Educational lessons for children 5-6 years old. The best educational activities for your baby

Frequently asked question question that arises among the parents of a future first-grader: are they 6-7 ready? summer child for school? And if you’re not ready, then how to correct it? necessary knowledge, abilities, skills, what developmental tasks should I work on with my son or daughter at home? Some parents will entrust the solution to this problem to a kindergarten or preparatory group at school, and someone will independently take on this difficult work. And, of course, the latter will win. Neither the school nor the kindergarten will be able to take into account individual characteristics every child. And nowhere, except at home, will the most comfortable, relaxed environment, so necessary for the development of the baby, be created.

How to print task cards

On any image you like, right-click and in the window that opens, select “save picture as”, then select where you want to save the card, for example, the desktop of your computer. The card is saved, you can open it as a regular image on your PC and print it to make it more convenient for you to study with your child.

Continuing the topic of the development of children 6-7 years old. Experts have identified three components of a 6-7 year old child’s readiness for school: physiological, psychological and cognitive.

  1. Physiological aspect. The developmental characteristics and readiness of the child to attend school are determined by the doctor. Of course, in case of severe health problems, nothing can be done; you will have to study in correctional classes or schools. If the child is prone to frequent colds, then parents can try to correct this with the help of hardening.
  2. Psychological aspect. Age-appropriate memory, speech, thinking. A child must be able to communicate with peers, calmly respond to comments, respect adults, know what is bad and what is good, and strive to acquire new knowledge.
  3. Cognitive aspect. There are several groups of knowledge and skills that a future first-grader should have.
  • Attention. The child must be able to work according to a model, perform tasks for attentiveness, as well as search for similarities and differences.

Attention is one of the most significant ways of understanding the world. By the age of 7, voluntary attention is formed. If this does not happen, then the child needs help, otherwise problems may arise with concentration in lessons.

Tasks for the development of attention in children 6-7 years old

Task 1. “Parts of the body”. Parent and child sit opposite each other. The parent points to his body part and pronounces its name, the child repeats. Next, the adult does a trick: he shows, for example, an eye, and says that it is an elbow. The child must notice the catch and correctly indicate the part of the body.

Task 2. “Find the differences.” One of the most popular games. You should discuss in advance how many differences there are in the selected picture. It is convenient to use a pencil to mark the found elements. If the child cannot find all the differences, you need to tell him what to pay attention to.

For example, in the following picture you need to find at least 10 differences.

Task 3. “Find the way”. The child is asked to answer a question, for example: “Which path should the bus take for the children to get to school?”

  • Mathematics and logical thinking. The child must be able to count from 1 to 10 in forward and reverse order, know the arithmetic signs “+”, “–”, “=”. Also find patterns, group objects according to one characteristic, continue logical series, compose a story with a logical conclusion, find an extra object, that is, analyze, synthesize, compare, classify and prove.

Child's assignment: count the tens

Child's assignment: compare numbers, put “greater than”, “less than”, “equal” signs

Mathematics is a fundamental factor intellectual development. Logical thinking is at its core. It, in turn, develops the ability to use logical techniques, as well as build cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions based on them. That’s why it’s so important to preschool age start developing logic.

Quests for smart people

Tasks and games to develop logic for children 6-7 years old

Developmental task No. 1. Draw on clean slate paper numbers up to 10, draw the number “7” three times and the number “2” three times. Invite your child to color all the numbers 7 in Blue colour, and the numbers 2 are in green. After completion, ask the question: “Which numbers are greater? How long?" Such tasks develop the ability to analyze, generalize and compare. Similarly, you can ask your child to count tennis, handball, basketball and football balls, to name which ones are more or less.

Developing logical thinking task No. 2. Find the odd one out vehicle. The child classifies objects according to one criterion: a bus, a scooter and a car run on fuel. But, of course, you first need to introduce a 6-7 year old child to the topic “transport”, tell and show what types of transport there are and who drives them.

