Means for the production of breast milk. Hot baths, compresses. Carrots grated with milk and honey

The article contains information necessary for a nursing mother who is faced with the problem of lack of milk.

When a young mother begins to lose milk or simply doesn’t have enough of it, everyone comes into play possible ways. With persistent struggle, it is quite possible to return milk and feed the baby with pleasure.

How to increase breast milk supply?

  • Follow the diet (read below)
  • Consumption of certain foods (read below)
  • Follow the drinking regime: 2-3 liters of liquid, including soups. Try to drink water 10-15 minutes before feeding
  • Sleep well. When there is a shortage of milk, you must start taking care of yourself: rest, sleep with your baby
  • Co-sleeping. Co-sleeping allows your baby to breastfeed whenever he wants without any problems.
  • Feeding on demand and increasing the number of attachments. Offer your baby the breast more often than you did before. This way you will give a signal to the body that it needs more milk, as a result of which the hormone and milk will begin to be produced
  • Night feedings are required between 2 and 6 am. At this time, the body produces more of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. If the baby “hangs” on the chest all night, then this is The best way increase lactation
  • Taking lactogenic drugs (read below)
  • Usage traditional methods(read below)
  • Additional pumping (read more in the article)

  • Warm shower. Taking a warm shower causes milk flow
  • Do not be nervous. Due to stress and nerves, milk may become less

IMPORTANT: To increase lactation you need to act comprehensively: use all the methods that are available to you

How to increase lactation in the first month?

In the first month, the body is still trying to figure out how much milk it needs to produce.

Therefore, in the first month, the best way is to put the baby to the breast.

  • If your baby sleeps a lot, give him breastfeeding while he sleeps.

  • Do not allow 3 hours between feedings if you feel a lack of milk
  • If there is little milk and the baby sleeps a lot, then express milk
  • If in the first month you feed only once every three hours, then when the baby stops sleeping so much and wants to eat more, you will see a lack of milk
  • Other methods of increasing lactation in the first month also occur

Nutrition for lactation milk

It is a mistaken belief that a nursing mother should eat more than others.

A nursing mother should eat nutritiously and be sure to eat protein foods:

  • Lean meat
  • Cottage cheese
  • Milk
  • Kefir
  • Hard cheese

In addition to proteins, eat vegetables, fruits and greens - this will give an excellent effect.

IMPORTANT: No diets during lactation. But only eat foods that the child is not allergic to or has a bad intestinal reaction.

  • You should eat not once a day, but 5-6 times, but little by little
  • 30-40 minutes before the intended feeding, be sure to eat and drink warm tea
  • And after feeding, be sure to drink a glass of water

Products for lactation

  • Cereals
  • Broths
  • Carrots, pumpkin, onions, radishes
  • Greens (can be added to soup or eaten fresh)
  • Fresh juices
  • Herbal teas
  • Walnuts
  • Milk

Video on the topic: Menu for a young mother to increase lactation

Beer for milk lactation in nursing women

You can find many reviews from mothers about the effect of beer on lactation: some talk about the incredibly fast flow of milk, others are disappointedly struggling with increasing lactation using other methods.

From a medical point of view, scientists explained the effect of beer on lactation:

  • When drinking beer, fluid is retained in the mammary glands
  • As a result, the breasts become swollen
  • Mothers mistake this for milk flow
  • In real life, breast engorgement has nothing to do with milk.

IMPORTANT: As you can see, medicine is clear on this issue: beer does not increase lactation

In addition, beer contains alcohol, which is absolutely not necessary for a child.

Tea to increase lactation

Hot tea - great way increasing lactation. It could be:

  • Classic black or green tea
  • Tea with milk
  • Herbal tea (with cumin, anise, lemon balm)
  • Specialized teas for lactation

Ginger tea:

  • Bring ginger root to a boil and cool
  • It will be effective to add honey and lemon
  • Drink a little decoction 3 times a day

Chamomile tea:

  • Brew chamomile according to instructions
  • Add chamomile infusion to tea

IMPORTANT: Monitor your child’s reaction to the components of the tea

Specialty teas:

