The most effective vitamins for children. The most necessary components for five-year-old children

Many parents are interested in the question of when to give their child multivitamins. Modern foods contain a lot of carbohydrates and not enough vitamins. For normal growth and development of a child, additional multivitamins are required. But which brand of vitamins should you choose? Are Finnish or American multivitamins as good as they are said to be today? What do complexes such as Centrum for Children, Mishki or Jungle contain and how useful are they?

When needed

Parents should definitely consider taking their children multivitamins if their child has one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Poor appetite
  • Retarded physical development
  • Impaired mental function
  • Dry skin
  • Decreased vision
  • Increased psycho-emotional irritability
  • Increased fatigue
  • Insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day
  • Indifference to the environment
  • Convulsive muscle contractions
  • Low growth normal growth parents
  • Increased sweating
  • General weakness.

An extreme degree of deficiency of a particular vitamin can lead to the development of serious diseases. Most often in childhood increased risk of developing rickets and anemia. That is why it is recommended to give vitamin D3 drops to children under one year of age. However, this is not the only measure to prevent hypovitaminosis. Solving the problem must be approached comprehensively. That is why it is recommended to periodically take multivitamins for children (for example, Centrum children's multivitamins containing calcium, Bears or Jungle, produced in Finland). Vitamin complexes from Finland are considered one of the best today.

Ideal complex

The best vitamins for children must meet the following requirements:

  • Must take into account age characteristics baby, since the need for nutrients (their quantity and qualitative composition) depends on this
  • The composition of the vitamin complex should also take into account the method of feeding a child up to one year. Thus, children who are on breastfeeding, differ from formula-fed children
  • Should not have a negative impact
  • Must be tested in serious clinical studies before mass release (children are allowed to give only carefully tested drugs)
  • It is desirable that the vitamin complex has a long period actions. This will make it possible to take the drug only once a day
  • Vitamin preparations should have various dosage forms that are maximally adapted to the characteristics of the child’s body. Vitamins in the form of sweet syrup or drops are better suited for small children, chewable lozenges or candies, etc. for older children. For example, the Mishki complex, produced in Finland and so loved by our children.

Today, pharmacy chains offer the best vitamin complexes - Centrum for children, Mishki, Jungle, from Finland.

How to take it correctly

Even the most useful vitamin complex for children will not be beneficial if taken incorrectly. A number of popular drugs are presented on the pharmaceutical market - Centrum for children, containing calcium, Bears and Jungle Finnish vitamin complexes. There are certain rules that should be followed when giving this or that complex to children.

  • Increase the amount of fluid you drink, since most vitamins are water-soluble and their excess is excreted through the kidneys. The more fluid a young body drinks, the better the kidneys function.
  • You should adhere to the course of treatment. Most optimal time The period for vitaminization is from November to May. It is at this time that the body experiences a state of vitamin and mineral starvation.
  • Start reception vitamin supplements It is impossible without consulting a doctor. It is also necessary to read the instructions, which contain information about the tolerability of the drug, possible side effects, contraindications and incompatibility with other medications.

Popular drugs

All children's vitamins can be divided into several groups:

  • Monocomponent - they contain only one vitamin. Typically used to treat specific hypovitaminosis
  • Multicomponent (multivitamins) are a complex of vitamins that are selected taking into account the needs of the child’s body (for example, Jungle vitamins).

Which vitamin complexes are best for children is up to parents to decide. But a pediatrician should help in this difficult choice, who, based on tests and the general condition of the child, will prescribe the optimal drug. Moreover, in some cases, there are obvious signs specific hypovitaminosis, therefore in such cases it is necessary to take exclusively monocomponent drugs. Popular preparations for children are Centrum for children, vitamins that also contain calcium, Bears and Jungle preparations made in Finland.

Also read:

When taking multivitamins, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the active substances. There are fat-soluble and fat-soluble, which necessarily require the presence of fatty foods, since otherwise they are not digested.


Pikovit for children is produced by one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the world. KRKA experts have developed a whole series of vitamin and mineral complexes that take into account the age, needs and taste preferences of the child.

Pikovit for children is produced in Slovenia, containing calcium, available in various dosage forms– these include syrups, chewable tablets, and lozenges with various flavors. That's why children love these drugs very much. In addition, Pikovit (as well as its competitors Centrum for Children, Jungle and Mishki) bring tangible benefits to the children’s body:

  • Strengthen immunity
  • Increases children's learning ability at school
  • Stimulate growth
  • Strengthens the baby's musculoskeletal system
  • Prevents the development of rickets
  • Improve memory
  • Stimulates the mineralization of teeth, preventing the development of caries
  • Increases cardiovascular endurance.

Vitamins Pikovit (as well as its competitors Mishki and Jungle) can be taken at any time of the year without fear of developing hypervitaminosis. Their composition is as balanced as possible and takes into account the characteristics of a particular child’s age.


Neuromultivit for children contains a complex of B vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, which is undoubtedly the key to good memory and increased learning ability. For babies, these vitamins will help speed up the onset of sitting and crawling. Also, as a result of their use, children begin to walk earlier.

However, this does not mean at all that in order to stimulate the growth and development of the baby’s body, it is necessary, or even worse, uncontrolled, to take Neuromultivit. Everything has its time - and if by this moment physical development is at the lower limit of the norm, then the use of Neuromultivit is indicated, but only as prescribed by a pediatrician!


