How to deal with stains of various origins. How to remove tough stains from clothes

It happens that an attempt to remove complex contaminants leads to further worse result, and the item goes into the trash bin. To prevent this from happening, decide on the type of fabric, and under no circumstances soak an item in bleach or a prepared solution without testing its effect on a small area of ​​the fabric. Before loading clothes into washing machine, try removing the dirt manually.

A solution of ammonia, water and cleaning agent. The cleaning agent can be replaced with salt. For cooking you will need ½ tsp. salt for 3 tbsp. alcohol Simply apply the prepared mixture to the contaminated area. You need to wipe off dirt from the edges, gradually approaching the center of the stain. This way you will protect the item from unwanted stains. If the stain is old, it is much more difficult to remove, so take action as soon as it appears.

If the contamination is light, it is enough to rub the area with laundry soap or powder before washing.

For difficult spots, heavy artillery is used. On white clothes Apply starch mixed with gasoline and wait until the mixture dries completely. If there is no gasoline, rub the area with laundry soap, sprinkle with sugar and wash off after half an hour.

Machine oil can be easily removed with a cleaning agent. Apply soapy water to the area and the oil will disappear within 30 minutes. Remove fat from silk or woolen product Talcum powder will help. Pour the powder onto the dirt, place gauze on top and go over with an iron.


Over time, an unsightly sheen will form on your trousers. To remove it, wet the shiny area with water, sprinkle with sand and rub lightly. When the sand is completely dry, wash the fabric and iron it. If woolen items are shiny, use ammonia diluted with water: approximately 100 ml per 1 tsp. ammonia.

Iron streaks

Dilute 2 tsp. 200 ml peroxide with water, add a couple of drops of alcohol. This method eliminates scorch marks on white and woolen items. To remove streaks from cotton fabrics, the concentration varies - 1 tsp. per 100 ml of water. After application, you need to wait 30 minutes. Juice will also solve this problem. onions: Rub the scorched area and you will see how quickly the black mark disappears.


If the ink is fresh, you can rinse it in boiled milk or use ammonia and salt. Old pen marks are difficult to wash off.


Simply rinse the fabric under running cold water. Old blood stains can be easily removed with hydrogen peroxide. The item is first kept in a saline solution.

Berries, fruits, wine

If your child dumps a bowl of fruit salad or blueberries on his chest, that's okay. Immediately take off your shirt and pour boiling water over the dirty areas, then treat with vinegar and warm water. (1 tbsp vinegar per 200 ml of water) Raspberries, cherries, apples - everything can be easily removed if you rinse your clothes in hot milk and then wash them by hand.

Do not use soap for grouting, otherwise you will not be able to remove the berry patterns. Boiling water also copes with red wine stains. White wines and champagne cannot withstand cold water and ice cubes. Try it and you will be surprised.

Coffee, chocolate, tea - nothing complicated. The same ammonia and salt water work wonders! Rub coffee stains on a white T-shirt with a piece of cloth soaked in vodka. If the stains are old, keep the clothes in hydrogen peroxide for 15 minutes. If the tablecloth on the table is damaged, sprinkle it with lemon juice. The juice is good at removing stubborn tea stains.

Lipstick Remove with alcohol, just like stripes of green grass on jeans. Greens on white – with 3% hydrogen peroxide and the addition of ammonia.

Attention! All of the above methods are only suitable for fabrics. Pollution leather goods are cleaned exclusively soap solutions, without any alcohol impurities.

No person, even the most careful one, is immune from pollution. If something gets dirty, it is not always possible to clean it right away. And the problem turns out to be how to remove the stain.

It should be noted right away that any dirt should be removed as quickly as possible; sometimes simply washing it off is enough. It is difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to remove stubborn dirt.

Classification of pollution

Dirt on clothes comes from different substances; some types are easy to remove even with improvised means. But some are very difficult to remove.

Difficult to remove stains include marks from:

What will help remove the stain?

There are many chemical stain removers available to remove all kinds of stains. For example, the well-known “Vanish”.

But before using them, you should carefully study the instructions; perhaps this particular remedy is not suitable in this particular case.

You should not grab the bleach, it can bleach the damaged area and you will end up with a discolored piece on the fabric. First, you should try the cleaning product on an inconspicuous place on your clothing. It may not be appropriate in this case.

