Modern technologies in working with young children in a preschool educational organization. Workshop for teachers "Modern gaming technologies in the process of sensory development of young children

Galina Alekseeva
Article "Effective use of modern pedagogical technologies in work with children of early preschool age"

Everyone knows how difficult it is to care for delicate flowers, to grow a fruit-bearing tree. Yes, but how amazing is the transformation of a weak sprout into a strong, hardy plant! But is it just to put a person on his feet? It is necessary to help him, an unintelligent kid, gain strength, understand the world around him, teach him to communicate and be independent. This is a very complex and responsible work that requires knowledge, great skill and, of course, love. The work of an educator!

Such crumbs are brought to our group that at first it is difficult to imagine how in 5 years they, talkative and reasonable, will be ready to sit at a desk. In the meantime, they cannot pronounce our names and patronymics, they are firmly attached to their mother, and many are very painfully experiencing separation from her even for several hours. We are gradually becoming second mothers. During this transitional period, it is especially important for the child to be warm, good relations to feel safe.

In that age child's speech is formed. Some children remain silent for a long time or speak in monosyllables, but this does not mean at all that our Job on the development of speech is useless. Children "hoard" words, gain grammatical constructions, just the moment of speaking for them comes later.

Every day I teach and learn. After all, our Job unthinkable without self-development, without reading pedagogical literature without interacting with colleagues. It cannot be known all at once and forever. Experience is gained bit by bit and helps in a difficult, exciting and so necessary business for society - the upbringing of children.

K. Helvetius spoke: "The educator is a magician who opens the door to the world of adults for children". It's nice to feel like a wizard!

my goal work– ensuring the organization pedagogical support children, which allows you to adapt the educational and educational process to the individual characteristics of children, to create conditions for their personal growth.

One of the tasks with young children is to ensure comfortable emotional development and self-development of children and use of innovative technologies and methods in work.

Today we will talk about pedagogical technologies and their effective use in our preschool institution.

Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies, for children the following are acceptable:

1. health-saving technologies;

2. technologies project activities;

3. technology research activities;

4. information and communication technologies;

5. "Case- technology» .

Health saving system technology in working with children includes sports and recreational activities. In our preschool the institution has all the conditions to ensure sufficient level motor activity in the classroom. In a specially equipped hall with all the necessary attributes and equipment, physical education classes are held. We organize our classes in game form, a little imagination - and enough a difficult activity for kids turns into an exciting business. During classes, we take into account the different degree of their mobility, we approach the dosage of physical exercises in a differentiated way. An important factor health-saving technologies we consider working with parents. For holding "feedback" with the family, we offer to use such a form of interaction as a system of homework, teaching parents how to acupressure, respiratory and corrective gymnastics.

The main goal of the design method in preschool institution is the development of free creative personality, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of research activities of children. The tasks of research activities are specific to each age. Thus, in our group the main focus teacher draws on the entry of children into a problematic game situation, the formation of the initial prerequisites for research activities. Parents involved in project activities preschool institutions have established close contact not only with their child, but also with the team of parents and children of the group,

got the opportunity not only to learn about what the child is doing in kindergarten, but also to take an active part in the life of the group, also

were able to realize their creative abilities.

Today, kindergartens are actively equipped with computers, modern audio-video equipment. Usage computer tools is actively included in pedagogical process. In his We use different programs in our work.: Microsoft Office ; Excel ; powerpoint; Office Publisher, early childhood teachers were trained under the program as a student of the Intel program "Learning for the Future".

ICT helps in the selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, in the selection of additional educational material for classes, in acquaintance with the scenarios of holidays and other events, in the exchange of experience, in acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad, in the design of group documentation, reports. The computer makes it easy work of a teacher, will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but enough type the scheme once and then only make the necessary changes. Creating presentations enhances efficiency educational activities With children and pedagogical competencies of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings. The computer has a lot benefits: information in a playful way is of great interest to children; figurative type of information, understandable early childhood preschoolers; movements, sound, animation attracts the attention of the child for a long time; The computer has a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children.

Case- technologies allow interaction between all participants in the educational process, including teacher. In practice preschool education can be widely use case illustrations, case photo.

Case illustrations and case photos activate children's thoughts, develop imagination, the need to communicate with other people, and educate feelings. Data technologies help increase children's interest in the subject being studied, help develop speech.

“If we teach today the way we taught yesterday, we will steal tomorrow from children” (John Dewey) .

Informatization of education opens teachers new opportunities for widespread implementation in pedagogical practice of new methodological developments aimed at the intensification and implementation of innovative ideas of educational, educational and correctional processes. A use of information technology in kindergarten - this is an opportunity to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and improve it efficiency.


1. O. V. Akulova, Theories and technologies speech development of children preschool / O. V. Akulova, O. N. Somkova, O. V. Solntseva, L. M. Gurovich. - M.: Center teacher education, 2008. - 240 p.

2. Gavryuchina L. V. Health saving technology in preschool. -M.: Sphere, 2007.

3. Remezova L. A., Kurenkova O. V., Kostina N. V., Ampletova E. V. Socialization of children in play activities on the present stage of development of preschool education. Samara; Togliatti, 2013.

4. Filippova V. A., Rudenko I. V., Makarova O. B. Interactive technologies in work with preschoolers. Tolyatti TSU Publishing House, 2013.

Use of modern technologies in the process sensory development children of early age.

Prepared by the teacher

At the present stage of the development of human civilization, ideas about the process of forming a person, the priorities of his personal qualities, attitudes and values ​​are changing significantly. The education system, through which almost the entire younger generation passes, is subject to qualitatively different requirements than in the past, in the light of which the pedagogical paradigm that has developed in the industrial era is increasingly revealing its inefficiency.

New educational technologies is the development and public examination of innovative practice-oriented educational programs designed to improve the efficiency of education and achieve state standards based on a variety of means of teaching and educating children with different educational needs and potentialities.

The search for new forms and methods of teaching in our time is not only a natural phenomenon, but also a necessary one.

The modern concept of the formation of a child's conscious and arbitrary attitude to reality highlights the idea that preschool education is an age period for the formation of figurative forms of consciousness. The main forms of consciousness that a child masters at this age are figurative means, sensory standards, various symbols and knowledge that are figurative in nature (A. B. Zaporozhets,).

One of the central places in the general system of upbringing and educational work at early preschool age is occupied by sensory development and the development of practical skills.

Sensory education is aimed at teaching children to accurately, fully perceive objects, their various properties and relationships between them (color, shape, size, location in space).

The value of sensory education was highly appreciated by prominent representatives preschool pedagogy M. Montessori, F. Fröbel.

Sensory development, on the one hand, is the foundation of the overall mental development of the child, and on the other hand, it has independent significance, since full perception is necessary for the successful education of the child in kindergarten, school, and for subsequent active fruitful work. The importance of the sensory development of the child in his future life puts before the theory and practice of preschool education the task of developing and using the most effective means and methods of sensory education in kindergarten.

Sensory development of the child- this is the development of his perception, the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood can hardly be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us.

The main direction of sensory education should be to equip the child with sensory culture. The concept of "sensory culture" entered preschool pedagogy thanks to the works of M. Montessori.

The sensory culture of a child is the result of his assimilation of sensory standards created by mankind. Mastering the sensory standard does not mean learning only to correctly name this or that property. The assimilation of sensory standards is their use as a kind of "units of measurement" in assessing the properties of substances.

Pedagogical research (and others) and the practical experience of preschool educational institutions have proved the need to include the sensory development of preschoolers in all types of children's activities. The level of sensory development is basic, it is one of the conditions for the success of any kind of activity and the formation of a personality.

Studies have shown that the ability to read and count acquired at an early age is not yet sufficient for the child to successfully master the school curriculum in the future and mental development generally. In addition, many children, from an early age focused on formal education, which replaces full-fledged development, at an older age turn out to be low-initiative, unsure of themselves, and are characterized by increased anxiety. dangerous consequence mental and physical overload caused by inadequate form and content of education, the child may develop neurotic diseases (stuttering, obsessive movement syndrome, nervous tics, children's fears, enuresis, etc.)

Modern scientific data, according to K. Landers, indicate that many teaching methods and techniques that are used in working with schoolchildren are not applicable to young children: purely verbal explanations, instructions, frontal exercises do not achieve their goal. For young children, special pedagogical influences are needed that meet their needs and capabilities and contribute to their full development.

The child at each age stage is the most sensitive to certain influences. In this regard, each age stage becomes favorable for further neuropsychic development and comprehensive education of a preschooler. The smaller the child, the more important sensory experience is in his life. At the stage of early childhood, familiarization with the properties of objects plays a decisive role. The professor called early age the "golden time" of sensory education.

The topic of sensory development of young children is relevant for society as a whole, because at present the problem of the development of children of primary preschool age is increasingly of concern to psychologists, teachers, and parents.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical research on the problem of sensory development of children of early preschool age caused a number of contradictions:

1. The rapid development of modern educational technologies and the insufficient reflection of relevant innovations in the process of sensory development of young children.

2. The need to use new pedagogical technologies for the sensory development of early preschool age and the lack of knowledge of the features of activities that contribute to improving the efficiency of developing processes.

The need to find ways to overcome these contradictions determines the relevance of this work experience.

Target: sensory development of young children through the use of modern technologies.


1. Reveal the relevance and justify the ways of sensory development of young children using modern technologies.

2. To study the features of modern technologies and ways to achieve the sensory development of early age children.

3. Develop, test and determine the effectiveness of modern technologies that contribute to the sensory development of children of early preschool age.

4. Evaluate the effectiveness of working with young children and summarize work experience.

The process of sensory development of young children will be effective in the implementation of the following P principles:

The basis first principle enrichment and deepening of the content of sensory education is supposed, which involves the formation in children from an early age of a broad orientation in the subject environment, i.e. not only the traditional familiarization with the color, shape and size of objects, but also the improvement of sound analysis of speech, the formation of musical ear, development muscle feeling, etc., taking into account the important role that these processes play in the implementation of musical, visual activity, speech communication, simple labor operations, etc.