  • Tea to increase lactation HIPP. Expensive granulated tea with the following composition: maltodextrin, dextrose, extracts of lemon balm, nettle, cumin, anise, fennel, galega herb, lemon grass. The composition is quite questionable for allergic children

  • Organic tea to increase lactation HIPP Mama. Bagged organic tea with the following ingredients: anise seeds, fennel seeds, caraway seeds, lemon verbena fox seeds, organic lemon balm leaves

  • Tea for nursing mothers Grandma's basket with anise or rosehip. Ingredients: anise (or rosehip), cumin, nettle, fennel, lemon balm

  • Lactation tea packaged Lactofitol (formerly Lactovit). Ingredients: fennel, dill, anise, cumin, nettle

IMPORTANT: There are positive and negative reviews about each of the presented teas. Everything is selected individually

Preparations for milk lactation

The most popular lactation drugs that you can purchase at the pharmacy:

  • Lactogone tablets. Ingredients: carrot juice, ginger, royal jelly, nettle, dill, oregano, potassium, sugar, starch, oats, calcium stearate, polyvinylpyrrolidone. Course - 1 month
  • Apilak tablets. Ingredients: royal jelly, lactose, talc, calcium, starch. Course - 10-15 days
  • Mlekoin homeopathic granules. Can be taken throughout the entire period breastfeeding

IMPORTANT: The drug may become addictive. Then it is advisable to take a break or change the drug

How to increase lactation using folk remedies?

Folk helpers for increasing lactation:

  • Milk
  • Nuts
  • Herbs: lemon balm, chamomile, nettle, fennel, anise
  • Carrot
  • Radish

Radish and honey

  • Squeeze finely grated radish in gauze to obtain juice
  • Mix 100 radish juice with 100 g of chilled boiled water and 1 tbsp. natural honey
  • Drink 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day

Dill seeds.

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry dill seeds pour 1 cup boiling water
  • Leave for 2 hours
  • Strain
  • Drink 1/2 glass 2 times a day, holding sips in your mouth

IMPORTANT: Folk remedies are very effective, but can cause an allergic reaction in the child. Use with caution

Milk with nuts for lactation

  • 4-5 walnuts crush
  • Boil 0.5 liters of milk
  • Place nuts in a thermos
  • Pour boiled milk
  • Leave for 3 hours
  • Drink warm before feeding

Carrots with milk for lactation

  • Grate the carrots on the finest grater
  • Pour a glass of warm milk
  • Drink 2-3 times a day

Cumin to increase lactation

Cumin is popular as a product for increasing lactation.

Caraway drink.

  • 1 tbsp cumin seeds
  • 1 liter of boiled water
  • 1 lemon, peeled and chopped
  • 2 g citric acid
  • 100 g sugar
  • Pour everything into water
  • Cook over low heat for 10 minutes after boiling.
  • Cool
  • Strain
  • Drink 1/2 glass 2-3 times a day

Cumin with cream.

  • IN ceramic dishes scoop 2 tbsp. cumin and 2 cups cream
  • Place in the oven on low heat for 30 minutes.
  • Cool
  • Drink 1 glass 2 times a day

Herbs for lactation milk

  • Nettle
  • Fennel
  • Chamomile
  • Dill

Herbs can be used to make infusions in various proportions - essentially like tea.

Cooking technique the same: mix, pour boiling water, let it brew, strain.

Only the proportions are different:

  • 20 dry nettle leaves per 1 liter of boiling water. Drink 1 tbsp. 2 times a day
  • Anise seeds and boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Drink 2 tbsp. 2 times a day
  • Anise and fennel in equal proportions
  • Anise, cumin, nettle, dandelion root in equal proportions
  • Anise, lemon balm, fennel fruit. 1:2:4 respectively
  • Anise, dill seeds, oregano, fennel fruits in equal proportions

How to pump correctly to increase lactation

How to increase lactation in one breast

To increase lactation in one breast, you need to direct all actions only to this breast:

  • Apply more often
  • Do massage
  • express

How to increase lactation Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky recommends one of the methods described at the beginning of the article to increase lactation: frequent feeding. According to the doctor, more frequent feeding for 3 days should restore lactation to the desired level.