You should start cleaning from the edges of the dirty place, and not from the middle. This way you won't get streaks on the fabric. When washing silk items, you should wash them completely; stains often form on silk.

How to remove stains

If the dirt is fresh, then it can be washed off with many means, not only chemical, but depending on its origin. Some products will help remove fat, others will help remove splashes of wine or blood.

Will help remove stains:

  1. Soda.
  2. Citric acid or fresh lemon.
  3. Mustard.
  4. Acetylsalicylic acid.
  5. Petrol.
  6. Hydrogen peroxide.
  7. Alcohol, vodka.
  8. Turpentine.
  9. Soap solution.
  10. Vinegar.
  11. Laundry soap.
  12. Salt.
  13. Acetone.
  14. Ammonia.

How to remove stains at home

It can be a shame to throw away expensive but dirty things. Therefore, it is better to try to clean them. There are many cleaning products available, but if you don’t have them on hand, you can use old, proven methods.

Surely you have experienced an unpleasant feeling when you see an annoying stain on your favorite blouse or trousers, especially if because of this you had to part with your favorite item.

There is no need to immediately throw away your clothes, because many stains can be easily removed even without dry cleaning. You can easily deal with them on your own. But this procedure must be performed with caution so as not to further spoil your favorite item.

123RF/Katarzyna Bialasiewicz

Before you begin removing stains, you need to establish their origin and composition. Many fresh stains disappear easily after washing with soap, baking soda or other detergents. On old stains sometimes they are exposed to complex chemical solutions, in this case it is important to find out the consequences of the treatment - whether the structure and color of the fabric will change. To do this, rub the product with the chemical in an inconspicuous place.

It is better to remove the stain from wrong side, placing a piece of white fabric on the front.

When cleaning, use cotton wool, a cloth, a hard brush or a broom. To avoid streaks and halos, the fabric around the stains is moistened with water, gasoline or sprinkled with talcum powder or starch. Apply the product to small spots with a pipette or wooden stick. Large stains are wiped from the edges to the middle. If you try to rub from the center, there is a high probability that the stain will “creep” to the sides.

Oily stains

To remove greasy stains, you can use ammonia diluted with water and detergent, then iron the item through a clean white cloth. You can also deal with such stains by placing the problem area between layers of blotting paper and ironing it with a non-hot iron. Contamination can be sprinkled with salt, periodically changing it and repeating the procedure.

To remove greasy stains from clothes, you must immediately sprinkle the stained area with tooth powder, talcum powder or chalk, and cover blank slate white paper and press down with something heavy. After a few hours, you need to thoroughly knock out and clean the contaminated area.

Oily stains from canned food, fish, sauces or milk are removed with a soap solution. If the stain is old, try soaking the fabric in warm glycerin first, and then wash the item thoroughly.

123RF/ costasz

Egg stains

Never wash an item stained with egg in hot water: it will “cook” and the yellowness will no longer be removed from the fabric. For removing yellow spots from eggs, wash clothes in cold water, wet cotton pad water with the addition of vinegar, wipe the stained area and only then wash the item in hot water.

Fresh stain Sprinkle the eggs generously with salt and moisten with a little water. After waiting for some time, remove the salt with a brush.

Drink Stains

To deal with tea stains, simply sprinkle sugar on the stained area, leave for an hour, and then simply wash.

Paint stains

If the contamination is not too large, moisten the stain with turpentine, kerosene or acetone, then wipe it with ammonia until the stain disappears.

Soften old stains with turpentine, clean with a soda solution and rinse with warm water. Water-based paint is removed with a rag pre-moistened in an aqueous solution of vinegar in equal proportions.

123RF/ Antonio Diaz

Paraffin and wax stains

To remove a candle stain, you must first remove the wax from the fabric, and then from front side and put blotting paper on the inside and iron it with a not very hot iron. The blotter needs to be changed until the stain disappears.

Makeup stains

Stains cosmetics Fat-containing stains on silk and woolen fabrics are removed in the same way as grease stains. Stains of other cosmetics on white cotton, linen and woolen fabrics are removed with ammonia and washed with water.

Lipstick marks can be removed with gasoline, trichlorethylene or pure alcohol. Nail polish can be removed using acetone or amyl acetate.

Marker and ink stains

Try removing stains from ballpoint pen using alcohol or vinegar. Marker stains can be removed by washing the stained area of ​​clothing in milk or curdled milk.

