Where can I use banana? Banana peel as fertilizer for indoor plants and gardens. Getting rid of headaches

Banana is still a fruit! Recent research proves that two bananas are quite capable provide a person with energy for an intense one and a half hour workout. This is why banana is so popular among athletes. Among other things, bananas contain endorphins, which are called - happiness hormones. But did you know that not only banana pulp is healthy?

Rest assured, after reading this article you will never again become throw away banana peels. Because right now we will introduce you to its truly magical properties, which are definitely worth taking note of. So, that's what a banana peel can do.

  1. You can use for water purification. Banana peel effectively absorbs lead and copper, which are not very beneficial for our body. So it's a great natural filter. Just keep it in a container of water for a while.
  2. This is wonderful fertilizer for indoor plants. Let the peel steep in plain water for just a day and you will get a product that will provide your flowers with the necessary microelements and energy. The resulting fertilizer can be diluted in a ratio of 1:5, and the peel itself can be infused several times.
  3. Peel excellent cleans silverware! Grind it with a blender with a small amount of water to form a kind of paste. Rub your spoons and forks with this paste and see how the silver brightens literally before your eyes! Now rinse off the residue and polish the utensils until they shine.

  4. Banana peel contains natural oils and enzymes that will help significantly relieve suffering from burns, bites, scratches and abrasions, as well as promotes healing of wounds. It is enough to apply the peel to the damaged area with the inner side and fix it for a while. It is also recommended to remove warts. Apply the peel to them until they disappear completely.

  5. By the way, the peel will also be useful for relieving the symptoms of diseases such as psoriasis. In this case, rub it on the affected areas. You will very soon feel the pain receding, peeling will also decrease. The same method can be used to combat acne. It should be noted that in general, banana peels nourish and moisturize the skin well, so many women use it for rejuvenation.
  6. Since we have touched upon cosmetic aspects, it would not be out of place to say that using banana peels you can whiten teeth. It contains a lot of minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus, which act as a whitener on tooth enamel. Rub it on your teeth for two minutes after brushing them with the paste. The result will not be long in coming!

  7. In addition to natural oils, banana peels also contain wax. So you can use it instead of shoe polish. Try rubbing the leather on your favorite shoes and then polishing them as usual. We assure you - you will be pleasantly surprised!

  8. It has long been known that bananas are rich in potassium. But did you know that banana peels contain a lot of potassium? This is wonderful weightloss remedy, because potassium speeds up metabolism, which means more fat is burned. Puree the peels with apples, cinnamon or ice. It has been proven that after consuming such puree, the level of serotonin and dopamine in the body increases.

  9. You should know that bananas can help fight such a hopeless disease as cancer. Specifically banana peels promotes the production of white blood cells, which increase the overall resistance of the body. You can either consume puree or drink banana tea. Boil the peel for 10 minutes, then add honey. In any case, this is a healthy drink.

  10. And let's go back to the kitchen. If you're not going to use anything listed in the previous paragraphs, we'll teach you one cooking trick. In order to chicken fillet remained juicy and soft, it will come to your aid... That's right, banana peel! Just place it in the roasting pan with the chicken.

That's how much benefits of a regular banana! Of course, this does not mean at all that you now need to give up everything else and eat only these fruits.

We should also not forget that our body is “tailored” to its habitat. So combine the benefits of overseas bananas with the benefits of your usual apples and pears. In the end, delicious fruit salads no one has canceled it, and all the recipes are on our website!

Share this information with others and let them learn about the beneficial properties of banana peels.

It’s simply amazing what ordinary skins of the yellow fruit are not used for - they use them to clean teeth, polish shoes, and also... fertilize. It's simple: the crust, it turns out, contains a lot of potassium, calcium and phosphorus - just what plants need! In addition, if you are fighting aphids in a greenhouse, use this simple method: make an infusion and pour it over the plants. Aphids absolutely cannot tolerate an excess of potassium, and quickly disappear from such places. So let's take a closer look at how to make fertilizer from banana peels - we have many recipes!