Second principle involves a combination of learning sensory actions with various types of meaningful activities for children. In the process of these activities, the child is guided by the properties and qualities of objects, taking into account their importance in solving important life problems. In most cases, they do not act on their own, but as signs of more important qualities that cannot be observed (the size and color of the fruits are signals of their maturity). Therefore, the improvement of sensory education should be aimed at clarifying the meaning of the properties of objects and phenomena or clarifying their "signal meaning".

third principle the message to children of generalized knowledge and skills related to orientation in the surrounding reality is predetermined. The properties and qualities of objects and phenomena are so diverse that it is impossible to familiarize a child with all of them without limitation, as well as to communicate to him knowledge about each of them separately. The correct orientation of children in the environment can be achieved as a result of specific actions to examine the size, shape, and color of objects. Of particular value are generalized methods for examining a certain kind of qualities that serve to solve a number of similar problems.

Fourth principle sensory education involves the formation of systematized ideas about the properties and qualities that are the basis - the standards for the examination of any subject, i.e. the child must correlate the information received with the knowledge and experience he already has. Very early, the child begins to use his knowledge as a means of perceiving and understanding a new subject.

The leading role of the teacher in mastering any activity is another principle. It should be emphasized that the main task of the teacher is to interest the child in some new and useful activity, to stimulate his own activity and emotional involvement in educational games, and in this sense to lead.

To resolve the indicated contradictions, new approaches to the search for effective means, methods, and pedagogical technologies are needed.

According to Russian and foreign teachers, one of such teaching aids at the present time is LEGO DACTA construction sets, which have a number of characteristics that significantly distinguish them from other construction sets, primarily a wide range of possibilities, versatility, modern technical and aesthetic characteristics, and their use in various gaming and educational purposes.

Let's designate what psychophysical characteristics develop in children of early preschool age in the process of learning using LEGO DACTA technology:

1. Development of mental processes:

- memory (didactic game "Remember and collect");

- attention (didactic game "What has changed");

2. Development of sensory standards:

- color (didactic game "Snake");

- form (didactic game "Twins");

- value (didactic games "Spin the top and choose", "Towers");

3. Development of speech:

- didactic games "Back to back", "Small projects", "Guess my model", "Fictions";

4. Acquaintance with the outside world:

- didactic games "Getting to know the rules traffic"," Acquaintance with the styles of architecture and the design of buildings.

As a result of activities using this type of constructor, children learn to connect constructor parts in various ways, read assembly diagrams and work on them, represent and protect their model.

In preschool pedagogy, the technique using LEGO DACTA constructors in our country is engaged. The teacher offers a system of work on the course "Modeling of objects of the real world by means of LEGO DACTA constructors".

Target - development of children's abilities for visual modeling.

Main tasks:

- development of the ability to analyze an object, that is, to highlight its characteristic features, functional main parts, to establish a connection between their purpose and structure;

- training in planning the process of creating your own model and a joint project;

- stimulation of constructive imagination when creating a building according to one's own design - on a proposed or free topic;

- familiarization with the surrounding reality;

- the formation of the ability to act in accordance with the instructions of the teacher and convey the features of objects using the LEGO DACTA constructor;

- development of speech and communication skills.

Types of organization of activities:

- according to the sample;

- on cards with models that are attached to the LEGO DACTA constructor;

1. First acquaintance and contact with the designers of LEGO DACTA. Children get acquainted with individual sets and the opportunities that these sets provide them.

2. Formulation of the problem. Children are given a task to solve with the help of a constructor. For example: "my house"; "my room"; various situational problems and phenomena that are related to the surrounding reality.

3. Completion of the task. Children have the opportunity to work individually and in a team, they ask themselves topics; they perform the task based on their own ideas, previous experience and knowledge.

4. Presentation of the results of the work. Children are given the opportunity to demonstrate their work. Success gives each child a positive motivation and has not only a positive impact on his knowledge, but also has an effect: there is a change in self-perception, awareness of one's own reserves.

The strongest influence on the process of sensory development of young children has Sensory room. Work in the sensory room is carried out both with a group of children and individually.

The sensory room allows you to expand life experience children, enrich their sensory world and gain self-confidence. The presence of a soft covering of the floor and walls of the room reduces the feeling of fear in children when falling. Classes in the Sensory Room help to improve active, independent motor skills, manipulative activity, mastering the body scheme, hand-eye coordination.

The method of work in the Sensory Room is based on the gradual inclusion of sensory sensations, the individual selection of exercises for the development of sensory skills.

Steps to work in the Sensory Room:

1. The development of tactile and kinesthetic sensations, since skin-kinesthetic sensitivity is the basis for the formation of visual and auditory perception. In addition, kinesthetic sensitivity is the basis of all types of movements.

2. Development of auditory, visual, olfactory, taste sensations.

In groups, work is carried out with the simultaneous participation of children and their parents. Situations are created when the child should be on a par with the mother or even help the mother in some activity. In subsequent activities, situations are played out when children are left alone, without parents.

In group activities, communication skills are developed. However, a child’s communication is not only the ability to make contact and conduct a conversation with an interlocutor, but also the ability to listen carefully and actively, use facial expressions and gestures to more effectively express one’s thoughts, as well as awareness of the characteristics of oneself and other people and take them into account in the course of communication. .

All exercises in organized activities will be useful only when the child wants to do them.


Improving the activity of the sense organs, the accumulation of ideas about the world around young children is the result of the targeted use of modern technologies for sensory development.


Thus, the use of modern technologies contributes to the sensory development of young children and improves the efficiency of developmental processes.

The process of reorganization of the entire education system, which has been going on for many years, makes high demands on the organization of preschool education and training, and intensifies the search for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches to this process.

Innovative processes at the present stage of development of society affect, first of all, the system of preschool education, as the initial stage of revealing the potential abilities of the child. The development of preschool education, the transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies.

Innovations define new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the personality of the child, on the development of his abilities.

At the present stage of Russia's development, changes are taking place in educational processes: the content of education is becoming more complicated, focusing the attention of preschool teachers on the development of children's creative and intellectual abilities, correction of emotional-volitional and motor spheres; traditional methods are being replaced by active methods of education and upbringing aimed at enhancing the cognitive development of the child. In these changing conditions, a preschool teacher needs to be able to navigate the variety of integrative approaches to the development of children, in a wide range of modern technologies.

Innovative technologies are a system of methods, ways, methods of teaching, educational means aimed at achieving a positive result through dynamic changes in personal development child in modern sociocultural conditions. Pedagogical innovations can either change the processes of education and training, or improve. Innovative technologies combine progressive creative technologies and stereotypical elements of education that have proven their effectiveness in the process of pedagogical activity.

The following reasons for the emergence of innovations in preschool education can be identified: scientific research; sociocultural environment - the need for preschool educational institutions in new pedagogical systems; creative variability of teachers; parents' interest in achieving positive dynamics in the development of children.

The concept of pedagogical technology includes:

    conceptual framework;

    technological part (organization of the educational process, methods and forms of educational activities, methods and forms of the teacher's work; diagnostics).

According to G. K. Selevko, any pedagogical technology must meet certain basic methodological requirements (technological criteria).

Conceptuality involves reliance on a certain scientific concept, including the philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals.

Consistency includes Availability all features of the system: the logic of the process, the relationship of all its parts, integrity.

Controllability enables diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, variation by means and methods in order to correct the results.

Efficiency sees optimality in terms of costs, a guarantee of achieving a certain standard of education.

Reproducibility implies the possibility of application (repetition, reproduction) of pedagogical technology in other educational institutions of the same type, by other subjects.

Based on the analysis of pedagogical technologies carried out by G. N. Selevko, the following technologies used in the system of preschool education can be distinguished: developmental learning technologies, problem-based learning technologies, gaming technologies, computer technologies, alternative technologies.

concept « gaming pedagogical technologies » includes a fairly large group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various educational games.

Unlike games in general the pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of learning and the corresponding pedagogical result, which can be substantiated, clearly identified and characterized by a cognitive orientation.

The game form of classes is created by game motivation, which acts as a means of inducing, stimulating children to learning activities.

The implementation of game techniques and situations in the classroom takes place in the following main areas:

    the didactic goal is set for children in the form of a game task;

    educational activity is subject to the rules of the game;

    educational material is used as its means;

    an element of competition is introduced into the educational activity, which translates the didactic task into a game one;

    successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result.

The place and role of game technology in the educational process, the combination of game and learning elements largely depend on the teacher's understanding of the functions and classification of pedagogical games.

The following groups are distinguished by the nature of the pedagogical process:

    teaching, training, controlling and summarizing;

    cognitive, educational, developing;

    reproductive, productive, creative;

    communicative, diagnostic, psychotechnical, etc.

The specifics of gaming technology are largely determined by the gaming environment: there are games with and without objects, desktop-printed; indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer and with TCO, as well as with various means of transportation.

The psychological mechanisms of gaming activity are based on the fundamental needs of the individual in self-expression, self-affirmation, self-regulation, self-realization.

aim gaming technologies is the solution of a number of tasks:

    didactic (expansion of horizons, cognitive activity; the formation of certain skills and abilities necessary in practical activities, etc.);

    developing (development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, fantasy, creative ideas, the ability to establish patterns, find optimal solutions, etc.);

    educators (education of independence, will, formation of moral, aesthetic and worldview positions, education of cooperation, collectivism, sociability, etc.);

    socializing (initiation to the norms and values ​​of society; adaptation to environmental conditions, etc.).

Game technologies are widely used in preschool age, as the game is the leading activity during this period. Role play By the third year of life, the child masters, gets acquainted with human relations, begins to distinguish between the external and internal sides of phenomena, discovers the presence of experiences in himself and begins to orient himself in them.

The child develops an imagination and a symbolic function of consciousness, which allow him to transfer the properties of some things to others, an orientation in his own feelings arises and the skills of their cultural expression are formed, which allows the child to be included in collective activities and communication.

As a result of the development of play activities in the preschool period, readiness for socially significant and socially valued learning activities is formed.