Developmental task No. 3 . The children are given the task: “There are as many red notebooks on the shelf as there are blue ones. The number of green and red notebooks is the same. How many notebooks are there on the shelf if there are 3 green ones? This task develops the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare and organize one’s actions.

Developmental task No. 4. You can invite your child to answer trick questions. Children really like these kinds of puzzles. They help develop imagination.

On 1 leg Masha weighs 20 kg, how much will she weigh on 2 legs?

What is lighter: a kilogram of fluff or stones?

How many candies are in an empty bag?

What kind of dishes won't you eat anything from?

There were 5 apples and 3 bananas growing on a birch tree. How many apples are left if all the bananas fell?

At this age, children easily solve problems with hidden meaning, for example: “The wolf invited piglets, kids and little red riding hood to his birthday party, count how many delicious guests the wolf invited to his birthday? (you will be surprised how a 6-7 year old child will quickly answer “11 guests” to this problem).

  • Memory. You need to be able to recite a poem by heart, retell it small text, remember 10 pictures.

At 6-7 years old it is formed random memory, which is necessary to obtain a large amount of new knowledge at school. Together with figurative memory verbal-logical develops, that is, what was understood is well remembered. Parents can help develop memory and prepare for school with the help of properly selected tasks.

Tasks for the development of memory in children 6-7 years old

Exercise 1. “Remember and repeat.” An adult says any words and asks them to repeat them. The number of words gradually increases.

Task 2. The child is asked to remember what is shown in the picture. Next, the picture is turned over and questions are asked: “How many people are shown in the picture? What do children play with? What is grandma doing? What's hanging on the wall? What is mom holding? Does daddy have a mustache or a beard?”

Task 3. Playing with objects. Arrange toys and objects in a chaotic order. After the child remembers their location, ask them to turn away. At this point, remove something and ask: “What has changed?” This game involves not only memory, but also attention.

  • Fine motor skills. The child must be able to hold a pen correctly, paint over objects without going beyond the contours, use scissors and make appliqués. Development fine motor skills directly related to the development of speech and thinking.

To develop fine motor skills you can use finger gymnastics. The child is asked to repeat the actions of the adult. The parent puts his fists on the table, thumbs out to the sides.

“Two friends met at the old well” - the thumbs “hug” each other in turn.

“Suddenly there’s a loud noise somewhere” - fingers tapping on the table.

“Friends fled to their homes” - the fingers hid in a fist.

“They won’t walk in the mountains anymore” - thumb One hand needs to press on the knuckles of the other hand.

This hand exercise is mainly aimed at thumb, and as you know, his massage has a positive effect on brain function. Therefore, this gymnastics can be performed before classes.

  • Speech. The child must make sentences from the given words and a story based on the picture, distinguish sounds and letters.

Speech development tasks.

Task 1. Game “Opposites”. The parent names the words, the child needs to come up with a word that has the opposite meaning, for example, good - bad, open - close, high - low.

Task 2. Game “If we were artists.” A parent and a child draw a small village house. Then he invites him to complete the drawing of objects that have the sounds “r” or “r” in the word.

  • The world. The child needs to know basic facts about surrounding objects and phenomena. For example, know colors, animals, birds, seasons, names and place of work of parents, address. Children gain such knowledge by reading books, while walking, during classes with their parents and in kindergarten.

Before you start classes, you need to remember a few rules. Firstly, you should not force your child to study, you need to interest him and then he himself will call you to the table. Secondly, classes should not last long, since a 6-7 year old child cannot maintain attention for longer than 25 minutes. And thirdly, at this age the main activity is still play. A child learns by playing. Therefore, most tasks should be presented in game form.

Video “Logic tests for children”

The new generation of parents, brought up in the era of the flourishing of information technology, begins to introduce their children to all kinds of “developmental activities” almost from the cradle, and this gives good results. But for children 5-6 years old, developmental activities are no less important, even if these children already know how to read and count, not to mention fluent use of modern gadgets.