The fact that plants - both domestic, greenhouse and country - can be fed with bananas is not news for Russia. After all, just a few years ago the “Banana Land” project was still popular, where it was recommended to soak the skins in water until decomposition, and then water it all over. The smell, of course, is not very pleasant, and the very appearance of the liquid is repulsive, but such fertilizer significantly improves the soil microflora and structure. But many were put off by the unpleasant sensations of making such fertilizer, and therefore most summer residents continued to fertilize their future harvest with store-bought chemicals, throwing the valuable peel into the trash.

Fresh “coat” as a fertilizer is excellent for winter greenhouse plants, which suffer from a lack of light and heat during the cold season. And magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus are vital elements for the nutrition and growth of greenhouse plants. Cabbage and all cruciferous vegetables especially love potassium fertilizer.

Tomatoes also respond well to such fertilizer - if you put their skins directly into the holes when planting them. Interestingly, even cucumbers fertilized with banana peels then grow larger.

How to make fertilizer from banana skins: 6 recipes

Method #1 - bury it in the ground

The easiest way is to cut it with scissors and bury it. Even the frailest plants begin to become densely covered with foliage and, as they say, “bloom and smell.” Interestingly, the fertilizing itself in the soil disappears in 10 days - it is completely eaten by bacteria. But sometimes this method is not suitable - when dosed ready-made fertilizer is needed.

Method #2 – fry

Here is the most proven way to make good fertilizer for plants:

  • Step 1: Place foil on a tray and place banana peels on it. Place it on the top side to prevent it from sticking later.
  • Step 2. Place the tray in the oven - it’s better when you’re cooking something in it at the same time, otherwise the fertilizer will be a little expensive in terms of resource costs.
  • Step 3: Once the skin is cooked through, cool it.
  • Step 4. Grind the mixture and place it in a sealed bag.
  • Step 5. Take a spoonful of this fertilizer for each plant.

This is what it looks like:

Method #3 – infuse in water

For a greenhouse, it is better to make the following fertilizer:

  • Step 1. Place three banana skins in a three-liter jar, fill it up to the neck with water at room temperature and let it sit like this for two days.
  • Step 2. Strain, dilute with water 1:1.
  • Step 3. Water seedlings and “hungry” plants with this infusion.

You can also simply bury banana “clothes” under each bush - this way your plants will grow faster and better, and the soil will significantly improve its composition.

Method #4 – drying

Here's another way to make valuable potassium fertilizer from banana waste. Place the skins on the battery and then in a paper bag. In cups with seedlings, place this fertilizer only in the lower layers, because On the surface of the soil, the fruit quickly becomes moldy.

Method #5 – freezing

To add fresh peels to the soil every time at the dacha and in the greenhouse, just have a special tray in your refrigerator - put it in the freezer, and add new fertilizers there each time. If necessary, remove and fertilize with them.

Method #6 – making compost

Banana peels make wonderful compost. To do this, take ordinary soil, add more finely chopped skins and pour in “Baikal”. Mix everything well. Repeat in a month. By spring you will get excellent compost - rich and black, which all bulbs simply adore.

Processing - be careful!

And now an important point: tropical fruits must be washed thoroughly before removing their skins. The fact is that in any case they are treated with special substances so that they can be stored longer. And, as many summer residents fear, these may be substances from the dust group - hexochlorocyclohexane, which in itself is a dangerous carcinogen. Those. an unscrupulous importer may well use this method, and these are not just rumors. But still, far from sending overseas fruit to our region, the natives themselves soak the fruits after harvesting in vats with ammonium sulfate and chlorine - in order to wash off the milky juice from the brushes.

For ripening (bananas are delivered while still green), ethylene is also often used, which can actively influence human hormones. That is why it is advisable to wash everything with hot water and remove white fibers from the pulp. If you simply remove the skin and throw it on the garden, no one can guarantee you that all the heavy chemical elements will not remain there after decomposition.

This is why many gardeners are afraid to make fertilizer out of banana peels - after all, according to unverified data, when growing this fruit on plantations, up to 70 treatments per year are carried out, and even small, so-called “expensive” fruits are grown by wrapping the bunch in fabric, which soaked in pesticides.

