How to clean a cashmere coat at home. Effective ways to clean coats made of different materials. Coat cleaning depending on the material

The coat is a very common option for both men's and women's outerwear. Indeed, in it any person looks stylish and elegantly acquires solidity and charm. The only problem is that coats are sewn, as a rule, from expensive natural fabrics, so washing such products is strictly contraindicated.

Meanwhile, street dirt, food and drink, as well as the body's natural fat secretions leave very noticeable marks on the coat. To get rid of them, you can give the product to dry cleaning and pay a fairly tidy sum for the services. Therefore, many people prefer to clean their coats on their own, resorting to time-tested folk remedies, which sometimes turn out to be no less effective than overseas chemicals.

How to get oil stains off your coat

Most often, coat owners have to deal with grease stains that appear over time in the pocket area, on the collar and cuffs. In addition, it is enough to have a snack on the street with a hot dog or a hot pie to “decorate” a coat with a greasy stain. There are several ways to get rid of it the simplest of which is to use talc or flour. The coat must be laid out on the table and sprinkled liberally on the stain with one of the selected products, and then lightly crush it with your fingers and leave it on the fabric for about 10-12 hours. then the remnants of talc or flour, which should absorb the bulk of the fat, should be carefully brushed off with a stiff brush. If after this procedure the stain has not completely disappeared, then the cleaning can be repeated. In addition, fresh greasy stains can be tried to be removed with paper napkins and an iron. True, you should first study the label of the product and make sure that it can be ironed. On top of the stain, you need to put a napkin, and then lightly press it with a well-heated iron. After a while, oily traces should appear on the surface of the paper. Thus, periodically changing napkins, you can almost completely remove fat from the fabric.

Removing old stains from coats

Old greasy spots, to which dirt and dust adhere over time, lead to the so-called greasing of the fabric, which begins to shine on the elbows, weights, around the pockets and on the belt. In this case, it will not be possible to remove fat with talc or flour, but high-quality gasoline will solve the problems that have arisen quite quickly and efficiently. The stain should be covered with a clean cotton cloth, then a cotton swab should be abundantly moistened in gasoline and the stain should be wiped through the cloth. After a few minutes, the ingrained dirt should remain on the cotton, after which you should take an ordinary sponge, moisten it in soapy water and wipe the cleaned area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. If this is not done, then the smell of gasoline will be absorbed into the fabric for a long time, and it will not be possible to kill it even with the help of an elite perfume.

Removing drink stains from coats

It is not uncommon for coats to stain from all kinds of drinks - tea, coffee, lemonade or wine. You can get rid of them with glycerin, 1 teaspoon of which should be mixed with 0.5 teaspoon of ammonia. A similar solution must be applied to the stain, rubbed with a swab in a circular motion, and then washed off with a sponge dipped in warm water. You can also use a mixture of rubbing alcohol and table vinegar to remove drink stains. The funds are taken in equal proportions, thoroughly mixed, after which the resulting composition must be carefully treated with places of contamination on the fabric, and then wait until it dries.

Recipe for the occasion::

Choosing a cleaning method depending on the fabric of the coat

It is not uncommon for a coat to need global rather than local cleaning, since fabric contamination is at least 70-80%. In such situations, you first need to find out what kind of fabric the product is made of, and then choose the safest and most effective way to clean it at home. When it comes to cashmere you can consider yourself very lucky. Such a coat can be washed in a machine at a temperature not exceeding +30 degrees, without using bleaching agents.

Draped coats it is strictly forbidden to wash, but they can be completely cleaned with ordinary washing powder. To do this, it is first necessary to remove dust and dirt from the fabric that is stuck in the fibers. This can be done with a brush or a bread crumb, which perfectly collects microscopic particles of dirt from the pile. Then the coat should be laid out on the table and sprinkled liberally with washing powder. After that, using a damp hard sponge, rub it into the fabric, wait until the mixture dries, and then brush it off. After such a procedure, the drape coat must be ironed with a warm iron with a steamer through gauze.

wool coat it is the most difficult to clean, as they tend to shed. If you choose the wrong drug, then stains and stains may remain on the product. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, it is best to purchase a powder for washing woolen products, dissolve it in water and treat the coat with the resulting product using a sponge or cotton swab.

