Charming and attractive DIY Cockerels! Master Class. Rooster made from paper strips for children. Master class with step-by-step photos

New Year's holidays are coming soon, but you're not in the mood at all? Then create an atmosphere of joy and fun around yourself by making the symbol of 2017 with your own hands - a cockerel. Plus it's a great gift idea! You can make it from anything. In this article we will look at how to make a rooster out of paper, the most affordable material. The craft can be made in a variety of techniques: postcard, applique, quilling and much more. Which method will you choose?

The simplest cockerel postcard

For such a basic craft, you will need colored paper, cardboard, a simple pencil, a ruler, scissors and glue.

First let's make the body. From cardboard (preferably colored) we cut out a square of arbitrary size. You can make miniature or large cockerels, which will then act as a postcard. Using a ruler, mark the fold line on the square. Then fold it in half. The body is ready.

Before making a paper rooster with your own hands, let's prepare the remaining elements. Cut out the head, comb, eyes, beak, wings and tail. It is better to take multi-colored paper so that the cockerel turns out bright and colorful. Glue the cut parts into place. The cockerel is ready! Now you can write pleasant wishes inside the craft.

If you want to hide the gluing points, then make the cockerel a little differently. Cut out two circles for the head and glue a comb and beak between them. Make small cuts on both sides of the square (along the fold line). Glue the head and tail into them. This version of the cockerel turns out to be more accurate.

How to make a rooster out of 3D paper

To complete this craft, you will need all the same materials, but you can do without cardboard.

Roll a cone out of colored paper. This can be done, for example, like this. Draw a circle on a piece of paper and cut it out. We mark one fourth part on it. Cut it out of the circle. Now we roll the resulting figure into a cone and glue the joints.

From colored paper we cut out the eyes and beak in the shape of a diamond. Glue them into place. Now we cut out narrow strips. In total you need about 13-17 pieces (for the comb, beard, wings, tail and legs). We fold three strips in half (but do not bend them) and glue them to the head. This will be a scallop. We do the same with the stripes for the wings, tail and beard.

We are already getting closer to how to make a rooster out of paper. We fold two strips like an accordion and glue them to where the legs should be. Let's straighten it out a little. If desired, you can cut the paws in the form of circles or teeth. The playful cockerel is ready!

Paper rooster using applique technique

With your child you can make a beautiful applique from colored paper. Choose suitable colors and think about where you will stick the cockerel. Thick cardboard is best. It should not be variegated, otherwise the applique will simply get lost. Opt for pastel colors: green or blue. In addition to cardboard and colored paper, you will need scissors, a simple pencil, glue and a cockerel template. You can draw it yourself or take a ready-made diagram.

Let's move on directly to how to make a rooster out of paper. We transfer the drawing that we have chosen onto the cardboard. From colored paper we cut out the details: body, head, beak, comb, eye, beard, wing, tail and paws. Now you need to glue the parts of the cockerel onto the cardboard. It’s better to start from the middle, that is, from the body. Next we glue the remaining parts, gradually moving towards the edges.

Use your imagination and add some weed. This way the craft will look finished.

Making a quilling cockerel

This technique uses narrow strips of paper, twisted into different shapes using a toothpick or a special device. The works turn out very beautiful and unusual. How to make a rooster out of colored paper using the quilling technique? Basically, this is a type of appliqué. First you need to transfer the drawing onto cardboard and think about what shape the strips will be twisted into for this or that part of the body. These can be circles, curls, drops, crescents, oblong ovals and other options.

As soon as all the parts are ready, they need to be glued onto the drawing edgewise. Start with the outline of the tail. The strips should be close to each other. Wait for the glue to dry. Now fill the tail from the inside. Let the glue dry again. Do the same with the wing, head, legs and body of the cockerel.

Table setting element

Delight your children by making a beautiful accessory for New Year's Eve - a cup rooster! Although some adults will not refuse such table decoration. How to make a rooster out of paper if we need a cup? Everything is very simple!