Of course, here you just need to weigh the pros and cons - and if you still decide to use the skin as fertilizer for your plants, then find a good supplier (it’s not difficult to find out about this), buy this fruit only in such a store (which is also important for the safety of your loved ones who eat the pulp), and still wash the fruit thoroughly with hot water. If you follow all these rules, you will be able to make safe and practical free fertilizer!

Bananas. These fruits can be found in almost every kitchen, almost always. Although they disappear from this kitchen instantly :) It is probably difficult to find a person who has never tried this delicacy in his life and is not familiar with it.

Bananas are both tasty and healthy. They have a pleasant sweetish taste, go well with various dishes, especially desserts, serve as excellent butter for baking and are even suitable for baby food.

But bananas can also be used for a variety of tasks around the home. In this article you will learn 10 very original ways to use them.

1. Polishing leather shoes and silverware

If at the most inopportune moment you suddenly find that your shoe polish has run out, don’t panic. A banana peel will save you. Remove fibers from the inside of the sandpaper and wipe the entire surface of the shoe with it. Then polish with a soft cloth or paper towel. The same technique can be used to polish silver items. Banana peels can even improve the appearance of leather furniture. But first test its effect on a small area of ​​upholstery.

2. Banana face masks

A banana face mask will help quickly moisturize dry skin, give it freshness and radiance. It will gently cleanse and soothe irritated skin, making it soft and velvety. The banana mask recipe is simple. You will need: one ripe banana, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon cream and 1 teaspoon olive oil (or honey). Mix everything thoroughly until smooth and apply to a clean face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and pat dry with a towel. With this mask you will never need Botox!

Personally, I liked another interesting banana mask - for whitening the skin from redness after acne. Mix one banana and one teaspoon of lemon juice. The mixture should be applied to problem areas of the facial skin for 10-20 minutes, then rinsed with water. 4 days and any visible signs of acne will disappear.

3. Teeth whitening

Oddly enough, bananas can help get rid of yellowish plaque on teeth. Rub your teeth with a banana peel every day in a circular motion for at least 2-3 minutes. In a few weeks you will see results: your teeth will become whiter.

4. Remedy for warts

Effective remedies in the fight against warts are white vinegar and special creams. But when you don't have them on hand, a banana will help. Crush some of the pulp and apply the pureed mixture to the affected area. If the banana has already been eaten, you can use its peel: rub the skin with the inside of the peel. The fruit has a high potassium content, which allows you to effectively but painlessly remove warts.

5. Caring for indoor plants

The appearance of indoor plants that have not been touched by human hands for a long time can be refreshed, again, with the help of banana peels. Wipe the leaves of the plant with the inside of it. And do not splash water on them - this will make the dirt even worse. Remove dirt from the leaves with a banana peel, your plants will look fresh and well-groomed again.

6. Getting rid of garden aphids

Have aphids in your garden and eating your favorite roses? Dig the crushed skins from eaten bananas into the soil a couple of centimeters around the plant. You'll soon be able to say goodbye to those pesky aphids. Helpful tip: Do not use the whole fruit or skin, otherwise it may attract some animals.

7. Attracting bees and butterflies to the garden

Want to attract more bees and butterflies to your garden to pollinate your plants? Place overripe bananas, after making small holes in them, at some elevation from the ground, approximately just above head level. Insects will happily flock to your garden for such a treat. The main thing is not to overdo it.

8. Remedy for burns, bruises and splinters

In case of a burn or bruise, apply a banana peel with the inner surface to the problem area of ​​the skin. The oil contained in banana skins can help relieve pain. A banana compress helps to cope with calluses, as well as remove deep-seated splinters.

9. Tenderizing lean meats

To make the meat soft and juicy, before baking, wrap the meat in a banana peel, securing it with thread. Special enzymes make tough meat soft. You might as well add a banana or banana skin while frying. This way they will give the meat not only softness, but also a slight sweetness.

10. Like a canvas for painting

When you have absolutely nothing to do, you can practice your drawing skills on a banana, as Australian Jan Gil Park did.