Light color is a beautiful detail of women's wardrobe. However, as you know, it is the light color of outerwear that is considered the most impractical, since even with a short wear, various dirt and stains from cosmetics and dust appear on it, which make your favorite thing dirty gray. Almost always coats are sewn from materials that, in principle, cannot be washed in a washing machine. In addition, it should be remembered that each wash of the coat reduces its service life by one year. What to do? Of course, you can dry-clean your coat, but professional cleaning will not always benefit your favorite item either. Therefore, it is much easier to clean a light coat at home without spending significant financial resources, but at the same time get a high-quality result.

Before cleaning the remote control at home, you need to decide What material is your coat made of?. The most popular are drape, wool or cashmere. You also need to pay attention to the label, where the manufacturer must indicate how to care for the coat.

There are several ways to light a coat at home, but you should carefully choose the method of cleaning, otherwise you can ruin your favorite thing. If the light coat is slightly soiled (collar, sleeve), then only these areas can be cleaned. Consider the most effective methods for cleaning a coat at home, which will return it to its original and beautiful appearance.

Before you start cleaning the coat, you need to hang it on a hanger and use a clothes brush to remove dry debris and dust. Then you can take on the removal of stains.

  • Dry washing can be done with a laundry detergent that is applied to the coat, left for 20 minutes. The powder is then collected with a damp sponge. This procedure will clean and renew the coat well.
  • Heavy soiling can be removed with a carpet cleaner. The only thing you should pay attention to is that the chosen remedy should be soft and delicate. In the process of cleaning, only foam should be applied to the coat, but in no case should the coat be wetted.
  • Get rid of dirt and dry debris can be with the help of bread. Take a small piece of rye bread, make a ball and roll it over the material. Motes from the coat should stick to the bread mass.
  • Grease stains are well removed with talcum powder, which should be sprinkled on contaminated areas and left for 30 minutes, then shake well. The talc absorbs all the fat. This procedure can be repeated several times until the spots completely disappear. If there is no talc, chalk, starch, soda or semolina can be used instead.
  • Minor contamination can be remove with soapy water. To do this, you need to prepare a weak soapy solution by diluting a tablespoon of soap chips in a glass of warm water. Soak a soft sponge in the resulting liquid and treat the contaminated areas with it. Then repeat the treatment, but use a damp sponge to remove the remaining foam. For a light coat, it is better to choose baby soap.
  • Coffee or juice stains can be removed with alcohol. But if the fabric is delicate, then it must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Moisten a cotton swab with the prepared solution and apply to the stain, then gently wipe.

  • Grease stains are well removed with the help of paper napkins. You will need a few napkins that you need to put on the stains, then iron the coat with an iron. The fat should heat up, melt and soak into the paper.
  • If the fabric of the coat is stiff, a mixture of vinegar and alcohol can be used for cleaning.
  • Stains from beer or kvass can be removed with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Many people recommend removing dirt from a coat with gasoline, but if the fabric is light and very delicate, it is better not to use this method, otherwise you can ruin your expensive item.
  • An effective stain remover is detergent. To do this, you need a glass of warm water, a teaspoon of detergent and a tablespoon of ammonia. Mix everything well and apply to the stain, then remove with a damp sponge.

If the dirt is difficult, or you need to clean the entire coat, you can use a machine or hand wash.

Cashmere coat can be washed in the washing machine using a delicate wash and water temperature not higher than 30 degrees. When washing, you need to use liquid detergent and a special rinse aid for cashmere.

Light-colored coats are best washed by hand with a special powder and rinse aid. It is very important to rinse the item well after washing so that no yellow spots remain on it. After washing, the coat should be wrapped in a towel to absorb moisture, and then hung in the dryer. For drying, it is better to use a trempel.