Problem learning technology is based on the theoretical positions of the American philosopher, psychologist and teacher D. Dewey. Today under problem learning is understood as such an organization of training sessions that involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of mental abilities.

The goal of problem technology is the acquisition of ZUN, the assimilation of methods of independent activity, the development of cognitive and creativity.

Problem-based learning is based on the creation of a special type of motivation - problematic, therefore, it requires an adequate construction of the didactic content of the material, which should be presented as a chain of problem situations.

Problem situations can be different in terms of the content of the unknown, in terms of the level of problematicness, in terms of the type of information mismatch, and in other methodological features.

Problem methods - these are methods based on the creation of problem situations, active cognitive activity of students, consisting in the search and solution of complex issues that require the actualization of knowledge, analysis, the ability to see a phenomenon, a law behind individual facts.

In the modern theory of problem-based learning, two types of problem situations are distinguished: psychological And pedagogical. The first concerns the activities of students, the second represents the organization of the educational process.

The pedagogical problem situation is created with the help of activating actions, questions of the teacher, emphasizing the novelty, importance, beauty and other distinctive qualities of the object of knowledge. The creation of a psychological problem situation is purely individual. Neither too difficult nor too easy cognitive task creates a problem situation for children. Problem situations can be created at all stages of the learning process: during explanation, consolidation, control.

At the core developmental learning technologies lies a theory that originates in the works of I. G. Pestalozzi, K. D. Ushinsky and others. to the main target. According to his hypothesis, knowledge is not the ultimate goal of learning, but only the environment for the development of students.

The ideas of L. S. Vygotsky were developed and substantiated within the framework of the psychological theory of activity by A. N. Leontiev, P. Ya. Galperin and others). As a result of the revision of traditional ideas about development and its relationship with education, the formation of the child as a subject of various types of human activity was brought to the fore.

The theory of developing learning was further developed in the experimental works of L. V. Zankov, D. B. Elkonin, V. V. Davydov and others. In their concepts, learning and development appear as a system of dialectically interconnected aspects of one process. Education is recognized as the driving force behind the mental development of the child, the formation of his entire set of personality traits. Currently, within the framework of the concept of developmental education, a number of technologies have been developed that differ in target orientations, features of content and methodology.

According to V. V. Davydov, developmental learning is understood as a new, active-activity way (type) of learning, replacing the explanatory-illustrative way (type). In the technology of developing education, the child is assigned the role of an independent subject interacting with the environment. This interaction includes all stages of activity: goal setting, planning and organization, implementation of goals, analysis of performance results. Developing education is aimed at developing the entire set of personality traits.

Developmental learning takes place in the child's zone of proximal development. L. S. Vygotsky wrote: “Pedagogy should focus not on yesterday, but on the future of child development.” He singled out two levels in the development of the child: 1) the sphere (level) of actual development - already formed qualities and what the child can do independently; 2) the zone of proximal development - those activities that the child is not yet able to independently perform, but which he can cope with with the help of adults.

The zone of proximal development is a greater or lesser opportunity to move from what the child can do on his own to what he can and knows how to do in cooperation.

An essential feature of developmental learning is that it creates a zone of proximal development, causes, induces, sets in motion internal processes mental innovations.

Information technology in the pedagogy of education, all technologies using special technical information tools (computers, audio, video) are called. Computers have become widely used in education, the term appeared - "computer learning technology ». Computer technologies develop the ideas of programmed learning, open up completely new technological options that have not yet been explored, connected with the unique capabilities of modern computers and communications. Computer (new information) learning technologies are the processes of preparing and transmitting information to the student through a computer.

The purpose of computer technology is the formation of skills to work with information, the development of communication skills, the preparation of the personality of the "information society", the formation of research skills, the ability to make optimal decisions.

In a broad sense, under alternative technologies It is customary to consider those that oppose the traditional system of education by any of its sides, whether it be goals, content, forms, methods, attitudes, positions of participants in the pedagogical process. From this point of view, any innovation can claim the status of an alternative technology.

Alternative technologies involve the rejection of both the traditional conceptual foundations of the pedagogical process (social-philosophical, psychological), generally accepted organizational, content and methodological principles, and replacing them with other, alternative ones.

Technology of developing games B. P. Nikitina. The game activity program consists of a set educational games, which, for all their diversity, come from a common idea and have characteristic features.

Each game is a set of tasks that a child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares made of cardboard or plastic, parts from a mechanical designer, etc. In his books, B.P. Nikitin offers educational games with cubes, patterns, frames, and Montessori inserts, unicubus, plans and maps, squares, Guess sets, hundreds tables, dots, clocks, thermometer, bricks, cubes, constructors. Children play with balls, ropes, rubber bands, pebbles, nuts, corks, buttons, sticks, etc., etc. Object educational games underlie construction, labor and technical games and are directly related to intelligence.

Tasks are given to the child in various forms: in the form of a model, a flat isometric drawing, a drawing, written or oral instructions, etc., and thus introduce him to different ways of transmitting information.

Tasks have a very wide range of difficulties: from sometimes accessible to a two-three-year-old baby to overwhelming for an average adult. Therefore, games can arouse interest for many years (until adulthood). The gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks in games allows the child to go ahead and improve independently, that is, to develop his creative abilities, in contrast to education, where everything is explained and where, basically, only the performing traits in the child are formed.

The solution of the problem appears before the child not in the abstract form of the answer to a logical problem, but in the form of a drawing, a pattern or a structure made of cubes, details of a designer, that is, in the form of visible and tangible things. This allows you to visually compare the “task” with the “solution” and check the accuracy of the task yourself.

In developing games (this is their main feature) it is possible to combine one of the basic principles of learning - from simple to complex - with a very important principle of creative activity independently according to abilities, when a child can rise to the "ceiling" of his abilities.

According to B.P. Nikitin, this union made it possible to solve several problems related to the development of creative abilities in the game at once: educational games can provide “food” for the development of creative abilities from the very beginning. early age; task-steps always create conditions, leading ability development; doing every time independently to its "ceiling", the child develops most successfully.

Educational games can be very varied in content, like any game, they do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity.

Program "From childhood to adolescence" (supervisor T.N. Doronova) was conceived and developed as a comprehensive program for parents and teachers raising children aged 4 to 10 years, and is a synthesis of monopedagogical technology for adults interested in improving the health of children, in timely and full development, education and preparation for immersion in the education system.

Target the program is to create favorable conditions for education in the family and educational institution aimed at developing the personality of the child, his talents and abilities as ways of independently solving creative and other problems, developing curiosity as the basis for the cognitive activity of the future student.

Organized, purposeful intellectual and cognitive activity, including latent, real and indirect learning, becomes the key of pedagogical technology.

Latent learning is provided by the presence of sensory and informational experience, which creates a base of clear and unclear knowledge (according to the terminology of N. N. Poddyakov). The accumulation of spontaneous experience can be organized through an enriched subject environment; specially thought out and motivated independent activity (domestic, labor, constructive); creative productive activity; cognitive intellectual communication with adults.

Real learning, which is allocated a relatively small proportion of time in the overall educational process, occurs as a specially organized cognitive activity of the entire group or a separate subgroup of children. Problem-search situations that are used in real learning contribute to the development of ideas based on heuristic methods, when concepts and dependencies are discovered by the child on his own, when he himself begins to understand the most important patterns.

mediated training involves the inclusion of a widely organized pedagogy of cooperation, game problem-practical situations, joint performance of tasks, mutual control, mutual learning in the game library created by children, the use of various types of holidays and leisure activities.

Program "Childhood" developed by the team of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen - V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva and others.

Program objectives:

    development in children on the basis of different educational content of emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize, readiness for the manifestation of a humane attitude in children's activities, behavior, actions;

    to promote the development of cognitive activity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities and speech;

    development of children's creative activity, imagination;

    strengthening mental and physical health child.

The program and pedagogical technology are aimed at ensuring a single process of socialization and individualization of the individual. The technology is based on the integration of knowledge, communication with adults and peers, games and other types of children's activities.

The introduction of the child into the world around him is carried out through his interaction with various spheres of being and culture. The program includes works of oral folk art, folk games, music and dances, arts and crafts of Russia.

Learning in the classroom is aimed at systematizing, deepening and generalizing the child's personal experience. The number of classes and their duration are not regulated. The teacher is given the right to independently determine the need for conducting, content, method of organization and place in the daily routine.

The program, focused on the social and personal development of the child, the upbringing of a positive attitude towards the outside world, includes a new important section "Attitude towards oneself."

The program consists of three parts in accordance with the three stages of preschool age - junior (third and fourth years of life), middle (fifth year of life) and senior preschool age (sixth and seventh years of life).

    characteristic age period, achievements and prospects for the development of the child;

    features of the field of activity (communication, perception);

    general tasks of education;

    representations (orientations);

    practical skills;

    levels of mastering skills (low, medium, high);


In accordance with the characteristics of the cognitive activity of a preschooler, the program ensures the development of visual-figurative thinking and imagination. The development of curiosity and cognitive activity characteristic of preschoolers is stimulated due to the saturation of the program with cognitive tasks and the expansion of the range of objects of knowledge (people and their relationships, the world of objects, labor activity, nature, art).

The educator fills the daily life of children with problems, ideas, includes each child in meaningful activities, promotes the realization of children's interests and vital activity. By organizing the activities of children, the educator develops in each child the desire to show initiative and independence, to find a reasonable and worthy way out of various life situations.

The pedagogical process also includes the organization of independent activities of children. To this end, a developing pedagogical environment is created, pedagogically expedient interaction between an adult and a child is organized. The main concerns of the teacher are related to the development of interests, abilities of each child, stimulation of activity, independence. Activity in the conditions of an enriched developing pedagogical environment allows the child to show inquisitiveness, curiosity, to learn about the environment without coercion, to strive for a creative display of what is known. In a developing environment, the child realizes his right to freedom of choice of activities.

The construction of the pedagogical process involves the predominant use of visual-practical methods and ways of organizing activities: observations, excursions, elementary experiments and experimentation, game problem situations.