Massage for lactation milk

  • Place one hand on your chest, the other under your chest. Gently massage your breasts using circular movements for 5-10 minutes.
  • Nipple irritation stimulates milk production well. Massage the nipple with your fingers, touch it, squeeze it, twirl it with your fingers
  • Massage shower. Direct the hot stream under strong pressure onto your chest (everything is within reason and comfort). Massage your breasts in a circle like this: 5-7 minutes - one; then - the second
  • Only an integrated and responsible approach will help you return lactation to the desired level

    Video on the topic: How to increase lactation in three days - Everything will be fine

Breastfeeding is a very important process for health and physical development baby. Sometimes in the life of a young mother the situation develops in such an unfavorable way that the baby is sorely lacking breast milk or it practically disappears altogether. If you have the desire and desire to continue feeding your newborn, you need to know ways to improve lactation, what methods you can use to increase the production of breast milk and provide your baby with the right amount.

To ensure that the baby always has enough milk, the mother must monitor her lifestyle, nutrition and psychological balance

In order to improve lactation, women are advised to adhere to several simple tips, which doctors usually give in such cases. They are aimed at stimulating the functioning of the mammary glands and increasing the amount of breast milk. They relate to the lifestyle of a young mother.

  1. Drink at least 1.5 liters of high-quality (filtered, mineral) still water per day.
  2. Special teas to increase lactation.
  3. Try to rest more in any free minutes, do not overwork.
  4. Get enough sleep: a nursing mother, according to doctors, needs at least 10 hours of sleep a day.
  5. Two hours a day - walks in the fresh air.
  6. Avoid stress at home, family quarrels and worries, don’t be nervous.
  7. Avoid excessive physical activity.
  8. No weight loss diets.
  9. Frequent feedings (at least 10 times a day).
  10. Do not give up night feedings, which actually contribute to female body the production of prolactin, a hormone that improves lactation.
  11. Do things you love that will give you positive emotions. This could be knitting, reading, or even watching your favorite movie. Grandma or dad can stay with the baby at this time.
  12. Do special self-massage at home. Castor oil wet your palms generously. Left hand place it under your chest, the right one on it. Make light, massaging movements in a clockwise direction. Avoid getting oil on the nipple.
  13. Sign up for a massage with a specialist, but be sure to warn him first that you are a nursing mother.

In addition to these recommendations, which mainly affect the lifestyle of a nursing mother, it is very great importance has her diet. It should include products whose consumption increases milk significantly.

Ginger is one of those foods that promote milk production, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it: strictly follow the recommended servings

To improve lactation, young mothers need to include drinks, dishes, and individual foods that increase breast milk production in their daily menu. These include:

  • warm tea: black (weak) with milk or green with honey - it is recommended to drink half an hour before feeding the baby;
  • cumin: do not chew daily a large number of caraway seeds or eat bread with this cereal;
  • fresh almonds, pine nuts, walnuts (be careful: they can cause excessive gas formation and constipation in the child);
  • herbal teas (from oregano, lemon balm, nettle, dill, hawthorn, anise);
  • juices: carrot, currant, blackthorn;
  • meat, but low-fat broths and soups,
  • fermented milk products, milk, feta cheese, Adyghe cheese;
  • carrots, watermelons, onions, lettuce;
  • buckwheat, rolled oats;
  • seeds, nuts;
  • barley coffee with honey and milk (the product can be found in a regular store);
  • ginger.

The right breakfast for a mother who wants to improve lactation: oatmeal porridge with dried apricots, milk and a few walnuts.

By including enough of these healthy foods in your diet, women can be sure that they will have more milk within 3-4 days of the new diet. However, there are products that have exactly the opposite properties - they should be avoided by those who have problems with lactation.

Too spicy foods, as you know, are categorically not recommended to be consumed while breastfeeding

You will have to remove foods from your diet that reduce lactation by retaining fluid in the body. These include:

  • hot seasonings, spices;
  • parsley, sage, mint;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned foods.

Those women who regularly consume these products will not be able to avoid problems with lactation: they will have much less milk with such food incontinence. And if they do not take urgent measures to somehow improve lactation and exclude these products from their menu, the baby will soon have to be transferred to artificial feeding. To get more milk, it is recommended to prepare various folk remedies.