Before cleaning a wool coat, you should first try your chosen product on the inside of the coat to determine if the fabric changes color after cleaning.

Dry a light coat after cleaning or washing on a horizontal surface. If you hang your coat on a coat hanger, the fabric may stretch. A dry and clean coat, if necessary, should be ironed through a damp cloth.

In the care of a light coat, a special steam cleaner is ideal. With it, you can clean the coat better than any other method. To do this, hang the coat on a coat hanger and steam it, then wipe it with a damp sponge or a special brush. It should be remembered that during the cleaning process, the steam should not be too hot, otherwise the fabric may be damaged.

The principle of operation of the steam cleaner is to use ordinary water, which quickly evaporates under pressure. Cleaners, detergents or other chemicals are not used in steam cleaners.

  • Coming home, a light coat should be hung on a coat hanger, or hidden in an opaque case.
  • To keep coat cuffs clean longer, you do not need to put your hands on the table or counter at the store once again.
  • To a light coat you need to choose

A wool coat is a stylish and elegant outerwear that reliably protects from wind and cold. Like any material, wool gets dirty over time. In addition, it becomes covered with pellets and may lose its presentability.

To maintain the appearance of the product, it is recommended to clean the woolen coat completely once or twice a year. In addition, with regular wear, you need to remove hair, dust, pellets that accumulate on the surface of the material once every one to two weeks. It is recommended to remove stains from wool as soon as you notice.

Features of cleaning a wool coat

He will tell you how to properly care for a woolen coat, whether this material can be washed and dried. If the product cannot be washed, use dry methods to remove dirt and stains, or dry clean the garment.

For regular cleaning and maintenance of outerwear, use a special soft brush for wool and a sticky roller or roller. Before cleaning, hang the coat on a coat hanger and sweep over the surface with a garment roller. It will rid the material of spools, clean it of dust, hair, hairs and threads.

Inspect the coat for stains and dirt, don't forget the lining! Pay special attention to problem areas such as the collar, pockets, cuffs and sleeve edges. Such areas are polluted and salted more than others. Light dirt can be removed with a soft bristle brush. Walk the brush in the direction of the pile.

If necessary, the brush can be lightly dampened with clean water or soapy water. But don't wet the coat too much! Wipe dirt on the material with a soft sponge, napkin, cloth or cotton pad. Never use hard sponges and brushes!

First, be sure to clean with a brush and roller, and only then begin to remove difficult stains. Stains are cleaned from the edges to the center, then there will be no streaks on the product. Difficult dirt before cleaning can be held under a jet of steam.

After dry cleaning, leave the wool coat to dry on a hanger in an upright position in the air or in a well-ventilated area. You need to store the product in a special bag for clothes in a closet with doors.

Then the clothes will last a long time, retain their shape, color and presentable appearance. And now let's take a closer look at how to clean a wool coat at home.

How to clean a wool coat without washing

  • Walk with a sticky roller or roller for clothes over the material to collect threads, hairs. Then take a soft-bristled brush and brush the coat in the direction of the lint. If necessary, the brush can be lightly moistened in running water;
  • To clean the coat from dirt and small stains, prepare a soapy solution. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of liquid soap in a liter of clean water. Instead of liquid soap, you can rub regular hard soap on a coarse grater. Stir the composition until foam is formed. Dampen a soft cloth in the solution and blot the dirt, do not rub the material! If it is a stubborn stain, leave the soap solution on for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse the area with a sponge dipped in clean water and blot with a dry cloth or napkin;
  • Oil and grease stains are removed with refined gasoline. To do this, rip off the lining and cover the contaminated area with a paper towel. Dip a cotton pad or swab in gasoline and wipe the stain from the wrong side from the edge to the center;
  • Grease stains are also eliminated by talc or potato starch. Sprinkle the powder on the stained area and cover with a white cloth or paper towel. Place a load on top and leave for 6-10 hours. Then remove any remaining talc or starch with a brush;
  • Drink and food stains, as well as fresh stains, will be removed by a mixture of alcohol and vinegar. Take the components in equal parts and mix. Dip a cotton pad or swab in the mixture and soak the stain. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with a sponge dipped in clean water. Also, a mixture of ammonia and vinegar will help eliminate greasy areas;
  • Greasy places are also treated with a mixture of ammonia and salt. To do this, take alcohol and salt, mix in a ratio of 1 to 4. Rub the problem areas with the composition. You can leave for a few minutes and then brush off the remnants of the product;

  • A black woolen coat is wiped with a cotton pad dipped in fresh and slightly warm brewed black tea. This procedure will update the material and color of the product;
  • A white or light wool coat will save a solution of ammonia and salt. Mix a teaspoon of salt and four teaspoons of alcohol. Wipe the contaminated areas with the composition, then clean with a damp sponge and wipe with a dry soft cloth;
  • For white and light products, Vanish carpet cleaner is also used. Pour the powder onto the dirt and gently rub it into the fabric. Remove the rest of the product with a brush;
  • For the care of natural wool, a solution of glycerin is used. Mix two parts glycerin and one part water or ammonia. Then wipe the problem areas with the composition using a cotton pad or sponge. After that, clean the product with a damp sponge or soft cloth soaked in running clean water. By the way, a solution of glycerin effectively removes stains from coffee and tea;
  • If you are afraid to spoil the material, use special products for wool and delicate fabrics. These are mild shampoos and various liquid products. They are used not only for washing, but also for ordinary cleaning. Rub the stain with the composition and then rinse with a sponge dipped in clean water;
  • For stubborn and stubborn stains, a wool stain remover can be used. Choose oxygen-containing products without alkali and chlorine!

Is it possible to wash a wool coat

Do not wash coats made of 100% natural wool. The rest of the products can be washed if the label allows it. You can find more information on the values ​​\u200b\u200bon the label of clothes and things. However, the coat should be washed very carefully and only on a delicate cycle using special detergents for wool.

For washing, choose special shampoos, balms or liquid detergents for washing woolen products. When rinsing, use conditioners to soften the water and material.

In the washing machine, the coat is washed in a delicate mode with a temperature of up to 30 degrees without spinning! The product must be put in a bag or cover for clothes or washed, wrapped in a duvet cover or pillowcase.

You can also wash your wool coat by hand. To do this, use a large volume of cold water and detergents for woolen clothes. After washing, thoroughly rinse the product at least two or three times so that there are no soapy traces or streaks left. Wringing the coat is not recommended.

Woolen coat should not be twisted and rubbed heavily, dried vertically, dried in dryers and washing machine, with a hair dryer or heaters, in direct sunlight! Do not wash the product too often, otherwise it will stretch and lose its shape. Do not wash your wool coat if the label says not to.

It is important to dry the product properly so that it does not stretch or lose its shape. To do this, after washing, wrap the coat in a large terry towel or light-colored terry sheet and leave until the fabric absorbs excess moisture.

Then lay out the clothes on a horizontal surface, carefully straighten the material, remove wrinkles and irregularities. Dry the woolen coat in the fresh air without direct exposure to sunlight or in a cool room with good air circulation away from the battery.

A drape coat is a basic item in both women's and men's wardrobes. It is a stylish and elegant garment that will keep you warm from cold winds and temperatures. That's just the care of the coat is necessary delicate, as the drape does not tolerate wet cleaning. Therefore, most owners of this thing have a question about how to clean a coat at home without washing.

General rules

Drap is a material made of wool, sewn in two layers. This property gives the fabric a special strength and thermal insulation. This coat holds its shape well and can last for many years. In order not to spoil the appearance of the product, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • Please read the label carefully before cleaning. It should contain information about the acceptable type of cleaning, ironing and drying.
  • Before starting cleaning procedures, clothing must be carefully inspected. For this coat, you need to hang it on your shoulders, and carefully examine the areas that get dirty most often and fastest (collar, cuffs, sleeves).

