How to wash mayonnaise from clothes: proven recipes. How to remove a mayonnaise stain: available methods How to remove a mayonnaise stain after washing

Many housewives encounter such a problem as a mayonnaise stain on clothes. If you notice a stain, it is recommended to immediately take action, since mayonnaise is quickly absorbed into the fibers of clothing, and it will be more difficult to get rid of dried marks. When dealing with mayonnaise stains, simple laundry detergents will not work. In this article you will learn how to remove mayonnaise stains at home, and what products are most effective.

A mayonnaise stain on clothes is not uncommon. The main thing is not to waste time and remove the stain

Initial actions

After you notice that a trace of mayonnaise has appeared on your clothes, it is recommended to take a number of simple steps:

  1. Remove any remaining product from clothing.
  2. Apply a cotton towel to the contaminated area.
  3. It is not recommended to rub the mark.

After the first stage, it is important to choose the right product that will help get rid of the stain at home.

What means can be used?

You can remove greasy marks at home without going to the dry cleaner. Regular washing in a washing machine using washing powder will not be enough; greasy marks will remain. For complete removal, you can use the following tools:

  1. The product you use to wash dishes.
  2. Gasoline (necessarily purified).
  3. Medical alcohol or ammonia.
  4. Acetone.
  5. Glycerol.
  6. Potato starch.

Organic products can be used in combination with other products: salt, turpentine, and with chemicals - powder, a product that removes stains.

The product you use to wash dishes

The first and most readily available remedy that a housewife has is the one used to wash dishes. Before applying the product to the contaminated area, you need to remove traces of mayonnaise. Do not rub it, use a knife and a towel to remove it. Mix detergent with a little water to create a soap paste and apply it to the greasy mark. After a few hours, remove any remaining detergent with water and wash as usual.

Mix a teaspoon of dish soap and a few drops of water in a small container.

Gasoline and potato starch

It is recommended to use only purified gasoline. This product must be applied carefully so that traces of gasoline do not leak out and get on other areas of clothing. Place a towel or piece of fabric under the stain, on the inside, and lay the garment out on a flat surface. Soak a swab or cloth in gasoline, starting from the edge and moving towards the center. After thorough treatment, apply starch to the contaminated area. After a few hours, the product can be machine washed using regular washing powder.

Salt and ammonia

To prepare the mixture, mix water, salt and ammonia in a ratio of 3:1:1 (three parts water, one part salt and one part ammonia). Apply the mixture to the contaminated area and leave for several hours. Then remove the remaining mixture and wash in a machine.

Salt and ammonia are those things that are in every home

Glycerin and ammonia

To prepare the mixture, mix one large spoon of glycerin and one small spoon of ten percent ammonia. Dampen the cloth, treat the greasy stain, then apply the dishwashing detergent or proven stain remover to the contaminated area. If you wash the product by hand or in a machine, the water temperature should be no more than 30 degrees.

Turpentine or acetone

This method of removing grease stains at home is not suitable for all types of fabrics. It is not recommended to use on silky, woolen products, as this will damage the structure of the fibers and they will become thin. Moisten a piece of cloth or swab in turpentine or acetone (you can also use medical alcohol), rub it over the contaminated area, from the edge of the stain to the center. If the stain is old, then you need to repeat the steps a couple of times. Afterwards, do a regular wash. If the fabric is thin and other methods have not helped remove the stain, then swab a swab soaked in turpentine or acetone on an inconspicuous area on the inside of the garment to check if there are visible changes on the surface of the garment.

A cheerful feast in a restaurant, a quiet family dinner or an active outdoor recreation for many ended with a lot of unpleasant marks on their clothes. One of the most popular is the mayonnaise stain. It is now difficult to imagine most dishes without this component. If this unpleasant event occurs, do not be alarmed; there are many proven ways to remove mayonnaise stains.

Why is stain difficult to remove?

Before deciding how to remove mayonnaise stains from clothes, you need to understand what you are dealing with. The main ingredients of this product are eggs, mustard and sunflower oil. It is the oil that leaves this unpleasant imprint, which is so difficult to wash off.

