Urine turned bright yellow. Intense yellow color of urine in children. Medications and urine color

The color of urine is a rather important indicator characterizing the activity of metabolic processes in the body. However, people rarely pay attention to it. Normally, its color is yellow, but it changes for various reasons.

Bright yellow urine is also considered the limit of the norm, but too intense coloring in some cases is a sign of disturbances in the functioning of the body.

The saturation of the color of urine is due to its concentration, as well as the amount of pigments contained in it.

The influence of food, drink and drugs

Despite the fact that the bright yellow color of urine in some cases indicates any ailments of the body, you should not be immediately upset when it is detected - perhaps this phenomenon is due to your diet.

Substances that give urine such a pigment are found in such products:

  • Carrots and juice from it;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Beet. This product usually gives a reddish pigment, but it can also appear yellow.

Bright yellow urine usually appears if you have eaten foods with dyes. The latter also contain carbonated drinks in large quantities.

Some medicines can also affect the color of urine:

  • B vitamins, vitamins C and A;
  • Derivatives of 5-nitrofuran;
  • Some types of antibiotics.

Even if the drug itself does not contribute to a change in the pigment of the biological fluid, the dyes contained in the capsule shell can give such an effect.

Main reasons

If the phenomenon is not due to the intake of certain drugs, food or drinks, it can be explained by other factors:

  • Dehydration. Its causes can be hidden in increased sweating, intestinal diseases, diarrhea, vomiting, taking laxatives, toxicosis during pregnancy, etc. It is necessary to ensure that a normal amount of fluid is consumed to prevent dehydration;
  • Acute intestinal infections;
  • puffiness;
  • Lactation.

With increased physical exertion, increased sweating, and insufficient fluid intake by the body, increased absorption of fluid in the kidneys is observed to compensate for its lack. This is one of the reasons why urine is bright yellow.

In some cases, fluid in the body is retained, and dehydration is a sign of this problem.

The ailments that cause this phenomenon include:

  • Chronic heart failure;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Gestosis during pregnancy.

When fluid is retained in the body, edema appears, because it lingers in the intercellular space.

One of the serious disorders of the body, which this phenomenon sometimes speaks of is a violation of metabolic processes.

Including we can talk about the formation of an excessive amount of salts, and this subsequently leads to the appearance of sand or even large stones. Doctors note that the release of concentrated urine for a long time is one of the prerequisites for urolithiasis.

The reason that the urine is yellow with a bright tint is hidden, in some cases in the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as in heredity.

In children

The urine of a child, like the biological fluid of an adult, can change its pigment even several times a day.

In a newborn of the first week of life, the work of all organs is adjusted, and this period is accompanied by various changes. At the same time, the bright yellow color of urine is one of the signs of these changes, the "settings" of the body's work.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to monitor the pigment of the biological fluid in the future, because if the shade of urine does not return to normal, it is possible that it is a signal of congenital pathologies and other health problems of the crumbs. In this case, you must definitely visit a doctor.

Bright yellow urine in newborns is often a sign of jaundice, which they often experience. Other symptoms of jaundice are yellowing of the eyes and skin, and light-colored stools.

This symptom can be a sign of liver disease, so if it manifests itself, it is better to consult a doctor.

In children of preschool and school age, this phenomenon is often observed, as in adults, due to dehydration and the use of food and drinks that contain dyes.

During pregnancy

This condition provokes cardinal changes in the body.

The color of urine changes during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Increased appetite and, as a result, an increase in food intake;
  • Increased load on the bladder, kidneys;
  • Changes in water-salt metabolism.

The constantly changing pigment of the biological fluid, the appearance of purulent secretions are signals that you should pay attention to, since they can indicate pathologies. In these cases, you should definitely visit a doctor.

Sometimes urine also takes on a brownish-yellow hue, and if the pigment disappears no more than a day later, there is no reason for concern. If it persists for a long time, it is possible that this is a signal of diseases of the kidneys, bladder or liver.

