Original crafts for Easter. Interesting Easter Gift Ideas

Light and joyful holiday Easter - how can you not love it? This is the day when everyone feels joy and the approach of real spring in their souls. And of course, this is a reason to make original and beautiful Easter souvenirs for your loved ones with your own hands! We will tell you what to give for Easter, and what Easter gifts you can easily make with your own hands.

Important: when choosing what to give for Easter and what souvenir to make with your own hands, first read all the ideas and select the master class that you like best and will be clear from start to finish. It is important that the gift turns out very beautifully and neatly! So that it evokes the brightest and most pleasant emotions. It’s not difficult to choose what exactly to do - choose what you know how to do, what you love to do, what you can do well. And then stock up on the materials necessary for creativity, and get to work!

From the Easter Bunny

Easter bunnytraditional character, without which the Easter holiday is incomplete. There are many very unusual and cute souvenirs with this character. You can do all this with your own hands and please your loved ones, relatives, and friends with an unusual and beautiful Easter souvenir!

Traditions of this day

The main attribute of Easter is painted eggs. There are a huge number of variations on the theme Easter egg, and from them you can make a variety of unusual and beautiful souvenirs with your own hands!

Unusual ideas

Want something unusual? No problem! There are ideas on how to create very beautiful and creative souvenirs for Easter with your own hands from the most different materials. You will surely find a suitable master class for yourself and be able to create a miracle!

What is a holiday without original and heartfelt gifts? Do it to your loved ones pleasant surprises, give original souvenirs, and let your holidays always be unforgettable!

The tradition of giving gifts to your loved ones on Easter has existed for many years. Previously, on this occasion, loved ones gave each other colored Easter cakes. Now this tradition also takes place. In addition, gifts made were also held in special esteem. They are imbued with warmth and care. You shouldn’t try to invent a bicycle, because the main thing is not the gift itself, but your attention.

You can, as in childhood, make an applique from colored, velvet or corrugated paper. Such a gift will emanate nostalgia and positivity, and this is worth a lot.

How to surprise your parents with a gift?

Now you yourself have become adults and it is your turn to give gifts. The first condition that must be observed when choosing a present for loved ones is that it should not be a faceless, banal present. If you want to truly please your parents, you won't get away with, for example, a box of chocolates or ordinary cosmetics. The point here is not the price, but the attention.

When choosing a gift, you need to be guided by knowledge about your parents. Their tastes, preferences, preferences will be useful to you. Try to remember what your family showed interest in, their hobbies and simple mentions of something. You can, for example, organize some kind of trip for them. It all depends on your financial situation and flight of fancy.

A trip to the resort will be a great surprise for parents. Just before choosing a place to travel, carefully read the local climate to choose comfortable conditions for parents to live in.

A calendar filled with family photos from different periods of life can be a good gift. If you decide to congratulate each parent separately, do not be lazy to make a preliminary list of all possible ones. From all the heaps of ideas, try to choose the most worthy one. Once you implement it, you will certainly see a feeling of happiness and gratitude in their eyes.

Of course, we should not forget that the design of the gift is the most important thing for the gift itself. Remember how you feverishly, in anticipation of a gift, tore apart holiday wrappers and ribbons in order to finally get to your cherished goal. Don’t forget that you need to put your soul and love into any gift. Therefore, try to be filled with positivity by giving gifts to your loved ones.

Easter is a bright and always welcome holiday. Choosing gifts for relatives and friends on this day is especially joyful. But you can also make a heartfelt gift for your loved ones yourself. Best ideas Easter gifts deserve consideration so that everyone can choose the perfect option for themselves.

We give an Easter basket

A traditional and universal gift for this holiday is Easter gift set in the basket. Both adults and children, and even those who are not used to celebrating the Resurrection of Christ every year will be delighted with this gift. The contents of the beautiful straw basket include colorful colored eggs and a sweet cake. Everything is very festive, aromatic and tasty.

You need to think in advance about how to decorate the shells of gift Easter eggs. You can purchase ready-made stickers, paint eggs in various colors, wrap it in multi-colored foil or put a little more soul into the gift by drawing picturesque patterns and ornaments yourself.

If there are children in your family, they will gladly agree to take part in creating crafts for a gift.

Take advantage of this wonderful chance, let the children play with paints, paper, plasticine: draw funny faces on the eggs, glue wings and beaks to them, depicting cute chickens.

