Gifts for mom on March 8th in kindergarten. Flowers made from unusual materials. Heart with roses and ribbon

Wonderful holiday- March 8 comes to all women with the onset of spring. All men prepare in advance for this holiday. In this situation, gifts are chosen with enthusiasm for the most dear women. But in the kindergarten, children, under the guidance of teachers, create wonderful gifts for mothers on March 8th. And in this article we decided to tell you about what gift to give your mother in kindergarten on March 8th. Children will be able to complete this task on their own, and mothers will be delighted with the beautiful present.

The best gifts for mothers on March 8

Spring card.

Of course, in such a situation there is no way to do without greeting card. In addition, the postcard is considered the most popular gift for Mom. To create a postcard you need to take: cardboard, colored paper, pencil, glue and scissors.


  1. So, the cardboard should be folded in half and laid out horizontally. Draw a circle on it and carefully cut it out.
  2. The mug should be decorated with a flower. To do this, they are cut out of colored paper.
  3. Flowers should simply be cut out of colored paper and glued to cardboard.
  4. Additionally, the mug can be decorated with flowers, which are also cut out of cardboard.

A willow sprig for mom.

Here we list those gifts for mothers that you can make with your own hands on March 8th in kindergarten. And these ideas can be brought to life junior group. March 8 is considered a warm spring day. And the fluffy willow is considered a symbol of spring. Therefore, on this holiday, you can give your mother a fluffy willow, which you can simply make with your own hands. To create it you will need: cotton swabs, colored paper and cardboard, twigs for the base and glue.


  1. The branches should be adjusted to length. To do this, you should lay them on a sheet of cardboard and secure them with transparent tape.
  2. Tear off the cotton part from the sticks and attach it to the branches using glue.
  3. It is recommended to decorate the finished composition with a beautiful satin ribbon.

On a note! This postcard You can also make it from real willow branches.

Fish for mom.

On March 8, it is customary to present pleasant emotions. That's why next gift ours will be bright
and memorable. For work you may need:

  • disposable plates,
  • paints,
  • cardboard and glue.


  1. First, glue the fins and tail to the fish. These parts are created from cardboard.
  2. Color the fish in bright colors and wait until it dries completely.
  3. You can give the finished gift to your mother.

Palms with flowers.

It’s not difficult to please your mother on March 8th. You can make a wonderful gift for her that will convey all the warmth and love of a child. To create a craft you will need:

  • double sided paper Pink colour,
  • child's palm stencil,
  • a simple pencil and scissors.


  1. First, fold the sheet in half and attach a stencil to the fold lines.
  2. Outline your palms with a simple pencil.
  3. From colored paper of a different color, cut out individual elements for the flower.
  4. Stick these elements on your palms to create a cute bouquet of them.

Vase for mom.

On March 8th, it is customary to give not only flowers, but also vases. But children can make these elements with their own hands. For this purpose, you should use any glass container. It could be glass jar or a bottle. You will also need corrugated paper of various colors.


  1. Corrugated paper should be torn into small pieces.
  2. The glue is applied to a small area of ​​the glass vessel and already prepared pieces of corrugated paper are glued to it.
  3. Thus, it is worth covering the entire vessel. After which another layer of glue is applied to the jar.
  4. Now the wonderful vase should dry and you can give it to your mother.

A gift for mom - a fan.

The next gift for mom on March 8 can be made by those children who attend kindergarten. It's also very easy to do. To make a fan you should prepare:

  • paper,
  • popsicle sticks,
  • felt-tip pens or colored pencils,
  • scotch.


  1. A sheet of A4 paper should be colored with felt-tip pens or pencils.
  2. After which the sheet is folded like an accordion.
  3. Glue the popsicle sticks to the sheet on both sides. In this case, the sticks should protrude 2 cm from the paper.
  4. Wrap the bottom edges of the paper with tape.

Simple application.

The next application will require a minimum of elements. So, you will need:

  • white sheet of paper,
  • colored paper and glue.

Creating an application is simple. You just need to glue the flower elements to a sheet of paper. You can also sign this postcard.

A candle for memory.

To make a wonderful gift for your mother, you should prepare:


  1. Children apply the desired design to parchment paper.
  2. After which, the paper with the pattern is applied to the candle. It is worth applying it tightly and holding it for a while.
  3. In order for the design to be fixed well, you will need a hairdryer to treat the surface of the candle.

Postcard with wishes.

The teacher can provide assistance to children in creating this postcard. He cuts out petals on separate sheets of paper and writes the qualities of mothers on them. Example, attractive, beautiful, olfactory, wonderful, etc.

  • So, for such a postcard, the center of the flower is drawn on a sheet of paper. But the stem should already be cut out of colored paper.
  • The kids now just have to pick up the petals and glue them to the flower.

A few words in conclusion

Now you can find out what gifts to make for mothers on March 8 with your own hands in kindergarten. We hope that our ideas will appeal to children and they will be happy to make something unusual for their beloved mothers. spring holiday- March 8.

Master class with step by step photos: A small bouquet for mom. Senior group.

Natalya Aleksandrovna Tsutserova, teacher, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 33-SP "Kindergarten No. 22", Syzran, Samara Region
The material will be useful to educators and teachers additional education, teachers primary classes, parents and just creative people. Options proposed in master class can be performed at the teacher's discretion.