  • Before using a cleaning agent, even one designed for drape, it is necessary to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric. This will ensure its reliability and not spoil the coat.
  • When removing contamination from the surface of the product, one should adhere to a certain technique, namely: it must be removed, moving from the center to the edge. This will avoid streaks from stains.
  • Before cleaning, it is recommended to put a small piece of moisture-absorbing material between the lining and the product itself. This will prevent moisture from soaking into the product and deforming it.
  • To remove minor stains, threads and lint, it is better to use a brush for fabric that requires gentle handling.
  • To remove stubborn dirt, first use a dry and then a damp brush with rounded bristles. It is necessary to clean only in the direction of the pile of the product.

Subject to these rules, the coat will always keep its shape and color.

Dry cleansing

In order to properly clean the product, it is not necessary to go to dry cleaning, this can be done at home. To do this, you need to know a few “recipes” for dry cleaning:

  • The most common method is cleaning with a dry and, if necessary, wet brush. After this, the coat should be thoroughly dried on a coat hanger in a ventilated room.
  • To clean a light or white product, a cleaning and bleaching powder will help. You can also use regular laundry detergent. To do this, you need to pour a small amount of dry product on the contaminated surface and rub it lightly. After 30-40 minutes, it can be removed with a brush.
  • Black coats and bright colors can be cleaned with carpet powder. You will need to dilute the product in water and beat the foam. After that, the foam is applied to the stain and removed with a brush. This method also allows you to update the color and give freshness to the fabric. When cleaning the coat with foam, it is advisable to lay a waterproof material between the lining and the fabric.

  • A black thing can still be cleansed with black tea. To do this, you need to brew black tea and dip a cotton swab or cotton pad into a warm liquid. After that, wipe the contaminated area with a disk and leave the product to dry in a ventilated room.
  • A good way to get rid of dirt and dust on a coat is with a woolen product. The product dissolves in water according to the instructions, dip a cloth into the resulting mixture. Use this cloth to wipe the stain. Leave the product for 30 minutes, and then wipe the area with a sponge dipped in clean water.

After that, the surface is wiped with a dry soft sponge and dried on a coat hanger away from sunlight. This method is the best option for a product that absolutely cannot be washed.

  • A more affordable way to remove stains and dirty areas from a product is laundry soap or a dry detergent for woolen clothes. It is best to grind the soap on a grater and dissolve (1 tablespoon in 1 liter of warm water). This proportion is also preserved for the powder. Then moisten a brush with rounded bristles in the resulting liquid and wipe the surface. It is necessary to wipe with light pressure on the soiled areas, this will push the dirt from the surface of the coat.

  • No less accessible means is bread. The pulp of rye bread should be crumbled on the surface of the clothes and rolled into balls. All dirt and debris will stick to them. Then the remaining crumbs should be brushed off with a brush.

Cleaning hard to reach places

The most difficult thing to wash on a coat is the collar, pockets and cuffs. They accumulate the most dirt, small debris and greasy areas appear. To clean these areas, you can also use the pulp of bread. If this method does not help to cope with pollution, then you can use a saline solution. You will need salt and ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 4.

Dip a soft cloth or cotton pad into the alcohol solution and wipe the stain, greasy area. A solution based on alcohol and vinegar also helps with these problems. It is necessary to mix these two components in equal proportions and soak a cloth in the resulting solution. This cloth is then wiped the problem area.

When using this method, it should be remembered that alcohol is an aggressive substance that can damage the appearance of the product. Therefore, before cleaning, it is necessary to test the solution on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the coat. If an aggressive reaction has not followed, the color has not changed and spots have not appeared, then you can clean the entire surface of the product.