Which calcium is best for babies: the main calcium-containing drugs recommended in pediatrics are:

  • Calcium chloride
  • Calcium gluconate
  • Calcium lactate.

If the level of this microelement in the blood is sufficient, you can get by with foods rich in calcium. If hypocalcemia is diagnosed, it is necessary to take calcium supplements based on age, in addition. Finnish vitamins Centrum for children, Mishki and Jungle are great for children of any age and also contain calcium in their composition.


Multivitamins for children Centrum are produced by the famous pharmaceutical company Pfizer.

Centrum helps solve the following problems:

  • Replenish nutritional deficiencies
  • Improves intellectual development
  • Improves dental and bone health
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Improves energy formation processes.

Centrum complexes are a guarantee normal development child at any age. Centrum for babies contains 18 minerals and vitamins that are necessary for the full growth and development of the child’s body.

From Finland

Finnish vitamins have become very popular in Lately. Finland has long been known for its ecology and high quality goods. Multivitamins produced in Finland for children have the following advantages:

  • Numerous clinical studies have been completed
  • Proven to be safe
  • Virtually no fakes
  • Full compliance with the composition stated on the packaging
  • Take into account the baby's age
  • Long shelf life.


Bear vitamins are produced under the Vitamishki brand. Teddy bear microelements for children have a pleasant taste, bring maximum benefits to the child’s body and are inexpensive, which will undoubtedly please parents.

Multivitamins for children quickly burst into our lives relatively recently, but have already become simply irreplaceable. If during my childhood all the intake of vitamins came down to taking the hated fish oil and gorging on tangerines New Year, then now the parents face serious problem choosing multivitamins for your child.

This article will help you with choosing multivitamins, and will also put all the information about them in your head in a structured manner. So, let's go!

What are multivitamins for and what does a modern multivitamin complex consist of?

Modern children, as a rule, are very spoiled. Not all, of course, but most certainly! And parents often face the question of providing their child with a nutritious, balanced diet.

Some children do not recognize fish, others cannot be forced to eat cottage cheese, and still others do not eat vegetables. Is this a familiar picture? And try to force them.

Parents have to spend hours persuading their child to eat a spoonful of porridge or a piece of hard cheese.

My good friends have 10 year old daughter For example, he eats only 2 types of food: chicken soup and all kinds of b/p - shki. It’s simply impossible to force her to eat anything else. How many times have I had a conversation with them on this topic, but they still can’t do anything.

That is why multivitamins for children are a lifeline that compensates for the lack of nutrients in the child’s body.

What do modern multivitamin complexes consist of?

Modern medicine has advanced very far in this matter, and today as many as 13 vitamins and 10 vitamin-like substances are used in the manufacture of multivitamins.

Many vitamins generally represent a whole group, but still most multivitamin preparations are of the same type. So what are they made of? Most often they contain vitamins of the following groups: A, B, C, D, E and F. Let us analyze the effect of each of them on the child’s body in more detail.

  • Vitamin A is the most main vitamin for vision. This is exactly what a child’s eyes need, which since childhood have been exposed to serious stress in the form of computers, smartphones and other gadgets.
  • Vitamin B is responsible for normal metabolism in the body. Metabolic disorders threaten overweight and other delights
  • Vitamin C is responsible for... It is an excellent immunomodulator and also protects against scurvy.
  • Vitamin D is very necessary for growing children's bones. It is the support of the entire skeleton not only in children, but also in adults
  • Vitamin E – responsible for general state and support for nervous and immune system
  • Vitamin F – improves brain function and the entire cardiovascular system. Vitamin F contains large quantities of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega 3

Of course, modern multivitamins for children contain many useful and necessary substances, but it is important to understand that no matter what super properties they have, they will not be enough for the normal development of the child. It is very important that a child grows up in normal family, not stressed, slept well, walked a lot in the fresh air and stared at the laptop monitor as little as possible.

Nowadays, the latest generation of multivitamin preparations are becoming more and more common. They are also called split multivitamins.

They are taken several times a day, and the principle of their work is based on uniting “friends” and separating “enemies”. This advantage increases the effectiveness of vitamin and mineral prophylaxis by about 30%.

How and what multivitamins to choose depending on the child’s age

Multivitamin preparations are always chosen based on the child’s age! Remember that each individual vitamin is necessary for the child in at different ages and in different quantities.

Age can be divided into 5 conditional groups:

  1. from birth
  2. up to 2 years
  3. from 2 to 5 years
  4. from 5 to 12 years
  5. over 12 years old

Let's go over each group briefly.

Multivitamins for children from birth

Vitamin complexes based on a small number of components are suitable for children from birth:

  • Aquadetrim
  • Polivit baby
  • Multi – tabs baby

Multivitamins for children from 1 year to 2 years

It is advisable for children under 2 years of age to take vitamin complexes in liquid form or in the form of chewable lozenges. Such drugs include:

  • Jungle kids
  • The alphabet is our baby
  • Sana - sol
  • Kinder Bio vital gel
  • Vitoron
  • Pikovit et al.

