The baby in the mother’s belly feels, sees, hears! An active child in the womb: what is considered normal

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The birth of a new life is the most beautiful secret of nature. What could be more mysterious than the development of a child in the womb? The formation of a little person from a fertilized egg takes quite a long time difficult path. Expectant mothers will be very interested to know how the child’s intrauterine development occurs week by week.

Initial development of pregnancy

Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks or 10 obstetric months. The term “obstetric month” implies 28 calendar days. But the beginning of pregnancy itself is considered the first day of the menstrual cycle. Thus, according to medical calculations, pregnancy lasts not 40, but 38 weeks.

So, fertilization occurred: the sperm penetrated the egg and formed a single cell with two nuclei. These nuclei, moving towards each other, form a zygote. A zygote is a one-celled embryo. This fact is the beginning of the development of a new life.

The zygote lives for 30 hours, after which its first division occurs. In subsequent days, cell division is repeated. On the fourth day of life, the embryo consists of 8-12 cells. By this time, this small lump reaches the uterine cavity, where the process of cell division intensively increases.

By the seventh day, the embryo already consists of hundreds of cells. On the eighth day, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, where its walls have acquired a loose and thickened structure. The implantation process takes about 40 hours.

On the 14th day of the embryo's life, its back part thickens, preparing for the formation of the main organs.

Already in the second week after fertilization, pregnancy can be determined using tests. Already on the 3rd day of its life, a small embryo begins to produce a hormone - gonadoprin. All pregnancy tests are sensitive to this hormone.

At the end of the 4th week, a woman notices the absence of menstruation. The first symptoms of pregnancy will appear: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness.

During this period, the embryo is already called an embryo, the size of which is about 1 mm.

The development of a child in the womb can be divided into three main periods:

  • Blastogenesis - the first 15 days.
  • Organogenesis is the development of the embryo from 15 days to 10 weeks of pregnancy.
  • The fetal period is the development of the fetus in the womb.

If we divide the entire pregnancy into 3 equal periods, we get the following time periods: first, second and third trimesters. Each trimester lasts 3 months.

If a woman is not yet aware of her “interesting situation” and continues to lead an inappropriate lifestyle, then the embryo will most likely die at the blastogenesis stage. If the mother's destructive lifestyle does not change during the first 12 weeks, there is a high probability of miscarriage.

Embryonic development of a child in the womb

Embryo development - key moment pregnancy, since during this period all vital organs are formed, which will affect the baby’s health in the future.

Mommy should never be nervous: only peace and positive emotions!

By the end of week 5, the embryo consists of three cell layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. Ectoderm is the basis of the nervous system, hair and skin. Endoderm will develop in the future in gastrointestinal tract. The mesoderm will turn into skeletal and muscle tissue, and will also form the basis of the circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems.

At week 5, a kind of heart tube is formed. It can be considered that with at this moment the embryo's heart begins to beat.

A groove is formed on the back of the embryo, which is the basis of the spinal cord and the entire nervous system. It is very important during this period for the expectant mother to take enough folic acid. This substance promotes the full formation of the nervous system of the unborn child.

At week 6, the embryo takes on a C-shape. During this period, the formation of the primary intestine, skeletal cartilage, liver, kidneys, thyroid gland. The small embryo reaches 4 mm.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, women experience toxicosis. This period is characterized by intensive development of the brain. The mouth and eye sockets begin to form. The respiratory system actively develops, the heart begins to divide into chambers and arteries, and the spleen and gall bladder are formed.

At week 8, ultrasound can record the first movements of the embryo.

At week 9, the fingers on the upper and lower extremities are visible, although they are still webbed. This period is characterized by the fact that the placenta begins to supply the embryo with nutrients and collect waste products. The embryo already has taste sensations.

At week 10, the membranes between the toes disappear and the tail disappears. The gender of the child is still difficult to determine at this age, but boys are already beginning to produce testosterone.

By the 11th week, the embryo weighs 5 g and measures 3 cm. This is the final stage of embryonic development; the embryo will subsequently be called a fetus.

Intrauterine development of a child by week in the second trimester of pregnancy

At 12 weeks, almost all organs of the fetus have formed and the child begins to actively move inside the uterus.

This is the beginning of the third period of fetal development. At this time, as a rule, an ultrasound is performed, which determines the quality of the child’s development and genetic abnormalities.

If intrauterine abnormalities are detected in the fetus, the woman is recommended to undergo additional tests. But final conclusions about chromosomal abnormalities can be made at 20 weeks with a control ultrasound. Upon confirmation serious pathologies Doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy.

It is also worth noting that what older parents, the higher the risk of developing pathologies in a child. However, in this case, the opposite may be true: the percentage of talented children born is higher among older parents.

At week 13, the external genitalia differentiate. However, they can be distinguished already at 14-15 weeks using ultrasound. At this stage, the formation of the intestines occurs. The baby receives nutrition through the umbilical cord.

From the 14th week, the baby’s skeleton begins to form, which was previously represented by cartilage. The length of the arms corresponds to the proportions of the body, and the legs are formed with some delay. The baby can yawn and suck his thumb. He perceives the vibrations of sounds, distinguishes well the timbre of his mother’s voice and music.

That is why it is important for expectant mothers to listen to beautiful classical music, thus instilling in the baby good taste.

