Is it possible to give a child cow's milk? When to start teaching children about it. Cow's and goat's milk for infants and children Why you should not give your baby cow's milk

The inexperience of new mothers sometimes makes them take the wrong path. In addition, their grandmothers put a lot of pressure on them: “Mine was already eating soup when he was 4 months old!”, and “Why don’t you give him milk, yours is low-fat!”

Fears that the baby does not get enough to eat and remains hungry do not leave them time to think about whether cow's milk is ok for children under one year old; they simply give it to them and then deal with the consequences. Let’s say right away that with proper attachment and sufficient stimulation of the nipple, mother’s milk will be enough for everyone! But we consider it necessary to continue this topic, since not all babies are breastfed, and some mothers, despite all the prohibitions, really want to diversify the baby’s diet with unnecessary foods.

Can cow's milk be used for children under one year of age?

The chemical composition of breast and cow's milk has long been clarified, and scientists from many countries have agreed on certain conclusions.

Children do not have the necessary enzymes to digest cow's milk. There are also not enough of them to digest the mother, but the latter contains enzymes that digest themselves, and its amino acids are delivered practically in the form in which they can be absorbed.

A child will not be able to digest cow's milk until at least 2 years of age, and maybe for the rest of his life. Therefore, many babies experience diarrhea when introducing a cow product into complementary foods. Sometimes the problem is complicated by bleeding in the upper intestines.

Excess microelements are not good for the baby. This is another reason to answer negatively to the question of whether cow’s milk is suitable for children under one year of age. We are talking about microelements such as chlorine, sodium, calcium, phosphorus. There is also significantly more protein in cow's milk than in mother's milk, and the kidneys of children under one year of age are not able to fully perform their function. Many of your baby's internal organs will mature as he grows. Therefore, the intake of unadapted nutrition creates a huge load on his urinary system, almost 4-5 times more than normal!

In addition, the increased work of the kidneys leads to dehydration, the baby asks for a drink, and the mother again gives him milk, further aggravating the situation.

But the cow provides little iron. So little that almost all children who were fed formula diluted with cow's milk during the Soviet period had iron deficiency anemia or the risk of it. In addition to the lack of iron, its chemical configuration is important: it is not heme, and therefore does not play a role in the creation of blood hemoglobin.

High risk of allergies. There is both a true allergy to cow protein, which manifests itself already on the second attempt to give a child a farm product, and a pseudo-allergy, which depends on the amount of protein consumed. In the latter case, there is a chance that after 3 years the child will be able to “outgrow” this allergy, but to do this, you will have to think about an elimination diet excluding whole dairy products for at least a year. (The elimination diet is used in unclear cases of food allergies, when it is necessary to identify an allergenic product. To do this, exclude all suspicious foods from the diet, then introduce them one by one and note the reaction).

Aggressive casein can damage the intestinal wall. This is a fairly large protein molecule, which, when trying to be absorbed into the blood in the small intestine, injures it and additionally causes the release of histamine. Symptoms similar to allergies, deterioration of health, vomiting, and diarrhea appear. The condition is often accompanied by mild bleeding. If not noticed immediately, it will lead to anemia.

Milk from farm cows has not been tested, so it may carry pathogens of tuberculosis, foot-and-mouth disease, brucellosis, anthrax, and tularemia. Store-bought milk is safe in this regard, but this is achieved not only by pasteurization, but also by introducing antibiotics into the livestock feed, which end up in the product.

With children, everything is clear, but is it possible for a nursing mother to have cow's milk?

So, we found out whether cow's milk is suitable for children under one year of age. In this case, can a nursing mother drink it? Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. Some doctors believe that cow's milk protein can penetrate into breast milk, others argue that this product in the mother's diet does not have any effect on the baby's condition.

Those on natural and artificial feeding, from a specialist.

A common question parents ask is at what age can a child be given regular milk? Even when a baby is growing rapidly, cow's milk is not recommended until the age of 12 months.

Exists There are a number of reasons why you should not give whole cow's milk to babies under 1 year of age.

  1. Babies' digestive tracts are not yet ready to easily and completely digest cow's milk like breast milk or formula. Cow's milk contains a high concentration of protein and minerals, which strain the child's immature kidneys.
  2. For children under one year of age, excessive consumption of dairy products may increase the risk of iron deficiency anemia. Milk interferes with the proper absorption of iron, and iron cannot be reduced or removed from a child’s diet.
  3. Cow's milk is not recommended for children under one year of age also because it can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system, which is manifested by the appearance of blood in the stool.
  4. Cow's milk contains three times more sodium than breast milk.