Chewing gum

If chewing gum is stuck to your clothes, do not rub it, but put the contaminated item in the refrigerator for several hours. The gum will freeze and be easily removed from the fabric.

How to remove a stain. 20 ways to remove any stain!

First you need to figure out what was planted with and how deep the stain penetrated. Stains can be either greasy or non-greasy. Fat stains from milk, butter, blood, soups, meat, fish and so on - the contours are fuzzy, at first darker than the fabric, and then fades. Fruit, wine, beer, tea and coffee stains have clear boundaries, with a lighter stain in the middle. Many stains oxidize when exposed to air.
Determine what kind of fabric you have in front of you; usually the composition is indicated on a tag sewn on the inside.

Stain remover arsenal.

Alcohol, baking soda, dish soap, ammonia, vinegar, starch, acetone, gasoline, citric acid, glycerin, turpentine (tiner) and hydrogen peroxide.

A pipette, brushes of varying softness, pieces of sponge and clean cotton rags (can be cut from unnecessary clothes). All this can be purchased at a pharmacy or the nearest hardware store.

Dangers of stain removal.

· 1. Stain removers, like medicines, have side effects, so you need to try them on an invisible piece.

· 2. Industrial stain removers, such as Sano Oxygen, Potassium and others like them, leave permanent stains if left on clothing and allowed to dry. So we sprayed it, waited a couple of minutes, and into the water.

· 3. Do not use bleach (economy), not only does it have a harmful effect on health and cause mutations in genes, it also destroys the structure cotton fabric and leaves a terrible smell.

· 4. Any solvent can dissolve paint on clothing.

· 5. Acetate silk dissolves in acetone and vinegar.

· 6. Bleaching agents are only for whites.

· 7. Work the stain from the edges to the middle. Place a clean white rag, laid in several layers, on the inside of the stain.

· 8. To avoid streaks, moisten the cloth around the stain with water and wash the entire item immediately afterward.

· 9. Water stains remain on silk, so you will have to wet the entire thing.

Secret laboratory. Several common areas.

The musty smell of stale clothes is removed with vinegar. Just add vinegar when washing; if the smell is too strong, soak the item in water with vinegar.

Many stains can be removed with regular dish soap.


1.from animal fat (fat, butter, margarine):

· b. Dilute ammonia in hot water (1:1). Treat the stain. Wash.

· V. Soak the stain with a mixture of pure alcohol (half a glass) and gasoline (half a teaspoon). Allow the fabric to dry.

· d. If the item cannot be washed, then heat the starch strongly and sprinkle it on the contaminated area, under which place a white cloth. Leave for 20 minutes and shake off. Repeat until the stain disappears. Then clean everything with a brush.

· e. For light woolen fabric, you need to dilute the potato flour with water to a paste and leave for several hours. Rinse and dry. If traces remain, they are removed with a cloth soaked in gasoline, and then wiped with pieces of stale bread.

2.from the grass

· a.Mix 1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia and blot the stain with this solution. wash.

· b. Moisten the stain with alcohol, and then wash the item.

· V. Fresh stains will come off with washing.

3.from red wine

· A. Washed with white wine

· b.You can also sprinkle salt on a fresh stain and then wash it.

· c. Treat old stains with a solution citric acid(2 grams per 1 glass of water) and rinse with warm water. If after this there are traces left on the white fabric, they can be wiped with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of hot water). Rinse with cold water

4.from white wine

· A. Rub a piece of ice over the stain until it disappears. Blot this area with a clean linen cloth or napkin (if there is no ice, you can use very cold water).

Beer usually comes off in the wash.

· b. On silk fabrics - treat with a swab moistened with vodka.

· V. Treat all types of fabrics with a mixture of glycerin, ammonia and wine alcohol and water (1:1:1:8). The same method is suitable for removing champagne stains.

· Rinse in cold water and then wash at a temperature of 30-40? WITH

6.from ice cream

· Blot the stain with a swab dipped in gasoline and then wash.

From fruits, vegetables, juices and berries

· A. Soak a swab in vinegar (not wine vinegar) and blot the stain with it. Rinse in cold water.

· b. Cover a fresh stain with table salt (salt absorbs some of the moisture and prevents the stain from spreading).

· V. A stain on a white or other non-fading fabric can be doused with boiling water.

· d. Coffee and black tea stains will come off with washing.

7.from chocolate

· A. Sprinkle a fresh stain with salt and moisten with water. Wash.