An obligatory element of the lifestyle of older preschoolers is participation in resolving problem situations, in conducting elementary experiments (with water, snow, air, magnets, magnifying glasses), in educational games, puzzles, in making homemade toys, the simplest mechanisms and models. The educator, by his example, encourages children to independently search for answers to emerging questions: he draws attention to new, unusual features of the object, makes guesses, turns to children for help, aims at experimentation, reasoning, and suggestion.

Development Program (L. A. Venger, O. M. Dyachenko, N. S. Barentseva, etc.)

The Development program was developed by the staff of the L. A. Wenger Training Center.

The first is the theory of A. V. Zaporozhets about the inherent value of the preschool period of development, the transition from a utilitarian understanding of preschool childhood to its humanistic understanding. Setting on "self-worth" implies the absence of any kind of violence against the child, the imposition of activities and forms of education alien to his interests and inclinations. The life of a child can be full, provided that he feels himself not being taken care of, but a “creator”, discovering something new for himself, joining the world of adults. According to this theory, the main path of development of the child is the amplification of development, i.e., its enrichment, filling it with the most significant forms and methods of activity for the preschooler.

The second is the concept of L. A. Wenger about the development of abilities, which are understood as universal actions of orientation in the environment with the help of means of solving problems specific to preschoolers. The main thing here is the construction and use of images that correspond to the forms of displaying the properties of objects and phenomena fixed in human culture, their connections and relationships. In the process of perception, these are images that correspond to sensory standards, generally accepted samples of external properties (shapes, colors, sizes, etc.). In the process of visual-figurative thinking and imagination, they correspond to various types of visual models (schemes, drawings, plans, etc.). The Development program is based on a personality-oriented model of education, which involves the creation of relations of cooperation and partnership between adults and children.

Purpose: development of the mental and artistic abilities of the child, as well as the development of specific activities of the preschooler.

The objectives of the program include the development of:

    sensory abilities and the assimilation of symbols, which are a prerequisite for the subsequent development of the cognitive and creative, intellectual abilities of the child; development of emotional responsiveness to means fiction, painting, music;

    abilities for visual modeling;

    elements of logical thinking.

The development in children of abilities characteristic of their age is manifested in the ability to independently analyze the situation, create an idea for a future product and a plan for its implementation, and in the development of decentration.

The Development program is designed for four age groups: junior, middle, senior and preparatory.

The technology of the "Development" program requires the establishment of new relationships between adults and children based on a personality-oriented model of education, involves the use of new forms and methods. Developing education is characterized by an independent search for a child in solving various problems, meaningful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of activity, independence.

TRIZ technology

TRIZ- the theory of inventive problem solving. The founder is Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller. The main idea of ​​his technology is that technical systems arise and develop not “at random”, but according to certain laws: these laws can be learned and used for conscious - without many empty trials - solving inventive problems. TRIZ turns the production of new technical ideas into an exact science, since the solution of inventive problems is based on a system of logical operations.

The technology of G. S. Altshuller has been successfully used for many years in working with children at the stations of young technicians, where its second part appeared - creative pedagogy, and then a new section of TRIZ - the theory of the development of a creative personality.

Currently, technical TRIZ techniques and methods are successfully used in kindergartens to develop inventive ingenuity, creative imagination, and dialectical thinking among preschoolers.

The purpose of TRIZ is not just to develop the imagination of children, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the ongoing processes. To give educators a tool for concrete practical education in children of the qualities of a creative personality, capable of understanding the unity and contradiction of the world around them, and solving their little problems.

The starting position of the TRIZ concept in relation to the preschooler is the principle of nature-based learning. When teaching a child, the teacher must go from his nature. As well as the position of L. S. Vygotsky that the preschooler accepts the training program to the extent that it becomes his own.

The TRIZ program for preschoolers is a program of collective games and activities with detailed methodological recommendations for educators. All classes and games involve the child's independent choice of topic, material and type of activity. They teach children to identify the contradictory properties of objects, phenomena and resolve these contradictions. Conflict resolution is the key to creative thinking.

The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. The teacher should not give ready-made knowledge to children, reveal the truth to them, he should teach them to find it. Learning to solve creative inventive problems is carried out in several stages.

At the first stage, classes are given not as a form, but as a search for truth and essence. The child is brought to the problem of the multifunctional use of the object.

The next stage is the "mystery of the double" or the identification of contradictions in an object, a phenomenon, when something in it is good, and something is bad, something is harmful, something interferes, but something is needed.

The next step is conflict resolution. To resolve contradictions, there is a whole system of gaming and fairy-tale tasks. For example, the task: "How can you transfer water in a sieve?" The educator forms a contradiction, water must be in the sieve in order to transfer it, and there should not be water, since it cannot be transferred in the sieve - it will flow out. The contradiction is resolved by changing the state of aggregation of the substance - water. The water will be in the sieve in a modified form (ice) and it will not be there, since ice is not water. The solution to the problem is to transfer water in the form of ice in a sieve.

At the stage of invention, the main task is to teach children to look for and find their own solution. The invention of children is expressed in creative imagination, in consideration, in inventing something new. To do this, children are offered a number of special tasks. For example, think of a new study chair that you would like to sit on. Come up with a new toy, etc.

The next stage of work on the TRIZ program is solving fairy tale problems and inventing new fairy tales using special methods. All this work includes different types of children's activities - playing, speech, drawing, modeling, applique, design, etc.

At the last stage, relying on the acquired knowledge, intuition, using original solutions problems, the baby learns to find a way out of any difficult situation. Here the educator only observes, the child counts on own forces, their mental and creative potentials. Situations can be different, from any area of ​​human activity. Children are also placed in experimental situations where it is necessary to make decisions quickly.

The TRIZ program provides educators and children with creative methods and tools that a person masters regardless of their age. Owning a single instrument, children and adults can more easily find a common language, understand each other.

Pedagogy of Maria Montessori

The essence of the pedagogical theory of M. Montessori is characterized by three leading provisions:

    education should be free.

    education should be individual.

    education should be based on observations of the child.

Ensuring these factors is the main task of education. Based on the data of physiology, anthropometric characteristics of children from 3 to 7 years old, the teacher finds means to provide and facilitate the child “his complex inner work of mental adaptation, spiritual growth. and a skillfully instrumented program for the development of each child.

As components of the pedagogical process, M. Montessori singled out the need for anthropometric measurements, organization of the environment, classroom furniture, education of independence, the abolition of competitions between children, the absence of rewards and punishments, proper nutrition of the child, gymnastics, education of feelings, development of strength.

Montessori didactic materials and work with them attract great attention. Games, classes, exercises with didactic materials allow developing visual-distinctive perception of sizes, shapes, colors, sound recognition, definition of space and time, contribute to mathematical development and development of speech.

M. Montessori made high demands on the personality and professional skills of the teacher. The teacher at the Montessori school does not influence the child directly, but through didactic materials, indirectly, but clearly imagines the development program of each child.

The deep humanism of the upbringing and educational system of M. Montessori is due to the need to train, educate and develop a child who is able to successfully operate in society, to be a worthy and original citizen of the country.

Waldorf pedagogy is an international cultural and educational movement founded by the philosopher Rudolf Steiner.

The goal of Waldorf pedagogy is to create equal conditions for children with different abilities and social origins, to develop the hidden abilities and properties of the child.

The approach to man as a whole is the main pedagogical principle at all stages of the Waldorf school.

The learning process is built in accordance with the age characteristics of the child and changes significantly during the transition from the first seven years of a child's life to the second and from the second to the third.

Teachers and theorists of the Waldorf school believe that the first great era of raising a child up to about the age of seven is determined by the fact that in the child the soul and spirit have not yet come to inner self-consciousness - they are much more closely connected with the processes of the child's bodily development than in later life. The consciousness of the child and his experiences depend on what impressions from the surrounding life he perceives with his feelings. The main form of learning during this period of life is first direct and then indirect imitation. Imitative activity affects the development of elementary skills, the formation of orientations in the environment.

One of the principles of Waldorf pedagogy is the principle of authority. Children learn in dialogue, but imitate who they want, who will win their trust.

In the Waldorf school and kindergarten, equal attention is paid to the development of the mental, emotional and volitional sides of the personality. Any items or activities do not have an advantage over others. Along with the theoretical sciences, there are classes in applied and artistic activities, since it is art that gives rise to a holistic worldview, and figurative thinking is natural for a child. Artistic disciplines - painting, sculpture, modeling, drama, playing various musical instruments - occupy a large place in the classroom.

Waldorf kindergarten exists on the basis of self-government: all the most important organizational issues are resolved by the teaching staff and parents. There are no upper management instances over the institution. One of the features of the functioning of institutions is the role of parents who know their duties and the essence of work in working groups and committees. Therefore, they say that Waldorf pedagogy always "grows from below, and is not built from above." In joint teacher-parent associations, issues of construction, holding joint holidays, and relations with government organizations are resolved.

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Course work

Subject:Modern technologies of speech development of preschool children

Yagupyeva Galina Vladimirovna


1. Fundamentals of the development of speech of preschool children

1.1 Patterns of speech development of preschool children

1.2 The development of speech of preschool children based on an integrated approach

1.3 Modern technologies and pedagogical conditions for the development of speech of preschoolers

2. Features of the development of speech in preschool age

2.1 The process of speech development in preschool age

2.2 Fundamental tasks in the development of speech





At preschool age, speech develops - this is the main form of communication. The path through which a child passes for the first years of his life is truly grandiose. The speech of a small child is formed from communication with adults around him, and in a preschool institution and in classes for the development of speech. In the process of communication, his cognitive and objective activity is manifested. Mastering speech rebuilds the baby's psyche, allows him to perceive phenomena more consciously and voluntarily.

An important acquisition of a child in preschool age is the acquisition of a native language. Why acquisitions, but because speech is not given to a person from birth. Some time passes, and only then the child begins to speak. Adults must make a lot of efforts so that the child's speech develops correctly and in a timely manner.

K.D. Ushinsky said that the native word is the basis of all mental development and the treasury of all knowledge. Timely and correct mastery of speech by a child is essential condition full mental development and one of the directions in the pedagogical work of a preschool institution. Without well-developed speech, there is no real communication, no real progress in learning.

