Summer knitted hat for girls. Even a beginner can do this! Knitted hat for a girl: diagrams and description. Fashionable knitted children's hats for girls and teenagers, winter, spring, autumn, new models

No, this is not a joke. And I was convinced of this own experience. After all, I am new to knitting and the first thing I knitted was dedicated to my new hobby.

And you know, I wanted to tell you, my dear readers, how this hat is knitted. Maybe some of you have long dreamed of picking up knitting needles, but it just seemed like your hands weren’t growing from there, or you just didn’t know where to start. In fact, everyone’s hands grow from where everyone else’s hands come from, and if something once didn’t work out, this is not an indicator that something is wrong with your hands, it just reflects the reality of how close this is occupation for your soul. I have almost never knitted with knitting needles, but having picked them up recently, I realized that this is mine: I already have a third project on the way (I will definitely share with you the second one too), so it looks like this is not a passing hobby.

But enough words, let's get straight to the point. To be honest, in order to knit a hat correctly (either for a girl or a boy), you need to take three measurements, however this model very simple and we can do without measurements.

All you need to be able to do at this stage is cast on stitches, knit and purl stitches and yarn over. Believe me, there is nothing complicated about this. Using the first video, you will very quickly learn how to cast on loops, and using the second video, knit purl and knit stitches.

You will say that there are plenty of such videos on the Internet and you will be absolutely right, and at first I even wanted to insert links from other resources, but in the end I decided to do everything myself. Please do not judge the quality of the video too harshly - sometimes the focus is a little lost, there are reservations. It turns out that it’s so difficult: to knit, speak and focus at the same time, but I tried really hard! I didn’t even bother cutting out the piece with the failed first purl stitch. Let everything be natural, because I am not a professional either in knitting or in recording such videos.

For work we need a couple regular knitting needles 3-3.5 mm thick and a skein of cotton thread (I used a composition of 70% cotton and 30% viscose) with a density of 100 g per 350 m. You can take multi-colored thread with a gradient (as in my case), or you can have two mono colors and then you will alternate them, knitting the pattern first with one thread, then with the other.

If you are a very, very newbie, then you should not take on the pattern right away. First, just stuff your hand by knitting purl and knit stitches (for example, 1st row knit, 2nd row purl, etc.) and only then start, no, not on a hat, but on a training (or control) pattern. We will need a sample not only to adapt to the pattern, but also to estimate whether the specified width of the product will suit us. If you do everything according to the rules, then the control sample must also be stretched and ironed in order to take into account possible shrinkage of the future item.

So, the pattern itself is called “Small Wave” and consists of seven rows. The pattern drawing is shown in the picture below.

The pattern is read from right to left. The number indicates the row number of the pattern. Each cell is a loop, and the designation means how this loop is knitted.

We knit every second, fourth, sixth and eighth rows completely with purl stitches.

To knit a control pattern, cast on 35 stitches and start knitting according to the pattern, remembering to slip the first edge loop without knitting, knit the penultimate stitch of the row, and always purl the last stitch. You will get 4 patterns in a row. Work each row of the pattern at least four times, or more if you feel you are not yet confident enough in it.

Openwork pattern “Small wave”

Now that all the wisdom is behind us, let's proceed directly to the hat itself.

Cast on 91 stitches on the needles. Just in case, use the test sample to estimate how many centimeters in length it can accommodate loops, then measure the head circumference of the owner of the future new thing, and, having made a simple proportion, estimate how many loops are needed for the measured girth. If the difference is within 10 loops, then you can not change anything, but if the difference is significant, then you can adjust the number of loops. The main thing is that it must be a multiple of eight (this is the number of loops the pattern consists of), plus 2 edge loops and plus one for symmetry.