· b. Treat with a warm 1.5 percent solution of ammonia.

· V. From light-dyed wool and silk fabrics, stains are moistened with slightly warmed glycerin. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

· d. Treat with a solution of vinegar and alcohol (1:1).

8.from chewing gum

· Place the item in a bag and place it in the freezer of the refrigerator. After an hour, you can remove the remains with a dull knife (very carefully so that you don’t have to do artistic darning later). Place on paper towel and wipe from the inside with cotton wool soaked in gasoline, alcohol or acetone. And now - to the wash.

· A. Cover the fresh stain with salt and add a few drops of water. After half an hour, remove everything with a brush.

· b. Stains on colored fabrics are smeared with heated glycerin. After 20 minutes, wipe with a swab soaked in glycerin and rinse with water.

· V. On white fabrics, stains are moistened with a solution of ammonia (1:10), then wiped with the same solution. And in the wash.

10.from ink

· a.Moisten a cotton swab in alcohol and lightly tap the stain, and then wash the item. You can take a mixture (1:1) of wine alcohol and ammonia.

· b. Fresh ink blot rub with lemon juice or citric acid. Wash.

11.from resin

· a. For woolen fabrics - with purified turpentine.

· b. For cotton fabrics - turpentine or gasoline. Wash.

· V. Items that cannot be washed are best taken to the dry cleaner.

12.from lipstick

· Place the stain on a paper towel and wipe from the inside out with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or gasoline, changing the paper frequently. Soak and wash.

13.from nail polish

· Place the fabric spot on a paper towel. Wipe the inside out with nail polish remover several times until the stain disappears. Wash.

14.from the ground
· Soak the item in water and vinegar 1:1. Wash.

15. Tobacco most often comes off when washed.

· A. If the item cannot be washed, then remove the stain with warm glycerin or denatured alcohol.

· b. The safest and easiest thing is to take the item to the dry cleaner.

16.from candles (the main component is wax or paraffin)

· A. Using a blunt knife, carefully remove any remaining wax (as in the case of chewing gum). Iron the fabric between layers of paper towel. In this case, place the fabric wrong side up. And now - to the wash.


Place a piece of lemon wrapped in gauze on the contaminated area and paper napkin. Press it with a heated iron.

18.from milk

· Soak in glycerin for a long time.

19.from urine

· a. Treat with wine alcohol.

· b. On white fabrics, you can treat with a solution of citric acid (1:10).

· V. On colored fabrics - with a solution of vinegar (1:5). After an hour, rinse the stain with water.

20.from mold

· A. Cotton and linen fabrics wash in boiling mode.

· b. Treat with ammonia diluted in water 1:5.

· c. Soak in bleach (hydrogen peroxide, “sano oxide”, not bleach, under any circumstances).

· G. White fabric treat with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

· e. Dyed wool and silk fabrics are treated with turpentine. Wash in warm water.

Sweat usually disappears when washed.

· A. You can wipe with a solution of table salt (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water).

· b. Painted wool fabrics carefully treat with gasoline or acetone.

Dirt on things can appear in places where you cannot immediately notice them. Therefore, it can be difficult to determine the nature of some stains. Removing them from clothes is not easy. You will have to be careful in using this or that product.

Both household and professional products will help remove contaminants of unknown origin.

Remove unknown origin from clothing

Before we begin removing the stain, let's try to determine its composition. Perhaps you will understand what it is and how to remove unknown contamination from clothes:

  1. Divorces Brown most likely are ;
  2. Stains without a clear contour and matte color can be oily or;
  3. Divorces yellow color appear ;
  4. Red stains usually appear from wine or.

You can remove stains of unknown origin from clothes using improvised means. Cover them with baking soda. Then apply a mixture including 4 tbsp. water and 1 tsp. vinegar.

Unknown and old contamination can be removed in this way. Stir the crushed laundry soap with 4 g of borax, 16 g of medical alcohol, 16 g of ammonia and 20 g of water. The mixture is used to treat the stain, and then rinse the clothes thoroughly.

Attention! Before using one or another folk way, test it on a small area of ​​the item.

How to remove stains of unknown origin besides using conventional means?

Use professional chemistry.

Such products often contain elements that corrode any stains.

But such chemicals must be used carefully, since some types of fabrics do not tolerate mixtures with alkali.