The base will be a plastic or paper cup. Wrap it in paper to match the color of the future rooster. Print or draw the details: head, tail and wings, then cut out. It is better to make them double-sided so that the cup looks good from any side. Glue the head to the glass, and the tail on the opposite side. Place the wings between them. The unusual cockerel is ready!

You can drink from such a beautiful glass, or you can fill it with candies, cookies, grapes, lollipops and other small goodies.

How to make a paper rooster mask in the form of a cap

From colored cardboard or thick paper, assemble a cone according to the size of your head. Don't glue it yet. Cut out the red comb, beak and wattle. Make circles of different sizes from blue and black paper. Now glue the scallop into the seam of the cone. Let's collect the eyes. We glue blue and then black circles onto the cheeks on both sides. We secure the beak and beard. All that remains is to make a holder for the cap. To do this, you need to sew an elastic band or ribbons on the sides of the cone. The rooster mask in the form of a cap is ready!

Remember that the symbol of the coming year is a fiery cockerel. Therefore, when making crafts, give preference to colors such as red, orange, red, golden and yellow. This way you will express your personal respect to the fiery rooster. Sequins and other iridescent material will only complement the image of the symbol of the year.

Now you know how to make a New Year 2017 symbol. All that remains is to choose which version of the craft you like best.

The symbols of the Easter holidays are chicken eggs, chicks and cockerels. If you don’t have the opportunity to bring a live rooster into your apartment, then you definitely need to make an Easter symbol with your own hands, for example, from paper, and we will help you with this.

And according to the eastern calendar, the new year 2017 is the year of the rooster. Although this is not our traditional calendar, the tradition of assigning a symbol to the year is very interesting, entertaining, and broadens a child’s horizons. In addition, so many different interesting New Year's crafts can be made in the form of a symbol of the year, hung on the Christmas tree in the form of a toy, or placed under the tree with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, or even put these crafts on the New Year's table, especially since the cockerel will look great on it .

Let's make a three-dimensional cockerel from a cardboard cone with our own hands.

Master class cockerel from a cone

To make a rooster we will need: colored cardboard, double-sided colored paper in bright colors, compass, ruler, pencil, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens.

We take a sheet of colored cardboard, select its smaller side, measure the middle and put a dot. At this point we place a compass with the tip and draw a semicircle from corner to corner of the cardboard sheet.

Cut out this semicircle.

We need to roll this semicircle into a cone and glue it together. The top of the cone is the middle of the straight side, exactly the point where the point of the compass stood. From this point to the end of the straight side, lubricate the edge with glue.

We roll up the cone, bending the straight side in half, placing the adhesive half of the straight side on its other half, and gluing it together. The cone for the rooster's body is ready.

Cut out the beak. Fold a small strip of colored paper in half, cut off 2 corners to make a triangle, open it - the beak is ready.

The glued side of the cone is the back of the cockerel. We glue the beak to the side opposite to it. Apply glue to only 1 half of the beak and glue it.

Let's make a scallop. Cut out a strip of paper 1 cm wide. Glue one end to the top of the rooster's head.

When the first loop is glued, we make 2 more such loops and glue the entire comb, cutting off the excess.

From the remnants of the strip we cut out 3 drops, one larger and 2 smaller, glue them with sharp ends under the beak, this will be the cockerel’s beard.

To make the rooster feathers, cut at least 5 strips of different colors from colored paper. Strip width 1 cm.

For the wing, fold 1 strip into 3 loops, one larger, the second slightly smaller and the third even smaller. We glue the base of the loops so that the wing does not fall apart. You can cut the strip into short lengths and make a loop from each. Then the wing will need 3 separate loops, but they can be made in different colors.

We make 2 such wings. Glue the wings onto the cone.

For the tail, make a loop from one strip of paper and leave a long tail.

We bend this long tail with scissors. Glue a loop with a tail onto the back of the cone.

We make a couple more of these loops with tails, bend them, and glue the entire tail.

Draw the rooster's eyes with a felt-tip pen.