Psychology of senior preschoolers: transitional age

Psychologists say that at the turn of 5-6 years a person begins to realize himself as an individual. He already seems old enough, learns to communicate with peers, makes permanent friends. And at the same time, a willingness to consciously learn something begins to appear. It is during this period that it is important to begin to instill in him the habit of long-term studies, which will be very useful at school.

Little fidgets don’t want to sit at their desks for a long time, thinking about logical problems, and this is natural. A 5-year-old child needs a regular release of energy much more than an adult. To keep children’s attention and direct it in the right direction, learning should be carried out in a playful way, and games can also be active.

Enroll your preschooler in sports section, dancing or gymnastics: this way the baby can spend his excess energy usefully.

Another feature of the age under consideration comes to the aid of teachers - the child’s mental functions mature enough to allow him to concentrate on some activity for quite a long time. Interesting tasks for children related to coloring, putting together a puzzle or construction set, or arranging numbers can captivate them for a long time. This is possible in more early age However, as a rule, it happens sporadically. Senior is the time when such activities should become systematic.

Children 5-6 years old absorb knowledge like a sponge

The child's transition to the next stage of physical and mental development causes a new wave of interest in the world around us. He begins to ask questions of a global nature - about the structure of the world, for example. An adult should answer in detail, but at the same time, clearly, preferably with examples. If in this moment There is no time to answer, you should remember the question and promise the little why to answer later (and be sure to fulfill the promise).

Don’t be shy to admit if you don’t know the answer to a question: find it with your child on the Internet or in a book.

Along with an increased interest in the world around them, children’s interest in reading also grows. Children's educational encyclopedias devoted to various areas of knowledge stimulate the development of this skill: if a 5-year-old child does not yet know how to read, he will have a desire to learn as soon as possible. Thanks to such colorful encyclopedias, the first ideas about geography, history, culture are formed, and knowledge about the animal world and natural phenomena is replenished.

It is this age that teachers consider the most favorable for memorizing a large amount of information, which means that the development of a 5-6 year old child will affect his learning abilities at an older age. Even out of hobby computer games can benefit: preschoolers enjoy playing “developmental games” aimed at teaching counting, reading, foreign languages, memory training, attention and logical thinking.

Speech development is the most important aspect of learning

The speech of an older preschooler is normally already quite developed: it contains all types of sentences, including complex ones; The child easily operates with tense forms, freely changes words by gender, number and case. All or almost all sounds are pronounced clearly. The phonetic system of the native language has been completely mastered, but the ability to assimilate the sounds characteristic of a particular foreign language has not yet been lost. During this period, it is useful to focus specifically on the phonetic side of the desired foreign language: for example, memorize poems and songs, easily achieving good pronunciation.

As for the native language, this is a priority preschool education- reading skills training. If a 5 or 6 year old child cannot read, this is the first thing to do. Typically, children at this age already know the letters and are smart enough to understand how they form syllables.

Buy your child a magnetic alphabet as early as possible: this will help him become interested in letters and remember them.

To improve reading fluency, the following exercise is useful: an adult reads the text aloud at the most comfortable speed so that the child follows the voice letter by letter. Over time, the speed of such shared reading increases due to intensive training. visual memory, skill improves independent reading. This developmental exercise involves individual sessions and can be easily done at home with parents.

In addition to reading in preschool age, it is necessary to develop oral speech. You should ask your child as often as possible to retell a fairy tale, cartoon, or come up with a story for the picture in his own words. Exercises like these are extremely useful:

  • develop memory and thinking;
  • increase the ability to logically and competently express your thoughts;
  • promote the development of imagination;
  • train public speaking skills, which is especially effective when practicing in a group;
  • allows adults to appreciate lexicon and the quality of the child’s speech, track these indicators over the course of several lessons.

Retelling does not have to be limited to the educational framework: you can ask the child to tell something even on the way to school. music school or to a dance lesson.