The development of speech is a long and complex process, creative, and only for this reason it is necessary that children master their native language well, speak correctly and beautifully. The sooner (as age features) we can teach the child to speak correctly, the easier he will feel in the team.

Preschool age - it is during this period that the child actively learns the spoken language, speech develops and becomes - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. The sensitive period of development occurs in preschool childhood, i.e. full mastery of the native language is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children. The sooner we teach our native language, the easier it will be for the child to use it in the future.

At preschool age, children expand their social circle. They become more independent, and begin to communicate with a wider range of people, especially with peers. Expanding the circle of communication requires the child to fully master the means of communication, the main of which is speech. The increasing complexity of the child's activity also makes high demands on the development of speech.

In working with preschool children on the speech development of children, you need to use the following means:

communication between adults and children

· cultural language environment

teaching native speech and language in the classroom

different types of art (visual, music, theater)

· fiction

When introducing children to the outside world, we expand the horizons of children, develop and enrich speech. Riddles are of great importance in the formation of the ability to be creative: logical thinking (the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, compare), elements of heuristic thinking (the ability to put forward hypotheses, associativity, flexibility, critical thinking). K.D. Ushinsky said: “I did not place the riddle with the aim that the child would guess the riddle himself, although this can often happen, since many riddles are simple; but in order to deliver the mind of the child useful exercise; fit a riddle to give rise to an interesting and complete class conversation, which will be fixed in the mind of the child precisely because a picturesque and interesting riddle for him will lie firmly in his memory, dragging along with it all the explanations attached to it.

At present, the requirements for the speech development of preschool children have increased. Children must reach a certain level of development of speech activity, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, move from dialogical speech to a related statement. We must develop in children not only the skills of correct speech, but also to form it so that the speech is expressive, figurative.

The development of the speech of preschool children has developed into an independent pedagogical discipline, separated from preschool pedagogy recently, in the thirties of this century, under the influence of social need: to provide a theoretically sound solution to the problems of speech development of children in the conditions of public preschool education.

The methodology for the development of speech first developed as an empirical discipline based on practical work with children. Research in the field of the psychology of speech played an important role in generalizing and comprehending the experience of working with children. Analyzing the path of methodology development, we can note the close relationship between methodological theory and practice. The needs of practice were the driving force behind the development of methodology as a science.

On the other hand, methodological theory helps pedagogical practice. An educator who does not know the methodological theory is not guaranteed against erroneous decisions and actions, cannot be sure of the correct choice of content, methodological methods of working with children. Without knowledge of the objective laws of speech development, using only ready-made recipes, the teacher will not be able to ensure the proper level of development of each pupil.

1. R basicsdevelopIspeech of preschool children

1.1 Patterns of speech development of preschool children

The pattern of speech development is called the dependence of the intensity of the formation of speech skills on the developing potential of the language environment - natural (in home schooling) or artificial, that is, a language environment specially prepared by methodological means (in preschool institutions).

The patterns of speech development of preschool children are considered in the works of such teachers, psychologists as A.N. Gvozdev, L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.A. Leontiev, F.A. Sokhin and others.

A study on the topic "Issues of the study of children's speech" (1961) was conducted by A.N. Gvozdev. He suggested referring to the conditional standard of patterns of children's mastery of their native language. Over the development of children's speech during many years of observation, A.N. Gvozdev was able to identify three periods in the formation of children's speech.

First period: from 1 year 3 months. up to 1 year 10 months This period consists of sentences consisting of amorphous root words, they are used in one unchanged form in all cases where they are used.

The first verbal manifestations of the child show that the babbling child initially "selects" from the adult's speech addressed to him those words that are accessible to his articulation.

As soon as they have mastered the minimum, children can manage with the set of sounds that they were able to acquire according to their speech and motor abilities. The transition from simple imitation of sounds to the reproduction of words opens up opportunities for the accumulation of a new vocabulary, which moves the child from the category of non-speaking children to the category of poorly speaking children. Sometimes in their speech, children may allow omissions of syllables in words, it happens whole line words that are distorted ("yaba" - apple, "mako" - milk, etc.).

· The second period of formation of children's speech: from 1 year 10 months. up to 3 years. In such a period when the child learns the grammatical structure of the sentence associated with the formation of grammatical categories and their external expression.

At this stage, children begin to understand the relationship of words in a sentence. In speech, the first cases of inflection begin to appear. Depending on the syntactic construction of the utterance, the child begins to form the same word grammatically in different ways, for example it's a kitty But give a pussy and so on. The same lexical basis of a word begins to be formed by the child with the help of different inflectional elements.

The first grammatical elements that children begin to use correlate with a limited number of situations, namely: with the transitivity of an action to an object, the place of action, sometimes its instrumentality, etc.

The third period of the formation of children's speech: from 3 to 7 years. In this period of assimilation of the morphological system of the language. This period includes the speech of more developed children.

Before such a period, many grammatical inaccuracies are allowed in children's speech. This testifies to the original, non-imitated use of such building material language as morphological elements. Gradually mixed elements of words are distinguished by types of declension, conjugation and other grammatical categories. Single, rare forms are beginning to be used constantly. Gradually, the free use of morphological elements of words is on the wane. The use of word forms becomes stable, i.e. their lexicalization is carried out. And then the children use the correct alternation of stress, rare turns of speech, gender, numerals, the formation of verbs from other parts of speech, the coordination of adjectives with other parts of speech in all oblique cases is learned, one gerund is used (sitting), prepositions are used.

The sequence with which the mastery of types of sentences is carried out, the ways of connecting words within them, the syllabic structure of words, goes into the mainstream of patterns and interdependence, and this makes it possible to characterize the process of the formation of children's speech as a complex, diverse and systemic process.

During the study of the patterns of development of children's speech, it allows us to determine what is just beginning to form at a particular age stage, what is already sufficiently formed, and what lexical and grammatical manifestations should not be expected at all in the near future.

If we know the patterns of development of children's speech, then this will allow us to establish the process of formation of coherent speech of preschool children and help to identify the conditions for the development of coherent speech.

I want to highlight the following patterns of speech acquisition.

The first pattern is the ability to perceive native speech depends on the training of the muscles of the child's speech organs. If a child acquires the ability to articulate phonemes and modulate prosodemes, as well as isolate them by ear from sound complexes, then native speech is easily acquired. Speech can be learned if the child listens to someone else's speech, repeats (out loud and then to himself) the speaker's articulations and prosodemes, imitating him, that is, if the child works with the organs of speech.

· The second pattern - for this you need to understand the meaning of speech and then the child will be able to learn the lexical and grammatical language meanings of varying degrees of generalization. If you develop the ability to understand lexical and grammatical language meanings, then the child acquires lexical and grammatical skills and native speech will be easier to assimilate .

The third pattern is the ability to learn the expressiveness of speech, and the development of a child's susceptibility to the expressive means of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar depends on this.

Susceptibility to the expressiveness of speech can be instilled only when this work is begun in the earliest childhood. The ability to feel the expressiveness of speech acquired in childhood enables an adult to deeply understand the beauty of poetry, artistic prose, and enjoy this beauty.

Children need to be taught to understand the expressiveness of speech in the same way as to teach them to perceive its semantic side: to show them patterns of expressing feelings in speech. Care must be taken to ensure that these feelings reach the child, evoke response feelings in them.

The fourth regularity - this assimilation of the norm of speech depends on the development of a sense of language in a child. If a child has the ability to memorize the norm of using linguistic signs in speech - to remember their compatibility (syntagmatics), the possibility of interchangeability (paradigmatics) and appropriateness in various speech situations (stylistics ), then speech will be assimilated.

The fifth pattern is the assimilation of written speech. And it depends on the development of coordination between oral and written speech. Written speech will be assimilated if the ability to "translate" sound speech into written speech is formed.

· The sixth pattern is the rate of speech enrichment, and they depend on the degree of perfection of the structure of speech skills.

At present, the requirements for the speech development of preschool children have increased significantly. They must reach a certain level of development of speech activity, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, move from dialogic speech to a coherent statement. We teachers must develop not only the skills of correct speech, but also form speech so that it is expressive, figurative.

The pattern of speech acquisition: the ability to perceive native speech depends on the training of the muscles of the child's speech organs. Native speech is assimilated if the child acquires the ability to articulate phonemes and model prosodems, as well as isolate them by ear from sound complexes. To master speech, the child must work out the movements of the speech apparatus. Then, when mastering written speech, the eyes and hands that are necessary for pronouncing each phoneme of a given language and their positional variants and each prosodeme (modulation of voice power, pitch, tempo, rhythm, timbre of speech) are worked out, and these movements must be coordinated with hearing .

1.2 The development of speech of preschool children based on an integrated approachA

A preschool educational institution is the first and most responsible link in the general education system. The most important acquisition of a child in preschool childhood is the ability to speak his native language. It is preschool childhood that is particularly sensitive to the acquisition of speech. It is the process of speech development that is considered in modern preschool education, as common ground upbringing and education of children.

One of the most difficult problems of child psychology and pedagogy is the acquisition of speech. It is just incomprehensible how a small child who does not know how to concentrate on anything, who does not own intellectual operations, in just 1-2 years practically perfectly masters such a complex sign system as language.

The historically established form of communication - speech develops in preschool childhood. In the first year of life, a child goes through a grand journey. The child expresses his thoughts and feelings through speech. The speech of a small child is formed in communication with the adults around him, and in a preschool institution and in classes for the development of speech. In the process of communication, his cognitive and objective activity is manifested. Mastering speech rebuilds the baby's psyche, allows him to perceive phenomena more consciously and voluntarily.

The development of speech is a complex, creative process, and therefore it is necessary that children, perhaps earlier, master their native language well, speak correctly and beautifully. Therefore, the sooner (according to age characteristics) we teach the child to speak correctly, the freer he will feel in the team.