The cockerel is ready, you can use it in the design of the New Year's interior.

The craft can be simplified if you plan to make the cockerel not with a primary school student, but with children in a kindergarten or preparatory group. Just like in the master class, we make a cone, a beak, and cut 6-8 strips of different colors from colored paper. Next, cut each strip into 3 parts. We bend the ends of these segments with scissors. We glue the strips to the cone with straight ends: red ones - in place of the crest, other colors - for the wings and tail. Loop made of red paper - a cockerel's beard. We draw the eyes with a felt-tip pen.

Such a fun chicken coop :)

Video on how to make a cockerel

How to make a Rooster out of paper (symbol of 2017) with your own hands? The New Year is rushing towards us... It's time to start decorating the interior in New Year's style. In addition to rain, garlands and other tinsel, the interior must also contain a symbol of the coming year. In 2017 it is Cockerel.

It can be sewn from fabric, embroidered, laid out from beads, made into a fake from wire and other available materials. The easiest way is to make a beautiful and bright Cockerel from colored paper and cardboard. A fake made from unpretentious and budget material will fit into any interior.

In this article, readers will be able to learn how to make a symbolic figurine of 2017 with their own hands from paper (video and photos of creating Petit-Cockerel figurine, see below).

Children's fake

This fake is based on children's hands.

To create it you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors (regular and manicure);
  • glue.

Below you will find a master class on how to make a paper fake for the New Year 2017 (the symbol of the year is Petit-Cockerel with your own hands).


1. Trace children’s hands on colored paper and cut out the resulting shapes.

There should be at least ten palms in total. The ideal option is fifteen pieces. If there are slightly fewer blanks, the Cockerel will not be as voluminous. It is desirable that the palms turn out to be different colors. Black color should not be used during work.

2. Print out the figure of a rooster from the Internet or draw it by hand on paper.

To do this, use the most ordinary white paper.

3. Cut out the resulting rooster shape.

If some parts are too small, you need to use nail scissors.

4. Glue the blank onto the cardboard.

The cardboard should be the traditional white color.

5. Glue the palms onto the cockerel figure.

The palms should be glued very close to each other. There should be no white spaces between them. If the cardboard is not visible in the spaces between your palms, then the work is done correctly.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure that your palms do not extend beyond the cockerel. You need to cut out eyes and paws for it from black colored paper.

In addition to the cockerel, you can glue the sun, grass or clouds to the cardboard. The fake is ready.

How to make a Cockerel from a paper cone?

Even a child can handle making fakes based on a cone. No special skills or abilities are required here.

To make a beautiful Rooster out of paper (symbol of 2017) with your own hands, you need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • paper (colored);
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Below you will find a detailed master class on crafts for the New Year 2017.


1. The first stage of work is to roll up a “bag” from thick cardboard.

Yes, this is the same “bag” in which a few years ago grandmothers actively sold seeds at bus stops. To make it, you will need bright, thick cardboard. As a last resort, you can use colored paper. Such a fake should be handled very carefully. It's easy to wrinkle.

To prevent the “bag” from unwinding, it should be secured with glue.

2. The second stage of work - strips are cut from colored paper.

You will need strips to make a nose, comb, tail and paws for the Cockerel. All parts are glued with PVA glue. To do this, you should use a brush or glue stick.

3. The third stage of work - two small circles are cut out of black paper.

These will be the Cockerel's eyes. They are also glued to the center of the head (just above the nose). In the middle of each eye you can stick one small black bead (or seed bead).

If you want to hang the Cockerel somewhere, you should make a small hole in his head and thread a bright ribbon through it.

Making a three-dimensional Rooster out of paper with your own hands

There are many alternative solutions for decorating the top of the Christmas tree, besides the traditional star. For example, it could be a homemade hat made of knitting threads, a Christmas ball with a large hole, or a voluminous homemade toy made of paper. It can be different every year. It all depends on what kind of symbol will accompany the current year. In our case, this is the Cockerel.