At week 15, the blood vessels of the fetus become noticeable, visible through the thin skin. The skeleton and bone marrow continue to form.

At 16 weeks, a routine ultrasound is performed, where you can notice the movement of the baby’s eyes. The legs have become proportional to the length of the body and small marigolds begin to grow.

At 17-18 weeks, the small body is covered with primary fluff - lanugo. This is a natural lubricant that protects the skin from aquatic environment. During this period, fingerprints are laid, which are genetically predetermined.

The baby weighs 200 g and is 14 cm tall.

At 19-20 weeks, fetal growth begins to slow down somewhat. At this stage, subcutaneous fat is deposited, which keeps the small body warm. The respiratory system is improving more and more, but it is not yet able to function independently.

Mid-pregnancy: intensive fetal development

Starting from the 20th week, the baby's teeth begin to form. The baby's hairs on his head grow more actively, but their pigment is formed a little later.

From 22 weeks, mothers begin to feel the baby pushing. His weight at this stage is 450 g, and his height is 19-20 cm.

From 23 weeks the baby begins to gain weight. The child begins to see, he even dreams. The brain is actively developing.

The muscular system and internal organs continue to actively improve. The respiratory system is becoming increasingly developed. The first feces - meconium - accumulate in the baby's intestines.

The baby's skin is red and wrinkled. The child actively reacts to the position of the mother’s body and to external sounds. Taste buds have already formed on the tongue, thanks to which the child develops food preferences. It is important for mothers to understand this and try to avoid spicy and bitter foods, since the little one prefers sweets.

The beginning of the third and final trimester is week 27. By this time, all the organs of the fetus have already formed, and in the future they will be improved, as well as the development of the brain.

At week 29 it is formed the immune system baby. The heart rate reaches 120-130 beats per minute. The baby may hiccup, as evidenced by slight tremors to the mother.

A child born on this period, can survive with some care. His height is 37 cm and weight is 1150 g.

Prenatal development of the child in the last stages of pregnancy

Women who are preparing to become mothers healthy baby, of course, it would be superfluous to talk about in the right way life. Alcohol, cigarettes, lack of routine, sleep and rest have a very detrimental effect on the health of the unborn child.

At 30-32 weeks, the baby’s subcutaneous fat layer becomes thicker. Some babies are already turning head down at this stage.

Convolutions appear on the surface of the small brain. The pupils can already detect bright light. When performing an ultrasound at this stage, you can notice how the baby closes its eyes from bright light. For this reason it is important to avoid ultraviolet rays and give up a beach holiday.

From 33 weeks little man It’s already getting crowded in my mother’s tummy. At this stage, the fetus turns head down, preparing for birth.

If at this stage there are premature birth, then the baby has every chance to survive. However, he will be considered premature and will require special care in the hospital.

The baby's skin becomes pink and not so wrinkled, thanks to subcutaneous fat. It is 8% of total mass bodies.

Thanks to the appearance of marigolds, the baby can scratch himself. Some newborns are born scratched.

C 37 the week goes by active improvement of the respiratory system. Babies born during this period can already scream. The vellus hair on the body thins, and on the head it grows rapidly. The child gains 30 grams of fat every day.

By this time, the stomach drops, and it becomes easier for mom to breathe. This usually happens two weeks before birth.

By this time the baby is ready to see the light. He is very cramped inside his mother: his knees are pressed tightly to his chin.

At week 39, the body becomes clean: the fluff remains only on the shoulders. The baby's intestinal system is filled with meconium and amniotic fluid.

Ends at 40 weeks prenatal development, and is born new person! Photos of newborns become almost the most important photo in the house. After all, what could be more exciting and beautiful than the birth of a small miracle!

The belly of a pregnant woman grows by leaps and bounds, and at the same time, significant changes occur in the fetus. It not only increases in size, but also takes great steps in its development until the day of birth. How does a baby develop in the womb week by week?

2 week

The child begins to develop not when the mother’s belly begins to grow, but as soon as the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus and the embryo begins to form. However, in medicine the first two weeks are not yet called pregnancy, because the question arises about the maturation of the follicle. If this happens, ovulation occurs and fertilization is considered successful. Thus, the moment of the appearance of the fetus in the obstetric sense is equal to two weeks of the “life” of the embryo.

In the 2nd week, the woman does not notice any symptoms, the test does not show pregnancy, the only sign by which one can notice " interesting situation" - absence of menstruation. In some cases, they are replaced by scanty pink discharge.

3 week

So, ovulation was successful, the egg merged with the sperm in fallopian tubes and, by and large, the appearance of the unborn child has already been determined. The zygote receives part of the chromosomes from the mother, and part from the father; accordingly, the child adopts an equal number of characteristics from each parent. The fertilized egg begins to divide, moving into the uterus, and by the time the embryo attaches to its wall, it will number about a hundred cells.

This process most often begins on the 14th day of pregnancy and lasts 5 days. The mother's discharge increases, but if it is too intense Brown color or bad smell, is a reason to visit a doctor.

4 week

The embryo is about 1.5 mm in size.

If a woman who is already pregnant does not menstruate, she can make an assumption that she is pregnant. Appear characteristic symptoms: weakness, drowsiness, sensitivity and swelling of the breasts, emotional instability. Begins to synthesize hCG hormone, the test shows positive result. The woman's appetite increases greatly and an acute reaction to odors occurs.