Preparing for school: assessing the level of proximal development

An outstanding Russian scientist involved in child psychology, L. S. Vygotsky introduced into science the concept of the zone of proximal development. It is contrasted with the current level of development of the child and outlines the immediate future to which to strive. An indicator of the current level is the child’s ability to perform certain tasks independently, and the level of proximal development is the ability to perform more difficult tasks with the help of adults or in a team with peers.

Sometimes parents, concerned about the speedy development of their child, try to speed up his learning by offering him complex logical or math problems. Such experiments may not only fail to provide desired result, but also harm the child’s psyche, so determining the zone of proximal development should be entrusted to professional teachers and psychologists. The other extreme is also undesirable, when parents overly control the completion of homework, using hints to achieve the ideal result - this can negate the child’s independence in the future.

At 5-6 years old, the child’s development should be carried out in the following basic areas:

  • mathematics (counting within 10, knowledge of basic geometric shapes, the concept of sizes and distances);
  • the world around us (knowledge of the days of the week, seasons, an idea of ​​the diversity of the animal world, etc.)
  • speech (the ability to give complete answers, describe the proposed pictures, generalize concepts into groups, read syllables).

If you wish, you can study music, painting, dancing, and a foreign language with your child - the list of developmental activities goes on. The main thing is to closely monitor psychological state baby, maintaining the perfect balance between study, play and relaxation.

The Constellation Center has prepared interesting and effective educational activities for children 5-6 years old. Our kids club- this is a whole universe for a young traveler exploring the world, where everything important information presented in the form of a game using the latest techniques recommended for preschoolers.

Educational activities for children 6 years old: effective and always interesting

In our children's center created Better conditions for the full and comprehensive development of the child, preschool education and preparing future schoolchildren for self-study. Short-stay groups work especially for you, general development, full day and weekend.

Developmental activities for children 6 years old include a set of activities using the Montessori method:

  • counting and simple arithmetic calculations;
  • study of the surrounding world and the laws of its functioning;
  • penmanship, working with text, reading;
  • studying foreign languages in a simple and understandable form;
  • play gymnastics, Physical Culture and fitness;
  • individual developmental classes for children 5-6 years old;
  • study of culture, including world culture;
  • work with speech therapists and psychologist

How are developmental classes for children 6 years old?

We have been working with children for many years. Our graduates have repeatedly become the best in class, taking pride of place in competitions at various levels. We guarantee all children and their parents:

  1. Love and respect for every child
  2. A safe and cozy space that meets all standards for working with children and for more effective activities for children 6 years old.
  3. Incredible effective technique comprehensive development of the child - Montessori.
  4. Knowledge: developmental activities for children 5-6 years old have proven their effectiveness and provide individual approach to every child.
  5. Raising children and instilling higher values: the value of culture, education, mutual respect, happiness.
  6. Quality approach in everything, including: the best healthy eating, sensitive educators, independent classes, group classes, developmental summer camp.

Classes for children 6 years old and the Montessori method

The Montessori method assumes a very flexible relationship between freedom and rules. Developmental activities for children 5-6 years old are held without coercion. The main task of our specialists is to involve the child in the educational process, to create ideal conditions for independent development and provide him with everything necessary for work. This approach develops the child’s self-motivation, helping him to better socialize in society and in the future to take on business on his own much more boldly.

We invite everyone to sign up their child for a trial and completely free lesson at the Constellation center. Having visited our children's club once, your child will want to come back again, because he will enjoy relaxing and developing together with other children exploring the world!

Logical thinking in children begins to develop at an early age, but it strengthens only closer to the school period (6–7 years). The main type of thinking in the development of logic is figurative thinking, which should develop most directly.
The mental development of a child is a very important and significant process, in which tasks in pictures can help.

Children who are in the developmental stage of 6-7 years face several challenges:
Knowledge of the surrounding world;
Perception of patterns characterizing objects and phenomena;
The ability to identify common and standard features of objects.

Stages of development of logical thinking in children 6-7 years old

1. Assimilation. The baby, like a sponge, must absorb as much as possible and as quickly as possible. Master the basics of logic – quantitative and quality characteristics subjects and learn to apply this knowledge in Everyday life- the primary task.

2. Implementation. A little person should be able to formulate his thoughts into words, putting together and voicing complete verbal reasoning.

3. Replacement. This stage is the complete opposite of the above stage. It is necessary to be able to replace visually perceived objects and phenomena with mental operations.

Requirements for developmental classes

For normal standard child development By the age of six to seven years, a child should be able to reproduce the following actions:

1. Combine certain objects into groups, determine patterns, distribute objects and phenomena according to various signs, and also continue logical chains independently, without outside help and external cues.

2. Find an extra item in a row and clearly explain the reason why this or that item was highlighted.

3. Also, without outside prompts, compose complete, complete stories based on the proposed pictures.

4. Distribute objects into groups, explaining the reason and sign of this distribution.

Types of games and activities for child development at 6-7 years old

There are a huge number of games that develop children's logic, which can be divided into several categories:

1) Graphic games . Aimed at developing fine motor skills and basic training hands to writing.
2) Math classes . Basically, these are rebuses and puzzles that contribute to the development of oral and written counting, as well as abstract thinking.
3) Speech classes. Thanks to them, vocabulary quickly increases.
4) Puzzles and Board games . They help you form your thoughts, group them strategically and draw conclusions based on them.

Options for logic-developing games and activities for children 6-7 years old

In order for a little person to develop according to his age, parents need to devote the proper amount of time to him, exercising and solving all kinds of problems in the form of games and entertainment.

Lesson I. “I made a wish”
The point of the game is that the parent makes a wish for one or another object. The child’s task is to guess this object using leading questions. The essence of the game is to learn how to correctly formulate and express your thoughts, constructing questions correctly.

Lesson II. "Compare"
The little participant is offered several objects and phenomena, in some ways similar to each other, and in some ways, on the contrary, different. The child’s task is to accurately determine all the similarities and differences between these things.

Recommendations for the older generation

You should not force your child to do anything. You need to be able to present this activity to him in such a way that he wants to do it himself.
Therefore, the more positive energy and energy comes from adults, the more willing will be the desire to play games or learn something new and unfamiliar with developmental activities.

Video “Developmental activities for children 6-7 years old”

The age of 5-6 years is called senior preschool because it is at this time that your child is in the period of greatest information flow.

Coming soon school age , and until this moment you need to work hard in terms of developmental training and education.

Previously unfamiliar words become increasingly closer to cognition:

  1. "school",
  2. "lessons",
  3. "ratings".

Previously, when the baby was 3-4 years old, you worked with him on the development of fine motor skills, logical thinking, memory and attention. While conducting classes, we asked them to close their eyes and secretly removed one toy from the row. And when the baby guessed which one, we rejoiced together at this small victory. The teachers also worked with you during this time. kindergarten. Teachers taught how to work in a team, instilled moral qualities through their activities and lessons. You were one team whose mission was development.

Classes for older preschool children

In older preschool age the situation has changed somewhat. Now you are the main warrior against the laziness and whims of your child. Unfortunately, today's preschool education system does not allow your child to fully prepare for school. Now teachers are not responsible for that so that children know numbers and letters, can read and add within 10.

Of course, there are many methods for developing preschoolers, a large number of private tutors for school preparation. But is the game worth the candle? Is it purposeful to trust your child to other people, even if they are highly qualified specialists? Or is it better to devote a little time to it and continue to reach new heights of science together, conducting classes on your own?

Exercises to develop writing skills

In older preschool age acquaintance with the copybooks begins. These sticks and checkmarks are not at all useless, as it might seem at first glance. With their help, we develop graphomotor skills. The child learns to write large and small signs and to leave an equal space between them. These exercises develop memory, attention and perseverance - everything that will be so useful to him at school.

But you can trace on the dotted line not only sticks. There are special drawings that can be found both on the Internet and in notebooks on the development of graphomotor skills. First you need to connect the dots, then color the image. E These exercises also develop imagination child. And if you also come up with a fairy tale about the resulting character, it will be simply invaluable for the development of your baby’s coherent speech.

Exercises to develop logical thinking

By the age of seven, your child should be able to identify a pattern and continue a series of specified objects. This is quite a difficult task, but with regular practice and the right approach you have every chance to reach this peak. To get started you need:

As these simple rules you will achieve your child's educational goals. And most importantly, don’t give up and stop at nothing.

Speech development exercises

At the age of six years, all processes of sound pronunciation, subject to the norm, should be formed. If you have certain problems with speech or with individual sounds, be sure to consult a speech therapist . After consultation with a specialist He will point out problems to you, show you exercises and conduct classes in order to eliminate them. A visit to a speech therapist is mandatory before school, because a specialist’s opinion will point out the weaknesses in your child’s speech, which can later lead to problems in socialization.

To develop speech you just need to use demonstration material. If the child does not see what you are talking about at the moment, there is every chance that he will not fully assimilate the information provided. Therefore, it is best to consolidate the told fairy tale in the child’s memory. How? Everything is very simple! After telling the story with your child, create a book of illustrations for the fairy tale. After this, ask your child to retell what he heard based on his own pictures.

If the child already knows the letters and you are determined to teach him to read, a game in which you need to collect a picture will come to your aid. But this is not an easy puzzle. Under the image, the word denoting the illustration is written in syllables. So peculiar puzzle child six years old will be able to assemble it with ease and just as easily he will remember the letters that make up this word.

But before teaching a child to read, it is important to identify the difference between letters and sounds. This will simplify the reading process and speed up the automation of writing skills in the future.

The world

Everything that is around us is part of our surrounding world. The older preschooler should confidently talk about the holidays spent in the village and about the insects that I met there. It is important that the speech is coherent and the names of the village and insects appear as well as the enthusiastic exclamations of the baby. In addition, the child must be able to tell what the weather was like, what the month and time of year were. Knowing how to use synonyms and comparisons is also important. In order for the speech to be correct and rich, you need to read a lot.

While the child cannot do this you need to help him with this yourself. Start with books or encyclopedias that are interesting not to you, but to the child. There is no need to chase fashion or the neighbor. Each child is an individual and has his own approach to each. If someone reads about technology, your child may not like it.

By reading, you saturate your child’s speech with new words and enrich his vocabulary. And there is a lot of everything in the world - it can be captivated by history or the climate in hot Africa, the discovery of new lands or a variety of bananas. All you need is a desire to lure him into the beautiful land of knowledge.

Among other things, there are also topics that a child needs to master before school. One of these is the topic of Profession. The kid must know what a hairdresser, pastry chef, policeman and teacher do. It is also necessary to talk about what equipment each of them uses. At home, you can create a game with two stacks of cards. The cards in the first pile will show people different professions, on the second - tools. The child needs to connect a person of a certain profession with the equipment that he uses for his work.

It is important to say that it is absolutely not necessary to specifically find time to sit your child down desk and speak in an official tone on a particular topic. For example, while walking through a forest or park, you can easily tell your child about the variety of trees, flowers and herbs in your region. It is necessary to dwell separately on plants that are dangerous to life and health. When you get home, you can reinforce the story with a cartoon. Then you need to clarify whether your baby understood everything. Using plasticine, after some time, you can create a forest clearing in which not only edible, but also poisonous mushrooms. By periodically repeating the names of plants and mushrooms, you increase the chances of your child remembering them.

The main thing is to remember that working with children is a pleasure. Now all the roads of the world are open to him and you, dear parents, are his guides into a mysterious and unfamiliar world.