Stain removal

Heavy soiling on the surface of the coat is also removed by dry cleaning. For this you can apply:

  • Talc, starch or washing powder. These tools cope well with severe pollution that has appeared recently. And for dried spots, a slightly different method should be used. First, the stain should be steamed, so it will be better removed. Then a cloth should be placed under the stain, and then talc or powder is applied to the contaminated surface. The tool must be allowed to hold out for about 30 minutes, and then brush it off with a brush.
  • Glycerin and ammonia help get rid of coffee stains. To do this, dilute glycerin with alcohol in a ratio of 2: 1 and wipe the stain with a sponge dipped in this solution. After that, the contaminated area should be wiped with a clean, damp cloth and left to dry.

  • Laundry soap. A solution of soap helps to cope with oily and dried stains. Soap should be dissolved in warm water and wipe such a stain. Then treat the area with clean water and leave to dry.
  • Gasoline or hydrogen peroxide. This tool is used for greasy contaminants that are deeply ingrained in the material. When using gasoline, you should follow safety precautions and carry out these actions away from flammable objects. It is also worth remembering that gasoline should only be applied to the wrong side of clothing. Thus, the risk of damage to the color and integrity of the surface of the coat is reduced. When cleaning with gasoline, two napkins should be used: one (clean) should be applied to the stain on the front side of the coat, and the second, soaked in gasoline, should be applied to the wrong side.
  • If the greasy stain has been set recently, then you can attach a clean napkin to it and walk with a hot iron. The stain should soak into the paper towel.
  • Hydrogen peroxide helps to cope not only with greasy stains, but also with pollution from beer and other alcoholic beverages. This tool also helps to remove stains from light drape and refresh its color. You will need to dilute the peroxide with water in a ratio of 1: 4 and use a soft brush or cloth to walk over the surface or contaminated area. This method can be used once a month for preventive purposes.

  • Vinegar and alcohol help to get rid of the stains left by strong alcoholic beverages.
  • More complex and difficult stains can be removed with a solution of alcohol, water and detergent. You will need a glass of warm water and 1 tbsp. l. agents and alcohol. A cotton pad soaked in this solution wipes off the dirt. Then the product is washed with warm clean water and left to dry in a ventilated room.
  • Soda helps to cope with difficult stains on a dark product. To do this, wipe the dirt with dry soda, and then shake off the remaining soda. The only drawback of such cleaning is the difficult and long cleaning of the surface from soda. Here you can even use a vacuum cleaner, which can easily rid the material of crumbs and microparticles of the cleaning agent. In general, this method is effective and uncomplicated.

Almost every girl has a favorite coat that she has been wearing for more than one season. It warms perfectly, gives a feminine and elegant look to the whole image, is practical and comfortable to wear, but in any case it gets dirty, although not so often. That is why it is worth paying special attention to cleaning it - preferably immediately after the end of the cold season, but if it didn’t work out, at least once every couple of years. Our article will tell you how to clean a drape coat at home without washing.

Can coats be cleaned at home?

It must be taken into account that a coat, no matter what material it is made of, needs regular care.

Important! An excellent option for caring for such clothes is daily cleaning with a roller with adhesive tape, which removes the smallest dirt.

Of course, no one will succeed in preserving the original appearance of outerwear for a long time. Over time, small spots will begin to appear on the coat, it will darken a little and absorb an unpleasant odor, at the same time, spools or scuffs may form on the material itself.

The easiest option is to give your favorite item to dry cleaning, paying the announced cost. However, many of its owners do not think that aggressive chemical exposure can worsen the situation several times. It is for this reason that girls prefer to dry-clean their coats at home with their own hands. This procedure is best done at the beginning or end of the season in which the item was worn.

Important! The sleeves, collar, and area above the pockets will help you understand if the coat needs a deep cleaning. If the procedure was performed recently, and such spots have re-formed, you can repeat the procedure, while treating only certain areas. Remember that stains of any kind must be removed as soon as they appear.

In order not to make mistakes, the first step is to determine the type of material from which the thing is made. The most famous materials are:

  • Drap.
  • Wool.
  • Suede .
  • Cashmere.
  • Leather.