To make such an accessory you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Below you will find a detailed master class on how to make the symbol of 2017 with your own pens from paper (volumetric Rooster.


1. First of all, you need to roll a “ball” out of thick cardboard.

To prevent the “bag” from unwinding, it should be carefully secured with glue. Remove excess glue with a clean cloth.

Don't use tape. He will ruin the whole fake.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the cardboard must be colored. If material in the traditional white color is available, the Cockerel’s body will have to be painted by hand.

2. Roll up a cylinder from cardboard in the same way.

The cylinder must be the same color as the bag. He will serve as the head for the Cockerel. When the cylinder is ready, it is secured on top of the “bag”.

3. Cut several thin strips from red paper.

The strips are folded so that they form a comb. The comb is carefully glued to the bird's head. Wipe off excess glue with a clean, dry cloth.

4. The bird’s tail, beak and beard are made in the same way.

Regular PVA glue is suitable for gluing.

5. Cut out two small circles from black paper.

These will be the Cockerel's eyes. They are also glued to the center of the head. In the middle of each eye you can stick one small black bead (or seed bead).

It is not necessary to make legs for the bird. The paper fake is ready. All that remains is to place it under the Christmas tree next to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

As you can see, making a Rooster out of paper (the symbol of 2017) with your own hands is not that difficult!

How else you can decorate your home, read here:

How to make a Rooster out of paper: the easiest way

How to decorate the interior if you don’t want to spend too much money or time on making New Year’s accessories with your own hands? The ideal option is a paper fake. To make a paper cockerel, you will need a minimum of time and a minimum of necessary tools.

To work you need only four items:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • paints;
  • pencil.

Below you will find a master class on the symbol of 2017 with your own paper pens (the template for the Rooster can be taken from the Internet or from our article).


1. Work on creating a paper cockerel figurine begins with finding the required template.

On the Internet you can find a huge number of templates for creating paper fakes. Among them, of course, there are several dozen variants of the cockerel. Your task is to choose the one you like and print it. Printing is possible both in Word and image format.

Everything is very simple here. The Cockerel figurine is carefully cut out, trying not to damage the details.

3. The template is applied to the cardboard and outlined with a pencil.

Don't draw the lines too much. Subsequently, their outlines can be visible even behind a thick layer of paint.

4. Cut out the figure of the Cockerel from cardboard.

The figure is carefully cut out, taking care not to damage the parts.

5. Paint the cockerel with paints.

This is the most creative stage of creating a New Year's paper craft. The color gram can be any. The more shades used, the better. Be sure to make your ponytail colorful. The comb and beard should be made in red tones.

The top of the cockerel is covered with a thin layer of glue and sprinkled with glitter. When the fake dries slightly, excess glitter should be brushed off with a brush or brushed off by hand. If you want to hang a cockerel on the Christmas tree, you need to make a hole in it and stretch a bright ribbon through it.

DIY postcard “Cockerel”

How to make the delivery of a New Year's gift as pleasant as possible for the recipient? Prepare a card for him.

The simplest New Year cards can be purchased in stores from fifty rubles apiece. Hand made postcards will cost much more. Their cost varies from three hundred to five hundred rubles. And here the question arises: why overpay for something that can be done with your own hands? Believe me, making a Rooster out of paper (symbol of 2017) with your own hands is not that difficult!

What you need to make a postcard in the shape of a cockerel:

  • colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.


  1. The first thing you need to do is draw a cockerel on plain paper and cut out the resulting figure.
  2. If you can’t draw a beautiful cockerel on your own, ready-made models will come to the rescue. They can be easily found on the Internet. The printer will print the drawing both in Word format and in the form of a regular picture.
  3. Next, you need to trace the resulting figure on yellow cardboard. It is better not to use colored paper. It will not perfectly hold the desired shape. In addition, paper wrinkles much faster than cardboard.
  4. Then you need to draw the contours of the cockerel with a felt-tip pen. This is done very carefully so as not to “go beyond” the lines of the drawing. If this is exactly what happens, the postcard will have to be redone.
  5. At this stage of work, you need to draw the cockerel’s eyes, comb and legs, if they were not included in the selected layout.
  6. Then you should draw a rectangle around the cockerel and cut out the resulting figure. In this case, the Cockerel should be in the center of the cardboard.