Target: teach how to design a holiday gift with your own hands.
Improve knowledge about flowers appearance.
Enrich and expand knowledge about flowers (rose, chamomile, daffodil, forget-me-not, cornflower)
Develop compositional skills.
Strengthen skills in working with paper and scissors.
Activate speech.
Materials: colored double-sided paper (red, green, white, yellow, blue color), blue corrugated paper, chopped wool thread (yellow, of blue color), scissors, PVA glue, napkins, stencils.

Templates for flowers.

Progress of the master class:

Guys, I suggest you play the ball game “Flower Volleyball”. You need to throw the ball to each other, and when you catch it, name the flower.
- Guys, what holiday will be soon? (March 8)
- What holiday is it? (children's answers)
- What gift can you give to your mother or grandmother? (children list)
Guess the riddle:
They are fragrant and cute
They make wreaths from them,
On holidays they give
What are they called? (Flowers)
- Yes, guys, you can give your mother a bouquet of flowers. We will now give you a gift of a bouquet of flowers.
- First, you need to remember the rules for working with scissors.
(children list) - When working, you need to be careful and careful.
- When cutting, keep your fingers at a safe distance, so as not to get hurt.
- The scissors should be passed with the rings facing forward.
- After work, the scissors must be closed.
- Now let's get to work. First we'll make some grass. How to make it? (children's guess)
1. We will take a sheet of green paper.

2. Spread the edge of the sheet horizontally with glue. Bend and glue. We try not to iron the fold.

3. We make cuts along the entire length of the sheet. The width of the cuts is arbitrary.

4. Next, we make a roller and glue the end. The workpiece is ready.

Next, we make flowers (one type at the teacher’s choice):

Option I (rose)

The bushes bloomed in the garden -
How beautiful their flowers are!
Subtle delicate aroma
Fills the garden in summer.
And until the frost
Will make us happy... (rose)
Yes it beautiful flower. Despite the huge number of different flowers in nature, many people love it. This flower is called the "Queen of Flowers". But few people know why they called her that. The thing is that the birthplace of this flower is Persia, but in ancient times it was called Gulistan, which means “land of roses.”
1. Cut out an 8*8 square from red paper.

2. Cut out a circle.

3. Cut the circle in a spiral.

4. Carefully roll up. Glue the end. The flower is ready.

Next, we collect a pink bouquet. Glue flowers to the grass.

Option II (chamomile)

Guess the riddle:
Here is a flower in a clearing,
The middle will look like the sun,
He himself is wearing a white shirt.
Good in grass... (daisies)
- Where do daisies grow? (in the forest, in the garden, in the vegetable garden) You're right, guys, this is normal wild flower. I want to tell you interesting legend. Many centuries ago, there lived a couple. They loved each other very much. The guy's name was Roman. Into one beautiful evening he saw in a dream a small, delicate, fragile flower, with a yellow center and white petals. In the morning, Roman saw this flower near his head and gave it to his beloved. The girl was pleasantly surprised and named him chamomile. Her wish was that the flower, like her, would bring and give them to everyone loving hearts. Then Roman went to the kingdom of dreams. He walked for a long time. Standing before the king, he told the whole story. Then the king agreed, but what a cruel price he paid Roman for the desire of his beloved - he remained in the kingdom of dreams forever. The girl waited a long time for his return, but in vain. Until one morning she saw a clearing of daisies. Like this sad story.
1. Using a stencil, cut out a chamomile. ( Blanks of other colors)

2. Cut the wool thread finely yellow color.Apply PVA glue to the middle, pour wool thread.

3. Glue the flowers to the grass.

Option III (narcissus)

Guess the riddle.
Have spring flower
Signs to avoid mistakes:
The leaf is like garlic,
Ah, a crown like a prince’s! (narcissus)
- Why do you think it was called that? (children's assumptions)
According to mythology, a young man named Narcissus rejected the love of a beautiful nymph. As punishment for this, he was doomed to fall in love with his own reflection in the water. He stopped eating, drinking and came to the pond every day, and from this love he turned into a flower.
1. Cut out a flower from white paper according to the template.

2. Cut out a yellow circle, outline it with a red felt-tip pen. String the yellow circle onto a pencil and glue it to the flower in the middle.

3. Glue the flower to the grass.

Option IV (forget-me-not)

Guess the riddle:
Blooms from May to June
sky-colored petal,
There is a yellow eye in the center,
Tell me, what kind of flower is this? (forget-me-not)
-Guys, why was this flower called forget-me-not? (children's guess)
One day a flower appeared in a forest clearing; it differed from other flowers except in color. It was blue. Every flower knew its name, but this flower did not. All the flowers started asking him what it was called, but he didn’t know. As a result, all the flowers turned away from the nameless flower, apparently to remain lonely. And the flower cried. Suddenly the flower heard a rustling sound. An ant crawled past and carried a large leaf on itself and whispered something. The flower asked him: Can I help you?
“Perhaps you can help me,” said the ant. – Can you remember something? Of course I can, nodded the flower. Then remember: you need to crawl to the meeting in the anthill by the time the sun illuminates the entire clearing. Will you remember? “I’ll remember,” the flower answered confidently.
After some time, an ant appeared in the clearing.
- Well, what did you need to remember? - asked the ant.
-You need to crawl to the meeting in the anthill by the time the sun illuminates the entire clearing.
-Well done! – the ant praised, “You are truly a forget-me-not!”
- Forget-me-not? – the flower repeated thoughtfully and was immediately delighted: “Hurray!” Now I have a name! My name is forget-me-not! Thank you kind ant.
Like this interesting story about a flower.
1. Using a template, cut out a flower from blue double-sided paper.