In some women, urine during pregnancy may be bright yellow due to gestosis, a condition similar to toxicosis in the early stages of bearing a child. In this case, the urine sometimes foams, and when it is analyzed, an increased protein content is usually found in it. This condition is dangerous because in a pronounced form it not only causes discomfort to the expectant mother, but is often a provocateur of premature birth.

The male body and its features

When a biological fluid is analyzed, not only its color is taken into account, but also the presence or absence of secretions from the genitourinary system, transparency.

In the body of men and women, an excessive number of leukocytes may be observed, which causes specific discharge from the genital tract, and their color may have a color in the range yellow - yellow-green. The exact causes of the phenomenon will only be established by a comprehensive examination, but you need to know that an excess of leukocytes indicates inflammatory processes in the body.

What does bright yellow urine sometimes indicate in men?

  • kidney disease;
  • Inflammatory process in the urethra;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Urethritis.

An additional symptom in almost all these cases is the sticking of the sponges of the urethra, due to which discharge accumulates on them. If women have urine that is bright yellow and foamy, this often indicates an excess of protein in it, while for men this phenomenon is a signal that sperm has entered the urine. And one and the second case is a reason to see a doctor. When such a phenomenon as bright yellow urine is noticed in an adult or a child, it is necessary to remember what he ate, drank, whether he took any medications.

Urine is a fluid that is excreted from the body by the urinary system and kidneys. Its color is due to the presence of pigments in it, the concentration of substances that are excreted from the kidneys. The longer the bladder does not empty, the morerich yellowbecomes a shade.

Urine comes from the flow of blood to the kidneys. There, the fluid passes to the glomerular filtration system. This is how primary urine appears. It receives substances that must be excreted from the body (glucose, protein, sodium, potassium).

During the formation of urine, into it Always pigments are released that color it yellowish color (uroerythrin, urochrome, urobilin ). Their increase, decrease or absence changes the shade of urine. To find outwhy is human urine yellowyou need to go to the doctor.

healthy urine colorshould be straw yellow. So it is determined by laboratory doctors. Coloration may vary from clear pale yellow to amber . The less often you urinate and the less you drink water, the more intense the color becomes. In the morning the darkest liquid is secreted, as the work of the kidneys at night goes slower, and the bladder does not empty for a long time.

Urine should not foam, if this happens, then the content of pigments is increased. Only a small amount of foam is possible. Urine should be slightly salty, if it becomes sweet, this indicates glucosuria (the appearance of sugar in the liquid).

Urine color changed

The color of urine changes according to physiological indicators (the color is restored over time after the cessation of the action of the changing factor a ) and pathological (due to disease).

Sometimes the excretory fluid changes after prolonged exposure to the disease. Often, if a disease of the urinary system appears, the color changes and the person can detect it himself. At these symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor.

Common Causes of Urine Discoloration

For physiological reasons, whichcolor the urinary fluid relate:

  1. The use of products that change color. If a person eats a lot of carrots, oranges, tomatoes, urine will turn bright orange. Black , a burgundy hue appears when eating fruits and vegetables with a strong pigment (beets, blackberries, raspberries). Drinking strong tea in large quantities makes the excretory fluid brown.
  2. The use of substances containing highconcentration of coloring enzymes.
  3. An increase in body or environmental temperature for a long time. Water leaves the body through sweat and lungs. Blood plasma becomes less, respectively, urine too. So she gets bright shade becomes hazy , it is formed less. Maybedehydration.
  4. Drinking plenty of waterchanges the color of urine to light -yellow, it becomes almost colorless. Less drinking makes it dark.
  5. Pregnancy. There may be a slight fluctuation in shade, as the hormonal background of a woman changes. If a woman develops swelling, doctors advise drinking less water, so the excretory fluid darkens and becomes strongly concentrated.