Information. Regular soap helps remove stains without washing. Apply a small amount of funds for a paper towel. Treat the problem area, moving clockwise. Then rinse it thoroughly with water without washing.

Remove shine from trousers

Typically, shiny stains appear on trousers or sleeves. Shiny marks on clothes appear when the creases are ironed incorrectly or from sitting for a long time.

The consequences of improper ironing are easily removed vinegar essence. Mix it with water and pour it into the liquid container in the iron. After this, iron the product again by starting the steaming mode.

You can remove shiny marks from trousers with just one steaming session. It won't ruin the thing.

Another option to remove shiny stains from clothes is ammonia. This effective way to remove gloss.

Mix alcohol in water in a 1:1 ratio. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting mixture and apply to the trousers.

Then iron the item through the gauze. To enhance the effect, add a spoonful of salt to the product.

To remove shiny stains on clothes, use sand. Wet the item and sprinkle it with sand. After this, clean the product with a brush, shake off any remaining product and iron it.

Remove strange, wet and dirty

You can remove stains of unknown origin in the same way as fat stains. Treat them with a solution of wine alcohol, sulfuric ether and ammonia. The ether can be replaced with acetone or another solvent. It is acceptable to use an alcohol solution of soap.

Oxygen bleach will help get rid of contaminants of unknown nature:

  1. Pour the product into a container with water and soak the product in it;
  2. Leave until the stains disappear;
  3. Rinse well.

Soap and laundry detergents work well to remove water stains. Here are the methods you can use:

  • Lemon juice helps remove water stains. Apply the product to the problem area. Suitable for cleaning jackets and down jackets;
  • To remove a stain that looks like it's wet, apply the solution to the stain. detergent, and then scrub the area with a brush to lather it up. Wait five minutes and rinse with water. Dry with cold air.

Important! Hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of stubborn dirt stains. Treat the stain with the product and after a few minutes throw the clothes in the wash.

Methods for removal from clothing

The types of dirt of unknown origin on clothing can be very different: fatty, left by certain food products, industrial.

Grease marks are among the most common types of stains. When a grease stain appears, you need to react immediately: go to a dry cleaner or start removing dirt from your clothes yourself. The dirt is covered with salt or chalk, as they absorb fat.

To remove grease stains, place the problem area between layers of white paper and iron it. Change sheets when dirty.

If the contamination does not disappear after applying the above methods, then gasoline is used to remove it from clothing.

Process problem area with a cotton swab, then sprinkle with chalk and wait a few hours.

After this, you need to wash the stain removed with gasoline to remove the smell.

To get rid of old dirt a solution will do salt and ammonia.

The composition should be concentrated: mix water with salt and ammonia in a ratio of 3:1:1. Treat the stain, wait until the product dries and wash the clothes.

Drinks, especially tea, greatly stain clothing. There are many ways to remove such contaminants from clothes. The simplest option– cover the stain with sugar, wait an hour, then wash.

Information. Liquid stains on clothes and how to get rid of them include using lemon juice and. After which things are washed thoroughly.

Sometimes a glass stain appears on clothing, and you have to decide how to remove it from clothing without ruining the item. It can be either resin. To deal with such a stain, it is recommended to use oxalic acid. Wash clothes with ammonia and acid added. Then rinse thoroughly.

Delicate fabrics require special care.

When coffee stains appear on the surface of clothing, use heated glycerin.

After a few minutes, the item must be rinsed thoroughly.

If the stain does not disappear and you are looking for a way to cover it on clothing, then apply a pattern to the surface:

  1. To mask dirt on clothes, you need to make a durable swab from a sponge;
  2. After this, the item is laid out with the spots facing up;
  3. A bag is placed between layers of clothing.

This is done so that the bleach does not get on the part of the product that does not have stains.

A stencil helps disguise dirt. Wet the tampon in bleach and wring it out. We process the divorce and wait for the image to appear.

The reason for conducting an examination of stains on clothing may be an infringement of consumer rights. If dry cleaning does not remove the contaminants, then contact expert opinion helps solve the problem. In accordance with Russian legislation citizens have the right to conduct an examination at any time after completing the procedure.


Removing stains on clothes, the nature of which is not clear, not an easy task. I'll have to try different ways for cleaning things. To avoid ruining your clothing, work carefully and test your chosen products on a small area of ​​fabric. If you can determine the origin of the contamination, it will be much easier to get rid of it.

Useful video

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