2. From yellow paper- an asterisk. Glue a star to the flower and put a point in the middle with a black felt-tip pen.

3. Connecting the parts.

Option V (cornflower)

Guess the riddle:
Like a blue light
Someone suddenly lit a fire in the rye,
Bright wildflower.
What is this? (cornflower)
- Why do you think he was called “cornflower”? I'll tell you a story now.
A widow lived in the same village with her son Vasil. He was a handsome and hard-working guy. From morning to evening he worked in the field, then went to the river to wash and rest. One day a young mermaid saw him and fell in love. She began to call to her. But Vasil flatly refused to leave his land, his field, he didn’t even want to look at it. The mermaid got angry - if that’s the case, then don’t let anyone get you, but forever become a flower in your field. The flower swayed in the rye. The flower was blue, like the guy’s eyes. And the people named it cornflower after him. This is such an interesting story.
1. Cut out a flower from corrugated paper, glue a woolen thread in the middle. Twist the flower petals a little.

On March 8, every person wants to please their beloved women. Today this is quite easy to do. Even children who attend kindergarten will be able to please a nice gift your mother, grandmother or sister. In this article we have collected some interesting crafts for March 8th that kids will make with their own hands in kindergarten in senior group. Indeed, here you can see ideas for crafts that will be easy for older students to make.

Crafts for March 8


To make an original and nice bouquet For mom you should prepare:

  • colored double-sided paper,
  • white paper
  • cotton pads,
  • juice tubes,
  • glue,
  • cotton buds,
  • curly scissors and tape.


All people on our Earth know that every woman loves to receive flowers. And when thinking about a craft option, you should definitely pay attention to this area. In order to make the next bouquet you will have to prepare:

  • cocktail sticks,
  • strips of green corrugated paper,
  • half a sheet of thick corrugated paper,
  • plasticine, cotton pads, glue and stapler.


  1. First, the cocktail sticks are wrapped in strips of corrugated paper. To ensure that the paper adheres well to the tube, its ends are coated with glue.
  2. Then you need to work with yellow plasticine. Small balls are rolled out of it. These balls are flattened and tubes are wrapped with them.
  3. Now, using a stapler, the cotton pads are attached to the sticks on top of the plasticine.
  4. Leaves are cut out of green paper. These leaves are attached to stems with flowers.
  5. Now all you have to do is wrap the flowers in a sheet of thick corrugated paper. For reliability, it is fastened with a stapler.

Postcard with roses.

Here we talk about what crafts to make for March 8th in kindergarten. Flowers should be present everywhere on this day. And all because women love it. Postcard with flowers in the form of roses from cotton pads It looks quite nice and now it’s worth talking about the process of its creation. But first of all, you should prepare some materials:

  • colored cardboard,
  • glue,
  • cotton pads,
  • green corrugated paper,
  • stapler, ribbon.


  1. First, you need to cut out a heart shape from cardboard.
  2. Then tubes are rolled from corrugated paper. Leaves are also cut out from this paper.
  3. Next, the cotton pads are separated and roses need to be formed from them. They are glued to the postcard.
  4. Stems and leaves are also glued to the card.
  5. The composition is decorated with a beautiful ribbon.

Craft for mom.

Even with a minimum of handy materials at hand, you can make something original. For example, an ordinary disposable plastic plate can become a beautiful gift. All you need for your work is:

  • colored paper,
  • ribbon,
  • glue and hole punch.


Daisy flowers.

It is worth noting that crafts for March 8 kindergarten can be beautiful. Moreover, making them will be very simple.

Everything you need to create a craft is in the photo.


  1. Take a bowl and place it on paper in order to trace it with a simple pencil.
  2. The resulting circle needs to be cut out with curly scissors.
  3. Then mark the middle on the circle and mark it with lines. Use regular scissors to cut the petals. Each petal must be bent.
  4. You should cut out exactly the same circle from yellow paper and turn it into a flower.
  5. The blanks are glued together. The composition is decorated with green leaves.
  6. Organize them into a bouquet that will be ready to be presented to the recipient.

As a rule, all children, under the guidance of teachers, make crafts for March 8th in kindergarten. The materials will be useful for children in the primary, secondary and preparatory kindergarten groups.

However, if for some reason the baby does not become part of the big children's group, he can make a surprise at home if one of the elders helps him with this.

To create an impressive craft for mom with your own hands, you can turn it into an original and beautiful souvenir or a postcard, any detail that is at hand.

Card with chamomile for March 8

For March 8, you can make a charming card with daisies. Making the base of the card - folding it in half pink leaf cardboard Glue a green circle to the front of the card. To make daisy petals, we need thin strips of paper, which we twist with a stick or pencil.

Glue the twisted strips onto the green circle. We decorate the center of the circle with a twisted curl of yellow paper. We have the first daisy - the upper part of the future eight.