There are the following colors that appear in diseases:

  1. A pale shade (with sufficient water intake) appears with a decrease in the excretory function of the kidneys, when they pass a reduced amount of substances through the filtration barrier. The volume of urine is maintained or increased.
  2. Dark brown color attached to urine with an increased release of the pigment bilirubin into it, which is not found in healthy people. This condition appears with inflammation of the liver or hemolysis (increased destruction) of red blood cells. Both diseases are manifested by jaundice of the skin, sclera. With hepatitis additional sign is the formation of foam in urine analysis.
  3. A brown tint (the color of beer) appears with cirrhosis or advanced hepatitis of the liver.
  4. A red color appears if blood or red blood cells enter the urinary canal. In the first case, it will have a bright shade, in the second - pink. The reason is injuries of the urinary canal or kidneys, pyelonephritis, cystitis. If hematuria (blood in the urine) was caused by stones passing through the urinary system, the analysis will show sand, mucus, pus, salt grains.
  5. Purple appears when poisoned,the use of certain drugs. The reason for this is the extensive hemolysis of erythrocytes.
  6. Blue color is a rare occurrence. Happens with hereditarykidney pathologiescausing hypercalcemia (increased calcium in the blood). Infection with Pseudomonas is accompanied by blue staining of the biological fluid due to the release of their waste products.

What determines the color of urine

Biological colorbody fluidsdepends on the person's diet. Food containing natural and artificial colors changes its color. The hue depends on the quality of a person's metabolism, with the help of which substances enter the excretory fluid.

The liquid drunk per day for an adult should be at least 2 liters. With the help of water intake, the urine is diluted, which makes it less concentrated.

If the urine becomes bright yellow with a decrease in the volume of fluid consumed per day - this is the norm, but if the shade has become too much bright, this indicates the possible occurrence of the disease.

If the condition lasts for a long time and does not go away, you need to go to the doctor for advice.

Symptoms associated with a change in the color of urine

To the symptoms accompanying stainingurine in lemon color, include:

  • dryness and pallor of the skin;
  • intense sweating;
  • the appearance of edema (heart failure, ascites);
  • dyspeptic disorders (diarrhea, constipation, vomiting);
  • malaise (fatigue, weakness, lethargy without physical exertion);
  • lower back pain;
  • stomachache.

Increased yellowness of urine in men

The liver takes part in the secretion of pigments that color the urine.Men are yellowappears with inflammation of this organ after excessive physical activity, increased alcohol consumption or smoking.

If a man's urine has become bright yellowcolor, this indicates inflammation of the prostate ( prostatitis ) or urinary tract (cystitis). This disease rarely occurs in men, so only a doctor can suspect it after testing. For this, a person needs pee into the container in the morning and take it to the laboratory assistant. The reason may be in the appearance infections.

Increased yellowness of urine in women

In order to find outWhy do women's urine turn bright yellow? need to urinate into a container and hand over the biological fluid for analysis. The main reason for the appearanceorange urine in womenin cystitis. It occurs after the attachment of an infection or damage to the urinary tract.

In breastfeeding women, the condition is due to the release of the main part of the liquid with milk. Urine is concentrated.

Pathological causes are due to the following conditions:

  • diseases and anomalies of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, renal failure);
  • bladder disease;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • development of urethritis;
  • food or drug poisoning;
  • infections and products of their life.

Increased yellowness of urine during pregnancy

At pregnant womenthis color appears due to the alimentary factor (the use of bright yellow food or water), the use of drugs, the appearance of diseases.

Because during gestationchild, all body functions are active, sometimes there is increased sweating. This leads to the removal of fluid from the body in increased volumes. Urine becomes concentrated what does her bright color say . Therefore, during pregnancy, you should observe the drinking regimen.

Doctors prescribe to pregnant womentaking vitamincomplexes, but some patients have an abnormal reaction to their use. A rash may occur, peeling of the skin, urine becomes acid yellow.