Once you have cast on the stitches, start knitting according to the pattern as follows:

- if you use threads of two colors, then change the thread every seventh row;

- in total you need to knit the pattern 7 times, that is, you should get 56 rows (7 times 8 rows);

- after that, knit two rows with decreasing loops - knitting two loops together with the front one. Thus, the cap will be rounded, and through the remaining loops, thread the thread, tighten and sew a seam.

That's it, you did it! Our summer knitted hat is ready!

Important addition. When I knitted 6 rows of the pattern (48 rows) and figured it out for my daughter, it seemed to me that the next row of the pattern would be superfluous and ended there, but now I see (especially after washing) that it would be quite possible to knit them too. You can, of course, undo it and tie it, but I don’t want to bother like that, especially since next year We'll definitely need a bigger hat!

I hope I have convinced you that you can knit such a hat, and if you are itching to create something with your own hands, feel free to start. Believe me, it’s a special feeling to knit something for your child, and when asked by other mothers on the site, proudly answer that it was your doing!

Fashion today pampers both children and adults, offering the most different variants clothes. Thanks to this, each person can stand out in the crowd by choosing his own original image. From an early age, children want to go to beautiful things. You can dress your child on a budget but attractively with the help of needlework. Simple hat for girls it is easy to knit, according to simple circuits, even if you are new to knitting. The design can be chosen for a child of any age.

How to knit a hat for a girl

Creating a beautiful and original piece of clothing is not at all difficult if you have the desire and a little patience. Knitted hats for girls in the form of a snood, a helmet, a hood, or a panama hat are noticeable accessories in any look, and knitting them is not difficult even for a novice craftswoman. All you need is to choose the knitting description you like, preferably with a photo, arm yourself with knitting tools and buy a couple of balls of yarn. If you have unnecessary knitted items suitable color, feel free to disband them and create new models in the next master classes.

Schemes and descriptions for beginners

Simple patterns and uncomplicated models, which are best to choose if you are a novice needlewoman, will allow you to knit a baby hat for a girl in just a few hours. Models designed for newborns or thin ones are especially easy to create. summer options. The speed of knitting depends not only on skill, but also on the thickness of the threads and tools for work.

Winter hat with a simple pattern

For a cute warm knitted winter hat for girls with knitting needles, purchase 100 g of dark gray yarn and 25 g of pink yarn. Choose knitting tools No. 4.5. Then follow the instructions:

  • For a head with a girth of 46/48, cast on 120 loops Pink colour, distributing them evenly on four socks. Then knit a 2.5 centimeter high bar in the round. This is 11 rows in garter stitch.
  • When finished, switch to gray thread and knit with stockinette stitch.
  • For 39 rub. (approximately 9.5 cm) begin to decrease 15 stitches, then 2 need to be knitted, tilting them to the left. To do this, you need to remove 1, knit the next one, and pull the removed one through it.
  • Then everything is repeated: 1 l., 2 knit. Repeat this 6 times to reduce the number of loops to 108.
  • Then count 6 rubles twice and repeat the decreases.
  • Then - every 4 p., every 2, until there are 24 p. left that need to be pulled together.
  • Decorate the side of the product with a small white flower or beads.

For a newborn

The peculiarity of knitting clothes for a newborn is that it should be as simple as possible. For this model, purchase 50 g of light beige yarn. The work will be done with knitting needles No. 2, 3, 5. First, take numbers 2 and 5, cast on 80 stitches, distributing them evenly across 4. A hat for a girl is knitted with an elastic band in circular rows of 3 centimeters. Continue working in the round at number 3. In the first round you need to decrease 8 loops. Then make a decrease every 10 cm in every 2 circles. Repeat this three times, after which you knit 2 stitches in each 2nd circle. Pull the remaining rows together.