Multivitamins for children from 2 to 5 years old

For the children of this age group You can choose the following drugs:

  • Centrum for children
  • Alphabet - kindergarten
  • Alvitil
  • Multi - tabs baby
  • Jungle
  • Complivit active chewing, etc.

Multivitamins for children over 7 years old up to 12 years old

If your child is over 7 years old, then he needs more vitamins, since his body is growing at an active pace. The following will help you nourish your growing child’s body:

  • Vitrum Junior
  • Oligogal Se
  • Alphabet Schoolboy
  • Triovit
  • Pikovit Forte
  • Multi-tabs junior, etc.

Multivitamins for schoolchildren aged 12 years and older

Schoolchildren from 12 years of age need vitamins during increased physical activity. These include:

  • Vitrus Teen
  • Multi-tabs Teenager, etc.

What about calcium?

For full development and growth, a child’s body needs calcium. For children under 1 year of age, its amount is 600 mg.

For children under 10 years old – already 800 mg. From 10 years and older – 1200 mg. Since calcium enters the body very slowly from natural sources, it makes sense to use vitamin supplements for these purposes. mineral complexes with calcium.

There are a great many such complexes on our market, and this confuses and confuses some, so I will name the best. Buy them - you won't go wrong!

  • Complivit calcium D
  • Multi tabs baby calcium +
  • Kaltsinova
  • Pikovit
  • Vita Bears
  • Alphabet Calcium D
  • Centrum for children

How to be a bespectacled person

It is very important for children with poor vision that their body receives sufficient amounts of eye vitamins. These include:

The following will help you provide your child’s eyes with these vitamins:

  • Polivit Baby
  • Pikovit
  • Sana–Sol
  • Vita Bears
  • Multi Tabs classic, etc.


Basically, that's all I wanted to say about choosing multivitamins for children. I would also like to say that parents should make sure that your child does not treat multivitamins as sweets.

No need to chew them for months along with sweets! The average time of a treatment and prophylactic course during which vitamins can be taken is from 6 to 8 weeks. Then you need a mandatory break.

Multivitamins for children from birth to school age- which ones to buy and how to choose the right one On average, it takes 3-4 hours to write 1 article. By sharing an article on social networks, you express gratitude to the blog authors for their work!!!
  • Age characteristics

    The body must receive 13 vitamins. Most of them are vital. If there is a shortage of them, growth is noticeably impaired, development is delayed, and the baby is more often overcome by illness. At the age of five, the growth of the skeleton and muscles is especially active, and vision is formed. Therefore, it is important for a child that the vitamin complex combines calciferol, retinol and B vitamins.


    Supplements are prescribed in the following cases:

    • If the child does not eat well , or the family cannot provide him with adequate nutrition.
    • In the case when a child has hypovitaminosis . This condition manifests itself in the form of lethargy, poor condition skin, decreased appetite, poor vision, frequent colds.
    • Vitamins are needed for children 5 years old ifThe baby has increased physical and intellectual stress .
    • The baby is often sick or after a long period of therapy (for example, taking antibiotics).
    • Can you give your child complexes?due to seasonal reduction in vitamin content in food products .


    You should stop taking the complexes in the following cases:

    • Intolerance to any component included in the composition .
    • Hypervitaminosis.
    • Severe pathologies of the excretory system .

    Is it necessary to use it to strengthen the immune system?

    The protective function of the body in a five-year-old child works intensively, because at this age active activities in the garden or special sections are already necessary. It is increasingly common to attend events with large numbers of people.

    In order to prevent colds, children are prescribed a complex that will contain high dosages, and. But it must be selected by a doctor who will take into account all the existing symptoms.

    Release forms

    Vitamins for children's growth are also available in the form of syrups, gels, powders, chewable tablets or lozenges. The most popular latest form. They have a pleasant taste and original shape. There is no need to swallow them and wash them down with water, so there are no problems with taking them.


    Parents often wonder: there are so many vitamins for 5-year-old children, but which ones are best? To answer you need to carry out comparative characteristics the most popular.


    Sold in syrup form. It gives good results for hypovitaminosis. Includes everything important elements. Because of liquid form There is no problem when taking it. Daily dosage - 10 ml (2 tsp).

    These chewable tablets include 10 vitamins, calcium and phosphorus. Excellent help with poor appetite, as well as after antibiotic therapy, if balanced diet. There is an option for children with diabetes or obesity. One tablet per day is enough.

    Pikovit Plus 4+

    Contains 12 vitamins, iodine, zinc, calcium, iron. Suitable for children with low body weight and poor appetite. This complex is recommended for the prevention of asthenic syndrome and hypovitaminosis.

    Kinder Biovital

    This is a gel with a fruity taste and smell. Safe for use in children. Lecithin added. It is useful for a child because it stimulates appetite and growth, eliminates fatigue and strengthens the immune system. Give one teaspoon per day.

    These are strawberry flavored chewable tablets that contain 10 minerals and 12 vitamins. What's good? First of all, by ensuring improved brain activity, strengthening bones and teeth, stimulating the functioning of the immune system. One tablet is enough.

    VitaMishki Multi+

    They are especially loved by children, as they are made in the shape of bear cubs. 1 lozenge per day is required. They have a pleasant taste. They have a positive effect on intellectual activity - improve attention and memory. The composition contains zinc, choline, iodine and inositol. No synthetic additives are added for taste and color - perhaps this is why many parents consider this the best option.