Instead of a brush, use a toothpick. The image is scratched on the banana peel with it. The harder you press, the darker the line will be. After 5 minutes you can see what happened. The resulting drawings are stylized to look like old photographs.

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management

© When using site materials (quotes, tables, images), the source must be indicated.

Banana peel fertilizer has been actively used in indoor gardening for a long time, but in the Russian Federation its properties are not well known. This is most likely a legacy of the USSR, when citrus fruits in the periphery were regularly put on wide sale only on New Year’s Eve, and bananas were “quoted” along with black caviar.

By the way, bananas do not grow on palm trees, as it is written in some places. Bananas are herbaceous plants; Biologically and habitually (in appearance), they have little more in common with palm trees than a well-fed thistle or burdock. And by the way, in addition to dessert bananas, there are also table bananas - plantains. They taste like potatoes, they are prepared in the same way: boiled, fried, baked, stewed. They even make chips. But let's get back to our bananas, i.e. to their skins as raw materials for plant nutrition.

Composition and action

Fertilizer for plants made from banana peels is valuable for its rather high potassium content and slightly lower phosphorus content. It contains little nitrogen, but it does contain calcium and magnesium. Those familiar with agrochemistry understand that such a complex promotes flowering and fruiting. Of course, if the basis for growing green mass - nitrogen - is also sufficient.

Magnesium is especially valuable for indoor plants experiencing chronic lack of light, because promotes photosynthesis. Feeding greenhouse plants with banana fertilizer will have the same beneficial effect, especially in the off-season, when there is not enough light in the greenhouse. However, the plants must receive adequate nutrition, and the soil must be optimally structured; Without good work, the roots and leaves will bend from strain, but in a pot and in a greenhouse there are almost always problems with the nutritional value and structure of the soil. Therefore, feeding with preparations made from banana skins in such cases must be combined with feeding, especially since the latter will also create a barrier to unwanted chemicals from bananas (see below). The cost of humates is low, and the processing costs are negligible.

It is also possible to use fertilizer from banana skins in a non-trivial way - for seedlings and seedlings. Banana fruits are picked unripe and subjected to processing to ensure freshness during transportation and ripening at the time of sale. As a result, the peel of commercial bananas contains an increased content of plant hormones - growth stimulants. Sprouts under the influence of banana fertilizer take root better and develop faster. But, again, with good nutrition and well-structured soil.

Contraindications and precautions

Nothing is perfect, and banana peels as fertilizer are no exception to this rule. The value of bananas as a delicacy and vegetables is that their edible pulp practically does not accumulate foreign substances. Bananas are a kind of “smart” plants that do not waste the substances they themselves need on the substance needed only to attract seed distributors. Although all cultivated varieties of bananas are seedless, the natural biofilter remains in them, and breeders do not intend to get rid of it: this makes it possible to intensively use agrochemicals in banana culture.

When recycling banana waste, the advantage turns into a disadvantage: Fertilizer made from banana skins for fruit crops can be used to a limited extent or prepared in special ways, see below. The “banana biofilter” is located precisely in the peel, and from a production and commercial point of view this is another plus: chemicals can be used to regulate the ripening of fruits, which is what is done - before transporting bananas, they are treated with ammonium sulfate and other substances that delay ripening, and before shipping to distributors - ethylene, “releasing the brakes” on maturity. Their residues in the peel, as well as pesticides (1-2 applications per week for 7-9 months, this is how long bananas ripen to market ripeness), must be removed when preparing the fertilizer.

Note: Washing does not remove unwanted substances from banana skins, as is sometimes written, because... they are contained in the thickness of the peel.

Solanaceae and Asteraceae have a similar internal biofilter, but less effective, so banana peel fertilizer can be used for tomatoes, eggplants and sunflowers. A particularly strong effect is observed at the northern border of the distribution of these crops, But! Banana fertilizers made from fresh raw materials can only be used for seedlings. At the flowering and fruiting stage, it is possible to use fried and dried skins as raw materials for a fertilizer composition, but the former will no longer contain growth stimulants. Banana peel fertilizers are not recommended for all other fruit/grain/bulb food crops other than those specified.