But if luck smiles and you have the desired wicker basket in your hands, let’s start assembling the gift composition:

  1. Place soft designer straws on the bottom.
  2. Place sweet Easter in the center.
  3. We fill the rest of the space with decorated eggs.

DIY Easter basket - video

10 sweet gifts for Easter

Taking into account the fact how many of us love to enjoy chocolate and other masterpieces of confectionery art, let’s consider options for sweet Easter ideas:

Choosing Easter souvenirs

When the candy gifts for Easter are ready, you need to think about something “more serious.” We will talk about durable gifts - souvenirs.

So that you don't get confused with their choice in the run-up Happy Resurrection, we offer ideas for Easter gifts:

We are preparing Easter surprises for everyone

What to give to your beloved grandparents, children, best friends and everyone else? How can you be sure to get your Easter gift right? Let's try to figure it out.

Our dear grandmothers, mothers, girlfriends and young beautiful daughters will certainly be happy jewelry on an Easter theme:

They will also be pleased with colorful jewelry made from polymer clay: bracelets, pendants and earrings with miniature Easter cakes, colorful eggs, sweets and Easter baskets.

Kids who love fashionable things will love this hat with long bunny ears. If there are a lot of children in the house, give each one a mask with the face of a symbolic animal: a rabbit, chicken, lamb, hen or cockerel. A cheerful masquerade will be a real holiday for the children.

It is important to remember that it is not at all necessary to give non-thematic gifts on this bright day. According to tradition, a basket with gifts will be enough, and anything more is at your discretion.

Gift ideas from different countries

The spring holiday of Resurrection reminds us of the awakening of nature, warmth and future rich harvests. Throughout the Christian world, people rejoice and rejoice equally, but in many countries around the world this day is celebrated in a special way. For example, there are unique holiday characters that we will get to know with interest.

To add variety to the celebration, it would be very useful to borrow interesting and unusual traditions other regions of the world, and at the same time become familiar with their culture, expanding your horizons.

We make gifts ourselves

Today, homemade Easter gifts are of particular value. After all, giving something exclusive and from the heart is worth a lot.

Usually, to implement Easter ideas with your own hands, you need PVA glue, colorful paper or cardboard, wooden or foam egg blanks, ribbons, live or artificial flowers, all kinds of twigs. And then your imagination comes into play.

For inspiration, you can use these interesting ideas:

Use ideas for Easter with your children, they will provide invaluable help in preparing a holiday gift with your own hands.

A homemade basket with paper flowers will look very lush and spring-like:

  1. You will need green paper different shades for cutting grass. For flowers - any bright colors: pink, red, yellow.
  2. Around the cardboard blank or oval box we glue the cut out grass in several layers, and on top, on the cardboard handle of the basket we glue the bud molds.
  3. You can even add a brown paper fence. We put the traditional Easter set inside.

The children will help you arrange and Greeting Cards. Compositions made from multi-colored eggs, fluffy willow branches and the invariable phrase: “Christ is Risen” look beautiful on them. The appliques on the postcard also look fun: you can first draw chickens, and then cut them out of colored paper and glue on houses for them - shells; Decorate the frame in an original way - stick rhinestones of different colors.

A familiar, unremarkable egg stand can be made very festive and presentable:

  1. First of all, paint it a different color, for example, a delicate lavender shade.
  2. Then place a white openwork napkin in each cell.
  3. And finally, place the eggs wrapped in golden foil into the box. It’s good if there is still a lid on the stand, then a heartfelt congratulation is written or pasted on it.

Choosing or preparing gifts for Easter is not at all difficult for those who love making joyful surprises for family, friends, neighbors and colleagues. How many exist? great ideas for Easter gifts! So you can unwittingly find yourself among people who love giving more than receiving gifts. But don’t forget about yourself: treat yourself on this spring holiday by preparing a welcome surprise.

DIY decorative Easter egg - video

In our country, the tradition of giving each other gifts has not yet been revived. DIY Easter gifts, but when going on a visit, we always take with us Easter eggs, Easter cake and sweets on the table. Today we will offer you some interesting ideas in the form of gift Easter eggs.