We frame the outline of the bottom of the figure eight with green leaves. Glue a small chamomile onto each of the leaves. We make small daisies in the same way as large ones, only paper strips fold it in half. We complement the craft with yellow flowers. Postcard for March 8th - ready!

Postcard with a paper tulip

You can make a very beautiful postcard with a voluminous tulip from colored paper. Cut out a circle from yellow paper.

Fold in half green paper and draw half a leaf on the fold. When cutting out, we get an even leaf with the center on the fold. For the postcard we need two leaves.

Fold a sheet of red cardboard in half - this is the base of the postcard. Cut out tulips from pink paper.

We fold the yellow circle around the edges. We glue the pink paper blanks together, forming volumetric flower tulip

Glue green leaves and a tulip flower to the top of the yellow blank. We cut out a narrow strip of green paper, which we twist into a spiral. The green paper strip will curl into a graceful curl.

Glue the curl to the bouquet. Glue the bouquet onto a cardboard base. Postcard with voluminous tulip on March 8 - ready!

Here is a postcard using the same technique, but made a little differently. The ribbon bow gives this card a special charm.

Bouquet with tulips for March 8

Flowers and tulip petals can be glued onto the paper parcel itself. We fold the bundle along the edges, forming a paper bouquet. We glue ribbons to the edges of the package and tie them with a bow. We got it simple and beautiful bouquet ik.

How many children there are, so many options for making a paper bouquet for March 8th. You can put together a real exhibition in honor of mothers!

Postcard with a picture for March 8

A stunning postcard for March 8th can be cut out of paper. Fold the album sheet three times. We cut out a figure eight on one of the parts, and cover the other two parts with a floral pattern.

We color the card in delicate pink and lilac tones.

After the paint has dried, we decorate the craft with patterns made with a silver helium pen. When all three parts are folded in front of us we will have a very beautiful postcard for March 8th!

Postcard with "eight" (with a surprise)

Postcard with "eight" (with a surprise)

Crafts with the “eight” for March 8

The classic version of the craft for March 8th in kindergarten is a figure eight made of paper. We cut out the base of the craft with a stand from thick cardboard.

We glue the stand and decorate the figure eight with patterns and flowers.

Another craft for the smallest kids is the “Eight” applique. The teacher cuts out figure eights in advance and prepares decorations from thin paper. The kids’ task is to glue the decorations onto the figure eight, trying to do it neatly and evenly.

Figure eight applique

From ordinary and metallized cardboard you can make very simple but colorful crafts “Basket with tulips” and “Tulips applique”.

Crafts for March 8 with flowers and bouquets

From colored paper folded like an accordion, you can glue a luxurious spring bouquet.

Using green and red paper you can create a spectacular “tulip” applique.

You can also make paper flowers out of a button. Such a bouquet will become especially original if you place it in a voluminous palm. To do this, we outline our hand, cut it out, glue only the base, and on top of it - flowers, which we cover on top with our fingers.

Using the same principle, you can make the entire picture out of paper. And if you glue the fingers first, the brush will turn the other side.

You can turn cotton pads into equally impressive calla lilies. We make the stem from a cocktail straw, the core from cotton swab, one tip of which is painted yellow. We wrap the core with a cotton pad and the stem with a wide one. paper sheet. The flower is ready!

You can make a whole bouquet out of kaal and corrugated paper.

Cocktail straws are great for using as stems and for creating paper flowers, which make a beautiful bouquet when wrapped in wrapping paper.

An incredibly beautiful craft for your beloved mother - “ “.

Postcards for March 8th to kindergarten

A very beautiful craft for March 8th can be a postcard decorated with a tulip using the origami technique.

Folded burgundy paper makes spectacular roses. By placing the roses on the heart we get a wonderful postcard on March 8th.

A lovely card with a heart can be made from colored paper. We make the bottom part of the card, not forgetting to write a confession for our beloved mother.

We formalize top part cards, decorating it with lace and flowers.

We put a rivet or brad, allowing the card to open and close.

Paper card "heart"

Postcard for March 8 (with movable part)

A postcard with .

Heart with roses and ribbon

It’s very interesting to see a heart panel with roses. We fold the roses themselves using a stapler or glue according to the pattern.

Cut out a heart from red paper and make many holes around its perimeter. We insert the ribbon into the holes, processing the edge of the heart.

We glue the stems with leaves, as well as the roses themselves, to the heart, forming a festive bouquet. Glue a ribbon bow at the bottom. Panel with roses for March 8th - ready!

Very beautiful postcard in the shape of a heart can be made using the popular scrapbooking technique. The base of the card is a heart made from special textured paper with a print. The scrapbooking technique is characterized by volume and layering. Some of the card decorations you can find at home, and some you can buy in scrapbooking kits. Anything will do: figurines, flowers, ribbons, paper cutouts and pictures.

We place all the details of the craft on the base, trying to give the composition a complete beautiful view. Scrapbooking postcard in the shape of a heart - ready!

There is another option for a luxurious postcard for March 8 using the scrapbooking technique. We make the base of the cardboard card. Cut out from colored printed paper front side. It should be 3-5 millimeters smaller than the cardboard base on each side.

Glue the ribbon along the card. Glue openwork on the front side paper figures, flowers and congratulatory inscription. Some things you can cut out yourself, and some you can find in special scrapbooking kits. Postcard for March 8th - ready!

Craft for March 8th from corrugated paper

From paper and cardboard you can make a very impressive three-dimensional application for March 8th “flowers in a vase”. Cut out a vase from blue cardboard.

Glue flowers from corrugated paper.

A very beautiful three-dimensional applique for March 8 is made from yellow corrugated paper. We form a flower bud from yellow paper.

The buds rolled from yellow paper are wrapped in green paper. Green paper is rolled into a thin tube. We get a flower and a stem.

The flower is complemented by green leaves and attached to a round cardboard base. Volume applique on March 8 - ready!

Bouquet of tulips made of corrugated paper

Another one wonderful craft for March 8th, a bouquet of tulips made from corrugated paper. Let's start with one tulip. Cut a strip of yellow corrugated paper and twist it in the center. We fold both parts on one side.

We need a bunch of stamens on a wire (we fix them with adhesive tape). Roll a ball out of yellow paper. We put it on the wire.

We begin to wrap the ball with stamens with petals.

When the bud itself is ready, fix the green petals with adhesive tape.

Spring bouquet of tulips made of corrugated paper. Detailed master class read .

You can make it from corrugated paper voluminous postcard with a whole bouquet of flowers.

Sweet crafts for March 8

The craft “bouquet of lollipops” looks interesting. Decorate the lollipops with paper flowers. We fix the sticks in transparent plastic cup using plasticine. Those with a sweet tooth will surely enjoy crafts made from candies for March 8th. You can put paper flowers on lollipops and place them in a pot of plasticine.

You can use not candies for crafts, but chocolate candies. They will need to be pierced with a thin stick, which we will fix in the pot. Wrapping candy corrugated paper and fix it with glue. Luxurious bouquet from sweets for March 8 - ready!

It’s not at all difficult to make, and the result is tasty and beautiful. For a detailed master class, see ““.

Watch the video on how to make a beautiful bouquet of purple tulips candies

Craft for March 8 “Flower stand”

Very bright and interesting craft on March 8 - “flower stand”. To make it, fold a green sheet of paper in half and make cuts of different lengths on it.

We glue the cut green leaf onto the base - an ordinary sheet of cardboard folded in half. We glue some of the protrusions onto the base, and bend some of the protrusions into reverse side(we do not apply glue to them).

Glue flowers onto the curved protrusions. Decorate with flowers, butterflies and congratulatory inscriptions back and bottom of the craft.

Eight of ribbons - a gift for mothers and grandmothers

A very bright and beautiful craft for March 8th - a figure of eight made from ribbons. It is very easy to make, but looks very impressive and festive. First, cut out a figure eight from paper or cardboard.

We wrap the figure eight with pink ribbon of medium width “overlapping”. Fix the ribbon with glue.

When the entire figure eight is wrapped, we make a pendant loop in the upper part. From folded pieces of glued green and scarlet ribbons we get a festive bouquet. Eight of ribbons as a gift for mom - ready!

Bouquet of felt tulips for March 8

Very beautiful soft bouquet Tulips for March 8 can be made from felt. You can find a template for cutting out a tulip at the end of the article. For each flower, cut out two parts for the bud, two parts for the leaf and two parts for the stem.

Sew together the parts of the stem and bud. We leave one of the ends of the stem and bud unsewn and fill them with padding polyester. We insert the stem into the bud and sew them up with a hidden seam.

We sew together the parts of the leaf and sew it to the stem. We make several of these flowers. We made a charming spring bouquet for March 8th from felt!

You can make a beautiful bouquet of violets for March 8 from felt and thick drape. We make the pot stand from dense brown material rolled into a roll. Such flowers will never wither and will delight you for a very long time.

Craft for March 8th - painting from salt dough “Roses”

With the help of adults, you can make a very beautiful wall panel from salt dough. To do this, mix the dough with green and red paint. To prevent the dough from crumbling, add PVA glue when kneading. We prepare the base of the craft - a frame with thick cardboard. We start by making green leaves, which we glue onto cardboard.

We make narrow strips of red dough, which we then twist into buds.

We frame the buds with petals made from salt dough - we should get quite lush flowers. We leave the two buds as they are and glue them to the base in the same way, adding a small stem of green dough. We will get a wonderful picture with bright colorful flowers.

Ideas for crafts for March 8 from different materials.

Plasticine and a disk make a wonderful “Spring Rose” applique.

Any mother will surely love the elegant rhinestone “shoe” applique.

Very bright and simple craft made from colored foam rubber (you can use a dishwashing sponge). To do this, we glue cardboard leaves onto the CD and place a foam rubber “figure eight” on top. The craft can be complemented with shiny rhinestones, beads or other decorations. Children will be able to do such a craft. preparatory group kindergarten.

Another one beautiful applique with a figure eight - from painted pasta.

You can make a luxurious applique of red and white buttons as a gift for your mother on March 8th. We cut out the base for the vase from white paper. Decorate the vase with white or transparent buttons. We draw the branches with a black pen. We decorate the branches with red buttons. The bouquet looks interesting if there are red buttons different sizes and forms.

An incredibly beautiful and delicate craft for March 8, “a bouquet of daisies,” is made from a very unusual material - plastic bottles.