5 week

The embryo increases to 2 mm.

It is determined on which side of the embryo the head is formed, and on which side the lower limbs are formed. An axis appears relative to which paired organs and body parts will be formed. At the 5th week, signs of toxicosis appear.

week 6

The embryo is 3 mm in size at the beginning of the week and reaches 6-7 mm by the end.

The rudiments of the limbs appear, and the cerebral hemispheres are formed. The heart is divided into sections and begins to pulsate.

The placenta begins to form and its connection with the fetus is formed thanks to the vessels. Signs of toxicosis in a woman intensify.

week 7

The embryo grows to 8-11 mm.

The outlines of parts of the face appear, and the brain grows at a high speed. Interdigital spaces begin to form on the hands. The umbilical cord is formed, creating a strong relationship between the fetus and the mother: breathing and nutrition are carried out through the mother’s blood.

Ultrasound shows an enlarged uterus. Mom notices an increased urge to urinate.

8 week

Fruit size is 15-40 mm, weight is 5 g.

Facial features become even more distinct, eyelids form. Ossification of the skull and limbs begins. The structures of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys and Bladder. The fetus makes the first movements that cannot be noticed by the mother.

Week 9

The embryo reaches the size of a grape - 35-45 mm, weight - 10 g.

The reproductive system begins to form, and the adrenal glands are already synthesizing a number of hormones. The brain continues to develop and the cerebellum is formed. Actively developing digestive system, the liver starts working. Fingers stand out.

A woman can register at this time. Signs of toxicosis persist.

10 week

At this time they speak of the end of the first critical period. The membranes between the fingers disappear, the kidneys begin to function, and a diaphragm is formed.

Toxicosis goes away, but changes in the figure appear, although those around you cannot yet detect pregnancy “by eye”.

11 week

During this period, examination of the child begins through ultrasound screening.

The proportions of the body change, the rudiments of teeth and nails appear. Symptoms that worry a woman: flatulence, heartburn, constipation.

12 week

The length of the fruit is approximately 9 cm, weight - 20 g.

The child begins to move his arms and legs, hands and fingers. Leukocytes - white blood cells - are formed.

Week 13

By the beginning of the second trimester, the baby is already 7-10 cm in size and weighs 20-30 g.

The main organ systems are laid down. Parts of the face take their final position and are fixed. The first hairs peck, and the number of baby teeth is 20.

The head still has big sizes, but the body begins to actively grow. The child can reach his face with his hands and even put a finger in his mouth. A pregnant woman's belly becomes more rounded.

Week 14

The child’s height is about 13 cm, weight is 45 g.

The genital organs are formed: the prostate in boys and the ovaries in girls. The palate finishes forming and the reflex sucking function is activated. The pancreas and pituitary gland begin their work. Insulin is synthesized.

Week 15

The baby reaches a weight of 70 g. In size it can be compared to a large apple.

Primary hairline is formed throughout the body. Thanks to them, the heat is maintained. The child can control his facial expression—facial expressions are actively manifested, although so far they are in no way interconnected with the child’s emotions. The baby is actively moving, but the mother cannot feel it yet. A unique pattern appears on the fingertips.

Pigment spots may appear on the stomach of a pregnant woman.

Week 16

The skeleton is strengthened, the umbilical cord vessels are formed - a vein and two arteries. Around them there is a gelatinous substance that performs a protective function. Girls produce eggs.

Week 17

The child’s body length is up to 13 cm, weight is about 150 g.

The body becomes relatively proportional, the arms and legs lengthen. Subcutaneous fat is deposited and sweat glands develop. The placenta actively supports the baby’s vital functions, supplies it with necessary substances and removes metabolic products. The blood contains immunoglobulin and interferon - protective substances. Branching of blood vessels occurs.

A sign that a woman may notice is tachycardia.

Week 18

The baby's size is comparable to bell pepper, weight - up to 250 g.

At this stage, the child begins to hear. He distinguishes the voices of his parents and may be frightened by a sharp sound. The endocrine system experiences the greatest changes.

For the first time, mom may feel movement in her tummy.

Week 19

Height - about 25 cm, weight - up to 300 g.

The baby's body is covered with a special lubricant that helps regulate body temperature. Molars are formed, the body becomes more symmetrical and proportional.

Mom can feel nagging pain lower abdomen.

Week 20


The baby actively bends and extends his arms and legs, working sebaceous glands. Using medical equipment, you can listen to your heartbeat.

The mother experiences shortness of breath and frequent urination.

21 weeks

The child grows up to 25 cm and weighs about 400 g.

The stomach adapts to digesting the “food” that comes from the placenta. Taste buds are formed, the composition of the blood becomes more diverse.

Week 22

The baby weighs about half a kilogram.

The brain greatly increases in size. Skin cease to be transparent. Nerve endings mature, allowing the child to distinguish between touches.

Week 23

Brain cells actively develop and begin to regulate the functioning of the body. A special substance is formed in the lungs that allows the baby to “breathe.” By this time, he can already breathe at a rate of 50-60 respiratory movements per minute.

Mom experiences a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the lower back and joints.

Week 24

The child already reaches 33 cm in length and weighs 600 g.

The formation of the inner ear, including the vestibular apparatus, is completed. The child distinguishes between up and down.

The expectant mother's weight increases rapidly and swelling may appear.