    Alphabet Kindergarten

    These are chewable tablets that are taken three times a day, one at a time. Each of them different tastes and colors, they differ in composition - one tablet contains substances that are most compatible with each other. Contains 9 minerals and all vitamins. Thanks to the intake of this complex, mental development is stimulated and stress resistance increases. do not contain synthetic dyes, flavors and preservatives.

    One chewable tablet per day is enough. They come in fruit and raspberry-strawberry varieties. They have a beneficial effect on the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to increased stress. No preservatives or dyes.

    A complex containing 5 minerals and 13 vitamins. It helps with anemia, calcium deficiency and asthenia. One tablet is enough. Mental development is stimulated and has a positive effect on the immune system and bones. No dyes or sugar.

    Complivit Active bears

    It comes in the form of chewable gummy bears, just like VitaMishki. Suitable for children and adolescents from 3 to 14 years old. The composition of the drug includes 10 vitamins, no minerals.

    Nature's Plus Source of Life Animal Parade Gold

    These are chewable tablets that need to be taken in two pieces. Presented in the form of animals. It contains minerals, vitamins, enzymes, bacteria and other valuable compounds. They have a beneficial effect on bone health, digestion and immunity.

    Nature's Way Alive!

    Good vitamins, which include elements A, C, D, E in large dosages. There are minerals, extracts from vegetables and fruits. Strengthen teeth and bones, improve the condition of the eyes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Two tablets per day are enough.

    Kavit Junior

    Includes 11 vitamins essential for immunity and calcium. Presented in the form of lozenges with chocolate and apricot flavors. Good for preventing hypovitaminosis. One piece per day is enough.

    Nutrition adjustments

    Before you run for vitamin preparations, it is worth creating a menu that will meet all the needs of a child under 6 years old. The main element at this age is considered to be calciferol. most? They are rich in fatty fish, cod liver, eggs, and dairy products. . Well produced under the influence sun rays. It is enough for a child to spend more time under the sun, even in winter.

    Retinol is also important. - vegetable fats, carrots, pumpkin, green vegetables, eggs, fish, berries, dairy .

    Among essential vitamins occupies an important place for children ascorbic acid. ? Most of it is in rose hips, bell pepper, fruits. To get group B substances, you should eat bread, meat, greens, and cereals. Vitamin E is present in vegetable oils.

    When learning which vitamins are best to give, you should consider other important points:

    • Many people believe that “since we are parents, we choose the best on our own.” But it's not right. It is necessary to consult with a pediatrician, since it is he who will take into account all the features and advise the best option.
    • When choosing a vitamin complex, you need to make sure that it is suitable for a five-year-old child . It is unacceptable to give medications that are intended for an older child. You also cannot increase the dosage on your own.
    • Products must be from a reputable manufacturer .
    • You should pay attention to the child’s tendency to allergies . Indeed, some complexes contain additives for taste and color. They can cause a negative reaction.
    • To choose good complexes to improve memory , you should pay attention to the amount of vitamin D, B, iodine, selenium, iron.
    • After the first dose of the drug, you should look at the baby’s reaction . If adverse symptoms such as itchy skin, rash, redness, diarrhea, nausea, then the complex should be discontinued.
    • It is better to give the remedy in the morning , since any of them has a tonic effect.
    • Care should be taken to properly store medications . Sweet lozenges are perceived by children as treats, so you can skip the moment when the child uncontrollably eats more than the required dosage.

    At the age of five, brain activity increases. The child can memorize poems and retell fairy tales. This year it is noted that the baby fantasizes and dreams a lot. With a balanced diet he will receive best vitamins from food. Thanks to this, memory will improve and the creative side of the child will emerge.

    To summarize, we can say that choosing the best vitamin complex is not so easy. You should consult with a pediatrician, who will prescribe tests and, based on the results obtained, determine what exactly the child is missing. The diagnosis will allow you to choose a multivitamin complex that will bring benefit and no harm.

    Neither adults nor children can do without vitamins. In winter and spring, they become scarce in vegetables and fruits. There are not always enough of them in our diet in other months, although their importance for the healthy development of a child cannot be overestimated. They are required for both intellectual and physical development children, which is why it is so important to understand which vitamin and mineral complexes are best suited for the child.

    IN winter period vegetables and fruits cannot meet the child’s need for vitamins and minerals

    List of vitamins necessary for a growing child

    A child grows, at every age he needs vitamins and minerals - up to 5-6 years they are required for the formation of bones and the musculoskeletal system. A six-year-old child, when he is preparing for school, needs to develop correct posture, prepare for increased mental and physical stress, strengthen the nervous system.

    A balanced diet allows you to get everything necessary for the body substances from food, but often the child refuses certain dishes and does not like all foods. The use of supplements helps compensate for the lack of nutrients.

    Table: norms for vitamin consumption by a child aged 4 and up to 6:

    Find the right ones nutritional supplements knowing the daily requirement of a particular vitamin for preschoolers will help

    Vitamin A

    Vitamin A (retinol) promotes the correct and timely development of the visual organs. It is also recommended for adults with increased eye strain. It is necessary for the skin, participates in the immune activity of the body, and regulates growth processes.

    Retinol is found in meat and milk, as well as other dairy products. The highest percentage of its content is in beef and pork liver, in the liver of marine fish. Retinol is also produced in the body from carotene. Carotene is part of plant products. In order to replenish its reserves, you need to eat carrots, green peppers, pumpkin, tomatoes, green onions and different types of salad. Carotenoids are found in spinach, broccoli, parsley, peas and soybeans, and many fruits: apples, grapes, melon, apricots and peaches, rose hips, sea buckthorn, cherries and watermelon. We must remember that an excess of retinol is dangerous for the baby.

    Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is formed as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms and plants. Thiamine strengthens the nervous system; without it, digestion and the heart cannot function. The baby's growth and development also depend on the presence of thiamine in body tissues. Thiamine deficiency is often observed in those children who eat a lot of pasta and white baked goods.

    Vitamin B1 is needed for the nervous system, digestion and heart

    Thiamine is found in grains and whole grains. Exceptionally healthy carrots, legumes, and liver contain a lot of thiamine, there is enough of it in yeast, a little less in potatoes and cabbage, it is found in beef and pork, as well as in the brain and kidneys. Children experience a lack of thiamine when they have an unbalanced diet, and this is not always due to the fact that it is absent from the food they eat. Eating seafood and fresh fish leads to the destruction of thiamine due to the thiaminase they contain, and tea and coffee slow down its absorption.

    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a dietary supplement, it takes part in the formation of red blood cells, immunoglobulins, and is needed for proper functioning thyroid gland. Riboflavin has a positive effect on human growth; without it, hair, nails and skin cannot fully grow. The first signs of deficiency are stomatitis, seizures, redness of the eyes, and evening blurred vision.

    There is a lot of riboflavin in the liver and kidneys, it is present in significant quantities in yeast, eggs and almonds, it is also found in mushrooms - these are chanterelles, champignons and porcini. To replenish the presence of riboflavin in the body, cottage cheese is suitable, as well as different kinds cabbage - broccoli, white cabbage and buckwheat. There is little of it in milk, it is found in meat and rice, wheat bread, and is found in fruits and vegetables. There is never too much riboflavin in the human body; excess is excreted in the urine, so regular consumption of the above foods is necessary.

    There is no need to be afraid of an overdose of riboflavin - the vitamin is quickly eliminated from the body

    Vitamin B3

    Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3 or PP, niacin) is involved in redox processes in the body, with its help enzymes are formed, and carbohydrate-fat metabolism occurs in cells. A lack of nicotinic acid, if you do not yet eat protein foods, leads to a serious illness - pink disease (pellagra). The child is capricious, sleeps poorly, it is difficult to distract him, he complains about his tummy, his tongue is swollen - all this may be a sign of a lack of niacin.

    B3 is found in buckwheat, liver, kidneys, beans and mushrooms. It is present in meat rye bread, beets and exotic fruits such as pineapple and mango.

    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) takes part in metabolism, the formation of immunoglobulins, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Lethargy, dry skin, hair loss, blurred vision are signs of a lack of pantothenic acid. It stimulates intestinal motility, but in excess doses has a depressing effect on the secretory function of the stomach.

    Pantothenic acid is present in many different foods and is partially synthesized by intestinal flora. Its source can be yeast, carrots, cabbage, green parts of plants; it is also found in milk, egg yolk and fish roe.

    Green parts of plants and leafy plants contain large amounts of vitamin B5

    Vitamin B6

    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in the metabolism of macroelements and the synthesis of a number of hormones, in particular serotonin, which is called the hormone of happiness. Pyridoxine is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, is necessary for the nutrition of nerve cells, protein and fat metabolism, the normal functioning of the liver, and helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Deficiency most often occurs at high physical activity, as a result of stress.

    There is a lot of pyridoxine in nuts - hazelnuts and walnuts, it is present in sprouted grains, it is part of carrots, white cabbage and cauliflower, it is found in spinach, potatoes, tomatoes, legumes, lemons and oranges, strawberries and cherries. It is also found in dairy products and meat, fish and eggs, as well as in some cereals, and is synthesized by intestinal flora.

    Vitamin B7

    Vitamin B7 (biotin) takes part in the metabolism of fatty acids, maintains the necessary level of glucose in the blood, which is optimal for nourishing various tissues of the body, and is involved in regulating the amount of proteins and fats in the baby. Lack of biotin causes depression, decreased blood pressure, increased sugar and bad cholesterol levels, slower growth and deterioration of hair, skin and nails.

    Biotin is found in a wide variety of foods; there is a lot of it in the kidneys and liver of animals, legumes and yeast. It is present in nuts, cauliflower, slightly less biotin in mushrooms, spinach and tomatoes, but eggs must be boiled or fried to obtain biotin.

    A large number of Biotin is found in protein foods and nuts

    Vitamin B9

    Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is very necessary during the period of growth, as it takes part in the formation of immunity and the circulatory system, however, excessive consumption of folic acid can lead to a decrease in the antiviral and antitumor activity of the immune system. Folic acid required for the creation of new cells, so it is especially important to consume it in early childhood. It is also required by the bone marrow that plays important role in the formation of blood molecules.

    Folic acid is found in most plant, meat and dairy products. A bowl of porridge and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice will provide half of your daily requirement.

