Project plan for the second junior group. Project for children of the second junior group


municipal budget preschool educational institution

Petrozavodsk urban district

“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority

implementation of activities for the physical development of children No. 12 “Dolphin”

(MDOU "Kindergarten No. 12")

Project " Multicolored a week »


"Pearls" (group no. 1)

Teachers: Kurilina E. A.

Yarovaya V. E.

Passport of the creative project “Colorful Week” for children of the second junior group “Pearls”

Project participants: Children, parents, teachers, specialists.

Project type:

    According to the dominant activity in the project: creative.

    Content: educational.

    According to the number of project participants: group (15-25 people, everyone).

    By duration: short-term (1 week).

    By the nature of contacts: child and family, within the preschool educational institution.

    According to the profile of knowledge: multi-subject.

    According to the nature of the child’s participation in the project: a participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result.

Composition of the project team: The project leaders are educators.
Participants are children and parents of the “Pearls” group.

Objective of the project:

Fixing all colors and the ability to find objects of a given color around you.

Project objectives:

    Strengthen children's knowledge of the color spectrum.

    Learn to distinguish colors and compare them with objects.

    Practice your ability to talk about color.

    Develop imagination and seeing skills characteristic features items.

    Learn to group objects by given characteristics, teach to work according to the model.

    Learn to group objects by color.

    Develop color perception, attention, observation, expand knowledge about the materials that make up objects.

Relevance of the problem:

Didactic games aimed at the sensory development of children (in particular, at developing a sense of color) have great potential: they allow children to be introduced to the qualities and properties of objects, in this case, color.

In the process of various didactic games, children learn to identify the color of objects, name shades and colors, compare objects by color, and group them by similarity in color. All these activities develop and consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about color and contribute to the formation of a sense of color. Didactic games preceding visual arts, prepare children for a more free and accurate reflection of colors and shades in drawing and appliqué.

Children operate with existing knowledge about color, which is acquired, systematized, and enriched during the game. With the help of the game, the child gains new knowledge about a particular color. At the same time, during the game, children's color vocabulary is activated.

The project includes 3 stages: preparatory, main, final.

This project is significant for all its participants:

Children : receive and put into practice safety rules.

Teachers: continuing to master the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, and effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers.
Parents: expand opportunities for cooperation with their children, prepare material for teaching their children.

Estimated distribution of roles in the project team:

Educators: organize educational situations, joint productive activity, parent counseling
Children: participate in educational and play activities.
Parents: prepare material for teaching children, consolidate the knowledge acquired by children in practice.

Security project activities:

Fiction. Drawing paper. Coloring pages. Colored pencils, paints, gouache, brushes. Toys.

Expected outcome of the project:

Children correctly distinguish and name colors.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage

Determining the theme of the project. Formulation of goals and definition of tasks. Selection of materials on the project topic. Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project.

Main stage:
Educational activities according to OO " Artistic creativity» - didactic game“Let’s get to know each other - (I am Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Blue,)”, didactic games: “Colored Ribbons”, “Funny Beads”. Examination of illustrations “What color is what”, O.s. “What is your favorite color?”

Educational activities for OO " Physical Culture"- didactic game "Colorful balls". Reading fiction“Multi-colored fairy tales”, “The seven-flowered flower”.

Educational activity for the NGO "Trud" - didactic game "What are objects made of."
Educational activities for the NGO “Cognition\Ecology” - conversation “Favorite houseplant”.

Educational activities for the OO “Cognition\Mathematics” - d. and “Fold the pattern”.
Educational activities for the NGO “Safety” - p.i. "Traffic light".

Working with parents - creating visual material for children. Consultation on the topic “Studying colors with children 3-4 years old.”

The final stage: Educational activities for the NGO “Artistic Creativity” - drawing competition, drawing up a project portfolio.

Interim report preparatory stage project.

The first stage of design is preparatory, during the period of this stage: This stage was implemented over three days.
Determining the theme of the project. Formulation of goals and definition of tasks.
Selection of materials on the project topic. Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project. A plan for the main design stage has been drawn up.

Interim report of the main stage of the project.

This stage was implemented within 1 week, during which time the following was organized: (list of completed activities).

Interim report of the final stage of the project.

Design of material in parent's corner. Drawing up a project portfolio. Preparation for the final event - a holiday for mothers.

Report on project activities:

In the process of various didactic games, children learned to identify the color of objects and group them according to their similarity in color.

The project gave a great impetus to development children's creativity and imagination, the level of coherent speech increased.

Children's sympathy has increased, and the group's team has rallied.

The children received psychological relief and relief from emotional stress.

Parents were involved in the pedagogical process, and interest in cooperation with preschool educational institutions increased.

In conclusion, I would like to note that all the assigned tasks were successfully completed, children and parents took an active part in the implementation of the project. The result has been achieved.

Implementation of the “Colorful Week” project

I. Involvement in activities.

Announcement of the implementation of the “Colorful Week” project.
Monday - Red color.
Tuesday - green color.
Wednesday- Blue colour.
Thursday – yellow color.
Friday - Colorful day. The final event is a holiday for mothers.

II. Living the theme of the week.

Event names


The first day of the red gnome. (Red color)

Lesson on speech development “Visiting toys.”

Telling “colorful” tales; "Journey to a Red Fairy Tale."

Didactic games "Colored Cups and Saucers", “Put a butterfly on a flower”, “Tie strings to the balls”, “Let’s collect the balls by color”, “Fold the picture”;

Manufacturing Ladybug from cardboard and plasticine (plasticine).

Outdoor games “Hen and Chicks”, “Chickens and an Angry Cockerel”, “Planes”, “I’ll go to the garden through the raspberries”.

Homework: Draw a red fruit or vegetable at home.

Second day of the green gnome. (Green color)

Application "Frog".

Telling “colorful” fairy tales: “Journey to a green fairy tale.”

Reading poems that mention color;

Coloring chickens with paints

Outdoor games “Hen and Chicks”, “Chickens and an Angry Cockerel”, “Airplanes”, “I’ll go to the garden through the raspberries”

Homework: Bring a craft using Green colour.

The third day of the blue gnome. (Blue color)

Drawing " Blue flowers».

Telling “colorful” fairy tales: “Journey to a blue fairy tale.”

Reading poems that mention color;

Didactic games “Match the dishes by color”, “Put the butterfly on the flower”, “Tie strings to the balls”, “Let’s collect the balls by color”, “Fold the picture”;

Coloring flowers with paints.

Outdoor games “Chickens and an angry cockerel”, “Planes”

Homework: Draw cornflowers or bells at home.

The fourth day of the yellow (orange) gnome. (Yellow)

Lessons on the formation of elementary mathematical representations"Shapes and Colors."

Telling “colorful” tales; "Journey to the Yellow Fairy Tale."

Reading poems that mention color;

Didactic games “Match the dishes by color”, “Put the butterfly on the flower”, “Tie strings to the balls”, “Let’s collect the balls by color”, “Fold the picture”;

Coloring chickens with paints

Outdoor games “Shaggy Dog”, “Bunnies and Fox”, “I’ll go to the garden through the raspberries”.

Homework: Color or design as a chicken applique.

Different colored day.