Drawing “Mom on March 8”

There will probably be talented artists among us who can draw a beautiful portrait for my mother. First, we make a pencil sketch.

Pencil drawing of "mom"

Then we fill the drawing with color. You can find a detailed master class.

Drawing "mom" with paints

DIY drawings for March 8th (ideas from the Internet)

Template for cutting out “card heart”

Crafts for March 8th in kindergarten reviews:

Mommy is beautifully drawn, but I will never draw it like that))) (Sasha)

International Women's Day March 8th is the day when everyone congratulates our lovely ladies: mothers, girls, sisters, grandmothers, wives and everyone else. It is time to recognize the successes and achievements made by women throughout history and in all countries. Every woman in your life deserves kindness and recognition, no matter who she is: a working woman chasing success or a stay-at-home mom. And you can show your love by doing beautiful crafts on March 8th with our own hands, so we collected 20 cool ideas, which are easy and quick to make at home or in kindergarten.

New crafts for March 8, 2019

Looking for a unique, thoughtful gift to DIY for the special woman in your life? We've rounded up some of our favorite ideas, many of which can be implemented with minimal costs time and limited budget. These gifts are amazing for mothers, daughters, teachers, wives and any other female member who will thank you.

Paper carnations

  1. Muffin tins of different sizes (small, medium and large);
  2. Wire;
  3. Toothpick;
  4. Sponge;
  5. Red paint;
  1. Stack the muffin tins - 3 small ones with inside, 3 medium ones in the middle and 3 large ones with outside. Secure the molds in the middle and use a toothpick to poke two holes near the center, about 3 centimeters apart.
  2. Pass the wire through the holes and tighten from the bottom to compress the shapes slightly.
  3. Fold the entire flower into a crescent shape.
  4. Separate the layers to allow the flowers to “bloom.”
  5. To finish making the flowers, dip a sponge in red paint and blot the edges of the shapes.

To make a gift you need:

  1. Glue;
  2. Finished drawing;
  3. Cardboard;
  4. Pencil;
  5. Glue;
  6. Clear nail polish;

Step-by-step instructions for production:

  1. Take a profile photo of yourself or your pet.
  2. On your computer, enlarge the photo so it fills the entire screen, then tape a piece of cardboard to the monitor.
  3. Trace the image with a soft pencil.
  4. Remove the paper from the monitor and cut out the silhouette with scissors.
  5. Use glue to glue the silhouette to the back of any colored design, then carefully trim around the silhouette.
  6. Flip the silhouette over, then glue it to the white paper.
  7. Let the painting dry and then apply a final coat of clear varnish.

Paper ball

To make a gift you need:

  1. Ready pictures;
  2. Buttons;
  3. Needle and thread;
  4. Beads;

Step-by-step instructions for production:

  1. Cut the paintings into 12 strips 18 x 1.5 centimeters wide.
  2. Use a pushpin to make a hole at the end of each strip.
  3. Thread the needle with 45 cm thread. Tie a few knots at the end and add a bead.
  4. Fold the strips over, then pass the needle through all the holes on one end.
  5. Bend the strips into a C shape. Pass the needle through the other end.
  6. Place another bead and tie a knot.
  7. To create a hanging loop, bring the end of the thread back onto the bead, then tie a few knots in the thread to secure the bead.
  8. Branch the strips evenly to form a ball.

To make a gift you need:

  1. Pencils;
  2. Scotch tape or glue;
  3. Paper;
  4. Notebook;

Step-by-step instructions for production:

  1. Place the open notebook on the reverse side.
  2. Using a pencil, trace the notebook onto the patterned paper, leaving a 1.5cm border. Cut out this silhouette.
  3. Cover the outside of the notebook with glue.
  4. Hold the notebook open by pressing down on the back of the cover. Smooth out any uneven areas.
  5. Cut a notch at the top and bottom of the cover curve and trim a diagonal line at the four corners.
  6. Glue each corner, then fold and glue each edge along the inside of the book.

To make a gift you need:

  1. White mug;
  2. Acrylic paint for enamel;
  3. Brush;

Step-by-step instructions for production:

  1. Wash and dry the mug completely.
  2. Using a brush, apply your design to the cup.
  3. Leave to dry for one hour.
  4. Place the cup in a cold oven, heat to 150 degrees, and “bake” for 30 minutes.

Remove from the oven and let it cool completely.

Greeting cards for kindergarten

A cute card made by little children's hands is the most desired and expensive gift for any mother. To receive such a beautiful masterpiece is a great joy and happiness.

  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • comfortable scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • simple pencil;
  • stencils of flowers of different sizes, hearts and cores of a lily.


  1. Take the heart template and trace it on green cardstock, then cut it out.
  2. Take a template of flowers of different sizes, we have three of them, outline and cut out three flowers.
  3. Draw a circle template for the heart of a lily from yellow paper.
  4. Glue in the center of the heart big flower, then stick the middle one on it and finish with the smallest flower.
  5. Centered smallest flower stick on the yellow core. Our holiday craft card is ready.

For production we will need:

  • cardboard sheet;
  • pasta of various shapes;
  • gouache;
  • PVA glue;
  • water;
  • apron;
  • napkins.