Week 25

The baby's height is about 32 cm, weight - up to 750 g.

The baby's first stool is formed in the large intestine. Bones and joints are strengthened. It is determined whether the child will be right-handed or left-handed.

The mother's health noticeably worsens due to possible iron deficiency. At this time, it is advisable to consult a doctor and undergo certain tests.

Week 26

The baby’s body length is 34 cm, weight is 900 g.

The lungs are actively developing, a substance is being formed that protects them from sticking together. The child “observes” the sleep and wakefulness regime. The mother feels when the baby is quiet and when he is actively moving.

Week 27

The child reaches his first kilogram, his height remains the same.

Hormones are actively synthesized in children's body. The baby begins to decide on the most comfortable posture. Mom may feel movements in her stomach that resemble hiccups, although silent.

The mother’s legs give the greatest reaction: tingling, goosebumps, and sometimes cramps.

Week 28

The child already knows how to open and close his eyes. The preliminary eye color was determined - the iris was partially colored. The membrane of the pupils is eliminated, sensitivity to light increases.

Week 29

The child grows up to 37 cm, and also “gets better” up to 1300 g.

All organs and systems are developing, the baby is able to express his “likes” and “dislikes” by reacting to food, light and sound. The kidneys are able to excrete urine.

Week 30

The child begins to grow more and more actively, due to which his mobility decreases. The skin becomes thicker and paler, acquiring its usual pinkish tint, wrinkles are smoothed out, and nerve fibers are formed.

31 weeks

The already large baby is in the fetal position. Continues to form reproductive system, in girls the clitoris develops, in boys the testicles begin to move into the scrotum. The liver copes with its direct function - cleanses the bloodstream of toxins.

32 week

Almost all organs are fully formed. The exception is the lungs. At this stage, most children are born healthy and adapted to life.

Week 33

The child’s activity decreases even more, because his weight is already about 2 kg. He feels cramped in his mother's tummy. The cardiovascular system is improved, vascular tone improves, and the cheeks are rounded. The alveoli in the lungs are almost completely formed.

Many children adapt to their mother's routine and mood.

34 week

The original lubricant changes its consistency and thickens. A large amount of it accumulates in the armpits and behind the ears. The hair on the head becomes silky and filled with pigment.

The mother's muscles are preparing for possible childbirth, so false contractions may occur. At this time, it is advisable to decide on the method of birth of the baby - the likelihood and need for a cesarean section is discussed.

Week 35

Most babies get into the correct position. The child’s height is about 48 cm. The immune system is improved, mineral and water-salt balance is achieved. All efforts are aimed at thickening the fat layer and strengthening muscles. The shoulders stand out clearly.

Week 36

The child’s body is already formed, so it undergoes all the changes that can help it overcome the birth canal easier and faster. The sucking muscles are activated and the fat layer increases. The liver intensively accumulates iron.

Week 37

Finger movements become clearer - a grasping reflex develops, and primary hair disappears. The muscles become toned, the child turns and raises his head, and the intestines contract. The mucous membranes of the internal organs are covered with villi. The hormone cortisone “reforms” the lungs.

Week 38

The baby's skin turns pale pink. All organs are finally formed, the baby is ready to be born. He is capable of making several dozen reflex movements. The boy's testicles should descend into the scrotum.

Week 39

The genital organs are finally formed. Strong nails protrude beyond the edges of the fingers. Cartilage is strengthened. For many women, their water may break and contractions may begin.

In the womb, the child is not at all idle - he continuously grows and develops in order to be born healthy and strong. Every week the baby delights with a new achievement, which, however, is not immediately noticeable to either the mother or the doctors. From the middle of the third trimester, the baby acutely senses the mood, experiences and emotions of the mother, so it is very important not to be nervous, to pamper and delight yourself and prepare for the future parental role.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

How wonderful the pregnancy period is for the expectant mother: the anticipation and anticipation of meeting her dearest person. Pregnant women think about what their baby is like: facial features, gender, whether he looks like mom or dad, but they don’t always think about the fact that the child can feel and experience something while in the mother’s womb. A variety of sensations opens up for babies quite early. There are many in various ways to explore these points.

Emotional connection between child and mother

Experts, studying the world of babies, came to amazing discoveries that gave impetus to the knowledge of perinatal psychology, as a science about the mental and pedagogical development of children in utero.Scientists' research shows how the baby reacts to the mother's emotions and mood, as well as the environment around her.

The child copies the activities and behavior of the mother. If the woman sleeps, the child also falls asleep and calms down. If future mom is engaged in active actions, then the baby makes itself felt with energetic movements. The baby especially feels the emotions and state of its parent. Negative experiences, thoughts, joyful moments - the baby projects all this onto himself. The exchange of worldviews is explained by the fact that hormones are generated that are formed in the body during a woman’s emotions and the flow of these hormones is transmitted to the baby through the umbilical cord. Therefore, the child feels everything the same as his mother.

Does the baby feel touch and pain in the mother’s stomach?

The baby's nervous system develops very early. By the 7th week, the baby has developed skin sensitivity and a reaction to irritants, that is, he is able to feel pain. Touching a child's body provokes him to respond.From 15 weeks, a baby can feel touching his mother’s belly. A little time will pass and he will learn to respond to such a gesture with pushes.

Does the baby taste food in the mother's belly?

The baby has a developed sense of touch. If the mother eats sweetish foods, then amniotic fluid are saturated with the sweet taste and the child likes it - he happily swallows the water, which is tasty for him. And vice versa, when the mother eats spicy, salty food, the baby grimaces from the unpleasant taste.

Can the baby see in the womb?

The reaction to light appears in children by 6 - 7 months. The child does not like it when this irritating factor is directed at him - he instinctively turns away and tries to run away.

How does a baby in the stomach react to mom's smoking?

The baby reacts sharply to his mother’s idea of ​​smoking. This causes his heart to beat rapidly, causing anxiety: when a woman smokes, her blood vessels narrow, through which the child stops receiving sufficient oxygen.

Does a child hear in the womb: voice and music

It is very interesting that by 5 - 6 months the child hears sounds and reacts to them. Thanks to this discovery, perinatal psychologists conduct trainings with expectant mothers about the importance of raising unborn children. There are experiments on the effect of sounds on babies. For example, with increased volume, the baby’s heart begins to beat faster.

The most amazing thing is that the baby can remember sounds and after birth respond to them in the same way as in utero. For example, if calm music or a mother’s own lullaby puts an unborn baby to sleep, then after birth the impact of these factors may be the same. Accordingly, the baby remembers the voices of his relatives who surround his mother all the time. If dad, brother or sister communicate with the “tummy,” then the baby can remember the voice and phrases. After birth, he recognizes them when he hears them.

How to communicate with a baby in the womb

Your love for your baby began with good news about pregnancy and it was growing with every second. Likewise, it grows stronger emotional connection between you. From 24 weeks, the baby begins to consciously respond to external stimuli, and you can feel the baby’s kicks. It is at this time that priceless memories appear and mutual communication between you begins.

There are many ways to communicate with your baby before birth. The simplest ones are to talk to the child: say tender words, call him by name so that the little one gets used to the voices of loved ones. It’s worth talking about what feelings of love this little bundle of happiness evokes and how you look forward to its birth. However, it is not at all necessary for mom to speak out loud - the baby will definitely hear her emotional message. Dad can communicate with the baby by placing his hand on mom’s belly, wait for the baby to move and at that moment say something kind and affectionate to him.

You can turn on music that the expectant mother likes. Songs sung by my mother have a very beneficial effect, no matter what her vocal abilities are. Give your child a calm session classical music. Mommy should lie down - relax and enjoy listening to calm classics.

Babies remember the melodies that they heard during their life in the womb. If you listen to the same music after birth, you will notice how your baby reacts to it. Most likely the baby will begin to smile and calm down.

What does a baby experience during childbirth?

Modern scientists are increasingly exploring the relationship between mother and child. How does the baby feel during childbirth? Experts studying this area have conducted many experiments: they put people into a state of deep hypnosis so that they could look into the past on an unconscious level. In this way, a person remembered how he was born. Then these facts were compared with the mother’s stories - the matches turned out to be one hundred percent. Perinatal psychologists claim that all memories, including those of childbirth, remain in our memory.

So what are these people saying? When a child passes through the birth canal, he feels suffering, fear and horror. This is a huge experience for the entire human life. This is explained by the fact that our life is filled with difficult obstacles, we experience pain and sorrow, and experience troubles. Thus, our experience of passing through the birth canal is transferred to the complex adult life. When a child is born, he experiences enormous shocks:

  • bright light
  • temperature difference
  • touching the skin
  • change in smells
  • transformation of sounds

But the most terrible and unpleasant thing that people talked about from the experiment was the horror of the first breath. When a person takes his first breath, the lungs open - this is a very painful process. The subjects felt themselves at this time between life and death. Imagine how a child feels when he is born!

What does a baby feel and perceive in the first hours after birth?

And then the child was born. The midwife wipes it with a diaper, shows it to the mother and places the baby on his stomach. Perinatal psychologists advise at this time that no matter how difficult and complex the birth may be, no matter how tired you are, you should definitely meet your newborn baby with joy, because he has gone through such a difficult path and overcome so much. The first meeting of a child with his mother is very important and significant.

When the baby is born, look carefully into his eyes. Previously, it was believed that at birth the baby does not see anything or sees only in black and white. But in fact, the child sees very well at a distance of 30 centimeters. Immediately after birth, he will carefully examine you. The first thing the baby will do is look for your eyes. The child does not hold his head well, but will still lift it with effort, the eyes may be swollen, swollen, one eye may be completely closed, but the child will try in every way to look for your eyes.

After your contact, the baby lowers his head, hugs your stomach with his small fingers and clasps his legs, as if he does not want to be taken away from his mother. The baby listens with pleasure to his mother’s voice, the monotonous sounds calm him down, and the sensations of warmth that surround the child in his mother’s arms provide protection and peace.

After birth, try to carry your babies in your arms as much as possible and do not listen to those who say that this is harmful and helps the child get used to holding hands. In fact, the warmth of the mother's body is the most important communication and feeling of security for children.

The bond between a mother and her child is truly amazing and amazing:

  • Baby reacts to mom's touch
  • When the mother's heart is damaged, the baby's stem cells migrate to the damaged area and repair it
  • Male babies leave their DNA cells in mom's brain, which likely protects mom from Alzheimer's disease
  • Antibodies are transferred from mother to baby through the placenta and breast milk and protect the baby from fatal diseases
  • After the baby is born, breast milk is adjusted depending on the baby's gender

Have you ever wondered what your baby does when he is in your tummy?

Do you think he's just sleeping while floating in amniotic fluid, only occasionally turning around, making yourself known?

The actions of an as yet unborn baby are much more varied. And he begins to move even with , and this with a height of only 8 millimeters!

Hand movements

The first movements (still weak) appear in the baby at the 7th week, and he already begins to move his arms, legs or turn his head. When the baby is about 10 weeks old, he already touches his face, ears, hands, and tries to grab the umbilical cord or genitals.

At 12 weeks, the baby begins to clench and unclench his fists, and a little later he will be able to control the independent movements of each finger. This way he trains his developing motor system and fine motor skills hands

So delicious thumb

Bad habits appear in a person even before he is born. Ultrasound data show that the baby begins to suck his thumb as early as 10-12 weeks. 90% of babies like the finger exactly right hand.

Interesting fact . In 2007, scientists from the University of Texas conducted a study that showed that all 10-12 year old children who sucked their right thumb in the womb became right-handed. The same children who fell in love with the left finger more became left-handed.

Facial expressions

The baby learns to express his emotions in the womb, but his facial expressions develop quite late. Only at the 24th week of pregnancy can individual facial movements be distinguished. As a result of the coordinated work of several individual facial muscles, full-fledged facial expressions are formed. The baby may smile or frown, or even stick out his tongue (the little tease grows).

We stretch and yawn

You didn’t think or guess, but the baby, meanwhile, began to yawn. Yawning appears around the 10th week, and from there it turns into a habit, and the baby yawns several times a day. By the end of the prenatal period, yawning practically stops.

Reflexively, when yawning, the baby begins to stretch (you also like to do this). By the way, such actions do not mean at all that the baby wants to sleep; he can yawn in his sleep.

Sometimes the baby hiccups several times a day, and the duration of the attack can be 10-20 minutes. Hiccups usually occur when too much amniotic fluid enters the lungs, causing the diaphragm to become irritated and begin to contract rhythmically. Sometimes researchers associate the appearance of hiccups with a lack of oxygen in the baby.

Ilona Svizhevskaya, gynecologist: “Hiccups are not at all dangerous for either the baby or the mother. During pregnancy, when the baby hiccups, the mother may feel weak and even dizzy - you don’t need to think that the hiccups are to blame, maybe your body is simply weakened and it needs vitamins. When the baby is born, he will continue to hiccup for some time, because the activity of the nervous system of the internal organs is not yet complete.”

Now you know what these kids are doing. You can relax, tune in to a positive wave and wait for the birth of a new life. Have an easy birth!

From time immemorial, expectant mothers listened with anxiety, joy and hope to the movements of their unborn baby. And today, in the 21st century, despite the wide choice modern methods studies of the intrauterine state of the fetus, movement remains the main indicator of the child’s well-being, confirming his viability.

In order to better understand the “language” of fetal movements, let us recall some stages of the baby’s development in the mother’s womb, scientifically the stages of embryogenesis.

U human embryo the first heartbeats appear on the 21st day of development. Elements of skeletal muscle begin to develop due to early contractile activity. Rhythmic contractile activity primary muscle fibers are observed even before they begin to fold nervous system embryo.

At the end of the embryonic period (end of the 8th week of pregnancy) and the beginning of the fetal period (from the 8th week of pregnancy), the fetal nervous system begins to develop, which is responsible for motor activity. By this moment, there is already muscle tissue, there are nerve fibers that “send” impulses to the muscles, ensuring their contraction. Motor reflexes caused by excitation of nerve endings have been established since the end of the 8th week of pregnancy. The first reflexes in response to irritation of the perioral zone (near the mouth) - the mandibular (buccal) and maxillary (maxillary) branches of the trigeminal nerve occur in the fetus at 7.5 weeks of pregnancy.

From the 10th week of pregnancy, reflexes appear caused by irritation of the areas of the skin to which the spinal nerves go. In a word, the baby begins to move in the uterus quite early. True, these movements are not yet coordinated and not conscious, and the relative sizes of the embryo and amniotic sac are such that the embryo floats freely in the amniotic fluid and rarely touches the wall of the uterus so that the mother can feel it.

already from the 10th week of pregnancy, having encountered the wall of the uterus, the baby can change the trajectory of movement;
from 9 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus can swallow amniotic fluid, and this is a complex motor process;
at 16 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus begins to experience motor activity in response to sounds (primarily the mother’s voice, and changes in its intonation);
at 17 weeks the fetus begins to squint;
at 18 weeks - he fingers the umbilical cord with his hands, clench and unclench his fingers, touches his face and even covers his face with his hands when there are sharp, loud and unpleasant sounds.

In order for the fetal brain to develop and function normally, a variety of stimuli and a sufficient level of their intensity are necessary. The perception of specific sensations has already been formed, and now the baby learns to respond to them with movement.

The date of the first fetal movement is very individual for each woman. Classical obstetrics indicates approximate periods for primigravidas and multigravidas (20 weeks and 18 weeks, respectively). But all women are different, everyone has a different threshold of sensitivity, etc. The baby is still small, and in order for you to feel movement, he needs to “break through” the thick uterine wall. So don't worry in advance. Soon you will begin to feel it. If this does not happen in the next one or two weeks, to “calm down” your soul, you can do an ultrasound and make sure that everything is in order. There's just a time for everything.

The main task of the fetus is to develop. To do this, he needs food and a lot of incentives. If there is not enough nutrition and oxygen, the fetus begins to move more actively and thereby massage the placenta so that uterine contraction receive a sufficient portion of blood, and with it nutrition and oxygen. Or, let’s say, the mother lies on her back, thereby squeezing the largest vessels of the body (the inferior vena cava and the bifurcation of the aorta) with the pregnant uterus. The fetus will immediately respond with violent movements and force the mother to change her body position, so pregnant women are recommended to lie only on their side. If the fetus presses against the loops of the umbilical cord, it also begins to actively move and changes its position.

In the first trimester, the child has already formed ideas about comfort. They help the baby navigate what the intensity of various external stimuli should be. The fetus discovers that by moving, it can regulate the intensity of stimulation (for example, move away from loud sounds); it becomes the “creator” of its life.

How does the expectant mother feel? Everyone describes the first movements differently. They can be similar to the splashing of a fish, the fluttering of a butterfly, or, simply, the peristalsis of the intestines. According to most pregnant women, this is one of the most exciting periods in their lives, and from this moment on, the mother becomes the most accurate and error-free “sensor” registering the condition of her baby. Many women, from the first tremors, begin to perceive the fetus as their child.

At first, the fetal movements are quite timid and uncoordinated, but gradually they are ordered and acquire a certain meaning and significance. Within half an hour, a 5-month-old fetus can make from 20 to 60 kicks, sometimes more, sometimes less. In general, the pace, rhythm and strength of movements change depending on the time of day.

By 24 weeks of pregnancy, fetal movements resemble those of a newborn. From this age, the baby actively “talks” to his mother in the language of movements about his anxiety, joy, pleasure and his well-being. In turn, the fetus reacts very sensitively to changes emotional state moms. For example, when the mother is worried or happy, the baby may move more actively or, conversely, calm down for a while.

Excessively violent, painful movement of the fetus indicates a problem in its condition. Sometimes the baby's movements cause pain to the mother. In this case, the woman needs to change her body position. If fetal movements remain painful for a long time, for several hours, the pregnant woman should definitely inform the doctor about this. Most women notice some pain in the hypochondrium in the third trimester of pregnancy - and this is not a deviation from the norm.

What do fetal movements indicate?

You need to listen to the child's movements. Complete cessation motor activity for 12 hours or more is a very alarming signal. Starting from the 24th week of pregnancy, the fetus should move on average 10-15 times per hour, it can sleep for 3 hours and still barely move. However, if the baby is too active for several days or, conversely, for several days his activity has decreased, the pregnant woman should contact her obstetrician.

There are situations when it is necessary to constantly monitor the child’s movements. In any case, if you do not feel fetal movements within 12 hours, you should consult a doctor. To independently stimulate fetal movement, you can do several physical exercise, breathing exercises holding your breath, eat sweets.

Fetal movements can change their nature and intensity even during the day, and this is normal. Sometimes you may not notice them as these movements can be quite delicate. In order to assess the activity of the fetus in the 4th - 5th month of pregnancy, you need to do the following:

Treat yourself (and your baby) to a light breakfast (or afternoon snack). A mug of sweet tea with cream and toast (muffin, cookies, etc.) will do.
10-15 minutes after this, lie down on the bed or sofa and spend an hour or two lying quietly. Typically, such a “calorie investment” followed by motor rest on the part of the mother encourages the fetus to demonstrate its own presence.
If the attempt was unsuccessful, try again a little later (maybe last time you violated the “daily routine” and boldly tried to force the baby to do physical exercises during his “quiet hour”). If during the day the fetus does not detect motor activity, despite all your attempts to feel it, then it is advisable to consult a doctor. Listening to fetal heart sounds or a few seconds of ultrasound scanning will immediately clarify the situation.

Very sudden active movements fetus may be the result of an uncomfortable position of the mother - a position in which the fetus receives less oxygen, for example, when a woman sits cross-legged or lies on her back. In this case, it is necessary to change the position. If movements remain unusually active for several hours, you should consult a doctor. So, sluggish and weak movements or overly active ones also indicate an unfavorable condition of the fetus.

In any case, there is no reason to panic. In medicine, there are cases where the expectant mother did not feel the movements of the fetus for several days, and this did not have any terrible consequences. Although, of course, it would be safer to play it safe and contact a specialist. Advanced obstetricians strongly recommend taking “control” of the motor activity of the fetus, starting from the 28th week of pregnancy. At this stage, fetal movements are an indicator of its well-being. Control is carried out twice every day - in the morning and in the evening.

This is the D. Pearson "Count to Ten" fetal movement test. On a special card, the number of fetal movements is recorded daily from 28 weeks of pregnancy. The counting of movements begins at 9:00 and ends at 21:00. Start counting fetal movements at exactly 9 am, write down the time of the 10th movement in a table or graph. A small number of movements (less than 10 per day) may indicate oxygen deficiency in the fetus and is a reason to consult a doctor.