Uzvar is a wonderful folk remedy for increasing lactation; in addition, it saturates the young mother’s body with the vitamins she and her baby need.

You can improve lactation with the help of certain foods and drinks that promote the active production of breast milk by the body of a young mother. From all the variety, you need to choose one of the recipes that can be prepared daily and consumed throughout the day: the results usually do not take long to arrive.

  • Caraway drink

Pour cumin (1 teaspoon) with boiling milk (200 ml), leave covered for 2 hours. Take 100 ml shortly (15 minutes) before feeding.

  • Uzvar

Rinse dried fruits (200 g each of dried pears and apples, prunes, raisins), cover with cold water for 10 minutes. Then pour 3 liters of water over the pears and apples and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Add raisins and prunes, cook for another 15 minutes. Add 200 g of honey, wait until it boils, remove from heat, cover with a lid, leave for 3 hours. Uzvar is considered one of the most effective means in order to improve lactation in case of problems with breast milk production.

  • Cedar cocktail

Pour fresh pine nuts (1 tablespoon) with water (200 ml) overnight. In the morning, boil, add honey (2 tablespoons), drink.

  • Dill tea

Pour boiling water (200 ml) over dill seeds (1 tablespoon) and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink 100 ml twice a day.

  • Dill cocktail

Grind and mix together anise and dill seeds (20 g each), fenugreek seeds and fennel fruits (30 g each). Pour 1 teaspoon of the resulting mixture with boiling water (200 ml), leave covered for 2 hours. Drink 100 ml twice a day.

  • Milk-dill cocktail

Grind dill seeds (1 tablespoon), pour in kefir (200 ml), add nutmeg and salt to taste. Drink before breakfast.

  • Nut milk

Boil peeled ground walnuts (100 g) in milk (500 ml) until thickened, add granulated sugar to taste. Drink 30 minutes before feeding.

  • Radish with honey

Grate the radish, squeeze out the juice (100 ml), dilute with boiled, but cold water (100 ml), add honey (1 tablespoon).

  • Dandelion juice

Grind young, fresh dandelion leaves in a meat grinder, squeeze the juice out of them, add salt, and let it brew for half an hour. Drink 100 ml twice a day in small sips. To remove bitterness, add a little lemon juice, honey or granulated sugar.

  • Dandelion decoction

Grind the roots and leaves of dandelions in a meat grinder (1 teaspoon), pour boiling water (200 ml), leave for 1 hour, covered. Strain, drink 50 ml 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

  • Dandelion milkshake

Grind dill leaves and dandelion petals and mix. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, add grated walnuts (10 g), pour in kefir (4 cups), beat with a mixer, drink 100 ml for breakfast.

  • Ginger tea

Grind fresh ginger root (3 tablespoons), add a liter of water, and boil. Add lemon and honey to taste. Drink 60 ml three times a day.

  • Vitamin mass

Mix dried apricots, raisins, figs, prunes, peeled walnuts (1 tablespoon each). Grind, add honey. Eat half an hour before feeding, wash down with warm tea.

  • Herbal infusions

Herbs that improve lactation must be chosen wisely, since each herb will work only in a certain case:

  • for stomach problems: anise, cumin, fennel, dill;
  • for stress: lemon balm, oregano;
  • for anemia: nettle.

Any herb (1 teaspoon) is poured with boiling water (200 ml), boiled for 10 minutes, infused under the lid for half an hour. Drink 50 ml every hour.

Knowing how to improve lactation, young mothers will be able to provide their baby with a sufficient amount of breast milk even in the most critical situations, when its production is on the verge of stopping. It is very easy to follow the tips outlined above, organizing a unique lactation diet is also quite possible, and preparing tasty and healthy folk remedies that improve lactation is a pleasure. Enjoy and make your baby happy.

Lactation is the production of milk in the female mammary glands, which usually occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you are planning to adopt a baby or want to be a surrogate nurse, then you may need to stimulate lactation. Or perhaps you want to stimulate lactation because you are afraid of not having enough milk. You can stimulate milk production with hormone therapy or suction with an electric breast pump. To stimulate lactation after childbirth, you need to express or use a breast pump, put your baby to the breast more often and do not forget to take care of your own health.