  1. Start by processing the pasta. Take a large number of paint, add a little PVA glue, dilute with water if necessary.
  2. Take a cardboard sheet, cut a circle out of it and decorate the frame using pasta horns, spreading glue on each of them. Let dry.
  3. Using red and pink pasta shells, we form a flower in the middle of the leaf. Glue the first layer of petals with the convex side down, the second layer with the convex side up.
  4. Next, glue on the green stems and leaves. To do this, use feather pasta (stem) and shell pasta with the convex side up (leaves).
  5. To decorate the craft, you can also glue scallop pasta and spiral pasta in blue and pink. Here you can dream up. Our bright pasta craft card is ready.

DIY flowers for mom

March 8 is a spring holiday, which is associated primarily with huge bouquets colors. In kindergarten, one of the most common types of crafts is flower-themed crafts.

Application “Flower for Mom”

To make the application we will need:

  • cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • comfortable scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • paper napkins or colored corrugated paper;
  • template of a large flower in a pot.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Outline ready template flower in a pot on cardboard.
  2. Cut napkins or corrugated paper of the required colors into 2x2 cm squares, then roll them into balls.
  3. Take glue and each ball desired color dip it in it and glue it onto cardboard.
  4. Fill the drawn area of ​​cardboard with circles of the desired color. Our wonderful craft ready with your own hands.

Snowdrops made from plastic spoons for mom

To make this craft you will need:

  • plastic spoons;
  • plasticine;
  • old unnecessary plasticine;
  • small flower pot;
  • green cocktail straws;
  • green plastic bottle;
  • green napkins.


  1. Roll a large ball from old unnecessary plasticine and place it on the bottom of the pot.
  2. Roll seven small carrots from green plasticine; perform the same steps from yellow plasticine, only smaller in size.
  3. Connect green carrots with yellow carrots with large sides.
  4. On cocktail straw put on the resulting plasticine yellow up, secure well.
  5. Repeat this procedure with all seven tubes.
  6. U disposable spoons cut off the handles and insert each spoon into the stem into a plasticine carrot. Thus, we insert three spoons, we get a snowdrop with three petals.
  7. As a result, we get seven snowdrops.
  8. From green plastic bottle cut a leaf 15-20 cm. Make seven pieces of leaves of different lengths.
  9. Insert one snowdrop at a time inside the plasticine that is in the pot. Next, insert the flower leaves into the plasticine.
  10. The bottom of the pot must be covered with green napkins to make it look beautiful. Our beautiful DIY snowdrops are ready for mom, all that’s left to do is hand them over.

Paper rose for mom

To make a flower you will need:

  • multi-colored double-sided paper;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • aluminum wire;
  • comfortable scissors;
  • PVA glue.


  1. Take a pink or red sheet of colored double-sided paper and trace a large circle.
  2. In the circle, draw a spiral towards the center up to the loop.
  3. Cut out a circle, then cut in a spiral also to the loop.
  4. Twist in a spiral to the same loop.
  5. Spread PVA glue on the loop and place our rolled rose on the glue, holding it a little to secure it. Let dry.
  6. Take double-sided green paper and cut out a circle and leaves like a rose.
  7. Glue each leaf to the center of the circle, four leaves in total. Let dry.
  8. Glue the rose bud to the leaves.
  9. Take aluminum wire and wrap it with green corrugated paper. At the end, secure with glue. Let dry.
  10. Take a rose and pierce it in the center with something sharp, maybe with a knitting needle. Insert the flower stem there and secure it. Our charming rose for mom is ready.

Craft “Daisies from cotton pads”

For production we will need:

  • double cotton pads;
  • white threads;
  • watercolor paints;
  • PVA glue;
  • comfortable scissors;
  • colored cardboard;
  • plasticine;
  • colored paper.

Manufacturing process:

  1. First you need to learn how to make a chamomile. To do this you need to take cotton pad and bend it on both sides towards the center in the form of a little bag and wrap it well with thread at the bottom so that it does not unravel. We have a chamomile petal. In the same way, make 7-8 petals.
  2. Take all the petals with the curved edges up and connect them together with a thread.
  3. To prepare the chamomile center, you need to take a disk and dip it in yellow paint at both sides. Dry thoroughly.
  4. Spread the center with glue and form a daisy. Make three daisies in the same way.
  5. Make a cardboard base for the craft, cut out a rectangle, and form an oval from it.
  6. Cut stems and three or four leaves for daisies from green paper.
  7. Post on cardboard base daisies with stems and leaves, and glue them one by one.
  8. For greater effect, you can create a frame. Our cute daisies for mom are ready.

Craft “Vase with flowers for mom”

For production we will need:

  • White list;
  • watercolor paints;
  • brushes for painting and glue;
  • comfortable scissors;
  • colored strips for quilling.

Manufacturing progress:

  1. Paint a sheet of paper with bright paint. Let dry.
  2. Glue on a vase cut out of white paper.
  3. Take colored quilling strips and stick them on the vase one by one. The result is a cheerful multi-colored vase.
  4. Take strips of three colors and glue them at the ends, forming flower petals.
  5. Twist green stripes onto a pencil; these will be flower stems.
  6. Cut out the centers for each flower and form a flower from the petals and the center, which is glued on top of the petals.
  7. Now you need to place the flowers on the leaf. If they go beyond the contours, it will even be very interesting.
  8. Glue the stems of the flowers that were twisted onto the pencil onto the base.
  9. To hide the end of the stems, glue another colored strip for the vase. Our cheerful and holiday craft ready. Mom will be delighted.

To make this craft we will need:

  • plasticine;
  • cotton buds;
  • comfortable scissors;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • colored cardboard.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Take a sheet of colored cardboard, this is our basis.
  2. Cut the cotton swabs in half using scissors.
  3. Make the center of a daisy from yellow plasticine.
  4. Cotton swabs must be inserted into the plasticine in a circle, forming a flower.
  5. Press the resulting flower onto the cardboard and secure it.
  6. Using a felt-tip pen, draw the stem and leaves of the flower.
  7. Take green plasticine and fill in the drawn leaves and stem. It turned out beautiful flower with your own hands for your beloved mother.

Original gifts for March 8th with your own hands

Children's imagination is very rich, so kids are happy to make gifts for their mother, grandmother or girlfriend and will be even more happy to give them to them.

To make a frame we will need:

  • cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • paper for decoration of your choice;
  • comfortable scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • multi-colored beads, bright buttons, rhinestones for decoration.

Frame manufacturing progress:

  1. First you need to prepare the frame itself. To do this, you need to cut out the front and back of the frame from cardboard. In the front part, you need to cut out a place for the photo, and also leave stripes for decoration. If it is difficult for the children to cope with this work, the teacher can give each child a ready-made frame, which only needs to be decorated.
  2. Trace the front part of the frame on colored paper with a pencil and cut it out, then you need to glue it to the cardboard. Glue two pieces of cardboard together, do not smear the top with glue, you can then insert a photograph through it.
  3. You must also glue a stand to the back of the frame on which the frame will rest.
  4. Next, the finished frame needs to be decorated. Here every child can show his imagination, the teacher shows possible options, and the baby is given the right to choose. Each frame turns out bright and unique.
  5. With the help of multi-colored beads, bright buttons, and rhinestones for decoration, each child creates his own individual masterpiece, which he will give to his mother on March 8th. Decorative elements must be soaked in glue and decorated with a frame. Let the work dry thoroughly. A unique DIY craft for photographs is ready.

To prepare you will need:

Manufacturing process:

  1. First you need to prepare salted dough, for which you need to take two parts flour and part salt, for example 400 grams of flour and 200 grams of salt. Add water and pink egg dye. The result was pink dough. Mix well and cut off a piece.
  2. Roll out a flat cake and squeeze out a heart with a mold. Ready product should dry thoroughly.
  3. Spread the dry heart with glue and sprinkle with corn flour, let it dry.
  4. Lubricate the other side of the heart with glue and glue the magnet. Our holiday magnet craft is ready.

Beads for mom

For production we will need:

  • salted dough of three colors;
  • beautiful ribbons or fishing line.

Manufacturing progress:

  1. First, prepare the salt dough by taking flour and salt in proportions of two to one. Dilute with water and add food coloring. We need to make dough of three different colors.
  2. Make beads and holes in them so that later you can thread a ribbon or fishing line.
  3. Leave the beads to harden. Small beads need at least a day for this, large beads need several days.
  4. After the beads have dried, all that remains is to thread ribbons or fishing line through them.

Candy bouquet craft for mom

For the product you will need:

  • lollipops;
  • multi-colored foil;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • colored paper;
  • cup;
  • pencil.

Preparation method:

We take colored paper, you can take a wide variety. Attach a glass to the sheet and circle it. The outline of the circle needs to be cut out. There are a lot of similar preparations that need to be made. Preferably multi-colored. Next, each candy needs to be wrapped in foil. After this, we stack the colored paper circles in a stack of 4-5 pieces. It can be one color, or you can alternate several shades. You need to make a small cut in the center and insert a stick with candy. We bend the ends of the circles upward. We fix it with tape. You should get a “flower” on a stick, and in the middle there is a candy in foil. We do the same with the rest of the candies. We collect them in a bouquet. We fix the “legs” together with tape. Beautiful decorative paper We wrap our “bouquet” and tie it with ribbon. A wonderful DIY gift for mom on March 8th is ready.

Vase with mimosa crafts in kindergarten

We have to:

  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • yellow napkins;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • paints;
  • White paper;
  • scissors;
  • plastic cup.

Manufacturing process:

You need to take a sheet of green paper and fold it in half. From the place where the “little book” opens, step back one and a half centimeters and draw a horizontal line. From it, draw stripes 1–1.5 centimeters wide. They need to be cut. Do not cut all the way, just to the line. When you unfold a sheet of paper, it should only be cut in the middle. After this, the green paper must be glued together, but this must be done in such a way that one half is a little longer. It is on this that you need to apply glue. After this, you need to twist the workpiece into a tube. The result will be a product similar to a bush. Strengthen the base with tape or a stapler. Next, we move on to the design of the cup. It is better if it is completely white without additional decorations or relief. When suddenly you don’t find one, cover the multi-colored glass with white paper. After this you can start making art. What to depict on paper depends on your desire and skill. Maybe something on the topic? women's holiday, for example, some spring flowers. When the paint dries, place a green bush in the glass. Next, cut or tear the yellow napkin into small pieces and crumple them. The resulting balls must be carefully glued onto green leaves.