The pathological factor manifests itself in pregnant women with gestational pyelonephritis (squeezing of the kidneys by the fetus), endocrine dysfunction (thyroid or pancreas).

Increased yellowness of urine in children

In children there is increased physical activity, increased metabolism. Therefore, the release of fluid occurs in increased quantities.Cause of bright yellow-colored urine in a childin reduced water consumption.

Toddlers younger age and babies immunity is not fully developed, so they often have gastrointestinal diseases, infections that change the color of urine.

Many mothers who have just given birth learn from doctorswhy does the childabnormal color of urine. Changes in urine in babies after birth - a frequent phenomenon, it varies from bright to dark shade. After a week, the indicator should return to normal.

Is yellow urine a cause for concern?

In order to find out if you need to worry about the color of your urine, you need to go to the doctor, he will tell you whenwhat diseaseit happens. He will conduct an anamnesis (collection of information based on a survey of the patient), learn about the drinking regime, diet.

If changing food intake and increasing water intake did not work, you should not worry, you need to go to the doctor and take a general analysis of urine and blood.

Medications that color urine

To a separate category that does not belong to either physiological or pathologicalreasons for changing the color of urine, refer the use of strong drugsthat temporarily change the color of the excretory fluid. Red - appears after prolonged use of certain antibiotics (sulfonamides, rifampicin), aspirin. Blue - occurs after drugs containing methylene blue dye. Green - due to iron preparations. The use of vitamin complexes containing group vitamins B and C result in bright yellow or red color.

The color of urine is an important indicator by which one can judge the state of human health and the functioning of body systems. Yellow urine is perceived as a good indicator, but few pay attention to changes in shade from time to time and think about what determines the color of urine and whether urine of a bright yellow color can indicate the development of an infection in the body.

Causes of yellow urine

The saturation of the color of urine may be due to high concentration. Such changes occur due to lack of drinking, with increased sweat on the skin surface, excessive accumulation of fluid in body tissues, due to diseases that damage the digestive tract. Concentrated urine can be caused by breastfeeding or after constipation medications.

Yellow urine in children

The color of urine can change constantly, even throughout the day. Urine in the first days of a baby's life can be transparent. Further, in the process of adapting to existence outside the mother's body, the body adjusts its functions for a full independent life. A change in the color of urine in a baby may be evidence of these changes and does not pose any danger, brown urine (for example, due to the child's nutrition with colostrum) after a few days is replaced by pink, then turns into a rich yellow, and then it can become transparent again. Changes in urine can occur several months after birth.

Since children cannot always tell about their well-being, you should carefully monitor the change in the color of urine in a child. If the shade does not normalize within a week, you should consult a doctor, as such manifestations may indicate the development of the disease. Self-administering drugs to a child or giving water to babies without a doctor's prescription is fraught with a deterioration in the baby's health.

During pregnancy

During the bearing of a child, the color and smell of urine are considered as one of the main indicators of the health of the expectant mother. In order to prevent various kinds of diseases, at each scheduled consultation with a specialist, a pregnant woman takes urine for analysis, one of the criteria for which is the color of the sample. Saturated lemon color or bright yellow color of urine does not in all cases indicate the presence of an infection. Non-dangerous reasons that urine has changed color include:

  • Vegetables, fruits and berries. Carrots, beets, pumpkins, blackberries or cherries can change the light color of urine to yellow due to the presence of natural food colors in them.
  • Various confectionery products and sweet (sparkling) water are capable of coloring urine. These products are often high in synthetic colorants, so if your urine turns dark yellow after dessert, this is not a cause for concern.
  • Taking prenatal vitamins makes urine yellow.

The work of the body during pregnancy has not been thoroughly studied, therefore, bright yellow urine in women does not always indicate a deviation in bearing a child. Pregnancy rebuilds a woman's body, adjusting to new conditions, since forces and energy during such a period are used by two people. An additional load on the body, especially on the kidneys, changes the color of the urine, it can become copper, light yellow, and urine discoloration also occurs. In this case, it is worth consulting with a doctor, after remembering the names of the drugs taken and your menu in recent days.