The resulting card is folded in half. Then they open it and write in a congratulation. It is much better if these are words coming from the heart, and not copied from the Internet.

To make the card as bright as possible, the cardboard is covered with a thin layer of glue on top and sprinkled with glitter. When the glue dries, shake off the excess glitter.

The top of the card is tied with a festive ribbon and a bow is tied.

We assemble a figurine of a deer from cardboard for the fireplace. Selecting Tools

You can not only make a paper Rooster (symbol of 2017) with your own hands, but also beautiful deer!

What would be the best way to decorate a fireplace, a bookshelf or a small coffee table for New Year 2017? Of course, this is a figurine of a deer. This is a real New Year's symbol, which must be present in the interior design of an apartment or house.

A small colorful figurine will definitely become the subject of attention of the gathered guests, and the children will demand to immediately give it up for their use.

First of all, you need to figure out what you need to make a deer:

  • thick cardboard;
  • needle;
  • fishing line;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue moment;
  • rhinestones;
  • spray paint.

Almost all of the necessary tools and accessories for decorating a deer figurine can be found at home. Spray paint is available for purchase at hardware stores and some craft stores.

Assembling a cardboard deer figurine for the fireplace: Detailed master class

1. Step one – drawing and cutting out the template.

The deer figurine template consists of several parts. These are the head and torso, two pairs of legs, one tail, ears and horns (two pieces). If you can’t depict any detail yourself, you can download a ready-made template from the Internet. A large selection is presented in Yandex. Pictures.

2. Step two – outline the template on cardboard.

Each of the details of the future deer is drawn on cardboard. Then cut out with scissors or a sharp knife. Each of the parts must have slots. Otherwise, you won’t be able to fold a full-fledged figure.

3. Step three - making holes in the body.

Three holes in the form of three circles should be made in the body. They are necessary for hanging rhinestones.

4. Step four - painting the parts.

The first time the parts are painted with pink paint. The second time - silver.

5. Step five - assembly of parts.

There should be two slits at the bottom of the deer's body. They are necessary for the legs. It is worth recalling that there are all two pairs of them. You will also need a slot in the body for the tail. A slot is made in the head for horns and ears.

The fake is ready.

It's not at all difficult to make a rooster out of paper! This symbol of 2017 is a must-make for every home!

The year of the rooster is coming soon. See how to sew a costume for this bird for a matinee, and make paper crafts to take to kindergarten.

How to sew a rooster costume?

This outfit can be made from paper or fabric; in the latter case, it will be more durable. Typically, this character's attire consists of the following:
  • hats with a comb and beak;
  • wings;
  • panties;
  • tail;
  • boot or other suitable footwear.

Let's start with the headdress, before sewing the rooster costume, let's create this thing. To make such a hat, take:
  • light and red felt;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • thread with a needle.
The rooster's cap consists of 6 identical wedges. To find out their exact size, measure the circumference of the child's head, divide the result by 6, add 2 cm - these are seam allowances.

Take two such parts, match them right sides together, and sew along the edge on one side. Why in the sidewall of the second clinic, sew one sidewall of the third. For now, set this blank of 3 wedges aside. Connect the remaining three pieces in the same way.

Redraw the following pattern, attach it to the felt, cut out a comb from the fabric. Gather it at the bottom with a thread, first stitching here with a basting stitch.

Fold the parts in the following sequence: place the gathered side of the comb on the front side of the workpiece of three wedges, cover it on top with the second workpiece of 3 wedges, so that the face is inside and the back is outside. Sew along the edge.

If you don't have a suitable shirt, then you can quickly sew one based on the provided pattern. It is loose-fitting, so it will fit the child well in any case. On the left is the pattern of the shelf, on the right is the back.