Important! The tag, which is usually located near the collar or on the side seam, often contains many useful cleaning recommendations for a particular product. It is better not to neglect them.

Let's move on to the procedure.

You can dry clean the coat at home, and any material from which it is made can always be cleaned. In total, there are two ways to carry out this procedure:

  1. Dry.
  2. Wet.

The first method involves the treatment of a garment with a brush and a dry cleaning agent, followed by cleaning it.

Important! Before implementing this method, it is recommended to test its effectiveness on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing or on a piece of fabric that usually comes with this product.

The second method is the most complex and may include the following steps:

  • Steaming clothes.
  • Wipe with a damp cloth or paper towel..
  • Wash.

Drape coat cleaning

Cleaning a drape coat at home without washing is a very difficult task, which is not always possible even for experienced housewives. This material is a two-layer wool fabric. Washing it in a mechanical machine is strictly prohibited. There is only one way left - to carry out dry cleaning.

Important! For subsequent convenience in processing the coat, it is recommended to straighten it and hang it on a hanger.

So, to begin with, the drape coat should be treated with a roller with adhesive tape so that it collects all excess dirt. Next, the garment is processed in the chosen way:

  • The first of them is designed for small and nondescript pollution. For its implementation, only a brush is used. First, the non-moistened bristles pass in the direction of the pile of the drape, then the brush is moistened and the same movements are carried out until the speck disappears. After this procedure, the coat is dried in a well-ventilated room or on a balcony.
  • For more stubborn stains, use carpet cleaner as a coat cleaner (you can replace it with baking soda). In this case, the procedure will be more complicated: first of all, the product must be diluted with water and stirred until foam is formed, and then applied to the surface to be cleaned, while avoiding liquid getting on it. In the end, it remains only to wait for the foam to dry and clean it off using a brush.
  • Very original and effective is the method using bread crumb. This is where rye bread comes in handy. The cleaning method is very simple: bread is crumbled on the contaminated area and rolled out by hand until bread balls appear, and then they are brushed off.
  • If the product is heavily soiled, you can resort to using a fabric softener. In order to clean a draped coat at home without washing, just soak a microfiber cloth in this balm and rub it a little over the area, following the direction of the villi. Next, rinse the napkin and gently pass over the treated area again.

Important! If the label says that machine wash is still acceptable, you can use the manual or delicate cycle. An important factor is the temperature: it should not be more than 40 degrees. To speed up drying, use a steamer or iron with this function.

Cleaning a cashmere coat

To clean a cashmere coat at home, you need to be as careful as in the previous method.

Before proceeding directly to cleaning, it is necessary to remove all previously existing stains from the material:

    • Grease stains on cashmere can be removed using refined gasoline. It is carefully applied to the material and sprinkled with talc. After complete drying, the talc is removed using a regular brush.
    • To remove sweat stains, a soapy solution is used, which, in turn, is applied to the contamination with a cosmetic cotton swab. Next, the stain is treated using ammonia and wet wipes.

Important! Washing cashmere coats is allowed. However:

  • To do this, you need to use only special liquid-based products.
  • Should be hand washed after a short soak. During the procedure, remember that you can not rub it, it is only allowed to slightly wrinkle and squeeze it out in a roll way.
  • Do not refuse mechanical washing. When washing such a coat in the machine, you should remember that you need to use only the delicate mode at a temperature of 30 degrees. It is necessary to rinse such a thing twice.

Wool coat cleaning

Cleaning a wool coat at home without washing is similar to cleaning other woolen products. The main thing is to be able to properly care for them, following our advice:

        • If the look of your item is already stale, a cotton pad soaked in green tea strongly brewed can correct the situation.
        • You can clean such a coat of hair and small dirt using a sticky clothes roller.
        • If the label says that machine wash is allowed, then the wool product can be treated in the same way as cashmere.
        • Individual stains are removed with a soapy solution.

Following the advice that was given in this article, any housewife can easily take care of her favorite thing and dry-clean her coat at home, without fear of damaging the material.