Causes in men and women

In men and women, dark urine appears due to a lack of fluid in the body. The lack of water is due to a violation of the drinking regime, taking drugs without a doctor's prescription, and gastrointestinal infections. In the case of an infectious bowel disease, high fever, increased sweating, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting are noted. With high fever, diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a significant amount of fluid, which stains the urine in a dark color. If the urine is dark yellow in the morning, this is not a cause for concern. During the night in the urine there is an accumulation of coloring pigment, which is included in the concept of norms.

Other causes of discoloration of urine

The normal color of urine in humans can sometimes differ from generally accepted concepts due to personal characteristics of metabolic processes or hereditary factors. Also, the strongly pronounced color of urine is explained high level salts in the urine. This process leads to the formation of sand and crystals in the organs of the urine excretion system. Under such conditions, the result of a rich yellow color of urine can be nephrolithiasis, manifested by the deposition of stones in the kidneys. Beer color urine can acquire with hepatitis. In women, bright yellow urine sometimes indicates the occurrence of urethritis (elevated proteins). If the urine turned yellow in men, the onset of prostatitis is possible.

Symptoms that may accompany the change

If lemon-colored urine is supplemented with pain of various kinds (abdomen, genitals, lower back), digestive problems, fever, nausea, you should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Yellow discharge, pain during urination and itching should also alert. Urine of an acid color with an odor, a pale white sediment in the form of flakes, visible to the light, indicates problems in the functioning of the urinary system. Sometimes a white impurity and white-light discharge in the urine indicates inadequate personal hygiene.

Medicines and foods that stain urine

Taking vitamins (vitamin C, A, vitamins of group B), dietary supplements, mineral complexes. some antibiotics, derivatives of 5-nitrofuran can affect the color of urine. Often, the body cannot fully assimilate synthetic vitamins and substances, as a result of which the kidneys are involved in the process of removing these substances from the body. But if there are no dyes in the drug, the color of the urine can change due to the dyes that are in the drug or vitamin shell. The use of foods rich in natural dyes changes the color of urine. Beets and blackberries, carrots and pumpkin can give urine an unnatural color, the color change scale varies from bright yellow to red.

What to do?

Pale yellow urine, or, conversely, too dark a shade, does not mean that a person is sick. First you need to remember the foods and medicines used, as well as the amount of fluid you drink, adjust the drinking and nutrition regimen (with a sufficient amount of fluid, the urine is of a light shade). If these actions do not bring the desired result, it is worth visiting a specialist. A general analysis of urine will explain the bright color and show possible deviations in the functioning of the body. If the results are negative, the doctor will prescribe additional studies to accurately determine the cause of the disease. Such actions will help to choose the optimal therapy program and diet, if required.

When is yellow urine a sign of concern?

Light or acid-yellowish urine does not indicate an illness. You need to worry if not only the urine has become bright yellow, but other symptoms are also present. Pain, itching, stomach problems signal a malfunction in the body. With such symptoms, you should seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

The color of urine is an important indicator characterizing the state of metabolism. Normally, the color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys is yellow. The intensity of the color depends on the concentration of urine and on the amount of pigments contained in it. If you drink a lot of liquid, then the urine will become a light straw color. Urine of bright yellow color is also a variant of the norm. But sometimes too bright coloring can indicate some diseases.

Causes of bright yellow urine

In most cases, the saturated color of urine indicates its increased concentration. The reason for the change in color in this case may be:

  • insufficient fluid intake,
  • increased sweating,
  • lactation,
  • edema in some diseases,
  • acute intestinal infections,
  • taking laxatives.

With insufficient intake of fluid in the kidneys, increased water reabsorption occurs, this is due to compensatory mechanisms. Therefore, the urine becomes bright yellow. The same thing happens with increased fluid loss. For example, in a hot climate or during high physical activity, the body loses a lot of water through sweat. Up to several liters of sweat fluid can evaporate from the skin per day. In nursing mothers, a certain amount of water leaves the body with milk, so it is so important to drink plenty of juices, tea and other drinks during lactation.