Final event. Holiday for mothers “Multi-colored flowers for mothers.” Fixing all the colors of the week.

Carrying out outdoor games:

“Assemble toys by color” (in a group).

How to play: Scatter toys on the floor. Place a basket or box on a chair and offer at the signal, collect toys of the color that I name.

“Shaggy Dog” (on a walk).

This game is more fun to play with a group. One child pretends to be a dog. At the same time, he sits on his haunches and pretends to be sleeping. The rest of the children walk around him. Someone reads the lines:

Here sits a shaggy dog

Wrapping your nose in your paws.

Quietly, quietly he sits:

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let's see what happens.

On the last lines, the “dog” wakes up and begins to “bark” and catch up with the children. The first one caught becomes a dog.

The game “Flower - seven-colored”, “Jumping from hoop to hoop”, “Find your color”. Giving gifts to mothers ( holiday crafts- postcards). Treats for children at the end of the event.


    Let's play./ Ed. A.A. Joiner. M.: Education, 1991.

    Kalinina T.V. First successes in drawing. Flowers and Herbs. – St. Petersburg: speech, educational projects; M.: Sfera, 2009. – 64 p.

    Nishcheva N.V. Multi-colored fairy tales: A cycle of classes on speech development, the formation of color perception and color discrimination in preschool children: Teaching. methodological manual summary – 48 p.

    Useful tasks for children 3-4 years old.

Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 31 "Alyonushka" p. Maryina Wells.

Short-term project in the second younger group

Topic: “Me and my family”

Educator: Ushakova S.N.


Project in the second junior group “Me and my family"

Project type: short-term, creative.

Objective of the project . To form an image of “I”, the ability to say one’s first and last name, the names of family members, to develop an idea of ​​one’s family.. Cultivating a sense of affection and love for your parents and relatives.

Project objectives:

Evoke positive emotions in a conversation about family, develop the ability to express your feelings (joy, tenderness);

Introduce children to the concepts of “family”, “first name” and “surname”;

Instilling in children love and respect for family members teaches them to take care of their loved ones.

To promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in family and kindergarten settings.

Expected results of the project:Children learn more about their family: family members, traditions. Show respect and concern for all family members. Ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about the family. Understanding the importance of family in the life of every person.

Target group:


Children of the second younger group.


Children's age: 3-4 years.

Dates: 2 weeks

Relevance of the topic:In junior to school age children begin to develop elementary representations about phenomena public life and norms of human communication. Children of this age are characterized by great emotional responsiveness, which allows them to cultivate love, good feelings and relationships towards people around them and, above all, towards loved ones, towards their family. But this is the basis of the foundations of moral and patriotic education, its first and most important stage. The child must recognize himself as a member of the family. It is the family that is the keeper of traditions, ensures the continuity of generations, preserves and develops best qualities of people. Introducing children to the concept “family is impossible without the support of the family itself.”

Our project is a great opportunity to think about the role of family in the life of every person, about family traditions and their development in modern conditions. Work on the project has great importance for the formation of the child’s personality, strengthening and development of child- parental relationship. Parents must give the child the idea that he is part of the family, and that this is very important. We adults must help children understand the importance of family, cultivate in children love and respect for family members, and instill in children a sense of attachment to family and home.

Thematic plan for working with children

Forms of organizing joint adult-child activities.

Sections of work

Educational activities

Main content

Cognition (environmental)

"My Friendly family»;

"Cat and Kitten"


“Andryusha and the chicken” (T.V. Kovrigina p. 71)

“A Journey to the Forest for Mushrooms” (T.V. Kovrigina p. 78)

Construction- "Furniture for home"

Speech development:Reading Russian folk tale"Three Bears"

Looking at the painting “Goat with kids”

Artistic creativity

Drawing - “Beautiful Balloons for Mom",

"Bagels for the whole family"

Modeling - “Let’s bake pancakes”

Application - « Beautiful flower for Mom"

Learning by heart (finger game) “My Family”

Music -singing the lullaby “Bayubay”, “Pies” by Filichenko.

Cooperative activity


Conversation based on photographs:

"My family",

"Holidays in my family"

“Everyone in our family works”

“Favorite activities of our family members”

My family

Reading and discussion of fairy tales and poems

Guessing riddles

Situational conversation"What's mom cooking?"

“What can dad do?”

Conversation based on pictures

Where does mom (dad) work?

What to do if someone gets sick?

What is good and what is bad?

Reading fiction

Reading nursery rhymes “From behind the forest, from beyond the mountains, Grandfather Egor is coming”

Reading: lullabies

Fairy tales: “The Wolf and the Little Goats”, “Masha and the Bear”, “The Three Bears”

D. Gabe “My Family”

K. Ushinsky “Cockerel with his family”

A. Barto “Let’s sit in silence”

Reading the nursery rhyme “Okay, okay”

Poems: Y. Zhukova “About Us”, N. Maydannik “My Family”,


Conversation “Who works where?”

“How do you help mom?”

“I have a brother (sister)

"The house I live in"

Guessing riddles

Artistic creativity

Portrait of mom (dad); coloring pages - flowers; modeling - pies.


Singing lullabies; “The chicken went out for a walk” music. A. Filippenko; "Little gray cat" music. M. Kraseva; rus. adv. song "Ladushki"; music rhythmic movements “Dance with handkerchiefs”; music game "Cat with kittens"; listening to "The Doll's Disease", " New doll» P. I. Tchaikovsky

Play activity

Didactic games and exercises

D/i: “Call me affectionately”;“Polite words”, “Call mom (dad)”, “My portrait”, “Help mom (dad)”, “Where we were, what did we see”, “Who likes to do what?”, “Who wants what?” give?”, “Who needs what for work?”, “Good or bad?”, “Meeting guests”, “It is possible or not”, “Let’s feed the doll”, “Let’s put the doll to sleep”, “The doll is sick” “On what do people travel? “Whose mother’s voice is it?” (pets and birds)

Outdoor games

“Hen and Chicks”, “Birds in Nests”, “Hit the Target”, “Geese and Swans”, “Carousel”

Plot-role-playing games:“The family receives guests”, “Doll’s birthday”, “Daughter got sick”, “Family moves to a new apartment (Housewarming)”, “Bus ride”, “Family”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Kindergarten”, “A trip to the store, the zoo”, “Hospital”, “Pedestrians”, “To the theatre”

Simulation of situations

Board games

“Big and small”, “Gather a family”, “Associations”, lotto “Products”, “Clothes”, “My home”.

Theatrical game:

Based on the fairy tale "The Three Bears".

Dramatization game:

“Our Masha is small,” “Why is that?”

Games with a constructor; puzzles; cubes - pictures; builder.


For birds, transport, people passing by, the work of a janitor; natural phenomena

Experimentationwith water “How to make soap foam?”, “What would be better suited for making a birthday cake? (clay, sand, sawdust).”

Collections: “Our family’s favorite toys”, “Gifts of autumn” and others.

