme - a dessert spoon;
  • add a little boiling water and steam the mixture;
  • pour in lemon juice. Cool;
  • In the morning, wipe your face with a swab soaked in this mixture and keep the cleansing mask on for no more than 10 minutes.
  • Moisturizing face cream after the procedure is required.

This cleansing mask can be stored in the refrigerator for a week or two. Store the mixture in an airtight container.

If you use only toner or cleansing milk, it is impossible to cleanse the deep layers of the epidermis with their help. For serious problem solving. For your skin, pay close attention to the facial scrub mask.

It is easy to prepare it at home.

In order for the procedures to have the desired effect, carry them out regularly, and do not be lazy in caring for your skin. And then yours blooming species will delight both you and those around you.

Peeling at home is simple and effective cosmetic procedure. Various abrasive particles exfoliate dead cells, and at the same time improve oxygen exchange and increase blood circulation. The skin is actively renewed and better absorbs nutrients from your daily care cream. It’s not always easy to find time to visit a cosmetologist, and the search for your ideal “store-bought” scrub can take years. Therefore, we suggest you try to make the scrub yourself - what if after this you don’t need the “purchased” option?

Sugar scrub: for lips – once a week

A sugar scrub will help your lips always be smooth, soft and look great. On well-groomed lips, makeup lasts longer, and they themselves look better. The only disadvantage of this scrub (but this can also be considered a plus) is that you really want to eat it!

Mix in a small container a teaspoon of thick honey, the same amount of jojoba oil and a tablespoon of fine crystalline sugar. Watch the consistency of the mixture: sugar should not “float” in honey and butter; you want the mass to be thick. After that apply a small amount of scrub on lips, massage, rinse and apply balm.


ADVICE Do not take this sugar scrub with wet fingers - the remaining mass in the jar may become sugary, and then the scrub will no longer be suitable for use.

Rice scrub: for face – once a week

For oily and problem skin rice scrub will become a panacea. Rice is a powerful absorbent and will literally pull all the dirt out of your skin, cleansing your pores as deeply as possible.

First, wash 100 grams of rice and dry it well. After a few days, when the rice is perfectly dry and clean, grind it with a blender or coffee grinder almost into dust - very finely. It is better to apply rice scrub to well-steamed skin. Pre-mix the rice particles either with plain water or with cucumber or lemon juice.

ADVICE If you have dry skin, be careful with this scrub. Instead of water or juice, add olive oil or yogurt for something more nutritious.

Coffee scrub: for problem areas - 2 times a week

Caffeine has long proven itself in nutrition and cosmetology. It is extremely effective in combating problem areas. A coffee scrub will help you remove the “orange peel” and make your skin elastic, smooth and toned.

Place 200 grams of coffee in a coffee grinder and grind. Add 5 drops of orange essential oil and a few tablespoons of olive oil to the resulting mass. The skin on which you will apply the scrub must be previously cleansed, wet and steamed. Massage thoroughly problem areas within 15 minutes.

ADVICE This scrub can be made not only from freshly ground coffee, but also from coffee grounds.

Honey-salt: for the whole body - once a week

The tandem of honey and salt has long become a classic: this mixture removes toxins from the skin so well! Mix 200 grams of salt and 100 grams of liquid honey - the scrub is ready! It couldn't be simpler.

Apply it evenly over the entire body and begin the massage. First make large circular movements, then small ones. Let the honey-salt mixture remain on your body for a while. Now pat yourself with your hands, as if pulling the scrub out of your skin. By patting movements you stimulate the release of toxins from the skin and accelerate the absorption of beneficial substances from honey.

ADVICE This scrub is often applied after visiting the sauna. Try it too!

Text: Nastya Marzipan