Dehydration can occur with acute intestinal infections, when repeated vomiting and diarrhea are observed, at a high temperature with heavy sweat. Uncontrolled intake of laxatives, toxicosis of pregnant women with frequent vomiting can also be the cause of bright yellow urine.

In some diseases, fluid retention occurs, but there are still signs of dehydration. A similar situation can be with chronic heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver and gestosis of pregnant women. The liquid part of the blood leaves the bloodstream into the intercellular space, which causes the occurrence of edema. With preeclampsia, edema may be hidden, they can be suspected by a sudden increase in body weight. In cirrhosis, plasma leaks into the abdominal cavity and ascites occurs while the blood becomes viscous.

Important: if the urine remains bright yellow for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Especially if there are additional symptoms - pain in the lower back, right hypochondrium, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

Other causes of urine color change

Not always bright yellow urine is a sign of dehydration. Sometimes the cause of discoloration may be individual or hereditary characteristics of metabolism. For example, increased salt formation can lead to bright yellow urine. After some time, if no action is taken, sand will form in the kidneys, and then larger stones. By the way, if more concentrated urine is excreted for a long time, this almost inevitably leads to kidney stone formation.

The color of urine can change with the use of certain drugs, food supplements, products. For example, carrots or carrot juice make urine orange or bright yellow. Now many products, especially sweets, have food coloring in their composition. Therefore, you should not be immediately scared if the urine has become bright yellow: the cause may be a handful of sweet dragees eaten in yellow icing or marmalade. Many dyes are found in all kinds of carbonated drinks.

Carrots can turn urine bright yellow

Medications that color urine

Many medicines can cause urine to change color, making it darker. These funds include:

  • vitamins (A, C, group B),
  • some antibiotics,
  • derivatives of 5-nitrofuran.

Vitamins can give urine a bright lemon color when taken orally and parenterally. Artificial vitamin substances usually cannot be fully absorbed by the body, and therefore are excreted by the kidneys. During the intake of riboflavin (vitamin B2), the products of its transformation stain the urine. Even if the drug itself does not cause a discoloration of the urine, this may be due to the food coloring contained in the tablet shell.

What should I do if my urine turns bright yellow?

If the urine has acquired a bright rich yellow hue, do not panic. You should remember what medications you have taken in recent days, what foods and drinks you have consumed. You also need to reconsider your drinking regimen. Perhaps the body simply does not have enough fluid. If there are no other alarming symptoms, then you can try drinking more fluids. Plain still water or diluted fruit juice, weak tea will do.

Important: if the color of urine has not returned to normal within a few days, you should consult a urologist or therapist. The doctor will determine why the urine is bright yellow, and if necessary, prescribe treatment or select a diet. After all, too concentrated urine can lead to urolithiasis.

When the fluid produced by the kidneys changes color, a person begins to wonder why the urine is yellow and bright? The saturation of the color depends on the presence of special coloring pigments in it. It is these components that give color to the product of vital activity. There are many factors that cause urine to become brighter or darker.

Factors that cause color change

The color of urine is directly dependent on the age, gender and general health of a person. The causes that cause a change in the color of the biological fluid are of natural or pathological origin. In the first case, urine staining is influenced by factors that accompany the normal functioning of the body. In the second case, the causes are various diseases.

By the concentration of urobilin in the urine, you can determine the state of the metabolic processes of the body. The more intense the metabolism, the brighter the color of urine becomes (this phenomenon is more often observed in men who are active). Bright yellow urine indicates increased processing of bilirubin by the kidneys.