Stimulation of lactation

    Start hormone therapy 8 months before breastfeeding. Consult your doctor regarding the order in which you take hormones - as a rule, treatment begins 8 months before breastfeeding. The doctor will prescribe estrogen or progesterone to simulate pregnancy in the body. Take these hormones for six months or longer and then move on to expressing or using a breast pump.

    • The doctor must prescribe estrogen and progesterone - these are the hormones present in the body of a pregnant woman.
  1. Stimulate your milk flow with a breast pump. Start using a breast pump two months before you start breastfeeding. By using a breast pump, you stimulate the production of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk production.

    Ask your doctor if you need to take any medications to stimulate lactation. If you do not have time for hormone therapy, you can ask your doctor about the possibility of taking other medications. Drugs that stimulate the production of prolactin are called lactogonic. Your doctor may write a prescription for metoclopramide or domperidone.

    Replace your breast milk with formula or expressed breast milk. If you induce lactation artificially, you most likely will not have enough milk to properly feed your baby, especially in the first few weeks. Between regular feedings, give your baby formula or expressed breast milk. You can also use pasteurized donor milk.

    • If you bottle feed your baby, use a breast pump. This will promote milk production.
    • Ask your doctor about devices that go to the breast but give your baby donor milk or formula. Like breast pumps, they stimulate milk production.
  2. Don't rush to give your baby a pacifier. The baby will suck better and stronger if he learns to suck on your nipple first, and only then you give him the pacifier. Try not to give your baby a pacifier until 3-4 weeks after birth. The harder your baby sucks, the more milk you will produce.

Stimulating lactation using natural methods

  1. Eat oatmeal. Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on lactation, and is perhaps the easiest way to stimulate milk production! You don't need to consult a doctor to start eating oatmeal. Just start eating oatmeal in the morning is a good habit.

    • Oatmeal is the most traditional breakfast option, and it doesn't have to be boring. If you're tired of porridge, try other forms of oatmeal, such as granola, cookies, or oat bran.
  2. Eat healthy. Eat fruits and vegetables, protein and plenty of whole grains. Eat foods different colors, including dark green leafy vegetables and bright citrus fruits. Unless your baby is having an allergic reaction, continue to eat what you normally eat, but remember to keep the diet as healthy as possible.

    • Monitor how your child reacts to cow's milk. If you consume a lot of dairy products and notice signs of an allergy in your child, such as a rash, vomiting or bloating, limit or eliminate dairy products from your diet. Ask your doctor if you need to take nutritional supplements with calcium or vitamin D.
    • Ask your doctor or dietitian what vitamins and nutritional supplements you should take. If you follow a vegan diet, there is a high chance that you are deficient in certain vitamins. Ask your doctor if you may need to add vitamin B12 or a multivitamin to your diet.
  3. Limit medications that affect milk production. If you are taking medications that contain pseudoephedrine (such as Sudafed or Zyrtec), this may negatively affect your milk production. Some contraceptive drugs also affect lactation. Talk to your doctor about which contraceptive medications you should take.

    • Before taking any medicine, be sure to read the instructions. If the drug should be taken with caution when breastfeeding, consult your doctor.

New mothers do not always have enough breast milk, which is why the baby experiences food shortages, loses weight, and becomes capricious. The situation can be corrected - to do this, it should be established. Use medications not at all necessary - there are foods that increase breast milk production if you include them in the diet of a nursing mother. And it is worth noting that this method of improving lactation is absolutely safe.


Proteins are called building material for the baby’s fragile body, which is why they must be present in the baby’s diet in sufficient quantities. For this, the mother needs to consume daily meat, chicken, cheeses, kefir, cottage cheese or fermented baked milk. If you properly combine these products with fresh vegetables or fruits, as well as whole grain bread, you can fully provide your and children's body necessary microelements, while improving lactation.


It is known that nuts are an excellent helper in increasing breast milk production. Many young mothers use this. However, it is important to remember that this product, and especially walnuts, contains a lot of fat, so it is poorly absorbed by a small, fragile body. To improve lactation, it is enough to eat 2-3 kernels walnut, and daily supply useful microelements(potassium and magnesium) provided.