Please note that the back and shelf will be one-piece. To cut them out, fold the fabric in half lengthwise, matching the fold of the front and back with the fold of the fabric.

Match the front and back by placing them right sides together. Sew these parts together on the shoulder, on the sleeves, and on the sides. Roll up the sleeves and hem them. Step back 10 cm from the bottom of the sleeves and sew a thin elastic band here on the inside with a zigzag, stretching it. The length of the elastic should be 1 cm greater than the volume of the child’s hands. Process the neck line.

When talking about how to sew a rooster costume, it should be noted that the shirtfront can be made of paper or fabric. Sew this piece at the front under the neckline.

The shorts also have a loose fit. Transfer the pattern onto newspaper and cut it out. Place this paper template on the fabric. From it you need to cut 2 back parts and 2 front parts. Stitch them in the middle and on the sides. Hem the bottom and top. Insert pieces of elastic bands here.

There is one more important detail of the character, which we will dwell on in more detail.

How to make a beautiful tail?

This is what you will need:

  • fabric of different colors;
  • interlining;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • wooden sticks;
  • Velcro tape.
From fabric of different colors, cut out these semicircular parts; for each feather you will need two identical ones.

Non-woven fabrics are also required.

Let's start with the first feather. Place the 2 fabric pieces right sides together. Pin the interlining from the inside out.

Sew the workpiece from the inside out along the edges, leaving the small bottom side free.

To prevent the stitching from unraveling, first make a small stitch forward, then back, then forward again. Finish the line the same way.

Cut off the sharp corner on the reverse side to make the feather look neater.

Do the rest of the details in the same way. Look, the outer feathers are small, slightly rounded. Big straight ones.

Turn them onto your face and press the seams.

Divide the tail into two identical parts; let’s shape the first half first. On the largest feather, place the same large one, which is the second in size. Pin and stitch, not forgetting to secure the stitch at the beginning and end.

In the same way, attach a slightly smaller, third largest feather to the second one.

Sew the last fourth from the edge. Use the same technique to decorate the second half of the tail.

Place the first one on the second piece and stitch them together. The width of the stitch should be such that a wooden stick can be inserted into one and the second formed drawstring. This will make the structure more rigid and help give it the desired shape.

Here's how to make a beautiful ponytail next. Sew up the holes on your hands to prevent the wooden sticks from falling out.

Cut out a belt from Velcro; if you want, you can sew a edging to it on both long sides.

Using several lines along and across the tail, sew the feathers to the belt.

This belt is suitable for children of different ages and different builds. Its volume can be adjusted. The belt will fit tightly to the suit due to the Velcro hooks.

But the rooster costume is not completed yet, see how to make wings at home. They can be made of fabric or paper. There are many manufacturing options, look at a few of the simplest ones.

How to make wings at home?

When you sew a shirt for the cockerel, cut a long strip from a fabric of a different color and cut it in a zigzag pattern on one side. When you begin to sew up the sleeve from the bottom, place this detail here and stitch everything together.

Here's another easy option. For this you need to prepare:
  • fabric in four colors;
  • threads;
  • semicircle pattern;
  • braid.
For one wing, 4 blanks are needed, each is a quarter of a circle of different sizes. To make an even wavy bottom, apply a template to the coils and cut along it.

Now let’s learn more about how to make wings with your own hands.

Let's start with the first option. Fold 4 blanks for it, arranging them according to size. Tuck them in at one end and let them expire. Then do the same on the other side. You can not tuck it, but trim it with braid. It needs to be sewn at the top on one side and the other in the form of large loops. This is where the child will stick his hands, putting on the wings of a rooster. To keep them tight, sew a tie on the front and secure it like a cape.

From the same braid, make loops for the sleeves; the child will wear the lower part of the wings on his wrist. See how else you can design them.

Sew a cape. It will be worn on the wrist using ribbons. Cut long strips of fabric of different colors, gather each one with a basting stitch, and sew to the cloak, starting from the bottom.