Natural factors that cause yellow urine to be released include:

  • food products containing strong dyes in their composition: pumpkin, beets, carrots;
  • dehydration of the body, leading to an increase in the level of urobilin;
  • taking vitamins and medicines, including dyes;
  • excessive load, causing depletion of the body and an increase in the concentration of urobilin, and the result of this process is yellow urine.

Such factors do not cause irreparable harm to the human body. With a change in lifestyle and daily diet, the condition returns to normal.

Causes of pathological origin:

  • the presence of stones (stones) in the kidneys;
  • violation of the liver, the result of this is an increase in the concentration of urobilin and a change in the color of the biological fluid;
  • preeclampsia;
  • obstructive jaundice, leading to the formation of lemon-colored urine.

The development of an anomaly, in addition to changing the shade of urine, is accompanied by other signs that are not recommended to be ignored. You should seek medical help as soon as possible.

The occurrence of bright yellow urine in females

Urine of bright yellow color in women is noted for a number of reasons:

  • profuse sweating;
  • diseases of the genitals;
  • the presence of pathogenic microflora;
  • intoxication, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and vomiting;
  • the presence in urine of protein compounds, salts and blood cells.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes total restructuring, hormonal and electrolyte imbalances occur, which are temporary. The pathological phenomenon is associated with an increase in the load on the body of the expectant mother as a whole. It affects the activity of the liver and kidneys, so urine changes its usual color to a brighter shade. Such processes are harmless and natural, if their course does not contribute to the development of negative side symptoms.

The coloration of the excreted fluid in bright yellow during pregnancy is quite often observed during toxicosis. This phenomenon is typical for the early period. Over time, the color of the urine should return to normal.

If a woman who is expecting a baby has urine that becomes brown-yellow in a bright color and retains it for a long period, one should be examined for liver or kidney pathologies.

Changing the color of urine in males

The number of secreted leukocytes plays a large role important role in the male body. They affect the transparency and shade of the biological fluid. This is due to the development of the inflammatory process in the urinary system. In men, the color of urine can vary from yellow to yellow-green. To determine the true cause of this phenomenon, it is necessary to carry out a set of diagnostic measures.

Indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  • prostatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • kidney pathology;
  • inflammation of the urethra.

The presence of these diseases is accompanied by a change in the color of the excreted fluid, namely the appearance of yellow urine. The development of anomalies in men leads to gluing of the urethral sponges, as a result of which they linger on them and mix with urine during excretion. Its pronounced turbidity is noted.

If, in addition to the above signs, the appearance of foam and bubbles during excretion joins, then the permissible amount of protein in the urine has been exceeded. In men, similar symptoms are caused by the penetration of waste products of sperm.

The appearance of pathology in children

Due to the production of small amounts of urobilin in an infant, the color of the fluid produced by the kidneys ranges from very light to almost colorless. Over time, the produced process is restored and the urine darkens.

It is normal for a child's body to change color up to several times a day. This phenomenon is explained by the adaptation of the urinary system to independent functioning outside the womb. Therefore, bright yellow urine is excreted. There is no reason to panic, but it is worth observing the color of the urine. If it does not acquire a normal color, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, since a change in shade in some cases signals the development of a pathology.

In some situations, parents may find mucus in the urine of a child. The presence of its small amount in children's urine is acceptable. This condition is observed in the case of a long abstinence from urination. But the presence of a large amount of mucus in the excreted fluid, especially in combination with discoloration and turbidity, is a serious reason for seeking immediate medical attention.

Actions for changing the color of urine

Coloring urine in a bright shade with normal health is not a cause for panic. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the diet, remember the medications used.

In order for urine to acquire a normal color, it is recommended to carry out the following actions:

  • adjust the diet;
  • stop taking the pills;
  • exclude from the daily menu food products that include strong dyes;
  • reduce the intensity of physical activity;
  • increase your fluid intake.

If, after a change in the usual rhythm of life in men and women, a picture of a pathological condition persists, you should consult a specialist who will determine the cause of the problem and prescribe a competent treatment.

Video: How human urine is formed, types and diseases