The development of speech is a purposeful and consistent pedagogical work, involving the use of an arsenal of special pedagogical methods and the child's own speech exercises. When working with preschool children, we use the following means of speech development of children: communication between adults and children, cultural language environment, teaching native speech and language in the classroom, various types of art (fine arts, music, theater), fiction. The development of speech in the process of familiarization with fiction occupies a large place in the general system of working with children. Fiction is the most important source and means of developing all aspects of children's speech and a unique means of education. It helps to feel the beauty of the native language, develops the figurativeness of speech.

In the domestic methodology for the development of speech, a meaning is singled out that combines a wide variety of genres of the work, this includes fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc. The upbringing and educational possibilities of the riddle are diverse. Features of the content and structure of the riddle as a literary genre make it possible to develop logical thinking children and develop their perceptual skills. pedagogical speech preschool

Of great importance are the peculiarities of the child's psyche: i.e. the child must clearly perceive words and sounds, remember them and reproduce them accurately. Good hearing condition, the ability to listen carefully are crucial. The child must himself correctly reproduce what he heard. To do this, his speech apparatus must clearly operate: the peripheral and central sections (the brain).

With the help of an integrated approach, the teacher can allow the child to form ethical and moral values ​​through specific environmental knowledge and skills. To successfully maintain a high level of motivation in the activities of pupils, as a result, this leads to the set pedagogical goals. With the help of an integrated approach, a child can acquire not only specific knowledge about objects and phenomena, but he also develops the whole picture peace. Abilities, ideas are formed, emotional well-being is achieved; thanks to the joint work on the project, on the same topic, cooperation develops.

In an integrated approach, you need:

1. Develop thinking, creativity, attention, imagination.

2. To cultivate aesthetic and patriotic feelings through communication with nature.

3. Mutual respect and understanding must be established between the teacher and the children; to strengthen friendly relations in the children's team.

4. To form a humane attitude towards nature among preschoolers; understanding relationships in nature.

5. Involve children in caring for plants and animals within their means.

6. Form dynamic ideas about nature.

1. Update the scientific and methodological level of competence of teachers;

2. Expand the experience of teachers in creating conditions in preschool educational institutions for the speech development of preschoolers;

3. Encourage teachers to practice on mastering design and modeling technologies.

Currently, teachers of educational institutions face an important task: the development of children's communication skills. If we analyze the experience of teachers, we can come to the conclusion that traditional methods are not always effective in working with preschoolers. The new GEF implies the widespread use of integration in educational areas.

For preschoolers, the integrated teaching method is innovative. This method is aimed at developing the personality of the child, his cognitive and creative abilities. A series of studies is united by the main problem. For example, in the classes of the artistic and aesthetic cycle - with images of domestic animals in the works of writers, poets, with the transfer of these images in folk arts and crafts and the work of illustrators.

The integrated method can be used in many ways.

Full integration ( environmental education with fiction, fine arts, musical education, physical development).

Partial integration (integration of fiction and art).

Integration based on a single project, which is based on a problem.

The integrated method includes project activities. Research activity is interesting, complex and impossible without the development of speech. The tasks of research activities in senior preschool age are:

form the preconditions search activity, intellectual initiative;

develop skills and identify possible methods solving the problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

· to form the ability to apply these methods, contributing to the solution of the problem, using various options;

· develop the desire to use special terminology, conduct a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

· Working on the project, children gain knowledge, broaden their horizons, replenish passive and active dictionaries, learn to communicate with adults and peers.

Very often, in order to memorize unfamiliar words, texts, and learn poems, teachers use mnemonics in their practice.

Mnemonics, or mnemonics, is a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity by forming additional associations. Such techniques are especially important for preschoolers, since visual material is absorbed better than verbal.

Features of the technique - the use of not images of objects, but symbols for indirect memorization. This makes it much easier for children to find and memorize words. The symbols are as close as possible to the speech material, for example, a Christmas tree is used to designate wild animals, and a house is used to designate domestic animals.

The development of coherent speech of children occurs in the following areas: vocabulary enrichment, learning to compose a retelling and inventing stories, learning poems, guessing riddles.

The relevance of using visual modeling in working with preschoolers is that:

The preschooler is very plastic and easy to learn, but children with disabilities are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson. If you use visual modeling, you can arouse interest and this will help solve this problem;

The use of symbolic analogy facilitates and accelerates the process of memorization and assimilation of material, forms techniques for working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory says: "When you learn - write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, draw graphs";

Using a graphical analogy, we teach children to see the main thing, to systematize the knowledge gained.

The formation of speech in preschoolers is carried out in a complex, in the following areas:

Correction of sound pronunciation;

Formation of skills of sound analysis and synthesis of words and ideas about the structural units of the language system (sound - word - sentence - text);

Formation of lexical and grammatical categories;

Formation of coherent speech;

In the normal course of speech development, a preschooler spontaneously learns many word-formation models that simultaneously exist in the language and work within a certain lexical topic.

Currently, many children require special training, and then lengthy training exercises to master the skills of word formation. And in order to facilitate this process, we must diversify it and make it more interesting for the child, and the method of visual modeling will help.

This method allows the child to realize the sound of the word, practice the use of grammatical forms, it also contributes to the expansion of vocabulary, the formation of language instinct.

In my work, I pursue the goal of teaching children to coherently, consistently, grammatically correctly express their thoughts, talk about events from the life around me, and the use of visual modeling helps me, project activity and integrated classes.

From all this we can conclude: the method of visual modeling and the project method can and should be used in the system of both corrective work with children of preschool and primary school age, and in work with children of mass groups of kindergarten and elementary school.

1.3 Modern technologies andpedagogicalconditions for the development of speechpreschoolers

How children build their statements, one can judge the level of their speech development. Professor Tekucheva A.V., the development of speech should be understood as any unit of speech, the constituent language components of which (significant and functional words, phrases). This is a single whole organized according to the laws of logic and grammatical structure of a given language.

The main function of speech development is communicative. The development of both forms of speech - monologue and dialogue - plays a leading role in the development of a child's speech and occupies a central place in the overall system of work on the development of speech in kindergarten. Learning to develop speech can be seen as both a goal and a means of practical language acquisition. Development different sides speech is a necessary condition for the development of coherent speech, and at the same time, the development of coherent speech contributes to the child's independent use of individual words and syntactic constructions.

In children without speech pathology, the development of speech occurs gradually. At the same time, the development of thinking is associated with the development of activity and communication. At preschool age, there is a separation of speech from direct practical experience. Main Feature is the emergence of the planning function of speech. It takes the form of a monologue, contextual. Children master different types of coherent statements (description, narration, partly reasoning) with and without visual material. The syntactic structure of stories gradually becomes more complicated, the number of complex and complex sentences increases. Thus, by the time they enter school, coherent speech in children with normal speech development is well developed.

Modern computer technologies allow us to combine and systematize the available material on the development of speech. And we avoid wasting time looking for manuals on the shelves of the office, copying illustrations, storing a large amount of speech material. This material can be stored on disks, flash cards and in the computer itself.

We can use the unique ability of a computer to demonstrate illustrative and speech material on an interactive whiteboard when teaching children to retell a story using a series of plot pictures, reference signals, a plot picture, a story read by a speech therapist.

With the help of a computer, we can not only show and see, but also hear the necessary speech material. In this case, we can use the computer as a CD player.

The possibilities of computer technology are very great. Not always interesting speech material can be found in the CD. A speech therapist teacher can record the speech material on a disk and use the computer as a tape recorder and player.

There are computer programs that are invaluable in learning to compose a story from a series of pictures. With their help, pictures can be moved around the screen field, line them up in a plot-logical sequence. In case of correct or incorrect arrangement of pictures, the computer beeps.

When teaching creative storytelling, DVDs can be used. When playing a disc, we can demonstrate the beginning, middle or end of a fairy tale, thereby encouraging children to be creative: inventing previous or subsequent events.

The computer makes it possible to use ready-made training programs in the work. It is almost impossible to find them for sale or the material contained in these programs is not professional enough. I really want to believe that in the future speech therapists will have decent working material on the development of coherent speech using the capabilities of modern computer technology. Here they should be helped by numerous methodological centers, institutes, academies and other institutions of pedagogical science.

Creation of conditions for the use of modern technologies in communicative speech activity

In the context of the activity-communicative approach, technology is an open dynamic system that is capable, on the one hand, of being transformed under the influence of "external", social factors and, on the other hand, to actively transform the social reality surrounding it.

At present, the role of new technologies is great. We cannot move forward if there are no new technologies in the preschool. Such technologies give children new knowledge, new opportunities for self-expression, broaden their horizons. Modern founding documents, including the national educational initiative "Our new school", require increasing the competence of not only the teacher, but also the child. Pedagogical technologies play a significant role in this. If information technologies are used in preschool educational institutions, this allows us to overcome the intellectual passivity of children in direct educational activities. It also makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of the preschool teacher All this is an enriching and transforming factor in the development of the subject environment.Research technology is aimed at developing in children scientific concepts, research skills, familiarity with the basics of experimental work.

We can consider a technology that contributes to the formation of a child's communicative and speech activity.

The speech development of a child is one of the main factors in the formation of a personality in preschool childhood, which determines the level of social and cognitive achievements of a preschooler - needs and interests, knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as other mental qualities. The effectiveness of the process of forming a child's communication and speech skills largely depends on the organization of comprehensive work in this area in a preschool institution using modern technologies. Which help to solve the problem of the formation of communicative and speech activity of a person. And this is becoming increasingly important in modern life. Speech performs the most important social functions: that is, it helps to establish connections with other people, determines and regulates the norms of behavior in society, which is decisive condition the formation of personality. Different communication situations require different communication and dialogic skills. It is important to form which, starting from an early age. If we take this into account, then the formation of communicative and speech activity of preschoolers has become a priority area of ​​activity for the teaching staff of the kindergarten. In my work at the preschool educational institution, I use modern technologies, and work in the following areas (means):

* teaching children retelling using mnemonics;

* development of coherent speech in the course of creative storytelling (composing fairy tales, compiling stories, we use the black and white version of Propp's cards);

* development of coherent monologue speech using visualization (toys, paintings, objects, diagrams);

* fairy tale therapy.