The assessment is done as follows:
Mark the start time of counting.
Record all the baby’s movements (turns, pushes, kicks, movements, including slight ones).
As soon as you have noted ten movements of the baby, record the end time of the counting.
If 10 - 20 minutes have passed from the first to the tenth fetal movement, then the baby is quite active.
If it’s a little more, then it’s probably time for him to rest, or your baby is not initially a highly active person.
If an hour has passed, then have a snack as indicated above and repeat the control count.
If the fetus takes an hour again, then an emergency consultation with a doctor is required.
There should be no panic. Instead, there must be a conscious, attentive attitude towards one’s own pregnancy. As for the strength and nature of the fetal movements, you should not base any predictions on the baby’s health on these signs if the tests described above are normal. If necessary, a competent doctor will be able to extract useful information from the nature of fetal movements, but most often this is not particularly necessary.

If twins are developing, it may seem that fetal movements are felt everywhere and are very intense. An ultrasound can dispel doubts if it is confirmed that two fetuses are developing in the uterus.
The maximum increase in fetal motor activity is observed from the 24th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. Then it gradually decreases; This is especially noticeable at the time of childbirth. By the end of the third trimester, the number of movements may decrease somewhat, but their intensity and, one might say, their strength remain the same or increase.

It is also interesting that towards the end of pregnancy the most active movements are felt at the location of the fetal limbs. So, if the baby lies head down (this happens in the vast majority of cases), then movements are clearly felt in the upper parts of the uterus; if the pelvic end is adjacent to the exit from the uterus ( breech presentation), movements are more distinct in the lower sections. Counting the frequency of fetal movements for 30 minutes in the morning and evening shows that in healthy pregnant women it increases in the evening. The motor activity of the fetus characterizes its condition.

What does the baby’s unusual “behavior” mean?

If there is a deviation from the normal rhythm, frequency and nature of movements, it is necessary to listen to heart sounds, ultrasonography, CTG (cardiotocography). What kind of intrauterine suffering are we talking about when we talk about disturbances in the motor activity of the fetus? Most often, intrauterine fetal suffering is caused by hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

Causes of hypoxia:
pregnancy complications,
various diseases(anemia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes etc.),
fetoplacental insufficiency,
prolapse from the uterine cavity and pressing of the fallen umbilical cord loops by the fetal head,
Fetal diseases (Rh-conflict, fetal infection).

Acute oxygen deficiency can be diagnosed by auscultation (listening) to fetal heart sounds. For chronic intrauterine hypoxia Cardiotocography indicators (registration of heartbeats using special apparatus). When the fetus moves, the heart rate normally increases by 10-15 beats per minute.

At initial stages Intrauterine hypoxia is characterized by restless behavior of the fetus, which consists of increased frequency and intensification of its motor activity. With progressive hypoxia of the fetus, a weakening and cessation of its movements occurs.

A reminder to expectant mothers: the baby’s first movements are not only an indicator of his condition, but also unique sensations that a woman can experience only in this short, but such a happy period of her life.

Truth and falsehoods about baby movements?

Is it true that an unborn child can recognize the father's voice, feel the mother's mood and have likes or dislikes for music? Is he able to react to this with movement?

Is it true. It has been proven that starting from the 20th week intrauterine development the child reacts to external noises. A study found that unborn babies prefer Mozart and calm, slow music: it soothes them and they fall asleep in their natural cradle. But if a pregnant woman comes to a motorcycle race or to an apartment where renovations are underway, she will most likely feel nervous tremors in her stomach.

Is it true that a child, while in the womb, can distinguish between day and night: he is active during the day and sleeps at night? If the expectant mother lies down to rest during the day, does the baby begin to push and squirm vigorously?

Not true. The baby still does not distinguish between day and night. He has his own sleep pattern, which may not at all coincide with his mother’s. As for strange tremors, the baby may hiccup or cough. This is completely harmless, many women are delighted with the “knocking” inside themselves that they feel when the baby hiccups or coughs: they say that it is felt much more acutely than when he simply turns around.

Is it true that you can determine his temperament by the movements of a baby?

True, even an unborn child is already a person and has the right to his own temperament. One baby is quite active in the womb, while the other is calm, and the expectant mother, having listened to the advice of “experienced” mothers, begins to worry that she has little sense of her baby. Under no circumstances should you listen to “authoritative” statements from friends about the baby’s beginning to move. And of course similar sensations All women perceive differently. The period at which a woman feels the first movements of the fetus is from 16 to 25 weeks, and this depends on many factors, such as: the location of the placenta, the experience of the mother, the character of the baby. Calm child- not so bad, right? But this is a joke. But seriously - if the doctor says that there is no need to worry, then everything is in order. After 28 weeks, the baby should make itself known at least ten times a day. This can happen not only while you are awake, but also when you are asleep.

Is it true that all the movements and movements of the baby can always be seen through the stomach?

Not always, it's all about the location of the placenta. During one pregnancy, the placenta is positioned so that all the baby’s movements are visible, but if the placenta is located closer to the anterior wall of the uterus, this does not happen, and the tremors are felt weaker. The placenta weighs about a kilogram and is about four centimeters thick. So it is not surprising that with this arrangement it serves as a kind of shock absorber for fetal shocks. When is the placenta located closer to back wall uterus, nothing prevents the baby’s movements from being transmitted along the abdominal wall.

Dear expectant mothers, the baby’s first movements are not only an indicator of his condition, but also unique sensations that a woman can experience only in this short, but such a happy period of her life. We wish you and your baby health