Working with parents

1. Conversations with parents and children about the past weekend

2.Collecting photographs in a photo album: “This is me and my family”

3. “Day of Good Deeds”

4. Screens:

"Children and Computers"

"Raising a healthy child"

"Food without harm"

“Finger games on the theme “Family”


“Education by example” SDA

"How to respond to children's tantrums"

“Example for parents: “Good night”

7. Joint creation of a subject-development environment.

8. Photo exhibition “Me and my family”

Collective creative work (CTD)adults and children to create crafts for the exhibition “Garden Fantasy”.

Evaluation of results

The results achieved allow us to conclude that as a result of the events that were held during the project: conversations, exhibitions, thematic classes, joint activities of children and parents, we received positive result. Children's knowledge in the field of moral and patriotic education in matters relating to their family has increased, parents began to participate more actively in events held in kindergarten.

Awakening a sense of belonging to one’s family, love for one’s relatives was carried out with children younger age based on visibility - design of portrait galleries, photo newspapers, as well as based on live communication with parents and the older generation of the family at joint holidays.

As a result creative work Among the most active families in the group, the album “My Family” appeared, which is especially popular with all children. Every day is viewed repeatedly and each “author” proudly talks about his wonderful family. After watching the fairy tale “Kolobok”, our children also tried themselves as artists. New games have appeared for children’s independent activities: “The House That We Built”, “Furniture for the Room”, “Policlinic”, “Birthday”, “Guests”.

In our opinion, the “Me and My Family” project is the first step in the moral and patriotic education of a preschool child, as it forms the children’s initial, heartfelt perception of the immediate sociocultural environment, which is their family.

Proverbs and sayings about family

They are friends in the family - they live without any trouble.
There is discord in the family - I’m not happy at home either.
A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
In the sunshine it’s warm, in mother’s time it’s good.
A good son brings joy to his father, and a bad son brings sadness.
What a treasure when the children get along well.
No parents - no patrons.
He who honors his parents lives a happy life.
There is no better friend than your own mother.
Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
There is no good in an unfriendly family.
In a good family good kids grow.
The bird is happy about spring, and the child is happy about its mother.
Mother's heart better than the sun warms.
Children are not judges of parents.
Good children are the crown of the house, and evil children are the end.
Parents are hardworking - children are not lazy.
Feel sorry for your father and mother, you won’t find others.
Agreement and harmony are a treasure in the family.
The hut is fun for children.
The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Riddles about family

Who can guess the riddles?
He recognizes his relatives:
Some are mom, some are dad,
Who is a sister or brother,
And to know your grandfather and grandmother -
There is no need to think at all!
All the relatives with whom you live,
Even uncle or aunt
Definitely your friends,
Together you are one...


Who is the most tender in the world?
Who's cooking us lunch?
And who do children love so much?
And who is more beautiful?
Who reads books at night?
Raking mountains of trash
Doesn't scold my brother and me.
Who is this? Our...


I'm walking along the path
But my legs are tired.
Jump over the hole
Who will help? I know -

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms one bit,
If you're next to me...

There is no dirt or trash in the apartment,
I cleaned everything up...

Who is the cutest in the world?
Who do children love very much?
I’ll answer the question directly:
- Our dearest...

Who is not joking, but seriously
Will a nail teach us to hammer?
Who will teach you to be brave?
If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,
And scratched my knee,
Don't cry? Certainly, …


Who is your favorite person in the world?
And is he responsible for the whole family?
From paycheck to paycheck
What would we do without...

Who does the hard work
Can I do it on Saturdays? -
With axe, saw, shovel
Ours is building and working...

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail?
Will let you steer the car
And he will tell you how to be brave,
Strong, dexterous and skillful?
You guys know everything -
This is our favorite...

Let me not go to kindergarten,
I eat pancakes at home.
Pensioner, I'm glad
My dear …

Who never gets tired of loving
He bakes pies for us,
Delicious pancakes?
This is our...

Who will knit socks for the grandchildren?
He will tell an old tale,
Will he give you pancakes with honey? –
This is our...

He will always treat you with jam,
The table will be set with refreshments,
Lada is our darling,
Who? - Dear...

He is a man and he is gray
To dad - dad, to me he is...

Who worked all his life
Surrounded with care
Grandchildren, grandmother, children,
Did you respect ordinary people?
Retired for many years now
Our ageless...

He didn't work out of boredom,
His hands are calloused
And now he is old and gray -
My dear, beloved...

Moms elder sister -
Doesn't look old at all
With a smile he will ask: “How are you living?”
Who came to visit us?

Who's with mom's sister?
Does he come to us sometimes?
Looking at me with a smile,
"Hello!" - tells me...

Without anything in this world
Can't adults and children survive?
Who will support you, friends?
Your friendly...

Everyone knows this word
Wouldn't change it for anything!
To the number “seven” I will add “I” -
What will happen?

That's the thing...
There are not seven of us, but three:
Dad, Mommy and me,
But all together we are...

Games about family:

Game "Who is doing what?"

Grandmother bakes pies, knits socks and mittens, takes care of her grandchildren...

Mom cooks dinner, washes, irons, goes shopping, raises children...

Dad - repairs, drives a car, earns money, helps mom

Grandfather works at the dacha, helps dad, grandma...

Sister - helps mother and grandmother with housework, plays with the younger ones...

Brother – helps dad, grandpa, takes out the trash...

Game “Name each family member affectionately.”

Son - son - son;

Daughter - daughter - daughter;

Brother - brother;

Sister - sister - sister;

Mom - mommy - mommy;

Dad - daddy - daddy;

Grandmother - granny - granny;

Grandfather - grandpa - grandpa.

Game 1. “What are we doing?”
2-4 people play.
Large cards with relatives are distributed between players, 2 pieces each. small cards with objects are shuffled and laid out face down. Players take turns taking 1 small card and say what the relative with whom he has the large card will do. For example: “Grandma will play hockey with me today!” If this has never happened in your life, the card is returned to the pile; if it has happened, it is placed on a card with a picture of a grandmother. Then the next player takes a small card, etc. During the second round of play, players place a small card on top of a second large card. The game ends if there are no more small cards or one of the players has 3 small cards on one large card. He is the winner!
Game 2. “How do we help our relatives?”
2 – 8 people play.
Relatives are given 1 card each. Small cards with objects are turned face down and shuffled. Players take turns taking 1 item card and answering the question according to it: “How do I help my grandmother?” (mom, aunt, etc.). for example: “I help my grandmother cook soup,” if the child said correctly, he keeps the card, if not, he returns it to the pile. The game is played until one of the players has 5 cards or the cards in the pile run out. The one who has 5 cards or the most cards wins.

Game 3. “Kinship.”
The leader takes turns asking the players questions, for example: “Who is the granddaughter?” If the one who must answer gives the wrong answer, the next player answers, the one who answered correctly receives a small card. The game ends when one of the players has 6 cards. He's a winner.

Game 4. “Remembering the names of close relatives.” (for players from 4 years old)
The leader takes one of the large cards (for example, with a grandfather), the players take turns calling the names of their grandfathers. to the one who called:
*name – give 1 small card;
*first name and patronymic or first and last name – 2 cards;
*first name, patronymic and last name – 3 cards.
If there are not enough cards, you can use any others. The game ends when the presenter has shown all the cards with relatives. The winner is the one with the most cards.