At the same time, I form the communicative and speech activity of preschoolers.

The tasks of teachers are to form the skills of a culture of speech communication, develop speech and expand vocabulary. Word creation and imagination of children are also developing in the process of integrating different types of activities.

To solve the tasks we have identified, we have created special conditions, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard:

* emergence of new practical ideas, combining these ideas in the pedagogical practice of specific educators;

* reflection of the practice of pedagogical activity (both parents, and educators, and children - I teach everyone to analyze what they did);

* dissemination of experience, innovation, correction, elimination of negative factors - all this helps to analyze, see shortcomings, create your own technology, highlight the structure, specify knowledge on the creation of new technologies;

* formulation of the essence and name new technology and its description;

* creation of a subject-developing environment. The territory of the kindergarten is a continuation of the speech development environment in the preschool educational institution, where teachers, together with children, use decor elements to show creativity and imagination. Classes in the theater studio and music lessons contribute to the development of children's eloquence, the ability to use intonation - to build an intonation pattern of the statement, conveying not only its meaning, but also the emotional "charge";

* since development fine motor skills is directly related to the child's speech development, Special attention kindergarten teachers devote to organizing classes in beadwork, graphics, and fine arts;

* formation of the speech environment (speech games, Propp cards, mnemonic tracks);

* cooperation with parents. The work would not have been possible without close cooperation with the parents of the pupils. The groups have corners that contain information on the development of speech. Parents are offered brochures, cheat sheets, information sheets with the necessary educational information;

* carrying out directly-educational activities in various forms (directly-educational activities-travel, directly-educational activities-project, directly-educational activities-fairy tale therapy);

* scientific and methodological support, which consists in participation in the section of the scientific society "Insight". All this presupposes the organization of activities on the basis of the task method, systematic analysis, identification of difficulties, identification of introspection, which includes self-diagnosis, awareness of difficulties, self-control. This also includes tracking updates. The main thing is to analyze, establish connections, carry out diagnostics, and document the results.

In my work, I use such techniques as mnemonics, fairy tale therapy, design technology, TRIZ technology "Salad from fairy tales", communication technology. Mnemonics contributes to the development of memory and imagination, the emotionally sensitive sphere of the child. Fairy tale therapy is a direction of psychotherapeutic influence on a person with the aim of correcting behavioral reactions, working out fears and phobias. Fairy tale therapy can be used for very young children, almost from birth.

It contributes to the development of all aspects of speech, education moral qualities. Also to activate mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, imagination). Tatyana Zinkevich -

Evstigneeva in the book "Fundamentals of Fairy Tale Therapy" notes that the main principle of work is to grow an internal creator who knows how to take control of the internal destroyer. The fairy-tale situation that is given to the child must meet certain requirements:

* The situation should not have a correct ready-made answer (the principle of "openness");

* The situation should contain an actual problem for the child, "encoded" in the imagery of the fairy tale;

* Situations and a question should be constructed and formulated in such a way as to encourage the child to independently build and trace cause-and-effect relationships.

In preschool children, there is a practical mastery of speech. The main tasks of speech development in preschool age are:

expand the vocabulary and develop the grammatical structure of speech;

Decreasing egocentrism of children's speech;

develop the functions of speech;

Speech should be used as a tool for communication, thinking, as a means of restructuring mental processes, planning and regulating behavior;

develop phonemic hearing and awareness of the verbal composition of speech.

At preschool age, in essential connection with speech, imagination actively develops as the ability to see the whole before the parts.

V.V. Davydov argued that imagination is "the psychological basis of creativity, which makes the subject capable of creating something new in various fields activities".

GEF preschool education defines five main

directions of child development:

social and communicative development;

· cognitive development;

Speech development;

artistic and aesthetic;

· physical development.

Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relations of objects of the surrounding world, about small homeland and the Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home for people, about the features of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Speech development includes the mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture. Enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

It is necessary to pay the attention of teachers when planning work on the cognitive and speech development of children.

At preschool age, due to the cognitive activity of the child, the primary image of the world is born. In the process of child development, an image of the world is formed.

But teachers should remember that the process of learning children is different from the process of learning adults. Adults can learn the world with the mind, and children with emotions.

For adults, information is primary, and attitude is secondary. And in children, the opposite is true: attitude is primary, information is secondary.

Cognitive development is closely related to the development of the speech of a preschooler. It is impossible to develop a child's speech without including it in any activity! Speech development of children occurs very rapidly.

With an unmistakable organized pedagogical process using methods, as a rule, such as games, taking into account the characteristics of children's perception, as well as with a properly organized subject-developing environment, children can learn the proposed material already at preschool age without stress overload. And the better prepared the child comes to school - I mean not the amount of accumulated knowledge, but the readiness for mental activity, the more successful the beginning of school childhood will be for him.

2. Features of the development of speech in preschool age

2.1 The process of speech development in preschool agee

At preschool age, children acquire new achievements in the development of the child. They begin to express the simplest judgments about the objects and phenomena of the reality surrounding him, make conclusions about them, and establish a relationship between them.

Usually in middle group children freely come into contact not only with loved ones, but also with strangers. The initiative from communication most often comes from the child. The opportunity to expand their horizons, the desire to get to know the world around them more deeply force the baby to turn to adults more and more often with a variety of questions. The child understands well that every object, action performed by himself or by an adult has not only a name, but is indicated by a word. We adults need to remember that children of the fourth year of life still have insufficiently stable attention and, therefore, they cannot always listen to the end of the answers of adults.

By the age of five, a child's vocabulary reaches approximately 1500-2000 words. The vocabulary becomes more diverse. In their speech, in addition to nouns and verbs, other parts of speech can increasingly be found. For example: pronouns, adverbs. Numerals appear (one, two). Adjectives indicating abstract features and qualities of objects (cold, hot, hard, good, bad). Children can use official words (prepositions, conjunctions) more. They often use possessive pronouns (my, yours), possessive adjectives (daddy's chair, mother's cup) in their speech. The vocabulary that a child has at this age stage gives him the opportunity to communicate freely with others. There are times when they may experience difficulties due to the insufficiency and poverty of the dictionary, when it is necessary to convey the content of someone else's speech, retell a fairy tale, a story, convey an event in which he himself was a participant. Here he often makes inaccuracies. The child intensively masters the grammatical structure of the language and enriches his vocabulary. In the speech of children, simple common sentences predominate, and complex ones appear (compound and complex). They may make grammatical errors: mismatch words, especially neuter nouns with adjectives; incorrect use of case endings. At this age, the child is not yet able to consistently, logically, coherently and understandably for others to independently tell about the events that he witnessed, he cannot sensibly retell the content of the fairy tale or story read to him. Speech is still situational. The child says short, common sentences, sometimes remotely related in content; it is not always possible to understand their content without additional questions. Children also cannot independently discover or describe the content plot picture. They only name things actors or lists the actions they perform (jumping, washing). Children have very good memory, they are able to remember and reproduce small poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, while constantly reading the same fairy tale, they can almost verbatim convey the content, although they do not fully understand the meaning of the words.

At this age, the strengthening of the articulatory apparatus continues: the movements of the muscles become more coordinated, taking part in the formation of sounds (tongue, lips, lower jaw). They still cannot always control their vocal apparatus, change the volume, pitch of the voice, the pace of speech. There is an improvement in the child's speech hearing. The pronunciation of children improves significantly, the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds is fixed, hissing sounds begin to appear. Their individual differences are especially pronounced. In the formation of the pronunciation side of speech: in some children, speech is clear, with the correct pronunciation of almost all sounds, in others it may not yet be clear enough. If children have incorrect pronunciation of large numbers of sounds, with softening of hard consonants, etc. We teachers should pay great attention to such children, identify the reasons for the lag in speech development and, together with parents, take measures to eliminate the shortcomings.

Consequently, children have a noticeable improvement in pronunciation, speech becomes more distinct. They can correctly name objects of the immediate environment: the names of toys, dishes, clothes, furniture. They can use not only nouns and verbs, but also other parts of speech: adjectives, adverbs, prepositions. The first rudiments of monologue speech appear. In the speech of children, simple, but already common sentences predominate, children use compound sentences and sentences, but very rarely. The initiative to communicate more and more often comes from the child. Children are not always able to independently isolate sounds in a word, although they easily notice inaccuracies in the sound of words in the speech of their peers. Children's speech is mostly situational in nature.

The vocabulary of children increases (from 2,500 to 3,000 words by the end of the year), and this enables the child to more accurately build his statements, express his thoughts. Adjectives appear more and more often in their speech, which they use to designate the features and qualities of objects, to reflect temporal and spatial relationships. When determining colors, in addition to the main ones, additional ones (blue, dark, orange) can be called. Possessive adjectives appear (fox tail, hare hut), words indicating the properties of objects, qualities, the material from which they are made (iron key). Children are increasingly using adverbs, personal pronouns (the latter often act as subjects), complex prepositions (from under, around, etc.). Collective nouns appear (dishes, clothes, furniture, vegetables, fruits), but their child uses very rarely. Children build their statements from two or three or more simple common sentences, they use compound and complex sentences more often than at the previous age stage, but still not enough. Children begin to master monologue speech and for the first time sentences with homogeneous circumstances appear, while interest in the sound design of words sharply increases.

They have a craving for rhyme. When playing with words, some children can rhyme them, creating their own little two, four lines. Since it contributes to the development of the child's attention to the sound side of speech, they develop speech hearing at the same time, and they are waiting for encouragement from adults.

The sound pronunciation of children improves significantly: the softened pronunciation of consonants completely disappears, the omission of sounds and syllables is less and less observed. Children are able to recognize by ear the presence of a particular sound in a word, to pick up words for a given sound. This is possible only if, in the previous age groups the teacher developed phonemic perception in children.

Many children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, however, some of them still incorrectly pronounce hissing sounds, the sound r.

At this age, there is a sharp improvement in the pronunciation of children's speech, many of them complete the process of mastering sounds. Everything becomes clearer speech. At the same time, speech activity increases in children, they all very often begin to ask questions to adults.