By the way, in pre-revolutionary Russia, Easter, like Christmas, was celebrated on a grand scale: the table was set, guests were invited, and everyone always gave each other gifts. For example, Emperor Alexander III ordered the first surprise egg from the famous jeweler Faberge for his wife just on the occasion of Easter; it was his imperial gift. From this moment began the legendary history of Faberge eggs, which became one of the symbols of luxury of the Russian imperial court. The tradition continued after Alexander's death - his son Nicholas II annually ordered two gifts from Faberge for his widowed mother and beloved wife. Of course, the craft options we offer cannot be called a luxury item, but with the help of such a souvenir you can show attention to to a loved one and lay the foundation for a new family tradition- give each other gifts for Easter.

DIY Easter gifts quickly

If you want to give it to your friends DIY Easter gift, photo A master class on decoupage of a wooden blank will definitely come in handy. A souvenir egg is a symbolic, inexpensive gift, but at the same time it will help you congratulate you on this bright holiday even without words. By using flower napkin you can give an exclusive look to an egg-shaped piece of wood. Such a gift will become part family history, a tribute to the reviving tradition of giving each other symbolic gifts for the holiday.

You can buy a wooden blank in a store that sells a variety of materials for creativity, including in such a store you can find napkins that are sold individually. You can choose any pattern you are interested in, which means that all decorated eggs will be original and unique. We will also need Additional materials for decoration: acrylic primer and paints, special glue for decoupage, or regular PVA glue is suitable for making crafts. To complete creative process - clear nail polish acrylic. During the work process, a brush, scissors and a foam sponge will come in handy.

First of all, the wooden base must be coated with acrylic primer; we will apply it with a piece of kitchen sponge, which is usually used for washing dishes. You need to wait until the primer layer dries before you can apply acrylic paint. The paint color should be chosen neutral so that the future drawing is not lost on general background. The paint can be applied with a brush or sponge, so when using a sponge the coating is more uniform. If you are short on time, you can use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process.

To decorate the eggs we will use floral motif, it must be carefully cut out or torn out of the napkin, and then the two lower white layers must be separated. Only upper layer, on which the drawing is applied, we will use for decoupage.

Apply to the base with a brush thin layer glue, then put a napkin motif on top and smooth it out so that there are no wrinkles left, but you can also do it in the reverse order - first attach the motif to the base and cover it with glue on top. Thus, you need to glue the remaining napkin elements. Then leave the egg motionless so that the glue dries and finished work cover with a layer of varnish.

DIY Easter gift ideas

Choosing DIY Easter gift ideas, you can abandon traditional Easter baskets, decorated wooden eggs or knitted chickens, but choose simple and original version present for friends and family. You will see that the cost of such crafts is minimal, and as a result you can make bright souvenirs yourself and show your attention to your work colleagues and girlfriends.

When you return from a trip, you always bring magnetic souvenirs to your friends, and this is exactly the kind of gift you can prepare for Easter. And the creation process begins with necessary basis, because it is unlikely that in art stores you will find a suitable egg-shaped shape, flat on one side (in other words, our base will be half an egg).

We will also make the base with our own hands using plaster, and as molds we will use the halves of the Kinder box, which are shown in the photo. Both in shape and size, such molds will become ideal solution to create an egg-shaped shape, and so that the molds stand level during the hardening of the plaster, you can make a base for them from cardboard box, on which the slots should be made.

Now you need to place the molds firmly on a cardboard stand and spread the plaster. The mixture consistency we need can be obtained by mixing one and a half kilograms of dry gypsum with one liter of water. The resulting mass must be thoroughly mixed and poured into molds.

However, you cannot wait until the plaster is completely dry, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to get it out, it is better to take it out ready-made base at the moment when the gypsum mixture dries a little: it becomes quite hard, but not dry. It is enough to turn the molds over and the blanks will fall out on their own; they must be laid out on a newspaper, flat side down, and left in this position until completely dry. You may need to trim the flat surface a bit with a knife after it dries.

DIY Easter gifts: MK

Next we will move on to the main part of execution DIY Easter gifts, MK Decoupage technique will be useful to us. Since we're talking about decoupage, it's time to go to the store to choose napkins with a suitable pattern. For this, you can choose any floral print, and use the outline to apply the inscription “XB”, as on other Easter crafts. When you choose a suitable design, the napkin must be divided into layers; only the top layer is always used for decoupage. There is another option - suitable pictures can be printed on a printer, but must be used very thin paper.

Before gluing the napkins, the plaster blank must be painted; for this you can use acrylic paints or special paints for ceramics. When the paint layer has dried, apply a thin layer of PVA on top and cover with a napkin. It must be carefully smoothed out so that there are no wrinkles, and covered with another layer of PVA on top.