However, once your baby is ready to digest whole milk, it can be added to a balanced diet that includes grains, vegetables, fruits and meat.

Why should a child drink cow's milk?

Milk is rich in calcium, which strengthens teeth and bones and helps regulate blood clotting.

It is also one of the few sources of vitamin D, without which calcium cannot be absorbed in the body. The vitamin also plays a decisive role in bone growth.

Milk provides the body with protein for growth, while carbohydrates give your baby the energy he needs throughout the day.

If an infant gets the right amount of calcium to begin with, there is evidence that he or she will be at lower risk for hypertension, stroke, colon cancer, and hip fractures in adulthood and old age.

After introducing cow's milk, it is not necessary to stop breastfeeding the baby. WHO experts recommend continuing into the second year of a child’s life.

How much milk should a child drink?

A child after 1 year can get enough calcium and vitamin D by drinking 1 or 1.5 glasses of cow's milk or an equivalent amount of other dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir). At the age of 2 years, a child should receive 400 ml of milk or other milk-based products daily.

Do not offer your child more than 800 ml of milk per day. If the baby is still thirsty, offer water.

Dairy products that are produced for children are adapted for the child’s digestive tract.

Baby milk must meet several requirements.

  1. Highest quality. Baby milk is made from high-quality cow's milk from cows that are completely healthy and live in ecologically clean areas.
  2. Control of sanitary and hygienic conditions. Children's milk is prepared in special workshops, separate from the production of milk for adults
  3. Microbiological control. Close attention is paid to monitoring microbiological data. The number of bacteria in a certain volume of milk is strictly regulated.
  4. Control of fat content. The fat percentage limits for children under three years of age are 2.5 - 3.5%.
  5. Control of medium acidity. There are special requirements for acidity limits for fermented milk products for children. The acidity of baby products should not exceed 100 Turner degrees.
  6. Ultra pasteurization. Milk is specially processed at ultra-high temperatures (125 - 138 ºС) for 2 - 4 seconds in order to preserve maximum benefits. After this it cools quickly. Thus, all pathogenic organisms are destroyed, while beneficial components are preserved.
  7. Package. The final product is packaged in an aseptic Tetra Pak box, which prevents harmful bacteria from re-entering after packaging. In this package, the dairy product remains fresh and safe for several months.

Is it possible to give a one-year-old child skim cow's milk?

Children of this age need a high fat content in milk to maintain a normal weight and an optimal level of absorption of vitamins A and D by the body. When the child turns 2 years old, you can switch him to skim milk if there is a good increase in height and weight.

Exceptions may apply. Your baby's doctor may recommend low-fat milk (2 percent) after age 1 if your baby is overweight or obese or has a genetic predisposition to obesity, high cholesterol, or a risk of heart disease.

What to do when a child refuses to drink whole cow's milk?

Some babies drink cow's milk right away, but others refuse it because cow's milk has a different texture, taste, and even temperature than mother's milk.

If this is the case for your baby, try mixing cow's milk with breast milk or formula first. Try one part milk to three parts or mixture. Then slowly shift the ratio until he drinks 100% cow's milk.

But there are other ways to include cow's milk in your baby's diet. For example:

  • add milk to the porridge;
  • Offer your child yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding or milkshakes as a snack;
  • make soup with milk instead of water.

If the child drank a formula based on cow's milk, then he will tolerate regular cow's milk without any problems. Even babies who are exclusively breastfed in the first year can drink cow's milk without problems, having been exposed to cow's milk protein in the mother's milk, unless she avoided all dairy products.

If your baby has been drinking a hypoallergenic formula as recommended by a doctor, consult with a specialist before introducing cow's milk. Your doctor may suggest starting with a soy drink that is fortified with vitamin D and calcium.

But true allergies to cow's milk protein are relatively rare. Only 2 - 3% of children are diagnosed with an allergic reaction. The good news is that children typically outgrow this condition by age 2.

Differences between cow's milk protein allergy and lactase deficiency

An allergy is an immune reaction, and lactose intolerance is a digestive disorder. But their symptoms are similar - diarrhea, abdominal pain after drinking milk.

If a child develops a dry, itchy rash or itching and swelling of the face or lips when he eats a dairy product, or has symptoms such as hives, puffy, watery eyes, he may have an allergy to cow's milk proteins.

Chronic nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, difficulty breathing or coughing may be signs that an allergy is affecting the child's respiratory system. When your child exhibits at least one of these signs, talk to your doctor.

Take your child to the doctor or hospital immediately, If:

  • the baby is very pale or weak;
  • most of the skin is affected by urticaria;
  • swelling develops in the head or neck area;
  • there is bloody diarrhea.

The child may have a life-threatening allergic reaction.

If your baby is allergic to cow's milk, you should be careful. Avoid foods such as cottage cheese, condensed milk, ice cream, yogurt, butter, milk chocolate and milk powder. By law, all allergens are listed on food labels. In this case, the composition will indicate “milk” on the packaging.

Pay special attention to the choice of dairy product for your child. Do not experiment on his health. Provide him with proper, balanced nutrition. And the child will grow up healthy and energetic.

In order for a baby to receive all the necessary vitamins and microelements from an early age, you need to take care of his balanced diet from the first days. With the birth of a baby, parents have many fears and, therefore, questions. It is important to independently obtain useful and necessary information about the content and development. In case of any deviations, you must promptly consult a pediatrician for the necessary diagnosis and consultation.

One of the frequently asked questions among young parents is: “When can a child be given regular cow’s milk?” After all, this is the first product that a baby tries immediately after birth. And it is important for parents to know all its characteristics and features.

Beneficial and harmful properties of cow's milk

This is a unique drink enriched with vitamins A, B, mineral elements, amino acids. 100 ml of milk contains: proteins - 3.3%, carbohydrates - 4.8%, fats - 3.7%. Calcium is almost completely absorbed by the body at 97%, which makes milk an indispensable product for both children and adults. The energy value of the product is 68.5 kilocalories per 100 ml.

At the same time, there is an insufficient amount of vitamins C, D and iron. This can lead to developmental delays, anemia, increased cholesterol levels, and negatively affect vision.

It is dangerous to drink fresh milk, as it can be contaminated (brucellosis), and it must be boiled. This irreplaceable healing product has other positive characteristics that help improve immunity, treat many diseases, are used in cosmetology for rejuvenation, improve memory, calm the nervous system, treat heart disease, gastritis, and also increase life expectancy.

There are also contraindications for people suffering from enzyme deficiency that breaks down lactose, allergy sufferers, and elderly people over fifty years of age. In this article we will cover the topic “When can you start giving your baby cow’s milk.” After all, there are so many benefits from it!

Nutrition in the initial stages of feeding

The most valuable and irreplaceable product for babies is mother's breast milk. It contains a whole storehouse of vitamins, carbohydrates, microelements, so necessary for even small children. Mother's milk is easily absorbed by the body, gives strong immunity and is food and drink for up to six months. It also does not spoil and has a positive effect on the body.

Serves as a prevention of breast cancer and mastopathy in the mother. after childbirth, it quickly acts on the contraction of the uterus, and also improves the figure, returning women to their previous shape. This is a natural and unique natural process. Cow's milk can also be included in the diet for children. At what age and how to start giving it correctly, you will learn further.

Features of cow's milk compared to mother's milk

Let's look at the differences between these types of products. To figure out whether it is possible to give a child cow's milk at the age of one, first of all you need to check the composition. In maternal milk, in 100 ml, there are: carbohydrates - 7.5%, protein - 1.2%, fat - 7.5%. Energy value -70 kilocalories. These are the most optimal indicators for feeding in the early stages for children.

Cow's milk contains 2 times less carbohydrates, but more protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals that can cause allergies. And high fat content increases cholesterol in the blood, which in the future can provoke heart disease, vascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and angina pectoris.

When asked when you can give cow's milk to a child, experts from the Medical Institute answer that the best option is starting from 3 years of age. It is during this period of development that children fully absorb food.

Cow's milk or formula?

Modern science is developing a variety of technologies for producing baby food. Many attempts have been made, but all these products could not fully replace mother's milk.

True, in recent years the mixtures have become as close as possible to the desired composition. Compared to cow's milk, baby food is considered absolutely safe at one year of age, since the baby's body is not yet fully strengthened.

When can you give baby food today costs a lot of money, not everyone can afford to feed formula up to 3 years. To save money, after twelve months you can try introducing milk into your diet.

Proper transition to cow's milk

Consult with your child's doctor, who will give good advice on the age at which cow's milk is given to children and how you can test your body for an allergic reaction. As with any food, you need to pay attention to any side effects. Symptoms of lactose intolerance may include: diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, skin rashes.

So, it's time to find out when you can give cow's milk to your baby and whether it needs to be diluted with water? The transition can take place when the baby reaches twelve months. You only need to give it, but low-fat - only after two years. Start with a small amount, diluting with water in proportions of 1:2, and after 3-4 weeks you can change the proportion to 1:1.

Carefully monitor your baby's reaction to a new product and the time when you can give cow's milk to your baby. Do not mix with fruits, berries and other products that can cause bloating and tummy pain in the baby.

Important information

If you constantly add cow's milk to your child's food or give it frequently as a drink, the child may become dehydrated and may develop an allergy to milk protein. At what age can children have cow's milk? Pediatricians say that no earlier than 12 months, and if possible, from 1.5 to 2 years.

Otherwise, introducing this product into the diet too early may affect the occurrence of certain diseases, for example, iron deficiency anemia. At the same time, there is a possibility of developing type 1 diabetes mellitus, a serious disease associated with metabolic disorders.

If there are insulin-dependent patients in the family, we advise you not to include foods that contain unadapted protein in your diet.


After reading this article, you now know when you can give cow's milk to your baby and how to properly introduce it into the diet. We wish your family good health and happy smiles for your child!

I have been asked more than once: why can’t cow’s milk be given to children under one year of age? Massive research on the issue of milk intake by young children has been carried out for a long time, not only in our country, but also abroad. So, what conclusions has modern science come to on this issue?

1. Calves grow much faster than infants, thereforeCow's milk contains many more nutrients than a baby needs .

2. Cow is a herbivore animal , and the man- no matter how scary it sounds - by naturepredator. Its enzyme systems are genetically developed in accordance with the animal, meat type of nutrition. Therefore, cows and humans have different sets of amino acids and milk has different composition.

Cow's milk contains a lot of useful substances - but, as you know, everything is useful in moderation. It contains almost 3 times more proteins than human breast milk, and more than 2 times more than in infant formulas, mineral substances (salt, calcium and phosphorus) - 3 times more than in human milk or ready-made infant formulas .

Why does an excess of beneficial substances become harmful to an infant? Excessive amounts of proteins and mineral salts, in whichthe baby's body does not need , is unnecessary ballast. The kidneys begin to work with 2-3 times overload. And since in the first months of life the baby’s kidneys and the entire excretory system are not yet sufficiently developed, the child’s body experiences three and a half times more stress than the one for which it is biologically “designed”.

The kidneys have insufficient capacity to simultaneously handle the high solute load and retain essential fluids. – there is its increased output. Because of this, the child asks to drink even more, receives the same load and ends up in a vicious circle. The same applies to juices. Moreover, the load is determined not only by the output of substances obtained as a result of protein metabolism, but also by the sum of four electrolytes, such as sodium, chlorine, potassium and phosphorus, which are six to eight times higher than the biological norms for a child. Akali is responsible for the smooth functioning of the heart!

Cow's milk is very low in iron , which is part of the rapidly multiplying red blood cells of a growing baby. Lack of iron can contribute to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Enzymes necessary for completeAccordingly, only the cow has the ability to digest cow's milk. An adult body, absorbing adult foods, breaks down proteins and synthesizes its amino acids - this is called “digesting” the foods. The amino acid “building blocks” are delivered to the baby (or calf) ready-made, which is why mother’s milk is so easily absorbed. Now let’s imagine that instead of his own, he was “slipped” with foreign amino acids. In the best case, it will take twice as much energy - split - created anew. At worst, an error will occur, the amino acids will be mistaken for their own, and real poisoning may occur (allergies, diathesis, diarrhea and other delights).

Undigested foods are aggressors that irritate the intestinal mucosa.Casein, found in cow's milk, is an aggressive soluble protein. Despite the large molecule, it penetrates the intestinal walls, causing the body to produce histamine. Thus, it causes, firstly, intestinal bleeding - even if we are talking on a micro scale, they blame it on reduced hemoglobin in children. Secondly, it is one of the reasons for the manifestation of a reaction to accumulated histamine in stressful situations, which at some point can cause a sudden severe allergic reaction.

The intestinal mucosa of a child is capable of partially neutralizing the aggressive effects of cow's milk protein at the age of no earlier than one and a half to two years.

By the way, fermented milk products provide less load, because part of the protein and lactose are broken down in them That is why they are introduced before whole milk.

The only completely suitable food for a baby under 6 months is mother's milk.

The high likelihood of developing allergies is the main reason that forces many pediatric luminaries to oppose the use of cow's milk as a breast milk substitute in children under 1 year of age.Allergists have found that if you give cow's milk to children in the first 3 months. life, then every 4th child develops an allergy to milk and dairy products. According to experts, this is also due to the variety of feeds that animals eat today, as well as the fact that the immune system of children is weakened. It is curious that many babies suffer from allergies even to breast milk. It turned out that the main reason is that the parents, in turn, drink cow's milk.

Allergies are cumulative. Each person has his own critical limit.

Lactose milk obtained by adding lactose enzyme to regular milk. It breaks down milk lactose into simple sugars, which increases its digestibility by the intestines. You can prepare lactose milk yourself by purchasingtablets or drops and adding them to regular milk. (Lactose (milk sugar) is a diasaccharide found only in mammalian and human milk).

Yogurt.It will be better if the child drinks yogurt instead of milk after a year. Yogurt is produced by adding a culture of the bacterium dactobaccillus bulgaricus to milk. TheseThe bacteria act like intestinal enzymes, coagulating milk proteins and converting milk lactose into lactic acid. At the same time, milk proteins lose their allergenic properties. Therefore, yogurt is tolerated even by children who are allergic to milk proteins or lactose intolerant. It can be replaced with kefir. Yogurt is an ideal product for children 1-2 years old; it can be used to prepare various children's dishes: sauces, seasonings, glazes, puddings, creams, etc.

Goat milk.In terms of nutritional value, goat's milk is close to cow's milk, and its calorie content is the same.Goat milk contains more essential fatty acids and a higher content of triglycerides - fats that are much more easily absorbed by the body. However, it does not contain enough folic acid, which is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. When buying goat milk, pay attention to the label. It should say, “With added folic acid.” If there is no such indication, babies drinking goat's milk should get folic acid from other foods (cereals, legumes, meat, fish).And it should also be given no earlier than 1.5-2 years.

Facts from history.

Although people began to consume the milk of ruminants since the formation of livestock civilizations, that is, at the beginning of their economic activity, the main food for children in those distant times was still breast milk. When the mother could not feed the child, they resorted exclusively to the help of a wet nurse.

Breastfeeding fell out of favor, especially among wealthy women, mainly because it interfered with their social life. From the middleXVIIIcenturies, feeding children with animal milk became quite common, but preference was given not to cow’s milk, but to goat’s and donkey’s milk. Moreover, those children who were not breastfed were much weaker than their peers.

How to give milk correctly?

* do not give cow's milk to children under 1 year of age - feed breast milk and (or) infant formula

*be sure to boil the milk

*buy only the highest quality milk that has documents confirming its safety, or better yet, special baby milk

*give skim milk to children only after 2 years of age

* daily milk intake for children 1-2 years old - 0.5 l

* be able to recognize the first symptoms of allergy or intolerance to milk and dairy products.

Alena Paretskaya

Cow's milk, despite the fact that it has many beneficial qualities, is not welcomed by modern pediatricians in the diet of children under three years of age.

For its taste and the ability to prepare various dishes based on it, milk is loved and appreciated by many people. However, it should not be given to children under one year old, as it does more harm than good. For infants, the best nutrition option is breast milk. If it is not possible to breastfeed, then it is better to use infant formula.

Reasons why milk is banned for children under one year old

Cow's milk has a lot of nutrients, but it's too much for a baby. His body is not designed to handle the stress he experiences from drinking milk.

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky clarifies: “Let's compare human milk and cow's milk. First of all, let's pay attention to calcium. The amount of calcium in human milk is 25 mg, and in cow's milk - 120 mg. Next is phosphorus: in women’s milk – 13, in cow’s milk – 95. How much more calcium and phosphorus there is in cow’s milk! What is most important for a calf? So that his bones grow faster, so that he grows bigger faster.

Calcium and phosphorus enter the intestines of an infant about 6 times more than necessary. Calcium absorption is regulated in a complex manner. In order for calcium to be absorbed, thyroid hormones, parathyroid hormones, vitamin D, and 2 types of amino acids are needed. They regulate the amount of calcium, and calcium is absorbed as much as needed. The rest of the calcium goes towards the butt. Phosphorus is absorbed much easier. No hormones, no vitamins. At least 1/3 of the amount that enters the intestine is absorbed.

It turns out that as much calcium is absorbed as needed, and much more phosphorus. And the kidney tries to quickly get rid of excess phosphorus. But a small child’s kidney cannot excrete phosphorus while retaining the required amount of calcium. Therefore, a child under one year old, drinking milk, does not receive calcium, but, on the contrary, removes it from the body. And no matter how much vitamin D we give, the child does not have enough calcium. But this is not forever. After a year, the kidney begins to mature, the possibilities of electrolyte metabolism improve, and milk ceases to be dangerous. And after three years, drink cow’s milk as much as you can.”

At the same time, cow's milk contains little iron, which threatens the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Research by allergists suggests that drinking cow's milk in the first three months of life dramatically increases the likelihood that a child will develop an allergy to milk and dairy products.

Goat milk is also prohibited for children under one year of age. From the age of one, milk can be introduced into the children's diet, but not more than 1-2 glasses per day. Before drinking, milk must be boiled. It is better to give preference to special baby milk. Drink milk wisely and stay healthy!