    Vitamin B12 (cobalamin group) is important for the nervous system and hematopoietic system, the synthesis of red blood cells. A lack of vitamin can lead to anemia and the development of neurological and neuromuscular diseases.

    Cobalamins are synthesized only by microorganisms and are present in dairy, meat products and fish. Cobalamins are not found in plants, so vegetarians and those on various diets need to get them in supplement form.

    Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is important for connective tissue and bones, is an antioxidant. Deficiency manifests itself in nosebleeds and bleeding gums, but you should not get carried away with it, since interaction with some medicines may harm the body.

    There is a lot of ascorbic acid in fruits and vegetables. Rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, and citrus fruits are especially rich in it. Deficiency can occur as a result of gastrointestinal diseases in newborns who are fed only formula milk and do not receive breast milk.

    Vitamin D is also a group of active substances: D3 is synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in the skin or enters the body with food; D2 is obtained only from food. Many people who spend little time in the sun experience a lack of vitamin D. This has a particularly bad effect on children, since a deficiency of this vitamin leads to rickets. The development of osteoporosis, cancer, weakened immunity and the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system is also possible.

    The formation of vitamins in the skin requires not only sunbathing, but also taking certain foods. You need to eat a lot of fish: to form the daily requirement, you need to eat 900 g of cod per day. Other fatty fish will also work, fish fat, yeast, algae, chanterelle mushrooms grown in the forest. Caviar is much less suitable for this purpose, as well as butter, cheese and egg yolk.

    Vitamin D is also called the “sunshine vitamin” because it is produced when exposed to sunlight.

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols) is an antioxidant and a good immunomodulator. Activates tissue respiration, accelerates wound healing, improves the absorption of retinol. Deficiency is most often observed in people living in conditions of radionuclide contamination or exposed to chemical toxins. Deficiency leads to the destruction of red blood cells, negatively affects the muscular system and brain, affects the immune system, and greatly affects the growth of the child.

    Wheat germ oil was used to treat stunted people premature babies, this was the first medical use of the drug. It is found in sunflower, soybean, butter, margarine, cereals and beans, peanuts, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, sea buckthorn, rose hips and rowan.

    Vitamin K

    Vitamin K (phytomenadione) is important for kidney function, bone growth, connective tissue, calcium absorption, heart and lung function. Insufficiency leads to serious diseases: it causes profuse internal hemorrhages, ossification of cartilage, and deformation of bones during growth. Excess is also fraught with troubles: blood viscosity increases.

    Natural sources of the substance can be green leafy vegetables, for example, different types cabbage Nettle, wheat bran, pumpkin, bananas, and avocados also contain it. To replenish your body's reserves, meat, dairy products, soy, olive oil and eggs are suitable.

    Choosing drugs and complexes

    The choice should start with a visit to the doctor. Many vitamins in excess doses do not benefit, but harm. A preschooler needs to prepare for school workloads, but whether he needs special children's supplements or enough vegetables and fruits is difficult to decide on his own.

    When choosing children's complexes, you need to remember: there are different ones for each age. An important factor Convenience of administration is also important when choosing, taking into account that some drugs cannot be taken together. It is not recommended to combine iron with calcium, and folic acid with zinc. The best, perhaps, are those complexes that allow you to separate incompatible drugs over time. You should also pay attention to safety, since many drugs can cause allergies. It is better to choose those that contain less allergenic forms of substances.

    This complex is intended for children from 3 to 7. It consists of chewing plates of 3 colors: red, yellow and green. Red ones contain vitamins B and C, they contain iron and copper, as well as beta-carotene. Green contains vitamins of the same groups, as well as E, but other minerals: selenium, zinc, manganese and iodine. Yellow ones contain D3, calcium and chromium.

    This is a whole series vitamin complexes for children who are already 3 years old, tasty and fun. Sweet bears are available in 5 variants:

    1. VitaMishki Immuno+ - strengthens the immune system, combined with other vitamins in the series.
    2. VitaMishka Multi+ - helps strengthen memory and attention, promotes mental development. Promotes general strengthening body.
    3. VitaMishki Calcium+ - promotes the development of the skeletal system, recommended during the period of changing teeth, prevents the development of caries.
    4. VitaMishki Bio+ - has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora, improves digestion, and increases appetite. Recommended for dysbacteriosis.
    5. VitaMishki Focus+ - helps strengthen vision, reduces the risk of myopia.

    A wide range of additives is deservedly popular. The advantages of the series include:

    • release form - candy;
    • made from natural juices;
    • no synthetic dyes;
    • You can combine any 2 complexes in the series.

    A balanced complex of vitamins and minerals produced in Denmark is designed for children from 2 to 12 years old, hypoallergenic, and produced without synthetic dyes and sugar. The series allows you to select supplements depending on age:

    1. Multi-tabs Baby Calcium - chewable lozenges are suitable for children from 2 to 7, especially if they cannot tolerate milk. Promote growth and help form teeth.
    2. Multi-tabs Omega-3 – syrup, tablets, chewable capsules. They can be drunk by children who are already 3 years old and promote mental development. Syrup with a honey-pear taste, fish oil is almost not noticeable.
    3. Multi-tabs Junior - for children from 4 to 11 years old, has a fruity or raspberry-strawberry flavor. Increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
    4. Multi-tabs Immuno Kids - for children from 4 to 14 years old, strengthens the immune system, includes probiotics that restore the gastrointestinal microflora.

    Pleasant-tasting vitamins for children 4 years and older. Available in 2 versions:

    1. Pikovit - tablets with a citrus flavor. Contains daily norm microelements, vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body.
    2. Pikovit Plus is a chewable tablet that tastes like banana. Contains 12 vitamins and 4 minerals.

    The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky is convinced that children who receive a nutritious, varied diet do not need any supplements. According to Komarovsky, taking medications in most cases does not give the child anything, it only calms the conscience of the parents.

    The lack of vitamins in the spring sometimes does not immediately affect you. The same applies to microelements, so before prescribing any complexes to your child, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

    With the start of school life, both the child and his parents begin a new difficult period. At the age of 7-8 years, the child’s load increases sharply. He begins to gain a large amount of knowledge, he needs to adapt to new model behavior, and also increases physical activity, and with it, emotional and mental stress grows equally. All this leads to excessive fatigue of the child, it becomes difficult for him to concentrate in lessons, learn new things, everything gets confused and forgotten in his head.

    With the beginning of the school period, the load on the child increases greatly, the general tone of the body drops and overwork appears.

    Of course, parents must support their child in such difficult conditions, and also give him tangible help in the form of reinforcing his weakened strength with vitamins and minerals. Such a nutritional supply to the child’s body will help the baby cope better with stress, learn new things more confidently, and strengthen a weakened immune system. Let us turn to the essential vitamin elements required by children of primary school age.


    For the health of seven-year-old children, it is important to take into account all aspects of nutrition.

    The baby’s menu should be not only and not so much energetically valuable, but as filled as possible with useful vitamins and minerals. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates must enter the body harmoniously in order to affect the health of the student in positive side. Pay attention to the distribution of calorie intake throughout the day.

    Vitamins greatly influence the health of children, especially for children just starting to go to first grade. Children often find themselves in stressful situations. Just imagine that everything around them is new: classmates, teachers, school. All this is complemented by a sharply increased mental load, plus the child simply gets tired and overloaded from an excess of information; we also must not forget that nutrition at this time also becomes less clear and balanced. What can help in this case? Vitamins that can restore strength and energy to a child and help overcome a difficult life period of adaptation to new conditions. Let us list which vitamins are the most basic for 7-year-old children:

    Vitamin/mineralFunctionSources in productsSigns of DeficiencyNorm
    AStimulation of the immune system, acute vision.Vegetables and fruits orange color, eggs, milk, liver.Weakened vision, lacrimation, dry skin.700 mcg
    Group BSupports the functioning of the nervous system, helps in the fight against stress, enhances overall performance.Yeast, grains, whole grains, meat, vegetables, nuts.Severe fatigue, loss of appetite, apathy.B1 - 1 mg, B2 - 1.2 mg, B6 - 1.4 mg, B7 - 20 mcg, B12 - 1.4-2 mcg
    NicotinamideRestorative processes begin to work more actively, the amount of cholesterol levels out.Beef liver, broccoli, eggs, cheese, corn flour, milk.Increased fatigue, headaches, low level of activity.15 mg
    Provides cell renewal.Legumes, dark green vegetables, citrus fruits.Lack of appetite, general weakness, depression, nausea.100-200 mcg
    WITHSupports immunity, strengthens protective barrier. Citrus fruits, berries, vegetables.Slow wound healing, bleeding gums.60 mg
    ERemoves free radicals from the body.Sunflower, corn, olive oil, seeds, nuts.Anemia.10 mg
    D3Strengthens bones.Cheese, butter, egg yolk, dairy products. Synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet rays.Brittle bones, rickets.2.5-10 mcg
    Pantothenic acidHelps recycle nutrients, and also helps to produce internal energy of them.Beef, poultry, whole grains, legumes.Apathy, nausea, muscle cramps, irritability.3 mg

    Folic acid is “responsible” for the general tone of the body and good appetite of the child

    Vitamin preparations for children over 7 years old

    Big role in successful work B vitamins play a role in the body of a 7-9 year old child. When there are not enough of them, the child begins to quickly get tired, irritated, and nervous system exhausted, fatigue accumulates and develops into a chronic form. To solve the problem of lack of vitamins of this group in children, the following recommendations should be followed:

    • replenish daily diet products containing these vitamin elements;
    • completely give up sugar, as well as the consumption of caffeine and caffeinated drinks;
    • During stressful periods, pharmaceutical products in the form of vitamin and mineral supplements will come to the rescue.

    The Pikovit Forte 7+ complex is presented in the form of lozenges. The pleasant taste of tangerine is combined with the benefits of B vitamins. The tablets are completely sugar-free.

    In the composition you will find 11 vitamins important for schoolchildren, including elements with antioxidant effects C, E, A and group B, folic and pantothenic acids and nicotinamide. The prefix “forte” means that all elements are presented in this supplement in a double dose. The remedy will be appropriate for nervous conditions, or for weak activation of brain function. The latter, in turn, partially reduces appetite. The absence of sugar in the composition makes this drug the best for children with diabetes mellitus, overweight and dental diseases.

    ALPHABET Schoolchild from 7 to 14 years old

    The complex is based on research into which vitamins and minerals work best together. Thanks to these developments, the possibility of getting an allergic reaction to the product is minimal. Taking it prophylactically to prevent hypovitaminosis is much more effective than other drugs of a similar composition (by about 30-50%).

    The drug will be appropriate for use by children involved in sports sections. It improves body tone and gives greater muscle endurance.

    Along with solving the problem of weakened immunity, "Alphabet Shkolnik" helps improve mental activity. This supplement does not contain dyes, preservatives or flavors. The sequence of intake per day can be any. You need to consume the daily dose in 2-3 doses.

    The vitamins in this preparation are supplemented with 10 useful minerals, which are capable of ensuring the harmonious growth and development of the student. Daily requirement in hardware here it is 100% satisfied. The pink lozenge contains iron, copper, vitamins B1, B9 and C, as well as beta-carotene. The orange lozenge contains vitamins B6, B2, C, E and PP, which are supplemented with a mineral complex of 6 elements and beta-carotene. The white lozenge includes vitamins B5, B9, B12, D, H and K, as well as calcium and chromium.

    Vitrum Junior from 7 to 14 years old

    The drug "Vitrum Junior" was developed for children aged 7-14 years to improve mental activity, memory and attention. A doctor may recommend this complex for increased stress at school, as well as for easier adaptation of the body after illness.

    All necessary vitamin elements are supplemented with 10 minerals. A large concentration of magnesium, calcium and phosphorus is aimed at correct formation of posture, as well as maintaining the health of molars.

    The pharmaceutical manufacturer Ferrosan International A/S from Denmark is widely known for its series multivitamin complexes"Multi-tabs." Each individual representative of the series is aimed at meeting the needs for vitamins and minerals of various age categories(from 0 to 17 years):

    • "Multi-tabs Junior" is designed for children from 4 to 11 years old and is a fruit-flavored chewing candy. The assistance provided will consist of improving the perception of increased school loads, reducing the frequency colds and easier adaptation to a new team.
    • "Multi-tabs Immuno Kids" will help children 7-14 years old supply their bodies with vitamins and minerals, as well as probiotics, which are aimed at strengthening children's immunity. The Lactobacillus GG bacteria included in the composition have reliable evidence of their effectiveness, obtained as a result of many years of research. Among other elements, you will find in this complex 12 vitamins, 6 minerals and Lactobacillus GG probiotics.

    Supradin kids Junior from 5 years old

    The "Supradin Kids" supplement is a chewing candy that, due to its high content of vitamin and mineral elements, can enhance the effect of the immune system and help the child in his active growth and development. The complex is supplemented with choline and Omega 3. Choline helps stimulate brain activity and improves memory. It is recommended to use this drug for vitamin deficiency and micronutrient deficiency. The minimum course of admission is 1 month.

    Centrum children's / Centrum junior

    The Centrum Children's complex can compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in children. The carefully selected composition contains vitamin and mineral complexes that can replenish hypovitaminosis in the body. For children susceptible frequent colds, it is recommended to take the product “Centrum for Children + Extra Vitamin C”. For babies who have problems with growth or lack of calcium and caries, manufacturers advise choosing the + Extra calcium option.

    A large amount of vitamin and mineral components helps relieve the child of weakness, improve brain activity, make bones stronger, and the body’s protective barrier more reliable. You will not find any sugar or artificial colors in the composition.

    You can use VitaMishki complexes from the age of 3. Marmalade candies in the shape of bears will appeal to all children - the best option for little fidgets.

    There are only 5 varieties of these multivitamin preparations:

    1. "VitaMishki Immuno+" - strengthening the immune system, protecting against colds and infections. Possible combination with another complex of the VitaMishki series.
    2. “VitaMishki Multi+” - iodine and choline included in the composition help improve memory and attention, and also stimulate mental activity. Vitamin components provide a general strengthening effect on the entire body.
    3. “VitaMishki Calcium +” - children’s bones will become stronger thanks to the phosphorus and vitamin D included in the composition. The manufacturer recommends this product during the transition from the stage of milk teeth to permanent ones. Children who use this drug regularly are less susceptible to caries.
    4. "VitaMishki Bio+" - contains beneficial prebiotics that provide correct work digestive system, and also improve appetite. The gummies of this complex cope well with existing dysbacteriosis.
    5. “VitaMishki Focus+” - blueberries included in the composition help restore good vision, and also ensure its safety and protection. Your eyes will become less tired and sore, tension will be relieved, and myopia will become less likely.

    Komarovsky's opinion

    Known and loved by many mothers, Dr. Komarovsky claims that the lack of vitamins calls into question the full development of the child. The doctor urges parents not to forget about the importance of vitamins in the life of their child and to compensate for their deficiency, especially during the difficult period of seven years of age. Komarovsky believes that it is not worth giving vitamins for prevention, but existing vitamin deficiency must be treated immediately. More detailed information on this matter is disclosed in the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

    • Strictly follow the age limits indicated on the drug packaging. Changing the dosage is also unacceptable.
    • Before taking any pharmaceutical product You should consult your local pediatrician.
    • It is preferable to buy well-known and trusted brands, and also use large pharmacy chains for purchases.
    • All vitamin preparations have a tonic effect, so they should be taken in the first half of the day.