There is another interesting idea that will tell you how to sew wings. Also cut the ribbons, having previously gathered them, into sleeves. When the child raises his arms, they will look like wings.

You can make them quickly by cutting a circle out of fabric or wrapping paper. Let the child extend his arms in opposite directions. Measure the distance between the hands in this position, this is the radius of the circle. Cut its edges with a zigzag, cut out the neck so that the child can put on the wings of a rooster.

It’s good if the child comes to the matinee with a gift for the teacher. Make a fiery rooster with him, which is a symbol of the coming year. The results are amazing and require so little.

How to make a Fire Rooster craft from threads?

To reproduce this you will need:
  • red and white threads;
  • tweezers;
  • scissors;
  • "Titan" - adhesive for ceiling tiles;
  • drawing of a cockerel made on a printer;
  • scotch.
Cover the drawing with tape. Pour the glue into a small bottle with a spout, apply it to the outline of the animal's chest, using tweezers to help you, place a piece of red thread on top.

Using the same technique, lay out the next turns, forming the body and head of the bird.

Next, make embossed feathers, lay a white thread inside several, and also attach them with glue.

To make the craft even more chic, you can glue matching glass pebbles to the ends of the feathers.

Having completed the first wing, move on to the second.

All that remains is to design the rooster's tail. To do this, also first glue the thread along the contour, then fill the inner space of the openwork wings.

Leave the Fire Rooster craft to dry for 24 hours, then carefully remove it from the base. You will see dried drops of glue peeking through. Remove them with a soldering iron, but you need to act carefully so that there is no blackness due to burnt glue. The work is completed, you can frame it and give it as a gift or hang it on the wall and wait for the holiday.

Paper rooster craft

If a rooster made of threads turns out to be difficult for children to reproduce, then advise them on simpler crafts. Such funny roosters are made quickly, for this you need to take:

  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • markers.

On a piece of colored paper, draw a triangle with a semicircular bottom. Roll it into a cone and seal the side. Cut narrow strips of paper; each bird will need 2. Fold these blanks like an accordion, and glue paws with three fingers, cut from colored paper, to one edge of the strip. Attach the legs into place.

Cut out round eyes, a beak, and glue these elements. All that remains is to make the tail and wings. Take a closer look at the process of this work.

Cut strips of colored paper, connect the ends of each, and glue them in this place. All that remains is to glue these improvised feathers to the bird. The shorter stripes will become its wings, the longer stripes will become its tail.

And here is another option for making such a bird, a paper rooster template is attached.

Enlarge it, redraw it on a white sheet attached to the monitor. Place it on colored paper folded in half and cut it out.

You will also need to draw a comb and a rooster's beard on red paper, and a beak on orange paper.

You can use store-bought eyes for toys or make them from colored cardboard and glue them to the face, like the rest of the head parts.

Attach a large paper clip to the lower part of the body, fasten this area to the neck, you will get this wonderful bird.

Using the same technique, you can make a girlfriend for our hero - a chicken. Very young children will make an application on the same theme.

As you can see, the body of the rooster consists of a large triangle, and the wing of a small one. The tail is created from almost the same geometric shapes. The baby will only have to cut out and glue on the bird’s comb, beard, eye and paws.

If you need to quickly make a carnival rooster costume, paper will also help. Mark the volume of the child's head, cut a strip from a white sheet according to this size, but with a small margin to glue its ends to the side. Glue the second paper tape onto the first one, perpendicular to it. Cut out a comb from red construction paper and attach it to the top of the mask. Make a beard from the same paper, and a rooster's beak from yellow paper.

After which you can put this headdress on the child and send him to the holiday.

The body of a rooster can be made in an unusual way. Let the child place his palm on a piece of paper and circle it. Using this template, the child, together with the senior assistant, will cut out many blanks from paper of various colors. Then he will need to cut out the head of a bird from the light one, other details of the face from red and yellow, and make an eye from white and black.