When the glue has dried, you can make an inscription or additionally draw the contours of the design with glitter, and cover it with a layer of varnish on top so that the design is not damaged by external influences.

Since we are making a magnet souvenir that can be attached to the refrigerator, we need to glue the magnet on the flat side. Use silicone glue to ensure the magnet is securely attached.

All that's left to do is come up with an idea beautiful packaging for our magnet, we can make a nest from sisal, in the center of which we will place a decorative egg. The nest should be wrapped in transparent wrapping paper.

DIY Easter gifts for children

Salty dough often used for children's creativity, and we will perform original DIY Easter gifts for children. You can make egg-shaped molds from the dough, bake them in the oven and paint them with paints. In addition, even with raw dough you can create interesting patterns and textures.

We will prepare our own salt dough for children simple recipe: you need to mix two glasses of flour with one glass of “Extra” salt, pour a partial glass of water, about 170 ml, into the dry mixture. Stir the mixture thoroughly and you can start creating. Sometimes wallpaper glue is also added to the dough to make it more durable.

For example, in Germany it is customary to decorate trees not only for Christmas, but also for Easter, so in the park you can find a tree on which hundreds of bright Easter eggs will hang. We can also decorate a tree with our crafts, or better yet, present them as souvenirs to your loved ones with whom you are going to spend this holiday. Holy holiday.

In addition to the ready-made salt dough, we will need a rolling pin and a knife to make a hole for the rope, you can use a straw. For baking we need a baking sheet and parchment paper. And at the final stage of decoration - acrylic paints and a brush.

The finished dough should be rolled out on a board to a thickness of half a centimeter, or more. Then you need to cut out the molds, and so that all the eggs turn out the same, you can first prepare a cardboard blank. It must be attached to the dough and traced along the contour with a knife. Of course, working with a knife will fall on the shoulders of adults, and children will engage in real creativity - they will really enjoy working with paints.

The figures should be placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and put it in the oven, already preheated to 120 degrees. The figures should be baked for two hours, so prepare a large batch at once.

When the baked figures have cooled, you can decorate them. At the end, all that remains is to thread the rope through the hole and the Easter souvenir is ready.

DIY Easter gifts made from sweets

In many countries, houses are decorated with fresh flowers for Easter, but this spring holiday, symbolizing the victory of life, therefore the presence of flowers in the decor and on Easter table justified. Can you make a bouquet that will replace DIY Easter gifts made from candy.

It is also impossible to imagine Easter celebrations in Western countries without sweets. Children are given chocolate eggs, and housewives in their kitchens bake crispy cookies covered with sweet icing. That's why candy bouquet will come in handy for the occasion Christ's Resurrection, and you can attach congratulations to it.

Candy DIY Easter gifts quickly can be made using crepe paper for the petals, and there will be a candy center in the center. In addition, paper is used to decorate Easter eggs, and this craft will interest children.

You can decorate the egg-shaped blank (you can use a plastic base from a chocolate surprise) using stripes using the quilling technique. The surface of the workpiece is covered with twisted spirals, fixing them with glue, and the finished egg can be used to decorate the holiday table.

Easter is one of the most important Christian holidays, which symbolizes the rebirth of new life. On this bright holiday, it is customary to give each other small gifts or souvenirs.

The difference between Easter gifts and ordinary ones is that they are filled with a special sacred meaning. Each such gift corresponds to the religious theme of this bright holiday and carries traditional symbolism.

Handmade crafts, souvenirs and household items are of particular value. Such gifts are marked Easter symbols, the purpose of which is to bring peace, love, and prosperity into the home.

The most traditional and popular Easter gifts are:

The vast majority of the listed Easter gift options can be made with your own hands from materials that are always on hand.

Traditional Easter symbols

The main requirement for Easter gifts is that they must bear traditional Easter symbols.

The main symbols for Easter will be the following:

Gift Easter eggs

Pysanka is difficult Easter painting which is performed with hot wax on an egg. For Christianity, pysanka is a symbol of the infinity of existence and new life.

Creating Easter eggs is a very complex and time-consuming process. It is quite difficult to carry out such painting without certain preparation, necessary skills and knowledge. Gift eggs for Easter with traditional painting can be ordered from professional master or buy ready-made ones in the store.

You can beautifully present a painted Easter egg on a special wooden stand.

Most traditional gift for Easter there is Easter cake. In order to give it a more presentable look, you can decorate it with snow-white fondant, and traditional symbols make using confectionery sprinkles or food coloring.

Give Easter cake possible on a special stand. You can complement such a gift with beautiful Easter eggs, which you can make yourself or buy in a store.
It is better to consecrate such a gift in a church, after which it acquires sacred meaning.

Easter gifts for children

It will look very unusual. Children especially like this gift.

And you can do it like this:

  1. We take a small straw basket without a handle, decorate it with ribbons and corrugated paper.
  2. We put sweets in bright wrappers in the basket.
  3. We decorate the top with fresh flowers or linen napkins with traditional symbols.

A beautiful Easter gift for children is ready!

Easter bunny. You can put Easter eggs in the toy's paws.

At Easter, children usually receive gifts in the form of baskets filled with Easter eggs and sweets.

Instead of Easter eggs, you can put eggs made from milk chocolate and painted with fondant in different colors.

You can give a child book with stories on religious themes.

This gift is given to a child who likes to read and is interested in religious issues.

Could be an interesting gift for a child easter tree, which is decorated with various attributes of such a bright holiday, made from marmalade or chocolate.

Such a gift will cause a storm of emotions in a child!

The tree can also be decorated Easter chicks, bunnies or pysanka eggs, etc.

Easter chick can be made from

Such a gift can be given to a romantic and tender girl.

An additional bonus could be a small Easter cake, Easter egg and various sweets.

You can make candy for Easter gorgeous gift as bouquet of sweets.

To make a bouquet you need a beautiful corrugated paper, ribbon, lollipops and candies.

We make something like an envelope out of paper, and put it inside sweet gift. We secure the paper with ribbon and attach a beautiful bow.

This gift can be decorated with real flowers.

Children's gifts for Easter can be various animal figures.

Such figurines can be made of clay, wood, cardboard, crystal, fabric, metal and other materials.

It can be:

Often given along with animal figurines for Easter horseshoes, which bring good luck and happiness, or bells - a symbol of renewal and the awakening of new life.

A popular Easter gift is easter gift set.

This set can be assembled on our own. Ready-made gifts for Easter can also be purchased at online stores or souvenir shops.

An Easter set may consist of the following attributes:

Such sets are packaged in gift box or in a beautiful wicker basket. It is not forbidden to complement such an Easter gift with a bouquet of spring flowers.

Easter gifts for parents

Everyone knows that children's imagination is very well developed, and it will not be difficult for them to come up with a gift for their parents for Easter.

But the whole point is that Easter is special holiday, and ordinary gifts are inappropriate here.

You can choose as a gift for your parents something from the list below:

  • the most the best gift for Easter parents will Easter eggs that the child will paint with his own hands.

Such a painting can be done as in boiled eggs, and on dummies. You can use synthetic or natural paints;

It must be made in the spirit of the traditions of this holiday, i.e. decorate the card with traditional Easter symbols. The simplest thing is to make an applique in the shape of an Easter egg;

A shell pot can be decorated with painting.

And the ground in which the flower in the shell is planted can be decorated with moss.

like this unusual composition can be placed in a stand or basket;

DIY Easter gifts

The most valuable gifts for any holiday are those made with your own hands. Easter is no exception in this regard.

A gift made with your own hands carries a piece of the master’s soul and good intentions. And also the process of making gifts with your own hands gives you the opportunity to bring your ideas to life and show your creativity.

DIY Easter gift ideas:

Such figures can also be made using the felting technique. You can also sew gifts for Easter.

It could be decorative pillow, pincushion, teapot warmer, mat, etc. But these should be gifts decorated with Easter symbols;

Such a gift will decorate any interior. With the help of a wreath, the front door is decorated on a bright holiday.

We offer you a master class on how to create such a beautiful gift for Easter.

In order to make a wreath you will need: flax, wire, bast, needle, glue, paints, eggs.


  1. Carefully make a puncture in raw eggs and remove the contents, wash the inside of the egg with a syringe and dry it.
  2. Then we color the eggs acrylic paints or gouache.
  3. We make a circle out of wire.
  4. Then we wrap it with bast and flax. If there are none, you can use threads, strips of paper or fabric.
  5. Glue the eggs onto the resulting wreath.

Your Easter gift is ready!

You can take it as decoration beautiful ribbons, Easter eggs or animal figurines;

Whatever gift you choose, give gifts with bright thoughts and good intentions!

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