In addition to these components, one has to deal with multiple additives in the form of emulsifiers, stabilizers and dyes, which make the stain more stable.

We must not overlook the fact that a greasy mark becomes more difficult to remove the longer it stays on the clothes. The task becomes especially difficult if the stain has already dried in direct sunlight.

Algorithm of actions

To prevent the trouble associated with deciding how to remove a mayonnaise stain from turning into a big problem, you need to know the procedure. A quick response will prevent the fat from being absorbed deeply into the fibers and it will be much easier to remove it.

Before looking for how to wash mayonnaise, you need to take a few simple but very important steps:

  1. Remove mayonnaise from the surface of the fabric as soon as possible.
  2. Blot the area with a waffle towel, cotton cloth or a simple paper napkin. This will help absorb excess fat.
  3. Treat the stain using any suggested method.
  4. Perform normal washing.

Simple 4 steps will protect your favorite clothes from unpleasant prints.

Special means

It is guaranteed that the mayonnaise mark will not come off during normal washing. Therefore, additional forces will be required here. To do this, a thrifty housewife will always have the following means:

  • stain remover Any brand will do. Apply to the stained area and allow time to work. Then wash in the washing machine, adding a little stain remover directly to the drum;
  • washing powder with enhanced formula. You can use a ready-made product prepared by manufacturers. It contains an increased number of components that are designed to remove heavy stains. It is recommended to soak the item first;
  • dishwashing liquid. It effectively breaks down fat not only on dirty plates, but also on fabrics. Apply a small amount of the product to the stain, rub, leave for 15–20 minutes, then wash the entire item as usual.

If none of the suggestions are at hand, then you can try folk methods on how to remove mayonnaise stains from jeans and any other material.

Your favorite clothes will definitely be saved if you have at least one of the following items in your home:

  1. Potato starch. Sprinkle the stained area and allow the powder to absorb the grease. Leave for 30 minutes, then replace the starch with clean starch. Repeat the procedure until the stain fades. Then wash the clothes.
  2. Talc. The essence of the method is similar to that with starch.
  3. Ammonia and glycerin. First, prepare a solution by mixing 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and half a tbsp. l. ammonia. Apply it to the stain and leave for 40 minutes. After this, rinse the stained area with running water and wash with a powder enhancer or stain remover.

To get rid of old, stubborn stains, you can use various solvents, such as:

  1. Petrol. It's better to take the peeled one. This will be a lifesaver for your favorite jeans. Moisten a cotton swab and treat the mark. Let it sit for 15–25 minutes. If it doesn't help, repeat the procedure.
  2. Acetone. You can use regular nail polish remover. Also wet the stain and wait.
  3. Alcohol. Treat the stain several times. As soon as it gets dirty, change the cotton swab to a clean one and process it again.

Regardless of what decision you make about mayonnaise, do not forget about these precautions:

  • Always test the cleaning product you are using on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​clothing for a reaction;
  • It is recommended to apply the drug on the wrong side;
  • Make movements from the edge of the spot to the center. As a result of failure to comply with this point, the area of ​​pollution will greatly increase;
  • Do not use solvents, alcohol-containing or other aggressive products to combat stains on delicate fabrics.

Emergency method

If trouble occurs at a party, in a cafe, or in another place where there is no way to quickly respond and wash clothes, you can use emergency methods.

How to remove mayonnaise stains without using special products:

  1. Wet wipe. After removing mayonnaise from clothes, the resulting stain can be wiped with a regular damp cloth. Preferably not one, but several. This will increase cleaning efficiency.
  2. Salt. Finding this ingredient will also not be difficult almost anywhere. Sprinkle the stain with salt and rub a little. It will absorb the grease and subsequently remove the stain much easier.

Of course, the proposed quick response methods will not help completely remove the trace, but they are guaranteed to facilitate further removal using methods already known to you.

Now you know how to remove mayonnaise stains quickly, easily and without harming your clothes. Oily marks will go away quickly and forever, you just need to put in a little effort in time.

We season almost all salads prepared for the holiday table with mayonnaise. But, unfortunately, there are times when mayonnaise ends up not on the plate, but on festive clothes, leaving stains that cannot be removed. What to do in such a situation? How to remove mayonnaise stain? This is exactly what we will talk about today.