Physical education minutes

Physical exercise “Family”

One, two, three, four (claps hands)

Who lives in our apartment? (turns to the sides with raised shoulders)

One, two, three, four, five (Clap your hands)

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

Murka the cat, two kittens,

My goldfinch, cricket and me -

That's our whole family! (bend fingers on hand one by one)


“Okay, okay, okay,
Where were you?
By Grandma!(Clap their hands)
And grandma's palms
All wrinkled together.
(Show hands with palms up)
And grandma's palms
Kind and very good.
(Stroke palms together)
Everyone's palms worked
For many years.
(Pounds his fists on his palms)
Good palms smell
Shchi with pies.
(They bring their palms to their faces, as if they are sniffing)
They will stroke your curls
Kind palms.
(Imitate stroking)
And they can cope with any sadness
Warm palms.
(Fold their palms, bring them to their face, blow on them)
Okay, okay,
Where were you?
By Grandma!
(Clap their hands)

This finger is mommy
This finger is daddy
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is me
That's my whole family

“Like Grandma Natasha’s”

Like Grandma Natasha (hold the ends of an imaginary handkerchief placed on your head).

We ate delicious porridge! (join your palms in front of you - make a plate, show it to everyone standing left and right)

Millet porridge, with smoke (over the open palm of the left hand - “plates” index finger draw smoke with your right hand).

With bread ( right hand in front of the chest, elbow to the side, inner side palms down - “loaf of bread”).

With butter! (place your left palm on top of your right palm - “a layer of oil”).

With milk! (connect your wrists, fingertips and raised hands thumbs- "mug").

We took large spoons. (clench fists, thumbs up).

We ate everything down to the last crumb! (alternately eat porridge with the right and left “spoon”, bringing the “spoons” to the mouth).

What a mess! (make a “plate” again and show it to everyone: right and left).

At Grandma Natasha's!

Physical education minute

(For the answer “yes” - clap your hands; for the answer “no” - stomp your feet, hands on your belt.)

Will we always help out mom? (Yes!)

And we will never deceive? (Yes!)

Throw a stone after the cat? (No!)

Should I take a ticket on the bus? (No!)

Ay, ay, ay, how is it not?

Do I always have to buy a ticket? (Yes!)

Don't be timid when there's trouble? (Yes!)

Do not spare labor for business? (Yes!)

Don't wash your hands during lunch? (No!)

How can you not wash it? Be sure to wash! (Yes!)

Sun, air and water? (Yes!)

We say hello to the lazy? (No!)

What about those who do good? (Yes Yes Yes!)


Grandma Frosya has five grandchildren.
Everyone is asking for porridge. Everyone is screaming.
Shark in a cradle, Alenka in a diaper,
Arinka on the featherbed, Stepan on the stove,
Ivan on the porch.
The woman kneaded the dough, cooked porridge,
She melted the milk and fed the grandchildren.
How we ate porridge, drank milk,
They bowed to Baba and calmed down!

Oh, okay, okay,
Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Porridge.
-What did you drink?
- Brazhka.
Sweet porridge,
Grandma is kind.

I'm going to see grandma and grandpa
I'm going to see grandma and grandpa
On a horse, in a red hat,
On a flat path,
On one leg,
In an old shoe,
Over potholes, over bumps,
Everything is straight and direct
And then suddenly... into the hole


Okay, okay!
Grandma baked pancakes
I poured oil on it,
I gave it to the kids.
Dasha is two,
Pasha - two,
Vanya - two,
Tanya - two,
Sasha - two,
Masha is two,
The pancakes are good
Our good grandmother!

Poems about family


I have a big family:
Mom Nina, Baba Raya,
Dad's name is Alexander,
He's just grandma's son-in-law!
Well, I am grandma’s granddaughter.

And also the dog Zhuchka
Lives with us
Granny's house is guarded!

Who in big family master?
Well, of course, Baba Raya -
There can be no doubt here:
He will advise and help everyone,
She has great talent
Tie a beautiful bow
Reconcile mom and dad
And set the table beautifully,
Caress, kiss,
Tell a bedtime story!
Even Bug understands
Whose orders does he carry out?
Gratefully licks his hands -
Out of love, not out of boredom!


Everywhere pulls us home,

To be with your beloved family,

Where everything is holy and fair

And he lives so happily.

Everything in our family is fine,

The house is rich in children and happiness,

Care, tenderness, warmth -

And all our credit goes to that!

D. Yamanaev


Mom will cook delicious food

He'll clean up and do the laundry.

Well, what if I'm playing around,

Sometimes he scolds.

Dad will fix everything in the house,

Everything will be fixed, everything will be fine,

Well, if he's free,

He'll ride in a car.

Grandma forgives me everything

Takes you to the circus, to the cinema, to theaters

I need toys and candy

He buys it very often.

It's good that I have

Very friendly family.

Yu. Zhukova


My friendly family:

Dad, mom, grandma and me.

My dad is as big as an elephant

Very affectionate, dear.

Mom, my mom,

She is very kind.

But without dear grandmother,

Dear grannies,

I can't imagine life

Well, just none!

I respect my family

I protect my sister

I walk with her

I clean the apartment.

We help each other

And we wish everyone happiness.

Mom, me, my sister -

Together a friendly family.


Consultation for parents

“How to overcome absent-mindedness in a child?”

Absent-mindedness is a mental state characterized by a lack of concentration and attention.

An absent-minded child does not know how to highlight the main thing when observing an activity, follow a clear order, or be organized and efficient.

Absent-mindedness is usually the result of improper upbringing.

If a child is accustomed to order, has learned the skills of discipline and organization, and is used to finishing what he starts, he cannot be absent-minded. And vice versa, if parents allow the regime to be violated, and the disorder in the child’s corner and his forgetfulness are regarded as trifles, then disorganization and absent-mindedness imperceptibly appear in the preschooler’s behavior.

These qualities will have a particularly negative impact at school age. An absent-minded student has difficulty studying, he is distracted, does not listen to the teacher’s explanations, and may not complete assignments. An absent-minded student often finds himself in funny and annoying situations.

What can be done to cultivate attention and concentration in a child, and overcome his absent-mindedness?

First of all, you should not reproach a preschooler and punish him for lack of composure, forgetfulness, and carelessness. It is necessary to patiently train him in correct behavior, learn to overcome your shortcomings. To do this, a clear daily routine must be strictly observed. The regime does not allow you to change activities according to your mood; it requires you to focus your attention and will on the task you have started and bring it to the end. When teaching a child to follow the regime, he is reminded of what needs to be done and his actions are controlled. Gradually, following the regime will become a habit, the child will learn to take responsibility for various responsibilities.

To cultivate concentration and attention, it is important to create some external conditions and eliminate anything that can distract the child. Parents are sometimes to blame for their children's absent-mindedness. For example, they reprimand the child because he is often distracted from his studies. But at the same time, in the next room they turn on the tape recorder, and the child is also mentally with them, from time to time he leaves what he is doing and looks in on them. It is important not to distract children from their work and respect their work. Of course, it is not always possible to eliminate what interferes. Sometimes you have to adapt to obstacles. It is necessary to cultivate in children what science calls “interference resistance,” that is, to teach them to remain focused in any circumstances.

A child can show concentration and attention only in something that captivates and captivates him. He loves to make things, take care of indoor plants and animals, take care of your aquarium, etc. etc. By encouraging such activities, parents instill in the child that plants, if they are not watered, or fish, if they are not provided with food, may die. This gives the child a sense of responsibility. Gradually, the child learns that not all things are just pleasant and exciting, that it is necessary to do things that are not very interesting, but useful for the family and for himself, that to achieve the goal you need to make an effort. But children should not be overloaded with long, monotonous activities.

A child’s attentiveness and concentration are best trained through play. For example, take a lot of small items(buttons, cloves, nuts, pebbles), scatter them on the table. Let the child try to remember what things are on the table. Cover the items with paper and offer them to your son(daughters) name everything that lies underneath it. Take out each correctly named item. The game will be more interesting if the child’s dad, sister, brother or peers take part in it.

The child closes his eyes, and at this time some changes occur with the toys: one of the toys disappears, their location changes, something is added. new toy. Opening his eyes, the child must say what has changed. Gradually, the number of toys increases to 10. It is even more difficult to notice what changes have occurred to the doll: a bow has appeared, a shoe has disappeared, the hairstyle has changed, etc.

The proposed games do not require much time, but their importance is great in overcoming absent-mindedness in a preschooler and cultivating attentiveness.

Sometimes a child’s absent-mindedness is caused by an illness, a temporary weakening of the whole organism. In this case, strengthen the child’s health, improve his nutrition and rest. Absent-mindedness is also caused by depression, bad mood child. Here everything depends on the situation in the family, on the relationship between the parents.

If the state of absent-mindedness is systematically repeated, then it becomes habitual, turns into a character trait, and manifests itself along with other character flaws. For example, absent-mindedness in learning is often associated with laziness, absent-mindedness in communicating with people - with tactlessness and selfishness, absent-mindedness in everyday life - with disorganization and sloppiness. To prevent this from happening, you should be careful mental states their children and evaluate them correctly. If a child concentrates on his thoughts and feelings for a long time, he is distracted from this. By nurturing concentration and attention, parents monitor what they are focused on.

Nurturing children's will, sense of responsibility and duty develops concentration and prevents distraction.

Summary of GCD in the junior group on the topic “My friendly family”

  1. Topic: My friendly family

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” (formation complete picture world), “Communication”, “Artistic creativity” (application), “Reading fiction”, “Health”.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, productive, reading.

The purpose of the teacher’s activity: to form ideas about the family and its members, about the friendly relations of relatives; about emotional state family members; cultivate love and respect for your family; form the concept: my home, my family; cause children to enjoy the image they created; develop the skill of careful work.

Planned results for the development of integrative qualities of a preschooler: emotionally and interestedly follows the development of action in dramatization games (hedgehog meeting), answers the teacher’s questions during a conversation about family members, is active in creating a collective composition in the application “Beautiful House”.

Materials and equipment: pictures depicting family members, a picture depicting the whole family, a double-sided palm with sad and happy faces, a white paper house, various figures cut out of colored paper.

  1. Contents of organized children's activities

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, hear someone knocking. Who came to visit us? (Hedgehog enters)

Hedgehog: Hello, guys! I brought you a letter, your address is written here. Here, take it. (Gives it to the teacher)

Educator: Hello, hedgehog! Thank you very much, come in and be our guest.

Hedgehog: No time for me, I still have a lot to do. Next time I will definitely stay with you guys!

All: Goodbye, hedgehog. Come visit us again.

2. Riddles. Conversation about family members.

Educator: Children, let's see what kind of letter the hedgehog brought us. Guys, there are mysteries here. But listen to the riddle:

She emits light

A dimple from a smile...

There is no one dearer

How dear...

Children: Mommy.

(Puts out a picture of his mother on the flannelgraph).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

How is your mother's name?

Who are you to your mom?

What does your mother affectionately call you?

Educator: Great! Now listen to the following riddle:

Guess who it is?

Kind, strong, dexterous, brave.

I'm waiting for an answer, guys.

Well done! Certainly…

Children: Dad.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Puts out a picture of dad).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What name of your father?

Who are you to dad?

Educator: Great, guys! We read the following riddle:

The whole farm: quinoa,

Yes, the Corydalis Ryabushka,

But always cheesecakes

He will feed us...

Children: Grandma.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

(Puts out a picture of his grandmother).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

Who are you to your grandmother?

Educator: Well done! And here's another riddle:

Soaks in warm milk

He's a piece of bread

Walks with a stick in his hand

Our favorite...

Children: Grandfather.

Educator: Yes, guys, that's right!

(Puts out a picture of his grandfather).

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

Who are you to grandpa?

Educator: Great, guys! You are all just smart.

(Puts up a picture of the whole family.)

And all these people together are called in one word - Family. Guys, let's show our family on the palm of your hand.

3. Finger gymnastics"Family".

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mom

And this finger is me,

That's my whole family.

(Palms with sad faces are shown).

Educator: Oh, guys. Something happened in this family. Look how sad they are. What do you think could have happened?

Children: They quarreled.

Educator: What do you think we can do?

Children: We need to reconcile the family.

Educator: Of course, guys, the family needs to be reconciled!

4. Outdoor game “Made up”

Our family is in a bad mood in the morning,

And that’s why things aren’t going well in our family.

(head down, arms along the body, turns right, left)

Our grandfather's back hurts all day,

(lean forward, hands behind back)

The old grandmother is dizzy,

(circular movements of the head)

Dad wanted to hammer a nail, but suddenly it hit his finger

(knock our fists against each other)

Mom's dinner was burnt, there's a scandal in our family

(look at open palms)

Let's reconcile them, you need to love your family.

Let's smile at each other and hold hands

(hold hands and smile at each other)

Let's all hug together and then make peace!

(The family has been reconciled, we turn our palm over, the family smiles).

Educator: Guys, look, the whole family is smiling again, everything is fine with them, they have made peace. Where do you think the family lives?

Children: In my house.

(A white paper house is placed on the palm, with windows for each finger).

5. Application “Beautiful House”.

Educator: Guys, look how sad the house is. What do you think needs to be done to make the house cheerful and beautiful? (Children express their guesses.) Let's decorate it and make it beautiful. Children and teacher decorate the house.

Educator: Well done, guys! Look how beautiful and festive the family home turned out to be. Let's tell everyone a poem about home.

Children and teacher:

There are different houses -

Brick, frame.

With iron balconies;

There are even snowy ones,

Just like the real thing.

But the best one is mine,

I live in it

With my family.

5. Reflection.

Guys, who came to visit us?

Who are we reconciling?

And for whom did we decorate the house so beautifully?

Project "Toys" in the second junior group

Brief summary:

Early age is an extremely important and responsible period mental development child. This is the age when everything is for the first time, everything is just beginning - speech, play, communication with peers, the first ideas about yourself, about others, about the world. In the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities are laid - cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, focus and perseverance, imagination, creativity and much more. Moreover, all these abilities do not arise on their own, but require the indispensable participation of an adult and age-appropriate forms of activity. The reason for organizing and carrying out this project was that by confining themselves to televisions and computers, children began to communicate less with adults and peers, but communication greatly enriches the sensory sphere. The source of accumulation of sensory experience at an early age is a toy, since it is to a toy that a child transfers all his human feelings. A toy is a child’s constant companion from the first days of his life. Nice toy encourages the child to think, sets various game tasks for him. And this contributes to the development cognitive processes, memory, imagination, thinking, speech of a child. At every age, a child needs toys with different themes and purposes: story toys (dolls, animal figurines, furniture, dishes); technical (transport, designers, technical units); toys - “tools of labor” (scoop, hammer, screwdriver, sweeping brush, rake toys with a spatula - in a word, toys that imitate the simplest means of adult labor); toys - fun; theatrical, musical, sports toys for children of all ages. Large toys that the child plays with not on a table, not on a carpet or sofa, but on a spacious area of ​​the yard or in a large playroom (scooters, children's pedal cars, tractors, large easily transformable structures for construction in the yard help combat physical inactivity, teach the child movements and orientation in space). Based on the current situation, one of the problems of childhood is that children have little experience playing with toys, and adults have indiscriminate choice.

Problem: Shape careful attitude children to toys, interaction with them.

Project type: short-term (2 weeks, group)

Project participants: children, teacher, parents, preschool specialists.

Object of study: toys.

Objective of the project:

To consolidate children’s knowledge about “toys”, to form knowledge about the properties, qualities and functional purpose of toys, to encourage kindness, care, and careful attitude towards toys in children; contribute to the accumulation of experience of a friendly attitude between children and adults, the ability to play together.

Project objectives:

For children:

1. Reveal the essence and features of object-display play for young children - teach them to carefully examine toys, enrich lexicon, develop phrasal and coherent speech skills, encourage statements;

2. Develop children’s perception, promote the connection of perception with the word and further action; teach children to use words - names for a deeper perception of the various qualities of an object;

3. Improve the level of accumulated practical skills: encourage children to use in various ways to achieve the goal, stimulate further motivating actions and “discoveries”.

4. Foster a desire to take care of the toy and take care of it.

5. Continue to develop gaming, cognitive, sensory, and speech abilities, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the child;

6.Formulate in children an emotional, aesthetic and caring attitude towards toys;

7.Develop the child’s communication and interaction with peers and adults.

For the teacher:

1. Support the child’s desire to actively engage in communication and speak out;

2. Develop an emotional response to what you love literary work through plot-display play; encourage the child to repeat after the teacher words and phrases from familiar poems.

Planned result of the project:


1. Replenish children’s understanding of toys,

2. Show interest and desire to play with toys,

3.Develop children’s speech activity,

4. Teach how to include various toys in the plot of the game and try to carry out role-playing dialogue,

5.Teach children to be more careful with toys,

6.Develop communication and interaction of the child with peers and adults,


1. Enrichment of parental experience with techniques of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family;

2. Increasing the competence of parents when choosing a toy.

3. During the interaction teacher - children - parents in project implementation:

Organization of the exhibition: “My child’s favorite toy”

Exhibition of children's works on the theme: “Toys”

Conversation with children " The right toys children"


Stage 1 – preparatory.

Activities of the teacher:

· Studying methodological literature on the topic.

· Defines the goals and objectives of the project.

· Watches children.

· Selects games, literature, illustrations, toys.

· Replenishes play corners attributes.

· Organizes different types games for children.

Children's activities:

· Independent activity children with a variety of toys.

· Look at the illustrations, look at the painting “Children Play”.

· Look at toys.

Parents' activities:

· Monitor children.

· Questioning of parents: “Toys”.

Stage 2 – formative..

Activities of the teacher:

· Organizes conversations, educational games, observations.

· Reading fiction (poems, nursery rhymes, songs).

· Provides assistance in the implementation of activities.

· Replenishment of the subject-development environment of the group.

· Selection of toys for the game “What kinds of toys are there?”

Children's activities:

· Trying to find solutions.

· Play with toys.

· With the help of the teacher, they choose toys to play with.

· Look at illustrations, books, toys.

· Repeat actions, words and phrases of poems after the teacher.

Parents' activities:

· Involve parents in the implementation of the project.

· Preparing a memo: “What toys should I buy for children?”

· Preparation of consultations: “Games for child development”, “You, your children and toys”. (selection of fiction, observations).

·Designing a corner for parents - Exhibition "Golden Hands" - "Toys"

Stage 3 – final.

Activities of the teacher:

· Analyzes work.

· Presents notes.

· Conducts monitoring.

· Replenishes the development environment of the group.

· Replenishment of methodological literature.

· Organizes exhibitions of children's works.

Children's activities:

· Play actively with toys.

· Repeat the words of poems about toys.

· They watch with interest other children playing with toys, and parents making toys with their own hands.

Parents' activities:

· Increasing the activity of parents in the life of the group.

· Competition for parents: “Toys” (participation in the design of the exhibition “My Child’s Favorite Toy”).

Project implementation: March

Educational area: Cognitive development”.

Didactic games

1. “Acquaintance with the nesting doll.” Goal: to introduce children to folk toy"matryoshka"

2. “Let’s take it apart and put it back together.” Goal: teach children to disassemble and assemble a pyramid together.

3. “Our Tanya.” Purpose: examining the ball - whether it sinks or not in the water. As experimental activities.

4. "Machine". Purpose: vehicle inspection. Continue to form children’s ideas about transport and its purpose. Learn to perform a chain of game actions.

5. "Bunny". Purpose: Examination of the bunny. Develop children's interest in toys; create a desire to play with a toy; continue to teach how to act with her.

6. "Bear". Goal: Examination of the bear. Expand children's ideas about toys. Teach children to help toys in difficult situations. Cultivate responsiveness and attentiveness

S/r games.

1. “New doll gets acquainted with the play area.” Purpose: to remind children the names of objects in play areas.

2. " Truck transports furniture to new house" Goal: teach children to play together.

3. Game with a doll “Let's treat the doll to tea.” Purpose: To teach children to give tea to a doll (later a bear, a hare, etc.). Develop the ability to consistently perform actions, name objects and actions with them. Cultivate an affectionate, caring attitude towards the doll.

4 Game “We’ll put Mishka to bed.” Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of feeding and going to bed. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the toy - Teddy Bear, and a desire to play with him.

Theatrical games:

1. “Visiting the dolls.” Goal: develop a sense of color, evoke an emotional response to game situation.

2. "Construction". Goal: to involve children in role-playing interaction, to develop gaming skills.

Work assignments:

1. “Putting the toys to bed.” Goal: to teach children to put toys back in their places.

2. “Let’s wash the toys.” Goal: to teach children to interact with each other and with the teacher, to develop labor activity.

Cognition. Sensory development:

1. "Pyramid". Goal: to teach how to assemble various pyramids sequentially.

2. “What are toys made of?” Goal: to learn to identify the names of toys and the material from which they are made.

3. “Toys visiting the guys.” Goal: to develop children’s ability for interactive speech, to teach them to answer questions about any toy.

4. “Basket with toys.” Goal: to develop the ability to understand the teacher’s speech, the skill of phrasal speech, to promote the assimilation of the general concept of “toys”.

5. “We sit on chairs and look at the toys.” Goal: to develop the ability to understand the teacher’s speech, the skill of phrasal speech, to promote the assimilation of the general concept of “toys”.