Fertilizing flowers with preparations made from banana skins is largely free from these restrictions, but in this case, you need to know, firstly, that fresh banana peels contain small amounts of substances similar in action to papain, contained in the milky juice of the unripe fruits of the papaya melon tree. Papains soften tough meat perfectly and without side effects, but can also destroy root hairs. Secondly, the concentration of nutrients in fresh banana peels is quite high. Therefore, you can use raw banana skins only by placing them under the roots of seedlings (see figure): while the roots develop, the banana skins will rot in the soil.

But if you put raw banana peels on the ground or mulch crushed soil with them, the effect may either not appear or be the opposite. This is why amateur banana fertilizers give stable results for roses and ferns, although they are also suitable for other flowers.

Note: Fertilizing with raw banana peels for tomatoes can be done as for roses (see figure above), but in the hole for each seedling bush you need to put half a peel, divided into strips 1-1.5 cm wide, and fertilizing before When planting seedlings, sprinkle with soil so that there is no direct contact of the roots with the peel. This method also increases the resistance of seedlings to frost, because When a banana peel rots, its unit mass produces more heat than manure.

Preparation of raw materials

You can make banana skins biologically inactive (while maintaining chemical activity in the form of mineral components) in the following ways:

  • Roasting in the oven or microwave with minimal heating is the worst way. All by-product organic matter is destroyed, but a significant part of the by no means harmless products of its decomposition remains in the raw materials. When this method is systematically used, a harmful and smelly coating forms in the oven or stove chamber.
  • Brewing like tea is the same as roasting.
  • Drying on a radiator or windowsill (need to be covered with gauze from ants and flies) - most of the decomposition products of by-products evaporate, but during a sufficiently long process, rotting and fermentation of the raw material is possible.
  • Freezing in the refrigerator freezer - the end result is similar to drying, only rotting/fermentation is excluded. But you can destroy the refrigerator: the volatile decomposition products of by-product organic matter that have become embedded in the plastic lining cannot be removed.
  • Scalding with boiling water: after 1-1.5 hours, the infusion is drained; For further processing, the sour mass is used - growth stimulants remain in the finished fertilizer, but a certain proportion of proteolytic substances (which can damage the roots) is also retained. In addition, a significant part of the mineral components is lost.
  • Drying in the open air in sunny weather - all mineral components and most of the growth stimulants remain, all other unnecessary organic matter evaporates without a trace. The skins, loosened into strips of 1-1.5 cm, are strung by the tails on a thread, like mushrooms, and dried in sunlight; A breeze is also desirable. The outside temperature is from 15 degrees, as long as it is not damp.


The best way to prepare fertilizer from banana skins is a water extract. 3-4 peels, prepared as described above (the tails must be removed), are placed in a 3-liter jar and filled to the top with water. After 4-5 days, the infusion is drained and filtered (strained). Shelf life in a tightly sealed container is up to a month or more if there are no signs of fermentation. Immediately before use, the mother solution is diluted by half with water.

However, you need to prepare an infusion of banana skins with some precautions, because... Microorganisms very readily grow in it. Biologists and aquarists know that banana skins are an excellent nutrient medium for the culture of slipper ciliates and other protozoa. The step-by-step procedure for preparing banana peel infusion is as follows:

  1. Water for infusion is taken distilled or tap water, boiled in an enamel kettle on gas for at least 10 minutes;
  2. Meanwhile, a stream of steam from the spout of the kettle is used to scald the inside of the jar;
  3. The scalded dishes are placed upside down on a clean rag, as when preparing for home canning;
  4. Cover the spout of the kettle with the same cloth (don’t forget to turn off the burner!);
  5. The infusion is made when the kettle has cooled to 50-40 degrees, i.e. will not burn to the touch;
  6. Immediately after loading the mass and filling with water, the jar is tightly closed and placed in a dark place for aging. It is highly desirable - in a cardboard box, because... Sterilization with improvised means does not provide a 100% guarantee against fermentation. The box will protect neighboring things in case a fermented jar bursts.