In children of older preschool age, the improvement of all aspects of the child's speech continues. The pronunciation becomes clearer, the phrases are expanded, the statements are accurate. Children can isolate not only the essential features in objects and phenomena, but also begin to establish causal relationships between them, temporal and other relationships. With active speech, the preschooler tries to tell and answer questions so that others understand him. Together with the development of a self-critical attitude towards their statement, children also develop more critical attitudes towards the speech of their peers. When he describes an object and phenomena, he makes attempts to convey to them his emotional attitude. The enrichment and expansion of the vocabulary occurs not only through familiarization with new objects, their properties and qualities, new words denoting actions, but also with the help of names separate parts, details of objects, through the use of new suffixes, prefixes, which children begin to use widely. During the year, the dictionary can increase by 1000 - 1200 words (compared to the previous age), but it is very difficult to establish the exact number of learned words for a given period. By the age of six, children more subtly differentiate generalizing nouns, for example, not only name the word animal, but can also indicate that a fox, a bear, a wolf are wild animals, and a cow, horse, cat are domestic animals. At the same time, they use abstract nouns, adjectives, verbs in their speech. Most of the words in the passive vocabulary go into the active vocabulary.

Coherent speech is impossible without mastering grammatically correct speech. Children master the grammatical structure, and use it quite freely. There may still be grammatical errors in their speech. The grammatically correct speech of children largely depends on how often adults pay attention to the mistakes of their children, correct them, giving the correct sample. The muscles of the articulatory apparatus in children have become sufficiently strong and are able to correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language. In some children at this age, the correct assimilation of hissing sounds, the sounds l, r, is just coming to an end. With their assimilation, they begin to clearly and distinctly pronounce words of varying complexity.

Their pronunciation is not much different from the speech of adults, difficulties occur only in cases where new words are difficult to pronounce in speech, a large number of combinations of sounds that, while pronouncing, they still do not clearly differentiate. But by the age of seven, subject to systematic work on sound pronunciation, they are doing quite well with this.

At this age, they reach a fairly high level in speech development. They correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, pronounce words distinctly and clearly, have the vocabulary necessary for free communication, and can correctly use many grammatical forms and categories.

Children's speech is becoming more and more structurally accurate, sufficiently detailed, and logically consistent. When retelling, describing objects, the clarity of presentation is noted, the completeness of the statement is felt.

In order for the process of speech development to proceed in a timely and correct manner, certain conditions are necessary. In particular, the child must:

Be mentally and physically healthy;

have normal mental capacity;

Have full hearing and vision;

Have sufficient mental activity;

Possess a need for verbal communication;

· Have a complete speech environment.

By the time children are enrolled in school, they must master the correct sound design of words, pronounce them clearly and clearly, have a certain vocabulary, mostly grammatically correct speech: build sentences of various constructions, coordinate words in gender, number, case, accurately conjugate frequently used Verbs; freely use monologue speech: they are able to tell about the events experienced, retell the content of a fairy tale, stories, describe the surrounding objects, reveal the content of the picture, some phenomena of the surrounding reality. All this makes it possible to successfully master the program material when entering the school.

Speech readiness of the child for school.

Long before entering school, a readiness for schooling is formed and includes not only good physical development, but also a sufficient supply of knowledge about the world around them, their level of thinking, attention, and euphonious speech.

most leading role in the development of cognitive abilities and speech of children belongs to the parents. Only on observation, sensitivity, the ability to replace problems in time, the desire to improve speech skills depends on how the child begins to speak.

There are several criteria for a child's readiness for school, which apply to the child's mastered native language:

Formation of the sound side of speech (clear, correct pronunciation);

full development of phonemic processes (the ability to hear and differentiate phonemes (sounds) of the native language);

readiness for sound-letter analysis and synthesis of word composition;

The use of different methods of word formation (the correct use of words with a diminutive meaning, the allocation of sound and semantic differences between words; the formation of adjectives from nouns);

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech (the use of expanded phrasal speech, work with a sentence).


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Larisa Anatolyevna Ignatova
"Pedagogical technologies in the work of an educator for the adaptation of young children"

preschool educational organization is one of the main institutions of socialization preschool children. With admission to kindergarten in the life of a child, a number of serious changes: there is a need to observe the daily routine, establish contact with unfamiliar adults and peers, follow certain rules, learn the basics of discipline.

Thus, the fixture adaptation, to new conditions requires a change in some of the previously established relationships, stereotypes of behavior and the rapid formation of new ones. This is enough difficult period in the lives of all participants educational-educational fields: the child, his relatives and kindergarten staff. From a properly organized period adaptation in kindergarten, the state of the baby depends not only at the time of addiction, but also in the future.

In his work, during adaptation, it so happened (that most of took the children alone I have used the following technologies:

1. Health-saving technologies.

Why did I choose these technologies? During adaptation the child's body is experiencing load: psychological, emotional experiences weaken him, make him vulnerable to different infectious diseases. At this time, it is important, as far as possible, to ensure the emotional and psychological well-being of the baby, to contribute to the preservation and strengthening of his health. Help me solve this problem various forms organization of educational process: in regime moments (Slide 2 - exercises, in the classroom, in free activities. One of the factors for maintaining health is strict observance of the daily routine. Of course, visiting a preschool institution by a child makes certain adjustments to the already established home daily routine. For this purpose, more flexible, gentle regimen for some pupils. Our group is visited by a boy who lives in the village "Proletarian". At first, the child was brought to the kindergarten a little later, because it took a long time to get there and it was difficult to raise the boy in the morning. Another example: the child began to fall asleep without waiting for dinner. (Slide 3 - children eat at the table.) After talking with my mother, we found out that they have daytime sleep earlier than in kindergarten. For this reason, the boy was fed first and put to bed.

2. Learner-centered technologies.

In the initial period of habituation children to kindergarten, as I noted earlier, pupils are often tense, restless, closed. Communication with peers and adults is improving slowly, negative emotions prevail. To make the process easier adaptation, to accelerate the entry of the child into the peer group, it is important "pick up a key to it". And this is impossible without knowledge individual features, inclinations, interests of the baby. Use of student-centered technologies helps to install kind pupils, trusting relationship, positively tune it to the world around.

I would like to give an example of a child's unwillingness to make contact with caregivers, children - boy Andrey. (Slide 4 - children ride the bus). The child was different children's behavior: was closed, alert, excessive noise, shouting of others children irritated the boy, preferred only the company of his mother, showing attention to him, participating in his life from the side teacher categorically rejected. This was confirmed after talking with my mother. For this reason, she brought the child to kindergarten later than the others. children when the peak adaptation passed in the group.

During the meal, there were also certain difficulties. Andrei refused to sit down at the table with the children. But taking a piece of bread from a plate, he walked with it throughout the group. This is how breakfast and lunch went.

Habituation was organized in a dosed manner, i.e. gradually. Seeing that the children were eating at the tables, the boy also began to approach the table, allowing himself to be fed standing up. Then briefly began to sit down at the table on the lap of an adult. After they moved on to being at the table on their own next to teacher and finally on your own. It was the same when visiting the music hall. At first they went down to the hall and returned back to the group. Then they attended part of the lesson, returned to the group with an assistant educator and soon with all the children.

In a conversation with his mother, they found out that the boy likes to collect pyramids, build from cubes, and look at books. So that Andrey would not feel lonely, I organized individual meetings with him. games: "Collect the Pyramid", "Build a Tower", "Find the same", "Pick a Pair", etc. (Slide 5 - the boy makes a building out of cubes). Through this purposeful work Andryusha began to thaw, there was a gradual inclusion of him in various activities in all regime moments.

Individual approach can be traced during education cultural and hygienic skills.

(Slide 6 - children wash their hands). Alyonka refused to go to the toilet. For this reason, it was suggested to mom to bring a potty from home, and the problem was solved.

One more example: Matvey did not part with his pillow. In order for the addiction process to be painless, they were allowed to enter the group with a pillow and go to sleep with it during the day. (Slide 7 - the boy is getting ready for bed). The pillow accompanied him all day in kindergarten. This helped the child to calm down, to keep in touch with his home. The pillow is a piece of the house.

Learner-Centered technologies aimed at developing the child's inherent personal qualities and abilities, the formation of a positive "I"- concepts, development of creative abilities. In a group of few speakers children, speak well, know a lot of poems Polina M., Vasya V. (Slide 8 - a girl with a book). While reading familiar books, nursery rhymes, poems, kids are asked to be given the opportunity to speak. This is encouraged. Thus, I help the child to participate in independent speech activity, to show their activity and abilities.

3. Gaming technologies.

In conservation Have a good mood, positive emotions, distraction from negative experiences the game helps. The game is the leading type of children's activity. It reveals inclinations, captivates and activates kids, helps to unite them, establish trusting relationships. The game should accompany the child throughout the period of his preschool childhood. The method of introducing a toy is very effective (I choose a toy according to the topic calendar plan around which the educational process is built. As a rule, a new toy attracts pupils, and with the emergence of interest, I can organize some activity with them ( role-playing game; reading books, outdoor games; drawing or modeling; invite children along with a toy for a walk, etc.) (Slide 9 - children sculpt).

There is a girl Alyonka in the group, who has a very strong sense of ownership. She entered the group, holding toys in both hands, and did not let go of them during the day. She also considered other people's toys she liked her own. Seeing cartoon toys in a girl "Masha and the Bear", she decided to take one of the toys, which made the child very upset. I had to go to the trick. She reminded Alyonka that Masha and the bear are always together and offered to play with toys with the help of a builder or in a doll corner. Thus, it pushed pupils to unite and play together. (Slide 10 - girls play on the carpet). Alyonka proudly told all the adults who entered the group that she had become friends with Nastya. Various game manifestations help us set Alyonka up for a positive attitude towards her peers.

Six months later, I would like to note that all pupils of the group are adapted To preschool, y children certain achievements: kids began to respond to adult speech, requests, navigate within the immediate environment (Slide 11 - children go down the stairs to music hall) . At pupils formed different types activities: playful, productive, labor, cognitive, speech.