1. “Shelf for toys.” Goal: learn to create simple designs, develop gaming skills.

2. "Houses for toys." Goal: learn to create buildings of different sizes and play with the buildings.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world:

1. “Favorite toys.” Goal: continue to introduce children to objects in their immediate environment - toys, describe the toy and actions with it.

2. “What are toys for?” Goal: to clarify ideas about what toys are needed for.

Reading fiction:

1. A. Barto, poems from the “Toys” cycle. Goal: To introduce children to poems.3. Ch. Yancharsky, translation from Polish by V. Prikhodko “In the toy store.”

2. Russian folklore “The cat went to the market”, “Our Masha is little...” Purpose: To introduce children to Russian folklore.

3. Reading and acting out A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya.” Purpose: To help remember A. Barto’s poems from the “Toys” cycle. Give the opportunity to recite poems in full, develop memory; practice correct sound pronunciation; cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

4 . Reading and acting out the poem “Truck” by A. Barto. Goal: To develop in children the ability to listen, memorize a short poem, read by heart, slowly, clearly pronouncing words and, especially, the endings of words; teach children to pronounce sounds clearly.

5 . Reading and acting out the poem “Matryoshka” by Yu. Volodin. Goal: Develop memory; speech. Create a desire to play with a matryoshka doll.

6. Reading and acting out the poem “Bunny” by A. Barto. Goal: To help children remember poems from the “Toys” cycle by Agnia Lvovna Barto and learn to recite it together with the teacher.

7. Reading and acting out the poem by A. Barto “They dropped the bear on the floor...”. Goal: To cultivate in children the desire and ability to listen to reading, repeat individual words; through artistic image arouse the desire to treat toys lovingly and with care.

Conversations on topics

“Why do we need toys? ”, “My favorite toy”, “Such different toys”, “Toy store”. Goal: To expand children's knowledge about toys and playing with them.

Artistic creativity. Drawing:

1. “Balloons, obedient to the breeze.” Goal: to teach children to hold a pencil correctly, draw circles, placing them all over the sheet.

2. “Tumblers are bright shirts.” Goal: to teach children to decorate the silhouette of a tumbler with rhythmic movements.

3. Drawing "Road for a truck." Goal: Develop the ability to draw long and short lines with your finger.


1. "Balls". Goal: teach children to sculpt round shapes.

2. “Rings for a pyramid.” Goal: to teach children to roll out pieces of plasticine in their palms with straight movements, roll them into a ring.

Physical development:

1. “My funny ringing ball.” Goal: To teach children to jump on two legs and listen carefully to the text.

2. “Shaggy Dog.” Goal: to teach children to move in accordance with the text.

3. “Crawl to the rattle.” Goal: teach children to crawl in a given direction.

4. Outdoor game “Roll the ball through the goal.” Purpose: To improve children’s ability to roll the ball in a certain direction with one or two hands. Develop your eye, improve coordination and dexterity.

5 Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car.” Purpose: To teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place.

6 Outdoor game “Roll the nesting doll.” Goal: Continue to develop interest and a positive attitude towards story toys and actions with them.

7. Outdoor game “Bunny and Wolf”. Goal: To teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space, find your place.

8 . Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest...” Purpose: To teach children to take turns performing different functions(run and catch).

The final stage.

· Exhibition: “My child’s favorite toy.”

· Exhibition of children's drawings “Toys”.

· Conducting conversations on the topic “Correct toys for children”, “Toys that develop”

By analyzing the work done, you can do conclusions:

1. The topic of the developed project was chosen taking into account age characteristics young children and the amount of information that can be perceived by them, which has a positive impact on different kinds their activities (game, cognitive, artistic and speech);

2. Noted positive reaction and emotional response of children to acquaintance with different types toys, children showed interest and desire to play with toys; children expanded their knowledge about toys. During independent games and joint games With the teacher, the children have become more attentive and thrifty with toys, and play with each other with pleasure.

3. Children’s speech activity has increased, which has a positive effect on children’s independent play activities; children include various toys in the plot of the game and try to carry out role-playing dialogue;

4. I believe that we managed to achieve good results in the interaction between teacher and parents. Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project.

Future Outlook:

Develop the prospects for the project and in the future “Favorite Toys”. In the future, I want to launch another “Fine Motor Skills” project. The project is relevant because it helps develop the child’s cognitive sphere, fine motor skills and sensory qualities of younger preschool age. This project will help us expand the horizons of each child based on their immediate environment, create conditions for the development of independent cognitive activity, and develop fine motor skills and sensory skills.


1. E. A. Kosakovskaya “A toy in a child’s life.” 2005.

2. L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina “Project method in activities preschool"2011

3. Kartushina M. Yu. Fun for kids. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2006.

4. Kryazheva N. L. development of the emotional world of children. – Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004.

5. Development and education of children early age in preschool education: Educational and methodological manual / compiled by E. S. Demina - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2006.

6. Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activities. System of work in the first junior group of kindergarten. M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2012.-128 p.

7. Koldina D.N. Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old. Lesson notes.- M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.-58p.

8.Knowledge of the objective world: comprehensive classes. First junior group/author – comp. Efanova Z.A. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.- 87 p.

9. Timofeicheva I.V., Oskina O.E. - Ladushki. Educational games and activities for young children. Lesson notes / Ed. Vorovshchikova S.G.,-M.: UTs “Perspective”, 2013.-96s

Elena Nikolaevna Makarova Teacher, MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 1 combined type" Nezhinsky village


Family is very important!
Family is very difficult!
But it’s impossible to live happily alone!

Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of education of the younger generation have developed: family and public. There has long been a debate about what is more important in the development of a child’s personality: family or public education?

The development of a child’s personality is impossible without family education. It is in the family that he learns to love, endure, rejoice, and sympathize. In a family environment, emotional and moral experience develops; the family determines the level and content of emotional and social development child. Parents are the first teachers; they lay the foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development the personality of the child from an early age.

Therefore, it is so important to help parents understand that the development of a child’s personality should not follow a spontaneous path, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in kindergarten.

To ensure favorable living conditions and upbringing of a child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close connections and interaction between the kindergarten and the family. Which is one of the points of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Parents often experience certain difficulties in that they cannot find enough free time to study with their children at home, are unsure of their capabilities, and also often fix their attention only on the negative manifestations of the child’s development and behavior.

Therefore, we decided that we need to use various forms of cooperation with parents, which make it possible to develop their interest in education issues, arouse a desire to expand and deepen their existing pedagogical knowledge, and develop the creative abilities of their children. We assume that our partnerships with parents will give great results in the development of our children. Will help children to master the concept more easily and clearly "My family" .

Project goal: To form in children the concept "Family" , show its value for every person, fostering love for their close relatives and attracting parents to cooperate with the kindergarten.

Project objectives:

  • To form children’s idea of ​​family;
  • To instill in children love and respect for their family members;
  • Involve parents in cooperation and joint activities with children in preparation for the holidays;

Type of project: educational, creative, within a kindergarten.

Type of project: group, short-term.

Project participants: Teachers, parents, children of the second junior group.

Problem: Some children do not know their family members by name. They talk badly about their family. When they come to kindergarten and go home during dressing and undressing, dissatisfaction with something, resentment and conflicts often occur between children and parents. There is no warm mutual understanding when communicating with each other. There are parents in the group who do not want to take part in general activities; they believe that this is not so important for their child.

Expected results for the project:

Children will be able to talk about their relatives, their family and their family traditions;

Children’s relationships with their parents will be more respectful, they will be less capricious and make trouble when communicating with close relatives

On holiday "Mothers Day" My students and I will make gifts together with our dads for our beloved mothers.

Venue: MKDOU kindergarten No. 1, Nezhinsky village

Dates: October 2016

Form of implementation: Game activities, situational conversations, Reading literature, memorizing poems for the holiday "Mothers Day" , watching a cartoon "Mom for baby mammoth" ,

Productive activity.

Materials and equipment: multi-colored fabric scarves of different sizes, attributes for role-playing and educational games, sets of demonstration pictures, books for the exhibition, a theme week plan.

Project implementation plan.

I Preparatory stage:

  1. Project development;
  2. Selection of relevant literature and information on this topic.
  3. Compilation long-term plan events, preparation for events;
  4. Communication with parents and discussion of work on this topic.
  5. .Involving parents in productive and creative activities:
  • Creating family albums "Our friendly family" or "Our family traditions" from drawings or photographs;
  • Making a leaflet "Palms of our family" ;
  • Making silhouette figures from cardboard of all members of the child’s family for a role-playing game with building material;
  • Making a poster "The family tree of our family" .
  • Joint activities between children and dads “Dad and I made a gift for mom and surprised mom with it.” .

II Active stage:

Thematic week "My family"


  • Reading a fairy tale "Three Bears" .
  • Examination of family albums that parents made and brought to kindergarten;
  • Finger game “This finger is grandpa...”
  • Conversation on issues using family albums “Tell me who you live with” ;
  • Didactic game “Choose a scarf for each of your family” ;
  • Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling "House for three bears» Dramatization game « Good evening, mommy" (daddy or other relatives).


  • Reading a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats" ;
  • Finger game "Finger, finger, where have you been" ;
  • Speech development. Developmental educational situation based on play "My family" using family tree, which the parents brought;
  • Didactic game "Moms and Babies" ;
  • Looking at leaflets "My Family's Palms" which the parents brought. Listening to children's stories
  • Didactic game "Find the palms of your family" ;
  • Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing “Dad, mom, I am a friendly family”
  • Situational conversation on issues "What does your family do in the morning? (In the evening)»
  • Board game “Who needs what?” ;
  • Game situation "Whim" .


  • Situational conversation "Who do you look like? And why?" ;
  • Musically educational game “Where are my kids?” ;
  • A game "Find out who I'm talking about" ;
  • Finger game "Building a house" ;
  • Situational conversation "Where does your family live?" ;
  • Artistic and aesthetic development. Construction "Let's build a house for our family" . Playing with building materials and cardboard figures that parents brought;
  • Reading a fairy tale "Three piglets" ;
  • Role-playing game "Mom and Dad's Helpers" .


  • Conversation on issues “What kind of grandparents are you?” ;
  • Communication game "Old Grandma" ;
  • Cognitive development. Developmental educational situation based on "Journey to the village to visit grandparents" ;
  • Artistic and aesthetic development. Music. Developmental educational situation based on "Granny put on glasses" ;
  • Problem situation “Do you have a friendly family?” ;
  • Outdoor game "Friendly family" ;
  • Reading a poem by I. Kosyakov "She's All" ;
  • Role-playing game "Cooking dinner like mom"


  • Situational conversation “What games do your parents play with you?” ;
  • Educational game "Mom's Beads" ;
  • Didactic game "Add a word" ;
  • Outdoor game "Do it quickly, like mom" ;
  • Conversation “I love my mother because...” ;
  • Photo exhibition “We dedicate our achievements to mothers” .

III Final stage:


Children can talk about their relatives, their family and their family traditions;

We created exhibitions from the works brought by parents:

  • "Me and my friendly family" ;
  • "My Family's Palms" ;
  • “We made it together with my dad” .

Relations between children and parents have become warmer, parents and children have become more attentive and chatty to each other. Many parents became more interested in the affairs of the group. Many offer their help, and some sometimes take the initiative to organize group activities.


  1. Avdeeva N.N. The role of mother and father in the development of a child in early childhood // Preschool education. No. 3, 2005. p. 101-106; No. 5, 2005. p. 110-117, No. 7, 2005. p. 117-123.
  2. DoronovaT. “ Contemporary issues interaction between preschool institution and family” g. Preschool education No. 1, No. 2 2000
  3. Doronova T. “Interaction of a preschool institution with parents.”, Preschool Education No. 1, 2004
  4. Zurabov A. Father and daughter // Preschool education. No. 4, 2006. pp. 117-12
  5. Ostrovskaya L.F. Pedagogical knowledge - parents. M. 1983

Project type: short-term, creative.

Objective of the project. Formation of children's initial ideas about the family. Cultivating a sense of affection and love for your parents and relatives.

Project objectives:

Evoke positive emotions in a conversation about family, develop the ability to express your feelings (joy, tenderness);

Introduce children to the concepts of “family”, “first name” and “surname”;

Instilling in children love and respect for family members teaches them to take care of their loved ones.

To promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in family and kindergarten settings.

Expected results of the project implementation: Children learn more about their family: family members, traditions. Show respect and concern for all family members. The ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about the family. Understanding the importance of family in the life of every person.

Target group:


Children of the second younger group.


Location: MBDOU - kindergarten "Ogonyok"

Children's age: 3-4 years.

Dates: 7 days


At early preschool age, children begin to form elementary ideas about the phenomena of social life and the norms of human communication. Children of this age are characterized by great emotional responsiveness, which allows them to cultivate love, good feelings and relationships towards people around them and, above all, towards loved ones, towards their family. But this is the basis of the foundations of moral and patriotic education, its first and most important stage. The child must recognize himself as a member of the family. It is the family that is the keeper of traditions, ensures the continuity of generations, preserves and develops the best qualities of people. Introducing children to the concept “family is impossible without the support of the family itself.”

Our project- an excellent opportunity to reflect on the role of family in the life of every person, on family traditions and their development in modern conditions. Work on the project is of great importance for the formation of the child’s personality, strengthening and development of child-parent relationships. Parents must give the child the idea that he is part of the family, and that this is very important. We adults must help children understand the importance of family, cultivate in children love and respect for family members, and instill in children a sense of attachment to family and home.

Project implementation plan:

Stage I – accumulation of knowledge.

Days of the week Working with children Working with parents

Friday Looking at photographs of children, relatives and friends, illustrations, postcards. involve parents in working on the project.

Stage II – practical.


D/i “Call me affectionately”;

Conversation about brothers and sisters;

Reading fiction; Studying family history;

Parents making puppets for the theater based on Russian folk tales;

Tuesday Reading poems about mom;

Finger game "My Family".

Conversation “My Mother”, to introduce children to the work of a mother;

S/r game “Mom cooks dinner”; Selection of artistic words, proverbs on the topic of the project;

Wednesday D/i “What is your name?”;