For the garden, banana peel fertilizer can be prepared more simply:

Note: This fertilizer cannot be used for root crops and green crops!

Video: example of preparing fertilizer from banana peels


Methods for fertilizing plants with raw banana skins are described above. The aqueous extract from banana peels, as already mentioned, is diluted with water 1:1 immediately before application. Water for dilution can be used tap water or irrigation water, but if a portion of the infusion is not completely used, the water for dilution should not get into the remainder, i.e. The infusion is poured out as much as needed, and the remainder is tightly closed again. Application rates for working solution:

For annual cut flowers, it is also possible to use a fertilizing banana cocktail: grind the fresh peel in a blender with a glass of water and add such a cocktail to the irrigation water at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons per pot/bush. Another option is to dump the resulting slurry onto a rag, allow the concentrate to drain completely, filter it and spray the plants with the filtrate. A banana cocktail for plants provokes rapid flowering, but depletes perennials to the point of death. Very effective for forcing lilies of the valley for the New Year.

Banana fertilizer and insects

There is no doubt that the smell of bananas repels aphids, so rubbing fresh banana peels on the leaves is an effective way to keep aphids indoors. However, banana skins are quite high in sugar, which attracts flies and ants. Therefore, if an anthill is found on the site, you need to apply fertilizer from bananas no earlier than you manage to get rid of the ants.

For a snack with bananas

For plants, of course. Fertilizers that are tasty and nutritious for them can be made not only from banana skins. For example, below is a video about 12 homemade organic fertilizers from food waste. Some of the cooking methods look unappetizing from our point of view, but plants eat them with pleasure and with visible effect.

This is interesting: fertilizers from 12 types of food waste (video)

Useful tips

About the benefits banana pulp everyone has heard a lot. A couple of bananas a day saturates the human body with all the necessary microelements. But no less useful than citrus itself isits peel .

Few people know how useful that same banana skin can be in everyday life, which is usually immediately thrown into the trash. It can be used for the most unexpected purposes: from teeth whitening to eliminating pests in the garden.

Next life hacksThey will make life much easier for the housewife and help her cope with one or another problem in everyday life.

So, having an ordinary banana peel on hand, you can:

How to use banana peel

1. Keep Chicken Breast Juicy While Grilling

Even if you are an excellent cook, frying meat so that it comes out juicy is quite difficult. First of all, this applies to chicken breast.

Chicken meat itself is a bit dry, but when fried it becomes even drier. To make the chicken breast juicy and soft when frying, use banana peels. Before putting the meat in the oven or putting it on the fire, simply place a banana peel on top of it.

It will create a barrier similar to skin, allowing the meat to retain its juices.

Thanks to this simple culinary trick, you can significantly improve the quality of the prepared dish.

2. Make a natural and effective fly trap

If you cannot live without fruits, then this item is definitely for you.

Surely, many housewives have more than once noticed annoying small flies in their kitchen that attack a bowl of fruit. These are the so-called fruit flies that get to the vase of apples and oranges before you.

Make a pest trap and forget about this problem once and for all.

To do this you will need: a large yogurt container, a banana peel, a hammer and a small nail.

Use a hammer and nail to make holes in the lid of the container. Then place the banana peel inside the container and close the lid tightly. Leave this structure near fruits where flies accumulate.

The sweet banana scent will lure them into the container. Attracted by the smell of banana, the midges will crawl inside, but will no longer be able to get out through the tiny holes.

When you notice that the midges have disappeared or their number has decreased significantly, you can throw out the trap.

3. Restoring a scratched CD or DVD disc

If your favorite CD is scratched and therefore does not play cleanly, fix the situation with a banana peel.

Place the disc with the label side down. Turn the banana peel inside out, then use a gentle circular motion to rub the inside of the peel onto the scratched surface of the disk. Banana peel pulp and wax will fill existing scratches without harming the plastic finish.

After this, wash off any wax residue with a soft cloth soaked in glass cleaner. Polish the disc until it is clean. The disc has been rehabilitated and is ready to play.

Benefits of banana peel

4. Rid your garden of aphids

Have you noticed aphids in your garden that are harming your favorite plants? This problem can be solved. Take 2-3 banana peels, dig a hole 2 cm deep at the base of the aphid-infested plant and bury the peel in it.

Aphids and ants cannot tolerate the high concentration of potassium in banana peels. Thus, thanks to this little trick, the hated pests will retreat.

5. Quickly remove ink stains from skin

Did you get your hands dirty due to ink leaking from a ballpoint pen? In this case, water and soap will not fix the problem immediately. This is where an ordinary banana peel comes to the rescue.

Rub the inside of the peel onto the area that was stained with ink. You will be surprised at how quickly, literally before your eyes, the stain will disappear and your skin will become clear.

The fact is that natural oils from banana peels “absorb” oils from ink, thus easily removing stubborn pigment from the skin.

6. Instantly relieve itching from an insect bite

Have you been bitten by mosquitoes and are suffering from terrible itching? Get rid of it without using products containing chemicals.

Take an ordinary banana peel and rub the inside of it onto the itchy area of ​​the skin. Literally immediately you will feel relief, the itching and discomfort from a mosquito bite will pass very quickly.

Banana peel contains a polysaccharide substance, which, penetrating into our skin cells, relieves swelling and inflammation within a few minutes.

Teeth whitening with banana peel

7. Whiten teeth thoroughly and effectively

There is no need to spend a fortune on teeth whitening by purchasing special whitening strips. After all, folk remedies are sometimes no worse than professional ones.

An ordinary banana peel will do the job perfectly. It will make your teeth whiter. Rub them with the inside of a banana peel for 2 minutes every day. Do this after you have thoroughly brushed your teeth.

Banana peels contain astringent, plaque-breaking salicylic acid and mildly whitening citric acid. The combination of these two acids effectively lightens dark spots on teeth without damaging the enamel itself. Thanks to such a simple trick, you will become the owner of a snow-white smile.

8. Eliminate scuffs on leather shoes

If your shoes are in overall good condition, other than some scuffs, the situation can be corrected. Banana peel will come to the rescue.

Thanks to the natural oils and waxes contained in banana peels, they can be used for polishing leather shoes and giving it shine. The potassium in banana peel is an important component for skin care. This microelement, absorbed into the leather product, reduces scuff marks and makes the shoes completely new.

Banana peel for flowers

9. Bring houseplants back to life

Are your house plants depressed, looking dull, tired and not pleasing you with their former beauty? They urgently need to be rehabilitated! Ferns, cacti, and other plants can be restored using banana peels.

Rub the inside of the leaves of the plant with it. It will not only rid the flower of accumulated dust, but also, thanks to the oils contained in the banana peel, will give it a well-groomed and fresh look.

Potassium, which bananas are rich in, also has a beneficial effect on the plant and helps it stay healthy and blooming.

10. Painlessly remove a splinter

It is not always possible to remove a splinter easily and quickly. If this cannot be done using the usual method, you can resort to a little trick using the same banana peel.

Apply it to the wound with the inside. For greater efficiency secure the banana peel with adhesive tape. This way it will come into closer contact with the problem area.

Leave the patch on for at least 30-40 minutes. The enzymes contained in banana peels will draw the splinter to the surface of the skin, after which you can easily remove it. In addition, these enzymes promote healing of the wound formed after removing the splinter.

Properties of banana peel

Banana peel contains a treasure trove nutrients and microelementsV. Due to its healing properties, it can be used as an effective fertilizer for plants. Such a simple “feeding” in the form of a banana peel significantly will increase the quality and quantity of the harvest in your garden and vegetable garden.

In addition, the minerals and antioxidants that bananas are rich in have a positive effect on facial skin, moisturizing it and making it more well-groomed and beautiful. Make a banana peel mask and your skin will thank you. If you don’t have enough time for a full-fledged mask, just wipe it with the inside of a banana peel.

In addition, banana peels can be used for the following purposes:

- To remove warts.

- In the treatment of psoriasis and acne.

- In the treatment of burns, contusions and bruises.

- When healing scratches and cuts.

- To moisturize the skin and prevent early wrinkles.