Having glued the head with all the details on one side of the sheet, let him attach the palms of colored paper with glue. You need to start from the tail, gradually moving towards the neck so that these blanks are overlapped in relation to each other. All that remains is to glue the paws cut out of brown paper, and the applique is ready.

Here's how you can make a rooster costume for kindergarten, make a craft for the New Year and bring it here. If you want to see the costume making process, then turn on the video player. We offer you a master class from which you will learn how to make a mask of this bird from foam rubber.

Kids will be interested in learning how to make a rooster out of paper, especially since someone almost their age is talking about it. Parents read about the manufacturing process in this article.

The coming 2017 will be held under the symbol of the rooster, which, according to popular belief, will bring happiness to the house if its image is present there. Paper, cardboard, plasticine, fabric and many other materials are suitable for making a rooster. If desired, a toy can be made from almost any available items, from pine cones to plastic bottles - the choice is limited only by the imagination of the master.

A homemade rooster for the New Year tree can effectively decorate the holiday and become a good gift for a loved one.

And a plasticine craft made in the form of a panel with a blue sky, a yellow sun, green grass and a colorful feathered owner of the year will perfectly complement the wall of the apartment.

Panel: plasticine rooster


Paper figures are the easiest to make; they are ideal for decorating a “city” Christmas tree.

Paper rooster

Such crafts are feasible even for children of preschool and primary school age; adults can help them make a rooster for a competition in kindergarten or school. In kindergarten, New Year's gifts for kids will become even more attractive if they are decorated with colorful images of cockerels.

You can learn how to make a rooster quickly and with minimal effort from our master class.

Paper figures do not require any special skills; to make them you need scissors, glue, cardboard and colored paper. By drawing a cockerel on cardboard and pasting it with pieces of colored paper, you can get a beautiful applique, an example is shown in the photo:

Applications with a rooster

You can also make a three-dimensional figure from paper; to do this, you need to make markings on the sheet and bend it in certain places.

Volumetric figures of a rooster

Paper rooster - New Year's master class for the Year of the Rooster


The easiest way to make a greeting card is to use a template. To do this, you need to print a finished postcard on a color printer or a separate image of a rooster, which is cut out and pasted onto the base. Thick blue paper or cardboard with painted or glued snowflakes is suitable as a base. The cockerel is glued to the postcard using PVA glue or double-sided tape, cut exactly according to the figure. You can use ribbons, beads and other elements as decoration. If you cut out two identical figures and stick them on top of each other with the contours clearly aligned, you will get a three-dimensional drawing.

Postcards with a rooster

A beautiful three-dimensional rooster will be made from cardboard. To do this, you need to cut off one corner and roll it into a cone. Then cut out the wings, legs, beak, scallop and paste on the cone.

Cardboard rooster in the shape of a cone

Fabric rooster

A large New Year's rooster made of fabric is an original souvenir that can be made as a gift for a person of any gender and age; a small child, a gentle girl, and a respectable gentleman will be equally happy with it.

A beautiful rooster toy can be made from almost any fabric. First, they make patterns, cut them out, and then sew them together, with cotton wool placed inside. And from felt you get an original flat toy on a stick.

Soft toy

Other craft options

The rooster can be made from any available materials, for example, from a plastic bottle and disposable tableware. For this you will need plastic products: 3 bottles, 2 plates, 6 yellow and red glasses, 2 spoons.

The tops of the bottles are cut off and secured with tape, the glasses are cut into fringes and placed on the bottle, alternating colors. The tail of the wings is made from disposable plates, these parts are attached to the bottle. The head can be made from a pool ball.

Rooster made of plastic

Using a hook, you can knit a small cockerel in the form of a keychain or decoration for a bag.

A New Year's masquerade would not be complete without a rooster costume, which any housewife can make on her own if she has a sewing machine and a little experience.

rooster costume

The rooster mask is used as an addition to the costume or as an independent element

Rooster mask

You can also learn how to prepare for the Year of the Rooster from the video “Craft Ideas for the New Year”: