DIY fabric beadboard for girls. How it is useful for the development of the baby. What is a bodyboard for a child, what is it for, and from what age?

What is a busy board?

A busy board is a development board on which various objects and devices are attached that can be opened and closed, pulled, unfastened and fastened, inserted and removed, and a lot of other manipulations that are interesting for the child.

In fact, this is a safe analogue of the numerous forbidden places in the apartment that tempt a growing child. The busy board is the place where the baby is allowed to insert the plug into the socket, and unfasten all the buttons, and open all the latches, and pull all the strings.

The busy board is actively used in the development of children from 6 months to three years, but older children also enjoy playing with it.

The benefits of a busy board for a child's development

The Montessori development board is quite multifunctional and contributes to the development of a number of baby abilities.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of manipulating various small objects(buttons, clasps, fasteners, Velcro, etc.) in stimulating fine motor skills of the hands, which helps to activate the child’s brain activity.

A business board will become an outlet for a child, for whom at an early age many actions are often limited by parents for reasons of safety and basic safety of property: there are plugs in sockets throughout the apartment, closet doors have locking locks, and fiddling with and undoing buttons and zippers on mother’s clothes not allowed.

The educational board helps expand children's horizons, stimulate cognitive activity, mastering basic skills in handling certain objects, developing perseverance, imagination, and coordination of movements.

A baby puffing over a busy board will give parents a chance to relax and go about their business without worrying about the child getting into the wrong place. Of course, the larger the busy board in size, the more all kinds of details it has, the more interesting it is for the child and the longer he will be fascinated by it.

This great option for the child’s leisure time while waiting in line at the clinic or on a car trip, at a party and on the street.

How to make a business board with your own hands?

Educational boards for children have long left home workshops and entered the children's goods market. They can be bought in many online stores or ordered custom production. True, very often the cost of such a board is too exaggerated - as you know, you always need to overpay for trends. If you get caught inexpensive option, then quality issues may arise here.

Therefore, if you have someone in your family who can make a busy board with their own hands, be sure to take advantage of this opportunity. In addition to certain savings, this will allow you to equip the board with exactly those details that you consider essential for the development of your child. And the process of making a busy board itself is quite exciting.

Selecting a base

The base board must be made of high-quality plywood or furniture board. Both materials are environmentally friendly and quite durable. It’s easier to process furniture boards, since you can immediately buy what you need without big size(60x80 cm, 100x60 cm, 100x80 cm, etc.), while plywood sheets (from 150x150 cm) will have to be sawn.

To extend the life of the base, make it easier to care for and protect the child from possible splinters, it must be treated with impregnation (primer) and covered with high-quality (safe for health, odorless) paint or varnish. Varnish is a cheaper and simpler coating option.

Materials and tools

Everything will depend on exactly what elements you will mount on the board. Indicative list necessary materials and the tools are:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • screws, drills;
  • primer, brush and varnish (paint);
  • sandpaper for sanding boards;
  • glue moment.


Anything that has the ability to fasten, open and close, spin, press in, make sounds, move, and so on can act as parts of a developing bodyboard. Everything that a child can manipulate in one way or another without harm to health.

Sample list of parts:

  • buttons;
  • zipper;
  • abacus;
  • switch;
  • socket and plug;
  • various lacings;
  • latches;
  • door chain;
  • door hook;
  • bicycle bell;
  • opening cardboard or plywood windows;
  • clock with rotating hands;
  • straps with buckles;
  • calculator;
  • tape measure;
  • Velcro details;
  • gear wheels;
  • flashlight;
  • magnifying glass;
  • puzzles;
  • steering wheel;
  • turning over hourglass;
  • track pipes;
  • magnets

and many many others.


Before you start mounting the parts on the base board, you need to think about exactly how they will be located on it. Do not place it in a small area too a large number of details - there must be a certain distance between them so that each element stands out and does not become part of the general chaos.

Busy board for girls

Try several layout options. Imagine how comfortable it will be for your baby to play with the board in one case or another.

Photos of finished works can serve as hints for the arrangement of elements on a developmental board for children and the choice of its theme.

Busy board for a boy

The Montessori board can be placed on the floor or supported on the wall, while in the second case the possibility of the board falling on the child should be completely excluded. Ideally, you need to make stands for a vertical board.

“You can’t touch it! Take your fingers off! Move away! - these phrases are often heard addressed to little inquisitive toddlers.

And the parents are absolutely right, since children are in danger in the apartment. early age literally everywhere: an electrical outlet, and wires, and a door lock, and bottles of medicine - you can’t count everything.

But a child needs to learn about the world. The best solution for all household members may be a busy board - an educational board with locks that will teach your child how to use household appliances without putting him in danger. By the way, you can not only buy such toys, but also make them yourself.

Perhaps every mother knows about the truly great Italian doctor and teacher Maria Montessori, having read a bunch of smart books about early development children.

At the turn of the 20th century, this Italian woman began the targeted training of mentally retarded children, then transferring the basics of the program to healthy children.

Few people know that it was Montessori who made the prototype of modern busy boards.

The teacher placed on the educational stand a variety of household devices that surround the child everywhere and with which he will soon have to interact, willy-nilly.

Such a stand was placed in all classrooms where children studied according to the Montessori system. After all, according to this method, for normal development a child needs a specially organized environment.

Therefore, each room was divided into several zones, which were filled with educational material.

Montessori believed that ordinary household objects are the best tools for studying the world around us. It is precisely these buttons, sockets, hooks and latches that make up the main elements of the development board.

Maria Montessori was sure that the child is an ideal “self-teacher.”

Parents and educators should not teach him purposefully, but help him gain knowledge and skills independently through improving fine motor skills, sensory skills, and mental processes. This is exactly what the Montessori system is aimed at.

The skills that the child has acquired on his own can penetrate the consciousness more quickly and deeply and make the child free. If children are protected from basic actions, then the harm from this will be much greater than the benefit.

As Montessori believed, overprotection and indulgence are obstacles to the normal development of children.

The term itself came to us from in English and it means “busy board”.

IN modern pedagogy A business board is a special board (stand, shield, abacus) on which various elements and details are placed that were previously prohibited for a child.

For example, the stand can be equipped with switches, hooks, buttons, and also toys of various textures and abacus with wooden knuckles can be attached there.

A similar board for children is sold in children's stores and on websites dedicated to children's development. You can do it yourself, fortunately there are many diagrams and various master classes on the Internet in which parents make a busy board with their own hands.

So, children's educational stands are becoming more and more in demand. After all, making such a toy is not very difficult, but it allows you to implement several functions at once:

  • develop the child;
  • teach new skills;
  • bring up right attitude to household items.

Working with young children Special attention They focus on improving fine motor skills of the fingers. Tactile sensations can accelerate the maturation of the speech zone, and also give a huge impetus to the development of intelligence.

A properly designed and implemented stand has a large number of small parts (and with different texture), as a result of which the child can not only feel them, but also perform certain actions: clicking a switch, sticking plugs into sockets, pressing buttons, etc.

Such manipulations contribute to the development of fine motor skills and teach the child to handle real analogues of such structures.

Another question that concerns many mothers is this: at what age can a child be given such a miracle of engineering?

The age of three or four years, of course, is also suitable, but for the first acquaintance it is better to choose a baby who has begun to crawl and is actively interested in the functioning of various latches and sockets.

The principle of early age is that the younger the toddler is when he begins to be introduced to “forbidden” objects, the lower the likelihood that he will want to manipulate real household devices. It is best to pass on developmental abacus to a child older than six months.

You can buy such a stand for about 3-4 rubles, but if you disassemble the attic, closet or garage, clean them of seemingly useless things, you can make a busy board with your own hands.

It will take 2-3 hours to create this toy (if all the parts are available), but the child will be able to play with it for at least a couple of years if the elements are regularly replaced.

Moreover, made by parents with skillful hands a children's development board will warm the little one's soul much more than a factory craft.

We offer a master class on making development boards for young children.

Product size

When determining the size of the board, it is necessary to proceed from how wide the children's room is, in which the toy will be placed. In addition, parents should take into account the age of the child - if the toddler is just starting to crawl, we make an abacus with two or three toys or a stand with several devices.

The baby will still only be able to play with one or two objects at a time. For an older child, you can make a portable board or attach it to the wall.

Interesting! Typically, the size of a development board for a baby from six months to 12 months does not exceed 50 by 70 centimeters.

For the kids over a year old a larger stand is offered, but its size should allow the baby to easily reach necessary toys- approximately one meter per meter.

Experts recommend making a board or abacus to develop fine motor skills from natural wood, plastic, chipboard or thick plywood.

A wooden base is always preferable to any non-natural substitute!

You can find a shield for fastening elements in your own pantry. For example, a laminated door from a cabinet or any unnecessary wooden piece from furniture will do, naturally, not very heavy.

In addition, it is important to understand that non-laminated boards are a “breeding ground” for possible splinters for children’s fingers.

To finish business boards, small dies made of plywood or laminate are often used.

In some cases, you can make a board from the most common packaging material - corrugated cardboard. It is preferable if you want to introduce your child to fabrics or sewing accessories.

The master class for making a busy board includes a selection of various household items, which will become a kind of filling for our playing surface.

If you make a board thoughtfully, then you should choose parts that differ in texture and material - textiles, metal, plastic and rubber.

Such variety will enrich the range of sensations, as a result of which you will be able to use the toy longer.

You can use the following household items as additional elements and filling of the toy:

Sequence of actions

The master class continues. Having chosen the base and additional elements, you need to proceed to the actual assembly of the educational toy. You need to make a toy for children carefully and thoughtfully, without violating safety precautions.

An approximate algorithm for creating a business board is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to carefully treat the board so that the baby does not put a splinter. This is done using sandpaper.
  2. Then you should mark the location of the elements on the shield.
  3. Depending on who you want to “make happy” – a girl or a boy – you can decorate the stand or attach touching stickers or pictures.
  4. Firmly attach (screw, glue, sew) all the parts.
  5. Wise parents, before directly giving the toy to the baby, do the following - they themselves check the reliability of the fastening, tugging, unscrewing each item, using abacus and Velcro.
  6. Make the baby happy - show him the toy.

So, the busy board is extremely necessary thing in every home, regardless of who you are raising: a little princess or a future protector.

Making a game stand for distraction children's attention, improving the work of fingers, developing thinking and logic, perseverance and concentration.

This device has many advantages, but not a single disadvantage, especially if it is made with your own hands and with all your heart.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Do-it-yourself busy board: educational board for boys or girls

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If you don’t yet know what a busy board for children is, then this topic will be interesting for you. Parents will not have to be scared and jump up when a nimble child reaches for the switch with wet hands or tries to plug a plug into the socket.

All objects that pose a danger will be on the bodyboard. This is essentially funny toy. With its help, it is easier for the child to get acquainted with the world around him.

What is a business board and what is it for?

A smart board (busy board) is a development stand, module. It is supposed to have fixed things on it: all kinds of buttons, latches, switches, hooks and other small dangerous things in which children show interest, but it is forbidden to touch them.

On the board, as additions, there may be the presence of objects and toys, different in shape, color, texture. The baby is allowed to touch, switch, and press all this.

Each item must be firmly fixed to the surface of the board. This is for the safety of the child, so that the game does not turn into trouble.

Not developed standard set items that are attached to such a “smart board”.

As a rule, this is the minimum option when materials of different textures are used. With their help, a child can tactilely become familiar with certain objects. At the same time, the child also likes the fact that all things look beautiful and bright.

Boards of this type are sold in children's stores. You can buy it to order online, or you can make it yourself.
Busy boards are considered a popular product. Both parents and children like them. There are reasons for this.

Methodology of the famous teacher Maria Montessori

The Italian scientist, an outstanding woman, Maria Montessori, developed a unique method. It is based on teaching children through knowledge of the purpose of things. For example, why bring a child to the door so that he understands how the latch works.

It is enough for him to pick it up and understand the functionality of this item himself. The fact that it is necessary to distinguish between the actions of the baby and the danger to which he may be exposed has contributed to the development of new theories of learning for children preschool age.

Montessori had an idea. It consisted of transferring to the educational stand the devices that the child encounters in everyday life.

It was assumed that this would make it easier for children to learn how each small object works. Parents will no longer have to worry about the lives of their little explorers. When a child moves: a door chain, a ring from a cornice, a zipper lock, he will develop fine motor skills fingers.

Along the way, he will get acquainted with the things that interest him. Neural signals will be sent from the baby’s fingers to the brain. Thus, memory will be enriched by impressions. This stimulation promotes intellectual and physical development child.

How it is useful for the development of the baby

If we are talking about the benefits of a busy board, you should pay attention to these main points:

  1. A cognitive board, which is made in the most primitive way, already assumes that the child will feel it. This means that fine motor skills will develop. Infants do not have as well developed finger control as adults. That's why their curiosity associated with the desire to touch arises from the simple need to stretch their fingers. This toy allows you to do all this.
  2. The fact that a child receives different new sensations undoubtedly makes the brain work. He digests, systematizes and remembers the information he received. These simple exercises begin the development of mental activity in a little person. Busyboard speeds up this process.
  3. If more complex structures are recorded on the board for an older child, this will also affect the development of logic in the child. Studying examples of simple mechanisms, such as latches and locks, he himself will figure out how this design, and similar ones, work.
  4. How does children's curiosity usually end? Things, as a result of “research,” are broken. And what’s even worse is the health problems of the young researcher. For example, most parents are faced with the fact that children try to stick their fingers into the socket! But that’s what the busy board was invented for! This - safe thing, 100%! And the baby gets the opportunity to explore the world. Adults won’t even make comments to him!

At what age does a child need a bodyboard?

There are no clear recommendations. It all depends on the degree of complexity of this design. According to child psychologists and educators, the most primitive models, if used, can help in the development of a 10-month-old baby.

The brain of children of this age is already developed to remember all the feelings from touch. It is even designed for simple conclusions. For children 2 years old, the use of a busy board will undoubtedly be useful. At this age, the baby has already memorized most of the useful information, which is offered by the “smart board”.

Simple cartoons can be used as distractions, “maneuvers” and development of the child. It should be noted that specialists have created many complex and interesting models.

That is why child psychologists are convinced that there is no need to take away the educational board from children. Adults just need to wait until the owner gets tired of her and is no longer interested in her.

What kinds of busy boards are there for children?

Educational boards differ from each other according to the following criteria: type of fastener, size, configuration. The main points that deserve attention when modeling the toy are carried out are:

Place of use

You can make a smart board for your child’s development yourself so that you can play with it outdoors, indoors, or use it on a trip (to entertain the baby).

If it is a street board, it is usually made large. It has legs, or it can be fixed on a wall or fence. In this case, metal objects are attached to the surface of the bodyboard.

The baby can knock: with spoons, bowls, plates. As a rule, watering cans are needed. Children love to pour out water. You also need tubes of different diameters for balls to roll on them, etc.

If you want to make your child’s busy board yourself, you can take a large sheet of plywood or 50x50 material.

Options for outdoor children's bodyboard:

  • with legs;
  • moved to the wall;
  • portable.

All kinds of objects are used on these toys. The easiest option is to use different locks. Complex is educational information. For example, numbers and watches.

It’s not difficult to make a children’s educational board for traveling with your own hands. It will look like the plane of an A-4 (or A-5) sheet, which the baby can move to the place where it is convenient to play. This busy board requires thin plywood. It is covered with fabric or foam rubber.

For the road board, select items that are light in weight. They are necessary when sewing clothes. We are talking about adhesive tape, snaps, buttons, a loop with lacing, a zipper. It is interesting for a child to study appliques made like shoes (or other shoes) and a dress (or coat, blouse, etc.)

Baby's age

Do you want the board to arouse your baby’s interest and not stand there unnecessarily? This means that the age of the child must be taken into account when parents select a busy board.

For example, a huge board, several times larger than the baby in size, equipped with numbers and a clock, can generally disappoint the baby.

You need to choose items that are age appropriate. Kids won't be interested in tinkering with construction kit parts. For children of this age tactile sensations- at the first place. Parents can use fabric (a variety of fabrics), pockets, and buttons.

A soft version of the bodyboard has been developed. This is not a board at all, since it has a fabric base. For 6-month-old babies, it is advisable to use rustling shreds, bright beads on laces, and wheels.

For children who are 2 years old, you can use all kinds of locks. They will be interested in lightning and numbers.

What is suitable for boys and what is suitable for girls

If you look at it this way, then toddlers, whose age ranges from 8 to 18 months, have the same interests. As for older children, they begin to show interest in those toys that characterize their gender identity.

Every mother knows what interests her baby. Alternatively, why not generalize the majority of parental reviews of the smart board when it comes to gender differences?

  • Educational toy for boys. Everyone knows that almost all boys (from babies to 50-year-old men) love to tinker with hardware, disassembling mechanisms, screwing parts to something, etc. You can equip a bodyboard intended for a future man with various “manly things”.

For example, latches, large bolts, chains, hooks, springs, large nuts.

You can hang a wrench or a water tap on a rope. The “steelyard” is recorded on the board. Only they hang a ring instead of a hook. They also attach: sockets and switches, figures, large elements construction sets, flashlights with batteries, telephone dials, a steering wheel from a children's car, etc.

The topic can be different: about space, about the sea, about cars. For example, for a marine “smart” board, it is acceptable to use a small bell and ropes.

Don't forget about the anchor and compass. For a little car lover, it is advisable to use: bolts with wrenches, steering wheel, speedometer.

  • Busy board for babies. Everything is simple here with the theme. From the board of a young princess to a little stylist, hostess and needlewoman. The board should be equipped with items that correspond to the topic.

Acceptable use:

  • buttons with hooks;
  • check;
  • zippers, lacing
  • locking devices;
  • dolls (so that you can dress them up);
  • clothesline with clothespins;
  • safety mirror;
  • small pockets “with secrets”;
  • brushes with combs;
  • artificial braids;
  • bells;
  • small scales;
  • calculators;
  • screen to draw, etc.

How to choose the right bodyboard

Purchasing a smart board is a responsible matter. Manufacturers of such products must provide various factors and a large number of nuances.

After all, it will depend on this toy physical health the child and his psyche. Adults should be aware that not all manufacturers conscientiously take all points into account.

The main rule when buying a bodyboard is that you need to look at its 100% safety. When parents are considering a potential purchase, there are a few things they should pay attention to.


Each part (without exception) must be securely fixed, so that the baby (even with force) cannot remove it or unscrew it. We need to see how securely the toy will be attached to the wall.

Materials used

You need to look at what the toy is made of. As a rule, wood is used. No impregnation harmful components must not be. The buyer needs to run his hand over the surface - there should be no roughness. If there are clues, the baby can drive away a splinter.

No sharp corners!

Of course, some adults, in order to save money, have a desire to buy plastic, since it costs less. This option is not suitable. You don't have to choose it. Even under light loads it can crack.


Not all parents pay attention to colors. But this is one of the main criteria by which to evaluate a “smart board”. Only safe and non-toxic paints should be used in the making of this item.

In addition, the paint should lie even layer. If it peels off or clings, the product is not worth buying. The color scheme should preferably be bright.

Busy board details

Parents should look at the games that are attached to the smart board. It is necessary to give preference to those that correspond to the age of the child. It happens that a certain part of the toys is interesting only to children of a certain age. How more years for a child, the more difficult the tasks should be.

Each detail must be attached evenly, in a logical sequence, so that the child’s brain has time to process information. You cannot buy a board if it contains: thin threads, piercing or cutting objects that are considered dangerous.

If there are electrical items in the bodyboard, you need to make sure that not a single wire is visible. If the light bulb gets very hot and the devices operate at high voltage, there is no need to buy the product. Glass (if included) must be organic and unbreakable.


Business board refers to a type of product that is not necessarily certified by government agencies. If the manufacturer has a certificate for this product, this is a big “plus”, meaning that the manufacturer adheres to all safety standards and regulations. It is advisable to take this point into account preschool institutions education.

How to make a busy board for children with your own hands

You can buy busy boards in stores. Who wants it, orders them on websites (on the Internet). How interesting it is to make a “smart toy” for your little one with your own hands.

So, you yourself will be sure that the parts are securely fixed. And you can also save from 2000 to 4000 rubles on your family budget.

Soft touch board for the development of a one-year-old child

If in the family one year old child, you can make a smart board for developing motor skills from soft fabric. They make a toy to look like a book, rug or pillow. The following can be used as elements for games of this model:

  • beautiful ribbons and bows, bright in color;
  • large size beads and buttons;
  • soft hooks and loops;
  • Velcro;
  • lacing (of all kinds);
  • attention-grabbing rattles;
  • little ones soft toys(you can buy tweeter models).

It won’t be difficult to make a soft “smart board” at home.

  1. First of all, you need to choose the format and fabric that suits you best. Many people choose: poplin, silk, calico, satin.
  2. After this, the elements that are selected must be attached to the plywood. It is necessary to sew the parts as tightly as possible so that the baby cannot tear them off.
  3. A Montessori board in a soft variation is attached to a sheet of plywood and placed against the wall for ease of play.

Video: how to make an educational mat for little ones

Children's soft bodyboard in the form of a book

How to make a smart board for boys yourself. Step-by-step instruction

A child who is 1 year old is not yet aware of his gender. A clear awareness of “I am considered a boy”, “I am considered a girl” occurs in children who are about 3 years old. This is why you shouldn’t make a “girly” or “boyish” bodyboard. The main thing is that it is bright, actually developing and interesting.

In the case when parents want to make a board for their son, in addition to the above things for development, it is advisable to use:

  • cars, bicycles, airplanes;
  • steering wheel from a toy car;
  • compass;
  • large bolts and nuts;
  • water valve;
  • different types computer inputs.

Worth taking note! A “smart toy” for boys should be made with an appropriate design: you need to select the necessary color palette, decorate it with cars, airplanes, and cartoon characters. Why not create an educational board to look like a ship, truck, house or fairytale city?

You need to start by choosing the parameters of the board, and choosing a place in the nursery for it. Often, the board is made: 60 cm x 40 cm. You can make it 50 cm x 30 cm. If the room is spacious, the board is made of an impressive size. It is fixed on the wall, sides of furniture. You can make a mobile model so that your baby can study it while sitting on a chair or on the bed.

Some parents attach wheels to the busy board.

  1. First you need to draw a diagram. Outline the location of developing elements. Establish their relationship.
  2. The board for making a children's bodyboard must be adjusted to the shape and required size. The main thing is that it is processed well and the corners are blunted. We need to keep track of all the moments. So that the baby doesn't get hurt.
  3. Paint the board, paint it or decorate it using decoupage technique.
  4. Can be done on a busy board secret places, in the form of doors. They should open after the child successfully completes the task. Then he will see his favorite character, or the delicious food that his parents hid.
  5. Each element should not pose a potential threat children's health. The object must be firmly fixed on the board so that the “researcher” cannot tear off and swallow some element, or press down his hand so that he does not get an electric shock, etc.
  6. It would be nice if there were objects on the board that, when working with them, the child would hear a sound or see a light.

Video: do-it-yourself busy board for boys - step-by-step master class

Do-it-yourself busy board for girls: diagram, dimensions

A baby board should be cute and bright. After all, it is intended for a little lady! This means that it needs to be decorated with pictures: with princesses, animals, butterflies, flowers, etc.

The role of developing elements can be:

  1. It is advisable to make a themed business board for a girl “Beauty Salon”. To create it, pockets are attached to the board, in which combs, brushes, mirrors, hairpins, and multi-colored hair bands are placed. Why not use a toy mirror? The main thing is that it does not break. A toy braid with a bow will also come in handy. And how beautiful a doll cut from fiberboard can turn out to be! After two hours of imagining yourself as a fashion designer, you can create a wardrobe for her. Every little girl will be interested in putting it on her doll. beautiful dresses, skirts, blouses.
  2. Little housewives will be delighted with the drawn house if it has a kitchen. And this room can be equipped using saucepans, spoons, plates, etc.
  3. Alternatively, why not hang a real clothesline on a children's busy board and attach clothespins to it?
  4. For very little girls, you can opt for abacuses, locks, laces, toys with music, zippers and colored rattles.
  5. If you decorate your smart board with appliqués, it will look more stylish.

Things that can still be recorded on the “smart board”

A business board should arouse interest in a child. That is why it is important to try to use objects that will develop the baby.
Parents may consider the following items to equip the board:

  • door knocker;
  • telephone dial;
  • computer mini keyboard;
  • lighting switches;
  • battery operated doorbells;
  • a chain (or even several) from the doors;
  • functioning calculator;
  • mirrors made of plastic;
  • measuring tape;
  • compass;
  • different sizes watch;
  • numbers for apartments.

It is also preferable to use:

  • lock with key;
  • bicycle bell;
  • reflectors (reflectors);
  • a lock with a key, small in size;
  • tap where there is a valve;
  • chair wheels;
  • check;
  • hand-made small doors on hinges;
  • locks - “zippers” from dress skirts;
  • various suction cups and Velcro;
  • chains with large rings;
  • telephone cord (so that it is springy);
  • films with pimples;
  • door handles;
  • shoes, boots with laces;
  • bells;
  • magnifying glasses on string;
  • large suction cups.

Important! When there are a lot of recorded things, then the children will be interested in working with busy boards. Each item should have its own purpose. For example, if a baby touches a door chain, he will feel it slipping. When he presses the call button, he will hear a beautiful melody, etc.

What is prohibited to use when creating a busy board?

Of course, the use of dangerous things that could harm a child is prohibited.

  • We are talking about things made of glass, metal tape measures, mirrors, etc.
  • How the board itself is attached is considered important. The fastener must be 100% reliable. Each item must be “tightly” attached to the surface.
  • When making a busy board, they take into account that the baby can unscrew and swallow small parts.
  • If self-tapping screws were used, it is necessary that their edges cannot be felt on the other side.
  • When making a “smart board”, only materials that do not pose a threat to the child’s health should be used. This applies to: varnishes, glue, paints.

If a Montesori smart board is well thought out and made in compliance with all the rules, it will interest your child for a long time. The baby will learn to complete tasks over a certain period of time.

He will develop good coordination of movements. He will play with pleasure and be active.

Children's beadboard: options with photos

Business board: double-sided compact

Soft bodyboard for kids

All parents are familiar with the situation when a child is not interested in many modern and new toys, but in mobile phones, pots and TV remotes. That is why quite often home craftsmen make a busy board with their own hands. Such a device will force the baby to do something interesting after spending enough time playing the game. for a long time. The child will return to such an entertaining board many times; as practice shows, the toy develops many skills, as well as motor skills. If a child masters such a board, he will be able to open and close bottle caps, use locks without the help of adults, and will also begin to learn time and numbers. If you decide to make a busy board with your own hands, you will be able to occupy not only the youngest family members, but also older sisters and brothers.

Preparatory work

To carry out the manufacturing work, you will need a board, sealant, fasteners, glue, filler for a busy board, as well as your own imagination.

When making a busy board with your own hands, you will need to think about what components are best to use. Experts advise preparing a board that will form the basis of the product. It should have a thickness of 1 cm or more. It is important to stock up on sealant. Its thickness should be equal to the corresponding parameter characteristic of the board. Nails or screws can be used as fasteners. You will need a hammer, screwdriver and scissors. Carry out work in the most short time A screwdriver will do. Make sure you have pliers that can be found in anyone's arsenal. home handyman. Making a busy board with your own hands will be quite simple using construction or hot glue. The contents of the board will depend on the budget and desires, which will be influenced by the baby’s future skills.

Components of the board

You can attach an old telephone set that has a rotary dialer to the surface. Children play quite willingly by scrolling the dial. Make sure you have switches and voltage regulators. It would be good if there was a block with numbers on the board that resembled a counter. The kid will strive to study time; if you add a clock with arrows to the business board, he will become interested in this new subject for him. The numbers will be stored in memory if you equip the design with a calculator, which must be in working condition. You can strengthen a mirror and an old mobile phone. In the process of making a do-it-yourself business board for children, locks with keys are often used, the latter of which are recommended to be secured with a string to prevent loss on the very first day. You need to prepare a latch, bottle necks that are equipped with caps, hooks, a twist lock and an old computer mouse. Experts advise supplementing the board with a block with bright buttons, all kinds of geometric shapes and rubber bands. If there is a cooler with a fan, borrowed from an old computer, then the child will also like this. You can make a small door and window yourself, which will diversify your baby’s games. When making a busy board for children with your own hands, you can add all sorts of interesting details to it, it could be a light that lights up when you press a button, or a belt fastener. If possible, you can attach fabric with buttons and slits to the board, which can be used for fastening and unfastening. There is not a single child who would not be interested in plugs, sockets and all kinds of wires. In order to avoid messing around with real objects that run on electricity, you can provide a board with the named components. In every home there will probably be an abacus that will also be of interest to the child. Prepare all kinds of gears, lacings, taps and chains for doors. This list can be continued endlessly.

Before making a busy board with your own hands, you can visit the garage, balcony or places in the house where old things are stored for storage.

Manufacturing technology

The prepared board must be thick enough so that fixing the elements with screws and nails does not lead to the fasteners being visible from the outside. reverse side. The edges should be covered with a sealant, whereas if you purchased a blank, you need to ask to cover the edges with branded strips. If no processing has been carried out, the edges must be carefully sanded and varnished. This will eliminate splinters.

Features of assembling the board

If you decide to make a busy board with your own hands, the master class presented in the article will help you with this. Before finally fixing all the components of the board in place, it is recommended to arrange them in order to understand how best to manage the space. You should try to arrange the elements in a fairly interesting order. For example, windows and doors can become part of the house, while it is recommended to place the clock on the roof, especially if the mechanism is quite small. The necks of the bottles can become part of the wheels of a steam locomotive, which, in turn, is made of switches.