Almonds are allowed, even recommended, during breastfeeding - they contain less fat. However, it is not recommended to eat more than 4-5 kernels - a large amount of almonds provokes gas formation and bloating in the baby. You can make nutritional smoothies from pine nuts. To do this, add 250 ml of water to a tablespoon of kernels overnight. In the morning, this mixture is boiled, cooled and drunk. To make the cocktail taste more pleasant, you can sweeten it with honey. Please note: nuts are a fairly allergenic product, so always monitor your baby’s reaction, and you should avoid peanuts altogether.

Vegetables and fruits

There is no need to talk about the benefits of gardening products - everyone has heard about it ( we read: And ). But many do not suspect that the vegetables and fruits we are accustomed to are an excellent remedy for combating hypogalactia (breast milk deficiency). To increase lactation, it is recommended to include in the diet:

  • radish;
  • blackberries;
  • carrot;
  • gooseberry;
  • currants (white, black);
  • watermelon;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • flax seeds, sunflower seeds, caraway seeds;
  • dill greens;
  • blueberries;
  • fennel leaves.

Mixing several types of herbal products is not recommended, as they often do not combine at all. The result of this incompatibility is increased gas formation The child has colic in the stomach.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...


Honey is a strong allergen. But a nursing mother should not refuse it. Of course, if you eat half a jar of honey at once, it will be bad for both the baby and the mother. But 1 teaspoon will do no harm - only benefit.

Honey contains trace elements that have a positive effect on the formation of blood cells. Honey prevents constipation, soothes, and improves bowel function. But most importantly, it improves lactation. Therefore, if an allergic reaction to this product is not detected in either the mother or the baby, you can safely take a small portion of honey every day. If the baby has an unpleasant reaction, you should discard this product and choose a better alternative.

Dairy products

To improve lactation, a nursing mother should make it a rule to drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk every day. It is worth giving up whole milk for a while - this product can cause bloating in the baby and upset the gastrointestinal tract.


By refusing fluids, a nursing mother risks worsening lactation. To prevent this from happening, you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. These can be warm drinks: herbal infusions, juices. Warm tea with the addition of milk or honey helps improve lactation. You should drink this drink before feeding your baby (20 minutes before).

Among other drinks for increasing lactation, the following are most effective:

  • compotes based on dried fruits;
  • dill tea, decoction of cumin or anise seeds: pour a spoonful of seeds into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 3-5 hours in a thermos. The finished infusion is taken in two doses;
  • milkshake with dill: dill seeds are crushed (you can use a coffee grinder) and mixed with a glass of kefir, add nutmeg and salt (a pinch). The cocktail is filtered and drunk (take better in the morning on an empty stomach);
  • lemon balm or mint teas: the herb is added to tea or the leaves of these plants are brewed as an independent drink. Such teas perfectly soothe, relax, and improve lactation;
  • fresh juices from currants and carrots, which are best diluted with boiled, cooled water;
  • ginger teas: pour a liter of boiling water over the root of the plant and boil. Add lemon, honey. Drink three times a day, one serving - 50 ml;
  • barley broth (you can prepare it yourself) or ready-made barley drinks (sold in diet food departments);
  • A decoction of dandelions is prepared as follows: grind the root and leaves of the plant (a teaspoon) and pour boiling water over the herb. After infusion, filter the broth and drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day;
  • dandelion leaf juice: fresh leaves of the plant are crushed with a blender or meat grinder, the juice is squeezed out, salted and left for half an hour. Next, add honey (sugar) or lemon juice. Drink in small sips, slowly, no more than 2 times a day.

Even if a nursing mother knows all the secrets of how to improve lactation, consumes all foods that promote the production of breast milk, and follows drinking regime, she must also remember about good, full sleep and rest. You should not overwork, overstress yourself physically, you should avoid stress. And most importantly, do not forget about night feedings: they are often the main trigger for lactation.

Breastfeeding is a special period in the life of a young mother. Breastfeeding helps you recover faster after childbirth, provide protection from mastopathy and establish a close relationship with your baby. Often nursing mothers face a lack of milk. Today we will tell you how to increase lactation at home, and what to do if there is practically no milk in the breast.