If you want a lightweight flight pattern, choose a cotton yarn juicy flowers. The work will use an elastic band, purl stitch, then knit stitch. Measure the baby's head, divide the amount by 10 centimeters. Then cast on a row of loops of this length and count how many loops there are in it. Multiply the number of loops by the previously obtained amount and round it so that it is divisible by 6. Then it is convenient to divide the fabric into wedges. Next do the following:

  • Until 13 p.m. knit the elastic with two knit stitches and two purl stitches.
  • 14 rub. consists only of facial loops.
  • The next two consist of only purls.
  • The next two consist again of facial ones.
  • Then you knit two rows again.
  • 22nd r. changes to facial. Every 10th and 11th loop in it is knitted together. Mark the places of the ligaments with a thread of a different color.
  • Next, knit 2 p. alternate faces, purl.
  • For 27 r. begin to decrease 2 loops at the marks.
  • At the end, pull the thread through the entire product, pull it tight, fasten, and sew the sides.


For spring hat take knitting needles number 6 and 7, you will also need a needle and scissors. The product will be made with an elastic band and a braid pattern. You will need 100 g of yarn. Get started:

  • Cast on 54 loops. Knit 5 centimeters with an elastic band, alternately knit 2, purl 1.
  • Next, add 1 loop in each purl. You will get 72.
  • Continue to No. 7. Work row 2/2 (knit/purl).
  • Next is a row of faces. and purl, tied together.
  • Alternate one row: k2. with one purl..
  • In this row, purl all the stitches.
  • Knit one row.
  • Knit 2 r. like this: all loops are two.
  • Finish by tightening and securing the auxiliary thread.

Children's hat with ears for girls

For a children's hat with ears, prepare 100 g of wool or cashmere yarn, knitting needles number 5.5. For this model, the technique of elastic band and stocking stitch is used. Get started:

  • Decide on the number of loops depending on the circumference of your head.
  • The first row is knitted with an elastic band. To do this, the first loop is removed, the second is knitted purl, then knit, and so on. When you reach the middle loop, mark it with thread.
  • At the marked location, pull the line out of the knitting needle to pull half of the stitches towards the left. The right loops remain in place. Continue working. At the end of the row, pull the line again.
  • Knit 5 centimeters with an elastic band.
  • Next, knit 5 r. only persons. loops.
  • In the next row, decrease by knitting two stitches as one.
  • Repeat the decreases 5 times every 5 rubles. on the sixth.
  • Try on the hat for your child. If it's just right, finish the job.
  • Using a hook, make eyes, inserting it into the loop on the far, then on the near knitting needle. At this time they are kept parallel to each other. This will close all the loops.


This hat is suitable for children aged 3-4 years. It will protect your baby's ears well from the cold. The head circumference is 52 cm. The work is performed with a 6 mm knitting tool. The loops must be crossed, removing 2 loops on extra knitting needle and placing them before work. Then knit 2 on the left, then 2 knit with an additional one:

  • “Ears” are knitted in 11 rows, starting the first with 4 stitches and ending with the 12th, each time adding 2 stitches at the beginning and at the end of the row.
  • Knit the first part and set it aside, do not break the second thread, but pick up 14 stitches on it on the right, then connect to the left side.
  • Next you need to knit the loops into the pattern, knit 14 cast-on loops, pick up another 24 stitches, connect in circular row.
  • Next, the headdress is knitted in a circle, 6 r each. crossing is performed.
  • You need to make a 16-centimeter fabric, then decrease, leaving only 14 stitches.
  • Finally, pull the thread through them and secure.
  • Make a binding of 88 stitches along the product.
  • Knit 2 rows with an elastic band. from 2 persons. and 2 out.


This product is intended for children from six months to 12 months with a head circumference of 43-48 cm. Prepare 1 skein of materials acrylic yarn, knitting needles 3.75 and 4 mm, two stitch holders, needle.

  • Take smaller needles and cast on 82 stitches.
  • Front side up to 2nd p. knit with an elastic band according to the pattern: 1 p., 2 knit., 2 p., then repeat everything until the end, where 1 knit stitch closes.
  • 3rd r. consists of knit 3, purl 2, knit 2. Then put 7 stitches on the holder, knit with an elastic band to the final 7 loops.
  • After this, turn the work over and set aside the last 7 stitches.
  • Take a 4-mm tool, knit 4 stitches, add a loop, and knit until the last 4, which you make into knit stitches.
  • Continue knitting in garter stitch until you reach 16.5cm.
  • Decrease by knitting 6 r. and closing 5 p.
  • For another 3 rubles. close in 3 stitches, then bind off all the loops and sew the seam.
  • Knit the neckline with front side with small knitting needles evenly around the entire circumference.
  • Make 2 p. from the wrong side with an elastic band, repeating up to 5 cm in height. Close the loops and sew the seam.
  • At the end you need to sew on a button for the fastener.

Beret for children

A funny beret will be great to wear in the spring, the instructions described are suitable for a head with a circumference of 53-56 cm. The beret will lie beautifully on the back of the head. It will require 2 skeins of yarn, circular knitting needles sizes 2.5 and 3 mm:

  • It is necessary to cast on the tool 2.5 mm 112 p. Italian dialing, connect them in a circular row.
  • The next step is an elastic band of 2 rubles.
  • Next, alternate knit 1, purl 1. 4 cm in height.
  • Then knit on 3 mm, add. To do this, knit 1 purl, add a loop, then 1 knit, add a loop again, 2 knits, increase, 1 knit, increase again. Repeat 14 times until you get 182 sts.
  • This is followed by knitting with a pattern called “Leaves and Vine”, which consists of 8 p. They are repeated 5 times. Then 6 rubles. 1 time.
  • For 17 r. Decrease is performed until there are 17 stitches left that need to be pulled together.

Openwork hat

Prepare 1 skein of yarn desired color, knitting tool number 3. Depending on the time of year, choose the thread density. For more interesting looking For a future hat for a girl, you can use knitting threads of 2 colors. The following product is suitable for babies aged 1-3 months:

  • Cast on 93 sts. Knit the rib in 4 rows 1 to 1.
  • At 5 p.m. the pattern begins. It is performed by knitting 1 purl, 5 knits. loops
  • In the next 3 r. knit 1 purl, 2 together, 1 yarn over, knit 1, 1 yarn over again, the last 2 loops together with the front stitch.
  • Knit the next row as the stitches go.
  • Repeat the previous 3 times again. Knit 10 centimeters.
  • For 55 rub. the bottom is done. To do this, divide the loops by 6. Every 2 first and 2 last are knitted into one.
  • When you decrease to 21 sts, pass the thread through the product and tighten.
  • All that remains is to connect it at the back and sew on a lace for tying.


The following scheme is suitable for girls up to three months. You will need yarn of the desired shade, 4 mm double needles. The knit stitch is done like this: you need to knit knit stitches on the front side, purl stitches on the back side. For purl stitch purl loops knitted on the right side, knitted on the opposite side. Then the work is done like this:

  • Dial 26 p.
  • Knit 3 r. stockinette stitch.
  • Cast on 8 stitches in garter stitch and 18 in purl stitch. Next, alternate them until you get 45 scars per stitch.
  • Knit 3 more rows. stockinette stitch.
  • Close the loops and sew the seam.

Pattern Schemes

For decoration knitted products Several basic ornaments are used. It’s worth going through the lessons on them once, and your knitted hat for a girl will turn out beautiful and original:

  • Honeycomb pattern. The number of loops in it is a multiple of four plus two edge loops. Each row begins and ends with an edge loop. In the first row after it there is a crossed loop behind back wall, then behind the front. 2, 4, 6, 8 r. Knit only with purl stitches. Z r. consists of facial loops. 5 rub. repeats the first one. 7 rub. consists of facial loops. This scheme repeats itself required quantity once.
  • The openwork pattern with leaves must be knitted according to a specific pattern. It will indicate the number of front rows, and the back rows must be created based on the drawing. “Leaves” are obtained by alternating yarn overs with decreases while knitting 2-3 stitches together. These techniques are done only in the front loops, and the purl loops correspond to the pattern. Yarns in them are knitted purlwise.
  • Braid pattern. The first row consists of 2 purl, 8 knit, 2 purl. In 2, 3, 4, purl stitches are knitted above the knit stitches, and knit stitches are knitted over the knit stitches. 5 rub. starts with 2 purl, then 4 pieces are removed without knitting to the auxiliary one. Next you need to knit 4 faces. loops. Slip the first 4 stitches from the auxiliary stitch onto the main stitch and knit. Then everything is repeated.
  • The plait pattern is knitted according to many patterns. For example, with inclined hinges. To do this, cast on a number of loops that are a multiple of 10. To them you need to add 2 stitches for symmetry, 2 edge stitches. 1 rub. starts with two purls, then 4 knits, the eighth, ninth are removed to the auxiliary, followed by 2 knits, then 2 knits. with auxiliary, last - 2 purls. All even rows are knitted with purl stitches in the front row, and vice versa in the purl row. 3 r. repeats the second, but 5 and 6 sts are removed. In 5 p. everything is the same, only 3 and 4 are removed. From 7 p.m. everything starts all over again.

For a teenage girl

A teenage girl is more picky than Small child, but you can cope with the task if you choose one of the knitting patterns in trends that are fashionable today. Spectacular knitted models hats with cat ears, fashionable knitted ruffle trim, pompom decoration, jacquard patterns. A beanie hat for girls with an elongated top can please even the most stylish young fashionista.

Cat hat with embroidery

A cute baby hat is knitted for girls stockinette stitch, along which the cat's muzzle is knitted. Knitting tools are used circular or regular. In the second case, the halves of the hat will need to be sewn together. In addition, you will need 90 g of yarn light color, 5 g black for embroidering the nose and eyes. Then follow the diagram:

  • Take the circular ones at number 4, cast on 68 sts.
  • Knit 1 p. facial, 1 r. purl stitch. This is an elastic band. By this alternation you need to perform 10 r. Loop density – 15.
  • Then knit another 38 rows in stockinette stitch.
  • For 39 rub. close the loops.
  • At the final stage, you need to make a seam, embroider a design with black threads in the form of eyes and a nose.

Double winter with large bubo

To knit a hat for the winter you will need to spend about 100 grams of yarn. Both layers, the top and the lining, are knitted in two threads. Start with a sample:

  • Dial 20 p. thin knitting needles.
  • Remove the edge, yarn over, then knit, yarn over, knit again.
  • At 2 p.m. Yarn over before the edge is not done. Remove purl, knit, and so on.
  • Make 8 p. in a circle, where all purl loops are removed and knit stitches are knitted.
  • The set row can be unraveled, take non-circular ones bigger size.
  • Close the elastic by removing the edge, knitting and purling together 2 times. Then purl, knit, 2 are knitted together, 2 are knitted together again. Repeat.
  • Knit a braid of purl 7, knit 12, purl 7. Do this 6 times. After this, the loops need to be crossed.
  • Now it's time for the top of the hat. It will require about 70 p.
  • Knitting a braid. It consists of 3 purl. at the beginning and at the end, in the middle, alternate 12 faces. with 6 p.
  • After 3 p.m. up starts decreasing every 4 p. To do this, there are two purl sides on the sides of the braids. are knitted together.
  • Without lifting the elastic, loops for the inner lining are cast on. Purl 1 row, knit rows next. Periodically apply the pad to the top to reduce it in time. This is done in the same way as in the upper part.
  • Sew the two pieces together.
  • A pom pom is made by wrapping string around two circles of cardboard.
  • Then they are cut along the edge and tied tightly in the middle.
  • The pompom needs to be carefully trimmed and tied to the hat.
  • Decorate the product with snowflakes.

Beanie with snood

This type of hat and snood can be of different heights. The number of loops depends on this. For 20 cm you can cast on 50-55 loops. A hat for a girl is knitted in transverse rows in width:

  • Cast on loops, knit 1 p. facial You remove the first one, do not touch the last 5.
  • Then you turn around and knit in reverse side, turn around again and do not complete the row this time by 4 loops.
  • We repeat back and forth without knitting 3 stitches, then 2, 1.
  • Knit the desired width, trying it on to your head.
  • The resulting fabric needs to be sewn on the side. Pull the top a little at the crown, fasten the thread to a knot, then turn the finished product inside out.

You can start snooding by casting on the same number of stitches. Knitting it is even easier because you don’t have to decrease the stitches. You work in exactly the same way, unfolding the canvas. The number of rows will depend on how long you want the scarf. After making sure after trying on that there is enough length, carefully sew the ends of the fabric.


Children's hats are always relevant. In winter they keep you warm and protect you from colds. And in the summer they protect the child’s head from overheating. And if we talk specifically about hats for girls, then such a headdress, especially knitted with your own hands, will emphasize the individuality of the child.

For little fashionistas, one hat is usually not enough - after all, many color and design solutions allow you to choose a headdress for almost any outfit. Summer hats for girls with knitting patterns and descriptions presented in this article are available for craftswomen of any qualification.

Openwork summer hat

The model is designed for ages 3-5 years.
Head volume 48-50 cm, height from ears to crown – 16 cm.

We will need:

  • white yarn – cotton (or linen) – 25g;
  • straight sp. No. 2.5 and No. 3;
  • hook.

What patterns will we knit:

  • garter stitch - knit all stitches;
  • stocking stitch - in knit stitches. All loops are knit, in purl rows. – purl;
  • “Gothic openwork” pattern - see diagram:

It is imperative to knit a sample of the pattern using the selected threads and knitting needles and use it to determine required amount loops


For the hat, cast on 91 stitches with needles No. 3 and knit 4p. garter stitch - this will be the edging of our hat.

Let's go to sp. No. 2.5 and begin to knit the openwork. We repeat three times from the 1st to the 15th row. scheme.

To decorate the top of the head, we make decreases throughout the entire canvas. To do this, evenly in 3 front rows we knit the central 3 stitches together. each rapport (4,5,6p.)

In the last r. We knit all the loops of the hats two at a time together. We transfer the remaining ones to the hook. We break the thread, leaving long end(about 25 -30cm). We pass the thread through all the loops and tighten.

Using the same thread we perform vertical seam hats

Purple openwork summer hat

The model is designed for ages from 1 to 2 years.

We will need:

  • fine yarn (50 g per 250 m) – 50 g;
  • straight sp. No. 2;
  • hook No. 2;
  • decorative balls in harmony with the color of the threads - 6 pieces.

What patterns will we knit:

  • elastic band: 1 knit x 1 purl;
  • openwork:

1p.: *2p. in 1L., 1N.* - repeat from * to * until the end of the row;

2 rub. and all purl: purl;

3p.: *1n., 2p. in 1l.* - repeat from * to * until the end of the r.

Knitting density: 26p. for 32r. correspond to a square of 10 cm by 10 cm.


We cast on with knitting needles 101 sts. and knit 2.5 cm rubber bands. Next R. evenly decrease 21p.

We switch to “openwork” and knit 10-12 cm - check by trying on. Then we make decreases twice every other row. We knit 2 stitches. together.

We break the thread, thread it through the remaining loops, and tighten it.


We make a vertical seam summer hat. We crochet 6 chains from air loops 7-8 cm long. Attach the balls. We sew chains to the bottom of the hat for girls.

Hat for a teenage girl

The model is designed for a head volume of 52 cm.

We will need:

  • blue cotton yarn (50 g per 125 m) – 50 g;
  • set of hosiery sp. №2.5

What patterns will we knit:

  • persons Ch.: - when knitting in the round, knit all stitches;
  • elastic band: 1 knit x 1 purl;
  • openwork:

3p.: *2p. in 1L., 1N.* - repeat from * to * until the end of the row;

From the 5th to the 7th row: all stitches are knit.

Repeat from 2 p. 7 rubles each


We cast on with knitting needles 136 sts. and switch to circular knitting, distributing the loops into 4 sp. 34 p. for each sp. We knit 5p. rubber bands.

Let's switch to openwork. Having knitted 12 cm with knitting needles, we decrease stitches: 27 times we knit every 4th and 5th stitch in 1L. 109p left.

Next in a row we knit all the loops in 2 stitches. together in 1l. (we have -28 p.). Knit 2 p. persons Ch. Then - again in 2p. in 1l. (in work 14p.).

Knit another 1 p. persons p. Break the thread, thread it through the remaining loops, pull it off, bring it to wrong side and secure.

Panama hat for girls

The summer hat is designed for a head volume of 52 – 54 cm.

We will need:

  • yarn, cotton 100% (100g per 330m) lilac color– 30g;
  • yarn of the same quality - a little lemon and light green colors;
  • straight sp. No. 2.5;
  • set of sp. No. 2.5;
  • hook No. 2.5.

What patterns will we knit:

  • persons gl.: at straight knitting in persons rows - knit stitches, purl stitches. rows - purl; when knitting in the round – knit all stitches;
  • elastic band: 1 knit x 1 purl;
  • openwork: knit according to the pattern; in purl knit loops in rows according to the pattern, knit yarn overs. P.


For the Panama hat, cast on 210p green yarn using 2.5 knitting needles. and knit 4p. persons Ch. At 5 p.m. to get a jagged edge on the fold, knit on all stitches, alternating: 2p. in 1l., 1n.

Continue 4 r. light green, then change color: 4p. lemon thread, 2 p. – light green, 5 rubles. – lemon. In the last r. evenly decrease 120p. 90 p. left.

Knit 4 repeats in height, then reduce the number of loops by half. We continue 4 rubles. persons ch., in the 5th r. Once again we reduce the number of stitches by half. Knit 1 p. persons Ch. Do not close the loops.


Break the thread, thread it through the remaining loops, pull and fasten. Sew the edges of a girls' hat. Crochet a cord from air loops.

Thread it through the holes on the pattern at the transition point to the brim of the panama hat - this way we can adjust the desired width. If desired, the cord can be replaced with a satin ribbon.


Crochet 6 chain stitches (VP) with lilac yarn, connect into a ring. Knit 12 single crochets (SC) into its middle.

Next R. knit 6 arches from - repeat between brackets.

On each of the arcs, knit a petal from. Repeat between brackets.

The following model may be useful for a girl on cool evenings that sometimes occur in the summer.

Hat with "Waves" pattern

Head volume: 50 cm – 52 cm

We will need:

  • yarn -50g (50g per 200m);
  • sp. circular No. 2.5;
  • marker.

What patterns will we knit:

  • elastic band: 1 knit x 1 purl;
  • pattern according to the diagrams:

Designations used:

A: add p. from broach prev. row, knitting faces. for the upper lobule;

IN: add p. from broach prev. row, knitting faces. for the lower lobule;

twisted ABC: remove 1 p., another 1 p. remove as when knitting a crossed purl, return 2 removed stitches to the left sp. in a new location, remove 2p. together, 1 l., stretch the removed stitches through the knitted stitches.

Knitting density:


Cast on with needles No. 2.5 126 stitches, place a marker, close the knitting in a circular r.

Knit 9p. rubber bands. Next R. add stitches: *p1, A, 2p., A, 3p., A, 2p., B, 1p.* - repeat from * to * for the entire row. Total 182p.

We continue to work according to scheme No. 1, doing rapport from 13 stitches in a circle 14 times. Repeating in height 4 times 8 r. cx. No. 1, repeat the 1st and 2nd rows again.
Next we use cx in our work. No. 2. Repeat rapport 7 times. In total there are 175p in work.

Having knitted 26 rubles. cx. No. 2, break the thread, thread it through the remaining 7 stitches, pull it off, bring it to the wrong side and fasten. Lightly moisten the product, pull it suitable form and dry.

Summer hat for a teenager: MK video

Summer beret for a girl

Knitting density: 24p. for 36 rub. correspond to a square of 10 cm by 10 cm.


We cast on with needles No. 2.5 100 stitches, set a marker and close the knitting in the round. We knit 3 cm of elastic. We change sp. on No. 3.25, evenly add 80p. We get 180p in work.

We break the thread, thread it through the remaining loops, tighten it, bring it to the wrong side and fasten it. Lightly moisten the product, stretch it onto a suitable shape and dry.

How to knit a summer openwork hat: video mk

During the hot summer months, the child's head should be carefully protected from direct sun rays and piercing wind. For example, a children's summer hat will do the job perfectly. knitted. Made from blended yarn containing cotton, it will prevent the baby from overheating and will not interfere with the natural air exchange of the scalp. In addition, using an interesting openwork pattern, as, for example, in our master class, you can create not only practical, but also beautiful and original accessory for a child.

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Photo gallery: Openwork miracle: learning to knit a summer baby hat

Knitted summer hats for girls with patterns

Taking measurements and calculating the loops of a children's summer hat

Before you start knitting a hat, you need to take 2 measurements: measure the circumference of the child’s head and the distance from the ear to the top of the head. Then you should knit a small sample of the pattern and use its example to calculate the number of loops. In our case, a summer children's hat is knitted with a “wave” pattern and one repeat is equal to 3.5 cm. It turns out that with a head circumference of 46 cm, we will need 13 such repeats, that is, 107 stitches (13 × 8 + 2 edges. + 1 p.).

Knitted summer hat for girls

Important! Knitting children's summer hats has one feature: the cast-on edge should not be tight, as the product will press and rub the child's head. Therefore, try to knit tightly, but not too tightly.

Summer children's hat with knitting needles - step-by-step instructions

Children's hat rim

Thanks to this pattern, the bottom edge of a summer children's knitted hat will have a beautiful zigzag edge.

Summer is coming - the warmest time of the year. But even in summer, children wear hats. They protect your head from wind, dust and scorching sun. And in this MK we will knit a summer hat for a girl.

For knitting summer hat we will need:

Pink and yellow yarn;

We need to knit the first double crochets into the sliding loop (hereinafter referred to as Dc). And in total there are ten of them to be made. And between them we perform one air loop (hereinafter VP)

Now we will start a new row with four VPs and one dc. We knit it at the same point from where we knitted four loops. And in the next gap between the columns we perform two dcs and one VP between them.

And we will knit this way until the end. Let's finish the row with connection loops.

We start a new row with four VPs and one DC in the “tick” of the previous row. In the next “tick” we knit again 2 Dcs and one VP. And then we will knit a “tick” not into the “tick” of the previous row, but between two “ticks” of the previous row.

This is how we make raises. That is, we knit one “tick” into “ticks” and knit one between them.

Row we knit “tick” into “tick”. The entire hat will consist of such elements. We have one extra row and one regular row.

In the next row we will make an increase when we knit three “ticks” and between the third and fourth there will be an increase, that is, a new “tick”. And again we knit the row without increases. And so we knit until we get one that fits the size.

The hat is almost ready.

Now we will also tie the edges of the binding pink yarn and single crochets.

That's it, the hat itself is ready.

Decorate it with knitted flowers

We knit five single crochets in a loop with pink yarn. Then we will continue knitting yellow. We make three VPs. And we knit three dcs not knitted to the end. That is, we knit only the first loop and yarn over.