Before you make a busy board for a child with your own hands, you should evaluate your artistic abilities, because if you have them, you can paint the background using acrylic paints. If you do not have certain drawing skills, then you can use the same paints to draw an outline using a ruler. Pictures and all kinds of patterns can be cut out from magazines, and then glued to the surface using PVA glue.

Secrets of making a board

When making a do-it-yourself busy board for girls, you can glue on as many mirrors as possible. Cars can be replaced with dolls or kitchen appliances. Once the items have been selected, they must be secured securely. The more components are screwed using metal fasteners, the better. Some of the elements can be placed on glue.


Care should be taken to ensure that those elements that can be removed are also well secured, this is necessary for safety. This includes a plug that is inserted into a socket, a chain lock, and keys. It is recommended to place something interesting behind the door to make it fun for the child to use this design. This could be an envelope with a gift or an image of your favorite character.

Find out what a busy board is. The article contains ideas and tips for making a development board for children.

By about six months of age, when the baby begins to crawl and tries to sit up, as the famous nursery rhyme goes, he gets out of diapers, and an uncontrollable curiosity about everything that happens around him awakens. The baby strives to understand the world in all ways available to him: visually, auditorily, tactilely, taste, smell.

He is interested in everything around him, and try for your parents to keep track of this little fidgety explorer! After all, he is so interested in what is behind the closet door, or in the chest of drawers, or what will happen if you press this button, or what sound will be made if you hit the table with a spoon. So as not to suppress cognitive interest baby and protect him, parents should think creatively and try to make him a multifunctional development board - a busy board.

What is a busy board for a child, what is it for, and from what age?

A child can develop and learn through play, make his own little discoveries, play pranks and do everything almost like an adult - a magical toy called:

  • development board
  • Montessori board
  • busy board

IMPORTANT: Busyboard – the name of the toy comes from the English words “busy” (busy) and “board” (board). Indeed, parents say that a child can manipulate the elements of the educational toy for hours, thereby giving them such precious personal time

Busy board "Ben and Holly".

A business board is a one-sided or double-sided, stationary or mobile board with a large number of elements:

  • heck
  • latches
  • drawers
  • doors
  • lacing
  • rustling
  • tweeters
  • flashlights
  • dials
  • mirrors
  • switches
  • accounts
  • keyboards
  • individual interactive toys

The toy is intended for children from six months and, as a rule, up to 3 years. Her concept:

  • allow the child to experience the world around him through the senses
  • study the functionality of objects
  • understand how they are structured and work
  • develop small and gross motor skills baby
  • train coordination of movements
  • teach the child to see cause-and-effect relationships, that is, to think logically
  • learn to understand simple mechanisms
  • develop curiosity, cognitive interest, imagination and perseverance
  • occupy the child's leisure time

IMPORTANT: Busyboard was originally a Montessori material. But today it is widely used outside the technique

What to make a busy board from?

Usually, the baby’s dad is in charge of creating a development board, because to make it durable, safe and really interesting, you need not only imagination, but also some carpentry skills.

IMPORTANT: Before you start making a busy board, you need to think about its size, as well as what developmental elements will be on it. It is recommended to draw a sketch of the board

You will have to go to the market or hardware store for:

  1. Actually the board. The cheapest option is plywood. But it is light, so the bodyboard can turn over. It is also difficult to attach heavy mechanical elements to plywood - a child will tear them out by the roots if desired. Treat the plywood so that the baby does not drive in splinters, and the toy itself has attractive appearance, is also very difficult. Therefore, it is better to fork out for a painted or laminated board made of MDF or chipboard. It can be adjusted to the required size and shape directly in the store or in the carpentry workshop.
  2. Fasteners. You will need self-tapping screws, screws, hinges (if the busy boards have doors or windows), as well as good non-toxic glue.
  3. LEDs. The illuminated board looks very interesting, the light bulbs attract kids.

You won’t have to buy most of the parts of the educational toy. They are often found in every home and for the time being are called trash. This:

  • switches
  • locks
  • sockets and plugs
  • wires
  • plugs
  • door and cabinet handles
  • toggle switches
  • zippers
  • pockets from old clothes
  • parts from broken toys or small toys
  • bells
  • tweeters
  • telephone dial
  • calculator
  • photo frames

IMPORTANT: It is good to choose elements of the development board from different materials: metal, wood, plastic, fabric, other

VIDEO: Educational board for kids

Do-it-yourself busy board for a boy step by step: diagram, dimensions

One-year-old children are still very poor at distinguishing their gender. A clear feeling of “I am a girl” or “I am a boy” comes to them closer to the age of 3. Therefore, making a busy board “boy” or “girl” is not at all necessary. It is more important that it is bright, truly interesting and useful.
But if you want it to be clear that the board is really intended for your son, in addition to the developmental elements listed above, you can place on it:

  • toy transport
  • toy car steering wheel
  • compass
  • large bolts and nuts
  • water valve
  • different kinds computer inputs

IMPORTANT: The Montessori board for a boy is given the appropriate design: choose the appropriate color scheme, decorated with images of cars, airplanes, cartoons and fairy-tale heroes. It’s interesting to design a business board in the form of a boat, a truck, a house or even an entire fairy-tale town

  1. The first stage is choosing the size of the bodyboard and how to place it in the room. Usually, the board is made 60 cm by 40 cm or 50 cm by 30 cm, more is possible if space in the room allows. The toy is mounted on the wall, the sides of furniture, or made portable so that the child can manipulate it on the bed, floor or table. An option is to attach wheels to the busy board.
  2. Draw a diagram of the board and outline where the developmental elements will be located and how they will be connected to each other.
  3. Customize the board according to shape and size. It is important that it is well processed and edged so that the baby does not get hurt.
  4. Paint, draw on the board or decorate it using the decoupage technique.
  5. Often, secret places are made on the board - doors that will open if the child manages one or another type of lock. Behind them he will find a new task, an image of his favorite hero, or a treat hidden by his parents.
  6. All elements must be safe and securely attached to the board so that the baby does not crush the handles, tear off or swallow any small parts, he wasn’t electrocuted or anything.
  7. It is good if such elements are organized that, when manipulated, the baby will produce light or sound.

Personalized board for a boy.

Busy board for a boy with a marine theme.

Busy board for a boy “Transport”.

Busy board for a boy “Town”.

A busy board for a boy with a steering wheel from a children's car.

IMPORTANT: Does your baby always climb into electrical outlets? Parents can make it completely safe for him by placing it on a busy board. Let him train for health!

VIDEO: DIY educational board for children

Do-it-yourself busy board for girls: diagram, dimensions

An educational board for a little princess should be cute and bright. It can be decorated with images of princesses, cute animals, butterflies, flowers, etc.
Developers for a busy board for a girl can be:

  • mirror
  • buttons, Velcro, other fasteners for clothing
  • laces from which you can learn to braid hair
  • dressable dolls
  • ropes with clothespins
  • different types of hair clips

Educational board for girls: diagram.

Educational board for girls.

Personalized development board for girls.

Educational board for girls “Flower House”.

Educational board for girls “Cutie”.

Educational board for girls with beautiful decor.

Educational board for girls in pink tones.

VIDEO: DIY children's development board

Mini board business board

Due to lack of space in the apartment or in order to take it with you on a trip in a car, train, etc., you can make a mini-version of the development board:

  • the size of an A-4 sheet
  • size 30cm by 30cm

On such a toy, educational game elements are compactly placed or it is made thematic. For example, with types of fasteners for clothes or with different locks.

Mini business board.

Mini business board “House”.

A small development board is convenient to take with you on a trip.

Busyboard double-sided

Double-sided development board:

  • saves space in the room, allowing you to compactly place a large number of elements
  • allows two kids to play with the board at the same time

As a rule, a double-sided business board folds like a book and is conveniently stored.

How to order a business board on Aliexpress?

If parents are deprived of creativity or free time to make a Montessori board themselves, they can order it according to their sketch or buy a ready-made one.

  1. Enterprising moms and dads who managed to make a busy board for their kids are collecting orders via the Internet. Some carpentry workshops also produce boards.
  2. Brands of children's toys also offer a wide range of development toys similar to a busy board. They can be in the form of a board, ball, cube, plastic or wood, etc.

A wide range of development boards on Aliexpress. To choose and order one that suits your baby, you need:

  • go on the website
  • in the menu, select sequentially: “Toys and hobbies” - “Puzzles and magic cubes” - “Puzzles”
  • choose the board you like
  • Click “Buy Now” and place your order

Link to a busy board on Aliexpress: link Educational boards for a busy board: ideas, examples

Looking at ready-made business boards on the Internet, your eyes run wide from all sorts of elements. It is difficult to fit them all even on a double-sided board. So let the toy have five surfaces - in the form of a cube!

Behind one of the locks you can hide a secret window, and in it - a family photo!

The baby will be able to keep his little secrets in a cosmetic bag attached by his parents to the development board.

Got bills lying around at home? Who will count on them if there is a calculator in every mobile phone? There is no need to throw away something that seems unnecessary only at first glance. By fingering the abacus dominoes, the baby will first train fine motor skills and then learn to count.

Dial on a busy board.

The boy will be pleased with the development machine in the form of a car, and even with a real computer keyboard.

Lacing on a bodyboard is designed to teach how to lace shoes and tie knots. Usually, the lacing is attached to the image of the shoe.

Busyboard: reviews

Judging by the reviews, very few children remained indifferent to such a diverse and useful toy, like a busy board.

  1. Evgenia: “I have two children, 4 years and 8 months. We made a Montessori board for our youngest daughter, but our eldest son also enjoys playing with it. He learned to tie his shoelaces and tell what time it was. But you won’t be able to pull the baby away from the toy for an hour or two.”
  2. MarishKa: “My husband and I saw a developing remote control on the Internet. He said he would make one for his son (9 months old) in two hours. But! I spent a day buying materials, a day processing the board and another day attaching all sorts of beebumbass to it. It was worth it! The son squeals with delight when the lights flash, turns the phone around and talks into the phone with his grandmother in his own language.”
  3. Ira: “We have a small board with a latch, a switch and a drawing board. While I’m driving with my daughter in the car, I can’t hear her at all.”

VIDEO: Children playing with a busy board