How to remove greasy mayonnaise stain from clothes
infoDishwasher. As soon as the mayonnaise gets on your clothes, take a knife or spoon and carefully remove it so as not to smear it. Then take a paper towel and blot the remaining mark thoroughly without rubbing it. After this, add a little water to the dishwasher and apply the resulting paste to the dirty area with a foam sponge. After two to three hours, thoroughly rinse the problem area with water, and then wash the product. But this case does not suit colored clothes. Dishwasher can eat away a stain on your favorite blouse or pants.
infoRefined gasoline. To use this method, in addition to gasoline, you will need paper towels or napkins, which are applied to the underside of the stain. After this, the product is placed on a flat surface, and the contaminated area is treated with a swab or cloth soaked in gasoline (from the edges to the center). Then the stain is sprinkled with potato starch (talcum powder can be used) and after some time the fabric is washed in a machine using powder.
infoAcetone. If the stain is already old, you can get rid of it using organic solvents such as acetone, turpentine, or medical alcohol. There are some nuances here. Acetone should not be used on synthetic fabrics. It will simply corrode the fabric!
Before the procedure, as in the previous version, you need to apply a gauze swab or a wooden block covered with fabric on the wrong side. After this, immerse a cotton pad in the solvent, liberally treat the stain from the edges to the middle, and then wash the fabric with powder.
infoAmmonia and salt. In a small bowl, mix 3 parts water, 1 part ammonia and 1 part salt. Cover the stain with the resulting mixture and leave for a while. Then wash in the washing machine.
Ammonia and glycerin. In a suitable container, mix 1 tbsp. l glycerin with 1 teaspoon. l ammonia (10%). Soak a gauze swab in this solution, treat the contaminated area, and then remove the mark with a proven stain remover or Alles GUT! gel phosphate-free laundry detergent. Select the gel according to the fabric. For a white item, take the Phosphate-free gel for washing white laundry “Alles GUT!”, for colored items, use the Phosphate-free gel for washing colored laundry “Alles GUT!”, and for black items, take the Phosphate-free gel for washing black laundry “Alles GUT!” Wash with gel in water at a temperature of 30 degrees.
infoPhosphate-free washing gel “Alles GUT!” Many housewives claim that this product helped them cope with mayonnaise stains. Just dampen the stain with it and leave it for a while. Then wash your clothes with Phosphate-free washing powder “Alles GUT!” .
infoAnd the most important and simple remedy is to dilute the Phosphate-free washing powder “Alles GUT!” in warm water, soak your clothes there and leave overnight. In the morning, wash in a machine with Phosphate-free washing powder “Alles GUT!” or Phosphate-free laundry gel “Alles GUT!”

Wash with “Alles GUT!” and your holidays will remain in memory as holidays and not as tedious laundry!

A cheerful feast in a restaurant, a quiet family dinner or an active outdoor recreation for many ended with a lot of unpleasant marks on their clothes. One of the most popular is the mayonnaise stain. It is now difficult to imagine most dishes without this component. If this unpleasant event occurs, do not be alarmed; there are many proven ways to remove mayonnaise stains.

Why is stain difficult to remove?

Before deciding how to remove mayonnaise stains from clothes, you need to understand what you are dealing with. The main ingredients of this product are eggs, mustard and sunflower oil. It is the oil that leaves this unpleasant imprint, which is so difficult to wash off.

In addition to these components, one has to deal with multiple additives in the form of emulsifiers, stabilizers and dyes, which make the stain more stable.

We must not overlook the fact that a greasy mark becomes more difficult to remove the longer it stays on the clothes. The task becomes especially difficult if the stain has already dried in direct sunlight.

Algorithm of actions

To prevent the trouble associated with deciding how to remove a mayonnaise stain from turning into a big problem, you need to know the procedure. A quick response will prevent the fat from being absorbed deeply into the fibers and it will be much easier to remove it.

Before looking for how to wash mayonnaise, you need to take a few simple but very important steps:

  1. Remove mayonnaise from the surface of the fabric as soon as possible.
  2. Blot the area with a waffle towel, cotton cloth or a simple paper napkin. This will help absorb excess fat.
  3. Treat the stain using any suggested method.
  4. Perform normal washing.

Simple 4 steps will protect your favorite clothes from unpleasant prints.

Special means

It is guaranteed that the mayonnaise mark will not come off during normal washing. Therefore, additional forces will be required here. To do this, a thrifty housewife will always have the following means:

  • stain remover Any brand will do. Apply to the stained area and allow time to work. Then wash in the washing machine, adding a little stain remover directly to the drum;
  • washing powder with enhanced formula. You can use a ready-made product prepared by manufacturers. It contains an increased number of components that are designed to remove heavy stains. It is recommended to soak the item first;
  • dishwashing liquid. It effectively breaks down fat not only on dirty plates, but also on fabrics. Apply a small amount of the product to the stain, rub, leave for 15–20 minutes, then wash the entire item as usual.

If none of the suggestions are at hand, then you can try folk methods on how to remove mayonnaise stains from jeans and any other material.

Your favorite clothes will definitely be saved if you have at least one of the following items in your home:

  1. Potato starch. Sprinkle the stained area and allow the powder to absorb the grease. Leave for 30 minutes, then replace the starch with clean starch. Repeat the procedure until the stain fades. Then wash the clothes.
  2. Talc. The essence of the method is similar to that with starch.
  3. Ammonia and glycerin. First, prepare a solution by mixing 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and half a tbsp. l. ammonia. Apply it to the stain and leave for 40 minutes. After this, rinse the stained area with running water and wash with a powder enhancer or stain remover.

To get rid of old, stubborn stains, you can use various solvents, such as:

  1. Petrol. It's better to take the peeled one. This will be a lifesaver for your favorite jeans. Moisten a cotton swab and treat the mark. Let it sit for 15–25 minutes. If it doesn't help, repeat the procedure.
  2. Acetone. You can use regular nail polish remover. Also wet the stain and wait.
  3. Alcohol. Treat the stain several times. As soon as it gets dirty, change the cotton swab to a clean one and process it again.

Regardless of the decision you make on how to remove a mayonnaise stain, do not forget about the following precautions:

  • Always test the cleaning product you are using on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​clothing for a reaction;
  • It is recommended to apply the drug on the wrong side;
  • Make movements from the edge of the spot to the center. As a result of failure to comply with this point, the area of ​​pollution will greatly increase;
  • Do not use solvents, alcohol-containing or other aggressive products to combat stains on delicate fabrics.

Emergency method

If trouble occurs at a party, in a cafe, or in another place where there is no way to quickly respond and wash clothes, you can use emergency methods.

How to remove mayonnaise stains without using special products:

  1. Wet wipe. After removing mayonnaise from clothes, the resulting stain can be wiped with a regular damp cloth. Preferably not one, but several. This will increase cleaning efficiency.
  2. Salt. Finding this ingredient will also not be difficult almost anywhere. Sprinkle the stain with salt and rub a little. It will absorb the grease and subsequently remove the stain much easier.

Of course, the proposed quick response methods will not help completely remove the trace, but they are guaranteed to facilitate further removal using methods already known to you.

Now you know how to remove mayonnaise stains quickly, easily and without harming your clothes. Oily marks will go away quickly and forever, you just need to put in a little effort in time.

Every housewife knows at least how to remove grease stains. But stains from mayonnaise on clothes are not as easy to deal with as stains from, for example, vegetable oil. The fatty base of the sauce in combination with its other components makes the stains from it very resistant to removal. But don’t rush to get upset if you get a mayonnaise stain. You will learn how to withdraw it as soon as possible from our article.

Emergency response methods

Any stains should be dealt with promptly, and mayonnaise stains are no exception. If you stain your clothes with sauce during a feast, do not wait until it is absorbed into the fabric. Remove the bulk of the mayonnaise mass with a knife, spoon or dry cloth.

Important! Do not rub the stain, otherwise the sauce will penetrate even deeper into the fibers of the fabric or be smeared on it. Remove the product from clothing using gentle movements, without waiting for it to dry.

After you have removed the source of contamination, you should immediately treat the stain. Ask the hostess (or the waiter, if trouble happened to you in a cafe) for dishwashing liquid. Apply a few drops to the stain and rub in thoroughly. Do not rub the product, but rather rub it into the fabric, but make sure that it covers the entire area of ​​the stain.

We advise you to familiarize yourself with effective means for cleaning clothes.

Note to housewives: how quickly and efficiently.

Then calmly return to the table and continue enjoying your meal. The fat-breaking components of the product will begin their work immediately after application. When you return home, you won’t have to think about how to wash off the mayonnaise - all you need to do is wash the stained area of ​​clothing with any soap.

Tip: this method can be used several hours after contamination has formed. But remember that the dishwashing liquid must remain on the fabric for at least three hours - only after that can the stain be washed out.

How to remove mayonnaise from clothes made from natural fabrics

If the mayonnaise trace was not detected immediately and soaking it in dishwashing liquid does not work, try a more radical method. You will need refined gasoline, potato starch and a large napkin. You need to take purified gasoline - this is sold in construction stores under the Galosh brand or in cigarette kiosks, in cylinders for refilling lighters. Don’t waste hundreds of rubles on the purchase; this product is worth having in your household, since it copes well not only with mayonnaise, but also with stains from ink, glue and most paints.

Tip: the starch in this recipe can be replaced with body talcum powder, and instead of a cloth napkin, use several paper napkins.

Having prepared everything you need, spread the soiled item on a horizontal surface. Place a folded napkin or any unnecessary rag under the stained area. Then soak a cotton pad in gasoline and begin to blot the contaminated area with it, moving from the edges to the middle. Do not rub the mayonnaise trail, try to drive the gasoline into the fabric. Do this until traces of gasoline appear on the napkin. Then sprinkle the processed mayonnaise trail with talcum powder or starch and leave to dry. When the stain is dry, brush off the powder and wash the clothing as normal.

Important! This method is only suitable for items made from natural fabrics. For synthetics, gasoline can melt or damage the paint on it.

On light-colored items, instead of gasoline, you can use any organic solvents - acetone, turpentine - or medical alcohol. Processing is carried out according to the algorithm described above, except that you can do without talc. Remember that solvents can damage fabric dyes. Before using them to remove mayonnaise stains from clothing, test the effect of your chosen composition on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

How to remove mayonnaise from synthetics

Using gasoline and solvents, you can remove mayonnaise stains from jeans or a cotton shirt. If you have stained a synthetic blouse or silk dress, aggressive compounds can only aggravate the situation. Here you should use softer methods.

The safest composition for fabrics that can cope with sauce stains is a mixture of salt and ammonia. Prepare a paste by mixing these ingredients in equal proportions. Then add an equal volume of water and apply the resulting solution to the stained area, trying to cover it completely. Leave the item to dry completely, then wash as usual.

Important! Do not wash the item completely until the stain is removed. In the washing machine, fat and other sauce components will only work deeper into the fabric, and it will be much more difficult to get rid of them.

Another ammonia-based composition is a mixture of ammonia and glycerin in a 1:2 ratio. Mix the ingredients, apply the resulting product to the stain and leave the item for 20 minutes. Then wash off the mayonnaise stain with laundry soap or dishwasher detergent and only after that put the entire garment in the wash.

Store-bought remedies for mayonnaise stains on clothes

If you don't want to bother with home remedies, you can use modern household chemicals to remove mayonnaise stains. We have already written above how to remove stains using dishwashing detergent. In addition to it, you can use another kitchen composition - Unicum Gold grease remover. Spray a little product onto the stain and immediately wash it in warm water.

Important! Do not leave the grease remover on clothes for a long time. It even removes old grease from kitchen appliances almost instantly, and it will dissolve the mayonnaise residue in a couple of seconds. If you overexpose the composition, it can damage the color of the fabric.

And those who don’t want to experiment with suspicious products can use a regular stain remover to remove traces of mayonnaise from clothes. Antipyatnin soap and pencil, as well as liquid, have proven themselves well in the fight against greasy stains. Apply these compounds according to the instructions, and after treating the stain, do not forget to wash the entire item.