Summer crochet pattern description. A very simple crochet beret pattern. White openwork beret

The presented summer crochet beret for a child is suitable for a girl 2-6 months old. If you want to knit such a beret for a teenager 9 - 12 years old, then take thicker yarn and hook number 2.


  • Thread “Iris” - 60 g;
  • hook;
  • scissors.

Let's start knitting:

1. Start knitting.
We dial 7 v. loops and connect them. Next, we knit all the rows in a spiral. We knit 15 single crochets. (Photo 1) Insert a hook into each loop and alternately knit a stitch with 1 stitch. and 2 ch (Photo 2) We perform the next row in each loop of the column with simple single crochets. Next we perform five vp. through 5 loops. It turns out 8 arches. (Photo 3)

2. We knit rays.
To do this, you need to knit 3 vp. and an even number of double crochets, namely 8 pieces, in each arch. We finish the row (photo 4, photo 5).

Next, we knit 6 loops, first chain and then double crochet. (Photo 6)

Row 7: 4 columns with n., and twice 6 v.p. So until the end. (Photo 7)

Row 8: 2 double stitches, three in. item 2 columns. with nak., six air. p, two pillars. with nak. three air p., and so all the actions from the beginning. (Photos 8 and 9)

9th: 4 columns from n., 6 in. p., then 9 single crochets, and so we finish the row. (Photos 10 and 11)

Row 10: three sts. with inc., 3 air. p, three treble dc, 6 vp, 7 treble without dc, 6 dc. let's continue the same way.
Row 11: three sts. s n., three v.p., 1 tbsp. with nac., three vp, 1 tbsp. with nak., three air.p., 3 tbsp. with nac., six vp, 5 tbsp. without nak., six vp and all from the beginning.
Row 12: knit three sts. with nak., then 5 arches, like the previous row, three tbsp. with nak., six vp, three tbsp. without pressure, six air p., repeat. (Photos 12 and 13)

13th: everything is the same, only we knit 7 arches, and we knit the ray into 1 single crochet column.

3. Knitting the side part.
Note! In order for a summer crochet beret for a child to turn out with a smooth side part, it is necessary to correctly perform the decreases. If you decrease the loops too sharply, the beret will turn out angular and not deep. Well, if this part of the beret is knitted too long, it will turn out to be deep and sloping, which does not correspond to the name “beret”, but rather a “hat”.
We continue knitting with double crochets, in each loop, for the entire next row. (Photo 14)

Row 15 is knitted in a herringbone pattern, i.e., one at a time. There should be exactly 9 Christmas trees, each drawing has an arch. (Photo 15)

We knit the next row in the same way, only in the same way. should be knitted already 2. (Photos 16 and 17)

17th: Air. We knit three loops in a herringbone pattern.
We knit the next three rows in a herringbone pattern consisting of two columns with a single stitch and 1 ch. We place the drawing on top of each other. (Photo 18)

We knit the 21st, 22nd and 23rd rows with a single herringbone pattern. (Photos 19 and 20)

We perform the next four rows with simple stitches, i.e. single crochet, shifting each row by one stitch.

4. We finish the summer beret with a crochet hook for the child.
We knit the last four rows in single crochets. We cut the thread and tie a strong knot, burying the ends. (Photo 21,22,23,24)

So our wonderful beret “Red Sun” is ready. This beret will go with a variety of your child's outfits, and the gorgeous openwork pattern will make your little one stand out from the crowd. (After all, every mother wants this.) Knit and try new things. Improve yourself!

Openwork summer berets are a fashionable solution for children of all ages. This beautiful accessory perfectly protects the child from wind, direct sunlight and the coolness of a summer evening.

Photo gallery: Little fashionista: crochet a beautiful summer beret for a girl

The summer beret looks very elegant on little girls - it adds tenderness and style to the baby's image. Especially if it is an openwork beret crocheted from a thin thread. Such an almost weightless headdress does not cause any discomfort to the delicate children's skin, but reliably protects the child from overheating and hypothermia. In addition, by decorating a girl’s beret with beads, beads or bright ribbons, you can successfully combine it with different clothes and accessories.

  • Yarn: Alize Forever 100% microfiber-acrylic, 50 g/300 m, Color 01-633070. Yarn consumption: 30 g.
  • Tools: hook 1., white thread, needle
  • Knitting density: horizontally Pg = 3.9 loops in 1cm
  • Beret size: 50-51
  • Additional decorations: beads

Summer beret for a girl - step by step instructions

A light crochet baby beret can be crocheted from several component elements knitted separately, or it can be crocheted without breaking the working thread, as in the master class we prepared.

Selection of materials and patterns

Scheme 1 is used as the main pattern for a summer beret. The presence of a large pattern in combination with air loops will make this beret for a girl lightly elegant.

On a note! When choosing a pattern for a summer crochet baby beret, consider the thickness of the thread you will use. Lace patterns look good only in combination with thin threads. If you plan to use a thick thread, then give preference to symmetrical patterns.

A summer beret is perfect for sun protection. Our grandmothers crocheted this headdress. Fortunately, it is still very popular today. Therefore, we will consider the most interesting models.

How to crochet a summer beret?

Before starting any work, you need to decide what you want to get in the end. The beret shape that is familiar to us is two pancakes with a hole for the head. But the summer option allows some freedom in this regard. This is a lighter and more openwork option, so it looks airy on the head. To achieve this effect you do not need special knowledge. On the contrary, a summer beret is much easier to knit.

The main fabric is first made wider, like a napkin, and then narrows slightly towards the edge. To keep the headdress on the head, the armhole is tightened with a sharp narrowing and braided with a small border.

With this method, there is no clear fracture line, and the beret itself rests easily and freely on the head. It is not heavy, which is extremely important for the warm season. At the same time, the headdress protects from the hot rays of the sun. Later in the article we will look at how to crochet a summer beret. The job description is intended for beginner needlewomen. Experienced craftswomen will only need to look at the diagram or photo to understand the principle of operation.

Light mesh with flower

Any summer crochet beret, the diagram of which is presented here, begins with a round motif. It can be a solid circle or an openwork flower, but they are all knitted from the center, starting with a ring of chain stitches.

We knit a row of 30 single crochets. In the second, we make one lifting chain of 3 single crochets, and then we perform 10 groups of double crochets with a common top. They are knitted in the same way as usual, only until all the stitches from the group are ready, the last stitch is not knitted. Thus, there are 4 loops on the hook that need to be knitted together. Between groups of columns we make 3 air loops.

In the next row we knit a simple mesh of 10 chain stitches in each arch, and behind it the same, but 15 chain stitches. On the formed arches we perform 4 groups of double crochets with a common top. Between them we also do 3 v/p. After this, we continue to knit several rows with a mesh of arches of 5 air loops.

The penultimate and last rows should tighten the finished product. Therefore, we reduce the number of loops. First we knit 2 double crochets, then one after another. We constantly control the width; if necessary, we make 1-2 more rows. They can be made with single crochets.

Scheme of a beautiful summer beret

A light crocheted summer beret for a woman, the diagram of which is presented below, is best woven from thin cotton yarn. In this case, it will turn out not only beautiful, but also practical, since it will not cause discomfort from wearing in hot weather.

There is no need to describe each row of the product in detail. The conventions here are transparent. At the beginning of the work, the diagram shows ovals made of sticks, and in the upper part there are columns brought together to a common top. This is precisely the designation of those double crochets that have the last common loop.

A slightly difficult point in the diagram is associated with the large “petals”. They are performed a little unconventionally. First we make 3 single crochets, then we make a chain of 11 single crochets, then, starting from the 6th loop, we go back using 6 single crochets. After this, we repeat knitting the next “petals”.

The remaining stages of the work according to the scheme are clear. This way you can get a summer beret for a girl. It is better to crochet it using thinner yarn and a smaller tool.

White openwork beret

Here is another interesting summer crochet beret. Its diagram and description do not contain any particular difficulties. Let's deal with them in order.

The top of the product is knitted with simple double crochets, although they can be replaced with a light mesh. This option will be easier for beginning craftswomen, since it is more clear here how to gradually expand the fabric, adding 1 air loop to each row in the arch.

When the main width of the headdress is ready, we proceed to the pattern. It is knitted on the basis of alternating a solid strip of double crochets and an openwork zigzag of “fans”. The columns in each row are knitted one above the other. At the same time, the base for the fan changes. If in the first row the elements were knitted in the very left column, then in the next row we do it in the very right corner, and vice versa.

At the end of knitting, we reduce the number of loops by knitting double crochets or single crochets until we reach the desired size of the armhole. After this, you will get a light summer crochet beret that will look beautiful on any girl’s loose hair.

Lilac beret

The headdress does not have to be white. It can be knitted in any color, depending on personal preferences. An example of this is a crocheted lilac summer beret for a woman. Its design is simple and starts with a circular motif.

The openwork is added to the large spans that are formed from arches made of air loops. The basis of the pattern is made up of double crochets. Here's an interesting way to widen the top.

In the row where the number of loops needs to be increased, the author adds groups of double crochets. For their base, the last top of the columns from the previous row is used. This addition is not striking, but is very effective.

This model does not emphasize narrowing. This is so unimportant that you can simply pass the ribbon through the base and tighten the headdress to fit your head volume. This idea is also perfect if you need to crochet a children's summer beret. This pattern is universal for different ages, and the girl can wear the headdress itself for more than one summer.

Beret for cold summer

The sun does not always please us in summer. There are days when the weather approaches autumn. For such moments, you can crochet a summer beret, which can warm you up a little.

The top of the headdress is knitted simply. We won’t describe it in detail, but let’s look at the photo as a diagram. We start working with 24 double crochets. Next we will increase the number of arches made from air loops and double crochets. Their number is clearly visible in the photo.

But you can dream up your imagination about the lower part. She is gradually narrowing.

There is an option to knit it using the same double crochets, but gradually reducing their number, mirroring how they increased. Or you can simply make a continuous fabric from double crochets or finish the work with a fillet mesh.

A word about decoration

Each summer crochet beret, the diagram and description of which are presented in the article, should be made not only light, but also colorful, since at this time it is customary to wear cheerful outfits.

If the pattern is quite colorful in itself, then the decor can be limited to a simple bright ribbon. If the pattern is monotonous, then it is better to think about additional decor in the form of a voluminous flower or simple embroidery.

Product care rules

Like any other knitted clothing, the beret requires special treatment. Therefore, it should be washed only in warm soapy water. Hand washing is best for this, since a machine can permanently ruin the shape of the product.

You need to dry the beret after thoroughly rinsing it in cool water. At the same time, we forget about the clothesline and clothespins. This product should be dried only on a flat surface and not in direct sunlight.

Anonymous comments...

Hello, I really liked the scarf :) could you describe the diagram in more detail, it’s not entirely clear, thanks in advance :)

16:36 comments...

This scarf has already been described in many places. If you don't mind, I'll just link to an explanation with photos. I haven’t read this description in detail, so if something goes wrong, please write.

13:28 comments...

Thanks for the post. Positively

Natalia comments...

I can’t beautifully knit a circle on a beret, it’s an ugly connection and flounces, please tell me how best to knit, otherwise this is the third time I’ve unraveled it

12:58 comments...

Natalia, most likely you are making more increases than necessary. Possibly at the junction of the beginning and end of the row. Try counting the number of stitches when knitting. 1st row - 12, 2nd row - 24, 3rd row 36...etc. 12 increases in each row.
The wave can only go if you add more!

Natalia comments...

thank you for the advice, I’m new to crocheting, I count the stitches in each row, I probably stretched the threads a lot when knitting, but I’m more concerned about the joints of the circle, I look at your beauty and unravel mine, please tell me the secret to connecting a circle beautifully

22:58 comments...

Eh! I'd love to see how you tied! If you have a photo, send it by email.
It is important in knitting that the hook and yarn match each other. If you get bald spots when knitting, it means the hook is too big. It is necessary that the canvas is smooth, without holes.
There is no secret as such. I believe that you need to use a thinner hook in order to knit tighter.
I added a video from the Internet to the article. Look. The initial loop can be made as in the video, or you can knit the first row in a ring of 4 ch.

Natalia comments...

thanks for the video, my yarn is jeans yarnart 55 cotton 45 acrylic there is a hook recommended 3.5 -4 but I knitted 2 as experienced knitters recommended on the Internet and also if you can explain to me the link>post/5606421/ typed a neat connection of a row in a circle group diary there is a video not in Russian and there are single crochets but how to carefully connect double crochets in a circle, please explain and if you can comment on this video if these were double crochets in a circle

11:36 comments...

Oh, and a problem. Show from a distance how to make it beautiful))
If you connect in the usual way, then the last loop on the hook before connecting should be tightened tightly so that after connecting the distance from the last stitch to the air lifts is small. When connecting, we stick into the third air lift. These airy ones should not be soggy either. Everything is tight.
About this video:
I tried it. Of particular beauty from St. I didn’t notice with the crochet, it twists a little and stands up on its edge. But it may be less noticeable in the product than with a standard connection.
If you want to knit using a video, this is how it is done:
At the beginning of the row, make 2 ch. instead of 3.
Knit a row of st. to the end. double crochet
To connect, you work not into the air lifting chain, but into the first double crochet after it (for both segments! In the video, everything is knitted for the front segment - it’s just a knitting for relief!).
So, stick in, grab the thread, pull out a long loop, removing it from the hook. There will be one loop left on the hook.
Place the free end of the thread towards you between the elongated loop and the loop on the hook, holding it with the index finger of your left hand so as to form a second long loop on the wrong side of the knitting.
Place the first long loop on the hook and pull it through the loop on the hook.
Pull the second long loop from the wrong side of the knitting so that the loop on the hook is well tightened.
Then pull the warp thread from the right side of the knitting.
Again, even before joining, the loop on the hook should not be long, tighten it tightly, and then stick in to join.
Next 2 ch. and knit the next row.

Natalia comments...

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation, I will try again, thank you again

Anonymous comments...

You have very beautiful products, I’ve already started knitting a scarf, the next one I’m interested in is this set for my 5-year-old daughter, please tell me how many stitches I need to cast on for a hat and scarf? I'm still new to this...Thanks in advance!

23:18 comments...

If you mean beret, then it is knitted from the center of the circle. There is a video on how to knit a circle. We start with 4 ch. into the ring. Regarding the scarf, in the third comment I provided a link to the master class.
I didn’t knit according to the master class, but I haven’t gotten around to describing it yet. I found a suitable MK. There, in my opinion, the process is described perfectly. If you have any questions, ask.

Anonymous comments...

Tell me please! Is this the whole scheme? Or continue to knit until it is 25 cm and continue to increase?

11:07 comments...

Continue knitting with increases as well until the diameter is equal to OG/2

Anonymous comments...

In your photo of the beret the wedges are clearly visible, but in mine they are not noticeable. Maybe I'm pulling on the wrong thread. I already knitted the scarf and it turned out not bad, I thought that I wouldn’t understand the pattern because I used to knit with knitting needles, but now I’m mastering crocheting.

13:52 comments...

The wedges are visible due to the fact that the increases were made this way. You can make it into an even circle, or you can make it into a polygon. Sometimes I knit this way, sometimes that way.
According to the video and the proposed diagram, you will get an even circle. If you knit an increase over an increase, you will get wedges.
But it is not important. If you don't have a wave or a dome, then you're doing everything right.

Crocheting a beret is an excellent practice for beginning needlewomen, especially since the product turns out incredibly beautiful and is ideal even for summer. An openwork beret looks especially stylish on little fashionistas. If desired, you can complement the product with accessories, for example, gloves or mittens, scarves or light capes. The summer beret is very convenient to crochet; it takes little time to make - no more than 3 hours; the process itself is simple.

Crochet beret: diagram and description for beginners

Summer versions of berets are weightless and delicate. Warm hats for adults and children have a denser pattern and are made from thicker threads. If desired, a lining is sewn on if the product is planned to be used in early or mid-autumn and spring.

One of the easiest options for beginners is knitting a beret in the following way:

  • You need to start making from the very top: cast on two loops and connect the chain into a ring.
  • The first loop implies five columns without a crochet. In each subsequent row, two columns must be knitted in a loop.
  • The whole process should be circular, with a uniform addition of at least 6 columns. It is worth considering that you need to monitor the plane of the circle; if the shape changes in a smaller direction, then there should be more increases, if the opposite is true, then there should be less.
  • The process continues until the diameter exceeds 30 cm (how many rows you get depends on the density and thickness of the threads).
  • The next step is to tie another 20 mm, at the same time you need to reduce the number of posts, otherwise the beret will not take the correct shape. It is best to subtract 8 columns.
  • After more than 8 rows have been completed, you need to try on the product. If everything fits perfectly, then the job is finished. You can tie the final couple of centimeters with any pattern or ornament.

At the end, you should cut off the excess threads and tighten the tip passed through the outer loop. The work is finished, and the product turns out simply stunning in appearance.

Crochet baby beret with pattern

You can knit a child-size beret designed for summer if you have your favorite color of yarn and a hook on hand. The latter must be chosen correctly. For thin threads, the best option is number 3, 4 or 5.

When working with the product, you should pay attention to the result: if the fabric is too tight, you need to replace the tool with a thicker one, otherwise - with a thinner one.

Openwork fashionable berets for summer are well made from linen-based fabrics. You can also choose cotton material. Insulated options should be made from wool blend materials or all wool.

The beginning of making a beautiful children's beret should start from the center. You need to cast on about 6 chain stitches, close them in a ring and knit eight columns. It is imperative to monitor the formation of the circle, do not forget about the increments; if you work without a double crochet, then there should be at least six increments, if with it - at least 12.

It is important to pay attention to the uniformity of the spaces between all the loops. If during the process it was noticed that waves are formed along the edges of a rounded product, then the number of increments must be reduced and vice versa.

How to crochet a beret: knitting methods

Over time, each needlewoman not only accumulates knitting experience, but also develops her own individual style of making things. In the beginning, it is recommended to adhere to several standard techniques that will allow you to avoid errors and shortcomings during work.

If you plan to make an openwork summer beret with a relief ornament, then you need to start work (and then each row) with one air loop for single crochets. If the situation is the opposite, then the number of loops should be three. During the manufacturing process, you should focus on the selected diagram or description.

Another method is knitting using the spiral method, which involves starting each row without an air loop. The product will turn out even if the columns are made without a crochet. It is easy to count all the increases by sticking a regular pin on one side of the canvas. Drawings and ornaments can be made in different ways: it all depends on your imagination or finding a suitable option from any relevant source.

Some go bare-haired in the summer, some wear hats, and there are beret lovers who prefer them to any other headdress. The beret is democratic and suits many people, but at the same time, when properly executed, it looks very stylish and will help complete the look. For kids, this is an alternative to boring panama hats, and it will certainly appeal to young fashionistas. And if it is lace, knitted by mother or grandmother in a single copy, then there is nothing to say. Crochet summer berets, patterns which you will find in this material are quite accessible even to those who do not have much experience.

Crochet summer berets not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you are able to cope with the pattern of a round napkin, which can be found in abundance, then you can knit a beret, because in fact its bottom is such a napkin. The master class, kindly provided on the Internet by the user Silnaya, describes in sufficient detail how to make a beret from a napkin. To do this, you need to measure the circumference of the child's head and tie a chain 2 cm longer than this circumference.

Then we begin to knit a pattern from groups of double crochets, as in diagram 2: in every fifth chain crochet we knit: 2 double crochets, a chain loop, two double crochets. The next row is knitted in a similar way, a group of stitches is knitted above a group of stitches, above the air loop of the jumper between them. In the third row, to expand the knitting, an air loop is knitted between groups of four stitches and the jumper between the stitches in the group is made of two loops, not one.

This can be clearly seen in the figure. In the 4th row, another loop is added between the groups of columns. The bottom (Diagram 1) can be tied with folds so that its edge is wavy, or you can simply knit it so that its diameter is 2-3 cm greater than the diameter of the finished lower part. The edge of the bottom needs to be gathered up a little when joining, so the headdress will look more beautiful. Connecting the bottom with the lower part of the beret, we knit arcs of 6 loops. In the next row we will knit a ruffle on the arcs (diagram 3), on each arc: single crochet, chain crochet, then 7 double crochets, between each of them one chain loop, chain stitch, single crochet.

The work on the beret is completed by knitting the headband, during which it is pulled together to the size of the head. You can knit it more or less high with any stitches: single crochet or with one or two crochets and tie it along the bottom with a crawfish step. If desired, the headdress can be given additional decorativeness by decorating it with ribbons and knitted flowers or appliqué. The approximate diameter of the beret can be determined by measuring the head with a centimeter from the top of one ear to the top of the other ear. If you take a slightly larger diameter, the beret will come out more voluminous. It is important not to make it too voluminous.

If you decide to take on crocheting summer berets, then choose the appropriate threads. It can be mercerized cotton, linen or mixed thread, but natural threads are still better, especially if you are knitting for children. It is better to choose light threads so that the head is less warm, and if you want to make a bright little thing for your child, then a style where the beret is knitted from two parts is preferable, then the lower part can be made colored, and the bottom can be knitted with a white thread. As for the pattern, a large number of holes is preferable. This will allow your head to ventilate.

Summer crochet pattern description,

Crochet summer berets, patterns which are given under the photo of these berets, usually starts from the bottom. It is possible that your knitting gauge is different from the pattern. You can adjust the size of arcs or groups of stitches by adding or subtracting 1-2 loops

Summer beret + for girls crochet can be a set of a dress and a beret, or a set of a blouse and a beret. The combinations can be very different. If colored threads are chosen for knitting a beret, then they should be in harmony with the color of the outfit that is worn with it. And if the beret is crocheted and is a set, then even better.

Another interesting option is when the dress is combined: the bodice is knitted, and the hem is sewn from fabric. The addition of a beret will also complement this outfit very well. And the main thing is that making such a kit for a child will not take much time. Both the beret and the small bodice are knitted very quickly. For the hem, you just need to cut out a rectangle of fabric, sew the side panel and gather it along the top edge with a thread. You can sew a bodice with a hem on a machine, all that remains is to hem the bottom. You can also trim it with a knitted border. Moreover, such an outfit will look great on a fairly old lady.

Crochet openwork summer beret can be knitted in one piece, and not from two parts. In any case, knitting usually starts from the bottom. Having knitted the bottom, knit a couple of rows without increasing or decreasing and only then begin to cut the loops. If the volume of the beret along the rim turns out to be too large, it is very easy to remove the extra loops by evenly reducing the knitting when tying the bottom.

If you have little idea about the process of knitting a beret, then you should probably search on the Internet summer crochet beret, video will explain everything to you without further ado, simply and clearly.

Crocheted summer berets, are appropriate with everyday clothes and will not only protect your head well from the sun, but will also decorate you or your children. You can knit them in several different colors to suit different outfits. If this is not possible, then it is better to make it white or the color that will best fit with most of your clothes. For a child, you can make several interchangeable ribbons of different colors to match the dresses. It is very good to decorate a headdress with knitted flowers. You can also add an outfit that matches the beret.

Now you know, how to crochet a summer beret, all that remains is to choose the appropriate style and thread. We hope that this material will allow you to choose a model and implement it successfully.

The beauty of this beret lies in its airiness. The thinner threads you use, the more elegant the result will be. Work with a size 2 or 1.5 crochet hook.

Start knitting with a ring of 5 chain stitches. The next row consists of 24 double crochets. Next, follow the crochet summer beret pattern.

The complexity of this product is due to the large number of windows and chains. This is very delicate work. But with perseverance, you will get a wonderful beret.

Work by Rezeda Zolotareva


This is one of those summer crochet beret patterns that is simple but still allows you to create a very beautiful sky blue headdress.

Knit the crown using a simple pattern. Then knit 3 rows of double crochets without adding or decreasing stitches.

Now continue working, cutting every 9th column in turn.

When the diameter of the last row is equal to the size of the head, break the thread.

Sea breeze

This is a crochet pattern for a summer beret, which is suitable for those who want to look irresistible on a trip to the sea. The beret will protect you from the hot sun and coastal wind.

You will need white, blue, green, cream yarn and a size 2 hook.

The order of alternating stripes is: 2 green rows, 2 cream, 2 turquoise, 2 white and 2 more green. Knit the pattern according to the pattern. Having made 18 rows, knit 4 rows of single crochets, evenly decreasing 10 loops in the 2nd and 3rd rows.

Floral motifs

These crocheted patterns for summer berets will help you master knitting from individual parts and connecting elements as you work. This model is easy to implement.

Tie 2 flowers. Finishing the 2nd, connect it to the 1st with 2 single crochets, which are visible in the summer beret crochet pattern in the last row.

Continue knitting, following the pattern for combining the parts.

Then knit a headband of 10-12 rows of single crochets along the diameter of the head.

Flirty seashells

This is one of the simplest crochet patterns. Following it, you will knit a wonderful headdress, some elements of which look like sea shells.

You will need only 50 g of pink yarn and hook No. 2. Start working according to pattern No. 1. Having knitted the crown, proceed to pattern No. 2. Continue working until the beret sits comfortably on your head.

Finish with 3 rows of single crochets. If necessary, make reductions in them so that the crown matches the diameter of the head.

Openwork summer berets are a fashionable solution for children of all ages. This beautiful accessory perfectly protects the child from wind, direct sunlight and the coolness of a summer evening.

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Photo gallery: Little fashionista: crochet a beautiful summer beret for a girl

The summer beret looks very elegant on little girls - it adds tenderness and style to the baby's image. Especially if it is an openwork beret crocheted from a thin thread. Such an almost weightless headdress does not cause any discomfort to the delicate children's skin, but reliably protects the child from overheating and hypothermia. In addition, by decorating a girl’s beret with beads, beads or bright ribbons, you can successfully combine it with different clothes and accessories.

  • Yarn: Alize Forever 100% microfiber-acrylic, 50 g/300 m, Color 01-633070. Yarn consumption: 30 g.
  • Tools: hook 1., white thread, needle
  • Knitting density: horizontally Pg = 3.9 loops in 1cm
  • Beret size: 50-51
  • Additional decorations: beads

Summer beret for a girl - step by step instructions

A light crochet baby beret can be crocheted from several component elements knitted separately, or it can be crocheted without breaking the working thread, as in the master class we prepared.

Selection of materials and patterns

Scheme 1 is used as the main pattern for a summer beret. The presence of a large pattern in combination with air loops will make this beret for a girl lightly elegant.

On a note! When choosing a pattern for a summer crochet baby beret, consider the thickness of the thread you will use. Lace patterns look good only in combination with thin threads. If you plan to use a thick thread, then give preference to symmetrical patterns.