5 main factors influencing the increase and maintenance of lactation

Proper development of a child is impossible without proper nutrition. Mother's milk Ideally suits the baby's body's ability to absorb food. From breast milk, the baby receives everything it needs: enzymes, growth factors, immunoglobulins that protect the child’s body from infections.

Important! Every child should receive breast milk for at least 6 months, because it is completely tailored to the individual needs of the baby.

Among the many factors influencing the occurrence, increase and maintenance of milk secretion, the most important are:

  1. Health status of nursing mother and baby.
  2. A mother's desire and will to breastfeed her baby.
  3. The mental state of a nursing mother and the family situation.
  4. Regular latching of the newborn to the breast;
  5. Conscientious Preparation and Study correct technique breastfeeding.

What to do if there is not enough milk? We will definitely tell you about many effective ways to improve lactation, but first we recommend watching this video:

Before concluding that the mother has little milk, it is necessary to exclude the above factors. If there are errors in the correct latching of the breast, physical fatigue of the nursing mother or excessive mental stress (anxiety, worries), then the lack of milk is only a consequence of existing problems. Their solution will help to avoid decreased lactation and premature weaning.

Menu for a nursing mother: list of products to increase milk supply

The quality of milk and its quantity directly depend on the diet and diet followed by the nursing mother. A varied diet stimulates improved lactation and helps establish proper breastfeeding.

Products that should be included in a mother's daily diet:

  • boiled milk and fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt) - at least 0.5 l/day;
  • cottage cheese or curd products – 50-100 g/day;
  • boiled meat – at least 200 g/day;
  • fresh vegetables (carrots, onions, sweet peppers, radishes) – 600 g/day;
  • butter – 30 g/day;
  • boiled chicken eggs – 1-2 pcs.;
  • fruits ( green apple, pear) – not less than 300 g/day;
  • black bread with cumin – 400 g/day.

Daily use is also recommended during the lactation period. vegetable oil as a refill fresh vegetables or dishes with cereals (about 20 g/day). Sunflower oil– a natural source of vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. We talked about it in one of the previous issues.

Products that cause increased lactation:

  • warm green tea (weakly brewed);
  • hot chicken broth;
  • liquid porridge with milk from rice and barley;
  • bee honey (as a substitute for sugar);
  • watermelons;
  • walnuts;
  • first courses with sea and river fish.

A nursing mother needs to monitor the amount of fluid consumed per day. It must be at least 2.5 liters (including all liquid dishes). 10-15 minutes before the start of the next feeding, it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey - this simple drink helps enhance lactation and stimulates the flow of milk in the breast.

What foods to avoid during lactation:

  • natural coffe;
  • semi-finished meat products;
  • fast food, chips and crackers with flavoring additives;
  • store-bought sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, cheese sauces, etc.);
  • canned products of industrial origin;
  • products with a high cocoa content (including chocolate);
  • any alcoholic drinks(strictly prohibited!).

Note! IN last years There is a tendency for infants to be born with insufficiency immune system. Try to avoid eating foods that can cause allergies in your baby.

Increasing lactation with folk remedies

Homemade methods to increase milk production were used by our grandmothers. Complaints about a lack of breast milk have been encountered at all times, and nursing mothers have tried everything available methods to solve the problem of breastfeeding. Many of them are still relevant today.

More liquid!

Drinking fluids helps increase milk production - this is a well-known fact. Try to drink whenever possible as often as possible. Lactation improves when consuming warm herbal decoctions, milk, special phyto-drinks for mothers.

Many of the herbs can be found in the pharmacy at cheap prices: dill seeds, anise, caraway seeds and fennel. A vitamin drink will help cope with the lactation crisis.

Recipe 1. Take a teaspoon of cumin seeds and add a glass of water. Bring to a boil over heat, simmer covered for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat, let it brew for half an hour, strain the resulting broth. To improve the taste, you can add 0.5 tsp. honey

Recipe 2. Pour anise seeds into a thermos and add 200 ml of boiled hot water. Close the lid and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then strain the infusion and cool. Take 50 ml of the drink before each feeding.

Self-massage of the mammary glands

Kneading the breasts after feeding develops the inflows well, stimulating milk production and frequent flows. The massage should be done on the breast that the baby was fed on. Hand movements during the massage should be circular, from the nipple to the periphery, with light finger pressure over the entire surface, for 5-7 minutes.

Breastfeeding on demand

Feeding your baby on demand is the key to proper breastfeeding and development. required quantity milk for each feeding. Do not take night breaks; let the baby latch on to the breast as many times as his body requires. Frequent application of the best thing stimulates lactation without any additional methods. Try to get by during the first months without calculating feeding by the hour - the baby knows better when it’s time for him to eat, and your breasts will “adjust” to his requirements.

What to do to prevent your child from starving and how to improve lactation? Advice for a young mother:

Medicines to improve lactation

Currently, the question of how to increase lactation can be solved with one trip to the pharmacy. Many medicines tested by moms and help decide acute problem with breastfeeding – decreased lactation and lack of milk. If folk remedies do not help, and lactation crisis If your breastfeeding is delayed, then it’s time to contact a breastfeeding specialist and find the right drug to increase your milk supply.

Release form Titles Operating principle
Herbal teas for nursing mothersLactavit, Hipp, Humana, Grandmother's Basket, LactaphytolLactogenic agents with a strengthening and tonic effect. Teas based on natural herbs (fennel, cumin, anise, etc.) have a pleasant taste and are used as daily drinks in the diet.
Tablets and granulesLactogon, Apilak, MlekoinEffective drugs to increase lactation. Taken with food as an active supplement when breastfeeding ends. Included natural ingredients– nettle, ginger, royal jelly.
Milk formulas to improve lactationLactamil, Milky Way, Femilak, Bellakt Mama+, MD mil MamaNutritious milk formulas replenish the needs of a nursing mother for vitamins, minerals and stimulate the glands to produce breast milk. Just dilute the mixture with water and drink it several times a day as a cocktail. Formula milk, when consumed regularly, helps produce milk and increase its quantity.

Means for stimulating lactation can provide real help in reducing milk in the breast. But quick effect You shouldn’t wait: in one case it will take a couple of days for feeding to normalize, in another it will take a week.

On a note! A lactation consultant will help you choose the most suitable drug - by studying your specific feeding history and observing the process, it will be easier for the specialist to suggest the optimal solution to your problem and, if necessary, choose a drug together with you.

5 Best Ways to Stimulate Milk Production

Before contacting medicinal methods, better try simple methods, which can be used at your own discretion and without the advice of a doctor.

  1. Frequent breastfeeding
    Nature itself made sure that the baby gets enough of its mother’s milk. At the time of each breastfeeding, two important hormones are released and activated in a woman’s body: oxytocin and prolactin. They are responsible for the amount of milk produced during lactation. The more often the baby sucks mother's breast, the more milk will arrive at each feeding moment.
  2. Feeding your baby at night
    A night break is detrimental to breastfeeding - if the baby does not breastfeed for a long time, there is less milk. The body of a nursing mother believes that the baby will receive enough milk, which means that its amount can be reduced. This is how the decline in milk production occurs. Try to feed your baby at least twice at night to maintain lactation at the proper level.
  3. Ensuring tactile contact with the baby
    “Skin to skin” is the basic recipe for increasing milk supply without any additional recipes. Lactogenic hormones wake up at the moment of communication between mother and baby, when the child is rocked or carried in her arms. Caress your baby more often, and the problem with lack of milk will be solved by itself.
  4. Rest, rest and only rest
    During the period of lactation, free yourself from at least some household chores and chores. Adequate sleep - at least 7-8 hours a day, good nutrition and peace of mind are the main conditions for the full production of a sufficient amount of mother's milk.
  5. Easy and healthy “chest” gymnastics
    Daily breast exercises stimulate the functioning of the ducts, blood circulation and the production of breast milk. You need to exercise standing or sitting on a fitball in a comfortable position. Place both hands together, palm to palm. Place them behind your head. Tilt your head back, then vigorously press the back of your head onto your folded hands several times. Repeat the exercise 2-3 more times.

P.S. Previously, we talked about the nutrition of a nursing mother and about products. Let's once again consolidate this topic, since it is proper nutrition is the key to good lactation: